DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (2024)

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (1)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007All lists complete

1 Jan 00 Adam, Eric

3 Jan 00 Adam, Eric Belton, Charles Brunsdon, Jack Carter, Horace Clarke, Christine Cooper, Eric Deer, Awhina Drake, Marion Duggan, Maureen Ellens, Florence Fleet, Jessie Gilbert, Mary Gilbert, Alan Grant, Alison Greenwood, William Gurr, Flossie Harding, William Hellyer, Evelyn Highman, Catherine Hubbard, Aileen Hume, Margaret Hutley, Rose Julius, Florence Keen, Graeme Kerr, Keith Kroon, John Lapham, June Lepper, Elsie Lublow, Henrick McCully, Robert McDougall, Nora McGirr, Patrick McLeod, Mary Miller, Margaret Monds, Aubrey Mooar, Clarence Morris, John Norton, Ethel Paterson, Albert Robinson, Eileen Smith, Iris Stewart, Bernard Sweetman, Dorothy Westgarth, Charles

4 Jan 00 Brunsdon, Jack Burrough, Kate Clarke, Christine Craib, Emma Deer, Awhina Dennis, John Elder, Florence Ellens, Florence Elston, Winifred

Fleet, Jessie Forbes, Nancy Gilbert, Ellen Gurr, Flossie Hall, Margaret Hamblin, Arthur Hanco*ck, Brian Harding, William Highman, Catherine Hubbard, Aileen Hume, Margaret Julius, Florence Keen, Graeme Kenny, Jill Knowles, Winifred Kroon, John Laws, Ivy Gloria Lepper, Elsie Mansbridge, Robert Miller, Margaret Monds, Aubrey Mooar, Clarence Moore, Mary Paterson, Albert Paulden, Kathleen Riley, John Rogers, Stanley Smith, Iris Stuart, Bernard Tannock, Mary Thompson, Hector Timmo, Roy Van Workum, Liesji Vogelzang, Geertruida Wylie, Betty

5 Jan 00 Alimov, Viktor Astley, Catherine Aynsley, Dora Benseman, Betty Blee, Frances Burrough, Kate Calder, Phyllis Carter, Horace Chin, Kim Clarke, Christine Dennis, John Donald, Eric Duggan, Maureen Elston, Winifred Fleet, Jessie Forbes, Nancy Gavin, Mary Gifford, Darrick Greenwood, William Grundy, Vincent Hall, Margaret Hamblin, Arthur Hanco*ck, Brian Harris, Karen Highman, Catherine Hubbard, Aileen Isles, Annie Keen, Graeme King, Ian Knowles, Winifred

Kroon, John Laws, Ivy Marfell, Leicester McCully, Robert McDougall, Nora McGirr, Patrick Miles, Joan Mills, Harold Mokomoko, Te Rau Mooar, Clarence Moore, Mary Neale, Arnold Paulden, Kathleen Riley, John Robinson, Lois Rogers, Stanley Slooten, Adriaan Smith, Iris Sweetman, Dorothy Tannock, Mary Thompson, Hector Timmo, Roy Van Workum, Liesji Walker, Mervyn West, Margaret Wratten, Craig Wylie, Betty

6 Jan 00 Bigelow, Robert Bramwell, Youilline Chin, Kim Clark, Margaret Clarke, Christine Denton, Patricia Donald, Eric Ferguson, Cecil Greenwood, William Hart, Doris Hendrey, Francis Hutchinson, John Jackson, Judith Keen, Graeme Laws, Ivy Manson, Janice Mills, Harold Milmine, Andrew Prestidge, Ngaio

7 Jan 00 Badderley, Ethel Beavers, Edna Buffin, Edward Chin, Kim Clark, Margaret Coles, Evelyn Denton, Patricia Dewe, Helen Dore, Theodore Evans, Arthur Hay, Raymond Jackson, Margaret Keith, Mary Lau, Averil Manson, Janice McMorran, Hendry Mills, Harold

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (2)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Parfitt, Edith Paynter, Clinton Prestidge, Ngaio Rogers, Violet Simpson, Hazel Waller, John Wilcox, Oscar Wilson, George Witherow, Mary Witteman, Cornelis

8 Jan 00 Allnutt, Ruby Allsop, Nancy Barber, Beatrice Beecroft, Craig Bigelow, Robert Brinsdon, Leonard Bulfin, Edward Carroll, Margaret Chin, Kim Coles, Evelyn Dalton, Evelyn Denton, Patricia Dewe, Helen Donaldson, Muriel Dore, Theodore Epiha-Webster, Marie Evans, Arthur Fall, Margaret Ferguson, Cecil Fifield, Brian Hansen, Samuel Hart, Doris Jackson, Margaret Johnston, William Lau, Averil Mackay, Mona Manson, Janice Martin, Anthony McMorran, Hendry Mokomoko, Te Rau Robinson, Lois Smith, Nigel Strathern, Nora Thompson, Ian Tomsett, Lynda Waller, John Wilcox, Oscar Witherow, Mary Witteman, Cornelis

10 Jan 00 Austin, Jack Beaumont, Euan Beecroft, Craig Blair, Ronald Bowman, Flora Brinsdon, Leonard Carroll, Margaret Cribb, June Dore, Theodore Durrant, Peggy Everingham, Nancy Ferguson, Cecil Fifield, Bryan Hanrahan, Bessie

Hayston, Alan Johnston, William Newble, Ronald O’Callaghan, Allan Parfitt, Edith Sharples, Bernard Strathern, Nora Thompson, Ian Tomsett, Lynda Ward, Valarie Witteman, Cornelis Yurjevich, Nora

11 Jan 00 Beaumont, Euan Beecroft, Craig Chin, Ming Cribb, June De Vries, Pieter Douglas, Ida Everingham, Nancy Fuldseth, Beryl Hayston, Alan Lewis, Barry Manning, Beatrice Mitchell, Aaron Newbie, Ronald Pagan, Thomas Rhodes, Vida Rickson, Gwendoline Sharples, Bernard Stevens, Heather Sutton, Nola

12 Jan 00 Bannon, Graham Beaumont, Euan Beecroft, Craig Brotherstone, Tina Chin, Ming De Vries, Pieter Deller, Alice Douglas, Ida Fifield, Bryan Glasson, Edna Gray, Allan Greatbatch, Charles Grosse, Ken Heal, Andrew Hewitt, Marjorie Horton, Laura Lewis, Barry Manning, Beatrice Mitchell, Aaron Newbegin, Mary Newbie, Ronald O’Loughlin, Mary Pagan, Thomas Paterson, Ian Reed, Brian Rickson, Gwendoline Stevens, Heather Sundell, Hilda Sutton, Nola Tippet, Gerald Tomsett, Lynda Ward, Valarie

Wards, Marjorie Watson, Robert

13 Jan 00 Bannon, Graham Beardsley, Martin Bryan, Margaret Cunningham, David De Vries, Pieter Eefting-Hugen, Grietje Ensor, Michael Gray, Allan Hemingway, Rosie Johnson, William Johnston, Stella Lance, Willemien McHarg, Rita Mitchell, Aaron O’Loughlin, Mary Paterson, Ian Riggir, Alfred Stanicich, Peter Wards, Marjorie Watson, Robert

14 Jan 00 Beardsley, Martin Calder, Hector Campbell, Sidney Cunningham, David Eefting-Hugen, Grietje Harris, Eva Johnson, Willemien McColl, Hugh McHarg, Rita Milward, Joan Sinclair, Kenneth Stacey, Thomas Stewart, Ronald Tait, Vera Wards, Majorie Wilson, Barrie Worsnop, Dorothy

15 Jan 00 Alderson, Francis Andrews, James Barton, Jean Beardsley, Martin Brown, James Campbell, Sidney Cook, Norman Flute, Paul Gallen, Edward Hampton, Vera McColl, Hugh Millward, Joan Pettigrew, Russell Pye, Helen Reynolds, Eileen Roberts, Francis Sinclair, Kenneth Stevens, George Tait, Vera Walker, Geoffrey

17 Jan 00

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (3)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Alderson, Francis Clemett, Myra co*ckburn, Sophia Darling, Eileen Gable, Alexandra Green, Esther Hawthorn-Smith, Trevor Johnstone, Elsie Leggett, Albert Lewis, Leslie Luskie, Raymond Mackie, Robert McLean, William Middleton, Christine Moody, Scott Nalder, Alexander Paul, Margaurita Pettigrew, Russell Pye, Helen Russ, Ailsa Thorby, Rita Tuuta, June White, Amelia Winton, Grahame

18 Jan 00 Bannon, Graham Butler, Gertrude co*ckburn, Sophia Cuttriss, Dorothy Dalley, Henrietta David, Mildred Edwards, Shirley Fyfe, Douglas Gable, Alexandra Green, Esther Harris, Karen Hoare, James Jackson, Wainoni Kett, Dorothy Knox, Graeme Lay, Chheng Leggett, Albert Lewis, Leslie Mackie, Robert Maguire, John McLean, William Middleton, Christine Monastra, Susan Northover, Elizabeth Paul, Margaurita Pettigrew, Russell Reiri, Ian Robson, Marian Royds, Margaret Rudkin, Ellen Sibley, Norman White, Amelia Winton, Grahame

19 Jan 00 Birss, Charles Butler, Gertrude Chisnall, James Dalley, Henrietta Edwards, Shirley Frame, Grace

Harris, Karen Hawthorn-Smith, Trevor Hoare, James Hutchinson, Clare Irvine, Bernard Jackson, Wainoni Kette, Dorothy Lay, Chheng Luskie, Raymond Mackay, Isobel Maguire, John McNally, Ivan Middleton, Christine Paul, Margaurita Rizvi, Sayed Robb, James Royds, Margaret Rudkin, Ellen Sibley, Norman Smith, Edith Smith, Norman Thomson, Marie White, Amelia Winton, Grahame Wisdom, Eric

20 Jan 00Barriball, Donald Butler, Gertrude Enright, Edward Fletcher, Rex Gerard, Paul Grindell, Irene Haugh, Ernest Hawthorn, Smith, Trevor Leck, William Lloyd, James Matson, John McNally, Ivan Middleton, Christine Northover, Elizabeth Robb, James Sherrif, Jeffrey Smith, Norman Thomson, Marie Wills, Clifton Wroth, Charles

21 Jan 00 Agnew, Dorothy Archer, Peter Bagge, Jessie Baines, John Daniell, Myra Enright, Edward Hawthorn-Smith, Trevor Hough, Patricia Ives, Jennifer Jackson, Russell Jenkins, John Leck, William Matson, John Northover, Betty Ryder, Thomas Smith, Norman Sutton, Ronald Thomson, Marie

Wills, Clifton Wroth, Charles

22 Jan 00 Bagge, Jessie Bethwaite, Bryant Brewerton, Howard Bright, Frances Chilton, Beryl Clark, Nancy Daniel, Myra Haynes, Anthony Helps, Jeffrey Hough, Patricia Ives, Jennifer Leck, William Matson, John Moody, Tara Moore, Bessie Muunu, Francis Pigou, Robert Ryder, Thomas Toner, William

24 Jan 00 Barron, Ethel Bearman, Patricia Bethwaite, Bryant Brewerton, Howard Carpinter, Aubrey Chilton, Beryl Cochrane, Jeremy Forbes, Agnes Haynes, Anthony Helps, Jeffrey Hewson, Charles Hickey, Herbert Kippenberger, Muriel Lambert, Evelyn Macdonald, Hamish Matson, John Matthews, Gordon McAnulty, Andrew McIlroy, Stewart Medcalf, Colin Moir, Elsie Moody, Tara Muunu, Francis Pooley, Kathleen Robertson, Dawn Schepers, Josephus Smith, Robert Sutherland, Talia Toner, William

25 Jan 00 Bearman, Patricia Bennett, Dorothy Burdon, Craig Carpinter, Aubrey Cassidy, William Chappell, Lydia Chin, Kim Clark, Mervyn Colville, Norman Dixon, Lexford Dwight, Desmond

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (4)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Flaherty, Eric Greenwood, Jack Haynes, Tony Higginson, Maureen King, Clarissa Lambert, Evelyn Matthews, Gordon McAnulty, Andrew Medcalf, Colin Muunu, Francis Norton, Lawrence Pooley, Kathleen Poulsen, Ronald Roughan, Vera Schepers, Josephus Shelton, Frances Smith, Robert Sutherland, Talia Thomson, John Walker, Marie

26 Jan 00 Bardsley, Sally Bearman, Patricia Blom, Elizabeth Campbell, John Chin, Kim Clark, Mervyn Colville, Norma Dempsey, Peggie Dey, Olive Dwight, Desmond Edwards, Gilbert Flaherty, Eric Gough, Thomas Greenwood, Jack Lord, Shona Lovie, Maxwell Luxon, Joan Matthews, Gordon McAnulty, Andrew Moir, Elsie Morrison, Marilyn Nicoll, John Norton, Lawrence Pelvin, Irene Poulsen, Ronald Prescott, Elizabeth Radics, Anna Shelton, Frances Smith, Robert Sutherland, Talia Sutton, William Thomas, John Trudgeon, Russell Vickers, Bro. Michael.

27 Jan 00 Barry, Diane Buckley, Glenice Chin, Kim Clark, Mervyn Dey, Olive Edwards, Gilbert Evenblij, Rein Gough, Thomas Hammill, William

Judson, Alan MacCormack, Shirley Maher, Marie McNeill, Frances Murdoch, Elizabeth Nicholas, Catherine Nicol, Ross Nicoll, John Nicoll, Tim Prescott, Elizabeth Scobie, Albert Sutherland, Talia Sutton, William Trudgeon, Russell Vickers, Bro. Michael Wright, Raymond

28 Jan 00 Barry, Diane Chin, Kim Clarke, Neil Evenblij, Rein Farrant, Richard Fogarty, Anthony Greig, Dave Hill, Bernard Holowczak, Barbara Jackson, Arthur Keven, James MacCormack, Shirley Mannix, Douglas McDonald, Doris McNeill, Frances Murdoch, Elizabeth North, Mervyn Phillips, Kathleen Robinson, Agnes Rolfe, James Wood, William Wright, Raymond

29 Jan 00 Anderson, Jacqueline Barron, Henry Broadfoot, John Cameron, Onie Clarke, Neil Cox, Lilian Dickinson, Clifford Eckersley, Helen Evenblij, Rein Farrant, Richard Fogarty, Andrew Herring, Alma Kinley, John Lyall, Elliot McLean, Rex Norris, Lance Oliver, Douglas Phillips, Kathleen Ritchie, Arnold Robinson, Agnes Taylor, John Thwaites, Annie Wood, William Wright, Raymond

31 Jan 00 Bertram, Jean Cameron, Onie Cardwell, Myra Christie, Te Whakahawea Cox, Murray Edmond, Lauris Fogarty, Anthony Gale, Winifred Grey, John Hardie, Doris Herring, Alma Jones, Norma Kinley, John Le Nedelec, Joan Lees, Albert Lyall, Elliot Margetts, Leonard McBride, David McCurdy, John Oliver, Allan Pritchard, Eleanor Ranson, Geoffrey Reid, Frank Rhodes, Agnes Ritchie, Arnold Robinson, Margaret Sewell, Irma Thomson, Esther Thwaites, Annie Trifford, Winiffred

1 Feb 00 Christie, Te Whakahawea Cruickshank, Douglas Dennis, Owen Fogarty, Anthony Gale, Winifred Guthrie, William Hardie, Doris Herring, Alma Hill, Bernard Hillman, Gray Jenkins, Sidney King, Ian Kyle, Alan Le Nedelec, Joan Margetts, Frank McCurdy, John McNaught, Elva Morrow, Mona Paterson, Brian Petre, Athalie Ranson, Geoffrey Reid, Frank Rhodes, Agnes Waters, Ursula

2 Feb 00 Andrew, Johnathon Brohan, Hilda Bunker, Rellis Campbell, John Christie, Girlie Cummigs, Robina Dennis, Owen

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (5)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Jenkins, Sidney McDougall, Dorothy NcNaught, Elva Paterson, Brian Philpott, Joyce Sands, Dorothy Sheehan, William Van Kouwen, Bernard Webb, Ethel Wollan, Patricia Wong, Lowe

4 Feb 00 Bailey, Nola Boyce, Faye Buckly, Glenice Campbell, John Clark, William co*ckburn, Patricia Darling, Leslie Dawson, Reverend John Faulkner, Edith Hooper, Barry Hunter, Russell Johns, Benjamin Leaman, Henry Lovell, Gordon Margetts, Leonard McKnight, Eileen Morgan, Elaine Mulligan, Arthur Nixon, Keith Nottingham, Lisa Paterson, Brian Reid, Jean Sheehan, Bill Slatter, Sydney Sturgess, Harvey Van Kouwen, Bernard Varoy, Anton Webb, Ethel

5 Feb 00 Allison, Nan Bailey, Nola Brebner, Joyce Calder, Katlin Clark, William Clarke, Nancy Cruickshank, Douglas Gay, Warwich Herdman, Constance Hooper, Barry Johns, Benjamin Kearney, Peter Leaman, Henry Lovell, Gordon McKenney, Hilda Morgan, Elain Reid, Jean Slatter, Sydney Smee, Winnifred Smith, ArnoldThomas, Diane Van Kouwen, Bernard Washbourne, Shirley

Williams, Ceinwen Young, Stewart Zeinert, Brother Hugh

6 Feb 00 Allison, Nan Bryant, Clifford Colquhoun, John Cruickshank, Douglas Filshie, William Fudge, Walter Gay, Warwich Heath, Erena Hunter, Russell Kearney, Peter Lynn-Thompson, Brandon McGrath, Scott McIntosh, Grace McKenney, Hilda Otway, James Prickett, Rodney Rankin, Harry Robertson, Florence Robinson, Matthew Smee, Winifred Thomas, Diane Thompson, Harry Washbourne, Shirley Zeinert, Brother Hugh

7 Feb 00 Bartram, Graham Broughton, Lynton Bushell, Leonard Cameron, Margaret Charleton, John Chatterton, Geoffrey Coghill, Olivia Colquhoun, John Filshie, William Findlay, Dorothy Gould, Beryl Heath, Erena Hopkins, Allan Johanson, Raymond Kearney, Peter Kelly, Brenda Mayall, Irene Mayhew, Len McGrath, Scotty McLeod, Violet Oliver, Joyce Robinson, Matthew Rowe, Moyra Spark, Harold Thompson, Harry Trist, Ernest Varley, Evelyn

8 Feb 00 Allison, Nan Bartram, Grahma Broughton, Lynton Butler, Raymond Chandler, Hilda Chapman, Doris

Charlton, John Cook, Cyril Fiddymont, Phillip Findlay, Dorothy Fudge, Walter Herdman, Connie Howlett Cora Johnson, Allan Keen, Alan Mayhew, Leonard Mccombe, Lena McGrath, Scott Osborne, Maxwell Rieter, Rebecca Robinson, Matthew Rodley, Gordon Rowe, Moyra Sinclair, Colin Spark, Harol Tanner, Connie Trist, Ernest Wiggins, Roy Worral, John

9 Feb 00 Austin, Kevin Blakie, Lisa Butler, Pat Chandler, Hilda Champman, Doris Cooke, Trevor Creedy, Brian Epere, Raymond Girdler, Margaret Goold, Henrietta Goulding, Tom Greer, Alan Howlett, Cora Kelly, Anne Lynch, Irene Mander, Sylvia McCombe, Lena Osborne, Maxwell Pawsey, Ormond Shadbolt, Alice Shuttleworth, James Sinclair, Colin Smith, Lorna Smith, Phillip Spark, Harold Stapley, Mabel Tanner, Connie Thomas, Edward Trist, Ernest Wiggins, Roy

11 Feb 00 Alexander, Judith Barton, Joan Blakie, Lisa Broker, Cecelia Butler, Pat Clearwater, Ann Cooke, Trevor Dirs, George

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (6)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Greer, Cyril Hefford, Phylis Mander, Sylvia McBain, Robert McCallum, Peter Murphy, Bonnie Osobrne, Maxwell Pawsey, Ormond Redmond, Mavis Shadbolt, Alice Sherwood, Dorothy Shuttleworth, James Sinclair, Colin Smith, Lorna Smith, Mary Sterne, Samuel Thomas, Edward Wright, Hector

12 Feb 00 Blaikie, Jesie Blakie, Lisa Brown, James Cooper, Grace Gillman, David Greer, Alan Hertherington, Kathleen Mander, Sylvia Manning, Mary McCallum, Peter Mills, John O’Connor, Anthony O’Hara, Nicholas Redmond, Mavis Skinner, Herbert Stericker, Edward Thomas, Kevin Thomas, Olive Thomas, Sam Waghorn, Bruce

13 Feb 00 Baigent, Keith Bateman, Glenn Boulton, Barry Brown, James Cooper, Grace Corey, Margaret Crellin Rupert Hannan Thomas Hanratty, Joyce McCartin, Graeme McLeod, Margaret Meates, Sharron Mercer, Frederick Meredith, Philip Mills, John Mukherjee, Sumantha Ngauamo, Sulieta O’Connor, Anthony Ohara, Nicholas Purvis, Alice Ramsden, David Rodreigez, Santanna Simpson, Ida Smith, Jean

Switalla, Fay Thomas, Kevin Thomas, Olive Vender, Elga Winsloe, Nita Yelland, Ivy

14 Feb 00 Bateman, Glenn Blacklock, Ralph Boulton, Barry Bryant, Melise Burrows, Florence Clark, Dominic Corey, Margaret fa*galima, Saumalu Foster, Ruth Greaney, Inez Hannan, Thomas Hobson, Hazel Huddart, John Lee, Agnes McCartin, Graeme McLeod, Margaret Meates, Sharron Mercer, Frederick Metcalf, Edward Paterson, Phyllis Patrick, Susan Ramsden, David Sansom, Bernard Senior, Roger Sigglekow, Muriel Thomas, Kevin Thomas, Russell Town, Dr Shane Van Voorst, Cornelis Wood, Miriam

15 Feb 00 Ashby, Joyce Barrett, Phillip Blacklock, Ralph Bryant, Melise Burrows, Florence Corey, Margaret Foster, Ruth Fryer, Mary Gibbons, Edith Hannan, Thomas Hayward, Robert Hendren, Trevor Hill, William Hobson, Hazel Jones, Ivan McCartin, Graeme McKenzie, Gordon Meates, Sharron Metcalf, Edward Nicol, Jill Powell, John Sansom, Bernard Scott, Graeme Senior, Roger Shimmin, Doreen Smith, Nanoya Thomas, Russell

Van Voorst, Cornelis

16 Feb 00 Ashby, Joyce Ayers, Roger Barrett, Phillip Breen, Margaret Cardwell, John Corey, Margaret Empson, Marie Foster, Ruth Griffin, Thomasina Hayward, Robert Mace, Christopher Makinson, Geoffrey McCormack, Terrence Newman, Ivan Nicol, Jill Ormrod, Ernest Powell, John Ramsay, James Rawlinson, William Senior, Roger Smith, Nanayo Taylor, Jane Thomas, Russell Udy, Lois Williams, Una

17 Feb 00 Bayliss, Agnes Cardwell, John Chamberlain, Charles Connell, John Dewar, Gordon Empson, Marie Gale, Bernice Lummis, Elizabeth Mace, Christopher Makinson, Geoffrey Paterson, Ann Quelch, Edwin Ramsay, James Stewart, Winnifred Thomas, Russell

18 Feb 00 Allum, Robert Bensemann, Alma Bradley, Barbara Breen, Margaret Cardwell, John Connell, John Ford, Jessie Gilray, Neale Karena, Tautoko Kempkers, Frederik McFadyn, Don Powell, John Shatford, Stacey Stewart, Winnifred Stokes, Robert Stone, Janet

19 Feb 00 Anderson, Enfys

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (7)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Butler-Jensen, Makahuri Cotter, Nancy Cunneen, Patrick Fitzgerald, Shirley Gardiner, Reta Hayter, Graham Heberley, Ruby Hyde, Paul Johnston, Dorothy Kempkers, Frederik Lucinsky, Melvyn Mannis, Margaret Nash, Thelma Shatford, Stacey Smithson, Lawrence Stokes, Robert Turner, Noal Voice, Hazel Woodfield, Nancy Yeatman, Timothy

21 Feb 00 Bailey, Annie Barnett, Donald Barrow, Wilfred Braun, Edmond Coatman, Olive Cotter, Nancy Dawson, Christopher Evans, Fred Faherty, Mary Finnerty, Florence Flynn, Cornelius Fowke, Raymond Franklyn, John Graham, Craig Greenaway, Mavis Heese, Ewen Hyde, Paul Inglis, Alva Loan, Dr Eunice Lucas, Eric Lucinsky, Melvyn Morris, Arthur Nash, Thelma Nicholas, Pamela Osborne, Eric Prendegast, Shirley Proctor, George Robbins, Mary Shatford, Stacey Sherlock, Clarance Sutherland, Donald Turner, Noal van de Water, Gerard Voice, Hazel Woodfield, Nancy

22 Feb 00 Archibald, Arline Bailey, Annie Barrow, Bill Beard, Graham Chittock, Trixie Coatman, Olive

Comley, Mary Dalmer, Trevor Faherty, Mary Flynn, Cornelius Fowke, Raymond Free, Raymond Graham, Craig Greenaway, Mavis Hall, Julie Hartley, Barrie Heese, Ewen Kemp, Mavis Koster – Barrowclough, Grace Osborne, Eric Parker, Coleen Prendergast, Shirley Saggers, Bevan Sherlock, Clarry Smith, Iris Sutherland, Donald Turner, Noal van de Water, Gerard Wassal, Vernon Willocks, Alastair

23 Feb 00 Baker, Roland Barrow, Wilfred Chamberlain, Cecily Comley, Mary Cuddihy, Desmond Curboy, Dawn Dawson, Christopher Fowke, Raymond Free, Raymond Graham, Craig Gwinnell, Dennis Hall, Julie Hartley, Barrie Hendry, Olivia Koster – Barrowclough, Grace Lawson, Neil Martin, Hazel McCarthy, Minnie McCleary, Irene Parish, Rita Parker, Coleen Paul, Margaret Prendegast, Shirley Saggers, Bevan Sherlock, Clarance Taylor, Euphemia Thomson, Gwladys Wassal, Vernon Willocks, Alastair

24 Feb 00 Angus, Hazel Armstrong, Stanley Baker, Roland Barrow, Wilfred Butts, Lesley Clark, Rowena Clough, John Draper, Keith

Free, Raymond Garthwaite, Dorothy Humm, Anthony Lawson, Neil Lynn, Myrtle Martin, Hazel Nuttal, Bruce Parish, Rita Priest, James Saggers, Bevan Shackleton, Margaret Stagg, Roger Stirling, George

25 Feb 00 Angus, Hazel Anstice, Glen Chamberlain, Cecily Clough, John Cornish, Myrtle Ellison, Rewi Fisher, Eileen Ford, Gordon Garland, Frank Mackie, Ellen McCabe, Elizabeth McGowan, Maurice Nuttal, Bruce O’Connell, Michael Priest, James Richards, Lewis Shackleton, Margaret Stagg, Roger Stirling, George Surridge, Allan Valk, Gerard

26 Feb 00 Barrett, Cedric Bermingham, Wayne Bryant, Ivy Chamberlain, Cecily Clough, John Cornish, Myrtle Courtney, Mavis Fisher, Eileen Fleming, Bethea Ford, Gordon Garthwaite, Dorothy Gillespie, Gordon Halliday, Graeme Hayward, Marjorie Hitchins, Freda Keenan, John Lennon, John Leonard, Albert Macdonald, Murray Mackle, Ellen Maynard, Florence McVey, William Menzies, William Murray, Arthur Read, Dorothy Rumble, Rudy Shackleton, Margaret

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (8)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Snelson, Arthur Stagg, Roger Stirling, George Surridge, Allan Tisch, David Valk, Gerard Young, Anthony

28 Feb 00 Anderson-Vercoe, Tain and JesseBaldwin, Mary Bermingham, Wayne Bryant, Ivy Edgington, David Fleming, Margaret Gillespie, Gordon Grant, Peter Halliday, Graeme Hitchins, Freda Humphreys, Joan Keenan, John Kneale, Elizabeth Lennon, John MacDonald, Murray Madden, Rob Manning, John Maynard, Florence McIver, Esme McLachlan, Vera Menzies, William Mercer, Margaret Owers, Nola Price, Isobel Read, Dorothy Smith, Harry Stirling, George Thomas, Lewis Thomson, Rona White, Wallace Wiki, Campbell Young, Anthony Zoan, Roger

29 Feb 00 Anderson-Vercoe, Tain and JesseBrown, Teresa Edgington, David Grant, Peter Healey, Shirley Kneale, Elizabeth Madden, Rob McIver, Esme McLachlan, Vera Mercer, Margaret Owers, Nola Price, Isabel Shaw, William Smith, Harry Taylor, Herbert Tuuta, Joan Waller, Thomas Watson, Joyce Wilson, Colin Young, Anthony

1 Mar 00 Brown, Teresa Chitty, Francis Colwill, Jean Doody, Doreen Hannay, Jane Healey, Shirley Lamb, Joan MacTaggart, Laureen McLeod, Finlay Paterson, Frank Perkins, Joy Rogers, Ernest Smith, Harry Taylor, Walter Tuuta, Joan Wakelin, Margaret Wilson, Colin Young, Anthony

2 Mar 00 Allen, Jocelyn Bundy, Wilda Colwill, Jean Doody, Doreen Hamilton, Maree Hearn, Nancy Heath, Reta Humphrey, Clive Kerr, Alick Leonard, Julienne Perkins, Joy Raxworthy, Dessie Rogers, Ernest Rosevear, Ivy Stanley, Margaret Taylor, Walter Tuuta, Joan Warren, John

3 Mar 00 Boyd, Nancy Brown, Mary Brown, Veronica Challis, Trevor Cleland, Beatrice Ding, Ah-rana Doody, Doreen Hamilton, Maree Kerr, Allick King, Heather Lee, Ronald Legg, Louis Meek, Alison Parsons, Leo Perkins, Joy Raxworthy, Dessie Rosevear, Ivy South, Amy Stanley, Margaret Tierney, Dennis Watson, John

4 Mar 00 Aynsley, John Boyd, Nancy Brown, Mary

Challis, Trevor Ding, Ahrana Fullen, Gertrude Gaffney, Phyllis Goward, George Hill, Catherine Joynt, Bruce King, Heather Lee, Ronald Legg, Louis Lewis, Neville McDonald, John McKay, Madeline Meek, Alison Parsons, Leo Sands, Sibula

06 Mar 00 Anderson, Bruce Beaven, Barbara Blyth, Majorie Burling, June Campbell, Telford Collins, Pauline Currie, Ellen Dempsey, Ireland Dowling, Kathleen Earl, Noela Ellis, Ronald Fullen, Gertrude Goward, George Hill, Catherine Kelly, Jean Large, Alfred Lewis, Neville Manastyrski, Theodora Mann, Phyllis McDonald, John McKay, Madeline Milne, Victor Mowat, Craig Muldoon, William Rodgers, Kevin Foysmith, Rhonda Russ, Ashley Sands, Sibula Skene, Rona Slater, Robert Varney, Andra Williams, Brian Willoughby, Stephanie

07 Mar 00 Anderson, Bruce August, George Beaven, Barbara Beedel, Malcolm Biggs, Irene Blyth, Majorie Buitendyk, Margaretha Campbell, Telford Collins, Pauline Coote, Sylvia Cowie, Gaudin Dowling, Kathleen Earl, Noela Fielding, Freda

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (9)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Greenhaigh, Valerie Heyward, Marion Kelly, Jean Knight, Lucy Lewis, Neville Little, Stuart MacLennan, Donald Manastyrski, Theodora Muldoon, William Ngapuni, Bernie Rodgers, Kevin Roysmith, Rhoda Russ, Ashley Sheppard, Joan Van der Krogt, Jessica Varney, Andra

8 Mar 00 Anderson, Bruce Ashworth, Lesley Blyth, Marjorie Buitendyk, Margaretha Chapman, Clarice Cowie, Gaudin Currie, Ellen Duff, Albert Earl, Noela Fielding, Freda Fine, Winifred Heggiun, Dorothy Herrick, Jasper James, Randall MacLennan, Donald Marshall, Ivy Rodgers, Kevin Rowntree, Ivan Rump, Betty Rush, Valma Sheppard, Joan Souness, Brian Van der Krogt, Jessica Varney, Andra Waldron, Bryan

9 Mar 00 Ashworth, Lesley Barrett, Travis Conner, Roy Fine, Winifred Gatens, Jean Holliss, Rex Newton, Johan Palmer, Madelene Riach, Lola Rodgers, Kevin Rump, Betty Rush, Valma Smythe, Morion Squires, Peter

10 Mar 00 Ashby, Marjorie Ashworth, Lesley Bishop, Beryl Burr, Ernest Conner, Roy Davidson, William

Davies, Leonard Dolan, John Gatens, Jean Gilcrhist, Raymond Horn, Ruth Mowat, Craig Orchard, Edna Perham, Richard Smythe, Morion Squires, Peter Wilson, Margaret Woodbury, Kathleen

11 Mar 00 Bentley, Terrence Bowen, Olive Carr, Margaret Clements, William Crichton, John Davies, Leonard De Joux, Robert Dolan, John Douglas, Marjorie Findlay, Lucille Gallop, Eileen Gilchrist, Raymond Goffin, Natalie Gray, Agnes Hartill, Margaret Horn, Ruth Jackson, William James, Jack Marsden, James McGlinchy, Morton Nolan, Hope Orchard, Edna Orchard, Ernest Owen, Winifred Perham, Richard Riach, Lola Roberts, Ralph Sparkes, Olive Walker, Carol Wilson, Cameron Woodbury, Kathleen

13 Mar 00 Barber, Marjorie Bradley, Amelia Callaghan, Winifred Dalzell, Annette de Joux, Robert Douglas, Marjorie Gwinnell, Alma Harris, Beatrice James, Jack Johnston, Eva Langdon, Joy Marris, Wilwyn Marsden, James McGimpsey, Isabella Milne, Mary Orchard, Edna Philpot, Constrance Sparkes, Olive Stewart, Ernest

Vogel, Agnes Wilson, Cameron

14 Mar 00 Barber, Marjorie Corsbie, Lettice Flanagan, Howard Harris, Beatrice Hobson, Matilda Hughes, Anne Johnston, Eva Kennedy, Ivy Kirkness, Dawn Langdon, Joy Lloyd, Ronald Marris, Bill McGimpsey, Isabella Milne, Mary Smyth, Robert Stewart, Ernest Vogel, Agnes Whitford, James

15 Mar 00 Aston, Eric Buckley, Sheila Cooper, Alfred Doherty, Maureen Flanagan, Howard Gough, Norman Hobson, Matilda Johnston, Eva Kennedy, Ivy Lloyd, Ronald Lowry, Margaret Mason, Valmond Sinclair, Pearl Wards, Roderick Welsh, David Whitford, James Willems, Johannes

16 Mar 00 Burt, Morris Depree, James Fergusson, Myrtle Flanagan, Howard France, Rudwin Hinton, Clinton Hobson, Matilda Keast, Constance Livingstone, Ewan Lloyd, Ronald McLaren, Carmen McQueen, Gavin Mehlhopt, Pat Moore, Betty Morriss, Mary Murray, Alan Nicol, Jonathan Panagiotidis, Alexandros Simpson, Brian Sinclair, Pearl Spargo, Raymond Wards, Roderick Whitford, James Willems, Johannes

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Wood Beatrice

17 Mar 00 Brown, Joan Dewes, Desmond Fulton, Keren Growcott, Ian Hayman, Ann Hodge, William Jarmey, Allan Johnstone, Geneva McQueen, Gavin Melhopt, Pat Morriss, Mary Nicol, Jonathan Perry, Elfrida Rowlands, John Simpson, Brian Spargo, Raymond Trenkner, Brian Wards, Roderick Williamson, Suzanne

18 Mar 00 Abelson, Robert Bowie, Noel Brown, Joan Carter, Adella Depree, James Hansen, Janice Harveywhite, John Hayman, Ann Hodge, William Jarmey, Allan Johnstone, Geneva Kennedy, Harry McKenzie, Peter McPherson, Jack Neill, Helen O'Hagan, Patrick Quaife, Marjory Rocke, Brenda Rowlands, John Spencer, Richard Stolk, Betty Tucker, Evelyn Welsh, David

20 Mar 00 Baird-Uri-ke, Jayden Bell, Elizabeth Bell, Graham Carter, Adella Cave, Rosalie Clarkson, Jack Coghlan, Alan Collins, Norris Dickson, Lilian Gilmore, Mavis Hollis, George Jarmey, Allan Kemp, Nancy Langmuir, Margaret Melrose, Ethel Neilson, John O’Hagan, Patrick Procter, Aubrey

Rollo, Peggy Simpson, Eileen Spencer, Richard Stocker, Grace Tucker, Evelyn Wilson, Mavis Young, George

21 Mar 00 Ahern, Brian Baird, Jayden Bastion, Michael Bell, Elizabeth Berry, Daphne Blakely, Kathleen Bowler, Mary Butters, Henry Cave, Bernard Chalmers, Robert Clarke, Charles Coghlan, Alan Cook, Robert Dent, Beatrice Giles, Esther Greig, Murray Ham, Maurice Hart, Ellen, Hollis, George Horton, Isabella Hughes, Pearl Langmuir, Margaret McLelland, Margaret Neilson, John Ornsby, Frances Parfoot, Desmond Parrish, Graeme Rollo, Peggy Shearer, James Tawaroa-Olsen Trip, Teresa Wilson, Mavis

22 Mar 00 Ahern, Brian Baird, Jayden Bell, Graham Blatchford, Ngaire Bloore, Ethne Butters, Henry Cave, Bernard Chapman, Albert Cruickshank, Ian Giles, Esther Goodman, Mollie Hart, Ellen King, Raymond Kirk, Ruth Knight, Nancy Manchester, Adrienne Marshall, Cedric Maxwell, John McLelland, Margaret Morgan, Doris Ornsby, Frances Parfoot, Desmond Shearer, James Stocker, Grace

Tolchard, Tyrone

23 Mar 00 Alexander, William Berry, Charles Butters, Harry Chapman, Albert Connelly, Amber Currie, Ellen Goodman, Mollie Haggit, Ian Hopkinson, Tina Johnson, Linda Kirk, Ruth Martin, Moira Maxwell, John McClimont, Lance McLelland, Meg Melrose, Ethel Moor, Monnie Powell, Trevor Scott, Frank Sinclair, Glen Smith, William Zonneveld, Pieter

24 Mar 00 Ambler, Winifred Armstrong, Thomas Berry, Charles Brooker, Albert Buchanan, Neil Haggit, Ian Hopkinson, Tina Johnson, Linda Martin, Moira McClimont, Lance Persson, Wally Powell, Trevor Sawyer, Edwin Shepherd, Melba Smith, Michael Zonneveld, Pieter

25 Mar 00 Ambler, Winifred Armstrong, Thomas Beckham, Neil Berry, Charles Bonniface, Raymond Brooker, Albert Buchanan, Neil Charters, Murray Evans, Margaret Greer, Canon John Gwinnell, Alma and Den Hamilton, Graham Hill, Margaret Honeybone, William Jamieson, Albert Johnson, Linda Laugesen, Alastair McCaul, Leslie McLean, Gertrude Morgan, Doris Powell, Trevor

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Sawyer, Edwin Shepherd, Melba Smith, Michael Sutherland, Fraser Thornton, Philip Trott, Phyllis Wilkinson, Leo Winn, Janet

27 Mar 00 Aitchison, Dianne Allott, Lemuel Brosnan, Gwenyth Caskey, Ian Duncan, Allan Eden, Kathryn Ellens, Wilfred English, Mervyn Evans, Margaret Frost, Doris Gibbard, Bernard Gwinnell, Alma Gwinnell, Den Hamilton, Graham Hill, Margaret Honeybone, William McCaul, Leslie McLean, Gertrude Reid, Anne Scott, David Secker, Roy Sutherland, Fraser Thornton, Phillip Trott, Phyllis Walker, Floyd Wilkinson, Leo Wray, Verna

28 Mar 00 Aitchison, Dianne Armstrong, Thomas Boswell, Ian Cotter, Cecil Davies, George Duncan, Allan Elliott, James Folley, William Frizzell, Jack Gibbard, Bernard Hann, Phillip James, Madge Kemp, Nancy Macadam, Catalina McGee, Vera Menzies, Margaret Mills, Lester Reid, Anne Richards, May Richardson, Murray Secker, Roy Wakefield, Harry Walker, Floyd

29 Mar 00 Armstrong, Thomas Barron, Simon Boswell, Ian

Browne, Norman Clarey, John Frizzel, Jack Hann, Phillip Hayes, Mabel Jones, Rosalie Leigh, Brian Macadam, Catalina Mills, Lester Mitchell, James Richardson, Murray Wakefield, Harry Wheeler, Herbert Wray, Verna

30 Mar 00 Browne, Norman Chamberland, Gladys Clarey, John Frizzell, Jack Hayes, Mabel Lancaster, Riria Leigh, Brian McLevie, Dorothy Mounsey, Hazel Watkins, Russell Wheeler, Herbert

31 Mar 00 Blair, Catriona Bourke, Clare Galloway, James Prouting, Edward Rothsay, Noeleen Smith, Ellen Smith, Leslie Stephen, David Watkins, Russell

1 Apr 00 Bird, Andrea Doolan, Eileen Flower, Noelan Galloway, James Haythorne, Ivy Johnson, Judith Langdon, Mary McLevie, Dorothy Millard, Lawrence Mooney, Henry Mooney, Kathleen Prouting, Edward Robinson, Bernard Rothsay, Noeleen Smith, Ellen Smith, Leslie Stephen, David Wetherall, Allan Whiting, Michael Worboys, Olive

3 Apr 00 Adams, Cynthia Allan, Raymond Barrett, Eva Bartlett, Albert Bennett, Mary

Blackmore, Ann Burrell, Christine Freed, Dorothy Galloway, James Griffiths, Frances Heather, Paul Holley, Rubina Johnson, Judith King, Marguerite Langdon, Mary McQueen, Ian McRae, Ian Mooney, Henry Mooney, Kathleen O'Malley, Leslie Robinson, Bernard Rogers, Graham Rothsay, Noeleen Shearer, Keith Stokes, Gwen Straubel, Rewa Wetherall, Allan Whiting, Michael Worboys, Olive

4 Apr 00 Adams, Cynthia Bartlett, Albert Blackmore, Ann Bradley, Connie Brownlie, Jeanie Bruce, Margaret Dawson, Ethel Doolan, Eileen Ellenbroek, Johannes Good, Brian Hassall, Pamela Haughey, Joseph Heather, Paul Johnson, Cave King, Margurite Lalor, James McRae, Ian Norwood, Sir Walter O’Mally, Les Shearer, Keith Smith, Maralyn Sowman, Eric Stevenson, Hugh Straubel, Rewa Swales, Mary Thomson, Lenore Toner, Catherine Ware, Vera

5 Apr 00 Adams, Cynthia Brookland, Shirley Brownlie, Jeanie Burgerhout, Karen Doolan, Eileen Ellenbroek, Johannes Gibbs, Lorna Griffiths, Frances Johanson, Joan Johnson, Cave Lalor, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McCormick, Terence O’Malley, Leslie Shearer, Keith Smith, Maralyn Thomson, Lenore Toner, Catherine Traue, William Webster, Danny

6 Apr 00 Ashworth, Leonard Baker, Joan Brookland, Shirley Curnow, John Eder, Lucy Good, Brian Goulding, Doris Gouw, Bee Griffiths, Frances Johanson, Joan Johnson, Cave Johnson, Ivan Julian, Annie Mann, John McCartney, Alice McCormick, Terence McWhinnie, Leslie Miles, Anthony Pouaka, Georgia Scott, Greta Stubbing, Graham Taylor, Stanley Thomas, Majorie Webster, Danny Wolfe, George

7 Apr 00 Barry, Alice Butson, Melville Eder, Lucy Goulding, Doris Harry, Doris Hughes, Barbara Humphries, Beryl Julian, Annie Leaning, Edward Manttan, Claude Quinn, Hector Reid, Charles Scott, Greta Taylor, Stanley Thomson, Lenore Voight, Katie Wyatt, Bruce

8 Apr 00 Bell, Nora Bouwmeester, Karel Bowen, Lucy Burgerhout, Karen Dickson, Florence fa*gan, Clarice Faire, Tricia Fowler, Leslie Gatt, Emily Goulding, Doris Hawkes, May

Hodgen, Robert Horwood, Leonard Hughes, Barbara Lawton, Susan McGill, Susan McLean, Carrie Nicholls, George O’Neill, Irene Pouaka, Georgia Reid, Charles Reilly, Joyce Wakefield, Alfred Wakely, Joan Webster, Danny Wyatt, Bruce

10 Apr 00 Allan, Emma Anderson, Malcolm Bell, Nora Blom, Dirk Bowen, Lucy Burke, John Corner, Ada Earnshaw, Lester fa*gan, Clarice Finch, Bernard Grant, Alan Hall, Richard Hansen, Kevin Hart, Claire Hawkes, May McKendry, James O’Neill, Rene Reilly, Joyce Rowntree, Iris Small, Elsie Stebbings, Graham Wakefield, Alfred Wakefield, Alfred Walsh, Kathleen Walton, Kenneth Wark, Alexander

11 Apr 00 Anderson, Malcolm Ballar, William Bardsley, William Blom, Dirk Boa, Myrtle Corner, Ada Cunningham, Donald Dellaca, Jean Evans, Edna Finch, Bernard Grant, Alan Hall, Alan Johnson, Ruby Knox, Stella Lee, Lillian Manson, George McKendry, James Norrie, Wendy Reid, Grace Rowntree, Iris Sanders, John Searle, Dorothy

Shanahan, Ruby Staats, Marek Walsh, Kathleen Walton, Kennett Wark, Alexander

12 Apr 00 Bardsley, William Byford, David Collison, Brian Cunningham, Donald Dellaca, Jean Evans, Edna Finch, Bernard Foster, John Fraser, Doreen Hall, Richard Henderson, Pat Johnson, Alfred Lewin, John Lithgow, Gordon Norrie, Wendy O’Connell, William Rea, James Reid, Grace Schroder, Owen Smith, Joanne Storey, Ivy Stuart, Joan Thompson, Robert

13 Apr 00 Bryan, Arthur Carthy, Reginald Foster, John Fraser, Doreen Henderson, Pat Johnson, Alfred Lewin, John Lineham, Stanley Norrie, Wendy Rea, James Richards, Murray Schroder, Owen Searle, Dorothy Snyder, Johanna Thomas, Ellen Toon, Frank Watson, Paul Wolff, Dorothy

14 Apr 00 Adams, Sylvia Beer, Judith Campbell, Guyon co*ckburn, Jessie Drummond, John McVicar, Donald Mills, Victoria Murphy, Thomas Mytton, Gordon Olds, Irene Prendeville, Margaret Shea, Shirley Stoneman, Harry Taylor, Margaret Watson, Paul

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Williams, Victor

15 Apr 00 Addley, Thelma Allen, Jack Anderson, John Barrell, Clifford Carthy, Reginald Chalmers, Ngaire Chammen, William Chenery, Alice Drummond, John Gorman, Preston Jenkins, Hannah Longridge, Joshua McKee, Alexander Meekin, Richard Murphy, Thomas Myers, Frederick Mytton, Gordon Nordmeyer, Elaine Olds, Irene Pachnatz, Dick Platt, Jobin Rattray, Ernest Smith, Pauline Taylor, Margaret Webb, Nora Williams, Victor Willis, Rosslyn Wolff, Dorothy

17 Apr 00 Adco*ck, Raye Anderson, John Ayres, Joseph Barker, Jeffrey Barrell, Clifford Bayley, Clifford Chenery, Alice Columbus, Neil Davey, Patricia Davidson, Mary Forgie, Murray Frew, Margaret Goodman, James Gorman, Preston Howard, Richard Inglis, Margaret Kemp, Mervyn Langdon, Austen Marsh, James Maxwell, George McDonald, Margaret McDonald, Wallace Minor, Elizabeth Morton, Jeanie Mullins, Barbara Nicholas, Mavis Nordmeyer, Elaine Olds, Irene Roberts, Rubina Sewell, Carolann Slack, Edwin Smith, Pauline Spillane, Augustine

Thurlow, Mabel Warwood, Iris

18 Apr 00 Adco*ck, Raye Atkinson, Phyllis Ayres, Joseph Bayley, Clifford Bayliss, Rose Bryan, Arthur Bull, John Columbus, Neil Davidson, Mary Forgie, Murray Gorman, Preston Graham, Henry Hassall, Barbara Howard, Richard Kemp, Mervyn Lobb, George King, Wiremu McDonald, Margaret McGregor, Ann Morton, Jeanie Mullins, Barbara Nicholas, Mavis Noonan, James Pickering, Alison Poole, David Randall, Margaret Ridden, Annette Roberts, Rubina Sewell, Carolann Thom, Joyce Warwood, Iris

19 Apr 00 Allender, Robin Ayres, Joseph Bathurst, Rogers Bodle, Elizabeth Columbus, Neil Davidson, Mary Doolan, John Ewington, Lionel Ferguson, Letitia Grant, John Halliburton, Gavin Hassall, Barbara Kemp, Mervyn McCreath, Maxine Mollison, Alice Moore, Lesley Morton, Jean Murphy, Owen Nicholas, John Noonan, James Poole, David Randall, Margaret Ridden, Annette Saxon, Laura Sewell, Carolann Thorn, Joyce Thorp, Leslie Tombs, Annie

20 April

Allender, Robin Ayres, Joseph Carter, Allan Columbus, Neil Davidson, Mary Dempsey, Jarjorie Ewington, Lionel Grant, John Halliburton, Gavin Hand, Desmond Hassall, Barbara Hill, Steven Jardine, Dickson Jones, Reverend Leonard King, Nathalie Lafituanai, Saunoa Livingstone, Clarrie McCreath, Maxine McGuinniety, Margaret Mollison, Alice Moore, Lesley Murphy, Owen Niven, David Rapsey, Owen Simpson, Noel Thorp, Leslie Titheridge, Margaret Wilden, Mary Worthingon, Janet

22 Apr 00 Allender, Robin Barber, Margaret Carter, Allan Clausen, Keith Davis, Mavis Dempsey, Marjorie Fifita, Filihia French, Ruby Gibbens, Patrick Gilbert, Joy Gualter, Mary Halliburton, Gavin Hill, Steven Irving, Debra Jardine, Dickson Jones, Reverend Leonard Kennedy, Thomas King, Nathalie Lafituanai, Saunoa Le Gros, Ngaire Le Vaillant, John Leyden, Hector Litchfield, William McKenzie, Donald Menrath, Gerdina Moore, Lesley Murphy, Owen Nicholas, John Robertson, James Rudkin, Louis Ruffell, Benjamin Scullin, Roy Simpson, Noel Smith, Joanne Titheridge, Margaret

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Troon, Norman Wakeham, Cecil Wakelin, Ruby Woolf, Lewis

24 Apr 00 Amos, Margaret Bailey, Vivienne Bannan, Elsie Browne, Ernest Clausen, Keith Davis, Catherine Douglas, Bryant Evans, Maurice Ferraby, Daphne French, Ruby Gilbert, Joy Keen, Joan Lafituanai, Saunoa Le Vaillant, John Lethaby, Owen Luff, Patricia McGee, Carl McKenzie, Donald Mitchell, Barbara Mulligan, Eric Nicholls, Winston Poulton, Gladys Reader, Elllis Renwick, Diana Robertson, James Rowan, Margaret Simpson, Noel Stacey, Hilda Thomson, Ivy Watts, Barbara Woolf, Lewis Youngman, Mervyn

25 Apr 00 Amornsirinapha, Tony Bannan, Elsie Bayard, Edward Blackburn, Herbert Bowes, Ethel Davies, Josephine Davis, Mavis Dempsey, Marjorie Doak, Janette Douglas, Bryant Ensor, Roger Evans, Maurice Fifita, Filihia French, Ruby Hambrook, Muriel Houston, Thomas Hume, Edna Irving, Debra Kennedy, Thomas Le Gros, Ngaire Limbrick, Myrtle Luff, Patricia McGuinniety, Margaret Newborough, Olive Nicholas, John Nicholls, Winston Stacey, Hilda

Thomas, Charles Thomson, Ivy Tooley, Alan Tracey, Kathleen

26 Apr 00 Amornsirinapha, Tony Amos, Margaret Bailey, Vivienne Bayard, Edward Blackburn, Herbert Borman, Isabel Brown, Kevin Burnip, Gordon Campbell, Henry Carter, Allan Clausen, Keith Dempsey, Marjorie Doak, Janette Ensor, Roger Evans, Maurice Fifita, Filihia Godfrey, Alice Gualter, Mary Lethaby, Owen McGee, Carl Newborough, Olive Nicholls, Winston Poulton, Gladys Prebble, Dorothy Robertson, James Rowan, Margaret Rutherford, Myrna Shakes, Stephen Smith, Joyce Stacey, Hilda Taylor, Noeline Thomas, Charles Thomson, Ivy Tooley, Alan Watts, Barbara Weir, Robert

27 Apr 00 Anderson, Ariana Anderson, Connor Baird, Noeline Blay, Ngaire Butler, Molly Carson, Edna Conn, Alfred Cox, Stephen Ellis, John Giltrap, James Grueber, Gordon Hales, Ivan Hecker, James Kelly, Dorothy McMaster, Lendrick Meaclem, Isaac Merriman, Laurence Millar, Campbell Morton, John Nebbs, Jeffery Nicholson, Robert Offord, Andrew Proctor, Norman

Taylor, Noeline Walton, Betty

28 Apr 00 Anderson, Ariana Anderson, Connor Baird, Noeline Blay, Ngaire Butler, Molly Carson, Edna Conn, Alfred Cox, Stephen Ellis, John Giltrap, James Grueber, Gordon Hales, Ivan Hecker, James Kelly, Dorothy McMaster, Lendrick Meaclem, Isaac Merriman, Laurence Millar, Campbell Morton, John Nebbs, Jeffery Nicholson, Robert Offord, Andrew Proctor, Norman Taylor, Noeline Walton, Betty

29 Apr 00 Amornsirinapha, Tony Boag, Flora Butler, Marjorie Clark, Jack co*ckroft, John Cox, Stephen Curtis, Charlotte Davey, Stephen De La Mare, Caroline Faithful, Neil Fielding, Maurice Fright, Douglas Giltrap, James Grueber, Gordon Hales, Ivan Hamilton, David Hecker, James Heffer, Joyce Jenkins, Desmond Markby, Ian Marshall, Rosaleen McDonald, Ross McQuillan, Alexander Moffatt, Alice Moran, Oliver Morton, John Newell, John Offord, Andrew Pierson, Laurel Prentice, Adrian Slater, Hilda Smith, Owen Sumner, Catherine Tull, George Walton, Betty Webb, Hazel

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


White, David White, William

1 May 00 Ahearn, Christine Alexander, John Bakker, Jan Brooks, Dawn Butler, Marjorie Chandler, Valmai Cox, Stephen Davey, Stephen Dowling, Alfred Easton, Harold Faithful, Neil Findlay, Sharyn Hamilton, David Jones, Melissa Lee, Catherine Lewis, Raymond Markby, Ian Maskill, Agnes McQuillan, Alexander Meadows, Arthur Newell, John Oliver, Andrew Pattison, Sophie Pope, Dorothy Riddle, Zelda Scrivener, Clive Smith, Owen Squire, Gwen Thomas, John Tull, George Webb, Hazel White, David Woollett, Helen Wright, Mabel

2 May 00 Alexander, John Alley, Joyce Butler, Marjorie Chandler, June Crothers, Charlton Duoba, Stasys Easton, Harold Fairweather, Catherine Faulks, Mary Findlay, Sharyn Fitzgerald, Catherine Fridd, Joyce Gardiner, Mary Green, The Rev Warren Hales, Ivan Jones, Melissa Lee, Catherine Lewis, Raymond Maskill, Agnes McDonald, Hugh McQuillan, Alex Meadows, Arthur Mumberson, Robert Nather, Esther Newell, John Nixon, Helen Oliver, Andrew

Page, Doris Pattison, Sophie Shepheard, John Squire, Gwen Stephens, Thelma Ward, Mary Webb, Hazel Whalan, Irene Williams, Irene Wood, Winifred Yee, Tang

3 May 00 Baird, Ian Campbell, Sophia Cherry, Doug Claridge, Lorraine Corkery, Kevin Easton, Harold Ensor, Gioia Fairweather, Catherine Findlay, Sharyn Gardiner, Mary Gilder, Dulcie Greenfield, Jack Hanson, Noeline Harris, Marjorie Hurley, Kenneth Jones, David Jones, Melissa Kidney, Antoinette Markham, Donald Marshall, May McLeod, Iris McMath, James Murdoch, James Nather, Esther Newman, Sheila Page, Doris Pearce, Allison Scott, Alexander Stevenson, Gordon Stewart, Caroline Stockdale, Reginald Takeuchi, Kenta Tavendale, Rita Walker, Dorothie Ward, Mary Weir, William Whalan, Irene Williams, Irene Yee, Tang

4 May Benfell, David Bloxam, Gwendoline Cherry, Doug Claridge, Lorraine Crothers, Charlton Curson, Sarah Davis, Arnold Ferguson, Alan Gardiner, Mary Garrick, David Harris, Marjorie Hawke, Norman Hilson, Ailsa

Hughes, Percival Humphrey, Dorothy Hurley, Kenneth Jones, David Kidney, Antoinette Marsh, Joan McLeod, Iris Pawson, Florence Pearce, Alison Rogers, Mark Rollinson, Clifford Shears, Eileen Snowden, Beatrix Stanbury, Arnold Stevenson, Gordon Stockdale, Reginald Tavendale, Rita Vincent, Edna Walker, Dorothie Walsh, Mavis Ward, Mary Whalan, Irene

5 May 00 Bloxam, Gwendoline Garrick, David Hawke, Margaret Hurley, Ken Jones, David Matthews, Laura Pearce, Alison Ridder, Maisie Rogers, Mark Scarlett, Thomas Shears, Eileen Solomon, Tommy Tucker, Paul Walker, Dorothie Wallace, Christopher

6 May 00 Bremner, Ellen Coleman, Tony Davidson, Emmeline Davies, Henry Davis, Arnold Hughes, Percival Kidney, Antoinette King, Mavis Lane, Noreen Richardson, John Ridder, Maisie Scarlett, Thomas Sedcole, Peter Shears, Eileen Stanbury, Arnold Steentjies, Jean Tucker, Paul Van Asch, Dorothy Whalley, Sally Williams, Anne Williams, Clifford Yee, Tang

8 May 00 Anderson, John Buchanan, Ken

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Carter, Craig Clarke, Margaret co*ckie, Dorothy Davis, Arnold Gilbert, Noeline Hart, Dorothy Hunter, Bruce Kenny, Pam Kerr, Florence Kirby, Alan Lane, Noreen McPhail, Alma Noble, Ellen Phillips, Richard Richardson, John Scarlett, Thomas Shandley-Thomas, Hine Steentjes, Jean Te Patu, Eileen Van Asch, Dorothy

9 May 00 Aitkenhead, Lloyd Andrews, Maurice Carter, Craig Clarke, Margaret Collins, William Earl, Rona Ewart, James Fisher, William Gibb, Dorothy Gibb, Clara Gibbons, William Green, Winifred Harland, Hilda Hart, Dorothy Hume, Douglas Kerr, Olwen Lewin, Edward Mason, Douglas McDonald, Allan McPhail, Alma Noble, Ellen Paton, Greer Pope, Irene Scarlett, Thomas Sheard, Peter Stara, Elmars Watson, Ida Wilson, Dennis Wylie, Frances

10 May 00 Aitkenhead, Lloyd Andrews, Maurice Batchelor, Ernest Buchanan, Ken Cain, Noel Earl, Rona Gabb, Dorothy Gates, Dorothy Gibb, Clara Gibbons, William Green, Winifred Hamer, Gordon Hart, Graham Hume Douglas

Kerr, Olwen Kitson, John McDonald, Allan McKay, Katherine Mowat, Craig Paton, Greer Petterson, Roland Pope, Irene Sheard, Peter Sleeman, Harold Trip, Henricus Wain, Donald Watson, Ida Williams, Anne Wilson, Dennis Wylie, Frances

11 May 00 Atkinson, Michael Batchelor, Ernest Batten, Lucas Buchan, Dr John Cain, Noel Fitzgerald, Tesley Fletcher, Olive Flood, Bruce Flutey, Myrtle Gibbons, William Harland, Hilda Hart, Mary Hill, Diane Johnson, James Jones, Kevin Key, Ruth Laws, Joan Long, Beatrice Mackersy, Rae McCarey, Mary McDonald, Allan McKay, Katherine Mitchell, Kathleen Moore, Mervyn Nicol, Robert Pears, Doris Pitama, Muhakao Ross, Jason Sheard, Peter Sleeman, Harold Stirling, Anne Tait, Francis Watson, Patricia Younger, Patricia

12 May 00 Amies, Dorothy Atkinson, Michael Batten, Lucas Blair, Leslie Buchan, Dr John Burt, Robert Ching, Kenneth Dennis, Constance Flood, Bruce Hacquoil, Frances Hart, Mary Hicks, Herbert

Hill, Diane Jones, Kevin Key, Ruth Lawrence, Edna Laws, Joan Long, Beatrice McCarey, Mary Nolan, Ethel Palmer, Edna Peter, Ethel Pitama, Muhakao Riddle, David Ross, Jason Smith, Sarah Trappitt, Brian Younger, Pamela

13 May 00 Anderson, Ruth Batten, Lucas Blair, Leslie Burt, Robert Chalmers, Jessie Clark, Donald Clarke, Jack Cornish, Margaret Crane, Reuben Crowe, David Dennis, Constance Drummond, Marjorie Dunstan, Nancy Evans, Gwyn Fitzgerald, Tesley Gentleman, Ivan Hacquoil, Frances Hart, Mary Hicks, Herbert Hurren, James Jacobs, William Lawrence, Edna Moore, Mervyn Mowat, Craig Ostler, Molly Oswell, Henry Penlington, Marjorie Perfect, James Peter, Ethel Silk, Joyce Small, Robert Sutherland, Alexander Warren, Prof. John

15 May 00 Anderson, Ruth Blair, Leslie Britten, William Burt, Robert Burton, Radnor Carter, Pauline Chalmers, Jessie Clarke, Jack Climie, Jean Cornish, Margaret Crane, Reuban Datlen, Irene Dunstan, Nancy Elsom, Violet

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Gardner, Gwenda Gardner, Leslie Gardner, Shirley Garland, Matthew Gibb, Dorothy Gorman, William Hart, John Hooper, Jane Jamiesen, Edward Kemp, Ngahuia Maher, William Marsh, George May, Phillip McGimpsey, Hilda Millar, Phyllis Oswell, Henry Penlington, Marjorie Small, Robert Stanton, Elva Stills, Ronald Sutherland, Alexander Thornley, Hector Usmar, Rachel Wallace, Rosa Wilson, Audrey

16 May 00 Allan, Gladys Anthony, Elizabeth Ashby, Kathleen Barrett, Desmond Bennett, Murray Britten, Bill Burton, Radnor Carter, Pauline Climie, Jean Clinton, Peter co*ck, Marion Datlen, Irene Dibben, Florence Elsom, Violet Familton, Janet Gray, Andrew Hart, John Hooper, Jane Innes, Robert Kemp, Ngahuia Kirkness, Brian Maher, William Marsh, Geoge May, Philip McClurg, Winifred McIntosh, Arthur Penlington, Majorie Rothera, Elaine Small, Robert Smith, Marjory Stanton, Eva Stills, Ronald Stoddard, Murray Trewern, Thomas Vercoe, Jean Wallace, Rosa

17 May 00 Andrews, John Anthony, Elizabeth

Ashby, Kathleen Briant, Hilary Brooker, Beverly Burich, Mick Denton, Roy Dixon, Clive Downer, Patrick Hawkins, Stuart Hobbs, Tom Innes, Robert Kirkness, Brian Lyons, Anne McClurg, Winifred Millar, Phillis Pearce, Grace Rooney, Thomas Rothera, Elaine Smith, Marjory Stanton, Elva Stills, Ronald Stoddart, Murray Tod, Margaret Wallace, Rosa Wood, Ruby Wyeth, Phyllis

18 May 00 Barkle, Ian Beecroft, Trevor Chalmers, Jessie Cleine, Colin Denton, Roy Dixon, Clive Downer, Patrick Fitzimmons, Rose Gray, Andrew Hawkins, Stuart Hobbs, Tom Hood, Alice Kirkness, Brian Marfell, Alfred McClurg, Winifred McDonald, George Rayfield, June Reeves, Rita Rooney, Thomas Shadwell, Bernice Smith, Margaret Wood, Ruby

19 May 00 Barr, Mabel Beecroft, Trevor Best, Robert Burgess, Marjorie Clemett, Ernest Cogswell, Owen Conceicao, Casey Denton, Roy Dixon, Clive Dunckley, Charles Fairbrother, Ernest Fraser, Donald Hawkins, Stuart McDonald, George Pope, Clare Rayfield, June

Reeves, Rita Rhodes, Julie Scott, Georgina Setu, Namulauulu Shadwell, Bernice Smith, John Smith, Margaret Stewart, Alexander Sutton, Frank Tait, Ian

20 May 00 Barker, Kynard Beeby, Jack Beecroft, Trevor Best, Robert Burgess, Marjorie Chamberlain, Thomas Chen, Shui Cutts, William Dempster, Noel Dunckley, Charles Fraser, Donald Gray, June Hawke, Elsie Hurndell, Laurence Kean, Harold Kirkness, Brian McCarthy, Margaret Mitchell, Phyllis Moore, Margaret Newell, Barrie O’Brien, Joan Prince, John Rhodes, Julie Roberts, Evan Ross, Bernadine Scott, Georgina Setu, Namulauulu Smith, John Sutton, Frank Van der Linden, Hendrik Voute, Comelia Wilkinson, Clarence

22 May 00 Barker, Kynard Beecroft, Trevor Bell, Gweneth Brown, Elsie Carter, Maurice Chamberlain, Thomas Corrick, Gerald Cutts, Bill Evans, Gwendoline Forbes, Gertrude Hawke, Elsie Hough, Mark Huddleston, Selwyn Hurndell, Laurence Hutchinson, Marjorie Kean, Harold Kelly, Arthur Knott, Hilary Lye, Ngaire Marshall, Francis Moore, Margaret

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Mulco*ck, Mary Newell, Barrie O’Brien, Joan O’Leary, Christopher O’Neill, Lucy Pirika, Mutu Reeve, Miriam Rhind, Doris Roberts, Evan Robertson, Barbara Robertson, James Ross, Bernadine Sims, Margaret Sutton, Frank

23 May 00 Allan, Margaret Borkent, Willemina Brown, Elsie Carter, Maurice Chamberlain, Thomas Creamer, Lloyd Evans, Gwendoline Foote, Lawrence Forbes, Gertrude Harrison, Roger Hodgson, Ivy Huddleston, Selwyn Kerridge, George Knott, Hilary Laing, Ellen Lenihan, Barney Marshall, Francis Michelson, Margaret Mulco*ck, Mary Newell, Barrie O'Neill, Lucy Page, Alan Walter Pannett, Donald Paterson, Isabella Paterson, Joy Pilgrim, Richard Prosser, Caroline Rhind, Doris Roberts, Francis Setu, Namulauulu Sims, Margaret Smith, Mary Tonge, Robert Voute, Cornelia Ward, Miriam Weir, Stephen

24 May 00 Barbour, Alison Bond, Mary Boniface, Sydney Coombes, Mary Creamer, Lloyd Egerton, James Fitzgibbon, Maurice Grant, David Gualter, Beverley Healey, John Hodgson, Ivy Lenihan, Barney Lye, Ngaire

Manning, Cecil Newell, Barrie O’Leary, Christopher Page, Alan Pannett, Donald Pilgrim, Richard Prosser, Caroline Reimer, William Roberts, Francis Sims, Margaret Smith, Mary Thom, Olive Tooley, Lucy Voute, Cornelia Ward, Miriam Williamson, Margaret

25 May 00 Clancy, Rebecca Coombes, Mary Dunn, John Edwards, Zoe Egden, Patrick Fitzgibbon, Maurice Grant, David Healey, John Hopping, Ivan Leishman, Elizabeth Meech, George Mintrom, Allen Morrison, Matthew Newell, Barrie Page, Alan Page, Sarah Pannett, Donald Sara, Mary Trotter, Neta Walker, Percival Webber, Russell Weir, Maurice

26 May Archer, Grace Caldwell, John Clancy, Rebecca Dickey, Irene Edwards, Zoe Falconer, Jean Fitzgibbon, Maurice Galbreath, Thomas Harkness, Thomas Hock, Florence Hopping, Ivan Humphries, Jean Mintrom, Allan Nicholls, Maurice Nuttall, Nancy Peryman, Basil Ross, Angus Tarbotton, Judith Walker, Percival Whitty, Joyce Woods, Evelyn 27 May 00 Anderson, Nancy Austin, Richard Bradley, Joyce

Caldwell, John Cook, Hannah Cradock, Margaret Crummer, Maki Edwards, Zoe Egden, Patrick Falconer, Jean Galbreath, Thomas Harbrow, Jean Hock, Florence Hough, Mark Humphries, Jean Martin, John Matravers, Stephanie Mintrom, Allen Nicholls, Maurice Nuttall, Nancy Reimer, William Ross, Angus Ryan, Margaret Sara, Mary Talbot, Peggy Tarbotton, Judith Whittle, Dorothy Woods, Evelyn

29 May 00 Bader, Nancy Badger, Eunice Bailey, Yvonne Bearsley, Patrick Bedelph, John Bennett, Noeline Bishop, Dorothy Blake, Marion Chambers, Suzanne Charlton, Mathilde Crummer, Maki Dobbs, Leo Dove, Myra Eliott, Huntly Endacott, Marie Falconer, Jean Fogarty, Gerald Gunn, Rona Hough, Mark Howey, James Humphries, Jean Matravers, Stephanie Parker, Eric Pettigrew, Jessie Phillips, Millicent Saunders, Ailsa Thompson, Margaret Ward, Margaret Ward, Noeline

30 May 00 Bader, Nancy Bennett, Noeline Biddle, Skip Brown, Alexander Burtenshaw, Joan Childs, Maurice Corboy, Paul Crossman, Gwenda Dickie, Helen

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Dixon, Gladys Edwards, Zoe Eliott, Huntly Endacott, Mane Fitzsimmons, Esme Fiveash, Violet Fogarty, Gerald Fraser, Esther Lidgett, William Lowe, Hugh Mann, Minnie Matravers, Stephanie McKerrow, Frances McLeod, David McNeill, James Milner, Donald Moran, James Newell, Minnie Parker, Eric Phillips, Millicent Saunders, Ailsa Smith, Lyndsay Ward, Noeline

31 May 00 Ballard, Joan Bolton, Eric Brown, Alexander Chapman, Ronald Childs, Maurice Clentworth, Joan Corboy, Paul Dickie, Helen Fitzsimmons, Esme Fiveash, Violet Hill, Joseph Hille, Tasma Hopping, Laurel Innes, William Inwood, Martha Johnson, Leonard Kennedy, William Mann, Minnie McCree, Gorden McLeod, David McNeill, James Mellor, Ida Moloney, Dr Richard Moran, James Murphy, Mary Nicol, Ronald Richardson, Francis Saunders, Ailsa Smith, Lyndsay Standbury, Ann Stevenson, Grace Thomson, Flora Tregurtha, Doris

1 Jun 00 Aiken, John Aborn, Roderick Ballard, Joan Bourne, Noelene Brown, James Cavey, Mark Cavey, Rhys

Croft, Margaret Esquilant, Elizabeth Ferguson, May Fitzsimmons, Esme Hayes, William Heard, Lucy Hille, Tasma Hopping, Laurel Inwood, Martha Johnson, Leonard Lang, Hazel Lowe, Hugh McLeod, David McNeill, James McNeill, Ruby Mehrtens, Alma Mehrtens, Richard Nicol, Ronald Richardson, Francis Sewell, Charles Sissons, Elizabeth Smith, Lyndsay Smith, Wallace Stanbury, Ann Tregurtha, Doris Vandendungen, Cor Waghorn, Stephen

2 Jun 00 Alborn, Roderick Brown, James Davies, Gillian Esquilant, Elizabeth Ferguson, Mary Harris, Henry Hopping, Laurel Inwood, Martha Johnson, Leonard McCree, Gorden Mehrtens, Alma Price, Jeffrey Scott, William Stanbury, Ann Turnbull, Miriam

3 Jun 00 Bishara, Maureen Blair, Len Brown, Gilbert Brown, Keith Burdon, John Clark, Catherine Davies, Gillain Dick, Ann Eden, Kevin Gibson, Daphne Gittos, Ina Grant, Irene Grass, Ronald Harris, Henry Hawkins, Alberta Jamieson, Anna Jennings, James Kirk, Mona Merridan, Brian Peake, James Ranby, John

Renai, Patricia Ritchie, Avis Robinson, Patricia Scott, William Shaw, Bill Uttrich, Zeala Underhill, Eileen Wall, Gladys Wilson, Dinah Woodgate, Patrick

5 Jun 00 Bell, Hazel Blair, Len Burdon, John Clark, Catherine Cordy, Ian Cowan, Alex Crookbain, Howard Dickson, Alexander Fleming, Maurice Ford, Russell Grass, Ronald Hawkins, Alberta Jennings, James Jones, William Lee, Mary McKay, Edith Pilgrim, John Ranby, John Reid, Edith Renai, Pat Richmond, Grace Seymour, William Simpson, Cyril Thompson, Thomas Wall, Gladys Whitta, Trevor Wilson, Aileen Yarrall, Jean

6 Jun 00 Abey, George Anderson, June Arps, Mina Bell, Hazel Blair, Len Borne, David Brown, Keith Carlaw, Lorraine Clark, Catherine Cowan, Alex Crookbain, Howard Dalglish, Hector Davies, Gillian Dickson, Alexander Ford, Russell Frost, Richard Gibson, Daphne Gilling, Jason Harley, Scobie Hind, Freda Howard, Katherine Jones, Bertram Jordan, Dorothy Lindbom, Frederick McKay, Edith

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Mitchell, Alexander Moskovis, Vicky Parkinson, Patrick Pilgrim, John Reid, Edith Renai, Patricia Seymour, William Smith, James Stewart, Colin Thompson, Ngawi Yarrall, Jean

7 Jun 00 Abey, George Borne, Rev. David Carlaw, Lorraine Cowan, Alex Deal, Colin Donaldson, Frederick Eckersley, Noel Frost, Richard Gibbs, Connor Gilling, Jason Healy, Elizabeth Henderson, James Hind, Freda Howard, Katherine Jones, Bertram Kitchener, Jeffrey McCarthy, Silas Moskovis, Vicky Parkinson, Patrick Rowe, Cecil Simpson, Constance Sutton, Mary Thomas, Heather Thompson, Ngawi Thwigg, Eileen Whitta, Trevor Wiggins, Harold Wright, Harold

8 Jun 00 Bayley, Mary Carlaw, Lorraine Coll, Nancy Cresswell, Elsabeth Donaldson, Frederick Drake, Eileen Eckersley, Noel Emery, Evelyn Fitzpatrick, Michael Fulton, Magdalene Giles, Lloyd Green, Noelene Gurdler, Edna Healy, Elizabeth Henderson, James Kitchener, Jeffrey Marshall, Thomas Morrish, Nicholas Reihana, Phyllis Restieaux, Allan Robinson, William Sutton, Mary Turner, Rosemarie

Warren, Annie Wiggins, Harold Wright, Harold

9 Jun 00 Barnett, Shirley Bayley, Mary Carson, Eric Coll, Nancy Cresswell, Elsabeth Dick, Frances-Ann Ford, Eleanor Graham, Esmai Gurdler, Edna Hope, Lorna Kingsbury, Leonard Knowles, Claude Piner, Sylvia Redrup, Leonard Reihana, Phyllis Restieaux, Allan Soanes, Jack Stewart, Bernard Tarbotton, Thomas Turner, Rosemarie Underhill, Ellen Watson, Laurence Wilkes, Zach Woods, Marian

10 Jun00 Anderson, Keith Baigent, Noel Barron, May Curdett, Ethel Cannan, Leonard Carson, Eric Cook, Olive D’Aloisio, Angelo Dick, Frances-Ann Elvy, Myrtle Ford, Eleanor Graham, Esmai Heath, James Inkersell, Natalie Knowles, Claude Lake, George McCarthy, Silas McMinn, Rae Morrish, Nicholas Patterson, Eileen Piner, Sylvia Robinson, William Roulston, Eva Soanes, Jack Stewrt, Bernard Thetford, Lyonella Underhill, Ellen Walker, Dorothy Woods, Marian

12 Jun 00 Agnew, Albert Allen, Esme Boyle, Sister Ita Bruce, Elizabeth

Burdett, Ethel Cameron, Eileen Carson, Eric Collett, Edna Cosgrove, Myrtle D’Aloisio, Angelo Davern, Mary Dick, Frances-Ann Doake, Pauline Fitzgerald, Peter Foord, Raymond Fowler, Dale Groom, Mavis Heath, James Inkersell, Natalie McClintock, Beverley McMinn, Rae McIsaac, Zena Milner, Jean Palmer, Leo Patuwai, Irene Roulston, Eva Russell, June Wadsworth, Mervyn Walker, Dorothy Young, Doreen

13 Jun 00 Berry, Frank Boaz, Ernest Bowers, Richard Boyle, Sister Ita Briggs, Thelma Bruce, Elizabeth Burke, Kay Cameron, Eileen Collett, Edna Cook, Olive Crump, Milda Doake, Pauline Foord, Raymond Gordon, Naire Green, Grace Greenland, Arthur Grenier, Andre Groom, Mavis Gwilliam, David Hessey, Thelma Kearns, Joyce Lobb, Silvester McClintock, Beverley McDonald, Constance Milner, Jean Noble, Charlotte Roberts, Hugh Rothwell, William Rowland, Alfred Thetford, Lyonella Wadsworth, Mervyn Walklin, Cecil

14 Jun 00 Agnew, Albert Blake, Nancy Boaz, Ernest Boyle, Kathleen Buckler, Victor

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Burke, Kay Coats, Mornaroa Cook, Olive Cross, Ivan Davern, Mary Forde, Eileen Green, Grace Greenland, Arthur Grenier, Andre Gurney, Madelaine Maher, Lillian McDrury, Kevin Poore, Ursula Rothwell, William Rowland, Alfred Rowlands, Patricia Strachan, Gary Jun 15 00 Berry, Frank Bigg, Winifred Briggs, Thelma Buckler, Victor Clothier, Edward Coats, Moanaroa Familton, Lesley Forde, Eileen Grenier, Andre Gurney, Madeline Hale, Emma Hill, Shirley Jack, Yvonne Johns, Dorothy McDrury, Kevin McLean, George Milner, Jean Rennie, Andrew Rowlands, Patricia Simpson, Leslie Smith, Irene Tapley, Edward Thomas, Sheilagh Williams, Peter Williams, Raymond

16 Jun 00 Bigg, Winifred Crowe, Paul Easthope, Mavis Familton, Lesley Hale, Emma Jack, Yvonne Jenkins, Pauline McDrury, Kevin McLean, George Mechen, Florence Tapley, Edward Thomas, Sheilagh Ward, Joseph Whateray, George

17 Jun 00 Brooks, Winifred Bryant, Roger Coster, Christopher Craig, Eileen Crowe, Paul

Cumming, Alexander Dobson, Ronald Gray, Nicola Harris, Clifford Hogg, Alfred Jack, Yvonne Legge, Keith Luscombe, Elaine Marshall, Ashley McDrury, Kevin Mechen, Florence Millar, Margaret Nicolson, William Nielsen, Flora Skipworth, John Smith, Margaret Smith, Thomas Steele, Margaret Tweedy, Grant Ward, Joseph Wharerau, Hori Wood, June

19 Jun 00 Altanoff, George Batten, John Berg, Athol Boyle, Kevin Clarke, Vera Cornelius, Doris Cotter, Leslie Daniels, Lois Dobson, Ronald Donegan, Mary Dufful, Mervyn Graham, Mary Gray, Nichola Harvey, James Hemmingsen, Alan Hollis, Robert Joynt, Harold Keys, Ronald Legge, Keith Lye, Sydney Lynskey, Barbara Matthews, Amokura Matthews, Yvonne McDonnell, Patricia McKinnon, Harry Nicolson, William Park, Elizabeth Rusbridge, Alice Skipworth, John Switalla, Eunice Tipping, Patrick Tweedy, Grant Ward, Joseph Wilford, Peter Wilkinson, Hugo Wisnesky, Kathleen Wood, June

20 Jun 00 Addy, George Boyle, Kevin Colombus, Ernest Cornelius, Doris

Cotter, Les Cox, Doreen Cree, Murray Daniels, Lois Douglas, Gordon Gamblin, Rosina Gulbis, Edgar Harvey, James Hemmingsen, Alan Keys, Ronald Lynskey, Barbara Martin, Minnie Matthews, Amokura McDonnell, Patricia McEwan, Charles McGregor, Olive McKinnon, Harry Murphy, Freda Nicolson, William Park, Elizabeth Reed, William Smith, Geoffrey Switalia, Eunice Tipping, Patrick Wilford, Peter

21 Jun 00 Biddick, Mervyn Blyth, Gwen Browne, Anna Cairns, Ian Colombus, Ernest Cotter, Leslie Cox, Doreen Cox, Katherene Cree, Murray Doyle, Ethel Fletcher, Anne Gamblin, Rosina Groom, Verdun Heslop, Robert Keast, Ernest Keys, Ronald Martin, Minnie McKinnon, Harry McTainsh, Mary Miller, Edward Monaghan, Rev. David Murphy, Freda Murray, Margaret Myles, Thomas Norman, Phyllis Parker, Keith Phipps, Rae Reed, William Wilford, Peter Wilson, Daphne

22 Jun 00 Bullock, Patricia Campbell, Ian Cox, Doreen Ede, Coral Gilder, Barry Keast, Ernest Lewis, John McTainsh, Mary

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Neal, Leslie Newell, James O'Connor, Kathleen O'Malley, Denis Parker, Keith Phipps, Rae Reed, William Sharplin, Winifred West, Victor Wilson, Daphne

23 Jun 00 Besley, Samuel Campbell, Ian Champness, Neil Devine, Lily Leigh, Gina MacKay, Robert Newell, James O'Connor, Kathleen O'Malley, Denis O'Neill, Valarie Parker, Keith Strachan, Doreen Summers, Robert Wilson, Joyce Woods, Margaret Wright, Audrey

24 Jun 00 Besley, Samuel Blyth, Gwenth Byrne, Heather Christmas, Ivy Doyle, Ethel Gullery, Thomas Herzog, Norman Hill, Shirley Johnston, Erica Judkins, Neralie Macauley, James MacKay, Robert MacLeod, David McGrane, Margaret O’Connor, Kathleen O’Neill, Valerie Parkinson, Eileen Pickering, Melissa Price, Eva Rait, Albert Reed, William Shaw, Mackenzie Stanbury, Arnold Strachan, Doreen Strachan, Myrna Summers, Robert Taylor, John West, Victor Whelan, Dennis Williams, Jean Williamson, Brook Wilson, Joyce Wilson, Mervyn

26 Jun 00

Ashton, George Bartlett, Gwendoline Blue, Jean Byrne, Heather Campion, Ronald Chaston, Raymond Chen, Jian Christmas, Ivy Coughlan, Michael Crosbie, James Francis, Margaret Fuller, Frederick Geelon, John Hamilton, Joan Harper, Thomas Harvey, Michael Hopkins, Ivy Jamieson, Emily Johnston, Erica Judkins, Neralie Kirk, Alexander Lanauze, Yvonne Lavender, Marie Macaulay, James MacLeod, David McNamara, Charles Mead, Daphne Milne, Trevor Oliver, Arthur Pickering, Melissa Shaw, Mackenzie Sherriff, William Southby, Richard Stanbury, Arnold Taylor, John Taylor, Ronald Thyne, Matthew Watkins, Graeme Wichman, Dorothy Wilkinson, Brian Williamson, Brook Wilson, Joyce

27 Jun 00 Armishaw, Eileen Begg, Andrew Blue, Jean Boyce, Kevin Braithwaite, Gordon Brasell, Agnes Broome, Margaret Campion, Ronald Champness, Neil Chaston, Raymond Costellow, Edward Coughlan, Michael Crump, Miriam Currie, Joseph Cutler, Arthur Doyle, Olive Fritz, Leoni Fuller, Frederick Geelon, John Harvey, Michael Hopkins, Marie Johnston, Erica Judkins, Neralie

Kirk, Alexander Lanauze, Yvonne Lark, Ronald Lavender, Marie Mackay, Dorothy Mead, Daphne Parkinson, Campbell Pickering, Melissa Purvis, Scott Rayner, Keith Selwood, Peter Shackleton, Ronald Simm, Alan Taylor, Ronald Terris, Fanny Thyne, Matthew Vial, Masie Watkins, Graeme Weaver, Michael Wilkins, Thelma Williamson, Brook

28 Jun 00 Begg, Andrew Botherway, Leonard Boyce, Kevin Broome, Margaret Chaston, Raymond Crump, Miriam Curry, Wilfred Cutler, Arthur Davis, Averil Fuller, Frederick Hopkins, Marie Lavender, Marie Mackay, Dorothy Mayer, Harriet McCann, Evelyn Milne, Trevor Pickering, Melissa Purvis, Scott Radnoty, Istvan Rayner, Keith Roberts, Stella Shackleton, Ronald Shaw, Vera Swanston, Noel Vong, Henh Watkins, Graeme

29 Jun 00 Broome, Margaret Cook, Vera Curry, Wilfred Foster, Richard Fox, Esther Hydes, Alexander King, Robert Knight, Rex Lowry, Georgina Mayer, Harriet McCann, Evelyn Perrow, Allen Peterson, Florence Radnoty, Istvan Roberts, Stella Smith, Arthur

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Smith, Frederick Stevenson, Albert Thin, Rana Versteeg, Gerard Vong, Henh Watkin, Raymond

31 Jun 00 Brickell, Shirley Burke, Nellie Childs, Robert Eastgate, Beryl Fox, Esther Grummit, Robert Henderson, Maurice Hydes, Alexander King, Robert McCann, Evelyn Murphy, Ronald Norrish, Gwineth O’Malley, Marie Parr, Majorie Peterson, Florence Radnoty, Istvan Scott, Noreen Swanston, Noel Thin, Rana Thompson, Ronald Watkin, Raymond Wimsett, William Yee, Alex

1 Jul 00 Ashmore, Hope Atkinson, Morris Barron, William Barwick, Alan Bethell, Elizabeth Blackmore, Ina Bowman, Hazel Burke, Nellie Childs, Robert Clapham, Victor Climo, Oscar Crawford, William Cunninghame-Blank, Ingrid Davies, Alwyne Dewhirst, Eileen Eatwell, Mary Foster, Richard Glover, Violet Grumitt, Robert Henderson, Maurice Hill, Colin Holdgate, Joyce Holt, Jack Hopper, Timothy Keith, Douglas Kyle, Betty Leeburn, Barbara Lowry, James Mackay, Dorothy Malcolm, James Marshall, Mavis Morris, James Murphy, Ronald O’Malley, Marie

Parr, Marjorie Potts, Margaret Proctor, William Scott, Noreen Smaill, Glenda Stevenson, Albert Thompson, Ronald Wimsett, William Winters, Ruth Yee, Alex

3 Jul 00 Aranui, Whetu Atkinson, Morris Bourke, Rev. Fr. Bernard Buckley, Peggy Childs, Robert Clapham, Victor Davies, Alwyne Dawson, John Eatwell, Mary Ferguson, Rosemary Gay, Leslie Glover, Violet Goggin, Mark Heberley, Charles Henderson, Jill Holt, Jack Hopper, Timothy Jeal, Doreen Keith, Douglas Kirton, Winifred Lister, Mervyn Love, Robert Lowry, James Matchett, Margaret McLeod, Stephen Murdoch, Rosie Murphy, Ronald Protos, Costa Roberts, Rodney Robinson, Allan Rollinson, Dorothy Stemmer, Ruth Taylor, Clarice

4 Jul 00 Atkinson, Morris Brooks, Stafford Clapham, Victor Clausen, Mima Daly, Sister Mary Don, Warne Gay, Leslie Goggin, Mark Gray, Rex Henderson, Jill Kirton, Winifred Mahar, Sybil Mann, Wilma Morris, Robert Murdoch, Rosie Roberts, Rodney Robinson, Allan Rollinson, Dorothy Rooney, Raymond

Soper, Murray Stace, Basil Stemmer, Ruth Thompson, Ronald Turner, Guy Welsh, Winifred Woods, Vanessa

5 Jul 00 Brooks, Stafford Clapham, Victor Clough, Betty Daly, Sister Mary Dawson, John Don, Warne Forster, Raymond Frisken, Edna Gillison, Hilda Gott, Pearl Gray, Edna Hepburn, Muriel Holthouse, Peter Jones, Rex Kirton, Winifred Lonergan, Adine Mahar, Sybil May, Mollie Milne, Alma Moriarty, Noeline Moore, Elva Morris, Robert Murdoch, Rosie Nolan, Harold Sibbald, Douglas Smith, Frances Soper, Murray Walkinshaw, Ethel Weaver, Michael Wootton, Allan

6 Jul 00 Angus, Alice Briggs, Ivan Clough, Betty Dawson, Reginald Deadmarsh, Ronald Duncan, Alma Ellery, James Goodall, Agnes Graham, Edna Gray, Edna Harris, Konehu Henderson, Agnes Jones, Rex Milne, Alma Moriarty, Noeline Morland, Lillias Nolan, Harold Ormond, Judith (Lady O) Payne, Lois Sibbald, Douglas Soper, Murray Young, Robert

7 Jul 00 Abbot, Irene

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Briggs, Ivan Brown, William Lough, Betty Croxson, Josephine Dawson, Reginald Goodall, Agnes Hallahan, John Hartwig, Katelyn Henderson, Agnes Lawson, Eric McHenry, William Morland, Lillias Overend, Thelma Payne, Lois Woods, Vanessa Young, Robert

8 Jul 00 Anderson, Mary Briggs, Ivan Casey, Dame Stella Chard, Ivy Colhoun, James Coulson, Thomas Croxson, Josephine Davey, Leonard Dawson, Reginald Divers, Wilfred Fraser, Sheila Frost, Helen Halcrow, Oona Hibbard, Dorothy Higgins, John King, Cameron Laing, Nancie Lambert, Wayne Lawson, Eric McDonald, Charles McHenry, William Overend, Thelma Porter, Olive Rush, Joyce Stanley, Harry Williams, Edith Winton, Robert Woodfield, Reginald Wright, Anita

10 Jul 00 Brand, Clement Casey, Dame Stella Darling, Flora Davis, Joan Dawnson, Reginald Eggers, Bevan Falconer, Annie Fraser, Betty Gray, Edwin Heath, Constance Hendry, Doris Hercus, Agnes Hitt-Schultz, Alf Lambert, Wayne Latter, Le Clerc Longstaff, Robert McDonald, Charles Morris, Freda

Patrick, Mary Phibbs, Peter Ritsier, Corry Rush, Joyce Shakespeare, Joan Stent, Valerie Williams, Edith Winton, Robert Wright, Anita

11 Jul 00 Brand, Clement Darling, Flora Davies, William Eggers, Bevan Fisher, Marie Fowler, David Fursdon, Frances Gosling, Edna Heath, Constance Hendry, Doris HItt-Schultz, Alf Kenworthy, Paula Knott, Leslie Kullmann, Alexander Latter, Le Clerc Lester, Herbert Manson, Wayne McDonald, Gladys Morriss, Freda Mouton, Marie Paul, Mavis Pink, Rachel Ritstier, Corry Shakespeare, Joan Smith, George Stent, Valerie Stockley, George Weily, Tasman Woodfield, Betty

12 Jul 00 Anderson, Raymond Andrew, Beatrice Brears, Henry Brown, Celia Clarke, Henry Darling, Flora Davey, Leonard Davies, William Fenton, Margaret Fisher, Marie Fowler, David Fursdon, Frances Gebbie, George Greig, Norman Hitt-Schultz, Alf Kenworthy, Paula King, Stannage Knott, Leslie Lee, Norman Lester, Herbert Maggs, Robert McDonald, Gladys McIntyre, Peter McNeill, Lorna Mora, Cyril

Morris, Adelaide Morrison, Gwenda Mouton, Marie Pulley, Dorothy Smith, George Start, Owen Templeton, Hamish Walsh, William Ward, Barbara Webster, Mabel Weenink, Vera Willaims, Darcy Woodfield, Betty Wright, Anita

13 Jul 00 Andrew, Beatrice Brears, Henry Eagle, Peter Fenton, Margaret Hayward, Stanley Hill, Geoffrey King, Carolyn King, Phillip Kostic, Ljubica MacDonald, John Maggs, Robert McBeath, Gerald McIntyre, Peter Mora, Cyril Morris, Adelaide Morrison, Gwenda Nutt, Nigel Paunovic, Phyllis Start, Owen Ward, Barbara Weily, Tasman Williams, Darcy

14 Jul 00 Aikman, JamieAnderson, Len Chaffey, Leslie Cottrell, Basil Dunn, Raymond Eagle, Peter Healy, Jerome Hill, Geoffrey Kostick, Ljubica MacDonald, John McBeath, Gerald McCone, Hannah McIntyre, Peter Miller, Phyllis Nutt, Nigel Robinson, Mary Simons, Thomas Smyth, Wilfred Travers, James Ward, Maurice Watkins, Ian Williams, Jack

15 Jul 00 Aikman, Jamie Anderson, Len Bowden, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Breen, Norman Burtenshaw, Phyllis Carnie, Charles Chaffey, Leslie Cottrell, Basil Don, Robert Garratt-Pink, Rachel Healy, Jerome Hemmons, Victor Hill, Geoffrey Morrison, Gwenda Nicholls, Neil Redmond, Kate Riches, Margaret Robinson, Mary Shirley, Jewell Simons, Thomas Templeton, Hamish Travers, James Watkins, Ian

17 Jul Bowden, James Breen, Norman Cresswell, Russell Cullen, Samuel Davidson, Norman Dawson, Eve Gartland, Christopher Grater, Conrad Halcrow, Oona Hedley, Maureen Jones, Barbara Kwok, Cheuk McKenzie, William Mooreland, Mary Nicholls, Neil Parkin, Francis Pickering, Gladys Redmond, Kate Riches, Margaret Robinson, Mary Rodgers, Alexander Storer, Cyril Stuart, Nesta Stubberfield, Wayne Sundbye, John Tarling, William Templeton, Hamish Waters, Rita Watson, Marie Williams, Jack Zeyen, Rev. Father Nicholas

18 Jul 00 Berry, Allan Blackwell, Ralph Busby, Marjorie Cresswell, Russell Cullen, Samuel Gartland, Christopher Gourdie, William Greig, Donald Guild, Luzzetta Hamilton, Isabel Hedley, Maureen Jones, Eric

Kirkland, Maimie Kuiti, Ngatokowaru Logan, Gladys McClelland, Hazel McElhinney, Zena McKenzie, William Monk, Catherine Moreland, Mary Morrow, Gordon Nicholls, Neil O’Connor, Noreen Parkin, Francis Paton, Ian Patterson, Eileen Snelling, Kyle Storer, Cyril Swanwick, Roberta

19 Jul Berry, Allan Busby, Marjorie Cook, Cecilia Dyet, Anna Gourdie, William Greig, Donald Harrison, Sarah Irving, Patrick Kerr, George Kuiti, Ngatokowaru Liddy, Erman Logan, Gladys MacManus, Heather Monk, Catherine O'Connor, Noreen Paton, Ian Patterson, Eileen Philpott, Prof. Bryan Pierson, Marion Sandbrook, Cecilia Sandrey, Jessie Snelling, Kyle

20 Jul 00 Bascik, Mervin Braddock, Julia Busby, Marjorie Campbell, Donaldine Cook, Marie Darling, Isabel Fifield, Allan Gunn, Alexander Harrison, Sarah Kennedy, Julianna Liddy, Erman MacManus, Heather McClelland, Hazel McIntosh, John Murphy, Moya Pierson, Marion Ryder, Rev. Thomas Sandrey, Jessie Snelling, Kyle

21 Jul 00 Baker, Janet Bascik, Mervin Common, Francis

Cook, Marie Dixon, Neil Greenland, Paul Gunn, Alexander Howard, James Irving, Patrick Lay, George Plato, Sherrill Snelling, Kyle Thompson, Colin Wood, Avis

22 Jul 00 Baker, Janet Bascik, Mervin Burrell, Daphne Bushell, Kathleen Caldwell, Leslie Collins, Margaret Common, Francis Cook, Marie Crawford, Graham Dillamore, Ronald Dixon, Neil Dowling, Sybil Eatwell, Alan Emslie, George Fussell, Olive Granger, Robert Johnston, Christine Laking, Bruce Lay, George Lazarus, Allan Light, Peter Long, Rose Malone, Joyce McDougall, Robert Pearson, Evelyn Plato, Sherrill Riddle, Robert Shaw, Jack van Roosmalen, Antonius Virtue, Veronica Wood, Avis

24 Jul 00 Baker, Janet Blacktopp, Colin Brooke, John Budge, June Burrell, Daphne Cooper, Percy Cozens, Peter Cummings, Fae Dillamore, Ronald Fussell, Olive Garland, Charles Gibson, Alan Harvie, Ellie Johnston, Christine Kimber, May Light, Peter McDougall, Rober Megaw, Mary Mitchell, Basil Neary, Anthony

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Plaistowe, The Ven. Ronald Price, Colleen Richards, Leslie Riddle, Robert Stafford, Robert Thomas, Ethel Thompson, Mary Van Pelt, Pieter Vile, Dorothea Whitiskie, Nancy

25 Jul 00 Andrews, Robert Brooke, John Burton, Elsie Bushell, Kathleen Cowles, Thomas Cowley, Joseph Edge, Evan Garland, Charles Hinks, George Kimber, May Leathem, Sylvia McCallister, Norman Megaw, Mary Morris, Jack Mulcahy, Mary Richards, Leslie Riddle, Robert Smith, Peter Stafford, Robert Stanley-Shepherd, Arthur Stone, John Thompson, Mary Van Pelt, Pieter Vile, Dorothea Walker, Gwynne

26 Jul 00 Brooke, John Cowles, Thomas Feather, Elizabeth King, Ashley Lascelles, Anthony Leathem, Sylvia Mason, Roland McKinnon, Bruce Morris, Jack Nixon, Frances Power, Phyllis Rader, Buron Smith, Peter Stanley-Shepherd, Arthur Tait, Douglas Walker, Gwynne Walker, Lena Wills, Ronald Woods, Nola Yee, Chang

27 Jul 00 Belsham, David Bowman, Maurice Bradford, Myrtle Brooke, John Cassidy, Murrary Cosgrove, Francis

Davis, Coral Dixon, June Downie, John Gordon, Ian King, Ashley Larsen, Richard Lascelles, Anthony Manning, Leonard McCallister, Norman McCarlie, Graham McCrystall, Harold McKinnon, Bruce Nixon, Frances Rader, Burton Ross, Florence Thompson, Edith Van Haaften, Gerrit Wilkinson, Vincent Williamson, Bridget Wills, Ronald

28 Jul 00 Bowman, Maurice Bradford, Myrtle Brooke, John Brundell, Christopher Brydon, Edna Campbell, Peter Cassidy, Murray Clark, Henrietta Corbitt, Heather Cosgrove, Francis Cowan, Tony Dixon, June Downie, John Gordon, Ian Grieve, Arthur Hill, William Home, Elizabeth Majendie, Thelma McCarlie, Graham McGregor, Alice McRae, Colin Morrison, Annie Oldfield, Brenda Orbell, Margaret Parr, Ivan Philp, Thelma Roy, Findlay Speirs, James Taine, Jennifer Van Haaften, Gerrit Wilkinson, Vincent Williamson, Bridget Winter, Lorna

29 Jul 00 Ayers, Raymond Brundell, Christopher Brydon, Edna Campbell, Joan Clark, Henrietta Corcoran, Joan Davidson, Robert De Feu, Oswald Dowling, Basil Fincham, Dale

Grieve, Arthur Harrison, Samuel Hunter, Nancy Jury, Morveen Leathem, Sylvia Manning, Leonard McGregor, Alice Oldfield, Brenda Orbell, Margaret Philp, Thelma Prendergast, Rev. Fr John Reeves, Gillian Ross, Florence Rowe, Gregory Roy, Findlay Taine, Jennifer Whanau-Edwardson, Chante Williams, Valmai Winter, Lorna

31 Jul Ansell, Austin Bennett, Arthur Clements, Marie Cochrane, Frank Cowley, Joseph Davidson, Robert Gordon, Charles Halton, Stanley Hamer, Eva Hapi, Barbara Keen, William Langley, Marie Lapthorn Geraldine Latham Alice Mann, John McCone, James McDougall, William McFarland, Adele McRae, Colin Morrison, Allan Musgrove, David Nicholson, Valmai Parfitt, Kathleen Robinson, William Shaw, John Smith, Walter Treymane, Neil Urwin-Traynor, June Williams, Valmai

1 Aug 00 Ansell, Austin Bennett, Arthur Brosnahan, Colleen Brown, Margaret Gilbert, Herbert Green, Jeffrey Hamilton, Graeme Hanrahan, Caroline Hapi, Barbara Kennett, Rae Langley, Marie Lapthorn, Geraldine Mann, John McCone, James McConnell, Arthur

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McFarlane, Adele Monds, Margaret Musgrove, David Parfitt, Kathleen Samujh, Satesh Shaw, Ellen Smith, Walter Southorn, Arthur Treymane, Neil Turnbull, Helen Urwin-Traynor, June Ward, Mary

2 Aug 00 Barber, Frederick Brosnahan, Colleen Burdett, Myrtle Campbell, Margaret Cottrell, Josephine Dehn, Wesley Drummond, Emma Gilbert, Herbert Green, Jeffrey Hamer, Eva Hamilton, Graeme Hebden, William Hemi, Terence Hornyak, Maureen Kradolfer, John McConnell, Arthur Monds, Margaret Narbey, Kathleen Nathan, Joan Ngataierua, Robyn Pretty, Jack Reid, Zena Riddell, Margaret Rusbatch, Evan Shaw, Ellen Syme, William Tauwhare, William Turnbull, Helen Waghorn, Edith Wreford, William

3 Aug 00 Barber, Frederick Burdett, Myrtle Burrows, David Clarke, Georgina Cottrell, Josephine Drummond, Emma Earl, William Fryer, Edna Harris, Lorraine Harrison, Enid Hopkinson, Ernest Hunt, Kathleen Jamieson, Michael Kradolfer, John Krom, Leonardus McConnell, Arthur Miles, Anthony Nathan, Joan Ngataierua, Robyn Patchett, Stanley Pearce, Joy

Reid, Zena Reynolds, Raymond Samujh, Satesh Scott, Marie Southorn, Arthur Tauwahre, William Waghorn, Edith Ward, John Wood, Monica Wreford, William

4 Au 00 Attewell, Margaret Baumfield, Charles Bremner, Eric Burrows, David Carruthers, Mavis Corbitt, Raymond Earl, William Finlayson, Roberta Fryer, Edna Gibson, Ezilda Gillman, William Harris, Lorraine Harrison, Enid Hayes, Errol Kidston, William Krom, Leonardus Line, William Lomas, Gerald McElroy, Hazel Moates, Leonard Money, Alfred Newlands, Marie Ngataierua, Robyn Nicoll, Dorothy Pearce, Joy Phiskie, Jessie Rayner, John Rushworth, Mavis Scott, Marie Tauwhare, William Worboys, Albert

5 Aug 00 Bradey, Royce Bremner, Eric Brown, Ethel Burge, Zoe Burrows, David Carruthers, Mavis Cartwright, Alfred Coombes, Robert East, Allan Ferguson, Patricia Gibson, Ezilda Gillman, Stanley Harrison, Enid Harvey, William Haxell, Marie Hill, Iris Hishon, Mortimor Ilton, Eileen Jansen, Ann Kirk, Gordon Lambert, David L'Estrange, John

Lomas, Gerald McElroy, Hazel Moates, Leonard Peart, James Phiskie, Jessie Rayner, John Robertson, Jeanie Rushworth, Mavis Turner, Frederick Ward, John Watson, Douglas Williams, Esther Wilson, David Worboys, Albert

7 Aug 00 Armstrong, Jean Bergman, James Boyd, Edith Bradley, Gaynor Broms, Gordon Brown, Reginald Buckingham, Raymond Burrows, David Cullen, Cushla Davies, William Donaldson, Deborah Edmunds, Lilian Farrell, Kevin Ferguson, Patricia Gillman, Stanley Harrison, Enid Harvey, William James, Maud Jansen, Ann Jongenburgen, Willem Lake, Marion Madden, Barbara McIntosh, Rev. Ian McQuarters, Raymond Miller, Christina Moates, Len Nelson, William O’Donovan, Patrick Small, Francis Stevenson, Raymond Tarlton, Douglas Tully, Desmond Upham, Mary White, Alfred Wilce, Richard

8 Aug Bailey, Ernest Beaven, Marjorie Bradey, Royce Bradley, Gaynor Cartwright, Alfred Cullen, Cushla Jones, Caroline Jongenburger, Willem Laird, Thora Lake, Marion Madden, Barbara Nash, Patricia O'Donovan, Patrick Partridge, Joseph

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Shaw, Jack Shepherd, Aralia Spence, Mary Stevenson, Raymond Stewart-Nixey, Cameron Tully, Desmond White, Alfred

9 Aug 00 Bailey, Ernest Beaven, Marjorie Bertacco, Marie Boyd, Edith Cartwright, Alfred Coleman, Keith Cousins, Pearl Curtis, Charles Davidson, Brenda Davies, William Fisher, Doris Fisher, James Hinds, Eileen King, Leonie Koolen, Marcellus Laird, Thora Lilley, Jean Mannix, Lynnella McAllan, Ethel McGinn, Marguerita Mills, William Momo, Walter Reeves, Merlin Rodger, Elizabeth Shaw, Jack Shepherd, Rae Stevenson, Raymond White, Alfred Win, Clara

10 Aug 00 Adco*ck, Graham Croose, Norman Curtis, Charles Davidson, Brenda Ellis, Florence Fair, Katie Fisher, Doris Fitzgerald, Elsie Hinds, Eileen Hobbs, Alfred Jongenburger, Willem Laird, Thora Lilley, Jean Mackie, Clarice Macleod, William Mahia, Matiu Mannix, Lynnella McCarthy, Ngarie McKinnon, Anna Miller, Ian Mills, William Moore, Helen Morton, Edward Reed, Kathleen Rodger, Elizabeth Shannon, Max

Shaw, Jack Smale, Mariod Solly, Elizabeth Stewart, Fredrick Win, Clara Wohlert, William Wooding, Alwyn

11 Aug 00 Ash, Jane Ashby, May Berry, Kenneth Burgerhout, Henri Campbell, Everett Campbell, Henry Carson, Dawn Courtney, David Cracknell, Ronald Croose, Norman Goodson, Patricia Greenwood, Daphne Griffiths, Joseph Gunn, Donald Harvey, John Hefford, Margery Herring, Cecil Hobbs, Alfred Hulston, Donald Insull, Beverly Kuka, Stanley Mackie, Clarice MacLeod, John McLeod, Moira Moene, Mary Moyle, John Murray, Mavis Panirau, Rihia Paul, John Peart, Elizabeth Quirk, Gavin Rickard, Eva Smith, Anna Spiers, Jason Sutherland, Earl Turnbull, Nicky Wilson, Raymond Woodham, Arthur Wooding, Alwyn

12 Aug 00 Ash, Jane Ashby, May Berry, Kenneth Burgerhout, Henri Campbell, Everett Campbell, Henry Carson, Dawn Courtney, David Cracknell, Ronald Croose, Norman Goodson, Patricia Greenwood, Daphne Griffiths, Joseph Gunn, Donald Harvey, John Hefford, Margeery Herring, Cecil

Hobbs, Alfred Hulston, Donald Insull, Beverly Kuka, Stanley Mackie, Clarice MacLeod, John McLeod, Moira Moene, Mary Moyle, John Murray, Mavis Panirau, Rihia Paul, John Peart, Elizabeth Quirk, Gavin Rickard, Eva Smith, Anna Spiers, Jason Sutherland, Earl Turnbull, Nicky Wilson, Raymond Woodham, Arthur Wooding, Alwyn

14 Aug 00 Ashby, May Banks, Eion Cain, Noel Cleghorn, Ernest Cooper, Mary Cracknell, Ronald Crawford, Robert Crisp, Aileen Glover, Thomas Graham, Walter Hefford, Margery Holland, Allan Hooper, Stanley Hughes, Marianne Jackson, Ronald Jory, Joan Kennedy, Kathleen Kitto, Arthur McManus, John Melia, Fr John Moyle, John Robertson, Shaun Roskilley, Leslie Shannon, Betty Sheridan, Edna Smith, Anna Stanley, Dawn Story, Vera Thompson, Bert Thurlow, Alfred Watson, Kathleen Wood, John Woodham, Arthur Wright, Betty Yardley, Maurice

15 Aug 00 Ashby, May Bragg, Anne Cleghorn, Ernest Crawford, Robert Crisp, Eileen Fitzsimmons, Sydney

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hawthorne, Peter Hotton, Pearl Humphrey, Zonie Jory, Joan Kinzett, Margaret Leggott, Leone Lilley, Jean Marshall, Rewa Pemberton, Stephen Peterson, John Robertson, Shaun Roskilley, Leslie Thompson, Bert Thompson, Norma Wilson, Jacqueline Wright, Betty Yardley, Maurice

16 Aug 00 Anker, Lorna Brears, Colin Cave, Eileen Dehn, Susan Doughty, Clarence Fitzsimmons, Sydney Gordon, John Graham, Walter Hansen, Wilma Hawke, Sarah Hawkins, James Hawthorne, Peter Hotton, Pearl Jacobs, Frederick Laby, Christopher Leggott, Leone Morriss, Margaret Murtha, Gerard Peterson, John Robertson, Shaun Shaw, Marian Smith, Daisy Smith, Iris Sour, Diane Sturge, Cyril Wilson, Jacqueline Woodley, Gladys Wright, Betty

17 Aug 00 Anker, Lorna Bell, Elizabeth Bolger, Marie Bowers, Noel Brears, Colin Brown, George Cave, Eileen Dean, Russell Hatrick, Alexander Hawke, Sarah Hawthorne, Peter Kirk, Lancelot Morriss, Margaret Morresey, Neil Murch, Ann Murtha, Gerard Sainsbury, Leonard

Scully, Thomas Shaw, Marian Smith, Iris Sour, Diane Stratford, Catherine Sturge, Cyril Suter, Iris Sutherland, Lorna Zanders, Gerald

18 Aug 00 Boissard, Nicola Boyd, Lucy Coates, Albert Dean, Russell Kirk, Lancelot Leen, Margaret Morresey, Neil Paton, Bruce Sour, Diane Stratford, Catherine Sturge, Cyril Toner, Barry

19 Aug 00 Beckett, Sylvia Blackie, Florence Boissard, Nicola Boyd, Lucy Brook, Winifred Coates, Albert Cook, Robert Crowe, Margaret Dabinette, Annie Eriksen, John Flanagan, Phylis Gimblett, Geoffrey Hannafin, Zephlien Howie, Dawn Christina Leen, Margaret Longman, Margaret McKay, William Millar, Margaret Morresey, Neil Newton, John Ruff, Ruth Shirley, Clifford Stairmand, Peggy Telfer, Eileen Thomas, Joan Williams, John Young, Dougas

21 Aug 00 Blackie, Florence Boyd, Lucy Brown, Katrine Burgerhout, Pieter Burgess, Amy Clark, Ronald Clarke, Isabel Dabinette, Annie Eriksen, John Flanagan, Phyllis Gilbert, John Gimblett, Geoffrey Hannafin, Zephlien

Hazeldine, Norton Howie, Dawn Jones, Jill Kerr, Ima Longman, Margaret Malcolm, Ann McKay, William McTaggart, Viola Millar, Margaret Nicolson, Eric Payne, Kevin Pearson, Janet Phillips, Alfred Randall, Irene Smith, Edgar Spencer, Kerry Stairmand, Peggy Sutcliffe, Derek Young, Douglas

22 Aug 00 Brown, Katrip Burgerhout, Pieter Butler, Bernard Carlyle, May Cotton, Joyce Cowie, George Donnell, Audrey Howie, Dawn Hughes, Allison Jones, Jill Lunn, Elsie Mains, James Malcolm, Ann Mauger, Stanley McNabb, Edwin Millar, Margaret Nicolson, Eric Nilsen, Isobel Okeroa, Lani Page, Brian Phillips, Alfred Shelton, Alice Smith, Edgar Spencer, Kerry Sutcliffe, Derek

23 Aug 00 Birkin, Jean Borcoskie, Anne Butler, Bernard Foster-Lynham, Douglas Jones, Jill Mains, James Malcolm, Anne Mauger, Stanley Okeroa, Lani Ownsworth, Charles Page, Brian Poff, Kevin Rean, William Richards, Reveren Alun Spencer, Kerry Stewart, Margaret Sturrock, Ronald Tunnicliff, Sylvia

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


24 Aug 00 Baker, David Bishop, Maximillian Borcoskie, Anne Brown, Mary Campbell, Mavis Connor, Robert Cooper, Alton Cross, Major Alexander Dolan, Brian Foster-Lynam, Douglas Glaister, Grahame Goddard, Phyllis Graham, Edna Hunter, Lloyd Hynds, William Keenan, Michael Lambert, Alma Mains, James McGarry, John McKean, Doris McRae, Dora Ownsworth, Charles Pain, Gwen Peters, John Poff, Kevin Stevenson, Lorna

25 Aug 00 Airth, Thomas Anderson, Rita Bishop, Maximillian Brough, Gilbert Caldis, Emmanuel Carney, William Climo, Trevor Connor, Robert Cooper-Binion, George Cowan, Bruce Ford, Merl Glaister, Grahame Goddard, Phyllis Harley, Hannah Haylock, Roy Jordan, Bertram McGarry, John O’Connor, Eamon Pain, Gwen Poff, Kevin Powell, Nellie

26 Aug 00 Abernethy, Norma Airth, Thomas Anderson, Joyce Bell, John Bishop, Maximillian Brough, Gilbert Caldis, Emmanuel Carney, William Climo, Travice Coates, Charles Cooper-Binion, George Ford, Merl Grut, Dora Haylock, Roy

Horwell, Brenda Hu, Harn Keen, Henry Large, Norm Lightfoot, Kenneth Mckie, Mary Naylor, Zachary Newlands, Hazel Nimmo, George Pain, Gwen Prendergast, William Reed, Ire Sparrow, Dorothy Taylor, Gertrude Upritchard, Clarence

28 Aug 00 Bartlett, Gwendoline Coates, Charles Colombus, Ada Davie, Merle Dean, Harry Dickson, Donald Ferguson, Jean Forrester, Jessie Gough, Rona Haylock, Roy Horwell, Brenda James, John Jones, Ernest Keen, Henry Large, Norm Lewis, Paddy Livesey, Lawrence Lowe, May Marshall, Maud Newlands, Hazel Nimmo, George Palatchie, Leslie Palmer, James Parkinson, Roderick Pearson, Euphemia Pomare, Violet Rae, John Reid, Catherine Roberts, Thomas Russell, Irwin Scott, Dianne Simpson, Winifred Sparrow, Dorothy Taylor, Gertrude Tyrrell, Bert Upritchard, Clarence Weatherhead, Catherine White, Mavis White, Melva Wills, John

29 Aug 00 Baird, Philip Bartlett, Gwendoline Cartwright, Mona Climo, Samuel Everest, Maurice Ferguson, Jean Ferris, Jessie

Forrester, Jessie Gough, Avenal Grayling, Benjamin Hamlin, Henry Hepworth, Daisy Hu, Harn Illes, Stanley James, John Jones, Ernest Leslie, Bruce Lightfoot, Ken Livingstone, Thomas Marshall, Maud Moore, David Newlands, Hazel Norton, Finlay Palmer, James Parkinson, Roderick Pearson, Euphemia Pomare, Violet Price, Eric Rae, John Reynolds, Ronald Roberts, Thomas Robertson, Lewis Scott, Dianne Stanley, Patrick Tyrrell, Bert Watson, Elizabeth Weatherhead, Catherine White, Mavis White, Melva Wills, John

30 Aug 00 Bartlett, Gwendoline Beattie, Ethel Bell, Avonie Black, Lindsay co*ckle, Coral co*ckram, William Cribbett, Frances Davey, Vincent Edwards, Alma Everest, Maurice Ferguson, Jean Fitzgerald, Tobias Gardiner, Phyllis Gillies, Archibald Gough, Avenal Hayes, Ruth Hitchings, William Jackson, Violet James, John Kelly, Patrick McCrone, Catherine Moore, David Pearson, Euphemia Pomare, Violet Price, Eric Reynolds, Ronald Robertson, Lewis White, Melva Wilson, Trevor Wright, Augustus

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


31 Aug 00 Aspray, Leonie Black, Lindsay co*ckle, Coral co*ckram, William Cribbett, Frances Dalziel Hilda Doig, Ethel Donovan, Francis Edwards, Alma Everest, Maurice Gardiner, Phyllis Goodson, Elizabeth Gough, Avenal Hu, Harn Jackson, Violet Jenkin, Muriel Kempton, Annie Macdonald, Alan McCrone, Catherine McLoughlin, Marianne McQueen, Pamela Smythe, Peta Stoneman, Edward Taggart, Archibald Walker, Elaine Wederell, Eva White, Muriel Wilson, Trevor

1 Sep 00 Boekholt, Emmi Clark, Dora co*ckram, William co*cks, Joan Donovan, Francis Hawker, Lieselotte Hayes, Ruth Holland, Laurence Macdonald, Alan McCrone, Catherine Pullen, Moira Richardson, Nancy Sandrey, George Savory, Mary Smith, Chanelle Smythe, Peta Stoneman, Edward Taggart, Archibald Walker, Elaine Walsh, Ann White, Muriel Wilson, Trevor

2 Sep 00 Bayliss, Irene Beck, Douglas Clark, Dora cumme*rfield, Agnes Daley, Anne Day, Wayland Dobson, Daisy Dunlop, Olive Ellis, Charles Evans, Grace Fitzgerald, Tobias Harman-Chettleburgh, Robert

Harris, Leslie Holland, Laurence Hurst, Albert Johnson, Eileen Kelly, Patrick Kelly, Raymond Lagrand, Hendrik Larkin, Robert Lester, Roy McLoughlin, Marianne McNee, Thomas McPhail, James Melvin, Amelia Polson, Frances Pukis, Elinor Rackley, Deborah Ritchie, George Sandrey, George Savory, Mary Shaw, Lochlan Shaw, Shona Smith, Chanelle Struthers, Henry Tweedy, Stephen Urquhart, Daniel Waibi, Franz Walsh, John Watson, Marion Wilson, Shirley

4 Sep 00 Bayliss, Irene Boyce, Ewen Brown, Ruth Brunton, Desmond Calder, Gwendoline Clark, Alexander Clark, Doreen cumme*rfield, Agnes Davidson, Nathan Dobson, Daisy Doolan, John Evans, Grace Fischer, John Fox, Sheila Galway, Jean Goulding, Freda Gray, Alice Hannan, Kevin Harris, Leslie Hill, Bruce Kelly, Raymond Lagrand, Hendrik Lester, Roy Lovell, Noel Lyon, Una Magson, Margaret Manhire, Elizabeth McMahon, Leslie McNamara, Margaret Metherel, Donald O'Byrne, Barry Pattinson, Judith Percasky, Michael Pitcairn, Sylvia Pukis, Elinor

Richards, Nancy Scott, Andrew Shaw, Lochlan Shaw, Shona Tapp, Ronald Thomas, Peace Waibl, Franz Westland, Freda Wilde, Daphne Williams, George Wills, George Wilson, Mary Wilson, Shirley

5 Sep 00 Arnold, Alice Arthur, Maud Asher, Alfred Bedford, Brenda Brown, Ruth Brunton, Desmond Calder, Gwendoline Callingham, Myra Chivers, Gwendolyn Clark, Alexander Cole, James Dalziel, Gordon Davidson, Nathan Doolan, John Fox, Sheila Greenall, Doris Harbeck, Ruth Hickman, Murray Hill, Bruce Kettle, Maureen Kolkman, Dinah Lovell, Noel Maguire, Ellen Manhire, Elizabeth Mason, John McNee, Bruce Metherell, Donald Paganini, John Phillipson, Thomas Pitcairn, Sylvia Richards, Nancy Scott, Andrew Thomas, Peace Todd, Ernest Waibl, Franz Williams, George Wills, George

6 Sep 00 Arthur, Maud Beattie, Gordon Bedford, Brenda Bishop, Norman Bland, Mabel Bradley, Roy Bush, Barbara Callingham, Myra Chivers, Gwendolyn Cole, James Dalziel, Gordon Davidson, Nathan Dixon, Neville

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Filius, Colin Godfrey, Angela Grant, Alicia Harper, Ivan Hickman, Murray Keane, Joseph Kolkman, Dinah Manhire, Elizabeth Paganini, John Pattinson, Judith Reilly, George Robertson, Peter Shields, Vera Stevenson, Joan Thomas, Peace Turnbull, Jean-Jude

7 Sep 00 Barker, Lynley Barron, Isabel Beattie, Gordon Bishop, Norman Bland, Mabel Clarkson, Roger Cusdin, Joan Dixon, Neville Filius, Colin Godfrey, Angela Harper, Ivan Heasley, Valerie Laine, Stuart Mannix, Kevin Moore, Mona Morrison, Jane Pattinson, Judith Phillipson, Thomas Robertson, Peter Rollinson, Patricia Rowse, Beryl Ruskin, Ngaire Wright, Margaret

8 Sep 00 Barker, Lynley Blowers, Alice Bourke, Mary Bunting, Doris Cox, Norman Crosbie, Vivian Day, Wayland Devereux, Mary Evans, Frederick Hansen, Dorothea Heasley, Valerie Henderson, Lilian Howes, Doris Howlett, Clara Jones, Evalyn Jones, Frank Laine, Stuart Leary, Daniel Leigh, Noreen Mannix, Kevin Moore, Mona Nelson, Frank Rollinson, Patricia

Smith, Robert Timperley, Douglas Van Houtte, Reg Waibl, Franz Watkinson, Gwendolina Wing, Sidney

9 Sep 00 Blowers, Alice Bunting, Doris Clarkson, Roger Cox, Norman Dee, Betty Dixon, Michelle Evans, Jean Ewart, Mavis Finlay, Ethel Fowler, Eveline Hansen, Dorothea Higgins, William Howes, Doris Howlett, Clara Hume, Lorraine Jones, Evalyn Jones, Frank Jones, Margaret Leary, Daniel Leigh, Noreen Mann, Myrtle McGowan, Lester Nelson, Frank Pope, Tania Rowland, Henrietta Royston, Pauline Salt, Bert Sluis, Jan Staddon, Beatrice Timperley, Douglas Truscott, Charles Waibi, Franz Watkinson, Gwendolina Wilton, Helen Young, Catherine

11 Sep 00 Andrews, Alan Ayers, Eric Ball, Agnes Bunting, Doris Cornwall, Beryl Corps, Averail Dally, Joyce Eagle, Graeme Ellwood, William Finlay, Ethel Francis, Jack Gibson, Arthur Gosney, Queenie Greenwood, Damon Guthrie, John Hume, Lorraine Hunter, Melva Kerr, Lauretta Lammas, Lance Mayer, Dr Margarete McKenzie, William

Monk, Trevor Morgan, Charles Nicholls, Marie O'Neill, Mary Pratt, Andrew Rowland, Henrietta Royston, Pauline Salt, Bert Sluis, Jan Sowerby, Brian Steele, Anne Stratford, Laurence Tapp, Charles Thomas, Brian Timperley, Douglas Todhunter, Rose Truscott, Charles Ward, Kerry Weir, Florence Weir, Marie White, Cyril Young, Catherine

12 Sep 00 Ayers, Eric Barnes, Irene Bool, Rev. Wilfred Corps, Averail Dally, Joyce Ellwood, William Fielding, Irene Francis, Jack Freear, Dr Grant Gibson, Arthur Greenwood, Damon Guthrie, John Hewett, Brett Jones, Isabel Kruskopf, Violet Mayer, Dr Margarete Moody, Thomas Morgan, Charles Morrison, Jane O'Neill, Mary Pratt, Andrew Steele, Anne Stratford, Laurence Tapp, Charles Thomson, Arline Todhunter, Rose Ward, Kerry Watt, Ronald Watts, Kenneth White, Cyril

13 Sep 00 Adamson, Ina Armstrong, Willie Ayers, Eric Bool, The Rev. Wilfred Butler, Bruce Collins, Vivian Ellwood, William Garland, Ruth Griffiths, Thora Jones, Isabel McNabb, Graham

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Pomeroy, June Pratt, Andrew Roskilley, Lionel Stratford, Laurence Sunderland, Henry Timms, Desmond Vickery, James Ward, Kerry White, Brian

14 Sep 00 Aberhart, Warren Armstrong, Willie Ashton, Mary Borland, Rua Collis, Emily Lewis, Amelia Matheson, Samuel Mauheni-Falwasser, A'Dijah McAuley, Kathleen McNabb, Graham Owen-Cooper, Christopher Pratt, Andrew Reinders, Willem Roskilley, Lionel Sundbye, Edith Sunderland, Henry Wills, George

15 Sep 00 Allen, Peter Andrews, Robert Boanas, Isla Borland, Rua Burton, John Daley, Gloria Dimbleby, Phyllis Flanagan, Maurice Garland, Ruth Gilbert, Francis Hannah, Ivy Jack, Frank Kendall, Roland Lewis, Amelia Little, Muriel Matheson, Samuel Mauheni-Falwasser, A’dijah McAuley, Kathleen McDowell, Veronica McNabb, Graham Meeten, Rick Mines, Joanna O’Connor, Violet Paddon, Blake Pratt, Gerald Reinders, Willem Rickard, Leslie Roskilley, Lionel Stuart, Owen Sundbye, Edith Sunderland, Henry Wills, George Wright, Colin Young, York

16 Sep 00 Andrews, Robert Boanas, Isla Brown, Ernest Cox, Gerard Daley, Gloria Dimbleby, Phyllis Evans, Arthur Fidow, Peoalii Gilbert, Francis Goodrick, Gladys Hamilton, Susan Hannah, Ivy Harper, Isabel Hawkins, Beryl Johnson, Raymond Jones, Lauretta Kendall, Roland Lang, Norrie Little, Muriel Matthews, Gladys McFadden, Douglas Meeten, Rick Mines, Joanna Paddon, Blake Pratt, Gerald Skimin, James Stuart, Owen Wright, Colin

18 Sep 00 Beynon, Pearl Clarke, Jean Cornelius, Brian Cox, Gerald Cullimore, Lloyd Davies, Norman Fidow, Peoalii Fletcher, Raymond Flockton, Lawrence Goodrick, Gladys Harper, Isabel Hay, Russell Hogg, John Humphreys, Nancy Johnson, Raymond Jory, Neville Kennedy, William Lang, Nonie Langley, George Lilley, Emmeline Lund, George Mackie, Jessie Mann, Doris Matthews, Gladys Newton, Stanley Phillips, Gladys Priday, Margaret Riggs, Reginald Skimin, James Stevens, Richard Stewart, Owen Tapper, Ruth

Walker, Ivy Wikaira, Paraki Wilson-Pyne, Robert

19 Sep 00 Allen, Peter Anderson, Ruby Ayrey, Margaret Beynon, Pearl Clarkson, Roger Cornelius, Brian Davies, Norman Farquharson, James Fidow, Jimmy Finn, John Hall, Herbert Harcus, Charlotte Langley, George Lilley, Emmeline Loughton, Catherine Mann, Doris McGavock, Shirley Nimmo, Elaine O'Donnell, William O'Donohue, Eileen Priday, Margaret Riggs, Reginald Rooney, Philip Walker, Ivy

20 Sep 00 Acton-Adams, Myles Ayrey, Margaret Bates, Colleen Bruce, Decima Burt, Edgar Cavenagh, Margaret Collins, Leslie Davies, Norman Evans, Arthur Finn, John Fulcher, Gordon Gallagher, Gerald Gallop, Alan Gameson, James Gould, Arthur Hewitt, Isabel Jones, Lauretta Kane, June Kirkland, Dorothy Lang, Nonie Loughton, Catherine McGavock, Shirley Meagher, maisie O’Donnnell, William O’Donohue, Eileen Offwood, Arthur Oosterlaak, Christina Palliser, Ernest Peterson, Edwin Petheram, Teresa Polkinghorne, Dorothy Priday, Margaret Secker, Raymond Smith, Olga Smith, Richard Stapleton, Ella

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Taylor, Cynthia Van’t Wont, Pieter Wilding, Jocelyn Win, Leslie Wolland, Shirley

21 Sep 00 Barron, Alexander Bruce, Decima Carpenter, Vera Chapman, Alison Dixon, Aaron Ferguson, Lucy Gallagher, Gerald Gallop, Alan Gameson, James Gould, Arthur Hammond, Maurice Hewitt, Isabel Hunter, Rev Fr. Thomas Kallinicos, Dorothy Keys, Frank Knuckley, Simon Malaquin, Maxwell Martini, Agnes Meagher, Maisie Mills, Rolfe Morrison, Thomas Mullaly-Riley, Straythan Palliser, Ernest Peterson, Edwin Petheram, Teresa Polkinghorne, Dorothy Pye, Ian Ross, William Spencer, Pamela Stapleton, Ella Stewart, Leslie Taylor, Cynthia Tulloch, William Wadsworth, Noeline Webley, Alan Whatman, Isobel Wolland, Shirley Woodleyk Enid

Sep 22 00 Chapman, Alison Dixon, Aaron Ferguson, Lucy

Gameson, James Hammond, Maurice Hunter, Rev Fr Thomas Keys, Frank Le Page, Marie Lee, Allan Malaquin, Maxwell Martini, Agnes McFadden, Douglas Mills, Rolfe Morgan, Alison Pye, Ian Ross, William Rutherford, Bruce Toomer, Louis Wolland, Shirley

Wood, Hypatia

23 Sep 00 Barron, Alexander Bruce, Rita Burrows, Corinne Cameron, Kevin Campion, Nancy Clark, Margaret Comino, Paulette Cosgriff, Margaret Foubister, Bette Gameson, James Glencross, Henry Gray, Alfred Hunter, Rev Fr Thomas Judd, Moira Kane, June Read, Ian Rivers, Dorothy Rodgers, John Rutherford, Bruce Simpson, George Sorensen, Edith Thomas, William Tulloch, William Turner, Kay Walpole, Barbara Wood, Hypatia Wrightson, Scott

25 Sep 00 Allott, Marjorie Amor, Peter Ashbolt, William Barron, Alexander Burrows, Corinne Butler, Pearl Cameron, Kevin Clemens, Lorna Colville, Alexander Comino, Paulette Dawson, Yvette Foubister, Bette Gadsby, Isabel Gray, Alfred Green, Mona Grimmer, Vida Hamilton, Jillian Hemstra, Jan Hudson, Reginald Johnston, William Jones, Norman Judd, Moira Kennedy, Cameron Kinney, Patricia Lundy, Winifred McLeod, Maureen Mullens, John Neville_Smith, Cheyenne Ozanne, Albert Parker, Eileen Patchett, Wallace Priest, Arthur Robertson, David

Rodgers, John Scott, Christina Simpson, George Stewart, Dean Thomas, Jean Thomas, William Walpole, Barbara Watson, Ivy Ytsma, Daniel

26 Sep 00 Bullock, Cecelia Clark, Margaret Clemens, Lorna Comino, Paulette Emms, Muriel Foubister, Bette Hamilton, Jillian Heenan, Terrene Hemstra, Jan Illston, Francis Innes, Ormond Kennedy, Cameron Kingi-Ball, Hinemoa Kinney, Patricia Lundy, Winifred McLeod, Maureen Merrin, Ernest Neville-Smith, Cheyenne Parker, Eileen Scott, Christina Sherwood, Dorothy Stapleton, Mary Stewart, Dean Thomas, William Warden, Reginald Westgarth, Margaret

27 Sep 00 Bamford, Eleanor Clemens, Lorna Dowling, Irene Gibb, Gwyneth Heenan, Terrene Hogg, Grien MacKay, Marjorie Marshall, Robert Moody, Laurel Ozanne, Albert Pengelly, Doreen Pollard, Frances Priest, Arthur Sherwood, Dorothy Spark, Edward Stewart, Dean Warden, Reginald 28 Sep 00 Bamford, Eleanor Bergman, Cyril Blank, Graeme Bunting, Cecilia Collett, Leonard Dowling, Irene Ellison, Elizabeth Farmer, Jack Gibb, Gwyneth Innes, Ormond

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Lilley, Harold Lumb, Douglas MacKay, Marjorie McJarrow, Winnie McNeil, Dorothy Moody, Laurel Pamatangi, Theresa Pengelly, Doreen Templeton, David

29 Sep 00 Bergman, Cyril Boorer, Nigel Carran, Heleanor Collett, Leonard Daly, Colleen Ellison, Elizabeth Fahy, Michael Hitchon, Leslie Kirner, John Lawrence, David Lilley, Harold Lumb, Douglas McJarrow, Winnie McNeil, Dorothy Pamatangi, Theresa Randle, Elizabeth Saunders, Iris Swinard, Geoff Templeton, David Waihape, Kere Wakefield, Warren

30 Sep 00 Bunting, Cecilia Carran, Heleanor Clist, Doris Cotton, Murray Croy, Gordon Daly, Colleen Earl, Mary Gallagher, John Gobbe, Thora Grant, Muriel Graveston, Norman Hargreaves, Gwendoline Hunter, Heather Johnston, Eunice Kirner, John Lawrence, David Le Breton, Ruby Miller, Mitzi Nicholls, Leslie Pattinson, John Pengelly, Doreen Randle, Elizabeth Reilly, Carol Ritchie, William Saunders, Iris Scott, Rona Swinard, Geoff Tarleton, Margaret Taylor, Arthur Turner, Evan Waihape, Kere

Wakefield, Warren Wright, Coral

2 Oct 00 Ashford, Walter Baker, Celia Bell, Owen Bolt, Stephen Brundell, Erin Burton, Brett Cotton, Murray Cross, Trevor Croy, Gordon Cullen, John Earl, Mary Fay, Monica Gadsby, Colin Gallagher, John Grant, Muriel Graveston, Norman Hosking, John Hunter, Heather Jones, Edward Kirner, Jack Le Breton, Ruby McNeill, Sybil Miller, Maria Nilsson, Thelma Norrie, Muriel Ownsworth, David Pepperell, Janey Petrie, Mary Richard, Ngaire Ritchie, William Robertson, Keith Ryan, Marista Scott, Rona St Clair-Newman, Kenneth Strawbridge, Laura Stretch, Wilfred Tarleton, Margaret Thorpe, Edith Weir, Jocelyn Whitworth, Ellis Whyte, Clifford Wood, Romola Wright, Coral

3 Oct 00 Ashford, Walter Britnell, Noela Brundell, Erin Carroll, Lily Clark, Ronald Cotton, Murray Cronin, Norma Cross, Trevor Dawson, Daphne Fay, Monica Gallagher, John Glass, Ngaire Graveston, Norman Heffernan, Vince Hornblow, Patricia Hunter, Heather Hutchinson, Ormand

Jones, Edward McDonnell, Allan Norrie, Muriel Nottage, Rev. Basil Ownswoth, David Petrie, Mary Richard, Ngaire Russell, Mary Shaw, Bryan St Clair-Newman, Kenneth Stretch, Wilfred Thorpe, Edith Weir, Jocelyn White, Alan Whitworth, Ellis Wood, Romola

4 Oct 00 Amer, Philip Andrews, Richard Armstrong, Taumata Clark, Ronald Cotton, Murray Crofts, Daisy Dampney, Ethan Dawson, Daphne Glass, Ngaire Hutchinson, Ormond Kingston, Eric Mackie, Ernest McAllum, Ian McCullock, William Moss, Morna Pilton, Anthony Pilton, Adam Shipston, Trevor Thorpe, Edith Todd-Te Rakau, Tessa Wilson-Chambers, Johnny Winterburn, Mary

5 Oct 00 Abercrombie, Alexander Andrews, Richard Armstrong, Taumata Brackenridge, Elsie Cairns, Herbert Carney, Josephine co*ckroft, Esther Crofts, Daisy Cronin, Norm Dampney, Ethan Dawson, Daphne Dawson, Hugh Duncan, William Lovell, Walter Mackie, Ernest Mcdonnell, Allan Naish, Colin Pilton, Anthony Pilton, Adam Sherborne, Allan Stanbury, John Wells, Judith Whitaker, Jodie Wilson-Chambers, Johnny

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


6 Oct 00 Andrews, Richard Brackenridge, Elsie Carney, Josephine Dawson, Daphne Dawson, Hugh Dennis, Wilfred George, Rita Hamlin, Maxwell Hill, Mary Inwood, George King, Pamela Lee, Myrtle Lovell, Walter Osborn, Thomas Pilton, Anthony Pilton, Adam Sherborne, Allan Short, Robin

7 Oct 00 Armstrong, Lester Bain, Ross Belcher, Alice Cairns, Herbert Cronin, Norma Curtin, Desmond de Lacey, Eric Dennis, Wilfred Dixon, John Fawdray, Cecilia Glanville, Doris Hamlin, Maxwell Harris, Dr Rex Hayes, Georgina Inch, Margaret Inwood, George Johnson, Dorothy Lane, Doris Low, Colin McLean, Marion Melhuish, Barbara Mobbs, Helen Neas, Alexander Otten, Miriam Phelan, Teresa Pilton, Anthony and Adam Pow, Jean Priest, Lilian Russell, Gladys Schick, Keith Short, Robin Simpson, Florence Snowden, Mary Sprosen, Madge Taylor, Ruie Webb, Nettie Wells, Judith Whitaker, Judie Williams, Edith

9 Oct 00 Bailey, Royce Brown, Reginald Caithness, Alexander

Carter, John Christie, Murray Cunningham, Daphne Curtin, Des Dowling, Phyllis Gilsenan, Edward Hanham, Arthur Hill, Mary Johnson, Dorothy Lepper, Robert Macown, Murray Marshall, Raymond McAlpine, Helen McGilvary, Eric Melhuish, Barbara Mobbs, Helen Oakley, Clarence Otten, Miriam Phelan, Teresa Pow, Jean Reid, Reo Short, Robin Sprosen, Madge Taylor, Esme

10 Oct 00 Christie, Murray Corbett, Phyllis Cox, John Cunningham, Daphne de Lacey, Eric Dowdall, Joseph Graham, Helen Hanham, Arthur Hasell, Florence Hockley, Helen Hopkins, Jason Kyles, Harry Marshall, Raymond McGilvary, Eric Milne, Peggy Murdoch, Stanley Oakley, Clarence Otten, Miriam Phelan, Teresa Pilton, Anthony and Adam Reid, Reo Roberts, Bruce Stevenson, Alexander Thompson, Neil West, Robert

11 Oct 00 Batchelor, Leslie Bee, George Bell, Robert Bennett, Florence Carter, John Cox, John Doel, Ashley Hillyer, Irene Hockley, Helen Hopkins, Jason Hopkinson (Kotua), Thomas Johnson, Neil

Kyles, Harry Maskew, Thomas McGilvary, Eric McLean, Vera Milne, Peggy Noonan, Joan Oakley, Clarence Pilton, Anthony and Adam Radcliffe, Edward Roberts, Bruce Setchell, Kathleen Simpson, Allison Thompson, Neil Tonks, Colin Trezise, Clifford Westernberg, Herman

12 Oct 00 Batchelor, Leslie Bell, Robert Bennett, Richard Black, Ramsay Bloxham, Ken Cox, John Foxon, Vincent Galvin, Cecilia Graham, Arthur Heveldt, Andrew Hillyer, Irene Hockley, Helen Hopkinson (Kotua), Thomas Inglis, David Maskew, Thomas McCarten, Allan McDowall, William McLean, Vera Noonan, Joan Phillips, Margaret Pimm, Charles Radcliffe, Edward Roberts, Bruce Stuart, Nance Wickens, Rosina

13 Oct 00 Bennett, Richard Black, Ramsay Duff, Elsie Duncan, Desmond Fensom, Cheryl Galvin, Cecilia Graham, Arthur Heveldt, Andrew Hockley, Helen Isles, Gwyneth Johns, Eileen Knight, Jack McDowall, William Noonan, Joan Phillips, Margaret Ross, Joyce Schuyl, Hendrik

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


14 Oct 00 Christie-Taki, Vanessa Crawford, Jack Duncan, Desmond Ede, ellenor Eggeling, Raymond Everest, Leslie Gilchrist, Ivy Greatorex, Elizabeth Hanna, Mona Hudson, John Isles, Gwyneth Knight, Jack Mitchell, Lorraine Radcliffe, Edward Reihana, Janetta Setchell, Kathleen Sides, Florence Skinner, Ellen Sloan, Kevin Waugh, Eric

16 Oct 00 Bishop, Rufus Blain, Norman Blenkinsop, Stephen Christie-Taki, Vanessa co*cks, Betty Cranefields, Alice Crawford, Jack Ede, Ellenor Eggeling, Raymond Everest, Leslie Franklin, Fred Gallaugher, Winifred Gilmore, Esme Hanna, Mona Hern, Arthur Howden, James Hudson, John James, Sr Margaret Jarman, William Knox, Lillian Laughlin, Phyllis Martin, Elsie McCormick, Percy McDonald, Stuart McSherry, Margery Montgomery, William Nehoff, Heather Pirie, Pamela Preston, Roger Radcliffe, Russell Rawcliffe, Francis Reihana, Janetta Sloan, Kevin Smeaton, Barry Spencer, Shirley Sugden, Keith Thompson, Alan Thompson, William Van Eldik, Henri

17 Oct 00 Allen, Edward Blain, Norman Blenkinsop, Stephen

Buttar, Janine Collins, Moyna Connolly, Phillip Cranefield, Alice Dickson, Peter Fili, Matua Fletcher, Arthur Gallaugher, Winifred Gilmore, Esme Howden, James Jarman, William Knox, Lillian Laughlin, Phyllis Martin, Elsie McDonald, Stuart McSherry, Margery Neutze, Leonard Oliver, Alan Peckham, Murray Peterson, Francis Pirie, Pamela Preston, Roger Radcliffe, Russell Rawcliffe, Murray Rodgers, Margaret Stewart, Ian Stronach, Mary Thompson, Alan Thompson, William

18 Oct 00 Allen, Edward Baines, Allan Buttar, Janine Connolly, Phillip Cranefield, Molly Crotty, Lucy Cullen, Peter Davies, Ian Gilmore, Esme Goodger, Dorothy Jarman, William Laughlin, Phyllis Lawrence, David Lindstrom, Edward Melville, Anne Millar, Ian Peckham, Murray Peterson, Francis Pillion, Sister Mel Pirie, Pamela Rawcliffe, Francis Robertson, Emily Robinson, Martin Rogers, Raymond Scott, Joan Stempa, Ross Stewart, Ian Thomson, William Weaver, Colin Youngman, Eileen

19 Oct 00 Baines, Allen Bellam, Pamela Cooke, Robert Davies, Ian

Dennison, Eric Fili, Matua Graham, Arthur Huckle, Lucy Jarman, William Knight, Samuel Laing, Nancy Laughlin, Phyllis Lawrence, David Lindstrom, Edward McQuillan, Lawrence Melville, Anne Millar, Ian Olson, Percy Parsons, Dennis Sinclair, Isabella Slaven, John Smith, Claude Stempa, Ross Sturman, John Teen, Bernard Thomson, William Walker, Ewen Warren, Winifred

20 Oct 00 Baxter, Richard Bellam, Pamela Borland, Pearl Dennison, Eric Fili, Matua Hoy, Bernard Kamo, Dorothy Keen, Frederick Knight, Samuel Laing, Nancy Laughlin, Phyllis Lindstrom, Edward Markwick, Lloyd McQuillan, Lawrence McQuoid, Gina Neutze, Max Olson, Percy Parsons, Dennis Paul, James Penrose, Ivan Smith, Claude Stempa, Ross Teen, Bernard Walker, Ewen

21 Oct 07 Baker, Innes Beable, Sheila Blackburn, Gordon Bloxham, Ken Borland, Pearl Brasier, John Brooker, Ronald Clarke, Rhoda Coleman, Kenneth Condon, Gladys Crooke, Robert Crum, Mary Dougall, Gwendolene Fili, Matua Hammerton, Carol

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hiseman, Gwen Hoy, Bernard Lindstrom, Edward Newell, David Olliver, Lois Paul, James Penrose, Ivan Preece, Merlyn Robertson, Emily Walker, Ewen

21 Oct 00 Baker, Innes Beable, Sheila Blackburn, Gordon Bloxham, Ken Borland, Pearl Brasier, John Brooker, Ronald Clarke, Rhoda Coleman, Kenneth Condon, Gladys Cooke, Robert Crum, Mary Dougall, Gwendolene Fili, Matua Hammerton, Carol Hiseman, Gwen Hoy, Bernard Lindstrom, Edward Newell, David Olliver, Lois Paul, James Penrose, Ivan Preece, Merlyn Robertson, Emily Walker, Ewen

23 Oct 00 Adams, Daphne Beable, Sheila Blackburn, Gordon Borland, Pearl Brooker, Ronald Burnett, Edith Coleman, Kenneth Crossen, Richard Cumberpatch, Edna Gibson, John Gore-Booth, Annette Graham, Edeline Heatley, Alistair Lyon, Catherine Martin, Ethel Mason, Margaret McFadgen, Kevin McMillan, William Olliver, Lois Pettigrew, Margaret Preece, Merlyn Robertson, Emily Sheddan, Annie Stevens, Gwendoline Walker, Ewen Wells, Kenneth Willis, Margaret

24 Oct 00 Adams, Daphne Ayson, Grace Burnett, Edith Carruthers, Florence Coleman, Kenneth Crossen, Richard Cumberpatch, Edna Dougall, Gwendolene Gibson, John Gore-Booth, Annette Graham, Edeline Hammerton, Carol Hiseman, Gwen Kilroy, Barbara Logan, Ronald Malloch, Jillian Mason, Margaret McFadden, Douglas McFadgen, Kevin Moloney, Rona Nesbitt, Joan Newell, David Pettigrew, Margaret Scott, John Sheddan, Annie Simmons, William Small, Frederick Stevens, Gwendoline Turner, Gerald Waldron, Graham Walker, Ewen Wall, Margaret Wells, Kenneth

25 Oct 00 Adams, Daphne Baird, Isabella Bowling, Georgina Breach, Kathleen Brooker, Ronald Brown, Mary Buschl, Stanley Clement, Basil Craike, Lilian East, Emma Fenton, Victor Ford, Walter Fuldseth, Richard Gray, Duncan Green, Douglas Johnson, David Justice, Charles Malloch, Jillian McCall, Raymond McFadden, Douglas McPherson, Vera Miller, Gwendoline Morton, Margaret Nesbitt, Joan Rainbow, Howard Sarjeant, Jean Scott, John Sievwright, Charles Stevens, Gwendoline Verrall, Mavis Waldron, Graham

Wells, Kenneth Wyke, Keith

26 Oct 00 Baird, Isabella Baylyn, William Breach, Kathleen Brian, Ralph Carruthers, Florence Clark, Gean Clark, Noel Dalzell, Isobelle Davis, Rose Galbraith, Alexander Gray, Duncan Inglis, Iris Matangi, Carmel McCall, Raymond McGrath, Henry Mitchell, Betty Morton, Margaret Parnell, Virginia Pearce, George Perry, Alan Poole, Phyllis Scott, John Sewell, Vera Stockdill, Donald Tamblyn, Clifford Verrall, Mavis Wyke, Keith

27 Oct 00 Baylyn, William Breach, Kathleen Clark, Noel Dalzell, Isobelle Edgeworth, Margaret Galbraith, Alexander Harman, Richard Hay-McKenzie, Nola King, Herbert Leach, Marie Matangi, Careml McCall, Raymond McGrath, Henry Mitchell, Betty O’Malley, John Robson, Alexander Sewell, Ita Sewell, Vera Stockdill, Donald Tackney, Colleen Thompson, Muriel Tiddy, Joan Verral, Mavis Vincent, Mona

28 Oct 00 Alderman, Phillip Bowden, Burton Chalmers, Catherine Coleman, Arthur Collis, Alfred Conolly, Susan Delaveau, Christopher Donaldson, Leslie

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Gillespie, Charlotte Hanson, Michael Harman, Richard Harwood, Kathleen Hoff, Joan Irvine, Marguiretta King, Herbert McLean, Phyllis Nehoff, Heather Norman, Ted Prendergast, Donald Read, Leonard Robson, Alexander Saunders, Alan Sewell, Ita Sewell, Vera Smyth, Graeme Sullivan, Patrick Thompson, Muriel Thomson, David Tiddy, Joan Vincent, Mona Watson, Daphne Webster, Paul

30 Oct 00 Alderman, Phillip Archer, Charles Burt, Jacqueline Coleman, Arthur Conolly, Susan Donaldson, Leslie Duns, Melville Flannery, Helen Gillespie, Charlotte Harrow, John Hoff, Joan Loose, Winsome McDonald, Rory McLean, Phyllis Miles, Stewart Nihoniho, Teresa Nimmo, Lindsay Pickard, Eleanor Polson, Peter Prince, Marjorie Rawdon, Brenda Read, Leonard Rees, Ronald Rogers, Marjory Saunders, Alan Simpson, Daphne Thian, Sybil Tongue, Leila Webb, Elsie Williams, Agnes Wright, Albert

31 Oct 00 Bailey, Stephen Benson, Helen Bray, Keith Burt, Jacqueline Candy, Trevor Carey, Allen Conolly, Susan Duns, Melville

Gear, Robert Harrow, John Hoff, Joan King, Robert Loose, Winsome Montgomery, Jamie Nihoniho, Teresa Nye, Neata Prince, Marjorie Robinson, Jean Te Heuheu, Ena Thian, Sybil Tongue, Leila van Alphen, Johanna Wallace, Norman Webb, Elsie Wright, Albert

1 Nov 00 Ambler, Catherine Anderson, David Bailey, Stephen Bray, Keith Duns, Melville Fidow, Masoe Hands, Anthony Hines, Ivan Howell, Sheila Johnston, Arthur Keenan, Phyliss Keep, John Leadley, Russell McGoverne, Lionel Montgomery, Jamie North, Sylvia Nye, Neata Pike, Melva Polson, Peter Prince, Marjorie Rawdon, Brenda Redmond, Thomas Robinson, Jean Tongue, Leila Wallace, Norman Yates, Jennifer

2 Nov 00 Bailey, Stephen Banks, Ngaire Campbell, Patricia Dalley, Ivan Dick, Eric Dickson, David Hines, Ivan Horan, Doris Horrey, William Johnston, Arthur Leadley, Russell Maks, Louisa McGoverne, Lionel Montgomery, Jamie Paterson, Irene Ralston, Marion

3 Nov 00 Bainton, Doris Banks, Ngaire

Bell, Elsie Churchward, James Freeman, Betty Hands, Anthony Hathaway, Janet Hewitt, Archie Hines, Ivan Johnstone, Melville Karena, Awarua McCormack, Fr. Philip Mills, Ronald Mitchell, William Montgomery, Jamie Philpott, Noreen Pond, Maurice Ralston, Marion Sinclair, Miriam Warahi Wallace, Victor

4 Nov 00 Bainton, Doris Bell, Elsie Boughen, Dorothy Burdon, James Burnby, Joycelyn Caithness, Marjorie Charman, David Churchward, James Clydesdale, Nola Dick, Michael Fraser, Albert Harper, Richard Hathaway, Janet Hewitt, Archie Hodgins, Michael Johnstone, Melville Jones, Martin Linning, Pauline Mallard, Louisa McCormack, Fr. Philip Millard, John Newton, Frank Paterson, Irene Pearson, Mary Polson, Peter Quate, Robert Ralston, Marion Rempala, Andrea Richards, George Taylor, Grace Sinclair, Miriam Van Oijen, Theresia Warahi Wallace, Victor Wood, Melva

6 Nov 00 Allen, Francie Anderson, Thomas Asquith, Alan Bailey, Stella Bell, Elsie Boughen, Dorothy Broadhurst, Elsie Burnby, Joycelyn Carpenter, Poppy Christie, James Churchward, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Clydesdale, Nola Cooke, Isabel Cotter, Daphne Crump, George Fougere, Garrick Gourdie, Donald Hodgins, Michael Hutcheson, Mary Jocelyn, Charles Kirk, Stanley Millard, John Olsson, Carl Omand, Maureen Pearson, Mary Quate, Robert Rempala, Andrea Ridder, Minna Still, John Ten Hove, Gerhard Theobald, Brian Wallace, Hazel Wislang, Athol Wright-St Clair, Perry

7 Nov 00 Aldridge, Laurene Anderson, Thomas Asquith, Alan Burgess, William Carpenter, Poppy Clydesdale, Nola Collins, Geoffrey Cooke, Isabel Cotter, Daphne Crump, George Gilmour, Myles Horan, Michael Kirk, Stanley Lawrence, Herbert Lilley, Ernest Logan, John Major, Irvine McMecking, Barry, Beth & Cameron Myers, Elizabeth Omand, Maureen Parry, Gordon Pearson, Mary Rogerson, Leonard Staples, Ronald Still, John Taylor, Jack Ten Hove, Gerhard Theobald, Brian Toohill, Vicky Wallace, Hazel Wells, Neil Wood, Robert

8 Nov 00 Barker, David Bos, Gerrit Burgess, William Carpenter, Poppy co*ckburn, Yvonne Coutts, Marjorie Easton, Eileen

Fergus, Margaret Flutey, Brian Fougere, Garrick Gilmour, Myles Goodall, Donald Gourdie, Donald Green, Iris Hallman, Alfred Johnston, Mavis Lawrence, Herbert Logan, John Lord, Fergus Macfarlane, Eric McMecking, Barry, Beth & Cameron Miles, Alan Myers, Elizabeth Osborne, Erna Pearson, Christine Plesovs, Erna Rogerson, Leonard Staples, Ronald Taylor, Jack Theobald, Brian Toohill, Vicky Troup, Desmond Wells, Neil Wells, Teresa Wicks, Heather Williams-Holloway, Liam Wood, Robert

9 Nov 00 Bos, Gerrit Ching, Cecil Coakley, Keith co*ckburn, Yvonne Cotter, Daphne Flutey, Brian Gallavin, Esther Green, Iris Harper, Richard Macfarlane, Eric Maynard, Walter Perry, Hazel Plenderleith, Sheila Pomeroy, June Pupich, Tony Robbins, Keith Rutene, Nan Savage, Hilda Sheehan, Charles Simpson, Michael Snell, Edna Spiers, Olive Stevenson, Ian Troup, Desmond Veale, Anthony Wallis, Thomas Wells, Teresa Westerman, Margaret

10 Nov 00 Bell, Margaret Ching, Cecil co*ckburn, Vonny

Gaudin, William Gilmour, Myles Gunning, Pamela Johnstone, Melville Joseph, Merle Lane, Charles Lendrum, Ann MacDonald, George Moses, McKenzie Plenderleith, Sheila Prendergast, Ann Robbins, Keith Rutene, Nan Savage, Hilda Simpson, Michael Westerman, Margaret

11 Nov 00 Avery-Rochford, Bethane Bailey, Eileen Clark, Rata Crawford, Pamela Dimmick, John Dingwall, Mavis Eastwood, Noel Fitzsimmons, Cynthia Hannan, Ellen Haylock, Phyllis Hindson, Maryanne Johnstone, Melville Lane, Charles Leov, Adrian Matthews, Debbie Maynard, Walter Moses, McKenzie Murray, Peter Noonan, Brian Nuttridge, Margaret O'Hara, Terence O'Rawe, Brian Peddie, Esme Pomeroy, Maureen Redmond, Christopher Spicer, Avis Spiers, Olive Stevenson, Ian Trotter, Zena Vaile, Alice Walsh, Brian Wilkinson, Reeve

13 Nov 00 Ball, Ellen Bennett, Ethel Boyce, Eric Brunton, Kyra Carter, Noel Caunce, Thomas Croft, Kathleen de Jongh, Kathleen Dimmick, John Dingwall, Mavis Draper, Reuben Edgeler, Gordon Evans, Vera Haylock, Phyllis

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Heremia, Marie Herrett, Charles Inwood, Albert Lendrum, Ann Margetts, Edna Matthews, Debbie McLean, John McQuillan, George Monk, Winifred Murray, Peter Noonan, Brian O'Rawe, Brian Power, Jean Redmond, Christopher Rodger, James Sharp, Lorna Sherwood, Violet Siddells, Anthea Smith, Donald Tonkin, Ngaire Walsh Brian Ward, Frederick Watson, Robert Welford, William Wilkinson, Reeve

14 Nov 00 Ball, Ellen Berry, William Carter, Noel Caunce, Thomas Croft, Kathleen Dawson, Selwyn Draper, Reuben Evans, Vera Foster, Velma Gifford, Gordon Grimmet, Basil Herrett, Charles Inwood, Albert Margetts, Edna McFall, Irene McKersey, Brian Rarity, Dulcie Rathbun, Rev. James Redmond, Christopher Sawyer, Florence Sharp, Lorna Siddells, Anthea Smith, Donald Stewart, Graham Tonkin, Ngaire van der Sluys, Andrew Woolley, Francis

15 Nov 00 Baigent, Hazel Berry, William Bond, Raymond Carter, Noel Douglas, Mary Draper, Reuben Evans, Edwina Eves, Noreen Eves, Richard Fay, Kitty Grimmet, Basil

Harbut, Ada Hollis, Stephen Hounsell, Stella Lees, Allan Louttit, Keith MacDonald, Judith McCallum, Tina McFall, Irene McKersey, Brian Morton, Cissy Ngatae, Walter Rouse, Leslie Rule, Winnifred Sawyer, Florence Seabrook, John Siddells, Anthea Smith, Charlotte Smyth, Vera Stewart, Graham Sumner, Dudley Taylor, Joyce Turton, Tony Wilson, Harold Woolley, Francis

16 Nov 00 Anderson, Dulcie Bond, Raymond Corson, Anne de Meyer, Klaas Fay, Catherine Foster, Velma Harbut, Ada Hobbs Teresa Hollis, Stephen Linington, Delia Louttit, Keith MacDonald, Judith McDonald, David Mayne, Sarah McKersey, Brian McLaren, John Norton, Lawrence Pomeroy, June Pugh, James Roberts, William Rouse, Leslie Sawyer, Florence Seabrook, John Sewell, Arthur Smyth, Vera Stewart, Graham Taylor, Joyce Turton, Tony Whitla, Florence Woolley, Francis

17 Nov 00 Allan, Alma Atlas, George Bain, Alan Cuttance, Margaret Henderson, Shirley Hill, Charles Kissell, John Linington, Delia McLaren, John

Middleton, John O'Rourke, Patrick Percasky, Alexander Ratcliffe, Beatrice Steel, Cheryal Turton, Tony

18 Nov 00 Allan, Alma Anderson, Dulcie Atlas, George Bain, Alan Boyland, Mary Buckingham, Betty Chubb, Nancy Collins, Sadie de Meyer, Klaas Evans, Edwina Fox, Adriyana Frecklington, Leila Gormack, Edith Halfpenny, Edward Hardwick, James Hesp, Jason Hill, Charles Hitchco*ck, Colleen Kermode, William Kissell, John Lemin, Eileen Linington, Delia Maher, Michael McKay, Jessie Paterson, Ivy Percasky, Alexander Pugh, James Reid, David Robertson, Catherine Tasker, Dean Turton, Tony Whitla, Florence

20 Nov 00 Allan, Alma Borrow, Elizabeth Boyland, Mary Butcher, Betty Chubb, Nancy co*cker, Laurence Collins, Sadie Goyot, Sr Marie Greig, Laurence Hesp, Jason Hill, Charles Hobson, Edward Jarden, Alice Kermode, William King, Catherine Lemin, Eileen Maher, Michael McCammon, Robert McKay, Jessie Outram, Lois Perkins, Ava Pugh, James Robertson, Catherine Tilson, Muriel Tioke, Phillip

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Tiplady, Donald van Ekeris, Marinus White, Molly

21 Nov 00 Bennie, Wallace Brodnax, Fiona Burt, Dianne de Jong, Hermina Dennis, Lawrie Duggan, Ian Fox, Adriyana Geal, Jon Gudsell, Audrey Hayward, Phyllis Hesp, Jason Hobson, Edward Jarden, Alice King, Catherine Maher, Michael May, Maurice McCammon, Robert McKay, Jessie O'Donnell, Norma Osborne, Ernie Price, Wallace Smith, Orma Spencer, Rupert Tilson, Muriel Tiplady, Donald van Ekeris, Marinus Walker, Ivy

22 Nov 00 Alexander, Gregory Armstrong, Brian Athea, Eileen Benbow, Gordon Bennie, Wallace Boyd, Andrew Bushell, Arthur Butcher, Elizabeth Davison, Myra Dennis, Lawrie Ellis, Philip Geal, Jon Gudsell, Audrey Hague, Frederick Hayward, Phyllis Hood, Noleen May, Maurice Nash, Albert Newton, Olga Oliver, Marjorie Ovenden, Dorothy Pemberton, Edward Raines, Noeline Ringdahl, Russell Steel, Cheryal Sullivan, Christine Teira, Sharon Walker, Ivy Wolfe, Margaret

23 Nov 00 Adams, Henry Alexander, Gregory

Armstrong, Brian Boyd, Andrew Bryant, Vera Cameron, John Darlison, Raymond Dennis, Frank Geal, Jon Hague, Frederick Huria, Te Aroha Karon, Gwendolene Le Gros, Donald Mears, Bryan Newton, Olga Olsen, Lawrence Ovenden, Dorothy Pemberton, Edward Raines, Noeline Rathbun, Rev. James Ringdahl, Russell Schaef, Leonhardt Shanks, Muriel Steans, Annie Steel, Cheryal Stevenson, Margaret Sullivan, Christine Teira, Sharon Walker, Ivy Winchester, Marjorie Wolfe, Margaret

24 Nov 00 Armstrong, Brian Bryant, Vera Cameron, Russell Congalton, Alice Darlison, Raymond Eddington, Lex Hunt, Alice Huria, Te Aroha James, John Karon, Gwendolene Lee, Maurice Mackey, Phyllis Mehrtens, Florence Pemberton, Edward Ringdahl, Russell Shanks, Muriel Skelton, Jennifer Smokenski, William Teira, Sharon Winchester, Marjorie

25 Nov 00 Buckley, Digby Clegg, Stephen Congdon, Kenneth Daken, Daryl Darlison, Raymond Eddington, Lex Edwards, Kathleen Fisher, Olive Guest, Olive Guthrie, Alexander Harrington, Elspeth Hunt, Alice Hutchings, Elizabeth James, John

Kennedy, Alistair Krakosky, Eleanor Mackey, Phyllis McCarthy, Crystal McCurdy, Ruth McDowall, Jessie Mehrtens, Florence Osborne, Violet Paulger, Amy Payne, Eileen Rees, Ronald Reinke, Hazel Richardson, Dennis Skelton, Jennifer Stephenson, William Stevenson, Margaret Wilson, Thelma

27 Nov 00 Bakani, Sekove Brown, Elma Buckley, Digby Daken, Daryl Fletcher, Adelaide Gordon, Margaret Harrington, Elspeth Hoffman, Ethel Hutchings, Elizabeth Locke, Geoffrey Mather, William McCarthy, Crystal Mehrtens, Florence Moore, Kevin Paterson, Ronald Paulger, Amy Reinke, Hazel Ryan, William Skelton, Jennifer Steans, Annie Sullivan, Eileen Towns, Lilian

28 Nov 00 Bakani, Sekove Bennett, Keith Berger, Gunnar Brown, Elma Chandler, Thomas Crothall, Leonard Fletcher, Adelaide Geldard, Lynette Gordon, Mavis Hall, Dorothy Harper, Thomas Haydon, Charles Jamieson, William Kellaway, Gavin Leighton, Robert Leung, Alice Mather, William McCarthy, Crystal Moore, Kevin Morris, Dorothy Muirhead, Arnold Paterson, Ronald Perkins, Robert Ryan, William

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Sands Waitere, Allan Seymour, Alison Skelton, Jennifer Sullivan, Eileen Tarleton, Roger Westlake, Lisa

29 Nov 00 Berger, Gunnar Bruce, Ngaire Buchanan, Hazel Burt, Evelyn Capon, James Clark, Alma Congdon, Kenneth David, John Dickey, Ernest Ellis, Irene Fleming, Isobel Fletcher, Adelaide Hall, Dorothy Haydon, Charles Henry, Mary Jamieson, William Jenkins, Athol Johnson, Hilary Moynahan, Brother Berchmans Murray, Francis Stedman, John Tarleton, Roger Toone, George Westlake, Lisa

30 Nov 00 Butterton, Margaret Capon, James Ellis, Irene Fleming, Isobel Gough, Margaret Hall, Dorothy Hartridge, Margaret Henry, Mary Hodgkinson, Nancy Jamieson, William Joseph, Madge Lewer, Eileen McInnes, Selwyn Mitcheson, Hilda Ngan, Gam Ockwell, Mavis Rolton, John Shepherd, Kenneth Sherratt, Richard Washbourne, Peter Westlake, Lisa

1 Dec 00 Beecroft, Maurice Butterton, Margaret Drake, Marion Dryhurst, Cornelie Edmond, Winifred Gundry, Gavin Hall, Dorothy Hartridge, Margaret Henry, Mary

Hodgkinson, Nancy Joseph, Madge Lucas, Esther McKenzie, Patricia Mitcheson, Hilda Ockwell, Mavis O'Dea, Josephine Shepherd, Kenneth Stacey, Ben Thompson, Helen Washbourne, Peter

2 Dec 00 Barrett, William Beecroft, Maurice Bell, Jane Bennett, Stanley Bluett, John Bunter, Eileen Burton, Georgena Cameron, John Clements, Colin Cole, Ellen Cook, George Crabb, Dorothy Dick, Frances Dryhurst, Cornelie Dunn, Barbara Edmond, Winifred Fisher, Patrick Giles, Shirley Graham, Nicholette Hill, Cyril Hodgkinson, Nancy Lucas, Esther McInnes, Selwyn McKenzie, Patricia Mitcheson, Hilda O'Dea, Josephine Peterson, Alastair Redmond, Maureen Shaw, Denis Stacey, Ben Tew, Barbara Thomson, John van Limburg, Walter Wareing, Denys

4 Dec 00 Allen, Natalie Baker, Gloria Barrett, William Bell, Jane Bensemann, Imlay Bunter, Eileen Checketts, Natalie Clarke, Gordon Clements, Colin Cole, Ellen Collins, Natalie Dick, Frances Douglas, Olive Drumm, John Elliott, Daniel Ferguson, Ian Ferry, Malcolm Fisher, Patrick

Giles, Shirley Glover, Luke Graham, Evan Griffiths, Colin Hill, Cyril Kim, Guem-Soon Knight, Dorothy Lindsay, Arthur Lucas, Esther McKendrey, James McKenzie, Margaret Mills, Irene Mulvenna, Marie O'Dea, Josephine Overend, Mavis Palethorpe, Rebekah Pask, Robert Pateman, William Peryman, Noel Peterson, Alastair Reid, Jack Rozendaal, Eileen Shaw, Denis Smith, Douglas Smith, Geoffrey Stanley, Robin Te Koeti, Walter Townsend, June van Limburg, Walter Vickers, Phyllis Viney, Dr Martin

5 Dec 00 Allen, Natalie Anderson, Clive Bodger, Des Bolgar, Carla Bolton, Rose Burgess, Peter Checketts, Natalie Clarke, Gordon Clements, Colin Collins, Natalie Cook, George Dentice, Kenneth Drumm, John Elliott, Daniel Ferguson, Ian Geddes, Gregory Graham, Evan Griffiths, Colin Hall, Kevin Millar, James Mitchell, Harold Nortman, Maureen Overend, Mavis Pask, Robert Pateman, William Ragg, Peter Richardson, Kenneth Riddet, Laura Robinson, John Smith, Geoffrey Stanley, Robin Te Koeti, Walter Tew, Barbara Timms, Douglas

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Townsend, June Townshend, Philip Viney, Dr Martin Waghorn, Mabel

6 Dec 00 Anderson, Clive Atkinson, Stephen Bell, Jane Bodger, Des Bradley, Phillip Burgess, Peter Burns, Frank Cawley, John Clarke, Gordon Cowser, Deborah Crowley, Stewart Darby, Marjorie de Vries, Andries Douglas, Olive Geddes, Gregory Glover, Luke Gnad, Janette Hall, Kevin Herring, Donald Lockyer, Charles MacLachlan, Irene Mathias, Herbert McGoverne, Laurence Moynahan, Brother Berchmans Nortman, Maureen Pask, Robert Ragg, Peter Robinson, John Stanley, Robin Tobeck, Coral Townshend, Philip Waghorn, Mabel

7 Dec 00 Bruce, Joyce Buist, Malcolm Burns, Frank Cooper, Jessie Crowley, Stewart Dumbleton, Susan Ferguson, Robert Hay, Isobel Horler, Doreen Lawson, Geoffrey Lee, Ivan Lomax, Clifford Mathias, Herbert Mayo, John McGoverne, Laurence McKechie, Vida Nortman, Maureen Reid, Eric Schonk, Theodorus Stevens, Mervyn

8 Dec 00 Angas, Doris Buckingham, Jan Cooper, Jessie Crowley, Stewart

de Vries, Andries Dumbleton, Susan Ferguson, Robert Gamble, William Lawson, Geoffrey Maffey, Eric Mayo, John McLauchlan, Leslie McVicker, Samuel Milner, Murray Munro, Stewart Power, Alma Ramage, Kathleen Sexton, Ella Smart, Eva Stevens, Mervyn

9 Dec 00 Acland, Susan Angas, Doris Boersma, John Bowden, Gwendoline Buckingham, Janice Cameron, John Ellis, Irene Foster-Lynam, Mary Gamble, William Hassall, Irene Henshaw, Rose Jones, George Kerr, Heather Lin, Ying-Ju Lomax, Clifford McLauchlan, Leslie Menzies, Kathleen Milner, Murray Munro, Stewart Reddecliffe, Alexander Sexton, Ella Smith, Thomas Stevens, Mervyn Tait, George Tobeck, Coral

11 Dec 00 Austin, Rhye Ball, Nigel Beynon, Nellie Bowden, Gwendoline Chapman, Peter Eder, Dorothy Hassall, Irene Jonathan, Helen Milner, Murray Moore, Marie Reed, Simoda Robertson, Thomas Rowley, Peter Smith, Thomas Stacey, Sylvia Standeven, Barry Toomer, Annie

12 Dec 00 Austin, Rhye Barrett, Gwenllian Bate, Tex

Bennett, George Curd, Anthony Duncan, George Eder, Dorothy Faithful, Bruce Frensen, Alida Jonathan, Helen Kelly, Joyce Kingsley, Mark LePoidevin, Mary Milner, Murray Moore, Marie Nisbett, Leo Power, Mona Rowley, Peter Ruddenklau, Fredrick Ryder, Elsie Schluter, Thelma Standeven, Barry Tait, George Tielkes, Johannus Toomer, Annie Willmott, Marjorie

13 Dec 00 Becroft, Colin Beilby, Reginald Bennett, George Bryce, Richard Curd, Anthony Diggs, Ivan Faithful, Bruce Fawthorpe, Bobbie Gemmill, Sadie Hammond, Walter Hirama, Warren Jonathan, Helen Kingsley, Mark Knapp, Donald MacKay, Barbara Nisbett, Leo Power, Mona Scoones, Arthur Seales, Robert Searle, Margaret-Jean Standeven, Barry Tielkes, Johannus Velvin, Lewis Willmott, Marjorie Wilson, Andrew

14 Dec 00 Barbour, Ellen Brown, Letitia Bryce, Richard Curd, Anthony Fox, Nyra Hammond, Walter Hansmann, Isobel Hindson, James Hutchinson, Aimee Johnson, Edwin Kingsley, Mark Knapp, Donald Lind, Robert Mackay, Barbara McKinnon, John

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McLeavey, Ann Pearce, James Power, Mona Rollinson, Leonard Scoones, Arthur Seales, Robert Searle, Margaret-Jean Thomas, Nona

15 Dec 00 Brunton, Kenneth Capstick, Rowena Costello, James Fastier, Alan Hansmann, Isobel Hindson, James Johnson, Edwin Levy, Mavis Lind, Robert Long, Alma Lovett, Ralph McKinnon, John Pascoe, Barrie Pearce, James Rollinson, Leonard Searle, Margaret-Jean Southern, Ethel Thorpe, Sydney Wannacott, Stanley

16 Dec 00 Adair, Albert Alexander, John Alldred, Prof. Alan Baker,Roy Becroft, Colin Birkett, Irene Brown, Ada Campbell, Norman Capstick, Rowena Ching, James Collett, William Costello, James Drazevic, Antonio Elphick, Mabel Fastier, Alan Inkster, John Jones, Joyce Levy, Mavis Long, Alma Lovett, Ralph Matheson, Doris McKenzie, Max McLellan, Hilda Mills, Raymond O'Brien, Maurice Parker, Colin Pascoe, Barrie Shelton, Blair Sim, Charles Southern, Ethel Tate, Robert Thompson, Milly Thorn, Joan Thorpe, Sydney Townsend, Geoffrey Walker, Bernard

Wells, Ian Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Iris

18 Dec 00 Adair, Albert Ball, Ngareta Barr, William Battersby, Isabel Campbell Norman Collett, William Copland, Fuchsia Dawrant, Ethel Evans, Charles Frame, Phylis Inkster, John Jones, Joan Kilgour, Ian Leathart, Hope Lovett, Ralph Middleton, Thomas Mills, Ray Murcott, Ernest Ramsay, Walter Rennie, Hinerangi Roxburgh, Eileen Sidery, Peter Sim, Charles Sinclair, James Smyth, Francis Somerville, James Stokes, Anne-Marie Sullivan, Michael Thompson, Milly Thomson, Raymond Thorn, Joan Townsend, Geoffrey Walker, Bernard Wilson, Iris

19 Dec 00 Aldwin, Vera Aspinall, Mary Ball, Ngareta Barr, William Battersby, Isabel Boustridge, Mere Collett, William Dawrant, Ethel Dudley, John Evans, Charles Frame, Phylis Frankland, Violet Hayes, William Henderson, Graeme Hunt, Rona Jones, Joan Leat'hart, Hope Lucas, Bing McNaught, Agnes Minchington, Margaret Oastler, Rinda Oxendale, Frances Rennie, Hinerangi Roxburgh, Eileen Shelton, Blair Sidery, Peter

Sinclair, James Stokes, Anne-Marie Thomson, Raymond

20 Dec 00 Aldwin, Vera Anderson, Dorothy Aspinall, Mary Barr, William Biggins, Norma Booth, Evelyn Chittock, Stephen Frankland, Violet Grut, Dora Hayes, William Johnson, David Kilgour, Ian Lovett, Ralph MacFadyen, Gareth Mangan, Julian Mason, Rawiri McKibbin, Judith Minchington, Margaret Oastler, Rinda Parker, Colin Pow, Hugh Ramsay, Walter Shelton, Blair Sidery, Peter Watts, Vera White, Jarrod

21 Dec 00 Armstrong, Melvin Aspinall, Mary Coulter, William Crequer, Paul Fomison, Stacey Frankland, Violet Glass, Fay Griffiths, Ann Gunn, Muriel Hague, Johanna Hayes, William Henderson, Graeme Johnson, David Margetts, Derek Martin, Alice Mason, Rawiri McLennan, Dudley Neilson, Mary Rodgers, Maureen Sadler, Ivan Simpson, David Wyllie, John

22 Dec 00 Armitage, William Butterworth, Patricia Claxton, Ruby Coulter, William Dolan, Phyllis Fairbairn, Ben Fletcher, Trevor Flewellen, Edna Fomison, Stacey Foster, Ronald

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Glass, Fay Hague, Johanna Harling, Agnes Henderson, Graeme McLennan, Dudley Neilson, Mary Poole, Eileen Rivers, Nicholas Rodgers, Maureen Rose, Margaret Sadler, Ivan Sadlier, Gloria Sandford, Denis Winter, Isabel Wyllie, John Yee, Yuk

23 Dec 00 Anderson, Gilbert Andrews, Alfred Armitage, William Avery, Graham Cadigan, Carol Carroll, Sarah Chittock, Stephen Clarkson, Henry Claxton, Ruby Coles, Ronald Coulter, William Crowley, Marion Cutting, Albert Dennison, June Dolan, Phyllis Fairbairn, Ben Fletcher, Trevor Flewellen, Edna Fomison, Stacey Foster, Ronald Fountain, Trevor Gundersen, Joan Hailes, Geoffrey Harling, Agnes Harridge, Jocelyn Holmes, Kay Jackson, Veronica Kensington, Winifred Konsesky, Kaye Lintott, Kenneth Martin, Helen Milne, Danielle Murtagh, Evelyn Poole, Eileen Rivers, Nicholas Rose, Margaret Rudd, John Sadlier, Gloria Sandford, Denis Shoebridge, Marjory Spencer, Henry Stephens, Patricia Trott, Lionel Winter, Isabel Yee, Yuk

25 Dec 00 Christmas Day -

No paper published

26 Dec 00 Anderson, Gilbert Andrews, Alfred Avery, Graham Bachelor, Owen Bartlett, James Bishop, Charles Boyes, Vivian Butterfield, Gladys Byron, Edward Cadigan, Carol Cameron, Robert Carroll, Sarah Chamberlain, Keith Churchill, Winifred Esler, Myrtle Fairbairn, Ben Fomison, Stacey Foster, Ronald Gundersen, Joan Hanan, Justin Hickling, Arthur Hindmarsh, Walter Jackson, Veronica Jones, Mervyn Kelman, Stanley Kerr, Alexander Lintott, Kenneth Mead, Ivan Murtagh, Evelyn Quinn, Rona Rosevear, Denis Rudd, John Savage, James Saxon, Julian Stevens, George Terry, Mona Thompson, Margaret Trezise, Colleen Webb, Isabel Whiting, Jeanette

27 Dec 00 Arps, Ellen Bartlett, James Batchelor, Owen Bishop, Charles Boyes, Vivian Butterfield, Gladys Cadigan, Carol Cameron, Robert Churchill, Winifred Coomber, Thomas Costigan, Mary Cutting, Albert Eliott, Huntly Foster, Ronald French, Kathleen Gare, Clarence Gunderson, Joan Henderson, Malcolm Hindmarsh, Walter Hooft, Margaret Jones, Mervyn Kelman, Stanley

Kerr, Alexander Langridge, Trevor Luckie, Ellen Mead, Ivan Murtagh, Evelyn Oakes, Florence O'Beirne, Cecil Packer, Patrick Penter, Ray Philpott, Charles Riches, Cameron Rivers, Nicholas Rudd, John Stevens, George Watterston, Nancy Webb, Isabel Williams, Gladys

28 Dec 00 Amberger, Carl Arps, Ellen Briggs, Simone Churchill, Winifred Costigan, Mary Hartill, Dorothy Hooft, Margaret Hutton, Dorothy Kerr, Alexander Lawrence, Brian Mead, Ivan Miller, Elsie Oakes, Florence Packer, Patrick Penter, Ray Philpott, Charles Riches, Cameron Rodgers, Isabella Suckling, Laurie Trott, Lionel Wilson, Edgar Woodham, Willmore

29 Dec 00 Atkinson, Elliott Boyes, Vivian Burridge-Sorby, Cora Church, Eliza Cooke, Keith Curtain, Brian Eathorne, Brian Hutton, Dorothy Johns, David Knowles, Betty Lawrence, Brian Miller, Elsie Murtagh, Evelyn Owens, James Packer, Patrick Price, Eileen Rodgers, Isabella Solomon, Leah Stanton, Dorothy Taylor, Barry Walton, Norman Whitehead, Kathleen Wilson, Harold Woodham, Willmore

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


30 Dec 00 Barrow, Clifford Burridge-Sorby, Cora Child, Ronald Cooke, Keith Curtain, Brian Doran, Audrey Dukes, George Duns, Ian Eathorne, Brian Eddington, Myrtle Hanco*ck, Patricia Holmes, Mitchell Johnston, Betty Knowles, Betty Lawrence, Joseph McErlane, Henry McNeill, Jean Moore, Kathleen Murtagh, Evelyn Paterson, William Payton, Ronald Price, Eileen Roberts, Frances Solomon, Leah Stanton, Dorothy Suckling, Laurie Tau, Wereta Taylor, Barry Todd, Susan Waghorn, Derek Walton, Norman Whitehead, Kathleen Wilson, Harold

20011 Jan 01 no paper published

2 Jan 01 Banks, David Barlow, Nancy Barron, Priscilla Bennett, Annie Bisley, Robin Botting, Mavis Cassie, Graham Doel, Lydia Dukes, George Duns, Ian Eddington, Myrtle Fountaine, Phyllis Frahm, Colin Garrett, William Grut, Dora Hawke, Winifred Hayward, George Henderson, Sharon Hollis, Paddy James, Jestina Muir, Alice Paterson, William Payton, Ronald Pollock, Douglas Richards, Colin Roberts, Frances Robinson, Iris Simons, Samuel Skjellerup, Evelyn Stedmond, Michael

Taylor, Barry Van Arendonk, Martina Weeber, Alfred Wilford, Maurice Win, Ngaire Wright, Richard

3 Jan 01 Armstrong, Gordon Bailey, George Banks, David Barlow, Nancy Barron, Priscilla Box, Jeffery Bryant, Ivy Cassie, Graham Doel, Lydia Donovan, Thomas Duns, Ian Frahm, Colin Hawke, Shannon Hiddleston, Howard Hyde, Norman James, Jestina Lumsden, Mary Moylan, Eunice Robinson, Iris Satterthwaite, Angela Stedmond, Michael Stewart, Henry Sumby, Winifred Tamou, Kimi Van Wijk, Joan Waghorn, Derek Wilson, Debbie Win, Ngaire

4 Jan 01 Bailey, George Boulton, May Box, Jeffery Dunlea, David Evans, Dorothy Grant, Elizabeth Hawke, Shannon Hiddleston, Howard Hooper, Mary Huggins, Norman Hulbert, James Jensen, Gerard Marsden, Peggy McDonald, Kathleen Musgrove, Elizabeth Schmelz, Henry Shaw, Arthur Tamou, Kimi Unwin, Robert Wilkinson, Joyce

5 Jan 01 Barrett, Leon Bell, Alan Boulton, May Burgess, Helen Criglington, Janet Dunlea, David

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hill, Avice Hutcheson, Donald McDonald, Kathleen Musgrove, Elizabeth Ritchie, David Ross, Margaret Roughan, Vera Shaw, Arthur Shekleton, Ella Skjellerup, Evelyn Wanhalla, Wendy Ward, Cyril

6 Jan 01 Andrews, Jessie Barrett, Leon Bell, Alan Billings, Kathleen Boulton, May Burton, Margaret Cowan, Irene Criglington, Janet Duncan, Kathleen Gamblin, Eva Harker, Geoffrey Hawke, Shannon Hill, Avice Hill, Cecil Howe, Lucy Kilby, Muriel Kingsbury, Rodger Lambie, June Marsden, Peggy Mather, Gael McAleer, Freda Musgrove, Elizabeth Noble, Una Pollard, Alfred Reeves, Lexie Samson, James Simon, Edna Wanhalla, Wendy Woodco*ck, Irene

8 Jan 01 Billings, Kathleen Cornish, Edna Coutts, Samuel Duncan, Kathleen Edyvean, Erick Forbes, Olga Gamblin, Eva Griscoll, Eleanor Hanham, Margaret Harker, Geoffrey Haslemore, Mabel Howe, Lucy Kilby, Muriel Klaricich, Stephen Mather, Gael McEntee, Emma Morosow-Dinkel, Nikolaj Newcombe, John Reeves, Lexi Rollinson, Annie Simon, Edna Stephens, Raymond

Torrance, Archibald Withington, Craig

9 Jan 01 Agnew, Walter Barrett, Leo Clancy, Ross Dickson, Catherine Edyvean, Erick Forbes, Olga Henderson, Clytie Howe, Lucy Lang, Alan Mace, Edna McEntee, Emma McNabb, Marjory Morosow-Dinkel, Nikolaj Muir, Wayne Prestidge, Ivy Price, Jennifer Pryor, William Reeves, Lexie Sinclair-Lockhart, Robert Stephens, Raymond Stockdill, David Torrance, Archibald

10 Jan 01 Agnew, Walter Anderson, Joyce Anstis, Charles Beechey, Peter Cameron, Robert Clancy, Ross Codyre, Ronda Culling, Vincent Felton, Arthur Henderson, Clytie Herron, Leonard Hopkinson, Mara Kennedy, Margaret Knight, Shirley MacDonald, Roger Matheson, John McMullan, John McNabb, Marjory Payn, Albert Pryor, William Shallard, Frederick Shore, James Taylor, Hellen Teale, Robin Torrance, Archibald

11 Jan 01 Bartlett, Gilbert Butler, Garth Codyre, Ronda Cornish, Edna Felton, Arthur Hennessy, James MacDonald, Roger Marshall, Bruce McAlister, Richard McFarlane, Stuart McIlraith, Bruce McMullan, John

Pooke, Minnie Rodger, Fiona Sime, Mary Smith, James Taylor, Hellen

12 Jan 01 Bartlett, Gilbert Clark, Eileen Codyre, Ronda Coe, Jean Dykes, George Greene, Josephine Marshall, Bruce McMullan, John Rodger, Fiona Sime, Mary Ward, Joyce

13 Jan 01 Bell, Colin Biggs, Katherine Cattermole, Laurence Coe, Jean Cornish, Edna Culling, Vincent de Schweitzer, Helen Dykes, George Frisby, Rex Gardner, Denis Garriock, Andrew Grieson, Hugh Hanna, Errol Hennessy, James Johnson, Ada Jordan, Gaynor Macdonald, Valerie McIlraith, Bruce Mills, Betty Mustard, Martin O'Sullivan, Margaret Rutledge, Neville Swaney, Anthony Tedder, Gail Van Lent, Stan Williams, Eileen

15 Jan 01 Bromley, Cecil Caffin, James Carman, Audrey Chapman, Margaret Christian, Robert Clough, Rosemary de Schweitzer, Helen Fox, Edna Fraser, Hon. Willliam Gill, Peter Henry, Selwyn Hepburn, Rae Johns, Daphne Jordan, Gaynor Joyce, Geoffrey Kirk, Colin Macdonald, Valerie Marshall, Peter McDonald, William

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McIlraith, Bruce Naismith, Murray O'Brien, Francis Oppenheim, Rev Raymond Purdue, Edna Shears, Arthur Smith, Brian Smith, Edward Smith, James Turpin, Barry Voice, Florence Wilkie, Margaret Williams, Eileen

16 Jan 01 Ashby, Lewis Bromley, Cecil Burland, Murray Caffin, James Clough, Rosemary Docherty, Pearl Finnigan, Peter Fraser, Hon. William Gill, Peter Hepburn, Rae Kirk, Colin Levin, Charles Marshall, Peter McDonald, William McGarry, Phyllis Mooney, Thomas Newell, Frederick Neynens, Christina- Maria O'Brien, Francis Oppenheim, Rev Raymond Pickering, Bruce Purdue, Edna Smith, Edward Turpin, Barry Wells, Frank

17 Jan 01 Ashby, Lewis Burland, Murray Buxton, Leonard Chapman, Margaret Day, John de Lacey, Sheila Downing, Pamela Finnigan, Peter Jellyman, John Joyce, Geoffrey Mayne, Colleen McGarry, Phyllis McNaughton, Bettina Mooney, Thomas Morgan, Joyce Newell, Frederick Neynens, Christina- Maria Petherick, Ilena Smith, James Taylor, Elizabeth

18 Jan 01 Broom, Marie Brown, Mary Burns, Ronald de Lacey, Sheila Dick, Robert Downing, Pamela Ellery, Frederick Finnigan, Peter Kirk, Wayne Mason, Ngaire Napper, Arthur Parker, Gillian Pope, William Richardson, Ronnie Swan, Lester Tindall, Brian Wilkinson, Lawrence

19 Jan 01 Black, Ellen Borrell, Alexander Broom, Marie Brown, Mary Burns, Ronald Ellery, Frederick Foy, Rev. Father Patrick Gregg, James Ivey, Eric Mars, Eileen Mason, Ngaire Pilkington, Carla Richardson, Ronnie Sewell, Desmond Steele, Faith Suckling, Doris Swan, Lester Tindall, Brian Wilkinson, Lawrence Wilson, Doris

20 Jan 01 Alford, Michael Ballantyne, Robin Baynes, Daisy Biggs, Katherine Borrell, Alexander Brine, Mavis Campbell, Margaret Caukwell, Theby Clark, Patricia Clarke, Frank Clarke, Judith Faulls, James Fitchett, Edith Foy, Rev. Father Patrick Gaskell, Edith Gray, Gladys Gregg, James Greig, Jessie Johnston, Christopher Mars, Eileen McLaren, Ian Moore, Harold Pilkington, Carla Sewell, Desmond

Smith, Peggy Steele, Faith Suckling, Doris Taylor, Anne Wallace, Esma Wilson, Doris Worters, Ian

22 Jan 01 Atkinson, Harry Ballantyne, Robin Banks, Marjorie Baynes, Daisy Brine, Mavis Carroll, Desmond Cuakwell, Pamela Caverhill, Lavina Clark, Patricia Clarke, Frank Colenso, Dorothy Collett, Bradley Day, Louisa Dobson, Ivan Duncan, Graeme Dunning, Keith Gaskell, Edith Gray, Gladys Hosking, Roy Hudson, Margaret Johnston, Christopher Lawer, Francis Lester, June Lovegrove, George Lyall, Douglas McLaren, Ian McRae, Peter Middleton, Robert Moore, Harold Pearce, Effie Pilkington, Carla Pitama, Taua Rich, Jean Sewell, Desmond Smith, Cyril Tiplady, Arthur Welch, Elsie Woods, Maurice Worters, Ian

23 Jan 01 Ballantyne, Robin Carroll, Desmond Caukwell, Theby Caverhill, Lavinia Chambers, John Clarke, Frank Colenso, Dorothy Daly, Mary Dobson, Ivan Duncan, Graeme Hanrahan, Brian Hardwick, Robert Hosking, Roy Lee, Leslie Lovegrove, George Macklin, Albert McCartney, Samuel

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McRae, Peter Meyer, Janette Middleton, Graham Moore, Harold O'Meeghan, Anita Pearce, Effie Pitama, Taua Smith, Cyril Tiplady, Arthur Watson, Keith Woods, Maurice

24 Jan 01 Barnes, Acton Browning, Joyce Clarke, Frank Clemett, Rangi Daly, Mary Duncan, Graeme Henshaw, Thomas Hudson, Margaret Macklin, Albert McLean, Katharine Middleton, Robert O'Meeghan, Anita Rossiter, Phyllis Schafer, Sylvia Scott-Lanyon, Basil Scurr, Thomas Tiplady, Arthur van Grinsven, Theodorus Walker, Mary Willemse, Richard

25 Jan 01 Bishop, Frederick Browning, Joyce Campbell, William Cartwright, Sam Clark, Norman Fullerton, Graeme Hill, Rachel Kelly, Elaine McErlane, Henry O'Connor, Shirley Rossiter, Phyllis Scott-Lanyon, Basil Turner, Donald Unasa, Fauea Waller, Allan Weir, Margaret Willemse, Richard

26 Jan 01 Allfrey, Christopher Baillie, Vaughan Bennetto, John Bromley, Curwen Brussovs, Rickie Campbell, William Clark, Norman Conway-Meagher, Jeanette Davis, Doreen Fullerton, Graeme Kelly, Elaine Knight, Herbert

Laidlaw, Violet Patrick, Phyllis Peterson, Gordon Rammelt, Christine Tuck, Raymond Udy, Kenneth Waller, Allan White, Geoffrey

27 Jan 01 Allfrey, Christopher Baillie, Vaughan Bennetto, John Bishop, Frederick Brehaut, Vera Bromley, Curwen Brussovs, Rickie Caukwell, Theby Clark, Norman Claydon, Keith Collins, Pamela Conway-Meagher, Jeanette Cunningham, Doris Fullerton, Graeme Garron, Albert Grant, Alan Greenaway, Frederick Hampson, Lyn Hiddleston, Mervyn Hudson, Richard Inch, Alan Jones, Edith Jones, Florence Kailogiannos, Dawn Laidlaw, Violet McCarthy, John McKerrow, Allen McLaughlan, Thomas McLay, Ethel Mitchell, Adrienne O'Connor, Shirley O'Neill, Sister Monica Patrick, Phyllis Peterson, Gordon Phillips, Douglas Rammelt, Christine Roberts, Donald Schafer, Sylvia Spivey, Teresa Stalker, Joy Stringer, Mervyn Stubbs, Kathleen Turner, Donald White, Geoffrey

29 Jan 01 Allfrey, Chris Appleton, Mary Bates, Steven Bennetto, John Bensemann, Erle Blackie, Francis Bradley, Cecily Bramhall, Jean Brehaut, Vera Clark, Norman

Collins, Pamela Friel, Edna Garron, Albert Greenaway, Frederick Hahn, Trevor Hampson, Lyn Haunui, Rustee Hiddleston, Mervyn Johns, Daisy Jones, Edith Malone, Cynthia McDougall, Graham McGregor, Lillian McLaughlan, Thomas McMillan, Rachel McNeish, Marjorie Mitchell, Adrienne O'Neill, Sister Monica Peck, Lily Phillips, Douglas Potter, Ellen Rees, Audrey Reid, Christine Sagar, Eunice Shivas, Malcolm Smith, Harold Smith, Janette Spittle, Harold Spivey, Teresa Stace, Margaret Stalker, Joy Stringer, Mervyn Stubbs, Kathleen Terry, Joshua Toner, George Turner, Capt. John Turner, Donald Wynyard, Jenyse

30 Jan 01 Alfrey BlackieBoyers etc

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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31 Jan 01 Allfrey, Christopher Bergman, Robert Blackie, Francis Bradford, Melville Clarkson, Nicholas Clegg, Donald Costello, Valmai Davenport, Sybil Duncan, Alan Frew, James Goldsmith, Rev. Charles Graham, Edith Greene, Victor Hawley, Emmet Haworth, James Johnston, Catherine Mullen, Rev. Fr Arthur Paterson, Donald Peat, Joyce Prendergast, James Radford, Jack Ramage, William Scurr, Thomas Smith, Patrick Stancliff, Aubrey Stewart, Charlie Sullivan, John Willson, Dorothy Wright, Millicent

1 Feb 01 Adorian, William Annear, Hilda Cameron, Stuart Clarkson, Nicholas Clegg, Donald Costello, Valmai Duncan, Alan Greene, Victor Hawley, Emmet Hughes, Mervyn McDonald, Desmond Peat, Joyce Prendergast, James Radford, Jack Sleeman, Rose Stewart, Charlie Willson, Dorothy Wright, Millicent

2 Feb 01 Annear, Hilda Bannan, Patricia Bennett, Henry Birchfield, Minnie Costello, Valmai Davies, Ailsa Donnelly, Annie Hughes, Mervyn Lodge, Margaret Marriott, Eric McDonald, Desmond McLaren, John

Peat, Joyce Pedersen, Margaret Sleeman, Rose Thomas, Eileen Thompson, Margery Willson, Dorothy

3 Feb 01 Adorian, William Armstrong, Glenys Arnold, Freda Belliss, Mary Bennett, Henry Birchfield, Minnie Bradford, Melville Chisnall, Ruth Costello, Valmai Ennis, Ethel Fincham, Elsie Glue, Maxwell Grant, Doreen Harris, Fay Harvey, Ronald Hopewell, Quentin Houston, Jessie Hutchens, William Johnston, Trevor Lodge, Margaret Louttit, Gordon Maud, Alice McLaren, John Muller, Jaydon Pankhurst, Janet Rivett, Eric Rowlandson, Joyce Smart, Gordon Tatterson, Keith Thomas, Eileen Thompson, Christina Thompson, Margery Thomson, Denise Willis, Agnes Woods, Sybil Zimala, Georgina

5 Feb 01 Arnold, Freda Baird-Lewis, Alice Boyd, Murray Carter, Margaret Davies, William Gamble, Barry Goodwin, Joyce Grant, Doreen Harris, Fay Harrison, Christina Harvey, Ronald Hoar, Ronald Johnston, Trevor Kerslake, Isabella Louttit, Gordon Nicholson, Nick Pankhurst, Janet Patterson, Janice Rea, Andrew Rossiter, Gwendoline Sinclair, Muriel

Smart, Gordon Smith, Diane Tatterson, Keith Thomson, Denise

6 Feb 01 Adorian, William Beattie, David Bell, Arnold Brokking, Henry Bunting, Frank Cox, Gladys Davies, William Drogemuller, Theodor Ennor, Ralph Friend, Douglas Goodwin, Joyce Gordon, Mabel Granger, William Grob, Hendrikus Halloway, Wendi Hanco*ck, Phyllis Harris, Fay Johns, Mary Knight, Barbara Laby, Sylvia Lynch, Audrey Morris, Christopher Muller, Jaydon Neru, Edith Nicholson, Nick O'Malley, Anthony O'Reilly Mary Rea, Andrew Robertson, Margaret Salter, Eunice Sinclair, Muriel Smart, Gordon Smith, Dorothy Wentworth, Alda

7 Feb 01 Allen, Angela Beattie, David Boyd, Murray Brading, Quentin Bussell, Peter Cox, Gladys Crowe, Lillian Cunningham, Janice Douglas, Athalie Edwards, Stuart Ennor, Ralph Gamble, Barry Goodwin, Joyce Gordon, Mabel Granger, William Graydon, Helen Grob, Hendrikus Harvey, Ron Knight, Barbara Laby, Sylvia Lundy, Joan McCurdy, Davidson Morris, Christopher O'Malley, Anthony Paki, Rose

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Rea, Andrew Rowlandson, Joyce Sinclair, Muriel Smith, Diane Sutherland, Helen Suttie, George Trought, Una Welsh, Daphne Wentworth, Alda

8 Feb 01 Anderson, Beryl Arrowsmith, Jean Beattie, David Boyd, Murray Brading, Quentin Breading, Lawrence Brown, Abby Bussell, Selwyn Carruthers, Henry Courtier, Robert Crowe, Lillian Cunningham, Janice Dartnall, Audrey Diver, Elsie Douglas, Athalie Edwards, Stuart Gordon, Mabel Hamblett, Margot Hyde, Dawn Johnston, Catherine Keith, Jessie Kingsbury, Barbara Knight, Barbara Laby, Sylvia Lundy, Joan McDonald, Rema Moir, Lynette Perkins, Margaret Rea, Andrew Thompson, John Trought, Una Wooller, Edna

9 Feb 01 Anderson, Beryl Arrowsmith, Jean Beattie, David Besant, Edith Brading, Quentin Breading, Lawrence Brown, Abby Cooper, Thomas Courtier, Robert Cunningham, Janice Dartnall, Audrey Eddy, Josephine Fisher, Lilian Gordon, Mabel Hamblett, Margot Harrison, Grant Hyde, Dawn Kingsbury, Barbara Laby, Sylvia Martin, Grahame McDonald, Rema Moir, Lynette

Nolan, Helen Nuku, Ian O'Sullivan, Neville Petrie, Ivor Petrie, Jack Rea, Andrew Riddell, Catherine Smith, Maureen Smith, Ronald

10 Feb 01 Bedford, Charles Brown, Dorothy Clarke, Joan Cunningham, William Fisher, Lilian Glennie, Percival Graydon, Helen Greenall, Evelyn Harrison, Grant Hyde, Dawn Jelgersma, Johanna Morris, Ronald Ngatai, Pamela O'Keefe, Randall O'Sullivan, Neville Petrie, Ivor Petrie, Jack Sixtus, Dorothy Smith, Maureen Som, Catherine Venning, Doris Warr, Eric

12 Feb 01 Beaumont, Robin Bedford, Charles Belworthy, Geoffrey Blackler, Charles Clarke, Joan Clay, Brian Dawe, Olive Ewart, Alwyn Fisher, Lilian Glennie, Percival Goodwin, Maude Harris, Gladys Harrison, Grant Kerr, Eileen Lane, Brent Manson, Elsie Morris, Ronald Roche, Godfrey Schwalger, Fritz Smith, Thelma Solomon, Wiremu Som, Catherine Stevens, Robyn Stichbury, Dorothy Toombs, Arthur Warr, Eric Wilson, Ivan

13 Feb 01 Apatu, Margaret Blackler, Charles Connolly, Veronica

Corston, Graham Ewart, Alwyne Glover, Brian Harris, Gladys Hill, Margaret Hoffman, Ophir Kennard, Mavis Lane, Brent Manson, Elsie McGinn, Miriam Okirua, Akaina Price, Eileen Sawyer, John Schwalger, Fritz Smith, Thelma Solomon, Wiremu Stevens, Robyn Wilson, Ivan

14 Feb 01 Beaumont, Robin Glover, Brian Hampton, Freda Hill, Margaret Hoffman, Ophir Kennard, Mavis Kuchen, Jack Lewis, Charmaine McGinn, Miriam Nicholls, Gwynneth Okirua, Akaina Price, Eileen Reeves, Bryan Robertson, Herbert Schwalger, Fritz Sloss, Alexander Soundy, Douglas Te Rangi, Ariana Watson, William Wooldridge, Arthur

15 Feb 01 Baldick, Ian Clapham, Keith Connolly, Veronica Cooper, Ruby Duffield, Trevor Hampton, Freda Happer, Ivan Hill, Sylvia Horncy, Averial Kerr, Roy Kuchen, Jack Lewis, Charmaine Nicholls, Gwynneth Oakey, Vernon Pitts, Unity Reeves, Bryan Robertson, Herbert Sloss, Alexander Soundy, Douglas Stephens, Margaret Stephens, Keri Taylor, Elizabeth Watson, William

16 Feb 01

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Atkinson, Jessie Clapshaw, Albert Connolly, Veronica Edmonds, David Greville, Maurice Happer, Ivan Hooker, Joan Johnson, Dawn Lewis, Charmaine Mackie, John Mugford, George Pengelly, Gail Pitts, Unity Sleat, Dorothy Sloss, Alexander Soundy, Douglas Stephens, Margaret Taylor, Thomas Tomes, Phyllis Waters, Elfreda Whybrew, Ken

17 Feb 01 Arps, Ian Atkinson, Jessie Cameron, Lewis Collins, Alison Edmonds, David Galbraith, Doreen Guthrie, Mary Hampton, Freda Happer, Ivan Harnett, Mary Hooker, Joan How, Mildred Hughes, Llewellyn Jeffries, William Jones, Shirley McAlister, Linda McGregor, Jeffrey McLaughlin, Avril McLean, Allan Mugford, George O'Boyle, Diane Patterson, Patricia Pearce, Dorothy Reid, William Swanson, James Tomes, Phyllis Turner, Gwenda Whybrew, Ken

19 Feb 01 Arps, Ian Bradley, Jessie Brooks, Fred Cameron, Lewis Carter, Edward Chilton, Ethel Clarke, Kathleen Fisher, John Guthrie, Mary Harnett, Mary Henderson, John How, Mildred Hughes, Llewellyn Jones, Shirley

L'Estrange, Milla Matheson, Margaret McAlister, Linda McGregor, Jeffrey McLaughlin, Avril Mercado, Hugo Moody, Harold O'Donnell, Annie Pearce, Dorothy Pickford, David Reid, William Rogerson, Anthony Slape, Ernest Smaill, Reginald Turner, Gwenda Webster, Gordon Wylie, Aaron

20 Feb 01 Anstiss, Eric Bird, Charles Carter, Edward Chilton, Ethel Ferriman, Frederick Gray, David Gray David Hughes, Llewellyn Jackson, George Kitching, Ruth L'Estrange, Milla Mawson, Ena Moody, Harold Morrish, Richard O'Donnell, Annie Ollivier, Cecil Riley, Reimar Rogerson, Anthony Smaill, Reginald Stewart, Winifred Turner, Gwenda Wilson, Mary Wylie, Aaron

21 Feb 01 Anstiss, Eric Bagot, Theresa Browne, Eric Brunton, David Butland, Edna Dallow, Dawn Finlayson, Mark Fuller, James Garth, Betty Gray, David Gray, David Henderson, Ian Henry, Doris Hopkins, Adam Kitching, Ruth Marshall, Estelle Mawson, Ena Nurse, Mary Page, Gladys Rogerson, Anthony Smith, Judith Ward, Frederick Watts, Malcolm

Wilson, Mary

22 Feb 01 Blakely, Thomas Browne, Eric Clark, Margaret Cox, Ella Davies, Maude Fowler, Robert Frost, Kathleen Fuller, James Garth, Betty Gray, David Hopkins, Adam Johnson, Merilyn Marslin, Mary McNamara, Roger Page, Gladys Parsons, Gwenda Peck, Ellen Ritchie, Ivy Rowland, Colin Topp, John Waaka, Shirley Watts, Malcolm Whitworth, Jennifer

23 Feb 01 Baker, Gregory Bolton, William Boulton, Walter Chittock, Jacqueline Clarke, Frank Cox, Ella Craigie, Mavis Diack, Carmel Fowler, Robert Frost, Kathleen Gray, David Hewitson, Mariette Hooper, Des Hopkins, Adam Hunt, David Jellyman, William Johnson, Merilyn Marslin, Mary Matthews, Sonja McKenzie, Victoria Neville, Mary Peck, Ellen Topp, John Watts, Malcolm Webb, Helen

24 Feb 01 Baker, Gregory Billcliff, Lawrence Blue, Allistair Cornish, Peter Dasler, Robert Diack, Carmel Gleeson, Elizabeth Hewitson, Mariette Hooper, Des Hopkins, Adam Hunt, David Jellyman, William

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Marslin, Mary Matthews, Sonja McBride, Patrick McKenzie, Victoria Neville, Mary Ramsbottom- Isherwood, Iris Reid, Phyllis Rowland, Colin Syme, Margaret Taylor, Kenneth Webb, Helen Whitworth, Jennifer Willis, David

26 Feb 01 Anderson, Magnus Batchelor, George Billcliff, Lawrence Blackmun, Patricia Blue, Allistair Carpenter, Leonard Chittock, Jacqueline Clark, Edgar Clark, Margaret Clarke, Frank Cornish, Peter Crawford, Ernest Dasler, Robert Dell, Myrtle Dimmock, Alfred Erceg, John Foster, Cecil Grins, Elza Harris, Robert Howson, Owen Jones, Reverend Ruby Lyon, Evan Matthews, Sonja Murphy, Rawinia Narbey, Athol Nicholls, Maitland Page, Charles Parker, Verner Pawsey, Sydney Pinn, Ross Proffitt, Malcolm Quigley, Flora Ryan, Dawn Smith, Gordon Smith, Trevor Sparks, Bessie Syme, Margaret Wilson, Raymond

27 Feb 01 Anderson, Magnus Blackmun, Patricia Broadhead, Enos Carpenter, Leonard Carson, Winifred Crawford, Ernest Davies, Phyllis Dawson, Arthur Foster, Cecil French, Graham Frisby, Elizabeth

Grins, Elza Harris, Robert Hazard, Denise Moffitt, Barbara Murphy, Rawinia Narbey, Athol Page, Charles Parker, Verner Pawsey, Sydney Proffitt, Malcolm Quigley, Flora Riley, Ngaire Rooney, Basil Sellers, Ivan Smith, Gordon Smith, Trevor Watt, Hazel Wauchop, Peter Wendelborn, Leslie Whall, Kenneth Wood, Jeffreys

28 Feb 01 Abraham, Sonny Birch, Joyce Blackmun, Patricia Butler, Margaret Ching, Ernest Chinnery, Beverley Costello, Norah Davies, Phyllis Diggs, Gavin French, Graham Frisby, Elizabeth Gleeson, Elizabeth Hunt, David Hunter, Lorna Jarden, Helen McDonald, Robert McSherry, Mary Moffitt, Barbara Nelson, Thomas Page, Charles Rowland, Colin Smallman, Phyllis Stapleton, Daphne Tawiri, Pene Tempero, Marjorie Thorp, Colleen Watt, Hazel Whall, Kenneth

1 Mar 01 Abraham, Sonny Butler, Margaret Carter, Dennis Denmead, Colin Gardner, Janice Geertson, Henry Haggerty, John Howard, John Hunt, David Luisy, Anne McDiarmid, Kenneth Moylan, Edith Read, Kathleen Tawiri, Pene

2 Mar 01 Bennett, Ian Birch, Joyce Cochrane, Carol Corbett, Samuel Dunlop, Olga Ferguson, Gwendolyn Howard, John Hunt, David Leitch, Sarah Manning, Ian Marks, James McDiarmid, Kenneth Moller, Katharina Penn, George Reid, Jo-Anne Stapleton, Daphne Toogood, Selwyn Witty, June

3 Mar 01 Bennett, Ian Campbell, Ronald Cochrane, Carol Ferguson, Marjorie Free, Mabel Glanville, Doris Graham, Ivy Ivin, Wilfred Laloli, Ethel Leitch, Sarah Luff, Noeline Marshall, Alva Munro, Angus Penn, George Read, Kathleen Regan, Roxanne Sellers, Ivan Taylor, Mary Thin, Walter Witty, June

5 Mar 01 Adams, Gavin Arnott, Gavin Beeby, Benjamin Blackwell, Phyllis Cleverley, Marie Davidson, Carol Dawber, Neil DeVere-Ellery, Warren Ferguson, Marjorie Floyd, Leon Gale, Hilda Glanville, Doris Gribble, Frederick Grigg, Giles Haira, Te Awhimai Hannan, Veronica Hawker, Eric Ivin, Wilfred Jackson, Seamus Johnston, Norman Kane, Declan Knowles, Reichen Kohunui, Eruwera

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Lockie, Selwyn Marshall, Alva McCarthy, Felix Parr, Doris Powell, Robert Rapana, Taite Rodgers, Bernard Simmons, Benjamin Steven, Elizabeth Taylor, Mary Thin, Walter Thomas, Ivan Warlow, Thelma Wootton, Rayna

6 Mar 01 Barnes, Eliza Beall, Dorothea Beeby, Benjamin Belcher, Phyllis Graham, Ivy Greening, Margaret Haira, Te Awhimai Hammill, Cliff Hannan, Veronica Hawker, Eric Hawkins, Vera Herron, Rona Higgins, Rita Howard, John Kane, Declan King, Ailsa Knowles, Reichen Kohunui, Eruwera Lamont, William Lockie, Selwyn Machen, Barbara Matson, Elsie McCarthy, Felix Moon, John Palmer, Daphne Powell, Robert Robertson, Thelma Rodgers, Bernard Simmons, Benjamin Thomas, Ivan Turpin, Alison Williams, Stewart Wootton, Rayna 7 Mar 01 Barnes, Eliza Belcher, Phyllis Bruce, John Gillespie, Frances Graham, Lorna Greening, Margaret Hammill, Cliff Hawker, Eric Hislop, Norman Inniss, Douglas Kane, Declan Knowles, Reichen Mattinson, Lily Mazey, John Nieper, Bert Palmer, Daphne Power, Nancy

Priddle, Rex Regan, Roxanne Roche, Mildred Salter, John Simmons, Benjamin Stewart, Joan Thomas, Ivan Thomson, Minnie Turpin, Alison Watt, Very Rev. William Wild, Robert Williams, Stewart

8 Mar 01 Anderson, Robert Barns, Glenys Ching, Ernest Craze, Margaret Flecknoe, Gladys Gillespie, Frances Graham, Lorna Inniss, Douglas Johnson, Pearl Knowles, Reichen McClimont, Sarah McGrath, Christopher McLean, George Orme, Alice Palmer, Daphne Priddle, Rex Reid, Donald Rusbatch, Elizabeth Salter, John Wild, Robert Wilson, Shirley Wood, Rev. Margaret

9 Mar 01 Andrews, Anne Ashby, Isabella Craze, Margaret Falconer, Ormond Hurst, Jean Jenner, Maurice Kench, Lawrence McCarthy, Owen Orme, Alice Sigvertsen, Raymond Wood, Rev. Margaret Wright, Donald

10 Mar 01 Bary, Helen Beattie, Ernest Bruce, Shirley Bushell, Coila Danielson, Anthony Falconer, Ormond Gurr, Lucy Jenner, Maurice Kench, Lawrence Machen, Barbara Marsh, Arthur Morgan, Katherine Nation, June Nichol, George

Nicholas, Dorothy Norris, Cliff and Margaret O'Connell, Bernard O'Connor, John Petrie, Mary Rhodes, Michael Rusbatch, Elizabeth Stanbury, John Thoday, Roslyn Warlow, Thelma Willman, Joan Wood, Rev. Margaret

12 Mar 01 Auld, William Beggs, David Coles, Leonard Danielson, Anthony Deane, Naomi Feek, Elizabeth Ford, Patrick Gurr, Lucy Kay, Charles Kent, Eileen Marsh, Arthur Mattison, Frederick Murray, Stuart Nation, June Nicol, Sandra Norton, Hughan Purcell, Winifred Redden, Kelvin Rhodes, Michael Rockliff, Arthur Sadler, Rosemary Sawyers, Nola Schuitman, Adriana Sherriff, Olive Sturrock, Mavis Williamson, Dora Wills, Hilda Winter, Mary

13 Mar 01 Bell, David Burridge, Kathleen Cole, Susan Coles, Leonard Danielson, Anthony Deane, Naomi Dowling, Alice Ellis, Valerie Frazer, Peggy Gurr, Lucy Hill, George Kay, Charles Lee, Doreen Marsh, Arthur Mattison, Frederick Moore, Esla Morgan, Katherine Murray, Stuart Nicol, Sandra Norton, Hughan Palliser, Raymond Redden, Kelvin Sadler, Rosemary

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Sawyers, Nola Schuitman, Adriana Sinke, Cornelis Smith, Norman Stephens, Dinty Stratton, Sidney Sturrock, Mavis Sutherland, Allan Thomas, Fay Thomas, Maurice Wills, Hilda Winter, Mary

14 Mar 01 Adams, Thomas Coles, Leonard Doyle, Evelyn Frazer, Peggy Garland, Caroline Haines, Gerald Joubert, Albert Kay, Charles Lee, Doreen Mattison, Frederick McGoldrick, James Moore, Suzanne Palliser, Raymond Pease, Lucy Player, Betty Smith, Judith Smith, Molly Thomas, Fay Thomas, Maurice Wilson, Josephine

15 Mar 01 Adams, Thomas Annett, Sylvie Brough, Lesley Cosgrove, Mavis Doyle, Evelyn Fahey, Michael Haines, Gerald Hammill, Ronald Hay, Hendry Le Miere, Noemi Major, Thomas McIntyre, John Moore, Suzanne Nash, Elinor Sharpe, William Smart, Phyllis Tapp, Richard Thomas, Fay Weir, Uzilla Wright, Margaret

16 Mar 01 Anderson, Cyril Brough, Lesley Burke, Winifred Chesterman, Richard Cosgrove, Mavis Donald, Josephine Doyle, Evelyn Fahey, Michael

Frazer, Douglas Gardiner, Clele Haines, Gerald Hay, Hendry Henderson, Rona Libbey, Ann Macdonald, Hector Mattingley, Alan McIntyre, John McNally, Agnes Mcnu*tt, Neil Smart, Phyllis Smith, Judith Tapp, Richard White, Mary Wilson, Dorothy Wilson, Hadley Wright, Margaret

17 Mar 01 Anderson, Cyril Beatson, Denise Brown, Ashley Burke, Winifred Bythell, Margaret Cosgrove, Mavis Crouch, Gladys Dent, Christina Donald, Josephine Edwards, Daphne Frazer, Douglas Gardiner, Clele Grant, Jean Haines, Gerald Henderson, Rona Hoskin, Gary Kinsman, Betty Kohu-Hutchison, Mercedes Libbey, Ann MacKenzie, Mary Mattingley, Alan McNally, Agnes Mcnu*tt, Neil Morgan, David Rees, Elaine Sawyer, Betty Shepherd, Winsome Smith, Judith Smith, Louis Tapp, Richard White, Mary Williams, Kevin Wilson, Dorothy Wilson, Hadley Wise, William Wright, Margaret Yeadon, Raymond

19 Mar 01 Babbege, Richard Benbrook, Malcolm Berrell, Tuatahi Brown, Ashley Coles, Sylvia Gunn, Patricia

Hamilton, Ursula Hay, James Hooper, Michael Hurrell, Eva Jones, Mervyn King, Colleen Kinsman, Betty Kohu-Hutchison, Mercedes Lewthwaite, Wilfred Libbey, Ann Mallinson, William Moore, Mary Morgan, David Owles, Harry Penberth, Lewis Rees, Elaine Richards, Doris Robinson, Susan Sawyer, Betty Shearer, Kay Shepherd, Winsome Travers, Dorothy Williams, Kevin Yeadon, Raymond

20 Mar 01 Anderson, Cecily Babbege, Richard Barton, Doris Beattie, Larina Bloy, Margaret Coles, Sylvia Corkery, James Davies, Rex Duke, Mary Fitzgerald, Edward Fox, Beryl Fox, Frederick Gillanders, Roger Gough, John Gunn, Patricia Hay, James Hurrell, Eva Kinsman, Betty Lee, Thomas Mallinson, William McEntee, Mark Mercer, Nancy Mulipola, Sr. Malia Newman, Margaret Owles, Harry Richards, Doris Ritchie, Joan Robertson, Sydney Ruthven, Kenneth Schist, Beverley Shearer, Kay Stokes, Stephen Teschemaker, Thomas Travers, Dorothy Turner, Madison Williams, Cecil Williams, Kevin

21 Mar 01 Barton, Doris

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Beardsmore, Abel Blackman, Judith Bloy, Margaret Burns, Ruth Carson, Marjorie Davies, Rex Dow, Ian Duke, Mary Fitzgerald, Edward Hallahan, John Hobby, Marion Hooper, Michael Kolkman, Charles Lee, Thomas Mercer, Nancy Ritchie, Joan Schist, Beverley Scott, Ada Sexton, Kevin Stalker, Noeline Stokes, Stephen Turner, Madison Wakefield, Kerepita Young, Patricia

22 Mar 01 Barnes, Ronald Beardsmore, Abel Blance, Elizabeth Bloy, Margaret Bremner, Walton Burns, Ruth Denley, Jack Dow, Ian Fantham, Gary Gardiner, Ronald Hallahan, John Hobby, Marion Kolkman, Charles Lee, Thomas Sagar, Murray Stalker, Noeline Stokes, Stephen Turner, Madison Wakefield, Kerepita

23 Mar 01 Bannister, Trevor Barnes, Ronald Borrell, Rita Bremner, Walton Coombs, Mary Ericson, Ronald Fantham, Gary Gunn, Robert Hallahan, John Hayes, Melva Hobby, Marion Hood, Gordon Kearns, Helen Midgley, Robin Moore, Melissa Peka, Tom Rukupo, Edith Sagar, Murray Wall, Robert Welch, Kathryn

24 Mar 01 Black, Ellie Borrell, Rita Brook, Alice Brown, Graham Coombs, Mary Daynes, Valerie Flutey, Amelia Giddy, Pauline Gunn, Robert Hayles, Melva Hendry, Rae Hoglund, Marvina Jacobsen, Dorothy Kearns, Helen Lal, Virend Lester, David Maidens, Gertrude Mason, Zelda-Mae McEnaney, Lawrence Midgley, Robin Murphy, Patrick Newton, Patricia Norton, Barry Pouaka, Jack Scully, Greer Wall, Robert Welch, Kathryn Woods, Mary

26 Mar 01 Black, Ellie Blyth, Donald Borrell, Rita Brook, Alice Burton, Michael Creedy, Paul Hanco*ck, Henry Jelgersma, Paul Kearns, Helen Leigh, Frederic Lester, David Macdonald, Jean Mackie, Denzil Merrett, Ethel Mitchell, Elliot Mitchell, Kenneth Norton, Barry Perry, Thora Pouaka, Jack Ray, Gaynor Ristic, Rosaleen Steenwyk, Elly Stocker, Doreen Stretch, Phyllis Vallance, Ena Williams, David

27 Mar 01 Beck, Isabella Blyth, Donald Boot, Grace Hanco*ck, Henry Holland, Dulcie Lawson, Suzanne Longdin, Trevor

Mackie, Denzil Maiden, Dorothy Mansell, Noel Merrett, Ethel Mitchell, Elliot Mitchell, Kenneth Pearson, Kenneth Perry, Thora Ray, Gaynor Steenwyk, Elly Treacy, Patrick Ward, Janet Williams, David

28 Mar 01 Blackburn, Richard Boot, Grace Hawley, Albert Kemp, Alan Lawson, Suzanne O'Neill, Rev. Fr John Ray, Gaynor Scott, Shane Spiers, John Teasdale, Thomas Treacy, Patrick Wellbrock, Thelma

29 Mar 01 Booker, Edna Cowan, John Foote, Shirley Hawley, Albert Hurst, Alice Mockett, William O'Brien, Mary O'Neill, Rev. Fr John Reuben, Reka Scott, Shane Towler, Leta Tweedie, Alan Wade, Fiona

30 Mar 01 Bolton, Michael Borrie, Dr Alexander Boughton, Andrew Carrick, Kathleen Cawood, William Cherry, Allan Cowan, John Foote, Shirley Foster, Philip Hall, Natalie Hibbs, Peter Hurst, Alice Hurst, Stanley Kaler, Marguerite McSoriley, Margaret McVie, Gavin Mockett, William Morrison, Desmond Reuben, Reka Robinson, David Towler, Leta Tweedie, Alan Wade, Fiona

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Williams, Connie

31 Mar 01 Armstrong, Yvonne Borrie, Dr Alexander Boughton, Andrew Bradshaw, Sally Carrick, Kathleen Cherry, Allan Dooley, Lily Farjallah, Freijo Hall, Natalie Hendy, Kevin Hurst, Stanley McVie, Gavin Miers, Graham Morgan, Frederick Morrison, Desmond Pearce, Frederick Ringdahl, Jason Robinson, David Taylor, Euan Vallance, Arnold White, Howard Williams, Connie Wilson, Margaret Wilson, William Winter, Roelof

2 Apr 01 Armstrong, Yvonne Caldwell, Vanessa Charlton, Myra Craw, Elijah Crouch, Jeanie Dooley, Lily Fisher, Kenneth Furniss, David Gamble, William Hendy, Kevin Jones, Richard Kearns, Linda Keates, Kevin Krauza, Jonas Langley, Gershon Lee, George Lucas, Hazel McCallum, Joan McKeown, Robert Morgan, Frederick Muldrew, Robert Orme, Desmond Pearce, Frederick Perry, Colin Pizzey, Kenneth Quirke, James Quirke, Margaret Ringdahl, Jason Short, Dorothy Sunnex, Trevor Thompson, Rei Vallance, Arnold van Grinsven, Maureen White, Howard Wilkinson, Elizabeth Wilson, Margaret

Withell, William Wood, Lois

3 Apr 01 Anderson, Geoffrey Baikie, Mary Bragg, Steven Caldwell, Vanessa Corson, Wilhelmina Craw, Elijah Crouch, Jeanie Gurr, Louis Hendy, Kevin Hurford, Isabel Kinghorn, James Krauza, Jonas Lake, Shirley Lapslie, Mark Lee, George Lucas, Hazel McIntosh, Helen Nesbit, Ewen Paterson, Marjorie Perry, Colin Pizzey, Kenneth Powell, Margaret Purdue, Vicki Quirke, James Ringdahl, Jason Ritchie, Winifred Robson, Aileen Rogers, Mary Schumacher, Ian Smith, Nancy Stuart, Dorothy Sulland, Ralph Sunnex, Trevor Thompson, Ben Thompson, Eva Tyler, Ian van Grinsven, Maureen Wethey, Lynette Whitnall, Jean Wilkinson, Elizabeth Wilson, Margaret Withell, William

4 Apr 01 Anderson, Geoffrey Assink, Hendrica Bigwood, Arthur Burton, Paddy Chapple, Norman Clyne, Mabel Corson, Wilhelmina Elworthy, June Ferguson, Dawn Fisher, Kenneth Geange, Patricia Grose, Dulcie Harris, Daisy Hendy, Kevin Jeffreys, Mary Jones, Percy Lake, Shirley Lapslie, Mark

Makaore, Whanau Mathieson, John McCallum, Joan McIntosh, Helen Powell, Margaret Purdue, Vicki Ringdahl, Jason Rogers, Mary Scheltinga, Jack Schumacher, Ian Sulland, Ralph Sunnex, Trevor Taylor, Leonard Thompson, Ben Warren, Dorothy Welsh, John Wethey, Lynette Whitnall, Jean Wilkinson, Elizabeth Wills, Elvy Wright, June

5 Apr 01 Bigwood, Arthur Blackie, Sydney Breach, Gladys Carleton, Marjorie Egan, Sr Maura Elworthy, June Gardner, Ross Geange, Patricia Gibson, Alice Grimwood, Trevor Grose, Dulcie Guilbert, Rita Hanright, Norma Harris, Daisy Hood, Kenneth Jones, Percy Lake, Shirley McCallum, Joan McIntosh, Donald Nesbit, Ewen Powell, Margaret Price, Edna Rowe, Gladys Scarlett, Lucia Smith, Iris Tapara, Betty Taylor, Leonard Tod, Edith Wills, Elvy

6 Apr 01 Aynsley, Michael Cowles, Maxwell French, Marj Galloway, Shirley Gardiner, Audrey Gardner, Ross Grimwood, Trevor Hanright, Norma Hood, Kenneth McCunn, David McIntosh, Donald Meredith, John Officer, Kenneth

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


O'Reilly, Reverend Patrick Price, Edna Rowe, Gladys Scheltinga, Jack Sherratt, Robert Tapara, Betty Trounson, Earl Wills, Elvy

7 Apr 01 Aynsley, Michael Best, Anne Bland, Bertha Burnett, Bertram Cawood, William Chesmar, Peter Cole, Gladys Cowles, Maxwell Foote, Brian Fraser, Hazel Hood, Kenneth Hood, Ruby Johns, Kenneth McKeage, Elizabeth Meredith, John Oakley, John Philpott, Gerald Price, Edna Rangi, Robert Rees, Eileen Sherratt, Robert Smith, Iris Solomon, Richard Stevenson, Hazel Trounson, Earl Twemlow, Ada West, Roy

9 Apr 01 Arnst, Netta Baker, Audrey Cameron, Mary Campbell, Allan Cole, Gladys Fitton, Annie Grimsey, Desiree Haddow, George Hanson, Kathleen Helman, Victoria Jamieson, Lorna Lainchbury, Sadie Locke, Elsie Lowe, Edward Nolan, Desmond Philpott, Gerald Rees, Eileen Reilly, Hilda Smith, Cameron Solomon, Richard Stevenson, Hazel Trounson, Earl Wilson, Frank

10 Apr 01 Arnst, Netta Baker, Audrey

Breach, Gladys Campbell, Allan Esquilant, Sheila Farquhar, Mary Gascoyne, Marjorie Gibson, Eileen Gibson, Mary Gray, Clifford Grimsey, Desiree Haddow, George Harrowfield, Lawrence Keenan, Thelma Kemp, Alvin Kerr, Trevor Langford, Frederick Locke, Elsie Lowe, Edward McGregor, Irene Meaclem, Marilyn O'Donohue, Kieren Roberts, Lee Stevenson, Helen Taylor, Olive Walls, John

11 Apr 01 Anstice, Joyce Barnes, Raymond Belsham, Grace Buckingham, Stephen Chapman, Frederick Conroy, Robert Craig, Graham Davidson, George Davy, Margaret Dockrill, Judith Esquilant, Sheila Facer, Leonard Forward, Norman Harrowfield, Lawrence Hill, Stuart Horn, Christian Hudson, William Kemp, Alvin Langford, Frederick Locke, Elsie Lowe, Kathleen Osborne, Oakleigh Parker, Albert Rairi, Annie Sim, Norman Taylor, Olive White, Ellen Williams, Solomon Winsloe, Edward

12 Apr Burke, Rita Chapman, Frederick Coull, Lindsay Craig, Graham Fairhall, Maurice Gardiner, Alison Hide, Warren Hill, Stuart Hunt, William Irving, Walter

Johns, Kenneth Lowe, Kathleen Macdonald, Florence Macdonald, George Marcussen, John McCallum, Dorothy Meaclem, Marilyn Mitchell, Grace Nixon, Tony Osborne, Oakleigh Powell, Annie Treacy, Edward Williams, Solomon Wilson, Lily Wood, Phyllis

13 Apr 01 Good Friday - no paper

14 Apr 01 Anderson, Richard Baker, Stanley Barnett, Edna Biddick, D'Arcy Bird, Vera Buckingham, Stephen Coull, Lindsay de Leijer, Henrica Dunnill, Irene Fairhall, Maurice Fehsenfeld, Constance Fisher, Lloyd Goodwin, William Grant, Ernest Hunt, William Jarratt, Henry Johnstone, Myrtle Knight, Phyllis Levick, Pearl Macdonald, Florence Magon, Jonathan Marcussen, John McCarthy, Sir Thaddeus Murphy, Sr Mary Orr, Robert Park, Agnes Powell, Annie Quirke, Zita Richards, Margaret Roy, Alan Stanton, Alice Sunnex, Bruce Taylor, Clive Taylor, Maxine Witheford, Peter Wood, Francis

16 Apr 01 Anderson, Richard Baker, Elizabeth Barnett, Margaret Biddick, D'arcy Brewer, Barry Buckingham, Stephen

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Burt, Leslie Carbines, Ronald Dunnill, Irene Forgie, Heather Foster, John Gale, Margaret Giddens, Donald Goebel, Thelma Helem, Laura Innes, Jean Jarratt, Henry Knight, Phyllis MacGregor, Grace Mackie, David Magon, Jonathan Marcussen, John Maxwell, Ian McCarthy, Sir Thaddeus Philips, Nancy Ponsford, Lillian Richards, Margaret Smith, Robyn Stanton, Alice Stone, Alan Sunnex, Bruce Turnbull, Gladys Watkins, Donald

17 Apr 01 Bird, Vera Brewer, Barry Buckingham, Stephen Burt, Leslie Bussell, Brent Callaghan, Phyllis Carbines, Ronald Cumberland, Howard Dunnill, Irene Farr, Mary Fisher, Lloyd Fletcher, Marjorie Foster, John Friend, Cecil and Janis Gale, Margaret Gantley, Thomas Hayton, Carole Helem, Laura MacGregor, Grace Mackenzie, Mary Mahon, Edgar Murphy, Sr Mary Ponsford, Lillian Quinn, Kevin Rhodes, Thelma Richards, Margaret Smith, Ian Smith, Robyn Strange, Marcia Sunnex, Bruce Turnbull, Gladys Wheeler, William

18 Apr 01 Andrews, Gerald Bird, Vera Callaghan, Phyllis

Cumberland, Howard de Graaff, Jan Direen, Sarah Findlay, Andrew Fletcher, Violet Friend, Cecil and Janis Gantley, Thomas Gnad, Franz Goebel, Thelma Grafton, Douglas Handley, Colin Hayton, Carole Jackson, Lois James, Howard McEvedy, Geoffrey Ownsworth, Arthur Page, Maureen Richardson, Edith Schou, Herman Smith, Robyn Stewart, John Strange, Marcia Sunnex, Bruce Veint, Feiona Westenra, Olive

19 Apr.01 Brown, Simon Burke, John Carlsen, Jennie Corbett, Winifred Cumberland, Howard de Graaff, Jan Direen, Sarah Ellis, Winifred Ferguson, Lillian Findlay, Andrew Gnad, Franz Grafton, Douglas Hamilton, Daphne Hammer, Ivan Hampton, Robin Hickman, Nola Jackson, Lois James, Denis James, Howard McEvedy, Geoffrey Murray, Winifred Ownsworth, Arthur Perry, Kathleen Strange, Marcia Tocker, Marion van den Ouden, Johannes Wells, Helen Westenra, Olive Yates, Robert

20 Apr 01 Brown, Simon Burnett, Kay Carlsen, Jennie Charles, Max Coles, Peter Collins, Mark Comrie, Ian Copeland, David

Crichton, Averil Ferguson, June Gibbens, Arthur Hamilton, Daphne Houston, James Laing, Verna Laughton, George McEvedy, Geoffrey McNeill, Torquil Perry, Kathleen Reynolds, Ernest Riddell, Eileen Smith, David van den Ouden, Johannes Yates, Robert

21 Apr 01 Anning, George Birchall, Ralph Broadfoot, Graeme Burnett, Kay Cleland, Tui Coles, Peter Colhoun, Mary Collins, Mark Comrie, Ian Copeland, David Crichton, Averil Daniel, Mary Ellis, Winifred Ferguson, June Glynan, Sylvia Hamilton, Daphne Harty, Helen Hickman, Nola Houston, James Jones, Kenneth Kirk, Doris Laing, Verna Livesey, Audrey McLaughlin, Michael McNeill, Torquil Metsenthin, Clara Meyer, John Murray, Winifred Opperman, Janet Riddell, Eileen Russell, Herbert Skinner, Doris Smith, David Teague, Violet Triggs, Mary Ward, Harold Webb, Jean Wells, Dorothy White, Melva Wickes, Milton

23 Apr 01 Abelen, Johan Armitage, Frances Ballard, Peter Bartlett, Keith Broadfoot, Graeme Calder, Ernest Charles, Max

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Coles, Peter Daniel, Mary Duncan, Rose Ellis, John Filkins, Violet French, Mahimun Gear, Jean Godfrey, Roger Harrison, Graham Kavanagh, Michael Maitland, Alan Martin, Albert McLaren, Cheryl McNeill, Torquil Orr, Winifred Perkins, Elsie Perriam, Kevin

Richards, Thomas Rule, Leonard Smith, Brian Sparks, Jean Teague, Violet Tenby, William Thompson, Keith Todd, Lloyd Walton, Daphne Ward, Harold Wells, Katherine White, Melva

24 Apr 01 Ballard, Peter Bartlett, Keith Duncan, Rose Egermayer, Paul Ellis, John French, Mahimun Gibbons, Paul Hales, Trevor Harrison, Graham Hoving, Irene Kerr, Ethan Macdonald, Shane Martin, Albert McLaren, Cheryl Medland, Joy Orr, Winifred Orwin, Max Perkins, Elsie Perriam, Kevin Poki-Kerwin, Teri-Ann Richards, Thomas Smale, Frederick Smith, Maisie Sparks, Jean Taylor, Jessie Temby, William Thompson, Keith Wiersma, Flora Wilson, Rev. John Wood, Ronald Worrall, Harry

25 Apr 01 Aicken, Marion Allen, George

Ballard, Peter Blackley, James Dyer, Yvonne Egermayer, Paul Frewen, Shaun Kirk, Doris Latta, Garth Miller, Raymond Pankhurst, Joyce Pounds, Doug Rare, John Robinson, Ellen Sewell, Doris Smale, Frederick Smith, Maisie Smith, Margaret Sparks, Jean Stephenson, Thomas Sullivan, Reginald Thompson, Alan Wiersma, Flora Wilson, Rev J. L. Worrall, Harry

26 Apr 01 Aicken, Marion Cavander, Mary Depree, Isabella Grose, Dulcie Hewitson, Eunice Irwin, Edward Latta, Garth McKenzie, Bridget Musson, Mary Purves, Trevor Richardson, Janet Robinson, Florence Sewell, Doris Smith, Maisie Stephenson, Thomas Street, Lionel Sullivan, Reginald Taylor, Jessie Whiteside, Janet Williams, Joyce

27 Apr 01 Cavander, Mary Cookson, Lesley Ellery, Raymond Ellis, Charlotte Frewen, Shaun Henderson, Lella Irwin, Edward Johns, Agnes Lasserre, Doreen MacAskill, Alexander McClelland, Albert McIlwraith, Anthony McKenzie, Bridget Miller, Marion Minchin, Marion Musson, Mary O'Brien, Eric Purves, Trevor Richardson, Janet Skinner, Cecil

Stephenson, Thomas Steven, Robert Street, Lionel Zoontjes, Cornelia

28 Apr 01 Barnard, Eileen Brokenshire, Jessie Brydon, Mary Cook, Charles Ellis, Charlotte Gilmer, Madge Hammond, Maree Henderson, Lella Holley, Judith Hollman, Penny Johns, Agnes Kelland, Margaret Kilworth, Irene King, Margaret Kirk, Doris Lyon, Mavis MacAskill, Alexander Marsh, Peter Martin, Deborah McClelland, Albert Musson, Mary Porteous, Helen Reade, Albert Rees, Harry Skinner, Cecil Steven, Robert Wedgeworth, John Wilkinson, Marguerite Wilson, Rev. John Zoontjes, Cornelia

30 Apr 01 Barnard, Eileen Brokenshire, Jessie Burrows, Constance Comfort, Marie Dollimore, Eldon Heuvelmans, Wilhelmus Honey, George Johns, Agnes Kelland, Margaret King, Margaret Lindsay, Alexander Lyon, Mavis Marshall, Anne Miller, Lady Marjorie Opie, Beverley Paisley, Hilda Reade, Albert Rollinson, Henry Rusbridge, Robert Turner, Kevin Wedgeworth, John

1 May 01 Ackerley, Douglas Adamson, Mary Bingham, Margaret Broady, Hilda Burrows, Constance

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cooke, William Corke, Verona Dollimore, Eldon Fahey, Mary Gray, Sydney Hart, Wayne Hemopo, Murray Hollow, Dorothy Johnson, Florence Kingsford, Frederick Lyon, Mavis Mackenzie, Evelyn Opie, Beverley Paisley, Hilda Papapateras, Nikolas Parkes, Lynnford Partington, Angwin Popkin, Frederick Rollinson, Henry Rusbridge, Robert Smith, Patricia Turner, Kevin

2 May 01 Bradley, Elizabeth Broady, Hilda Burcher, Donald Dalley, Ngaire Davey, Norm Dobson, Leah Dowden, Marion Ellis, Nancy Evans, Bernard Fahey, Mary Hart, Wayne Hawkins-Dench, Jemelle Hickey, Rita Hickman, Horace Karatau, Francis Kingsford, Frederick Mason, Ilma May, Lynnette Miller, Lady Marjorie Millman, Dudley Nicolson, John Oliver, Roberta Papapateras, Nikolas Parkes, Lynnford Popkin, Frederick Spence, David Ward-Joyce, Lorraine Webbink, Berendina

3 May 01 Bowen, Waitawa Brosnahan, John Campbell, Bruce Currie, Alan Dalley, Ngaire Davey, Norm Forrest, Leslie Gavin, Terence Gilbert, Thomas Hart, Wayne Hawkins-Dench, Jemelle

Herzog, Margaret Hickman, Horace Karatau, Francis Leslie-Jones, Violet Mackenzie, Evelyn McCarthy, Joyce Merlo, Stanley Miller, Samuel Millman, Dudley Nicholas, Robert Rutherfurd, Bruce Webbink, Berendina

4 May 01 Cederman, Helen Clark, Harry Griffin, Myra Hawkins-Dench, Jemelle Herzog, Margaret Hickman, Horace Hoatten, Alistair Karatau, Francis Lloyd, Edwin McCarthy, Joyce McCord, Robert McDonald, Andrea Orange, Douglas Rice, Lilian Tait, Melvyn Warren, Aubrey Warwick, Jacob Webbink, Berendina Winter, Ronald

5 May 01 Alexander, Leonard Bailey, Cecil Banks, Lucy Bowen, Waitawa Brash, Kathleen Bryant, Paul Cederman, Helen Churcher, Alan Dickson, Minnie Galbraith, Arthur Grundy, John Hayles, Peggy Hoatten, Alistair Horgan, Mary Kelly, Margaret Kerr, William Leslie-Jones, Violet Lilly, Sadie Love, Iris Mason, Norman McCarthy, Joyce McCord, Robert McDonald, Andrea McInnes, Ruby Mullaly-Riley, Kyle Orange, Douglas Perano, Ann Rice, Lilian Ropata, Christine Sargisson, Henry Schaare, Jules

Smart, Walter Snook, Francis Stuart, Betty Ward-Joyce, Lorraine Warren, Aubrey Webbink, Berendina Winter, Ronald

7 May 01 Brown, Pita Budhia, Ganga Burns, Mary Burtt, Jean Butterfield, Ronald Chignell, Beryl Churcher, Alan Dickson, Minnie Duncan, Jan Galbraith, Arthur Galloway, Shirley Gill, Peggy Gisberts, Sylvia Grey, Margaret Hansen, Olive Heslip, Craig Hines, Mae Lilly, Sadie Lowe, William MacDonald, Ruth McDonald, Andrea Oakes, Dorothy Oats, Rangi Rogers, Daniel Smith, Margaret Stuart, Betty Telford, Ronald Turnbull, Erina Watson, Ethan Wayne, Alice Winter, Ronald Wright, Douglas

8 May 01 Budhia, Ganga Burtt, Jean Butterfield, Ronald Chignell, Beryl Cook, Lilla Duncan, Jan Galbraith, Arthur Gallagher, Conor Grey, Margaret Hamilton, Flora Hines, Mae Kershaw, Peggy Liddy, Peter Lowe, William McCord, Robert Oakes, Dorothy Shearman, Joan Smith, Margaret Solomon, Herbert Telford, Ronald Turnbull, Erina Walker, Jenny Watson, Ethan Woodley, John

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


9 May 01 Budhia, Ganga Bullmore, Oliver Chignell, Beryl Cook, Lilla Greig, Alma Hamilton, Flora Henry, Eliza Hines, Mae Kershaw, Peggy Martin, John McFadgen, Florence McKay, Mary McMillan, Duncan Messervy, Stanley Oakes, Dorothy Packham, Christopher Pollock, Phyllis Rovekamp, Arthur Shearman, Joan Solomon, Herbert Turnbull, Erina Walker, Jenny Woodley, John Young, Nancy

10 May 01 Anderson, Gordon Beattie, Ronald Bruce, Elizabeth Bull, Joyce Campbell, Patrick Dunn, Isabel Eatwell, Gladys Greig, Alma Hayes, Dorothy Henry, Eliza Holdsworth, Alan Kiraly, John Lindsay, Mabel Lofts, Margaret Martin, John McFadgen, Florence McKay, Mary Messent, Peter Messervy, Stanley Packham, Christopher Patterson, Bruce Price, Irene Rovekamp, Arthur Sanford, Murray Smith, Norman Thompson, Victor Wheatley, Dorothy

11May 01 Blackburn, Andrew Blampied, Mary Brophy, Veronica Bruce, Elizabeth Bull, Joyce Chobotow, George Dunn, Isabel Eatwell, Gladys Ellery, Lylian Fine, Raymond

Genet, Joseph Hoyle, Marjory Kennedy, Kathleen Leitch, Heather Lentz, Frank Mansell, Shirley Meggitt, James Merrett, Kenneth Messent, Peter Miller, Ivy Packham, Christopher Rovekamp, Arthur Turnbull, Jack Wheatley, Dorothy Williams, Lorraine

12 May 01 Blanken, Martina Bruce, Elizabeth Bull, Joyce Chobotow, George Cochrane, Bruce Crawford, Linda Currie, Amy Eatwell, Gladys Ellery, Lylian Fine, Raymond Garven, James Graham, Thomas Hayes, Dorothy Jenkins, Owen Johnston, Ella Kennedy, Kathleen Leitch, Heather Lentz, Frank Lunn, Jean Lyes, Edward Meggitt, James Merrett, Kenneth Miller, Ivy Murray, Hazel Owen, Winifred Price, Irene Rich, Jean Shand, David Thompson, Victor Turnbull, Jack Wheatley, Dorothy Winters, Rudolph Withers, Rachel

14 May 01 Bayne, Agnes Blanken, Martina Carson, Margaret Davies, Roderick Duff, Graham Garven, James Graham, Thomas Hurley, Monica Jackson, Graham Johnston, Ella Kerr, David Lockhart, Joan Lord, Michael Lyes, Edward

McLeod, Iris Miller, Robert O'Flaherty, Francis Owen, Winifred Penlington, Ross Rathie, Ellen Sales, Leslie Sheed, Leonard Smith, David Smith, William Sweeney, William Thomas, James Winters, Rudolph Yardley, Sylvia

15 May 01 Bradshaw, Joan Burrell-Smith, Roma Collis, Mary Davies, Roderick Dore, Leslie Duff, Graham Edie, Eileen Findlay, Donald Freeman, Lionel Garrett, Thomas Hewinson, Gladys Jackson, Graham Johnson, Leslie Johnston, Ella Linton, Kenneth Lord, Michael McLenaghin, Hector McNoe, William Miller, Robert Moyes, Anne Orchard, Maurice Pauley, Peter Rickerby, Evelyn Ross, John Sales, Leslie Saxon, Frederick Siftar, Jean Simpson, Thomas Skilling, Robin Stout, Marjorie Wineera, James

16 May 01 Bradshaw, Joan Burke, Edward Conway, Violet Darling, Ivy Dunne, June Forrester, Leighton Forsyth, Graeme Hewinson, Gladys Kiley, Rona Lord, Michael Lysaght, Catherine Malthus, Patricia Meade, Jeanette Morris, Clifford Rickerby, Evelyn Ross, Hugh Seear, Annette Siftar, Jean

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Simpson, Thomas Skilling, Robin Stewart, John Stout, Marjorie Wineera, James

17 May 01 Chiaroni, Glenys Dunne, June Forsyth, Graeme Gould, Albert Gray, Julie Heal, Marjorie James, Dorothea Mackle, Maureen Middleton, Catherine Ruston, Jean Seward, Thomas Skilling, Robin Smith, Gerald Stewart, John Wickliffe, Helen

18 May 01 Brasell, Norman Dennis, William Gould, Albert Halligan, Rachel Heal, Marjorie James, Dorothea Mackle, Maureen McCreanor, Marjorie Middleton, Catherine Nelson, Terence Ruston, Jean Smith, Gerald Spain, Michael

19 May 01 Aldwin, Edward Ashton, Molly Brasell, Norman Brown, Dorothy Bullock, Mabel Chiaroni, Glenys Coleman, Mavis Dennis, William Donaldson, William Forrest, Emily Gregory, Vera Heal, Marjorie Journee, John Macfarlane, Janice Moss, Francis Nelson, Thomas Ohlson, Esma Spain, Michael Takeda, Osamu Tunley, Helen Vlavianos, Jane Walls, Gordon Wood, Ray

21 May 01 Aldwin, Edward Beatson, Richard Black, Allister

Bolger, Thomas Bremner, John Brown, Dorothy Coleman, Mavis Davies, Violet Durning, Rev. Fr Peter Hynes, Janet Journee, John Keeley, Margaret Keenan, Maurice Macfarlane, Janice McGreevy, Mavis Miles, Bruce Moore, Edna Murphy, Jessie Murphy, Mary Nelson, Thomas Pearce, William Platts, William Ritchie, Peter Sheehan, Suzanne Sim, Emma Smith, Dulcie Spain, Michael Taylor, Alfred Turia, Terry Vandersar, Catharina Walls, Gordon Wood, Ray

22 May 01 Bremner, John Burt, Leila Crossen, Valmai Drayton, Keith Durning, Rev. Fr Peter Edgar, Cecily Gapes, Gwendoline Gin, Shen Gordon-Smith, Githa Hall, Peter Hodge, Raymond Hume, Peter Hynes, Janet Knowles, Lindsay Kohere, Sarah Liston, Patrick Lockton, Charles Lory, Marina Macfarlane, Janice MacLeod, John McClay, Vanessa-Lee McGreevy, Mavis Miles, Bruce Moir, Daisy Page, Daisy Provis, Tony Rose, Kathleen Scott, Grace Sheehan, Suzanne Shipley, Shirley Smith, Dulcie Taylor, Alfred Wallace, Noeline Woods, Walter Woolley, Ira

23 May 2001 Bate, Joan Clark, Lurleign Clinick, Walter Crossen, Valmai Drayton, Keith Gapes, Gwendoline Gillies, John Hall, Peter Houlihan, Anthony Hueston, Timothy Knowles, Lindsay Lamb, Doris Liston, Patrick Lockton, Charles Long, James MacLeod, John Mahon, Harold McClay, Vanessa-Lee Moir, Daisy Moore, Mollie Morris, Ernest O'Rourke, Eileen Pearce, William Piebenga, Brent Scott, Grace Shaw, Philip Sheehan, Suzanne Taylor, Alfred Wallace, Noeline Ward, Glen Williams, Mark Willis, Allan Woolley, Ira

24 May 01 Arts, Antoon Aspinall, Fred Clinick, Walter Cowie, Julia Grace, Margaret Gray, John Hall, Peter Houlihan, Anthony Hueston, Timothy Lane, John Long, James Low, Carol Mackie, Hugh MacLeod, John McKay, Marjorie Morgan, Stanley Pearce, Edward Pemberton, Douglas Piebenga, Brent Ponder, William Prisk, Gladys Pryce, Annie Rose, Kathleen Ruru, Tristan Simpson, Helen Ward, Glen Willis, Allan

25 May 01 Arts, Antoon Aspinall, Fred

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cowie, Julia Crew, Mona Cullen, Dorothy Cunliffe, Marjorie Fechney, Stephanie Gapes, Gwendoline Gin, Shen Hewson, Richard Hillson, Stanley Hodges, Margaret Iversen, Anthony Kavanaugh, Doreen McIntosh, Alice McKay, Marjorie McKenzie, Ann Robinson, Sarah Ruru, Tristan Tetley, Betty Thorne, Harold Toomey, Dorothy

26 May 01 Adamson, Lucy Armstrong, Keith Browning, Dr David Clinick, Walter Crew, Mona Cullen, Dorothy De Goldi, Brad Dennis, Ouida Don, Lilian Fechney, Stephanie Grace, Margaret Halligan, Rachel Harvey, William Hillson, Stanley Kavanaugh, Doreen Kelly, John Lane, John Matheson, Eileen Mathison, Jean McCorkindale, Nancy McIntosh, Alice Rea, Nancy Robinson, Sarah Ruru, Tristan Ruruku, Pene Scott, Peter Sims, Donald Thorne, Harold Tippet, Sylvia Toomey, Dorothy Townsend, Mervan Twort, Edward Vallens, Stanley Verrall, Kenneth Walker, Douglas

28 May 01 Armstrong, Derek Armstrong, Keith Austin, Philip Baker, Alfred Beckett, Rodney Blaikie, Clifford Brockett, Mary Browning, Dr David

Chappell, Mabel Cullen, Dorothy De Goldi, Brad Harvey, William Hill, Robert McCorkindale, Nancy McDonnell, Anthony McIntosh, Alice McKenzie, Judith McLean, Richard Niha, Walter Papps, Ernest Peebles, Coleen Perham, Josephine Radburnd, Alma Robertson, Dorothy Scott, Peter Sims, Donald Sinclair, Peter Small, Dorothy Stewart, Alison Stott, Rita Tippet, Sylvia Turnbull, Colleen Tyson, Clem van Opzeeland, Helena Waddell, Ruby Waddington, Alfred Watson, Marcia Wright, Sarah

29 May 01 Armstrong, Derek Austin, Philip Baker, Alfred Beckett, Rodney Blaikie, Clifford Bree, Royan Cane, Rachael Clinton, Melville Clyne, John Drayton, Josephine Forscutt, Joan Greig, Dorothy Knowles, David McCorkindale, Nancy McDonnell, Anthony McLean, Richard Murray, Jocelyn Niha, Walter Papps, Ernest Peebles, Coleen Perham, Josephine Phipps, Lady Olwen Radburnd, Alma Rogers, Iris Small, Dorothy Stewart, Alison Stott, Rita Thatcher, Joan van Opzeeland, Helena Winter, Austin Wright, Sarah

30 May 01

Armstrong, Keith Austin, Philip Bain, David Bergshoeff, Pamela Clinton, Melville Cross, Ronald Dobson, Violet Drayton, Josephine Ferguson, Henry Greig, Dorothy Jenner, William Lee, Alison Lee, Kevin Lehrs, Kenneth Lelliott, John Low, George Manaton, Patrick Mitchell, Annie Perham, Josephine Phipps, Lady Olwen Robertson, Dorothy Sowry, Olga Suckling, Avis Thatcher, Joan Tillson, Ian Tyson, Clem van Opzeeland, Helena Ward, Ella Weatherall Haywood, Paris Whyte, Thomas Winter, Austin

31 May 01 Anderson, Ruby Bain, David Bergshoeff, Pamela Cross, Ronald Crum, Neil Foote, Margaret Kuyl, Jacob Lee, Douglas Low, George McCloy, Leo Scott, Mary Shaw, Jessie Tillson, Ian Tweedie, Olive Vincent, Gordon Waldron, May Ward, Ella Winter, Austin Wooding, Geraldine

1 Jun 01 Anderson, Ruby Bergshoeff, Pamela Braithwaite, Matthew Ferguson, Henry Gibson, Blair Hutchinson, Henry Kashima, Tsunehiko Kirby, Gwendoline Leach, Ross McCloy, Leo Prattley, Athene

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Raudon, Patricia Sampson, Grant Samson, David Smith, Timothy Stopforth, Joyce Taylor, Corran Waldron, May Wooding, Geraldine

2 Jun 01 Braithwaite, Matthew

Brown, James Cherry, Gail Cross, Ronald Crowder, Margery Dowdle, Verdun Gibson, Blair Girvin, Charlotte Herbert, Roy Herrick, Irene Hill, Sylvia Holmes, Stanley Hutchison, Leonard Jameson, John Kashima, Tsunehiko Kirby, Gwendoline Macarthur, Hamish McCallum, Roderick McPherson, Grace Neville, Raymond O'Brien, Michael Park, Lloyd Richards, Ronald Roberts, Ivy Robertson, James Sampson, Grant Samson, David Scott, June Smith, Timothy Tabak, Anna Taylor, Alexander Taylor, Corran Thompson, Thomas Tweedie, Olive Walsh, John Watson, Rita Weir, John Williams, Kathleen

4 Jun 01 Ayling, Kenneth Britton, Monica Brown, Colin Byrne, Yvonne Cherry, Gail Clarke, Harold Clarkson, Graeme Cross, Ronald Cuddon, Lorraine Dowdle, Verdun Finlay, Olive Franklin, Phyllis Gibson, Blair Gilmore, Margaret

Hendrie, William Hurdley, Joyce Jones, Murray Kirby, Gwendoline Kirk, Amy Kitchen, Gwenyth Lloyd, Alma Manaton, Patrick Maskill, Ida McGarry, Monica Melling, Nancy Murphy, Patrick Neal, Doris Nicholls, Stewart Park, Lloyd Richards, Ronald Sampson, Grant Samson, Dave Scantlebury, Joyce Scott, June Snijder, Lambertus Stone, Ellen Tabak, Anna Tarry, George Thomason, Loreen Thompson, Thomas Utterson-Kelso, Iris Wardle, Glenn Watson, Rita Williams, Hugh Woods, Marion

5 Jun 01 Ayers, Norman Buckley, Philip Cherry, Gail Clarke, Harold Cuddon, Lorraine Dowdle, Verdun Evans, Elizabeth Franklin, Phyllis Gordon, Eunice Hall, Mabel Hayr, Sir Kenneth Hendrie, William Herbert, Roy Hurdley, Joyce Jones, Murray Kelly, Jack Maher, Garrick Manaton, Patrick McCormack, Allan McGarry, Monica McIntosh, Vera McLaughlin, Helen Murphy, Patrick Neal, Doris Neville, Raymond Nicholls, Stewart Perkins, Herbert Price, Arthur Reid, Marjorie Samson, Dave Scantlebury, Joyce Sherwood, Warwick

Snijder, Lambertus Stevenson, Robert Stone, Ellen Tabak, Anna Utterson-Kelso, Iris Williams, Hugh

6 Jun 01 Barrowman, Trevor Cameron, Gordon (Don) Chrisstoffels, Pieternella Collins, Charles Cuddon, Lorraine Denovan, Iris Dowdle, Verdun Evans, Elizabeth Fitzell, John Gordon, Eunice Gourlay, Mona Hall, Mabel Hampton, Fay Harker, Richard Holmes, Peter Jones, Murray McGarry, Monica McLaughlin, Helen McLeod, Nance Miller, Ivy Milne, Donald Moran, John Neville, Raymond Nicholls, Stewart Palmer, Maude Pearse, Alice Pearson, Naumai Philpott, Bernard Roberts, Lloyd Sherwood, Warwick Snijder, Lambertus Sutherland, Ngaire Sutton, Albert Thomason, Loreen Williams, Hugh Williams, Margaret Williams, Wilhelmina Wright, Neville

7 Jun 01 Amos, Francis Andrews, Ernest Byrne, Joan Cameron, Gordon (Don) Erridge, Adrianne Gourlay, Mona Grainger, Doris Green, Simon Harker, Richard Hogan, Cleave Jones, Murray Loader, Mona

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McGregor, Edith McLeod, Nance Milne, Donald Mines, Doris Moore, Mary Nicholls, Stewart Palmer, Maude Philpott, Bernard Sherwood, Warwick Smit, Johan Smith, Zona Taylor, Anthony Tutton, Marie Walker, Annie Williams, Eileen Williams, Margaret Williams, Wilhelmina Wright, Neville

8 Jun 01 Amos, Francis Anderson, Frederick Andrews, Ernest Bowden, Stanley Cameron, Shirley Cheesman, Cyril Denovan, Iris Eddy-Davie, Sirus Erridge, Adrianne Gordon, Annie Green, Simon Harper, John Hogan, Cleave Jones, Mavis Loader, Mona McLaughlin, Helen Mines, Doris Power, Alison Romeyn, Nicolaas Sherwood, Warwick Smit, Johan Smith, Zona Streetley, Ernest Tunoho-King, Margaret Tutton, Marie Tuuta, Ngapou Wright, Neville

9 Jun 01 Anderson, Frederick Bailey, Gilbert Bain, Katherine Barker, Allen Bowden, Stanley Buchanan, Duncan Cruickshank, Alexander Eddy-Davie, Sirus Fox, Elsie Gilmore, Leslie Gordon, Annie Gourlay, Barry Green, Simon Guy-Hales, Douglas Hadler, Elizabeth

Harper, John Hart, Marjory Hayes,/ Beatrice Jones, Mavis Lee, Kevin Miller, Ivy Morris, Henry Morton, Robert Pearson, Aileen Reid, Elizabeth Rhodes, Frank Romeyn, Nicolaas Roy, Joseph Sampson, Grant Stevenson, George Streetley, Ernest Taylor, Alice Tutton, Marie Tuuta, Ngapou Wentworth, Lilly Williams, Eileen

11 Jun 01 Adams, Mary Anderson, Betsy Ayling, Robin Bradley, Flora Cameron, Shirley Chapman, Yvonne Clayton, Molly Cook, Joyce Coop, A. B. (Ina) Davis, Charlotte Divehall, Ivan Eade, Walter Earl, Elizabeth Eddy-Davie, Sirus Falck, Marie (Rosa) Ferguson, George Fisher, Mavis Guy-Hales, Douglas Hadler, Elizabeth Hall, John Hewton, Ross Jenkins, Tom Kilpatrick, Mary Maha, Caroline McFerran, Aldyth Morris, Harry Morrison, Suzanne Parmenter, Raymond Pearson, Aileen Popham, Ronald Robson, James Shatford, Thomas Streetley, Ernest Tuanui, Hector Veitch, William Winstanley, Eric Wright, Irene

12 Jun 01 Ashwell, George Ayers, Raymond Ayling, Robin Barry-Briant, Olive Burke, James

Cook, Joyce Coop, A. B.(Ina) Davis, Queenie Divehall, Ivan Falck, Marie (Rosa) Fisher, Mavis Fisher, Patricia Ferguson, George Guy-Hales, Douglas Hampton, Francis Hendren, Eileen Hewton, Ross Hodson, James Kebbell, Genefy Kilpatrick, Mary McFerran, Aldyth McLean, Gilford Morris, Henry Morrison, Suzanne Murdoch, Lillian Neale, Mary Parmenter, Raymond Sadler, Bernard Shatford, Thomas Smith, Colin Syme, Constance Unsworth, Ernest Wills, Dulcie

13 Jun 01 Ashwell, George Bruere, Graham Cairney, Brian Christian, Malcolm Churchill, Winston Claxton, Joyce Davis, Charlotte Divehall, Ivan Evans, Diana Fisher, Patricia Gasparics, Alexander Gillies, Eileen Golding, Philippa Hall, Ivan Hampton, Francis Harrison, Bridget Hendren, Eileen Kerr, Bevan Martin, Ellen Matthews, Kenwyn Morrison, Suzanne Neale, Mary O'Hara, Jean Smith, Colin Smith, Kenneth Syme, Constance West, Grace Wills, Dulcie

14 Jun 01 Batchelor, Ronald Bird, Elizabeth Blakie, Robert Bruere, Graham Campbell, Lucia Chant, William Churchill, Winston

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cunliffe, Richard Dye, William Evans, Annie Evans, Diana Gillies, Eileen Haddock, Nigel Harrison, Bridget Herbert, Lois Hughes, Gwendoline Kilpatrick, Mary Marriott, Kenneth Marston, Leslie Martin, Ellen McKendry, Thomas Murray, Joan Poulsen, Raymond Proudlock, Pamela Reihana, Rona Smith, Evelyn Smith, Kenneth Thorpe, Helen Tucker, Vivienne Webb, Keith West, Grace Wills, Dulcie

15 Jun 01 Bird, Elizabeth Branch, Lucy Bruere, Graham Chant, William Costello, Julie Dakin, Andrew Dye, William Erickson, Doreen Evans, Annie Haddock, Nigel Halstead, Elsie Hastie, George Lawrie, Daniel Martin, Ellen Proudlock, Pamela Reeves, Frederick Smith, Ashley Smith, Raymond Thompson, Fredric Tucker, Vivienne

16 Jun 01 Barwick, Rosabel Blake, Edna Blom, Jon Bolderston, Gerald Bovett, John Boyd, Donald Brain, Lilian Campbell, Kitty Cave, Noel Cawood, Muriel Coleman, Peter Costello, Julie Drewe, Caroline Erickson, Doreen Gosano, Fr. Jose Maria Haddock, Nigel Halstead, Elsie

Herbert, Lois Irwin, Irene Kinsman, Clarence Le Lievre, George Longman, Violet MacLeod, Alan McKendry, Thomas Murray, Joan Pakau, Halisi Reeves, Frederick Schipper, Paul Scott, David Shine, Helen Smith, Ashley Smith, Raymond Tucker, Vivienne

18 Jun 01 Barwick, Rosabel Batchelor, Betty Blair, Jessie Blom, Jon Boys, Harvey Bradley, Ramon Burford, Ann Calder, Ebenezer Costello, Julie Dellaca, James Duder, Albert Fissenden, Gordon Harrison, Frank Joyce, William Kinsman, Clarence Lane, Syra Longman, Violet Mackley, Ethel Mayer, Robert McFarlane_Walker, Toby Montgomery, William Osborne, Eric Pentecost, Edna Ramsden, John Rosanowski, Maisie Rothera, Eric (Jim) Ryan, Desmond Smith, Ashley Smith, Raymond Thomson, Doris Turner, Adrian Wheeler, Edna White, Joan Williams, Ella Wright, Graeme

19 Jun 01 Adco*ck, David Booker, Winifred Boys, Harvey Bryant, Cecil Burford, Ann Calder, Ebenezer Cawood, Muriel Cornelius, Alexa Creamer, Mary Currie, Walter Dalling, David

Eason, James Eveleigh, Frank Fissenden, Gordon Harrison, Frank Jaine, Charles Lane, Syra Machin, Timothy Mayer, Robert McCabe, Shirley Patterson, Gladstone Powis, Jennie Robb, Donald Rosanowski, Maisie Rothera, Eric (Jim) Scott, Elizabeth Stevenson, Kenneth Thomson, Doris Turner, Adrian White, Joan Wimutu, Frank

20 Jun 01 Adco*ck, David Bythell, Mavis Cadigan, Pauline Chandler, Raymond Christensen, Margery Collett, David Conaglen, Kathleen Cornelius, Alexa Cotton, Richard Coulson, John Creamer, Mary Creveul, Louis Currie, Isabella Davies, Raymond Dijkstra, George Duncan, Lillian Eveleigh, Frank Field, Rodney Griffin, Joan Hewlett, Jim Jaine, Charles Loach, Corwyn Mayer, Robert O'Brien, William Pickering, Myrtle Pirangi, Finetoga Poulter, Ernie Rees, Owen Rothera, Eric (Jim) Sloan, May Stevenson, Kenneth Struyk, Olga Teale-Staats, Andrea Williams, Heather Wimutu, Frank

21 Jun 01 Barker, Janet Bradford, Irene Cheetham, Trevor Collett, David Conaglen, Kathleen Cotton, Richard Coulson, John Creveul, Louis

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Currie, Isabella Faith, Alice Fowler, Sarah Gifford, Joan Griffin, Joan Haines, Lilian Hewlett, Jim Hopley, Joyce Loach, Corwyn Milne, Cecil Pirangi, Finetoga Powis, Jennie Pugh, Elizabeth Ramsbottom- Isherwood, June Rees, Owen Stevenson, Kenneth Struyk, Olga Teale-Staats, Andrea Whyte, Alister Wimutu, Frank Young, Dorothea

22 Jun 01 Bradford, Irene Carter, Geoffrey Chapman, Donald Chapman, Margaret Cheetham, Trevor Collett, David Easton, Cecelia Griffin, Trevor Haines, Lilian Hardie, Merle Lewis, Albert Macdonald, Ada Macdonald, Frances Manson, Katrina & Emily Moller, Jennifer Moody, John Sullivan, Dawn Thompson, Bruce Young, Dorothea (Joyce)

23 Jun 01 Anthony, William Antill, Daniel Askin, Constance Cameron, Georgina Carter, Geoffrey Castle, Fredrick Chalmers, Barbara Clarke, Brent Cobb, Timothy Elston, Olive Empson, Esma Griffin, Trevor Hardie, Merle Hood, Doris Jackson, George Jackson, Shona Kellythorn, Hendrika Kidson, James Killeen, Rona Lennon, Paul

Lewis, Albert Lowry, Edith Macdonald, Ada Manson, Katrina & Emily McKay, June McKenzie, Mona Moller, Jennifer Moody, John Newton, Leslie Oakey, Evelyn Pope, Mary Pugh, Elizabeth Stanley, Brian Sullivan, Dawn Thompson, Bruce

25 Jun 01 Antill, Daniel Askin, Constance Bailey, Sheila Berry, Dorothy Black, Jacqueline Castle, Fred Coberger, Ingeborg Cox, Norman (Norm) Empson, Esma Gallagher, Doris Gardiner, Alister Gillard, Beverly Glasson, Caroline Graham, Thomas Hartshorn, John Hazeldine, Anthony Horrell, Albert Jaggar, Lu Kelly, Nell Kennedy, Clifford Lennon, Paul Manson, Katrina & Emily McCartney, Grace McFaul, William McGinley, Cyril McKay, June Moody, John Park, Margaret Reveley, Catherine Shaw, Robert Steele, Allan Taege, Frederick (Cliff) Taylor, Millicent Thomas, Margaret Williamson, David

26 Jun 01 Bailey, Sheila Barnett, Stanley Cameron, Archibald Cribb, Marcus Cross, Michael Davidson, Elsie Ellis, Neill Empson, Esma Ferguson, Rex Francis, Victor

Gardiner, Alister Gillard, Beverly Glasson, Caroline Green, Susan Hazledine, Anthony Horrell, Albert Jaggar, Lu McCartney, Grace McDowell, Lindsay McFaul, William McIlroy, John Meade, Jaxon Miles, Daisy Miller, William Mills, Phyllis Mills, Stella Park, Margaret Quinn, Jeffery Reveley, Catherine Riach, Robert Shaw, Constance Shaw, Robert Steele, Allan Taege, Frederick (Cliff) Timms, George Tozer, Betty Walker, Harold Ward, Peter Williamson, David Wilson, Janet

27 Jun 01 Barnett, Stanley Beck, Martin Cadwaladr, Ronald Cameron, Archibald Campion, Kevin Comer, Peter Fisher, Nancy Francis, Victor Gorinski, Roma Hammond, Josephine Hazledine, Anthony Henderson, Eliza Johnson, Lesley Kinley, Elsie Leaf, Bernadette Leitch, Dorothy McCaffrey, Alice McGeady, Malcolm McHale, Rev Fr John McIlroy, John McManus, Michael Millar, Colin Roberts, Morell Salter, Victor Shaw, Constance Smart, Nora Smit, Nicolaas Taege, Frederick (Cliff) Timms, George Tozer, Betty Walker, Harold Ward, Peter Williams, Irene

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


28 Jun 01 Bailey, Sheila Beattie, Marion Beck, Martin Blair, Rose Cadwaladr, Ronald Cameron, Archibald Campion, Kevin Clarke, Vincent Dawson, Susan Gardiner, Barbara Guilford, Bruce Hamblyn, Geoffrey Henderson, Eliza Jenkins, Mary Johnson, Lesley Kinley, Elsie Leaf, Bernadette Leitch, Dorothy Lennon, Paul McGeady, Malcolm McHale, Rev Fr John McManus, Michael Nestor, Mavis Petrie, Charlotte Powell, Kathleen Saville, Dolores Scobie, Andrew Shaw, Constance Smit, Nicolaas Tippet, Leslie Walker, Ronald

29 Jun 01 Beadle, Victor Blair, Rose Closey, Cordelia Crawford, Naomi Crosbie, Michael Dawson, Susan Dean, Jessie Gardiner, Barbara Gorinski, Roma Guilford, Bruce Jenkins, Mary Johns, Anthony Kika, Manki MacLeod, Murdo McIntyre, John Nees, Lyla Nestor, Mavis Powell, Kathleen Rattray, Margaret Walker, Edward (Ted) Walker, Ronald Weir, Dorothy Westergaard, George Whitcombe, Albert

30 Jul 01 Aicken, Shona Armstrong, Nancy Beadle, Victor Borgfeldt, Thelma Bradbury, Leonard Brown, John

Brown, Venie Bull, Jack Burdon, Alan Campbell, Frederick Canton, Anthony Clements, Jessie Closey, Cordelia Conway, Franklin Coulson, Eileen Crawford, Naomi Crosbie, Michael Cutbush, William Dawson, George Dick, Douglas Gardiner, Barbara Gilbertson, Elizabeth Gorinski, Roma Guilford, Bruce Hannah, Anthony Hopley, Major Lister Johns, Anthony Johnson, Lesley Kika, Manki Mackenzie, Graeme MacLeod, Murdo Marshall, Raymond McRostie, Elizabeth Moloney, Denis Neal, Robert Neale, Mary Nees, Lyla Ross, Alistair Smith, Stanley Taylor, Miriam Thomson, Doris Thomson, Kenneth Walker, Edward (Ted) Westergaard, George Whitcombe, Albert Winn, Sheilah Yeatman, Clifford

02 Jul 01 Aicken, Shona Armstrong, Russell Brown, John Brown, Venie Bull, Jack Burdon, Alan Busch, Allan Cameron, Donald Fine, Frederick Finlay, Jack Hibbeard, Gane Hills, Vernon Hooper, Gilbert Keegan, Catherine Kettle, Carlos Klempel, Keith Le Comber, Charlotte Little, Thelma Luxton, Arthur Marshall, Dale McRobie, Martha McRostie, Liz Melhuish, William Mill, Herbert

Moffat, Edmee Moloney, Denis Painter, Noel Phillips, Neville Pierson, George Powell, Clifford Rudkin, Naida Shea, Cyril Simpson, Beatrice Taylor, Miriam Thomson, Kenneth Tozer-Watts, Elsie Wallace, Leslie Yeatman, Clifford

03 Jul 01 Aitken, Patricia Bassett, Mervyn Busch, Allan Callanan, Patrick Cameron, Donald Chapman, James Chapman, Thomas Christey, Paul Churstain, Anne Connell, Elizabeth Fechney, Murray Fine, Frederick Fox, Dudley Hallahan, Robert Hibberd, Gane Hills, Vernon Hooper, Gilbert Kliem, Louise Lazar, Lawrence Le Comber, Charlotte Long, Shirley Marshall, Dale Melhuish, William Mill, Herbert Mitchell, Margaret Painter, Noel Phillips, Neville Pierson, George Rudkin, Naida Smith, Frances Snook, Alice Stanley, Mary TeRakau, Matt Todd, Joyce Trowland, Hugh Wilson, Derek

4 Jul 01 Baker, Mehida Brough, Louis Cameron, Donald Christey, Paul Connell, Elizabeth Conning, Enid Douglas, Jill Fechney, Murray Field, Jean Fleming, Elizabeth Frost, Brian Hallahan, Robert Hill, Freda

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hills, Vernon Hinkley, Anthony Kliem, Louise Lazar, Lawrence Le Comber, Charlotte Lemon, Gordon Long, Shirley Luxton, Arthur Maginness, Eric McAloon, Monsignor Brian Melhuish, William Mitchell, Margaret Moffat, Edmee Morse, Lewis Pepperell, Graham Perano, Athol Poelman, Gerhardus Powell, Clifford Rowe, Reginald Scott, John Smith, Frances Snook, Alice Stout, Marjorie Todd, Joyce Yee, Justin

5 Jul 01 Baker, Mehida Baldwin, Gwenneth Brydon, Bruce Cameron, Donald Chapman, James Chater, Gwyneth Christey, Paul Curtis, Alfred Fleming, Elizabeth Forscutt, Blanche Forsyth, William Frost, Brian Glass, Catherine Hallahan, Robert Hill, Freda Hills, Vernon Kunzli, Joachim (Kim) Lawry, Samantha Lazar, Lawrence Long, Shirley Luxton, Arthur Maloney, Gloria Michel, Frances Nuttridge, Grant Painter, Brian Pepperell, Graham (Dick) Perano, Athol Ross, Emily Ryburn, James Smith, Frances Stout, Marjorie Te Rakau, Matthew Yee, Justin

06 Jul 01 Baker, Mehida Bentley, Margaret Cowper, Elizabeth

Crampton, Ethel Forbes, Ernest Frost, Brian Glass, Catherine Kennard, Peg Lawry, Samantha Le Comber, Charlotte Maloney, Gloria Melhuish, William Michel, Frances Painter, Brian Reynish, Valmai Royal, John Ryburn, James Smallridge, Connie Stanley, Gwendoline Thomson, John Urbani, Paul Wallace, Francis Williams, Joseph Yee, Justin

7 Jul 01 Asher, Maureen Baigent, Jane Batty, Joan Bond, Olive Bottcher, Bert Chater, Gwyneth (Jocelyn) Crampton, Ethel Darling, Doreen Duffy, Patricia Forbes, Ernest Forsyth, William Grey, Shirley Henderson, Winifred Higgins, Stanley James, Edwin Jamieson, Keith Jones, Josephine Leicester, Nellie Maginness, Eric McGrath, Norma Meagher, Kevin Moore, Nancie Mulholland, Dr Sarah Murch, Arthur Pepperell, Graham Reynish, Valmai Roberts, Matthew Robinson, Peter Romeril, June Saxton, Charles Scott, Gaye Severne, Isabella Sinclair, Doreen Stanley, Gwendoline Stanners, Edith Stevenson, Lucy Thomson, John Tones, Kerry Urbani, Paul Wallace, Francis Ward, Marjory Weastell, I. J. (Jim) Williams, Joseph

9 Jul 01 Alexander, Jane Bell, Claire Bishop, Kathleen Cox, Agnes Craw, Trevor Cummins, Patrick Darling, Doreen Edmonds, Ngati Eskett, Gerald Gibson, Eileen (Lee) Giffen, Roka Higgins, Stanley Honey, Harriet Johnston, Heather Keith, Gordon Kennedy, Kathleen Lawrence, Margaret Linklater, Lillian Ludbrook, Doris McGrath, Norma McKeage, William Morton, Nellie Newburn, Mary O'Malley, Edna Robinson, Peter Rolleston, John Romeril, June Stanley, Gwendoline Stockdale, Nellie Tones, Kerry Usher-Somers, Kathleen (Joyce) Walker, Eileen Wall, Fr Peter Ward, Marjory Yates, John

10 Jul 01 Bean, Robert Bissett, Eileen Bongartz, Douglas Chadwick, Pauline Coleman, Paul Cowper, Elizabeth Cox, Agnes Crampton, Ethel Cummins, Patrick Edmonds, Ngati Eskett, Gerald Giffen, Roka (Mary) Gray, Frances Harvey, Anita Johnston, Heather Jones, Doris Keith, Gordon Kennedy, Kathleen Laloli, Agnes Lawrence, Ellen Ludbrook, Doris Martin, Sylvia Mavaega, Kupi McCrea, Ethel McGowan, Gerald McGowan, Ian Meehan, Leslie

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Meehan, William Murray, Elsie O'Shea, John Osmers, Eric Rankin, Allan Ruki, Trudy Sinclair, Jamie Walker, Eileen Wall, Fr Peter Wells, Carmen Yates, John (Billy)

11Jul 01 Bell, Claire Bissett, Eileen Bongartz, Douglas Brown, David Brown, John Bruce, Shona Callanan, Patrick Cobden, Jean Coe, Neil Cooper, Roslyn Dense, Richard Dick, Margueritte Douglas, Ruth Dunnage, Dorothy Edmonds, Ngati Foster, Beatrice Giffen, Roka (Mary) Gurr, Aileen Haley, William Harper, Ian Hosking, Rosaline Jones, Doris Laloli, Agnes Mahuika, Brent Martin, Sylvia Mason, Lilian Mavaega, Kupi McGowan, Gerald McLintock, Mervyn Meehan, Leslie Miller, Muriel Newburn, Mary Osmers, Eric Phillips, Eruera Rankin, Allan Robertson, Ngaio Robinson, Robert Ruki, Trudy Simson, Francis Sinclair, Jamie Thomas, J. N.B. John Wallace, Robert Warn, Jack

12 Jul 01 Bateman, Wendy Beaufort, Dale Brown, John Connor, Gilbert Cooper, Roslyn Dale, Gladys Dean-Harness, Diana Dick, Margueritte Dunnage, Dorothy

Ellis, Ernest Foster, Beatrice Griebel, Linlie Gurr, Aileen Herman, Matthew Laloli, Agnes Loan, David Mahuika, Brent Martin, Sylvia Mavaega, Kupi McLaughlan, Malcolm Morrison, Brig. William Osmers, Eric Phillips, Eruera Robinson, Robert Ruki, Trudy Sowman, Hazel Thomas, J. N.B. John Turner, Elizabeth van der Bel, Rudolph Wallace, Robert Watson, Harry Woodward, William

13 Jul 01 Adams, Dorothy Bateman, Wendy Beaufort, Dale Berkhout, Catherine Connor, Gilbert Cowan, Marie Cross, James (Malcolm) Dale, Gladys Dick, Margueritte Dyer, Evan Griebel, Linlie Gurr, Aileen Harmon, Jack Herman, Matthew Loan, David McIntyre, Alastair Patten, Myrtle Phillips, Eruera Reilly, Gilbert Thomas, Eric Thomas, Neal Thomson, Dorothy van der Bel, Rudolph Wallace, Robert Watson, Harry Woodward, William

14 Jul 01 Baillie, Ivy Beaufort, Dale Bruce, Shona Caley, Pamela Carr, Ernest Coe, Clifton Connor, Virginia Cowan, Marie (Elsie) Cowens, Selwyn Cross, James (Malcolm) Doran, Kathleen Ellwood, Shirley

Gibson, Colin Griebel, Linlie Gurr, Aileen Harmon, Jack Hosking, Rosaline Hulshoff, Emily Hurrell, Leicester Jenkins, Bruce Kennedy, Mabel (Tot) Mackey-Barnes, Hemi Mackie, Thomas McAllister, William Morris, Raymond Morrison, Brig. William Power, Patrick Reilly, Gilbert Shackel, Lynda Tavendale, Eva Thomas, Neal Thomson, Dorothy Werahiko, Kataraina Williams, Emmanuel Wyber, Joyce Youds, Violet

16 Jul 01 Barnes, Mary Benseman, Ena Caley, Pamela Carr, Ernest Connor, Virginia Cowens, Selwyn Craig, Walter Doran, Kathleen Ensor, Harold Gibson, Oswald Gravestone, Dorothy Given, Bruce Hancox, Alfred Herman, Matthew Hoban, Esme (Babs) Hulshoff, Emily Hurrell, Leicester Jacobson, Gladys Joblin, Violet Johnson, Margaret Jones, Tui Jones-Dymock, Cole Kemp, Terehi (Kelly) Kennedy, Mabel (Tot) King, Shirley Knowler, Gordon Mackie, Thomas McAllister, William McIntyre, Alastair McGill, Andrew Mitchell, Muriel Morris, Raymond Panapa, Tana Power, Patrick Ruru, Hone Ryan, Rev. Monsignor Maurice Scott, Ivan Shackel, Lynda Smith, James Smith, Pearl

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Steans, Mary Tavendale, Eva Wyber, Joyce

17 Jul 01 Avery, Gwendoline Buxton, Colin Caley, Pamela Collins, Betty Craig, Josephine Craig, Walter Cross, Stanley Dacombe, Pauline Dromgoole, Florence Duignan, Brian Findlay, Marie Ford, Janet (Jenny) Gerry, Ethel Gibson, Oswald Graveston, Dorothy Hancox, Albert Hoban, Esme (Babs) Jameson, Margaret Joblin, Violet Jones, Owen Jones, Tui Jones-Dymock, Cole Kemp, Terehi (Kelly) Knowler, Gordon McBride, John McCullough, Clare Moore, Ronald Morris, Raymond Murdoch, John Obbard, Shirley Panapa, Tana Richards, Graeme Scott, Ivan Smith, Nancy Steans, Mary Trumper, Edith van Herpt, Adrian Yeoman, Florence

18 Jul 01 Avery, Gwendoline Choate, Francis Clifton, Norman Clouston, Robyn Dodgshun, Darwent Doran, Kathleen Dromgoole, Florence Findlay, Marie Ford, Janet (Jenny) Ganda, Chhiba Graveston, Dorothy Hancox, Albert Henderson, Robert Hopkinson, William Hunter, Mavis Innes, Leicester Jameson, Margaret Jar, Christina Kemp, Beverley Kemp, Terehi Kenning, Jean Langley, Eric

Murdoch, John Ogilvie, Gladys Richards, Graeme Scott, Ivan Smith, Edward Smith, Nancy Tinga, Mollo van Herpt, Adrian Versteeg, Lambertha Vincent, Margaret Williams, Roy

19 Jul 01 Boss, Jean Burns, Colin Burridge, Fraser Cameron, Gordon Clifton, Norman Crozier, Beverley Fearn, Joseph Findlay, Marie Ganda, Chhiba Gibbons, Marian Hancox, Albert Hartley, Waiorewa Herman, Matthew Hopkinson, William Innes, Leicester Jones, Owen Kenning, Jean Klaver, Charles Langley, Eric Luscombe, Sydney Murray, Helen Ogilvie, Gladys Parcell, Henry Stanley, Shirley Taylor, William Terry, Reginald Tinga, Mollo Vincent, Margaret Wilks, Graham Willman, Agnes Young, Peggy

20 Jul 01 Avery, Gwendoline Burridge, Fraser Cameron, Selwyn Coutts, Margaret (Fi) Cowan, Lawrence (Roy) Davidson, James Geddes, Eric Goddard, Rita Hall, Robert Henderson, William Joyce, Lynne Kennett, Barbara Klaver, Charles Langley, Eric McLaughlin, Joseph Murray, Helen Parcell, Henry Pemberton, Mary Reese, Ula Saunders, Marion

Skilton, Malcolm Smith, Grace Smylie, Bernadine Solanki, Deviben Stanley, Shirley Taylor, William Vincent, Margaret Whall, Lawrence White, Alan White, James Whitham, Robert Willman, Agnes Young, Peggy

21 Jul 01 Ames, Mollie Boreham, Joseph Burridge, Fraser Cameron, Allan Cameron, Selwyn Claridge, Beryl Clark, Alexander Coutts, Margaret (Fi) Cowan, Lawrence (Roy) Curtis, Myrtle Davidson, James Dobby, Frances Dodgshun, Darwent Drinnan, Norah Evans, Gladys Goddard, Rita Grey, Walter Hall, Robert Henderson, William Henry, Raymond Hicks, Ellen Inkster, Edith Johnson, Theresa Joyce, Lynne Kearney, John Keats, Ronald Kettenburg, Mary Klaver, Charles Merrett, Ena Moore, Joyce Page, Jeannette Pemberton, Mary Pollard, William Reese, Ula Robb, Edith Saunders, Marion Saxton, Charles Shea, Norman Smith, Grace Smylie, Bernadine Sutherland, Ann Turner, Vincent Twaddle, Arthur Vincent, Margaret Whall, Lawrence White, James Whitham, Robert Wilson, Winifred

21 Jul 01 Bailey, Colin

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Berryman, Malcolm Blanchard, Barry Boby, Gladys Cameron, Allan Chinnery, Ngira Claridge, Beryl Clark, Alexander Copland, Avis Crampton, Shirley Culley, Winifred Dobby, Frances Drinnan, Norah Fotherington, Evelyn Garnett, Daphne Gill, Marcus Hedwig, Muriel Hegarty, Tony Henry, Raymond Hill, Joseph Hohepa, Nan Keats, Ronald Kerr, Doreen King, Martin Lightowler, William McDonald, Robert McLean, Donald Merrett, Ena Millar, Mary Moore, Joyce Morris, John Ozard, Barbara Pollard, William Purdon, Myrtle Rangiuaia, Barbara Romano, Vena Salt, Nancy Shea, Norman Stevenson, James Sutherland, Ann Thompson, Ronald Vincent, Margaret Walker, Greta Warren, Jane Way, Blanche

24 Jul 01 Albright, William Bailey, Colin Berryman, Malcolm Blanchard, Barry Boby, Gladys Branch, Michael Brazil, John Carruthers, Hazel Chinnery, Ngira Claridge, Beryl Clearwater, Noeleen Culley, Winifred Evans, Gladys Field, Dermott Fotheringham, Evelyn Fowler, Catherine Garnett, Daphne Gatehouse, Pauline Hamlyn-Hall, Norma Heeney, Leonard Hegarty, Tony

Henderson, Duncan Hill, Joseph Hohepa, Nan Jones, Heather Keats, Ronald Leslie, Donald Marshall, Phillip McDonald, Robert McGinty, Doreen McLean, Donald Millar, Mary Moyle, Daisy Purdon, Myrtle Robb, Edith Roberts, George Robins, Noreen Salt, Nancy Sams, Ivy Sellars, Christine Smith, Mary Vincent, Margaret Walker, Greta Wilks, Graham Yeates, Donald

25 Jul 01 Albright, William Ames, Mollie Arthur, Patricia Baxter, Lynette Boby, Gladys Butt, Jean Calder, Bessie Clarke, Dean Crampton, Shirley Davies, Elva Docherty, Anthony Dunlop, Dorothy Field, Dermott Fowler, Catherine Haldane, Gwendoline Hamlyn-Hall, Norma Henderson, Duncan Hill, Kenneth Hogsden, Iral Jennings, Margaret Jones, Heather Kane, William King, Martin Kumeroa, Edward McDonald, Robert McGinty, Doreen Shearman, Michael Smith, George Smith, James Whitfield, David

26 Jul, 01 Arthur, Patricia Baxter, Lynette Blakie, James Campbell, Mavis Clarke, Dean Curgenven, Jessie Dixon, Horace (Horrie) Docherty, Anthony Hill, Kenneth

Hunter, Grace Kirwan, Wendy Kumeroa, Edward Martin, Richard Morris, Athol Norman, Ngarongo (Pat) Ralfe, Juliet Richardson, Elizabeth Schaper, Frederick Sedcole, Cobi Taiaroa, William Thomson, Margaret Whitfield, David Wishnowski, Lewis Woodrow, Walter

27 Jul 01 Allard, Peter Blakie, James Cade, Joan Campbell, Mavis Curgenven, Jessie Dickson, James Dixon, Horace (Horrie) Docherty, Anthony Duggan, Norma Ferguson, Paul Hill, Alma Hunter, Grace Lattimore, Joan Long, Hector Murphy, Phyllis O'Keefe, James Payne, Evelyn Pipi Ieti, Vaileti Stevenson, Ethel Taiaroa, William Thomson, Joan Whitfield, David Wisnesky, Shirley Woodrow, Walter

28 Jul 01 Alsford, Francine Biddle, Robert Copland, Avis Dickson, James Docherty, Anthony Dollan, George Duggan, Norma Ferguson, Paul Fleming, James Gray, Vincent Hendren, Augustine Hill, Alma Kerr, Doreen Kingi, Barbara Latto, Eric Lockhart, Dr Ronald Lund, Eileen McAlister, Keith Munro, Finlay Murphy, Phyllis O'Keefe, James Pash, Mary Jane Pipi Ieti, Vaileti

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Ramsay, Roger Sawyer, George Scott, William Stuart, Wallace Taiaroa, William Weily, Marion Wisnesky, Shirley

30 Jul 01 Alsford, Francine Beaumont, Graeme Benson, Albert Buckley, Edward Closs, Una Dickson, Jimmy Edwards, Vera Foote, Shirley Gray, Vincent Harper, Jessie Hendren, Augustine Hill, Alma Holland, Ian Hoskins, Phyllis Kingi, Barbara Latto, Eric Marks, Patricia Martin, Kama Martin, Maurice McBride, Kevin McKinnon, Malcolm McPhail, John Millard, David Neutze, Audrey Oatley, Margaret Parkinson, Diana Payne, Desmond Read, Julie Robertson, Betsy Sawyer, George Scarf, Trevor Scott, William Smith, Anthony Smith, Douglas Stevenson, Ethel Stokes, John Sumner, Francis Tant, Robert Waldron, William Walter, Leslie (Les) Weily, Marion

31 Jul 01 Baigent, Mildred Beaumont, Graeme Buckley, Edward Campbell, Douglas Chaudron, Eefje Corney, Gladys Duncan, Brenda Gray, John Hall, John Heine, Theodor Holland, Ian Hoskins, Phyllis Kingi, Barbara Lee, Dick McBride, Kevin

Macfarlane, Andrew McKinnon, Malcolm McKinnon, Vivienne McPhail, John Martin, Maurice Millard, David Mitchell, John O'Reilly, Robert Parkinson, Diana Payne, Evelyn Prenter, Albert Richards, Patricia Saunders, Robert Scarf, Trevor Shroff, Frank Steele, James Stokes, John Thompson, Donnella Tredennick, Velna Walter, Leslie (Les) Wells, Thomas

1 Aug 01 Agent, Lucy Argyle, Ross Bennetts, Leslie Campbell, John Cappie, Julia co*cks, Evelyn Duncan, Brenda Hall, John Henderson, Lorraine Higgins, Daniel Hoskins, Phyllis Love, Helen Marks, Patricia Martin, Kama Martin, Maurice Mitchell, John Oliver, Paige Osborne, F. L.G. (Peter) Perkins, Ellen Phan, Uyen Reeves, June Saunders, Robert Sewell, Clarence Simons, Peggy Stott, Pauline

2 Aug 01 Agent, Lucy Bennetts, Leslie Chambers, Ida Chaudron, Eefje co*cks, Evelyn Cowan, Judy Crooks, Brian Dorrant, Charles Drumm, Jessie Feely, Maurice Forbes, Murray Gibson, Charlotte Greenhalgh, Thomas Kelly, Margaret Marquet, Louis Matheson, Elliot

Oliver, Paige Osborne, F. L.G. (Peter) Palmer, Nina Patterson, Sylvia Phan, Uyen Randall, Trevor Rout, Pauline Simons, Peggy Stott, Pauline Thornley, Allen Toomey, Leslie

3 Jul 01 Bruce, Marion Chamberlain, Ivy Chambers, Ida Chapman, Helen Cox, Ida Cruickshank, Stanley Dorrant, Charles Drumm, Jessie Duncan, Brenda Espiner, Mary fa*gan, Patricia Fenika, Elia Greenhalgh, Thomas Jackman, Zita Kelly, Margaret Luskie, Kathleen Marquet, Louis Martinson, Christopher McRae, Donald O'Keefe, Alan Oliver, Paige Pawsey, Dean Phan, Uyen Randall, Trevor Thomas, Allan Thornley, Allen Turner, Audrey

4 Aug 01 Bauchop, Colin Buttriss, Gerald Carter, Andrew Chamberlain, Ivy Christie, Winram Connor, Helen Craighead, John Cruickshank, Stanley Deverson, Angus Elder, Yvonne Espiner, Mary fa*gan, Patricia Fenika, Elia Gardyne, Fiona and Shannon Hall, Peter Hands, Rita Harvey, Brian Hayward, Rose Hodgetts, Rex Howorth, Margaret Jansen, Amoury Lawton, Yvonne Lill, George

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Lucas, Lionel Marks, Patricia Martinson, Christopher Metcalfe, Ethel O'Keefe, Alan Patterson, David Randall, Trevor Stewart, Archibald Stewart, Donald Symington, Ralph Thomas, Allan Turner, Audrey

6 Aug 01 Crooks, William (Jim) Culver, Nancy Dawson, Verral Deverson, Angus Enser, Elsie Fenika, Elia Gill, Dede Girvan, Ann Hands, Rita Howorth, Margaret Keats, Angus Marks, Eva Martin, Garlies (Gay) Matthews, Maureen (Judy) McLaren, Gordon McLean, Jessie Menzies, Donald Millward, Rennie Milner, Ailsa Moore, William Morgan, John Morrow, Peter Overton, William Singh, Kamal Smitham, Robert Stewart, Donald Sutherland, Harold Trimmer, Gordon Vaughan, Albert Vowles, Noel Warren, Elsie Webb, Margaret Yaxley, Charles

7 Aug 01 Bamford, Olga Bauchop, Colin Baughan, James Bromfield, David Crooks, William (Jim) Cunneen, Maurice Dawson, Verral Drake, Neville Eastwood, Greg Feast, Harry Fenika, Elia Francis, Ethel Girvan, Ann Hay, June Hayward, Rose Hingston, Dominique and Nikkita

Johnston, Wilton Kearns, Thomas Kerr, Donald Macfarlane, Catherine Marks, Eva Mason, Leonie Matthews, Maureen McLaren, Gordon Millward, Rennie Milne, Richard Milner, Ailsa Morgan, John Morrow, Peter Nock, Leslie O'Connell, Eileen O'Connor, Verna Pringle, Dorothy Ray, William Ritchie, Robert Sanderson, Peter Singh, Kamal Sutherland, Harold Thomas, Margaret Vowles, Noel Webb, Margaret

08 Aug 01 Bamford, Olga Baughan, James Bird, Ernest Bridgman, Stephen Bromfield, David Brown, Murray Crooks, William (Jim) English, Ronald Feast, Harry Francis, Ethel Giles, Herbert Hawkey, Estelle Hay, June Hewlett, Albert Hobbs, Dorothy Holmes, David Howorth, Margaret Jack, Robert Johnston, Wilton Kearns, Thomas Lay, Frances Maley, Jack Mason, Leonie McKelvie, James Morrow, Peter Munro, Mervyn O'Connell, Eileen Prinsep, Anthony Ray, William Redmond, Hilary Sanderson, Peter Singh, Kamal Thompson, Gladys Vaughan, Albert

9 Aug 01 Behrns, Florence Bird, Ernest Brown, Murray Cooney, David

Duff, Ronald Edge, Janie English, Ronald Erasmuson, Lindsay Feast, Harry Harnett, Annie Hewlett, Albert Hinman, Nora Holmes, David Howarth, Mary Jackson, Noel Kubatzki, Jacqueline Langdale, Mary Lay, Frances McKelvie, James Melhop, Alan Mills, James Munro, Mervyn Prinsep, Anthony Ray, William Redmond, Hilary Rickard, William Ritchie, Robert Sharp, William Slaughter, Jeannie Thomas, Daphne

10 Aug 01 Armstrong, Noeline Brown, Murray Burns, Natalia Clark, Shinae Corbett, Joan Crabb, Lawrence (Arthur) Cribb, Sonnie Dunn, Richard Erdman, Jill Fear, Irene Fitzwilliam, Marlene Flanagan, Margaret Grigg, Brenda Harneiss, Sidney Harnett, Annie Hinman, Nora Jamieson, Kenneth Lay, Frances Mills, James Paulin, Edwin Price, Edna Rhodes, Sarah Sharp, William Sowden, Merle Thomas, Daphne Thompson, Douglas Williams, Maurice Woods, Teresa Young, Samuel

11 Aug 01 Armstrong, Noeline Best, Alan Blyth, Rev. David Bryant, John Clark, Shinae Crabb, Lawrence (Arthur)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Davidson, Donald Dimick, Juliette Dunn, Richard Edge, Marion English, Ronald Erdman, Jill Fear, Irene Fitzwilliam, Marlene Flanagan, Margaret Garters, Edith (Star) Gay, Edward Goulter, John Harneiss, Sidney Heuvelmans, Anna Hinman, Nora Jamieson, Kenneth Martin, Dulcie McAlindon- Weatherhead, Sandra Mills, James Moir, Annie Neave, Diana O'Connell, Marie Pellett, Eileen Potter, Arthur Reid, Nona Rhodes, Sarah Smiler, Tawhi Thompson, Douglas Tomlinson, Millicent Wakefield, Thelma Walesby, Oliver Watts, Edward Williams, Maurice Young, Samuel

13 Aug 01 Blyth, Rev. David Broughton, Keith Bruce, Margaret Bryant, John Burns, Betty Butterfield, Lida Crengle, Eileen Dimick, Juliette Dodds, Gordon English, Ronald Fox, Ian Garters, Edith (Star) Gay, Edward Hales, Kathleen Harneiss, Sidney Hinman, Nora Horsnell, John Kelliher, Peter Lawler, Bernard Loughridge, Robert Malthus, June Mangan, Stephen McQuinn, Doris Millar, Joannah Mitchell, Dr Stuart Moir, Annie O'Connell, Marie O'Loughlin, Kathleen Page, William

Patten, Lily Penington, William Peoples, Richard Reid, Nona Robson, Annie Schaab, Monika Smith, Georgina Taylor, Noko Thompson, Douglas Thompson, James Thorpe, William Walsh, Desmond (John) Weir, Henry Williams, Maurice Wright, Grace Young, Samuel

14 Aug 01 Athea, Valerie Bradley, Nancy Broughton, Keith Bruce, Margaret Bryant, John Burns, Betty Butterfield, Lida Calder, Shirley Cleland, Robert Dodds, Gordon Eder, Alison Forgeson, Ivan Fox, Ian Hales, Kathleen Heuvelmans, Anna Horsnell, John Kelliher, Peter Kerr, Barry Lawler, Bernard Lister, Edna Loughridge, Robert Mangan, Stephen Mason, Isabella Mason, Neville McQuinn, Doris Millar, Joannah Moir, Annie O'Loughlin, Kathleen Page, William Penington, William Peoples, Richard Pollitt, William Robinson,Alan Robson, Annie Russell, Jean Saunders, Amelia Schaab, Monika Scoones, Joyce Seaton, Vera Smith, Joy Smith, Kelvin Stinton, William Sweeney, Patrick Taylor, Noko Thompson, James Thorpe, William Weir, Henry White, Marjory

Wright, Grace

15 Aug 01 Blake, Dorothea Broughton, Keith Bruce, Margaret Bryant, John Calder, Shirley Cameron, Hazel Cleminson, George Cook, Jean Coward, Helen Eder, Alison Forgeson, Ivan Fox, Ian Goodman, David and Beverley Harkness, Gladys Marsden-Stegehuis, Kirihator and Marius McClelland, Malcolm O'Loughlin, Kathleen Packer, Charles Parker, Francis Pollitt, William Russell, Jean Saunders, Amelia Scoones, Joyce Sculpher, Sylvia Seaton, Vera Smith, Kelvin Spence, Ian Taylor, John

16 Aug 01 Bell, Shirley Bolton, Beverley Bromley, George Campbell, Eileen Coward, Helen Davies, Inez Dunlop, Olga Dyer, James Eder, Alison Forgeson, Ivan Gibbons, Robert Harris, Gertrude (Mavis) Keen, Florence Kerr, Barry Lapworth, Lionel Marshall, Brian McLeod, Mona McQueen, John Packman, Philip Page, William Parker, Francis Rumney, Geoffrey (Geof) Sim, Grace Smith, Kelvin Stinton, William Taylor, John Thorpe, William Walker, Rata

17 Aug 01

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Arnold, Glenys Barnes, Harry Bell, Shirley Bolton, Beverley Brydon, Phyllis Davies, Inez Fahey, Catherine Johnson, Sylvia Kempthorne, John Kennedy, William Kilgour, Margaret Lapworth, Lionel McMahon, Vincent Muldoon, Raymond Packman, Philip Payton, Ernest Pearson, Shirley Rumney, Geoffrey (Geof) Sim, Grace Taylor, John Turnbull, Herbert Wallace, Adam Williams, Chandos Young, Margaret

18 Aug 01 Ambler, Eric Atkinson, Isabell Bain, Frederick Bannan, Sydney Betts, Vincent Bromley, George Brydon, Phyllis Campbell, Virginia Carter, Valmai Dunlop, Olga Dyer, James Fahey, Catherine Fraser, Alexander Giffen, Peter Graham, James Hall, Robert Heveldt, Francis Hoggan, Alexander Ingram, Agnes Innes, Bryan Johnson, Sylvia Kempthorne, John McColl, Helen McMahon, Vincent Muldoon, Raymond Pearson, Shirley Saunders, Doris Scoringe, Amy Skerten, Desmond Stinton, William Stringleman, Douglas Thomson, Elizabeth Turnbull, Herbert Tyerman, Ivy Wallace, Adam Woodthorpe- Holderness, Stephen Woolhouse, Arthur

20 Aug 01

Abbott, William Affleck, John Aris, Gwenda Atkinson, Isabell Bain, Frederick Ballintine, Rita Beale, Maurice Bergman, Frances Betts, Vincent Carlyon, Terence Carter, Claude Carter, Valmai Collins, George Collins, Marjorie Davern, Jayden Eade, George Fitts, Margaret Freeman, Doreen Hall, Charles Hall, Robert Heveldt, Francis Hobby, Winifred Joyce, Rita Knowles, Robert Luff, Elizabeth McColl, Helen McMillan. Gordon Meares, Elizabeth Nimmo, Mary Parkinson, Ian Rolleston, George Scoringe, Amy Scott, Ivy Skerten, Desmond Streiff, Helen Thomas, Judith Thomson, William Turnbull, Herbert Tyerman, Ivy Von Guionneau, Volker Woodthorpe- Holderness, Stephen Woolhouse, Arthur

21 Aug 01 Aris, Gwenda Ballintine, Rita Bergman, Frances Betts, Vincent Carlyon, Terence Carter, Claude Chapman, Ronald Clark, Jack Coleman, Robert Collins, Marjorie Davern, Jayden Dixon, Eileen Duncan, Glad Eade, George Fitts, Margaret Freeman, Doreen Garlick, Norma Geering, Elaine Gunn, Neil Guthrie, Winnifred Harper, Theo

Hegarty, Ellen Higham, Geoffrey Hine, Eva Hobby, Winifred Holm, Joseph Knowles, Robert Luff, Elizabeth McKergow, Barbara McMillan, Gordon Nelson, Archibald Nicol, Raymond Nimmo, Mary Scott, Mary Shearman, Albert Thomas, Judith Yagodzenski, Joseph

22 Aug 01 Ambler, Eric Anson, Thomas Aston, George Barnes, Margaret Brown, Pauline Cairns, Roy Carlyon, Terence Davis, Gordon Dewar, Patricia Dixon, Eileen Englefield, Leonard Fitts, Margaret Freear, Lynda Hagerty, James Hawkins, Valerie Hegarty, Ellen Hill, Sylvia Hobby, Winifred Ilton, Isabella Mathewson, Fay McCaskey, Dorothy McKenzie, Mavis Morrison, Olive Murphy, Thomas Nelson, Archibald Patterson, Robert Peters, Russell Rickerby, Horace Rolleston, George Shearman, Albert Stuthridge, Albert Taylor, Pauline Thomas, Charles Versey, Rachel West, Thomas Yagodzenski, Joseph Zoontjes, Adrianus

23 Aug 01 Anson, Thomas Bridger, June Brown, Maria (Mollie) Brown, Pauline Cairns, Roy Dekker, Joyce Dewar, Patricia Englefield, Leonard Fitts, Margaret Freear, Lynda

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Green, Alice Hagerty, James Harmer, Daved Hill, Sylvia Hudson, Dorothy Ilton, Isabella Ireland, Gerald Jenkins, Rona Johnson, Anne Johnson, Colin Johnson, Willand Kalin, Ida Kellett, Dorothy Kirk, George Lancaster, Salli MacDonald, Aaron Mathewson, Fay McArthur, Erma McCaskey, Dorothy Miller, Paul Nelson, Archibald Nicol, David Pepper, Rita Peters, Russell Rhodes, Desmond Rickerby, Horace Sandford, Kathleen Sepp, Enn Shelley, Martin Shuker, Noel Smith, May Steel, Linda Stuthridge, Albert Tamplin, Beverley Taylor, Pauline Zoontjes, Adrianus

24 Aug 01 Barnes, Margaret Bingham, Florence Brown, Maria (Molly) Butson, John Copland, Horace (Horry) Dekker, Joyce Eastlake, Jane Gardiner, James Glover, Brian Green, Alice Hagerty, James Jenkins, Rona Johnson, Anne Johnson, Colin Kalin, Ida Kellett, Dorothy Lancaster, Salli McCallum, Bruce McCaskey, Dorothy McMahon, Kenneth Munro, Hazel Rhodes, Desmond Shuker, Noel Steel, Linda Sullivan, Katherine Watson, Basil

25 Aug 01 Aldridge, Betty Ambler, Eric Bingham, Florence Cornelius, William Cox, Leslie Dale, Clifford Davies, Martin Eastlake, Jane Elvy, Ray Faulkner, Dora Gardiner, James Glover, Brian Gluyas, Dora Hamilton, Kitty Higham, Geoffrey Hollands, Leslie Hughes, Daphne Keith, Reginald Lindsay, John (Roy) Macartney, Thomas McArthur, Erma McBeath, Emily McCallum, Bruce McErlane, Kevin McLeod, Jeanie Millar, Barclay Milner, John Mitchell, Gerald Morris, Gordon Munro, Hazel Parker, Donald Pearce, Elsie Penno, Margaret Ramsay, Raymond Rhodes, Desmond Small, Stanley Spence, Vincent Sullivan, Katherine Watson, Basil Whitford, Alice

25 Aug 01 Aldridge, Betty Ambler, Eric Bingham, Florence Cornelius, William Cox, Leslie Dale, Clifford Davies, Martin Eastlake, Jane Elvy, Ray Faulkner, Dora Gardiner, James Glover, Brian Gluyas, Dora Hamilton, Kitty Higham, Geoffrey Hollands, Leslie Hughes, Daphne Keith, Reginald Lindsay, John (Roy) Macartney, Thomas McArthur, Erma McBeath, Emily McCallum, Bruce McErlane, Kevin

McLeod, Jeanie Millar, Barclay Milner, John Mitchell, Gerald Morris, Gordon Munro, Hazel Parker, Donald Pearce, Elsie Penno, Margaret Ramsay, Raymond Rhodes, Desmond Small, Stanley Spence, Vincent Sullivan, Katherine Watson, Basil Whitford, Alice

27 Aug 01 Aitchison, Barbara Aldridge, Betty Ball, Alfred Barbet, Albert Chin, Bing Chrisp, John Cornelius, William Cox, Leslie Cranston, Joan Dale, Clifford Davies, Martin Duncan, Kenneth Ellis, Edna Frampton, Frederick Goldie, Elizabeth Grant, Estelle Hamilton, Kitty Harbidge, Juanita Harmon, Lionel Hickling, Percival Hopkins, Robert Hughes, Daphne James, Noel Kain, Betty Keith, Reginald Leask, Roy Luchford, Shirley Macartney, Thomas Malzard, Clifford Marsden, Margaret McLeod, Jeanie Mumm, Coral Parker, Donald Pearce, Elsie Ritchie, Colleen Robb, John Roberts, Les Rowe, Colin Ryan, Cuthbert Scofield, Ralph Spence, Vincent Stanley, Evelyn Stott, Lucy Waters, Charles Wilson, Lillian Wright, Kenneth

28 Aug 01 Aitchison, Barbara

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Clark, Irene Comrie, Mavis Connolly, Wilfred Davies, Martin Duncan, Kenneth Frampton, Frederick Gardner, Lionel Goldie, Elizabeth Grant, Estelle Gridgeman, Lorna Hansen, Vivian Harbidge, Juanita Harmon, Lionel Hopkins, Robert Malzard, Clifford Marsden, Margaret Mathie, Ruth McLachlan, John Mumm, Coral Phillips, Wilfred Pickens, Elizabeth Ritchie, Colleen Robb, John Stanley, Evelyn Todd, George Veale, Mary Waters, Charles Wenmoth, Steven Wills, Elizabeth Wilson, Lillian Wong, Bing

29 Aug 01 Aitchison, Barbara Ashbridge, Neil Bagley, Barbara Bargh, John Benson, Leslie Cassidy, Raymond Chandler, Ellen Chin, Bing Clark, Irene Davies, Martin Frampton, Frederick Gallavin, John Gardner, Lionel Hansen, Vivian Harris, Bruce Macdonald, William Macdonald, Iwi (Parpie) Marsden, Margaret Mathie, Ruth McErlane, Kevin McLachlan, John McLeod, Donald Newman, Patrick Peterson, Frederick Phibbs, Gordon Pickens, Elizabeth Pollard, Judith Richardson, Doris Stanley, Evelyn Taylor, Sally Wildey, Wilfred Williams, Carol Wilson, Lillian

Wolfe, Ethel Wootton, David

30 Aug 01 Bagley, Barbara Bargh, John Bowring, Jessie Chandler, Ellen Christie, Dorothy Clemens, Victoria Cookson, June Counsell, Maurice Courtier, William Cruickshank, Mona Davies, Martin Gallagher, Helen Gallavin, John Harris, Bruce Henry, Judith Johnstone, Mavis Jones-Sexton, Sharyn Macdonald, William Mathie, Ruth McEwin, Ian Peterson, Frederick Phibbs, Gordon Polkinghorne, Maureen Roud, Ivy Smallwood, Donald Stewart, Irene Watson, Helen Webb, Elsa Wildey, Wilfred Wilkinson, Murray Williams, Carol Woodruffe, Richard Wootton, David

31 Aug 01 Bond, Lindsay Bowring, Jessie Burdon, Ruth Campbell, Alexander Chapman, Eileen Clemens, Victoria Cookson, June Counsell, Maurice Cutler, Eileen Ferguson, Colleen (Joyce) Findlay, Brent Gallagher, Helen Grocott, Kelvin Johnstone, Mavis Jones-Sexton, Sharyn Kappely, Rhoda Keats, Averil Moffett, Lyndsey Polkinghorne, Maureen Pringle, Adam Russell, Graham Smallwood, Donald Smith, Simoe Timmo, Mary Watson, Helen

Williams, Carol Woodruffe, Richard Wyeth, Beverley

1 Sep 01 Amtman, Leslie Benson, Leslie Berryman, Jewel Burdon, Ruth Campbell, Alexander Cassidy, Raymond Chapman, Eileen Cooke, Maxwell Cowan, Norman Cutler, Eileen Dodds, Gladys Forrester, Rex Fredricks, Mark Gardiner, Colin Gentry, Charles Gianotti, Peter Godsiff, Barbara Greig, Mary Heward, Leicester Hood, Delcie Kamana, Nicola Keats, Averil Kroening, Hazel Leggett, Dorothy Lockhart, Edna McEwen, Cecily Meares, Elizabeth Moore, Alan Morris, Kay Pringle, Adam Smaill, Lawrence Smelt, Roselynn Smith, Simoe Stevens, Alice Sullivan, Dorothy Timmo, Mary Vincent, Helen Wyeth, Beverley

3 Sep 01 Baker, John Bigelow, Moyra Bisphan, Elizabeth Burroughs, Alice Cassidy, Raymond Crestani, Noeline Crowley, Jessie Cutbush, Frederick Cuthbert, Martin Duff, Nanette Ellis, John Evans, Garnet Gardiner, Colin Gentry, Charles Gilligan, Hilda Godsiff, Barbara Hawke, Gordon Heward, Leicester Hood, Delcie Hotere-Ellis, Joan Langridge, Margaret Morris, Kay

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Morrison, James Nanson, Helen Nicholls, Francis Oxnam, Matt Robertson, Sir John Russell, Graham Ryburn, Isabella Tinetti, Bevan Vincent, Helen Williams, Mabel Woods, Gladys

4 Sep 01 Akins, Robbie Allison, Lewis Barlow, Ronald Beath, Edna Begg, Jean Bigelow, Moyra Bisphan, Elizabeth Brock, Warwick Burdon, Ruth Burroughs, Alice Dunkinson, John Elliott, Noeline Evans, Garnet Findlay, Brent Gentry, Charles Gilligan, Hilda Hawke, Gordon Hodgson, Lilian Hosking, Kiana Hotere-Ellis, Joan Keats, Averil Lane, Eileen McGarry, Patricia Murdoch, Faye Nicholls, Francis Palmer, Clementine Piper, Jessie Roberts, Violet Ryburn, Isabella Shrives, Robert Skelton, Elizabeth Sloan, Christopher Small-Smith, Pieter Stare, Charles Strange, Gerald Sutton, Vicky Van Elst, Carolus (Hans) Vincent, Helen Williams, Mabel Woods, Gladys

5 Sep 01 Adams, Wilfred Allison, Lewis Barlow, Ronald Beath, Edna Bonifant, Brian Burroughs, Alice Cameron, Eaton Copland, Jenny Curtis, Horace Elliott, Noeline

Foote, Arthur Forman, Ronald Guy, Alda Hay, Avril Hewitt, Paul Hodgson, Lilian Lambie, Dorothy Lane, Eileen Langridge, Margaret Luxton, Richard Mason, William McGarry, Patricia Murdoch, Faye Pacey, William Piper, Jessie Pirie, Margaret Sharnock, Michael Shrives, Robert Skelton, Elizabeth Sloan, Christopher Smart, Alan Smith, Lillian Stare, Charles Stevenson, Henrietta Strange, Gerald Sutton, Vicky Turner, Katherine Turner, Roger Van Elst, Carolus (Han)

6 Sep 01 Beckett, Alice Berry, Eva Calder, John Cameron, Eaton Copland, Jenny Duff, Nanette Dunkinson, John Elliott, Noeline Ellis, George Girvin, William Green, Pearl Hadley, Thomas Hughes, Marjorie Lambie, Dorothy Leask, Reka Lush, Kenneth Luxton, Richard Mason, William Matthews, Gwladys McArthur, Raymond Mullions, Martin Pacey, William Paterson, Kellie Piper, Jessie Sibley, Audrey Sloan, Christopher Stratton, Davidson Taylor, James Turner, Katherine Wells, Joan

7 Sep 01 Anderson, Joyce Austin, Muriel Bloor, June

Bonar, Aylene Cadogan, Elsie Calder, John Case, Willis Dale, Doris Farrant, Alan Fowler, John Girvin, William (Roy) Hancox, Vinnie Hughes, Marjorie Luney, Ena Matthews, Gwladys Mullions, Martin Pottinger, Ida Preston, Rosemary (Rose) Robertson, John Sail, Lynette Sibley, Audrey Smith, Nancy Watson, Richard Whalley, Clarence White, Dorcas

8 Sep 01 Anderson, Joyce Austin, Muriel Baxter, Isobel Berry, Wesley Bloor, June Cadogan, Elsie Campbell, Roderick Case, Willis Chamberlain, Elayne Clarke, Ngaire Collett, Alva Cornwell, James Dutton, Dorothy Evans, Mabel Fulton, Margaret Griffiths, Louise Hadley, Thomas Hancox, Vinnie Henry, Irene Henry, Marilyn Jolley, Nolan Luney, Ena McGarry, Patricia Mullions, Martin O'Brien, Dawn Pamment, Max Paterson, Kellie Penrose, John Powell, Rev. Ivan Preston, Rosemary (Rose) Pretty, Thomas Rankin, Barbara Rixson, Peter Sail, Lynette Simpson, Margaret Smith, Ngaire van der Ree, Alex Watson, Richard Whalley, Clarence White, Dorcas

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


10 Sep 01 Anderson, Joyce Armstrong, Jill Armstrong, Rose Bate, Ra Baxter, Isobel Beggs, Robert Berry, Wesley Bragg, James Brown, Helen Cartmell, Bernard Chamberlain, Elayne Clarke, Ngaire Climo, Laurie Colville, Jean Eastgate, Nigel Evans, Mabel Farrant, Alan Fitzgerald, Harold Hansen, Jane Heenan, Harriette Henry, Irene Henry, Marilyn Jordan, Richard Laurie, Kenneth Luney, Ena Maffey, Joyce Main, Noel Miller, Ronald Moffat, Florence Powell, Rev. Ivan Price, Philip Rankin, Barbara Reynolds, Clifford Schafer, Franz Smith, Ngaire Taylor, Sydney Third, Rosaline Tucker, Trevor Tufuga, Stephen Walls, Edna Warwick, Desmond

11 Sep 01 Armstrong, Rose Beggs, Robert Bridgett, Ann Calverley, Elsie Clarke, Ngaire Colville, Jean Courtney, Sean Elstob, Winifred (Rita) Fitzgerald, Harold Francis, Doris Gilmore, Benjamin Glastonbury, Raymond Grant, Monica Hahn, Vincent Hansen, Jane Hebberd, Jean Heenan, Harriette Henry, Marilyn Kingston, Ronald Maffey, Joyce Miller, Ronald Moffat, Florence

Moore, Marie O'Reilly, Regis Pearce, Trevor Powell, Rev. Ivan Price, Philip Reeves, John Reynolds, Clifford Schafer, Franz Smith, William Taylor, Frederick Taylor, Sydney Third, Rosaline Thomas, Shirley Tucker, Trevor Turvey, Francis Walls, Edna Warwick, Desmond

12 Sep 01 Beggs, Robert Blackler, George Calverley, Elsie Cohen, Alan Collyer, Charles Courtney, Sean Cummings, Joyce Durbin, Travis Elstob, Winifred (Rita) Evans, Mabel Giddens, Bruce Gilmore, Benjamin Grant, Monica Hansen, Mick Henry, Marilyn Kingston, Ronald Laurie, Kenneth Macdonald, Mabel Moore, Marie Norton, Lilian Pearce, Trevor Reeves, John Sarchet, Horace Sweeney, Raymond Taylor, Ruth Taylor, Sydney Third, Rosaline Thomas, Shirley Turvey, Francis Walls, Edna Wright, Cynthia

13 Sep 01 Bennett, Zoe Blackler, George Brown, Percy Cameron, Iva Cohen, Alan Collyer, Charles Comer, Richard Curtis, Mary Giddens, Bruce Gilmore, Benjamin Gliddon, Norman Gunn, Adelaide Harris, Alfred Kingston, Ronald Macdonald, Mabel

Norton, Lilian Reeves, John Sarchet, Horace Sweeney, Raymond Taylor, Ruth Thompson, Stanley Treleaven, Marilyn Wright, Cynthia

14 Sep 01 Blackler, George Brown, Percy Cohen, Alan Corkran, Isobel De La Mare-Meadows, Pierre Dean, June Foster, Jean Giddens, Bruce Gillard, Margaret Gliddon, Norman Gosney, Matilda Gray, George Gunn, Adelaide Harris, Alfred Mackley, Rita McLean, John Norton, Lilian Smith, Bert Smith, Ernest Thompson, Stanley Treleaven, Marilyn Walls, Edna Weir, Lucy Williams, Albert Williams, Eric

17 Sep 01 Anderson, Lila Barclay, Bertha Bell, Allan Bradbury, Max Chittock, Frederick Collett, Hori Ettles, Grace Fattorini, Walter Gibson, Stanley Glasson, Muriel Gray, George Harmon, Irene Hickey, Patrick Johnsen, Ivy Jones, Henry Lamb, Alice Mahalm, Alister McCorkindale, Gladys McIntosh, Olive Murray, Ann Payne, Kim Phelps, Ernest Piesse, Nancy Pitama, Zion Prendergast, Barry Pullan, David Riordan, Patrick Smillie, Elizabeth Stapleton, Loretta

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Swain, Florence Sydow, Lorraine Tuite, Peter Tuohy, Rev. Father Philip Vieceli, Emily Walder, Betty Whatarau, Charles Young, Murielle

15 Sep 01 Anderson, Lila Beadle, John Bowater, Margaret Campbell, Colin Campbell, Juanita Corkran, Isobel Cornhill, Yvonne Cummings, Joyce Cunninghame-Blank, Derek Curtis, Mary De La Mare-Meadows, Pierre Dean, June Foster, Jean Gibson, Stanley Glasson, Muriel Gray, George Green, Douglas Hannah, Thelma Hanson, Frances Hill, Myra Howard, Jill Lenz, William MacDonald, Alexandra Mackley, Rita Mahalm, Alister McGregor, Joan Parrish, Winifred Riordan, Patrick Sydow, Lorraine Thompson, Stanley Tuite, Peter Vieceli, Emily Weir, Lucy Williams, Albert Williams, Eric Wilson, Shirley Young, Margaret

17 Sep 01 Anderson, Lila Barclay, Bertha Bell, Allan Bradbury, Max Chittock, Frederick Collett, Hori Ettles, Grace Fattorini, Walter Gibson, Stanley Glasson, Muriel Gray, George Harmon, Irene Hickey, Patrick Johnsen, Ivy Jones, Henry Lamb, Alice

Mahalm, Alister McCorkindale, Gladys McIntosh, Olive Murray, Ann Payne, Kim Phelps, Ernest Piesse, Nancy Pitama, Zion Prendergast, Barry Pullan, David Riordan, Patrick Smillie, Elizabeth Stapleton, Loretta Swain, Florence Sydow, Lorraine Tuite, Peter Tuohy, Rev. Father Philip Vieceli, Emily Walder, Betty Whatarau, Charles Young, Murielle

18 Sep 01 Barnett, Horace Bell, Allan Birmingham, Ivy Bradbury, Max Closey, David Coghlan, Eileen (Sr M. Carmella) Collett, Hori Cornhill, Yvonne de Jonge, Bertus Dunbar, John Fattorini, Walter Favel, Robin Finch, Alexander Harmon, Irene Jamieson, Andrew Johnsen, Ivy McCorkindale, Gladys McKean, Anne Macneil, Erin Mooar, Andrew (Peter) O'Neill, Patricia Pitama, Zion Prendergast, Barry Pullan, David Riordan, Patrick Sara, Pearlie Stapleton, Loretta Walder, Betty Walsh, Vera

19 Sep 01 Closey, David Cunningham, Douglas Favel, Robin Field, Alan Finch, Alexander Fraser, Pauline Harris, Geoffrey Lane, Joyce Lee, Brian Macneil, Erin Maddever, Margaret

McLenaghen, John Mooar, Andrew (Peter) Newton, Cecil Piesse, Nancy Pipe, William Pitama, Zion Plummer, Denise Prendergast, Barry Walsh, Vera

20 Sep 01 Anderson, Paul Arnold, Margaret Bishop, Charles Daniel, Denis Drummond, Valerie Dunbar, John Field, Alan Finch, Alexander Forster, Jack Fraser, Pauline Frost, Sydney Harris, Geoffrey Hollands, Ernest Holloway, Thomas Howden, Allen Martin, Gladys McCallum, Nola Mooar, Andrew (Peter) Murray, Alan Pipe, William Plummer, Denise Sloper, Betty Sutton, Peter Thomson, Patricia Winston, Redford Young, Bruce

21 Sep 01 Birdling, Graeme Bishop, Charles Cavanagh, Ronald Choie, Yee Hing Currie, Euan Daniel, Denis Dunbar, John Falloon, Graham Frost, Sydney Gielingh, Eva Hollands, Ernest Howden, Allen Kidd, Leila Le Compte-Davis, Hunter McCallum, Nola Miln, Sarah Paterson, Alice Riddle, Edwin Sheehan, Muriel Sutton, Peter Tallentire, Aileen Wright, Una Young, Bruce

22 Sep 01 Allan, Ronald Birdling, Graeme

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Bishop, Charles Bryan, Townley Cardwell, Elsie Chadwick, Carl Choie, Yee Hing Cowie, Dorothy Crooks, Edith Dearman, Mike Dobson, Robert Donaldson, Shirley Dwyer, Betty Enticott, Margaret Falloon, Graham Farr, Donald Forster, Jack Gibson, Clifford Holloway, Thomas Hyland, Brian Kennedy, John Kidd, Leila Landstra, Wybe Lavery, Catherine MacLeod, Dr. Ross Martin, Gladys McCallum, Nola Miln, Sarah Paterson, Alice Pawson, Bronwyn Scully, Susan Shannahan, Anthony Sheehan, Muriel Sheerin, Catherine Simmonds, Gladys Stevenson, Mona Todd, William Wheeler, Irene Widdowson, Edward

24 Sep 01 Anstey, Ethel Berry, Audrey Boys, Rita Brown, George Campbell, Hazel Costello, Margaret Crooks, Edith Cruse, Dorothy Dearman, Mike Dobson, Robert Eginton, Elaine Enticott, Margaret Farr, Donald Farrell, Daphne Gawronek, Zdzislaw Grant, Jack Guinness, Wyn Harris, Ian Huddlestone, Shirley Hyland, Brian Kennedy, David Letford, Jean MacLeod, Dr. Ross Miln, Sarah O'Hagan, John Palmer, June Perrin, Brian Ryan, Lorna

Simmonds, Gladys Simpson, Frank Stiven, Douglas Sutton, Cyril Tainui, Malta Thiele, Herbert Vucetich, Geoffrey Wheeler, Irene Widdowson, Edward

25 Sep 01 Agnew, Herbert Aldridge, Andrew Anstey, Ethel Brook, Clarence Bruce, Muriel Carmont, Juanita Dobier, Beatrice Eginton, Elaine Farr, Donald Farrell, Daphne Gawronek, Zdzislaw Gilberd, James Grant, Jack Huddlestone, Shirley Hyland, Brian Ingram, Violet Kennedy, David Lambert, Ernest Leslie, Mona Palmer, June Perrin, Brian Reeves, Dean Roberts, Elsie Smith, Andrew Smythe, Maurice Sutton, Cyril Tainui, Malta Thiele, Herbert

26 Sep 01 Agnew, Herbert Aldridge, Andrew Allen, Norris Baughan, Andrew Bowkett, Mary Broad, Dorothy Brook, Clarence Carmont, Juanita Dobier, Beatrice Eckhoff, Daniel Growcott, Yvonne Hawkins, John Huddlestone, Shirley Hyland, Brian Ingram, Violet Judge, Ruth Kennedy, David Leslie, Mona O'Hagan, John Perrin, Brian Ponsonby, Kathleen Porter, Rewa Power, Katherine Rathgen, Malcolm Ryan, Lorna Slattery, Patrick

Smith, George Stiven, Douglas Sutton, Cyril Walker, Desmond

27 Sep 01 Aldridge, Andrew Baughan, Andrew Butson, Daphne Carmont, Juanita Dobier, Beatrice Dowding, Marjorie Eckhoff, Daniel Griffiths, Leslie Growcott, Yvonne Lukey, Edward Macleod, Dr. Ross Mathias, Frank Moore, Isabelle Morrison, James Naidu, Rama O'Hagan, John Ponsonby, Kathleen Porter, Rewa Powell, Laurell Power, Katherine Rathgen, Malcolm Reynolds, James Shield, John Slattery, Patrick Walker, Desmond Webber, Cyril

28 Sep 01 Armishaw, Vera Bowden, Verna Butson, Daphne Goldsworthy, Peter Gough, Megan Grigg, Jeremy McFarlane, Shona McKay, Caitlin Naidu, Rama Powell, Laurell Ranford, Peter Reynolds, James Sheild, John Slattery, Patrick Snoeren, Pieter Tallentire, Aileen Teague, Clive

29 Sep 01 Bowden, Verna Buttle, George Cameron, Heather Cleverley, Eric Fitzgerald, Colette Gibson, Matt Goldsworthy, Peter Gough, Megan Grigg, Jeremy Hansen, Jean Hedges, John Huls, Peter Keenan, John Manson, April

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Manson, Gordon McFarlane, Shona McKay, Caitlin Randell, Clarence Ranford, Peter Reynolds, James Ryan, Mary Simmance, Dr Allan Simpson, David Snoeren, Pieter Teague, Clive

1 Oct 01 Bellaney, William Black, David Bowden, Verna Boyd, Colin Cameron, Brian Campbell, Eileen Cubitt, Alfred De Thierry, Lorna Elstob, Eileen Henderson, Bill Huls, Peter Johnstone, Catherine Jones, John Keating, Constance Keenan, John Kerkvliet, Jurianus Larson, Gerald Lilley, Mabel McLean, Joyce McNeish, Alexander Minto, James Peaco*ck, Ron Randell, Clarence Rice, Edith Rossiter, Barbara Rule, Maurice Ryan, Mary Simpson, David Snelleksz, David Thompson, Monica Tilley, William Tomasi, Renee Walker, Harry Wright, Frances (Monsignor)

2 Oct 01 Allen, Phyllis Baynes, Norma Colley, Wilfred Farrer, James Ferguson, Ethel Furlong, Peter Haughey, Ethna Hobbs, Evelyne Kearns, Phoebe Keating, Constance Kerkvliet, Jurianus Longley, Noel Mason, Phyllis Meyers, Oliver Peaco*ck, Ron Price-McGirr, Daniel Rice, Edith

Rosanowski, Michael Rossiter, Barbara Rule, Maurice Sewell, Christina Terris, Olive Tilley, William Tremain, Kirsten Wright, Mary

3 Oct 01 Bain, Peter Bowden, Verna Bradley, Ewan Cardwell, Elsie Colley, Wilfred Collier, Thelma Cubitt, Alfred Farrer, James Ferguson, Ethel Fitzgerald, Colette Gillespie, Archibald Haughey, Ethna Hobbs, Evelyne Hubert, Margaret Kearns, Phoebe Keating, Constance Larson, Gerald Lindsay, Joyce McLeod, Ronald McMillan, Myrtle Meyers, Oliver Nilsen, David Percy, Reta Price-McGirr, Daniel Reynolds, Nancy Rosanowski, Michael Rossiter, Barbara Sewell, Christina Tremain, Kirsten White, Reginald (Frank) Wilkinson, Ellen Woods, Samuel (Archdeacon)

4 Oct 01 Adams, Villa Bain, Peter Bradley, Ewan Cardwell, Elsie Chisnall, William co*ckburn, John Collier, Thelma Cubitt, Alfred Hannah, Glennis Harris, Ralph Haughey, Ethna Hendry, Peter Lindsay, Joyce McLeod, Ronald Meyers, Oliver Monti, Michelo Muff, Philip Nilsen, David Perry, Norma Price-McGirr, Daniel Reynolds, Nancy

White, Reginald (Frank) Woods, Samuel (Archdeacon)

5 Oct 01 Brass, Colin Brekelmans, Martina Colley, Wilfred Cruickshank, Hannah Field, Irene Graham, Joyce Harris, Ralph Henderson, Susan Hunter-Weston, Marjorie Kippenberger, Geoffrey Lyttle, Earle Macdonald, Catherine McKenzie, Jack Millar, Eleanor Nilsen, David Perry, Norma Robinson, Robert Smart, Ellen Stapleton, Arthur Symes, Steven Wakefield, Catherine

6 Oct 01 Bradley, Ewan Brass, Colin Brekelmans, Martina Cameron, Lilian Cisar, Matthew Cowles, Marion de Malmanche, Alma Doherty, Betty Field, Irene Garnier, Jean Marc Gray, Elisabeth Gray, Wayne Griffin, Leonard Hart, Hubert Henderson, Susan Logan, Robert Lummis, Lorna Macdonald, Catherine McKenzie, Jack Price-McGirr, Daniel Rance, Joan Reynolds, Nancy Robinson, Robert Smart, Ellen Stapleton, Arthur Symes, Steven Wakefield, Catherine Whall, Herbert

8 Oct 01 Bell, Raymond Brosnahan, James Carson, Margaret Chang, Leng Clark, Desmond Cooke, Christina

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cowles, Marion Dalziel, Jeannette de Malmanche, Alma Elder, Grant Field, Irene Foulkes, Arthur Frost, Herbert Gallagher, John Garnier, Jean Marc Gerritsen, Cornelis Gill, James Gray, Olive Griffin, Len Grimwood, Roger Hawes, Margret Heathcote, Christine Henderson, Susan Hill, Nina Ingram, Margery Keane, Marie Laing, Val Lummis, Lorna McMahon, Joan Morgan, Delia Pask, Isabel Powell, Murray Rance, Joan Ryan, Thomas Smith, Ralph Snook, Marjorie Stapleton, Arthur Stringer, Lionel Watson, William Whall, Herbert Wilkinson, William Williams, Edythe Wilson, Colin

9 Oct 01 Ball, George Bell, Raymond Brosnahan, James Chang, Leng Chin, Sun Cormack, Patricia Dalziel, Jeannette Doolan, Eileen Elder, Grant Foulkes, Arthur Gallagher, John Gerritsen, Cornelis Gray, Wayne Grimwood, Roger Hall, Hayden Hoyle, Florence Ingram, Margery Kennedy, William Kerkvliet Johannes O'Hearn, Allan Peterson, David Simpson, Constance (Connie) Smith, Ralph Snider, Everett Snook, Marjorie Sutherland, Gladys Symes, Steven

Williams, Edythe

10 Oct 01 Balloch, Raymond Bentley, Sidney Bowden, Irene Bridgman, Constance Cardwell, Elsie Doolan, Eileen Felix, Brother Gauntlett, Douglas Grant, Joshua Grimwood, Roger Hall, Hayden Hamilton, Ann Houliston, Allan Kerkvliet, Johannes Kininmont, John McLean, William Peterson, David Price, Lily Rawlings, Violet Savage, Terence Schroeder, William Scurr, Mary Snider, Everett Veale, Ruth

11 Oct 01 Balloch, Raymond Bayler, Alan Bell, Paul Bowden, Irene Bruce, Christina Catherwood, Irene Cootes, Charles Curry, James Elliott, Lynda Fraser, Isabella Hamilton, Ann Harrison, Ronald Hawes, Hilary Kay, Rosina Lealiifano, Tatala Lees, Hilda Noster, Libby Price, Lily Rawlings, Violet Schroeder, William Schutte, Wilhelmiena Stowell, Ronald Stringer, Ian Veale, Ruth Wills, Martin

12 Oct 01 Bell, Paul Blyth, Lawrence Booth, Elvina Buchanan, Martin Carr, Eric Cootes, Charles Davidson, Christina Easther, Shirley Frost, Herbert Grant, Joshua Goldsmith, Eleanor

Hawes, Hilary Hurley, Joseph Leali'ifano, Filemu Lees, Hilda Murfitt, Dennis Noster, Libby Prestage, Brian Schutte, Wilhelmiena Stirling, Joyce Stowell, Ronald Vaughan, Austin

13 Oct 01 Adams, Kenneth Bayler, Alan Bell, Paul Blyth, Lawrence Booth, Elvina Bowden, Jean Bradshaw, Antony Buchanan, Martin Chambers, Lambert Davidson, Christina Davis, Doris Dreaver, Nelson Everett, Laurel Falconer, Shirley Freeth, Peter Frost, Herbert Green, Eveline Habgood, David Haines, Graham Hayco*ck, Murray Hollebon, Norrie Huntley, Aiden Hurley, Joseph James, Colin Leali'ifano, Filemu Messervy, Philomel Nagy, Roza Noster, Libby Ormerod, Albert Reece, Francis Rodgers, Mildred Shankland, John Wildey, Graeme Williams, Nancy

15 Oct 01 Beckham, Bruce Bell, Paul Blair, Maud Bowden, Jean Bradshaw, Antony Bullivant, Erelene Campbell, Aureen Cooper, Marjorie Cordell, Vera Davis, Doris Drinnan, James Falconer, Shirley Fulton, Lily Garvin, Pauline Godinet, Irene Green, Eveline Habgood, David Innes, James

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


James, Colin Lee, Brian Louisson, John Messervy, Philomel Pirika, Peter Po-Ching, Darlene Quill, John Reece, Francis Rodgers, Mildred Scherp, Ronald Senior, Irene Smith, Patrick Whiting, Ronald Wildey, Graeme Williams, Nancy

16 Oct 01 Angus, Gilbert Beckham, Bruce Blair, Maud Bowden, Jean Boyle, Morris Brown, Valerie Buchanan, Martin Bullivant, Erelene Campbell, Aureen Chambers, Ivy Chambers, Lambert Cordell, Vera Cox, Joy Godinet, Irene Harper, Alice Horden, Gladys Innes, James Inwood, Rodney James, Colin Johnson, Benjamin Kurukaanga, Kenneth Laffey, William Lee, Brian Louisson, John Lyne, Joan Mather, Frances Mehrtens, Esmie Murchie, Alice Neal, George Pannett, Anthony Scherp, Ronald Small, Garry Whiting, Ronald Williams, Nancy Williamson, Robert

17 Oct 01 Buchanan, Martin Chambers, Ivy Chambers, Lambert Dowie, Robert Godinet, Irene Grubb, Leila Harper, Alice Harty, Joseph Herring, Clinton Hooper, Mavis Joblin, Miriam Kennedy, Paul Lee, Brian

McCabe, Joan McLellan, Carrick Mockford, Ronda Pannett, Anthony Parsons, Harold Plimmer, Rubin Small, Garry Smith, June Thomas, Doris Townsend, Elizabeth Walker, Dorothy Williams, Donald Williams, Myrtle Williams, Nancy Williamson, Robert Wilson, Jean

18 Oct 01 Angus, Gilbert Bampton, Rae Benton, Arthur Brown, Amelia Coleman, Arthur Croft, Irene Cusiel, Jenneke Edmond, Ruth Elliott, William Fletcher, Jean Gibson, Robert Harper, Alice Hooper, Mavis Johnstone, Rachel Just, Lotte Lealand, Rachel Mason, Len McCabe, Joan McDonald, Shirley Mockford, Ronda Newton, Barbara Pannett, Anthony Plimmer, Rubin Remi, Marjorie Scannell, Daniel Sharland, Wati Small, Garry Smith, Amuri Smith, June Thomas, Doris Thompson, Karen Wallace, Joan Williams, Nancy

19 Oct 01 Bampton, Rae Barnett, Vernon Benton, Arthur Coleman, Arthur Croft, Irene Edmond, Ruth Elliott, William Fletcher, Jean Hooper, Mavis Jacobs, John Joblin, Miriam Just, Lotte McLellan, Carrick McTigue, Catherine

Pengelly, Iris Remi, Marjorie Sullivan, Br. Victor Taylor, Joyce Whelan, Jack Williams, Nancy

20 Oct 01 Barnes, Doris Briggs, Violet Dowie, Robert Drake, Hilda Elliott, William Galt, Eric Harpur, Florence Hills, Patricia Just, Lotte Kearns, Edward Kennedy, Paul McDonald, Shirley Macgregor, Patricia MacLean, Elaine McTigue, Catherine Moskovis, John Pengelly, Iris Roberts, Alan Sellens, Rupert Sheehan, Norah Smith, Ida Smith, June Smith, Keith Sullivan, Br. Victor Thomson, Hazel Walker, Dorothy Webster, Patricia Whelan, Jack

22 Oct 01 Begg, Shona Brooks, Arthur Burke, Eric Butler, Thomas Campbell, Jean Dowie, Robert Duggan, Stanley French-Wollen, Yvonne Garland, Nora Haas, Amelia Harpur, Florence Hills, Patricia Honeybone, Neville Johnstone, Rowland Kearns, Edward Macgregor, Patricia Malloch, Jean McRodden, Patrick Morris, Edith Norton, Nola O'Neill, Rose Osprey, Margaret Richards, Bruce Sadler, Eric Salomen, Irene Short, Lillian Sims, Robert Smith, Keith

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Stewart, James Sullivan, Br. Victor Webster, Patricia Williamson, Alexander

23 Oct 01 Bailey, Roland Begg, Shona Bennett-Young, Jaylene Bradfield, Norma Burke, Eric Burr, Eileen Butler, Thomas Calder, Charles Campbell, Jean Carroll, Ailsa Chamberlain-Pengelly, Steve and Emma Dubbelman, Johannas Fowler, Victor Free, Noeline Garland, Nora Genet, Vernon Gormley, Hilary Hamilton, Marlene Honeybone, Neville Johnstone, Rowland Keast, William Lockwood, Jean McDermott, Ray Morris, Edith Norton, Nola Offord, Robert O'Neill, Rose Pengelly, Iris Pengelly see also Chamberlain Richards, Bruce Roberts, Alan Sadler, Eric Smith, Keith Stewart, James Tindall, Nancy Trotter, Ron Walker, Dorothy Williamson, Alexander Williamson, Thelma

24 Oct 01 Abercrombie, Gladys Bailey, Roland Bell, Rona Bradfield, Norma Calder, Charles Campbell, Jean Carroll, Ailsa Chamberlain-Pengelly, Steve and Emma Coster, Eileen Dubbelman, Johannas Emanuel, Dr Keith Fowler, Victor Garland, Nora Gibb, Moira James, Margaret Johnstone, Rowland

Keast, William Kotara, Anjanette Lockwood, Jean Lubbers, Gerrit Mason, Margaret Norton, Nola O'Neill, Rose Richards, Bruce Royds, Hunter Salomen, Irene Shewan, Haythorne Simon, David Stephenson, Hazel Sullivan, Shirly Sutherland, Ronald Williamson, Thelma

25 Oct 01 Agassiz, Natalie Barter, Edith Bothwell, Eric Carroll, Ailsa Chamberlain-Pengelly, Steve and Emma Coster, Eileen Crompton, Mary Dubbelman, Johannas Ferguson, Elizabeth Fountain, Charles Gibb, Moira Hampton, Thelma Hill-Holmes, Dorothy Hinks, Audrey James, Margaret Jamieson, John Kotara, Anjanette Laking, Helen Lockwood, Millie Lubbers, Gerrit Marshall, Roger Mason, Margaret McClea, William McInnes, Reginald Ras-van Urk, Antje Richards, Bruce Short, Raymond Wintrup, Eric Wraight, Mavis

26 Oct 01 Alsop, Elizabeth Bailey, Ian Beecroft, David Bothwell, Eric Bourke, Rev Fr Simon Cameron, Margaret Courtney, Bernard Eliott, Marion Ferguson, Elizabeth Forbes, William Gibb, Moira Hampton, Thelma Hayward, Robert Hill-Holmes, Dorothy Hoskins, John Jamieson, John

Lubbers, Gerrit McEvedy, Monica McGregor, Joan Malthus, Ronald May, Hannah Povey, Joseph Ras-van Urk, Antje Richards, Alfred Ruffell, Alfreda Stringer, Kathleen

27 Oct 01 Alsop, Elizabeth Beecroft, David Bourke, Rev. Fr. Simon Cameron, Margaret Courtney, Bernard Eliott, Marion Forbes, William Gain, Vincent Harrison, Ellen Last, John Macaulay, Anne McEvedy, Monica McGregor, Joan McLeod, Mary Malthus, Ronald Miller, George Poff, Eileen Povey, Joseph Richards, Alfred Ruffell, Alfreda Rutherford, Kathleen Samuel, Robert Short, Raymond Solomon, Ivan Stringer, Kathleen Woodill, Lily Yaxley, Arven

29 Oct 01 Amai, Robert Atkinson, Annabel Bagrie, John Bashford, Anthony Beecroft, David Brown, Louisa Brown, Samuel Habgood, Elaine Harrison, Doris Last, John MacAlpine, Bonita Malthus, Grace Mattson, Frank McKenzie, Phyllis Meiklejohn, Ronald Miller, George North, Hayley Poff, Eileen Rapley, Marie Ritchie, Gavin Robinson, Brenda Rutherford, Kathleen Samuel, Robert Solomon, Ivan Stocker, Edward

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Stringer, Kathleen Stubley, George Sutherland, Donald Taylor, Miriam Van Oosterom, Hendrik Warren, Sydney Woodfield, Trevor Woodill, Lily Yaxley, Arven

30 Oct 01 Atkinson, Annabel Brown, Louisa Cain, Prudence Chaney, Eileen Clark, William Crosland, Michael Goold, John Langdon, Peggy Lee, Ross Lewis, Robin MacAlpine, Bonita Mackenzie, Jessie McKenzie, Phyllis McLeod, William Malthus, Grace Mattson, Frank Meiklejohn, Ronald North, Hayley Poff, Eileen Proffitt, Clarence Ritchie, William (Gavin) Stocker, Edward Stubley, George Talbot, Dorothy Taylor, Miriam Van Oosterom, Hendrik Winter, Herbert Woodfield, Trevor

31 Oct 01 Bashford, Anthony Clinton, Jennifer Corbett, Lily Croft, Ronald Crosland, Michael Eyles, Ian Field, Stanley Fisher, Kevin Goold, John Harrison, Evelyn MacAlpine, Bonita Mackenzie, Jessie McQueen, Kevin Price, Alan Proffitt, Clarence Rapley, Marie Stocker, Edward Stuart, Karen Stubley, George Terry, Ida Thompson, Pamela

1 Nov 01

Clinton, Jennifer Corbett, Lily Croft, Ronald Crosland, Michael Davison, Hunter Douglas, Keith Field, Stanley Griffiths, Mildred Harding, Kathleen Holland, Jessie Hunt, Pari Kapa, Alva Keedwell, Stanley King, Kenneth Lancaster, Colin Mackenzie, Jessie Mansfield, Agnes Mortiboy, Eugenie Mutton, Beverly Peterson, Andrew Price, Alan Proffitt, Clarence Rafferty, Andrew Taylor, Robin Thomas, Evelyn Toms, John Walker, James Winfield, Stanley

2 Nov 01 Boyd, Mary Bright, Peggy Caswell, Betty Davison, Hunter Dunlop, Olive Green, Irene Jones, H. F. (Paddy) Lancaster, Colin Mansfield, Agnes McGregor, Jean Mutton, Beverly Nukunuku, Rex Phillips, Graydon Quinn, Thelma Rafferty, Andrew Scott, William Shaw, Graham Shaw, James Taylor, Robin Walker, James

3 Nov 01 Blake, Allan Bright, Peggy Broadhead, Bruce Burnaby, Philip Caldwell, George Collard, Patricia David, John Davison, Hunter Dunlop, Olive Dustow, James Forde, Thomas Green, Irene Hudson, Stephen Jones, H. F. (Paddy) Jones, Iris (Goldie)

Kapa, Alva King, Kenneth Krause, Patricia Lomax, Max MacIntyre, Brett McGregor, Jean McKenzie, Andrew Mockett, Merle Mutton, Beverly Oakley, Lenore Phillips, Graydon Reynen, Theo Scott, William Taylor, Elaine Taylor, Robin Thompson, Alison Walker, James

5 Nov 01 Barkle, Pauline Begg, Jenifer Caldwell, George Coghlan, Maude Collins, Dianne Dingwall, Bella Gagliardi, Joseph Gunn, John Hudson, Stephen Jeffs, Ralph Jones, Iris (Goldie) Jones, Miriam Keogan, Eileen Kitto, Cyril Mathias, Alan McKenzie, Andrew Miller, Nancy Mockett, Merle Phillips, Graydon Puke, Allan Reynen, Theo Savage, Wilhelmina Scarlett, Ngaire Scott, William Skinley, Gerald Thomson, Sister Thelma Webb, Lilley

6 Nov 01 Begg, Jenifer Bell, William Caldwell, George Chittock, John (Royce) Collins, Dianne Dingwall, Bella Gagliardi, Joseph Henderson, Winifred Jeffs, Ralph Johnson, Derek Jones, Miriam Judd, Stanley Kirkland, Hilton Kitto, Cyril Manning, Emma Mathias, Alan Miller, Nancy Moon, Winifred

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Morgan, Charles Overend, Robert Pinn, Colleen Rendall, William Reynen, Theo Robbie, James Russell, Edward Savage, Wilhelmina Scarlett, Ngaire Skinley, Gerald Tait, Edith Te Whata, Gordon Thompson, Martin Webster, Jeanette Whanga, Rachel

7 Nov 01 Begg, Jenifer Chittock, John (Royce) Clarkson, Thelma Collins, Dianne de Groot, Jansje Dunick, Elizabeth Gover, Robert Hollway, Betty Honey, Arthur Horsham, Diana Janssens, Tryntje Jeffs, Ralph Jenkins, Hugh Judd, Stanley Lamb, Moyra Malcolm, Victor Manning, Emma McFie, William Overend, Robert Robbie, James Tait, Edith Te Whata, Gordon Thompson, Martin Webster, Jeanette Weir, John Wheaton, Shane Wilson, Joseph

8 Nov 01 Baker, Warner Beattie, Rev Fr Bryan Begg, Jenifer Brook, Ruby Burbery, Ronald Clarkson, Thelma Cunninghame, Dorothy de Groot, Jansje Gaeth, Kathleen Gover, Robert Harris, Jean Hill, Raymond Horsham, Diana Janssens, Tryntje Jeffs, Eleanor Jenkins, Hugh Judd, Stanley Kennedy, Robin Kerr, Kenneth Lamb, Moyra

Lawrence, Isabella Martin, Dorothy Masterton, Rachel McIntosh, Nina Purdom, Jessie Sefuiva, Faasega Tulloch, Russell Wheaton, Shane Whitehead, Rana

9 Nov 01 Baker, Warner Beattie, Rev Fr Bryan Begg, Jenifer Brook, Ruby Burbery, Ronald Clarkson, Thelma Cunninghame, Dorothy de Groot, Jansje Gaeth, Kathleen Gover, Robert Harris, Jean Hill, Raymond Horsham, Diana Janssens, Tryntje Jeffs, Eleanor Jenkins, Hugh Judd, Stanley Kennedy, Robin Kerr, Kenneth Lamb, Moyra Lawrence, Isabella Martin, Dorothy McIntosh, Nina Purdom, Jessie Sefuiva, Faasega Tulloch, Russell Wheaton, Shane Whitehead, Rana

10 Nov 01 Anstey, John Ashby, Catherine Barberel, Simon Brown, Ian Colville, John (Bruce) Day, Eva Downie, Inez Griffin, Denis Harrison, Charlotte Haussmann, William Hobson, Joyce Jeffs, Ralph Ley, George Logan, Desmond Masterton, Rachel McKinley, Ronald McPeak, Joyce Mehrtens, Peggy Miller, Kathleen Morey, Margaret Neave, Edwin Paterson, Betty Peck, Charles Sefuiva, Faasega Stafford, Brian

Stewart, Antony Taylor, Susan Taylor, William Whales, Margo

12 Nov 01 Anderson, John Anstey, John Ashby, Catherine Bailey-Balfour, Eric Beckmann, Ludwig Brown, Ian Carrie, Hettie Colville, John (Bruce) Griffiths, Hugh Hair, Betty Harrison, Charlotte Harrison, Reta Hobson, Joyce Jackson, Rodger Knight, Leonard Logan, Desmond Love, Donald Matthews, William (Keith) McKinley, Ronald McLeod, Florence McManus, Bro. Patrick Mehrtens, Peggy Milne, Frances Nellies, Grace Nelson, Eleanor Osborne, Elsie Paterson, Betty Pittams, Josephine Pocklington, Elaine Ridder, Kay Sandelin, Eric Scoon, Maureen Shefford, Lewis Taylor, Susan Terrill, Joyce Webster, Allan

13 Nov 01 Anstey, John Carrie, Hettie Collett, Joanne Cook, Samuel Forscutt, Betty Glasson, William Hair, Betty Harrison, Reta Jackson, Rodger Judd, Gerald Lapthorne, Hillis Knowles, Joy Matthews, William (Keith) O'Neill, Mary Pettersson, Robert Pittams, Josephine Pocklington, Elaine Powell, Phyllis Prestney, Ralph Reidy, Mary Robertson, Russell

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Schotanus, Anske Scoon, Maureen Silva, Vaitupu Smith, Agnes Smith, Ross Stapleton, Myrtle Todd, Maitland Vandenberg, Arie Wall, Mary

14 Nov 01 Anderson, Keith Ashby, Catherine Cook, Samuel Cooney, William Edwards, Elizabeth Forscutt, Betty Garlick, Herbert Griffin, Denis Harvey, Anne Holden, Nikki Holland, Roy Keenan, James Lapthorne, Hillis Napier, Harry and Patricia Pocklington, Elaine Rogers, Nancy Skilling, May Vandenberg, Arie Vaughan, Valmai Woods, William

15 Nov 01 Arnst, John Boyd, Irene Childs, Edith Cook, Samuel Dawson, Cecil Edlin, Rose Edwards, Elizabeth Garlick, Herbert Gibbons, Lionel Griffin, Denis Holden, Nikki Houlihan, John Kahui, Shirley Laredo, Rosemary Lloyd, David McKenzie, Athol Richards, Maida Schotanus, Anske Tucker, Joan Vaughan, Valmai Williams, James Woods, William

16 Nov 01 Allan, Marie Kahui, Shirley Laredo, Rosemary McKendry, James Morris, John Parkes, Joan Pattison, Doris Thurlow, William Tyson, Desmond

17 Nov 01 Anderson, Keith Brettell, Roy Davis, Guy Dempster, Irene Edlin, Rose Evans, Ellen Gardiner, Florence Gunn, Patricia Howman, Reita Joel, Eleanor Kahui, Shirley Laredo, Rosemary Macgregor, Winifred Maples, Christine McKendry, James O'Donohue, Moira Pattison, Doris Reader, Ethel Thorne, Hillrae Thurlow, William Timms, Maureen Tyson, Desmond

19 Nov 01 Alexander, Jean Ashby, Sister Joanne Birch, Basil Brettell, Roy Claydon, Rosa Cotter, Patricia Cumbers, William Dempster, Irene Fancy, Valerie Gardiner, Florence Gaskell, Harry Green, Denis Gunn, Patricia Hall, Colin Harrison, Reginald Howman, Reita Johnson, Dulcie Langer, Josef Laredo, Rosemary Lowe, Paul Macgregor, Winifred Pannell, Robert Prescott, Doreen Sealy, Lorraine Smart, Muriel Smith, James Sung, Jeremy Taylor, Gladys Timms, Maureen Tyson, Desmond Vance, Florence Venning, Gwyneth Whyte, Beverley Wormald, Ronald

20 Nov 01 Baker, Bernard Banks, Roderick Brettell, Roy Brown, Noeline Cook, David

Cotter, Patricia Cowper, John Fancy, Valerie Fonteyn, Johannes Gardiner, Florence Gaskell, Harry Hall, Colin Hare, Zoe Hoyle, Martyn (Marty) Kennett, Eileen Lowe, Paul Neville, Ida Pannell, Robert Parkinson, John Pollard, Ann Rooney, Mima Schmidt, Heather Sealy, Lorraine Smart, Muriel Smith, James Strange, Ethel Taylor, Gladys Timms, Maureen Tritt, Vera Vance, Florence Vaughan, Valmai Venning, Gwyneth Wormald, Ronald

21 Nov 01 Alexander, Jean Andrew, Raymond Baker, Bernard Banks, Roderick Birch, Basil Cook, David Fonteyn, Johannes Hare, Zoe Harrison, Eileen (Ethel) Hoyle, Martyn (Marty) Johnson, Alfred (Fred) McCalman, Donald Olykan, Agaatha Paget, William Patterson, Shirley Pollard, Ann Robinson, Cathy Schmidt, Heather Smith, Heather Thodey, Christopher Thomas, Myrtle Tritt, Vera Wareham, Kathleen Williams, Roger

22 Nov 01 Allison, Thomas Andrew, Raymond Beaumont, Keith Black, Dorothy Braithwaite, Norman Harrison, Eileen (Ethel) Haslett, Graham Hoyle, Martyn (Marty) Hubbard, Alma

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Johnson, Alfred (Fred) Jones, Jack Kerr, Robert Lamont, Alan Langer, Josef O'Leary, Louis Palmer, Arthur Pollard, Ann Schmidt, Heather Shearman, John Smith, Heather Thomas, Myrtle Tritt, Vera Wareham, Kathleen Woodfield, Raymond

23 Nov 01 Allison, Thomas Braithwaite, Norman Cook, Leona Cowper, John Davidson, Hugh Haslett, Graham Hooper, William Kerr, Robert McMillan, William Palmer, Arthur Philpott, James Pickering, Muriel Rabbidge, Margaret Read, James Shearman, John Tobin, David Vincent, Barry Vivian, Arthur Woodfield, Raymond Woods, Edna

24 Nov 01 Bennison, Dorothy Brady, Jean Chamberlain, Jacqueline Cleaver, Anthony Coleman, Thomas Cook, Susan Cooper, Lily Davidson, Hugh de Jong, Johanna Dye, Martha Elkington, Bessie Fidow, Telesia Freeman, Nancy Gilmore, Bernie Gregory, Walter Hammon, Madge Harris, John Hubbard, Alma Johnston, Peter (Max) Kendall, Peter Lamont, Alan Lange, Harry McMillan, William Miller, Mary Muirhead, Margaret Philpott, James Read, James

Sharp, Ceciley Shearman, John Smith, Gerald Snook, Mary Sugarue, Daniel Vincent, Barry Vivian, Arthur Wareham, Kathleen Warne, Alison Wiardi-Bruinsma, Froukje Woods, Edna Zwanikken, Henrica

26 Nov 01 Blunt, Kathleen Brady, Jean Calder, James Cliffin, John Dee, Nella Flatt, Sydney Gilmore, Bernie Gowans, Dorothy Hammon, Madge Harris, John Hemsley, John Jones, Bruce Kendall, Peter Leslie, Mary Lindsay, Huia McLachlan, Anne Mitchell, Iris Moir, Ralph Paterson, Stella Perry, David Reinfelds, Ida Sharp, Ceciley Simmons, Joseph Snook, Mary Steel, Raymond Stokes, Walter Thomson, Jean van der Meer, Leendert Vincent, Barry Welsh, Keith Zwanikken, Henrica

27 Nov 01 Calder, James Coates, Jean Dee, Nella Dye, Martha Fidow, Telesia Gowans, Dorothy Graham, Jeremy Gregory, Walter Harris, John Hemingway, Herbert Hughey, Jean Jones, Bruce Kendall, Peter Mills, Trena Mitchell, Ellen Mitchell, Iris Oats, Trevor Paterson, Stella

Perry, David Reinfelds, Ida Rookes, Florence Saunders, Isabel Steel, Raymond Stokes, Walter Turipa, Arihia van der Meer, Leendert Welsh, Keith West, Shirley

28 Nov 01 Burke, Gweneth Coates, Jean Cook, Grace (Betty) Culloty, Marie Durie, James Feutz, Letitia Gowans, Dorothy Graham, Jeremy Grainger, Joyce Hall, Daphne Harmer, Phyllis Hemingway, Herbert Hughey, Jean Loos, Klaas McAllan, Maud Moir, Ralph Neynens, Frank Ritchie, Anita Sampson, Frances Simmons, Joseph Wadman, Janet West, Shirley 29 Nov 01 Burke, Gweneth Coates, Jean Culloty, Marie Doughty, Noel Feutz, Letitia Gamblin, Leslie Gay, Elizabeth Gow, Jean Grainger, Joyce Haddock, Aileen Hall, Daphne Hansen, Peter Holland, Sarah King, Ralph Loos, Klaas (Karel) McClure, Helen Moore, Marjorie Morgan, Norman Ritchie, Anita Simmons, Ethel Taylor, Joan Terry, David Wareham, Douglas White, Kenneth

30 Nov 01 Burke, Gweneth Fidow, Telesia Gamblin, Leslie Gay, Elizabeth Gosset, Dr Hilgrove

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Haddock, Aileen Holland, Sarah Marriner, Robyn McArthur, May McCabe, John McClure, Helen Moore, Marjorie Morgan, Norman Ritchie, Anita Simmons, Ethel Taylor, Joan Terry, David

1 Dec 01 Bailey, Mary Beldham, John Cuttriss, Sidney Davies-Parnham, Jack Doughty, Noel Gale, William Gosset, Dr Hilgrove Green, Tom Henderson, Hazel Hogarth, Herbert Lindsay, Huia Marriner, Robyn McCabe, John Mechen, Thomas Needham, Doris Neynens, Frank Polanszky, John Tait, Margaret

3 Dec 01 Bailey, Mary Bain, Nancye Ball, Helene Boock, Cecil Bowman, Alexander Chambers, Kim Ching, Joyce Christie, Joan Cox, Violet Davies-Parnham, Jack Duder, Rata Gilmour, Errol Good, Ruth Grace, Peter Green, Tom Hamlin, Arthur Heney, Pauline Hogarth, Herbert Hosking, Hilda King, Reta Lee Chin, Wai Ying Luke, Audrey Marriner, Robyn Mechen, Thomas Moore, Chloe Mugford, Arthur O'Neill, Joan Richardson, Archibald Scott, Catherine Sherriff, Wayne White, Alice Wilkinson, Joan Wright, Leonard

4 Dec 01 Arnold, Olava Atkinson, Ian Ball, Helene Bradley, Jessie Chambers, Kim Ching, Joyce Coe, Lois Cox, Violet Farthing, Olive Hosking, Hilda Hutana, Waikura Joughin, Shirley O'Neill, Joan O'Neill, Raymond Rogatski, Doris Scott, Elizabeth Stack, Monica Sister Sullivan, Peter Taylor, Allan Teear, Mary White, Alice Wilkinson, Joan Wren, June

5 Dec 01 Atkinson, Ian Bolton, Nada Bradley, Jessie Cameron, Erric Childs, Heather Christie, Joan Feary, Rebecca Foster, William Hansen, Brenda Hawken, Percy Heney, Pauline Joughin, Shirley Joyce, Frances Kay, Ronald Morrison, Annie O'Neill, Raymond Quinn, Gordon Rogatski, Doris Silco*ck, Maureen Sinclair-Lockhart, Ann Smith, Florence Stack, Monica Sister Sullivan, Peter Williamson, Ian Wren, June

6 Dec 01 Blyth, Harold Bolton, Nada Brandon, Edward Brown, Joseph (Joe) Childs, Heather Foster, William Gemmell, John Hansen, Brenda Joyce, Frances King, George Livingston, Lachlan McGregor, Leo Miller, Doris

Morrison, Annie Ovenden, Alfred Perry, James Reveley, Allan Revie, Ian Robertson, Colin Stack, Monica Sister Williamson, Ian

7 Dec 01 Ballinger, John Blyth, Harold Bolton, Nada Brown, Joseph (Joe) Fraser, Norman Kerr, William Le Bherz, William Lemon, Charles Mataese, Aisa Perry, James Robertson, Colin Roche, Michael Ward, Alfred Wilson, Raymond

8 Dec 01 Allen, Robert Ballinger, John Barrie, Kenneth Beaumont, Dorothy Carr, Robert Cotter, Christina Coup, Jack Duncan, Neroli fa*gg, Frederick Field, Rose Fraser, Norman Gaffaney, Therese Goodman, Colleen Hoare, Phyllis Holder, Peter King, Francis Le Bherz, William Ludemann, Henry Marra, Gwenyth Mataese, Aisa McLachlan, Robert Norris, Bridie Prankerd, Morreen Reihana, Reihana Rowlands, Mavis Sayers, John Scarlett, Vincent Skelton, John Smith, Pamela Stuart, Glenda Truscott, Florence Ward, Alfred Wheatley, Percival Withers, John Withers, Louise

10 Dec 01 Barrie, Kenneth Beaumont, Dorothy Bierman, Arthur Candy, Ross

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Chin, Lillian Coup, Jack Dodsworth, Ethel Don, Elizabeth Duncan, Neroli Goodman, Colleen Gray, Karen Green, Edward Heffer, Vida Hoare, Lilian Hoare, Merval King, Francis Kitson, Penelope Matheson, William McLachlan, Robert Mills, Bridget Newman, June Nurse, Charles (Arthur) Regan, Geoffrey Rix, William (George) Rowlands, Mavis Saunderco*ck, Blossom Skelton, John Smith, Pamela Stuart, Glenda Ward, Alfred Wheatley, Percival Whyte, Florence Williams, Allan Wilson, Raymond Withers, Louise Woodfield, Barrie

11 Dec 01 Barker, Kenneth Candy, Ross Crarer, Max Daldorf, Muriel Dunn, Allan Ellen, William Gin, Chin Wan Gray, Karen Hoare, Lilian Kelly, Adrian Middlemiss, Murray Moore, Leslie Novitz, David Nurse, Charles (Arthur) Rafferty, William Rix, William (George) Sanders, Sylvia Scarlett, Wilfred Sheehan, Thelma Stuart, Glenda Ward, John Whyte, Florence

12 Dec 01 Anderson, Rex Buwalda-Viergever, Jannetje Cairns, Michael Candy, Ross Dunn, Allan

Ellen, William Garland, Margaret Gin, Chin Wan Jackson, Dorothy Lane, Kevin Le Cren, Philip Millar, Melva Purdon, Murray Richardson, Freda Rowland, Claude Smith, Elizabeth Topliss, John Waller, Juliet Whyte, Florence

13 Dec 01 Anderson, Rex Bamber, Miriam Blom, Clara Bowen, Elizabeth Darling, Nessie Day, Joseph Dunn, Allan Eden, Bruce Ellen, William Gao, XiaoXi Glanville, Brian Grieve, John Hemopo, Roimata Horgan, Dorothea Lane, Kevin Le Cren, Philip Maxwell, John Millar, Melva Purdon, Murray Richardson, Freda Simpson, Spence Slade, Tui Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Nola Staples, Nova Stove, George Sutherland, Mary Ward, John Weir, Robert

14 Dec 01 Anderson, Mary Bailey, Neville Billing, Graham Bowen, Elizabeth Brown, Joseph Eden, Bruce Frampton, John Frew, Audrey George, Donella Gilbert, Margaret (Peg) Glanville, Brian Golding, Elspeth Grieve, John Horgan, Dorothea Jackson, Francis Kay, Jack Lane, Kevin Lane, Thomas Maxwell, John

(Manny) McConchie, Peter Price, Francis (Len) Ragg, Edith Regan, Geoffrey Simpson, Spence Staples, Nova Stewart, Duncan Stove, George Sutherland, Mary van den Bosch, Hendrik Weir, Robert Whittaker, Shaun Williams, Ada

15 Dec 01 Bailey, Neville Barham, Pamela Brown, Joseph Craig-Parker, Emily Daldorf, Muriel Darling, Nessie Densem, Lorna Dobbin, Patricia Gallagher, John George, Donella Horgan, Dorothea Hutt, Royce Jackson, Francis Kay, Jack Lammas, Betty Lane, Thomas Liddle, Rodney McConchie, Peter Meggitt, Brian Morey, Ivan Overton, Meredith Pope, Ernest Scott, June Stove, George Trimen, Richard van den Bosch, Hendrik Van Wieren, Christiaan Whittaker, Shaun Wildermoth, Ann Williams, Ada Wilson, Veronica

17 Dec 01 Anderson, Mary Anderton, Verdun Bailey, Neville Burborough, Alice Cook, Peter Densem, Lorna Drain, Bruce Frampton, John Gallagher, Charles Gemmell, Ila Gifford, Peter Greenslade, Rongmai Hanna, Charles Hayne, Charles Hopkinson, Richard

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Jensen, Karen Kearney, John Kennedy, James Lammas, Betty Lilley, Raymond Luecke, Elisabeth MacLean, Edith Martin, Mikhail McCausland, Leah McConchie, Peter Peterson, Stanley Samways, Donald Smith, Karen Tucker, Maude van Dijk, Elsie Van Wieren, Christiaan Weir, Robert Wylie, Duncan

18 Dec 01 Anderton, Verdun Bailey, Neville Cairns, Marjorie Coburn, Rhona Drain, Bruce Fyfe, Alan Gemmell, Ila Gerrard, David Hanna, Charles (Murray) Hayne, Charles Henderson, Jennifer Lilley, Raymond Livingstone, Beatrice Mangels, Daphne McAleer, John McIntosh, Douglas McKenzie, Ivy McNoe, James Murray, Peter Smith, Marlene Spragg, Gertrude Strachan, William van Dijk, Elsie Vogelzang, Willem Wylie, Duncan

19 Dec 01 Allan, Joan Atkinson, Thomas Cairns, Marjorie Cryer, Virginia Ferguson, Ruby Fry, Olga Fyfe, Alan Gao, XiaoXi Gardyne, Frederick Gifford, Peter Hanna, Charles (Murray) Hook, Nancy Jeffs, Phyllis Mangels, Daphne McAleer, John McClurg, Rosalie Merrett, Muriel

Messervy, Daisy Murray, Peter Peddie, Susan Quilter, Anne Smith, Marlene Smith, Russell Spragg, Gertrude Tucker, Maude Vogelzang, Willem Ward, Tui Watson, Elinor Wyeth, Velma Wylie, Duncan

20 Dec 01 Alesana, Talaipa Anderson, Dorothy Anderson, Rex Brokenshire, Norman Butler, Ronald Chamberlain, Ester Cryer, Marilyn Fitzgerald, Louise Gao, XiaoXi Harris, Brian Hook, Nancy Horgan, William Jeffs, Phyllis Merrett, Muriel Murray, Peter Peddie, Susan Poharama, Patrick Reed, Leonard Scott, Neil Toohey, Eileen Tucker, Maude Ward, Tui

21 Dec 01 Alesana, Talaipa Anderson, Rex Appleton, Esther Atkinson, Thomas Butler, Ronald Crozier, Emily Gwynne, Joan Leigh, Joseph McCaskey, Harold McKay, Catherine Mentink-Mulder, Alida Messervy, Daisy Spittle, Margaret Templeton, Beth Thompson, Ryan Ward, Tui

22 Dec 01 Alesana, Talaipa Anderson, Rex Bird, Billie Compton, John (Noel) Fraser, Lesley Karlytzky, Karl Kenning, Allan Leigh, Joseph Lineham, Jeffrey McCaskey, Harold

McIlroy, Betty Mentink-Mulder, Alida Ohlson, Danny Ramsay, Mary Templeton, Beth Thompson, Harold Wilson, Alexander

24 Dec 01 Batty, Keith Compton, John (Noel) Hayman, Isaiah Hodgson, Kevin Hood, Betty Houston, Constance Jamieson, Marie Kinvig, Winifred Lineham, Jeffrey Lysaght, Stella Murray, Helen Nankivell, Garry Newell, Hutika O'Connell-Watt, Samuel O'Connor, David (Pat) Patrick, David Pirika, Riria Reid, Hazel Rumbold, Sir Jack Thorpe, Anthony Ward, Tui Wood, Ian

26 Dec 01 Adams, Dorothy Browning, Marie Crowe, Clare Dillon, Thomas Dyer, Acushla Fielden, Norman Harden, Taiwha Hodgson, Kevin Hood, Betty Hydes, Lois Jamieson, Marie King, Michael Letham, George Miller, Joyce Morris, Margaret O'Connell-Watt, Samuel O'Connor, David (Pat) Patrick, David Pirika, Riria Preston, Phyllis Rickard, Frances Shirley, Clifford Simmons, Alison Thorpe, Anthony Trewern, Gwen

27 Dec 01 Abbott, Patrick Adams, Dorothy Batty, Keith Beswick, Lance Brunton, Bruce

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Campbell, Noeline Chambers, Gary Chinnery, Murray Crowe, Clare Dodds, William Drennan, Hannah Dyer, Acushla Fielden, Norman Gaskell, Phyllis Glassford, Betty Hodgson, Kevin Hydes, Lois Lambie, Elizabeth Lubbers, Theo Mercer, Barry Narbey, Mary Newell, Hutika O'Connell-Watt, Samuel Patrick, David Peneamene, Tieke Pohio, Thelma Preston, Phyllis Streeter, Nancy Wilson, Russell Wormald, George Young, Winifred

28 Dec 01 Baird, Isabella Bentley, Lynette Beswick, Lance Brunton, Bruce Chinnery, Murray Cole, Alan Cosgrove, Anne-Maire Fielden, Norman Gaskell, Phyllis Hydes, Lois Joseph, Stuart Lawson, Sr Maureen Letham, George Lubbers, Theo Mackie, James Mercer, Barry Meredith, Doreen Narbey, Mary (Molly) Patrick, David Pearson, Gordon Phillips, Wayne Pohio, Thelma Selwood, Mervyn Smith, Claudia Southey, Eileen Streeter, Nancy Toia, Michael Wormald, George Young, Winifred (Moira)

29 Dec 01 Bennett, John Bentley, Lynette Blick, David Burke, Maurice Caldow, Maria Campbell, Noeline

Cole, Alan Cosgrove, Anne-Maire Dale, Lois Dickie, David Fitzgerald, Edward Gaskell, Phyllis Giblin, Mhairi Gillon, Rona Hay, Glenda Histen, Patrick Homersham, Joan Joseph, Stuart Kennedy, Nathan Kidd, Douglas Lawson, Sr Maureen Lubbers, Theo Mackie, James Moffatt. Fiona Oldfield, Tracy Patrick, David Phillips, Wayne Rose, Charles Ross, Janice Sweeney, Margaret Young, Winifred (Moira)

31 Dec 01 Burke, Maurice Burrows, Glad Caldow, Maria Cheeseman, Phyllis Ching, Edna Cosgrove, Anne-Maire Craig, Elizabeth Dale, Lois Dempsey, Margaret (Joan) Dickie, David Fitzgerald, Edward Galbraith, Gladys Gillard, Frederick Heffernan, Olga Herkt, Paul Koperu, Richard Luscombe, Evelyn MacArthur, Dorothy Mackie, James Main, James Martin, Joyce McFarlane, James McLean, Josie Mitchell, Effie Newton, Andrew O'Connor, Timothy Oldfield, Tracy Penney, Gary Ryan, Cyril Ryder, Daphne Scott, Dorothy Thompson, Nellie Young Winifred

20021 Jan 02 Anderson, Graham Byford, Anthony Ching, Edna Dacombe, Gladys Errington,Frances Fitzgerald,Edward Hermansen, Jann King, John Lee, Vernon MacIntyre,Francis Martin, Joyce McFarlane, James Newton, Andrew Penney, Gary Rankin, Alsace Scammell, Valerie

2 Jan 02 Brown, Pauline

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Byford, Anthony Cameron, Pearl Cheeseman, Phyllis Ching, Edna Cowper, Anthony Craig, Elizabeth Dempsey, Margaret (Joan) Feely, Margaret Fitzgerald, Edward Flutey, Fredrick Graham, Rae Hermansen, Jann Jones, Joan King, Cyril King, John Laird, Dr Margaret Lee, Vernon Leitch, Rex Main, James Martin, Joyce Martin, William McFarlane, James McLaughlin, Joyce Newton, Andrew O'Connor, Timothy Oldfield, Tracy Patrick, David Penney, Gary Pilbrow, Theresa Robertson, Peter Scammell, Valerie Scott, Dorothy Scott, Sandra Simpson, Ralph Strachan, Reginald Summers, Hazel Swain, Eric Thompson, Nellie Treanor, Kathryn Trist, Reginald (Reg) Twomey, Mabel Watts, Robert Webber, Bruce Wells, Dr Colin Williams, Lindsay

3 Jan 02 Bartlett, Alexander (Bruce) Brown, Pauline Burrows, Irene Cameron, Pearl Darby, Mabel Davis, Paul Dickey, Joan Duncraft, Arthur Dungey, Allan Flutey, Fredrick Graham, Rae Hermansen, Jann Holmes, Maurice Hopping, Kevin Johnson, George Kelly, John King, Cyril

McAnulty, Beatrice McEwen, Nola McFarlane, James McFarlane, John Newport, Melville O'Connell, John Park, Kathleen Phillips, Caren Pickering, Maud Ridden, Joyce Simpson, Ralph Speak, Allan Squire, Duncan Storer, Jack Trist, Reginald (Reg) Wells, Dr Colin Williams, Lindsay

4 Jan 02 Baigent, Aubrey Bartlett, Alexander (Bruce) Best, Philip Bourke, Callum Burrows, Irene Burt, Allen Carr, Ashley Chapman, Anne-Marie Craig, Peter Dalley, Ernest Davis, Paul Duncraft, Arthur Dungey, Allan Findlay, Joyce Flutey, Fredrick Goldsack, June Hermansen, Jann Holmes, Maurice Howard, Thomas Jenkin, Marian Johnson, Christina Johnson, George Jones, Iris Jones, Jeannie Knowles, Francis Lambert, Clive Mauger, Gary McManus, Marian O'Connell, John Park, Kathleen Ridden, Joyce Saunders, Murray Scott, Sandra Seyb, Noelle Simpson, Elaine Simpson, Ralph Snee, Elizabeth Speak, Allan Squire, Duncan Thirkell, Phyllis Upton, Darroch Wood, Stanley

5 Jan 02 Alford, Rene Baigent, Aubrey

Bartlett, Alexander (Bruce) Beggs, Helen Best, Philip Bramley, Murray Bryce, Gladys Burke, Nonie Burrows, Irene Burt, Allen Carr, Ashley Chapman, Anne-Marie Chester, Charles (Ray) Cook, Bertram Cowper, Anthony Craig, Peter Derbidge, Joan Dickey, Clarence Dickey, Joan Dungey, Allan Findlay, Joyce Hamilton, Ida Haynes, Ethel Hermansen, Jann Holmes, Maurice Jack, Claudia Jackson, Olive James, Jack Johnson, Christina Johnson, Noleen Jones, Iris Jones, Jeannie Keir, Ronald Kidd, Douglas Kimiia-Te Naumu, Akemaria Knowles, Francis Lambert, Clive Mauger, Gary McKnight, John McLaughlin, Joyce McManus, Marian McRobb, George Needham, Valerie Park, Kathleen Patrick, David Radcliffe, Kelvin Reece, Margot Robinson, Steven Rogers, Hilda Saunders, Murray Seyb, Noelle Simmonds, Jean Simpson, Elaine Simpson, Ralph Snee, Elizabeth Tait, Kathleen Thirkell, Phyllis Treanor, Cathryn Verran, Shirley Welch, Leonard Whiting-Ansley, Kayleigh Wills, Michael

7 Jan 02 Best, Philip

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Brown, May Burns, Ruth Butler, Janet Cairns, Thelma Chapman, Anne-Marie Chester, Charles Cowper, Anthony Cummings, Keith Dean, Marjorie Dunmill, Ian Elliott, Charles Field, Gerard Hamilton, Ida Harvey, Henry Holmes, Maurice Jackson, Olive James, Jack Jones, Iris Jones, Jeannie Lock, Eileen Mauger, Gary McAnulty, George McManus, Marian Moore, Harley Moriarty, Wendy Murray, Marjorie Murray, Sr Martha Gavena Needham, Valerie Peterson, Noel Platt, Eric Radcliffe, Kelvin Reece, Margot Reid, Charles Roderique, Silvester Rogers, Hilda Rowe, Geoffrey Smith, Florence Smith, Shona Tait, Kathleen Watson, George Welch, Leonard Wills, Michael

8 Jan 02 Belcher, John Brown, May Brydon, Robert Bull, Craig Cairns, Thelma Cassie, Isabella Chester, Charles (Ray) Cummings, Keith Donald, Kate Dudson, Patricia Franklin, Henry Golden, Neville Green, Annie Lock, Eileen Lusty, Loris McAnulty, George McClure, Clive McEntee, Rosalie Momo, Eileen

Moore, Harley Moriarty, Wendy Radcliffe, Kelvin Reid, Charles Robinson, Charlotte Roderique, Silvester Ross, Janice Rowe, Geoffrey Smith, Shona Takimoana, Sophie Vincent, Pauline Watson, George Whiting-Ansley, Kayleigh Wilson, Shirley

9 Jan 02 Allen, Eileen Bull, Craig Buxton, Robin Caldwell, Adelaide Charman, Beryl Clark, Kenneth Craig, Peter Crooks, Veda Davidson, Grace Dunmill, Ian Edwards, Raymond Franklin, Henry Hill, Peter McEntee, Rosalie McKelvie, Lily McLaughlin, Joyce Moore, Harley Moriarty, Wendy Patterson, Claughton Peterson, Noel Robertson, Norman Smith, Shona Tweedie, Violet Welch, Leonard Woollett, Irwin

10 Jan 02 Allen, Eileen Bull, Craig Buxton, Robin Cameron, George Clark, Kenneth Davidson, Grace Edwards, Raymond Ewen, George Franklin, Henry (Harry) Gibbons, Georgina (Olive) Hanstock, Vincent Hodge, Kororia (Gloria) Hughes, Arthur Luckett, Dorothy Moriarty, Wendy Palmer, Ross Parker, Rani Payne, Maree Rogers, Charles Tweedie, Violet

11 Jan 02 Beedles, Josephine Bull, Craig Cameron, George Charman, Beryl Clark, Kenneth Cooper, William Farrell, Phyllis Gibbons, Georgina (Olive) Hendrickson, Harold Hodge, Kororia (Gloria) McElrea, Robert Metcalfe, Christine Murray, Robert Palmer, Ross Payne, Maree Pearson, Ella Rodger, Sharon Tierney, Junette

12 Jan 02 Bansgrove, Brian Beedles, Josephine Benham, Ellen Boult, Audrey Charman, Beryl Coe, Ruth Cooper, William Doherty, Bernard (Fr Barney) Doyle, Colin Farrell, Phyllis Fraher, Richard Goodall, Bryan Hewlett, Isobel Hill, Peter Johnsen, Herbert Maddock, Kelly-Anne McElrea, Robert Mealing, Grant Mitchell, Barrie Murray, Robert Neale, Donald Paterson, Edith Payne, Maree Pearson, Ella Robinson, Joyce Rodger, Sharon Rogers, William Rugg, Victor Sheddan, David Simpson, Ralph Sullivan, John Tauwhare, Patricia Taylor, Constance Tierney, Junette Wallace, Victoria

14 Jan 02 Atkinson, Elizabeth Beedles, Josephine Beer, Margaret (Peggy) Brand, Leslie Braxton, Eleanor

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Coe, Ruth Cosgrove, Monica Cowles, Violet Fielding, Charles Goodall, Bryan Harraway, Tyler Horrell, Sylvia Jefferson, Janet Johnsen, Herbert Keir, Ronald Kelly, Ethel Kotlowski, Leo McPherson, Phyllis McRobert, Karen Mealing, Grant Mitchell, Barrie Morton, Essie Mulitalo, Alilmuamua (George) Musson, Brian Pateman, Arthur Poll, Arthur Rae, Ethel Robinson, Joyce Shepard, Dorothy Simpson, Ralph Smail, Stephanie Stewart, William Tierney, Junette Verdonk, Alexander Yaxley, Jessie

15 Jan 02 Banks, Raymond Beer, Margaret (Peggy) Cooke, Hedley Cosgrove, Monica Davis, Mary Fraher, Richard Horrell, Sylvia Kirk, Raymond Kotlowski, Leo Mackway-Jones, Yvonne McRobert, Karen Morton, Essie Muir, Gavin Mulitalo, Alilmuamua (George) Murdoch, Elenor Musson, Brian Pateman, Arthur Rae, Ethel Rugg, Victor Smail, Stephanie Tiplady, Myra Verdonk, Alexander Warwick, Mary West, Alfred Wise, Eva Woods, Samuel

16 Jan 02 Arnold, Edna Banks, Raymond Beer, Margaret

(Peggy) Burns, Annette Chatterton, Spencer Cowles, Violet Feron, Dorothea Fowler, Dorothy Gardiner, Paul Grueber, Herbert Guise, Barry Hill, Henry (Harry) Kemp, Isabel Kirk, Raymond Lawrence, David Lewis, Kathleen Macleay, Ann McAtamney-Rasch, Valencia McGill, Robert Mills, Russell Pateman, Arthur Paterson, John Rodger, Sharon Searle, George Stokes, Lillias Thornton, Erena Tierney, Junette Tiplady, Myra Turnbull, Rewa

17 Jan 02 Brooks, Norman Cowles, Violet Cross, Ina Davidson, David Eaves, Grace Eder, Alan Ellis, David Gardiner, Paul Godfrey, Hamish Grocott, Jessie Guise, Barry Harkess, Dorothy Hawe, Leta Hill, Henry (Harry) Hobby, Peter Horner, Dorothy Lewis, Stanley McCombe, Brian McGill, Robert McRae, Audrey Mills, Russell O'Donnell, William Pateman, Arthur Richards, John Rodda, Gladys Rodger, Geoffrey Searle, George Thornton, Erena Tierney, Junette Watson, Martin

18 Jan 02 Brooks, Norman Cross, Ina Day, Edward de Lambert, Alister Eder, Alan

Ellis, David Godfrey, Hamish Grant, James Guise, Barry Lawson, Norman Lewis, Stanley McRae, Audrey Moss, Violet O'Donnell, William Richards, John Rodger, Geoffrey Tait, Nancy Tierney, Junette Van Zuylen, Willebrordus White, Gabrielle Whyte, Mary Williams, David Williams, Joyce

19 Jan 02 Bansgrove, Brian Beale, Jean Becker, Keith Clausen, Lorraine Craddock, Roger Crisp, Charles Curtis, Colin Day, Edward Drabsch, Stanley Garrard, Rachel Goodman, Gladys Hawe, Leta (Rev) Hobby, Peter Horner, Dorothy Kitchin, Geoffrey Lawn, Lorna Lawrence, David Lawson, Norman Lewis, Stanley Lowry, Ronald Lyttle, Ashleigh Mawson, Jeffrey McKeogh, Valda Penn, Nancy Richards, John Rodda, Gladys Rushton, Gabriell Thorne, Edmund Tozer, Stacey Van Zuylen, Willebrordus White, Gabrielle Wild, Winifred Williams, David Williams, Joyce Williams, Ola Wise, Eva Wright, Arthur

21 Jan 02 Beale, Jean Becker, Keith Berry, June Brasier, Margaret Brown, Elma

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Brown, Ewan Clausen, Lorraine Drabsch, Stanley Goodman, Gladys Grace, Joyce Hall, Rata Hudson, Dorothy Kitto, Margaret Lawn, Lorna Liddy, Rev. Msgr Thomas Lowry, Ronald McKeogh, Valda Morris, John (Jock) Norris, Thomas Ornsby, William Paulsen, Rosalind Penn, Nancy Pickering, Ruby Robertson, Mary (Rose) Robins, Andrew Sleeman, Thelma Sollis, Maria Sutherland, Oscar Tozer, Stacey Williams, Ola Wise, Eva Wright, Richard

22 Jan 02 Balint, Oscar Bowring, Russell Brown, Elma Clarke, Wayde Clausen, Lorraine Cotter, Jemima Downing, Muriel Garrard, Rachel Glassey, James Gregory, John Keenan, Joel Liddy, Rev. Msgr Thomas McCorkindale, Stanley Mitchell, Barbara Morris, John Norris, Thomas Ornsby, William Poulsen, Rosalind Robertson, Mary (Rose) Robins, Andrew Ross, Angela and Gordon Scott, Robert Sleeman, Thelma Sutherland, Oscar Tozer, Stacey Wright, Richard Young, Myra

23 Jan 02 Acton-Adams, Nancy Armstrong, Ronald Balint, Oscar Cheals, Keith

Clarke, Wayde Clausen, Lorraine Collard, John Cotter, Jemima Egan, Janice Flanagan, Thomas Green, Annie Guise, Carolyn Hall, Rata Howden, Dulcie Ingle, Ivy Johnston, Betty Lemon, William Livingstone, Shirley Marshall, Marjorie McCorkindale, Stanley Moorhead, James Ornsby, William Robertson, Mary (Rose) Robins, Andrew Rowe, Dianne Ryan, Gail Scott, Robert Sleeman, Thelma Smith, Jamie Stronach, Margaret Tozer, Stacey Vincent, June Wedde, Herbert (Max) Wormald, Jack Wright, Richard Young, Myra

24 Jan 02 Aitken, Andrew Armstrong, Ronald Baillie, Tello Baker, Jean Barham, Cecil Brown, William Clarke, Wayde Gordon, Donald Howden, Dulcie Ingle, Ivy Irving, Gladys Jaques, Russell Johnston, Betty Lemon, William McWhannell, Ross Moorhead, James Neale, June Nielson, Ailsa Redmond, Robert Ross, Angela and Gordon Rowe, Dianne Smith, Jamie Storer, Audrey Stronach, Margaret Tuinenga, Hendrikje Warnecke, Joyce Wilkinson, Frederick Williams, Alfred

25 Jan 02

Armstrong, Ronald Blackadder, William Dunlop, Enid Flynn, Thomas (Leo) Gear, Sheryl Graham, William Greenlaw, Evelyn Holmes, Violetta Irving, Gladys Jackson-Baker, Marion Langley, Elsie McWhannell, Ross Nielson, Ailsa Redmond, Robert Rosa, Riccardo Smith, Betty Smith, Jamie Storer, Audrey Studholme, Barbara Tuinenga, Hendrikje Tunnicliffe, Alison Wilkinson, Frederick Wilson, George

26 Jan 02 Brown, Maureen Cain, Robert Carson, Alfred Cherry, Margaret Dennis, Jonathan Dunlop, Enid Flynn, Thomas (Leo) Forrest, Elizabeth Goddard, Joyce Green, Annie Harper, Lester Holmes, Violetta Keddie, Alfred Lammas, Joan Leggett, Roderick Mackintosh, Ruth Milne, Anne Moss, Elizabeth Nicolson, Stanley Paterson, Viola (Pat) Pegram, Margaret Randle, Lindsay Roberts, Claire Rosa, Riccardo Rotch, Neil Storer, Audrey Thompson, Iris Tunnicliffe, Alison Whalan, Susan Wilson, George Wolff, Edith

28 Jan 02 Beckingsale, Barry Beresford, Trevor Brown, Maureen Browne, Raymond Cameron, John Caradus, David Carson, Alfred

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cherry, Margaret Clark, Colin Dennis, Jonathan Duncan, Stanley Elwood-Smith, Albert Evans, Daphne Forrest, Elizabeth Goddard, Joyce Hobby, Vera Hutcheson, Lily Jensen, Owen Kitson, Owen Mackenzie, John Mackintosh, Ruth Moss, Elizabeth Nicolson, Stanley Rotch, Neil Studholme, Barbara Wells, John Whalan, Susan Wilton, John (Jack)

29 Jan 02 Agnew, Lucy Beresford, Trevor Browne, Raymond Burn, Myrtle Cameron, John Clark, Colin Cooper, Cliff Dawson, Marie Duncan, Stanley Elwood-Smith, Albert Evans, Daphne Evans, David Hayman, Norma Hinton, Jean Hobby, Vera Hutcheson, Lily Jensen, Owen Kitson, Owen Mackenzie, John Mackintosh, Ruth McDonald, Colin Moodie, James Nelson, Phyllis Rawiri, Hinemihi Richmond, Frances Upham, Mary Whalan, Susan Wilton, John

30 Jan 02 Baddock, Cecil Browne, Raymond Chapman, Oline Clark, Colin Clarke, Neil Cook, Margaret Cooper, Cliff Coxon, Steven Dawson, Marie Evans, David Harris, Bevan Henderson, James (Jim)

Henry, Graham Hogg, Lawrence Jensen, Nadia Mackenzie, John Mackintosh, Ruth McClintock, Audrey McDonald, Colin Penney, Rex Richmond, Frances Rimmer, Helen Roberts, Claire Rubick, Ada Ryan, Leo Soutter, Maureen Washington, Clare Widdowson, Donald

31Jan 02 Best, Margaret Blomfield, Leonard Chapman, Oline Chirnside, Walter Cook, Margaret Cooper, Cliff Coxon, Steven Evans, Daphne Evans, David Griffiths, Lovona Harris, Bevan Henderson, James (Jim) Hill, Adam Holland, Lloyd Laurenson, Dorothy McMillan, Roy Murdoch, Elaine Palmer, Eleanor Petrie, Audrey Rimmer, Helen Washington, Clare Widdowson, Donald Wood, Cyril

1 Feb 02 Alexander, Robert Baynes, Graham Braiden, James Coxon, Steven Flowther, Lorna Hobbs, Dulcie (Helen) Hulse, Elizabeth Keane, Olga McMillan, Roy Miller, Evelyn Murdoch, Elaine Palmer, Eleanor Ross, Fay Staunton, Joyce Thompson, Alan Walker, Ian Wall, Kyra Washington, Clare Wood, Cyril

2 Feb 02

Alexander, Robert Andrews, Lorraine Ashby, Robert Baddock, Cecil Brown, David Burgess, Margaret Cairns, Frances Chamberlain, Sarah Clarke, Neil Cropp, Mary Dalzell, Dion Flower, Florence May Green, James Hobbs, Dulcie (Helen) Hulse, Elizabeth Hutton, Herbert McGimpsey, Ronald McLean, Alice Myers, Geoffrey Nation, Doris O'Brien, Anthony Palmer, Michael Pettit, Myrtle Pinckney, Bernard Richards, Lynn Ross, Fay Rutherford, Norman Sexton, Ann Slowther, Lorna Smith, Dorothy Staunton, Joyce Westgarth, Margaret Williams, Brenda Wilson, Herbert

4 Feb 02 Arscott, Glenn Ashby, Robert Baynes, Graham Burgess, Margaret Carr, Gerald Chappell, Eileen Cowan, Ruth Davis, Jeffrey Dore, Richard (Frank) Duncan, David Elson, William Fletcher, Marjorie Flower, Florence Green, James Hobbs, Dulcie Hunter, Ella Hutton, Herbert James, Myrtle Kean, Michael MacDonald, Alick Marriott, Thomas McLean, Alice Mirams, Nina Muir, Thomas Rivett, Louise Rutherford, Norman Scott, Murray Sexton, Ann Staunton, Joyce Summers, Karen

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Wellbourn, Christopher Williams, Alleen Williams, Brenda Wilson, Ewan Wilson, Herbert Wing, Sidney Wooding, Michael

5 Feb 02 Anderson, Andrew Arnold, Wayne Arscott, Glenn Billingsley, Craig Broadley, Robert Chappell, Eileen Elliott, Stephen Elson, William Fensom, Jennifer Hayman, Norma Hunter, Ella James, Myrtle Kean, Michael Lockhart, Mavis Marriott, Thomas McCallum, Shae McKenzie, Gerald Mitchell, Trudi Muir, Thomas Newman, Dorothy Ritchie, Kenneth Rowley, Marjorie Scott, Murray Sexton, Ann Taylor, Dion Todd, Naomi Wellbourn, Christopher Williams, Alleen Williams, Brenda Williams, Rata Wilson, Ewan Wooding, Michael

6 Feb 02 Anderson, Andrew Arnold, Wayne Arscott, Glenn Barber, Robert Billings, William Billingsley, Craig Brown, Marjorie Callaghan, Mary Carr, Gerald Clarke, Neil Cordery, Enid Dore, Richard (Frank) Fensom, Jennifer Hunter, Ella Jellyman, Catherine Kean, Michael Laing, Ruth Lockhart, Mavis MacDonald, Alick Mitchell, Trudi Newman, Dorothy

Patrick, Rosalind Richards, Gordon Salter, Ronald Shimwell, Lillian Steenhart, Diane Sutherland, Jennifer Tily, Ashley (Russell) Wellbourn, Christopher

7 Feb 02 Arnold, Wayne Billings, William Brown, Marjorie Callaghan, Mary Chappell, Eileen Cordery, Enid D'Audney, Angela Deans, Helene Elder, Ronald Fenson, Jennifer Finch, Ruth Jackson, Audrey Laing, Ruth Lewis, Winnifred Lockhart, Mavis McDonald, Joanne Mitchell, Trudi Patrick, Rosalind Read, Eunice Richardson, David Salter, Ronald Steenhart, Diane Sutherland, Jennifer Thompson, Edith Tily, Ashley (Russell) Williams, Rata Wilson, Edna

8 Feb 02 Anderson, Andrew Brierley, Natalie Cordery, Enid D'Audney, Angela Davidson, Marion Dawson, Mervyn Deans, Helene Elder, Ronald Finch, Ruth Hood, Gordon Hurn, Suzanne Jefferies, Clara King-Tamihana, Kingi Laing, Ruth Lewis, Winnifred Lobb, William Luka, Mary Patrick, Rosalind Richardson, David Steenhart, Diane Thompson, Edith Tily, Ashley (Rusty) Wakelin, Annie Williams, Brenda

9 Feb 02

Anderson, Andrew Biddulph, Morris Bijl, Syard Bishop, Daisy Challis, Percival (Val) Cooper, Lawrence Deans, Helene Fitzgerald, Maurice Hogg, Shirley Hood, Gordon Hurn, Suzanne Inder, Les Jackson, Audrey Kemp, Hazel King-Tamihana, Kingi Lewis, Winnifred Lobb, William Marshall, Rex McDonald, Joanne McPherson, Robert Milne, George Nuth, George Read, Eunice Shannon, John Smitheram, Beverley Sutherland, Jennifer Tafaese, Sarah Thomason-Weston, Kelsey Tindale, Ben Van Den Boom, Raymond Wallace, Edgar Williams, John

11 Feb 02 Bijl, Syard Burns, Andy Corry, Rosemary Eathorne, Rosina Edwards, Joan Goodman, John Goslin, Cyril Guy, Thomas Harris, Philip Hogg, Shirley Hosking, Geoffrey Hurn, Suzanne Inder, Les Lamont, Donald Marshall, Rex McGeady, Margaret (Clair) McPherson, Robert Milne, George Ng, Mei Nokis, Pepe (Rev.) O'Regan, Patrick Page, Margaret Reeves, Billy Rogers, Mavis Rushworth, Rita Ryan, Leslie (Bill) Sampson, Denise Sinclair, Marcia Smart, Colin

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Smitheram, Beverley Soutter, Ronald Tanner, Dulcie

12 Feb 02 Black, Joy Bull, John Burns, Andy Challis, Percival (Val) Chesmar, Charles Cowles, Mervyn Cumming, Nola Davis, Rosaline Edwards, George Fail, Patricia Goslin, Cyril Harley, Christopher Harris, Philip Hosking, Geoffrey Martin, Patricia McGeady, Margaret (Clair) McLaughlin, Perry Milne, George Nuth, George Olley, George O'Regan, Patrick Page, Margaret Reeves, Billy (Jeremy) Rushworth, Rita Scully, Stephen Short, Jean Simms, Henry Sinclair, Marcia Skelton, Annie Smart, Colin Soutter, Ronald Tanner, Dulcie Watson, John Watts, Leslie Weir, Agnes

13 Feb 02 Black, Joy Brown, David Brown, James Bull, John Calcutt, Murray Cameron, Barbara Campbell, Gwyneth Cumming, Nola Davis, Rosaline Edwards, George Fail, Patricia Garnett, Austin Goodman, John Guy, Thomas Harkess, Peter Harley, Christopher Harris, Philip Hilliam, Margaret Hosking, Geoffrey Ingram, Ronald Jones, Clive Mangan, Christopher Martin, Patricia

McLaughlin, Perry Nelmes, Kathleen Olley, George Oved, Elon Priest, Magnus Scully, Stephen Shepherd, Sarah Simms, Henry Soutter, Ronald Tahuhu, Henry Tanner, Dulcie Versteeg, Nicholas Watson, John Watts, Leslie Weir, Agnes White, Joan Woods, Anne Wright, Mary

14 Feb 02 Balloch, Robyn Brown, David Cameron, Barbara Campbell, Gwyneth Claridge, Kath Corrie-Johnstone, Ailsa Edwards, Kenneth Garnett, Austin Grant, Jack Hay, John Ingram, Ronald Jones, Clive Mangan, Christopher Martin, Patricia Merrin, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Newth, Tom Newton, Leonard Quinn, Esther Robertson, Donald Scully, Stephen Struthers, Jean Tait, Lyall Watts, Leslie White, Joan Wright, Mary

15 Feb 02 Bevin, Mary Burtenshaw, William Crawley, James Dalziel, Mary Fahy, Margaret Fraser, James Grant, Jack Hay, John Kerr, James (Jim) Lundy, James Martin, Patricia (June) Maxwell, David Mentink, Daniel Merrin, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Newton, Leonard Nutira, William Phillips, Evelyn

Pickerill, Margaret Puddy, Elaine Quinn, Esther Rhodes, Robert Riley, Donald Schroeder, Edna Struthers, Jean Tahuhu, Henry Trengrove, William Watts, Leslie Wright, Mary

16 Feb 02 Alexandre, Harata Auuapaau, Beverley Baruch, Elizabeth Beadle, Dorreen Beard, Frederick Bevin, Mary Callanan, Patrick Carson, Christopher Dalziel, Mary Duffull, Maurice Edwards, Kenneth Fincham, Pamela Gilbert, Graham Gill, Nathan Grofski, Wendy Hammond, Victor Hill, Violet Hudson, Bernice Johnstone, Helen Jones, Emily Joughin, Trevor Kent-Johnston, Nena Kerr, James Lundy, James Maling, Paul Maxwell, David McGartland, Jolene McMillan, Jessie Mentink, Daniel Millar, Lily Newth, Tom Nutira, William O'Brien, Kevin Pascoe, William Pickerill, Margaret Quinn, Esther Rhodes, Robert Riley, Donald Ross, James Ryder, Gordon Schroeder, Edna Smith, Jack Snelling, Doris Speirs, Vera Tennent, Thomas Trengrove, William Trist, Lawrence Trustrum, Shirley Warwick, David Watts, Leslie Waugh, Alastair

18 Feb 02 Beard, Frederick

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Callanan, Patrick Carson, Christopher Cheong, Ruby Claridge, Sandra Donkin, Janey Duffull, Maurice Gordon, Hayden Hammond, Victor Horgan, Marie Hudson, Bernice Jamieson, James Janus, Mary Low, Kenneth Maxwell, David McMillan, Jessie Nevin, Nancy Newth, Tom Odell, Betty Osburn, Lester Pascoe, William Pickering, Earll Reader, Elsie (Joyce) Riley, Donald Ross, James Ryder, Gordon Shelenkov, Mihail (Misha) Snelling, Doris Somerville, Richard Sturrock, Harold Thurlow, Norma Trist, Lawrence Trustrum, Shirley Wallis, Dorothy Waugh, Alastair

19 Feb 02 Andrews, Ian Baxter, Neil Beer, Phyllis Callanan, Patrick Cheong, Ruby Fletcher, Eva Gaskell, Ronald Green, Barbara Hydes, Harry Jamieson, James Janus, Mary Larkin, Kathleen Low, Kenneth McKay, Anne McVicar, William Midgley, Agnes Nevin, Nancy Odell, Betty Osburn, Lester Pascoe, William Pickering, Earll Porter, Reginald Reader, Elsie (Joyce) Rennie, Peter Robertson, Brian Sceats, Edna Scrivener, Eric Smith, Phillip South, Roxanne

Sturrock, Harold Sweatmore, Grant Thurlow, Norma Watson, Theresa Williams, Trevor

20 Feb 02 Anderson, Brian Andrews, Ian Barlow, Bruce Bodger, Eric Chase, Gladys Cormack, William Courage, Elizabeth Davis, Betty Dewhurst, Carl Ferguson, Dorothy Fletcher, Eva Gaskell, Ronald Green, Barbara Horgan, Marie Jones, Frederick Joughin, Trevor Joyce, Margaret Limic, Drago Low, Kenneth McKay, Anne McVicar, William Mitchell, Frederick O'Rourke, Monica Peach, David Porter, Reginald Robertson, Brian Rowan, Archibald Scrivener, Eric Slatter, Gordon Smith, Grace Sturrock, Harold Sullivan, Marion Thorn, Alma Wall, Hannah Watson, Theresa Wills, Arthur

21 Feb 02 Anaru, Sydney Armstrong, Graham Barlow, Bruce Barry, Desmond Bodger, Eric Cameron, William Chun, Ronald Conradie, Frances Cook, Bryan Cormack, William Courage, Elizabeth Crawford, William Davis, Betty Dewhurst, Carl Driessen, Sophia Fisher, Gwendoline Gaskell, Ronald Gibson, Margaret Green, Barbara Limic, Drago Mazey, Florence

McDonald, Andrew McDonald, Lindsay McKay, Anne McNeill, Frank McPherson, Ian Mitchell, Frederick Robertson, Brian Robson, Ellen (Nellie) Stratford, Cynthia Thompson, Margaret Thorn, Alma Whitley, George

22 Feb 02 Armstrong, Graham Barry, Desmond Blampied, Evan Calvert, Jill Cameron, William Chun, Ronald Conradie, Frances Cook, Bryan Dewhurst, Carl Driessen, Sophia Fisher, Gwendoline (Liz) Green, Barbara Hobbs, Graham McDonald, Lindsay McEntee, Leonard McIntyre, Lawrence McMahon, Doreen Messervy, Nancy Mitchell, Frederick Moore, Alma Smith, Robert South, Roxanne Thorn, Alma Wickes, Gwenith Wills, Arthur

23 Feb 02 Beckwith, Arthur Blampied, Evan Calvert, Jill Chun, Ronald Crawford, William Crighton, Emma Cummin, Peter Davies, Idie Elderton, Phyllis Ellis, Margaret Fox, Rosetta Green, Barbara Henderson, Winston Hobbs, Graham Janus, Mary Johnston, Allen Kelland, Percy Lewisham, Kathleen McBeath, Barbara McEntee, Leonard McIntyre, Lawrence McMahon, Doreen McPherson, Ian Messervy, Nancy

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Oliver, Betty O'Malley, Nola Scott, Grace Shackley, Cliff Shannon, Michael Slatter, Gordon Swete, Raewyn Wards, Alistair Wells, John Wickes, Gwenith Wood, Edward

25 Feb 02 Ball, Lyall Beckwith, Arthur Bown, David Claridge, Marie Colquhoun, Hazel Crighton, Emma Curr, Joyce Dixon, Pamela Edens, Adrienne and Barry Ellis, Margaret Fox, Rosetta Henderson, Winston Kelland, Percy Kempen, Hendrik MacLachlan, Margaret Martin, James (Tony) McBeath, Barbara Morton, Peggy Oliver, Betty O'Malley, Nola Proffitt, Ngaire Quane, John Robertson, Doris (May) Scott, Stuart Timms, Lynette Wickes, Gwenith Wieblitz, Ronald

26 Feb 02 Aldridge, Catherine Ballantyne, Iris Bedford, Lelia Colquhoun, Hazel Dixon, Pamela Edens, Adrienne and Barry Ellis, John Huddleston, Doreen Jones, Florence Kelly, Agnes Kempen, Hendrik Lilley, Malvern MacLachlan, Margaret Martin, James (Tony) McLeod, Beatrice Murray, Bruce Nolan, Patrick Prebble, Gladys Proffitt, Ngaire Robertson, Doris (May)

Robinson, James Schluter, Dallas Scott, Stuart Skerrett, George Uren, Eileen Watson, Lucy Worthington, Mary Wright, Mirla

27 Feb 02 Audeau, Dr Fuad Bain, Ethel Bedford, Lelia Dixon, Pamela Dunne, Melvin Ellis, John Fearn, Heather Fisher, Anne Francis, Vera Fuldseth, Neil Helson, Floris Hogue, Sydney Lilley, Malvern McLeod, Beatrice Mitchell, Sybil Mutton, Keith Pepper, Stanley (Graham) Prebble, Gladys Proffitt, Ngaire Robinson, James Shackley, Cliff Stringer, Olive Uren, Eileen Watson, Lucy

28 Feb 02 Alford, Lionel Audeau, Dr Fuad Bain, Ethel Cummings, Lynda Currie, Leslie Dunne, Melvin Ellis, Evelyn Ellis, John Fisher, Anne Francis, Vera Gavars, Pamela Gorman, June Hogue, Sydney Jenkin, Betty Millar, William Mutton, Keith Newman, Jan Pepper, Stanley (Graham) Shirlaw, Margaret Sinclair, Evelyn Uren, Eileen West, William Worthington, Mary 1 Mar 02 Allington, Ronald Baird, Verna Brown, Alyerd Currie, Leslie

Fisher, Anne Gavars, Pamela Gorman, June Hewitt, John Hoare, Gary Hodge, Gwenda Houston, Eric Hutchison, Jane Jacobs, Taimona Logan, Janice Love, Roberta Millar, William Milligan, Spike Schluter, Dallas Sinclair, Evelyn Tweedie, Valda Van Klink, Maria Ward, Winifred White, John Yaxley, Ilean

2 Mar 02 Abery, Agnes Adams, Alfred Aldridge, Eileen Baird, Verna Barker, Mary Brown, Alyerd Burrell, William (Jack) Carey, Brian Clemett, Gladys Coffey, Eric Cook, Jean Dobson, Robert Duncan, Janet Ellis, Evelyn Fletcher, Selwyn Gallagher, Zita Greene, James Helson, Floris Hoare, Gary Houston, Eric Hutchison, Jane James, Daryl Keown, Peter Love, Roberta Maxwell, Wade Millar, William Newman, Jan Palmer, Robin Pullan, Betsy Smith, Ralph Smith, Walter Van Klink, Maria Ward, Winifred Whyte, Rona

3 Mar 02 Adams, Alfred Barker, Mary Blacklock, Victoria Burrell, William (Jack) Cook, Jean Duncan, Janet Hamilton, Shayne Highsted, Thomas

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Keown, Peter Kinaston, Mavis Maxwell, Wade Parr, Helen Patterson, Jayden Phillips, Andrew Rangiaho, Timothy Simpson, Donald Smith, Desmond Smith, Ralph Styles, Cheryl Thrower, Frederic Van Klink, Maria Verheyde, Jacobus (Cor) Ward, Winifred White, John Whiteside, Dennis Woolf, Winifred Wyness, Lily

5 Mar 02 Adams, Christopher Adams, Margaret Binkowski, Marie Campbell, Audrey Christie, John Clemett, Gladys Duggan, Evelyn Erickson, Matthew Everett, Ursula Goldsmith, Jessica Gray, Johanna Hamilton, Shayne Highsted, Thomas Hoare, Walter Keown, Peter Kinaston, Mavis Kopa, Te Aho Piripi Parker, John Parks, Mavis Patterson, Jayden Phillips, Andrew Randle, Isobel Simpson, Donald Smith, Desmond Stone, G Leslie Styles, Cheryl White, Edward Whiteside, Dennis Whyte, Charles Wiffin, Alexander Winder, Joseph Wyness, Lily

6 Mar 02 Abery, Agnes Adams, Christopher Adams, Margaret Borkus, Antonius (Tony) Cairns, Charlotte Campbell, Audrey Clemett, Gladys Erickson, Matthew Fitzell, Richard (Ron)

Gray, Johanna Hamilton, Shayne Kidd, Ena Kopa, Te Aho Piripi Lloyd, Una Lye, Frances Merfield, John (Jack) Mitchell, Myrtle Neil, Marie Norman, Ann Parks, Mavis Patterson, Jayden Pewhairangi, Michael Randle, Isobel Sandston, Anthony Smith, Desmond Smith, Ralph Veale, Percy Verheyde, Jacobus (Cor) Walker, Delaney White, Edward Whyte, Charles Wiffin, Alexander Winder, Joseph Wyness, Lily

7 Mar 2002 Askey, George Burgess, Richard Cairns, Siciley Clarke, Maurice Clucas, Norman Erickson, Matthew Fitzell, Richard (Ron) Fraser, Colin Goldsmith, Jessica Gray, Johanna Hardy, Raymond Hodgson, Raewyn Horwell, Vida Lye, Frances McAulay, Mac Parks, Mavis Phillips, Avis Ponsonby, Margaret Sandston, Anthony Smith, Ralph Sutton, William Vincent, Roy Walker, Delaney Winder, Joseph Wright, Vince

8 Mar 02 Acton-Adams, Christopher Askey, George Betteridge, Jeanette Broadhurst, Richard Burgess, Richard Elco*ck, Jack Hawkins, Barbara McAulay, Allen (Mac) Metuavaine, Tauta Norton, Mary Pavletich, John

Phillips, Avis Reid, Margaret Sutton, William Tweedie, Valda Ward, Matthew Wright, Vince

9 Mar 02 Acton-Adams, Christopher Barnes, George Betteridge, Jeanette Broadhurst, Richard Chandler, June Clemett, Gladys Dallard, Alison Dell, Dr Richard Elco*ck, Jack Herring, Wallace Hobbs, Jessie Leitch, Ian Lyon, Joan McConnell, Rose McIlwain, Dorothea McVicar, Sister Mary Norton, Mary Paterson, John Pavletich, John Radford, Lionel Riddle, Stephen Ritchie, Alexander Smith, Shirley Strange, Dora Tweedie, Valda Ward, Matthew Wealleans, Brian Wynn-Williams, Peter

11 Mar 02 Bates, Rhoda Beswick, Edna Buckley, Trevor Chan, Sun Crispin, Alan Duckmanton, Bertha Gourlay, Vesta Hepburn, Elizabeth Kennett, Margaret Manco, Sarah McArthur, Dorothy McConnell, Rose McIlwain, Dorothea McLaughlin, Maree Milne, Edith Noble, Peter Radford, Lionel Ritchie, Alexander Smith, Maxwell Sweney, Thomas Ward, Lionel (Curley) Wilkinson, Joyce Williams, Joy Wilson, Dorothy Withers, Anne (Nan) 12 Mar 02 Booth, Lucy Boyd, Graeme

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Brennan, Kevin Chestnut, Keith Cox, Alfred Cumberland, Doris Duckmanton, Bertha Fitzsimons, Odette Henry, Linderen (Valerie) Houston, Edna Ingram, Raymond Lockwood, Nola McClymont, Christina MacFarlane, Patricia McLaughlin, Maree Maslin, Marjory Nelson, Bruce Philip, George Pomana, Barry Sickels, Rua Sweney, Thomas Ward, Lionel (Curley) Wilkins, Lenora Williams, Joy Withers, Anne (Nan)

13 Mar 02 Allott, Wesley Black, Desirea Booth, Lucy Brennan, Kevin Chan, Sun Cox, Alfred Dickie, Alexander Dutton, George Ellwood, Sylvia Gottermeyer, Trevor Jordan, William Kennett, Margaret MacFarlane, Patricia McLaughlin, Maree McQuinn, Brenda Malin, Elsie Manco, Sarah Maslin, Marjory Philip, George Pont, Norah Pringle, Stewart Simpson, Brian Smith, Beverley Sweney, Thomas Too, George Wilkins, Lenora Wilson, Dorothy

14 Mar 02 Black, Desirea Clarkson, John Dickie, Alexander Ellwood, Sylvia Gottermeyer, Trevor Henebery, Timothy Jolly, Frances Jordan, William Lees, Robert Logan, Margaret McIlroy, James

McQuinn, Brenda Malin, Elsie Philip, George Reed, Faith Russell, Doris Selwood, Joan Smart, Alma Taylor, Winifred Thwaites, Thompson Tichbon, Edward Weastell, Ronald Wilkins, Lenora Wilkinson, Joyce Winters, Norman

15 Mar 02 Black, Desirea Bowden, Gordon Cross, Kenneth Fell, Reginald Gottermeyer, Trevor Humm, Harold Jolly, Frances Logan, Margaret McIlroy, James Nolan, Arthur (Kevin) O'Connell, Leo O'Neill, Isobel Pannell, Norman Penwell, Lenore Pringle, Stewart Reed, Faith Russell, Doris Selwood, Joan Small, Edward Stokes, Roland (Roly) Young, William

16 Mar 02 Beken, Albert Bowden, Gordon Broughton, Allan Carre, Roy Carvell, Patricia Cathcart, Russell Clarkson, John Cross, Kenneth Delaney, Grant Fell, Reginald Grieve, Joyce Harris, Myra Henebery, Timothy Humm, Harold Hurren, Peter Jolly, Frances McCully, Nancye McIlroy, James Nolan, Arthur (Kevin) O'Connell, Leo O'Neill, Isobel Pannell, Norman Radford, Bernard Reed, Faith Small, Edward Smart, Alma Speck, Jean

Stokes, Roland (Roly) Winters, Norman

18 Mar 02 Allum, Bessie Archbold, Pamela Beken, Albert Cleland, Alison Cleland, Graham Collie, Jean Connolly, Raynor Delaney, Grant Gilbert, Bernadine Hawkins, Jane Hooper, Joan James, Richard Logan, William Macey, Royden McAlister, John McClelland, Robert McGoverin, Yoela Morris, Phyllis Neill, Betty Nolan, Arthur (Kevin) Paterson, Ian Rainbow, Ethel Smaill, Graeme Small, Edward Steele, Hughie Stokes, Roland (Roly) Tronson, Barrie Wall, Irene

19 Mar 02 Bairstow, Alfred Beken, Albert Brown, Patrick Clarkson, George Cochrane, Olive Crampton, Reginald Daines, Terence Gilbert, Bernadine Hooper, Joan James, Richard Keane, Mary Logan, William McAlister, John Macey, Roydon McGoverin, Yoela McIntyre, Charles Matheson, Donald Morris, Phyllis Rainbow, Ethel Rose, Margaret Simson, Rev. Fr John Smith, Aileen Steele, Hughie Stokes, Roland (Roly) Twiss, Geoffrey Wall, Irene Walsh, Margaret

20 Mar 02 Bairstow, Alfred Campbell, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cochrane, Olive Deal, Hilda Fletcher, Cecil George, Moana Hankins, Lionel Hooper, Joan McClelland, Robert Milne, Williamina Simson, Rev. Father John Tomkinson, Edward Twiss, Geoffrey Verkerk, Johanna Watson, Leo Wright, Margaret Young, Tarcisia

21 Mar 2002 Bradshaw, Heather Catherwood, Irene Cliff, Martha Cochrane, Olive Dakers, Simon Edridge, Sally Fletcher, Cecil George, Moana Glassey, Arthur Graham, Doris Hankins, Lionel Ingle, John Kuki, John McLeod, Colin Munsey, Edna Niles, Ronald Pitts, Isabel Smith, Charles Stening, Wilfred Tomkinson, Edward Twiss, Geoffrey Verkerk, Johanna Watson, Leo Weir, Doreen

22 Mar 02 Beard, Leo Black, Alisdair Bogle, Alexander Bradshaw, Heather Burdon, Cotsford Campbell, James Carroll, Ethel Catherwood, Irene Dasler, Eric Edridge, Sally Glassey, Arthur Hirini, John Inkster, Olive McLeod, Colin Mottram, Peggy Petterson, Janet Reu, Mii (Baldy) Taylor, Graeme Weir, Doreen Wilson, Amy

23 Mar 02 Beard, Leo Bogle, Alexander Burdon, Cotsford Croucher, Dorothy Dasler, Eric Forster, Thelma Fox, Jean Galilee, Ivar Hall, Michael Harding, Mary Hill, Greta Hirini, John Hughes, James Ingle, John Irvine, Julia Lane, Herbert McIlroy, Gladys McLeod, Colin Mehrtens, Cyril Mottram, Peggy Pomana, Barry Porteous, Joy Reu, Mii (Baldy) Rudduck, Kathleen Sandbrook, Horace Simonsen, Innes Smith, Charles Tait, Nellie Taylor, Graeme Tuck, Dulcie Verkerk, Johanna Young, Tarcisia

25 Mar 02 Baker, Alan Bruce-Smith, Eleanor Chalmers, James Connors, Andrea Crier, Beryl Croucher, Dorothy Cuthbert, Anthony Dunham, David Follows, George Fraser, Robert Hambly, Rev. Gordon Harding, Mary Hill, Greta Hughes, James Lane, Herbert McIlroy, Gladys Mehrtens, Cyril Menzies, Norman Mottram, Peggy Norton, June Petrie, Dorothy Rayner, Elizabeth Robinson, Eileen Simpson, Doris Stuart, Ethne Waddell, Elizabeth (Anne) Walshaw, Douglas Watson, Emma Werahiko, Patrick Wilson, Hinewa

26 Mar 02 Baker, Alan Blank, Clifton Blunt, Elizabeth Boyd, Richard Catlin, Clarice Chalmers, James Croucher, Dorothy Cuthbert, Anthony Doolan, Annie Drummond, Martha Dunham, David Fraser, Robert Harris, Russell Hill, Greta Jamison, Iris Jenkins, Irene Johnson, Elsa-Mae Johnson, Ian Jordan, Valerie King, Ronald McCarthy, John McGregor, Alec McIlroy, Gladys Menzies, Norman Norton, June Paton, Patricia Perham, Phyllis Petrie, Dorothy Piper, Malcolm Rakena, Yvonne Readman, Merlene Robinson, Eileen Stevens, Harold Treloar, James Twemlow, John Waddell, Elizabeth (Anne) Watson, Emma Whyte, Jessie Wilson, Edna

27 Mar, 02 Benyon, James Blank, Clifton Blunt, Elizabeth Boyd, Richard Connors, Andrea Follows, George Fraser, Robert Glynn, William Gray, Edna Hay, Bruce Ironside, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Irving, Donald Irwin, William Jamison, Iris Jenkins, Irene Johnson, Ian Kirk, Florence Leigh, Stanley Leighton, Una Maloney, Sylvia McCarthy, John

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (109)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McGuire, Monica McIlroy, Gladys Paterson, Mary (May) Paton, Patricia Perham, Phyllis Piper, Malcolm Rait, Estelle Readman, Merlene Robinson, Eileen Solomon, Vera Tait, Nellie Treloar, James Waddell, Elizabeth (Anne) Wood, Rosemary

28 Mar 02 Aspinall, Patricia Bubbins, Ian Cook, Noeline Fraser, Robert Gilmour, David Gilsenan, Leslie Harris, Donald Hayman, Eva Huls, Jan Leigh, Stanley Maloney, Sylvia McGuire, Monica Morrison, Margaret O'Connell, Joan Reu, Miimetua Stratton, Nora Thornton, Roderick (Rod)

30 Mar 02 Berry, Nola Brownlee, Bruce Bubbins, Ian Cain, Alan Cassidy, Paul Cook, Noeline Costigan, John Downie, Joy Flintoff, Ruth Gilmour, David Gilsenan, Leslie Glynn, William Gray, Lois Gregory, Leo Grice, John Griffiths, Marion Hayman, Eva Hunt, Shannon Ironside, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Jacobs, Alan Jekyll, Ralph Kee, Clive Kremer, Sibrand (Sam) Lancaster, Frederick Luke, Henare McGuire, Monica Mitchell, Harry

Moore, Marian Morrison, Margaret O'Connell, Joan O'Connor, Desmond Patakai, Peter Paterson, Mary (May) Rait, Estelle Spence, Mary Stewart-Tauwhare, Richard Stratton, Nora Thornton, Roderick Twinn, Grace Wenham, Muriel Wong, Jessie Woodward, Ngaire Woolliams, Margaret

1 Apr 02 Barton, Robert (Bob) Broome, Sidney Brownlee, Bruce Chu, Manuel Climo, Aubrey (Kelly) Costigan, John Costigan, Marianne Cowie, Morgan Coxon, Victor Gasson, Ronald Gilsenan, Leslie Grice, John Grigor, Grant Hore, Richard (Jack) Hunt, Shannon Jacobs, Alan Jekyll, Ralph Jelley, Douglas Jones, Olene Kremer, Sibrand (Sam) Lancaster, Frederick Mallinson, Hubert Mason, Violet McLachlan, Esmond Milne, Jean Mitchell, Harry Partridge, Lyal Reeve, Phyllis Sinclair, Phyllis Sorongan, Nicolaas Traynor, Brother Daniel Twinn, Grace Visser, Daniel Walker, Margaret Wilde, John Wilson, Alice Woodham, Gavin Woolliams, Margaret

2 Apr 02 Archer, Harry (Courtney) Brownlee, Bruce Buchanan, Evelyn Carney, Margaret

Costigan, Marianne Cowie, Morgan Coxon, Victor Diedrichs, Mary Dillon, Mary Dodge, Samuel Flintoff, Ruth Gasson, Ronald Greenslade, Barbara Grice, John Herron, Daisy Hore, Richard (Jack) Jaques, Matthew Jekyll, Ralph Jelley, Douglas Jones, Olene Kilpatrick, Terence Kitchin, Patricia Mallinson, Hubert Mason, Violet Middlemiss, Joyce Milne, John O'Connor, Desmond Olliver, Gary Pinkney, Jessie Powell, David Ramsey, Peter Reeve, Phyllis Rout, John Sinniah, Saraswathypillai Stewart, James Sutherland, Margaret Tooley, Ian (Geof) Traynor, Brother Daniel Twinn, Grace Walker, Margaret Wenham, Muriel Woodward, Ngaire

3 Apr 02 Allan, Ada Boswell, Gilbert Broome, Sidney Brownlee, Bruce Bubbins, Ian Buchanan, Evelyn Caldwell, William Carney, Margaret Chappell, Maurice Dodge, Samuel Ellen, Philip Ferguson, Ian Gasson, Ronald Gillespie, Margaret Gottermeyer, Hilda Greenslade, Barbara Hartley, Winifred Ireland, James Jaques, Matthew Keeney, Michael Kilpatrick, Terence Maka-Jones, Arii Milne, Jean Milne, John

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (110)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Olliver, Gary Rout, John Royal, Lucy Sew Hoy, Fanny Stewart-Tauwhare, Richard Stokes, Freda Sutherland, Margaret Turner, Brian Visser, Daniel Wong, Jessie

4 Apr 02 Allan, Ada Archer, Harry (Courtney) Arnold, Mavis Bedggood, Patricia Boswell, Gilbert Buchanan, Evelyn Buckham, Margaret Calvert, John Chapman, Alice Chu, Manuel Copland, George Dodge, Samuel Ellen, Philip Finlay, Mileta Fisher, Peter Flynn, Clodagh Gillespie, Margaret Gottermeyer, Hilda Hair, Erin Herron, Daisy Ireland, James Jaques, Matthew Kilpatrick, Terence Maka-Jones, Arii Mallinson, Hubert Manson, Kenneth Mayfield, Maurice Milne, John Mitchell, Patricia Mitchell, H. L. S. (Harry) Murphy, Eileen Siataga, Tafatolo Soper, Karen Spinks, Martha Turner, Brian

5 Apr 02 Buckham, Margaret Cooper, Bessie Divers, Barbara Donaldson, Frederick Drewery, Lorraine Ellen, Philip Ferguson, Ian Fisher, Peter Flynn, Clodagh Gardiner, Leonora Gillespie, Margaret Gottermeyer, Hilda Herron, Daisy Langford, Bruce

Mitchell, Patricia Murphy, Eileen Reeve, Phyllis Ryan, Daphne Smith, Susan Soper, Karen Thomas, Richard (Dick)

6 April 02 Ayson, Leslie Buchanan, Justina Blake, Keith Clark, Allen Clements, Barbara Collins, Frances Cooper, Bessie Davis, Janet Divers, Barbara Donaldson, Frederick Donnelly, John Drewery, Lorraine Drummond, Ronald Fairweather, Winifred Foo Chong, Ioane Griffin, Celsus Guy, Kathleen Hair, Erin Hulston, Lola James, Marilyn Jensen, Kenneth Mitchell, Patricia Morris, Dennis Mosley, Muriel Reid, Douglas Robb, Bruce Sew Hoy, Fanny Soper, Karen Stevenson, Leonard Strange, Frank Thornley, Kathleen Tomlinson, Paul Wong, Jessie Wreford, Norman

8 Apr 02 Clark, Allen Clements, Barbara Cooper, Bessie Cope, Elsie Davidson, Mervyn Donaldson, Frederick Drummond, Elsie Ellens, Norman Guy, Kathleen Hawke, Mary Heney, Brian James, Marilyn Jensen, Kenneth Jordan, Genevieve Mosley, Muriel O'Connell, Malia Payne, Jean Reid, Douglas Stewart, Jean Thomas, Agnes

Thompson, Benjamin Turnbull, Isaiah Turner, Gwen Wilson, Anna

9 Apr 02 Beckett, Joan Caldwell, Garth Clements, Barbara Cooper, Elizabeth Cope, Elsie Craig, Cynthia Curtin, Mollie Didham, Alexander Drummond, Elsie Ellens, Norman Goodwin, David Guy, Kathleen Hamilton, Doris Hussey, Charlotte Kelliher, John (Jack) Mace, Helen McDiarmid, Kenneth McKay, Margaret Payne, Jean Robertson, William Ross, Gordon Saunders, John Thomas, Agnes (Maisie) Thorp, Lena Turnbull, Isaiah Turner, Gwen Wake, Frederick Windelburn, Douglas

10 Apr 02 Ayres, Fay Baynton, Dianne Beckett, Joan Bramwell, Russell Caldwell, Garth Chadwick, Robin Cooney, Lindo Craig, Cynthia Crequer, Margaret Croal, Hazel Cross, Clifford Davidson, Mervyn Dunn, John (Dave) Gin, Yan Hillis, Jean Hodgson, Marion Jackson, James Jordan, Genevieve Lawrence, Jean Litten, Olive Mace, Helen Main, Thelma McKay, Margaret Meates, Rev. Fr. James Nairn, Mary

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (111)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


O'Hehir, Cornelius Otto, Johannes (John) Robertson, Kenneth Ross, Gordon Saunders, Mary Sexton, Barbara Smart, William Starkey, Jessie Telford, Maureen Termeer, Matheus Thomson, George Turnbull, Isaiah Walters, Ian Warren, Ronald Winter, Agnes (Sue)

11 Apr 02 Bramwell, Russell Cooney, Lindo Craig, Cynthia Curnow, Helen Davidson, Pamela Davies, Frederick Dunn, John (Dave) Edwards, Susannah Gardiner, Penelope Jamieson, Thomas Lawrence, Jean Litten, Olive Macintosh, Robyn McRae, Susan Main, Thelma Mason, Wilhelmina O'Hehir, Cornelius Otto, Johannes (John) Powell, Betty Saunders, Mary Sexton, Barbara Smart, Ivan Smart, William Spring, John Starkey, Jessie Termeer, Matheus Vasta, Athol Warren, Ronald Wilson, David Winter, Agnes (Sue)

12 Apr 02 Bell, Lydia Chapman, Tiffany Curnow, Helen Davidson, Pamela Davies, Frederick Findlay, Ronald Kelliher, Michael Kerapa, Jackie Lee, Joyce McIntyre, Elsie O'Hehir, Cornelius Povey, Nessie Rangiaho, Adam Reeves, Graeme Ryder, Lilian Sheppard, Ivy Smart, Ivan

Stevens, Alistair (Al) Turnbull, Isaiah Warren, Lesley

13 April 02 Atkinson, Alan Ayres, Fay Brown, Elizabeth Byron, Dorothy Cannemeyer, Claudette Chenery, Betty Clarkson, Robert Cotton, Ivy Cross, Clifford Findlay, Ronald Gillard, Otis Gin, Yan Haig, Lillian Hayes, William Jackson, Richard Jones, Olive Kelliher, Michael Kerapa, Jackie Lee, Joyce Lyes, Frederick Meager, Florence Morgan, Colleen Necklen, Zelda Overend, Francis Parr, Reuben Povey, Nessie Ryder, Lilian Sheppard, Ivy Smyth, Joyce Stevens, Alistair (Al) Strathern, Fairley Thorne, Helen Vasta, Athol Wilson, David

15 Apr 02 Brownie, Stuart Chenery, Betty Clarkson, Robert Cotton, Ivy Dallimore, Stanley Flett, Thomas France, Helen Gilbert, Honora Graham, Joy Haig, Lillian Hines, David Humphries, Elsie Jarvis, Jeanette Jenkins, David Kelly, Dorothea Kinney, John Lee, Brendon Loader, Josephine Lyes, Frederick McBeth, Ian McEwan, Ida McGrath, Nola Meager, Florence Moat, Carl Necklen, Zelda

Overend, Francis Phillips, Ethel Power, Mona Smyth, Joyce Sweeney, Peter van Rij, Adriana (Audrey) Wallace, Samuel

16 Apr 02 Brown, Elizabeth Brownie, Stuart Clarkson, Robert Cotton, Ivy Donnelly, William Dwyer, Joan Ellis, Vivienne Fern, Eileen Garriock, James Hayman, Adrian Hillsdon, Helen Hines, David Ibbetson, Trevor Kerr, Irene Lapthorn, Vera Meachen, Gloria Menzies, Pauline Munn, Zeta Norrie, Dorothy (Dot) Power, Mona Rhyne, Norman Ruardy, Cornelius Rutherford, Donald Sheat, Constance Skelton, Margaret Tabak, Helen Tidball, Florence van Rij, Adriana (Audrey) Walker, Monica Wallace, Samuel Wolever, Thomas

17 Apr 02 Ayres, Fay Bulleid, Lorna Calder, George de Groot, Antonius Donnelly, William Dwyer, Joan Graham, Joy Herman, Winifred Hickling, Geoffrey Hohepa, Wiremu Houltham, Uanita Ibbetson, Trevor Jamieson, Leonie Kay, Anne Kinney, John Lappin, Sister Gabriel Lapthorn, Vera Lee, Brendon McMurray, Raemond Meachen, Gloria Muir, John Murray, Patricia

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (112)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Newman, Charles Noakes, Kathleen Norrie, Dorothy (Dot) Rhyne, Norman Roberts, John Rout, Derek Sheat, Constance Smith, Ben Tabak, Helen Thomson, Shirley Walker, Monica Wolever, Thomas

18 Apr 02 Brown, Liam co*cker, Pauline Davies, Ronald de Groot, Antonius Hague-Smith, Kathleen Heaton, Peter Herman, Winifred Hong, Lin Martin, Leslie Meachen, Gloria Peckham, Margaret Seeley, Arthur Smith, Ben Tabak, Helen Vartha, Colin White, Francis Wilson, Mary Wilson, Ronald

19 Apr 02 Anderson, Brooke Armstrong, Robert Chan, Him Craig, John Davies, Ronald Forrest, Ellen Harvey, Phylippa Hazeldine, Victoria Hutchison, George Kay, Anne King, Lynette Martin, Leslie Newby, Alice Parsons, Margaret Prattley, Doreen Tidball, Florence Wilson, Mary

20 Apr 02 Anderson, Brooke Armstrong, Robert Barrett, Ronald Bryan, Donald Chan, Him Clash, Edwin Cottier, Richard Coville, Professor Peter de Groot, Antonius de Hair, Theodorus

Eddington, Guthrie Flanagan, Garry Gilbertson, Derek Hayman, Adrian Henderson, Allan Hiatt, Wilmot Hibbs, Nerrida Hutchison, George Johannis, Doris Johnstone, Gavin Kay, Anne Lappin, Sister Gabriel Marks, Sylvia Neale, Raymond Newby, Alice Parsons, Margaret Pash, Kenneth Platten, Joseph Pratley, Maitland Prendergast, Neil Roberts, John Simmons, David Spillane, Mona Stewart, Philip Thompson, Kelsey Tither, Patrick Vartha, Colin Wakefield, Russell

22 Apr 02 Aubrey, Frances Beardsley, Lawrence Bryan, Donald Cossar, Joyce Cottier, Richard Davis, Beresford Dobson, Lilyan Dyson, Richard Eddington, Guthrie Fechney, Ronald Flanagan, Garry Greer, Miriam Griffiths, Jessie Gullery, Ian Haywood, Noreen Heselwood, Ruby Holmes, Margaret Hopping, Dorothy Houlbrooke, Guy Isaac, Alice Johannis, Doris Johnstone, Gavin Lappin, Sister Gabriel MacManus, Jessie Marshall, Mary Moore, Michael Murray, Dorothy Neale, Raymond Palmer, Ethel Pash, Kenneth Reeve, Stewart Rudd, John Spillane, Mona Stewart, Philip Stichman, Maureen Toohey, Doreen

Wakefield, Russell Woolhouse, Janet

23 Apr 02 Adamson, Joy Barrett, Ronald Beardsley, Lawrence Boot, Lionel (Des) Bryan, Donald Cherry, Kenneth Cowie, Mollie Davis, Beresford Desborough, John Dobson, Lilyan Eddington, Guthrie Flanagan, Garry Greer, Miriam Gullery, Ian (Peter) Hewitt, Jean Hills, May Holmes, Margaret Hopping, Dorothy Kennedy, Leslie Marshall, Mary Mattingley, Gordon McLoughlin, Lloyd Moore, Michael Neale, Raymond Pickering, Wendy Reeve, Stewart Stichman, Maureen Williams, George Wilson, Rose

24 Apr 02 Adamson, Joy Barrett, Ronald Boot, Lionel(Des) Challis, Rina Cherry, Kenneth Clifford, Cyril Collins, Joy Davis, Beresford Fechney, Ronald Hills, May Hopping, Dorothy Kolo, Viliami McLaren, David (Arch) Moore, Michael Muckle, Hugh Palmer, Ethel Palmer, George Pickering, Wendy Reddock, Bruce Stapley, Annie Williams, George

25 Apr 02 Barrett, Ronald Campbell, Olive Clapperton, Henry Cook, Isobel Gielty, Edward Gray, Brian Guise, Nairn

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hart, Charles Johnson, Melva Kolo, Viliami Moore, Marjorie Norman, Brownie Palmer, George Pickering, Wendy Townsend, Thelma

26 Apr 02 Bernard, Albert Boot, Lionel Brett, Mary (May) Campbell, Olive Challis, Rina Clifford, Cyril Cook, Isobel Freeman, Charles Gray, Brian Johnson, Melva Kolo, Viliami Lulham, Peter McNulty, James Muckle, Hugh Norman, Brownie Palmer, George Pickering, Wendy Sparrow, Walter Stoop, Herbert Walker, Gary

27 Apr 02 Barrett, Ronald Bernard, Albert Brehaut, Annie Brett, Mary (May) Burrin, Nora Challis, Rina Craig, Leonard Davies, Allan Flintoft, George Foster, Lyndall Freeman, Charles Garton, Margaret Grant, Rebekah Hooper, Robert Isbister, Ermina James, Fredrick Kimber, Geoffrey Leatham, Mavis Lulham, Peter McNulty, James Millar Joan Phillips, Angela Poulsen, Allan Scott, Raymond Searle, John Stocker, Milada Turnbull, Noeline Webb, Joyce Wolfe, Sean

29 April 02 Birse, William Brehaut, Annie Buchanan, William

Burlinson, Yvonne Davies, Allan Ferguson, Frances Fleming, Peggy Flintoft, George Freeman, Charles Garland, Bessie Grant, Lachlan Grant, Rebekah Hunter, Enid Jeffs, Wallace (Jim) Klingenstein, John Levin, Margaret Lulham, Peter Macgregor, Richard Mexted, Margaret Millar, Joan Muir, Lily Nelson, Garnet Phelan, Margaret Phillips, Angela Poulsen, Allan Rask, Catherine Reilly, Barry Scott, Lawrence Searle, John Small, Dorothy Sollitt, Raymond Speedy, William Stephens, Florence Tavendale, Madeline Timothy, Rachelle Turnbull, Noeline Wagstaff, Ethel (Joyce) Ward, Mary Williams, Albert (Taff) Wolfe, Sean

30 Apr 02 Baylis, Ivan Birse, William Brislane, Neal Brown, Ian Burlinson, Yvonne Campbell, Charles (Bruce) Cross, William Cullen, Maxwell Enright, Noel Garland, Bessie Grant, Rebekah Heney, Brian Jeffs, Wallace (Jim) Johnson, Marjorie Kelly, John (Jack) Klingenstein, John McArthur, Robert Macgregor, Richard McIlwraith, Hector McIvor, Archibold (Colin) Maxted, Margaret Milligan, Josephine Mitchell, David Nelson, Garnet

Nicoll, Sarah Phelan, Margaret Rask, Catherine Rolton, Kerry Rutledge, Joyce Scott, Lawrence Scott, Margaret Small, Dorothy Sollitt, Raymond Speedy, William Stephens, Florence Stirling, Ruth Stocker, Milada Waghorn, Paul Westaway, Andrew Williams, Albert (Taff) Wolfe, Sean 1 May 02 Batterbury, Rosetta Brislane, Neal Brown, Ian Cross, William Cullen, Maxwell Dellow, Norman Earle, Jordan Ferguson, Frances Fitzgerald, Brett Fleming, Peggy Gillespie, Barry Hedwig, Ross Heney, Brian Jeffs, Wallace (Jim) Leeming, Derek McArthur, Robert McClea, Lance Macgregor, Richard McIvor, Archibold (Colin) Maxted, Margaret Menzies, Alice Nelson, Garnet Pahi, Paul Pester, Charlotte Rolton, Kerry Rutledge, Joyce Scott, Lawrence Scott, Margaret Symes, Cyril (Sid) Tillson, John Timothy, Rachelle Vinoya, Carmen Waghorn, Paul Wenmoth, James Wilmonton, Margaret Wolfe, Sean

2 May 02 Batterbury, Rosetta Baylis, Ivan Carpenter, Keith Collins, Winifred Dellow, Norman Gillespie, Barry Hathorne, Irene Hedwig, Ross Hempseed, Basil

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (114)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hurley, Margaret, Sr. Mary Helen Jackson, Sidney Le Page, Marjorie McLeod, June Menzies, Alice O'Neill, Sheila Pahi, Paul Pask, Lindsay Paterson, Jean Pester, Charlotte Read, Thomas Richards, Lillian Scott, Elizabeth Williams, Herbert (Roy) Wilson, Derek Wolfe, Sean 3 May 02 Adams, Patricia Anderson-Scarlet, Ruth Becker, Annie (Nan) Carpenter, Keith Collins, Winifred Cox, Vonnie Crothall, Arnold Hedwig, Ross Hempseed, Basil Heyes, Jan Hintz, Martin Hurley, Margaret, Sr. Mary Helen Jackson, Sidney Kale, Beverley Le Page, Marjorie Low, Alice O'Connell, John (Jack) O'Neill, Sheila Paget, Ivy Pahi, Paul Sheddan, Raymond Stewart, Mavis Wilmonton, Margaret Wilson, Derek

4 May 02 Agnew, Bryan Anderson-Scarlet, Ruth Beal, Richard Becker, Florence Borland, Margaret Brophy, Antony Burns, May Carpenter, Keith Chudleigh, Faye Clarke, Abbie Cox, Vonnie Cross, Ian Crothall, Arnold Dash, Ena Driscoll, Catherine Ewart, Jack Gaskell, Agnes Goodwin, Archibald

Hesson, Donald Hintz, Martin Jackson, Sidney Jeavons, Jean Jensen, Kenneth McArthur, Atford McGrath, James Paget, Ivy Preston, John Sadler, John Seaward, Russell Stewart, Mavis Street, Peter Turner, Joy Tutte, Colin Urumoff, Dinio Walker, Thelma Watson, Gladys Webb, Arthur Winter, Russell

6 May 02 Adam, Shirley Alexander, Gerry Anderson-Scarlet, Ruth Benson, Constance Borland, Margaret Bray, Edward Brown, Stanley Burbery, Edward Chapman, St George Chudleigh, Faye Cosgrove, Mary Cross, Ian Cross, Marjorie Daley, James Farthing, Ngaire French, Susan Furness, Dorothy Goodwin, Archibald Hall, Beryl Hullen, Ruth Jeavons, Jean Johnston, Kathleen (Kathy) Kale, Beverley Lewis, Helen Lilley, Marina Maslin, Barbara (Mary) McArthur, Atford McGrath, James Otley, Aaron Preston, John Rollinson, Graham Seaward, Russell Sheppard, Henry Stephenson, Daphne Street, Peter Tallott, Peter Tutte, Colin Urumoff, Dinio Walker, Thelma Walton, Mona Watson, Thelma

Webb, Arthur Robert Winter, Russell

7 May 02 Adam, Shirley Beale, Eva Beatty, Arthur Benson, Constance Bray, Edward Brennan, John Burbery, Edward Daley, James Farrell, John Graham, Jessie Graham, Samuel Hall, Beryl Hansen, Susan Hart, Kathleen Henderson, Mary Hewitt, Robert Hoffman, Rex Johnston, Audrey Johnston, Kathleen (Kathy) Jordan, John Kale, Beverley Lilley, Marina McGrath, James McKay, Mary Munro, Janet Otley, Aaron Railton, Rita Rollinson, Graham Slaven, William Sumpter, Richard Tallott, Peter Turner, Harold Tutte, Colin Venimore, Kathy Walton, Mona Watson, Thelma Whyte, Margaret

8 May 02 Beale, Eva Beatty, Arthur Benson, Constance Brennan, John Chudleigh, Faye Cornelius, Vida Cross, Marjorie Cunliffe, Albert Farrell, John Graham, Jessie Graham, Samuel Hansen, Susan Hart, Kathleen Harwood, Mavis Hatherell, Matthew Hewitt, Robert Jensen, Kenneth Johnston, Audrey Jordan, John Kinney, Mina Leonard, Mary Mathewson, Stephen

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McKay, Mary Munro, Janet Nichol, John O'Connor, Ray Payne, Christopher Penrose, Bruce Railton, Rita Slaven, William Stephenson, Daphne Swanston, Eric Toko, Maude Trott, Clifford Walton, Mona

9 May 02 Aitken, Mary Anderson, Raymond Brennan, John Clemence, Robert Cornelius, Vida Dash, Ena Dawson, Ogilvie (Stewart) Duncan, Rowland East, Patricia Gread, Joyce Hansen, Susan King, Elizabeth McCann, John McChesney, Mary McDowell, Richard O'Connell, John (Jack) Penrose, Bruce Priest, John Ransley, Ernest Rawcliffe, William Sigglekow, Ila Spratt, Harry Sturt, Ismay Trott, Clifford

10 May 02 Bowden, Murray Brennan, John Bruce, Ann Clemence, Robert Dawson, Ogilvie (Stewart) Holmes, Joan Johnston, Eunice Kahukiwa, Noki Lehrke, Brian McAra, William McCann, John McDowell, Richard (Owen) McMullen, George Neal, Raynor Payne, Christopher Priest, John Ransley, Ernest Robertson, Stella Spratt, Harry Swanston, Eric Ward, Ngaire

11 May 02 Allan, Catherine Barkway, Pamela Bennett, Ian Benson, Constance Bowden, Murray Butcher, Norman Campbell, Colin Currie, Doreen Gibson, Joseph Graham, Cathryne Gread, Joyce Green, Arnold Johnston, Eunice Keen, Derek Kennedy, Una King, Dorothy Knox, Craig Maister, Gerald McAra, William McMullen, George Neal, Raynor Priest, John Robertson, Stella Rogers, Edgar Shires, John Si Tu, Zhen Smith, Ross Thomas, George Warnaar, Jan Watson, Sam Wright, June

13 May 02 Anderson, Albert Bell, Annie Bennett, Ian Butcher, Norman Clinton, Nellie Currie, Doreen Gibson, Joseph Goodall, Alexander (Alex) Green, Arnold Hayes, June Hill, Elizabeth King, Dorothy Lamb, Ida Luscombe, Dorothy Maister, Gerald McCarthy, Maureen McFadden, William Menzies, John Moeau, Tamati Olorenshaw, Irene Riley, Norman Smith, Hilda Snelling, Peter Stanley, Marjorie Stephens, Norma Stewart, Leslie (Les) Thomas, George Unwin, Russell Watson, Sam Williams, Hazel Wright, June

14 May 02 Barnard, Laura Campbell, Louisa Clinton, Nellie Dempsey, Irene Dick, Phyllis Finch, Ruth Goodall, Alexander (Alex) Gordon, Agnes Graham, Cathryne Green, Arnold Hansen, Bruce Hardie, William Hayes, June Honeywell, William Kokiri, Peter Lamb, Ida Leonard, Doreen (Fay) Menzies, John Olorenshaw, Irene Riley, Norman Rogers, Edgar Smith, Hilda Smith, Margaret Snelling, Peter Steele, Alexander Stephens, Norma Unwin, Russell Williams, Hazel

15 May 02 Barnard, Laura Bond, Jeffrey Campbell, Louisa Comber, Donald Cowan, David Cuddihy, Myles Dempsey, Irene Ford, June Gilbert, Reginald Goodall, Alexander (Alex) Harman, Cleo Hartley, Colette Kitto, Jeanette Kokiri, Peter Morrison, Reginald Smith, Hilda Smith, Margaret Spearpoint, Elsie Steele, Alexander Stringer, Hilda Tourell, Ian Tozer, Fredrick Unwin, Russell

16 May 02 August, Alice Barnard, Laura Dunn, Edith (Neddy) Harman, Cleo Harris, May Hartley, Colette

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Howie, Winnifred Jones, Audrey Kokiri, Peter Lewis, William Lienert, Eric Murphy, Martin O'Connor, Gerard Ridgen, Ngaire Sleeman, Edmund Smith, Margaret Sykes, Ada (Chris) Thompson, Roy Thomson, Bertha Warta, Mary York, Mary

17 May 02 Allan, Alison August, Alice Baskiville-Robinson, Victor Bradley, Peter Coleman, Shirleen Croft, Colin Edgarton, Yvonne Grant, Margaret Harris, May Hartley, Colette Hawkey, Allen Herrick, Janet Kay, Sharon Lallu, Govan Marshall, John Morris, John Murphy, Martin Ng, Chiu Kuen Nutira, Ellen Ridgen, Ngaire Southam, Thelma Thompson, Roy York, Mary

18 May 02 August, Alice Baskiville-Robinson, Victor Bradley, Peter Chamberlain, Mary Croft, Colin Crosbie, Kevin Geary, Yvonne Grant, Margaret Hawkey, Allen Heron, Phyllis Hoseit, Rita Hutchins, Thomas Jacobson, William Kydd, Laurie Lallu, Govan Marshall, John McCrorie, Agnes Morris, John Nutira, Ellen Ridgen, Ngaire Robb, George Scott, Joan

Smith, Phyllis Southam, Thelma Spicer, George Sykes, Ada (Chris) Tait, Elizabeth Taylor, Eunice Wellington, Eunice York, Mary

20 May 02 Archer, Andrew Brisnick, Mira Byrne, Anne Chin, Kum Cooper, Ronald Craig, Eva Evans, Natalie Fowler, Eric Fraser, Gail Gridgeman, John Grinlaubs, Harijs Harris, Leonard Lyon, Raymond Milligan, Aileen Peters, John Preddy, James (Jim) Scott, Joan Sell, Mary (Molly) Shewan, Roger Sinclair, Alan Woods, Maude

21 May 02 Bennett, Francis Botting, Norman Brooks, John Chin, Kum Evans, Natalie Familton, Herbert Fowler, Eric Fraser, Gail Gabites, Thelma Green, Billie Grinlaubs, Harijs Harris, Leonard Hetrick, Dinah Marshall, Alexander May, John Milligan, Aileen Philp, William (Bill) Preddy, James (Jim) Radford, Phillip Thomson, Arthur

22 May 02 Agassiz, Ruth Bennett, Francis Black, Andrew Botting, Norman Brooks, John Buckland, Thelma Burns, Francis Cartwright, Norman Clark, Mabel Empson, Estelle

(Stella) Garnett, John Green, Billie Haydon, Frederick Isitt, Gordon Jerman, Leona Kennedy, Keith Laird, Alexander Lane, Thelma Marryatt, Philip Marsh, Margaret McDonald, Joyce McDowall, Dorothy Parkin, Bruce Radford, Phillip Scully, Colin Stewart, Ron

23 May 02 Agassiz, Ruth Baker, Margaret Bate, Emily Black, Andrew Bourne, Richard (Guy) Breach, Sydney Buckland, Thelma Carter, Barbara Donald, John Haydon, Frederick Kennedy, Keith Kinvig, Hamilton (Hamil) Laird, Alexander Lane, Thelma Marryatt, Philip Money, Esther Moore, Clifford (Cliff) Parkin, Bruce Porter, Mabel Pugh, Alfred Reeve, Arthur Robertson, Rhondda Robinson, Ramon Scully, Colin Smith, Russell Stewart, Ron

24 May 02 Bartlett, Georgina (Nan) Bensley, Annette Carter, Barbara Chapman, Ngaire Evans, Jean Gray, Jennifer Green, Maisie Gugum, Steve Hansen, Bernard Haydon, Frederick Loach, Dulcie Pelvin, Allan Robertson, Rhondda Robinson, Eric Smith, Russell Wills, Joyce

25 Jun 02

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Ainsworth, Maud Barker, Sarah (Sally) Chammen, Pearl Dickinson, John Evans, Jean Fisher, Margaret Goodwillie, Rena Gray, Jennifer Hansen, Bernard Hodson, Russell Hurring, Phyllis Korunic, Janice Moore, Clifford (Cliff) Rea, Lilly Robertson, Rhondda Robinson, Eric Simpson, Trevor Smith, Russell Stewart, Joyce Tucker, George Warren, Valance (Val) Wills, Joyce

27 May 02 Ainsworth, Maud Allen, Roberta Barker, Sarah (Sally) Bonniface, Edwin Carnoutsos, Lilly Carter, John Chammen, Pearl Curtain, Ernest Dakers, Ian Dickinson, John Douglas, Patricia Dowling, Audrey Empson, Estelle (Stella) Giordano, Oronzo Gregory, Ronald Griffin, Hazel Gunn, Thelma Hodson, Russell Houston, Christina Howard, Angela Johnston, James Knudsen, Geoffrey Korunic, Janice Manning, Guy Mathews, Fredrick (Fred) McConchie, Mildred McLay, William Meyer, Joseph Nairn, Morris O'Donnell, Thelma Pickering, Kenneth Reddock, Christine Robinson, Hazel Sharp, Sarah (Bell) Simpson, Trevor Smith, Owen Soper, Ross Stevens, Frank Sumpter, Marjorie Thomas, Gary Toomer, William

Tucker, George Warren, Vallance

28 Mar 02 Blackburn, Patricia Carnoutsos, Lilly Carter, John (Sam) Chammen, Pearl Crichton, Thelma Crow, John Douglas, Patricia Empson, Estelle (Stella) Greenland, Poronia Gregory, Ronald Henderson, Arthur Howard, Angela Jeffrey, Arthur (Art) Jellyman, Donald Johnston, James Knudsen, Geoffrey Leask, Paul Lynskey, Nicholas Manning, Guy Mazey, Marjorie McConchie, Mildred Mukherjee, Aninda Mullins, Patrick Nairn, Morris O'Donnell, Thelma Pringle, Norman Ramsay, Norman Reddock, Christine Redpath, Ayleen Smith, Owen Smythe, Reginald (Reg) Stevens, Frank Thompson, Anne Thomson, Ida Tucker, George Wilson, Tom Winterbourn, Leila

29 May 02 Allan, Thelma Birtles, Peter Blackburn, Patricia Busch, June Crawford, Oswald Creighton, Leslie Deal, Rose Delaney, Erin Farrell, Bill Greenland, Poronia Henderson, Arthur Hogg, Margot Holman, Kevin Howard, Angela Innes, Graeme Jeffrey, Arthur (Art) Jellyman, Donald Kearns, Samuel Mazey, Marjorie McLaughlin, Mary (Molly)

McLay, William O'Donnell, Thelma Reddock, Christine (Chrissy) Rooke, Florence Sharp, Sarah (Bell) Sherriff, James Smeaton, Ailsa Smith, Owen Smith, Russell Smythe, Reginald (Reg) Thompson, Anne Thomson, Ida Wards, Jane Wilson, Tom Wright, William

30 May 02 Adams, Willow (Billy) Badger, Muriel Benton, Nancy Blackmore, Geoffrey Busch, June Creighton, Leslie Delaney, Erin Fiddes, James Gledhill, Myrtle Hannan, Norman Heaps, Douglas Heron, Nesta Innes, Graeme Lemusu Siaosi, Sam McLaughlin, Mary (Molly) Pryde, Elizabeth (Julie) Ramsay, Norman Reed, Winifred Rees, Mervin Rooke, Florence Smith, Russell Stirling, Poutu Te Rangi (John) Tamehana, Dale Thomson, Freda Trowbridge, Irene Tua, Logan Wards, Jane White, Rona Wilson, Samuel (Sammy) Wright, Stuart Wright, William

31 May 02 Adams, Willow (Billy) Ames, Vincent Badger, Muriel Blackmore, Geoffrey Commons, Katherine de Zwart, Christiaan Elco*ck, Rona Guy, James Hannan, Norman

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hay, Lyndall Heaps, Douglas Heron, Nesta Innes, Graeme Mead, Ngaio Moerua-Pouiva, Tyrelle Morris, George Pryde, Elizabeth (Julie) Rees, Mervin Russell, Noel Stirling, Poutu Te Rangi (John) Stuart, Edith Stuart, Katherine Tamehana, Dale Tua, Logan Ward, William Watson, Clifford Wilson, William Wisnesky, Matilda Wright, Stuart

1 Jun 02 Anderson, Peter Armstrong, Catherine Baker, Walter Blois, Dr John Bottle, Beverley de Zwart, Christiaan Elco*ck, Rona Hay, Lyndall Healey, Craig Hughey, William Isles, Margaret Kane, John Liddy, Montague McGrath, Joan McGregor, Catherine Mead, Ngaio Moore, Harriet Morgan, Charles Morris, George Morriss, Wilfred Nixon, Donald O'Malley, George Pearce, Alice Peterson, Joy Pole, Jean Pye, Catherine Randall, John Stuart, Katherine Summers, Pamela Tamehana, Dale Treacher, Lance Tua, Logan Uri-ke, Ara van Asch, Cynthia Ward, William Watson, Clifford Waugh, Mary Westoby, Brian Whyte, Alexandrina

3 Jun 02

Allen, Isobella Anderson, Peter Armstrong, Catherine Baker, Walter Barfott, Judith Bickerton, Ronald (Bic) Bottle, Beverley Brain, Denys Bruce, Muriel (Shona) Bull, Florence (Mary) Davidson, Abigail (Gail) Gibb, Alfred Gower, Myra Green, William (Bill) Irvine, Marjorie Irving, Douglas (Laurie) Isles, Margaret Jackson, Dorothy Kennedy, Ellen Liddy, Montague McGregor, Catherine Meads, Humphrey Nixon, Donald Smith, Lennord Tainui, Harold (Harry) Tua, Logan van Asch, Cynthia Waugh, Mary White, John Wilson, Ashley

4 Jun 02 Allen, Isabella Anderson, Peter Baker, Walter Bastion, May Bearpark, Thomas Belcher, Laura (Joy) Bickerton, Ronald (Bic) Brain, Denys Bruce, Muriel (Shona) Bull, Florence (Mary) Cochrane, Philip Davenport, Graeme Davidson, Abigail (Gail) Evans, Natalie Findlay, Marion (Minnie) Franklin, Colleen Hughey, William Irving, Douglas (Laurie) Joines, Rita Kane, John Mackay, Nancy McKinstry, Gladys McMahon, James Moody, Marjorie Morris, George Orr, Samuel (Bert) Spencer, Ramon

Stallard, Lorraine Stribling, Keith Tainui, Harold (Harry) Tua, Logan van Asch, Cynthia Waddell, Rhona White, John Wilson, Lucy

5 Jun 02 Bastion, May Bearpark, Thomas Belcher, Laura (Joy) Beswick, Betty Bradley, Gordon Cochrane, Philip Davenport, Graeme Davidson, Abigail (Gail) Edwards, Emily Evans, Natalie Farquharson, Ian Ferguson, Jack Ford, Margaret Franklin, Colleen Gallardo Nieto, Lucila Given, Ivor Grant, Joan Hall, David Harkess, Mabel Harris, George Hodgins, Peter Irving, Douglas (Laurie) Jones, Warren Kennedy, Ellen Mackay, Nancy Miller, Gordon Nixon, Donald Pope, Pearl Randall, John Ridgen, Eddie Russell, Ruth Schenkel, Mona Schofield, Lynley Stannard, Joyce Stribling, Keith Toombs, Faith van de Poll, Wilhelmina Waddell, Rona Wilson, Lucy (Ellen) Withers, Graeme

6 Jun 02 Aydon, William Beswick, Betty Bradley, Gordon Daly, Debbie Doublett, Paul Edwards, Emily Ford, Margaret Freeman, Alfred Gollan, Amelia Grant, Joan Harkess, Mabel

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hodgins, Peter Jessiman, Brian Jones, Warren King, Lester MacKenzie, Russell Massey, Roy Meyer, Joseph Morris, Graham Morrison, Stanley Norriss, Nancy Nunn, Alice Pearson, Adeline Price, Ivan Reed, Winifred Ridgen, Eddie Russell, Ruth Schenkel, Mona Schofield, Lynley Somers, Right Hon. Sir Edward Stannard, Joyce Strong, Warren Walker, Robin (Barry) Wilde, Jean Withers, Graeme Withers, Lawrence

7 Jun 02 Aydon, William Beale, Helen Beck, Gregory Boyer, Maureen Bragg, Frances Cochrane, Philip Cox, Brian Daly, Debbie Eagle, Jocelyn Ferguson, Jack Glasson, Frederick Gollan, Amelia Goodman, Norman Harrington, Walter Hodgins, Peter Kavanagh, James Lyes David MacKenzie, Russell McLeod, Norma Morrison, Stanley Norriss, Nancy Pearton, Cheryl Price, Ivan Reynolds, Janie Ridgen, Eddie Schmidt, Richard Sheffield, Alma Stevenson, Douglas Strong, Warren Wells, Eleanor Withers, Lawrence Woodford, Grace

8 Jun 02 Adam, Doreen Aydon, William Beck, Gregory Bragg, Frances

Brooks, Florence Bryant, Cecily Bryce, John Butt, Gwendoline Calverley, William Campbell, Helen Chiverton, Margaret (Sylvia) Daly, Debbie Davison, Muriel Dorman, Hazel Edge, Kathleen Fitzgerald, Anthony Glasson, Frederick Goodman, Norman Grainger, Harold Harrington, Walter Hockey, Edith Kavanagh, James Kindred, Jean Knudson, Margareta Leonard, Derek McDonald, Christina McKenzie, Phyllis McKnight, Alan Millar, Norma Millar, Phyllis Morris, Hilda Morrison, Stanley Muir, Mary O'Reilly, Gertrude Prior, Graham Reynolds, Janie Ridgen, Eddie Sheffield, Alma Smith, Hay Smith, Phyllis Theobald, Violet Watson, George Wells, Eleanor

10 Jun 02 Adam, Doreen Anderson, Cicely Baxter, Arthur Beck, Gregory Bryce, John Buckley, Sylvia Calverley, William Campbell, Helen Clive, Edna Coldicott, Noel Coppard, Wilfred Dean, Juliet Deepak, Johnny Dodge, Wilbur Edge, Kathleen Fitchett, Alan Fitzgerald, Anthony French, Florence (Dolly) George, Geoffrey Grant, Peter Hambley, Robert Harper, Geoffrey Harrington, Walter

Hawker, John Henshall, Bruce Hockey, Edith Hooper, Irene Iredale, Patricia Kavanagh, Jim Kay, Margaret Kindred, Jean Lawrence, Shelley McKenzie, Phyllis McLeod, Norma Millar, Phyllis Morris, Hilda Muir, Mary Munt, Leon Neilson, Mervyn Newcombe, Bruce O'Reilly, Gertrude O'Sullivan, Eunice Paterson, Barbara Pool, Wayne Prior, Graham Sheffield, Alma Smith, Ruth Toon, Nancy Yates, Robert

11 Jun 02 Allen, Mary Barron, Felix Bartlett, Sylvia Baxter, Arthur Bennett, Norman Boyle, Mary Bradley, Imelda, Sr Mary Clarke, Iere Clive, Edna Coppard, Wilfred Dodge, Wilbur Durie, Janice (Jan) Fleming, Lance George, Geoffrey Gibb, Florence Hawker, John Hearn, Antony Henshall, Bruce Home, Jean Hooper, Irene Hume, Lindsay Kay, Margaret Kilpatrick, Joan Lancaster, Judy Lawrence, Shelley Mackie, Dorothy Manson, Peter Meikle, Laura Muir, Roy Munt, Leon Neilson, Mervyn Ojala, Eric Ottaway, Kelvin Paul, John Poumale, Sandra Robinson, Amber Rooks, Thelma

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Smith, Ruth (Doris) Spencer, Robert Toon, Nancy

12 Jun 02 Austin, Irene Barron, Felix Bennett, Norman Blake, Nigel Boyle, Mary Brittenden, Richard Clark, Phyllis Cobden-Cox, Arthur Cooper, Violet Cork, Madalyn de Roo, Phillip Dean, Juliet Dodge, Wilbur Durie, Janice (Jan) Ellis, Mary Fleming, Lance Gibb, Florence Gough, Jane Gower, Myra Hearn, Antony Home, Jean Inwood, Aubrey Irving, Valerie Johnston, Dennis Jones, Dennis Lancaster, Judy Love, Tui Mackie, Dorothy McKitterick, Rosalyn Muir, Roy Neilson, Mervyn Norton, Graeme Orsman, Harold Palmer, Patricia Paterson, Eva Pool, Wayne Poumale, Sandra Ruthven, Helen Sheffield, Alma Spencer, Robert Szomor, Lena Wakelin, Robert Wareing, Alice (Kitty) Yates, Robert

13 Jun 02 Austin, Irene Barnes, Philip Brittenden, Richard Cooper, Violet Dann, Frances de Roo, Phillip Dewar, John Fitzgerald, Alison Fleming, Lance Harneiss, Mary Henderson, Alan Inwood, Aubrey Jones, Dennis MacDougall, Wayne McKitterick, Rosalyn

Paterson, Eva Pierce, Allan Rawlings, Alfred Roberts, Graeme Roigard, James Shivas, Patricia Sutherland, Joan Wareing, Alice (Kitty) Watson, Thealia White, Moria

14 Jun 02 Austin, Irene Brittenden, Richard Chapman, Huntley Chinnery, Jean Dann, Frances Feaver, Athol Giles, Ken Harneiss, Mary Henderson, Alan Hennessy, Harry Inkpen, John McKitterick, Rosalyn Pont, Vernon Poumale, Sandra Reed, Edna Roigard, James Rua, Kris Shivas, Patricia Spicer, Ian Szomor, Lena White, Beulah

15 Jun 02 Campbell, Barbara Caygill, Gwyneth Chinnery, Jean Clifton, Alice Craill, Laurence Falloon, Shirley Garden, Marjorie Giles, Ken Gower, Myra Grace, Mary Hann, Nancy Howatson, Elsie Inkpen, John McClutchie, David McIlraith, John Moore, James Palmer, Grant Parnell, Hayden Pearton, Cheryl Quartermaine, Stanley Rawlings, Alfred Reed, Edna Selwood, Ailsa (Joan) Sheridan, Thomas Shivas, Patricia Spicer, Ian Turner, Maurice Waddell, Alice Wells, Nancy

17 Jun 02 Anderson, Marjorie Bennett, Joan (Betty) Blokhuis, Aalbertus Brownie, Arthur Caygill, Gwyneth Clifton, Alice Craill, Laurence Cutler, Edmund Dephoff, Monica Driscoll, Andrew Ellis, Marie Garden, Marjorie Giles, Violet Grace, Mary Hann, Nancy Happer, Ellen Hay, Elva Heskey, Margaret Howatson, Elsie Inkpen, John James, Rona Kyne, Brother Edmund McSorley, James Moore, James Nimmo, Sydney Phillips, Dorothy Sheppard, John Smit, Audrey Tarrant, Gertrude Thomson, Thomas Wells, Nancy

18 Jun 02

Barclay, Norman Bennett, Joan Blokhuis, Aalbertus (Albert) Brown, Rosina Brownie, Arthur Carson, Peter Cosgrove-Drayton, Olivia Craill, Laurie Cutler, Edmund Driscoll, Andrew Duggan, John Eaves, Eric Flowers, Shirley Foden, Isabella (Isabel) Garden, Marjorie Grenfell, Nora Haack, Sherrin Happer, Ellen Haylock, Dr Owen Hayman, Janet Heer, Simon Heskey, Margaret Hore, Hilda James, Rona Kernick, Rachael Kilbourne, George McSorley, James Moore, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Moorhead, Desmond Nimmo, Sydney Parsonson, Janna Phillips, Dorothy Pidgeon, Bruce Stemmer, Albert Williams, Marjorie Worrill, John

19 Jun 02 Barclay, Norman Barry, William Bates, Ronald Bennett, Joan (Betty) Beyers, Jamie Bird, Betty Blackie, Phyllis Blokhuis, Aalbertus (Albert) Boese, Kazuko (Jackie) Brown, Rosina Craill, Laurence Duggan, John Eaves, Eric Flintoff, Colin Gant, Arthur Grenfell, Nora Haack, Sherrin Hagyard, Robert Hampton, Dorothy Irwin, Lester Kernick, Rachael Knops, Marinus Lawson-Fitzsimmons, Mia McCall, Frederick Millar, Mary (Lou) Morrison, Ellen Ottaway, William (Foch) Paulger, Evelyn Phillips, Dorothy Pidgeon, Bruce Roberts, Anna (Mavis) Smith, William Spencer, Doris (Dot) Stemmer, Albert Tibbotts, Violet Turner, Maurice Williams, Marjorie

20 Jun 02 Bates, Ronald Beyers, Jamie Bond, Noeline Broughton, Aydan Christie, Robert Feathery, Leslie (Bill) Fonoti, Fiti Gardner, Gillian Gratton, Kenneth Hagyard, Robert Hampton, Dorothy Jones, Barbara Lawson-Fitzsimmons,

Mia McCall, Frederick Morrison, Ellen O'Donnell, Mary (Tess) Roberts, Anna (Mavis) Robinson, Rima Simpson, Geraldine (Johnny) Smith, William Stemmer, Albert Stewart, Thomas Szabo, Maria Tibbotts, Violet

21 Jun 02 Aberhart, Trevor Ashby, Colin Bassett, Peter Beyers, Jamie Bird, Betty Bond, Noeline Christie, Robert Ede, Joseph (Bon) Faith, James Feathery, Leslie (Bill) Fisher, Heather Fonoti, Fiti Gardner, Gillian Henry, William Kelleher, Terry Lawson-Fitzsimmons, Mia Morgan, June O'Donnell, Mary (Tess) Robinson, Rima Simmons, Kathleen Smith, Winnifred (Winnie) Stemmer, Albert Stewart, Thomas Taylor, Raymond Tutty, Janet Wagner, Mary Wright, Brian

22 Jun 02 Ashby, Colin Atkins, Robert Baigent, Eric Bassett, Peter Brimble, John Broughton, Aydan Buchanan, Wendy Coleman, Paul Cumming, William Ede, Joseph (Bon) Fisher, Heather Fleming, James Fright, William Gill, John Hayman, Gwladys Henry, William Jessiman, Brian Kelleher, Terry

Lawson-Fitzsimmons, Mia Lockie, Graeme Lumley, Ellen Morgan, June Nairn, Gladys Neighbours, Eric O'Loughlin, Gilbert Price, Glennis Prouting, Irene Rangiwhetu, William Shand, Robert Simpson, Geraldine (Johnny) Simpson, Ilma Smith, Winnifred Taylor, Raymond Turnbull, Arthur Turner, Ivan Tutty, Janet Wagner, Mary Wright, Brian Ziegler, Dorothy

24 Jun 02 Atkins, Robert Baker, Mervile Bendall, Jeannette Bluett, Roy Bradley. Clive Buchanan, Wendy Caughey, John Clarke, Leon (Kib) Colley, Raymond Collins, Catherine Cumming, William Farr, Lila Fielding, Kenneth French-Wright, Robert Gilchrist, Roland Gliddon, Ian (Snow) Hayes, Sheila Jansen, Francis Kelleher, Terry Lockie, Graeme McCutcheon, Marisa Nairn, Gladys Neal, Lucell Nicholas, Emma Nicol, Margaret Pavletich, Joyce Pepperell, Ida Phillips, Ronald Price, Glennis Robinson, Rev. Kenneth Shand, Robert Simpson, Ilma Skilling, Robert Smart, Leonard Taylor, Raymond Turner, Ivan Wagner, Mary Williamson, Ramsay Winter, Lorna

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


25 Jun 02 Alexander, Jeanie Atkins, Robert Baker, Merville Bendall, Jeannette Blair, Robert Brooks, Sidney Clarke, Leon (Kib) co*ckroft, Doris Dore, Doreen Farr, Lila Fielding, Kenneth Flahive, Raymond French-Wright, Robert Fright, William Gliddon, Ian (Snow) Gullery, Ethel Heveldt, John Hills, Leslie Jansen, Francis Kelly, Ronald Kirk, Pauline Krynen, Bertus (Bert) May, Rose McCutcheon, Marisa Miller, Betty Montgomery, Mary Nairn, Gladys Nicol, Margaret O'Loughlin, Gilbert Palmer, Constance Pavletich, Joyce Phillips, Ronald Reidford, Alexander Richmond, Clara Robertson, Elsie Shand, Robert Spencer, Doris Sutton, Maurice Waters, Josephine Wilkinson, Joan Williamson, Ramsay Winter, Lorna

26 Jun 02 Calder, Geoffrey Chaney, Jack (John) Clarke, Leon (Kib) Cornwall, Oliver Crofts, Ngaire (Byllee) Cummings, Elizabeth Dodd, William Don, Janice Ferris, Janet Fielding, Kenneth Flahive, Raymond Gilchrist, Roland Greenland, Stella Gullery, Ethel Hayes, Sheila Heron, Andrew Heveldt, John (Jack) Hills, Leslie Hodgson, Bernadette Jansen, Francis Kirk, Pauline

Krynen, Bertus (Bert) Meers, Ethel Montgomery, Mary Newman, Edmund Newton, Madge Ollis, Robert Palmer, Constance Pepperell, Ida Pidgeon, Bruce Reidford, Alexander Richmond, Clara Robertson, Elsie Smith, Carol Smith, Joseph Smith, Myra Sutton, Maurice Waters, Josephine Watt, Margaret Whalan, Patrick Winter, Lorna Wood, Caroline (Joy)

27 Jun 02 Argus, Eileen Crofts, Ngaire (Byllee) Cummings, Elizabeth Davies, Lorraine Debenham, Mary Dore, Doreen Ferris, Janet Galbraith, Thelma Gullery, Ethel Hayes, Sheila Heron, Andrew Irwin, Alan Jansen, Francis Kay, Margaret Krynen, Bertus (Bert) Lee, Noel Mann, Trevor Meers, Ethel Millar, Myrtle (Shirley) Montgomery, Mary Newman, Edmund Newton, Madge Quertier, Doris Sedcole, Harriet Smith, Carol Vette, Jean Washington, Rayner (George) Watt, Margaret

28 Jun 02 Argus, Eileen Calcott, Terence Cornwall, Oliver Coulter, Nora (Gretchen) Crofts, Ngaire (Byllee) Cummings, Elizabeth Dalefield, Muriel Dalzell, Janet Ferris, Janet Gilmore, Hazel Greenaway, Marjorie

Hall, Alistair Hepworth, Doris Kotara, John Krynen, Bertus (Bert) Marsters-Pooley, Dianne Massey, Gweneth McGeorge, Walter Meers, Ethel Newman, Edmund Ollis, Robert Quertier, Doris Roche, Brian Sedcole, Harriet Shaw, Bruce (Snow) Strachan, Walter Vette, Jean Whalan, Patrick Wilson, Robert

29 Jun 02 Ashton, Donald Blair, Douglas Butcher, Henry Calcott, Terence Campbell, Harriet Collett, June Dalzell, Janet Doyle, John Fletcher, Ralph Gallagher, Joseph Geldard, Rona Greenaway, Marjorie Greenland, Stella Hall, Alistair Hawke, James Hewlett, Daelene Hodgson, Bernadette Humphrey, Rita Lapthorne, Sheila Mann, Trevor Massey, Gweneth Mawson, Isaac McCaw, Bernice McCormick, Noel McGeorge, Walter Millar, Shirley Neutze, Hazel Nuttridge, Ida Pidgeon, Bruce Roberts, Beryl Robinson, Rev. Kenneth Roulston, William Rust, Yvonne Smith, Barry Strachan, Walter Tate, Norman Ward, Muriel Wright, Jean

1 Jul 02 Alexander, Barbara Amos, Gordon Bacon, Margaret Carson, Dorothy Collett, June

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cook, Bryan Frandsen, Albert Franklin, Jack Gallagher, Joseph Govaars, Benjamin Greenaway, Marjorie Harney, Eva Henson, Edna Hosking, Nola Lovett, John Macfarlane, Alister Martin, Yensie McCaw, Bernice McDonald, Douglas Moore, Bruce Neutze, Hazel Predikaka, Frank Pulham, Patrick Rarere, Epeniha Roberts, Beryl Rust, Yvonne Salisbury, Alec Sanders, John Scully, Rev. Father Maurice Shaw, John Smith, Barry Switalla, Brendan Tate, Norman Tunnage, Susan (Sue) Tweedie, Alma Van Der Zee, Bonifacius Van Slooten, Maria Weavers, Mary Wood, Beryl Wright, Jean

2 Jul 02 A'Lee, Sonia

Asher, Elsie Brown, Margaret Brunton, Alan Carson, Dorothy Collett, June Cone, Rex Cook, Bryan Doherty, Harrison Duncan, Ezilda Fernie, Karl Franklin, Jack French-Wollen, Tim Fulton, Bruce Gallagher, Joseph Harvey, Walter Kerr, Irene Lovett, John Machin, Agnes McDonald, Douglas O'Keefe, Gavin Pole, Desmond Predikaka, Frank Rarere, Epeniha Scully, Rev. Fr. Maurice Tavendale, Noeline

Tweedie, Alma Van Slooten, Maria Weavers, Mary Wood, Beryl

3 Jul 02 Alexander, Barbara Collison, Percival (Percy) de Vries, Johanna Doherty, Harrison Donnithorne, William Duncan, Ezilda Farthing, Christina Feary, Rona Gillions, Margaret Gillman, Alison Higgins, Muriel Lancaster, Donald Leary, Noreen Machin, Agnes Moore, Thomas O'Brien, Esme O'Connell, Damian O'Keefe, Gavin Rarere, Epeniha Roseveare, Kathleen Sanders, Charles Saunders, Merle Smith, Dulcie Tindall, Olive Van der Zee, Gjalt Veronese, Italo

4 Jul 02 Barwick, Thomas Bates, Mavis Boyd, Douglas Carr, John Clyma, Ngaio Cook, Stuart Cottam, Susan Feary, Rona Gillman, Alison Hazeldine, Paul King, Henry Mayne, Ruth Michell, Joseph Owers, Pat Pascoe, Noeline Shelley, Ida Tindall, Olive Van der Zee, Gjalt Veronese, Italo

5 Jul 02 Appleby, Phillies Barwick, Thomas Burdon, Ian Clyma, Ngaio Conway, Margery Cook, Stuart Dent, John Elphick, Henry Evans, David

Frew, John Hutchison, Merl Jones, Claire Kennedy, James King, Henry May, Charlotte McPherson, Graeme Owers, Pat Robertson, Christopher Rusbatch, Lester Tritt, Russell Wightman, Richard

6 Jul 02 Bastings, Willibrordus (Willi) Bennett, Frederick Brown, Francis Burdon, Ian Cachemaille, Trevor Cahill, Sean Clarke, George Elphick, Henry Fisher, Edith Frew, John Gibara, Marika Greenall, William Heley, Beryl Horsham, Sharon Jones, Claire Kennedy, James King, Henry Lancaster, Donald Lockyer, Nigel Lucas, Moana Maginness, Beatrice Managh, Stephen May, Charlotte McDonald, Kenneth McKay, Alfred McPherson, Graeme Patterson, Isla Pluck, Raymond Read, Alan Rusbatch, Lester Rutland, Mavis Sanders, Charles Stanley, Thomas Stickle, Ilean Tritt, Russell Tucker, Raymond Wadworth, John Whitworth, Eleni Wightman, Richard Wilson, William

8 Jul 02 Anderson, Margaret Baker, James Bastings, Willibrordus (Willie) Blacklock, Robert Boot, Dorothy Cahill, Sean Cathcart, Jean Clarke, George

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Downs, Margaret Errington, Blanche Fitzgibbon, Michael Frew, John Gibara, Marika Gurnsey, Katie Kennedy, Jean King, Henry Lloyd, Edna Maginness, Beatrice McAnulty, Patrick McKissock, Andrew (Bill) McLean, Mary (Maisie) McPherson, Norman Meehan, Martin Meredith, Catherine Mulqueen, Amelia (Phillis) Palmer, George (Ted) Palmer, John Roberts, Helen Rosanowski, Irene (Ann) Rutland, Mavis Schaffer, Margery Sowinski, Cordelia Spicer, William Stickle, Ilean Taylor, Duncan Underwood, Audrey Werner, Dorothea Wightman, Richard Williams, Ronald Wood, Alice (May)

9 Jul 02 Ahnfeldt, Mona Baker, James Blacklock, Robert Brown, Francis Campbell, Marion Cathcart, Jean Downs, Margaret (Peggy) Dunne, Lesley Fisher, Edith Fitzgibbon, Michael Galvin, Te Opawa Garrett, Sheila Hackett, Percy Hendy, Maurice Hosking, Percival (Percy) Kennedy, Jean Lloyd, Edna Lockyer, Nigel Martin, Joan Masters, Joyce McKissock, Andrew (Bill) McPherson, Graeme McPherson, Norman Meehan, Martin Mollett, Kenneth Mulqueen, Amelia

(Phillis) Palmer, John Richardson, Patricia Roberts, Helen Rosanowski, Irene (Ann) Smith, Mabel Sowinski, Cordelia Underwood, Audrey

10 Jul 02 Austin, Gerald Brown, Francis Brown, William Catchpole, Florence Chisnall, Eric Crosby, Wilmer (Will) Cullen, Annie Devereux, Margaret Doyle, Ken Dunne, Lesley Fitzgibbon, Michael Garbett, Christine Giles, Maureen Hackett, Percy Hendy, Maurice Hosking, Percival (Percy) Johns, Bruce Kennedy, Jean (Noeline) McLachlan, John Meehan, Martin Morris, Kathleen Nelson, Monica O'Donnell, Lindsay Palmer, George (Ted) Pelvin, Henry Riddell, Jessie Rogers, Joan Rosanowski, Irene (Ann) Russell, Letitia Rutherford, Noel Shanahan, John Smith, Mabel (Sally) Smith, Marjorie Stewart, James Toynbee, Peter Watson, Dorothy Wilson, Michael Young, Betty Youngman, Raymond

11 Jul 02 Austin, Gerald Bretton, Hope Brown, Francis Cahill, Christina Chisnall, Erle Christiansen, Alison (Heather) Crosby, Wilmer (Will) Denton, Peter Giles, Maureen Greening, Robert

Harper, Edward (Ted) Harris, Brent Hendy, Maurice Hosking, Percival (Percy) Johns, Bruce Joyner, Edith McIvor, Alan Michelle, Robert Nelson, Monica O'Donnell, Lindsay Pask, Ivan Rosanowski, Irene (Ann) Rutherford, Noel Scarlett, Ronald Shanahan, John Spale, Patricia Stewart, James Turner, Marjorie Wardell, William Watson, Dorothy Wilson, Michael Wilson, Stella Wright, Robert Young, Betty Youngman, Raymond

12 Jul 02 Auld, Mary Bowron, Alister Denton, Peter Edyvean, Enid Giles, Maureen Harris, Brent Johns, Bruce Martin, Norrie McIvor, Alan O'Donnell, Mary Rance, Ivy Rosanowski, Irene (Ann) Seed, Brian Shanahan, John (Jack) Somers co*cks, Jennifer Spale, Patricia Tregurtha, Daphne Turner, Marjorie Watson, Dorothy Wilson, Michael Wright, Robert

13 Jul 02

Addison, Leslie Ashwell, Leslie Bangert, Victor Bowie, William Brown, William Butters, Basil Cave, Harry Chapman, Joan Clark, Cooper Earney, Eileen

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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East, Brian Eddy, Lillian Edyvean, Enid Gilroy, William Gray, Ian Harris, Brent Hydes, Jacqueline Kennett, Merle Mackenzie, Colin McKerrow, Terrill Moreton, Jessie Mossop, Phyllis Phillips, Rebecca Rait, John (Jack) Rance, Ivy Ratcliff, Arthur Rich, Colin Rule, Keith Somers co*cks, Jennifer Tregurtha, Daphne Turner, Marjorie Watts, William Webb, Patricia Wells, Isabel Wilson, Michael

15 Jul 02 Baxter, Margaret Bourke, Raymond Butters, Basil Collister, Christine Dobbs, Noeline East, Brian Edyvean, Enid Gilroy, Mary Gilroy, William Gracie, Richelle Haig, Graham Harris, Brent Healey, Lorna Healey, Craig Kane, James Kelly, Rev. Father Brian Kittow, David Knight, Graeme Martin, Eileen McGregor, Elisabeth McKerrow, Terrill McSkimming, Ronald Neill, Agnes North, Joy Oke, Thelma Plunket, Maurice Poole, Elsie Porteous, Clara Rea, Mary Ross, Alexander (Bob) Ryan, William Schroeder, Cyril Shaw, Lionel Smith, Brian Speedy, Reginald Summerton, Catherine Sutherland, Nancy

Walker, Cyril Watts, William Wright, Mary

16 Jul 02 Baxter, Margaret Blake, Lynne Bolger, Edith Clarke, Raymond Collister, Christine Cotterell, Bernard Dobbs, Noeline Gilbert, Leonard Gracie, Richelle Haig, Graeme Healey, Lorna Healey, Craig Hore, Charles (Chap) Howard, Alice Hynes, Thomas Kane, James Kelly, Rev. Fr Brian Joseph Kirner, Rose Mangous, Elli Martin, Eileen Mattson, James (Jim) McArtney, Thelma McGregor, Elisabeth Mehaffey, May Menzies, Joyce Miller, Jean Mongan, Martin Moran, Constance Neill, Agnes North, Joy Norton, Frances Oke, Thelma Parker, Joan Parker, Mary Persson, Margaret Poole, Elsie Porteous, Clara Raffle, George Ryan, Daphne Schroeder, Cyril Smith, Barry Sparrow, Alice Summerton, Catherine Sutherland, Nancy Weir, Graeme Williams, Judith

17 Jul 02 Anderson, Lillian Andrews, Dorothy Barwell, Nellie Bennett, Roma Blake, Lynne Christie, Karen Clarke, Raymond Colbeck, L. M. (Sally) Cotterell, Bernard Dunlop, John Gilbert, Leonard Gracie, Richelle

Haig, Graeme Hansen, James Hay, Graeme Henley, Raymond Hewinson, Raymond Hopewell, Ernest Howard, Alice Joss, William (Billy) Kane, James Kirner, Rose Knight, Graeme Leslie, Edith Mangous, Elli Mattson, James (Jim) Mongan, Martin Partridge, Doreen Porteous, Clara Priest, Robert Shaw, Lionel Smith, Barry Sparrow, Alice White, John

18 Jul 02 Anderson, Lillian Barlow, Ngaire Black, Adam Blake, Lynne Bowman, Valerie Brown, Raymond Cook, Freda Dunlop, John Eunson, June Hay, Graeme Henham, John Henley, Gordon Henley, Raymond Hewinson, Raymond Hunter, Joan Kenny, Edward Maher, Robert McNaughton, Janet Melhop, Harold Meyer, Catherine Mongan, Martin Morgan, Dorothy Pound, Rev Fr John Roberts, Inez Sparrow, Rosina (Mollie) Sutherland, Marie Torrance, Gilbert Wall, Anthony Watson, Ivy Wright, Frederick (Jim)

19 Jul 02 Avis, Margaret Barlow, Ngaire Black, Adam Cook, Freda Dyer, Keith Egan, Diana Hammar, Arnold Hayes, Michael Henley, Gordon

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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Hewinson, Raymond Hunter, Joan Jackson, Gladys Jamieson, Patricia Langley, Thomas Maher, Robert Melhop, Harold Mundy, Clifford (Clive) Munsey, Vernon Parr, Edward Pound, Rev Fr John Taumanu, Waru Thompson, Margaret Torrance, Gilbert Tyrrell, Michael Watson, Ivy Weir, Margaret Woods, Mary Wright, Frederick (Jim)

20 Jul 02 Alexander, Jack Atack, Joan Avis, Margaret Baird, Bernice Barlow, Ngaire Beattie, David Beaumont, Jillian Black, Dorothy Catterole, Sylvia Dyer, Keith Egan, Diana Gallacher, Annie Gliddon, Doris Gobbe, Leonard Hammar, Arnold Hatcher, Bob (George) Hayes, Michael Hayward, Joyce Henham, John Hills, Beryl Holland, Esme Humphrey-Taylor, William Jamieson, Patricia Langley, Thomas Maher, Robert Manu, Ngamanu (Tom) Morgan, Dorothy Mundy, Clifford (Clive) Munsey, Vernon Parr, Edward Peaco*ck, Phyllis Porter, Mabel Reddell, Ida Richards, Colleen Sara, Russell Simpson, John Steel, Campbell Stevens, June Ward, June Wigmore, Peter

22 Jul 02 Adams, Isabel Alexandre, Ralph Allom, Samuel

Atack, Joan Beaumont, Jillian Bennett, Charles Cahill, Valda Carvell, Janet (June) Cattermole, Sylvia Clarke, Dorothy Cleaver, Phyllis Coburn, Owen Dixey, Olive Gregory, Margaret Hart, Gordon Hart, Ronald Heard, Malvine James, Shirley Kennedy, Eric (Mervyn) Lorimer, Hayden Manu, Ngamanu Mayall, Isabel Peaco*ck, Phyllis Pollett, Joseph Porter, Mabel Reddell, Ida Robertson, John Sara, Russell Smith, Michael Stevens, June Tessier, Phil Thomson, Andrew Tubb, Daphne Ward, June

23 Jul 02 Adams, Isabel Affleck, Margaret Alexandre, Ralph Allom, Samuel Barnett, Maude Bentinck-Stokes, John Blair, Dorothy Brown, Mervyn Burney, Lucy Cattermole, Sylvia Dunn, Arthur Francis, John Gibson, James Hart, Gordon Heaps, David Heard, Malvine Hendry, Ethel Henry, Russell Hood, Gerald Pearson, Betty Pollett, Joseph Rodden-Ewen, Alwyn Rogers, Mabel Thomas, William Ward, Vera Williamson, Timothy

24 Jul 02 Adams, Isabel Barnett, Maude Bentinck-Stokes, John Blair, Dorothy

Brittan, Peter Brown, Mervyn Burney, Lucy Cain, Frederick (Fred) Chambers, Dorothy Chignell, Peter Dunn, Arthur Foster, Kevin Francis, John Goodwin, Reuel Hart, Gordon Heaps, David Hendry, Ethel Henry, Russell Hood, Gerald Kelly-van der Lem, Benjamin Kilroy, Edna Manson, Vince McHugh, Kathleen McKenzie, Ngaire Morath, Shirley Pearson, Betty Robertson, Janet Shalfoon, Christopher Swain, Gladys Ward, Vera Welsh, Madge

25 Jul 02 Adams, Isabel Austin, Eileen Barry, Elizabeth Battarbee, Dorothy Boote, John (Jack) Chapman, Allan Comfort, Raymond Davies, Margaret Evans, Clive Hayes, Lionel Henry, Russell Kerr, Albert Kilroy, Edna Ladbrook, Gladys Leonard, Michael Looker, Desmond MacFall, Evelyn McHugh, Kathleen Morath, Shirley Murphy, Francis Nash, Sydney Orton, Elizabeth Pelvin, Alfred Pemberton, Evelyn Pethig, Ramon Pickard, Colin Prattley, Allan Quinn, Thomas Robertson, Janet Russell, Lewis (Brother Maurice) Stapleton, James Sullivan, Agnes Szentirmay, Paul Thompson, Hugh Tyson, Edgar

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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26 Jul 02 Austin, Eileen Battarbee, Dorothy Burness, Arthur Carr, Aileen Chapman, Allen Comfort, Raymond Coyne, Owen Davies, Margaret Fairmaid, Pamela Fruean, Fata Grennell, Stephen Hall, Allan Heine, Clifton Jopp, Raymond Keremeta, Glenys Kerr, Albert (Don) Ladbrook, Gladys Leonard, Michael Ligtenburg, Sue Looker, Desmond Pemberton, Evelyn Prattley, Allan Robertson, John Stapleton, James Walters, Philip White, Vera

27 Jul 02 Alexander, David (Ken) Carr, Aileen Chapman, Allan Cox, Harold (Jim) Creehan, Yvonne Dahlberg, Melva Faulls, Edna Frost, Robin Gollop, Albert Grennell, Stephen Groves, Hamish Hall, Allan Hamilton, Hugh Hardie, Pearl Heine, Clifton Hendry, Ethel Irwin, Alan Jopp, Raymond Kean, Kathleen Keremeta, Glenys Ladbrook, Gladys Layton, Thomas Lilley, Frederick Millichamp-Oyamada, Yumi Minson, Betty Nash, Sydney Power, Audrey Prattley, Allan Quinn, Thomas Statesman-West, Kathleen Szentirmay, Paul Walker, Noel White, Vera Wilson, Sidney

29 Jul 02 Askin, Ella Burness, Arthur Byrne, Elizabeth Chapman, Allan Cooper, Joyce Crawford, Douglas Cummings, Margaret Dennehy, Agnes Dobbs, Marjorie Faulls, Edna Forster, Frances Frost, Robin Fruean, Fata Grennell, Stephen Hamilton, Hugh Hanrahan, Robert Hardie, Pearl Hardy, Robert Hedges, Graeme Irwin, Alan Johnston, Dean Julius, John Kean, Kathleen Ladbrook, Gladys Lilley, Frederick Lithgow, Reginald McGuinness, James Mehlhopt, James Minson, Betty Olson, Jean Power, Audrey Rogers, Maurice Scobie, Retha Sheehan, Joseph Silverstone, Iris (Patie) Statesman-West, Kathleen Steffensen, Joy Stephens, Allan Sweeney, Catherine Thomas, William Thwaites, Anne Trumper, Lesley Welch, Robert Wilson, Kevan Wilson, Sidney

30 Jul 02 Askin, Ella Bernstein, Sylvia Bloomfield, Barry Brown, Colin Clyne, David Cochrane, Verdun (Bob) Codyre, Ivy Collings, Stanley Cox, Harold (Jim) Cummings, Margaret Dalley, Bertrand de Berry, Evan Dennehy, Agnes Dennison, Diann Dobbs, Marjorie Forster, Frances

Gourdie, James Gray, Colin Hazard, Muriel Hebberd, William Johnston, Dean Ladbrook, Gladys Lithgow, Reginald Louisson, Jeffrey Mabin, Myra McGuinness, James McKechie, Ashley Mehlhopt, James Minson, Betty Oakley, Clarence Olson, Jean Pavelka, Daphne Preen, Una Quinn, Thomas Sheehan, Joseph Shepherd, Shirley Skurr, Alan Steeds, Mark Stephens, Allan Sweeney, Catherine Thwaites, Anne Trounson, Clifton Trumper, Lesley Wilson, Alastair Wilson, Kevan

31 Jul 02 Bell, William Bernstein, Sylvia Birchfield, Betty Bisman, Raymond Blackmore, Mary Brown, Colin Butler, William (George) Cloudesley, Suzanne Clyne, David Dalley, Bertrand Dobbs, Marjorie Downey, Betty Downie, Mavis Elmes, Rex Gourdie, James Green, Albert Hazard, Muriel Higgins, Alec Hills, Reginald Honeywell, Isobel Johnston, Dean Julius, John Kidd, Margaret Krahagen, Spencer Louisson, Jeffrey Marshall, Norma Matheson, Jack McCraw, Elizabeth McMillan, Euphemia Mehlhopt, James Minson, Betty Oakley, Clarence (Reg) Pavelka, Daphne

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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Preen, Una Renfree, Caitlin Scott, Thelma Shepherd, Shirley Skilton, Patricia Skurr, Alan Steeds, Mark Sumby, Dorothy (Dorrie) Taggart, John

1 Aug 02 Aspray, Mary Batchelor, Violet Bernstein, Sylvia Birchfield, Betty Blackmore, Marion Brown, Colin (Eric) Bull, Charles Butler, William (George) Clarke, Florence Cloudesley, Suzanne Connelly, Betty Downie, Mavis Ewers, Rona Fitzgerald, John Gourdie, James Green, Albert Hall, Alice Hills, Reginald King, Fay Krahagen, Spencer McEwing, William Oddie, Don Palmer, Angus Pritchard, Monica Reid, Caroline Renfree, Caitlin Scott, Thelma Skurr, Alan Smith, Shiketa Sunbeam, Dorothy Tahuaroa, Kevin (Tahi) Wear, Thelma

2 Aug 02 Bartholomew, Bertram Bull, Charles Butler, Herbert Clarke, Florence Connelly, Betty Dunn, Linda Fitzgerald, John Hall, Alice Orman, Violet Palmer, Angus Pauls, Eve Pritchard, Monica Reid, Caroline Revell, Pauline Smith, Shiketa Stokes, James Walker, Eileen Wear, Thelma

3 Aug 02 Alsop, Henry Anthony, Ada Bartholomew, Bertram Benton, Charles Case, Walter (Laurie) Dunn, Linda Glentworth, Dorothy Grenfell, Lillian Hall, Alice Harris, William Hill, Eliza Hodgkinson, Arthur Johnson, Melissa Kannar, Jean Kidd, Margaret King, Fay Macdonald, Valerie Malthus, Richard McArtney, Donald McNulty, Francis Mitchell, Bruce Pauls, Eve Presland, Alan Raymond, Adelia Reid, Caroline Robinson, Patricia Robson, Isabella (Ella) Shepherd, Agnes Stewart, Verna Stokes, James Tait, Mona Thorpe, Mary (Molly) Walker, Eileen Wyatt, Desmond

5 Aug 02 Anderson, Lesley Andrews, Ronald Armitage, Alan Benton, Charles Bhula, Kerri Bryant, Judith Burrowes, Joseph (Jim) Byrne, Uta Case, Walter (Laurie) Clyne, Allan Cresswell, Arthur Dowie, Betty Duff, William Farquhar, Evelyn Fraser, Myra Gardiner, Mary Gifford, Rhoda Grenfell, Paul Henry, Mary Hodgkinson, Arthur Ivimey, Doris Leslie, Doris Lindsay, Thomas (Dick) McArtney, Donald McCartin, Patrick McCaw, Bruce

McNabb, Walter Mitchell, Bruce Newell, David O'Neill, Marie Pearce, Joyce Pentecost, Colin Raymond, Adelia Renfree, Caitlin Robertson, Clarice Robinson, Ralph Robson, Isabella (Ella) Thomlinson, Myrtle Thompson, Dorothy Thorpe, Mary (Molly) Tilley, Venus (Brenda) Voice, Gladys Wadsworth, Robert

6 Aug 02 Allen, Victor Anderson, Lesley Andrews, Ronald Armitage, Alan Barnes, Ellen Benton, Charles Bryant, Judith Burrowes, Joseph (Jim) Clyne, Allan Cochrane, David Coleman, Samuel Cresswell, Arthur Duff, William Flavell, Elsa Forster, Arthur Gardner, Charles Greaves, Rona Grenfell, Paul Hansen, Elmsley (Tom) Hazeldine, Janice Henry, Mary Ingram, Marlene Ivimey, Doris Lange, George Lawson, Anthony Lindsay, Thomas (Dick) McCartin, Patrick McHarg, Brenda McNabb, Walter Merrett, Reginald Newell, David Ojala, Emily O'Neill, Marie Parkes, Hilda Rathbun, Pauline Thompson, Dorothy Tilley, David Tilley, Venus (Brenda) Weavers, Gladys

7 Aug 02

Adams, Catherine Allen, Victor

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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Bhula, Kerri Boag, Pansie Burrowes, Joseph (Jim) Cochrane, David Coleman, Samuel Field, Reginald Flavell, Elsa Forster, Arthur Gray, Glynn Greaves, Rona Grenfell, Paul Hamilton, David Ivimey, Doris Kean, Ann Lindsay, Thomas (Dick) Long, Patricia McHarg, Brenda McNabb, Walter Merrett, Reginald Olson, Garry (Ols) Pemberton, Geoffery Peryman, David Roscoe, John Setter, Kevin Thomas, Jeffery Tilley, David Tynan, Joyce (O'Leary) Watt, Ivor

8 Aug 02 Boag, Pansie Bunz, Denis Carnegie, John Cochrane, David Croll, Williamina Forster, Arthur Galloway, Jean Glover, Myrtle Gray, Glynn Hamilton, David Higgison, Noel Ivimey, Doris Kelly, Raymond Long, Patricia Mills, Kenneth Pearson, Shirley Pemberton, Geoffery Ryburn, Rev. Ian Setter, Kevin Sinclair, Warren Thomas, Jeffery Thomson, Malcolm Wood, Alastair (Al)

9 Aug 02 Boag, Pansie Brockett, Robert Bunz, Denis Doidge, Hazel Eustace, Lilian Forsyth, David Fraser, William Galloway, Jean

Harris, May Kelly, Raymond Lord, James Maxwell, Thomas (Geoff) Moreland, Sylvia Olson, Garry Roscoe, John St Paul, Matthew Thomas, Jeffery Wood, Sylvia

10 Aug 02 Angus, Gladys Brockett, Robert Bunz, Denis Cobeldick, Annie Daniel, Ngaire Duggan, William (Frank) Eustace, Lilian Fraser, William Godsiff, Martha Gunn, Ian Harbott, Raewyn (Jean) Harris, May Lord, James Maxwell, Thomas (Geoff) McGillan, Doreen McGlashan, Olive Mills, Kenneth Moreland, Sylvia Scobie, Allan Thomas, Jeffery Thomson, Allan Thomson, Malcolm Townsend, Winifred Winskill, Joseph Wood, Sylvia

12 Aug 02 Angus, Gladys Bailey, Audrey (Denise) Baker, Mavis Borlase, Gladys Botica, Ivan Brown, George Cayford, Murray Chisnall, John Clark, Daniel Clemens, Betty Davison, Florence Duggan, William (Frank) Dyer, Janice Dysart, William Firth, Russell Foster-Lynam, Janice Gerrand, June Glynan, Rene Hawkins, Olive Jemmett, Francis Jessett, Leslie

Killey, Douglas Lamb, Robert Lapsley, James Loffhagen, Edna Macdonald, Eileen McDonald, Cyril McDrury, Brian Moles, Debra Ann Moore, Norman Pattullo, Beverly (Micky) Phaup, Tom Robinson, Samuel (Murray) Rogers, Joan Stollery, Fiona Tweed, Stuart Webster, Eileen Winskill, Joseph (Ray) Wood, Unis

13 Aug 02 Bailey, Audrey (Denise) Baker, Mavis Beadel, Jessie Breen, Edna Breeze, Mary Cayford, Murray Clemens, Betty Donovan, Rex Dyer, Janice Foster, Fay Freemantle, Evelyn Gerrand, June Gibson, Lylia Glynan, Rene Hansen, Andrew Hart, Harry Hawkins, Olive Hunt, Richard (Nev) Jemmett, Francis Jessett, Leslie Lamb, Robert Lapsley, James Macadam, Glenis Mahoney, Reta Maxwell, Thomas (Geoff) McDonald, Cyril McDrury, Brian Moore, Elisabeth Murphy, Robert Petrie, Ina Portis, Sydney Reilly, Ruby Robertson, Douglas Rogers, Chad Smith, William (Ian) Southall, Peter Taylor, Rev. Fr. Cyril Thomas, Doris Thompson, Patricia (Nan) Tweed, Stuart Verrall, Peter Walls, Francis (Frank) Weastell, John

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Webb, Doris Webster, Eileen Williams, George Williams, Lois Wilson, Richard Winskill, Joseph (Ray) Wood, Unis

14 Aug 02 Andrews, Alpha

Bailey, William Breeze, Mary Campbell, Elsie Fisher Van-der-Veen, Edward (Ted) Fluerty, Joseph Foley, Bartholomew Fraser, Helen Garden, Margaret Gibson, Lylia Glynan, Rene Harding, Walter (John) Hart, Harry Haughey, Kevin Hay, Anne Hinga, William Hughes, David Jamieson, Peter Jemmett, Francis Lamb, Robert Maskell, Graham McDrury, Brian McKenzie, Evelyn Montgomery, Margaret Mottram, Leonard Murgatroyd, William Pattullo, Beverley Petrie, Ina Rapley, Marie Reilly, Ruby Sheard, Charles Stewart, Mark Streeter, Bernard Symons, Lyle Thompson, Patricia (Nan) Tomlinson, Harold Tweed, Stuart Verrall, Peter Webb, Doris Webb, Edwin Williams, George Williams, Lois

15 Aug 02 Anderson, Magdalena Andrews, Alpha Aubrey, Helen Bailey, William Barton, June Boag, William Boustead, Allen Donovan, Rex Fisher Van-der-Veen, Edward (Ted) Foley, Bartholomew Garden, Margaret

Harding, Walter (John) Hart, Harry Hinga, William Jamieson, Peter Kokshoorn, Franciscus McKenzie, Evelyn Maskell, Graham Mottram, Leonard Murgatroyd, William Neal, Lawrence (Laurie) Nelmes, Colin (Snow) Olley, Elizabeth Sheard, Charles Stewart, Mark Symons, Lyle Tangney, Theresa (Sr Thomasine) Tasker, Clara Taylor, Rev. Fr. Cyril

16 Aug 02 Anderson, Magdalena Barton, June Boaler, Bernard Cameron, Phyllis (Esme) Cassin, Andrew (Joe) Corbett, Henry Docherty, John Donovan, Rex Hall, Marion Houia, Otene (Rangi) Hunt, Edna Maskell, Graham Nelmes, Colin Tangney, Theresa (Sr Thomasine) Taylor, Rev. Fr. Cyril

17 Aug 02 Adams, Melva Andrews, Alpha Austin, Dorothy Blissett, David (Dave) Cameron, Grace Cameron, Phyllis (Esme) Carson, Lorraine Cartwright, John Cope, Hilda Corbett, Henry (John) Dobson, Ivy Evans, Leslie Franks, Essie Granger, Maris Hall, Marion Hansen, Vivien Houia, Otene (Rangi) Hunt, Edna Inkster, Johnny (Captain) Lloyd, Robert Nelmes, Colin Pamment, Madeleine Reesby, May Selvam, Stephen

Shea, Thomas Small, George Smith, Barry Waddell, Marcia Wickens, Marie (Sue)

19 Aug 02 Adams, Melva Barron, Barry Bell, Elsie Brown, Elsie Cameron, Grace Carson, Lorraine Clucas, Olivia (May) Cole, Owen (Tim) Collingwood, Coral Comeskey, John Cope, Hilda Dunn, Patricia Duthie, Charlotte Edward, Ngare Ferry, May Fisher, Donald Franks, Essie Goodman, Joyce Grigsby, Peter Hopa, Lydia Hunter, Robert Kuki, Bertha Lloyd, Robert Low, Rev. Canon William McDonald, Nicole Moir, Hana Reesby, May Selvam, Stephen Street, Mary Sutherland, Patricia Waddell, Marcia Wilson, Graham Young, Dorothy

20 Aug 02 Barron, Barry Becconsall, Edna Bell, Elsie Brown, Frances Clucas, Olivia (May) Cole, Owen (Tim) Cope, Hilda Downs, Jean Ferry, May Grigsby, Peter Hart, Edith Hopa, Lydia Johnstone, William Kinder, James (Jim) King, Olive Kuki, Bertha Lloyd, Robert Marsden, Arthur McGill, Hazel Melville, Harvey Reed, Walter Savage, John Scally, Margaret

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Selvam, Stephen Street, Mary Waddell, Marcia Wilson, Graham Young, Allan

21 Aug 02Adams, Melva Barker, John Barron, Barry Becconsall, Edna Brown, Frances Clark, Dorothy De Rooy , Leo Dunn, Robert (Snowy) Elliott, Ronald Gore, Olive Grieve, Mavis (May) Harford, Barbara Hay, Elsie (Thyrza) Heer, Brian Hooper, Douglas Hopa, Lydia Kennaway, Richard Maxwell, Marie McEvoy, Reginald McGimpsey, Eileen McPhail, Mary Rehu, David Rutherford, Eileen Savage, John Scally, Margaret Smith, Henry (Harry) Wilson, Graham Young, Allan

22 Aug 02 Becconsall, Edna Blackburne, Gascoyne Boloski, George Chapman, Leonard Davidson, Patricia (Pat) De Rooy, Leo Dwyer, Thomas (Tom) Ellis, Maureen Fonotia, Mary Harrison, George Heer, Brian Heffernan, Margaret Hobson, Peter-James (PJ) Ivey, Jack Jack, Winifred (Freda) Jenkins, Peter (Brian) Karaitiana, Marie Kennaway, Richard Kingston, Roland MacGibbon, Denys Maxwell, Marie McEvoy, Reginald Meier, Merle Odering, Violet (Vi) Park, Archibald Peoples, Paul Rehu, David

Rutherford, Eileen Smith, Henry (Harry) Smith, Mark and Linda Strachan, Cathleen Warner, Mary Willis, Merle Young, Jane

23 Aug 02Bailey, Jack Boloski, George Bunn, Mary Campbell, Allen Chapman, Leonard Dwyer, Thomas (Tom) Ellis, Maureen Evans, Patricia Falconer, Alfred Fonotia, Mary Haste, Elsie Jenkins, Peter (Brian) Johnson, Craig Johnson, Percy Karaitiana, Marie Lennon, Shirley Lineham, James Meier, Merle Moar, Jodi Rae, Arthur Roberts, Gavin Smith, Mark and Linda Stout, Jerry Strachan, Cathleen Taylor, Nahana Walker, Colin Warner, Mary Whittaker, Alma Willis, Merle Woods, Clive Young, Jane

24 Aug 02 Baker, Geoffrey Bartlett, Wilma Bunn, Mary Cole, Peter Cullum, Cheyanne Dwyer, Thomas (Tom) Eiffert, Celia Falconer, Alfred Fonotia, Mary Harrison, George Hobson, Herbert Holliday, Herbert Honey, Catherine Hooper, Albert Johnson, Craig Kirkwood, Maie Lennon, Shirley Lineham, James Long, Alvin Lovett, Judith McIntyre, Alistair Madden, Eileen Malham, Michael Marshall, Ian

Matthews, Nelly (Peg) Moar, Jodi Oberg, Nola O'Brien, Eddie Odering, Violet (Vi) Rae, Arthur Roberts, Gavin Sadler, Verona (Betty) Smith, Barry Taylor, Nahana Tucker, Edith Walker, Colin Wassell, Dave Wood, Snow Yeatman, Maurice

26 Aug 02 Aston, Peggy Blackburn, Louis Brash, Rev. Dr Alan Croft, Ronald Croucher, Olive Edie, Kenneth Eiffert, Celia Gordon, Geoffrey Hampton, Maisie Hanco*ck, Valerie Hitchco*ck, Henry Hobson, Herbert Hooper, Albert Long, Alvin Lovett, Judith McIntyre, Alistair Mackenzie, Evelyn McCullough, Ruth McLeod, Alastair (Sam) McTigue, Kathryn More, Marion Norris, Jeanette Oberg, Nola Pavletich, Patrick Pickering, Linton Pierce, Daphne (Isabel) Purdie, Evelyn Roberts, Gavin Scrivener, Lois Searle, Moira Sefton, Dorothy Simmonds, Lorraine Sparks, David Steel, Annie Tuanui, Terence Tucker, Edith Walker, Colin Yeatman, Maurice

27 Aug 02 Awdry, Lyall (Ted) Balogh, Elizabeth Bell, Reay (Kate) Blakely, Dr Robert Brash, Rev. Dr Alan Chisholm, Gordon Chisnall, Janet co*ckburn, Ian

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Croft, Ronald Curline, Doris Edie, Kenneth Grave, Selwyn Hale, Raymond (Ian) Hampton, Maisie Hanco*ck, Valerie Hill, Bryan (Paddy) Hill, John Hurley, Florence Langham, Graham Leggat, Ngaere Lintern, Peter Mackenzie, Evelyn Marshall, Ian Maxwell, Ian McCullough, Ruth McTigue, Kathryn Newton, Alton Oldfield, John Reed, Joyce Scrivener, Lois Searle, Moira Sefton, Dorothy Sparks, David Walker, Colin

28 Aug 02 Awdry, Lyall (Ted) Bell, Reay (Kate) Blakely, Dr Robert (Eric) Butler, Ronald Chen, Li (Otis) Chisnall, Janet co*ckburn, Ian Couper, Hazel Croft, Ronald Duffield, Philip Duncan, Jean Gilpin, Rosaleen Grave, Selwyn Gray, Douglas Hale, Raymond (Ian) Hartley, John Hitchco*ck, Henry Hurley, Florence Langham, Graham Leggat, Ngaere Lintern, Peter Mackenzie, Evelyn McAtamney, Peter More, Marion Myles, Maelene Nell, Richard (Dick) O'Brien, Eddie Oldfield, John Pavletich, Patrick Reed, Joyce Richardson, Alice Saville, Pauline Scott, Dorothea Weir, Ruth Woods, Leslie

29 Aug 02

co*ckburn, Ian Coote, John (Robin) Duffield, Philip Duncan, Jean Eagle, Elsie Gilpin, Rosaleen Hartley, John Hayes, Frances Hemsley, Denis Langham, Graham Matthews, Ronald McRae, Russell Oldfield, John Pateman, Hector Richardson, Alice Saville, Pauline Scott, Dorothea Scott, Noeleen Storey, Mavis Urquhart, Pauline Weir, Ruth Wright, June

30 Aug 02 Armstrong, Ernest Boyce, Robert Brown, Raymond Danielson, Rona Dick, Wilfred (Bill) Duffield, Philip Eatwell, Rosemary Gibson, Reona Gill, Nona Hamilton, Henry Hemsley, Denis Hill, Frederick Husband, Joseph Hydes, Kenneth Innes, Keith Matthews, John Mitchell, Athol Prince, Gordon Saville, Pauline Stewart, Christine Storey, Mavis Weir, Ruth Wright, June

31 Aug 02 Adams, William Armstrong, Ernest Baker, Charlton Begg, Matilda Blackwell, Kathleen Brown, Raymond Chamberlain, Graham Danielson, Rona Dick, Wilfred (Bill) Duncan, Jean George, Edna Gibson, Reona Gunther, Nola Hamilton, Henry Heffernan, Margaret Husband, Joseph Innes, Keith

Johnston, Christina Lane, Irene McLean, Orema McLeod, Alastair (Sam) Matthews, John Mitchell, Athol Mundy, John (Neil) Pateman, Hector Prince, Gordon Saville, Pauline Scrivener, Tasman Smythe, Donald Taylor, Gail

2 Sep 02 Bartlett, Dorothy Bell, Diane Blackburn, Laura Blackwell, Kathleen Bowden, Kathleen Caird, John Christoffersen, Brent Cunningham, Floris Dark, Albert Dickinson, Roger Dunbar, Gladys Forbes, William Gamble, Leslie George, Edna Hoskins, Shirley Hurley, Annie Hurrell, Grant Jacobs, Aileen Johnston, Blanche Maxwell, Valerie McLean, Orema McLeod, Alastair Palmer, Douglas Palmer, Maxwell Pateman, Hector Pope, Linda Randall, Trevor Salisbury, Florence Sleeman, Derrick Smith, Ruby Souness, Raymond Stevenson, Ewan Taylor, Gail Todd, Helen Watson, Beryl Worthington, Frances

3 Sep 02 Aldwin, Reta Baird, Frederick Bell, Diane Biggs, Joyce Blackburn, Laura Bowden, Kathleen Broad, Alan Burnett, Benjamin Caird, John Clark, George Dark, Albert Duff, Geoffrey

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Dunbar, Gladys Forbes, William Gaskell, George Hunt, Jean Hunt, Mildred Hurley, Annie Jacobs, Aileen Johnston, Blanche McLean, Orema McLeod, Alastair Marlow, Lily Maxwell, Valerie Myall, Lillian Ruddenklau, John Sheppard, Peter Sleeman, Derrick Smith, Ruby Taylor, Elizabeth Teen, Michael (Dag) Thurston, Derek Twiss, Brian van der Borch- Verwolde, Alfred Ward, Naomi Watson, Beryl Worthington, Frances

4 Sep 02 Adams, William Aitken, James Aldwin, Reta Bell, Diane Boyes, William Clark, Gordon Donaldson, Helen Eng, Wing Holden, Bertha Hunt, Mildred Jacobs, Aileen Kennedy, Meta McLeod, Alistair (Sam) Marsh, Leslie Myall, Lillian Newman, Stephen Ruddenklau, John Russell, William Rzoska, Athol Shepherd, Roger Sheppard, Peter Sullivan, Denis Teen, Michael (Dag) Trathen, Gordon Tuckey, Pamela Tuisuga, Jeremiah Twiss, Brian Webster, Elisabeth

5 Sep 02 Aitken, James Clark, Gordon Clark, Peter Donaldson, Helen Eng, Wing Gardiner, Mildrena Holden, Bertha Hunter, Lindsey

Hussey, James Jellie, Lilian Marsh, Leslie McLeod, Alistair Morrison, Valerie Myall, Lillian Newman, Stephen Orchard, William Pay, Vera (Joyce) Power, Irene Readman, Catherine Ruddenklau, John Russell, William Sawtell, Zeta Shepherd, Roger Sheppard, Peter Twiss, Brian Webster, Elisabeth Whiteside, Dorothy

6 Sep 02 Bos, Henderikus (Rik) Brierly, Dulcie Bromley, Myrtle Buchanan, Marian (Beryl) Burge, Hilda Carter, Diana Chapple, Nellie Cumming, Alice (Joy) Driver, Charles Ensor, Charles Gatehouse, Clarence Holden, Bertha Hunter, Lindsey Jones, Richard Lash, Norman Marsh, Leslie Orchard, William Pay, Vera (Joyce) Prior, William Readman, Catherine Renney, John Russell, Robert Sawtell, Zeta Shearer, Elizabeth Sheppard, Peter Smithson, Marian Swanson, Winifred van der Borch-Verwolde, Alfred Whiteside, Dorothy

7 Sep 02 Baldwin, Athlone Boyd, Merle Buchanan, Marian (Beryl) Burge, Hilda Busson, Wison (Bill) Chapple, Nellie Cross, Margaret de Lautour, Mary (Maisie) Eng, Wing Gatehouse, Clarence Geekie, Christina

Godfrey, Doris Halsey, Geoffrey Helman, Leslie Huckbody, Patrick Hussey, James Hutchison, Marjorie James, Beverley Jones, Richard Kelly, Maurice Kerr, Graham King, Serena Lash, Norman Lawrence, Ngaira Marsh, Leslie Morrison, Valerie Pedersen, Rev. Thorvald Readman, Catherine Renney, John Selbie, Myra Smith, Vera (Val) Stalker, Lancelot Swanson, Winifred van der Borch-Verwolde, Alfred Whiteside, Dorothy

9 Sep 02 Blampied, Marjory Boyd, Merle Brocherie, Jean Cawthorn, Constance Copland, Joan Cradock, Sheldon Day, Margaret Dick, Colin Flynn, Patricia Geekie, Christina Hogben, Fredrick Hughes, Olive Jaspers, Isobel Kerr, Anne Linton, Doris Marks, Beverly Miller, Ruth Pedersen, Rev. Thorvald Reilly, Eileen Renney, John Rossiter, David Russell, Robert Sampson, John Scally, Mary (Molly) Stalker, Lancelot Sunderland, Ruth Surgenor, Ellen Wilson, Peter Winsloe, Marjorie

10 Sep 02 Anderson, Robert Andrew, Enid Bailey, John Biddick, Edith Black, David Blampied, Marjory Brocherie, Jean

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Busson, Wilson Christensen, Ronald Copland, Joan Cradock, Sheldon Flynn, Patricia Gendall, Sybil Griffin, Robert Harris, Dennis Harris, Ian Hogben, Fredrick Hooker, Stanley Hunter, Mabel Jackson, Leonard (Stan) Kennedy, Maureen Leeson, Norman McDonald, Lucy McGown, Noeleen O'Connor, Brendon Pacey, Brennan Palmer, Eileen Purchas, Richard Redden, Ngaire Reilly, Eileen Rossiter, David Sampson, John Scally, Mary (Molly) Sellars, Garry Sissons, Charles Smith, Bruce Stalker, Lancelot Stewart, Robert Tolley, Maisie Wilson, Peter

11 Sep 02 Amtman, Kenneth Biddick, Edith Blackman, Peter Christensen, Ronald Congdon, Jessie Curtis, Maree Douglas, Graham Dwan, June Ensor, Charles Guthrie, Bruce Harris, Dennis Hawkins, Emma Hooker, Stanley Hunter, Mabel Jackson, Leonard (Stan) Jones, Donald (Don) Lawrence, John Leeson, Norman Lepper, John Lloyd, Barry McDonald, Lucy Pacey, Brennan Palmer, Eileen Preston, James Redden, Ngaire Shearer, John Sunderland, Ruth Thurlow, Stephen Tolley, Maisie

Wilson, Peter

12 Sep 02 Bell, Donald (Cliff) Cameron, Veda Cassidy, Kevin Catherall, John Dent, Grace Dwan, June Earle, Kathleen (Kay) Fensom, Reuben Guthrie, Bruce Hall, Peter Harris, Dennis Howell, Mary Jones, Donald (Don) Kennedy, Graham Kortooms, Rev. Jan (John) Lawrence, John Lloyd, Barry McCusker, Walter Pateman, Leslie (Les) Paul, Rawiri Preston, James Shaw, Mark Shearer, John Tolley, Maisie Whiting, Ronald Willco*ck, Herbert (Bert)

13 Sep 02 Cameron, Veda Earle, Kathleen (Kay) Guthrie, Bruce Hall, Peter Harris, Maureen Hopper, Gweneth (Gwen) Howell, Mary Islip, Miriam Khan, Shan Linton, Keith Marshall, Dawn McCusker, Walter McIntosh, Roy Murdoch, Kenwyn Richards, Betty Robinson, Kenneth Ross, Reta Shaw, Mark Smith, John Welch, Isabella Wilson, David

14 Sep 02 Bendien, Willem (Pim) Cassidy, Kevin Gay, Kenneth Harris, Maureen Hayes, David Hepburn, Esther Hopper, Gweneth (Gwen) Hughes, Olive Hutton, Walter

Islip, Miriam Johansson, Margaret Khan, Shan Lange, Anne Lee, Shirley Marshall, Dawn McIntosh, Roy McLeod, Douglas Murdoch, Kenwyn Owen, Delphina Penn, William Phillips, John (Jack) Protheroe, Jane Richards, Betty Robinson, Kenneth Ross, Reta Silver, Russell Smith, Diana Smith, John Timms, Leslie Van Halewyn, Pieter Welch, Isabella Whiting, Ronald Willman, Ernest

16 Sep 02 Ahern, Jack Best, Alice Bradley, Myrtle Clarke, Hilda Esler, Robert Gay, Kenneth Goodger, Pauline Griffiths, Jane Gussette, Rex Harris, Maureen Hathaway, Brian Heffernan, Patrick Horgan, Thomas Jacobs, Rose Lee, Shirley McCann, Frederick McLeod, Douglas Moir, Noeline Penn, William Scally, Harry Smith, Diana van de Vondervoort, Elisabeth Welch, Isabella Whiting, Ronald Whyte, Ivy Wilkinson, Freda

17 Sep 02 Amer, May Ansley, Percy Boese, Marie Burrell-Smith, Phyllis Clark, Andrew Codyre, James Goodger, Pauline Gorman, Susan Griffiths, Jane Gussette, Rex Harper, Thomas Hartsonge, James

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hoatten, Arthur Hocking, Dennis Lane, Jane McIntyre, John McPaike, Joseph Moir, Noeline Nuku, Himiona Ormond, David Phillips, John (Jack) Pope, Milton Scally, Harry Smith, Norman Stacy, Nancy Toshach, Joan Tuck, Maurice Weston, Carol Wilkinson, Freda

18 Sep 02 Ansley, Percy Beattie, Christina Begg, David Black, Valerie Bonner, Edith Burrell-Smith, Phyllis Clark, Andrew Codyre, James Dean, Elsie Gopperth, Jean Gorman, Susan Hamlin, Donne Hartstonge, James Hocking, Dennis Maynard, Warwick Nicol, William Palmer, Edith Parr, William Reid, Jessie Smith, Norman Stick, Keith Thomas, Hazel Tinkler, Colin Toshach, Joan Weston, Carol Wethey, Catherine Wright, Winifred

19 Sep 02 Arason, Sigrun Bird, Una Black, Nancy Blyth, Evelyn Cook, Alma Hamlin, Donne Hardy, Vera Hocking, Dennis Johnson, Patricia Kelly, Eileen Lamb, Thelma Low, Leslie (Les) McCarron, Gerald (Gerry) Mason, Thelma Mehrtens, Kenneth Murray, David (Jack) Nevin, Dr Ronald Read, Esme (Mavis)

Reid, Jessie Robertson, Wayne Ruck, James Stobie, Marian Thomas, Hazel Toshach, Joan Wethey, Catherine Woods, Sarah

20 Sep 02 Condon, Richard Curline, John Currie, Kenneth Frost, Raymond Gilbert, Thomas (Ivie) Hardy, Vera Hart, William Hayden, Eileen Herd, Alan Hulme, Colleen Johnson, Patricia Johnston, Bruce Kelly, Eileen Mills, Veronica Munro, Desmond Murray, David (Jack) Pearson, Enid Sewell, Isabel Spensley, Rebecca Terry, Frank Thomas, Elinor Townsley, Joseph Vui, Paulina

21 Sep 02 Ashton, Philip Buick, John Curline, John Currie, Kenneth Duffy, Jill Frost, Raymond Gilbert, Thomas (Ivie) Hannah, Marjorie Hanson, John Haugh, Graeme Irving, Samuel James, Eric Jollands, Grace MacLellan, Lilian Mills, Veronica Pearson, Enid Rambaud, Alison Reid, Lorna Sewell, Isabel Spensley, Rebecca Stiles, Lindsay Vessey, Emily Vui, Paulina Weir, David Wilson, Frank Wood, Gillian Wyatt, Isobel

23 Sep 02 Ashton, Philip Atkinson, John (Jock) Bee, Dorothea

(Dorothy) Brettell, Gavin Brown, Nancy Campbell, John Connolly, Norma Crichton, Margaret Curline, John Dalley, Elwyn Frost, Raymond Green, Melva Hannah, Marjorie Manson, Harley McDowall, Annie (Roz) Morgan, Eva O'Brien, Graeme O'Neill, Vida Osgood, Joyce Parry, Myfanwy (Van) Paterson, Robert (Roy) Ruske, Stanley Smith, Doris Taylor, Cora Vessey, Emily Vui, Paulina Weatherall, Helen Weir, David Wilson, Frank

24 Sep 02 Andrews, Bernard Ashton, Philip Bee, Dorothea (Dorothy) Bennett, Dorothy Beswick, Rhona Bullock, Phil Campbell, Catherine Campbell, John Clark, Mary Collins, Beryl Curline, John Dalley, Elwyn Edmondson, James Giordano, Maria Green, Melva Haglund, William (Harry) Hands, Francis Hopkins, Elizabeth Kelly, Hayden Lavery, Monica (Sr Mary Sylvia) Lees, Laurence Lucas, Selena McNab, Euphemia McRae, Maisie Marks, William Morris, Barbara Parry, Myfanwy (Van) Paynter, Marjorie Register, Beryl Roden, William Ruske, Stanley Sandilands, Patricia Sharp, Thomas Simpson, Trevor

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Smith, Doris Spicer, Alf Taylor, Cora Veitch, Jane Watkinson-Watt, Phoebe

25 Sep 02 Andrews, Bernard Atkinson, John (Jock) Bennett, Dorothy Beswick, Rhona Bird, Clarice (Violet) Blackburn, Stanley Brettell, Gavin Brooker, Lloyd Chapman, Raymond Cribb, Maurice Curline, John Evans, Elva Gray, Helen Hands, Francis Jack, George (Ray) Kelly, Hayden Kermode, Ian Leask, Robert Lees, Lois Lobb, Robert Lucas, Rita McNab, Euphemia McQuarters, Fay McRae, Maisie Marks, William O'Brien, Graeme O'Byrne-Webb, Carol O'Neill, Vida Paynter, Marjorie Smith, Helen Smith, Sylvia (Sue) Stoddart, Louisa Sutherland, Ewen Van Kempen, Jan

26 Sep 02 Bowden, Phyllis Brown, Nancy Childs, Hilda (Shun) Cribb, Maurice Erickson, Mary Feary, Robert Griffiths, David Kingh, Mavis Leask, Robert (Bob) McCartin, Dorothy McKnight, Gillian McLean, Eileen Pauli, Sonny Paynter, Marjorie Register, Beryl Rowe, Lorna Smith, Helen Standeven, Aileen Sullivan, Peter Vincent, Ernest

27 Sep 02 Baird, Irene Bell, Helen (Jean)

Bowden, Phyllis Brooker, Lloyd Chalklen, Miriam Erickson, Mary Feary, Robert Goston, Murray Hartley, Jack Henry, Garnet Hesselyn, William Jack, George (Ray) Kingh, Mavis Leask, Robert (Bob) Nicholls, Lyall Paynter, Marjorie Poulter, Clarence Reid, Mary Smith, Sylvia (Sue) Thomson, Helen Vincent, Ernest Webster, Ivan Wonnacott, Christopher

28 Sep 02 Ayers, Margaret Baird, Irene Barnes, Rawinia Bell, Helen (Jean) Black, Tui Chalklen, Miriam Dowling, Mary (Maimie) Ellis, Zelma Harris, Alice (Eileen) Hartley, Jack Heward, Eunice Hobson, Nola Hughes, Doreen Impey, John Jack, George (Ray) Kirby, Sydney Lawrence, Alice Leck, Shelley Lobb, Robert MacGregor, Aileen McKnight, Gillian McLauchlan, Errol Marsh, Marjorie Nicholls, Lyall Poulter, Clarence Reid, Mary Ridder, Doug Snowden, Florence Sodersten, Ina Webster, Ivan Wederell, Jarrod Wonnacott, Christopher

30 Sep 02 Boston, Joyce Broad, Margaret Chalklen, Miriam Collins, Maurice Costelloe, Paul Crapper, Alice Grace, Herbert Harris, Patricia

Henderson, Phillis Holmes, Freeman Hopkins, Marie Hosking, Marjorie King, Joyce Leck, Shelley MacGregor, Aileen Mahon, Alice Martin, Ella Maxwell, Christina McLauchlan, Errol Marsh, Marjorie Melvin, Nui Muir, Louisa Naylor, Gary Newlove, Cordiner O'Malley, Erin Parham, John Poulter, Clarence Reece, Colin Rhodes, Shirley Riddell, Annette Ritchie, Leslie Wederell, Jarrod Williams, John Woods, Fairlie (Syd)

1 Oct 02 Boston, Joyce Broad, Margaret Coombes, Rodney Costelloe, Paul Crapper, Alice Grace, Herbert Henderson, Phillis Holmes, Freeman Hopkins, Marie Kidd, Thomson (Snowy) King, Joyce Laffey, Lorraine Melvin, Nui Mowat, James Newlove, Cordiner Pearson, William Port, Dulcie Rankin, Sr. Gabrielle Rhodes, Shirley Ridder, Douglas Schoemaker, Derk (Dick) Tarbotton, Thomas Wederell, Jarrod Weir, William

2 Oct 02 Blee, Doreen Bovenlander, Albertus Clayton, Richard (Bill) Crannitch, Rita Frazer, Carolyne Geddes, Lucy (Jean) John, Barbara Johnson, Sydney Laffey, Lorraine Lovatt, Cyrus Martin, Ella

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Melvin, Nui Mitchell, Thomas (Drew) Port, Dulcie Rose, Virginia Tarbotton, Thomas Weir, William Woollons, Jessie

3 Oct 02 Boland, Mary (Jill) Brooks, Dorothy Campion, Ronald (Campo) Colenso, Stanley Crannitch, Reta Cuddon, Mary (Els) Cushen, Agnes Dobson, Bruce Gough, Evelyn Hamilton, Alison Hawes, Jean Heslop, Ian Huria, Martha Le Gros, Dorothy Lovatt, Cyrus Melvin, Nui Norrie, John Pinion, Richard Smith, Seonaid (Shona) Wootton, Maurice

4 Oct 02 Blain, Eric Brooks, Dorothy Carter, Martha Colenso, Stanley Dobson, Bruce Durey, Peter Flattery, Betty Gough, Evelyn Grant, Jonathan Guy, Doris Hamilton, Alison Hawes, Jean Heslop, Ian Huria, Martha O'Malley, Margaret O'Sullivan, Brendan Smith, Monty Walters, Brian Wisdom, Margaret Wootton, Maurice

5 Oct 02 Boyd, Carol Bridger, Joan Carter, Martha Chapman, George (Bill) Dalziel, John Dubar, Andre Ennis, Beverley Erickson, Murray Flattery, Betty Frazer, Carolyne

Frisken, Peter Geddes, Lucy (Jean) Grant, Jonathan Guy, Doris Hegarty, Gwendoline Horton, Ellis (Norm) Klemick, Leo (Bob) Lemon, Walter McLauchlan, Alan Ngaira, Kupa O'Malley, Margaret Priest, M. Lilian Randle, Ian Reay, Annie Roderique, Isabella (Dorothea) Smiley, Tui Smith, Marie Smith, Monty Smith, Seonaid (Shona) Walker-Russell, Sam Walters, Brian Watson, William

7 Oct 02 Barnes, William Bridger, Joan Brixton, Ivan Burnard, Ngaire Carter, Miles Chambers, Ronald Cooper, Phyllis Cullens, Gwynneth Dalziel, John Darragh, James Douglas, Letitia Dubar, Andre Easton, Shelagh Ennis, Beverley Gregory, Jean Guy, Doris Hegarty, Gwendoline Horton, Ellis (Norm) Lawson, John Leech, Mary Lemon, Walter McCarten, Sylvia (Rua) Melrose, Maurice Moore, John O'Connell, Winifred Palmer, Marie Priest, M. Lilian Reay, Annie Reilly, Geoffrey Rivett, Graeme Roderique, Isabella Smith, Marie

08 Oct 02 Akeimo, Selepa Allan, David Arnold, Gilbert Burnard, Ngaire Cameron, John Cullens, Gwynneth

Curle, Murray Doak, Alan Grafton, Edward Gregory, Jean Griffin, Clarence Hack, Beverley Jones, Joyce Kelly, Dyson (Dick) Leech, Mary Lilley, Edith (Joan) McCarten, Sylvia (Rua) Middleton, Lyell Moore, John O'Connell, Winifred Piesse, Gwendoline Priest, Lilian Reilly, Geoffrey Turnbull, Thomas Watson, Rosemarie Yeoman, Peter

9 Oct, 2002 Akeimo, Selepa Arnold, Gilbert Burnard, Ngaire Caldwell, Marjorie Cameron, John Campbell, Claudia Curle, Murray Driscoll, Mona Dwyer, Catherine Gough, Kennedy Grafton, Edward Griffin, Clarence (Ron) Hack, Beverley Hamlin, Joyce Harkness, Christina Kelly, Dyson (Dick) Kennedy, Ella Leech, Mary (Mabel) Lockyer, Esther Muckle, Patricia Neilson, Althea Piesse, Gwendoline Simpson, Trevor Stone, Kathryn Te'evale, Auafa Turnbull, Thomas Voss, Kathleen Wallace, Eric Yeoman, Peter

10 Oct, 2002 Akeimo, Selepa Ball, Tom Clay, Amy Cornelius, Sarah (Sally) Driscoll, Mona Ferguson, Francis (Colin) Fletcher, William Gough, Kennedy Griffin, Clarence (Ron) Kappelle, Gerrigje (Gerrie)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Kennedy, Ella Kerr, Joyce Kruschwitz, Anneliese Lineham, Alfred Lockyer, Esther McLean, James McNab, Barbara McNair, John Neilson, Althea Piesse, Gwendoline Te'evale, Auafa Tindall, Milton Turnbull, Thomas Wright, George Yeoman, Peter

11 Oct 02 Cathcart, Maisie Clay, Amy Cornelius, Sarah (Sally) Ferguson, Francis (Colin) Fletcher, William Kappelle, Gerrigje (Gerrie) Kruschwitz, Anneliese McCarthy, Muriel McNab, Barbara Olorenshaw, Robert Olsen, Clive Riach, Allison Scanes, Ngaio (Joy) Seed, Dawn Sheppard, Alan Smith, Brendon Sumicz, Richard Te'evale, Auafa Tindall, Milton Tyro, John Voss, Kathleen

12 Oct 02 Bailey, Isobel Beel, Marona Brizzell, Lydie Carey, Kathleen Cathcart, Maisie Darby, Raymond Dobson, Nola Erickson, Gordon Everett, Mena Ferguson, Francis (Colin) Gdanitz, Kevin Gracie, Ralph (Stuart) Kappelle, Gerrigje (Gerrie) Kruschwitz, Anneliese Lindsay, Leona Martin, Lorna Mathews, Dunlop (Bill) McCarthy, Muriel Melville, Lesley Morton, John O'Brien, Edward (Doug)

Olorenshaw, Robert Olsen, Clive Pearce, Thomas Pearson, James Popham, Allan Riach, Allison Ross, William Rudkin, Stella (Pat) Scanes, Ngaio (Joy) Smith, Brendon Smith, Terry Strachan, Ian Sumicz, Richard Tindall, Milton Tucker, Agnes Tyro, John Wallace, Eric Watts, Arthur Welsh, Mary Whitford, Neil Wilson, Alan Wright, George

14 Oct 02 Bain, James Beel, Marona Blackadder, James Brizzell, Lydie Butler, Dorothy Carey, Kathleen Cotter, Frances (Fanny) Darby, Raymond Ferguson, Francis (Colin) Frew, William Garriock, Peter Gracie, Ralph (Stuart) Guinan, Teresa Hebley, Dorothy Hyslop, Ivy Jackson, Rae Lamb, Harry McCarthy, Archibald Munro, Donald Munro, Norma O'Brien, Edward (Doug) Pearce, Thomas Philip, Ronald Popham, Allan Power, John Pruden, Doreen Riach, Allison Rudkin, Stella (Pat) Russell, Christina (Eileen) Shaughnessy, Marianne Strachan, Ian Trolove, Michael Welsh, Mary Whitford, Neil Win, Estelle Wright, George

15 Oct 02

Alexander-Wiblin, Nigel Allison, Donald (Les) Bain, James Barnett, Athol Bell, Colin Brennan _ Nevin, Hamish and Joshua Buckley, Kathleen Butler, Dorothy (Sr. Mary Bernadette) Carter, Miles Collie, Dorothy Cotter, Frances (Fanny) Devonport, Charles, Fr, S. M. Douglas, Raewyn Dyer, Gladys Frew, William Garth, June Guinan, Teresa Hebley, Dorothy Henderson, Oscar James, Stanley Laffey, Warren Lamb, Harry McCarthy, Archibald McFelin, Lois McKenzie, Ewan Moore, David Pont, John Power, John (Jack) Pruden, Doreen Russell, Christina (Eileen) Simpson, Lorraine Southgate, Patricia Stempa, Brian Thomas, Ruth Welsh, Mary Win, Estelle Wylie, Richard

16 Oct 02 Austin, Kenneth Bell, Colin Bennie, Elizabeth Blackmore, Wayne Buckley, Kathleen Devonport, Charles, Fr, S. M. Dorreen, Gerard Douglas, Raewyn Henderson, Oscar Herdman, Robert Kemp, Elizabeth Laffey, Warren Lucas, Lisa Mather, William McEvoy, William Neal, Eileen Neville, Kym Partridge, Winsome Pilkington, Ada Pont, John Ransby, Thomas Ryall, Cecily

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Saville, Elaine Schofield, David Stempa, Brian Sygrove, Fred Thomas, Ruth Tucker, Agnes Wylie, Richard

17 Oct 02 Austin, Kenneth Bell, Colin Bennie, Elizabeth Blackmore, Wayne Bonney, Evelynne Bruton, Violet Buckley, Kathleen Bulmer, Frederick Burrows, James Burt, Sharon Collett, Jean Dibben, Maurice (Rick) Douglas, Raewyn Easterbrook, Mary Ellison, Vincent Fisher-Hewitt, Elva Gerard, Nola Hales, John (Jack) Henderson, Oscar Howard, Frederick Hunt, Elizabeth Karageorge, Jack Kuyf, Matthew McEvoy, William (Ross) Morgan, Edna Morrison, Margaret (Jean) Munro, Norma Partridge, Winsome Ransby, Thomas Roberts, Catherine Ryall, Cecily Saville, Elaine Stevens, Bernice Stevenson, James Thorne, Edith Tucker, Ivan Tumaru, Vera Tunley, Wayne Vickerstaff, Ethel Williams, Allan Wilson, Stanley (Stan)

18 Oct 02 Allan, Agnes (Nancy) Blackmore, Wayne Bonney, Evelynne Bramwell, Maureen Bruton, Violet Easterbrook, Mary Fisher-Hewitt, Elva Fitzpatrick, Mary Gerard, Nola Hart, Byron Hunt, Elizabeth Karageorge, Jack Kuyf, Matthew

Kydd, Lester Larsen, Edith Lawson, Nicholas Lineham, Ethelwyn Muir, Hazel Partridge, Winsome Reid, Shirley Roberts, Catherine Saville, Elaine Stevenson, James Thomson, Alison Thorne, Edith Tucker, Ivan Williams, Allan Wilson, Stanley (Stan)

19 Oct 02 Beechey, Dorothy (Prue) Blackstock, Ngaire Bramwell, Maureen Burrows, Marie Cleary, Thomas Dibben, Maurice (Rick) Fisher-Hewitt, Elva Fitzpatrick, Mary Gale, David Grenfell, Hazel Hague, Frederic (Ric) Hofmeester, Henderikus (Henk) Jenkins, Kenner King, Arthur Kydd, Lester Lawson, Nicholas Manson, Thomas McCulloch, John (Jack) Morrison, Margaret Muir, Hazel Osborne, Annie Roberts, Catherine Roughan, Sr Teresa Sandrey, Edith (Maud) Smith, Rodney Spiller, Irene Stevenson, James Sutherland, William Sutton, Emily Thomson, Alison Tucker, Ivan Tumaru, Vera Whyte, Stanley

21 Oct 02 Beechey, Dorothy (Prue) Bensemann, Margaret (Madge) Botting, Robert (Jim) Browne, Freda (Kera) Burrows, Marie Carlson, Alamein (Ali) Cleary, Thomas Evans, Joyce Ford, Betty Fraser, Mary

Hofmeester, Henderikus King, Arthur Love, Noel Manson, Alice (Girlie) Manson, Thomas McCulloch, John (Jock) Nuttall, Jean Redmond, Imelda Sandrey, Edith (Maud) Scott, Edzell Smith, Rodney Sparrow, Isabel Spiller, Irene Sutherland, William Sutton, Emily Taylor, John Thomas, Trevor Tirikatene, Tini Tuite, Colleen Turner, John van Egdom, Rijk Weeber, Frank Wilkinson, Joan

22 Oct 02 Arnold, Marjorie (Peggy) Botting, Robert (Jim) Browne, Freda (Kera) Clarke, Tony Connelly, John Dance, Ellen (Nell) Douglas, Thora Fisher, Hilray Fitzsimmons, Michael Fletcher, Elizabeth Ford, Betty Gibling, George Goss, Diana Hill, Colin Ivory, Margaret Kerr, Thomas King, Arthur Love, Noel Mably, David Macale, Robert Nankivell, Hilda Nuttall, Jean Redmond, Imelda Sanders, Robert Shaw, John Sutherland, William Taylor, John Thomas, Trevor Tirikatene, Tini Turner, John Weeber, Frank Whyte, Stanley Wilkins, Maire Wilkinson, Joan Wilson, Vivienne Withell, Iris

23 Oct 02 Anderson, Horace

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Belcher, Colin Brady, Peter Clarke, Tony Douglas, Thora Evans, Joyce Fisher, Hilray Fletcher, Elizabeth Flett, Graham Fortune, Marjorie Gamble, Leo Goss, Diana Gunn, Joyce Hill, Colin Hill, Kathleen Horn, Despina Hughes, Mary Hume, William Ivory, Margaret Josephs, Kenneth Kerr, Thomas Lucas, Lisa Mably, David Macale, Robert (Gordon) Mauger, John Munro, Hugh O'Hara, Vera Sanders, Robert Smith, Rita Taylor, John Thompson, Florence Thomson, Roger Wilson, Vivienne Withell, Iris Woodward, Shirley

24 Oct 02 Bankier, Rita Beard, Kent Belcher, Colin Besant, Regan Bolwell, Patricia (Pat) Brady, Peter Carrington, Des Ebbings-Timu, Lucky Evans, Joyce Hartley, Patricia Hughes, Mary Ivory, Margaret Jennings, Anthony Knox, Maureen Laredo, Raymond Macale, Robert (Gordon) Morgan, Josephine (Marge) O'Hara, Vera Pati, Naru (Nani) Pinion, Richard Potts, Clifford Tapp, Marjorie (Pat) Thomas, Allan Wanstall, Mona (Claire) Woodward, Shirley

25 Oct 02

Besant, Regan Bolwell, Patricia (Pat) Cashion, Netta Clayton, Linda Clayworth, Rona Fraser, David Hartley, Patricia Knox, Maureen Laredo, Raymond Pati, Naru (Nani) Perkins, Stanley Reid, Mura Robertson, Callum Robinson, Adrienne Samuels, Alan (Sam) Tapp, Marjorie (Pat) Todd, Pamela

26 Oct 02 Arrillaga, Elizabeth (Liz) Baker, Elizabeth Baxter, Edith Blake, Ivy Cashion, Netta Clayton, Linda Clayworth, Rona Crutchley, Holly Duffy, Phillip Duncan, John Fraser, David Frisken, Richard Kelly, George Kirby, Alice Knight, Julian Lee, Raymond McCausland, William McGrail, Ainsley McLay, James McPhee, Horace (Jimmy) Robertson, Callum Robinson, Adrienne Samuels, Alan (Sam) Sheehan, James Trevelyan, Keverne Wanstall, Mona (Claire) Woodside, William Wright, Elaine

28 Oct 02 Arrillaga, Elizabeth (Liz) Baker, Brian Barsby, John Berry, Alfred Blake, Ivy Brown, Ellen Carlton, Morris Crutchley, Holly Fazackerley, Maurice Fuldseth, Barbara Gable, Phyllis Gibson, Beryl Hunter, William Johnstone, Rachel Keay, Phyllis Kirby, Alice

Knight, Julian Little, Marguerite McCunn, Ngaira McGrail, Ainsley Millichamp, Roydon Parker, Mark Parsons, Ian Robinson, Adrienne Sheehan, James Stewart Myrtle Thomas, Eva Trevelyan, Keverne Watson, Eleanor Woodside, William Wright, Elaine

29 Oct 02 Baker, Brian Baker, Elizabeth Barnett, Betty Baxter, Edith Beavan, Robert Berry, Alfred Beswick, Letitia Blake, Ivy Brown, Ellen Gable, Phyllis Gibson, Beryl Hunter, William Knight Julian Little, Marguerite Meikle, Brian Millichamp, Royden Mills, Eleanor (Gwen) Parker, Mark Parsons, Ian Pilgrim, Ian Ritchie, Eve Sadler, Helen Sheehan, Jim Smith, Harold (Reg) Stevenson, Barry Stewart, Myrtle Thomas, Alice Thomas, Eva Trevelyan, Keverne Tuck, Ernest Watson, Eleanor Wood, Phyllis (Rene)

30 Oct 02 Anderson, George (Don) Barsby, John Baxter, Edith Beavan, Robert Berry, Alfred Bond, Mary Caldwell, Christina Hamilton, Graham Hood, Robert Hunter, Elvira Keith, Malda Kelleher, Margaret (Cathie) Kelleher, Valerie Kennington, Gary

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (141)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Kirkwood, William (Bill, Kirky) Livingston, Susan (Sue) Marshall, Morris McAloon, Joan Millichamp, Royden Mills, Eleanor (Gwen) Mullan, Gladys Payne, Patricia Ritchie, Eve Ross, Anne Smith, Harold (Reg) Smylie, William Stevenson, Barry Sutton, Henry Thomas, Eva Whitfield, Elsie (Joyce) Wood, Phyllis (Rene)

31 Oct 02 Anderson, George (Don) Arnold, Leonard Barsby, John Cuttance, Raymond Freeman, Shirley Gordon, Betty Gorrie, Irene Keith, Malda Kelleher, Margaret (Cathie) Kennington, Gary Kirkwood, William (Bill, Kirky) Laffey, Ivan Lawrenson, James McGrath, Betty Marshall, Morris Menzies, Nora Musson, Sylvia Owens, Verna Payne, Patricia Scott, Ada (Rita) Smylie, William Stewart, Ian (Haggis) Sutton, Henry Thame-Robertson, Dian Whitfield, Elsie (Joyce)

1 Nov 02 Anyan, David Beavan, Robert Bond, Mary Dalton, Margaret (Nancy) Daly, William Fortune, Ellen (Nell) Freeman, Shirley Granger, William Higgison, Lilian Kirkwood, William (Bill, Kirky) Lewis, Rev. Elinor (Glenys) Macdonald, Ivy

Marcussen, Marc McPherson, James Nolan, Colin O'Connor, John (Jack) Olorenshaw, Robert Rathgen, Raymond Stanger, Paul Stewart, Ian (Haggis) Strachan, Shirley Thame-Robertson, Dian Wells, Cyril

2 Nov 02 Alexander, Cyril Anyan, David Arscott, Francis (Kelly) Barnett, Betty Bond, Mary Busch, Warwick Busson, Vera Connolly, Philip Dalton, Margaret (Nancy) Daly, William Fortune, Ellen (Nell) Gallagher, Roger Geddes, Percy Gordon, Betty Hack, Alexander Harrold, Brian Higgison, Lilian Higgott, Jules (Julie) Lewis, Rev. Elinor (Glenys) Macdonald, Ivy Marcussen, Marc McGregor, Keith McPherson, James Morton, Lucy Nolan, Colin O'Connor, John (Jack) Olorenshaw, Robert Parkes, Bryce Rhodes, Patricia Robertson, Winifred Sail, Raymond Seabrook, John Simkin, Lena Stewart, Ian (Haggis) Strachan, Shirley Thompson, Elizabeth (Dawn) Waddell _ Tate, Britney Wildes, Andrew 4 Nov 02

Bannon, Gladys Barnes, John Borlase, Geoffrey Busch, Warwick Copley, Olga Garlick, Nancy Geddes, Percy Geeves, Lucy Gordon, Robert

Hancox, John Higgins, Ethel Horne-King, Kara Hyslop, Charles Lawson, Audrey Leonard, Emmett McCormick, Michael McGregor, Keith McKeown, Peter Mercer, Olive Morton, Lucy Murray, Elfreda O'Callaghan, Gladys O'Connor, Jack Peterson, Emmeline Price, Joseph Sail, Raymond Simonsen, Robert Sinclair, Jessie Stewart, Olive Toner, Margaret (Lil) Tressler, Mervyn Waddell _ Tate, Britney Whatling, James Williams, Gordon Winton, Doris

5 Nov 02 Ball, Edna Bannon, Gladys Barnes, John Bootsma, Wybren (Bill) Busch, Warwick Carson, Marion Croawell, Elaine Dillon, G. Reay Ellison, Stella Elsom, Keith Hadfield, Robert (Bruce) Harrison, Paul Higgins, Ethel Hodge, Noel Horrack, Kayne McDonald, Allister McKeown, Peter Murray, Elfreda (Freda) O'Callaghan, Gladys Peart, Freda Perkins, Brian Peterson, Emmeline Price, Joseph Simonsen, Robert Smith, Alexander Toner, Margaret (Lil) Tressler, Mervyn Waddell _ Tate, Britney Williams, Gordon

6 Nov 02 Acker, Marjorie Ball, Edna Bannon, Gladys

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (142)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Bayliss, Eric Beckingsale, Wilhelmina (Minna) Bell, Dorothy Betten, Daphne Bootsma, Wybren (Bill) Dalley, Ola Fazackerley, Maurice Fraser, Audrey Keenan, Harry (Len) Kelleher, Pauline Kirkwood, Trevor McDonald, Allister McGregor, Keith O'Callaghan, Gladys O'Connell, Jim Peart, Freda Perkins, Brian Reilly, Alan Squire, Violet (Viv) Tull, Rita Ward, Laurence (Sonny) Wickert, Constance

7 Nov 02 Acker, Marjorie Aitken, Emily Beckingsale, Wilhelmina (Minna) Bell, Dorothy Black, Dorothy (Dot) Bootsma, Wybren (Bill) Dalley, Ola Donovan, Dee Ferguson, Colin Gilmour, Thomas Harrison, Murray Jolliffe, Edgar (Ted) Keenan, Henry (Len) McCone, William Moore, Robyn O'Connell, Jim Reed, Sheena Reilly, Alan Smith, Rita Stenhouse, Robyn Tull, Rita Westbury, Matthew (Matt) Whiteside, John

8 Nov 02 Aikman, John Bell, Dorothy Black, Dorothy (Dot) Ferguson, Colin Fraser, Audrey Gilmour, Thomas (Terry) Harrison, Murray Jacob, Stanley Jolliffe, Edgar (Ted)

Little, Robert Loughnan, Murray McCone, William Moore, Robyn Neilsen, June Reed, Sheena Trenberth, Edward Westbury, Matthew (Matt) Whiteside, John

9 Nov 02 Adams, Frederick (Fred) Bain, Aileen (Pat) Black, Dorothy (Dot) Carson, Marion Donovan, Dee Eng, Sue Farrow, Elva Heath, Noeline Hoffman-Jukes, Clarice Hollebon, Frank Joy, Basil Lawry, David Loughnan, Murray Lush, Elisabeth Marquet, Kenneth McManus, Ronald Mills-Kovesy, Lynda Minehan, John Morrison, John (Jock) Moylan, Frederick Neilsen, June O'Connell, Jim Palmer, Marion Percy, Lionel Presland, Margaret (Meg) Robertson, John Ross, Pauline Scaife, Jessie Smeith, Mervyn Stenhouse, Robyn Wall, Kenneth Watson, Stuart Werner, Feodor (Peter)

11 Nov 02 Bang, William (Billy) Burrowes, Gladys Clinton, David Cook, Stewart Crouch, Noeline Crump, Joyce Farrow, Elva Fleming, Mavis Flowers, Raymond Giles, Judith Hambly, Joy Harvey, John Huria, Thelma Jackson, Betty Laidlaw, Eileen Mason, Frederick

Matheson, John McCormick, Veda McLean, Douglas McManus, Ronald McMillan, Charles (Bill) Minehan, John Murphy, Harry O'Malley, Gwendolene (Sr M Corona) Otten, Albert (Ted) Pamment, Maxwell Robertson, John Stokes, Sylvia Sycamore, Ronald Traquair, John Vincent, Rose Watson, Ina Watson, Stuart Werner, Peter Wilkinson, John Williams, Raymond Woolman, Robert Young, Blanche

12 Nov 02 Akehurst, John Bain, Aileen (Pat) Bainbridge, Ronald Clinton, David Crouch, Noeline Crump, Joyce (Joy) Fleming, Mavis Giles, Judith Harvey, John Hassall, Simon Heywood, Bernard (Ross) Huria, Thelma Jackson, Betty Knowles, Hector (Ray) Laidlaw, Eileen McCormick, Veda McLaren, Murray McLean, Douglas McLean, Mona McManus, Ronald Minehan, John Monk, Catherine (Kit) O'Malley, Gwendolene (Sr M Corona R. S.M.) Palmer, Marion Siddall, Heather Smith, Donald Stokes, Sylvia Sycamore, Ronald Williams, Raymond Woolman, Robert

13 Nov 02 Akehurst, John Bainbridge, Ronald Bannister, Mary Chartres, Ann Clare, Beatrice Daly, James (Jim)

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (143)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Dobson, Alan Garrett, Bertha Giles, Judith Glesson, Madge (Marjorie) Harrison, Ellen Hassall, Simon Latto, Kathleen (Kate) Lawler, Michael Lyon, Grace Marshall, Jessie McKay, Neil McLean, Douglas McLean, Mona McManus, Ronald Murphy, John Otten, Albert (Ted) Reid, Donald Rosewarne-Skudder, Rhys Teen, Christopher Traquair, John Van Montfort, Peter Weekes, Dulcie Willett, Ruby

14 Nov 02 Amberger, Phillip Blackler, Harold Christmas, Alfred Giles, Judith (Judy) Gleeson, Madge (Marjorie) Harrison, Ellen Hepburn, Joan Latto, Kathleen (Kate) Lawler, Michael Reid, Donald Rudkin, Noel Weekes, Dulcie Wihone, Polly Wilkins, Cuthbert

15 Nov 02 Boyd, Terry Cattanach, Bruce Fox, Edna Gane, Jared Greer, Dorothy (Jean) Harrison, EllenHolm, Francis King, Gladys O'Connor, Mary (Molly) Rudkin, Noel Watson, Joan Watson, Lillian

16 Nov 02 Adams, Frederick Carson, Marion Christmas, Alfred Curtis, Mervyn Delaney, Olive Edmans, John Ferguson, John (Jack) Fox, Edna Greer, Dorothy (Jean)

Hart, Edith (Edie) King, Geoffrey King, Gladys Macpherson, Evelyn Moore, George Pondikakis, George Read, Ivan Robertson, Christopher Rudkin, Noel Taylor, Inez Watson, Joan Wilkins, Cuthbert Wilson, Shirley

18 Nov 02 Blair, Winifred Blunt, Derek Bohnenn, Hendrikus (Henny) Boswell, Edward (Bill) Butters, Ernest (Ernie) Chandler, Margaret Croft, Charles (Peter) Delaney, Olive Dowling, Olive Durham, David Edmans, John Edwards, Peggy Exeter, Keith Ferguson, John (Jack) Flindall, Nicholas Galbraith, Noeline Greer, Dorothy Groufsky, Kevin Houltham, Michael Hudson, Beryl Kidd, Pearl King, Geoffrey Macpherson, Evelyn McMaster, Russell McQueen, Marjorie Merriman, Neville Moore, George Paine, John Rabbitt, Malcolm (Mal) Stewart, John Towers, Kate Townshend, Frances Watson, George (Doc) Watt, William (Bill) Wiersma, Albert (Ulbe)

19 Nov 02 Bale, Bernard Barnes, Kenneth Bartram, Miriam Blair, Winifred Bohnenn, Hendrikus (Henny) Boswell, William (Bill) Brown, Robert Davis, Janice Dowling, Olive Durham, David Flindall, Nicholas Galbraith, Noeline

Groufsky, Kevin Huggins, Myrtle King, Geoffrey Krammer, Melva Matthews, Rona McQueen, Marjorie Merriman, Neville Nicol, John (Jack) Rabbitt, Malcolm (Mal) Reid, Shirley Robertson, Annie Torrance, Errol Towers, Kate Townshend, Frances Wernet, Emme Wiersma, Albert (Ulbe) Windle, Laurie Woolley, Audrey

20 Nov 02 Bain, Sylvia Bale, Bernard Bartram, Miriam Bay, Paul Brass, John Broomfield, Eric Brown, Robert Clark, James Daly, Paul Hallam, Marjory Hoban, Sadie Little, Ellen Lyttle, Naida Mackay, Trudy McQueen, Marjorie Noble, Barbara Plageman, Jennie (Eugenie) Rabbitt, Malcolm (Mal) Reid, Shirley Robertson, Annie Savin, Berenice Smith, Pamela Thomas, Dulcie White, James Wiersma, Albert (Ulbe) Windle, Laurie

21 Nov 02 Bartram, Miriam Daly, Paul Ellis, Brian Faulls, Olive Flannery, Anne Gallagher, Kathleen (Sr Mary Juliana) Holden, Thomas Lyttle, Naida Mackay, Trudy McDonnell, Clifford McIntosh, Ileen Michel, Patricia (Patsy) Moffatt, Sarah Noble, Barbara O'Regan, Cassie Smith, Pamela

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (144)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Thiele, George Thomas, Dulcie Trumper, Eric Ward, Leslie White, James Windle, Laurie Wyatt, Ellen

22 Nov 02 Bare, Carolyn Beveridge, Leslie Brown, William Chibnall, Reginald Ellis, Brian Gallagher, Kathleen (Sr Mary Juliana) Gray, George Jemmett, Terrence Kane, Barbara Mackay, Trudy Oldfield, Ruth O'Regan, Cassie Prendergast, Margaret Smith, Pamela Stanton, Gladys Trumper, Eric Ward, Leslie White, James

23 Nov 02 Beveridge, Leslie Brown, Hazel Brown, William Budd, Alpha-May Chibnall, Reginald Chittock, Maurice Christie, Peter Clelland, Morris Dewhirst, Ellen Greig, Evan Hallam, Marjory Jemmett, Terrence Kane, Barbara Kerin, John Knight, Eileen Muers, Rev Robin Oldfield, Ruth Prendergast, Margaret Salter, Joyce Samson, Adrian (AJ) Smith, Hector Stanton, Gladys Swete, Elsie Ward, Annie Westaway, Robert

25 Nov 02 Acton-Adams, Richard Alexander, Ada Anderson, Edna Butler, John Channings, Henry Chittock, Maurice Clelland, Morris Dewhirst, Ellen Horton, Graham Jeffrey, Moreen

Jemmett, Terrence Jenkins, Beryl Jordan, Dorothy Knight, Eileen Little, Deborah Mackenzie, Margaret MacKinnon, Daniel Middlemass, Clive O'Melvena, John Petrie, Trevor Porteous, John Pyatt, Linda Rigby, Joan Rumble, Philip Sheridan, Colin Smith, Hector Smith, Michael Stevenson, Marie (Kathleen) Swete, Elsie Wallace, Brenda Westaway, Robert

26 Nov 02 Acton-Adams, Richard Bunce, Alexander (Jimmy) Cowden, Ronald Creedy, Francis Currie, Eileen Eggers, William (Snow) Familton, Gordon Geeves, Alice Griffith, Vina Hamilton, Bessie Haylock, James Horlor, Alan Jordan, Dorothy Kavanagh, Nevile Leathem, Isobel Loffhagen, John Mackenzie, Margaret Mitchell, David Nicolson, Rosemary Ogg, Brian Petrie, Trevor Pollard, Alwyn (Joe) Porteous, John Rigby, Joan Ross, Thomas Sartain, Nancy Sheridan, Colin Sheridan, Maurice Smith, Michael Somers, Ellen Thompson, Nancy Wicks, Maurice Woolley, Ruth

27 Nov 02 Ballantyne, Roger Berry, Mavis Bowie, Keith Bunce, Alexander (Jimmy) Cowden, Ronald

Currie, Eileen Draper, Vincent Faulkner, John Glasgow, Stead Harrison, Paul Haylock, James Holmwood, Brian Horan, Gwendoline Horlor, Alan Hutchison, Leslie Jenkins, Beryl King, Adrian Leathem, Isobel Lemon, Thomas Loffhagen, John McCullough, James McIntosh, Kenneth (Ken) McSporran, Lilian Miller, William Ross, Thomas Sheridan, Colin Simpson, Alistair Stone, Meryle (Trixie) Stringer, Paul Wicks, Maurice Woolley, Ruth

28 Nov 02 Ballantyne, Roger Bartlett-Smith, Liam Boyd, Rev. Douglas Broughton, Edward (Darcy) Campbell, Archie Cassidy, John Chamberlain, Margaret Currie, Eileen Draper, Vincent Faulkner, John Geeves, Alice Glasgow, Stead Haylock, James Hayman, Margaret Hendry, George (Jim) Howie, Mabel Hutchison, Leslie Jackson, June Leathem, Isobel Lemon, Thomas McIntosh, Kenneth (Ken) McSporran, Lilian Sanford, Ronald Shears, Sheila Stone, Meryle (Trixie) Thomson, James Zaharioudakis, John

29 Nov 02 Barnes, Nancy Boyd, Douglas Broughton, Edward (Darcy) Campbell, Archie Campbell, Muriel

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (145)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cassidy, John Chamberlain, Margaret Church, Morris Cole, Wilfred Collins, Elizabeth (Bett) Cox, Gladys Cox, Leo Familton, Gordon Flynn, Kathleen Goodhew, Clifford (Ray) Hartigan, Ivy Hayman, Margaret Hendry, George (Jim) Howie, Mabel Jackson, June MacDonald, Monica MacFarlane, Primrose McRae, John Miller, William Preen, John Shears, Sheila Sheppard, Tina Stone, Meryle (Trixie) Thomson, James Zaharioudakis, John

30 Nov 02 Bain, Stuart Barton, Max Beaumont, Marion Bongers, Bill (Wim) Boyd, Douglas Brunsden, Kenneth Button, Lester Campbell, Muriel Carr, Nellie Church, Morris Collins, Elizabeth (Bett) Cox, Gladys Coyle, James De Renzy, Arthur Edgar, Douglas Ell, Murray Flynn, Kathleen Goodhew, Clifford (Ray) Harris, Ronald Hartigan, Ivy Mackrell, Arthur McRae, John Mechen, George Monson, Nigel Pickering, William (Des) Preen, John Prior, Elespie Sheppard, Tina Sweetman, Lola van der Voorn, Patricia Watson, Percival (Max) Zaharioudakis, John

2 Dec 02 Bain, Stuart Barton, Bruce (Max) Baughen, Rita Beaumont, Marion Bibbey, Frederick Brunsden, Kenneth Burnett, Douglas Callaghan, Keith Callanan, Simon Collins, Elizabeth (Bett) De Renzy, Arthur Ell, Murray Elliott, Alwyn (Snow) Gane, Jean Harris, Ronald Hewitson, Walter Holmes, Dorothy Johnson, Ernest (Des) Kahi, Beverley Lodge, William Mackrell, Arthur McCullough, William (Billy) McLeod, Kenneth Morrison, Trevor (Rev.) O'Rourke, Andrew Read, Ivan Rodger, James Sheppard, Tina Tabb, Kenneth Thomson, Robert Tiney, Kevin Watson, Percival (Max) Whiteside, Reginald Williams, Annie

3 Dec 02 Abbott, Nanette Armstrong, Dorothy Barton, Bruce (Max) Bell, Peter Bibbey, Frederick Brunsden, Kenneth Burnett, Douglas Callaghan, Keith Callanan, Simon Cane, Edward Chick, Joan Collins, Arthur Collins, Elizabeth (Bett) Gough, Lorraine Harris, Margaret Kahi, Beverley Lawrence, Beatrice Lodge, William MacPherson, Helen McHugh, Mabel McLaren, Valerie (Val) McLeod, Kenneth Monson, Nigel Nixon, Eunice Ockenden, Marjorie

O'Rourke, Andrew Robinson, Raymond Sauer, Myles Smith, John Stuart, Allan Tabb, Kenneth Thomson, Robert Tiney, Kevin Whiteside, Reginald

4 Dec 02 Abbott, Nanette Barlow, Joan (Bunty) Cane, Edward Carruth, Bruce Chick, Joan Cole, Wilfred Gough, Lorraine Greig, Evan Harris, Margaret Hirons, Dawn Johnson, Ernest (Des) Kahi, Beverley Lawrence, Beatrice MacPherson, Basil Magee, Ronald McHugh, Mabel McLean, Andrew McNaughton, Malcolm Nieper, George Ockenden, Marjorie O'Rourke, Andrew Painter, Amber Reid, Douglas Robinson, Raymond Rolfe, Thelma Sauer, Myles Smith, Gretta Smith, John Walker, Sarah Ward, David

5 Dec 02 Atkins, Frank Burnett, Robert Butson, Edward Dudman, Christopher Garnett, Gordon Grinlaubs, Rita Hawker, William (Bill) Hirons, Dawn Lister, Bessie Lonsdale, Beryl Magee, Ronald McNaughton, Malcolm Morrison, William Ockenden, Marjorie O'Driscoll, Bernadette Parkes, Robert

6 Dec 02 Aldwell, Madeleine Atkins, Frank Burnside, Tom Butson, Edward Chick, Joan Dawson, Keith

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (146)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Dudman, Christopher Garnett, Gordon Gillman, Claire Greig, Archibald Hogg, Colin Karaitiana, Joseph Lonsdale, Beryl MacDonald, Rawiri Macdonald, June McNaughton, Malcolm Meates, Sr. Patricia Nieper, George O'Sullivan, Josephine (Jo) Payne, Emma Reddiford, Mary Rogan, Florence Simmons, Mervyn (Tony)

7 Dec 02 Abernethy, James (Jimmy) Bernstein, Maurice Black, Elizabeth Burnside, Tom Dawson, Keith Dijkhoff, Geertje Grant, Anthony (Tony) Greig, Evan Hamilton, Iris Hilton, Sarah Hodgson, Clarence (Clarrie) Hogg, Colin Jarden, Rita Johnson, Peter Karaitiana, Joseph Keith, Isabel McNamara, Monica Neilson, David Nelson, William Payne, Emma Pearce, Trevor Philip Pearson, Caryl Reddiford, Mary Rogan, Florence Sloss, Jennifer Stuthridge, Judith Sutherland, Brian Twamley, Lester Walker, Sarah

9 Dec 02 Abernethy, James Atkinson, Alister Bailey, Henry (Jack) Brennan, Margaret Bruhn, Ruth Butler, Mavis Calder, James(Jim) Corrin, Doris Crozier, Walter Forrest, Norma Foster, Joseph Fraser, Doreen Freeman, Eunice

Grant, Anthony (Tony) Hamilton, Iris Keith, Isabel King, Carolyn McColl, James McLaughlin, David (Dave) Morris, Mary Neilson, David Nelson, William O'Connell, Vincent Price, Lily Reddiford, Mary Sandford, Ivy Seddon, Patricia Sproull, Dorothy Stewart, Philip Sullivan, Anthony Thomson, Gordon Ward, Myrtle Wright, Ina Wyllie, Mary

10 Dec 02 Atkinson, Alister Austin-Wilkins, Pamela Bolt, Daphne Brooks, Lyn Butler, Mavis Campbell-Trotter, Lillian co*cks, Nancy Colvin, James Fuller, Sylvia Graham, Shona Greene, Emmett Hamilton, Iris King, Carolyn Lee, Owen Madsen, Peter McKenzie, George McLaughlin, David (Dave) Murray, Dennis (Scotty) O'Connell, Vincent Ritchie, Alan Sandford, Ivy Seddon, Patricia Sproull, Dorothy Stewart, Philip Sullivan, John Thomson, Clifford (Cliff) Thomson, Gordon Warrington, Theresa Wright, Ina Wyllie, Mary (Jean)

11 Dec 02 Austin-Wilkins, Pamela Bolt, Daphne Butler, Mavis Cairns, Richard Campbell-Trotter, Lillian

Cassidy, Mary Chapman, Mark Everest, Gladys Fuller, Sylvia Graham, Shona Greene, Emmett Gregory, Janetta (Nita) Johnson, Peter Lee, Owen McKenzie, George Murray, Dennis (Scotty) Parsons, Rosse (Peter) Piper, Leslie Smith, John (Alec) Thomson, Clifford (Cliff) Warrington, Theresa Young, Anthony (Tony) Zwarts, Marinus (Herman)

12 Dec 02 Austin-Wilkins, Pamela Brady, Margaret Butler, Mavis Crawshay, Olive Flanagan, Valerie France, Frances (Jean) Greene, Emmett Gregory, Janetta (Nita) Johnson, Peter Lee, Owen Lee, Thomas (Tiny) Moyle, Frank Mutch, Monica Parsons, Rosse (Peter) Piper, Leslie Raizis, Spyridon Sigley, Valerie Smith, John Thomas, Phyllis Wilson, Phyllis Young, Anthony (Tony)

13 Dec 02 Austin-Wilkins, Pamela Coburn, Pauline Green, Mae Greene, Emmett Hamilton, Maurice Hopgood, Irene Jackman, Russell Johnson, Peter Kearney, Edna Leahy, Alison Marston, Anne Reed, Beverley Sigley, Valerie Thomas, Phyllis Tierney, Charmaine Van Wijngaarden, Dr

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (147)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Paul Wilson, Phyllis

14 Dec 02 Barnett, Arthur Bremner, Noel Campbell, Thomas Cassidy, Mary Cooper, George de Vries, Cornelus (Kees) Dey, Oswald Downham, Brian Drury, David (Les) Evans, Trevor Green, Mae Hendry, Joyce (Joy) Holland, Sydney Jessett, Joyce Lawson, Hector Leahy, Alison Marston, Anne McArthur, Ian Murtagh, Beryl Pihema, Waru Reed, Beverley Robertson, Kirstin Shea, Douglas Thomas, Phyllis Tierney, Charmaine Verhey, Willem (Wim) Watson, Douglas Willoughby, Madeline Wright, Evangeline Young, Anthony (Tony)

16 Dec 02 Barnett, Arthur Blackadder, Hugh Brebner, Graeme Brown, Glennis Bull, Douglas Bynion, Elsie Cameron, Letitia Campbell, Thomas Davies, Tom de Vries, Cornelus (Kees) Downham, Brian Drury, David (Les) Dwan, Hugh (Owen) Green, Mae Harris, Braydan McArthur, Ian McClimont, Colin McDowell, Sydney McTague, Elsie Miller, Ethel Nicholas, Murray North, Frances (Margaret) Pihema, Waru Prescott, John (Jack) Ritchie, Jennifer Roberts, Selva Robertson, Kirstin

Smith, Nelsie Steventon, David Thomas, Loma Tierney, Charmaine Tweedie, Pauleen Waenga, Margaret (Peggy) Whale, Lucy Wright, Patricia Yates, Joseph

17 Dec 02 Baillie, George (Mel) Bates, Diana Bennison, Brian (Ben) Blakely, Ethel (Effie) Brockie, Dorothy Brown, Glennis Bull, Douglas Bunce, Jack Bynion, Elsie Dalby, Jean Davies, Matthew (Matt) Davies, Tom Ellingford, Leslie Gillies, Hugh (Duke) Hay, Francis (Frank) Heywood, Jessie Joosten, Johan (John) Miller, Ethel Moffat, Barbara Prescott, John (Jack) Rae, Alan Ritchie, Jennifer Ritchie, Stephen Roberts, Selva Sergeant, Heather Steventon, David Stuart, Maureen Tauwhare, Tom Tayler, Lois Taylor, Neville Thomas, Loma Waenga, Margaret (Peggy) Wright, Patricia Yates, Joseph

18 Dec 02 Annand, Douglas Baillie, George (Mel) Bates, Diana Bennison, Brian (Ben) Blakely, Ethel (Effie) Britton, Noeline Conner, Sarah Dash, Jean Davern, Joseph Davies, Matthew (Matt) Ellingford, Leslie Gibb, Ted Green, Florence Grieve, Ellen (Nell) Heywood, Jessie Inglis, William (Lew)

Joosten, Johan (John) Kelly, Robin (Robbie) Lamond, Joan (Irene) Moffat, Barbara Potter, William Skeen, Robert Smart, Lorna Stack, Charles Stevens, Norma Taylor, Neville Wyllie, Archibald Yates, Joseph

19 Dec 02 Boyce, Reta Bradfield, Lilian Bruce, Loreta Davern, Joseph (Sid) Dowling, Ruby Duthie, Margaret Facoory, Danielle Gibb, Ted Godfrey, Stanley (Stan) Grieve, Ellen (Nell) Hollow, John Joosten, Johan (John) Lawton, Guy, Matthew and Samuel Masefield, Robert Reid, Percy Sears, Lillian Skeen, Robert Smart, Lorna Stevens, Norma Syme, Elsa Throp, Rita White, Mary Wyllie, Archibald

20 Dec 02 Bruce, Loreta Campbell, Doreen Childs, Reverend William Duthie, Margaret (Doreen) Edwards, Lauren Facoory, Danielle Gibb, Ted Gilbert, Marian Grieve, Ellen (Nell) Hollow, John Miller, Eric Nicoll, Christina Price, Olive Ringland, Estelle Scholes, James (Jim) Sears, Lillian Stevens, Norma Syme, Elsa White, Mary

21 Dec 02 Blair, John (J. B.) Bone, Wallace

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Bull, William Campbell, Doreen Castle, Geoffrey Childs, Reverend William Duthie, Margaret Edwards, Lauren Facoory, Danielle Gilbert, Marian Hokianga, Sam Irving, James Launder, Graham McKay, William O'Donohue, Mary Price, Olive Ringland, Estelle Scholes, James (Jim) Sidnell, Damien Stuart, Maureen Toghill, John Townsend, James Walker, Patricia Wells, Isabelle White, Mary Wilson, Ngaire Wyllie, Archibald

23 Dec 02 Aitken, Terence Ball, Patricia Bateman, Pamela Blair John (J. B.) Bourke, Raymond Brettell, Bernice Brewer, Nancye Bull, William Castle, Geoffrey Dawber, Nicholas Dawes, Mavis Dew, Leonard Hall, Patricia Holmes, Jean (Aner) Ireland, Stanley Judkins, Trevor Knight, Very Rev. Dr George Logan, Enid Macann, Juanita McKenna, Sylvie (Yvonne) Miller, Elizabeth Morgan, Francis Olsen, Nora Oveinikovas, Erna Pearce, Major General Leslie Robins, Rev. Mary (Pat) Sidnell, Damien Spencer, Earl Sumicz, Judith Toohey, Brian (David) Tucker, Vera Wilson, Ngaire

24 Dec 02 Ameriks, Eleanora

Beams, William Bourke, Raymond (Jack) Boyd, Alan Boyd, Mavis Brettell, Bernice Brewer, Nancye Carr, Charles Cooper, Pat Dawber, Nicholas Dew, Leonard Evans, Kura Hall, Donald Hickmott, Helen Holmes, Jean (Aner) Hopkinson, Teoti (Mutu) Jorgensen, Margaret (Margo) Judkins, Trevor Macann, Juanita McKinley, Philip Miller, Elizabeth Morgan, Francis Nye, Althea O'Leary, Percy Olsen, Nora Rowan, Nancy Spencer, Earl Thomas, Betty Thompson, Gary Turner, Kura Wanstall, Herbert (Keith) Ward, William Woolf, Herbert (Jumbo)

26 Dec 2002 Aikman, Dr Colin Bellingham, Violet Blake, Clara Boyd, Mavis Brownie, Jeanette Clark, Duncan Crawshaw, Hugh Dew, Leonard Evans, Kura Foley, Gwendolen Graham, William (Scotty) Greatorex, Elaine Hardie, Cecil Hawks, Desmond Jorgensen, Margaret (Margo) McClintock, Lillian McEnnis, Ian McKinley, Philip Morrison, Kerry Mussen, Muriel Nye, Althea Otene, Martin Richardson, Keith Scott, Dorothy (Sunny) Searles, Alfred (Bob) Sedgley, Alice

Sidnell, Damien Suckling, Douglas Sumicz, Judith Thompson, Gary Trewin, Dawn Turner, Kura Wanstall, Herbert (Keith) Ward, William Wicks, Diana Winsley, Ronald Wood, Gladys

27 Dec 02 Alderson, Hazel Baxendale, Ronald (Baxy) Beams, William Bellingham, Violet Blake, Clara Brownie, Jeanette Callaghan, William (Max) Cordery, Alison Dunn, Ian Dysart, Joan Emmerson, Robert Evans, Kura Graham, William (Scotty) Hall, John Jeffery, Glory Jorgensen, Margo McClintock, Lillian McEnnis, Ian Milnes, Kathleen Morrison, Kerry Oakley, Osmyn O'Leary, Rev. Fr Lewis Pierce, Shirley Richardson, Keith Roberts, Ruby Robertson, Winifred Rossiter, Annette Searles, Alfred (Bob) Sedgley, Alice Suckling, Douglas Thompson, Gary Trewin, Dawn Turner, Kura Wicks, Diana Wilkins, Patricia Wood, Gladys Woolf, Albert (Ted)

28 Dec 02 Amberger, Albert Barnard, Florence Baxendale, Ronald (Baxy) Beattie, Kathryn Bryant, Norman Coburn, Donald Cook, Malcolm Cordery, Alison Fraser, David Galletly, Mary

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


George, Carol Hall, John Hawks, Desmond Jefferies, Ashwyn (Jeff) Jeffery, Glory Markland, Helen McClintock, Lillian Melrose, Jean Milnes, Kathleen Morgan, John Moseley, Elizabeth (Beth) Oakley, Osmyn (Ossie) O'Keefe, Daniel O'Shaughnessy, Colleen Paulin, Norah Pickup, Audrey Pierce, Shirley Rossiter, Annette Sedgley, Alice Smith, Brian Sumicz, Judith Tilyard, Jean Timperley, Dorothy Wanklyn, John Wilkins, Patricia

30 Dec 02 Anderson, Jean Anderson, Ngaire Beattie, Kathryn Bell, Judith Breach, Mabel (Mae) Charles, David Ericson, Francis Fox, Jadde Healey, Martha Kidd, Helen (Nana) Markland, Helen Mathews, Ralph McClintock, Lillian McKay, Joyce Morgan, John Moseley, Elizabeth (Beth) Oakley, Osmyn O'Byrne, Ella O'Keefe, Daniel O'Shaughnessy, Colleen Paulin, Norah Riley, Christine Rossiter, Annette Seil, Franz (Frank) Smith, Brian Stewart, Faith Tennent, Alan Tilyard, Jean Timperley, Dorothy Turnbull, Peter Weavers, Robert (Clarry) Whiting, Clifford (Jim) Wilkins, Patricia Williams, William (Eddie)

31 Dec 02 Allen, Myrl Amai, Bobby Anderson, Jean Andreassend, Bertha Barrett, Violet Bell, Judith Breach, Mabel (Mae) Charles, David Day, Carole Ford-King, Heather Goulding, Winnifred Gregory, Myrtle Healey, Martha Hunt, Albert (Ross) Kidd, Helen (Nana) Luskie, Elizabeth (Betty) Malloch, Bruce McKay, Joyce Mullen, John (Ginger) Neroj, Adam Oakley, Osmyn O'Byrne, Ella O'Connor, Kevin Palmer, Christine Riley, Christine Seil, Franz (Frank) Stewart, Faith Thomas, Frances Weavers, Robert

20031 Jan 03 Amai, Bobby Andreassend, Bertha Cook, Joseph Driver, Brian Ford-King, Heather Hunt, Stuart McHugh, Mary McKay, Joyce McLaughlin, Catriona (Teeny) Milne, Thelma Mullen, John (Ginger) Nestor, Alan O'Connor, Kevin Petrie, Ivan Williams, Heathcote (Bill)

2 Jan 03 Anderson, Ronald Bang, Albert Breach, Mabel Brott, Joseph Buchanan, Michael Claydon, John Day, Carole Driver, Brian Gersteling, Karina Gregory, Myrtle Hunt, Stuart Kerr, Dawn McKay, Joyce McLaughlin, Catriona (Teeny) Medlicott, Muriel Mullen, John (Ginger) Nicholl, James Palmer, Christine Parish, Marama Stevenson, Rex Taylor, Quinton Wright, Dorothy

3 Jan 03 Anderson, Ronald Breach, Mabel (Mae) Brott, Joseph Buchanan, Michael Catchpole, Lilian Claydon, John

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Comber, Gladys Cook, Joseph Driver, Brian Gersteling, Karina Green, Elizabeth Hunt, Stuart Jefferies, Ashwyn (Jeff) Kingston, Jocelyn Lilley, Lee Andrew McLaughlin, Catriona (Teeny) McLean, Max McNeilly, James Meurk, Joan Norquay, Jane (Tina) Skinner, Stanislaus Stevenson, Rex Sutherland, Cora Tombs, Peggy Wright, Dorothy

4 Jan 03 Bang, Albert Buchanan, Michael Bulman, Kevin Callaghan, Wayne Carter, Sydney Casey, Claudia Catchpole, Lilian Claydon, John Comber, Gladys Crampton, Cecily Cross, Lou Ford, Phyllis Gallagher, Alison Geertson, Moira Goulding, Winnifred Hadfield, Rev. Keith Hannah, James Hollows, Craig Humm, Garbett Hunt, Stuart Hunter, Marion (Rita) Keen, Lorna Kerr, Dawn Kingston, Jocelyn (Joyce) Le Beau, David Lilley, Lee Andrew Malloch, Bruce McLean, Max Meurk, Joan Nicholl, Elizabeth Nicholl, James Nyberg, Frances O'Connor, Kevin Piper, Robin Rees, Jess Taylor, Catherine Threadwell, Donald Webb, John Wederell, Fredrick Wheeler, Leslie Williams, Joyce Wilson, Ian Young, Alistair

6 Jan 03 Bishop, Kelvin Casey, Claudia Collings, John (Geoff) Cross, Lou French, Robert Grieve, Joan Hansen, John Hollows, Craig Howey, Grant Humm, Garbett Lane, Gordon Le Beau, David Lundie, Kyla Marris, Garry Mazey, Horace (Nelson) Muxlow, Brian Nicholl, Elizabeth O'Dea, James Peterson, John Piper, Robin Ramsden, Claude (Fred) Reed, Kenneth Richan, Mary (Betty) Speight, Isabella Thompson, Rev. Roger Thomson, Lila Thwaites, Elizabeth Waters, Edna Webb, John

7 Jan 03 Armstrong, Raymond Baird, Thomas (Tat or Alan) Bazley, Basil (John) Bishop, Kelvin Clark, Myrtle Dagg, Marie Dillon, Doreen Forsyth, John (Ian) Hall, Elizabeth (Betty) Hansen, John Kennedy, Michael (Mick) Knowles, Mary (May) Littin, Norman Lovell, Trevor (Trev) Marris, Garry Marshall, John (Jack) Maskew, Helen McGregor, Richard (Daniel) O'Dea, James Piper, Robin Rea, Henry Reed, Kenneth Richan, Mary (Betty) Rigby, Catherine Roughan, Julie Roy, Florence Scannell, Kevin Speight, Isabella

Sutherland, Cora Thomas, Trevor Thompson, Rita Thomson, Lila Thwaites, Elizabeth Ward, Isabel White, William Wilson, Fiona

8 Jan 03 Bazley, Basil (John) Brown, Ronald Burgess, Norma Dishington, Ronald (Tas) Everest, Emily Forsyth, John (Ian) French, Robert Grant, Ina (Bunny) Hawley, Gilbert Hughes, Cyril Hunter, Marion (Rita) Kane, William Knowles, Mary (May) Lavin, Bernice Marshall, John (Jack) Martin, Helen McCully, James Moffat, Euphemia (Pheme) Reed, Kenneth Richan, Mary (Betty) Rigby, Catherine (Kit) Roy, Florence Speight, Isabella Stashkevich, Raisa Strettell, Cecily Thomas, Trevor Thompson, Rita Thwaites, Elizabeth Uren, Kenneth Ward, Isabel Watts, Gayle Wilson, Fiona

9 Jan 03 Barnett, Ailsa (Bunny) Bazley, Basil (John) Bryant, John (Jack) Dishington, Ronald (Tas) Ellis, Hubert (Kit) Farmer, Jack Hay, Russell Huggins, Allan Hughes, Cyril Kane, William Leach, Anthony Ludemann, Iris (Esme) Milner, Ian (Mo) Molloy, Teresa Oliver, John (Robin) Trethowan, Susanne

9 Jan 03 Batchelor, Janice Brown, June

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Burton, Edith Churchill, Doris Colquhoun, Betty Cutler, Richard Dishington, Ronald (Tas) Feringa, Sjouwkje Garland, William Harding, Rev William (Bill) Hay, Russell Kesteven, Margaret Leach, Anthony Ludemann, Iris (Esme) Oliver, John (Robin) Whitaker, Stanley Wills, Flora

11Jan 03 Batchelor, Janice Bonisch, Ernest (Pat) Bridgwater, Melva Chapman, Ethel Feringa, Sjouwkje Fletcher, Vera Harding, Rev William (Bill) Jones, Peter Kesteven, Margaret Koster, Carolyn Merriman, George Milner, Ian (Mo) Molloy, Teresa Muller, Edwin (Eddie) Papprill, Kathleen Smith, Colette Stoddart, Murray Stratford, Morris Sullivan, Kathleen (Sister Mary) Taylor, Richard (Ray) Trethowan, Susanne Tumahai, Barbara Whitaker, Stanley Whitfield, Margaret

13 Jan 03 Adams, Roland Allen, Edna Birch, Alice Bonisch, Ernest (Pat) Bridgwater, Melva Fletcher, Vera Gilchrist, David Ibbotson, Raewi Mawson, Rose Mayo, Judith Meates, Peter O'Connor, Joseph Olson, Paul Reynolds, Sidney Sinclair, Larrie Stoddart, Murray Sullivan, Kathleen (Sister Mary) Trethowan, Susanne Yaxley, Claude


14 Jan 03 Adams, Roland Anderson, Muriel (Moo) Boulton, Michael Bridgwater, Melva Corrin, Stephen (Claude) Edgeler, Leslie (Les) Ewing, Andrew Ford, Grace Hibbs, Clifford (Cliff) Kalnins, Irina Lukey, Jessie Mayo, Judith McGill, Jean Meates, Peter Muller, Edwin (Eddie) Olson, Paul Prout, John Rayner, Ellen Reid, John (Reido) Swarbrick, Vera Tapp, Trixie Watson, Lyalla

15 Jan 03 Allen, Edna Andrews, Stephen Beckett, Elsie Ford, Grace Graham, Edith Hanlin, Walter Heyworth, Robina (Ena) Hibbs, Clifford Kalnins, Irina Kirkland, Don Laraman, Margaret Lee, Ruth Lutton, Ronald Mackay, Donald McKinley, Constance Maxwell, Iain (Capt.) Mosen, Ernest Muller, Edwin (Eddie) Papprill, Kathleen Patel, Parvatiben Payne, Wyndham Prout, John Schroeder, Herbert Tideman, Norman van Montfort, Helena Wilkinson, Annette

16 Jan 03 Boyd, Jocelyn Brugh, Ronald Church, Norma Graham, Edith Hanlin, Walter Heggie, Fanetta (Netta) Heyworth, Robina (Ena)

Hogan, Betty Hooper, Raynor (Ray) Laraman, Margaret Lawrence, Leon Lee, Ruth Mackay, Donald Maher, Patrick (Terry) Maxwell, Iain (Capt.) Sigley, Kenneth Sloan, Ronald Tarrant, Sylvia Valentine, Robert Wilkinson, Annette

17 Jan 03 Bang, Albert Brugh, Ronald Cameron, Bruce Church, Norma Dyer, Heather Elliott, Hazel Findlay, Noelle Graham, Edith Hooper, Raynor (Ray) Lawrence, Leon Maher, Christopher Murray, David Tarrant, Sylvia Wendelken, Keith Wilson, Joan

18 Jan 03 Aldridge, Alice Bartram, Wendy Biddulph, Ashleigh Dyer, Heather Elliott, Charles Fidler, Malcolm Harding, Rev William (Bill) Harvey, Isabel Heggie, Fanetta (Netta) Heywood, William Jeffery, Glory Mackay, Donald Maher, Christopher Morriss, Nilla Morton, Wayne Murphy, Rev Fr John Neate, Catherine Peoples, David Robertson, Scott Ruddell, Eric Sail, Margaret (Jeanette) Sidaway, Frances (Fay) Tarrant, Sylvia Thomson, Denis Vucetich, Joy Wall, Ralph Wendelken, Keith Wilson, Joan

20 Jan 03 Aldridge, Alice (Ally)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Baillie, William (Dave) Bartram, Wendy Bielski, Leslie Boys, Captain Derek Brewster, Olive Burrow, Mavis Butcher, Brian co*ckburn, Kieran Copping, Alan Day, Malcolm FitzGerald Smith, Janet Gibson, Reginald King, Barry Kritos, Roy Lyne, Winifred (Win) Marr, John (Jack) Mattson, Raeburn (Rae) McInerney, Stan McLauchlan, Margaret Metua, Taringa Mottram, John (Jack) Murphy, Rev Fr John Nelson, Mavis Newfield, Joan Reid, David Robertson, Scott Rogers, Ena Ryan, Ellen (Nell) Sams, Betty Shaw, Grace Sidaway, Frances (Fay) Sims, David Te Miha, Eileen Thomson, Denis Walker, Colin West-Watson, Keith Zhou, Xington

21 Jan 03 Bell, Rachel Bielski, Leslie Boyd, Jocelyn Broad, Dorothy Bryson, James Butcher, Brian co*ckburn, Kieran Day, Malcolm Doak, Earle Jorgensen, Cole King, Barry Kroening, Ina Mapplebeck, Agnes (May) Mattson, Raeburn (Rae) McLauchlan, Margaret Morriss, Nilla Newfield, Joan Orchard, Gerald Paterson, Peter Rennie, Maurice Ryan, Ellen (Nell) Sams, Betty Scott, Doris

Searle, Nancy Shaw, Grace Tempero, Alan Ward, Albert (Ted) Zhou, Xington

22 Jan 03 Barberel, Grace Bell, Rachel Bielski, Leslie Bryson, James Butcher, Brian Clark, James co*ckburn, Kieran Drake, Gordon Gibson, Reginald Harbeck, Alison Herbert, May Jeffery, Glory Kroening, Ina Lock, Leslie (Les) Mapplebeck, Agnes (May) Marr, John (Jack) Mattson, Raeburn (Rae) Orchard, Gerald Paterson, Peter Searle, Nancy Ward, Albert (Ted) West-Watson, Keith

23 Jan 03 Barberel, Grace Blanchard, Finley Cameron, William Crook, Yvonne Drake, Gordon Gibson, Reginald Harbeck, Alison Harding, Roland (Rolz) Le Messurier, Dorothy Lock, Leslie (Les) Mant, Norma Mills, Graham (Millsy) Morriss, Nilla Neilson, Joyce Patrick, George (Roly) Pawsey, Kathleen (Alma) Phillips, Edna (Teddy) Reid, David Sellars, Marjory Smith, Earl Stirling, Robert

24 Jan 03 Anderson, Winifred Cameron, William Crisp, Gordon Crook, Yvonne Fahey, Beatrice (Betty) Foote, Harry Gibson, Reginald Harding, Roland Hooper, Raynor

Le Messurier, Dorothy Leslie, Jenny Lock, Leslie (Les) Mills, Graham (Millsy) Morton, Edward Neilson, Joyce Phillips, Edna (Teddy) Smith, Earl Smith, Kenneth Stirling, Robert Willoughby, Donald

25 Jan 03 Anderson, Logan Arvidson, Kathleen Baillie, William (Dave) Berry, Maurice (Maurie) Buxton, Elsie Cameron, William Cooper, Patricia (Pat) Crisp, Gordon Crook, Yvonne Cullen, Joseph Dennehy, Daniel Fahey, Beatrice (Betty) Field, Orpah Flannery, Nicholas Harding, Roland (Rolz) Hooper, Raynor Kelland, Jean Kingsbury, Vera (Jessie) Leverton, John Penney, John (Jock) Phillips, Edna (Teddy) Smith, Earl Wallis, Mildred Walsh, Cecil

27 Jan 03 Adams, John Burton, Amanda Buxton, Elsie Campbell, Agnes Chapman, Andrew (Ron) Cooper, Patricia (Pat) Crisp, Gordon Croft, Janet (Ruth) Cullen, Joseph Dennehy, Daniel Field, Orpah (Jane) Harris, Frances Hartley, Kenneth Kingsbury, Vera Luscombe, Stanley (Sam) Packer, Mary Palmer, Glenn Pate, Margaret Pickering, George Rodger, Hayden (Roddy) Scott, Leslie Selby, David

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Skeats, Raymond Smith, Earl Wallis, Mildred Ward, Mary (Rene) Wright, Cora (Myrtle) Wright, Gwendoline Yellowlees, Sybil (Ethne)

28 Jan 03 Adams, John Bass, Arthur Burton, Amanda Chapman, Andrew (Ron) Croft, Janet (Ruth) Foster, Elizabeth Greenslade, Jean Greer, Yvonne Herrick, Joseph Jackson, Ailsa Johns, Laurence Kernick, Alan Luscombe, Stanley (Sam) Mauger, Leon (Jim) McIlraith, Harold Nelson, Stewart O'Neill, Frances Palmer, Glenn Pate, Margaret Salisbury, Ethel (Dolly) Saunders, Lynn Scott, Leslie Selby, David Ward, Mary (Rene) Wright, Cora (Myrtle) Wright, Gwendoline Yellowlees, Sybil (Ethne)

29 Jan 03 Adams, John Bisset, Catherine (Kaye) Clifford, Michael Foster, Elizabeth Fricsons, Aldona Grenfell, Alfred (Bert) Herrick, Joseph Jackson, Ailsa Johns, Laurence Kernick, Alan Kilty, Elaine McIlraith, Harold Miller, David O'Neill, Frances Page, Betty Priddy, Frederick (Fred) Ross, Malcolm Salisbury, Ethel (Dolly) Saunders, Lynn Selby, David Smith, Kathleen Tolmie, Alexander Walker, Desmond

30 Jan 03 Armitage, Barbara Baker, Thomas Bisset, Catherine (Kaye) Booco*ck, Ian Brand, Lawrence Briggs, Maurice de Graaf, Jacob (Jack) Finch, Valerie Hatherley, Laurence Kilty, Elaine McEwan, Mary McIlraith, Harold Page, Betty Priddy, Frederick (Fred) Reid, Florence Salisbury, Ethel (Dolly) Sauer, Pamela Saunders, Lynn Selby, David Shuttleworth, Hazel Sleeman, Jean Stanley-Joblin, Dora Suckling, Miriam Tolmie, Alexander Wain, Beverley

31 Jan 03 Adams, John Booco*ck, Ian Briggs, Maurice Butler, William Bysterveld, Pauline Carswell, Alistair de Graaf, Jacob (Jack) Guildford, Ian Hatherley, Laurence Loffhagen, Albert Mehrtens, Constance (Connie) Sleeman, Jean Suckling, Miriam Taefu, Robert II Tapper, Charles Vanstone, Alan Wain, Beverley

1 Feb 03 Baker, Thomas Banfield, Francis (Frank) Beach, Brian Bluck, Bryan Butler, William Copland, Stewart Draper, Thelma France, Thelma Gallagher, Allan Heald, Gordon Holland, William Kennedy, Denis Kerr, David Ledbrook, Phyllis Loffhagen, Albert Matheson, Alexander

Mathieson, Marjorie McCrory, Norma McGuire, Mary (Jan) Mehrtens, Constance Murdoch, Mary Priddy, Frederick Priest, Maude Pryce, Sandra Rawcliffe, Joy Richardson, Margaret Sewell, William Sheat, Julia Sleeman, Jean Stanley-Joblin, Dora Stapleton, Jack Tapper, Charles Tietze, Marie Titmus, Leah Vanstone, Alan Wall, Kathleen Wyllie-Abell, Florence

3 Feb 03 Baker, Thomas Banfield, Francis (Frank) Berry, Clifford Bluck, Bryan Boyd, Jessie Brook, Marjorie Callender, Frank Duncan, Hugh Farquhar, Janet (Jennie) Fraser, Andrew (Lloyd) Gallagher, Allan Glazebrook, Garry Goddard, Winifred Hanlon, Ivy Harwood, Peter Holland, William Hughes, Chester Kiesanowski, Ina Lang, Russell Matheson, Alexander McCrory, Norma McGuire, Mary (Jan) Meates, William Mehrtens, Constance Miller, Ethel Minchington, Margaret Murdoch, Mary O'Kane, Joyce Pierson, Henry Poultney, Colin Pratley, Pearl Priddy, Frederick Reeves, Dixon Rout, Jonathan (Jonty) Samson, Frank Scott, Daryl Sheat, Julia Slack, Blakley (Tim) Sprott, Leslie Stanley, Jean Stewart, Arthur Tapper, Charles Van der Houwen-

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Noorman, Marguerite Wilde, Mary (Peggy) Wyllie-Abell, Florence

4 Feb 03 Ashdowne, Betty Ballantyne, David Berry, Clifford Bluck, Bryan Boyd, Jessie Burnett, Arthur Callender, Frank Coleman, Alan Earnshaw, Noel Egan, Betty Farquhar, Janet (Jennie) Goddard, Winifred Harris, Gwendoline Harwood, Peter Hughes, Chester Kenyon, Lloyd Kiesanowski, Ina Lang, Russell Mattson, Gladys McKenzie, Mary Meates, William Mehrtens, Constance Miller, Ethel Minchington, Margaret Mitt, Asta Pierson, Henry Poultney, Colin Rout, Jonathan(Jonty) Samson, Frank (Rod) Scott, Daryl Te Rure, Koha Te Rure, Rongomai

5 Feb 03 Channings, David Climo, Ivy Cowper, Margaret Davies, Keith Donnelly, Molly Egan, Betty Gardiner, Mark Geoghegan, David Harwood, Peter Hughes, Chester Hunter, Dorothy Kelly, Nellie Keown, Irene Lagrand, Fenna Lang, Russell Laurenson, John Mattson, Gladys McNeill, Michael Meates, William Mitt, Asta Nicholls, Enid (Joy) Pegg, Theresa Penter, David (Dave) Phillips, Rhoda Samson, Frank (Rod) Tate, Andrew Taylor, Dorothy

Waratini, Mitch Watkins, Marion

6 Feb 03 Ashby, William Boleyn, Phyllis Boulton, Daisy Campbell, Eric Channings, David co*cks, John (Ron) Davies, Elizabeth Dempsey, John Donnelly, Molly Elliot _ Olsen, Cameron Galland, Hilda Gardiner, Mark Greenbank, John Harris, William Henderson, Mary Kelly, Nellie Laurenson, John McGrath, Gladys McKeown, Jannette Nicholls, Enid (Joy) Pegg, Theresa Penter, David Smith, Peter Taylor, Dorothy Waiomio, Marie Waratini, Mitch Woodfield, John (Les)

7 Feb 03 Ashby, William Ashdowne, Betty Brophy, Cicely Campbell, Eric Carlton, Derek Channings, Dave co*cks, John (Ron) Dempsey, John Gardiner, Mark Gorman, Margaret Henderson, Mary Kelly, Nellie Mills, Ewen Mountford, Joyce Nicholson, Ralph (Nick) Penter, David Radford, Desmond Roberts, Charles (Digby) Scott, Daryl Taylor, David Tomkies, Paul Wilkinson, James

8 Feb 03 Ashby, Raymond Baines, Noeline Betts, Norah Carlton, Derek Davies, Elizabeth Ford, Raymond Gardiner, Mark

Gorman, Margaret Gracie-Burcher, Antonia Guthrie, Violet (Marjory) Hazeldine, Maisie Hazleton, Betty Henderson, Mary Kiddle, Robert Knowles-Powell, Harmony Knox, Hugh (Johnny) McKeown, Jannette Nathan, Margaret Nicholson, Ralph (Nick) Orme, Caroline Pottinger, Christopher Radford, Desmond Roberts, Charles (Digby) Roberts, Edwin Rowe, Mabel Sales, Henry Stephens, Ernest Taylor, David Tindale, Robert (Bill) Todd, Norman Tomkies, Paul Weare, Geoffrey Weke Tuhimata, Te Uira Woodfield, John (Les) Wright, Brian

10 Feb 03 Ashby, Raymond Earl, Mervyn Foster, Lyndon Guthrie, Violet (Marjory) Handisides, Alan Hawkey, Warren Hayward, Janet (Jessie) Hazleton, Betty Healy, Nancy Kiddle, Robert Lockhart, Patricia May, Judith McDonald, Georgina McDonnell, Fr Richard Meyers, June Morgan, Evelyn Murphy, David Nicholson, Ralph (Nick) Pronk, Arie Roberts, Edwin Rowe, Mabel Southgate, Charlotte (Lottie) Stewart, Norman Urwin, Bruce Wallace, Morgan Wilde, Mary (Peggy) Wilson, Irene (Rene)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


11 Feb 03 Aldridge, Sylvia (Reverend) Betts, Ida (Norah) Binnie, Kathleen Branthwaite, Helen Brown, Noeline (Noel) Browne, Bernard Cathro, William (Bert) Cederman, John (Alan) Chamberlain, Jean Doidge, Lionel Earl, Mervyn Fleming, Flora Hayward, Janet (Jessie) Kiddle, Robert Lockhart, Patricia Meyers, June Miller, Rex Murphy, David Nicholson, Ralph (Nick) Owen, Elizabeth (Liz) Perkins, Rev. Canon John Phillips, Julia (Girl) Pierson, Dorothy Pronk, Arie Radford, Desmond Rogers, Alan (Aug) Rondel, Robert (Bob) Saunders, Frederick (Fred) Scott, Esma Steel, Irving Stewart, Norman Taylor, Percy Urwin, Bruce Wilson, Irene (Rene) Woodco*ck, George Wright, Brian

12 Feb 03 Bellamy, Karen Binnie, Kathleen Bottomer, Olive Branthwaite, Helen Brown, Noeline (Noel) Browne, Bernard Campbell, Mary Carlton, Derek Cartner, Zoe Chamberlain, Jean Collins, William Doidge, Lionel Double, Anne (Ruth) Fleming, Flora Gilmore, Lawrence Harvey, Patricia (Pat) Hewitt, Neville Horgan, Edna Hunua, Maria Johnson, William Miller, Rex Murphy, David

Orchard, John (Jack) Owen, Elizabeth (Liz) Patterson, Jessie Paul, Elsie Perkins, Rev. Canon John Richardson, Albert (Charles) Rogers, Alan (Aug) Rondel, Robert (Bob) Russell, George Saunders, Frederick Scott, Esma Stewart, Pauline Sullivan, Thomas Thomson, Peter Ussher, Percival (Percy) Wright, Brian

13 Feb 03 Ashcroft, Gwendoline (Gwen) Bellamy, Karen Binnie, Kathleen Caird, Alex Chamberlain, Jean Davidge, Bridie Dixon, Lena (Betty) Donne, Kenneth (Peter) Faulkner, Raymond Forrester, Steven Hayes, Michele Holland, Violet (May) Hunua, Maria Johnson, William Milne, John Perkins, Rev. Canon John Rondel, Robert (Bob) Russell, George Seymour, Grace Sullivan, Thomas Ussher, Percival (Percy)

14 Feb 03 Bellamy, Karen Branthwaite, Helen Caird, Alex Chapman, Shirley Davidge, Bridie Dixon, Lena (Betty) Donne, Kenneth (Peter) Falconer, Peter Forrester, Steven Holland, Violet (May) Milne, John Oldfield, Margaret (Peg) Paul, Elsie Seymour, Grace Sim, Walter Stewart, Pauline

15 Feb 2003 Berney, Florence Chapman, Shirley Clune, Charles Cox, Ashleigh Davidge, Bridie Falconer, Peter Hickey, Terence Holland, Violet (May) Horgan, Edna Johnson, Ivy Johnston, Valmai Lambourne, Hirji Mathieson, Marjorie Mawson, Alfred (Hugh) McLaren, Monique Milne, John Murphy, William Oldfield, Margaret (Peg) Palmer, Noni Patterson, Jessie Poharama, Aroha Sim, Walter

17 Feb 03 Aitken, Elizabeth (Ella) Berney, Florence Blackmore, Brian Burgess, Verle Butterworth, Stanley (Stan) Clune, Charles Davidge, Bridie Field, Stanley Gage, Norah (Kath) Gardner, John Hickey, Terence Johnston, Valmai Longworth, Edna Morgan, Margaret Morgan, Valda Palmer Noni Payne, Constance Platt, Thelma Plowright, Ian Poharama, Aroha Silke, Freda Smith, Mark Stevens, Benjamin Templeton, Ruapuke Warren, Walter (Johnny) Williams, Kenneth Withell, Gregory (Greg) Wood, Simon

18 Feb 03 Aitken, Elizabeth (Ella) Burgess, Verle Butterworth, Stanley (Stan) Buzan, Jill Connor, Reginald (Reg)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cooper, Maida Davidge, Bridie Field, Stanley Gage, Norah (Kath) Hazledine, Nora McMillan, Harry Morgan, Margaret Morgan, Valda Oldfield, Margaret Payne, Constance Pitama, Noeleen Platt, Thelma Sawyer, Norma Silke, Freda Smith, Mark Smith, Peter Smith, Violet Ward, Jane Warren, Walter (Johnny) Withell, Gregory (Greg) Wood, Simon

19 Feb 03 Austen, Margaret Buzan, Jill Cooper, Maida Cooper, May de Silva, Royston Grant, Leonard Hazledine, Nora Kirkland-Smith, Jim Krahagen, Esme Marsden, Bert Martin, Grant Morgan, Margaret Pitama, Noeleen Platt, Thelma Scott, Clara Smith, Mark Smith, Violet Thomas, Joan Thomas, Robert (Bob) Ward, Jane Wood, Simon

20 Feb 03 Austen, Margaret Barnett, Albert Bay, Emily Coughlan, Joyce Drury, Abbey Flowers, Shirley Frame, Lynne Gillies, Daniel Hawtin, Edward (Ed) Krahagen, Esme Marquet, Harold Marsden, Bert McClure, Margaret Mitchell, Eleanor Riddell, Faith Rowley, Denise Scott, Clara Stanton, Francis (Harry)

Thomas, Robert (Bob) Tinetti, Alberta Ward, Jane

21 Feb 03 Andersen, Joan Barnett, Albert Batchelor, Evelyn Beaven, Valerie Chapman, Gertrude (Kay) Daglish, John Frame, Lynne Hawtin, Edward (Ed) Hooker, Reginald (Reg) Hume, Samuel Ingerson, Philippa Jensen, Leslie (Les) Lange, Olive Marett, Rewa Marquet, Harold Matthews, David Soutter, Malcolm Stanton, Francis (Harry) Thomas, Robert (Bob) Tinetti, Alberta Ward, Jane

22 Feb 03 Beaven, Valerie Brooks, Adelene (Grace) Browne, John Chapman, Gertrude (Kay) Daglish, John Gee, Nesta (Joyce) Gould, Margaret Hartnett, Gerald Hooker, Reginald (Reg) Jensen, Leslie (Les) Lange, Olive Lulham, Bernie Mackey, Frederick Marett, Rewa Morley, David Oliver, Donald Sargeant, William Simpson, Alice (Molly) Soutter, Malcolm Sutherland, Beryl Taylor, Moira Ward, Jane Watson, Alycen

24 Feb 03 Baker, Clifford Brooks, Adelene (Grace) Buckley, Nova Burrows, Gwendoline Clark, Jeanette Doyle, Vera Foster, Jocelyn (Jo)

Gibson, Catherine (Melva) Gooderidge, Pamela Gould, Margaret Hall, Susan Ham, Allan (John) Harris, William (Hammy) Ingerson, Philippa Jackson, Don Jensen, Les Lochhead, Rose Mackey, Frederick Morley, David O'Connell, Bernard O'Connor, Joseph Pheloung, Eileen Reynolds, Leonie Rowe, Catherine (Raeleen) Ryall, Anne Shelling, Alan Tamihana, William Truman, Keith (Snow) Winter, Mary

25 Feb 03 Bain, Raymond Baker, Clifford Bayliss, Alision Brown, Colin Burrows, Gwendoline Byrne, Ruth Callaway, Sir Frank Dennis, Charmaine Doyle, Vera Gibson, Catherine (Melva) Gray, William (Bill) Hall, Susan Harris, William (Hammy) Hemi, Jana Mackey, Frederick Moore, Gordon Murphy, Irena O'Connell, Bernard Peck, Ronald Powell, Mildred Reynolds, Leonie Rowe, Catherine (Raeleen) Ryall, Anne Saunders, Russell Shelling, Alan Sidnell, Joyce Smith, Ila Truman, Keith (Snow)

26 Feb 03 Bateman, Mary Bayliss, Alision Brugh, R. V.J. Chisnall, Margaret Dollman, Iris Dunlop, Ernest Frazier, Myra

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Godsall, Grace Harris, William (Hammy) Hurle, Marie Laurent, Edward McBeath, Margaret McIntosh, Victor McKean, Walter (Doug) Meeten, June Nell, Nancy Payne, Walter (Norman) Pearce, Muriel Reynolds, Leonie Richmond, Mavis Rowe, Catherine (Raeleen) Saunders, Russell Shaw, Clive Shelling, Alan Sidnell, Joyce Smith, Ila Switalla, Stanley (Stan) Watson, Robina (Rui) Wilson, Olive Wilson, William (Bill)

27 Feb 03 Adams, Linnea Bruce, Eleanor Chisnall, Margaret Conway, Lois Deacon, James Dunlop, Ernest Fenemor, Michaela Frazier, Myra Hoatten, Raymond Humphries, Hilda Jarvis, Amy (Marjorie) Laurent, Edward Lautenbach, Mathys (John) McBeath, Margaret McIntosh, Victor (Vic) McKerrow, Shirley Meeten, June Murdoch, Jean Nicholson, Thelma Payne, Walter (Norman) Pearce, Muriel Robinson, Marion Scott, Graeme Shaw, Clive Shutt, Antony (Tony) Stephens, Mary (Mollie) Switalla, Stanley (Stan) Thomas, Phyllis Watson, Robina (Rui) Wilson, William (Bill)

28 Feb 03 Beck, David

Bruce, Eleanor Bruhn, Neil Croucher, Nola Dunlop, Ernest Fenemor, Michaela Gowans, James (Jim) Hopkins, Rev. Canon Henry Hopkinson, William Lautenbach, Mathys (John) MacKenzie, Dorothy McGarry, Leslie Popham, Douglas Robinson, Marion Rogers, Joan Shutt, Antony (Tony) Thomas, Phyllis Turner, Charles Wild, Gabrielle

1 Mar 03 Adams, Linnea Beck, David Bell, Allan Clark, William (Bill) Fenemor, Michaela Gowans, James (Jim) Harris, Grace Hopkins, Rev. Canon Henry Hodge, Edmund Hopkinson, William Howes, Anne Jenkins, Eric McGarry, Leslie Millichamp, Edward Phillips, Dorothy Pitt, Colleen Popham, Douglas Read, Edna Rogers, Joan Schofield, Clifford (Cliff) Scott, Cecil Symons, Phillip Thomas, Phyllis Thomas, Rachel Turner, Charles Wild, Gabrielle Wilkin, Helen Wilson, Brian

3 Mar 03 Charles, Susan Denovan, Alister Foster, Arthur (Ray) Greenslade, Denny Hall, Rev. Reginald Harris, Grace Henderson, John (Tom) Hodge, Edmund Hopkinson, William Howes, Anne Jenkins, Eric Kfouri-Greaves, Alice

(Micki) Kingi, Hohepa (Joe) McPherson, Margaret Millichamp, Edward O'Donnell, Shirley Pitt, Colleen Prebble, Rita Rogers, Joan Schofield, Clifford (Cliff) Spriggs, William Symons, Phillip (Phil) Taylor, Brett Toa, Retimana Hoani Wilson, Brian

4 Mar 03 Bell, Allan Charles, Sue Denovan, Alister Dwyer, Sister Mary Greenslade, Denny Hall, Rev. Reginald Henderson, Gregory Henry, Allen Hopkinson, William Kerr, John Kfouri-Greaves, Alice (Micki) Liebert, Maurice McPhail, Violet O'Donnell, Shirley Richards, John Symons, Phillip (Phil) Taylor, Bretton Ward, Helen Williams, Murray Wilson, Ysobel

5 Mar 03 Adam, Gerald Bringas, Diana Clinton, Isobel Connelly, Peter Dixon, Joyce Don, Peter Flood, Patrick (Roly) Gardiner, Ian Gilkison, Peter Hall, Rev. Reginald Henry, Allen Hill, Gloria Hopkinson, William (Billy) Kearns, Georgina Liebert, Maurice Lyons, David (Dave) Millar, Olive Porter, John Richards, John Russell, Mark Steans, Shirley Taylor, Brett Waite, Michael Ward, Helen Williams, Murray

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


6 Mar 03 Adam, Gerald Balk, Harold Bringas, Diana Calder, Edith Connelly, Peter Cummins, Rita Dixon, Joyce Flood, Patrick (Roly) Ford, Roland (Yorkie) Herron, James (Hugh) Hopkinson, William (Billy) Kearns, Kevin Kulsen, William (Johnny) Liebert, Maurice Lyons, David (Dave) Porter, John Rowe, Joyce Russell, Mark Stewart, Duncan Walker, Jennifer (Jan) Williams, Murray

7 Mar 03 Balk, Harold Bradshaw, Edith Cummins, Rita Davila, Micelsia Edmonds, Betty fa*gan, Andrew Flood, Patrick (Roland) Gurney, Desmond Herron, James (Hugh) Hodgson, Bethel Jaggar, Sharen Newton, Ida Rowe, Joyce Walker, Jennifer (Jan) Williams, Murray

8 Mar 03 Adair, Kathleen Baigent, Ena Bradshaw, Edith Broadhurst, Irene Bryant, John (Blackie) Claman, Betty Crerar, Alice Dawe, Clifton Dickie, William Dixon, Theodosia (Ivy) Doherty, Nancy (Nan) Dunn, Mary Edmonds, Betty Ellen, Eva fa*gan, Andrew Ford, Roland (Yorkie) Freeth, Kathleen Gibb, Royden (Roydy) Gilroy, Edward Gurney, Desmond Hodgson, Bethel Holmes, Mary Jaggar, Sharen

Kearns, Kevin Kirkwood, Jessie La Hood, Samuel (Sam) Lovell-Smith, Marion Norrie, Jack (Jock) Orbell, William Rutledge, John Scales, Sydney Sewell, Elna Smith, Ruby Toone, Peter Vukcevic, Vladimir Whitaker, William Williams, Major Lawrence Williams, Murray

10 Mar 03 Adair, Kathleen (Pat) Bacon, Dora Berwick, Iris Blake, Hilda Broadhurst, Irene Bryant, John (Blackie) Burt, John Claman, Betty Coffey, Gavin Connolly, Irene Crerar, Alice Crosbie, Thelma Dunn, Mary fa*gan, Andrew Ford, Roland (Yorkie) Gee, Ida Gurney, Desmond Jaggar, Sharen James, William (Bill) Jamieson, Gillian Johnstone, Charles (Jim) Keenan, Adrian Kirkwood, Jessie Linklater, John (Jock) Lovell-Smith, Marion Marshall, Francis (Frank) McCormick, Graeme Norrie, Jack (Jock) O'Hare, Roger Orbell, William Peaco*ck, Joan Power, John Pugh-Williams, Valerie Richards, Edna Seddon, Kathleen Sewell, Elna Tavendale, James (Les) Toone, Peter Vukcevic, Vladimir (Walter) Williams, Major Lawrence Williams, Mary (Olwyn)

11 Mar 03 Bacon, Dora Blackstock, Christian Blair, Douglas Blake, Hilda Coffey, Gavin Cox, Elsie Dell, Captain Roger Garner, Arthur Gresson, Nan Hands, Arnold (Snow) Harris, Floris Hutton, Michele James, William (Bill) Lovell-Smith, Marion Lucas, Alan Mann, Toby Mercer, Mary (Win) Moran, George Moss, Emily Peaco*ck, Joan Percasky, Alan Phipps, Isabella (Isa) Power, John Pugh-Williams, Valerie Richards, Edna Roberts, Barbara (Barby) Scrimgeour, Muriel Stratford, Shirley Studholme, Janet Todd, Joan Waring, Sydney Williams, Mary (Olwyn) Wilson, Patrick

12 Mar 03 Blackstock, Christian Cochrane, Isabella (Isie) Dysart, John (Jack) Edwards, Jeff Gallagher, Leonard Garner, Arthur Gresson, Nan Hands, Arnold (Snow) McCormick, Graeme McGraw, Alice Meadows, Ida Mercer, Joan Molloy, Gavin Moran, George Moss, Emily Murphy, Michael Owen, Ruth Percasky, Alan Phipps, Isabella (Isa) Power, John Roberts, Barbara (Barby) Roxburgh, Jean Scrimgeour, Muriel Smithson, Vivienne van den Bersselaar, Antonius (Tony) Verrall, John

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Villumsen, David Webb, Edith Weir, Robert

13 Mar 03 Bailey, Betty Barratt, Stanley Blacklock, Edgar Blackstock, Christian Brightling, Ena Cations, Leigh (Lex) Chesmar, Jean Christie, Norma Cochrane, Isabella (Isie) Cowie, John (Bob) Craig, Ian Dysart, John (Jack) Gurney, Des Mallon, Lenore Mercer, Joan Murphy, Michael O'Neill, Francis (Frank) Owen, Ruth Palmer, Maurice Power, John Roxburgh, Jean Savage, Winifred Slade, Sylvia Stokes, Mary Swann, Peter Verrall, John Wang, Leh-Ren (Jason) Woodford, Tewhakawahinga (Anna)

14 Mar 03 Bailey, Betty Barratt, Stanley Blacklock, Edgar Cations, Leigh (Lex) Chesmar, Jean Craig, Ian Dysart, John (Jack) Hampshire, Laurie Lamberton, Joan Mallon, Lenore McClea, Lynnley McGowan, Ellen (Eileen) Melhopt, Peter Murphy, Michael O'Neill, Francis Owen, Ruth Palmer, Maurice Power, John Robinson, Thomas (Tom) Savage, Winifred Slade, Sylvia Slattery, Thecla Swann, Peter Symes, Kate Woodford, Tewhakawahinga


15 Mar 03 Aberhart, Yvonne Aldridge, Gwenda Bailey, Betty Bishop, Harry Blacklock, Edgar Boynton, E. R. (Russell) Briggs, Maurice Brightling, Ena Fredric, Graeme Hamilton, Robert Hampshire, Lawrence Jefferson, Dorothy (Johnny) Lamberton, Joan Lawrence, Alfred (Wendell) Mallon, Lenore Neill, Denzil (Spex) O'Rourke, John Paulden, James (Lawrie) Slattery, Thecla Stokes, Mary Symes, Kate van der Starre, Alexis Villumsen, David Vincent, George Walsh, Henry (Pat) Wang, Leh-Ren (Jason) Weir, Robert Wheeler, Henry (Allan)

17 Mar 03 Aldridge, Gwenda Blacklock, Edgar Bodie, Vera Crosby, Isobel Dobbs, Hilda (Joy) Gander, William Gilchrist, Douglas Goodman, James Hamilton, Robert Hunter, George (Geordie) Jefferson, Dorothy (Johnny) Johnston, Eileen King, Noel Mayson, Noel McGill, Hayden O'Rourke, John Priddle, Dorinda (Dorrie) Rau, Peter Selvam, Victor Simons, Margaret Stafford, Betty Streeter, Leonard Watson, Hedley

18 Mar 03 Beggs, Frank

Bell, Ian Bowen, Edna Byrne, Theckla Dewar, David Dobbs, Hilda (Joy) Dwyer, John (Jack) Gilchrist, Douglas Greer, Gary (Gazza) Hart, Albert (Bert) Hoffmann, Elizabeth Holloway, Frank Kow, Chiat Lane, Colleen (Dawn) Mayson, Noel McGill, Hayden Molloy, Gavin Newton, Cecilia Pierson, Ronald Rau, Peter Redwood, Kathleen Selvam, Victor Simons, Margaret Smith, Angel Smith, Te Rua (Mo) Stribling, Margaret (Peggy) Walsh, Henry (Pat) Weir, Patrick

19 Mar 03 Angus, Graham Barwick, John Bell, Ian Bowen, Edna Byrne, Theckla Commons, Tony Cowan, Bernard Dennison, Elizabeth (Beth) Dwyer, John (Jack) Gibson, Ian Goodall, Mary Grant, Ryan Hannington, George Hoffmann, Elizabeth Lane, Colleen (Dawn) Lomey, Harold Luff, Albert (Bert) Mayson, Noel McGill, Hayden Murray, Rose Newton, Cecilia Owens, Francis (Frank) Pierson, Ronald Quinn, Patrick (Pat) Reeves, Joan Selvam, Victor Simons, Margaret Smith, Angel Smith, Te Rua (Mo) Spurr, Eric (Bill) Stribling, Margaret (Peggy) Thomas, Betty Wootton, Gerald

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


20 Mar 03 Angus, Graham Barwick, John Bradley, Derek Coates, Pauline (Peggy) Commons, Tony Cowan, Bernard FitzPatrick, Barry Gibson, Ian Hannington, George Jennison, Rachel Latta, Elvyn Linton, Rosalie Lomey, Harold Muir, William (Bill) Selvam, Victor Small, Phyllis Smith, Angel Thomas, Betty Tipa, John Wootton, Gerald (Gerry)

21 Mar 03 Angus, Graham Black, Nancy Blackett, Eunice Borwick, Anthony (Stan) Cowan, Bernard Dawson, Joy FitzPatrick, Barry Goodall, Mary Hamilton, Neville Linton, Rosalie Muir, William (Bill) Rough, Joyce Tipa, John Traill, William (Ted) van der Erf, Jansje (Jan)

22 Mar 03 Adams, Suzanne Barwick, John Black, Nancy Borwick, Anthony (Stan) Dawson, Joy Dennison, Elizabeth Ewart, Robert Gibson, Ian Goodall, Mary Gray, Manu Hamilton, Neville Jennison, Rachael Kennett, David (Wayne) Messenger, Walter Newman, Edna Pike, Sister Therese Quigley, Bessie Skevington, Frances Spence, Bernard Stewart, Sophie Teague, John

Thomas, James Whitty, Cyril

24 Mar 03 Addison, Edna Aitken/Kenworthy, Matthew Anderson, Hilda Barr, Paul Batchelor, Isobel Black, Nancy Chisholm, Davidina (Ina) Dennison, Elizabeth Doust, Alice Ewart, Robert Gray, Manu Kennett, David (Wayne) Lake, Ngaio Mayer, Monica McDonald, Joyce McKendrey, Roy Moylan, Tony Owens, Leslie (Trixie) Painchaud, Paul Pike, Sister Therese Sara, Kevin Shirley, Gregory Skevington, Frances Tiplady, Doris Whitty, Cyril

25 Mar 03 Aitken/Kenworthy, Matthew Anderson, Hilda Barr, Paul Brady, Alexander Campbell, Toinette Chisholm, Davidina (Ina) Cooksley, Jean Doust, Alice Hope, Marjorie Lake, Ngaio Lalor, Isabella Laws, Alice Leahy, Helen McDaniel, Clinton Moylan, Tony Nairn, Betty Nalder, Raymond Philip, Kirk Rickard, Lucy Robinson, Forbes Shirley, Gregory Tiplady, Doris Williams, Beryl (Trev) Wright, Jonathan

26 Mar 03 Aitken/Kenworthy, Matthew Alexander-Stewart, Sophie Brady, Alexander

Brady, Ray Campbell, Bruce Cater, Leslie Chisholm, Davidina (Ina) Cooksley, Jean Ellis, Gladys Gough, Owen Hider, Dorothy Hogwood, William (Jack) Keen, Ruth Leahy, Helen Mallett, Phyllis Manson, Paul Miller, Gaynor Moylan, Tony Nairn, Betty Painchaud, Paul Price, Iris Quartly, Lillian Whitty, Cyril Williams, Miriama (Bullie)

26 Mar 03 Aitken/Kenworthy, Matthew Alexander-Stewart, Sophie Brady, Alexander Brady, Ray Campbell, Bruce Cater, Leslie Chisholm, Davidina (Ina) Cooksley, Jean Ellis, Gladys Gough, Owen Hider, Dorothy Hogwood, William (Jack) Keen, Ruth Leahy, Helen Mallett, Phyllis Manson, Paul Miller, Gaynor Moylan, Tony Nairn, Betty Painchaud, Paul Price, Iris Quartly, Lillian Whitty, Cyril Williams, Miriama (Bullie)

27 Mar 03 Ainsworth, William (Bill) Airns, Averill Brady, Ray Cater, Leslie Childs, Marguerite Cox, Justin Dempster, Margaret Duffield, Claire Dunford, Noeline Hart, Debbie

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hider, Dorothy Hines, Valerie (Val) Hogwood, William (Jack) Lyell, George Mallett, Phyllis Manson, Paul McRobie, Robert (Bob) Miller, Gaynor Price, Iris (Sue) Purchas, Harold Quartly, Lillian Snelder, Antonius (Ton) Spiers, Allan Williams, Miriama

28 Mar 03 Ainsworth, William (Bill) Airns, Averill Britnell, Simon Brown, Vincent Childs, Marguerite Costello, William (Bill) Cox, Justin Duffield, Claire Dunford, Noeline Groome, Michael Hines, Valerie (Val) Hogwood, William (Jack) Holmes, Brian Miller, Mary Paul, Leslie Peters, Alma Price, Iris Rayner, Anne Snelder, Antonius (Ton) Tomlinson, Robert (Bob) Witty, Rev. Canon Peter

29 Mar 03 Barnett, Douglas (Barney) Barwell, George Bell, Ernest Bennetts, Katherine Brennan, Francis Britnell, Simon Brown, Vincent Budd, William Carr, Edwin Costello, William (Bill) Cox, Justin de Lambert, Mavis Evans, William Gough, Owen Gray, Anthony Groome, Michael Hall, John Henderson-Dougherty, Natalie Henderson-Newport, Mavis

Hill, Leslie (Les) Hull, Mavis Jennings, Alfred Lyell, George Lynds, Jennifer McLeod, Estella McRobie, Robert (Bob) Miller, Edna (Dawn) Miller, Mary Paul, Leslie Perrin, Bernice Purcell, Harold Purchas, Harold Snelder, Antonius (Ton) Tabley, Una Witty, Rev. Canon Peter

31 Mar 03 Bascik, Richard Brennan, Francis (Joe) Campbell, Colin Carr, Edwin Cox, Justin Dench, Tony Douglas, John (Jack) Edmonds, Anne Evans, William Ferguson, Ruth French, Thomas Gilligan, Kerry Gough, Owen Gray, Anthony Grey, Victor (Vic) Grierson, Catherine Hill, Leslie Jennings, Alfred Langford, Ella Lynds, Jennifer Mallinson, Margarette Maxwell, Kathleen (Kitty) Mayer, Mary (Molly) McNeill, Cyril (Ivan) Miller, Edna (Dawn) Parker, Robert Purchas, Harold Roberts, Mary (Pearl) Scanlan, Betty Swan, Judith Tabley, Una

1 Apr 03 Bascik, Richard Campbell, Colin Carr, Edwin Carr, Olive Cave, Ethna Clark, Alexander (Alex) Craighead, Ruth Crump, Joyce Dench, Tony Elliot, Ruth Ferguson, Ruth French, Thomas

Gilligan, Kerry Harry, Kathlynn Henderson-Dougherty, Natalie Howley, Philip Kilroy-Haughey, Lynne (Lenore) Lane, Jeffery Maher, Monica May, Thomas McGowan, Clifford Pardoe, Nathan Parker, Robert Roberts, Mary (Pearl) Scanlan, Betty Scott, William Sears, John Slack, Betty Sykes, June Vlahovich, Zeph Walker, Trevor Wilson, Sylvia

2 Apr 03 Bennison, Elizabeth Brown, Albert (Jock) Clark, Alexander (Alex) Crump, Joyce Dench, Tony Ferguson, Ruth French, Thomas Gill, Sister Mary Eugenia Gilligan, Kerry Haring, Reverend Father Gerard Harry, Kathlynn Howley, Philip Macdonald, Bette May, Thomas McGowan, Clifford McGuigan, Sandra (Sandy) Metcalfe, Norah Morland, Jean Patterson, Sarah (La) Peters, Alma Pownceby, Ronald Procter, John (Jack) Roger, Joseph (Joe) Scanlan, Betty Sykes, June Walker, Trevor Wheeler, Myra Whitcombe, Anthony Wilson, Sylvia

3 Apr 03 Beker, Maxwell (Max) Brown, Albert (Jock) Carr, Olive Clark, Alexander (Alex) Dewhirst, Dorothy Dunn, David

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Ealam, Kevin Gaffaney, Christopher (Chris) Gemmill, Evelyn Guild, Ruth Hamblin, Eric Howley, Philip Kelly, Felix (Phil) Langford, Ella Laurenson, Kenneth Mangan, Grace Martin, Kerry May, Thomas McCosh, James McGuigan, Sandra (Sandy) Moran, Claire Morland, Jean Nicholson, Vi Rogers, Joseph (Joe) Scadden, Joan Simpson, Oliver Stein, Antonious (Tom) Stratton, Edith (Mary) Tullett, Eunice Weerakoon, Don Wheeler, Myra Wilson, Rona Wright, Geoffrey

3 Apr 03 Beker, Maxwell (Max) Brown, Albert (Jock) Carr, Olive Clark, Alexander (Alex) Dewhirst, Dorothy Dunn, David Ealam, Kevin Gaffaney, Christopher (Chris) Gemmill, Evelyn Guild, Ruth Hamblin, Eric Howley, Philip Kelly, Felix (Phil) Langford, Ella Laurenson, Kenneth Mangan, Grace Martin, Kerry May, Thomas McCosh, James McGuigan, Sandra (Sandy) Moran, Claire Morland, Jean Nicholson, Vi Rogers, Joseph (Joe) Scadden, Joan Simpson, Oliver Stein, Antonious (Tom) Stratton, Edith (Mary) Tullett, Eunice Weerakoon, Don Wheeler, Myra

Wilson, Rona Wright, Geoffrey

4 Apr 03 Algie, Gordon Beker, Maxwell (Max) Carr, Olive Dewhirst, Dorothy Ealam, Kevin Frew, Edna (Mavis) Gaffaney, Christopher (Chris) Gemmill, Evelyn Gill, Sister Mary Eugenia Guild, Ruth Hardwick, Pat Hargreaves, John (Jack) Kelly, Felix (Phil) Mabey, Margaret Mangan, Grace McGuigan, Sandra (Sandy) Moran, Claire Patterson, Sarah (Lallie) Stewart, Charles (Doug) Taylor, Annie Tullett, Eunice Voller, Lois Weerakoon, Don Wright, Geoffrey Wylde, Frank (Norman)

5 April 03 Allison, Keith Barnes, Godfrey Beker, Maxwell (Max) Cameron-Smith, Patricia Cullimore, William Dunn, Norton Dunn, Stanley Reverend Edgeler, Margaret Evans, Robert Frew, Edna (Mavis) Gaffaney, Christopher (Chris) Goodall, Mabel (May) Gow, Patricia Hardwick, Pat Hargreaves, John (Jack) Hayward, Ida Hudson, Joy Lake, Mervyn Mabey, Margaret Morgan, Joyce Nelson, Lorraine O'Grady, Michael Pana, George Phillips, Eileen (Mary) Ratahi, James (Jim)

Shanks, Gladys Stewart, Charles (Doug) Tansley, Charles Weerakoon, Don Wylde, Frank (Norman)

7 Apr 03 Allan, Olive Archbold, Brent Austad, Margaret Beker, Maxwell (Max) Blackett, Doris (Bett) Carline, John Cederman, Geraldine (Gero) Church, Barry Clark, John Collett, Marilyn Cowper, Richard Evans, Robert Gallienne, Angela Gow, Patricia Gray, Betty Hill, Dawn Hulme, Frank Kilgour, Olive Mortlock, Ronald Nelson, Lorraine O'Grady, Michael Phillips, Eileen (Mary) Ramsden, Dr Irihapeti Ratahi, James (Jim) Smith, Margaret Sorensen, Arland Vincent, Lilian Warnock, Annie White, Doreen Yandle, Phyllis

8 Apr 03 Andrews, Samuel Archbold, Brent Austad, Margaret Barnes, Godfrey Bayne, Beatrice (Beat) Bell, Maida Blackett, Doris Bourke, Kathleen (Kathy) Carline, John Church, Barry Clark, John Collett, Marilyn Cowper, Richard Evans, Mark Evans, Robert Gallienne, Angela Hastings, Patricia Hewitson, Moulton (Tony) Hill, Helen Hulme, Frank Johns, Kathleen (Kathy) Landery, Gladys

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McGrath, Michelle McKenzie, Katherine Miskimmin, Jack Mortlock, Ronald (Ron) Nelson, Lorraine Phillips, Mary Pyne, Una Radford, Alice Ramsden, Dr Irihapeti Ratahi, James (Jim) Robson, James (Greg) Smith, Gertrude Smith, Hugo Smith, Margaret Stringer, Richard (Dick) Yandle, Phyllis

9 Apr 03 Archbold, Brent Bayne, Beatrice (Beat) Bell, Maida Beswick, Noel Blackett, Doris Blackford, Maureen Brand, Margaret (Jean) Casey, Amelia (Milly) Cederman, Geraldine (Gero) Chambers, Charles Chapman, Russell Clark, John Evans, Mark Gallienne, Angela Hastings, Patricia Hill, Helen Landery, Gladys Larter, John Mackechnie, Ian Majendie, Trevor Miskimmin, Jack Nelson, Lorraine Pana, George Porter, Susan Pyne, Una Ramsden, Irihapeti Ratahi, James Sanson, Trevor Sorensen, Arland Stringer, Richard (Dick) Turnbull, Grenville Vincent, Lilian Wall, Thomas (Kevin)

10 Apr 03 Archbold, Brent Bates, Norah Beswick, Noel Blackford, Maureen Brand, Margaret (Jean) Campion, Joseph Casey, Amelia (Milly) Chambers, Charles

Evans, Mark Feltham, Wilhelmina (Win) Grimmond, Nicola Littler, Ralph McDonald, Mabel Mintey, Ellen Miskimmin, Jack Murdoch, Lilian Park, Geoffrey Parsloe, Beatrice Porter, Susan Robson, James (Greg) Rymer, John Sorensen, Arland Wall, Thomas (Kevin)

11 Apr 03 Anderson, Mildred Austad, Margaret Campion, Joseph Collins, Donna Evans, Mark Feltham, Wilhelmina (Win) Harris, Stanley (Stan) Larter, John Lauder, Charles (Stewart) Mackechnie, Ian McNiell, Margaret (Greta) Murdoch, Lilian Overton, Alan Pana, George Park, Geoffrey (Geoff) Quinn, Patrick Sinco*ck, Frederick (Fred) Sorensen, Arland Strongman, Barry Wallis, Shirley

12 Apr 03 Abernethy, Dairne Anderson, Mildred Angell, Frederick Bates, Norah Bennett, Kimberly Beswick, Noel Chapman, Margaret (Mavis) Collins, Donna Dawson, Cuthbert Dean, Manson (Rob) Dinnington, Alice (Nancy) Feltham, Wilhelmina

(Win) Greenfield, Marilyn Grimmond, Nicola Harris, Stanley (Stan) Henderson, Grace Kenyon, Joan Larter, John Machirus, Herbert

(Jim) Maciaszek, Waltraut Mayo, Bronwyn McGarvey, Eileen (Eily) Mintey, Ellen Morris, Agnes Murray, Linda Overton, Alan Park, Geoffrey Paull, Brooke Pottinger, June Richardson, Joan Sanson, Trevor Sinco*ck, Frederick (Fred) Taylor, Mavis Thurlow, Maurice Turner, Joan Wallis, Shirley

14 Apr 03 Bellamy, Ewan Campbell, Elizabeth (Betty) Chapman, Margaret (Mavis) Davis, Norman (Norm) Dean, Manson (Rob) Dinnington, Alice (Nancy) Eddington, Martha Eklund-Rees, Desiree (Dee) Fraser, Travis (Sandy) Greenfield, Marilyn Haggitt, John Hynes, John (Jack) Jellie, James (Stui) Lambourne, Frances Lardner, Irene Machirus, Herbert (Jim) Maciaszek, Waltraut MacLeod, Duglas (Dug) Marquet, Marcel Martin, Rhona (Dawn) McClimont, Thomas (Tom) McKenzie, Monica Messent, Francis (Darky) Moran, Max Nelson, Hannah Overton, Alan Rogers, John Stapels, Nicolaas (Nico) Swadel, Robert (Bob) Taylor, Mavis Wisbey, Catherine (Kit) 15 Apr 03 Allen, John Bellamy, Ewan Cooper, Victor (Vic)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Curtis, Eileen Davis, Norman (Norm) Fisher, Dayle Galbraith, James (Doug) Graham, Margaret Greenfield, Marilyn Guinan, Christopher Herbert, John Hooper, Thomas Howie, Stanley (Stan) Kennedy, Albert (Bert) MacLeod, Duglas (Dug) Marquet, Marcel Moran, Max Nelson, Hannah Rika, Mason Rogers, John Simpson, Reg and Gloria Stapels, Nicolaas (Nico) Thomas, Myrtle Varcoe, James (Jim) Wisbey, Catherine (Kit)

16 Apr 03 Aldridge, Elizabeth (Betty) Allen, John Campbell, Bruce Cooper, Victor (Vic) Eddington, Martha Eklund-Rees, Desiree (Dee) Fisher, Dayle Hazeldine, Peter Hooper, Thomas Kerr, Robert King-Turner, Irwyn Kirby, Marie Lardner, Irene Larter, John Lister, Monobel MacLeod, Duglas (Dug) McGowan, Glen Messent, Francis (Darky) Morton-Todd, Gary Moynagh, Shaun Sceats, Warren Scott, Raymond (Ray Scotty) Simpson, Reg and Gloria Webster, Isabella

17 Apr 03 Aldridge, Elizabeth (Betty) Browne, Catherine Cartwright, Elizabeth (Cis) Clarke, Douglas

Cooper, Ivy Fisher, Dayle Garnett, Roy Hall, Leslie Hawker, Dorothy Hazeldine, Peter Kokaua, Roinga (Roy) Krippner, John Lee, Monalisa McKenzie, James Melbourne, Frances (Fran) Morton-Todd, Gary Newsome, Sidney Nicholl, James Rigby, Nettie (Mona) Simpson, Reg and Gloria Tod, John Webster, Isabella Whittaker, Desmond Young, June

19 Apr 03 Bartrum, Pamela Blair, Aileen Campbell, Marjory Chappell, Neil Clarke, Douglas co*cks, Edmund (Ted) Cooper, Ivy Dawson, Mary Doggett, Norma Eklund, Desiree Fahey, Patrick Fallows, Eleanor (Ella) Findlater, Mary Garnett, Roy Gillies, William (Bill) Hall, Leslie Halliday, Leanne Harrington, Francis (Frank) Hassall, Rita Hawker, Dorothy Hole, Peter Joines, Mary Kirby, Marie Krippner, John Laing, Regwill Lawrence, Violet Lookamp, Lambertus Mathieson, William (Bill) Maxwell, Mary (Sr Marian RSM) McGowan, Glen McKenzie, James Melbourne, Frances (Fran) Moir, Ian Morton-Todd, Gary Paassens, Cornelius (Cor) Roberts, Ngaire Stevens, Myra Thomas, Zona

Tod, John Turnbull, Grenville (Gren) Young, June

21 Apr 03 Andrell, Jared Chappell, Neil Fahey, Patrick Fallows, Eleanor (Ella) Fell, Charlotte (Lottie) Garnett, Roy Giltrap, Ernest Gow, Isabel Harrington, Francis (Frank) Haslett, Su Hewlett, Donna Hoddinott, James (Jim) Humm, Alice Joines, Mary Laing, Regwill (Reg) Lawrence, Vi Lookamp, Bets Mathieson, William (Bill) McGowan, Glen Meyer, Maurice Moir, Ian Munro, Ruth Nash, John Ralph, Doris Roberts, Ngaire Still, Helen (Nell) Symes, Alistair Thomas, Zona Tily, James (Jim) Turner, Charles (Vince) Waldron, Charles (Toby) Wiseman, Scott Young, June Zampese, Marjory

22 Apr 03 Andrell, Jared Badland, Eileen (Pearl) Beardsley, George Berry, Rona (Nonie) Browning, Robert (Bob) Bullen, Shane Burrows, Evelyn Chisholm, Isobel Clarkson, Stanley (Stan) co*cks, Edmund (Ted) Halkett, Rebecca Halliday, Leanne Haslett, Su Hassall, Rita Hewlett, Donna Hoddinott, James (Jim)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Kennish, Albert Kirby, Marie Laing, Regwill Lawrence, Violet Mackenzie, Leola (Lee) Maxwell, Mary (Sr Marian RSM) McKay, Olive Moir, Ian Moorhead, Walter (Mac) Munro, Ruth Newton, Eva Paassens, Cornelius (Cor) Power, Evelyn Price, Winifred (Win) Ralph, Doris Roberts, Ngaire Selfe, Bruce Shaw, Elizabeth Small, Peter Stewart, Raymon (Chick) Symes, Alistair Tily, James (Jim) Turner, Charles (Vince) van Wijk, Petrus (Piet) (Peter) Waldron, Charles (Toby) Wiseman, Scott

23 Apr 03 Abery, David Berry, Rona (Nonie) Blackwell, Maurice Brown, Catherine Brown, Leonard (Len) Browning, Robert (Bob) Bunting, Colin Burns, Nola Clarkson, Stanley (Stan) Gow, Isabel Halkett, Rebecca Humm, Margaret Hutana, Edward Inch, Colin Johansen, Karl Kennish, Albert Keven, Kathleen Kirby, Marie Laing, Regwill (Reg) Legg, Albert (Bert) Litchfield, Russell Lockington, Mary (Sr M. Lucia) Marshall, Ian Mathieson, William McKay, Olive Meyer, Maurice Moorhead, Walter (Mac)

Munro, Ruth Newton, Eva Power, Evelyn Roberts, Ngaire Selfe, Bruce Shaw, Elizabeth Simmons, Andrew Small, Peter Stewart, Raymon (Chick) Still, Helen (Nell) Stokes, June Symes, Alistair Tainui, George Thomas, Zona Thompson, Gwendoline Toms, Diane (Di) Trussell, John (Jack) Turner, Charles (Vince) van Wijk, Petrus (Piet) (Peter) Wilson, Richard Wiseman, Scott Zampese, Marjory

24 Apr 03 Abery, David Andrews, Anne Bainbridge, Maxine Brown, Leonard (Len) Bunting, Colin Burns, Nola (Von) Cotton, John Ferriss, Joan Hitchco*ck, Placid Hutana, Edward Laing, Regwill Leary, Michael Lockington, Mary (Sr M. Lucia) Marshall, Ian McAuliffe, Margaret McEntee, Peter McGowan, Duncan Reeve, Heron Ricketts, Arthur (Jack) Smith, Kevin (Muff) Stokes, June Thompson, Gwendoline Toms, Diane (Di) Tooala, Tuliese (John) Wates, Bernice Welsh, Marion (Joan)

25 Apr 03 Ableson, Gordon (Curly) Andrews, Anne Beardsley, George Boyd, Susan (Sue) Chandler, Henry (Harry) Coates, Raymond Condon, William

Durning, William Eagle, Stella Hitchco*ck, Placid (Angela) Jones, George Leary, Michael Maguire, David McAuliffe, Margaret McEntee, Peter McGowan, Duncan Nicolson. Nancy Oliver, Morris Phillips, Crystal Stokes, June Tumaru, Pat Weatherall, Margaret

26 Apr 03 Abernethy, Edith (Bunny) Abery, David Anderson, Shirley Andrews, Anne Barnes, Ernie Boyd, Susan (Sue) Chandler Henry (Harry) Coates, Raymond Condon, William Eagle, Stella Ford, Richard Gillman, Rex Harper, Violet (Julia) Hill, Rebecca Hoedmakers, Leonardus Laing, Regwill Leary, Michael Low, Gordon Marshall, Ian McEntee, Peter Morgan, Leonard (Taff) Nash, Paul Nicolson. Nancy Oliver, Morris Patterson, David (Ivan) Paulden, Jessie Phillips, Crystal Stokes, June Thornton, Alexandra Tindall, Hilda Todd, Kenneth Tooala, Tuliese (John) Tracy, Diane Tumaru, Pat Wates, Bernice

28 Apr 03 Abrams, Jessie Banks, Jean Burn, Maggie (Peggy) Byrne, Clifford Coatsworth, Margaret Corrin, Allen Currie, Martin

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Denton, Lewis Diehl, Frances (Molly) Eagle, Stella Ellis, Rata Fairgray, Clara Findlay, Ian Glue, Janice Goulding, William (Trevor) Guy, Elizabeth (Jimmy) Hampton, Clifford Hedwig, Beverley Hewitt, Norma Hill, Rebecca Jolley, Arthur (Maurice) Knight, Noelene Lancaster, Frederick Leary, Michael McLellan, Margaret Nash, Paul Nolan, Kevin O'Malley, Mary (Molly) Papps, Clare Paulden, Jessie Phillips, Crystal Sargeant, Almond Stephenson, Margaret Taylor, Christine Taylor, Rae Tindall, Hilda Vautier, Graeme Westerskov, Kaj Wheeler, Ralph Whitley, Ronald Williams, Stella Wood, Dorothy Woods, Diane

29 Apr 03 Abrams, Jessie Anderson, Agnes Anderson, Thelma Bastin, Phyllis Brown, Alfred (Alf) Burn, Maggie (Peggy) Campbell, Elizabeth (Betty) Denton, Lewis Diehl, Frances (Molly) Douglas, Andrew Dugan, Dolly Ellis, Rata Fairgray, Clara Frith, Phyllis Garner, Myrtle Gilbert, Lilian Glue, Desmond Guy, Elizabeth (Jimmy) Hampton, Clifford Jackson, Gerald (Sandy) Jackson, Leslie (Les) Keen, Basil Knight, Noelene

Lancaster, Frederick Morgan, Leonard (Taff) Nolan, Kevin O'Malley, Mary (Molly) Palmer, Joan Potbury, Alfred Richards, Albert (Bill) Rickerby, Alister Sargeant, Almond Sheehy, Emily Smallridge, John Stephenson, Margaret Stevens, Ivy Taylor, Rae Vaughan, Bertha Verkaik, Mathys Watson, David Whitley, Ronald

30 Apr 03 Anderson, Agnes Anderson, Thelma Beauchamp, Joy Bellamy, Ewan Brewer, Beryl Brown, Alma Brown, Alfred (Alf) Cassidy, Arthur Cessford, Owen Churches, Malcolm Churton, Cyril Dugan, Dolly Duncan, J Stuart Glue, Desmond Guy, Elizabeth (Jimmy) Hanton, Catherine (Cathy) Harrison, Minnie Hunt, Alan Jackson, Leslie (Les) James, Philliss Killick, Mervyn Lees, Alexander Lill, Bruce Nicholson, David Plummer, Caroline Potbury, Alfred Richards, Albert (Bill) Rickerby, Alister Rule, Doris Sanderson, Ina Stevens, Ivy Stoddart, Anne Taylor, Rae Thorburn, Noel Vaughan, Bertha Venrooy, Henk Verkaik, Mathys Watson, David Wedderspoon, Mary Wheeler, Ralph Whiteside, Valda Whitley, Ronald

1 May 03

Anderson, Archie Beauchamp, Joy Cassidy, Arthur Churches, Malcolm Churton, Cyril Compton, Herbert (Allan) Dugan, Dolly Forsythe, Bruce Guy, Elizabeth (Jimmy) Hanton, Catherine (Cathy) Hunt, Alan James, Philliss Killick, Mervyn Rodden, Mary Scott, Florence Shanks, John Smart, Gwendolene Venrooy, Henk Watson, David

2 May 03 Beauchamp, Joy Brown, Alma Campbell, Inez Cassidy, Arthur Churchill, Lucy Compton, Herbert (Allan) Cooke, Graham Fitzgibbon, Matthew Fuller, Gwendoline King, Shirley Maitland, May McIntyre, David Mountfort, Christopher Small, Bev Taylor, Rae Turner, Brian Watson, Colin Watt, Donald Wood, Helen Woodhouse, Leslie (Tubby)

3 May 03 Boucher, Adelaide Braddick, Ronald Browne, Ruth Buckland, Nancy Campbell, Daniel (Danny) Campbell, Inez Churchill, Lucy Clifton-Mogg, Sybil Cooke, Graham Cooper, Jack Fitzgibbon, Matthew Freeman, Marion Fuller, Gwendoline Guiney, Catherine Gutschlag, Douglas Jack, Dorne Jones, Tuta (Ben) Krivan, Arthur Lapthorne, Ivan

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Learmont, Tom MacAvoy, Nancy McIntyre, David McLeod, Mary (May) Mountfort, Christopher Ryan, Matthew (Matt) Small, Bev Smart, Gwendolene Spencer, Jean Turner, Brian Vincent, Charles Wakefield, Muriel Whyte, Mavis Woodhouse, Leslie (Tubby)

5 May 03 Abernethy, Phyllis Barnett, Marion Bennett, Coral Blair, Iris Browne, Ruth Buckland, Nancy Campbell, Daniel (Danny) Cliff, Fae Clifton-Mogg, Sybil Cooper, Jack Dawson, Margaret (Janey) Durie, Alan Fuller, Gwendoline Gutschlag, Douglas Herron, Margaret Hitchco*ck, Margaret Jack, Dorne Jones, Muriel Jowers, John (Jack) Lennie, John (Grant) Manktelow, Bryan (Bill) McLeod, Mary (May) Meehan, William (Bill) Minchin, William (Bill) Mitchell, Edna Murphy, Kevin Murray, Margaret O'Connor, Margaret Palmer, Robert Paterson, Ian Rowe, William (Bill) Spencer, Jean Vaux, John Vincent, Charles Wakefield, Muriel Wastney, Gary Wheeler, Ralph Whyte, Mavis Young, David (Frank)

6 May 03 Abernethy, Phyllis Barnett, Marion Cain, Mary Campbell, Daniel (Danny) Cliff, Fae

Dawson, Margaret (Janey) Durie, Alan Forrester, Florence (Patsy) Goodwin, Bruce Gutschlag, Douglas Hawker, Rodney Hitchco*ck, Margaret Johnson, Violet Jones, Muriel Jowers, John (Jack) Kelly, Kevin McIntyre, David (Bruce) Meehan, William (Bill) Minchin, William (Bill) Miskell, Percy Mitchell, Edna (Molly) Murphy, Kevin Murray, Margaret O'Connor, Phyllis Palmer, Robert Roseingrave, John Shaw, May Shirley, Victor Spencer, Jean Stillwell, Victoria (Margaret) Wheeler, Ralph Wisnesky, Thomas Young, David (Frank)

7 May 03 Braddick, Frances Dalziel, Edith Dunn, Jane Durie, Alan Ferraby, Robin Goodwin, Bruce Hawker, Rodney Jenkins, Leo (Frank) Johnson, Violet Jones, Muriel Kelly, Kevin Law, Siena Lomas, Harry (Ron) Mason, Patricia McDonald, Margaret (Midge) McIntyre, David (Bruce) Mitchell, Edna (Molly) Murphy, Kevin O'Connor, Margaret Richards, Kevin Rowe, William (Bill) Shirley, Victor Soanes, Raymond Stillwell, Victoria (Margaret) Vaux, John Wheeler, Ralph

8 May 03 Archer, Denis (Sprog) Baty, Edith

Cain, Mary Clinch, Victor Fairweather, Orma Goode, Jade Hawker, Rodney Herbert, Letty Innes, Richard Lyster, Colin McDonald, Margaret (Midge) McIntyre, David (Bruce) Patchett, Sally Seddon, Richard Shields, Michael (Mike) Soanes, Raymond Storer, Ida Thomas, Victor Tyro, Edward (Ted) Whyte, Constance

9 May 03 Archer, Denis (Sprog) Bellamy, Ewan Bonniface, Dorothy (Dot) Boyd, Keith (Doug) Brett, Jennifer Fyfe, Ian Harema, John Hawker, Rodney Herbert, Letty Hinsley, Ruby Jamieson, Marion Martin, Veronica (Vonnie) Robb, Gerald Shields, Michael (Mike) Skinner, Madeline Storer, Ida Thomas, Victor Whyte, Constance

10 May 03 Ayers, George Bellamy, Ewan Bergh, Haakon (Bill) Bonniface, Dorothy (Dot) Capstick, Ruth Christensen, Alan cl*theroe, Doris Cox, Coleen Fyfe, Ian Gane, Grace Hamilton, Ethel Harema, John Jamieson, Marion Kain, Beverley Kyne, Tom Law, Siena Lee, Daphne Maling, Audrey Martin, Veronica (Vonnie)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Mason, Dudley Murch, Cyril Oakley, Pauline Orchard, Geoffrey Dr Pheloung, Maureen Puentener, Winifred (Margo) Rendel, James (Jim) Shirley, Ian (Chum) Skinner, Madeline Soper, Bernard (Bernie) Taylor, Alma Timms, Bernard Watkins, William Watson, Ethel Whear, Samuel Wilkes, George Williams, Lily Young, Peter (Yen Leung)

12 May 03 Ayers, George Bergh, Haakon (Bill) Blampied, Elizabeth Bond, Cliff Buckett, Margaret (Meg) Butler, Josephine cl*theroe, Doris Coleman, Rev. Fr Edward Conn, Trudy Cox, Coleen Dillon, Julia Eastgate, Ronald Gall, Bernice Gane, Grace Hamlin, Anthony Harema, John Holdaway, Harold Klitscher, Bernard Kyne, Tom Lee, Daphne Marsh, Cynthia Mason, Dudley McBrearty, Terence McLaren, Gordon Metcalfe, Harold Moesbergen, Edna Oakley, Pauline Orchard, Geoffrey Dr Puentener, Winifred (Margo) Rendel, James (Jim) Roper, Maitland Scobie, Mavis Shirley, Ian Shutt, Patricia Skurr, Isobel Soper, Bernard Stove, Lawrence Timms, Bernard Wilkes, George Woodhams, Nancy Yeatman, Albert (Jack)

13 May 03 Amos, Lance Barnden, Elsie Baylis, Nancy Blows, David Buckett, Margaret (Meg) Butler, Josephine Coleman, Rev. Fr Edward Conn, Trudy Crawford, Alice Emmerson, Margaret Gall, Bernice Galletly, Patricia Hamlin, Anthony (Ants) Hill, Elaine (Pam) Jones, Colin (Alister) Joyce, Norma Kennard, Irene (Renie) Kent-Johnston, Loma Kerridge, Ella Lay, Stanley Loffhagen, Margaret Macdonald, Charles Marsh, Cynthia McKegney, Margaret McLaren, Gordon McVicar, Gwendolyn (Gwen) Metcalfe, Harold (Harry) Moesbergen, Edna Murch, Cyril O'Connor, Karma Orchard, Geoffrey Dr Osborne, Janice (Jan) Pheloung, Maureen Puentener, Winifred (Margo) Reay, Geoffrey Rendel, James Robinson, Millicient Roper, Maitland Skurr, Isobel Statham, Eric Stone, John Stove, Lawrence (Laurie) Watson, David Yeatman, Albert (Jack)

14 May 03 Barnden, Elsie Barrow, Kathleen (Kath) Baylis, Nancy Blampied, Elizabeth Blows, David Brocklebank, Leslie Buckett, Margaret (Meg) Chui, Jarvis Crawford, Alice Emmerson, Margaret Galletly, Patricia

Hill, Elaine (Pam) Jones, Colin (Alister) Lamb, Joyce Loffhagen, Margaret Macdonald, Charles McKenzie, Neil McLaren, Gordon McVicar, Gwendolyn (Gwen) Middleton, Clarence (Clarrie) O'Connor, Karma Orchard, Geoffrey Dr Riddell, Alister Robinson, Millicient Skurr, Isobel Statham, Eric Tuffery, Catherine Vicar, Rostislav Williams, Cecelia (Jean) Winter, Kenneth

15 May 03 Brockelbank, Kelvin Brockelbank, Leslie Cross, Norman (Norm) Cross, Patricia de Thier, Elizabeth Edwards, Hazel Faulkner, Frank Forbes, June Ford, Allister Galletly, Patricia Hill, Elaine (Pam) Hix, Timothy (Tim) Lamb, Joyce Loffhagen, Margaret (Ann) Middleton, Clarence (Clarrie) Newton, Kezia (Chrissie) Smith, Jenny Sutherland, Evelyn Taege, Albert Tuffery, Catherine Vicar, Rostislav Watson, Alexander Williams, Jean Winter, Kenneth (Ken)

16 May 03 Bower, Pamela Cross, Norman (Norm) Cross, Patricia de Thier, Elizabeth Edwards, Hazel Flynn, James Ford, Allister Hix, Timothy (Tim) Jamieson, Neil Laffey, Samuel Lamb, Joyce Lucas, Richard Manning, Langley Newton, Kezia

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Chrissie) Parsons, Lois Sail, Betty Sawers, James Sharplin, Barbara Thomas, Kenneth Vicar, Rostislav Winter, Kenneth

17 May 03 Bennett, Kenneth Brockelbank, Kelvin Curry, Alistair Davis, Norman (Norm) Fellows, Geraldine (Joey) Fifield, Victor Fort, Netherton (Pat) Goodwin, Maud (Betty) Henderson, Clive Hewat, Denis (Dr) Jamieson, Neil Laffey, Samuel Lee, Doreen (Joan) Logan, Helen Manning, Langley Owen, Irene Parsons, Lois Penn, Marjorie Sail, Betty Slaney, Irene Smith, John Sutherland, Evelyn Wallis, Annie Watson, Alexander

19 May 03 Bruhn, Neil Burnside, Robert (John, J. B.) Cameron, Christopher Carter, Scott Clark, Alice Cleverley, Charles Cobden-Cox, Denise Crawford, Nell (Helen) Curry, Alistair Donaldson, Marguerite Field, Captain Robert Freeman, Lydia (Maud) Gardyne, Eileen Harwood, Lillian Hatherley, Nola Henderson, Ben Kane, Rachel McKay, Jillian (Jill) McKendry, John (Jack) Mita, Whare Mitchener, Alice Moore, Annie Moore, Raymond (Ray) Odams, Anthea (Ann) Pope, Irline

Reid, John Saggers, Wayne Sail, Betty Shepheard, Andrew Shustak, Larence Smith, John Templer, Roberta (Bubs) Tocher, Kathleen West, Murray Wilson, Dorothy

20 May 03 Bailey, Tim Bradford, Catherine Bray-Gunn, Cora Brockelbank, Kelvin Burnside, Robert (John, J. B.) Campbell, Marjorie Clark, Alice Cobden-Cox, Denise Craig, Mary Crisp, Doris Dodwell, Mary Donaldson, Marguerite Field, Captain Robert Freeman, Lydia (Maud) Hamilton, Robert Howell, Adalene (Pat) Maeers, Ivy McKay, Jillian (Jill) McKendry, John (Jack) McLaughlin, Nancy Mentink, Gerard Moore, Annie Moore, Raymond (Ray) Odams, Anthea (Ann) Pugh, Reginald (Reg) Rouse, James (Jim) Saggers, Wayne Shepheard, Andrew Shustak, Larence Sutton, Laurie Templer, Roberta (Bubs)

21 May 03 Bradford, Catherine Bruhn, Neil Cassidy, Lyn Cobden-Cox, Denise Constable, Frederick Cossins, Jack Dodwell, Mary Fisher, James Freeman, Lydia (Maud) Hamilton, Robert Howell, Adalene (Pat) Jacobs, Isabella Kane, Rachel Maeers, Ivy McLaughlin, Nancy

McLeod, Bruce Odams, Anthea (Ann) Pugh, Reginald (Reg) Ramsay, Arthur (Tubby) Saggers, Wayne Scott, John Shepheard, Andrew Shustak, Larence

22 May 03 Appleby, Bertha Austin, Garth Brooker, Gary Cassidy, Lyn Cossins, Jack Davis Reweti, Edward Fisher, James Hathaway, Elizabeth Hooper, Dallas (Dally) Kane, Rachel Lipscomb, Emily (Dolly) Little, Joan Lovelock, Robina Martin, Dorne Mathewson, Rosanna (Rose) McConnochie, Charles (Bob) McLeod, Bruce Miller, Karen Nettleton, Joan O'Shea, Kevin Pike, Daisy Ramsay, Arthur (Tubby) Robert, Gordon Saggers, Wayne Shustak, Larence Watt, Ian

23 May 03 Appleby, Bertha Bint, Colin (Binty) Brooker, Gary Coburn, Norah Davis Reweti, Edward Davison, Connie Deavoll, William (Bill) Donaldson, Marguerite Hallberg, June Hounsell, Alice Little, Joan Martin, Dorne Mathewson, Rosanna (Rose) McCann, Noel Mikoz, Leonard (Norm) Nettleton, Joan O'Shea, Kevin Pike, Daisy Tod, Donald Williamson, Zoe

24 May 03

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Austin, Garth Baird, Hazel Baird, Henrietta Beveridge, Teresa Bint, Colin Brooker, Gary Buttle, John (Cliff) Carr, Mary Challies, David (John) Chaplow, William Clark, Mary (Jean) Clarke, Irene Coppin, Irene Davison, Connie Deavoll, William (Bill) Higgison, Roy (Michael) Horne, Ruby Hounsell, Alice Howison, Ellen Lamont, Ian Lanigan, Madeline McCann, Noel Mikoz, Leonard (Norm) Moen, Stephen Petersen, William (Carl) Powe, Ngaire Richards, Paul Ross, Elizabeth Steel, Margaret Woods, Betty Woods, Frank (Slinger)

26 May 03 Baird, Henrietta Borrie, Athol Brooker, Gary Burgess, Mary Buttle, John (Cliff) Cake, Dora Carr, Mary Chapman, Kelvin Chaston, Edna Cherry, Dr Neil Clarke, Irene Clough, Joan Collins, Gordon Cox, Kathleen (Kathy) Dodd, Hilary Ford, Bruce Forsythe, Olga Gibson, Norma Horne, Ruby Jones, Doreen Kyle, Myra Lamont, Ian Lanigan, Madeline Lea, Amelia (Mary) Lindley, Margaret Loughnan, Reginald Mackay, Kenneth (Jock) Mapu, Margaret McCann, Noel (Sid)

Ross, Elizabeth Shaw, Eileen Smith, Bettine Sweney, Frederick Swindale, Jack Veale, Roderick Waterson, John (Jack) Wilson, William Woods, Betty

27 May 03 Borrie, Athol Cake, Dora Cherry, Dr Neil Clarkson, Edwin Clough, Joan Cox, Kathleen (Kathy) Dodd, Hilary Drinnan, Robin Farmer, Alexander (Alex) Fensom, Kevin (Tom) Ford, Bruce Forsythe, Olga Grimmett, Ray Holden, Ernest (Ernie) Jones, Doreen Kidd, Nonette Lamont, Ian Mackay, Kenneth (Jock) Marnell, Margaret McCallum, Colin McCann, Noel Minchin, Marion Mitchell, Valmai Morrah, Dermot Reid, Stanley Sewell, Peter Sinclair, Martin Smith, Bettine Strachan, Minnetta Sweney, Frederick Swindale, Jack Thompson, Stanley Todd, Joy Vermeulen, Antonia (Tonnie) Waterson, John (Jack) Wilkinson, Myra Williamson, Patricia Wilson, William Young, Freda

28 May 03 Chalmers, Alice (Mary) Clarke, Patricia (Pat) Cropp, David Cross, Milton Dodd, Hilary Drinnan, Robin Edgar, Leslie (Les) Fensom, Kevin (Tom) Forsythe, Olga Gailey, William (Wilbur) Holden, Ernest (Ernie)

Holstein, William Johnston, Kenneth (Ken) Judson, Doris Kerr, Maurice Lamont, Ian Lea, Amelia (Mary) Lilley, Ruby Marnell, Margaret Maynard, Arthur Mayne, Vera McCallum, Colin Minchin, Marion Mitchell, Valmai Nicholas, May Purnell, Raymond Reid, Stanley Sinclair, Martin Swindale, Jack Tarrant, Nicholas (Kevin) Thompson, Stanley Todd, Joy Vermeulen, Antonia (Tonnie) Wilkinson, Myra Young, Freda

29 May 03 Bell, Kevin Clarke, Patricia (Pat) Cuthbertson, Phyllis Day, Gertrude (Trudi) Felton, John Gailey, William (Wilbur) Galbraith, Fay Gillanders, Ian Hailes, Eileen Hannah, Josephine Harper, James (Jim) Horsnell, Garry Judson, Doris Maynard, Arthur Mayne, Vera McCallum, Colin Muxlow, Robin Nicholas, May North, Margaret (Mardie) Webster, Andrew

30 May 03 Bell, Alan Beverley, Alexander Blois, Nesta Brookes, Hannah Clarke, Patricia (Pat) co*ckerill, Agnes Cook, James (Jim) Cronin, Rhoda (Mandy) Day, Gertrude (Trudi) Galbraith, Fay Hannah, Josephine Holstein, William (Bill)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Jacobs-Shandley, Ana Judson, Doris Kearney, Iris Muxlow, Robin North, Margaret (Mardie) Paton, Peter Philips, Robert (Bob) Pitama, Hoani

31 May 03 Batenburg, Gary Bell, Alan Bousie, Bruce Brookes, Hannah co*ckerill, Agnes Cook, James (Jim) Cronin, Rhoda (Mandy) Cuthbertson, Phyllis Harris, Robert Holloway, Hon. Philip Horne, Margaret Kearney, Iris Keepa, Arti Lang, Alfred Lawrence, Margaret McGrail, Ann Mitchell, Ronald Paton, Peter Philips, Robert (Bob) Pitama, Hoani Reed, Ratanui Ross, Dr Donald (Don) Shaw, Troy Smellie, William Squire, Nicola Steele, Beverley (Bev) Waters, Jeanette Weir, Margaret (Peggy Carroll) White, George Young, Stewart

2 Jun 03 Aldridge, Jack Allen, Melvin (Mel) Avery, James (Stuart) Revd Baird, Alexander Barclay, Pipiriki Bell, Alan Brooker, Ruby Buutveld, Anna (Anneke) Dodds, Eric Fitzsimons, Phyllis Ford, Ronald Gee, Betty Lang, Alfred (Barney) Langston, Dorothy Lawrence, Margaret Lennon, Charles Mitchell, Ronald Paton, Peter Paul, Joanna Ross, Dr Donald (Don)

Shaw, Troy Shields, James Sinclair, Marion (Maisie) Smellie, William Smith, Averill Taylor, Annie Van Der Lee, Walter Waters, Jeanette Weir, Margaret (Peggy Carroll)

3 Jun 03 Aitken, Estelle (Stella) Aldridge, Jack Allen, Melvin (Mel) Anderson, Mattie Avery, James (Stuart) Revd Baird, Alexander Brookes, Hannah Campbell, Derek Carter, Gordon Chapman, Kelvin Fitzsimons, Phyllis Ford, Ronald Forrester, William (Billy) Forsyth, Dorothy Fox, Gertrude (Trudy) Horne, Margaret James, Ngaire Langston, Dorothy Minson, Doreen Mitchell, Ronald Paton, Peter Petersen, Leonard (Ivan) Robinson, Thelma Rushfirth, Arthur (Yorky) Scott, George Shaw, Troy Sinclair, Marion (Maisie) Smith, Averill Talbot, Raymond Tapp, Barry Van Der Lee, Walter

4 Jun 03 Aitken, Estelle (Stella) Avery, James (Stuart) Revd Baird, Alexander Banks, Francie Bell, Alan Campbell, Derek Carter, Gordon Dasler, Suzanne Dodd, Sheila Ford, Percy Fraser, Dorothy Fuller, Keith Gee, Betty Goodge, Lillian Gopperth, Kevin Guthrie, June

Huntley, Roma James, Ngaire Lee, Rosalie McDonald, Jeanette Minson, Doreen Paton, Peter Petersen, Leonard (Ivan) Riach, Marion Robb, Ernest (Robbie) Robinson, Joan Rushfirth, Arthur (Yorky) Scott, George Shields, James Sinclair, Marion (Maisie) Taege, Albert Tapp, Barry Van Der Lee, Walter Watson, Kathleen Worthington, Olive Wright, Margaret

5 Jun 03 Bell, Alan Carter, Graeme Finn, Nora Fraser, Dorothy Fuller, Keith Gee, Betty Harvey, George Johnson, Annie Jones, William Juriss, Olga Kelland, Eva Lindsay, Nora McDonald, Margaret Monson, Surinah Pearson, Gwenyth Robb, Ernest (Robbie) Ross, Dr Donald (Don) Savage, Margaret (Lucy) Shaw, Troy Taege, Albert Van Der Lee, Walter Walters, Alan Worthington, Olive

6 Jun 03 Bell, Alan Campbell, Anthony (Tony) Campbell, Warren Clark, Isabel (May) Finn, Nora Fuller, Keith Geddes, Dorothy Harman, Russell Harvey, George Irvine, Frances Johns, John (Doug) Kale, Raymond Lindsay, Nora Lowry, Graeme (Bro) McDonald, Margaret

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McPherson, Francis (Mac) Molnar, Barbara Monson, Surinah Papps, Wayne Robinson, Joan Russell, Heath Taege, Albert Van Der Lee, Walter Warburton, Joycelyn

7 Jun 03 Abernethy, Alister Adamson, Felicity Barlow, Nigel Bongard, Frances Brennan, Susan (Sue) Campbell, Anthony (Tony) Campbell, Warren Challis, Marjorie Chapman, Christopher Clark, Alan Clark, Isabel Cooksley, Agnes (Nan) Crowhen, Gordon Dasler, Suzanne Dorman, Mary Fancy, Edward Ferrand, Bruce Fraser, Robert (Don) French, Arenas Geddes, Dorothy Gilbert, Jennie Gordon, Bronwyn Harman, Russell James, Amy Jenkins, David Johnson, Annie Kale, Raymond Lodge, Betty Marshall, Isabella McFarlane, William McGregor, Walter (Wally) McPherson, Francis (Mac) Monson, Surinah Ross, Naomi Ross, Wallace Shaw, Troy Smith, Jonathan (Jony) Squire, Nicola Thomson, Beverley Watson, James (George) Wright, Agnes (Ada) Wynne, Joseph (Joe) Young, Alan

9 Jun 03 Abernethy, Alister Adamson, Felicity Andrews, Mary Baird, Eva

Bannerman, Michael Bezar, Howard Brennan, Susan (Sue) Buss, Shirley Calder, William (Tim) Campbell, Warren Cave, John Clark, Alan Crowhen, Gordon Elder, Frances (Viv) Fancy, Edward Finch, Richard Fraser, Robert (Don) Fraser, Ronald Freeman, Mona Gilbert, Winifred Gordon, Grace Greenwood, Cecil Hampton, David Harman, Russell Hart, Frank Hogg, Desma Jackson, Trevor Jenkins, David Johnstone, Albert (Alby) Joss, Edith King, Marjorie Law, Annie Le Feuver, Roy Lodge, Betty McLelland, Shirley Minchington, Nita Murphy, Doreen O'Toole, Monica (Sr Mary Stephanie) Ross, Wallace Ross-Lewis, Anahera Samson, Carolyn Smith, Jonathan (Jony) Thomson, Beverley Vasan, Kantibhai Viles, Margaret Watson, Dorothy Watson, James (George) Wright, Agnes (Ida) Wynne, Joseph (Joe)

10 Jun 03 Barlow, Nigel Bezar, Howard Breckon, Peter Buss, Shirley Calder, William (Tim) Cave, John Clark, Dorothy Clough, Alistair Crowhen, Gordon Dobson, Karl Dyce, Daisy Fenika, Siu Finch, Richard Fraser, Robert (Don) Gordon, Grace Graham, Mary

Handforth, Ruby Hart, Frank Heywood, George Robert (Bob) Hogg, Desma Jenkinson, Margaret Johnstone, Albert (Alby) Joss, Edith Mackle, Basil Martin, Clarice Minchington, Nita Morgan, Maureen Oldridge, Raymond Payne, Kenneth Quinn, Edward (Ted) Smith, Jonathan (Jony) Squire, Nicola Thomas, Philip Tisdall, Bryan Toomalatai, Faaliga Tuhikarama, Jim Vasan, Kantibhai Viles, Margaret Wall, Lady Ururaupo Wilson_Kilby, Gabrielle

11 Jun 03 Antoine, John Bannerman, Michael Barlow, Nigel Beavon, Mamie Bezar, Howard Breckon, Peter Cameron, Barbara Clough, Alistair Cottle, Raymond Dobson, Karl Fenika, Siu Finch, Richard Fleming, Kathleen (Kath) Flower, Michael Gilbert, Jennie Gordon, Grace Graham, Mary Heywood, George (Bob) Hogg, Desma Ison, Lesley Jenkinson, Margaret Jones, Gwendolyn (Gwen) Low, Agnes Martin, Clarice Maunsell, John McOmish, Sadie Minchington, Nita Nyberg, Fredrick Oldridge, Raymond Payne, Kenneth Powell, Ian Robinson, Leslie Robinson, Edward (Garth)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Rosanowski, Andrew Scholefield, Alfred (Wally) Smith, Michael Standring, Rosaleen Tisdall, Bryan Toomalatai, Faaliga Vautier, John Vedder, George Viles, Margaret Watson, Robert (Wattie) Wells, Rita Wilson_Kilby, Gabrielle

12 Jun 03 Bannerman, Michael Beattie, Robert (Bob) Beavon, Mamie Bernstein, Benedict (Ben) Bryce, Joan Cameron, Barbara Carey, Peter Chidwick, Jane Dobson, Karl Fleming, Kathleen (Kath) Flower, Michael Frazer, Lindsay Goddard, Gladys Henderson, Caroline Hoskins, Elsden Ihaia, Joseph (Don) Jenkinson, Margaret Jones, Gwendolyn (Gwen) King, Laurie Knight, Charles Lane, Ruby McMurray, Robert (Bob) Nyberg, Fredrick Phillips, Grace Powell, Ian Powell, Robyn Quinn, Edward (Ted) Reece, Carolyn Robinson, Leslie Rosanowski, Andrew Scholefield, Alfred (Wally) Sherratt, Derrick Tisdall, Bryan Toomalatai, Faaliga

13 Jun 03 Birch, Arthur Blokhuis, Margaretha (Oma) Cameron, Gwendolen Cavill, Hilda Coakley, Thelma Cooper, Robert Coughlan, William Frazer, Lindsay

Goddard, Gladys Holdaway, Mary Hoskins, Elsden Ihaia, Joseph (Don) King, Laurie Lane, Ruby Nyberg, Fredrick Payne, Linda Phillips, Grace Powell, Robyn Rhodes, Andrew Rosanowski, Andrew Scott, Brenda Stalker, Ranald Stevens, Warwick Turner, John (Ted) Upton, Lois

14 Jun 03 Appley, Dorothy Barwick, (Miss) Rita Birch, Arthur Blokhuis, Margaretha (Oma) Cameron, Gwendolen Carman, Katherine Coakley, Thelma Cooper, Robert Douglas, Samuel (Jim) Dungey, Charles (Chas) Grooby, Thelma Ihaia, Joseph Jarden, James Knight, Charles Leathwick, Ralph McIlraith, Dean Mills, Alan Moffat, Margaret Moon, Margaret (Gwen) Norriss, Brian Payne, Linda Powell, Robyn Pye, Doris Raitt, Swea Reece, Carolyn Seymour, Philip Silco*ck, Florence Smith, Ivan Smith, Thora Soster, Giuseppe Stace, Roy Stevens, Warwick Thomson, Elaine Turner, John (Ted) Twaddle, Elsie Upton, Lois Walton, Jack Wearing, Geoffrey

16 Jun 03 Angus, Violet Appley, Dorothy Bennett, Alison Blick, Marjorie Buttle, Elsa

Cameron, Gwendolen Coakley, Thelma de Vere, Anthony (Tony) Douglas, Samuel (Jim) Garing, David Georgieff, Zivko (Geoff) Jarman, Dorothy (Conie) Jorgensen, Phyllis Maaka, Hine Maxted, Mary McTigue, Carol Mills, Alan Moffat, Margaret Porter, Whitman Pye, Doris Rodger, James Seymour, Philip Smith, Ivan Squire, Margery (Marg) Stace, Roy Wearing, Geoffrey Wilson, Robert (Bob) Wood, Kenneth (Ken) Yaxley, Stephen (Steve)

17 Jun 03 Anderson, Marie Bennett, Alison Buttle, Elsa Davies, Frederick de Vere, Anthony (Tony) Flood, Arthur Garing, David Garlick, Wilfred Georgieff, Zivko (Geoff) Gibbon, Eunice Giorgi, Millicent Hilton, Ronald Jarman, Dorothy (Connie) Matthews, Eileen Maxted, Mary McFall-Schultz, Tina McRae, Anthony (Tony) Morris, Lillian Nelson, John Pearce, Grace Perkins, Margaret Porter, Whitman Prentice, Phyllis Reid, Sandra Robb, Ernest (Robbie) Rothera, Marion Smith, Ivan Smith, Murray Stace, Raymond Thorp, David Tyson, Olive (Betty) Walker, Janet

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Williamson, Alfred Wilson, Robert (Bob) Wood, Kenneth (Ken) Yaxley, Stephen

18 Jun 03 Bradley, Margaret Bullock, Nancy Crisp, Patricia Fanshawe, Patricia Hallam, Christine (Chris) Hansen, Annie Hilton, Ronald Holmes, Alan Liggett, John Matthews, Eileen Maxted, Mary McRae, Anthony (Tony) Morris, Lillian Murphy, Raymond (Ray) Pearce, Grace Perkins, Dorothy Preston, Daphne Reid, Sandra Reside, Linda Robertson, Coral Talbert, Robina (Robbie) Thorp, David Toki, Mata Walker, Milton Williamson, Alfred Yaxley, Stephen

19 Jun 03 Bradley, Margaret Brown, Leonard (Len) Bullock, Nancy Calderwood, Catherine (Rene) Crisp, Patricia Doling, James Eng, Timothy Foord, Dawn Frampton, Owen Hansen, Annie Heyworth, Walford Holmes, Alan Jackson, John Johnson, Scott Liggett, John Lobb, Jeanne Martyn, Lindsay (Lin) McDonald, Stella McIlraith, Andrew McKay, Ronald Murphy, Raymond (Ray) Nimmo, Evelyn Olin, Norman Reside, Linda Robertson, Coral Robertson, Russell

Rodgers, Phoebe Smith, Ivan Thorp, David Warnes, Mary Williamson, Alfred Wills, William (Jack) Yaxley, Stephen (Steve)

20 Jun 03 Barnes, Robert Brown, Leonard (Len) Dron, William (Bill) Evans, Lydia Hewetson, Gertrude (Peggie) Hubbard, Rhona Ingram, Florence Jones, Richard King, Ishmael Martin, Dorothy Martyn, Lindsay (Lin) McIlraith, Andrew McKay, Ronald Olin, Norman Pearce, Ruby (Bob) Reside, Linda Robertson, Russell Rodgers, Phoebe Stewart, Dallas Twiss, Winifred Walker, Milton Young, Stanley

21 Jun 03 Argyle, Hazel Banks, George Barnes, Robert Bevan, Juanita (June) Britten, Grace Beatrice (Trixie) Bursell, George Chisholm, Frank Eng, Timothy Evans, Lydia Foord, Dawn Forne, Mary Grose, Rico Ingram, Florence Jellie, Hannah Jones, Richard Kayaba, Chuichiro (Dr) Kidd, Patricia Lang, Alfred Liggett, John McGilligan, Maureen McIlraith, Andrew Regan, Jill Robertson, Russell Robinson, Richard (George) Rolland, James Ross, Margaret Scurr, John (Jack) Twiss, Winifred Van Aken, Cornelia Walls, Joseph (Joe)

Webb, Lindsay Westgarth, Jean White, Winifred (Anne) Wildbore, Reginald Winn, Kathleen (Kit) Wood, Evan (Woody)

23 Jun 03 Aberhart, Keith Aldridge, Lionel Barnes, Robert Brand, Louisa (Win) Britten, Grace (Trixie) Broadfoot, Joyce Bursell, George Climo, Margaret Cooper, Ronald Dwyer, Jean Evans, Owen Fearon, Jessie (Peg) Ferguson, Ronald Flynn, Mary Forne, Mary (Pat) Grose, Rico Hewitson, Dorothy Hughes, John Jellie, Hannah (Nan) Jones, Doris Jones, Richard Kayaba, Chuichiro (Dr) Kerslake, Averil Kilbride, Robert King, Eunice Martin, Adrian (Joe) Nicoll, Isobel Packham, Norman (Tim) Pihama, Terry Regan, Jill Robinson, Florence Samson, Betty Shirley, Nicholas Smith, Thomas Stewart, Mervyn (Garth) Tallott, Anne Twiss, Winifred (Dawn) Waldron, Vera Webb, Lindsay Welch, James Westgarth, Jean Wilkins, Betty Wright, Harold (Harry) Young, Alma (Joy)

24 Jun 03 Aldridge, Lionel Baty, Frank Broadfoot, Joyce Campbell, Morian (Morry) Climo, Margaret Collett, Beatrice Cross, Sydney de Jong, Erin Evans, Owen

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Ferguson, Ronald Fielding, George Foord, Dawn Gutschlag, Marion Hannan, Ruby Hewitson, Dorothy Hughes, John Johns, John Jones, Doris Lang, Edith Lee, Leonard Maher, Iris (Peg) Martin, Adrian (Joe) Nicoll, Isobel O'Brien, Noeleen Oldham, Elva (Joan) Riley, Paula Robinson, Florence Rossiter, Ellen Rothschild, Walter Samson, Betty Scurr, John (Jack) Shirley, Nicholas Smith, Thomas Stewart, Mervyn (Garth) Strangward, Thomas Waldron, Vera Webb, Lindsay Wilkins, Betty Young, Alma (Joy)

25 Jun 03 Aldridge, Lionel Averis, Clifford Bayliss, Francis (Frank) Burk, Ngaire Campbell, Morian (Morry) Cooper, Ronald (Ron) de Jong, Erin Dellow, Kathleen Engelbrecht, Rita Ferguson, Ronald Gibbens, Doreen Gidlow, Lilian Gray, Alister Gundry, Mavis Hayes, Peter Jessep, Charles (Tom) Jones, Thomas Kennett, Raymond (Ray) Knowles, Stanley (Stan) Lang, Alfred Lang, Edith Lee, Leonard Lim, Wung (Yock Ying) Matheson, Shirley Mossman, Graham O'Brien, Noelleen Ramsay, Wendy Riley, Paula Rossiter, Ellen

Rothschild, Walter Scarth, Margaret Shaw, Thomas (Buster) Shirley, Nicholas Smith, Hazel Smith, Thomas (Tom) Stewart, Mervyn (Garth) Waldron, Vera Wareing, Doreen Webb, Lindsay Wilkins, Edna Williams, Donald

26 Jun 03 Aldridge, Lionel Alexander, Robert Averis, Clifford Band, David Burk, Ngaire Daikee, Ailsa Davidson, Yvonne Day, Gwendolyn (Gwen) Dempsey, Mary Ferguson, Ronald Freeman, Thomas Gidlow, Lilian Graham, Joan Hawkes, John (Jack) Huckstep, Alan Jeffery, James (Jim) Jessep, Charles (Tom) Kennett, Raymond (Ray) Knowles, Stanley (Stan) Lang, Edith Lassen, Aubrey Lim, Wung (Yock Ying) Masters, Agnes Matheson, Shirley Mulligan, William (Felix) Nash, Ailsa Palmer, Noleen Reardon, June Riley, Paula Scarth, Margaret Scott, Barrie Scott, Helen Stalker, Valma Thorneycroft, Wallace Waite, John (Jack) Wallace, Bert Wilkins, Edna Williams, Donald Winn, Kathleen (Kit)

27 Jun 03 Basher, Thelma Berry, Beverly Day, Gwendolyn (Gwen) Dempsey, Mary Denovan, Cecil (Ces)

Duff, Cyril Elkins, Maureen Graham, Joan Harvey, Margaret Huckstep, Alan Keen, Amel Lassen, Aubrey Lavelle, Kyran Lim, Wung (Yock Ying) Palmer, Noleen Partel, Deborah (Debbie) Randle, Malcolm Robertson, Robert Scott, Barrie Scott, Helen Siggers, Henry (Harry) Smith, Ronald Stalker, Valma Stashkevich, Stanislav Thomson, Nancy van Herpt, Catharina Wallace, Bert Whyte, Alan Wilkins, Edna Yates, Brian

28 Jun 03 Armstrong, Francis (Frank) Banks, Eileen Barber, Dorothy (Dot) Barr, Ivy Bruorton, William (Bill) Cliffin, Peter Cranshaw, Noeline Crummer, Iro Dalley, Leslie Denovan, Cecil (Ces) Duff, Cyril Elkins, Maureen Evans, Kenneth Green, Betty Green, Steve (Joe) Harvey, Margaret Johns, John Keen, Amel Laing, Norman Lassen, Aubrey Lavelle, Kyran (Kerry) McGoverne, Roland McLean, Alastair Millichamp, Kathleen (June) Palmer, Noleen Partel, Debbie Ramsay, Wendy Ridgeway, Dorothy Smith, Ronald Smythe, Stuart Spowart, Gwendoline Stalker, Valma Stashkevich, Stanislav Sullivan, Paul (Sully) Suttron, Thomas Thomson, Nancy

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


van Herpt, Catharina Wall, Jessie Wangler, Frederich (Fred) Yates, Brian

30 Jun 03 Ahkit, Janice Armstrong, Frank Aynsley, Charles Barr, Ivy Bell, Edna Brandford, Jessie (Joyce) Bruorton, William (Bill) Carlyle, Raymond Carter, John (Clem) Cranshaw, Noeline Cross, Isobel Duff, Cyril Fuchs, William (Ernest) Goodger, George Gordon, Mabel Green, Betty Green, Steve (Joe) Harrison, Anna Hodgson, Gwenda Jackson, Phyllis Lassen, Aubrey Mullally, John (Jack) Pomare, Bertha (Noey) Reilly, Christopher Rogerson, Ethan Ross, Janice Sa'u, Samuelu Silco*ck, Edgar (Ted) Smith, Ronald Smythe, Stuart Spencer, Lynette (Lyn) Stevens, Myra Stitt, Margaret Sullivan, Paul (Sully) Sutherland, Richard (Dick) Tipa, Evelyn Waghorn, Noel Wall, Jessie (Doreen) Westlake, Ida Wilkinson, Mervyn Woolf, George

1 Jul 03 Barr, Ivy Cross, Isobel Dunn, David Ferguson, Betty Frost, Gary (Frosty) Fuchs, William (Ernest) Gordon, Donald Hamilton, Isaac (Ike) Harrison, Anna Hodgson, Gwenda Howson, Josephine (Joyce)

Kennington, Rodney Marsh, Mirian McEwan, Ian McEwan, Winifred McNeil, Donna Miles, Thomas Newburn, Robert (Bob) Parkes, David Pomare, Bertha (Noey) Reid, Clarence Rogerson, Ethan Ross, Janice Sullivan, Paul Sutherland, Richard Thompson, Robert (Bob) Wade, Ian Waghorn, Noel Westlake, Ida Wilkinson, Mervyn

2 Jul 03 Barr, Ivy Bell, Edna Boskell, Desmond (Des) Burkett, Ernest Cawley, Edward Darling, Mercy Egan, Keiran Fleming, Jessie Gordon, Mabel Hamilton, Peter Hende, Betty Hulston, Alfred (Athol) Kissell, Winifred McEwan, Winifred McNeil, Donna Neal, Ranji Reid, Clarence Richards, Mary Savage, Michael Spencer, Lynette (Lyn) Stockdale, Winifred Sutherland, Richard (Dick) Waghorn, Noel Young, Gerald

3 Jul 03 Ahern, Memorie Boskell, Desmond (Des) Burkett, Ernest Cook, Eva Egan, Keiran Flay, Arthur Fleming, Jessie Foote, Muriel Fox, Ronald Fussell, William (Bill) Gillies, Ailsa Hamilton, Peter Hanlon, Nano (Nora) Henwood, Russell

Hulston, Alfred (Athol) Kimpton, Reginald (Reg) Kissell, Winifred Lapthorn, Clara Lee, Seul Ki McEwan, Winifred McNeil, Donna McNeill, Catherine Miller, Andrew Ruesink, Gerhard (Henk) Spicer, Isabel Stockdale, Winifred Watson, Stewart Wells, Clifford

4 Jul 03 Ackerley, Phyllis Cook, Eva Daly, Brenda Flay, Arthur Fussell, William (Bill) Hanco*ck, Joy Henwood, Russell Kissell, Winifred Lapthorn, Clara Lee, Seul Ki McEwan, Winifred McNeill, Catherine Miller, Andrew O'Neill, Daphne Pope, Freda Richardson, Ada Sibley, Raewyn (Rae) Spicer, Isabel Watson, Stewart Wells, Clifford

5 Jul 03 Ackerley, Phyllis A'Court, Mary Aldridge, Anthony Butland, George Choi, Soul (Choi) Collison, Anne Costello, Angela Crookes, Joan Daly, Brenda Deans, Janet (Jenny) Dromgoole, Stanley Fisher, Ethel Green, Thomas Hancox, Wilfred Hanna, Ian (Toby) Harvey, Noeleen Haslett, Nora Henwood, Russell Horgan, John (Jack) Jaggar, Bruce Kent, Agnes Lapthorn, Clara Lovell-Smith, Hubert (Hugh) Maley, Myrtle McKinley, Vera McNeill, Catherine

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Murch, John O'Neill, Daphne Paterson, Howard Pope, Freda Raphael, Irene Rathbun, Anthony Robinson, Raymond (Ray) Stephenson, Clive Thomas, Isobella (Belle)

7 Jul 03 Arundel, Dulcie Belesky, Nesta Boatwood, Victor Browne, Paul Butland, George Cleaver, James Constable, June Crookes, Joan Davison, Esther Deans, Janet (Jenny) Dromgoole, Stanley Edwards, Robert Farrell, Kenneth Fulton, John Grass, Clarence Green, Thomas Hancox, Wilfred Hanna, Ian (Toby) Haslett, Nora Heffer, Phyllis Henwood, Russell Hodge, Beverley Jellyman, Arthur (Mick) Kent, Agnes Kissel, Geoffrey Kollmann, August (Gus) Lawler, Ann (Nancy) Lovell-Smith, Hubert (Hugh) Lumb, Enid Mahar, Brian Malthus, Frank McIsaac, Stanley Melhop, William Nichol, Ferooza (Barbara) Paterson, Ewan Paterson, Howard Peddie, Graham Sleeman, Desmond (Jack) Sly, Susan Stevenson, Roy Stewart, Joyce Thomas, Isobella (Belle) Tottman, Rev. Monsignor Bernard Willetts, Mavis

8 Jul 03

Adler, Louis Arundel, Dulcie Belesky, Nesta Boatwood, Victor Clement, Brian Constable, June Day, Albert (Alby) Dewhirst, Phyllis Dobbs, Zoe Edwards, Robert Fulton, John Grass, Clarence Hamilton, William Hanna, Ian (Toby) Heffer, Phyllis Hodge, Beverley Jury, Wrey Kent, Agnes Kissel, Geoffrey Kollmann, August (Gus) Lumb, Enid Marr, John McGregor, Zoe McLeod, Shirley Muschamp, Annie (May) Nichol, Ferooza (Barbara) Parkyn, Hinerangi Paterson, Euan Pilkington, Alan Stevenson, Roy Stewart, Joyce White, Loris Willetts, Mavis

9 Jul 03 A'Court, Mary Adler, Louis Archibald, Georgina Ashton, Bruce Baker, Jack Belesky, Nesta Berry, Russell Boatwood, Victor Crosbie, Ivan Davison, Raymond Day, Albert (Alby) Dewhirst, Phyllis Dobbs, Zoe Erwin, Robert (Ropata) Giera, Veronica (Vera) Gordon, Ashley Hamilton, William Heinz, Mary Jackson, Melba Jarvis, John (Jack) Jury, Wrey Kilroy, Ivan Kissel, Geoffrey Kollmann, August (Gus) Lawrence, David Lawry, Ronald Lye, Bevan

Mackie, Robert Marr, John McIsaac, Stanley McLeod, Shirley Miles, Stewart Muschamp, Annie (May) Norfolk, Helen Ormandy, Denys Parkyn, Hinerangi Pettigrew, David Pilkington, Alan Smith, Joan Watson, Eric

10 Jul 03 Blank, Brendon Callister, Sidney Christey, Bernard Davison, Raymond Giera, Veronica (Vera) Gordon, Ashley Grafton, Iris Hanna, Ashley Killalea, Zena Lawrence, David Lawry, Ronald Lewis, Albert (Sam) Lloyd, Peter Lye, Bevan Mackie, Robert McLeod, Shirley O'Connor, Paul (Paddy) Ormandy, Denys Park, Margaret Parkyn, Hinerangi Pickering, Brian Pilkington, Alan Porter, Raymond Reed, Audrey Te Maiharoa, Henry (Harry) Thompson, John Trueman, Betty Watson, Eric Williams, James (Doug) Young, Cecil (Bill) Young, James

11 Jul 03 Allison, Clare Bartlett, Alexis Best, Monique Chester, John Collins, Wendy Faherty, Martin Gordon, Ashley Grafton, Iris Heathcote, Richard Higgins, Andrew Hooper, Josephine Howden, Dr Peter Mackie, Robert Maxwell, Evelyn McKay, Murdoch

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Messenger, Elizabeth (Alma) O'Connor, Paul (Paddy) Parkyn, Hinerangi Pilkington, Alan Porter, Raymond Smith, George Solheim, Magne Symon, Julie Te Maiharoa, Henry (Harry) Thompson, Lyndon Uitentuis, Cornelis Wood, Noeline Young, James

12 Jul 03 Anthony, Laxmi Ashby, Graeme Berry, Russell Bullock, Mark co*ker, Lila Danholt, Ina Faherty, Martin Gittings, Kenneth Higgins, Andrew Hoare, Jocelyn Hodgins, Esma Hooper, Josephine Howden, Dr Peter Hunter, John Jackson, Melba Kilroy, Ivan Kirkpatrick, Kenneth Lewis, Albert (Sam) Lloyd, Peter Lynn, Norman Marsden, Mollie McCaughan, Jean Messenger, Elizabeth (Alma) Morton, Margaret Murphy, Gaynor Power, Gerard Read, George Smith, George Solheim, Magne Sutton, Noel Swan, Barry Symon, Julie Thompson, Lyndon Tull, Annette Wilson, Gordon Wood, Noeline Wright, Glennis

14 Jul 03 Ashby, Graeme Bullock, Mark Campbell, Alan Chong, Miu (Merle) Collins, Wendy Danholt, Ina Diskin, Phyllis (Phyl) Dowling, Elizabeth Harris, Ivan

Higgins, Andrew Hoare, Jocelyn Hodgins, Esma Hunter, John Irving, Roisin Jackson, Melba Jones, Colin King, Patrick Lynn, Norman Mace, Enid McCaughan, Jean Meldau, Ernest Moore, Brian Muir, Colleen Murphy, Gaynor Poswillo, Professor David Rojas Salazar, Hector Sandford, Herbert (Doug) Smith, Neil Smith, Thelma Sutton, Noel Symon, Julie Tull, Annette Weaver, Ewen Williams, Reginald Wills, Isabel Wood, Joan Wood, Noeline

15 Jul 03 Birch, Arthur Campbell, Alan Childe, Constance Cleary, Marguerite Colling, Lin Collins, Wendy Devonport, Mary Elstob, Denise Fulton, Christopher Henderson, John Irving, Roisin Jeffery, Andrew (Cappie) Laidlow, Norman Mauchline, Dorothy (Jean) McCarten, Reginald (Jack) Moore, Brian Morris, Jane Morrison, Evelyne (June) Muir, Colleen O'Brien, Shane Rojas Salazar, Hector Ruck, Sonya Sandston, Libby Schultz, Joseph Scott, Bruce Smith, Thelma Stephen, Keith Tabley, Ronald Voice, Tom Weaver, Ewen Williams, Reginald

Wills, Isabel Winchester, Graham Wood, Joan Wood, Noeline

16 Jul 03 Aarts, Franciscus (Frank) Amer, Ian Ashby, Mary (Molly) Bayer, James Bristed, Jack Chong, Miu Ngan (Merle) Cleary, Marguerite (Rita) Collett, Kathleen Colling, Lin Devonport, Mary Dowling, Elizabeth Graham, Bruce Gullery, Kathleen Harrison, Dorothy (Dolly) Hartford, Ian Henderson, John Higgins, Stanley Hooper, Josephine Howorth, Denis Hunter, Ina Jansen, Logan Jeffery, Andrew (Cappie) Johnston, Eileen Laidlaw, Norman Mauchline, Dorothy (Jean) Mee, Johanna (Joan) Morrison, Evelyne (June) Pool, Peggy Ridings, Elizabeth Ruck, Sonya Sandston, Libby Shanks, Elsie Smith, Jessie Spicer, Glenda Stapleton, Ann Stephen, Keith Stokes, Olive Sutton, Noel Tabley, Ronald Voice, Tom Wills, Isabel Wood, Agnes

17 Jul 03 Aarts, Franciscus (Frank) Ashby, Mary (Molly) Bristed, Jack Channing, Hubert (Peter) Falla, Elizabeth Hartford, Ian Henderson, John Howorth, Denis

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Imbs, Albert Ingold, John Jansen, Logan Jeffery, Andrew (Cappie) Mauchline, Dorothy (Jean) McCulloch, Helen Miller, Mavis Nicolle, William (Bill) Penney, Ian Pool, Peggy Ruck, Sonya Shanks, Elsie Spicer, Glenda Stapleton, Ann Taylor, Ralph Veamatahau, Charlie (Vea) Williamson, Mona Wood, Agnes

18 Jul 03 Butterworth, Debra Chong, Miu Ngan (Merle) Gallate, Justin (Ces) Garforth, Teresa Gullery, Kathleen Harrison, Dorothy (Dolly) Hegarty, Joan Herbert, Wilfred Hickey, Neil Howorth, Denis Jamison, Robert Jatania, Natwarlal Johnston, Eileen Lintott, Gladys (Glad) Martin, Christopher McCulloch, Helen Nicolle, William (Bill) Penney, Ian Perkins, Samantha Ruck, Sonya Stokes, Olive Truscott, Kevin Veamatahau, Charlie Veronese, Sergio

19 Jul 03 Abernethy, Doreen Allen, Wendy Ashby, Mary (Molly) Bailey, Arthur Baines, Elizabeth Baird, Joyce Benham, Roger Bristed, Jack Brown, George Caldwell, Francis Calland, Kathleen Findlay, Joan Gallate, Justin (Ces) Garforth, Teresa Gittings, Kenneth Harland, Violet

Hegarty, Joan Herbert, Wilfred Imbs, Albert Jamison, Robert Jatania, Natwarlal Johnston, William (Bill) Latham, Mervyn Lintott, Gladys (Glad) Martin, Christopher Maguire, Helen Metcalfe, Thomas Nicolle, William (Bill) Painter, Margaret Pearson, Katrina Perkins, Samantha Prescott, Rosalie Rapana, Robert (Bob) Robinson, Barbara Ross, Dulcie Smith, Ann Taylor, Ralph Tregoning, Vivienne (Viv) Truscott, Kevin Tunnage, Rhoda Veronese, Sergio Wakefield-Kemp, Emily Watson, Frederick Weir, Audrey Weston, Monty Williams, Margaret (Peggy) Williamson, David Woolley, Roy

21 Jul 03 Abernethy, Doreen Allen, Wendy Baines, Elizabeth Bedford, Margaret (Jeanie) Bradley, Ann Bristed, Jack Brown, George Calland, Kathleen Campbell, Helen Chalmers, Aileen Collins Victor Daly, Alexandra Danks, Sheelah Davis, Noel Durham, Everard Evans, Edward Gallate, Justin Gerard, Eric Gowland, Ian (Warwick) Harland, Violet Harris, Raymond Hegarty, Joan Hughes, George Iddles, Yvonne Imbs, Albert LeBrun, Phyllis McKendry, Winifred (Valerie)

McKeown, Phyllis (Dulcie) Mills, Ian Nesbitt, Thomas (Sam) Newell, Jack Pain, Henry (Kelly) Seil, Ailsa Skey, Peggy Smith, Ann Thompson, John Tregoning, Vivienne Tuari, Tame (Jock) Wakefield-Kemp, Emily Williams, Albert (Dick) Williams, Margaret (Peggy) Williams, Nesta Wilson, Duncan Woolley, Roy

22 Jul 03 Anderson, John Brydon, John Campbell, Helen Cecil, Rev Father John Chalmers, Aileen Clark, James Daly, Alexandra Danks, Sheelah Davis, Noel Ekdahl, Lars Falloon, Mary Gerard, Eric Gibb, Nancy Gowland, Ian (Warwick) Harris, Raymond Hinton, Muriel Hughes, George Latham, Mervyn Lowery, John McGill, Daphne McKendry, Winifred (Valerie) Mills, Ian Nesbitt, Thomas (Sam) O'Malley, Eileen Ray, Penny (Laura) Seil, Ailsa Skey, Peggy Thompson, David Tuari, Tame (Jock) Vaughan, Mary (Molly) Wakefield-Kemp, Emily Whiteman, John Williams, Albert (Dick) Wilson, Duncan

23 Jul 03 Beadle, Elizabeth (Bet) Brown, Agnes Bryant, Olive Cunningham, Douglas

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Daly, Alexandra Davis, Noel Dysart, Florence Ekdahl, Lars Elder, David (Dave) Falloon, Mary Flaherty, Rev. Father Vincent Gowland, Ian (Warwick) Harris, Raymond Hastie, William Kara, Alexander (Alex) Kennelly, Alan Langbein, Elizabeth (Betty) Locke, Sandra Lowery, John McCarthy, Albert (Paddy) McCormick, Colleen McGill, Daphne Miles, Florence Morris, Noreen Newell, Jack O'Malley, Eileen Poppelwell, Alistair Ray, Penny (Laura) Sandes, Alma Seabrook, Dr Jean Skey, Peggy Thompson, Beverley Thompson, David Thornton, Marie van Oosten, Johanna (Annie) Vaughan, Mary (Molly) Wilkins, Dulcie (Jean) Williams, Jean

24 Jul 03 Badger, John Barlow, William Barrett, Kathryn Broughan, Edna Brownlees, Ronald (Ron) Cunningham, Douglas Davis, Noel Dysart, Florence Ekdahl, Lars Evans, Edward Fisher, Noeline Fitzgerald, Rex Gibson, Ena Gurden, Eric Hanton, John Hart, Reginald Hastie, William Hathaway, Peter Hutcheson, Frank Kara, Alexander (Alex) Leathwick, Thelma Ludbrook, Hazel McCarthy, Albert (Paddy) McCormick, Colleen

McTaggart, Ngaire Miles, Florence Mitt, Jaak Newell, Jack Nolan, Daphne O'Connell, John (Steve) Ornsby, Benjamin Poppelwell, Alistair Seabrook, Dr Jean Sewak, Leonie Thornton, Marie van Oosten, Johanna (Annie) Vaughan, Mary (Molly) Wakefield, Henry (Harry) Wallace, Olive (Ollie) Woodhams, Natalie (Merle)

25 Jul 03 Barlow, William Davis, John Deakins, Joan Dobson, Donald Fifield, Matthew Fisher, Noeline Gibson, Ena Grant, Roland Grimwood, John Haines, Margaret Hanton, John Henderson, Robert Hutcheson, Frank Jackson, Mary Kappler, Jeanne Kerr, Lindsay Leathwick, Thelma Ludbrook, Hazel Newell, Jack Nolan, Daphne O'Connell, John (Steve) Ornsby, Benjamin Osgood, Allan Taylor, Anne (Annie) Thomson, Douglas (Warren) Thomson, Phyllis (Joan) van Oosten, Johanna (Annie) Wakefield, Henry (Harry) Ward, Gordon Woodhams, Natalie

26 Jul 03 Andersen, Josef Ashurst, Junee Bailey, Margaret Boyle, Nyra Brown, Lillie (Lil) Cutting, Damian Deakins, Joan Ditchfield, Katherine Dobson, Donald

Edmonds, John Fennell, Anne Sr. R. S.M. Fifield, Matthew Fisher, Noeline Gelardie, Rita Gibson, Ena Grant, Roland Gurden, Eric Hanton, John Hunt, Shona Jackson, Mary Kappler, Jeanne Logie, Miriam Loversidge, Brenda Macnee, Alexander Marston, Ada McCullough, William McKenzie, Eileen Neilson, Kathleen Nolan, Daphne O'Connell, John (Steve) Ornsby, Benjamin Osgood, Allan Poco*ck, Thelma Pollok, Esther Quigley, Jessie Ross, Malcolm Royds, Catherine (Ruth) Shirley, Margaret (Mollie) Simmons, Alma Street, Rodney Veint, Aden Wallace, Olive (Ollie) Ward, Gordon Waters, Dorothy Whalan, James (Gerald) Wilson, Beverly Wilson, Kenneth Young, Constance

28 Jul 03 Adams, Evan Andersen, Josef Ashurst, Junee Barnes, Mary Barnett, John (Barrie) Bray, Nelson Campbell, Malcolm (Sandy) Comfort, Ivan Cook, Ruby Crotty, Arnold Cummings, Theresa (Nina) Delaney, Daniel Fennell, Anne Sr. R. S.M Fisher, Noeline Galpin, Betty Grant, Roland Gurden, Eric Harrison, Marjory

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hearn, Derek Holley, Irene Hunt, Shona Lodge, Dorothy Loversidge, Brenda Lucas, Milbrey Lyford, Edna Marston, Ada (Mary) McCrostie, Neil Morrison, Valmai Nankivell, Douglas Neilson, Kathleen (Norma) Newsome, Timothy Palmer, Kelvin (Kelly) Peters, Stanley (Stan) Phillips, John Poco*ck, Thelma Popkin, Audrey Prosser, Margaret Randall, Ross Robb, Dorothy Ross, Madge Ross, Malcolm Royds, Catherine (Ruth) Shirley, Margaret (Mollie) Silco*ck, Margaret (Elfie) Symonds, Rewa Veint, Aden Waters, Dorothy Wright, Claude Young, Constance

29 Jul 03 Adams, Evan Andersen, Josef Barnes, Mary Bittner, George Bouzaid, Margaret (Peggy) Bray, Nelson Brown, Janice Campbell, Malcolm Comfort, Ivan Crotty, Arnold Cummings, Theresa (Nina) Dawson, Marguarette (Rita) Delaney, Daniel Fernandez, John) Gardiner, Effie Gilbert, Olive (Mary) Hart, Betty Hearn, Derek Hsu, Peter Johnston, Joan Lodge, Dorothy Loversidge, Brenda Lucas, Milbrey MacDonald, Reimana (Brownie) Marston, Ada Matthews, Russell

Nankivell, Douglas Newsome, Timothy Peters, Stanley (Stan) Poco*ck, Thelma Popkin, Audrey Robb, Dorothy Symonds, Rewa Willis, Roger

30 Jul 03 Anderson, Winifred (Ruth) Baxter, Hubert (Hugh) Bennett, Sarah Brand, Shirley Broughan, Kura Coffey, Bernadette Comfort, Ivan Edwards, Noel Gardiner, Effie Gillard, Pearl Hart, Betty Hearn, Derek Jackson, Reginald Johnson, Zita Knox, Myrtle (Molly) MacPherson, Gavin Marshall, Roy McCrostie, Neil McIntosh, Terry Nairn, David Neame, Stanley Nevin, Richard (Dick) Peters, Stanley Pollok, Esther Ritchie, William (Alex) Ritson, Jean Sweet, Patricia Turner, Kevin Upham, J. B. (Bruce) Veint, Aden Ward, Gerald

31 Jul 03 Anderson, Winifred Baigent, Jeffery Baxter, Hubert (Hugh) Bennett, Sarah Brand, Shirley Ching, Eileen Church, Cicely Coffey, Bernadette Gardiner, Effie Giles, Roger Gillard, Pearl Herron, Thelma Hertnon, Gregory Jones, Ruby Le Bas, Dorothy Long, Raymond Matheson, Donald McGuire, Rosemary Miller, Patricia Monk, Melva Muldrew, Ian Neilson, Sheila Nevin, Richard (Dick)

Nicolle, Lewis (Harry) Nolan, Andrew Osmond, Martin Ross, Madge Scott, Gordon Slade, Lennore Steel, Barry Ternent, Sydney (Syd) Ward, Gerald

1 Aug 03 Baigent, Jeffery Bangma, Charlie Ching, Eileen Fulford, Theodora Giles, Roger Hammond, Henry Herrick, Paul Hinterviesz, Otto Matheson, Donald Matheson, Melva McGuinness, Eileen Miller, Patricia Minogue, William (Bill) Monk, Melva Nolan, Andrew O'Brien, Patricia Osmond, Martin Scott, Gordon Steel, Barry Sweet, Patricia Ternent, Sydney (Syd) Thomson-Gnad, Kayla Walker, Eric White, Anne

2 Aug 03 Aldersley, Brian Anderson, Robert Ball, Betty Bangma, Charlie Bennett, Delphina (Del) Bower, Ena Bryant, Olive Fulford, Theodora Gillard, Pearl Graske, Raymond Hamilton, John Hammond, Henry Hinterviesz, Otto Hopcroft, Rose Johnson, Eric Kidd, Hannah Kidd, Michael McGuinness, Eileen Minogue, William Monk, Melva Nelson, Edith Preston, Alfred (Alfie) Pywell, Arthur Robb, Phyllis Shierlaw, Allan (George) Simpson, S. Graham Stainton, Alexander Sweet, Patricia

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Tamaiparea, Nancye Thomson-Gnad, Kayla White, Anne Wickham, Ngiara

4 Aug 03 Anderson, Robert Bangma, Charlie Beal, Alfred Bell, John Carpenter, Lily Forde, Mary Fulford, Theodora Grant, Sidney Harrison, Raymond Haydon, Dulcie Henderson, Ellen Jamieson, Ian (Bruce) Kendall, Harold Kennedy, Robert Kidd, Hannah King, Carol Loubere, Florence Moir, Arthur Parke, Brenda Pearson, Tom Renwick, Ian Robb, Phyllis Saunders, Cecil (Cyril) Schulz, Gordon Scobie, Juanita Scully, Raymond Sim, Jean Small, Ronald Smith, Joseph Smith, Patricia Stevenson, James Struthers, Robert Summerfield, Tui Tamaiparea, Nancye Thomson, Mary Verzeilberg, Wilhelmina Walding, Robynne Wall, Brian Waterreus, Kenneth Watson, Andrew Womersley, Peter

5 Aug 03 Anderson, Robert Beal, Alfred Bell, John Bolton, Enid Brown, Margaret Carpenter, Lily Clucas, Norman East, Thomas Greenlees, Francis (Frank) Harrison, Raymond Haydon, Dulcie Hynam, Elsie Kennedy, Robert Lochhead, Ross Marslin, Natalie Martin, Roger

McKenzie, Elizabeth Quinn, Judith Renwick, Ian Saunders, Cecil (Cyril) Scarff, Alison Sim, Jean Small, Ronald Smith, Joseph Smith, Patricia Stalker, Owen Struthers, Robert Summerfield, Tui Thomson, Mary Thornton, Helen Turley, Vera Vale, Emily Verzeilberg, Wilhelmina Walding, Robynne Wall, Brian (Granny) Waterreus, Kenneth Watson, Andrew White, Anne

6 Aug 03 Armitage, Isabella Bolton, Enid Brown, Margaret Cavanagh, Margaret Chamberlain, Leslie Clucas, Norman East, Thomas Eder, Colleen (Sally) Enoka, Nata Gillies, Irwin Gilling, Noel Graham, Brenda Greenlees, Francis (Frank) Hartnell, Dorothy Hynam, Elsie Jukes, Helen Keating, William (Geoff) Lucas, Richard Marslin, Natalie Martin, Roger McNair, Sydney Moir, Arthur Pearson, Michael Quinn, Judith Samson, Wallace Sollitt, Agnes Stalker, Owen Vallance, Graeme Waipouri, Huiarangi (Julia) Watson, Andrew Wills, Noel Womersley, Peter

7 Aug 03 Armstrong, Grace Armstrong, Peter Chaney, Philip Chisholm, Joyce Clarke, Erika Corbishley, Clive

Cowan, Brooke Cullen, Noel Eder, Colleen (Sally) Enoka, Nata Gillies, Irwin Halsey, George Janus, Marie (Laura) Kidd, Hannah Lauchland, Ian May, Ivan McNair, Sydney Richmond, Roy Samson, Wallace Sharplin, Rhoda Sinclair, Neill Small, Albert Smith, William Stowell, David Wills, Noel Willyams, Murray

8 Aug 03 Coburn, Colleen Crean, James Crofts, Veda Davies, Walter (Jim) Dirkze, Hendrik (Henk) Dreaver, Douglas Elliott, Jessie Foster, Roy (Peter) Gearry, Eric Gilling, Noel Gowans, Mary Harvey, Peter Janus, Marie (Laura) Johnson, Constance Kidd, Hannah Mannering, Guy McCobb, Sandra Moffitt, Shea Neame, Joan Robb, Beatrice (Mary) Roper, Mona Scott, Vicki Sinclair, Neill Smith, Stewart Smith, William

9 Aug 03 Adams, Ethel Ayers, Wilfred (Bill) Blackman, Edith (Val) Clarke, Erika Clayton, Eileen Coburn, Colleen Coppersmith, Russell Crossley, Shirley Cullen, Noel Davies, Walter (Jim) Dirkze, Hendrik (Henk) Dreaver, Douglas Farr, Ethel (Millie) Fleming, Yann Foster, Roy (Peter) France, Dorette Gowans, Mary Griffiths, David

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hall, Reginald Hardie, Marie Hawe, John (Howard) Janus, Marie (Laura) Jenkin, Esma Johnson, Constance Jory, George Kasey, Lynne Mannering, Guy McCobb, Sandra McKinnon, Bruce Messenger, Joan Moon, Dorothy Neame, Joan Owen, Doris Pearson, Michael Reay, Allison Robb, Beatrice (Mary) Roper, Mona Savage, Fay Scott, Vicki Sillars, Lucy Sollitt, Agnes Stowell, David Sullivan, Martin Tamaiparea, Nancye Tasker, Constance Thomas, Gilbert Webster, Margaret Willyams, Murray

11 Aug 03 Adams, Ethel Ayers, Wilfred Boyes, Margaret Brown, Prudence Carmont, James (Pat) Casey, Lynne Clarke, Erika Clayton, Eileen Court, Frances Cox, Muriel Crean, James Dreaver, Douglas Farr, Ethel (Millie) Fleming, Yann Galbraith, Alice (Allie) Gearry, Eric Gray, Elaine Greer, Tony Hardie, Marie Haugh, Rita Hills, May Ireland, Frances (Wendy) Jenkin, Esma Johnston, Gerrard Kerr, Barry Malthus, John (Geoff) Marr, Gwendolen McIntosh, Angus (Mac) McLaughlin, Laureen (Anne) Parfitt, Joan Price, Gary Reay, Allison

Rodger, Nola Russell, Zela Scott, Betty Scott, Vicki Sheard, Maurice Stowell, David Sullivan, Martin Thomas, Gilbert Walsh, Megan Yates, Arthur (Lee)

12 Aug 03 Black, Albert Bonner, Janet (Netta) Boyd, Elizabeth Boyes, Margaret Brown, Prudence Carmont, James (Pat) Casey, Lynne Clayton, Eileen Court, Frances Cox, Muriel Davis, Jean English, John (Jack) Farr, Ethel (Millie) Gray, Elaine Hardie, Marie Haugh, Rita Hills, May Kennedy, John (Jack) Kerr, Barry McGowan, Annabel McKeogh, David McLeod, Cameron Owen, Doris Palmer, Leo Parfitt, Joan Price, Gary Rodger, Nola Russell, Zela Scott, Betty Scott, Vicki Shand, David Shanmuganathan, Sathiyanathan (Sathy) Simpson, Horiwia Walsh, Megan Wiesner, Rosa (Rhoda) Yates, Arthur (Lee) Young, Athol

13 Aug 03 Baskerville, Vera Black, Albert Boag, Harold Boyd, Elizabeth Burtscher, Karl Carmont, James (Pat) Cassidy, Gordon Cochrane, Arnold Cox, Muriel Cross, Lesley Dixon, Brian Doak, Edgar (Pat) English, John (Jack)

Fancourt, Thomas Harding, August (Augie) James, Lynette Kennedy, John (Jack) McGowan, Annabel McLennan, Lillian McLeod, Cameron Neilson, Ngaire O'Brien, Rita Price, Gary Samson, Betsy Selby, Jared Shand, David Sheard, Maurice Simpson, Horiwia Tuck, Beryl Wahrlich, Rosina Walsh, Megan Wiesner, Rosa (Rhoda) Willis, Toni Wilson, Norman Young, Athol

14 Aug 03 Atkinson, Irene Austin, Norman Boag, Harold Bray, Dorothy (Joan) Burtscher, Karl Byrne, Yvonne Clark, Elaine Cotton, Alice Dixon, Brian English, John (Jack) Gidlow, Charles Girdlestone, Grace Hayward, Molly Marsh, Eric (Bill) McLennan, Lillian O'Brien, Rita O'Halloran, Patrick Parkin, Margaret (Peggy) Richardson, Winifred Romayne, Shirley Taylor, Phyllis (Meg) Tuck, Beryl Vass, Selwyn Williams, Leo Willis, Toni Wilson, Norman

15 Aug 03 Anderson, Raymond Austin, Norman Ballinger, Reginald (Rex) Barton, Alexandra (Peter) Bray, Dorothy (Joan) Bryson, Percival Burness, Annie (Caroline) Byrne, Yvonne

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cookson, Allan Cotton, Alice Derret, Alice Dreaver, John Henderson, Ellen James, Lynette Jones-Boakes, Sarah Lawson, William Lines, Pauline MacManus, Isabell MacQueen, Will Marsh, Eric (Bill) O'Halloran, Patrick Petrie, Alan Reid, Eric Richardson, Winifred Sara, Vicki Seed, Jessie (Margaret) Stare, Avis Steele, James Taylor, Phyllis (Meg)

16 Aug 03 Ballinger, Reginald (Rex) Barnes, Albert (Jim) Barton, Alexandra(Peter) Berghan, Nora Boyd-Wilson, Edna Bray, Dorothy (Joan) Brown, Shirley Bull, Anthony (Alf) Burness, Annie (Caroline) Clark, Elaine Cookson, Allan Crofts, Veda Cunningham, Fergus Ehlen, Tom Fleming, Yann Franks, Joan Garnett, Florence (Tui) Girdlestone, Grace Goddard, Marion Grant, James Hayward, Molly Henderson, Ellen Hobbs, David Howard, Jeremy Jacobs, Jonathon Jones-Boakes, Sarah Larcombe, Colin Lawson, William Lines, Pauline Looker, Rita MacManus, Isabell MacQueen, Will McCormick, David Newton, Ann O'Brien, Alan O'Neill, Monica (Topsy) Paku, Paora Rosewarne, Trevor Seed, Jessie (Margaret)

Standage, Phyllis Stare, Avis Stewart, John Thompson, Gwenneth Trillo, Joel White, Phyllis Williams, Clifford

18 Aug 03 Bainbridge, John Barnes, Albert (Jim) Boyce, Sheila Boyd-Wilson, Edna Bull, Anthony (Alf) Byfield, Colleen Chisholm, Kathleen (Maisie) Crowe, Timothy de Jonge, Wouter (Eddie) Flavell, Kathleen Gargiulo, Anthony Garnett, Florence (Tui) Gill, Patrick Goddard, Marion Grant, James Greenlees, Nonie Grenfell, Thomas (Neale) Hickin, Gordon Lines, Pauline Malone, Beverley McCormick, David McKay, Emily Millichamp, Anne O'Neill, Monica (Topsy) Petrie, Alan Philpott, Noeline (Aunty) Pritchett, Sylvia Seator, George Southon, Maude Todd, Patricia (Marie) Trillo, Joel Veitch, Patricia (Noel) Wards, Christian Whiteside, Lois Williams, Clifford Willman, Wendy

19 Aug 03 Bainbridge, John Box, Minnie Boyce, Sheila Byfield, Colleen de Jonge, Wouter (Eddie) Fahey, Michael (Mick) Flavell, Kathleen Flyger, Craig Glasson, Douglas Goddard, Marion Greenlees, Nonie Grenfell, Thomas Harpur, Professor Robert

Hickin, Gordon Hobby, William Hood, Betty Karaitiana, Violet Leighton, Reginald Malone, Beverley (Bev) Molloy, Ngaire Moran, John Oliver, Ronald (Ron) Osborne, Marion Philpott, Noeline Smith, Derek Smith, James (Ross) Thomson, Suzanne Wards, Christian Watkins, John Willman, Wendy

20 Aug 03 Bainbridge, John Bell, Winnifred Carden, Ruby Chapman, Evan de Jonge, Wouter (Eddie) Dixon, Thelma Faulks, James Fleming, Yann Flyger, Craig Frost, Graham Glasson, Douglas Greenlees, Nonie Grenfell, Thomas Hammond, Gladys Hickin, Gordon Hill, Bruce Hobby, William Jelley, Noel Kirkwood, Alma Langrope, Michelle Lyes, Henry (Larry) Martin, Francis (Frank) Matthews, Daphne Meyer, Wilfred Molloy, Ngaire Osborne, Marion Powney, Roger Pritchett, Sylvia Skinner, Desmond Smith, Derek Stuart, Norma Thomson, Suzanne Valentine, George Wards, Christian Watkins, John Willis, Hilda Wilson, Warren Yorston, Claire (Billie)

21 Aug 03 Atkinson, John Baird, Joan Baldwin, Ellen Barnett, Rona Burnett, Barbara Carden, Ruby

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Margaret) Clothier, Graham Coad, Norah (Heni) Collingwood, Mary (Mollie) Doyle, John (Joe) Flyger, Craig Hammond, Gladys Hart, Phillis Hill, Bruce Langrope, Michelle Lyes, Henry Martin, Francis (Frank) Meyer, Wilfred Molloy, Ngaire Osborne, Marion Paterson, Adelina Powney, Roger Richards, Margaret Savage, Adrienne Smith, Thelma Stevenson, Tom Thomson, Lillian (Elma)

22 Aug 03 Allan, Ivan Baird, Joan Barnett, Rona Burnett, Barbara Cameron, Phyllis Canter, Audrey Clothier, Graham Coad, Norah (Heni) Collingwood, Mary (Mollie) Davenport, Rona Groves, Daphne Johnson, Margaret Kirsopp, Dawn Lee, Sylvie Lyes, Henry Martin, Francis (Frank) Munro, Margaret (Christine) Penman, Frank Stevenson, Tom Taylor, Ian

23 Aug 03 Barrington, Olive Burnett, Barbara Cox, Ella Davenport, Rona Diggle, Mary Grenfell, Thomas Groves, Daphne Healey, Peggy Holcroft, Christine Hunt, Betty Jelley, Noel Johnson, Margaret Kearney, Jillian Kinney, Michael Lee, Sylvie Matthews, Daphne Mould, Harold (Harry)

Munro, Margaret (Christine) Parkin, Clifford Paterson, Adelina Pearson, Michael Penman, Frank Pohl, John (Jack) Pridie, Rosa Regan, William (Ron) Smith, Thelma Snelson, Wilma Taylor, Ian van Ankeren, Andrew

25 Aug 03 Armitage, Eva Banks, Mervyn Brown, Andrew (Pat) Dawson, Ngairie Dobbs, Gwendolin Edwards, James) Ellmers, Graeme Emslie, Kenneth Franchi, Dorothea Gardner, Beatrice (Betty) Goss, Harold (Harry) Hamilton, Violet Healey, Peggy Holcroft, Christine Hunt, Betty Kearney, Jillian McGowan, Robert (Clarrie) McWilliam, Dorothy (Dorrie) Monks, Janice Munro, Christine Parkin, Clifford Pratley, Catherine Regan, William (Ron) Snelson, Wilma Thompson, Alice van Ankeren, Andrew Wells, Richard

26 Aug 03 Bradley, David Bundo, Walter Caird, Allan Clifford, Dale Devine, Elsie Dougherty, John Edwards, James Ford, Peter Frater, Gwendoline Gardner, Beatrice (Betty) Goss, Harold (Harry) Hamilton, Violet Hardaker, Edison Hay, George Helm, Ruth Hudson, Victor Leslie, Brian Lowe, Terence McInnes, Frederick

Murphy, Kevin O'Brien, Suzanne Preston, Norma Tampion, Raymond Thompson, Alice Walsh, Sir John Watson, Mary Webb, Jack (Ibrahim)

27 Aug 03 Atkinson, John Bradley, David Brown, Andrew (Pat) Carroll, William Clifford, Dale Cowley, Daphne Dougherty, John (Jack) Edwards, James Evans, Clifford Frater, Gwendoline Glasson, Trevor Hay, George Healey, Peggy Lindley, Ella Lowe, Terence Marsh, Maurice Matthews, Daphne Mayhew, Pearl Millan, Julie Morriss, Beatrice Murphy, Kevin Nolan, Mary (Molly) O'Brien, Suzanne Rayfield, Norman Reynolds, Roy Strachan, Marion Sutherland, Margaret (Jean) Townshend, Urgie (Pauline) Walsh, Sir John Watson, Mary Wisheart, Loris Xu, Huibing

28 Aug 03 Boyd, Mildred Carroll, William Coleman, Susan Collins, Joan Connelly, Hon. Michael Dixon, Alistair Edwards, James Evans, Clifford Ewan, Alice Ford, Peter Gibson, Beryl Glasson, Trevor Larking, Charles Laurence, Bruce Lindley, Doreen Lowe, Terry Millan, Julie Neish, Elizabeth Pasfield, Kelvin

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Preston, Norma and John Price, Elizabeth Strachan, Marion Townshend, Urgie (Pauline)

29 Aug 03 Alexander, Clara Birch, Kate Blair, Nola Coleman, Susan Connelly, Hon. Michael Down, Christopher Drury, Rev. Peter Ewan, Alice Foote, Kevin Galloway, Ian Gibson, Beryl Gifford, Beverley Judkins, Mavis Lawrence, John Leary, Ann MacFarlane, Trevor Maloney, Theresa McAlpine, Raymond Neish, Elizabeth Pasfield, Kelvin Stewart, Trevor Townshend, Urgie (Pauline) Waterman, Kenneth (Ken) Watts, Ernest

30 Aug 03 Alexander, Clara Balogh, George Beattie, Cora Birch, Kate Blair, Nola Brown, Meredith (Noel) Bruorton, Sheila Button, Doreen Campbell, Nina co*ker, Rona Collins, Joan Cook, Annie Davies, Leonard De Rungs, Daisy Drury, Rev. Peter Foote, Kevin Galloway, Ian Gates, Pamela Hunter, Rita Judkins, Mavis Leary, Ann Leigh, Dennis Lowrey, Mavis MacFarlane, Trevor Mann, William (Bill) McAlpine, Raymond McLay, Doris Mehrtens, Edith Morrison, Joy

Oliver, Elizabeth Parks, Henrietta (Hettie) Pawsey, Colleen Svensen, Mervyn Waterman, Kenneth (Ken) Watts, Ernest Weedon, Pat Wilson, Jean

1 Sep 03 Adam, Richard Alexander, Clara Barnett, Avis Black, Mary Blair, Nola Bruorton, Sheila Campbell, Nina Coutts, William De Rungs, Daisy Evans, Joyce Galloway, Ian Green, Bryan Hands, Colin Hunter, Othle Johnson, Stephen Kennedy, Catherine Leigh, Dennis Lowrey, Mavis Mehrtens, Edith Miller, Amy Oliver, Elizabeth Pawsey, Colleen Perkins, June Pierce, Dorothy (Dorrie) Thompson, Clara (Clare) Thompson, Janet (Frances) Thompson, Heath Ward, Denis Watts, Ernest Wilson, Alan Wiltshire, Dorothy

2 Sep 03 Adam, Richard Archie, Mabel Barnett, Avis Bennett, James (Jim) Collis, Frederick Cone, Arthur Coutts, William Dickey, Marion Evans, Joyce Foote, Kevin Forsey-Milne, Courtney Frampton, Graham Gillanders, Dorothy Glen, Dorothy Green, Bryan Gregge, Arther Hands, Colin Howard, Nancy

Kennedy, Catherine Lapworth, Roy Lewin, Carolyn Malin-Wiltshire, Dorothy Muir, Graham Norman, Walter Oliver, Elizabeth Perkins, June Pike, Elaine Rosman, Koenraad Sinco*ck, Alice Thompson, Alan Thompson, Heath Ward, Denis Wilson, Alan Wilson, John Wiltshire, Dorothy

3 Sep 03 Allison, Coral Ballin, Reubina Barnett, Avis Bennett, James (Jim) Bright, Leslie Brosnahan, Joan Carr, Graham Chambers, Herbert Clancy, Douglas Clark, Marion Dickey, Marion Forsey-Milne, Courtney Frampton, Graham Glen, Dorothy Harvey, Dr Gail Lassen, Michael Malin-Wiltshire, Dorothy Marshall, Ernest McCallum, Ellen (Nell) McKenzie, Betty McNamara, John Muir, Graham Murdoch, Kenneth Nand, Satya Norman, Walter (Wattie) Pagonis, Merle Pike, Elaine Powell, Daphne Rogers, Marjorie (Joan) Ross, Joan Simons, Roy Sinco*ck, Alice Thompson, Heath Watts, June

4 Sep 03 Alexander, Jean Allison, Coral Archie, Mabel Ballin, Reubina Bartlett, Florence Carr, Graham Chambers, Herbert

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Charles, Evan (Tom) Chinnery, Barbara Clancy, Douglas Cox, Eileen Glen, Dorothy (Dot) Gray, Iris Groves, Thomas (Tom) Herring, Ivy Hope, Eric Lovell, Violet (Mary) Martin, Allan McNamara, John Muir, Graham Murdoch, Kenneth Pavletich, Helen Rogers, Marjorie Simons, Roy Spence, Dulcie

5 Sep 03 Alexander, Jean Ballin, Reubina Bell, Yvonne Campbell, Colin Carr, Graham Cartman, Cyril Chinnery, Barbara Cowen, Ella Cox, Eileen Drewery, Gwendoline (Betty) Dunlop, Allen (Joe) Duval, Terry Glen, Dorothy (Dot) Gully, Philip Hanright, Tui Harvey, Iris Hope, Eric Imms, Doris Lovell, Violet (Mary) Manchester, Kenneth McCarthy, Declan McLeod, Dolcie Morris, Jillian Pavletich, Helen Simons, Roy Staples, Lawrence Thompson, Janet Waters, Doreen Zittersteijn, Wilhelmus

6 Sep 03 Ambler, Marie Ballin, Reubina Barker, Thomas Bell, Yvonne Beswarick, Ian Boyle, Phyllis Bradley, Susannah Brown, Helena Browne, Eric Bucknell, Iris (Poppy) Cartman, Cyril Collier, Kathleen Cowen, Ella Cronin, William

Crutchley, Joan Drewery, Gwendoline (Betty) Duval, Terry Elliott, Sydney Ellis, Gladys Frampton, Graham Froude, Patricia Hanright, Tui Harrison, John (Sir Richard) Harvey, Iris Hodgson, Joyce Kibblewhite, Mary (Molly) Leach, Maiere Lovell, Violet (Mary) Manchester, Kenneth McClintock, Clifford Morris, Jillian Norton, Joyce Powell, Daphne Pulley, Dianne Simons, Roy Smith, Frederick Sorenson, Donald (Don) Warren, Edna Watson, Irene (Pearl) Wright, Hazel Zittersteijn, Wilhelmus

8 Sep 03 Bale, Leila Barker, Thomas Beaumont, Elizabeth (Betty) Beaver, Alfred (Hec) Becker, Kelvin Beswarick, Ian Bradley, Susannah Broekman, Dawn Cross, Steven Drewett, George (Iain) Eagle, Noreen Ford, Margaret (Meg) Gilbert, John (Jack) Goodman, Beverley (Bev) Hardy, Russell Harvey, Iris Hitchen, Adrienne Hooper, Edward (Dick) Hubert, Marie Hundleby, Euan Knox, Frances (Audrey) May, Henry (Harry) McBride, Maurice McNaught, Shirley Oliff, Olive O'Sullivan, Frances (Frankie) Phillipps, William (Bill) Pulley, Dianne Shiach, William Skjellerup, Winifred

Stark, Raymond Strong, Noel Titheridge, Nora Urquhart, David Waitaiki, John Wakelin, Leonard Wear, Marie Wehrmann, Kurt

9 Sep 03 Baas, Adrianus Bale, Leila Barker, Michael Becker, Kelvin Beswarick, Ian Brookes, Alexander Clarke, Colin Conner, David Cross, Steven Crutchley, Joan De Gooyer, Johannes (Hans) Drewett, George (Iain) Eagle, Noreen Eder, Kevin Ford, Margaret (Meg) Fowke, Winifred (Carmel) Gilmore, Adelaide Gordon, June Guiney, Noeline Harvey, Iris Hubert, Marie Hundleby, Euan Jones, Betty Kempthorne, Marion Mantell, Flora Manuel, Beatrice (Dot) May, Henry (Harry) McBride, Maurice McCoy, Mary McNay, Nora (Nan) Meikle, Bridget (Nell) Oliff, Olive O'Sullivan, Frances (Frankie) Payne, Colin Pulley, Dianne Reynolds, Sally Rowney, Allen Silco*ck, Elvie Simons, Roy Skjellerup, Winifred Stark, Raymond Titheridge, Nora Urquhart, David Waitaiki, John Walllace, James Wear, Marie Wehrmann, Kurt

10 Sep 03 Baas, Adrianus Barker, Michael Brookes, Alexander Bryson, Percival Connor, Patricia (Pat)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Costello, Maurice Cross, Steven Dewhurst, Emily Diaz, Jacqueline Ford, Margaret (Meg) Fowke, Winifred (Carmel) Gallon, John Gilmore, Adelaide Gordon, Betty Guiney, Noeline Harkin, Frances Hooper, Dick Jones, Betty Lemon, Robert Mantell, Flora May, Henry (Harry) McCoy, Mary Meikle, Bridget (Nell) Muir, Rona Murfitt, Myrtle Pike, John (Jack) Prattley, Geraldine Prescott, Craig Riley, Helen Rowney, Allen Sheath, Eoin Shieffelbein, Doris Silco*ck, Elvie Skjellerup, Winifred Stanway, Victor Strong, Noel Tootell, Shona Wakelin, Leonard

11 Sep 03 Allen, Glenda Brookes, Alexander Cholmondeley, Thomas (Dick) Connor, Patricia (Pat) Costello, Maurice Dewhurst, Emily Gibbens, Stephen Gilmore, John Gordon, Betty Green, Patrick Hamilton, Harold (Dave) Helsen, Wilhelmus (Bill) Johnston, Ian Kenyon, Bruce McSweeney, Eugene Miers, Alan Patterson, Marion Pike, John (Jack) Pluck, Robert (Bob) Prattley, Geraldine Prescott, Craig Skjellerup, Winifred Stanway, Victor Tootell, Shona Woods, Myra

12 Sep 03

Anderson, Doris Bryson, Percival Carter, Eleanor Clark, Percival Clark, Phyllis Collins, Rev. Father John Dann, Elsie Eades, Bruce Glasgow, Gregory (Greg) Hamilton, Harold (Dave) Helsen, Wilhelmus (Bill) Johnston, Ian McSweeney, Hughie Pluck, Robert (Bob) Rule, Daisy (Lil) Shea, June Wilkinson, Daphne Wooding, Ngaire

13 Sep 03 Buxton, Jill Clark, Phyllis Coe, Peter Collins, Rev. Father John Costello, Maurice Dann, Elsie Dowie, Edwin (Ted) Eades, Bruce Filipov, Philip Forsythe, Ian Gallaher, Joan Glasgow, Gregory (Greg) Green, Patrick Guiney, Noeline Jack, Victoria (Hope) Laing, Noelene Maginness, Lloyd Makiri, Granwyn McAuley, Annie McSweeney, Eugene (Hugh) Money, Meredith Moore, Winifred Rule, Daisy (Lil) Saussey, Grant Stewart, Grace Thomas, Joy Turner, Janet (Ruth) Wilkinson, Daphne

15 Sep 03 Bamford, Leonard (Len) Bennett, Gloria Bowden, John Calder, Pauline Clark, Phyllis Collins, Rev. Father John Cox, Robert Elder, Patricia Forsythe, Ian

Haley, Thelma (Betty) Hamilton, Winifred (Win) Jack, Victoria (Hope) Jackson, Fredrick Jamieson, Hazel Judd, Cyril Lemon, Mona Leybourne, Leonard (Jim) MacKinnon, Robina Money, Meredith Moore, Winifred O'Malley, Mary (Pat) O'Malley, Martin Stewart, Erica Stewart, Grace Thomas, Joy Topp, William White, Jill Wineti, Michele Woodfield, Sidney Wootton, Grace

16 Sep 03 Baldwin, Michael Bennett, Gloria Bowden, John Connor, Lillian Cormack, Betty Dolan, Ivan Haley, Thelma (Betty) Hamilton, Winifred (Win) Jackson, Fredrick Jellie, Neville Lemon, Mona Leopold, Patricia Morrison, Ena O'Malley, Martin O'Malley, Mary (Pat) Parata, Gillian Pickford, Ruth Quin, Edward Righton, Herbert (Ray) Russell, Colin Topp, William Wineti, Michele Woodfield, Sidney Wootton, Grace

17 Sep 03 Bamford, Leonard (Len) Boot, Anna Bothwell, James Chamberlain, Lola Cormack, Betty Curtis, Bevan Dann, Rose Davison, John Eade, Francis Enting, Beatrice (Trix) Fraser, David Frewin, Maisie Harris, Gladys Ives, Frank Jackman, Alan

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


James, Colin Leopold, Patricia Mahar, Jean Matheson, Maureen Morrison, Ena O'Malley, Martin Parata, Gillian Quin, Edward Wright, Yvette

18 Sep 03 Bentley, Lillian Boot, Anna Brown, Beatrice Curtis, Bevan Davison, John Eade, Francis Fraser, David Jackman, Alan MacDonald, Brenda Maffey, Stanley (Stan) Mahar, Jean Matheson, Maureen Parata, Gillian Riddington, Kim Rodgers, James (George) Shea, June Thomson, Greig Weatherall, Leslie (Pat)

19 Sep 03 Burnett, Betty Durie, Ellen Fleming, Mona Jackman, Alan Jennings, Michael King, Arthur Kitto, Janet (Jeannie) Mackey, Herbert (Bert) Maffey, Stanley (Stan) Mapu, Royal McDowell, Beverley (Bev) McIntosh, Alexander Murray, Angela Parata, Gillian Rodgers, James (George) Smith, Geoffrey Thomson, Greig Wootton, Grace

21 Sep 03 Blakely, Stanley Bradley, Daphne Burnett, Betty Clark, James Codyre, Thelma Davis, Mary Fitzgibbon, Gwendoline (Gwen) Fleming, Mona Galletly, William (Evan)

Gent, Christina Gray, Netia Harding, Phillis Hartley, Laurence Hood, Stanley Horrocks, John King, Arthur Kissick, Mary (Anne) Lambert, Jessie Mackey, Herbert (Bert) McMahon, Patrick McQuoid, Claude Murray, Angela Quemard, Alice Robins, Edward Rowntree, Richard (Mal) Saunders, Edwin (Ted) Stringer, Graham Walker, Pamela Weatherall, Leslie (Pat) Woodhouse, Patrick

22 Sep 03 Alabaster, Mary Barbour, Mavis Beattie, Lulu Blakely, Stanley Clark, James Codyre, Thelma Dewar, Colin Donaldson, Alex Duncan, Molly Eggers, Doreen Evers, William Galletly, William (Evan) Gent, Christina Gormack, Ronald Gray, Netia Harding, Phillis Hartley, Laurence Hazlett, Geraldine (Gendy) Jackson, Cecil Killick, Raymond Kiriona, Major Kirkwood, Margaret Kissick, Mary (Anne) Lambert, Jessie Lane, Rex McDowell, Mervyn McKay, Patricia McKenzie, Ian McMahon, Patrick Murray, Angela Naden, Frederick Pengelly, Vonnie (Poppy) Prattley, Patricia Stringer, Graham Telfer, Noeline Walker, Pamela Watkin, Iris Willetts, Frances

Young, Margaret

23 Sep 03 Barbour, Mavis Beach, Mary Beattie, Lulu Blakely, Stanley Dewar, Colin Donaldson, Alex Duncan, Molly Eggers, Doreen Ferguson, Ursula Fitzmaurice, Mary (Maureen) Gormack, Ronald Hayton, Patricia Jackson, Cecil Killick, Raymond Lochhead, David Marsh, Allen McDowell, Mervyn McKay, Patricia McLean, Fay McQuoid, Claude Mogridge, Leila Nicholson, William Pengelly, Vonnie (Poppy) Riddle, Ena Stott, Winifred Talbot, John van Duiven, Jon Willetts, Frances

24 Sep 03 Barker, Edward (Ted) Beattie, Lulu Beaumont, Arthur Bishop, Joan Burnett, Betty Crosby, Jean Darling, Joyce Davis, John Eggers, Doreen Fitzmaurice, Mary (Maureen) Gates, Carole Hansen, Mary Hawker, Terence Hayton, Patricia Jacobs, Nora Jones, Andy Killick, Raymond Marsh, Allen Milligan, Hugh Minchin, Elsie Mitchell, Patricia (Patty) Mosley, Alyth Read, Cedric Richardson, Margaret Shelford, Adrian Thomson, John van Duiven, Jon

25 Sep 03 Barker, Edward (Ted)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Beaumont, Arthur Bishop, Joan Bloxham, Gael Buck, Dylan Coates, Marjorie Comber, Christopher Crosby, Jean Darling, Joyce Dick, Esther Dudley, George Filshie, Peggie Holmes, William (Rex) Jacobs, Nora Low, Gordon Marsh, Allen Marshall, Doris McEldowney, Richard Mellon, Lillian Milligan, Hugh Mogridge, Leila Paterson, Robin Richardson, Margaret (Darien) Saba, Joseph Smith, Ronald Winchester, Mavis

26 Sep 03 Cain, Douglas Cameron, Raymond Cullen, Helen Feast, Edna Filshie, Peggie Hunt, William Jones, Jewel Landreth, Ronald Lochhead, David MacKinnon, Robert McEldowney, Richard McElroy, Ronald McIntosh, William Milligan, Hugh Reeve, Ronald Richardson, Margaret (Darien) Saba, Joseph Shaw, Joseph Smith, Ronald Walls, Gwendoline Winchester, Mavis

27 Sep 03 Anderson, Norman (Norm) Bird, Robert Black, George Brown, Elsie Burgess, Edward (Ted) Burrell, Moraine (Norrie) Butson, Sonny Cain, Douglas Cameron, Raymond Charters, Sheila Ching, Athol Clarke, Paul

Cullen, Helen Fahey, Thomas (Father Tom) Feast, Edna Filshie, Peggie Goldsmid, Barry Green, John Hare, Nancy Hayward, William Hunt, Ian Jarden, Michael Jones, Jewel Keith, Edna McElroy, Ronald McIntosh, William Mills, Joanne Robinson, Rodney Shaw, Joseph Tubb, Raymond Walls, Gwendoline

29 Sep 03 Bell, Leonard Blain, Noelyne Burrell, Moraine (Norrie) Butson, Alfred (Sonny) Cameron, Raymond Cooper, Dorothy deWit, Jack (Jacob) Gillard, Nola Hare, Nancy Jarden, Michael Jones, Violet Lane, Janet (Jenny) Logan, Alice (Lal) Love, Murray Lucas, James Marshall, Cedric McElroy, Ronald McHugh, Christina McPherson, Rose Moffett, Valmai Penrose, Alister Pool, Florence Pullan, Marine (Marie) Robertshaw, Edwin (Keith) Robinson, Rodney (Rob) Rowan, John (Doug) Russell, Reita Smith, Melville Tubb, Raymond Woods, Dorothy

30 Sep 03 Adams, Hilda Blain, Noelyne Braid, John Brown, Elsie Cooper, Dorothy Dunster, Betty Gibbs, Sylvia Gillard, Nola Gilroy, Daisy Glover, Ronald

(Ronnie) Harris, Sue Inwood, Elsie Kavanaugh, Cyril Love, Murray Lucas, James McPherson, Rose Mitchell, Stanley Penrose, Alister Postlewaight, Evelyn Pullan, Marine (Marie) Riddler, Douglas Robertshaw, Edwin (Keith) Rowan, John (Doug) Simons, Noel Smith, Margaret Turner, Allan (Stan) Wilde, Stanley Woods, Dorothy

1 Oct 03 Braid, John Carruthers, John (Jack) Dunn, William (Bill) Finch, Mark Frickleton, Ian Gilroy, Daisy Glover, Ronald (Ronnie) Harris, Sue Hynes, Leslie (Les) Jack, Charles Kavanaugh, Cyril Logan, Alice (Lal) Lowen, Frederick (Fred) Mathers, Henry Mitchell, Stanley Pedersen, Mary Phillipson, Marjorie Pool, Rupert (Doug) Pullan, Marine (Marie) Reed, Rugby Riddler, Douglas Robertshaw, Edwin (Keith) Simons, Noel Smith, Margaret Smith, Melville Turner, Allan (Stan) Wallace, Raymond (Ray) Wickes, Edmund

2 Oct 03 Ceelen, Theodorus (Theo) Cosgrove, Lorna Dodds, Dorothy (Dot) Finch, Mark Harris, Sue Harrison, Helen Holman, Marie Palmer, Patricia (Pat) Phillipson, Marjorie

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Pool, Rupert (Doug) Purvis, Desmond Quinn, Peter Rawson, Margaret Reed, Rugby Roberts, Meryl Simons, Noel Stinson, Snow Terito, Temoananui (Mo) Thomason, Bertie (Bert) Wallace, Raymond (Ray) Whyte, Gwenda

3 Oct 03 Armstrong, Olive Barrett, Ann Bremner, May Carruthers, Thelma Carter, Edward Ceelen, Theo Dodds, Dorothy (Dot) French, Joyce Harrison, Helene Hishon, Kathleen (Kate) Holman, Thelma Jackson, Cynthia Lowe, Derek MacKinnon, Christine Orsbourn, Kenneth Pattinson, Veronica Phillipson, Marjorie Quinn, Peter Roberts, Meryl Robinson, Susan Summerton, Molly Thomson, Joyce Vintiner, Barry Wills, Ian

4 Oct 03 Armstrong, Bruce Armstrong, Olive Bowick, Richard (Dick) Brough, Verdun Buckley, Marjory Candy, Harold Carruthers, Thelma Carter, Edward Crichton, Thomas Davidson, Robin French, Joyce Gillespie, Ian Gunn, Donald Harrison, Colleen Harrison, Nick Hishon, Kathleen (Kate) Hurrell, Sam Jackson, Cynthia Kennedy, Terrence (Terry) Logan, Alice (Lal) Lowe, Derek

Mathers, Henry O'Donnell, Nancy Orsbourn, Kenneth Palmer, Patricia (Pat) Pattinson, Veronica Quinn, Peter Shaw, Harold Summerton, Molly Terito, Temoananui Thomson, Joyce Timbrell, Elaine Toner, Alice (Matt) Wills, Ian Young, Stanley

6 Oct 03 Armstrong, Bruce Armstrong, Olive Baird, James Balfour, Noeline Barker, Jean Bartlett, Molly Bowick, Richard (Dick) Bowman, Gordon (Bo) Clucas, Audrey Crichton, Thomas Crossen, Ruby Ford, Carole French, Faeria (Fae) Hammond, Thomas Harrison, Gaisford Houston, Samuel (Jack) Hurrell, Sam Hurst, Jane (Jean) Jellyman, Joan Kennedy, Terrence Madigan, Mark McVicar, James (Jim) Middleton, Yvonne Murrell, Elizabeth (Betty) Nash, Edna Neal, James (Jack) O'Donnell, Nancy Savage, Ethel Shaw, Harold Spence, Harold (Max) Strangman, John (Jack) Thomson, Joyce Vigers, Herbert (Owen) von Sierakowski, Hazel Whiting, Louis Williamson, David

7 Oct 03 Anderson, Kathleen Balfour, Noeline Barker, Jean Bartlett, Molly Bowick, Richard (Dick) Budd, Alfred (Bill) Cunniffe, Brendan Draffin, Ruth

Dudfield, Constance (Connie) Fajkiel, Wanda Ford, Carole Hammond, Thomas Hampton Leo Hanna, John James, Ronald MacKinnon, Neil (Robin) McVicar, James (Jim) Morgan, Elsie O'Donnell, Nancy Pattinson, Lawrence (Jim) Shanks, Peter Strangman, John (Jack) Vigers, Herbert (Owen) von Sierakowski, Hazel Wallace Neville Whiting, Louis Williamson, David

8 Oct 03 Anderson, Jason Anderson, Kathleen Armstrong, Cora Ashton, John Balfour, Noeline Barker, Jean Barry, Lyall Cooper, Valbourg (Val) Craw, Mary (Jean) Davidson, Robin Devine, Jeffrey Dudfield, Constance (Connie) Fajkiel, Wanda Fitzgibbon, Edward Greig, Ronald Hammond, Thomas Hampton Leo MacKinnon, Neil (Robin) McVicar, James (Jim) Morgan, Molly Murdoch, Mary Newton, Nancy Oldham, William (Bill) Paterson, Lynda Pattinson, Lawrence (Jim) Platt, David (Dave) Rowlands, Catherine (Gwen) Wallace, Neville Watson, J. G. (Jimmy) Whiteside, Ruth Williamson, David Wratt, Hurzal Wratt, Marie

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


9 Oct 03 Anderson, Jason Anderson, Kathleen Childs, Maurice (Maurie) Cooper, Valbourg (Val) Craw, Mary (Jean) Cribb, Eleanor Fitzgibbon, Edward Hammond, Thomas (Tom) Holder, Phillis Houlden, May Inder, Albert (Ron) Keay, Jack MacKinnon, Neil (Robin) McDonald, Angus McIlraith, Noel Murdoch, Mary Oldham, William (Bill) Platt, David (Dave) Rowlands, Catherine (Gwen) Topham, Marion Vickery, Janet (Jan) Whiteside, Ruth

10 Oct 03 Clinton, Frederick Cooper, Valbourg (Val) Cribb, Eleanor Deavoll, Moira Devine, Jeffrey Dunlop, Henry (George) Fitzgibbon, Edward Grieve, Gerald Houlden, May Inder, Albert (Ron) Keay, Jack Laurie, Stuart Mayo, Pauline Mazey, Daniel Robertson, Patricia (Pat) Sealey, John Shirreffs, Ronald Thelin, Per Helge (Pete) Tse, Ernest (Bill) Vickery, Janet (Jan)

11 Oct 03 Ames, Douglas Anderson, Jason Carson, Selwyn Davies, Violet Deavoll, Moira Dunlop, Henry (George) Fortune, Ian Greaves, Grace Griffin, Peter

Henry, Michael Holder, Phillis Hopewell, Noeline Larkins, Helen (Pam) Laurie, Stuart Lilley, Stanley Lynch, Margaret Mallouk, Rina Mayo, Pauline McIlraith, Noel McKay, Graham McLauchlan, Joyce McPhee, John (Jack) Neuroth, Shelley Norris, Nellie Pettigrew, John Platt, David (Dave) Quigley, Ian Robertson, Patricia (Pat) Rowlands, Catherine (Gwen) Scott, Agnes Scott, Alice Sealey, John Sheridan, Nicholas Smith, Jeffrey (Jeff) Thompson, Mavis Trotter, Jessie Tse, Ernest (Bill) Wesley, Demar

13 Oct 03 Ballan, Winifred (Grace) Banks, Joseph Cambridge, Margaret (Peggy) Coleman, Norman Donaldson, Murray Dunlop, Henry (George) Edmunds, Vera (Jean) Erickson, Allan Falconer, June Fearon, Maurice (Morrie) Ferguson, Cyril Hamilton, Josephine Herring, Fay Hofland, Janine Hopewell, Noeline Lilley, Stanley Lynch, Margaret McIlraith, Noel McPhee, John (Jack) Mee, Peter Rev. Monsignor Mouncey, Gwendoline Muir, Marguerite (Madge) Neuroth, Shelley Norris, Nellie O'Loughlin, Ivy Oxnam, Kenneth Peaco*ck, Florence Quigley, Ian

Roberts, Paul Scott, Agnes Sheppard, Donald Sheridan, Nicholas Shirtcliff, Kenneth Skinner, Agnes (Nancy) Smith, Lillian Stacey, Adrian Walls, Harry

14 Oct 03 Banks, Joseph Burgess, Robert (Bob) Condon, Maurice Cook, Janet Cowley, Barry Curd, Hedley (Dick) Edmunds, Vera (Jean) Falconer, June Fearon, Maurice (Morrie) Ferguson, Cyril Fletcher, Noel Giles, Carolyn Haig, Philippa Hamilton, Josephine Hart, Geraldine (Gerri) Herring, Fay Hofland, Janine Hooper, Patricia (Trix) Jones, Valma Kennedy, Eugene Mackwell, Adrienne McCauley, Freda McNeill, Henry (Harry) Muir, Marguerite (Madge) Neuroth, Shelley Ng, Hang O'Loughlin, Ivy Orr, David Oxnam, Kenneth Parker, Frances Paterson, Bruce Pitama, Alan (Junior) Ross, Ronald Shannon, Peter Sheppard, Donald Shirtcliff, Kenneth Simpson, Dorothy (Dot) Simpson, Douglas Smith, Lillian Willetts, Lois Wilson, Merle

15 Oct 03 Ames, Douglas Burgess, Robert (Bob) Coleman, Norman Condon, Maurice Cowley, Barry Dawson, Pearl Fletcher, Noel Garlick, Russell Giles, Carolyn

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Guy, Sylvia Haig, Philippa Hansen, Dorothy Hiddleston, Lisa Hooper, Patricia (Trix) Kennedy, Eugene Kinney, Myrtle Mackwell, Adrienne McNeill, Henry (Harry) Murphy, Peter Neeson, Teddy Ng, Hang Fong Nolan, Thomas Owens, Jeffrey Oxnam, Kenneth Paterson, Bruce Pitama, Alan (Junior) Platt, David (Dave) Reesby, Colin Ross, Ronald Sheppard, Donald Simpson, Dorothy (Dot) Simpson, Douglas Skinner, Agnes (Nancy) Stacey, Adrian Stewart, Joyce Taylor, John Trotter, Norman Wilson, Merle

16 Oct 03 Beattie, Daphne Bool, Cheryl Brasell, Barbara Cahill, Helen Coleman, Norman Cook, Leila Corbett, Kathleen (Kate) Cowan, Leslie Cowley, Barry Cunninghame, Melanie (Mel) Dean, Lionel, Rev. Father Dean SM Dobson, Sylvia Dunne, Robert (Ennis) Goldsmith, Jon Hansen, Dorothy Hiddleston, Lisa Ierome, Fale Lee, Clarice Mackwell, Adrienne McLaughlan, Sydney Murphy, Peter Oortgiesen, Diane Owens, Jeffrey Paterson, Bruce Pitcaithly, Walter (Wally) Reid, Mary Sheppard, Donald Skivington-Mancewicz,

Bradley Smyth, Kathleen Stevenson, Averil (Ave) Stewart, Joyce Sutherland, Pamela (Pam) Taylor, John Wilson, Muriel

17 Oct 03 Anderson, David Brown, Ernest Buchanan, Betty Burwell, Rebe Chambers, Colin Churcher, James Cook, Leila Corbett, Kathleen (Kate) Cowan, Leslie de Malmanche, Margaret Donaldson, June Dunne, Robert (Ennis) Goldsmith, Jon Hannah, Ivan Hiddleston, Lisa Hooper, Patricia (Trix) Ierome, Fale Johnston, Kevin Lee, Clarice Nixon, Sydney Simpson, Errol Sutherland, Pamela (Pam) Toheriri, Nikera (Nik) Williamson, Nell Wilson, Dulcie

18 Oct 03 Bade, Frank Brash, Sylvia Burrows, Samuel (Sam) Carn, Beverley Chambers, Colin Churcher, James Cresswell, Douglas Cunninghame, Melanie (Mel) Ferguson, Cyril Glen, Joan Gordon, Frederick Hannah, Ivan Heeley, Barbara James, Leo Johnston, Kevin Kinney, Myrtle May, Patricia (Pat) McLaughlan, Sydney Mitton, Cyrus Owens, Jeffrey Patrick, Isobel Platt, David Pope, Lola

Robinson, Monica Sanderson, Lorna Simonsen, Noeleen Stevenson, Averil (Ave) Sutherland, Pamela (Pam) Taylor, Joan Walker, Theresia Williamson, Nell Williamson, Kenneth Wycoff, Keith

20 Oct 03 Bateman, John Benjes, John (Jock) Bowden, Mavis Brown, Veronica Burdon, Katharine Burrows, Samuel Burt, Ngaire Carn, Beverley Choie, Sow Clarke, Charlie Clephane, Bernard Cunningham, Elizabeth (Beth) de Thier, Walter Dempsey, James Dennis, Colin Donald, Pamela Edy, Eric Ferguson, Cyril Freeman, Mona Garrick, Edward Glen, Joan Gould, Pearl Halligan, John (Barry) Harvey, Kenneth Hindson, Colin Ierome, Fale Inglis, Alice Lincoln, Marlene May, Patricia McIntyre, Kenneth McLaren, Annie Mitton, Cyrus Payne, Tui Penman, Marion (May) Ruru, Katarina Weakley, Gerald Williamson, Nell

21 Oct 03 Bade, Frank Bateman, John Brown, Veronica Bruce, Janice Burdon, Katharine Cammock, Brian Carn, Beverley Clephane, Bernard Dacombe, Sydney de Thier, Walter Donald, Pamela Dougherty, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Everett, Lynette Fearon, Maurice (Morrie) Flockton, Geoffrey Gallagher, Peter Garrick, Edward (Ted) Gordon, Frederick Harvey, Kenneth Hassan, Phyllis Hewlett, Sonia Hindson, Colin Hope, Jessie Kamo, Kathleen McIntyre, Kenneth Mearns, Marjory Mitton, Cyrus Payne, Tui Penman, Marion (May) Pickard, Mike Pickard, Nola Somerville, Jean Stopforth, Pamela Tuck, Cecelia Uren, Leonard Van Dongen, Arie Walker, Elsie

22 Oct 03 Brown, Veronica Bruce, Janice Burdon, Katharine Butler, Olive Chambers, Noel Dacombe, Sydney de Thier, Walter Everett, Lynette Gilchrist, Williamina Giles, Anne (Marie) Hall, Lynda Harvey, Kenneth Hearne, Lily Hope, Jessie Howard, Reginald Ierome, Fale Kamo, Kathleen Miller, Gilbert Pabst, Johanna Power, Gordon (Curly) Roberts, John (Jack) Smith, Teresa Somerville, Jean Stirling, Kathleen Tainui, James Thiele, Walter Uren, Leonard Ward, Alan

23 Oct 03 Allison, Dorothy Birkbeck, Barbara Connell, Maureen Gallagher, Peter Giles, Anne (Marie) Grady, Doris Hughes, Noall (Bill) Kolancia, Ruth McIntyre, Kenneth

Miller, Gilbert Mooney, Daphne O'Neil, Peter Pabst, Johanna Pickard, Mike Pickard, Nola Power, Gordon (Curly) Pulford, Suzanne Roberts, John (Jack) Stirling, Kathleen Swadel, Angus Tainui, James Thiele, Walter Walker, Raymond (Ray) Wicks, Vera Wilson, Dean

24 Oct 03 Beaton, Raymond Bitter, Jannie Davis, Ethne Downes, Ivy Grady, Doris Hughes, Noall (Bill) Ierome, Fale Kerehoma, Albert Kolanica, Ruth Manunui, Eugene Mills, Gladys Mooney, Daphne Noble, Eileen Silke, Alva Simmons, Arthur Smith, Joan Tainui, Margaret Walker, Raymond (Ray) Wallace, Robert (Bob)

25 Oct 03 Beaton, Raymond Bitter, Jannie Brice, Denis Cammock, Brian Costello, Lynlea Downes, Ivy Greening, Margaret Gregg, John Johnson, Michael Johnston, Johnny Kerehoma, Albert Lloyd, Margaret Mantell, Arthur (Bill) McCabe, Cushla McClelland, John (Jack) McDonald, William McKenzie, Sybil McKenzie, Dawn Mooney, Daphne Nightingale, Anthony Noble, Eileen Pickard, Nola Pye, Alma Salisbury, Gordon Skinner, Wiremu

Smith, Brenda Smith, David Smith, Rennie Taylor, Steven Walker, Raymond (Ray) Weakley, Gerald Yates, Marjorie

27 Oct 03 Barham, Ian Baucutt, Kenneth Beaton, Raymond Burley, Kathleen Burroughs, John Cox, Abby Dillon, William Fortune, Jack Garard, Ada (Billie) Greening, Margaret Gregg, John Grey, William Isherwood, Phyllis Johnson, Emillie (Millie) Johnson, Michael Johnston, Johnny Kaneen, Jacqueline King, Richard (Peter) McCabe, Cushla McClelland, John (Jack) McKenzie, Dawn Miller, Ann Morris, Alexander (George) Morris, Janet (Jenny) Owens, Ian Pethig, Frederick Pickard, Nola Ravenscroft, Colleen Sinclair, David Smith, Brenda Taylor, Steven Tyro, David Weakley, Gerald Youngman, Dianne

28 Oct 03 Broderick, Rachelle Burley, Kathleen Craik, Janet Curle, Mary (Hope) Ferguson, Mary Gilligan, Pearl Greening, Margaret Greig, Colin Grey, William Hogg, Hazel (Jean) Isherwood, Phyllis Johnson, Emilie (Millie) Kaneen, Jacqueline King, Richard (Peter) Lock, Sylvia McDonald, William McKenzie, Sybil

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Miller, Ann Morris, Alexander (George) Morris, Janet (Jenny) Owens, Maurice Paterson, George Pauwels, Adrianus (John) Pethig, Frederick Ravenscroft, Colleen Sinclair, David Taylor, Steven Youngman, Dianne

29 Oct 03 Baucutt, Kenneth Beard, Paulette Boker, Hans Boulton, Zena Broderick, Rachelle Brown, Margaret Brydon, Archibald Burroughs, John Cook, Agnes (Lorraine) Cox, Abby Eddington, Ross Ferguson, Mary Forgie, John (Jack) Gibson, David Gilligan, Pearl Goulstone, Annie Graham, Neville Greening, Margaret Greig, Colin Grieve, Violet Hogg, Hazel (Jean) Hornsby, Leona Kaneen, Jacqueline King, Donald Kingsford, Lewis May, Harry Miller, Maisie Mullins, John Naylor, Trevor Nordstrom, Winifred (Maud) Norris, Elizabeth Palmer, Rufus Paterson, George Pauwels, Adrianus (John) Silvester, Ngaire Sinclair, David Smith, Joan Stewart, Donald Syme, Mollie Taylor, Reginald Taylor, Steven Whittaker, Elsie (Gwen)

30 Oct 03 Beard, Paulette (Polly) Bergshoeff, Joanna Boulton, Zena Borderick, Rachelle

Deakin, Elizabeth Garside, Roy Graham, Neville Greig, Colin Henderson, Maurice Holdem, Ivan Kennedy, Peggy Kingsford, Lewis Macleod, Iain Manning, James May, Harry McDonald, Adelaide McEntee, Gavin Miller, Maisie Milne, Allister Mullins, John Naylor, Trevor Palmer, Rufus Pauwels, Adrianus (John) Silvester, Ngaire Syme, Mollie Taramai, Ngaro Warren, Guyon Whittaker, Elsie (Gwen)

31 Oct 03 Beard, Paulette (Polly) Bell, Marie Bennett, Irena (Ira) Bergshoeff, Joanna Broderick, Rachelle Caldwell, Marjorie Collins, Ellen Cousins, Mark Kingsford, Lewis Lunney, Edward Marcijasz, Tamara McEntee, Gavin Milne, Allister Montgomery, Jessie Moore, Sr Margaret Naylor, Trevor Nelsen, Kevin Paterson, Andrew Searle, Roy Tonkin, Major

1 Nov 03 Anderson, Fredrick (Neil) Barber, James Butterfield, Isabel Caldwell, Marjorie Collins, Ellen Cousins, Mark Garside, Roy Guyan, Leslie Holdem, Ivan Hopkins, Mary Kirkman, Nevin Lawrence, Robert (Bob) Lunney, Edward Macro, Albert Marcijasz, Tamara

McCallum, Irene McEntee, Gavin Miller, Maisie Moffett, Bruce Moore, Sr Margaret Nalder, Ronald Nelsen, Kevin Osmond, Reginald (Ken) Partleton, Dave Paterson, Andrew Pauwels, Adrianus (John) Peters, Lylah Russell, Albert Scoular, John Searle, Roy Skinner, Marie Tonkin, Major Tovmasian, Lonya Travers, Adam Uren, Maureen van den Bos, Wilhelmina (Willie) Wall, Sheila Wilkie, Isabel

3 Nov 03 Amos, Katherine Atkinson, Mary Bryan, Robert Butterfield, Isabel Caldwell, Marjorie Chapman, Barry Davey, Judith Fawcett, Rodney Goodenough, Vida Goodman, Norman (Derek) Goodwillie, Joyce Green, Dennis Green, Patricia Hayden, Nancy (Nan) Hopkins, Mary Hutchison, James Jacobs, Maurice Jauncey, Joyce Lawrence, John Martin, Kenneth McKinlay, Nancy Morris, Lester Muir, Judith O'Connor, Bernardine Osmond, Reginald (Ken) Smith, Kathleen Sparks, Pamela Stokes, Brian Tanner, Mavis (May) Tomlinson, Elizabeth Wall, Sheila West, Earle 4 Nov 03 Batchelor, Dorothy (Dot) Beard, Polly Begg, Rita

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Chapman, Barry Davey, Judith Dunlop, Donald Fawcett, Rodney Goodenough, Vida Green, Dennis Green, Joan Huskinson, David Hutchison, James Koller, Mona Lawrence, John Le Page, Herbert Macro, Albert (Alby) Martin, Kenneth McKinlay, Nancy Muir, Judith Murdoch, Lillian Newmarch, Alice (Lee) Puttick, Grace Sands, Frances Smith, Mary Smith, Thomas Sparks, Pamela Stokes, Brian Symon, Donald Vivian, John (Jack) Watson, Christopher Watson, Hinemoa Wilkie, Isabel Wilson, Gordon

5 Nov 03 Batchelor, Dorothy (Dot) Begg, Rita Chapman, Barry co*cks, Isabella (Ella) Crichton, Patricia Cuttance, Warren Dalefield, Mae Davey, Judith Dempsey, Jack (Graham) Dixey, Leon Green, Joan Griffiths, Walter Hodgson, Doris Hood, David Koller, Mona Le Page, Herbert MacKenzie, Peter Macro, Albert Markham, Dorothy McFadden, Murray McKenzie, Graeme McLaughlin, Patrick Morris, Lester Nelson, John (Jack) O'Connell, Joseph (Joe) Sands, Frances Savage, Paul Simmonds, Leonard (Mac) Smith, Kathleen Smith, Thomas Smith, William (Bill) Stenhouse, Andrew

Symon, Donald Townsend, Leslie Tubbs, John (Eddie) Vivian, John (Jack) Wigzell, Lloyd Williams, Percy Wilson, Anthony Wilson, Gordon

6 Nov 03 Barron, Ethel Beard, Polly Begg, Rita Blanchard, Graeme Currie, Margaret Dixey, Leon Dwyer, Ronald (R. P.) Gee, Basil Grut, Edith Harre, Warren Johanson, Mary (Molly) Kennedy, Peggy Knalmann, Johannes MacFarlane, John McFadden, Murray Morgan, Mary Mullis, Kristen Sanderson, Georgina Savage, Paul Simmonds, Leonard (Mac) Stenhouse, Andrew Wakelin, Ronald (Ron) Williams, Percy Wilson, Gordon Wood, Harry

7 Nov 03 Anderson, Derek Blanchard, Graeme Cahill, James co*cks, Isabella (Ella) Fletcher, Joseph Green, Leonard Harre, Warren Jamieson, Gordon MacFarlane, John Morgan, Mary Nettleton, Audrey Pepper, Imelda (Mel) Ray, Mabel Wigzell, Lloyd

8 Nov 03 Ama, Akati Anderson, Derek Bath, Raylee Beer, Lawrence Broderick, Rachelle Cahill, James Colville, Arnold Cooper, Fredrick Corrick, Janet Ellis, Wilson Fawcett, Rodney Fletcher, James

Fletcher, Leslie Furlonger, Eric Green, Leonard Grut, Edith Hamel, Ronald Kingsland, Ailsa Leonard, Reverend Joseph Lockington, Mary McDonald, Marjorie McIvor, David Nathu, Dhirubhai Nettleton, Audrey Partleton, Dave Pepper, Imelda (Mel) Reid, Guy Sanders, John Simpson, Maude Snow, John (Jack) Sullivan, Jillian Sweetman-Howard, Steven Warren, Doris Watson, Lois Watts, Ernest

10 Nov 03 Anderson, Derek Bascand, Elza Beer, Lawrence Blanchard, Marne Bray, Neville Brightwell, Vincent (Neville) Cahill, James Cooke, Peter Cooper, Frederick Corrick, Janet Currie, Jean Dawes, Grace Dumelow, Allan Eden, Phyllis Edge, Bertha Gallagher, Joan Griffiths, Geoffrey MacLeod, Pauline Matthews, Mary McCabe, David McDonald, Marjorie McGee, Alison McLaughlin, Patrick Moran, Julie Nettleton, Audrey North, Lillian Partleton, Dave Port, Janet Pulford, Zita Roberts, Mabel Roberts, Leslie Rutledge, Colin Snow, John (Jack) Stoneman, Eileen Sullivan, Jillian Thomson, Jean Watts, Ernest Zampese, Angelo

11 Nov 03

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Anderson, Derek Bascand, Elza Blanchard, Marne Bray, Neville Brightwell, Vincent (Neville) Bryan, Raymond Bugg, Robert Burrell, Mona Burton, Daniel Cahill, James Calvert, Neroli Corrick, Janet (Jan) Edge, Bertha Fawcett, Rodney f*ckes, Constance Franzmann, Leonard Gallagher, Joan Giles, Bryan Goodyear, Joyce Haden, David Hamlin, Dulcie Harris, Trevor Hutton, Rodney Jennings, Nancy Keats, Mervyn Kingsland, Ailsa Le Breton, Marilyn Luskie, Wilfred MacLeod, Pauline Matthews, Mary McGee, Alison Moran, Julie Nichol, Wilfred (Dave) Pierson, Alice Polson, Dagmar Port, Janet Pulford, Zita Roberts, Leslie (Les) Roberts, Lorna Sayers, Joseph Siua'ana, Tatupu Stoneman, Eileen Thomson, Jean Watson, Russell Zampese, Angelo

12 Nov 03 Boyle, Laura (Susie) Brightwell, Vincent (Neville) Bryan, Raymond Burrell, Mona Burton, Daniel Calvert, Neroli Easson, Rhona Giles, Bryan Gray, Iris Hall, Nathan (Nat) Hamlin, Dulcie Hollander, Phyllis Keats, Mervyn Luskie, Wilfred (Alex) Matthews, Mary Nichol, Wilfred (Dave) Pierson, Alice Pretty, Jean

Rawlings, Leslie (Rev.) Ritchie, Ian Sayers, Joseph Siua'ana, Tatupu Stoneman, Eileen Watson, Russell Wilby, Marianne Zampese, Angelo

13 Nov 03 Burgess, Shirley Burton, Daniel Burton, Thelma Cameron, Donald Clarke, Charles (Charlie) Coe, Jonathan Forgie, Gordon Hall, Nathan (Nat) Keats, Mervyn Loughran, Harry Pupich, Vernon Siua'ana, Tatupu Summerell, Alan Thomson, Phonsene White, Lionel Wilby, Marianne

14 Nov 03 Allan, Robert (Robin) Burgess, Shirley Burton, Daniel Burton, Thelma Cameron, Donald Carlyon, Joan Carson, Olwen (Kathy) Clancy, John Clarke, Charles (Charlie) Cleghorn, Evelyn (Doris) Cooper, Ivy (Coop) Ford, Evelyn George, Janet Gibson, Jason (Gibbi) Hall, Nathan Hargest, Sheila Hondelink, Gerrit Hulford, Roland (Roly) Innes, Monica Jeffery, Keith Lithgow, Rona Lyman, Eric (Keith) Pretty, Jean Summerell, Alan Teonea, Saofaiga (Ina) White, Lionel

15 Nov 03 Burgess, Shirley Burrell, Mona Burton, Thelma Campbell, Grey Carson, Olwen (Kathy) Chesterman, Ellen

Clancy, John co*ckroft, Nora Davies, Gordon Dawson, Rae Day, Albert Drayton, Janice George, Janet Gibbens, Peter Gibson, Jason (Gibbi) Glaysher, Denis Hall, Nathan Hamilton, David Hargest, Sheila Harrison, Sydney Hondelink, Gerrit (Fred) Laffey, Margaret Lithgow, Rona Loughran, Harry Lyman, Eric (Keith) Maindonald, Kathy Markham, Jean Nogat, Kenneth Parr, John Quentin-Baxter, Kim Rattray, Charles (Tim) Sanderson, Georgina Sandston, Elizabeth Summerell, Alan Tomasi, Owen Towart, Isabella (Mary) Warrington, Renate White, Lionel Williams, Eva

17 Nov 03 Andrews, Simon Bazley, Noeline Boon, Henry (Harry) Carlyon, Joan Clancy, Mary (Molly) Collins, John Dainty, Colin Davies, Gordon Dawson, Rae Day, Albert Dennehy, Stephen Dobier, Naomi Draper, Joan Drayton, Janice Gane, Dr James Gibson, Jason (Gibbi) Green, Clifford Harrison, Sydney Hondelink, Gerrit (Fred) Kirikava, Paerata Loughran, Harry Lyman, Eric (Keith) Maindonald, Kathy McAuliffe, Joan Ness, Karina Pool, Irwin Prestidge, Vic Quentin-Baxter, Kim Quick, Doris

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Rattray, Charles (Tim) Rollo, Keith Sandston, Elizabeth Shillito, Patricia Smith, Beryl Stewart, Doreen Sykes, Olive Tomasi, Owen Towart, Isabella (Mary) Twaddle, Alwyne Watson, Mervyn White, Lionel Wilson, Nancy

18 Nov 03 Aitken, Nola Andrews, Simon Bartlett, John Bazley, Noeline Carlyon, Joan Chicken, Michael Collins, John Draper, Joan Edwin, Rewi Evans, Ashley Gane, Dr James Green, Clifford Harrison, Sydney Huskinson, David Jackson, Derek James, Errol Kirikava, Paerata Maindonald, Kathy Neill, Maurice Ness, Karina Newton, Jean Pickard, Patricia Pool, Irwin Prestidge, Vic Rollo, Keith Shillito, Patricia Stocker, Helene Sykes, Olive Towart, Mary Watson, Mervyn Williams, Bruce Wilson, Janece (Jan)

19 Nov 03 Aitken, Nola Andrews, Simon Archer, Ida Bartlett, John Bazley, Noeline Boon, Henry (Harry) Bray Gordon Brook, Margaret Carpenter, Andrew Chicken, Michael Cosgrove, Jane Dolamore, Shirley Harrison, Sydney Herring, Frederick Hindson, Colin Horne, Nola Hunt, Valerie

James, Errol MacKinnon, Ian McLay, Audrey Neill, Maurice Ness, Karina Newton, Jean O'Donnell, Roberta Park, Stanley Pickard, Patricia Quinn, Francis (Frank) Sheppard, Valmai Stocker, Helene Thomas, Arthur Vette, Margaret Wilson, Janece (Jan) Wilson, Noel

20 Nov 03 Andrews, Simon Archer, Ida Arthur, Bertha Bartlett, John Brown, Peter Burgess, Betty Cosgrove, Frances Dolamore, Shirley Dyson, Mel Edwards, Locksley (Eddie) Herring, Frederick Hibberd, Eva Horne, Nola Jackson, Derek Lloyd, Dean Morrow, Peter O'Donnell, Roberta Park, Stanley Prestidge, Vic Quinn, Francis (Frank) Sheppard, Valmai Stocker, Helene Thompson, Malcolm (Rae) Vette, Margaret

21 Nov 03 Blyth, Eva Brown, Peter Burgess, Betty Cameron, Malcolm Corbett, Christina (Tina) Cox, Nicholas Edwards, Locksley (Eddie) Hawke, Joyce Hewson, Heber (Joe) Hopkins, Brian Horne, Nola Jones, Lorna Lloyd, Dean McIntosh, Robert Owen, Mary (Penny) Pool, Irwin Revell, Harold (Bill) Thompson, Malcolm (Rae)

Twaddle, Alwyne Walker, Catherine

22 Nov 03 Arthur, Bertha Bennett, Winton Blackadder Valerie Brian, Patricia Brown, Peter Cameron, Malcolm Campbell, Joan Carr, Reginald Collins, Edith Corbett, Christina (Tina) Cox, Nicholas de Geus, Rita Dillon, Corrina Dowling, Laurence Gillard, Leah Godsell, Amos Hawke, Joyce Jemison Les Jessop, May Jones, Lorna Lloyd, Dean McKinney, Lenore Owen, Mary (Penny) Page, Robert Prestidge, Vic Revell, Harold (Bill) Shearsby, Judith Turnbull, Amelia Walker, Catherine Woods, Leicester Wyatt, Marion

24 Nov 03 Brian, Patricia Campbell, Joan Carr, Reginald Corbett, Christina Crane, Edna de Geus, Rita Dennison, Mary Doggett, Dorothy Drew, John Duncan, Peter Ennor, George Flahive, Hazel Haines, John (Jack) Hampton, Maureen Hart, Barbara Hawes, Zyra Hawke, Joyce Haylock, Robert Leonard-Renata, Katarina Northcoat, George Pitcher, John (Jack) Powell, Wilfred (Bill) Prestidge, Victor Ryan, Stephen Schenkel, Mervyn Shearsby, Judith Thomas, Ina Walker, Catherine (Kit)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Wildermoth, Shirley Woods, Leicester Young, Isabel

25 Nov 03 Anstey, Irene Boot, Marjorie Brian, Patricia Carter, Thomas (Nick) Clothier, Natalie Cochran, Mona Connor, Carol Cottam, Hazel Cox, Nicholas Crane, Edna Cunliffe, Audrey Denham, Beryl Doggett, Dorothy Dowling, Laurie Ennor, David Hampton, Maureen Hawes, Zyra Jemison, Les Levert, Dawn McCallum, Janis McCrea, Robert (Bob) McKellar, Bruce Pearce, Coral Pitcher, John (Jack) Preston, Helen Prouting, Ivy Ryan, Stephen Tait, Jack Templeton, Fraser (Tim) Thomas, Ina Turnbull, Amelia Turnbull, Nancy Wildermoth, Shirley Williams, Marcus

26 Nov 03 Bee, Florence Broadhurst, Ivy Burson, Robert (Bob) Clothier, Natalie Cochran, Mona Connor, Carol Doggett, Dorothy Ennor, David fa*gan, Monica (Alice) Forrest, George Heyward, Ashley Hubrick, Margaret Leonard-Renata, Katarina Levert, Dawn Main, Ron McCrea, Robert (Bob) McKellar, Bruce Mori, George Nolan, Margaret Parr, Frank Pearce, Coral Preston, Helen Skeates, Nelson Souter, Graeme

Sprott, Margaret (Daphne) Tait, Jack Templeton, Fraser (Tim) Thomas, Joyce Turnbull, Nancy Ussher, James Williams, Marcus Williamson, Enid

27 Nov 03 Barkle, Peter Bee, Florence Broadhurst, Ivy Day, Michael Doggett, Dorothy Durham, Kenneth Gillum, Catherine Heyward, Ashley Hill, Desmond Houba, Vladislav Levert, Dawn MacDonald, John (Jock) McIndoe, William Nolan, Margaret Parr, Frank Pot, Franciscus (Franz) Preston, Helen Shaw, Violet Sprott, Margaret (Daphne) Templeton, Fraser (Tim) Turkington, David (Trevor)

28 Nov 03 Armstrong, Jessie Barkle, Peter Baylis, Arthur Birch, Ann Buckley, Jack Burson, Robert (Bob) Day, Michael Donaldson, James Durham, Kenneth Ford-King, John Gillum, Catherine Hackett, Douglas Heyward, Ashley Hill, Marjorie Lawrence, Ellen (Mary) Martin, Bertha McIndoe, William Parr, Frank Portnick Hokopu, George Ramsbottom- Isherwood, Jean Stevenson, Thelma Walsh, Elsie Wybourne, Prof. Brian

29 Nov 03 Anderson, William Anstey, Irene Arkesteyn, Tine Baker, Nancy Barkle, Peter Baylis, Arthur Birch, Ann Bramwell, Pamela Buckley, Jack Carew, Florence (June) Couzins, Nancy Craik, Dorothy Fitton, Terence Gilbert, Margaret Gillum, Catherine Graham, Jean Harvey, David (Rex) Henry, Ina Lovegrove, Hazel Mains, Thomas Neal, Maureen Parr, Frank Ramsbottom-Isherwood, Jean Rankin, Thelma Sloan, William Stevenson, Thelma Thomson, John Uren, Doreen Watt, Robert (Bob)

1 Dec 03 Anderson, William Arkesteyn, Tine Baker, Nancy Baylis, Arthur Birch, Ann Bramwell, Pamela Bunn, Cyril Burnside, Vera Cameron, Hugh Couzins, Nancy Duffull, Aubrey Freeman, Moya Gilbert, Margaret Graham, Jean Haylock, Robert Henry, Ina Keir, Peter McCann, Katariana McLean, Cyril McLennan, Mavis Mulvey, James Pointer, Michael Pringle, James Schofield, Roderick Sheward, Dorothea (Betty) Smith, Robin Spittle, Doris Stowell, Martha Thomson, John Watt, Robert

2 Dec 03 Atkin, Florence

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Becker, Betty Bishop, Mary Bunn, Cyril Cameron, Hugh Cox, Nicholas Cuff, Martine Duffull, Aubrey Freeman, Moya Hill, Elizabeth Keir, Peter Kidd, Dorothy McCann, Katariana McDowell, David McHugh, Judith McLean, Cyril Mitchell, Gladys Perera, Wicky Ryall, Kathleen Schofield, Roderick Stowell, Martha Walker, Dora Williams, Patricia

3 Dec 03 Ager, Lorraine Becker, Betty Bishop, Mary Boag, Joyce Cameron, Hugh Harris, Jeffrey Hodges-Low, Ashlynn Kidd, Dorothy Kingsbury, John Macfarlane, Sheila McCann, Katariana McHugh, Judith McNeill, Ivy Oterdoom, Marga Riley, Leonard Sheward, Dorothea (Betty) Smith, Harry Smitheram, Murray Studholme, Thomas (Rob) Thompson, Jean Walker, Dora (May) Williams, Patricia Yates, Noel

4 Dec 03 Archbold, Charles Baker, Mary Barr, Walter Becker, Betty Bimler, Hayden Bishop, Mary Campbell, Christina Davies-Johnston, Cassadi Hawthorn, John Hodges-Low, Ashlynn Hutley, Janet Kidd, Dorothy Leggett, Wynn McNeill, Ivy Mitchell, David

Ockwell, Norman Palmer, Stephanie Rooney-Soper, Elizabeth Shilton, Colin Smith, Harry Smitheram, Murray Studholme, Thomas (Rob) Ward, Adrienne Williams, Gregory Williams, Patricia Yates, Noel

5 Dec 03 Archbold, Charles Barr, Walter Bimler, Hayden Bradford, Rona Calder, Doreen Douglas, Joyce (Joy) Fitton, Terence Greer, Ronald (Lindsay) Harkess, Barry King, Graham Mitchell, David Mitchell, Peter Newth, Esther (Essie) Palmer, Stephanie Riley, Leonard Simons, Tracey Sorensen, Philippa (Pip) Thomson, Linda Ward, Adrienne Williams, Gregory Wilson, Bernard Yates, Noel

6 Dec 03 Banks, Melva Bimler, Hayden Blanchard, Ella Bradford, Rona Calder, Doreen Campbell, Christina Dennison, Norman Douglas, Joyce (Joy) Gee, Eric Harkess, Barry Holland, John Hughes, Auchterlonie King, Graham Leask, John Libby, Christopher Mitchell, David Mitchell, Peter Newth, Esther (Essie) O'Brien, Eileen O'Donnell, Evan Oldenhof, Gerardus Pickard, David Rhodes, William Richardson, Ivy Scevity, Thomas Siebert, Ernest

Sorensen, Philippa (Pip) Stanley, Veronica (Bonnie) Stone, Rosamond Sutherland, Doris Thompson, Jean Traves, Jean Walker, Thomas Wild, Warwick Wilson, Bernard Winchester, Hilda

8 Dec 03 Arbuckle, Annie Banks, Melva Barlow, Irene Blanchard, Ella Brockie, David Brown, Edna Coe, Judith Collier, Isabella (Isa) Craythorne, Constance Dellow, Dorothy Dennison, Norman Fox, Lennox (Lex) Gibb, George Gunn, Florence Hanrahan, Margaret Harkess, Barry Holland, John Hughes, Auchterlonie Jackson, Bernard Jump, Doreen Latter, John Gale Launay, Marc Lintott, Russell Mahuika, Kimberley May, Eileen Mitchell, David O'Brien, Eileen O'Donnell, Evan Pickard, David Ramsay, Jean Reed, Albert Roper, Isobel Scott, Bruce Siebert, Ernest Stanley, Veronica (Vonnie) Sturrock, Melville ) Terry, Phyllis (Jean) Thorn, Viola Timperley, Olive Winchester, Hilda

9 Dec 03 Arbuckle, Annie Barlow, Irene Barrow, Francis Bremner, James Brown, Edna Cain, Gordon Cater, Isobel co*ckle, Muriel Collier, Isabella (Isa)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Crawford, Michael Elston, David Enright, Jessie Hanrahan, Margaret Hendren, Desmond Holden, Trevor Ingram, Kathleen Jackson, Bernard Jump, Doreen Laing, Taumau Launay, Marc Lintott, Russell McAlister, Barry McCarthy, Leslie McCracken, Colin McMillan, Mildred, (Joyce) Mitchell, Peter Moffat, Laura Mower, Peter Mulholland, Peter O'Donnell, Evan Perret, Jonathan (John) Pihama, David Reed, Albert Rhodes, William Sturrock, Melville (Mel) Timperley, Olive

10 Dec 03 Bigelow, Elizabeth Birch, John (Jack) Bramwell, Pamela Bremner, James Briggs, June Buckley, Ryan Carney, Yvonne Clarkson, Myra Cuthill, Barbara Dean, George (Joe) Dolamore, Audrey Drummond, Violet (Vi) Elston, David Enright, Jessie Hanrahan, Margaret Hardwick, Murray Hendren, Desmond Holden, Trevor Jackson, Bernard James, Eric Laing, Taumau Lintott, Russell McAlister, Barry McCarthy, Leslie McLaren, Doris Milne, Margaret Moffat, Laura Morris, Margaret (Isobel) Murray, Fleur O'Donnell, Evan Ormerod, Charles Perret, Jonathan (John) Rumary, Samuel (Cliff) Stockdale, William

(Bill) Sturrock, Melville (Mel)

11 Dec 03 Broms, Myrtle Brooks, Elizabeth Buchanan, Winifred Buckley, Ryan Charteris, Malcolm Clarkson, Myra Cottam, Cyril Cross, William Cuthill, Barbara Dean, George (Joe) Drummond, Violet (Vi) Hardwicke, Elma Heard, Audrey Hill, Neville Ireland, Ann Jenkins, Susan Laing, Dolly Lintott, Russell McAlister, Barry McGahey, Rita McMillan, Mildred, (Joyce) Milne, Margaret Morris, Margaret (Isobel) Murray, Fleur Perrett, Jonathan Rumary, Samuel (Cliff) Shrimpton, Marjorie White, Dorothy

12 Dec 03 Broms, Myrtle Brooks, Elizabeth Brown, Winnifred Buchanan, Winifred Buckley, Ryan Charteris, Malcolm Churcher, Frances Cottam, Cyril Cross, William (Bill) Cuthill, Barbara Fidler, Colleen (Molly) Hardwicke, Elma Hill, Neville Ireland, Ann Kiddey, Doris Latimer, Andrew (Ken) McGavock, James Mirfin, Nellie Ruck, Lester Seaman, Jack White, Dorothy

13 Dec 03 Beattie, Ian Brown, Heather Brown, Winnifred Bryce, William (Bill) Carr, Elvie Chaney, Norma Churcher, Frances Cottam, Cyril

Crispin, June Fargher, Nigel Fidler, Colleen (Molly) Galvin, Linda Granger, Florence Gundry, Royce Hayes, Clare Hewson, Florence Hill, Neville Kiddey, Doris Latimer, Andrew (Ken) Malaquin, Neil (Mike) McGavock, James Mirfin, Nellie Oldridge, Noela Perry, Constance Phillips, Rex Richardson, Annette Ruck, Lester Swanson, Eileen Ussher, Desmond Wilson, Robert

15 Dec 03 Brown, Heather Campbell, Reta Chaney, Norma Churcher, Frances (Josie) Dowie, Judith Du Bois, Mary Fargher, Nigel Fitzgerald, Raymond Galvin, Linda Granger, Florence Gundry, Royce Harper, Maria Hewson, Florence Hodson, Rita Lochore, Mary (May) McGavock, James McLean, Lorna Moore, Rona Parkinson, Howard Phillips, Rex Richardson, Annette (Anne) Rothschild, Estelle Stewart, Derek Sutherland, Norma Swanson, Eileen Taylor, Walter Wakelin, Ronald Winter, John

16 Dec 03 Bain, Isabel de Latour, Josephine Dowie, Judith Emson, Lynette Fitzgerald, Raymond Griffiths, Darcy Harper, Maria Henry, Wallace (Keith) Hides, Ray Hodson, Rita Ingram, Mona

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Lochore, Mary (May) McDowell, Isabel (Cis) Moore, Rona Neame, Muriel Newport, Robert Nicol, Myrtle Richardson, Anne Ross, Edward Rothschild, Estelle Rowlands, Albert Sutherland, Norma Wakelin, Ronald Winter, John (Barry)

17 Dec 03 Bowden, William Bowie, Ian Bradford, Margaret Brown, Thomas Dawes, Joan de Latour, Josephine Greig, Joy Henry, Wallace (Keith) Hides, Ray Howe, Russell Johansson, Ingeborg Keys, Trevor McDowell, Isabel Neame, Muriel Nicol, Myrtle Ross, Edward Stewart, Derek Tarry, Edna Tipuna, Cheyenne Turner, Noel Weir, Daniel

18 Dec 03 Anderson, Kevin Brown, Garth Cairney, Gordon Chuah, Esme Cousins, John Dawes, Joan Ellen, Robert Hegarty, James Horton, Frederick Howe, Russell Johansson, Ingeborg Keys, Trevor King, Roger (Derek) Knox, Jean Lowe, Canon Lyford, Gladys MacKinnon, Alistair Quilter, Sallie Schrader, Paul Service, Margaret Swale, Marion Te Ata, Tei Tipuna, Cheyenne Weir, Daniel

19 Dec 03 Albright, Nathan Bradley, Amanda Brown, Garth

Cairney, Gordon Chuah, Esme Court, Robert Draper, Jeremy Ellen, Robert Hill, Gwen Lockhart, Colin (Bruce) Lowe, Canon Bob Lyford, Gladys MacKinnon, Alistair Mitchell, Lois Moore, Rona O'Hara, Albert (Lindsay) Schrader, Paul Storer, Allan Te Ata, Tei (Roy) Toye, Arthur Whiteford, Joan

20 Dec 03 Albright, Nathan Bradley, Amanda Broad, George Brown, Garth Cairns, Marjorie Chadwick-Pauling, Jacqui Chuah, Esme Court, Robert Cousins, John Craig, Eunice Crosbie, James Draper, Jeremy Franks, Martin Geddes, Elfreda Hedges, Clare Hegarty, James Hill, Gwen Homer, Eric Hutchins, Leslie King, Roger (Derek) Laing, William Lockhart, Colin (Bruce) McCord, Harry Millward, Margaret O'Brien, Dennis O'Hara, Albert (Lindsay) Patterson, Dr Derek Powell, Ross Quilter, Sallie Schrader, Paul Scott, Colin Smith, Norman Storer, Allan Toye, Arthur Whiteford, Joan

22 Dec 03 Adams, Zena (Joyce) Albright, Nathan Brown, Garth Burns, Margaret Chadwick-Pauling,

Jacqui Commons, Robert Cowan, Kay Crosbie, James Davie, Thora Denton, Warren Eaglesome, Warren fa*gg, Valmai Flowerday, Peter Forbes, Gordon Foster, Gary Geddes, Elfreda (May) Hedges, Clare Hendry, William Laing, William Langdale, Brian Millward, Margaret O'Hara, Albert (Lindsay) Quilter, Sallie Robson, Sylvia Ruddenklau, Andrew Ryde, Sadie Salton, Patricia Schrader, Paul Scott, Colin Smith, Leonard Smith, Norman Stevens, Gwylfa Stumbles, Airini Ures, Elva (Nan) Watkinson, William

23 Dec 03 Adams, Zena (Joyce) Anderson, Aileen Brown, Joan Burns, Margaret Commons, Robert Cowan, Kay Crawford, Joseph Davie, Thora Denton, D. Warren Donaldson, Kenneth Eaglesome, Warren Flowerday, Peter Forbes, Gordon Glover, Petrina Hooker, Henry Irving, Margaret Jeffery, Jean Lash, Jean Morrison, Quita Nixon, William Quilter, Sallie Reade, Lois Ruddenklau, Andrew Salton, Patricia Sowden, Zena Stack, Helen Stevens, Gwylfa Switalla, Kevin Tapper, Joan Taylor, Raymond Timings, Douglas Watkinson, William Winter, Robert

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Yates, Audrey

24 Dec 03 Anderson, Aileen Cowan, Kay Crawford, Joseph Eaglesome, Warren Foster, Gary Glover, Petrina Hall, Laurence Hodgman, Riki Hooker, Brian Hooker, Henry (Ralph) Ireland, Ann Lash, Jean McFarlane, Perla McLean, Warren (Sam) Murray, Dawn Reade, Lois Robinson, Olive Roseveare, Donald Shepherd, Dorothy Stott, Beatrice Switalla, Kevin Tapper, Joan Taylor, Mary Thomson, Betty Wall, Raymond (Ray) Wilkins, Joe Winter, Robert

26 Dec 03 Batty, Douglas Cross, Sharon Foulds, Rose Glover, Patrina Hellyer, Barbara Hodgman, Riki Hooker, Henry (Ralph) Jones, Ivy Keers, William Matthews, Judith May, Rosaleen McEwen, Erena (Ron) McKenzie, Mary McLean, Warren (Sam) Muirhead, Thomas (Tom) Reinke, Janet Robinson, Olive Rodgers, Earnest Roseveare, Donald Schwass, Ronald Scott, Adrian Stephenson, Karl Telford, George Thompson, Allan (Charlie) Valentine, Herbert Wilson, Elizabeth (Betty)

27 Dec 03 Ansett, Ivy

Batty, Douglas Benton, Emily Bogisch, Michael Bowdler, Helen Case, Mary (Marie) Cowan, Kay Craig, Eunice Cross, Sharon Dunbar, Stuart Dunning, Jessie Everad, Jillian Forrester, Thomas Fowke, Eric Gray, Marcia (Joy) Haberfield, John Halliday, Fay Hellyer, Barbara Jones, Ivy Jones, Johanna (Joan) Keers, William Law, Alexander McAlister, Bruce McKenzie, Mary Morrison, Quita Muirhead, Thomas (Tom) Murray, Dawn Norman, Arthur Payne, Valerie Peers, Warwick Reed, Hilda Reinke, Janet Rodgers, Earnest Saunderco*ck, John Scott, Adrian Stott, Beatrice Taylor, Mary Telford, George Thomas, Frances Thompson, Allan(Charlie) Timlin, Bruce Whyte, Elisabeth Wilson, Elizabeth (Betty)

29 Dec 03 Bailey, Sam Beck, Cyril Benton, Emily Berry, Margaret Beveridge, Lynette Breeze, Desmond Broughton, Colin Brown, Mary (Molly) Case, Mary (Marie) Cross, Sharon Drummond, Catherine Forsythe, Lawrence (John) Glendinning, Jessie Gray, Marcia (Joy) Gulland, Jean Haberfield, John Hall, Mavis Hanson, Winifred Jones, Ivy

Kibblewhite, Eric Laing, George Lane, Margaret Lawlor, John Marshall, Shirley Matthews, Judith McLennan, Grant Moore, Peter Nairn, William Neame, Ivy Norman, Arthur O'Malley, Betty Paterson, Irene Peers, Warwick Port, Trever Ramsay, Robert (Neville) Reed, Hilda Saunderco*ck, John Scott, Adrian Shackleton, Bruce Smit, Maria (Riet) Stedman, Onawa Taylor, Raymond Telford, George Thorp, Joyce (Joy) Whyte, Elisabeth Woodbury, Ian

30 Dec 03 Bailey, Sam Beck, Cyril Bolderston, Elizabeth (Jane) Broughton, Colin Cross, George (Tom) Drummond, Catherine Drummond, Daniel Forsythe, Lawrence (John) Gorman, Anthony (Tony) Haberfield, John Moore, Peter Palmer, George Payne, Martha Redmond, Annie Shackleton, Bruce Smit, Maria (Riet) Smith, Jean Stedman, Onawe Tapley, Mary Thorp, Joyce (Joy) Whisker, James (Jim) Wise, Kenneth (Charlie) Woodbury, Ian

31 Dec 03 Blomfield, Nancy Broughton, Colin Brown, Alexander (Alex) Donaldson, Joan Glendinning, Jessie Gorman, Anthony

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Tony) Groom, Elizabeth (Ethel) Halvorsen, Robert Ireland, Ann Jack, Neil Jackson, Ronald McPherson, Jan Palmer, George Payne, Martha Robertson, Leslie (Robbie) Scott, Margaret Seward, Gladys Shaw, Melba Sowry, Robert Stedman, Onawa Taylor, Daniel Tibbles, Mary (Molly) Van Der Park, Sophia

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


20041 Jan 04 Barry, William Clare, Joyce Donaldson, Joan fa*gan, Nicholas (Nick) Forman, Freda (Vera) Podmore, Nathan Scott, Margaret Sowry, Robert Williams, Zane Van Der Park, Fietje

2 Jan 04 Adlam, Dennis Barry, William Bolderston, Elizabeth (Jane) fa*gan, Nicholas Halstead, Peter Hopkins, Barbara Morrison, Athol Podmore, Nathan Robertson, Wendy Russell, Douglas Thomas, Ernest Timblick, Francis (Frank) Webster, George Williams, Zane

3 Jan 04 Adlam, Dennis Blomfield, Nancy Bourke, William (Garry) Brown, Alexander (Alex) Chu, Tin Chong Clare, Joyce Donaldson, Joan fa*gan, Nicholas (Nick) Gilbert, William (Bill) Halstead, Peter Hannah, Mary Hopkins, Barbara Hunter, Magda Johns, Christopher Lee, Sharon McCrostie, Graham McGregor, Murray Merrin, Jason (Lyell) Morrison, Athol Podmore, Nathan Rissman, Olive Robertson, Wendy Robertson, Leslie

(Robbie) Scaife, Paul Scheiwiller-Calder, Hilary Sims, Kathleen Smith, Jean Taylor, Philip Timblick, Francis (Frank) Uri-Ke, Tuava Van Der Park, Sophia Wade, Lawrence Williams, Zane

5 Jan 04 Barnes, Vera (Margaret) Chu, Tin Chong Clare, Joyce Cutler, Rose Friend, Eva Hamilton, Margaret Hayward, Mary Helms, Honora (Nonie) Hewat, Mary Hopkins, Barbara Johns, Christopher Jones, Rona Lumsden, Felicity McCrostie, Graham Morrison, Athol Rainey, Neil Rissman, Olive Scaife, Paul Scott, Margaret Silco*ck, Megan (Hope) Smith, Molly Snee, Nina Stevenson, Margaret Sullivan, Thomas Taylor, Philip Taylor, Raymond Thomas, Ernest Timblick, Francis (Frank) Uri-Ke, Tuava Van Der Park, Fietje Walker, Brian Watson, May

6 Jan 04 Brown, Thomas (Tom) Cameron, Craig Coe, David Cotton, Douglas (Doug) Cummins, Marian Easton, Saul Friend, Eva Gasson, Catherine Hamilton, Margaret Helms, Honora (Nonie) Hewat, Mary Hutcheon, Audrey Johns, Christopher

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


King, Leonard Kirkby, Clare MacDonald, Caroline McCauley, Owen McCormick, John Merrin, Jason Morrison, Athol Murcott, Esther O'Brien, John (Jack) Patterson, Robin Proffitt, Monique Rainey, Neil Snee, Nina Stirling, Ian Taylor, Wendell Thomas, Laura

7 Jan 04 Bennett, Neville Cameron, Craig Cotton, Douglas (Doug) Easton, Saul Helms, Honora (Nonie) Hutcheon, Audrey Kirkby, Clare Linwood, Donald (Don) Madden, Mary Martin, James (Jim) Mayhew, John McCormick, John McGibbon, Noeline Morris, Veronika Picken, Frank Proffitt, Monique Rainey, Neil Rossiter, Dawn Saunders, Olive Simmons, Andrew (Andy) Smith, William Tapp, Romola Thomas, Laura Thompson, John Wallace, Betty Watkinson, William Wilson, Stuart

8 Jan 04 Bennett, Neville Brander, Cecil Bremner, Agnes Bullock, Reubena (Frances) Cameron, Craig Easton, Saul Edwards, Lilian Galletly, Leonard (Leo) Gray, Ashley (Peter) Hamilton, Ann Hoskins, Jean McGibbon, Noeline Martin, James (Jim) Mayhew, John

Mercer, Robin Oliver, Margaret (Madge) Palaamo, Kathleen Patterson, Robin Saunders, Olive Simmons, Andrew (Andy) Smith, William Tapp, Romola Thomas, Laura Thompson, John Wallace, Betty Whiting, Mary Wilson, Stuart

9 Jan 04 Bedggood, Michelle Bennett, Neville Bootsma, Pieter Daly, Brian Downing, Linda Fryer, Minnie Gray, Ashley (Peter) Hamilton, Ann Hansen, John Harnett, Margaret Hoskins, Jean McDonald, John (Jack) McGibbon, Noeline Mercer, Robin Opele, Piliati (Bill) Palaamo, Kathleen Reeves, John Wallace, Betty Watson, Brian Whiting, Mary Wilkinson, Beatrice Wilson, Stuart

10 Jan 04 Archibald, Valerie Atkinson, Mavis Barltrop, George (Ray) Bennett, Norman Bootsma, Pieter Bullock, Reubena (Frances) Casey, Michael (Mick) Clark, Colin Davidson, Joanne Downing, Linda Eder, Daisy Frost, Myrtle Gibbons, Robert Goodland, Ruth Gray, Ashley (Peter) Hamilton, Ann Hansen, John Heney, Alice (Myrtle) McCosh, Gwenda Millner, Virginia Murray, Alice Opele, Piliati (Bill) Parslow, Ron Patterson, Flora

Picken, Frank Prendergast, Jean Read, Elsie Salmond, John Scott, Audrey Sheridan, Samantha Sinclair, Arthur Smith, Jean Wales, Laurence

12 Jan 04 Bennett, Norman Benton, Edward Brill, Veronica Carr, Helen Casey, Michael Clark, Clara Crowe, Vera Danson, Dot Davidson, Joanne Duncan, Olga Eder, Daisy Elworthy, Peter Flower, Betty Goodland, Ruth Hamilton, Ann Harding, Blair Heffernan, Bridie Heney, Sylvia Kelleher, Veronica Kennedy, James Kennett, Noeline Lagan, Noreen Macdonald, Robert Matthews, Thelma McKeown, Anthony Opele, Piliati (Bill) Patterson, Flora Prendergast, Jean Rissman, Keith Sheridan, Samantha Suter, Kurt Sutherland, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Turner, George Webb, Grace Whitbread, Jean Wilson, Maude

13 Jan 04 Bennett, Norman Benton, Edward Brill, Veronica Clark, Clara Clark, Colin Clarke, Rev. Dr Richard Crowe, Vera Davidson, Joanne Duncan, Olga Elvy, Peter Elworthy, Peter Flower, Betty Forgie, Graham Habgood, Colin Harding, Blair Heffernan, Bridie

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Kelleher, Veronica Kennedy, James Kennett, Noeline Lagan, Noreen Lyon, Sidney MacDonald, Helena Mauger, Alice (Rita) McKenzie, Karl Mitchell, Moutter (Jim) Opele, Piliati Price, Thomas Sinclair, Arthur (Jack) Suter, Kurt Warman, Murray Watson, Glennis Whitbread, Jean Whitworth, John Wilson, Maude

14 Jan 04 Barns, Kelvin (Chris) Craig, Violet Dumergue, Ronald Duncan, Olga Elvy, Peter Fielding, Graham (Sam) Harding, Blair Holden, Robert Hoppener, Johanna Kennett, Noeline Lagan, Noreen Mauger, Alice (Rita) McKenzie, Karl Morris, Evelyn (Ethel) Noy, Mabel Pooley, Barrymoore Preen, Lilian Price, Thomas Rissman, Keith Scheiwiller-Calder, Hilary Sinclair, Violet Smith, Jean Smith, Keith Tamaki, Pete Torrie, Rodney Turner, George Turner, Zena Warman, Murray Willcox, Ian Wood, Andrea

15 Jan 04 Ashbey, Ivan Brooks, Annie Costello, Kenneth Duncan, Olga Elvy, Peter Heney, Sylvia Holden, Robert Horton, Dennis Kennett, Noeline Keppel, Mary Koster, Hendrik Lamb, Athalie Levy, Margaret

Lewis, Johanna (Joan) Lynch, Peter (Gerry) Mauger, Alice (Rita) McNally, Annie (Betty) Noy, Mabel Preen, Lilian Price, Thomas (Tom) Salmond, John Sinclair, Violet Tamaki, Pete Tampion, Francis Torrie, Rodney van der Schuit, Ids Walker, James Warman, Murray Willcox, Ian Williams, Robert

16 Jan 04 Ashbey, Ivan Brooks, Annie Childs, Bethia Costello, Kenneth Davison, Mavis Dobson, Ellen (Margaret) Elworthy, Sir Peter Evans, Harry Foubister, Robert Gibson, Joan Glass, Gordon Graham, Athalie Holden, Robert Keppel, Mary Koster, Hendrik Levy, Margaret Lynch, Peter (Gerry) Robertson, Bruce Stark, Ernest Tamaki, Pete Torrance, William (Bill) Walker, James Weeks, James Winiata, Henare (Henry) Woods, Noel

17 Jan 04 Abrahams, Esma Atkinson, Frank Childs, Bethia Christensen, Daphne Cook, Marjory Croft, Carlisle Crothall, Gwenyth Davison, Mavis Delamain, Cresswell Dobson, Ellen (Margaret) Evans, Harry Fitzgerald, Sheila Foubister, Robert (Ashley) Gibson, Joan Glass, Gordon Graham, Athalie Holland, Cyril

Hooper, Oswald Horton, Dennis Kelly, Bro. Terence Koster, Hendrik Lamb, David Mauger, Alice (Rita) Mawson, Merton (Dick) McCall, Frances Monk, Jean Morris, Evelyn (Ethel) Pascoe, Aubrey Pieters, Johannes Pryce, Ursula Rayner, Clare Read, Iris Remihana Tapae, Te Mahi (Bill) Tamaki, Pete Upston, Rosie Westaway, Edna Willcox, Ian Winiata, Henare (Henry) Wood, Hazel (Mavis) Woods, Noel

19 Jan 04 Ball, Ivy Breach, Mervyn Cook, Emma Cox, Jean Creighton, Neville Croft, Carlisle Crothall, Gwenyth Dale, Horace Delamain, Cresswell Evers-Swindell, Victoria Gilmour, William Grace, Vivien Harris, Marie Henderson, Iris (Ivy) Hepworth, Nance Holland, Cyril Hooper, Oswald Jackson, Doris Mauger, Alice Mawson, Merton (Dick) McBain, Allwyn Monk, Jean Pieters, Johannes Read, Iris Shepherd, Shirley Sparks, Erwin Tutty, Mavis Westaway, Edna Willmott, Brian Wilson, Edward

20 Jan 04 Ball, Ivy Borst, Jillian co*cks, Henry (Mick) Cook, Emma Cox, Jean

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Croft, Carlisle Dale, Horace Espinoza, Susana Frew, Geoffrey Fulton, Florence Gibbons, Rachel Gough, Robert (Bob) Griffith, Mabel (Nancy) Hepworth, Nance Hutchinson, John Inkster, Roger Jackson, Doris Lawson, Freida Layton, Phyllis Savill, Ronald Sparks, Erwin Tutty, Mavis Wareing, Margaret Worrall, Suzanne

21 Jan 04 Alpe, Frank Askew, Edward Bamford, Georgina Barry, Christine Blakie, Daisy Borst, Jillian Bowman, Robert Brechin, Brendon Creighton, Neville Croft, Carlisle Dunlop, Euan Ellis, Revell Frew, Geoffrey Fulton, Florence Gibbons, Rachel Gibson, Laura Gordon, Prudence Gough, Robert (Bob) Hall, Olive (Win) Herd, William Kappely, Margaret Lawson, Freida Layton, Phyllis Lemon, Jessica Lightfoot, Joyce McTaggart, Elizabeth Merridan, Dianne Miles, John Perkins, Sidney Scherger, David Scott, Margaret Worrall, Suzanne

22 Jan 04 Bamford, Georgina Blakie, Daisy Bowman, Robert Burnell, William Clark, Christina Cunliffe, Constance Davidson, Ramsay Dunlop, Euan Ellis, Revell Gibbons, Rachel Gordon, Prudence Gough, Robert (Bob)

Griffen, Mary Griffith, Nancy Harris, Ivan Herd, William Jameson, Eileen Kappely, Margaret Kelly, Alan (Dud) Lawson, Freida McTaggart, Elizabeth Miles, John Parsons, Geoffrey Perkins, Sidney Phillips, Rosalind Priest, Robert Sarchett, Gordon Sim, William Whitty, Trevor

23 Jan 04 Askew, Edward Blee, Beatrice Borst, Jillian Clark, Christina Davidson, Ramsay Harris, Ivan Houston, Imelda (Mel) Jones, Catherine Macfarlane, Evelyn Pascoe, Aubrey Phillips, Rosalind Rea, Winifred Sim, William Stephen, Mona Stewart, Airdrie

24 Jan 04 Barclay, Cecelia Berry, William Bigwood, Jean Blackwood, Ivan Blee, Thelma Borst, Jillian Bromley, Robert Burrowes, George (Ray) Carter, Norman Cherry, Graham (Bill) Coote, Richard Cross, Clifford (Cliff) Davidson, Ramsay (Digby) Deane, William Fenton, Noeleen Ford, Leonard (Len) Fountain, Derek Harrison, Alice Hawkins, Amelia Hayward, Owen Jones, Catherine Lemon, Jessica McCabe, Doreen Molloy, George Mortland, Phyllis Neary, Patrick (Paddy) O'Connor, Nancy Paddle, Patricia

Parsons, Geoffrey Sarchett, Gordon Sim, William Stephen, Mona Twine, Ursula Watkins, Harley Wilson, Marguerite Yeoman, Eileen

26 Jan 04 Anthony, Henry (Jim) Ayling, Sydney (Ron) Baldwin, Mary (Peg) Battes, Geraldine Bigwood, Jean Burrowes, George (Ray) Clarke, Iris Cross, Clifford Crotty, Margaret Darwell, John Fenton, Noeleen Fitzgibbon, Mary (Molly) Fountain, Derek Free, Murray Garden, Susan Graves, Bernice Guillemette, Dorothy Hay, Alistair (Ron) Jones, Robert Kearns, Alfie Molloy, George Mortland, Phyllis Neary, Patrick (Paddy) Oliver, Sarah Sanhueza, Hugo Snow, Raymond Steele, Elizabeth Strachan, Joseph Wakelin, Ellen (Letty) Waller, Thomas Wilson, Marguerite Wright, John Yeoman, Eileen (Elly)

27 Jan 04 Ayling, Sydney (Ron) Barnett, Fiona Campbell, Roy Catherall, Joan Chanwai, Jean Clarke, Iris Crotty, Margaret Darwell, John Dering, Ross Fitzgibbon, Mary (Molly) Flavell, Brent Free, Murray Galbraith, Cole Graves, Bernice Guillemette, Dorothy Morrow, Philip Mortland, Phyllis Murray, Joan Peterson, Peter

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Purvis, Garry Strachan, Joseph Tangney, Paul Waller, Thomas Wright, John

28 Jan 04 Aitken, Andrew Anderson, Frederick (Fred) Baldwin, Mary (Peg) Barnett, Fiona Berry, Peter Bisset, Betty Breeze, Elizabeth Campbell, Roy Clarke, Bessie Clarke, Iris Dering, Ross Egerton, John Flavell, Brent Galbraith, Cole Gillman, Gwitha Hamblyn, Graham Hayes, Frank Hayward, Owen Keast, Bruce Keen, Fentaman (Fred) Keep, Roger Manhart, Daphne Morrow, Philip Nofo, Faavale O'Connell, Eric Ogg, Joyce Osborne, Jack Peterson, Peter Salenieks, Leonids Shepperd, Miriam Wright, John

29 Jan 04 Anderson, Frederick (Fred) Backhouse, Gloria Barnett, Fiona Ellingford, Shane Field, Ivy Flavell, Brent Galbraith, Cole Graham, Alan Hamblyn, Graham Hayes, Frank Hervey-Bathurst, Anne Hooper, Nolene Kirkman, Norton Manhart, Daphne Maxted, Muriel (Heather) McKay, Brian Nofo, Faavale Ogg, Joyce Pearson, Barbara Ross, Graeme Salenieks, Leonids Shepperd, Miriam Strachan, William

White, Gordon

30 Jan 04 Baird, Hilda Brown, Christina Clarkson, Linda (Lyn) Crampton, Joan Field, Ivy Flanagan, Mervyn Graham, Derek Kirkman, Norton McKay, Brian Oakley, Jeffrey (Hank) O'Connor, Wayne Pearson, Barbara Pratt, Aileen Richards, Lockie Shand, Marie Shepperd, Miriam Strachan, William Switalla, Bruce

31 Jan 04 Baird, Hilda Barry, Doris Bass, Eva Baughen, Ivan Brown, Christina Brown, Leslie Calder, Leslie Clarke, Terry Clarkson, Linda (Lyn) Crampton, Joan Crump, Leonard (Len) Duncan, Sylvia Dunick, Mervyn Faulls, Reginald Freeman, John (Alan) Goldsmith, Dorothy Hughey, David Kelly, Alan Lewis, Edith (Ena) Mundy, Joan Nicholl, Eric O'Connor, Wayne O'Donoghue, Sally Osbourne, Jack Rolls, Alice Saunders, Alan Shand, Marie Smallbone, William Smith, Errol Smith, Nova Switalla, Bruce Taylor, Norma Thomson, Evelyn

2 Feb 04 Ashby, Richard Bennet, David Calder, Leslie Clarkson, Linda Ellis, Gwendeline Ensor, Jenny Faith, Ngareta Goldsmith, Dorothy Hansen, Mel

Herrett, Alma Hughey, David Illingworth, Nerol Inwood, Victoria Jarvie, John Lewis, Edith (Ena) Lilley, Sydney Lloyd, Harold Luff, William MacAulay, Alfred (Jock) Masters, Kenneth O'Connor, Wayne O'Donoghue, Sally Preston, Ian (Jim) Reid, Roger (Joe) Saunders, Alan (Derrick) Scarlet, Stanley Smith, Nova Steffens, Roger (Rod)

3 Feb 04 Ackerman, Arthur Ashby, Richard Bennet, David (Tony) Curwood, Anna Edgington, Barry Ellis, Gwendoline Ensor, Jenny Goodman, Vivian (Jack) Hansen, Melvyn (Mel) Hayes, Flora Herrett, Alma Illingworth, Nerol Inwood, Victoria Jones, Jessie Jones, Lawrence (Laurie) Kempson, Gwynneth Masters, Kenneth Patton, Oliver Plant, Frank Reid, Roger (Joe) Riley, Pamela Rutter, James Scarlet, Stanley Simson, Judith Thorp, Verity Tuitea, Fuarosa Webber, Alfred

4 Feb 04 Ashby, Richard Borsje, Josephine (Jo) Burdon, Winifred Burridge, Mabel Corliss, Kenneth Goodman, Vivian (Jack) Hansen, Mel Hayes, Flora (Hope) Inwood, Victoria Jones, Lawrence (Laurie) MacDonell, Stuart

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Mason, Chris McIntosh, Alistair McLennan, Betty Moreton, Theodore Patton, Oliver Rae, Gwendolin Riley, Pamela Rooney, Kenneth Rutter, James Simson, Judith Skilton, Jeanette Soper, Mary Stephen, Dennis Thornton, Evelyn Thorp, Verity Webber, Alfred

5 Feb 04 Blackaby, John Burdon, Winifred Butterick, Sarah Chapman, Arthur Corliss, Kenneth Depree, Jean Heslop, Lucy Jones, Ethan MacDonell, Stuart McIntosh, Lin Newman, Rose Oldman, Jack Reynish, Peter Rutter, James Searle, Leslie Smith, Bernard Stanway, Norman Tankersley, Helen Thornton, Evelyn Tuitea, Fuarosa

6 Feb 04 Blackaby, John Burt, Mary Butterick, Sarah Corliss, Kenneth Drinkwater, Raymond Hay, Prudence Jones, Ethan Lawlor, Michael Lye, Sonia McIntosh, Lin McKenzie, Florence (Hilda) McLennan, Betty Newman, Rose Oldman, Jack Peskett, Maureen Petrie, Anne Reynish, Peter Russell, Ian Saunders, Alexander, (Alex) Searle, Leslie Soper, Mary Thompson, Gladys

7 Feb 04 Blackaby, John

Bradley, Francis Cameron, Joseph Casey, May Chapman, Arthur Corliss, Kenneth Depree, Jean Drinkwater, Raymond (Jim) Ellingford, Shane Grant, James Himsel, Eduard (Eddy) Hubbard, Ethel Jackson, Graham Jones, Peter Keyes, Ian Lye, Sonia Malcolmson, Norman Mather, George McAllister, Kenneth McKenzie, Florence (Hilda) Morris, Thelma Newman, Rose Nicholl, Agnes Norton, John Oldman, Jack Osborne, Jack Painter, Margaret Pascoe, Florence Pascoe, Maurice Peskett, Maureen Peskett, Gladys Petrie, Anne Rae, Gwendolin Reid, Aileen Saunders, Alexander (Alex) Scott, Avis Searle, Leslie Sheenan, Patrick Stanley, Terence (Ted) Stanway, Norman Stephen, Dennis Stone, Francis (Les) Sutherland, Vivienne (Viv) Thompson, Gladys van der Aa, Lily Wallace, Mark

9 Feb 04 Blackburn, Eric Bradley, Francis (Francie) Burt, Mary Dapiere, Roger Depree, Jean Dickie, Cecil (Jack) Emms, Leigh Fergie, Mary Frew, Frederick (Russell) Garlick, Brian Hagedorn, Mary

Himsel, Eduard (Eddy) Hubac, Michael Hubbard, Ethel Johnson, Murray Johnston, Barbara Jones, Peter Kidd, Robert Lloyd-Rangiuia, Ordette Lovett, Worrell Mackenzie, Robert Manihera, Tip McRobert, Darryn Nicholl, Agnes Norton, John O'Connor, Noelene Painter, Margaret Parker, John Pascoe, Maurice Peskett, Maureen Peskett, Gladys Pirie, John Quinonez, Sergio Reid, Aileen Ross, Colin Sandoe, Leo Sheenan, Patrick Stanley, Terence Te Rangi, Nga Koata (Bill) van der Aa, Lily Watson, Monica Woodward, Mary Yaxle, John (Horace)

10 Feb 04 Adams, Jean Bellamy, Alan Blackburn, Eric Blue, Bruce Cameron, Roderick Crouch, Paul Dapiere, Roger Davies Shona Ellingford, Shane Emms, Leigh Fergie, Mary Flanagan, Mervyn Galbraith, Grace Higgs, Frederick Hubac, Michael Johnson, Murray Manihera, Tip McKay, Toni Mitchell, Ayreal (Monica) O'Connor, Noelene Parker, John Pirie, John Rosenbrock, John (Jack) Ross, Colin Sellar, Michael Sherratt, Kathleen Smith, Norma Stanley, Terence Stephen, Dennis Stewart, Leah

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Te Tomo, Daniel Thomas, Gordon (Ashley) Watson, Monica Watts, Donald Wilson, Ann Woodward, Mary Yaxley, John (Horace)

11 Feb 04 Almond, Neil Bartlett, Nolan Boyle, Thomas Bruce, Albert Cameron, Roderick Clare, Margaret Clarke, Spencer Cohr, Olaf Cotton, Florence Cox, Brian Cox, John Dapiere, Roger Davies, Shona Day, Allan Devonport, Pauline Earl, Leonard (Len) Fersterer, Ernst Fox, June Gantley, Steven Haggitt, Isabel Higgs, Frederick Hubac, Michael Iordache, Adrian Jordan, Alice Leathem, Brian Mitchell, Ayreal (Monica) Morris, Thelma Mundy, Joan Smeehuyzen, Adrianus (Arthur) Smith, John Stewart, Leah Te Rangi, Ngakoata Te Tomo, Daniel Thomas, Gordon (Ashley) Thomson, Beatrice Wilson, Russell

12 Feb 04 Almond, Neil Ashton, Daniel Bartlett, Nolan Batley, Noeline Boyce, Winton Cawte, Kenallie Devonport, Pauline Doyle, John (Jack) Earl, Leonard (Len) Fleming, Dorothy Fox, June Hawes, Robert Jordan, Alice Leathem, Brian Lynch, Owen

McLaughlin, Jean Patterson, Kevin Robinson, Eric Smith, John Te Tomo, Daniel Watson, Alan Williamson, George

13 Feb 04 Allen, Paul Arthur, Coral Bartlett, Nolan Batley, Noeline Boyce, Winton Cawte, Kenallie Collins, Hazel Dowsing, Robert Doyle, John (Jack) Earl, Leonard (Len) Habashi, Nagat Helps, Ruth Ieremia, Kutoli Jamieson, Patricia Matthams, William McClure, Murray Miles, Norma Murray, William (Keith) Radford, Hilary Robinson, Eric Roger, Joy Sanson, Lawrence Searle, Steven (Steve) Silco*ck, Donn Smith, John Smith, Roy

14 Feb 04 Arthur, Coral Ashton, Daniel Boyce, Winton Boyle, Thomas Bradley, James Coade, Mary Collins, Hazel Davidson, Isobel Davies, Colleen de Wit, Johannes (John) Dunbar, Ian Friend, Morris Helps, Ruth Hooper, Brian Hopkins, Douglas Howison, William Hutchison, Jessie Hynes, Dorothy Ieremia, Kutoli Jamieson, Patricia Keith, Colin Leishman, Sylvia Livingstone, John Matthams, William McClure, Murray McGowan, Rae Mueller, Jrma North, June Odey, Richard (Rick)

Pearce, Eric Radford, Hilary Sanson, Lawrence Searle, Steven (Steve) Shearer, Teresa Smith, Roy Walsh, Helen Watson, Walter Wilson, Russell

16 Feb 04 Barker, Horace Beach, Phyllis Bell, Margaret Bowmar, Annabel Boyce, Winton Boyle, Thomas Campbell, Valerie Capstick, Gordon Chrisp, Margaret Collard, William (George) de Wit, Johannes (John) Douglas, Margaret Dunbar, Ian (Kelvin) Easton, Dr Walter (Ron) Ellen, Laurence Groves, Heather Hewison, George Hinds, Peter Hooper, Brian Hynes, Dorothy Livingstone, John Mallard, Eric Mather, Alec McGowan, Rae Moana, Grace Moore, Jeanne Moore, Nancy North, June Odey, Richard Parkinson, David Pearce, Eric Pierson, Patricia Prouting, Thelma Reeves, Lily Sara, Gladys Smart, Nellie Walsh, Helen Watson, Audrey (June) Woods, David

17 Feb 04 Barker, Horace Beach, Phyllis Bell, Margaret Berkett, Ivan Bowmar, Annabel Butterfield, John (Jock) Capstick, Gordon Chrisp, Margaret Collard, William

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(George) Cooper, Maureen Douglas, Margaret Groves, Heather Hewison, George Hinds, Peter Hodgetts, Joseph Hutchison, Jessie Ieremia, Kutoli Langbein, Anne Mather, Alec McMillan, Gerald (Mac) McRae, Edward (Ted) Moore, Jeanne Moore, Nancy Pearce, Marjorie Prouting, Thelma Rolls, Rosalie Sara, Gladys Sellar, Michael Shepherd, Brenda Shewan, Joan Southen, Harold Stringer, Jean Waters, Murray Watson, Audrey (June) Woods, David

17 Feb 04 Barker, Horace Beach, Phyllis Bell, Margaret Berkett, Ivan Bowmar, Annabel Butterfield, John (Jock) Capstick, Gordon Chrisp, Margaret Collard, William (George) Cooper, Maureen Douglas, Margaret Groves, Heather Hewison, George Hinds, Peter Hodgetts, Joseph Hutchison, Jessie Ieremia, Kutoli Langbein, Anne Mather, Alec McMillan, Gerald (Mac) McRae, Edward (Ted) Moore, Jeanne Moore, Nancy Pearce, Marjorie Prouting, Thelma Rolls, Rosalie Sara, Gladys Sellar, Michael Shepherd, Brenda Shewan, Joan Southen, Harold Stringer, Jean Waters, Murray Watson, Audrey

(June) Woods, David

18 Feb 04 Ball, John Barker, Horace Barnett, Harold Bell, Margaret Cooper, Maureen Eden, Ronnie Fitzgibbon, Amy Flint, Audrey Harmon, Garry Harris, Francis (Frank) Horgan, Freda Kerr, Mavis Lord, Thomas Machen, Mary Maher, Claudia (Pat) McMenamin, Marcel Morgan, Peter Parkinson, David Pearce, Marjorie Perkins, Keith (Alan) Price, Cuthbert Rolls, Rosalie Smedley, Sir Harold Smith, David Soper, Keith Stringer, Jean Watson, Audrey (June) Woodley, Hazel

19 Feb 04 Cooper, Maureen Dixon, Joy Fitzgibbon, Amy Grant, Elizabeth Harmon, Garry Harris, Francis (Frank) Hatch, Mary Huston, Veda Karnbach, Jeannie (Jean) Kerr, Mavis Liddell, Doris Lord, Thomas McKenzie, Frances (Fran) McMenamin, Marcel McTague, William (Graham) Nixon, Thelma Quilliam, Hon Sir Peter (James) Rolls, Rosalie Simpson, Evelyn (Betty) Smith, David Soper, Keith Stanton, Vera

20 Feb 04 Beer, McGregor (Max) Blackmore, Muriel Cook, Deborah

Dixon, Joy Fenwick, Alister Fitzgibbon, Amy Gerken, Mary Hunter, Myrtle Karnbach, Jeannie (Jean) Liddell, Doris Lloyd, Mervyn Lord, Thomas Marson, Harry (Noel) Miller, John Mitchell, Harry Nixon, Thelma Quilliam, Hon Sir Peter (James) Southward, Leonard Stack, Godfrey Sutherland, Colleen Westley, Veronica

21 Feb 04 Addis, Gary Basher, Adrian Brekelmans, Cornelis (Kees) Brough, Cicely Burrows, Marlene Cowie, Sherryn Fenwick, Alister Groufsky, Margaret Hanco*ck, James Hanna, Isabel Hatch, Mary Hopkins, Joan Hutchinson, George Kinaston, Lindsay Kirk, Albertha Liddell, Doris MacKenzie, James Matthews, Grace Miller, John Robert Miller, John William Mitchell, Harry Pickens, Eileen Pratley, Jean Rennie, Margaret Robertson, Arthur Simpson, Evelyn (Betty) Southward, Leonard Suckling, Priscilla Tanner, Doreen Westley, Veronica Wood, Terence Wright, Norman

23 Feb 04 Brekelmans, Cornelis (Kees) Burrows, Marlene Columbus, Maureen Cowie, Sherryn Donaghey, Vida Forsyth, Ian Hanco*ck, James Hanna, Isabel Hood, Elsie

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hopkins, Joan Hore, Frederick (Keith) Horgan, Bernard Jowett, David Key, William Kinaston, Lindsay Matthews, Grace Meek, Alwyn Mehlhopt, Leonard Miller, John Peterson, Dorothy Pickens, Eileen Rennie, Margaret Schroeder, Mary (Molly) Smith, Raymond Tanner, Doreen Van Rijswijk, Pieter Watson, Grace Wells, Richard Wright, Norman

24 Feb 04 Brand, Edward Bussell, Eleanor (Lea) Chilton, Kathryn Columbus, Maureen Crawford, Alexander Donaghey, Vida Edser, Galvin Forsyth, Ian Fraser, Ruth Han, Keum Harper, Barbara Horgan, Bernard Johnstone, Margaret Key, William (Bill) Lynch, Kathleen Matthews, Grace McHugh, Elsie Meek, Alwyn Neale, Richard Newcombe, Robert Oakley, Cedric Peterson, Dorothy Read, Stanley Schroeder, Mary (Molly) Sherriff, Sylvia Smith, Raymond Webb, Margaret Wilson, Marion

25 Feb 04 Anderson, Dulcie Bussell, Eleanor (Lea) Crawford, Alexander Dennison, Ruth Ellis, John (Jack) Han, Keum Hicks, Violet Johnstone, Margaret Lowe, Elaine Lynch, Kathleen McHugh, Elsie McWilliam, John

Meek, Alwyn Munro, Dorothy (Dorrie) Newcombe, Robert (Ross) Oakley, Cedric Riddick, Stanley Thin, Lawrence Watson, Grace Wilson, Janet Wilson, Marion

26 Feb 04 Bargh, John Britton, Agnes (Jean) Campbell, Iris Cottier, Doris Dennison, Ruth Downs, Terry (Robert) Ellis, John (Jack) Faass, Peter Fox, Inez Galloway, William Hayes, Catherine Hindin, Vivienne Hogan, Kenneth King, Catherine (Edie) McWilliam, John Speake, Eric Summers, Mary Thin, Lawrence Wright, Leonard

27 Feb 04 Atkinson, Ena Baker, Pamela (Pam) Boyce, Leslie (Des) Campbell, Iris Chappell, Mary Cross, Helen (Janice) Fox, Inez Hindin, Vivienne Hogan, Kenneth Kearney, John King, Catherine (Edie) Lowe, Elaine Naven, Barry Parrant, Grace Speake, Eric Thin, Lawrence Thornton, Richard (Dick) Wright, Leonard

28 Feb 04 Adams, Clarence Atkinson, Ena Baker, Pamela (Pam) Chappell, Mary Cole, Neville Cross, Ethel Crow, Harold (Jim) Fowke, Ethel Fraser, Ruth Galloway, William Gander, Meryl Graham, Daisy

Hampton, Enid Hogan, Kenneth Jackson, Patrick Jamieson, Alistair Kearney, John Lee, Nancy Lester, Arthur Milligan, Jean Nye, Roderick Simmers, James (Fred) Suckling, Priscilla Watson, Grace Williams, Anthony Wright, Agnes Young, Peter

1 Mar 04 Bennison, Beatrice Blackburn, Dorothy Bollinger, Kathleen (Kay) Brasell, Michael Bryce, William Chappell, Mary Craig, Robert Cross, Ethel Crow, Harold (Jim) da Silva, Beryl Ellery, Ada Erihe, Robby Farrell, Anthony Fleete, Percy Hay, Edwin Hay, Erroll Jamieson, Alistair Kiely, Margaret, (Sr M. Winifride) Lee, Nancy Lester, Arthur Lundie, Peggy Mackintosh, Geoffrey McGrath, Eleanor McGrath, Erin McKay, John Milligan, Jean Morganty, Charles (Hal) Naven, Barry Ngaata, Ariva Norris, Victor Petersen, Michael Peterson, Aeleen Poynter, Charles Scholz, Gudrun Spencer-Bower, Anthony (Marmie) Suckling, Priscilla Telfer, Kathleen Walker, Beatrice Wright, Agnes Young, Peter

2 Mar 04 Berry, Donald Brasell, Michael Craig, Robert Cummings, Maurice

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


da Silva, Beryl Dare, Robin Ellery, Ada Erihe, Robby Farrell, Anthony Fleete, Percy Hamilton, Keith Hay, Edwin Kiely, Margaret, (Sr M. Winifride) Koppier, Catharina Lundie, Peggy Mackintosh, Geoffrey McGrath, Eleanor McKay, John Pike, Beryl Scholz, Gudrun Spencer-Bower, Anthony Telfer, Kathleen Trenchard, Audrey Walker, Beatrice

3 Mar 04 Bailey, Enid Blackburn, Dorothy Brasell, Michael Craig, Robert Croxford, Peter Dare, Robin Davies, Lawrence Dobbin, Marjorie Ellis, Raymond Gordon, Graham (Dr) Grant, Jack Hamilton, Keith Harper, Barbara Hay, Edwin Koppier, Catharina Mulvihill, Edward (Ted) Schofield, Peter Shanaher, Annie (Anne) Stockdale, Elwyn Traue, Thomas (Tom)

4 Mar 04 Affleck, Lynette Joy Alexander, Gavin (Doug) Charlesworth, James Clegg, Ian Cooper, Edward (Ted) Davies, Lawrence Dobbin, Marjorie Dunn, Elsie Hughes, Jane (Jean) Molloy, Maria Mulvihill, Edward (Ted) Munro, Ronald Patchett, Monica Pearce, Margaret Robinson, Mary Ross, David Spencer-Bower, Anthony Watson, James (Jim) Wright, Mary

5 Mar 04 Alexander, Gavin (Doug) Burgess, Eric Charlesworth, James Clegg, Ian Cooper, Edward (Ted) Dellow, Jean Gray, John Greer, William (Bill) Hughes, Jane (Jean) McCorkindale, Wilfred (Mac) Molloy, Maria Munro, Ronald Pearce, Margaret Van Pelt, Wilhelmus Wright, Mary

6 Mar 04 Archer, Anthony (Tony) Barton, James Berry, Ethel Buzzard, John Colenso, George Dellow, Jean Doig, Aliesha Giles, Wallace (Paddy) Gray, John Holden, Leonard Housham, Cynthia Laurenson, Ruth Lowe, Jacqueline Lynch, Anthony McIntosh, John McIntosh, Marlene Miller, Noel Narbey, Barry Pugsley, Olwen Shanaher, Annie (Anne) Turner, Pearl Van Pelt, Wilhelmus Walker, Stewart Walters, Colin

8 Mar 04 Allan, Alison Archer, Anthony Askey, Sidney Bennett, Isla Boyles, Clifford Brough, Isobel Brunton, June Buzzard, John Cherry, Ivy Colenso, George Comer, Edward Dodge, Malcolm Doig, Aliesha Gray, John Henderson, Gladys Hood, John Hoskins, William (Jim) Jones, Nancy Laugesen, Don

Laurenson, Ruth Liddicoat, Gregory (Ian) Lynch, Anthony McIntosh, Marlene McKay, Fae McKeen, Irene McQuillan, Ivan Pascoe, Reginald Pugsley, Olwen Sanders, Gwendoline Turner, Pearl Vincent, Bro. (Scannell, Desmond) Walker, Stewart Watkins, Daniel Wilson, Ngaira Wong, Nola

9 Mar 04 Ayers, Myra Bell, Mary Bennett, Isla Berry, Ethel (Alberta) Cherry, Ivy Colenso, George Dalzell, Dorothy Dodge, Malcolm Duggie, Gordon Fleming, Gwen Hancy, Shey Hood, John Hoskins, William (Jim) Kearns, Jocelyn Laugesen, Don Liddicoat, Gregory (Ian) McNab, Allan McQuillan, Ivan Palmer, Norman Pascoe, Reginald Pollard, John Pugsley, Olwen Richardson, Lillian (Nan) Sanders, Gwendoline Shaw, Audrey Shewan, Dorothea (Dorrie) Smith, Victor Walker, Stewart Wong, Nola

10 Mar 04 Allan, Alison Ayers, Myra Berry, Ethel (Alberta) Bissell, Mavis Burt, Maryanne Buzzard, John Dickey, Marjorie Dodge, Malcolm Dornan, Alford Duggie, Gordon Fortune, Ian Hancy, Shey Hunt, Phyllis

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Jensen, Katrina MacAlister, David McIlraith, Robert (Bob) McQuillan, Ivan Pickering, Molly Pollard, John Pugsley, Olwen Shaw, Audrey Terris, Neil Whitham, Nellie Wilson, Ngaira Wilson, Trevor

11 Mar 04 Ainsworth, Cyril Anderson, Eoin Bissell, Mavis Burrows, George Burt, Maryanne Cavanagh, Irene (Maidie) ca*wkill, William Challis, Ruth Dakin, Adelaide Dickey, Marjorie Fortune, Ian Hancy, Shey Hayman, Maurice Martin, James McKersey, Fiona Miller, Betty Munro, Ian Oliver, Georgina Pattinson, Mervyn Plato, John Pollard, John Sewell, Timothy Soster, Delphine (Chris) Tamou, Sofie Terris, Neil Walsh, Alice Watson, Shirley Wills, Lucy

12 Mar 04 Anderson, Adam (Geoff) Blackburn, Dorothy Brown, Leslie Bruce, June ca*wkill, William Challis, Ruth Fortune, Ian Green, Richard Gregg, Winifred Martin, James McInroe, Bernard McKersey, Fiona Miller, Betty Munro, Ian Pinkerton, Dorothy Popplewell, John Sewell, Timothy Welsh, Archibald (Arch)

13 Mar 04 Abbott, Aileen Ainsworth, Cyril Anderson, Adam (Geoff) Bain, Elizabeth (Jean) Blackburn, Dorothy Brown, Leslie Bruce, June Burrows, George Carr, James Cole, Neville Currie, Florence (Reta) Dalzell, Dorothy Dunn, Peggy England, Ynyr Enwistle, Roy Evans, Beresford Forsyth, Vera Green, Richard Gregg, Winifred Hamilton, Walter Harper, Brian Hayes, Peter (Des) Lee, Robert Lees, Raymond Lewer, Alan Low, Kathleen Osborne, Kathleen Peggie, Esther (Daisy) Petrie, Jack Popplewell, John Robinson, Colin Sewell, Timothy Smith, Victor Tod, Donald Weavers, Alwyn Willis, Lucy Wilson, Cecil (Derek)

15 Mar 04 Abbott, Aileen Bain, Elizabeth (Jean) Blackburn, Dorothy Bremner, Maxwell Burt, Blanche Chisholm, Hilda Clarkson, Darryl Fleming, Esme Forrester, Mary Forsyth, Vera Hayes, Peter (Des) Hewson, Dawn Holmes, Lionel Kendall, Edna Leask, Jessie Lee, Robert (Kin) Lee, Ronald Mann, Alexander Maurice, Richard Osmers, Hazel Parkinson, Frank Petrie, Jack Pope, Mary Popplewell, John Robinson, Colin

Smith, Charles Smith, Nichola Talbot, Henry Tooth, Lucy Tucker, Helena (Jane) Vuleta, Valmai Wahrlich, Philippa Wakelin, George Walbran, Robert Ward, Sydney Weavers, Alwyn Woodco*ck, Lee

16 Mar 04 Anderson, Jacqueline Baxter, Gilbert Bremner, Maxwell Chisholm, Hilda Fleming, Esme Forrester, Mary Frame, Margaret (Thelma) Gearry, Doreen Graemiger, Adrian Hayes, Peter (Des) Herbison, Florence Hewson, Dawn Holmes, Lionel Kendall, Edna Leary, Priscilla Lee, Robert Mackintosh, Elizabeth Marfell, Judith Maurice, Richard Petrie, Jack Pope, Mary Reader, Bertram (Bert) Robinson, Colin Scott, Leonard Smith, Charles Smith, Nichola Syme, Graham Talbot, Henry Tooth, Lucy Wahrlich, Philippa Ward, Sydney Woodco*ck, Lee

17 Mar 04 Allan, Willliam Anderson, Jacqueline Braunias, John Brown, Robert Burt, Blanche Chappell, Marie Cosgriff, Rachel Duff, Stuart Everts, Rev. Anton Fallen, Mary Fowler, Arthur (Jack) Gearry, Doreen Harvey, Christina Henry, Brenda Hook, Owen Knight, Lewis (Harcourt) Leggott, Elizabeth

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Betty) Mahan, Peter Meyer, Barbara Nixon, Margaret Parkinson, Frank Petrie, Jack Pope, Mary Scott, Leonard Smith, Nichola Stribling, Herbert Syme, Graham Vuleta, Valmai Wederell, Josie Wells, Thelma

18 Mar 04 Blackwood, John Cummings, Neil Duff, Stuart Everts, Rev. Anton Fallen, Mary Familton, Rae Fowler, Arthur (Jack) Hook, Owen Huria, George MacKenzie, Jock Mahan, Peter Mitchell, Cecelia (Edie) Pope, Mary Puddle, John Searell, Harvey Smith, Nichola Tasker, Francis (San) Vigers, Flora (Flo) Vuleta, Valmai

19 Mar 04 Anderson, Jacqueline (Jackie) Brooks, Richard (Dick) Carr, Jackie Casey, Mary Dawn, Marian Familton, Rae Hill, Eric Huria, George King, Samuel McJarrow, Beverley Mitchell, Cecelia (Edie) Paton, Norman (Bruce) Puddle, John Quinn, Raymond Robinson, Keith Walter, Margaret Yee, Fee Ping (Fay)

20 Mar 04 Acland, Margaret Biddle, Richard Brown, Robert Dawe, Vera Dawn, Marian Dickens, Graeme Gibbons, Richard

Heywood, Corey King, Samuel Maloney, Eileen Marsh, Melba McIver, William (Bill) McJarrow, Beverley Meherne, Patrick Robinson, Keith Rouse, Mere Ana Sayers, Ross Vigers, Flora Walter, Margaret Whittle, Marjorie

22 Mar 04 Anderson, Mavis (May) Biddle, Richard Boese, Selwyn Brown, Robert Cain, Florence Campbell, Kerry Chatfield, Kelvin Chenery, Avis Clouston, Pamela Couch, Josephine Day, Eunice Diamond, Peter Dickens, Graeme Dodge, Michael Drummond, Colin Dumergue, Violet Fountaine, Harry Gray-Townsend, Sylvia Greer, Alan Hall, Joseph Hiko, Jonathan Jooste, Annie (Phyllis) Keen, Kay King, Patricia Low, Bryon (Hec) MacLean, Juanita Marsh, Melba McMillan, Lizzie (Betty) Miles, Elizabeth Newton, Basil Nichol, Kenneth Pilet, Peter Quantock, William Reeves, Michael Robinson, Irene Rouse, Mere Ana Shaw, William Tasker, Francis Tau, Albert Vercoe, Alton (Bill) Walsh, Stanislaus Walter, Margaret White, Dennis Whittle, Marjorie

23 Mar 04 Cannemeyer, Richard Diamond, Peter Dodge, Michael Donaldson, Catherine

Drummond, Colin Dugarte, Raynier Fitzgerald, Gwenyth (Gwen) Goode, Byrrel Graham, Vera Gray-Townsend, Sylvia Greager, Neil Greer, Alan Hall, Joseph Heywood, Corey Howden, Margaret Jooste, Annie (Phyllis) Kaill, Sheila Kent, Pauline (Pat) Legg, Ngaire McLaren, Audrey Miles, Elizabeth Muir, John Nichol, Kenneth Pilet, Peter Reid, Rachel Robinson, Irene Rouse, Mere Ana Smith, Karen Tau, Albert Turner, Thomas Van Der Peet, Petrus (Peter) White, Dennis Williams, Burnard Wilson, Margaret

24 Mar 04 Avery Tonihi, Junie Boyce, Sylvie Boyd, Arthur Brown, Dorothy Cannemeyer, Richard Chambers, Brent Diamond, Ina Donaldson, Catherine Drummond, Colin Dugarte, Raynier Fitzgerald, Gwenyth (Gwen) Fulop, Samuel Gilbert, Russell Goode, Byrrel Greager, Neil Heywood, Corey Horton, Harold Horton, Mona Kaill, Sheila Kennedy, Victoria (Ruthie) King, Patricia King, Samuel Legg, Ngaire Low, Bryon (Hec) Miles, Elizabeth Moorhead, Rose Mutton, Edith Newton, Richard Nichol, Kenneth Russell, Stan

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Shanahan, James Smith, Karen Tripp, Charles Turner, Thomas Veitch, Margaret Vercoe, Alton (Bill) Wallis, Mavis Wethey, Arthur (Bill) White, Dennis Williams, Burnard Wilson, Les Wilson, Margaret

25 Mar 04 Avery Tonihi, Junie Beddie, Audrea Boyce, Sylvie Boyd, Arthur Chambers, Brent Diamond, Ina Fulop, Samuel Gilbert, Russell Good, Owen Horton, Harold Meyer, William Moorhead, Rose Mutton, Edith Papps, Alice Quinn, Hilda Rutledge, Donald Shanahan, James Tripp, Charles Turner, Thomas Usherwood, Frank Veitch, Margaret Wadsworth, Lee Youngman, Airinne

26 Mar 04 Absalom, Marjorie (Bunty) Anderson, Leslie Bell, Lawrence Bennett, Alfred Cadenhead, Malcolm Cameron, Brian Chambers, Brent Craw, Molly Forgie, Ian Kellaway, Patricia Newton, Richard Papps, Alice Quinn, Hilda Stoddard, Ella Tripp, Charles Tuner, Elizabeth (Betty) Usherwood, Frank

27 Mar 04 Anderson, Leslie Bell, Lawrence Brown, Dorothy Cadenhead, Malcolm Cooper, Graeme Craw, Molly Curline, Margaret

Dann, Gwendolen Forgie, Ian Fowlds, Leonard George, John Gibbons, Richard Goodare, Theodore Hawkins, Reginald Kellaway, Patricia Larner, Bernard McCall, Noeline Quigley, Cicely (Hope) Rowles, Frank Stoddart, Ella Tooth, Lucy Turner, Elizabeth (Betty) Welsh, Sylvia Wethey, Arthur (Bill) Wilson, Lex

29 Mar 04 Abel, Barbara Allan, Amelda Anning, Laurel Armitt, Edward Barclay, Florence (Clara) Brannen, John Chubb, Helen Cusiel, Robert Dann, Gwendolen Findlay, Audrey Hanco*ck, Maidie Kerr, Andrew Lilley, Edward Louden, David Macaulay, Ian Macklin, Kathleen Malcolm, Daisy Orbell, I. E.S (Edgar) Quigley, Cicely (Hope) Spence, Karen Sweney, Margaret Welsh, Sylvia Williams, Gladys

30 Mar 04 Abel, Barbara Ackroyd, William Anderson, Thomas (Laurie) Anning, Laurel Armitt, Edward Askew, Yvonne (Fay) Barclay, Florence (Clara) Boyd, Alan Broadhead, Ethel Bruhn, Maureen Chubb, Helen Clark, Gwen Findlay, Audrey Fowlds, Leonard Hamilton, Alice Hanco*ck, Maidie Hautopu, Jury Hogwood, Sylvia

Macaulay, Ian Macklin, Kathleen Malcolm, Daisy Muirhead, Marion Murphy, Patricia Ogle, Clifford Payne, Irwin (Rusty) Scholefield, Melva Stuart, Grace Swale, Murielle Waghorn, Lorraine Walmsley, Arthur (Dick) Willers, Beverley Williams, Gladys Wyatt, Joyce

31 Mar 04 Abel, Barbara Ackroyd, William Aked, Jeannie Alexander, Winifred Barclay, Clara Barlow, Maisie Barrett, Betty Barton, John Boyd, Alan Brannen, John Britten, Simon Chappel, Clifford Chubb, Helen Clark, Gwen Constable, Linus Dann, Gwendolen Gawn, Warren Gordon, Elizabeth Hamilton, Alice Hazeldine, Frank Heasley, C. F. (Pat) Herlihy, Verdun Hogwood, Sylvia Keenan, Anna- Annaika Marshall, Muriel (Jane) Payne, Irwin Rapana, Fred Roberts, Lois Russell, Daniel Spence, Karen Swale, Murielle Warren, Alan Willers, Beverley Woodhouse, Joyce

1 Apr 04 Aked, Jeannie Barlow, Maisie Carpenter, Douglas Chappel, Clifford Chubb, Helen Clark, Gwen Constable, Linus De Ruyter, Margaret Earl, William Harmon, Aileen Hazeldine, Frank Hickman, Alexander

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Alec) King, Casmahilla (Hilla) Marshall, Muriel (Jane) Millar, Douglas Norcliffe, Nancy O'Donnell, Judith Passmore, Douglas Price, Evelyn Roberts, Lois Rowling, Mary Skilling, Hugh Swale, Murielle Todd, Walter Warren, Alan Willers, Beverley Wrighton, Constance

2 Apr 04 Barlow, Maisie Barrett, Ina Bennett, Olive Berry, Dora Carpenter, Douglas Chappell, Cliff Davies, Ron Dick, Colleen Dunn, William (Rex) Earl, William Harmon, Aileen King, Casmahilla (Hilla) Kirkpatrick, Clem McConnachie, Loretta Norcliffe, Nancy Roberts, Lois Stokes, Arthur Troon, Jean Webb, Leslie Wrighton, Constance

3 Apr 04 Barker, Mildred Barrett, Ina Bennett, Olive Berry, Dora Brown, Josephine Burgess, Graham Button, Mitchell Collins, Donald Dalley, Denis Davies, Ron Dick, Colleen Dunlop, James Dunn, William (Rex) Grogan, Euphemia Hall, Candice Herron, Bruce Hickman, Alexander (Alec) Jungowska, Maria King, Michael Kirkpatrick, Clem Macdonald, Flora (Jean) Mangos, Len Marwick, Lindsay

Milne, Richard (John) Morriss, Phyllis Pattie, David Stokes, Arthur Todd, Rita Webb, Leslie Wilson, Mary

5 Apr 04 Anderson, Frances Berry, Dora Briggs, Gordon Burgess, Graham Button, Mitchell Cairns, Maurice Dalley, Denis Don, Alexander Dunlop, James Ebert, Margaret Irwin, Reverend Dr John Jenkins, Ruby Livingstone, Freda Miles, Phillip Milne, Richard (John) Morreau, Paul Morriss, Phyllis Murdoch, Doreen Pringle, Elsie Renner-Kench, Ivy Shaw, Lois Stokes, Arthur Thomas, Eunice Tipa, Susan Zwarst, Geertje (Truus)

6 Apr 04 Adams, Kura (Blanche) Alderton, Ivy Anderson, Frances Aubrey, Norman Barker, Mildred Bethune, Barbara Blackadder, Mary (Josie) Button, Mitchell Campbell, Ian Cumming, William Ebert, Margaret Fay, Myrtle Gillies, Leanne Goss, Lindsay Harrison, Jane Hopkins, Ray (Bon) Irwin, Reverend Doctor John Marriott, George (Les) Morreau, Paul Renner-Kench, Ivy Rhind, Annie Shaw, Lois Thomas, Margaret Zwarst, Geertje (Truus)

7 Apr 04 Adams, Kura (Blanche) Aubrey, Norman Banks, Marie Campbell, Ian Cumming, William Fahey, Richard Gillies, Leanne Harrison, Jane Holliss, Barry Hopkins, Ray Humm, Avril Jenkins, Albert (Brian) Knight, Derek Luxton, Margaret Marriott, George (Les) Meyer, William Miles, Phillip Mills, Sarah Murchison, Kenneth O'Connell, Doris Ogle, Margaret Payne, Irwin Rhind, Annie Roper, Eileen Thomas, Margaret Walls, Frances Wilder, Martin

8 Apr 04 Adams, Kura (Blanche) Annan, William Beach, Owen Boyce, Florence (Edna) Carter, Julia Convery, Kevin Crawford, Nola Fahey, Richard Gray, Isabella Hanson, Robert Holliss, Barry Knight, Derek Langton, Gavin Luxton, Margaret McKenzie, James McKinney, Theresa Randle, Wallace Smith, Betty Somerville, Mildred Tapper, Graeme Watson, Patricia Wilder, Martin

10 Apr 04 Annan, William Ballinger, Jessie Beach, Owen Bonham, Alan Bown, Wilfred (Bill) Briggs, Kevin Canton, Douglas Cook, Derrick Cossar, Eileen Donnelly, Zeta Farr, Leonard Finlayson, Robert

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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Gray, Isabella Grieve, James Hannah, Frances (Crean) Hanson, Robert Harding, Roger Hayne, May Haywood, Nora Holliss, Barry Hungerford, Marie (Joycee) Jacquier, Diane Langton, Gavin Martin, Florence (Nita) Monson, Margaret Montgomery, Thomas O'Connell, Doris Phillipson, William (Bill) Powell, Robert Read, Jane (Jean) Roper, Eileen Russell, Graeme Sanderson, Kathleen Soley, Brent Solomon, Kathleen Somerville, Mildred Southen, Lawrence Stephenson, Tracey Stewart, Cecil Storm, Grace (Smithy) Tapper, Graeme Taylor, Edward Walker-Grace, The Rev James Wilder, Martin

12 Apr 04 Ball, Mona (Mae) Briggs, Kevin Bryant, William Campbell, William Clements, Joan Cook, Derrick Cossar, Eileen Edwards, Edwin (Ike) Fordyce, Andrew (Bruce) Hannah, Frances (Crean) Hay, Vicki Hungerford, Marie (Joycee) James, Raymond Ladbrook, William (Charlie) Larsen, Aldyth Lennox, Gordon Mason, Edith Mattar, Michael Monson, Margaret Montgomery, Thomas O'Leary, Myra O'Malley, Christopher Powell, Robert Prendergast, Rea

(John) Proctor, Ronald Quaife, April Read, Jean Rothwell, Florence Sanderson, Kathleen Smith, Betty Smith, John Soley, Brent Southen, Lawrence Stephenson, Tracey Tapper, Graeme Twomey, John White, Edwin (Graeme) Wilder, Martin

13 Apr 04 Ball, Mona (Mae) Barney, John Bills, Mary (Peggy) Bonham, Alan Briggs, Kevin Brosnahan, Trevor Burnip, Neville Clements, Joan Donnelly, Zeta Dunnett, Patricia Farr, Leonard George, Douglas Gray, Isabella Hannah, Frances (Crean) Hay, Vicki Holliss, Barry Hughes, John Humphrey, Sylvia James, Raymond Mason, May McNicholl, Annella Montgomery, Thomas O'Leary, Myra O'Malley, Christopher Proctor, Ronald Runciman, Jean Russell, Graeme Sandom, Roland (Sandy) Smith, John Staniford, Kevin Stubbs, Lilian Szucs, Barbara Twomey, John White, Edwin (Graeme) Whitehead, Margaret (Peggy) Wilder, Martin

14 Apr 04 Adams, Patricia Bailey, Edna (Daph) Barney, John Beckman, Roy Berkett, Noel Cossar, Eileen Dixon, John

Donnelly, Zeta Edwards, Edwin Evans, Heather George, Douglas Godsall, Elizabeth Graham, Albert Greenfield, John Griffen, Florence Harland, Alan Hay, Vicki Hayes, Catherine Horgan, Fairlie Hughes, John (Jack) Humphrey, Sylvia James, Raymond Lennox, Gordon Mason, Edith Mason, May McNicholl, Annella Morten, Margaret, O'Connor, June O'Malley, Christopher Powell, Robert Runciman, Jean Scott, Merle Smith, June Stubbs, Lilian Tofield, George Twomey, John Waddell, Joyce West, William Woodhead, Dr Damon

15 Apr 04 Adams, Marleen Bailey, Edna (Daph) Barney, John Bonifant, Winifred Bruce, Jan Cameron, Alan Currie, Beverley Dixon, John Edge, Lester Gardiner, Derek Godsall, Elizabeth Graham, Albert Griffen, Florence Howell, Ian Hughes, John Morrison, Mary Pierce, Leslie Slaven, Thomas Smith, June Waddell, Joyce Wilson, Avis (Lesley) Woodhead, Dr Damon Woods, Russell

16 Apr 04 Adams, Marleen Arthur, Barrie Barton, George Bean, Enid Cameron, Alan Cederman, Gavin Ellis, Brian Gardiner, Derek

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hamilton, Thelma Howell, Ian Kilday, Alan Mayo, Ann Morrison, Mary Pascoe, Margaret Tainui, Kevin Taylor, Agnes Williams, Kenneth Wilson, Avis (Lesley) Woods, Russell

17Apr 04 Aldridge, Ronald Arthur, Barrie Ashworth, Joseph Bean, Enid Bruce, Ivan Burt, Syd Corbett, Michael George, Henry Hazlett, Maxwell Howell, Ian Kilday, Alan Lin, Chun Mayo, Ann McCleery, Lois McKirdy, Margaret Noble, Geoffrey Norman, Edmund Pascoe, Margaret Petrie, Raymond Ritchie, Mavis Seekles, Rudi Smith, Mary Thomas, Lowell Williams, Laurence Williams, Kenneth

19 Apr 04 Ashworth, Joseph Beveridge, Robert Boundy, Doris Marguerite Bruce, Ivan Corbett, Michael Cotter, Ellen Cox, Charles Dalkie, Francis (Frank) Dearsley, Michael Genet, Eileen Hall, Jemima Hamilton, Thelma Henderson, Fred Jennens, Leslie Knights, Kenneth Luscombe, Roger MacGregor, Maureen Maxwell, Ben McKirdy, Margaret McLeod, Elizabeth McMillan, Dorothy Norman, Edmund Patterson, Ellen (Nellie) Prestidge, Audrey Reid, Maurice Ridler, Albert

Rowley, Olive (Joy) Saunders, Lilias Schmelz, Stanley Speirs, Irene Stansbury, Royce Strudley, William Williams, Kenneth

20 Apr 04 Beveridge, Robert (Bob) Brandt, Sara Brown, Walter Burt, Sydney Caselberg, John Corbett, Michael Cudworth, Harriet Dearsley, Michael Genet, Eileen Howe, Josiah (Joe) Kerr, Othley Knights, Kenneth (Ken) Lewthwaite, Glenda Maxwell, Ben McGinn, Lawrance McLean, Adelaide McLeod, Elizabeth Muir, Harry O'Connor, Leo Patterson, Ellen (Nellie) Petrie, Raymond Ridler, Albert Rowley, Olive (Joy) Schmelz, Stanley Speirs, Irene Stansbury, Royce Van Wyngaarden, Christina (Stieny) Whitlock, Edwin

21 Apr 04 Adams, Dorothea Brandt, Sara Corbett, Michael Dobson, Wikitoria (Wkiki) Farmer, Valda Gaw, Kenneth Harris, Leonora Henderson, Fred Howe, Josiah (Joe) Jennens, Leslie Keen, Lillian Kerr, Othley Knights, Kenneth (Ken) Lowcay, Robert Luff, Joan Luscombe, Roger Maxwell, Ben McCoy, Gregory McGinn, Lawrance McMillan, Dorothy Menzies, Eliza Milne, Rosslyn

O'Connor, Francis O'Connor, Leo Ross, Sarah Soper, Jeremy (Jessa) Strudley, William (Bill) Van Wyngaarden, Christina (Stieny) Verhoeven, Kerry Williams, Edna (Runa)

22 Apr 04 Adams, Dorothea Bloor, Stanley Briggs, Gwendoline Carnahan, Maud (Moya) Craig, Douglas (Doug) Curragh, Ellen Dobson, Wikitoria (Wiki) Farmer, Valda Fawdray, Joan Foley, Grace Harris, Leonora Keen, Lillian Ladner, Everett Lowcay, Robert Masters, Bessie McAslan, David McCoy, Gregory McGinn, Lawrence McLay, Marjorie Menzies, Eliza Rivers, Cuthbert Turvey, Elizabeth (Eliz) Verhoeven, Kerry Williams, Edna (Runa)

23 Apr 04 Bartley, Fay Black, John Blackman, Irene Bloor, Stanley Briggs, Gwendoline Brown, Janene Bull, Deborah Dunbar, Marjorie Fawdray, Joan Foley, Grace Knight, Russell McAslan, David Menzies, Eliza Monk, Donald Murphy, Norah (Ima) Preddy-Stanton, Natasha Stanley, Mary van der Veen, Eileen Willemsen, Fedde (Bob) Wilson, Ena Winter, Barbara

24 Apr 04 Abercrombie, Gordon Adams, David

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Bartley, Fay Blackman, Irene Brown, Janene Bull, Deborah Cheyne, Dorothy Collie, Gerald Doak, Mary Dunbar, Marjorie Foley, Grace Genet, Eileen Glover, Gloria Goulden, Peter Kavanagh, Dorothy Knight, Russell Martin, Gyles Masson, Bernard McGinn, Michael (Frank) Monk, Donald Morgan, Ernest (Ted) Murphy, Norah (Ima) Nimmo, Ann Orchiston, Margaret (Heather) Preddy-Stanton, Natasha Scott, Margaret Turvey, Elizabeth (Eliz) van der Veen, Eileen Verhoeven, Kerry Webster, Florence Williams, Edna (Runa) Wilson, Ena Winter, Barbara Wright, Ronald Yates, Wendy

26 Apr 04 Abercrombie, Gordon Adams, David Barton, John Bell, Anthony Bent, Charles Bettridge, Alice (Joan) Blackman, Irene Cain, Gladys Campbell, Peter Cattermole, Raymond Clare, Dennis Collie, Gerald Doak, Mary Duff, Marjorie Falconer, Angus Fougere, James Goulden, Peter Hart, Lorna Iosefo, Taufanu'u Kakahi, Lorraine Kavanagh, Dorothy Knight, Russell Kovacs, Elizabeth Maguigan, Grace McGinn, Michael (Frank) McNeill, Lois Morgan, Arthur (Jack)

Morgan, Ernest (Ted) O'Sullivan, Paul Palmer, Leslie Smith, Robert Stephen, William Vallance, Dorothy Wilson, Daphne Woods, Nancy

27 Apr 04 Adams, David Barton, John Bell, Alan Bell, Anthony Campbell, Peter Cattermole, Raymond Clarke, Ngahuia (Nga) Cowley, Edna Diggs, Daphne Duff, Marjorie Francis, Monica Gilchrist, Russell Goodchild, Nora Hart, Mary (Joycie) Hinman, Jean Kelliher, Joan Kissell, Nancy Kovacs, Elizabeth Lowry, William McCormack, Clare Miller, William Peaco*ck, Winifred Plumstead, John Preddy-Stanton, Natasha Ruki, Paul Stephen, William Vallance, Dorothy Waldron, Edna Wilks, John (Trev) Woods, Nancy

28 Apr 04 Adams, David Anderson, Margaret Austin, Joyce Bond, Joyce Bowen, Valerie (Dawn) Cattermole, Raymond Clarke, Ngahuia (Nga) Cowley, Edna Crawford, Alfred Crawford, Lynn Diggs, Daphne Gerrard, George (Russ) Gifford, Wilfred (Gerry) Gilchrist, Peter (John) Gordon, Sheila Hamilton, Shirley Hinman, Jean Iosefo, Taufanu'u Kelliher, Joan Kissell, Nancy Kovacs, Elizabeth Masson, Bernard

McNamara, John Miller, William Morgan, Eula Muir, Jean Owen, Dorothy Palmer, Leslie Peaco*ck, Winifred Preddy-Stanton, Natasha Rankin, Hazel Reid, Maurice Ruki, Paul Shaw, Amelia (Irene) Taylor, Allan Waldron, Edna White, Stanley Wilks, John (Trev) Williamson, The Rev'd John Woods, Nancy Worsnop, Hazel Wright, Marjorie Young, Lorraine

29 Apr 04 Anderson, Margaret Bond, Joyce Bowen, Valerie (Dawn) Brown, Valentine Buick, Colin Clarke, Ngahuia Crowe, Maureen Dawson, Florence Dempsey, Bruce Fitchett, Rayma Garland, Lilian Gifford, Wilfred (Gerry) Gilchrist, Peter (John) Gordon, Sheila Hinman, Jean Jones, Glyndwr Kindon, Nathan McGuinniety, Edward McNamara, John Paaymans, Adrianus (Eddy) Rosson, Margaret Sigley, Muriel Smith, Robert Wallace, Jean Williamson, The Rev'd John

30 Apr 04 Austin, Joyce Barrow, Winsome Bowen, Valerie (Dawn) Champion, Phyllis Crowe, Maureen Dempsey, Bruce Ellingford, Mavis Fitchett, Rayma Garland, Lilian Gordon, Sheila Haughey, Molly

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hobbs, Colin Iosefo, Taufanu'u Kindon, Nathan McGuinniety, Edward Muir, Jean Paaymans, Adrianus (Eddy) Randall, Winifred Taorei, Whetumarama Turner, Catherine Williamson, The Reverend John

1 May 04 Astwick, Kenneth Bell, Mary Blanchard, Pamela Campbell, Cloey Cheshir, Antony Church, Muriel Crowe, Maureen Dawson, Florence deKoning, Rosalina Eyles, Gail Fenemor, Hector Garland, Lilian Gerrard, George (Russ) Good, Geoffrey Gordon, Sheila Haughey, Molly Hobbs, Colin Hunter, Isla Kingsbury, Theresa Milne, Rosslyn Moore, Robert Nicholson, John Owen, Dorothy Pearse, Lance Randall, Winifred Rosson, Margaret Sigley, Muriel Stokes, Ernest Taorei, Whetumarama Turner, Catherine van der Meer, Jesse Walsh, Mervyn Wilson, Daphne Worrall, Janeen

3 May 04 Agnew, James Astwick, Kenneth Ballin, Nola Blanchard, Pamela Cheshir, Antony Church, Muriel Cottam, Alexander Cox, Robert Crowe, Maureen Curry, Neil Dobson, Alice Franks, Ola (Olive) Garland, Lilian Godfrey, Kenneth Good, Geoffrey

Hobbs, Colin Hopkins, Elsie Hurst, Eric Legg, Rosaline Mather, Harry McCauley, Terence Mills, Phyllis Mitchell, Marjorie Mundy, James Pearse, Lance Rijbroek, June Simons, Judith Stokes, Ernest Topp, Ella Turner, Catherine van der Meer, Jesse Walsh, Ellen (Sr Mary Concepta) Wilson, Horton Worrall, Janeen Wynne, Cynthia (Joyce)

4 May 04 Ballin, Nola Bennett, Morris Bloomfield, Douglas Briggs, Frederick (Neil) Burton-Chadwick, Lady Beryl Buschl, Ida Caldwell, Heather Campbell, Ellen (Nellie) Curry, Neil Cuthbertson, Alexander deKoning, Rosalina Dobson, Alice (May) Franks, Ola (Olive) Gill, Raylee (Raye) Hayes, Hilda Hopkins, Elsie Hunter, Isla Hurst, Eric Legg, Rosaline Marsters, Paoa (Senior) Mather, Harry McQuillan, Rona (Merle) McTaggart, Allan Mills, Phyllis Petch, Gwendoline Pringle, Lorna Reid, Rosemary (Vicky) Rijbroek, June Scott, Sr Moira Shaw, Joan Stokes, Ernest Strong, Annie Topp, Ella Truscott, Anne Udy, Tanya Walsh, Ellen

(Sr Mary Concepta) Woods, Margaret Wynne, Cynthia (Joyce) Young, Trevor

5 May 04 Aldridge, Peter Bissett, Gladys Bloomfield, Douglas Briggs, Frederick (Neil) Burton-Chadwick, Lady Beryl Campbell, Ellen Cheshir, Antony Corboy, Mary Cottam, Alexander Dawson, Kevin Filer, Amy Franks, Ola (Olive) Gill, Raylee (Raye) Hamlin, Christina Hayes, Hilda Hopkins, Elsie Hunter, Isla Keetley, Tom (Jeff) McQuillan, Rona (Merle) Reid, John Reid, Rosemary (Vicky) Shaw, Joan Strong, Annie Truscott, Anne Tuua, Rev. Naoupu Udy, Tanya Vincent, Danny Waters, Graeme Wilson, Alan Wilson, Horton Wootton, Elizabeth (Ruth)

6 May 04 Aldridge, Peter Anderson, Mona Aranga, Tokomaha (Tom) Bell, Annette Bloomfield, Douglas Brokenshire, Christina Cheshir, Antony Cottam, Alexander Dawson, Kevin Hannah, Naomi Jelley, Barbara Karauria, Matene Kennedy, Owen McCavitt, William Mullions, Charles (Norman) Pool, Gordon Reid, Rosemary Sellars, Dorothy Stephens, Lorna Sutherland, Ian

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Thompson, Lorraine Thorndycroft, Jean Trounson, Phyllis Truscott, Anne Tuua, Rev. Naoupu Vincent, Danny Waters, Graeme Whyte, Kathleen Wilson, Margaret Young, Trevor

7 May 04 Aldridge, Peter Anderson, Mona Anstey, William Aranga, Tokomaha (Tom) Boddington, Walter Buckley, David Bull, John Cusack, Brother Vincent D'Eganneh, Desmond Diehl, Stanley Easton, Michael Karauria, Matene Kenny, Paul Kraiger, Beth Sellars, Dorothy Smith, Ross Stephens, Lorna Stewart, Elizabeth Sutherland, Ian Vincent, Danny Wilson, Margaret Wreford, Phyllis

8 May 04 Anstey, William Antonievic, Felicity Barclay, Mary Barkley, Dina Briggs, Frederick (Neil) Brokenshire, Christina Brooks, Paul Buckley, David Cane, Joanne Colombus, Robert Conroy, Brian Corboy, Mary Cusack, Brother Vincent Dawson, Kevin Diehl, Stanley Ferguson, Charles Franks, June (Herewini) Goldstone, Kerry Hanco*ck, Donalda Ingley, Charlene Matene, Karauria Kenny, Paul Marsh, Kathleen (Morva) Smith, Ross Stephens, Lorna

Sutherland, Ian Tetley, Jill Thompson, Lorraine Tideman, Rana Todd, Fay Whitcombe, Douglas Wreford, Phyllis

10 May 04 Adams, Lindsay Anderson, Veronica Brownie, Lorraine Chapman-Momo, Rochelle Cornish, Ernest Dawson, Kevin Day, Gordon Donaldson, Florence Elliott, Douglas Fuller, Stanley Fuller, William Hanco*ck, Donalda Harris, Ellen Hood, Jacob Reid, Eric Silbery, Lewis Sole, Joyce Stringer, Elizabeth Tetley, Jill Whitcombe, Douglas White, Joyce

11 May 04 Baynon, Iris Brownie, Lorraine Cederman, Truby Cornish, Ernest Dalziel, Clifford Dolheguy, Kevin Dwyer, James (Jim) East, Frances Ellwood, Norman (Norm) Fitzell, Beryl Hickling, Catherine Histen, Ngaire McCreanor, Wayne McGoldrick, Glynn McNabb, Diane Reid, Eric Reid, Leslie Rutherford, Sandy Schroder, Vera Shanahan, Tom Silbery, Lewis Simpson, Margery Sole, Joyce Stringer, Elizabeth Tate, Noeline Tuua, Rev. Naoupu White, Joyce

12 May 04 Aldridge, Ralph Baynon, Iris Beri, Wayne Biggs, Colin

Brownie, Lorraine Bryson, William Chapman-Momo, Rochelle Craker, Clifford Dawson, George Dick, Robert Dolheguy, Kevin Ellwood, Norman (Norm) Gill, Thomas (Tom) Hickling, Catherine Hood, Jacob Innes, Cecily Kelliher, Kevin McDowell, Zilpha Musgrave, Geoffrey Pillans, Arthur Reid, Leslie Schroder, Vera Sole, Joyce Tate, Noeline

13 May 04 Beri, Wayne Conkie, Robert (Bob) Craker, Clifford Dawson, George Deans, Elizabeth Dick, Robert (Charles) Dolheguy, Kevin Duncan, Agnes (Nancy) Farr, Mavis Feek, Albert (Cliff) Fitzell, Beryl Galway, Joan Histen, Ngaire Hopper, Mabel Innes, Cecily Kraiger, Beth Langdale, Shirley McConway, Fenton McCrea, David McDowell, Zilpha Musgrave, Geoffrey Paisley, Lucy Stickney, Walter (Harry) Sutherland, John

14 May 04 Barr, Graham Cameron, Agnes (Isabel) Carter, Bruce Coughlan, Barrie Dean, Ann-Marie Deans, Elizabeth Evans, Lindsay Farr, Mavis Forbes, Jessie Grogan, Edith (Mim) Hopper, Mabel Innes, Cecily Langdale, Shirley Mather, Myra

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McConway, Fenton Pearce, George

15 May 04 Banks, William Barr, Graham Beattie, Herbert Billings, Dulcie Bothwell, Joan Broughton, Alison Cameron, Agnes (Isabel) Cook, Heather Coombes, Ellen (Nellie) Coughlan, Barrie de Zwart, Hendricus Doherty, Adele Forbes, Jessie Freeman, Tom Gardiner, Joy Hopper, Mabel Houston, Gladys Howells, Lionel Keetley, Tom (Jeff) Le Vaillant, Rain Left, Hilda Martin, Eileen Mather, Myra O'Brien, Thomas Ottaway, Eva Proctor, Ailsa Rennie, Agnes (Dix) Saunders, Archie Scott, Arthur Simpson, Margaret Skerten, Ronald Smith, Robert Smith, William Thompson, Margaret (Betty) Whyte, Kathleen Wilton, Frank Wylie, Esther (Betty)

17 May 04 Abernethy, Ernestine Angus, Margaret (Jean) Banks, William Barr, Graham Beattie, Herbert Bothwell, Joan Boult, Catherine Bowis, Mary Broughton, Alison Capon, Robert Coe, Lawrence Coombes, Ellen (Nellie) De Zwart, Hendricus (Henk) Dobbs, Audrey Dobson, Alan Finnie, John Fraser, Freda Gillespie, Vi

Ginders, Nelson Litten, Iris Loader, Frances (Ruth) McBeath, James Nutt, Alan Oates, Jean O'Connor, Michael O'Flaherty, Desmond Ottaway, Eva Parker, Raymond Priest, Doris Rowe, Marcia Sarginson, Euan Saunders, Archie Silva, Max Skerten, Ronald Sneddon, Mary Stokes, Jessie Sugrue, Patrick Swift, Muriel Tamuta, Karen Wells, Gaye Wilson, Heector Wilson-Croft, Francis (Eric)

18 May 04 Angus, Margaret (Jean) Baigent, John (Jack) Bowis, Mary Buchanan, Samuel Coe, Lawrence Costelloe, Denis Dobson, Alan Fraser, Freda Fraser, June Gillespie, Vi Gillies, Noble Ginders, Nelson Gumbrell, Ruth Hanley, Virginia Heslop, John Hewson, Robert (Bob) Hobson, Neville Jacques, Arthur Nicholas, Audrey (Joy) Nutt, Alan Oates, Jean O'Connor, Michael Oliphant, Margaret Orchard, Marjorie Podvoiskis, Frank Priest, Doris Rowe, Marcia Sidaway, Harry Silva, Max Sneddon, Mary Stokes, Jessie Sugrue, Patrick Taiaroa, Helen Tamuta, Karen Winchester, Hazel

19 May 04 Beattie, Herbert Brown, Ernest

Buchanan, Samuel Calvert, Nathan Christie, Eleanor (Isabel) Clemett, Faye Crosland, Francis (Frank) Crum, William Dlamini, Possent Fairbairn, Darryl Farmer, Grahame Fowler, David Gillies, Noble Ginders, Nelson Hanley, Virginia Hemopo, John Heslop, John Hobson, Neville Houlahan, John Jacques, Arthur Left, Hilda Lindsay, George Loader, Frances (Ruth) Mahony, Irene Mason, Kevin McMeekan, Albert Mitchell, Lorraine Nalder, Matthew Oates, Jean Orchard, Marjorie Sidaway, Harry Speden, Shirley Stokes, Jessie Sugrue, Patrick Tamuta, Karen Thompson, Bobbie Tweedie, Kenneth

20 May 04 Bent, Robin Brooks, Denise Brown, Ernest Buchanan, Samuel Bultitude, Robert (Logan) Calvert, Nathan Clemett, Faye Dlamini, Possent Duff, Arthur Fairbairn, Darryl Farmer, Grahame Gooch, Toni-Anne Houlahan, John Kearns, Esme Lindsay, George Mahony, Irene Mitchell, Lorraine Rogerson-Flint, Audrey Smart, Gladys Summers, Raymond Thompson, Bobbie Treloar, Mary Warrington, Joan

21 May 04

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Brown, Robert Chambers, Maida Claughton, Judith Fairbairn, Darryl Galbraith, Marjorie Garthwaite, Allan Hayes, Betty Johnston, John (Jack) Kearns, Esme Lee, Charles Mitchell, Lorraine Powell, Paul Riches, Leonard Rogerson-Flint, Audrey Schroder, Raymond Smart, Gladys Stonehouse, Eve Summers, Raymond Turpin, Basil

22 May 04 Anderson, Evelyn Brooks, Denise Buckley, Joyce Carter, Enid Chambers, Maida Claughton, Judith Collins, Michael Dlamini, Possent Donovan, Diana Galbraith, Marjorie Garlick, Doris Garthwaite, Allan Graham, George Hayes, Betty Horton, Joseph Hutchins, Leslie Johnston, John Kimber, Murray Laing, Mary Lawrence, William Lee, Charles Leighton, Lili (Marlene) McVicar, Noeline Mitchell, Ronald Parker, Robert Payne, Maureen Richards, Edward (Ted) Riches, Leonard Sarginson, Euan Schroder, Raymond Shennan, Norah Strange, Lynette Treloar, Mary Weston, Johanna Wood, Marjorie Wood, Revd Stanley

24 May 04 Bernhard, Mary Bond, Kathleen (Jean) Buckley, Joyce Bunz, Patrick Collett, Laurel Collins, Michael

Dew, Beverley Douglas, Robert (Bobbie) Eccleton, Patrick Horton, Joseph Hutchins, Leslie Kimber, Murray Lawrence, William Marsden, Jewel McFarlane, Robert McInnes, Margaret McLean, Laila McVicar, Noeline Miller, Raymond Mora, Brendan Mottram, Ronald (Harry) Nilsson, Maryrose Payne, Maureen Peak, Murial (Maise) Pender, Frances (Mabel) Richardson, Anne Ryan, Joan Sandford, Raymond Shennan, Norah Stringer, Donald Turner, Alan Walker, Edward Walker, Janet

25 May 04 Aldridge, Peter Anderson, Douglas Bunz, Patrick Carpenter, Ada Clark, Robert (Ken) Dew, Beverley Douglas, Robert (Bobbie) Eccleton, Patrick Foster, Michele Hathaway, Garry Holmwood, Evelyn Horton, Joseph Jentsch, Catelin Johnsen, Rev. Fr. Graham Kimber, Murray Klomp, Gerharda Le Messurier, Bevan Marsden, Jewel Marshall, Beryl McDowell, Jean McFarlane, Robert McLean, Laila McMullen, Raymond (Frank) Miller, Raymond Mitchell, Ronald Mora, Brendan Nelmes, Basil Nilsson, Maryrose Nimmo, Garnet Orangi, Marea (Annette) Peak, Murial (Maise)

Richardson, Anne Roberts, Graeme Ryan, Joan Stringer, Donald Turner, Mildred (Millie) Walker, Edward Walker, Janet Wills, Joan Young, Eric

26 May 04 Aldridge, Peter Bird, Lillian (Alison) Byers, Arthur Campbell, Mona Carpenter, Ada Clark, Robert (Ken) Clarke, Melvyn Davidson, Dorothy Dew, Beverley Douglas, Robert (Bobbie) Ferguson, Una Foster, Michele Fyfe, Andrew George, Douglas Graham, Gladys Hanley, Virginia Holland, Lesley Holmwood, Evelyn Horton, Joseph Klomp, Gerharda Leggett, Douglas Marshall, Beryl McDowell, Jean McInnes, Margaret McKnight, Shirley McMullen, Raymond (Frank) Milligan, Rev John Nelmes, Basil Orangi, Marea (Annette) Osborne, Graham Roberts, Graeme Rout, John Stringer, Donald Turner, Mildred (Millie) Vette, Harry Walker, Malcolm Weston, Johanna Whalley, Louis Wood, Eric Wright, Lance Young, Eric

27 May 04 Anderson, Douglas Bird, Lillian (Alison) Button, Betty Byers, Arthur Campbell, Mona Crabbe, Constance Dineen, Edward Ferguson, Una Forde, Dorothy Foster, Michele

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Graham, Gladys Hanley, Virginia Jesson, Leslie Johnson, Elizabeth Klomp, Gerharda Knox, Michael Magee, Eileen McCoubrey, Alwynne McKnight, Shirley McMullen, Raymond (Frank) Nelmes, Basil Osborne, Graham Reid, Gwynneth Swaney, Elsie Vette, Harry Whalley, Louis Wood, Eric Wright, Lance

28 May 2004 Adlam, Cyril Bellamy, Eleanor Croy, Gavin Eastwood, Dulcie Fyfe, Andrew Gale, Agnes (Nessie) Hope, Robert (Rob) Jukes, Murray Kent, Margaret Lane, Kenneth Luscombe, Valerie Matailiga, Liuliu Matasow, Gladys Reid, Gwynneth Seil, Otto Shatford, Rana Te Rangi, Dora Turner, Mildred (Millie) Wade, Silvia Wright, Lane

29 May 04 Adlam, Cyril (Jim) Bellamy, Eleanor (Frances) Bland, Barnard (Ted) Buick, Maxwell Carter, Bruce Croy, Gavin Crumpler, Bryan Dawkins, John (Jack) Doherty, Dr Brian Eastwood, Dulcie Fairbrother, Joanne Forde, Dorothy Gale, Agnes (Nessie) Haugh, Nori Hope, Robert Hussey, Esther Jesson, Leslie Johnson, Elizabeth Jukes, Murray Kelly, Gwendolen Kent, Margaret Knox, Michael

Maaka, Joe MacPherson, Duncan Masak, Peter Matasow, Gladys McAnnelly, Mary McCoubrey, Alwynne Millar, Rona Owen, Herbert Reader, Rev. Father D'Arcy Seil, Otto Shatford, Rana Te Rangi, Dora Trigg, Dorothy Tutty, Maurice Vaughan, Albert Wade, Noeline Weir, Harvey

31 May 04 Aitken, Kenneth (Max) Alco*ck, Dulcie Allott, Arthur Bland, Barnard (Ted) Boyd, Ronald Brosnan, Patricia Buick, Maxwell Cameron, Felix (Peter) Comer, Jean Currie, Mavis Dobbs, Elizabeth Donald, Wilson Egden, Margaret (Sr Mary Loyola RSM) Elliott, Ross Fairbrother, Joanne Flewellen, Barbara Giles, Roy Halligan, Darcy Hamill, Jacklyn Hamilton, Neil Herron, Neville (Mike) Hooker, Julia Hubbard, Royce James, Graeme Kelly, Gwendolen Lowe, Elizabeth (Betty) Maguire, Joyce (Joy) Malthus, Dora McAnelly, Mary McDowell, Dean McFadden, Ronald McFadden, Thora McLean, Dorothy Millar, Rona Miller, Melville Noonan, Alfred O'Brien, Terence Overton, Lilian Palmer, Beryl Pettigrew, Christa Price, Albert Reid, Christopher (Robin) Risdon, Kenneth Smith, Colin

Tauwhare, Doreen Trigg, Dorothy Trott, Jessie Vaughan, Albert Wade, Noeline Weir, Harvey Williamson, Margaret Williscroft, Ralph

1 Jun 04 Aitken, Kenneth (Max) Breeze, James Cameron, Felix (Peter) Coomer, Ronald Currie, Mavis Dear, Harry Donald, Wilson Duncan, George Egden, Margaret (Sr Mary Loyola RSM) Elliott, Ross Flewellen, Barbara Francis, William Fraser, Maxwell Halligan, Darcy Hamill, Jacklyn Herron, Neville (Mike) Hooker, Julia James, Graeme Langman, Desmond Le Frantz, Raynor Maguire, Joyce McFadden, Ronald Millar, Rona Miller, Melville Noonan, Alfred O'Brien, Terence Pettigrew, Christa Poole, Irene Reid, Hannah Risdon, Kenneth Ritchie, Mavis Seil, Otto Smith, Colin Sowden, Peter Trott, Jessie Webb, James

2 Jun 04 Ashby, Beverley Bell, Maurice Bloomfield, Oswald Breeze, James Burton, John Carmichael, Vera Darby, Beryl Dear, Harry Duke, Marie Egden, Margaret (Sr Mary Loyola RSM) Flewellen, Barbara Francis, William Fraser, Maxwell Fullarton, Hugh Gregan, Joan Grenfell, Verdun Guyton, Arthur

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Howell, Patricia Inns, Caryl James, Graeme Jarvie, George Jesson, Leslie McFadden, Thora McWhannell, Josephine Muirhead, Hilda O'Connor, Peter Parsonage, Pauline Reid, Hannah Ridge, Mary Ritchie, Mavis Scott, Gwen Smith, Colin Stewart, Terence Taunoa, Tipoki Webb, James

3 Jun 04 Adams, Brian Arnold, Mary Bell, Maurice Burnby, Joseph Burton, John Carmichael, Vera Chapman, Janet Fullarton, Hugh Garrod, Barry Gregan, Joan Howell, Patricia Inns, Caryl James, Brynley Jarvie, George Macnamara, Galvan McCutcheon, Frances Myer, Winifred Reid, Christopher (Robin) Rendel, Cyril Ridge, Mary Scott, Gwen Sowden, Peter Stewart, Terence Taunoa, Tipoki Tieleman, John Tobin, Michael Watkins, John

4 Jun 04 Adams, Brian Browne, Albert Burnby, Joseph (George) Chapman, Janet Garrod, Barry Hancox, Ivan (Mick) Hogan, Thomas Hopwood, Mildred (Millie) Howell, Patricia Hume, Donald Hunt, Lorna Johnson, Susan Richards, Keith

Scott, Winifred (Winnie) Sowden, Peter Swaney, Raymond Tobin, Michael Unwin, Cara Watkins, John (Rex)

6 Jun 04 Aitken, Lynette Allott, Winifred Bamford, Gwen Bates, Noeline Brice, Thomas Browne, Albert Campbell, John Colville, Kathleen Coulson, Coral Dear, Harry Dunn, Arthur Elston, Mary Flutey, Avon Foster, David Hancox, Ivan (Mick) Hooper, May Johnson, Susan Karaitiana, Mere (Maryjane) Le Compte, Kenneth Leitch, Selina (Lee) Lilley, John Marks, Wayne McIntosh, William Park, Chon Rimmer, Amy Scott, Winifred Stewart, Phyllis Sutton, William Swaney, Raymond Talbot, Amy (Ginny) Tobin, Michael Unwin, Cara Watkins, John (Rex) Young, Alick

7 Jun 04 Aitken, Lynette Bone, Joan Brett, June Brice, Thomas Calvert, Allan Carpenter, Florence (Molly) Cathcart, Janice Coulson, Coral Crack, Arthur Hallett, Olivia Johnson, Susan Le Compte, Kenneth Leitch, Selina (Lee) Marks, Wayne Nawisielski, Stefania Osment, Marie O'Sullivan, Maureen Park, Chon Rimmer, Amy

Saunders, Faye Smith, Arthur Sutton, William Swift, Dean Talbot, Amy (Ginny) Uren, Isabella (Joan) Wills, Kathleen Young, Albert

8 Jun 04 Aitken, Lyn Barnes, Allan Bone, Joan Bower, Bernard Brice, Thomas Campbell, John Carpenter, Florence (Molly) Cathcart, Janice Clark, Elsie Hallett, Olivia Hancox, Ivan (Mick) Hyndman, John Le Compte, Kenneth Lloyd, Beatrice McAughtrie, Elizabeth McKennie, Dorothy McKerchar, Stuart Osment, Marie O'Sullivan, Maureen Saunders, Faye Sutton, William Swift, Dean Timms, Rona Uren, Isabella (Joan) van der Spek, Anna Williams, Lester

9 Jun 04 Baldwin, Gabrielle (Gaye) Brice, Thomas Burnett, Joan Carpenter, Florence (Molly) Cathcart, Janice Clark, Elsie Coddington, Ian Dick, Kaylee Downey, Hazel Fabian, Christine Foggo, Josephine (Joan) Frew, Ngaio Hallett, Olivia Henderson, Hubert (Hugh) Kearns, Rachael Krsinic, Carla Lloyd, Beatrice (Ruth) McKillop, David O'Connell, Emma (Jo) O'Sullivan, Maureen Proudfoot, Ian Rankin, Crystal Sampson, David

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Spicer, Oliver Sutton, William Swift, Dean van der Spek, Anna Van Irsel, Martha White, John (Jack) Williamson, Janine

10 Jun 04 Anthony, Elsie Barnes, Allan Brice, Thomas Butler, Kenneth Clelland, John (Jack) Dick, Kaylee Dockerty, Sylvia East, June Frew, Ngaio Garriock, Yvonne Jolliffe, Dorothy Kearns, Rachael Krsinic, Carla O'Connell, Emma (Jo) Proudfoot, Ian Rooney, Arthur Sampson, David Smith, Gladys Stewart, Phyllis (Phyl) Sutton, William Toomer, Mervyn (Merv) van der Spek, Anna Watt, Ngaire (Jean)

11 Jun 04 Anthony, Elsie Brice, Thomas Burrows, Bernard Butler, Kenneth Currie, William Dockerty, Sylvia Donaldson, Graham East, June Ellis, Georgina (Georgie) Garriock, Yvonne Harrison, Mete Harvey, Daphne Hayton, Baden (Bill) Jackson, Charlie Kerse, Helen Kiddey, Marlene Kingston, John Krsinic, Carla Ndiweni, Hlangabeza Rathbun, Margaret Smith, Gladys Watt, Ngaire (Jean) Williamson, Janine Wright, Trixie

12 Jun 04 Ashworth, Marie Barry, Jean Bowron, George

Cleland, Raymond Doling, Patrick Dunlop, Daphne Ellis, Georgina Garriock, Yvonne Harrison, Mete Hayton, Baden (Bill) Hutton, Annie Kerse, Helen Kiddey, Marlene Kingston, John Leighs, Julia Marshall, Colin McCosh, Robert McKissock, Stephen Metcalf, Ada Milligan, Rebecca Paterson, Daniel Smith, Gladys Sutton, Ivan Tanner, Leslie Tattle, Maurice Thomas, Gordon Townley, William Williams, Lester Wilson, Ngaire Wright, Trixie

14 Jun 04 Adams, Ronald Ashworth, Marie Barrar, Edward (Reverend) Barry, Jean Bell, Betty Bleach, Michael Cawley, Anthony (Tim) Coley, Raymond Colville, Archibald Coyle, Hugh Doling, Patrick Downward, George Glover, Everett Grant, Joyce Hancox, Florence Hayton, Baden (Bill) Holt, William Hornby, Norman Kiddey, Marlene King, Bernice Krijt, Johanna (Joan) Lawrence, June Liddell, Sheila Lovett, Laurence Maclean, Alexander Manson, Albert Mason, Delwyn McBeth, Joan McKissock, Stephen Metcalf, Ada Mitchell, Olive (Eileen) Murphy, Annie Pascoe, Gary Pierson, John Roberts, Emma (May) Robin, Elsie

Rosewarne, Steven Savage, Stanley Smith, Catherine Smith, Eric Smith, Gladys Somerville, Douglas Tanner, Leslie Tattle, Maurice Tuhoro, Bill Wilson, Margaret

15 Jun 04 Barkley, James Barrar, Edward (Reverend) Barry, Jean Bleach, Michael Campbell, John Cawley, Anthony (Tim) Connolly, John Coyle, Hugh Davies, Michael Doling, Patrick Hancox, Francis Hanning, Sally Hargreaves, Terence Heenan, Douglas Henry, Betty Herron, Beryl (Billie) Holt, William Hornby, Norman King, Bernice Krijt, Johanna (Joan) Liddell, Sheila Lovett, Laurence Manson, Albert Mason, Delwyn Mathias, James McDonald, Ronald (Ron) McGahey, Margaret McGregor, Elizabeth McKissock, Stephen Miller, James Moriarty, Robert Neame, Lurlene Orsbourn, Raymond (Ray) Pierson, John Rattray, Barbara Rosewarne, Steven Silke, Kevin Somerville, Douglas Tattle, Maurice Tikao, Mark Waller, Dorothy

16 Jun 04 Barkley, James Barton, Patrick Berdinner, Dora Bleach, Michael Campbell, John Cotton, Trevor Hargreaves, Terence Henry, Betty

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hine, Reginald Inglis, James Kay, Nora Liddell, Sheila Mathias, James McDonald, Ronald (Ron) McGahey, Margaret McGregor, Elizabeth McKissock, Stephen McLintock, Mona Moriarty, Robert Mulligan, Nancy O'Hare, Evelyn Orsbourn, Raymond (Ray) Pascoe, Gary Peters, Kevin Prosser, Mabel Richardson, Margaret Robin, Elsie Smith, Catherine Smith, Ivan Somerville, Douglas Tattle, Maurice Taylor, Albert Tikao, Mark Waide, Helen Washbourne, Heather Will, Jennifer

17 Jun 04 Barton, Patrick Berdinner, Dora Cook, Joyce Dowson, Iris Fowler, John (Reg) Gribbin, Victor Hargreaves, Terence Hickman, Clyde Hine, Reginald Holmwood, Pierce Holt, William Hyman, Phillip Inglis, James Johnstone, Mabel Kay, Nora Keele, Walter (Wally) Kerr, Wendy Krijt, Johanna (Joan) McGregor, Elizabeth O'Cain, Jean Orsbourn, Raymond (Ray) Peters, Kevin Ramsay, Marilyn Rhodes, Joy Smith, Catherine Sutherland, Elliot Thornley, Marina Tikao, Mark Tulett, Ivy Waide, Helen Washbourne, Heather Watts, Olga Whiting, Desmond Will, Jennifer

18 Jun 04 Berdinner, Dora Cook, Joyce Dowson, Iris Gribbin, Victor Hagerty, Loretta Hargreaves, Terence Hattie, Molly Higgs, Richard Hyman, Phillip Jack, Alfred (Fred) Kerr, Wendy Larkins, Gladys Lawrie, Archibald Levett, Patricia Meijer, Eduard (Eddie) Monopoli, Peggy Mooney, Ronald (Ron) Orsbourn, Raymond Sibley, Valley (Val) Skilton, May Sutherland, Elliot Thornley, Marina (Marie) Tulett, Ivy Washbourne, Heather Watts, Olga

19 Jun 04 Allco*ck, Rachel Blakeley, Mavis Corbett, Robert Dyer, Margaret Emms, Noeline Evans, Margaret Golley, Dorothy Goodman, Frederick Griffin, Leonard Hagerty, Loretta Higgs, Richard Hyman, Phillip Jack, Alfred Jolly, Alfred Levett, Patricia Martyn, Gregory Matete, Lena McAughtrie, Marie McDougall, Leslie McFarland, Sheila Monopoli, Peggy Mooney, Ronald Napper, Gloria (Judy) Nuth, Vera (Joan) Palmer, Rachel (Molly) Pedder, Rosalie Richards, Harold Watts, Olga Wright, Kathleen

21 Jun 04 Barry, Brian Beel, Francis (Frank) Blair, Sidney Brown, Philip Campbell, Gordon

Corbett, Robert Currie, Reta Eden-Huria, Helen Ewington, Jazmine Goodman, Frederick Hamilton, Harry Henery, Huia Holland, Jessie Hyman, Phillip Lancaster, Rachelle Leary, Kathleen Luisetti, Pietro (Ron) Maloney, Francis (Glyn) Marnell, Gladys Martyn, Gregory Matete, Lena Matthews, Hazel McAughtrie, Marie McCardle, Pauline McDonald, Stanley McNamara, Leo Meares, Beatrice (Trixie) Miller, Eric Mooney, Ronald Napper, Gloria (Judy) Palmer, Mavis (Jean) Quinn, Bryan Richards, Harold Schwenke, Luke Wilson, Stephen Wiseman, Sussanna (Robyn) Wright, Kathleen (Ruth)

22 Jun 04 Barry, Brian Bell, Jean Blair, Sidney Campbell, Gordon Conder, Edith (Connie) Eden-Huria, Helen Elliott, Margaret Ewington, Jazmine Good, Frances Goodman, Frederick Hagerty, Loretta Hamilton, Harry Johnson, William Lancaster, Rachelle Leary, Kathleen McDonald, Stanley McInroe, Cptn George McKenzie, Donald Morris, John (Doug) Palmer, Mavis (Jean) Quinn, Bryan Ropata, Oriwa (Hank) Scott, Michael Scurr, Charles Syddall, Grace (Peggy) Webb, Marjorie Wilson, Steve

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


23 Jun 04 Bandcroft, Gertrude Bell, Jean Boyce, Aaron Chen, Rui Min Conder, Edith (Connie) Delore, Arthur Dowthwaite, John Dunlop, Emily (Monica) Elco*ck, Noeline Griffiths, Leonard Hamilton, Harry Jones, Rev. Victor Kennedy, Patricia Lee, Violet Maloney, Francis (Glyn) Matthews, Hazel Maynard, Ivy McKenzie, Donald Philpot, Marijean Power, Trevor Ramsay, Murray Rivers, Joan Robertson, James Ropata, Oriwa (Hank) Rowland, Ellen (Jean) Scurr, Charles Senior, Raymond Syddall, Grace (Peggy) Turner, Muriel Vickery, Annette (Anne) Warren, Moira

24 Jun 04 Bell, Jean Berry, Alice (Lorna) Boyce, Aaron Burrows, Rex Chen, Rui Min Delore, Arthur Dickson, Ronald Duncan, John Dyeming, John Eklund, Shirley Elco*ck, Noeline Griffiths, Leonard Grossman, Alan Hardwick, William McKenzie, Donald Miller, Constance Power, Trevor Ramsay, Murray Robinson, Helen Steel, Neville Stephenson, William Strachan, Thomas (Tom) Sutherland, Elliot (Al) Taunoa, Leaso Thomas, Mona

Tilson, Pearl Vickery, Annette (Anne) Warren, Moira Weston, Iris White, Jeffrey (Jeff) Whitelaw, John Wilson, Isaac (Murray)

25 Jun 04 Beel, Dorothy Berry, Alice (Lorna) Burrows, Rex Church, Henry Collett, Mavis Duncan, John Dyeming, John (Jack) Eklund, Shirley Fluerty, Edna Griffiths, Leonard Grossman, Alan Hardwick, William Henderson, Jessica Holloway, Marian Jetson, Robert McLaren, Marjorie Menzies, Ian Miller, Constance Morel, Nora O'Sullivan, Madeleine Philpot, Marijean Robinson, Helen Ruddle, Keith Steel, Neville Strachan, Thomas (Tom) Sutherland, Elliot (Al) Taunoa, Leaso Tilson, Pearl Wayne, Hester White, Jeffrey (Jeff) Whitelaw, John White-Parsons, Tui Whiteside, Lindsay Wylie, Travis Young, Peggy Youngman, Catherine

26 Jun 04 Abernethy, Valmai Aldridge, Peter August, Beatrice Ballagh, Clifford Bowden, Annette Brown, Noel Church, Henry Collins, Constance (Muriel) Conroy, Beverley Cook, Ernest Cottis, Michael Crawford, Elsie Crimp, Moera Dane, Patricia Fraser, Edna Holloway, Marian

Jackman, Russell Jetson, Robert Morel, Nora Munday, Daniel (Joe) O'Loughlin, Peter Overdevest, Nicolaas Power, Trevor Rickard, Frederick Ruddle, Keith Ryman, James Shuker, Margaret (Joyce) Strachan, Thomas Thomas, Robert Van Irsel, Arnold Ward, Brenda White, Jeffrey Wilson, Isaac (Murray) Wix, Muireen Wylie, Travis

28 Jun 04 Aldridge, Peter Andreassend, Julia Atkins, Allan August, Beatrice Ballagh, Clifford Bartlett, Jean Blackett, Beatrice Brown, Noel Burns, Hilda Cardwell, Rima Cleveland, George Collins, Constance (Muriel) Common, Gavin Corbett, Rex Dane, Patricia Dawkins, Kathleen (Kay) Fanning, Patricia Gear, Owen Glasson, Frank and Nolan, Darryl Ives, George James, Mjr Gladys Jetson, Robert Kennedy, Keith Keys, Avis Loader, Edward Mavor, James Mayne, Stanley McGrath, Jill Menzies, Ian Miller, Constance (Connie) Morgan, James Mountfort, Annie Muller, Stanislaw (Stan) Munday, Daniel (Joe) Perry, Jack Price, Sylvester (Joyce) Rickard, Frederick Roberts, John (Jack)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Ryman, James Taunoa, Leaso Thomas, Malcolm (Mac) Thomas, Robert Waites, William White, Jeffrey Wright, Bertram

29 Jun 04 Atkins, Allan Ballagh, Clifford Banks, Norman Bartlett, Jean Blackett, Beatrice Brandford, George (Arthur) Brown, Noel Cardwell, Rima Common, Gavin Copeland, Joan Corbett, Rex Edwards, May Faatili, Marguerite Fright, Marie Gillon, Frank Greer, Leonard Ives, George Kelly, Bevin Keys, Avis Lindsay, Darren Loader, Edward (Eddy) McGrath, Jill McPherson, Helen (Aillie) Minson, Wilfrid Mountfort, Annie Muller, Stanislaw (Stan) Nelson, Vera O'Loughlin, Peter Perry, Jack Quantick, Lerline Roberts, John (Jack) Rogal, Anthony Seddon, Richard Shirley, Jean Smyth, Bernard Stenhouse, David Thomas, Malcolm (Mac) Thomas, Robert Turner, Annie Waites, William (Bill) White, Jeffrey (Jeff) Wright, Bertram

30 Jun 04 Adams, William (Bill) Allison, Dalliss Becker, Jocelyn (Joyce) Brandford, George (Arthur) Brough, John

Burns, Alma Butcher, Alva Cardwell, Rima Crawford, Raymond Duffield, Ruth Earl, Maurice Emms, Thelma Faatili, Marguerite Fanning, Patricia Fright, Marie Gillon, Frank Glasson, Francis (Frank) Graham, George Grenfell, Zeta Halliday, Marjorie Ives, George Jetson, Robert Kelly, Bevin Kok, Gerhardus Lindsay, Darren Mahan, Edgar McKenzie, Ernest Muller, Stanislaw (Stan) Nelson, Vera Nolan, Darryl Pearson, Thomas (Jack) Porter, Tiny Quantick, Lerline Riddell, Mary (Ruby) Rogal, Anthony Scobie, Aiden Smith, Gary Smyth, Bernard Sumner, Nina Taylor, Patrick (Pat) Thomas, Malcolm (Mac) Watson, Edward White, Jeffrey

1 Jul 04 Adams, William (Bill) Bisset, Irene Burns, Alma Cain, Heather Christie, Doris Clark, Ronald Coutts, Morton Cumming, Robert Davidson, John Dewer, Robert (Bob) Duffield, Ruth Dwyer, Michael (John) Emms, Thelma Faatili, Marguerite Glasson, Francis (Frank) Graham, George Griffiths, Raymond Hill, William Holbrook, Jean Holloway, Marian Hoy, Eric

Kok, Gerhardus Lindsay, Darren Mahan, Edgar McKenzie, Ernest Nolan, Darryl Pearson, Monica Riley, Kenneth Rountree, Beryl Ryan, William Scobie, Aiden Smith, Florence Smith, Gary Whibley, Helen White, Jeffrey Winchester, William Wren, Dane

2 Jul 04 Barry, Marie Bisset, Irene Cain, Heather Clark, Ronald Coutts, Morton Cumming, Robert Dickson, Dorothy Donaldson, Phyllis Dwyer, Michael (John) Emms, Thelma Grant, David (Jack) Hartley, Mary Hill, William Hughes, Richard Hutty, Christine Mahan, Edgar Ryan, Bill Smith, Florence Smith, Gary Whibley, Helen

3 Jul 04 Alexander, Robert Arona, Francis Barry, Marie Bell, Nina Billinghurst, Noel Bisset, Irene Cain, Heather Cronin, Margaret (Berna) Crosbie, Andrew (Ces) Down, Maureen Emms, Thelma Fergusson, Fanny (Liz) Glennie, Jane Grant, David (Jack) Griffiths, Raymond Hartley, Mary Hawke, Dorothy Hughes, Richard Hutty, Christine Jolly, Clifford Kitching, Sharon Legg, Eileen Marris, Robert Marshall, Alexander

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McDonald, Beverley Monopoli, Riccardo (Dick) Murfitt, Laurence Noonan, Terence Pringle, Liela Roberts, Robyn Rountree, Beryl Ryan, William Scobie, Aiden Shephard, Aaron Symonds, Dr Desmond Tinkler, Patricia Traue, Barbara

5 Jul 04 Alexander, Robert Ashton, Alison Baddeley, Peter Batchelor, Nancy Boon, Gladys Brown, Tom Burrows, Eunice Carter, Rana Cronin, Margaret (Berna) Erikson, James Fergusson, Fanny (Liz) Fjeldheim, Ole Hawke, Dorothy Hutty, Christine Kitching, Sharon Legg, Eileen Lindsay, Robert Macklin, Reginald Morrish, Norma Noonan, Terence Paterson, John Pearce, Bette Ralston, Johnston Shaw, Edna Thoms, John Wayte, Alline

6 Jul 04 Batchelor, Nancy Boon, Gladys Burrows, Eunice Carter, Rana Cochrane, Cyril Couper, George Dijkstra, Annigje (Anne) Dollan, Pauline Erikson, James Fjeldheim, Ole Girdler, June Hawke, Dorothy Lamb, John (Duncan) Lindsay, Robert Nalder, John Nunweek, Terence (Terry) Paterson, John

Phillips, James Pope-Croft, Nan Southward, Ruby Spiers, Dorothy Taylor, Nancy Thoms, John Tweed, Myra Une, Auetua

7 Jul 04 Baird, Richard Basher, Doris Billinghurst, Noel Brown, Stephen Brownie, Brian Bruning, Rex Climie, Graham Cochrane, Cyril Dijkstra, Annigje (Anne) Erikson, James Gamble, Ellen (Nell) Girdler, June Green, Gillian Haglund, Peter Hailes, Kathleen (Pat) Higginbotham, Bradley Macfarlane, Robert Morrish, Norma Nunweek, Terence (Terry) Pask, David Phillips, James Pope-Croft, Nan Scriggins, Kate Sintes, Keith Smith, William (Jack) Tweed, Myra Ward, Lawrence (Lawrie)

8 Jul 04 Bassett, Mary Boon, Gladys Bowman, John (Jack) Brownie, Brian Brown, Thomas Burrell, Gertrude (Truda) Dijkstra, Annigje (Anne) Eatwell, Marjorie Gamble, Ellen (Nell) Goodwin, Jack Haglund, Peter Hailes, Kathleen (Pat) Hamilton, William Harper, Cyril Hillyer, George Jeffrey, Nina Kalnitis, Lilija Laird, Douglas Lefale, Koke Mattson, Jacqueline (Jackie) McKay, Cyril

Parkes, Norman Pask, David Ramsbottom- Isherwood, Bernard (Bernie) Scriggins, Kate Silco*ck, Phyllis (Nola) Sutton, Nancy Trusler, Mary (Joan) Walker, Thelma Watts, Kathleen Went, Penelope-Jane

9 Jul 04 Athfield, Ella Bassett, Mary Bowman, John (Jack) Bradley-Streeter, Danielle Brent, Joan Brownie, Brian Brown, Thomas Connelly, Margaret Graham, Tessa Greenlow, Peter Haglund, John (Jack) Hamilton, William Henden, Eileen Hillyer, George Kalnitis, Lilija Lefale, Koke McKay, Cyril Moreton, Mary (Mamie) Parfitt, Geoffrey Pask, David Scriggins, Kate Sutton, Nancy

10 Jul 04 Alexander, Annie Angus, William Bailey, Hazel Baird, Richard Black, Jeanette Bradley, Eric Bradley-Streeter, Danielle Brown, Thomas Coe, John Connelly, Margaret Craggs, Frederick Elliott, Malcolm (Mike) Ellmers, Elizabeth (Kitty) Gould, Olive Greenlow, Peter Haglund, John (Jack) Henden, Eileen Hill, Daphne Hunter, Meryl Keenan, James Laird, Douglas Lawrence, Derrick Macklin, Reginald Mara, Norman

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Moreton, Mary (Mamie) Murray, William (Jack) Perkins, John Richardson, Alwyn (Bryce) Ross, Ursula Scalmer, Maretta Smart, Dorothy (Esma) Smith, Grete Van Beek, Michael Walker, Peter Wicks, Lady Lorna Wright, Euan (Jim)

12 Jul 04 Andrews, Linda Bradley, Eric Branks, Neville Brook, Raylene Brown, Madge Carmody, Peter Coe, John (Rolly) Craggs, Frederick Dean, Margaret (Peg) Donaldson, Allen Everest, Richard Exton, Mary Flutey, Agnes (Betty) Freeman, Robert Hay, Eileen Henden, Eileen Hill, Daphne Hoskins, Ellen Howden, James Laurenson, Lyall (Jim) Little, Cynthia Lloyd, Dean Mara, Norman Massam, David McKerrow, Gavin McLean, Terence Morrish, Norma Murphy, Annie Murray, William (Jack) Nolan, Joan O'Brien, Matthew Polson, Vera Ross, Roberta (Betty) Ross, Ursula Savage, Kenneth (Max) Steel, Rodney Waihape, Joseph Walker, Edna Wallace, James Wilson, Vernon Wright, Curtis

13 Jul 04 Andrews, Linda Angus, William Bradley, Eric Brown, Lurlene Brown, Madge

Bullock, Richard Button, Raymond Cone, Leslie (Bill) Curry, Arthur Davidson, Robert Dean, Margaret (Peg) Everest, Richard Fox, Irene (Rene) Hay, Eileen Hoskins, Ellen Laurenson, Lyall (Jim) Little, Cynthia Lloyd, Dean Mann, Myrtle McLean, Terence Middleton, Nicholas Murray, William (Jack) Nolan, Joan Oakes, Lucy (Billie) O'Brien, Matthew Penny, Thomas Percy, Christine (Lynne) Piggott, Alfred Register, Leonard (Orm) Roper, Myrtle Ross, Roberta (Betty) Steel, Rodney Wells, Olive Wharewhiti, Catherine White, John Wilson, Vernon

14 Jul 04 Ashwell, William Branks, Neville Bullock, Richard Churcher, Kenneth Cooke, Roger Dickson, Marjorie Dunsmuir, Ailsa Erikson, Angus (Gus) Exton, Mary Foster, Dora Greenslade, Kenneth Hope, Jean Jolly, Mary Leggett, Barbara Lloyd, Dean MacGregor, Septimus (Mac) Mann, Myrtle Middleton, Nicholas Morrish, Norma Murray, William (Jack) Oakley, Ronald Pasco, Joseph (Joe) Penny, Thomas Percy, Christine (Lynne) Perry, Aynsley Piggott, Alfred Scarlett, Norman Smith, Alexander Steel, Rodney

Steele, Gloria Whakataka, Timoti (Tim) Wharewhiti, Catherine White, John Wilson, Vernon Young, Llewellyn

15 Jul 04 Churcher, Kenneth Crawford, Beatrice Della Bosca, Roger Dunsmuir, Ailsa Foster, Dora Gardner, Alan Gee, Mary Greenslade, Kenneth Harland, Rona Harman, Gitte Hawke, Mabel Howden, Patricia Hunt, Robert Jones, Frederick Lloyd, Dean Mairs, Brian McRae, Daphne Middleton, Nicholas O'Malley, Cecilia (Alice) Pasco, Joseph (Joe) Scarlett, Norman Smith, Alexander Sparks, Gregory (Greg) Sutton, Esme Whakataka, Timoti (Tim) Wharewhiti, Catherine Young, Llewellyn

16 Jul 04 Austin, George (Stan) Barclay, Rae Carr, Flora Coughlan, Bernice Crawford, Beatrice Davidson, Kathleen Gardner, Alan Gunnyon, Rua Harman, Gitte Hawke, Mabel Hills, Doris Hilton, Jillian (Jill) Howden, Patricia Lloyd, Dean Mairs, Brian Middleton, Nicholas O'Malley, Cecilia (Alice) Pascoe, Joseph (Joe) Perry, Aynsley Sparks, Gregory (Greg) Taingahue, Maude Twaddle, George Willan, Gwendoline

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Young, Llewellyn

17 Jul 04 Anderson, John Angus, Vivien Barker, Russell Bell, Florence (Jimmie) Briggs, Barry Carrington, Florence Clark, Katherine Cooper, Courtenay Crump, Frances Davidson, Robert Della Bosca, Roger Diack, James Fechney, Joanna Gawler, Ivan Gunnyon, Rua Harman, Gitte Hewinson, Valmai Hills, Doris Hilton, Jillian Holland, Gwendoline Howden, Patricia Hutchison, Gregory Lynch, Maurice Mairs, Brian Newenham, Winifred O'Malley, Cecilia (Alice) Priest, Veronica Roberts, David Sanders, Luce Scambary, Norman Father S. M. Smith, Olga Sparks, Greg Stopforth, David Taylor, Noelene Twaddle, George Weatherall, Eileen Willan, Gwendoline Wolfreys, William Young, Llewellyn

19 Jul 04 Beaven, John Briggs, Barry Cameron, Alan Carrington, Florence Cooper, Courtenay De Montford, Yvonne Ensor, Maurice Fechney, Joanna Gardiner, Lorna Gordon, Colin Grant, Charles (Ron) Haley, Maurice Harman, Gitte Hines, Howden (Snow) Jones, David Keane, David Kempe, Edward (Ted) Kilworth, Arthur

Lynch, Maurice McLean, James Pennell, Terrence Priest, Veronica Reed, Gladys Russell, Allan Russell, Ernest Scambary, Norman Father S. M. Simmers, Agnes Smith, Olga Somerville, Anna Taunt, Audrey Taylor, Roy Tweedie, Linda Welsford, Jack Wilson, Duncan Zampese, Cirillo (George)

20 Jul 04 Beaven, John Brosnahan, Winifred (Win) Buckland, Lorna Butel, John Carrington, Florence Collett, Geoffrey Ensor, Maurice Franklin, Nina Gordon, Colin Grant, Charles (Ron) Haywood, Neil Irvine, Ivan James, Edna Kempe, Edward (Ted) Mairs, Brian Marshall, Margaret McCallum, Ross McLean, James Patterson, Gordon Reed, Gladys Rhodin, Tony Russell, Allan Russell, Ernest Smith, Leslie Somerville, Anna Taylor, Roy Tweedie, Linda Weavers, Lynton Welsford, Jack Wilson, Isabella (Isa)

21 Jul 04 Bell, Margaret Bourke, Kathleen Brosnahan, Winifred (Win) Cameron, Murdoch (Harry) Church, Edna Franklin, Nina Griffiths, David (Owen) Hines, Howden (Snow) Houlden, John (Jack)

Hubbard, Raymond (Ray) Irvine, Ivan Kennan, Peter Madeley, Lawrence Marshall, Margaret Neill, Beatrice Nowicki, Kazimir O'Halloran, Kathleen Patterson, Gordon Rhodin, Tony Tait, James (Tom) Tweedie, Linda Weavers, Lynton Welsford, Jack Williams, James Wilson, Duncan

22 Jul 04 Asquith, Robert Bailey, Sheila Bynion, James (Fred) Carter, Rex Church, Edna Dunn, Pamela (Pam) Frisken, Eric (John) Houlden, John (Jack) Hubbard, Raymond (Ray) Jackson, Lillian (Morva) Judkins, Mollie Loader, Ramon (Ray) Madeley, Lawrence Marr, Alexander McGee, Wynston McRobie, Ian Neill, Beatrice Quinney, Marie Rodgers, Leslie Trethowan, Charles Unsworth, Ellen (Nelle) Wallace, Frances (Helene) Williams, James

23 Jul 04 Aberhart, Betty Aitchison, Brian Baldwin, Eileen (Alannah) Bessant, Ray Carter, Rex Davies, Margaret (Peg) Falconer, Mavis Farrelly, Norman Haglund, Freda Heath, John Key, Aileen Loader, Ramon (Ray) Marr, Alexander McCullough, William McGee, Wynston Mines, John

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Smith, Gwendoline Thorpe, Reginald Trethowan, Charles Waterman, Rollins Watts, Kathleen Wilson, Nola Woodham, Alice (Rena)

24 Jul 04 Aberhart, Betty Aitchison, Brian Allen, Rose Baker, Rachel Baldwin, Eileen (Alannah) Bessant, Ray Brosnan, Patrick Cameron, Murdoch (Harry) Davies, Margaret (Peg) English, Captain Arthur Falconer, Mavis Gawith, Donette Gorinski, Fr John Haglund, Freda Kenealy, William Mahoney, John Manning, Stewart (Nelson) McCullough, George (Bill) McKenzie, John McMaster, John McRae, Neil Mines, John Morrissey, Suzanne (Sue) Murray, Pam Ollis, Marjorie Patel, Ramiben (Tavdi) Pelham, Margery Prendergast, Eileen Quirke, Gerald Robinson, Audrey Ross, Colleen Ross, Dorothy Shepperd, Raymond Smith, Gwendoline Sutherland, Jane Taylor, Roy Trethowan, Charles Walker, Heather Waterman, Rollins White, Murray Wilson, Alison Winter, Jessie Wood, Margaret Woodham, Alice (Rena)

26 Jul 04 Anderson, Trevor

Armstrong, Anne Birdling, Max Brosnan, Patrick Butler, Minnie Clarkson, June Dasler, Rowland (Peter) Dovey, Jim Dyer, Alastair Falconer, Mavis Fisher, Barbara Gawith, Donette Geary, Thomas Gibb, June Gibson, Kay Gorinski, Fr John Havighurst, Patricia Hodder, Nora Hurrell, Raymond Kellaway, Mary (Kit) Kerslake, Frank Latta, Norma Lutton, William Manning, Stewart (Nelson) Masina, Puati McConnell, James (Ray) McKenzie, John Michie, Elizabeth Muir, Ruth Murray, Pam Omond, Leslie Patel, Ramiben (Tavdi) Prendergast, Eileen Radich, Lavinia Riley, John (Bill) Rusbatch, Graham Ryan, John Smith, Gwendoline Trethowan, Charles Whall, May White, Murray Williams, Brian Wood, Margaret

27 Jul 04 Anderson, Trevor Armstrong, Anne Armstrong, Keith Birdling, Max Blewett, Benjamin Butler, Minnie Cameron, Colin Clark, Caroline Clarkson, June Dyer, Alastair Feaver, Laurie Fisher, Barbara Ford, William (Billy) Gawith, Donette Geary, Thomas Gibson, Kay Gorinski, Fr John Guthrie, Colin

Hair, Edward Hardie, Una Hayes, Arthur Horne, Wayne Hulse, Leonard Hurrell, Raymond Kellaway, Mary (Kit) Latta, Norma Lilley, John (Jack) Lutton, William Masina, Puati McCormick, Kevin McKenzie, John McKeown, Elizabeth Michie, Elizabeth Murray, Pam Patel, Ramiben (Tavdi) Rathbone, Catharina (Rienie) Robertson, Struan Robinson, John Rusbatch, Graham Ryan, John Sayers, John Small, Christine Tait, Harold Whitburn, Bessie Wilson, Raymond

28 Jul 04 Armstrong, Keith Ashworth, George (Don) Bain, Robert Blewett, Benjamin Brydon, Graeme Burgess, Dorothy Burtenshaw, Lisle Dyer, Alastair Ford, William (Billy) Geelon, Edith Gibb, June Gibson, Kay Hair, Edward Hardie, Una Harrison, Tony Hayes, Arthur Hohaia, Graeme Hulse, Leonard Kellaway, Mary (Kit) Lilley, John (Jack) Lutton, William Marr, Rosalind McQueen, Donald (Ross) Michie, Elizabeth Patel, Ramiben (Tavdi) Robinson, John Rusbatch, Graham Sayers, John Small, Christine Tait, Harold Taylor, Vera Trowell, Peter

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Urwin, Janet Ward, Colin Whall, May White, Murray

29 Jul 04 Brydon, Graeme Burgess, Dorothy Close, Mary Coffey, Peter Daniels, Ameria Geelon, Edith Grimwood, Barbara Harvey, Thelma Hayes, Arthur Healy, John Helmling, Clarice (Claire) Hohaia, Graeme Hulse, Leonard Johnson, Lyall (Joe) MacKinnon, Frank Marr, Rosalind Martin, Dorothy Maslin, George Metzger, Frederic (Paul) Mosely, Flora Naylor, David Newfield, Freda Nuthall, Graham Skinner, Helen Stevenson, Ernest Wales, Sheila Ward, Colin Wilson, Beryl

30 Jul 04 Bain, Robert Catchpole, Eleanor Coffey, Peter Dixon, Maurice (Morrie) Ford, Helen Geelon, Edith Harvey, Thelma Johnson, Lyall (Joe) MacKinnon, Frank MacQueen, Alan Mears, Anthony (Jim) Metzger, Frederic (Paul) Miller, Evelyn Mosely, Flora Naylor, David Nelson, Helen Newfield, Freda Nuthall, Graham Reid, Margaret Rosindale, Elizabeth Sharplin, Dorothy Spackman, Philippa Tonkin, Norman Wales, Sheila Wilson, Beryl

31 Jul 04 Allan, Zelma Andersen, Nola Bailey, Roland Bain, Pamela Briggs, Alice Catchpole, Eleanor Cutbush, Lucie Dasler, Rowland (Peter) Dixon, Maurice Doig, Nita Fraser, Dulcie Grimwood, Barbara Houlahan, Michael (Jim) Karetai, George (Hiki) Learmonth, Lola Lewis, Charles (Bert) MacKinnon, Frank Maslin, George McGlinchy, James (Jim) McInnes, Anthony (Bill) Miller, Evelyn Miller, Ross Newfield, Freda Nuthall, Graham Pilkington, Catherine (Cath) Pritchard, Edith (Gwen) Riach, Aureen Rosindale, Elizabeth Scott, Mavis Sharplin, Dorothy Sibley, Walter Skinner, Helen Spackman, Philippa Stevenson, Elva Stevenson, Brian Taylor, Neil Taylor, Reginald Tonkin, Norman van Lent, Lia Wales, Sheila Walker, Burnley Webb, Joyce White, William Wilson, Alison Young, Annie

2 Aug 04 Allan, Zelma Andersen, Nola Bray, Bessie Briggs, Alice Cavanagh, Andrew Crew, Horace (Joe) Cutbush, Lucie Czerney, Maria Fever, Elizabeth (Betty) Fitzgerald, Desmond Foster, Patricia

Glass, Noel Henderson, Russell Hutton, John (Jack) Johns, James (Jim) Johnstone, Rex Jones, Alice (Mabel) Kelsey, Phyllis Learmonth, Lola MacKinnon, Frank Miller, Ross Moore, Valerie Parker, Mary Pascoe, Shirley Pilkington, Catherine Ravenwood, Jessie Schrader, Bernard Scott, Mavis Shanks, David Spicer, Sidney Stevenson, Brian Taylor, Neil Taylor, Richard Thomas, Mildred Tonkin, Norman Walton, Ronald Whittaker, Maurice Young, Annie

3 Aug 04 Allan, Zelma Andrews, Elsie Briggs, Alice Cavanagh, Andrew Clarke, Thomas (Tom) Clent, Doris Copland, Lola Crew, Horace (Joe) Czerney, Maria Fever, Elizabeth (Betty) Fitzgerald, Desmond Fullerton, Margaret (Marg) Gibbs, Roger Glass, Noel Hawes, Dr Sidney Henderson, Russell Hillstead, Desmond Johns, James (Jim) Johnson, Gladys Johnstone, Rex Miller, Ross Moore, Lorna (Jean) Moore, Valerie (Val) Price, Myrtle Rae, Jillian Ravenwood, Jessie Rosanowski, Lillian Ryan, Colin Schrader, Bernard (Bernie) Silco*ck, Gail Taylor, Richard van Lent, Lia Van Zuylen, Anthony Wakefield, George Walker, Annie

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Walton, Ronald West, Eileen White, Selwyn Whittaker, Maurice Woods, Erol

4 Aug 04 Allan, Zelma Baskill, Eileen Baucke, Estelle (Stella) Brown, Pearl Chittock, Charles Clarke, Thomas Clent, Doris Crew, Horace (Joe) Elsmore, Michael (Mike) Fever, Elizabeth (Betty) Gilpin, Agnes Glass, Noel Gowie, Margaret Groufsky, Violet Guise, Ross Hands, Dorothy Hawes, Dr Sidney Hubbert, Ian Hunter, Sylvia Johnson, Gladys Johnson, Leslie Johnstone, Rex Lochhead, Gladys Moore, Lorna (Jean) Moore, Valerie (Val) Nolan, William (Bill) Pascoe, Shirley Popplewell, Raymond Price, Myrtle Rae, Jillian Reynish, Isabel (June) Robb, Jeanette (Jenny) Rosanowski, Lillian Rosindale, Elizabeth Ryan, Colin Schrader, Bernard (Bernie) Silco*ck, Gail Skinner, Betty Staples, Mervyn Taylor, Catherine Tolchard, Harold van Nieuwkoop, Hendrik Van Zuylen, Peter Wakefield, George Walker, Annie West, Eileen Woodhouse, Betty

5 Aug 04 Briggs, Paul Bromley, Richard Brown, Pearl Butcher, Audrey

Cameron, James Cassels, Andrew Christian, Patricia Craig, Ann Crothers, Fredrick Gilpin, Agnes Gowie, Margaret Groufsky, Violet Guy, Dr John Harper, Nina Hayes, Janet Kay, John Kepple, Lawrence Lochhead, Gladys Nolan, Ivy Nolan, William Robb, Jeanette (Jenny) Ryan, Colin Skinner, Betty Smith, Kay Stevens, Florence Taylor, Catherine Thomas, Mildred Tolchard, Harold van Lent, Lia West, Eileen Wilson, Christine Woodhouse, Betty

6 Aug 04 Andrews, Elsie (May) Bromley, Richard Cassels, Andrew Corrick, Austin (Bill) Craig, Ann Cridge, Kenneth Dent, Malcolm Fraser, Elsie Gee, Gwendoline Groufsky, Violet Hunter, Sylvia Lochhead, Gladys McCabe, Gerald McElevey, Colleen Nolan, Ivy Perreau, Nigel Reid, Alfred (Alf) Silco*ck, Gail van Nieuwkoop, Hendrik Westbury, Sylvia Williams, Clifford

7 Aug 04 Andrews, Elsie (May) Barnard, Beryl Barron-Sanderson, Edith Baskill, Eileen Buckley, Lyndsay Butcher, Audrey Cameron, James Cameron, Mona (Monica) Cassels, Andrew

Chambers, Harold Corrick, Austin (Bill) Craig, Ann Cridge, Kenneth Dent, Malcolm Elsmore, Michael (Mike) Foster, Dorothy Fraser, Elsie Gee, Gwendoline Gilpin, Agnes Hamlin, Lancelot Hill, Steven Hughes, Merle Jaspers, Nola Kanara, Holly Leggett, Mollie Lieven, Norman McCabe, Gerald McElevey, Colleen McTaggard, Kenneth Moody, Lesley Perreau, Nigel Reid, Alfred (Alf) Rollinson, Gilbert Ryde, Noel Scott, Oscar Smith, Kay Stewart, Garth Stiven, Thomas Symonds, Constance Templeton, Peter Visser, Veronica West, Eileen Westbury, Sylvia Williams, Clifford Williams, Thora

9 Aug 04 Allan, Iris Baskill, Eileen Bell, David Bott, Arnold Brough, Basil Brown, Catherine Cake, Doris Chambers, Harold Corrick, Austin (Bill) Coy, Patricia Crawford, Clare Cridge, Kenneth Dalzell, Una Ewing, Leonie Ferguson, Alan Gamble, Audrey Gribben, Herbert Haig, Betty Hamlin, Lancelot Hanson, John (Jack) Harris, Winifred Harrison, Tania Hepburn, Ruth Lawrence, Faith Leggett, Mollie McAlister, Shaun McCabe, Gerald

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Norrie, Faith Perreau, Nigel Quartermain, Douglas Rodgers, Betty Roy, James Ruru, Katie Ryde, Noel Smith, Elizabeth Stewart, Garth Swift, Catherine Templeton, Peter Thomson, Alan Wall, Barbara Ward, Russell Williams, Clifford Williams, Thora

10 Aug 04 Atkinson, Isabella Bell, David Bott, Arnold Brown, Catherine Chaney, Sidney Cox, Lucy Coy, Patricia Cranham, Audrey Crawford, Clare Dalzell, Una Davies, Anne Ewing, Leonie Foster, Dorothy Haig, Betty Hanson, John (Jack) Harris, Winifred Henderson, Norman Hepburn, Ruth Humphries, John Jones, Valerie (Jackie) Lawrence, Faith Leggett, Mollie Lewis, Edward Logan, John McAlister, Shaun Quartermain, Douglas Robinson, Jean Rodgers, Betty Roy, James Ruru, Katie Smith, Elizabeth Stewart, Garth Stratton, John Weir, Phyllis Williams, Thora

11 Aug 04 Armiger, Percy Bell, David Bell, John (Jack) Brand, John Chaney, Sidney Church, Eric Collins, Michael Davies, Anne Diepenheim, Nora Duncan, Susan Harrison, Tania

Henderson, Norman Hepburn, Ruth Hepburn, Zoe Humphries, John Jacobs, Thomas Jones, Valerie (Jackie) Lewis, Edward Logan, John Martin, Doreen McAlister, Shaun McIntosh, Noel Prescott, James Robinson, Jean Smith, Annie Smith, Elizabeth Symonds, Constance Waite, John Ward, Russell Warhurst, Frances Watene-Denny, Elizabeth Weir, Phyllis Whitehouse, Elsie Williams, Thora Winder, Kevin

12 Aug 04 Armiger, Percy Bell, John (Jack) Brand, John Cammock, Albert (Syd) Church, Eric Clark, Iris Close, Tony Collins, Michael Dalzell, Una Diepenheim, Nora Duncan, Susan Flynn, Hilda Gledhill, Elsie Hepburn, Zoe Humphries, John Lewis, Edward Lory, Madge Lowe, Kathleen (Mary) McAuley, George McRae, Andrew Rae, Donald Reece, Clarence Slade, Joan Thomson, Alan Watene-Denny, Elizabeth Williams, Thora

13 Aug 04 Cameron, James

Clark, Iris Dougherty, Private Sean Fenwick, Pamela Flynn, Hilda Gledhill, Elsie Henderson, Samuel Lewis, Edward Lory, Madge

Lowe, Kathleen (Mary) McRae, Andrew O'Brien, Arthur Reece, Clarence Revell, Denis Slade, Joan Thian, Kathleen Watene-Denny, Elizabeth

14 Aug 04 Brown, Betty Clark, Iris Davis, Patricia Dougherty, Sean Elliot, John Fenwick, Pamela Fraser, Donald Gregson, Cecil Harden, Verna Harford, Rex Henderson, Samuel Hibberd, John (Jack) Jones, Te Reremoana Kerei-Eynon _Rice-Edwards Marnell, Ethel McRae, Andrew Moffat, Hilda Naughton, Benjamin Nisbet, Marjory Potts, Dudley (Bill) Revell, Denis Richardson, Noeline (Ruth) Sanderson, John Thian, Kathleen Thomson, Alan Warhurst, Frances

16 Aug 04 Bergin, Peter Black, Gladys (Amuri) Brady, Joan Carroll, Patricia Clemett, Irma Collins, Heather Cunningham, Mouri Davis, Patricia Dingley, Irene Dudfield, Dale Dudley, Lillian Fraser, Donald Gear, Jean Gregson, Cecil Harden, Verna Harford, Rex Hibberd, John (Jack) Hickey, Pearl Hickley, John Hunter, George Jones, Te Reremoana (Lily) Julian, Richard (Dick) McLay, George McLeod, May Moffat, Hilda

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Moffett, John Moir, Leonie Muir, Lance Naughton, Benjamin Rainey, Lilian Rettie Edna Richardson, Noeline (Ruth) Ringdahl, Yvonne Roberts, Raymond Sanderson, John Warburton, Doreen Warren, Dougall

17 Aug 04 Arnold, Marlene Barber, William (Stewart) Bergin, Peter Black, Gladys (Amuri) Brady, Joan Crawford, Graham (Toby) Dingley, Irene Dudley, Lillian Dyer, Gordon Emmerson, Charles Gear, Jean Hickley, John Hills, Richard (Dick) James, Myrtle Julian, Richard (Dick) Macaulay, Mervyn Mark, Albin (Al) Moffett, John Moir, Leonie Muir, Lance Naughton, Benjamin Neale, Gwynneth Nelson, Annie Payne, Mavis Pope, Margaret Reilly, Maureen Rettie Edna Ringdahl, Yvonne Temperley, Margaret Warren, Dougall

18 Aug 04 Adams, John Anderson, Isabella (Isobel) Arnold, Marlene Baird, Betty Barber, William (Stewart) Bills, Mary Black, Gladys (Amuri) Blokhuis, Melis (Mel) Carran, Nancy Charles, Geoffrey (Geoff) Crawford, Graham (Toby) Davenport, Leonard Dyer, Gordon

Emmerson, Charles Fitzgerald, Thomas Goodman, Te Aroha Healey, Norman (Norm) Hills, Richard (Dick) Hood, Maurice Lord, Frances (Frankie) Macaulay, Mervyn MacDougall, Keven Naughton, Benjamin (Ben) Newberry-Johnson, Lawrence Nisbet, Marjory Paterson, James (Jim) Patterson, Grace Payne, Mavis Philp, John Potter, Phyllis Ringdahl, Yvonne Shaw, William Stewart, Ronald (Ron) Taylor, Cyrus Temperley, Margaret Thorn, Johnathan (John) Warren, Dougall (Doug) Youthed, Rex

19 Aug 04 Allen, Douglas (Doug) Anderson, Isabella (Isobel) Blokhuis, Melis (Mel) Bruce, Ann Byers, Shirley Carr, Maurice Craigie, Arthur Davenport, Leonard Dawber, William Fitzgerald, Thomas Fuller, Arthur Goodman, Te Aroha Healey, Norman (Norm) Hickey, Michael (Mike) Hood, Maurice Lynch, Eileen McKenzie, Gladys McMonagle, Daniel (Bill) Murphy, Elinor O'Neill, Margaret Patterson, Grace Philp, John Potter, Phyllis Quigley, Graeme Rennell, Robin (Robbie) Richardson, Moira Skirving, Lucy Stratford, Hector Taylor, Cyrus

Thorn, Johnathan (John) Whittington, Bryan Wilton, Mollie

20 Aug 04 Aitchison, Edna Aitken, Diana Bowry, Kevin Bruce, Ann Colby, Robin (Bob) Dawber, William Edwards, John Fazakerley, Mary Fuller, Arthur Goodman, Te Aroha Healey, Norman (Norm) Heron, Zane Hickey, Michael (Mike) Hickin, Gilbert Kenyon, Malcolm Kumbaroff, Ivan MacDougall, Keven Manson, Basil McGerty, Dorothy Menzies, William (Bill) Moore, Terence Newell, Malachy (Bob) O'Neill, Margaret Parker-Wade, Sonny Rennell, Robin Richardson, Moira Russell, Alexander Skirving, Lucy Smith, Wendy Thorn, Johnathan (John) Whittington, Bryan Wilton, Mollie Wislang, Lulu

21 Aug 04 Aitchison, Edna Aitken, Diana Allen, Douglas (Doug) Arvidson, David Baird, Betty Barber, Rae Barrell, Cecil Blokhuis, Melis (Mel) Bowry, Kevin Boyes, Jean Carr, Maurice Colby, Robin (Bob) Coleman, Peter Cumberbeach, Beatrice Cumpstone, Thomas Doak, Graeme Elder, Victor Elkis, Lily Fazakerley, Mary Graham, Paul Healey, Eileen Heron, Zane

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hickey, Michael Hickin, Gilbert Hope, Harry Hopkins, Norman Johnson, Elsie Kenyon, Malcolm Kumbaroff, Ivan Leppanen, June Manson, Basil Marshall, Dr James McLean, Graham Moore, Terence Newell, Malachy (Bob) Parker-Wade, Sonny Ponsonby, Edward Rennell, Robin (Robbie) Ritchie, Angus Ronnie, James Scarlett, Malcolm Schumacher, Norman Skelton, Julia Smith, Wendy Tate, Mary (Jean) Tillman, Wendy Ward, Marlene Whelan, Jonathan Young, Jannette

23 Aug 04 Allan, Judith Barber, Rae Barrell, Cecil Baynon, Annette (Annie) Bowry, Kevin Coleman, Peter Conaglen, Kathleen (Sister Mary Anastasia) Craigie, Arthur Descalzo, Asuncion (Mamang) Dixey, Frank Doak, Graeme Falkingham, Ronald Hampson, John Hampton, Joan Harper, Herbert (Bill) Hodges, Alan Hogarth, Frederick Hope, Harry Hutton, David Kenning, Robyn Kuznecoff, Dimitri Mansfield, Peter (James) McEwen, Margaret Mirfin, O'cearne Neale, Patricia Norris, John O'Connor, Barry Ponsonby, Edward Rapson-Andrew, Linda Rathbun, Germaine Ritchie, Angus

Scarlett, Malcolm Schumacher, Ivy Skelton, Julia Stevenson, Violet Tate, Mary (Jean) Walker, Winifred Ward, Marlene Whelan, Jonathan Williamson, Alan

24 Aug 04 Bachelor, Nancy Campbell, Amelia Everitt, George Falkingham, Ron Fauth, Jeanetta Graham, Paul Grant, Donald Hampson, John Hampton, Joan Hodges, Alan Hogarth, Frederick Hutton, David Laurenson, Agnes Leuluaialii, Maria Mansfield, Peter (James) Maurenbrecher, Paul McEwen, Margaret Mei, Bing Neale, Patricia Paisley, Judith Rathbun, Germaine Schumacher, Ivy Shaffrey, Sister Mary Skelton, Julia Stevenson, Violet (Vi) Turvey, Maxwell Tweedie, Andrew Twigden, Jack Ward, Marlene Whittington, Bryan

25 Aug 04 Bachelor, Nancy Beatty, Winifred Brosnahan, Cora Buckton, Gordon Campbell, Beryl Cannon, Muriel Dixey, Frank Falkingham, Ronald (Ron) Grant, Donald Hutton, David Johnson, Beryl Laurenson, Agnes Leuluaialii, Maria Marks, Eily (Anne) Marshall, Dr James McCullough, Ronald McLachlan, Ngaturi Mei, Bing Muir, Desmond Paisley, Judith Pearce, Stanley

Shaffrey, Sister Mary Tweedie, Andrew Vear, Dorothy Wilkinson, Beatrice

26 Aug 04 Black, Phyllis Brosnahan, Cora Campbell, Beryl Ellis, Peter Falkingham, Ronald (Ron) Leuluaialii, Maria Lloyd, Winifred MacBeath, Robert Muir, Desmond Nash, Hazel Noonan, Eric Orr, Thelma Pearce, Stanley Pluksna, Austra Squires, Russell Stewart, Norma

27 Aug 04 Amos, Audrey Ansford, Valda Bloxham, Thelma Cleeve, Colin Graham, James (Don) Holmes, Hoani Inkson, Phyllis MacBeath, Robert MacDonald, James Marshall, Dr James McManus, Brian Mulcare, James Noonan, Eric Simpson, Daveda Sinclair, Delcie Smith, Carl Smith, John Temperley, Sister Margaret Mary Waites, Mary (Eileen) Whitehead, James

28 Aug 04 Aitken, Kenneth Amos, Audrey Ashton, William Banks, Maitland (Bill) Barton, Eileen Cleeve, Colin Cullen, Norman Cursons, Marion (Rita) Gardner, Eric Graham, James (Don) Hassall, Murray Holmes, Hoani Hunt, Marie Inkson, Phyllis Marshall, Arthur (Ron) McManus, Brian Mulcare, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Noonan, Eric Orr, Thelma Pearce, Donald Potiki, James Radley, Mary Sandford, Airini (Dal) Sayer, Phyllis Scanlan, John Sinclair, Delcie Smith, Carl Smith, John Squires, Russell Stewart, Rory Sullivan, Desmond Surridge, Ralph (Sinclair) Taylor, Dawn Temperley, Sister Margaret Mary Turner, Rona Wakelin, Thelma Wright, Joyce

30 Aug 04 Bain, Grace Blackburn, Lawrence Brocherie, Eileen Clifton, Maude Cooke, Michael Cursons, Marion (Rita) Dodge, Joyce East, John Foster, John Gardner, Eric Harris, Rosston Henderson, Dawn Hodge, Nellie Hornsby, Eric (Mick) Johnston, Carol Kenning, Robyn King, Frederick (Malcolm) Levy, William Macharper, Colleen Marshall, Arthur (Ron) Marshall, Patricia Mason, Edward McManus, Brian Moen, Joan Mulcare, James Pilbrow, Eric Purdue, Ivy (Mavis) Radley, Mary Scanlan, John Simpson, Rita Sinclair, Delcie Smythe, Raymond Stewart, Rory Still, Natalie Stockdale, Alistair Taylor, Dawn Thoen, Pauline Voyce, Noel Wakelin, Thelma Walker, Winifred White, Colin

Whitehead, James Whyte, Elaine Wilson, Flora Young, Patricia

31 Aug 04 Aitken, Kenneth Banks, Maitland (Billy) Brewster, Dorothy Brocherie, Eileen Clifton, Maude Cooke, Michael Cursons, Marion d'AUVERGNE, Mary (Molly) Duff, Deirdre Frey, Holder Gane, Douglas Gillooly, Dorothy Hodge, Nellie Hornsby, Eric (Mick) MacLaren, Daphne Moen, Joan Mullan, Walter (Budgie) Muschamp, Marian Nicholas, John Patchett, Dennis Paterson, Anne Pilbrow, Eric Radley, Mary Scaife, Katharine Simpson, Rita Stockdale, Alistair Thoen, Pauline Voyce, Noel Webby, Merilyn White, Colin Whyte, Elaine Young, Patricia Younger, Graham

1 Sep 04 Aitken, Kenneth Aitken, William Baynes, Diana Berry, Malcolm (Mal) Biggs, David Blackburn, Lawrence Carson, Richard Cummings, William d'Auvergne, Mary (Molly) Duff, Deirdre Ewart, William Frey, Holder Goossens, Johan (Hans) Hawken, Colin Hill, Geoffrey Howarth, Derek Jelley, Dale Lousley, Madge (Pat) MacLaren, Daphne McFadden, Jennifer McTaggart, Robert

Morland, Marjory Nicholas, John (Jack) Patchett, Dennis Paterson, Anne (Paula) Phaup, Betty Richmond, Wayne Ryan, Kevin Scaife, Katharine Sibley, Peter Smith, Roger Soulsby, Henrietta Terry, June Thoen, Pauline Turner, Lily Verrall, Kathleen White, Colin

2 Sep 04 Alexandre, Bruce Baynes, Diana Berry, Malcolm (Mal) Brockelbank, Verina (Rene) Carson, Richard (Max) Cleary, John (JC) Cross, Thomas (Ivan) Cummings, William Dangerfield, Arthur Davis, Shirley den Exter-Wojtas, Maria (Mia) Ewart, William Fisher, Madelon Goossens, Johan (Hans) Gregan, James Hanham, Mary (Dot) Hawken, Colin Herrick, Ronald (Pedro) Hill, Geoffrey Howarth, Derek Kay, Margaret Lousley, Madge (Pat) Luxton, Lawrence (Pat) Maunsell, Ruth McTaggart, Robert (Bob) Morland, Marjory Murphy, Angela Newlands, Beatrice Patchett, Dennis Paterson, Melva Phibbs, Ada Richmond, Wayne Robinson, William Sibley, Peter Smith, David Smith, Roger Terry, June Townshend, Margaret (Jean) Wilkinson, Hanna

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Worrall, Rongomai (Tom) Worsnop, Frances

3 Sep 04 Adams-Smith, Dr Diana Alexandre, Bruce Allison, Thomas (Ross) Baynes, Diana Brockelbank, Verina (Rene) Brockelbank, Nana Chandler, Kelly Cross, Thomas (Ivan) Dangerfield, Arthur Davey, Elsie Davidson, Charles (Alec) Davidson, Noeline Dick, Joan Duff, Deirdre Fortune, Beverley Frey, Holder Gregan, James Hanham, Mary (Dot) Harnett, Rosa Herrick, Ronald (Pedro) MacDonald, Kathleen Matheson, Audrey Moore, James (Jim) Osborne, William Paterson, Melva Peterson, Alexander Pierson, Martin Poynter, Norma Robinson, William Rooney, Kelvin (Kelly) Smith, David Soulsby, Henrietta (Lyn) Worrall, Rongomai (Tom)

4 Sep 04 Adams-Smith, Dr Diana Alexandre, Bruce Allen, Alexander Allison, Thomas (Ross) Baker, Dr Owen Black, Cicely (Lee) Bonham, Keith Cleeve, Albert Coey, Henry Corbett, John Dangerfield, Arthur Davey, Elsie Duder, Margaret Fortune, Beverley Harkness, Percy Harnett, Rosa Herrick, Ronald (Pedro)

Hodgson, Knowles Ilton, Joan Jelley, Dale Johnston, Robert Jongerius, Wilhelmus (Bill) Knapp, Phyllis Knarston, Francis Letham, Lena MacDonald, Kathleen Mason, Edward Maunsell, Ruth McFadden, Jennifer McFarlane, Belle McMeeken, Sylvia Moore, James Newton, Maxwell Nilsen, Teriana Osborne, William Parker, Luke Pierson, Martin Poynter, Norma Scott, Paul Skinner, Marjorie Tait, James Throll, Sarah Turner, Lily Walker, James (Bert)

6 Sep 04 August, Sydney Bain, Donna Ballingall, Margaret Beck, Mavis (Cis) Brown, Imelda Bunting, Gordon Cleeve, Albert Detlaff, Keith Diedrichs, Kathleen Duder, Margaret Empson, Rena Glover, Noel Graham, Mildred (Milly) Hellewell, Phyllis Henry, Kathleen Hinkley, Gladys Hodgson, Knowles Irvine, Olwynne Jelley, Dale Jennings, Joan Jongerius, Wilhelmus (Bill) Leslie, Rev. Alfred (Ray) McCulloch, Alison McLelland, William McMeeken, Sylvia Meaclem, John Muru, Shannon Nesbit, Alistair Parker, Luke Peterson, Alexander (Lex) Plaister-Brown, Robin Preston, Alan

Richards, Florence (Alison) Scott, Douglas Sewell, Phyllis Sinclair, David Slade, Marcia Stapylton-Smith, Paul Sumpter, G. Hugh Tait, James Walker, James (Bert) Wylie, John (Jack)

7 Sep 04 Aitken, John Bain, Donna Baker, Joan Barclay, John Brasell, George Brownlie, Alan Cartwright, Donald Colligan, Audrey Conradson, Erin Davies, John Davis, Joyce Detlaff, Keith Ellis, Marjory Empson, Rena Glover, Noel Graham, Mildred Hayes, Christopher Hazlehurst, Ian Hellewell, Phyllis Henry, Kathleen Herron, Graham Hinkley, Gladys Hodgson, Knowles Ilton, Joan Irvine, Olwynne Jelley, Dale Jennings, Joan Kennedy, Debra Kerr, Margaret Larkins, John (Norrie) MacDonald, Sandra Martin, Isabel McCulloch, Alison McGowan, Thomas McMeeken, Sylvia Muru, Shannon Narbey, Rev. Dudley Nesbit, Alistair Plaister-Brown, Robin Preston, Alan Scott, Douglas Sinclair, David Skinner, Marjorie Slade, Marcia Stapylton-Smith, Paul Thelin, Sylvia van den Hoven, Gerardus White, Selwyn

8 Sep 04 Aitken, John Baker, Joan

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Boskell, Roy Bourke, Edward Bower, Joan Brooker, Ian Bunting, Gordon Butters, Joyce Cartwright, Donald Christensen, Herbert Cohen, Roy Conradson, Erin Davies, John Ellis, Marjory Freitas, Margaret Geddes, William Graham, Mildred (Milly) Hayes, Christopher Hazlehurst, Ian Hill, Pauline Hodgson, Knowles Inch, Merlyn Jackson, Stanley Lord, Ruby MacDonald, Sandra McGowan, Thomas Plaister-Brown, Robin Porter, Bruce Robertson, Alec (Sandy) Rose, Lucy Rose, Nancy Slinn, Alice Smart, Dorothy (June) Stapylton-Smith, Paul Stone, Margaret van den Hoven, Gerardus Walker, Kenneth Waller, Noeline Wood-Radzyner, Nico

9 Sep 04 Apes, Kathleen Berg, Maureen Berry, Ronald Blackgrove, John (Jack) Boskell, Roy Bower, Joan Brasell, George Brooker, Ian Brownie, Ngaire Burt, Estelle Cohen, Roy Edgar, Joan Fenika, Siiva Forde, Maureen (Maudie) Foster, Teresa Geddes, William Hayes, Christopher Hazlehurst, Ian Hill, Pauline Horwood, Ernest Howell, David Inch, Merlyn

Irvine, Olwynne Johnson, Hazel MacDonald, Sandra Marshall, Betty Martin, Francis Nesbit, Alastair Porter, Bruce Rangi, Nicholas (Nikk) Rose, Lucy Rose, Nancy Sheed, Alan Smart, Dorothy (June) Southon, Coral Stewart, Carol Stocks, Winifred Walker, Kenneth Yates, Betty

10 Sep 04 Apes, Kathleen Berg, Maureen Berry, Ronald Blackgrove, John (Jack) Creed, Edward Felton, Mary Fenika, Siiva Forde, Maureen (Maudie) Hay, Elwyn Hodgkinson, Marjorie Hope, Hugh Horwood, Ernest Howell, David Johnson, Hazel McConnell, Ian McMillan, Nancy McNish, Dot Morton, Alexandra Porter, Bruce Robinson, Graeme Southon, Coral Spence, Marion Stahl, Eleanor Stewart, Carol Stocks, Winifred Sutton, Sheila Taylor, Anthony Uren, Lawrence Walmsley, Hilda Walsh, Gloria

11 Sep 04 Allingham, Terrence Ayling, Gordon Berry, Ronald Brown, Phyllis Bryant, Ewart (Bill) Davison, Ethel (Della) Duffy, Margaret Dyhrberg, Elizabeth Dymond, Marjorie Felton, Mary Fisher, John Forde, Maureen Foster, Teresa

Gordon, Arthur Hay, Elwyn Hazlehurst, Ian Hider, Ngaio Hope, Hugh Hopkins, Margaret Howell, David Kevern, Frances Knight, Craig Lagrosse, Gilbert Ludemann, Joan Manson, Steven (Guy) Marshall, Betty Mason, Faith McMillan, Nancy Metekingi, Takarangi Mintrom, Trevor Morel, Rosalie Mussen, Irene Newcombe, John Porter, Bruce Robinson, Graeme Sefton, Phyllis Spence, Marion Stahl, Eleanor Symonds, Phyllis Tasker, Peter Tovey, Norman Tritt, Margaret (Peg) Uren, Lawrence Walmsley, Hilda White, Natalie Whyte, Miri Williams, Gregory Willis, Frank Winter, Louisa

13 Sep 04 Ayling, Gordon Bills, Lynda Bowlin, Mary Brinsdon, Allan (Eli) Buckland, John Capill, Patricia Case, Noelene Corston, Francis (Frank) Davison, Ethel (Della) Ditfort, Owen Dodds, Alison Donnelly, Phyllis Duck, Roy Duffy, Margaret Dyhrberg, Elizabeth Dymond, Marjorie Fauth, Arthur Froom, Dorothy Gordon, Arthur Hider, Ngaio Hodgkinson, Marjorie Horton, Andrew Hose, Eileen Iyer, David Jory, Lester (Jim) Kay, Jocelyn (In mem) Lagrosse, Gilbert

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Lake, William Ludemann, Joan Marriott, Annie (Anne) Martin, Ruth McMillan, Nancy Metekingi, Lawrence Newcombe, John Sefton, Phyllis Stahl, Eleanor Tasker, Peter Tovey, Norman White, Natalie Ye, Chun

14 Sep 04 Arnold, David Beattie, Gordon Billcliff, Nancy Binnie, Marjory Bloomfield, Agnes Bowlin, Mary Bruce, Norman Capill, Patricia Case, Noelene Condliffe, Robert Cook, Terence Corbett, William Corston, Francis Ditfort, Owen Dodds, Alison Fauth, Arthur Horton, Andrew Hose, Eileen (June) Jory, Lester (Jim) Kendrick, Margaret Kincaid, Edwin Lake, William Leslie, Merton Lynch, Hugh Marriott, Annie (Anne) Martin, Ruth McAnergney, Ivy Moir, Andrew Munsig, Gunter Norton, Denis Parker, Lesley (Lee) Ryland, Sheryl Tasker, Peter Turnbull, Charles Ward, Nancy Welsh, John (Jack)

15 Sep 04 Aitken, James Barwell, Mavis Beattie, Gordon Billcliff, Nancy Buckland, John Byrne, Daphne Capill, Patricia Chandler, Alec Chellew, Anna Condliffe, Robert Cook, Terence Corbett, William Davidson, Paul

Dyson, Gaye Fayen, Harry Froom, Dorothy Gillespie, Ethel Harwood, Leslie Hebden, Barry Horton, Andrew Jimpson, Lorna (Pat) Jones, Valintine Kelleher, Juliet Kendrick, Margaret Kincaid, Edwin Lynch, Hugh Malzard, Charles McAnergney, Ivy Munsig, Gunter Orr, Colin Paintin, George (Morris) Parker, Lesley (Lee) Pascoe, Jaana Sharplin, Ena Troon, Valda Turnbull, Charles Vink, Jane Walls, Vina Ward, Nancy Welsh, John (Jack) Willems, Wilhelmus Willis, Frank Wyse, Judith Ye, Chun

16 Sep 04 Aitken, James (Neil) Baxter, Joyce Brown, Ronald Cagney, Margaret Chellew, Anna Falconer, Keith Green, Valda Hawkes, Ian Hay, Marianne Hebden, Barry Jackson, John Jones, Valentine (Steve) Kelleher, Juliet Malzard, Charles Munsig, Gunter Musgrave, Ethel (Margo) Nelson, Gwendoline Nixon, Kathleen Orr, Colin Owen, Michael Paintin, George (Morris) Patterson, Andrena (Ena) Rosevear, James Thompson-Panoho, Tania Troon, Valda Vink, Jane Willems, Wilhelmus

Williams, Gregory Williams, Madge (Emms)

17 Sep 04 Arona, Petero Barwell, Mavis Baxter, Joyce Bertenshaw, Williamina (Ina) Bezar, Gilda Buckland, John Budge, Warren Bull, Herbert Cagney, Margaret Cairns, Gleneys Chaney, Albert (Norman) Cormack, John (Ian) Guest, Victoria Hamilton, Pearl Hawkes, Ian Henson, Myrtle Kincaid, Edwin Nelson, Gwendoline Owen, Michael Patterson, Andrena (Ena) Rosevear, James Sutton, Isabell Thompson-Panoho, Tania Wiseman, Ronald (Ron) Ye, Chun

18 Sep 04 Appleton, Joyce Arona, Petero Bezar, Gilda Brenssell, Elizabeth Brown, Ronald Budge, Warren Bull, Herbert Cairns, Gleneys Chaney, Albert (Norman) Comer, Sara Cormack, John (Ian) Davidson, Paul Deibert, Charles Devlin, Leo Falconer, Keith Gray, Ewen Green, Keith Guest, Victoria Hall, Gwyneth (Anne) Hamilton, Pearl Hay, Elwyn Heenan, Ashley Henson, Myrtle Hodgson, Bernard Kelly, Lynette Kennedy, Eileen Laing, William Mountfort, Hugh

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Munsig, Gunter Musgrave, Ethel (Margo) Mussen, Muriel Nuberg, Dirk Owen, Michael Paterson, Dr Donald Penn, Athol Robb, Veda Simpson, James Spark, Seena Symonds, Phyllis Thompson, Tania Walter, Edith (Maisie) Watson, Margaret (Fran) Whitehouse, Valma Williams, Madge (Emms) Willis, Florence Young, Desmond

20 Sep 04 Allan, Frances Bartlett, Mary (Molly) Batchelor, Jack Breach, Eileen Budge, Warren Cairns, Gleneys Chammen, Phyllis Chatfield, Carol Clegg, George Cleverley, Graeme Comer, Sara Deibert, Charles Drummond, Douglas Falconer, Keith Francis, George Green, Keith Groufsky-Kendall, Robyn Hartmann, Robert Hay, Elwyn Heath, Paul Hollings, Peter Honeyman, Rodney King, Eric Lloyd, Henry (Harry) Mawdsley, Sydney McCarthy, Brian McKay, Ian McKelvie, Audrey Nuberg, Dirk O'Malley, Alexander Osikai, Melody Penn, Athol Roderique, Lauren Saunders, Doris Smith, Ellen (Ella) Spark, Seena Stapleforth, Robert Stringer, Hugh Thompson, James Watson, Margaret (Fran) Whaanga, Iharaira Wheeler, Lindsay

Whitehouse, Valma

21 Sep 04 Aitken, John (Jock) Aldridge, John (Jack) Allan, Frances Batchelor, Jack Bright, Nancy Brown, Lily Clements, Winifred Comer, Sally Drummond, Douglas Ellis, Shirley Ford, Sadie Fowler, Winifred Fraser, Bruce Groufsky, Robyn Hall, Gwyneth (Anne) Hanly, James (Pat) Heath, Paul Henson, Myrtle Hill, Milla Honeyman, Ronald King, Eric Martin, Frances Mawdsley, Sydney McKay, Ian Miller, Ralph Monaghan, Thomas Mussen, Muriel Newton, Gladys Osikai, Melody Pablecheque, Eileen Raymond, Tom Reese, Betty Saunders, Doris Scoles, Anne Shearman, Kathleen (Hilma) Stapleforth, Robert van der POL, Leendert (Leen) Watson, John

22 Sep 04 Aldridge, John (Jack) Allan, Anne Brocherie, Sheena Carran, Bruce Clements, Winifred Dunn, Mary Dyer, Helen Elliot, Annie Ford, Sadie Fraser, Bruce Hamilton, Pearl Hanly, James (Pat) Heath, Paul Hill, Milla Hooper, Shirley Jamieson, Glenda Kalma, Guy Kearney, James Malden, Elizabeth McAffer, James McDougall, Roderick

McEntee, David Monaghan, Thomas Newton, Gladys Oram, Margaret Roodakker, Latisha Samson, Alan Saunders, Doris Shearer, Nigel Shearman, Kathleen (Hilma) Sommerville, Charles Stapleforth, Robert Stringer, Eoin Symonds, Phyllis Taylor, John Warren, Ida Watson, John Weiss, George Williams, Anna

23 Sep 04 Bain, Marie Barkle, John Barringer, Edward Blakely, Wendy Burgess, Dorothy Carson, Arthur Churchward, June Cookson, John (Jack) Crouch, Bert Dunn, Mary Dyer, Helen Ellis, Shirley Gill, Pamela (Sam) Hanly, James (Pat) Henry, Joyce Hooper, Shirley Kalma, Guy Lumsden, Jane Magendans, Henk Maxwell, Ralph McDougall, Roderick Neilson, Zelma Paine, Agnes Penn, Kevin Prentice, Feltham Rennie, Ada Richards, Thomas (Tom) Samson, Alan Shearer, Nigel Smith, Clements Stapleforth, Robert Steele, Agnes Stringer, Eoin Vroblfski, Herbert (Jimmy) Walls, Ruth Walton, John (Jack) Weiss, George Wilde, Eric

24 Sep 04 Angland, Brian Bell, Moira Blakely, Ronald

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Blakely, Wendy Churchward, June Fraser, Hilda Hanly, James (Pat) Kidd, Gavin Matthews, William McDougall, Roderick Morresey, Patricia Morris, Rona Paine, Agnes Penn, Kevin Samson, Alan Smith, Clements Stapleforth, Robert Steele, Agnes Stringer, Eoin Surton-Rangi, Barry Wilde, Eric

25 Sep 04 Anderson, Nancy Ayers, Kenneth Barraclough, Rona Bell, Moira Binstead, Keith Blakely, Ronald Boardman, Ronald Borrie, Marion Braithwaite, Shirley Childs, Desmond Collie, Phyllis Cope, Frederick Dalling, Jean Daly, Anthony Falloon, Malcolm Fuller, Eric (Ernie) Gibbs, Roy Gill, Pamela (Sam) Gunn, Robert Hampton, Neil Holderness, Lois Holding, Margaret Holdsworth, Clifford Hood, Nicholas Irwin, Charlie Kidd, Dorothy King, Joan Lapthorn, Pamela Loeffen, Theodorus Macdonald, Alexander (Alister) Matthews, Violet Matthews, William McWha, Frank Mercer, John O'Reilly, Lucinda (Lucy) Ottrey, Margaret (Ruth) Paine, Agnes Pitfield, Neville Roberts, Clarence Rudkin, Norma Shanks, Margaret Sparrow, Olive Steven, Robert

Walton, John Watson, Lucy Williamson, Peter Wilson, Pauline Wood, Doris

27 Sep 04 Adams, Frank Ayers, Kenneth Bambrough, James (Janis) Barbara, Juliette Boardman, Ronald Bootsma, Pieter Braithwaite, Shirley Brown, Duncan Carter, Alice Collie, Phyllis Cope, Frederick Deuchrass, Norman Drummond, Jeanette Durey, Ronald Evans, Bessie Findlay, James (Vol) Fisher, Charles Fuller, Eric (Ernie) Gibbs, Roy Gordon, Ian Hahn, Marie Hitchings, Malcolm Holderness, Lois Hood, Nicholas Jesson, Margaret Macdonald, Alexander (Alister) McCluskey, James McWha, Frank Milne, David Ottrey, Margaret (Ruth) Pickworth, Martin Rudkin, Norma Ruka, Walter Sanders, George Schurink, Judith Smith, Jessima (Jessie) Snook, Eric Sutherland, Nora Teeling-Ghiringhelli, Margaret Watson, Lucy Wilson, Joan Wilson, Pauline Wood, Doris

28 Sep 04 Barbara, Juliette Bootsma, Pieter Brown, Duncan Cameron, Norma Chapple, Russell Collett, Gregory Collie, Phyllis Evans, Mary Falloon, Malcolm

Findlay, James (Vol) Fletcher, Meryl Gaeth, Laurence Geoghegan, Madeleine Gordon, Ian Hampton, Neil Hitchings, Malcolm Judkins, Owen King, Joan Kish, Jozsef Lowe, Richard Macintosh, Norma Marson, Evalena Mason, Anthony McGill, Robert Milne, David Ottrey, Margaret (Ruth) Pascoe, Paul Ruka, Walter Rutherford, Noeline Schurink, Judith Snook, Eric Strang, Gwendoline Sutherland, Nora Wilson, Joan Wilson, Violet Wood, Doris

29 Sep 04 Bambrough, James (Janis) Barbara, Juliette Beatty, John Boucher, Jessie Cameron, Norma Carr, Geoffrey Chapple, Russell Collett, Gregory Collie, Phyllis Colville, Lionel Cottrill, Rita Dalgety, Annette England, Carol Evans, Bessie Evans, Mary Falloon, Malcolm Geoghegan, Madeleine Giddens, Craig Glass, Alastair Greer, Marjorie Grigg, Gilbert Hollick, Joan Jenning, Murray Johnson, Fay Judkins, Owen Kish, Jozsef Lilley, Mabell Loffhagen, Esma Low, Doris MacLachlan, John McGill, Robert Newell, Violet O'Reilly, Lucinda (Lucy)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Pannell, Yolande Pascoe, Paul Pattinson, Ivy Pomfret, Maureen Ross, Brian Ross, Doris (Vi) Rowe, Gerald (Rus) Schurink, Judith Smith, Jessima (Jessie) Strang, Gwendoline Sutherland, Nora Wallace, Sandra Williams, Joan Wilson, Violet

30 Sep 04 Beatty, Maxwell (John) Bond, Florence Boyd, Rita Cameron, Norma Collie, Phyllis Connew, Kathleen (Kath) Cottrill, Rita Dalgety, Annette Evans, Marion Giddens, Craig Glass, Alastair (Allie) Glen, Margaret (Dale) Greenaway, Robert Harper, Charles Hayes, Shirley Hopkins, Allan (Tom) Johnson, Fay Lilley, Mabell (Jean) Lindsay, Florence Lion, Gwenda Loffhagen, Esma Low, Doris Lowe, Richard Mackay, Lorraine MacLachlan, John McGill, Robert Murray, Hilda Newell, Violet Pomfret, Maureen Ross, Doris (Vi) Rowe, Gerald (Rus) Sheild, Kathleen Walsh, Joy Watson, Joyce Wilkinson, Samuel Willis, Keith

1 Oct 04 Baker, Daphne Beatty, John Bond, Florence Boyd, Rita Boyle, Imelda Doyle, June Falconar, Raymond Giddens, Craig Harper, Charles Hayes, Shirley

Hopkins, Allan (Tom) Low, Derek McKay, Pauline Milne, Norman Murray, Hilda Norton, Dennis Wallace, William Winterburn, Richard Wright, Christina

2 Oct 04 Anderton, Richard Armstrong, John Baker, Daphne Barnett, Roger Carson, Arthur (Joseph) Cook, Alister Cromb, Douglas Cunningham, William Davidson, Mabel Dellaway, Patricia Dennis, Mavis Dick, Ellis Fife, Ralph Fitzgerald, Monica Grant, John Hollick, Joan Hopkins, Allan (Tom) Johnson, Fay Johnson, Joan Lawrence, Kenneth Lee, Irene Lee, Lesley Livingston, Marie Low, Derek Lunn, Peter McKay, Pauline (Gracie) McNoe, Mary Mechen, John Milne, Norman Mulholland, Margaret Murdoch, Jo Newton, Pauline Osborn, Gavin Reeve, Jacqueline (Jackie) Reeves, Joyce Roberts, Alexander (Jim) Roberts, Anthony Scott, Jonathon (Joe) Shrimpton, Shirley Sykes, Wayne Taylor, Colin Wallace, William Watson, Joyce Williams, Kenneth Wing, Robert Winsloe, Thelma Winterburn, Richard Yeoman, Elizabeth

4 Oct 04 Ahern, Lilian

Bailey, Maurice (Peter) Barlow, Wilfred (Bill) Barnett, Roger Bennett, Elizabeth Brown, Anthony (Robin) Bryce, James Campbell, James Carter, Georgina (Ena) Cloughly, Mary (Mollie) Cobden, Florence (Mona) co*ckle, Hector (Trevor) Collerton, Bertram Collins, Kevin Coull, Gordon (Graeme) Crichton, Robert Cullen, Mervyn Dawson, Ian Dickson, Colin Dixon, Lance Fife, Ralph Ford, Bruce Gearry, John Ginty, Brian Grant, Vera Habgood, Robin Hall, Evelyn Halley, Barry Henderson, Sybil Hocking, Raynel (Ray) Kelly, Allen Lawrence, Kenneth Limmer, Norma Lindsay, Elsa Livingston, Marie Lunn, Peter McKay, Pauline (Gracie) Mechen, John Mills, Mary Murdoch, Jo Parsonson, Neville Paton, James Percy, Rana Roberts, Anthony Scott, Jonathon (Joe) Selwyn, Kenneth Shepherd, Gwenda Shrimpton, Shirley Slade, Pauline Smith, Barbara Wakefield, June Walesby, Lucie Wing, Robert Yeoman, Elizabeth

5 Oct 04 Ashby, Desmond Barlow, Wilfred (Bill) Blakely, Wendy Brown, Anthony (Robin)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Bryce, James Burt, John Campbell, Lilian Carter, Georgina (Ena) Cloughly, Mary (Mollie) Collerton, Bertram Coull, Gordon (Graeme) Crichton, Robert Cullen, Mervyn Dawson, Ian Degen, Bill Dixon, Lance Ford, Bruce Grant, Vera Habgood, Robin Hall, Evelyn Hampson, Douglas Harris, Lily Hocking, Raynel (Ray) Howell, Pauline Ischia, Michael Livingston, Marie McQueen, Bruce Nicholson, Elizabeth Paton, James Pattinson, Wendy Percy, Rana Quill, Nancy Ravenscroft, Frederick Redmond, Sarah (Sadie) Rissman, Norman Scrivens, Reta Shepherd, Gwenda Singh, Evelyn Slade, Pauline Smith, Barbara Stevens, Henry Tonks, Craig Tribole, Hinauri van Woerkom, Antoinette Wakefield, June Webb, Charles Webley, Beatrice Wilson, Allan Wing, Rob

6 Oct 04 Ashby, Desmond Barlow, Wilfred (Bill) Benjamin, Gary Brookfield, William Bryce, James Burrows, Godfrey (Cyril) Campbell, James Carson, Arthur Cloughly, Mary (Mollie) Dawson, Ian Degen, Wilhelmus (Bill) Fletcher, Muriel Forne, Eleanor

Habgood, Robin Heke-Sunnex, Staisha Howell, Pauline Johnston, Harold Lee, Irene Lemon, Hazel Linton, Allan Livingston, Marie Mason, Trevor McCutcheon, Agnes (Nance) McQueen, Bruce Milne, Lucy (Lou) Nichol, June O'Connor, Dora (Maisie) Paton, James Pattinson, Wendy Percy, Rana Redmond, Sarah (Sadie) Rennie, Olga Rissman, Norman Scott, Desmond Scrivens, Reta Smith, Barbara Stevens, Lavilla Stevens, Winifred Tonks, Craig van Woerkom, Antoinette Wakefield, June Walsh, Jack White-Kiddey, Matthew Willman, Helen Wilson, Allan

7 Oct 04 Ashby, Desmond Benjamin, Gary Botherway, Violet Brown, Anthony (Robin) Butland, Ina Campbell, Allan Carroll, James Carson, Alma Carson, Arthur Chudleigh, Alwin Cooper, William Culhane, Murray Dawson, Ian Dunlay, Gavin Elliott, Gladys Gaston, Jessie Heke-Sunnex, Staisha Hickman, Charles (Peter) Houghton, Julian Johnson, Martha Johnston, Harold Jones, Margaret Lemon, Hazel Massie, Norman McGhie, Audrey McCutcheon, Agnes

(Nance) Nottingham, Dorothy Pascoe, Edith Pike, Nancy Redmond, Sarah (Sadie) Roughan, Cornelius (Charlie) Smith, Joyce Tonks, Craig Tribole, Hinauri Wakefield, June Walsh, Jack Walter, Melva White-Kiddey, Matthew

8 Oct 04 Avery, Graham Botherway, Violet Brown, Eric Campbell, Allan Carson, Alma Chudleigh, Alwin Cunningham, William Elliott, Gladys Grant, Peter Hickman, Charles (Peter) Jewell, Edward Jones, Margaret Lemon, Hazel McGhie, Audrey Nottingham, Dorothy O'Neil, Mary (Josie) Orme, Hazel Pene, Werehiko (Peter) Rissman, Norman Simon, Frank (Derek) Smith, Joyce Tregoweth, Henry (Harry) Willliams, Lance

9 Oct 04 Andersen, Thomas Andrews, Jane Avant, Carlene Barlow, Wilfred (Bill) Benjamin, Gary Brown, Eric Carson, Alma Carter, Olive Cartwright, Margaret Clark, Minnie (Celia) Cooper, William Culhane, Murray Ellis, Roy Forne, Eleanor Franks, Gwendolen Good, Eleanor (Ella) Grant, Peter Haines-Forman, Rosemary Jewell, Edward Lapslie, Warren

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McDonald, Wynnis Murdoch, Jo Murdoch, Robert Murphy, Constance North, Olive Parr, Fanny Ross, Beverly Ruha, Pania Taylor, Charles (Bob) Walter, Melva White-Kiddey, Matthew Willliams, Lance Williams, Muriel Yates, Alva

11 Oct 04 Andrews, Jane Avant, Carlene Barnett, Nellie Bennett, Edith Catchpole, John Cattermole, Mary Chamberlain, Mary Clark, Minnie (Celia) Cotton, Marion Davey, Henry (Harry) de Gouw, Piet Ellis, Roy Fitzgerald, Margery Good, Eleanor (Ella) Guthrie, Betty Harding, Peter Hedges, Margaret Herring, Ivan Hough, Edna Jessett, Diana Lapslie, Warren Mackey, Sean Mair, James Molloy, John (Jack) Ockwell, Vincent Palmer, William Pitt, Albert Smith, Robert Stewart, Mildred Taylor, Elizabeth Van Rensburg, Katrina Williams, Lance Williams, Muriel

12 Oct 04 Barnett, Nellie Bennett, Edith Clark, Minnie (Celia) Cotton, Marion Culhane, Murray Davey, Henry de Gouw, Piet Dodds-Simpson, Julie- Ann Fitzgerald, Margery Fowler, Colin Gavin, Gwendoline Haines, Stanley Harding, Peter

Herring, Ivan Hope, Joanne Hough, Edna Jessett, Diana Johns, Maisy Jones, Kathleen Kelling, Marjorie Latimer, Patricia Lester, Jeremy Lynch, Audrey (Annette) Mackey, Sean Mason, Christa McIlmurray, George Molloy, John (Jack) Olsen, Margaret Palmer, William Pitt, Albert Ruha, Pania Shadbolt, Maurice Smith, Robert Taylor, Eric Willis, Dulcie

13 Oct 04 Anson, Florence (Emily) Banga, Joe Boyd, Alexander Chamberlain, Mary Clark, Minnie (Celia) Coutts, Francis Davey, Henry Dodds-Simpson, Julie- Ann Eason, Lexy Fowler, Colin Gardiner, Hugh Gavin, Gwendoline Hague, Raymond Haines, Stanley Hedges, Margaret Hogsden, John Hope, Joanne Horne, Mary Kelling, Marjorie Koudys, Cornelia (Corry) Kriek, Arie Latimer, Patricia Lester, Jeremy Lucas, George Lynch, Audrey (Annette) Lynch, Graeme (Gus) Mackay, Beryl McIlmurray, George Nicholas, Bertie (Ted) Olsen, Margaret Oskam, Rosalie Palmer, William Sergeant, Lynnette Shadbolt, Maurice Shepherd, Michael Sims, Janet Stott, Beryl Tavendale, Alexia

Taylor, Eric Taylor, Phyllis (Betty) Vincent, Gordon Williams, Joan Willis, Dulcie

13 Oct 04 Anson, Florence (Emily) Banga, Joe Boyd, Alexander Chamberlain, Mary Clark, Minnie (Celia) Coutts, Francis Davey, Henry Dodds-Simpson, Julie- Ann Eason, Lexy Fowler, Colin Gardiner, Hugh Gavin, Gwendoline Hague, Raymond Haines, Stanley Hedges, Margaret Hogsden, John Hope, Joanne Horne, Mary Kelling, Marjorie Koudys, Cornelia (Corry) Kriek, Arie Latimer, Patricia Lester, Jeremy Lucas, George Lynch, Audrey (Annette) Lynch, Graeme (Gus) Mackay, Beryl McIlmurray, George Nicholas, Bertie (Ted) Olsen, Margaret Oskam, Rosalie Palmer, William Sergeant, Lynnette Shadbolt, Maurice Shepherd, Michael Sims, Janet Stott, Beryl Tavendale, Alexia Taylor, Eric Taylor, Phyllis (Betty) Vincent, Gordon Williams, Joan Willis, Dulcie

14 Oct 04 Anson, Florence (Emily) Banga, Joe Birmingham, Raymond Boag, James (Darby) Boyd, Alexander Brown, Alan Burgess, John Cosgrove, Ronald Duncan, Ruth Fowler, Colin Goodman, Murray

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Gordon, Nora Hedges, Margaret Hill, Nancy Hodgson, Joann Horne, Mary Houston, Betty Hunt, William Johns, Maurice Jordan, Margaret Kriek, Arie Lester, Jeremy Mackey, Ann Miller, John Moore, Marjorie Oskam, Rosalie Riddell, Robert Woodfield, John

15 Oct 04 Allom, Dorothy Barnsdale, Audrey Boag, James (Darby) Burgess, John Campbell, Douglas Coburn, Bruce Cooper, Stanley Cox, Lorna Cramp, Karen Fantham, Humphrey (Harry) Flannery, Thomas Gordon, Nora Grady, Michael Green, Edwin Hapi, Gerritt Hill, Nancy Horne, Mary Humm, Lucy Hunt, William Johns, Maurice Jordan, Margaret Kennedy, Alan Lester, Jeremy Macale, Vivian McArthur, Lenore Moore, Marjorie Riddell, Robert Sinclair, Alton (Alf) Thomson, Rosalie Trevathan, Rebecca (Rae) Wilding, Margaret Young, Joy

16 Oct 04 Allom, Dorothy Ayers, Edith (Sybil) Bambrough, James Barcham, Rowena Barnsdale, Audrey Birmingham, Raymond Brickland, Marie Cameron, Joy Campbell, Douglas Coburn, Bruce Cochrane, Shirley

Cooper, Stanley Cramp, Karen Dahlenburg, Margaret (Molly) Eade, Elizabeth (Ida) Eder, Ihipa (Pip) Flannery, Thomas Fox, Brigid Gardiner, Hugh Goodman, Murray Grady, Michael Grant, Rev. Ian Halliday, Kerry Hayton, Anthony Hearn, Walter (Cran) Hollis, Stephen Houston, Betty Humm, Lucy Hunt, William Isaacs, Tybe Johns, Maurice Kensington, Walter (Wally) Lester, Jeremy Lloyd, Emily McArthur, Lenore McGirr, Thomas McGregor, Leslie Monaghan, Thomas Moore, Marjorie Oldman, May Price, Graham (Peter) Rawlings, Rita Shepherd, Michael Smart, Rita Wilding, Margaret Wilson, Grace Wright, Ita

18 Oct 04 Ayers, Edith (Sybil) Barcham, Rowena Barnsdale, Audrey Cameron, Joy Churchill, Ronald Corrigan, William Cramp, Karen Crowe, Jean Eder, Ihipa (Pip) Farrar, Robert Foote, Graham Forrester, Albert Fowlds, Craig Fraser, Edna Giles, James Goodman, Murray Halliday, Kerry Harris, Phillis (Peg) Hayton, Anthony Hearn, Walter (Cran) Horne, Celia Ivory, Jean Keating, Catherine (Kit) Kensington, Walter) Lucas, Elizabeth

Martin, John McCrone, Ian McGirr, Thomas McPhail, Pauline Murray, Patrick Newsam, Anna O'Hare, Wilfred O'Malley, John Rawlings, Rita Read, Jessie (Maisie) Reuben, Brent Robertson, Alvine Ross, Esther Rountree, Meta Scholes, Lorna Stuckey, Lona Tarbotton, Dorothy Textor, Denise Timms, Geraldine (Gindy) Wells, Alexander Wigley, James Wilson, Grace Wong, Andrea Wright, Ita (Sr Mary Celestine, RSM)

19 Oct 04 Adams, Walter (Frank) Barnsdale, Audrey Bicknell, Peter Callaghan, Margaret Christensen, Peggy Church, Rose Cramp, Karen Crowe, Jean Eder, Ihipa (Pip) Elderton, Ronald Farrar, Robert Foote, Graham Forrester, Albert Fowlds, Craig Griffiths, Robert Halliday, Kerry Harrison, Paul Hearn, Walter (Cran) Hodgson, Elsie Horne, Celia Ladkin, Margaret (Peggy) Leach, Joyce Lee, Graeme McArthur, Lenore McGirr, Thomas McPhail, Pauline Murray, Betty Murray, Patrick O'Malley, John (Jack) Read, Jessie (Maisie) Reuben, Brent Rountree, Meta Smith, Amy Smolenski, John Stuckey, Lona Sutton, Doris Taogaga, Lawrence

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Textor, Denise Timms, Gindy

20 Oct 04 Adams, Walter (Frank) Barnsdale, Audrey Blomfield, Lorraine Clement, Ina Cowie, Alfred Edwards, Richard Farrar, Robert Fowlds, Craig Fraser, Edna Gardiner, Hugh Griffiths, Robert Heron, Janice Hornby, Patricia Horne, Celia Ivory, Jean Ladkin, Margaret (Peggy) Lee, Graeme Murray, Emma Norrell, Percy O'Malley, Jack Pachnatz, Thomas Read, Jessie (Maisie) Schroder, Arna Scott, Carla Smolenski, John Tau, Eutahi (Tom) Textor, Denise Traue, Glendower (Glen) Tulloch, Arthur Wright, Phillip

21 Oct 04 Archer, John Bartos, Janos Bennetts, Kenneth Blanche, Heather Clarke, Hazel Clarke, Jean Clayden, James Cole, Della Cowie, Alfred Curtz, Pat Edwards, Richard Farrar, Robert Gillum, Brian Gorringe, James Harding, Tracy Henderson, Janet Heron, Janice Herrod, Janet (Jenny) Hornby, Patricia Knowles, Maurice Leary, Marjorie Mackersy, Jack Mahalm, Beryl Malcolm, Eve Marston, Albert (Brian) Metcalfe, Penny Moore, Carey Pannell, Gwendoline Savill, Martin (Brian)

Schroder, Arna Scott, Carla Sproule, Iona Tau, Eutahi (Tom) Thornbury, Isabella (Bel) Tierney-Holly, Beverley Tulloch, Arthur Wall, James (Wally) Woolley, Noleen Yaxley, Dorothy (Dot)

22 Oct 04 Bartos, Janos Bedwell, Henry (Harry) Chapman, Thea Clayden, James Curtz, Pat Dunn, Dennis (Harry) Gillum, Bryan Gorringe, James Graham, Christine Harding, Tracy Heron, Janice Irving, Mabel (Kit) Johnston, Michael Jones, Cedric (Frank) Lake, Olga Mahalm, Beryl Malcolm, Eve Marston, Albert (Brian) Maxwell, Raeleen Metcalfe, Penny Moore, Carey Murfitt, Ronald (Jack) Pannell, Gwendoline Perry, Olive Roberts, Roy' Smith, Lilian Sullivan, Alma Veitch, Monica Yaxley, Dorothy (Dot)

23 Oct 04 Baker, Antony Bedwell, Henry (Harry) Chapman, Thea Clayden, James Clement, Ina Dunn, Dennis (Harry) Graham, Christine Harding, Tracy Henderson, William Hunter, Beryl (Billie) Jones, Cedric (Frank) Knowles, Maurice Leary, Marjorie Mackersy, Jack Marks, Anthony Maxwell, Raeleen McCrostie, Miles Murfitt, Ronald (Jack) Perry, Olive Reed, Alan Reid, Margaret

Roberts, Roy Robinson, Eric Rogerson, Dorothy Savage, Ellen (Mary) Scott, Carla Sinclair, Doreen Smith, Lilian Stone, Imelda Sullivan, Alma Truman, Steven Turner, Joan Turner, Maurice (Des) Van Beek, Petronella (Nellie)

25 Oct 04 Amtman, Herbert Barr, Elizabeth Beaton, Jean (June) Christian, William Dudson, Peter Gerard, Jennifer Grieve, Donald Harding, Tracy Holland, Rosemary Hunter, Beryl (Billie) Jackson, Megan Murfitt, Ronald (Jack) Osmand, Elizabeth (Grace) Overend, Lorna Reed, Alan Robb, Arthur (Norm) Robinson, Eric Savage, Ellen (Mary) Sivis, Isabella Sterritt, Ellen Stewart, Marjorie Stirling, Joan Thomas, Dawn Thomas, John Turner, Joan Turner, Maurice (Des) Ward, Beryl Wells, Sylvia Welsh, Phyllis

26 Oct 04 Amtman, Herbert Avia, Wesley Barr, Elizabeth Bearman, Stella Beaton, Jean Bell, Ruby Borlase, Reginald (Pat) Boyd, Ada Carlton, Alistair Dudson, Peter Gamble, Cecilia Gerard, Jennifer Grieve, Donald Grove, Leone Harding, Rae Holland, Rosemary Houghton, John (Jack)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Irvine, Peter Jackson, Megan Keach, Betty Knighton, Lawrence Lynn, Margaret (Peg) Mackenzie, Norrice Murfitt, Ronald (Jack) Overend, Lorna Parker, Sybil (June) Reed, Alan Robb, Arthur (Norm) Robinson, Eric Rogerson, Dorothy Satterthwaite, Charles Skelton, Leonard Smith, Lilian Thomas, Dawn Turner, Joan Van Beek, Petronella (Nellie) Vere, Margaret (Ivy) Warbrick, Te Horonui

27 Oct 04 Ainge, Jeanie Ashton, Grace Avia, Wesley Ball, John (Mick) Barr, Sylvia Beaton, Jean (June) Bell, Ruby Bilbrough, Hugh Blight, Percival Cavanagh, Edward Cave, Grant co*ckburn, Robert Cooper, Karl Deans, Eva Dowell, Durham Dudson, Peter Grove, Leone Hardy, Mabel Harkerss, Geoffrey Holland, Rosemary Houghton, John (Jack) Irvine, Peter Jackson, Megan Keach, Betty Mackenzie, Norrice McDonald, Violet McNulty, Ngaire Overend, Lorna Satterthwaite, Charles Sullivan, William Thomas, Dawn Thomson, Annie Todd, Kura Vere, Margaret (Ivy) Ward, Beryl Wederell, Linda Wells, Sylvia

28 Oct 04 Ainge, Jeanie Alco*ck, Cameron

Avia, Wesley Ball, John (Mick) Beaton, Jean (June) Blight, Percival Britton, Laura Brooks, Sylvia Cave, Grant Deans, Eva Earl, Patricia Harney, James (Tommy) Houghton, John (Jack) Jones, Marjory Loftus, Marjorie Losco, Enrico Lowry, Gillian Lynn, Margaret (Peg) MacDonald, Alan (Angus) McNulty, Ngaire Minchington, Trevor Mitchell, Beryl Pannam, Beverley Ruth, Christopher Thomson, Annie Watkins, Beryl Wederell, Linda Whyte, Neville

29 Oct 04 Addie, Allan Alco*ck, Cameron Anderson, Elizabeth Bishop, Arthur (Art) Cave, Grant Chinnery, Stella co*ckburn, Robert Deans, Eva Ewart, David Fairbairn, Rhoda Irvine, Peter Love, Dr Brian Lowry, Gillian MacDonald, Alan (Angus) Mitchell, Beryl Mulvey, Malakai Pannam, Beverley Potter, Lynne Redmond, Gordan (Pat) Reid, Margaret Ruth, Christopher Thomson, Annie Thomson, Ivan Vecovsky, Muriel Verwey, Gysbert (Gy) Whyte, Neville

30 Oct 04 Adams, Edwin Addie, Allan Askin, Harry Ballard, Joan Bilbrough, Hugh Bishop, Arthur (Art)

Boardman, Betty Boyd, Ada Brangwin, Timothy Burnett, John Burrowes, Ellen (Hazel) Chinnery, Stella Davies, Charles Ewart, David Fairbairn, Rhoda Fairweather, Mavis Kinrade, Kenneth MacDonald, Alan (Angus) McFadden, Kathleen Mealings, Zoe Minchington, Trevor Naismith, Maude Pearson, Anita Prain, Edna Reid, Margaret Tait, James Thomson, Ivan Waghorn, Ernest Watts, George Whyte, Neville Wills, Dulcie

1 Nov 04 Boardman, Betty Brooks, Rex Bunce, Irene (Dawn) Burnett, John Chambers, Gordon Crawford, John Davies, Christopher Earl, Eric Elwood, Edward Fairweather, Mavis Fraser, Alice Grice, Desmond Griffin, Patrick Holt, Michael Johnstone, William (Doug) Kinrade, Kenneth Ledingham, Christina Longstaffe, Claire McFadden, Kathleen Mealings, Zoe Moore, Mary (June) Moore, Patricia Murray, Anna Pearson, Anita Roland, Helen Romanoff, Stephen Smith, William (Don)

2 Nov 04 Adams, Edwin Ah Kuoi, Sepora Bishop, Arthur (Art) Bunce, Irene Chambers, Gordon Crawford, John Davies, Christopher

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Dorrell, Elizabeth Elwood, Edward Fraser, Peter Grice, Desmond Griffin, Patrick Heseltine, Gladys Holt, Michael Ivory, Raymond Johnstone, William (Doug) Longstaffe, Claire Mealings, Zoe Moore, Mary (June) Moore, Patricia Murray, Anna Nouata, Pa'u'iauetele (Tavita) O'Connor, Bernadette Parker, Marie Rippon, Ernest Roland, Helen Romanoff, Stephen Rossie, Dorothy Smith, Don Stokes, David Taylor, Harvey Turner, John (Dave) Woodfield, Joy Woodward, Suzanne

3 Nov 04 Ah Kuoi, Sepora Aitchison, Christina Ball, Stacey Bunce, Irene Cherry, Eileen (May) Comer, Joseph Dorrell, Elizabeth Fahey, Coral Fraser, Peter Grice, Desmond Griffin, Patrick Holt, Michael Imlay, Eli Johnstone, Doug Lucas, Keith Maclean, Doris McElwain, Norman Moore, Mary (June) Moore, Patricia Morrison, John Nouata, Pa'u'iauetele (Tavita) Parker, Marie Reed, Robert Rippon, Ernest Romanoff, Stephen Rossie, Dorothy Stokes, David Tait, Eleanor Taylor, Harvey Woodfield, Joy Woodward, Suzanne

4 Nov 04 Ah Kuoi, Sepora

Archer, Francis Banks, Robert Booker, Freeman Borrie, Ann (Nancy) Braam, Pieter Bradshaw, Maureen Brooke-Taylor, Alan Campbell-Thomas, Sarah Chappell, Sylvia Clothier, Harold Crawford, Mary Dean, Dorothy Edwards, Edna Gardiner, Margaret Goodfellow, Elvie Gover, Brian Hewitt, Joyce Konlechner, Johann Loveday, Betty Lucas, Keith Maclean, Doris Matehaere, Sonny Millar, Thomas Morrison, John Olds, Frank Park, Robert Pounsford, Robert Reed, Robert Robin-Paul, Teria Toon, Gregory

5 Nov 04 Archer, Francis Armstrong, Rev. Alan Booker, Freeman Brooke-Taylor, Alan Chappell, Sylia Comer, Joseph Currie, Maurice Denby, Ronald Dunlay, Gavin Edwards, Edna Foster, Stanley Goodfellow, Elvie Hewitt, Joyce Hogsden, John Loveday, Betty Manunui, Amos Millar, Thomas Olds, Frank Park, Robert Slater, Mavis Toon, Greg Vallance, Ralph Welford, Lydia

6 Nov 04 Armstrong, Alan Booker, Freeman Coad, Noel Dalton, Richard Denby, Ronald Edwards, Edna Fife, Cecil Foster, Stanley

Gormack, Russell Gurnsey, Faith Hall, David Hoar, Matilda Mulligan, Stephen Murphy, Seamus Oliff, Laura Pallot, June Park, Robert Patrick, Margaret (Peg) Pounsford, Robert Richards, Ruth Roberts, Ella Vallance, Ralph

8 Nov 04 Anderson, Pauline Armstrong, Alan Boylen, Albert Bradley, Mary (Molly) Campbell, Daphne Chew, Anne Collin, Mabel Colvin-Eketone, Marie Coup, Joyce Faulkner, Albert Fife, Cecil Goodwin, Maurice Gurnsey, Faith Hall, David Hobby, Veronica Lewis, Vera Mackenzie, Douglas Moore, Doris Moore, Edward Neutze, Colin Pallot, June Park, Robert (Bob) Poulsen, Peter Ritchie, George Rosewarne, Lorraine Smith, Marion Wells, Sheila Whinray, William

9 Nov 04 A'Court, Alice Anderson, Pauline Beadle, Elaine Boylen, Albert Bradley, Mary (Molly) Cameron, Wayne Campbell, Daphne Carswell, Richard Chamberlain, Ivan Collin, Mabel Colvin-Eketone, Marie Coup, Joyce Craig, Mary (Bernadette) Dalton, Richard Endacott, John Faulkner, Albert Fife, Cecil Goodman, Nancy

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Goodwin, Maurice Haughan, Myrtle Hobby, Veronica Hudson, Sylvia Lawrence, Ray Lewis, Vera Linton, Valerie Moore, Doris Moore, Edward Pallot, June Poulson, Peter Ritchie, George Rosewarne, Lorraine Shepperd, Walter Smith, Hazel Standeven, Alan Stevens, Janine

10 Nov 04 A'Court, Alice Beadle, Elaine Beswick, Rennald (Rennie) Boylen, Albert Bradley, Mary (Molly) Cameron, Wayne Campbell, Daphne Chamberlain, Ivan Chew, Anne Craig, Mary (Bernadette) Easton, Dorothy Forbes, Murray Fowler, Barbara Garsed, Timothy Goodman, Nancy Gosney, Evelyn Hobby, Veronica Hudson, Sylvia Johnsen, Anastasia Lawrence, Ray Ledingham, William Linton, Valerie Mawer, Wayne Moore, Edward O'Callaghan, Brian Pallot, June Poulsen, Peter Smith, Hazel Smith, Shirley Stevens, Janine Tinniswood, John Whinray, William Wick, Ida

11 Nov 04 A'Court, Alice Cameron, Wayne Campbell, Daphne Capell, Peter Chamberlain, Ivan Fowler, Barbara Galwey, John (Jack) Gosney, Evelyn Gunn, Alan Holley, George

Howie, Alan Kissun, Linda Lane, Leonard Mawer, Wayne Mayhew, Max Pokere, Thomas Ravenwood, Joan Stevens, Janine Tinniswood, John Wiffen, Percy

12 Nov 04 Alexander, Anne Amor, Alison Banks, Mary (Mollie) Browning, Inez Coates, Raymond Garsed, Timothy Gibbs, Thomas Green, Eric Gunn, Alan Mackenzie, Margaret (Jean) Manning, Penrhy Ravenwood, Joan Rutherford, Jean van Loenhout Whitworth, Frances Williams, Michael Wootton, Herbert (Sandy)

13 Nov 04 Alexander, Anne Amor, Alison Banks, Mary (Mollie) Browning, Inez Cameron, Arthur Clark, Henry (Roland) Coates, Raymond Donald, Avis Eyles, James Faass, Ellen (May) Farquhar, Maureen Gibbs, Thomas Gunn, Alan Howie, Alan Karaka, Alistair Lai, Binh Lane, Leonard Lee, Dorothy Mackay, William Mackenzie, Margaret (Jean) Mackrell, Edith Manning, Charles Manning, Penrhy Mansbridge, Derrick Mathieson, Gordon (Tom) Parsons, Elsie Prendeville, Albert (Terry) Ravenwood, Joan Smith, Joyce

Smith, Shirley Strettle, James) van Loenhout Watts, Rona Wear, Maurice Wick, Ida Williams, Michael Wootton, Herbert (Sandy)

15 Nov 04 Aldridge, Mary Barton, Audrey Browning, Inez Chambers, Rhoda Coates, Raymond Donald, Avis Donovan, Iris Duncan, Robert Eddy, Arthur Faass, Ellen (May) Ford, Dorothy Harrison, John Jessop, Joyce Karaka, Alistair King, Betty Lackner, Herbert Lee, Dorothy Mansbridge, Derrick Martin, Dorothy McCunn, William Norris, William Quayle, Mary Rattray, Vernon Russell, Helen (Ella) Smith, Barry Stewart, Gae Trembath, Richard (Richie) Watts, Rona Wear, Janet Wear, Maurice Whiting, Noeline Winefield, Nina

16 Nov 04 Barton, Audrey Bathgate, Frances Eddy, Arthur Faass, Ellen (May) Ford, Dorothy Grafton, Barrie King, Betty Kirner, Lyn Long, Sandy Martin, Dorothy Murphy, Edith (Mary) Newton, Pamela Olds, Duncan Owens, Gladys Reardon, Noeline Reed, Gordon Roberts, Lloyd Seaton, John Tangiaere, Nga (Charlie)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Trembath, Richard (Richie) Tupuailei, Malu van der Haven, Willem Winefield, Nina Witsey, Cleetus (Toni)

17 Nov 04 Bain, Marion (Helen) Barton, Audrey Bridgman, Christobel Brooks, Winny Chambers, Rhoda Ching, Lyndsay Eddy, Arthur Grafton, Barrie Henderson, Jason Hessey, Murray Kirner, Lyn Long, Sandy Mayo, Charles McCreanor, Fredrick (George) McMillan, Ivor Murphy, Edith (Mary) Myles, Thomas (Bill) Neate, Vera Newton, Pamela Olds, Duncan Owens, Gladys Reardon, Noeline Reed, Gordon Seaton, John Teague, Blanche van der Haven, Willem Wear, Maurice Weddell, John Wikiriwhi, Tehoia

18 Nov 04 Bain, Marion (Helen) Black, Linda Blyth, Huia Brackley, Diane Ching, Lyndsay Gray, Wyndham Hamilton, Mattie Henderson, Jason Hessey, Murray Long, Sandy Lowen, Lorraine Mayo, Charles McCreanor, Fredrick (George) McKenzie, Maymie Neate, Vera Nicholson, Donald Olds, Duncan Pannett, Roy Pearson, John Reardon, Noeline Seaton, John Smith-van der Pennen, Anne Tupuailei, Malu

Wear, Maurice Weddell, John Wikiriwhi, Tehoia Woodsford, Graeme

19 Nov 04 Barton, Audrey Black, Linda Ensor, Janet Ford, Margaret (Peg) Gardiner, Bracy Geddes, Doris Gray, Wyndham Hessey, Murray Hollander, Mark Jenks, Annie King, William Lowen, Lorraine McCreanor, Fredrick (George) Nicholson, Donald Pannett, Roy Pearson, John Shierlaw, Desmond Smith, Donald (Jim) Stacey, Frederick Stock, Margaret van Nieuwkoop, Dirk Wakeman, William (Keith) Woodsford, Graeme

20 Nov 04 Boon, Patricia Colenso, Walter (Pat) Comber, Lindsay Ede, Mary Ford, Margaret (Peg) French, Peterina (Ena) French, John (Jack) Geddes, Doris Jenks, Annie Johnson, Ronald King, William (Morris) Mather, Margaret McCarthy, Mary (Molly) McCreanor, Fredrick (George) McLintock, George (Gordie) Mitchell, Grace Morris, Russell Moulton, Gary Shierlaw, Desmond Stock, Margaret Tily, Noeline van der Zanden, Magdalena van Nieuwkoop, Dirk Wakeman, William (Keith) Whitty, Nicholas Woodsford, Graeme Yaxley, Trevor

22 Nov 04 Baxter, Alexa Colenso, Walter (Pat) Court, Giuseppina (Josie) Dickey, Margaret Ettema, Jan (John) Frost, Rosalyn (Sally) Geddes, Doris Graham, Veronica Innes, Irene (Jean) Johnson, Ronald Keenan, Doreen Kerr, Lesley Little, Beverley MacRae, Solveig Mather, Margaret McLintock, George (Gordie) Mitchell, Grace Moser, Marianne O'Brien, Clifton Roberts, Nola Simpson, Evelyn Smith, David Taylor, John (Jock) van Beek, Cornelia (Liz) van der Zanden, Magdalena Wakeman, William (Keith) Whitty, Nicholas Woolley, Stanley (Bill)

23 Nov 04 Bishop, Mary (Peggy) Browne, Noeline Colenso, Walter (Pat) Cooper, Annie Court, Giuseppina Dabinette, Dennis Doncaster, Lindsay Edwards, Pamela Ettema, Jan (John) Godinet, Taaau Graham, Veronica Johnson, Ronald Jones, Ian Jones, Lewis Little, Beverley Mather, Margaret Maxwell, Frank Miller, John Mitchell, Elizabeth (Betty) Moser, Marianne O'Brien, Clifton Patten, George Penman, Charles Pritchard, Edith Roberts, Nola Smith, David Smith, Francis Taylor, John (Jock) van Beek, Cornelia

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Liz) Whitty, Nicholas

24 Nov 04 Anderson, Kaaro Browne, Noeline Bullock, Frederick Cooper, Annie Copland, Enid Dabinette, Dennis Davie, John (Michael) Ditfort, Murray Doncaster, Lindsay Edwards, Pamela Egan, Lisbeth (Betty) Harris, Ella Jones, Ian Keenan, Doreen Love, Brian Mackenzie, George (Sandy) Mulholland, James Pritchard, Edith Proctor, Isaac Richardson, Joel Ryan, Arthur

25 Nov 04 Arthurs, Caroline Colvin, Betty Dabinette, Dennis Davie, John (Michael) Downey, Ivan Godinet, Taaau Graham, Margaret Hutton, Francis (Frank) McIlraith, John (Jack) McMillan, Ian Minifie, Rex Morse, Deryck Muddiman, Evelyn Nolan, Richard Proctor, Isaac Richardson, Joel Scott, John Shea, John Sullivan, Christina (Chrissie) Third, James Vaughan, Michael (Jack)

26 Nov 04 Arthurs, Caroline Boa, Elaine Colvin, Betty Cordery, Harold Davie, John (Michael) Graham, Margaret Hatton, Joyce Houliston, Isla Hutton, Francis McMillan, Ian Morse, Deryck

Morse, Marjorie Proctor, Ike Shea, John Smith, Gweneth Sullivan, Christina (Chrissie) Taylor, Jeffrey

27 Nov 04 Boa, Elaine Brears, Evelyn Breen, John (Jack) Campbell, Archibald Colvin, Betty Cordery, Harold Coup, Mary (Molly) Derry, Daisy Emery, Jean Gillum, Annette (Anne) Graham, Margaret Hard, Gaylene Houliston, Isla Lyne, Mary Mallard, Allan McCulloch, John McRitchie, Norman Miller, John Morse, Deryck Morse, Marjorie O'Sullivan, Anne Parekura, Taare (Chas) Pascoe, Elsie Richardson, Dorothy Robertson, Malcolm Ross, Geoffrey Shea, John Spearing, Irene Turnbull, David Wright, Murray

29 Nov 04 Beck, Ernest Brears, Evelyn Breen, John Bynion, Roger Campbell, Archibald Curle, Evelyn Cusack, Elaine Derry, Daisy Fitzgerald, Bryan (Brother Eulogius) Hard, Gaylene Harris, Cherry Hart, Garry Hawkes, Neil Henderson, May Hodnett, Daisy Howarth, Richard (Bruce) Marsden, Raymond McCulloch, John Morse, Deryck O'Connor, Mary (Sister Antonita) Pascoe, Elsie

Roberts, Doreen Ross, Geoffrey Shea, John Slape, Thomas Smith, Mervyn Smith, Norman Stephens, Jane Stevens, Hannah (Rosena) Thomas, Gordon (Rev.) Todd, Ethel (Mavis) von Tunzelmann, Valerie Wood, Colin Wright, Jill Wright, Murray

30 Nov 04 Austin, Suzanne Baker, Barbara Brears, Evelyn Brown, Mary Burt, Bryan Butcher, Ronald Bynion, Roger Cordery, Harold Curle, Evelyn Cusack, Elaine Fitzgerald, Bryan (Brother Eulogius) Goodall, Stan Haggitt, D'arcy Howarth, Richard (Bruce) Kelly, Anne Kemp, Chantelle Lawrey, John McLaughlin, Dulcie O'Reagan, Kathleen Patrick, Susan Rees, Judith Riley, Margaret Seuseu Salu, Amosa Simpson, John Smith, Desmond Smith, Mervyn Smith, Norman Stephens, Jane Stevens, Hannah (Rosena) Sutherland, Jane Todd, Ethel (Mavis) Turnbull, David von Tunzelmann, Valerie Wood, Colin Wright, Jill

1 Dec 04 Armstrong, Barbara Austin, Suzanne Barker, Norman Beker, Rosemary Boa, Elaine Burson, Jean Burt, Bryan

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Bynion, Roger Dorn, Elsie (Bette) Falconer, Ronald Fitzgerald, Bryan (Peter) Gallant, Marjorie Gaylor, Amy Goodall, Stan Greig, Robin Gulliver, Robert Hardaker, Clayton Harris, Cherry Lawrey, John Moffat, Eileen O'Regan, Kathleen Pearson, Nina Pope, Valerie Powell, Elizabeth Riley, Margaret Sarchet, Adam Seuseu Salu, Amosa Simpson, John Stephens, Jane Thomas, Terence (Terry) White, Murray Wright, Jill

2 Dec 04 Barker, Norman Beker, Rosemary Butcher, Ronald Deed, Isabel Dorn, Elsie (Bette) Falconer, Ronald Fox, Albert Gaylor, Amy Gorton, Harold Haggitt, D'arcy Hardaker, Reginald (Clayton) Jolliffe, Marion (Pat) Kearns, Aureen Kemp, Chantelle Lawrey, John Peter, Leicester Phelan, Darren Powell, Elizabeth Richards, Colin Riley, Margaret Rowse, Shaun Sarchet, Adam Small, George Tucker, May Ward, Leslie

3 Dec 04 Barnes, Warwick Beker, Rose Costelloe, Patrick Deed, Isabel England, Frank Forshaw, Eileen Glenn, Raimer Greenwood, Olive Holstein, Frances

(Winnie) Joliffe, Marion (Pat) Kearns, Aureen Kemp, Chantelle Kennedy, William (Vern) Lawler, James (Jim) Little, Roger Peter, Leicester Phelan, Darren Pule, Mafi Richards, Colin Rowse, Shaun Tucker, May Ward, Leslie White, Florence

4 Dec 04 Barnes, Warwick Boa, Elaine Broadfoot, Thelma Burnside, Warwick Chaney, Herbert Coates, Pete co*ckerill, Peggy Collis-Williams, Shawn Costelloe, Patrick Cowell, Robert Doody, Ann England, Frank Forshaw, Eileen Foster, Freda Fox, Albert Glenn, Raimer Greenwood, Olive Hill, Robert Holstein, Frances (Winnie) Jolliffe, Marion (Pat) Kennedy, William (Vern) Kirner, Beverly Lawler, James Little, Roger Livingstone, Alice Mather, George (Roy) McConnell, Kenneth Meikle, Amy Ngatai, TeHauata (Jimmy) Noonan, Stanley (Ray) Phelan, Darren Pule, Mafi Richards, Colin Sapau Tuato, Silivelio Sinclair, Edna Stratford, Cyril Stratford, Wayne Strickland, Maraea Taylor, John Tucker, May Wang, Zuo Whibley, John (Noel) Whittle, Ethel (Joycelyn) Willis, Lancelot


6 Dec 04 Chaney, Herbert co*ker, Ewen Collis-Williams, Shawn Cowell, Robert Crosado, Mona Doody, Ann Dunn, Maurice Gates, Lorna Goffin, John Groom, Vera Hair, William Harford, Warwick Hill, Robert Hodgson, Dorothy Hoult, Linda Joliffe, Marion (Pat) Kirner, Beverly Klever, Johannes (John) Leaman, Florence Little, Roger Loxley, Kenneth Mather, George (Roy) McCallum, Neil Morton, Jean Noonan, Stanley (Ray) Perelini, Malaea Phelan, Darren Quinn, John Roberts, Phyllis Scown, Douglas Scully, Michael (Fred) Sheils, William Smith, Frederick Taylor, John Tuailemafua, Fuavea Whibley, John (Noel) White, Agnes (Pearl) Williams, Walter Willis, Lancelot (Lance)

7 Dec 04 Biehler, Alan Brand, Jack Danielson, John Dodge, Cecile Dunn, Maurice Earl, Allan Garrett, Wilfred (Roy) Goffin, John Hair, William Harrison, Florence Hill, Marion Hill, Robert Hoskin, John Hoult, Linda Hubley, Maryellen Hunter, Nola McAusland, Noeline (Peggy) McGrath, John Morton, Jean

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Nation, Gordon Quinn, John Robb, Alexander Ryan, Archie Scown, Douglas Scully, Michael (Fred) Shipley, George Sinclair, Gloria Sutton, John Tapper, Ngaire Watson, William (Peter) White, Agnes (Pearl)

8 Dec 04 Berryman, Alf Biehler, Alan Braam, Michael Brand, Jack Bydder, Joyce Clarke, Basil Craig, Thomas Dron, Patricia Earl, Allan Everett, Valerie Fearn, Stanley Fraser, Donald Garrett, Wilfred (Roy) Gaskell, Len Gibson, William Gourdie, William Gray, Margaret Harris, Walter (Bill) Harrison, Florence Hayden, Lloyd Hill, Jean Isbister, David Jones, Violet Klever, Johannes (John) McAusland, Noeline (Peggy) McGrath, John Nation, Gordon Owens, Jean Phelan, Darren Prentice, Anne Pye, Jimsie Richards, Joyce Riley, Jean Robb, Alexander Ryan, Archie (Bruce) Shipley, George Sinclair, Edna Sisson, Ngaire Sprenger, Jean Strange, Graham Sutton, John Sweney, Ruby Tapper, Ngaire Terrill, Ellen Watson, William (Peter) Waugh, Ethel

9 Dec 04

Beaven, Thomas (Harry) Braam, Michael Cashman, Michael (Father) Craig, Thomas (TD) Davidson, Lois Everett, Valerie Fraser, Donald Gaskell, Len Gibson, William Gourdie, William Gray, Margaret Hamer, Dr Ronald Hayden, Lloyd Hocken, Geoffrey Jones, Violet Larkin, Denis Patterson, Christina (Annie) Pimley, Constance Pye, Jimsie Sisson, Ngaire Spurway, Florence Strange, Graham Sweney, Ruby Valele, Malia Whitnall, Bruce

10 Dec 04 Baker, Dorothy Ching, Annie Clarke, Meg Clementson, William (Vern) Ellis, Hazel Everett, Valerie Goodall, Effie Harris, James James, Thelma Kihi, Martin King, Kenneth Maranesi, Helen McCarthy, Annette McFarlane, Robert Parker, Dorothy Paterson, Ivan (Doug) Patterson, Christina (Annie) Sisson, Ngaire Spurway, Florence Valele, Malia Whiteley, James (Jim) Whitnall, Bruce

11 Dec 04 Baird, James Bryant, Annie (Nan) Burn, Nole Burrows, Mary Campbell, Colin Ching, Annie Clarke, Meg Clementson, William (Vern) Dixon, Winifred

Flood, Cecil (Bob) Gill, Colin Higgins, Aileen Hocken, Geoffrey Hoskin, John Johnstone, Dorothy Kihi, Martin Larkin, Denis Manning, Gladis Maranesi, Helen Matheson, Leone McFarlane, Robert McKenzie, Joyce (Joy) Poore, Lucille Ross, Ron Simpson, William Soder, Kathleen Warfield, Linda White, Cecil Whiteley, James Whitnall, Bruce

13 Dec 04 Baird, James Bannister, George (Des) Barnett, Nettie Barr, David Benny, Thomas (Ralph) Burrowes, Mary Ching, Annie Dixon, Winifred Flavell, James Greenwood, Bessie Gregory, Joan Griffin, Francis (Frank) Harkness, Edna Hoskin, John Jones, Joan Lange, Gavin (Sam) Manchester, Allan Matheson, Leone McKenzie, Joyce (Joy) Nicholls, George Parsons, Sheila Patterson, Bruce Poore, Lucille Roe, Allan Soder, Kathleen Swadel, George Syme, Alan Taylor, Norma Teahen, Mary (Helen) Turner, Marshall (Steve) Vanson, Johannes (Joe) Watts, Keith Whiteley, James

14 Dec 04 Barkman, Gladys Barnett, Nettie Barr, David Benny, Thomas

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (259)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Ralph) Berrington, David Collison, Isabella Croudis, Betty Dando, Annie (Peg) Davies, Anne Gray, Anna Gregory, Joan Guthrie, Sau Lan Jones, Joan King, Berenice Lange, Gavin (Sam) Lovegrove, Trevor O'Callaghan, Jane Parker, Dorothy Parsons, Sheila Patterson, Bruce Richards, Janice (Jan) Shillito, Dylan Simpson, William Swadel, George Syme, Alan Taylor, Norma Thawley, Ruth Turner, Alvena Turner, Marshall (Steve) Turton, Arthur Weir, Jim

15 Dec 04 Barkman, Gladys Barr, David Burn, Noel Busby, Doreen Croudis, Betty Dacombe, Rex Davies, Anne Fear, Jessie George, Helen (Peggy) Goodwin, Valmae Greenwood, Bessie Grogan, Lyn Gunn, Derek Hanright, Olive Ingram, Alan Lammas, Eileen Lovegrove, Trevor Macfarlane, Judith Manchester, Allan Moran, Terence O'Callaghan, Jane (Gwen) Parker, Dorothy Patterson, Bruce Reynolds, Dolores Richards, Janice (Jan) Shillito, Dylan Thompson, Kay Turner, Alvena Turner, Marshall (Steve) Turner, William (Ross) Watson, Anna (Jean) Weir, Jim

White, Cecil Williman, Alan

16 Dec 04 Algar, Kenneth Boyd, David Busby, Doreen Caselberg, Anna Dacombe, Rex Fear, Jessie Grogan, Lynne Gunn, Derek Hanright, Olive Mackway-Jones, Alan Martin, Warwick Milne, Mary Nancarrow, Jocelyn Paterson, Evelyn (Eva) Pierson, Cassie Reynolds, Dolores Richards, Janice Scott, Lloyd (Scotty) Sherratt, Annette (Nan) Shillito, Dylan Smith, Geoffrey Tuioneata, Josaia Walklin, Clive (Bill) Watson, Anna (Jean)

17 Dec 04 Busby, Doreen Flanagan, Lella Goodwin, Valmae Heather, Donald Iwikau, Toro (Jim) Lange, Frederick (Bryant) Liggett, Irene Martin, Warwick McGregor, George Nancarrow, Jocelyn Poulter, Robert Shadbolt, Edwin Shillito, Dylan Tuioneata, Josaia Turvey, William (Jack) Williman, Alan Winslade, Claire

18 Dec 04 Allen, Maureen Arnold, Joan Arnott, Ronald Austen, Brian Brown, Shirley Butters, William Clemett, Lynton Cox, William Fancourt, Frances Flanagan, Lella Hanna, Michael Heather, Donald Heine, Martha Heward, Maisie (Mary) Hogan, Ethel (Mollie)

Johnston, Alan Lange, Frederick (Bryant) Lawn, Jeannette Liggett, Irene Mawhinney, David McGregor, George McIntyre, Kathleen McMillan, Peter Meikle, Bruce Melhuish, Edna Milne, Mary Murchison, Rachel Nolan, Bernard Pierson, Cassie Pluck, Robina (Ruby) Poulter, Robert Readman, Raymond Richards, Daniel Romeril, Thelma (Nan) Rumble, Elizabeth (Pam) Seaton, Margaret Shadbolt, Edwin Urquhart, Geraldine (Renie) Winslade, Claire

20 Dec 04 Aitken, Erica Allen, Maureen Arnott, Ronald Austen, Brian Benjamin, Richard Bisseker, Esme Black, Eric Brown, Shirley Buckman, Robina (Olive) Butters, William Christmas, George Clemett, Lynton Cox, William Dowker, Raymond Duncan, Faith Flanagan, Lella Giles, Judith Hermansson, Loren Hill, Eileen Hoatten, Ivan Joynt, Margaret Kars, Inez Key, Rodina (Ena) Mawhinney, David McCloy, Dorothy (Joan) Meikle, Bruce Melhuish, Edna Milne, Mary Murray, Marie Nauer, Anton Pinn, Henry Ramsay, William Readman, Raymond Richards, Daniel Rumble, Elizabeth

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (260)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Pam) Stevenson, Ngaire Tainui, Louis Welch, Cindy

21 Dec 04 Austen, Brian Ballantyne, Anne Benjamin, Richard Bisseker, Esme Black, Eric Brown, Andrew Buckman, Robina (Olive) Christmas, George Ditfort, Theo Dowker, Raymond (Ray) George, John Hermansson, Loren Hillier, Leicester Hoatten, Ivan Horton, Beryl Johnson, Myra Joynt, Margaret Jury, Matthew (Joe) Kars, Inez Mawhinney, David McCloy, Dorothy (Joan) Murray, Marie Nauer, Anton Overy, Dorothea Readman, Raymond Robb, Elizabeth Stevenson, Ngaire Stott, Beryl Symon, Ricky Trethewey, Allan Welch, Cindy

22 Dec 04 Armstrong, John Benjamin, Richard Betts, Alistair Black, Eric Clemett, Lynton Dearsley, Denise (Nesie) Fraser, William George, John Gibbs, Margaret Gin, Eric Hillier, Leicester Jamieson, Marcia Mackenzie, Ian Mannington, Hector (Grant) Murray, Marie Nauer, Anton Nicholl, Barbara Parker, John Prinsep, Pamela Robb, Elizabeth Sheehan, Robert (Dick)

Smith, Ruth Stevens, Margaret Stevenson, Colin Stott, Beryl Trethewey, Allan Walklin, Clive (Bill) Welch, Cindy Williams, Toni Worthington, Douglas

23 Dec 04 Betts, Alistair Brooks, Audrey Bullock, Nyra Cains, George Campbell, Paul Corner, Brenda Grant, Ferguson Greenaway, Allen Greenhalgh, Allison Hatch, Rosa Jamieson, Marcia Kerr, Cecil Lui, Maria Madden, Robert McDonald, Meta Muir, Walter Nauer, Anton Newell, Flora Nicholl, Barbara Parsons, Mary (Molly) Ryan, Marie Sheehan, Robert (Dick) Stevens, Margaret Stevenson, Colin Thirkell, Onslow Thomson, Harry Trethewey, Allan Walker, Martin Welch, Cindy Worthington, Douglas

24 Dec 04 Anson, Kenneth Boot, Murray Bulman, Margaret (Moreen) Corner, Brenda Grant, Ferguson Greenhalgh, Allison Greenhalgh, Eileen Hudson, Trevor Lightfoot, Athol Madden, Robert McDonald, Meta Morris, Brian Muir, Walter Newdick, Donald Newell, Flora Parker, John Parr, Jack Prinsep, Pamela Richardson, Marama (Ruth) Scully, Keith

Stafford, Rangi (Marie) Thomson, Harry Walker, Martin

27 Dec 04 Anson, Kenneth Bailey, Elizabeth Bloxham, Margaret (Peg) Brown, Philip (Bert) Bullock, Joan Butler, Lindsay Clegg, Keith Corner, Brenda Cunneen, Jason de Breuk, Johanna (Han) Gillespie, Melville Gleeson, Doreen Greenhalgh, Allison Greenhalgh, Eileen Halligan, Joyce Holmes, Ruby (Bobbie) Hudson, Trevor Jalouq, Akef Jemmett, Ida Jones, Jane (Lil) King, Raymond (Ray) Kinnis, Allan Lucas, John McCormick, Kerry McCusker, Neil McDonald, Meta Murray, John Newdick, Donald Parr, Jack Peaco*ck, Hutton Pegrum, Edwin Reid, Elizabeth Richardson, Marama (Ruth) Scott, Noel Stack, Mairie Thompson, George Turner, Ellen (Margaret) Walker, Jessie

28 Dec 04 Abraham, Monica Affleck, Malvern Bagley, Kenneth Beauchamp, Henry (Harry) Bloxham, Margaret (Peg) Boot, Murray Bulman, Margaret (Moreen) Clegg, Keith Corner, Brenda Cunneen, Jason Flood, Bernard (Kevin) Gillespie, Melville Gleeson, Doreen

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (261)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Haig, Trevor Hudson, Trevor King, Raymond Lawn, Ross Low, Patricia (Wendy) McCausland, Joan McDonald, Meta Murray, John Peaco*ck, Hutton Reid, Elizabeth Richardson, Marama (Ruth) Rosewarne, Joyce Sandrey, Walter (Tony) Skeats, George Spencer, Betty Stack, Mairie Stafford, Rangi (Marie) Stewart, John Sullivan, Trevor Thompson, George Turner, Ellen (Margaret) Walker, Jessie Walker, Martin Watson, Hilda Wilding, Wayne Young, Cameron

29 Dec 04 Abraham, Monica Bagley, Kenneth Beauchamp, Henry (Harry) Black, Lesley Bloxham, Margaret (Peg) Brookland, Stanley Busch, John Butler, Lindsay Cornelius, Thomas Dodds, Kathleen Finiki, Opetaia Flood, Bernard (Kevin) Gillespie, Melville Gleeson, Doreen Haig, Trevor Hibbs, Arthur Howie, Barbara Hudson, Trevor King, Raymond Lawn, Ross Lightfoot, Athol Mackenzie, Joyce McCausland, Joan Newcombe, Clare Peaco*ck, Hutton Reid, Elizabeth Richardson, Marama (Ruth) Rosewarne, Joyce Sandrey, Walter (Tony) Spencer, Betty Stewart, John

Sullivan, Trevor Thompson, George Turner, Ellen (Margaret) Watson, Hilda Whillams, Thyrza Wickes, Ian Wilding, Wayne

30 Dec 04 Abraham, Monica Allanson, Keith Barkle, Norman Beauchamp, Henry (Harry) Bland, William Busch, John Bush, Alan (A. J.) Cornelius, Thomas D'Arcy, Michael Finiki, Opetaia Gieseler, Geoffrey Hall, Lilian Hibbs, Arthur Howie, Barbara Jones, Simon Kennedy, Malcolm Lawn, Ross Lomas, Kathleen (Kay) McCausland, Joan McKinlay, James Morris, Marie Reid, Elizabeth Rosewarne, Joyce Smith, Patricia (Lo) Spencer, Betty Tuilaepa, Faaiuga Wickes, Ian Wiffin, Jean Wilding, Wayne

31 Dec 04 Bennett, Roy Busch, John Bush, Alan (A. J.) Cottier, Francis Dampier, Gilbert D'Arcy, Michael Davies, John Ellis, Edith Gieseler, Geoffrey Glass, Walter Harland, Evelyn (Dorothy) Higgs, Peter Howie, Barbara Marshall, Marie Meares, Wyndham Morris, Marie Pfankuch, Rev'd Lester Powell, Graham Smith, George Tregoning, Arnold Tucker, June Tuilaepa, Faaiuga

Whillans, Thyrza


1 Jan 05 Abraas, Ronald Benjamin, Marjorie Bland, William Burrow, Kenneth Callaghan, Ian Dampier, Gilbert Evans, Julia (June) Fulton, Michael Glass, Walter Harland, Evelyn (Dorothy) Iverach, Mona McKinnon, Carol Muir, Neville Newberry-Johnson, May Pfankuch, Revd Lester Raymond, Oskar Russell, Alie Smith, George Sutherland, Selina (Maud) Sykes, Joyce Thompson, Revd Father Thomas (Kevin) Tucker, June Wiffin, Jean

3 Jan 05 Andrews, Isabella Bradley, David (Tom) Breach, Clarence Brumby, Marjorie (Madge) Cheyne, Leonard Cox, Leonard Evans, Julia Feldbrugge, Valda Fraser, Gar Fulton, John (Michael) Glass, Walter Jackson, Mary Johnston, Bruce Kennedy, Daphne Kinney, Patrick (Leo)

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (262)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Leary, Rev. Gordon Macdonald, Colleen McGuigan, Patrick McKerchar, Diane McVeagh, Janet Meares, Wyndham Mitchell, Boswell Moon, Edgar Nicolson, Brent Northey, Janette Smith, George Slattery, James Tregoning, Arnold Tweed, Maddison and Candice Varley, Olive Whillans, Thyrza Whitehouse, Rhona

4 Jan 05 Aitken, Ian Brady, Bernadette (May) Broadway, Daphne Cheyne, Leonard Evans, Julia (June) Fulton, John (Michael) Gibson, Raymond Graham, Barbara Hall, Eileen Holland, Cyril Hooper, Ginny Johnston, Ellen Kevern, Edwin King, Kyle Kinney, Patrick (Leo) Leary, Rev. Gordon McAtamney, Barbara (Jocelyn) McGuigan, Patrick McKeever, Patricia Meares, Wyndham Mitchell, Bos Moon, Edgar Naughton, Paul Ritchie, James Robinson, Gloria Simms, James Slattery, James Sullivan, Michael Swanney, Susan Sykes, Joyce Tweed, Maddison and Candice Walsh, Daniel Whitehouse, Rhonda Williams, Emily Wright, Grahame

5 Jan 05 Aitken, Ian Bathurst, Anthony Bradley, David (Tom) Broadway, Daphne Cleave, Margaret Cox, Leonard Dampier, Gilbert Feldbrugge, Val Gibson, Raymond

Gifford, John Glass, Walter Graham, Barbara Hamilton, Kimberly Harden, John Heney, Lindsay Hewitt-Clement, Jo Holland, Bill Hooper, Ginny Johnston,Ellen Kennedy, Daphne Kevern, Edwin King, Kyle Kinney, Patrick Kinzett, Kenneth LeGros, Wellesley Martin, Betty (Lilian) McAtamney, Barbara (Jocelyn) McKerchar, Diane Morrison, Wendy Nasmyth, Alan Naughton, Paul Ritchie, James Robertson, Eileen Robinson, Gloria Ruru-Stokes, Trase Slattery, James Smith, George Smith, Jean Stewart, Glenys Sullivan, Michael Sutherland, Selina (Maud) Tweed, Maddison and Candice Ward, Ernest Weekes, Wilma

6 Jan 05 Bain, Christine Beaton, James Gaynor, Garrett (Garry) Harden, John James, Clive (Sid) Kennedy, Daphne Luscombe, Raymond McPhail, Ian Monk, Neville Nelson, Anthony Nicolson, Brent Nolan, Anthony Norrie, Roy Park, Ngaire Pope, Myra Renney, Annie (Mary) Robertson, Eileen Robinson, Gloria Sladen, Jocelyn Taumanu, Waru Taylor, Gordon Tuhua, Kathleen Wasley, Gladys

7 Jan 05 Bain, Christine

Beaton, James Gaynor, Garrett (Garry) Harden, John James, Clive (Sid) Kennedy, Daphne Luscombe, Raymond McPhail, Ian Monk, Neville Nelson, Anthony Nicolson, Brent Nolan, Anthony Norrie, Roy Park, Ngaire Pope, Myra Renney, Annie (Mary) Robertson, Eileen Robinson, Gloria Sladen, Jocelyn Taumanu, Waru Taylor, Gordon Tuhua, Kathleen Wasley, Gladys

8 Jan 05 Badger, Ronald Bain, Christine Beaton, James Carswell, Susan (Rosemary) Croose, Constance de Bont, Johanna (Annie) Debenham, Charles Dixon, Eileen Dwyer, Joyce Fleet, Olvie Gaynor, Garrett (Garry) Gibson, Betty Hamlin, Elaine Harrison, Raymond Holcombe, Pamela James, Clive (Sid) Kemp, David McPhail, Ian Mehrtens, Ivy Monk, Neville Morton, William Nolan, Anthony Norman, Lucy (Mamie) Norrie, Roy Oliver, Elsie (Leisha) Phillips, Katherine Pope, Myra Readman, Kenneth Ruru-Stokes, Trase Sladen, Jocelyn Sowman, Lance Standen, Maree Sutherland, Charles Taylor, Gordon Terry, Eileen (Mary) Tuhua, Kathleen Woods, Patricia

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (263)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


10 Jan 05 Aldridge, Hugh Badger, Ronald Carswell, Susan (Rosemary) Debenham, Charles Dwyer, Joyce Findlay, James Gaynor, Garrett (Garry) Hall, Ronald (Trevor) Hamlin, Elaine Harrison, Raymond Holcombe, Pamela Humm, Maurice Irvine, Aubrey James, Clive (Sid) Kemp, David Lethbridge, Margery Lonergan, John Mathias, Thelma McNally, Raymond (Joe) Mehrtens, Ivy Morris, David (John) Morton, William Moses, Ngaire Pope, Myra Purdom, Doug Readman, Kenneth Rothera, Ralph Rust, Betty Ryan, Thaddeus Scoon, Zita (Doreen) Stuart, Terence Taylor, Robin Whitford, Barbara

11 Jan 05 Canton, Coralie Cooper, Margaret (Peg) Findlay, James Fulton, John (Michael) Gregson, Kathleen Hamlin, Elaine Harrison, Raymond Hawker, John James, Clive (Sid) King, Kyle Laing, Olive Lethbridge, Margery Maddock, John Mathias, Thelma McCall, Hugh Miller, Leonard Morris, David (John) Peren, Nicholas Purdom, Douglas Rothera, Ralph Scoon, Zita (Doreen) Sinclair, Lesley Stewart, James Stuart, Terence

Thomas, Kenneth Weir, Keitha Welch, Andrew and Belinda Whitford, Barbara

12 Jan 05 Bartram, Frederick Bovill, Avey Cairns, Joan Clydesdale, Len Cookson, Arthur Eaton, Joan Folley, Richard Gray, Joan Gregson, Kathleen Hall, Ronald (Trevor) Hawker, John Hocking, David James, Clive (Sid) King, Kyle Maddock, John Malcolm, Ashley McCall, Hugh Moore, Rubina (Robin) Morris, David (John) Purdom, Douglas Sowman, Lance Thaine, Barbara Thomas, Kenneth Weir, Keitha

13 Jan 05 Bovill, Avey Bryson, Verna Burrows, George Butson, Jack and Samuel Clarkson, Bernard Eaton, Joan Ferris, Janice Fleete, Leicester Frampton, Averil (Peg) Gribbin, John Halkett, Emma Hocking, David Johnston, Robert (Noel) King, Kyle Leitch, George McCall, Hugh Penny, Ruth Renz, Marie Sauer, Ida Thomas, Kenneth Watson, Margaret Weir, Keitha

14 Jan 05 Bovill, Avey Brierley, Isobel Bromell, John Cohen, Desmond Cummings, Eileen

Egan, John (Jack) Fleete, Leicester Frampton, Averil (Peg) Griffiths, Molly Lowe, Mildred (Milly) Maaka, Louise (Tangi) Martin, Graham McCall, Hugh Tyson, Mary Watson, Margaret Waugh, Doreen

15 Jan 05 Bowden, Phyllis Bromell, John Brosnan, Gregory Burke, Orton (Noel) Cairns, Joan Corps, Alastair Cummings, Eileen Gray, Joan Hoddy, Peter Jacobs, Malcolm Jenkins, Dolce Johnston, Robert (Noel) Kinsman, Eric Lawson, Agnes (Betty) Lowe, Mildred

(Milly) Martin, Graham Penman, Jim Powell, Lyndsay Schimanski, Leslie Sowman, Lance Stapleforth, Stella Stewart, Eileen Tyson, Mary Waugh, Doreen Welch, Belinda and Andrew Wiesner, Raymond

17 Jan 05 Anae Ah Sue-Roberts, Teresia Angland, Rev. Fr Desmond Burke, Orton (Noel) Chalmers, Audrey Clark, Geoffrey Cooke, Catherine Ellison, Edward (Boyd) Fitzpatrick, Isobel Hall, Kathleen Holden, Philip Jenkins, Dolce Keast, Gerald Kinsman, Eric Melican, Kathleen Miller, Frances Moore, Murray

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (264)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Morgan, Glyn Parris, Ray Patchett, Jacqueline Penman, Jim Powell, Lyndsay Restall, Launa Scantlebury, Lester (Deryk) Shirlow, Margaret Stapleforth, Stella Stare, Henry Tyson, Mary Waugh, Doreen Williams, Tilly Woolley, Alison

18 Jan 05 Ashby, Brownie Beddows, Dorothy Chalmers, Audrey Chamberlain, Irene Clark, Geoffrey Cooke, Catherine Eager, Britney Fitzpatrick, Isobel Hammond, Keith Hanco*ck, Anthony (Hank) Holden, Philip Keast, Gerald Lauchlan, Isabel Lawn, Raymond Lawry, Stanley McArthur, Christabel McIntyre, Samuel Palmer, Neville Reid, Norman Restall, Launa Scantlebury, Lester (Deryk) Shirlow, Margaret Smith, Noeline Sprott, Oswald Stapleforth, Stella Stare, Henry Sutherland, Bruce Trembath, Mavis (May) Turnbull, Albert (Br. Clement) Walsh, Edward Wells, Beryl Winter, Molly

19 Jan 05 Adams, Robin Anae Ah Sue- Roberts, Teresia Ashby, Brownie Burrell, Noel Chamberlain, Irene Clarkson, Paula Comer, Rita de Luze, Baron Fowler, Rev Fr

Warren Gentry, Kenneth (Roger) Gilmour, Lewis Groves, David Guyton, Dorothy Heaton, Sybil Jacobs, Malcolm Lauchlan, Isobel Lintott, Graeme McArthur, Christabel Miller, Frances Nagel, Julie Palmer, Neville Reardon, Mabel Rose, Billie Sprott, Oswald Stapleforth, Joyce Stewart, Janice Stojanovic, Milivoj (Michael) Toogood, Margaret Trembath, Mavis (May) Walker, Ray Walsh, Edward Wells, Beryl White, Donald Whiteford, Lois Williams, Tilly Winter, Molly

20 Jan 05 Birss, Shane Burns, Ronald (John) Burrell, Noel Chamberlain, Irene Clarkson, Paula Days, Frank Ellens, Patricia Ford, Stephen Fowler, Rev Fr Warren Griffiths, Mary Hamlyn, Avonel Harris, Donald Herrick, Gillian Jones, Jean Lawn, Raymond Lintott, Graeme McKie, James Palmer, Neville Reardon, Mabel Steel, Alfred (Norm) Stevenson, George Stojanovic, Milivoj (Michael) Walsh, Edward Weaver, Garth

21 Jan 05 Allen, Chantelle Andersen, Bill Berryman, Elaine Burns, Ronald

(John) Cameron, Judith Chamberlain, Irene Clarkson, Paula Days, Frank Ferry, Ethel Francis, Muriel (Vonne) Greaves, Doris Griffiths, Mary Hamlyn, Avonel Heaton, Sybil Jackson, Ina Jensen, Patricia (Patsy) Kingsbury, Penelope McKie, James McLean, William Mori, Laurence Murphy, Patrick Nagel, Julie Patrick, Roger Porter, Brian Reardon, Mabel Schmack, Vincent Stapleforth, Joyce Steel, Alfred (Norm) Stewart, Marjorie Stewart, Monica Taylor, Gary Toogood, Margaret Weaver, Garth Wright, Helen

22 Jan 05 Allen, Chantelle Andrews, Anthony Berryman, Elaine Birss, Shane Bourne, Jeanie Burns, Ronald (John) Cameron, Judith Carpenter, Dulcie Clarke, Clement Clarkson, Paula Currey, Kenneth Francis, Muriel (Vonne) Greaves, Doris Harley, Kathleen Hart, Tommy Hawkins, Margaret (Margo) Hunt, Pearl Jackson, Ina James, Malcolm Jones, Jean Karaitiana, Ihakara (William) Kingsbury, Penelope Long, Olive Marshall, Wilfred McCartney, James (Stan)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McFerran-Sukkar, Lisa McLean, William Merrifield, Jeanene Mori, Laurence Murphy, Patrick Porter, Brian Prentice, Evelyn Reardon, Richard Reid, Ann Schmack, Vincent Stewart, Marjorie Stewart, Monica Telfer, William (Steve) Walker, Ray Watts, Mary Weaver, Garth Wiesner, Raymond Wright, Helen

24 Jan 05 Allen, Chantelle Allen, Chantelle Andrews, Anthony Barry, Joyce Beardmore, Margaret Beukenholdt, Trijntje (Tini) Bird, Iris Birss, Shane Boardman, Josephine Campbell, Isla Carey, Leslie Chatterton, Stanley Crocker, Robert Darling, William Dennis, Rona Dunn, Joan Eason, Fredrick (George) Ferry, Ethel Finnie, Ian Floras, Piotr (Peter) Greig, Bernard Hancox, Gary Hansen, Lois Hunt, Pearl Karaitiana, Ihakara (William) Kingsbury, Penelope Knowles, Mervyn Long, Olive Marshall, Wilfred McCartney, James (Stan) McDougall, Shirley McLean, Muriel Murphy, Patrick Payne, Kenneth Perry, Thomas (Ian) Prentice, Evelyn Roberts, Elida (Lila)

Scott, Kevin Shepherd, Edna Smith, Helen Stewart, William Webb, Lorna

25 Jan 05 Allen, Chantelle Andrews, Anthony Barry, Joyce Baucke, Elizabeth Begg, Leslie Beukenholdt, Trijntje (Tini) Boardman, Josephine Carey, Leslie Chatterton, Stanley (Bert) Crocker, Robert Darling, William Dennis, Rona Floras, Piotr (Peter) Gale, Jan Gibson, James Hancox, Gary Hansen, Lois Kerr, Beatrice McDonnell, Veronica Nicholl, Wilfred (Bill) Ovisa, Josefa Paahi, Te Koata Payne, Kenneth Perry, Thomas (Ian) Roberts, Elida (Lila) Scott, Kevin Shepherd, Edna Stobart, Gordon Taylor, Maudie Telfer, William Webb, Lorna

26 Jan 05 Anderson, John Bartos. Barbara Beets, Russell Birss, Shane Bligh, Derek Bradshaw, Audrey Campbell, Isla Carter, Jewel Dunn, Joan Ford, Edith Fraser, Nellie Gibson, James Hansen, Lois Hemingway, Elvena Hunter, Valerie Johnson, Graham Matheson, Marguerita (Maureen) McDonnell, Veronica (Vera)

Neilson, June Ovisa, Josefa Paahi, Te Koata Pearl, Rosina Perry, Thomas (Ian) Rice, Averill Rondel, Dorothy (Glory) Scott, Kevin Stobart, Gordon Sullivan, Andrea (Val) Telfer, William (Steve) ten Hove, Kay Thompson, Shirley Weir, Thomas

27 Jan 05 Bligh, Derek Bradshaw, Audrey Butterfield, Patricia Carter, Jewel Curry, Bruce Dawson, Kenneth Evison, Frank Fraser, Nellie Hemingway, Elvena Hughes. Graham Hunter, Valerie Maisey, Gilbert McGregor, Hector McKay, Angus Neilson, June Ovisa, Josefa Rondel, Dorothy (Glory) Simmonds, Joyce Smyth, Ellen Sprott, Neil ten Hove, Kay Thompson, Shirley Welbeloved, Vivienne (Audy) Wilson, George Winter, Christopher

28 Jan 05 Bligh, Derek Carter, Jewel Chandler, Raymond Cullen, Neil Hassall, Walter (Rex) Hemingway, Elvena Ledgerwood, Hazel (Melva) Maisey, Gilbert McGregor, Hector McKay, Angus Murdoch, John Neilson, June Pooley, William Rigby-O'Brien, Juliette Rondel, Dorothy

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Glory) Smyth, Ellen Thomsen, Birgit Tyson, Noreen White, Catherine (Jean) Wilson, George Winter, Christopher

29 Jan 05 Ackroyd, Neville Barry, John Besant, James Campbell, Olive Cullen, Neil Currie, Lloyd Evison, Frank Foley, Maika Hassall, Walter (Rex) Hughes. Graham Jacobs, Muriel Merrin, Roger Mooney, Annie (Nancy) Murdoch, John Pooley, William Rice, Averill Richards, Toby Rigby-O'Brien, Juliette Schober, Hugo Tantrum, Daphne Welbeloved, Vivienne (Audy)

1 Feb 05 Ackroyd, Neville Barry, John Besant, James Brokenshire, Noeline Brough, Finn Brown, Polly Bryant, Victor Cleland, James Cullen, Neil Daly, Robert Fisher, John Foley, Maika Gould, Christina Gould, Francis Gould, Graham Harlow, Edwin (Ted) Hayco*ck, Margaret (Peg) Hughes, Graham Jones, Francis (Ray) Lawson, Kathryn (Kui) Leary, Daniel Mace, Dennes McGrath, William Mooney, Annie

(Nancy) Murdoch, John Naylor, Eric (Bruce) Richards, Toby Rigby-O'Brien, Juliette Rowe, William Sinclair, Graeme Stockdill, Willena (Jean) Tantrum, Daphne Thomas, Elizabeth Wood, Rose

1 Feb 05 Ackroyd, Neville Barnett, Judith Besant, James Brough, Finn Bryant, Victor Campion, William Clemence, Robert Coldicott, Alan Crawford, Wilson Daly, Robert Dolan, Brian Gould, Christina Gould, Graham Grigg, Margaret Guy, Catherine Harlow, Edwin (Ted) Hayco*ck, Margaret Hennessey, Eileen Hughes, Travis Jarden, Louisa Jones, Francis (Ray) Lawson, Kathryn (Kui) Maguire, Brian McGrath, William Monk, Yvonne Rowe, William Simpson, Valerie Stockdill, Willena (Jean) Thomas, Elizabeth Wood, Rose

2 Feb 05 Annear, Geoffrey Barnett, Judith Becker, Marion Bremner, Thelma Brough, Finn Bryant, Victor Campion, William Clemence, Robert Crawford, Wilson Currie, Lloyd Curry, Bruce Daly, Robert Fox, Margaret (Marge) Gould, Christina Hughes, Travis

Hullah, Victor Hutson, Lorna Jarden, Louisa Kerslake, Malcolm Lawson, Kathryn (Kui) Lobb, Alfred Nicol, Audrey Ross, Alice Scott, Nicholas Simpson, Valerie

3 Feb 05 Adams, Clarence (Clarrie) Becker, Marion Clemence, Robert Curry, Bruce Daly, Robert Dellow, Paul Doig, Nancy Jordan, Kevin Kane, Thirza Kerslake, Malcolm Nicol, Audrey Wood, Rev. Fr. William

4 Feb 05 Adams, Clarence (Clarrie) Anthony, Eric Boulton, Alan Brown, James Daly, Robert Dellow, Paul Fryer, Kathleen Griffey, Janet Heaney-Hargraves, Samuel Jordan, Kevin Kane, Thirza Kerslake, Malcolm Pringle, Linda Tillson, Alan Young, Eva

5 Feb 05 Anthony, Eric Armstrong, (Rev.) Leslie Berg, Joanne (Jo) Boman, John Bott, James Dellow, Paul Deuchrass, Mavis Diamond, Janet Ellis, Murray Evans, Graham Fryer, Kathleen Glasson, Elizabeth Glover, Alister Griffey, Janet Hastilow, Una Heaney-Hargraves, Samuel

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Henshilwood, Helen Horton, Donald Irvine, Margaret Jones, Agnes Kane, Thirza Lange, Barbara Lay, Alma McDonald, John Moore, William Ormandy, Violet (Bet) Powell, Gladys Sheriff, Honor Sloss, Beryl Stevenson, Alison Thompson, Rosy Tillson, Alan Van Leeuwen, Eileen Williamson, Eileen Wilson, Eric

7 Feb 05 Berg, Joanne (Jo) Clinton, Bernard Durie, Joyce Eggers, Kenneth Forrest, Joyce Geddes, Diane Glover, Selwyn Griffey, Janet Hamilton, Donald Hawley, John Holt, Maude (Connie) Hoy, Helena Hudson, Alfred Inder, Dorothy Jones, Agnes Ollmann, Maureen Rose, Eric Sheriff, Honor Sloss, Beryl Smith, Edgar (Ted) Smith, Michael Stephenson, Nancy Van Leeuwen, Eileen Watson, Robert Williamson, Eileen (Maud) Wilson, Eric

8 Feb 05 Berg, Joanne (Jo) Burrows, John Clinton, Bernard Durie, Joyce Eggers, Kenneth Hamilton, Donald Hargreaves, Edgar Hawley, John Henshilwood, Helen Hoy, Helena Hudson, Alfred Lay, Alma Meikle, James Rose, Eric

Sloss, Beryl Smith, Francis Smith, Michael Sparrow, Douglas Stephenson, Nancy Sutherland, Gwendoline Taylor, Stanley Topschij, Walter Torrens, Thomas Wigg, Frederick Williams, Hayden Williamson, Eileen (Maud)

9 Feb 05 Alderson, Kathryn Bohm, Lewis (Lew) Brice, Frank Burrows, John Dimock, Leslie Eggers, Ken Garside, John (Jack) Hastie, Gaye Hoy, Helena Hugh-Haston, Desmond King, Dorothy McSweeney, Margaret (Sr Mary Lucilla) Niven, Burness Owens, Rona Piper, Christopher Smith, Anna (Margaret) Smith, Francis Sutherland, Gwendoline Thomson, Jack Topschij, Walter Torrens, Thomas Wigg, Frederick Williams, Esmae

10 Feb 05 Allison, Marie Brice, Frank Christians, Eppo Davison, George Dimock, Leslie Easter, Murray Fellowes, Barbara Franklin, Daisy Grey, Valerie (Val) Hansen, Alma Harrison, Peter Julian, Gordon King, Dorothy Linton, Jean McSweeney, Margaret (Sr Mary Lucilla) Niven, Burness O'Boyle, Kate Owens, Rona

Sutherland, Gwendoline Thomson, Jack Watts, James (Jim)

11 Feb 05 Allison, Marie Barnard, Graeme Boslem, William Carter, John Davison, George Easter, Murray Fellowes, Barbara Franklin, Daisy Grey, Valerie (Val) Harrison, Peter Julian, Gordon Linton, Jean Marris, Shirley Merrin, Gladys Morrison, Clifford Orchard, Jan Owens, Rona Patterson, Ruth Prosser, Joan Upston, Gordon Watts, James (Jim) Woodhouse, Alan

12 Feb 05 Alderson, Kathryn Allison, Marie Bailey, Robert Boslem, William Bruce, Margaret Burke, Mary Carter, John Cumming, Thomas Davidson, Marion (Lizzie) Fitzmaurice, Michael (Ted) Fussell, Percy Hansen, Alma Judge, Patricia Laulau, Setefano Laulau, Sive Laulau, Malae McGregor, Hector Merrin, Gladys Morrison, Clifford Moulder, Nicholas Neary, Catherine O'Boyle, Kate Oliver-Zahl, Dianne Orchard, Jan Patterson, Ruth Radford, Kevin Rogers, Richard Saltiel, Donald Smith, Joan Terry, Winifred Upston, Gordon Webster, Russell Woodhouse, Alan Young, Jocelyn

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


14 Feb 05 Bailey, Robert Bruce, Margaret Crichton, Primitivia (Lesa) Cumming, Thomas Duffy, Noeline Dungey, Ruth Fussell, Percy Hair, Esmai Hodges, Annie (May) Kerslake, Winsom Laulau, Setefano Laulau, Sive Laulau, Malae Le Bas, Trevour Liddell, John Mallinson, John Millar, Ann Mutu, James Neville, Kenneth (Dick) Norris, John (Tony) Percy, Douglas Radcliffe, Ronald Radford, Kevin Reed, Ruth Reid, Diane Rennie, Jack Rogers, Richard Smith, Joan Stott, Shirley Terry, Winifred Thomas, Norman

15 Feb 05 Aldersley, Alpheus Bachop, Timeteri Bruce, Margaret Bruce, Marjorie Cap, Karel Crichton, Primitivia (Lesa) Curr, Wendy Dalzell, James (Grayham) Fleming, Annie Flintoft, Ronald Gregory-Hunt, Stephen Gresham, Millicent Hair, Esmai Haworth, Thelma (Sally) Kerslake, Winsom Laulau, Setefano Laulau, Sive Laulau, Malae Le Bas, Trevour Mallinson, John Manson, Donald (Roy) Millar, Ann Mutu, James Norris, John (Tony)

Parker, William Percy, Douglas Radcliffe, Ronald Radford, Kevin Reid, Diane Richards, Merle Robertson, Philip Rowland, Mavis Rudolph, Patrick Sexton, Phyllis Slater, Janice Tamati, Eruini Thomas, Norman Wells, Wilfred

16 Feb 05 Bachop, Timeteri Brown, Dorothy Cap, Karel Dalzell, James (Grayam) Dustin, Shirley Enders, Dr Paul Flintoft, Ronald Garrett, Marjorie (Trisha) Gresham, Millicent King, Muriel (Joyce) Larner, Joan Laulau, Setefano Laulau, Sive Laulau, Malae Manson, Donald (Roy) McIllgrew, John O'Donnell, Tony Robertson, Philip Robinson, Annie Rocard, Edwyna Rowland, Mavis Tamati, Eruini Taylor, Kevin Thomas, Norman Watson, William (Doug)

17 Feb 05 Anderson, Jessie Bachop, Timeteri Brown, Dorothy Cap, Karel Doggett, Ernest Howard, Dulcie Kazukaitis, Frank Larner, Joan Reed, Patricia Robinson, Annie Rocard, Edwyna Taylor, Kevin Te Rito-Andrew, Shontaine Watson, Phoebe Wright, Peter

18 Feb 05 Anderson, Jessie Bachop, Timeteri

Gowans, Linda Grant, Michael (Mick) Hindle, Jessie Holmes, Robert (Bob) Howard, Dulcie Kazukaitis, Frank Macandrew, Eileen Mann, Phyllis McLeod, Colin O'Boyle, Kate Reed, Patricia Rocard, Edwyna Steele, Bruce Thomson, Finlay (Keith) Watson, Phoebe Whitaker, Joseph White, Annette 19 Feb 05 Anderson, Jessie Atkinson, Celia Bachop, Timeteri Brechin, Patricia Dunn, Lloyd Faulkner, Ruby (Thelma) Gowans, Linda Grant, Michael (Mick) Gribbin, Francis (Doug) Howard, Dulcie Kazukaitis, Frank Macandrew, Eileen Mann, Phyllis Manuel, Tangi McIllgrew, John Mitchell, Gloria (Joyce) O'Boyle, Kate Polaschek, Rona Robb, David (Neil) Rogers, Eileen Smith, Robert Steele, Bruce Taylor, Kevin Whitaker, Joseph White, Annette

21 Feb 05 Brechin, Patricia Catherwood, Noel Collings, Bernard Crosbie, Emily (Ivy) Currie, Robert Doherty, Mary Dunn, Lloyd Faulkner, Ruby (Thelma) Gray, Colin Green, Nola Heveldt, Reta Kakahi, Malcolm Kazukaitis, Frank Kent, Rosemary

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Langford, Patricia Lindsay, Scott Mair, Margaret Maloney, Marguerite (Mardi) Manuel, Tangi Martin, Arthur Oakley, Earle O'Connor, Kevin Odell, Ruby Pinn, Shirley Polaschek, Rona Selwood, Joy Shrigley, Alec Sinclair, Phyllis Smith, Cyril (Bob) Steele, Bruce Tilson, George (Henry)

22 Feb 05 Baldwin, Robert Bradshaw, Stewart Collings, Bernard Collins, Nicholas Crawford, Mary Currie, Robert Dally, Joy Doherty, Mary Dunn, Lloyd Gray, Colin Hitchens, Norman Holness, Joyce Johnstone, Donald Kent, Rosemary Langford, Patricia Lindsay, Scott Mackenzie, Kathryn Mackie, George Maloney, Marguerite (Mardi) Martin, Arthur McNeish, Derek (Dick) Odell, Ruby Randall, Annie Rossiter, Basil (David) Seymour, Barry Strachan, Jean Tilson, George (Henry) Trood, Arthur Wells, Edna Whiteford, Jessie Willcox, John

23 Feb 05 Arthur, David Barnes, Kay Bartram, Brenda Benn, Margaret Bradshaw, Stuart Corbishley, Trevor Davison, Norman

Frewen, Robert Johnstone, Donald Jory, Lottie Keene, Nancy Kent, Rosemary Kingan, Mary (Mollie) Mair, Frederick McNeish, Derek (Dick) Mitchell, Gloria (Joyce) Musielinski, Stefan Randall, Annie (Mavis) Seymour, Barry Shrigley, Alec Smith, John Steel, Gordon Steel, Kenneth (Mick) Stoddart, Nancy Tilson, George (Henry) Townsend, Eileen Wakelin, Trevor Wells, Edna Whiteford, Jessie Whitham, Colleen Willcox, John Wilshire, Rita Woods, Barbara Yunovich, Milenko

24 Feb 05 Aitken, Elizabeth Bartram, Brenda Chapman, Alberta Cherry, Brian Davison, Norman Frewen, Robert Hockey, Emily (Cathy) Kaye, John Kennedy, Josephine (Josie) Mair, Frederick Musielinski, Stefan O'Boyle, Kate Rowe, Neville Silverwood, Adrienne Smith, John Steel, Gordon Steel, Kenneth (Mick) Stoddart, Nancy Tilson, George (Henry) Tuley, Francis (Frank) Wakelin, Trevor Ward, Vera Whitham, Colleen

Wilshire, Rita Woods, Barbara Yunovich, Milenko

25 Feb 05 Baldwin, Robert Barnett, Jessie Bartram, Raelie Chapman, Alberta Hockey, Emily (Cathy) Kennedy, Josephine (Josie) Loughnan, Catherine Mariner, Vaioleia (Tina) McPherson, Roger Phillips, Jean Rowe, Neville Sara, Ngaire Service, Ethel Silverwood, Adrienne Sladen, Doris (Dot) Stewart, Barry Tuley, Francis (Frank) Whitham, Colleen Wyles, Jacqueline

26 Feb 05 Bartram, Raelie Bird, Christine Fraser, Alan (Bruce) Gear, Gilbert Harris, Keith Hart, Daphney Helliwell, Blanche Heveldt, Reta Jerram, Denis Kennedy, Josephine (Josie) Kingan, Mary (Mollie) Linton, Fiona Loughnan, Catherine Main, Daphne McMillan, Carlene McPherson, Roger McRae, Eric Phillips, Jean Rowe, Neville Shaw, Raymond Silverwood, Adrienne Stewart, Barry Vaughan, Cecil Welsh, Brian Wright, Lindsay Wyles, Jacqueline

28 Feb 05 Almond, Roy

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Apes, Phyllis Austin, Ian Black, Robin Branson, Dominic Bray, Pauline Dalrymple, Mary (May) de Ruiter, Gerritdina (Diny) Dendle, Shona Fraser, Alan (Bruce) Galway, Kay Gear, Gilbert Geenty, Michael Gibling, Bellmaine (Mainey) Gillard, Keith Halloran, Thora Harris, Keith Haywood, Lindsay Helliwell, Blanche Herbert, Graham Hill, Albert Howley, Patricia Jenkins, Walter Kearney, James King, Norton Lake, Norman Legge, Colin Lenting, Herman Macklin, Lorna Main, Daphne Mariner, Vaioleia (Tina) McLean, Gary McMaster, Heather McRae, Eric Millard, Moya Murray, Thelma Nichol, Samuel O'Brien, Clifford Perfect, Paulina (Polly) Shaw, Raymond Sim, Pamela Skinner, Yvonne Stevens, Gladys Stewart, Barry Thomas, Clarence Vaughan, Cecil Young, Leslie

1 Mar 05 Almond, Roy Austin, Ian Black, Robin Branson, Dominic (Dom) Bray, Pauline Cranefield, James Davidson, Andrew de Ruiter, Gerritdina (Diny) Elliott, Craig Galpin, Morris (Ted) Gillard, Keith Halloran, Thora

Haywood, Lindsay Herbert, Graham Innes-Jones, Zella Jenkins, Walter Kearney, James Macklin, Lorna McLean, Gary McMaster, Heather Murray, Thelma O'Brien, Clifford O'Callaghan, Frank Perfect, Paulina (Polly) Ryan, Eileen (Connie) Skinner, Yvonne Smith, Thelma Young, Leslie

2 Mar 05 Adair, Cameron Beynon-Marquet, Julie Bird, Christine Black, Robin Cranefield, James Davidson, Andrew Gibling, Bellmaine (Mainey) Gillard, Keith Haywood, Lindsay Helliwell, Blanche Kennedy, Josephine Linton, Fiona Matyasevic, Evelyne McMaster, Heather McMillan, Tracy O'Callaghan, Frank Skinner, Yvonne Smith, Thelma Tauwhare, To Thompson, Frances Tomlinson, Maude Trounce, Murray Yellowlees, Elaine Young, Leslie

3 Mar 05 Adair, Cameron Beynon-Marquet, Julie Black, Robin Campbell, Merle Cranefield, James Creevey, Raymond Doake, Eilah (Biddy) Dodwell, Patricia Fear, Patrick (Rick) Fenn, Tom Fozard, William Gilchrist, Natalie Golding, Catherine (Kit) Johnson, Myrtle

Machin, Nola McMillan, Tracy Murphy, William Partington, David Pobjoy-Wymer, Rohan Reid, Lindsay Ridden, Ivan Robertson, Imelda Soutter, Anthony Tai, Rex Tauwhare, To Wall, Maurice

4 Mar 05 Adair, Cameron Afitu, Taunofo Ashworth, Marjorie Barker, George Beynon-Marquet, Julie Clarkson, Charles Cranefield, James Dellow, Stan Doake, Eilah (Biddy) Fear, Patrick (Rick) Fenn, Tom Hatherley, Joyce Matyasevic, Evelyne McMillan, Tracy Murphy, William Nelmes, Rona Pobjoy-Wymer, Rohan Reid, Lindsay Smallfield, Alan Smith, Ellen Soutter, Anthony Tai, Rex Tainui, Hinemoana (Rose) Townrow, Dorothy (Dot) Tuatini, Teone (John) Wall, Maurice Weastell, Maurice

5 Mar 05 Ashworth, Marjorie Barltrop, William Brook, Philip Charnley, Marie Clarkson, Charles Columbus, Leonard Creevey, Raymond Dellow, Stan Fear, Patrick (Rick) Fenn, Tom Fenton, Minnie Fleming, Jean Fozard, William Gibson, Noel Giddens, Keitha Hobbs, Virgie

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


King, Duncan MacDougall, Alan Middlemiss, Emily Nicholls, Anton O'Donnell, John Reuben, Henry Samson, Mary (Molly) Smallfield, Alan Smith, Muriel (Joan) Soutter, Tony Sullivan, Daniel Travers, Peter Trounce, Murray Twentyman, Sheila Waters, Jean Weastell, Maurice

7 Mar 05 Allan, Mary (Molly) Ashworth, Marjorie Barltrop, William Boaz, Maurice Bowen, Beatrice Bradshaw, Eric Brook, Philip Browne, Helen (Marie) Charnley, Marie Cheevers, Elizabeth Columbus, Leonard Fenton, Minnie Gill, James Grieve, Ronald Hefford, John Highet, Margaret Hobbs, Virgie Hudson, David (Ashley) Jacobsen, Thelma Knaggs, James Le Quesne, Marcel Lyall, Barry MacDougall, Alan Miller, Melva Murdoch, Maureen O'Brien, Charles O'Donnell, John Potts, Mavis Ranger, Milly Richards, Margaret Rout, Marion Samson, Mary (Molly) Shaw, Douglas Stevenson, Hinemoa (Marie) Taylor, Lynnette Twentyman, Sheila Walker-Pene, Wehenga (Wehe) Welsh, Angus Whitworth, John (Jack) Williams, James

Winiana, Jackie Woods, Wyvern

8 Mar 05 Birss, Jennifer Boaz, Maurice Bowen, Beatrice Cheevers, Elizabeth Cormick, Doreen Cranefield, James de Stigter, Ione Gardner, Daniel Harvey, Richard Highet, Margaret Hilton, Shania Houston, Elizabeth Hudson, David (Ashley) Jacobson, Thelma Knaggs, James Knapp, Isabella Lyall, Barry MacDougall, Alan Maggs, Valerie Marsh, Dulcie Maxted, Regan Miller, Melva Milne, Malcolm Monro, Juliet O'Brien, Charles Parsons, Sadie (Betty) Partridge, Shirley Rich, Aileen Richards, Margaret Rout, Marion Taylor, Lynnette Taylor, Nancy Townshend, Ruth Welsh, Angus Williams, James Woods, Wyvern

9 Mar 05 Aickin, Jeanette Barkle, Dulcie Baylis, Dorothy Carlson, Maurice Cheevers, Elizabeth de Stigter, Ione Dynes, Bernard Fincham, John (Keith) Gardner, Daniel Holm, Camille Houston, Elizabeth MacDougall, Alan Marsh, Dulcie Maxted, Regan Milne, Malcolm Molineaux, Pamela Noordanus, Gijsberdina (Ali) Oakley, Norma Parsons, Sadie (Betty)

Partridge, Shirley Rae, Neil Scott, Alan Taylor, Lynnette Taylor, Nancy Williams, James Woods, Elizabeth Sally)

10 Mar 05 Aickin, Jeanette Bailey, Phyllis Barkle, Dulcie Baylis, Dorothy Bennett, Ivan Carlson, Maurice Chambers, Daphne (Joyce) Diack, Thelma Dowell, John (Jack) Downes, Raewyn Finlay, James Gardner, Daniel Harper, Betty Holm, Camille Humphrey, Graham Jackman, Edith (Eda) Kilday, Ruth Loper, Ivan Milne, Malcolm Ruru, Hana Shaw, Douglas Shaw, Sylvia Sinclair, Vera Sturgess, Rex (Bob) Taylor, Nancy Wallace, Brian

11 Mar 05 Adam, Mary Barkle, Dulcie Bennett, Ivan Boot, Harold (Owen) Chappell, Margaret Diack, Thelma Downes, Raewyn Edge, Janet Howell, Ivan Jackman, Edith (Eda) Loper, Ivan McMillan, Mervyn Sinclair, Vera Stevenson, Victor Taylor, Nancy

12 Mar 05 Abernethy, Elizabeth Adam, Mary Anderson, Raymond Barkle, Dulcie Beuzenberg, Erica Burgess, John Campbell, Benjamin

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Chappell, Margaret Cleary, Eleanor Diack, Thelma Dray, Kathline Dyer, Lilly Edge, Janet Gilling, Thelma Gillman, Mary Gilmour, John Heveldt, Reta Hunt, Desmond Johansen, Hannoraugh (Nona) Kane, William Kennedy, Donald Kilday, Ruth Lucking, George Mehalski, James Murray, James Newton, Rodney Oliver, Mary (Joan) Sinclair, Vera Skinner, David Smith, Kathleen Smith, Ronald Styles, Jean Taylor, Yvonne Thwaites, Keith Wallace, Brian Wright, Ursula Wright, Veronica

14 Mar 05 Abernethy, Elizabeth Anderson, Raymond Barrett, Wayne Beuzenberg, Erica Buchanan, Mervyn Cameron, Laurence Campbell, Benjamin Collett, Florence Davis, Arthur Dyer, Lilly Edge, Janet Evans, Olive Fahey, Lois Fell, Aileen Fitzgerald, Jared Foakes, Anthony Grant, Irene (Phyllis) Hamilton, Diane Harrington, Mary Holland, Jonathan Hunt, Desmond Kennedy, Donald Kitchen, Esme Lim, Christopher (f*ck Shing) Lucking, George Maclaren, William Mehalski, James Murray, James Newton, Rodney Price, Graham

Rawson, Mary (Molly) Shuker, Catherine Simpson, Myrtle Smith, Kathleen Smith, Ronald Thwaites, Keith Wright, Caroline Wright, Ursula Wright, Veronica

15 Mar 05 Aitken, Margaret Anderson, Raymond Bain, Allan Bassett, Edward Blaikie, Allan Bruce, Victor Buchanan, Mervyn Burgess, John Cameron, Laurence Campbell, Benjamin Carruthers, Sylvia Crozier, Rex Dalley, Peter Davis, Arthur Doak, Ronald Dyer, Lilly Eyles, Shirley Fahey, Lois Grant, Irene (Phyllis) Grant, Muriel Griffiths, Edwin (Griff) Halliday, Alexander Halliday, Yvonne Hamilton, Diane Harrington, Mary Hinks, Marjorie Holland, Jonathan Kitson, Edna Lim, Christopher (f*ck Shing) Lucking, George McKenzie, Peter Morgan, Winifred Morrison, Derek Newton, Rodney Nolan, Dennis Shuker, Catherine Smith, Ronald Sullivan, Eleanor Thwaites, Keith Wright, Caroline

16 Mar 05 Aitken, Margaret Baird, Kevin Bruce, Victor Burrell, Kate Carruthers, Sylvia Doak, Ronald Dyer, Lilly Ellison, Muriel Fahey, Lois

Fuimaono, Faasavili Griffiths, Edwin (Griff) Henderson, Ronald Holland, Jonathan Kenyon, Elizabeth (Betty) Knight, Christine McBean, Hazel McKenzie, Peter Mitchell, Charles Morley, Diane Nolan, Dennis Rich, Aileen Scarborough, Ronald Sherwood, Hilda Thornley, Freda Vaseos, Gertrude Wright, Joyce Wyatt, Gloria

17 Mar 05 Aitken, Margaret Baird, Kevin Barrett, Wayne Burrell, Kate Carruthers, Sylvia Conder, Ray Duff, Eric Hamilton, Margaret Henderson, Noel Hennessy, Christine Heslin, Monica Hinks, Marjorie Kenyon, Elizabeth (Betty) Meier, Dorothy Morley, Diane Nolan, Dennis Percasky, Leonard Poulsen, John Pryor, Naomi Riddell, Noel Sherwood, Hilda Swarbrick, Glenn Te Huia, Te Rira (Lila, Lil) Thorby, Elizabeth (Ann) Whelan, Lindsay Williman, Malcolm Wright, Joyce

18 Mar 05 Aitken, Margaret Dooley, Myola Duff, Eric Fitzgerald, Kieran Hamilton, Jack Hamilton, Margaret Henderson, Noel Mattar, Barbara Morley, Diane Parks, Ian Percasky, Leonard Poulsen, John

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Rushton, Edward (Frank) Swarbrick, Glenn Te Huia, Te Rira (Lila, Lil) Whiting, Kevin Williams, Frances Withers, Gerald

19 Mar 05 Banks, Mary (Jean) Briggs, Takahi Cromer, Ivy Davidson, Heather Emmerson, Anna Flynn, Robert Gentle, Shirley Hamilton, Margaret King, Brian Knowles, Joseph Krause, Lorraine Lawson, Bobby Manson, Donald (Gary) Meier, Dorothy Parks, Ian Rushton, Edward (Frank) Swarbrick, Glenn Tarrant, Gerald Te Huia, Te Rira (Lila, Lil) Thorby, Elizabeth (Ann) Walker, Stella Williams, Frances (Ruth) Wilson, Jean Wilson, John Withers, Gerald Wylie, Alan

21 Mar 05 Bartlett, Helen Boag, Ethel Boucher, Graeme Bradbury, Robert Brady, Edward Brophy, Patricia Brosnahan, Margaret Campbell, Eileen Coleman, Michael Craig, Robert Davidson, Heather Flynn, Robert Gentle, Shirley Harris, John Hay, Donald Heath, Murray Hole-Eruera, Ranui Jones, Ivor King, Brian Knowles, Joseph McFetrish, Marianne (Elsie)

McGavin, Margaret McGiffert, Nathan McLaren, Angusina (Evelyn) Regan, Gladys Thorby, Elizabeth Walker, Stuart Ward, Pat Wilson, John

22 Mar 05 Bell, Patricia Bell, Penelope Borrie, Hilda (Daphne) Brady, Edward Brophy, Patricia Campbell, Eileen Carruthers, Elizabeth (Bette) Coleman, Michael Craig, Robert Curry, Edith Daglish, Eunice Davey, Raymond Donovan, Mary (Sister Mary Josepha) Dwyer, Thomas (Brother Joachim) Flynn, Robert Gee, Shirley Gray, Clarice Harding, Margaret Harris, John Harris, Maxwell Hay, Donald Hayward, Brian Heath, Murray King, Brian Lindsay, Tristan Line, John Louw, John McGiffert, Nathan McLaren, Angusina (Evelyn) Nalder, Kathleen Pulley, Graeme Regan, Gladys Searle, Martha (Jane) Smith, Douglas (Doug) Tidey, Arthur Wilson, John

23 Mar 05 Bell, Patricia Bell, Penelope Brook, Leila Carson, Marjorie Cassels, Colin (Winton) Coleman, Michael Collier, Ronald Craig, Robert

Cresswell, Myrtle Curry, Edith Davey, Raymond Falconer, James Gee, Shirley Gray, Clarice Harding, Margaret Harris, John Jefferson, Lorna Knapp, Isabella Lindbom, William Lindsay, Tristan Macfarlane, Christina McGavin, Margaret McGiffert, Nathan Norris, Edna Prisk, Wynton Pulley, Graeme Searle, Martha (Jane) Watson, Rangikurupatua

24 Mar 05 Cassels, Colin (Winton) Collier, Ronald Curry, Edith Dillon, Irimako (Edie) Falconer, James Frame, Donald Garnett, Eric Greaney, Vera Jefferson, Lorna Karipa, Dalton Lindbom, William McClea, Betty Mead, Delia Milligan, Kathleen Pulley, Graeme Reuben, Peter Sadler, Edwina Seal, Maureen Skene, Dulcie Tomlinson, Estelle Tubb, Rona Watson, Rangikurupatua Webster, Barry Wilson, George

26 Mar 05 Anderson, Margaret Bell, Nellie Bobby, Paula Bowen, Garth Coleman, Teresa Colville, Eva Davison, Zoe de Pra, Rally Dillon, Irimako (Edie) Farrell, Judith Fidow, Tufuga Fifield, Kevin

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Filer, Gwenyth Fletcher, Ngaire Frampton, John Frew, Graeme Gaynor, David Gibson, Brian Good, Muriel Jacobs, Eric Jefferson, Lorna Justice, Erle Karipa, Dalton Line, John McClea, Betty McGavin, Margaret McGerty, Noel McGiffert, Nathan Milligan, Kathleen Moss, Philip O'Brien, Eunice Parsons, Grace Preston, Marie Prisk, Wynton Pulley, Graeme Randle, Ivan Reuben, Peter Rollinson, Marilyn Sandford, Eileen Seatter, Mollie Smail, Dorothy Tomlinson, Estelle Webster, Barry Williams, Selwyn (Rees)

28 Mar 05 Bell, Nellie Bowden, Brian Bowen, Garth Cleland, Elsie Clyne, Paula de Pra, Rally Densem, Ogier (Jim) Farrell, Judith Filer, Gwenyth Frew, Graeme Good, Muriel Hume, Frederick Justice, Erle Levy, Gordon Lindsay, Dulcie MacKenzie, Doreen Matheson, Winnie McAllister, Hector Milligan, Kathleen Moss, Philip Ng, Helen Patterson, Stuart Preston, Marie Richards, Sydney Smith, Douglas Toy, Dorothy Treadgold, Alice Tubb, Rona Walsh, Murray Williams, Selwyn (Rees)

Williams, Mere (Tommy) Woodham, Ann

29 Mar 05 Aitken, Allan Bell, Nellie Bowen, Garth Browne, Annie (Merle) Cameron-Smith, Frances Chilton, John Clyne, Paula Coleman, Teresa Colquhoun, John Davison, Zoe Farrell, Judith Fletcher, Ngaire Frampton, John Frew, Graeme Hobbs, Juliet Hockridge, Francis (Ralph) Huggins, John (Jack) Jones, Catherine Langdale, Robert McAllister, Hector McDowell, Isabell Patterson, Stuart Richards, Sydney Richardson Harold (Bill) Ryan, Patrick Scott, Mary Scully, Eileen Seatter, Gordon Seatter, Mollie Sharp, Joseph Taylor, Christine Thomson, Thomas (Neil) Toy, Dorothy Treadgold, Alice Vermeeren, Cornelis (Kees) Williams,Mere (Tommy)

30 Mar 05 Bird, Alvin Browne, Annie (Merle) Cameron-Smith, Frances Chilton, John Coffey, Margaret (Peggy) Collinswood, Ann de Pra, Rally Fleet, Leanne Frew, Graeme Hamilton, Lynne Hansen, Samira Hockridge, Francis

(Ralph) Huggins, John (Jack) Jones, Catherine Kydd, Catherine Lynch, Morgan Mackay, Kathleen Mackenzie, Doreen McAllister, Hector Pearson, Gary Rampton, Paul Rewiri, Eruera (Rata) Ryan, Patrick Seatter, Gordon Seatter, Mollie Shaw, Percy Smith, Douglas South, Josephine Stockman, Vi Taylor, Christine Tilley, James (Jim) Treadgold, Alice Vermeeren, Cornelis (Kees)

31 Mar 05 Allen, Joan Bryan, Earl Chambers, Gwen Chapman, James Charleston, Allen Collinswood, Ann Dando, Helen Dickie, Claude Fitzgerald, Douglas Fitzsimmons, Dorothy Govan, Joan Growcott, Henry Hunter, John Kelly, Brian Kirby, Leslie (Les) Lewis, John Mansfield, Kenneth McAllister, Hector McIntosh, James McPherson, Gordon O'Brien, Judith Rewiri, Eruera (Rata) Scully, Eileen Shaw, Percy Smith, Manu Taylor, Christine Vrijhof, Leendert

1 Apr 05 Allen, Joan Barber, George Chapman, James Charleston, Allen Clist, Frederick Coffey, Margaret (Peggy) Coffey, Trevor Dickie, Claude

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Fitzgerald, Douglas Fitzsimmons, Dorothy Gaynor, David Gladiadis, Demetrios (Dem) Govan, Joan Hodges, John (Bruce) Kirby, Leslie (Les) Lewis, John Louisson, Ian Mansfield, Kenneth McPherson, Gordon Ravelje, Doris Scott, Mary Sunbeam, Clarence (Terry)

2 Apr 05 Adams, John Agar, Maurice Barber, George Brain, Betty Coffey, Trevor Dalton, Daisy Egan, Michael Fanselow, Ian Fitzgerald, Douglas Fitzsimmons, Dorothy Fransen, Berent Gaynor, David Gladiadis, Demetrios Hamilton, Lynne Harwood, Catherine Hodges, John (Bruce) Insull, Elizabeth Jackson, Williamina Jeffrey, John Jones, Betty Lenz, Stuart Mansfield, Kenneth McClea, Betty Moore, James Nelson, Isabella O'Brien, Judith Parker, Desmond Patterson, Dorothy Peffers, Helen Prain, Crichton Prestidge, Frank Ravelje, Doris Scott, Mary Shearer, Wayne Sisson, Frederick (Peter) Smit, Dorothy Stanford, Jock Sunbeam, Clarence (Terry) Waller, Robert Winthrop, Colin Woollett, Gemma

Wright, Wilfred

4 Apr 05 Adams, John Agar, Maurice Aim, Gregory Baker, Joyce Best, Rema Blakie, Betty Connolly, Ellie Counihan, Iris Dalton, Daisy Evans, Gladys Evans, Jean Forde, Dolinda (Linda) Grant, Alan Greig, Kendall (Ken) Hackell, Nicola Hamilton, Gordon Harding, Charles Holland, Keith Insull, Elizabeth Jeffreys, Paul Jones, Betty Lenz, Stuart Lockhard, Eileen Lovell, Yvonne Mader, Franz McKellow, Elma (Betty) Munro, Ian Patterson, Dorothy Perrie, Walter Peters, Daphne Phillips, Carey Prain, Crichton Prime, Edith (Edie) Rusbatch, Dorothy Scadden, Daphne Shearer, Wayne (Willy) Sisson, Frederick (Peter) Sunbeam, Clarence Wade, Peggy Woollett, Gemma Wright, Wilfred

5 Apr 05 Aitken, Dean Blakie, Betty Brown, Kathleen (Ann) Bruce, Lillian Collier, Kuia Craw, Mavis Evans, Doris Evans, Gladys Forde, Dolinda (Linda) Gaynor, David Gilchrist, Michael Gray, Patrick Greig, Kendall (Ken)

Harding, Charles Haugh, Travis Holland, Keith Jeffreys, Paul Jones, Betty Lock, Marjorie Lockhard, Eileen Lovell, Yvonne McKellow, Elma (Betty) Perrie, Walter Prime, Edith (Edie) Scadden, Daphne Shearer, Wayne Sides, Brian Sisson, Frederick (Peter) Stevenson, David Todd, Stella Wilkins, Catherine

6 Apr 05 Aitken, Dean Beban, Mark Best, Rema Brown, Kathleen (Ann) Buckley, Estelle Esplin, Tom Field, Alice Fransen, Berent Gilchrist, Michael Gray, Patrick Hume, Frederick Jamieson, Lara Jeffreys, Paul Kelliher, Peter Kempton, Stephanie Latto, Sylvia Luke, Christopher McLean, Reginald Meager, Doreen Munro, Ian Murray, Keith (Dr) Palfreyman, Hilary Payne, Verdun (Vern) Perrie, Walter Shipley, Shirley Sim, Hugh Stewart, Michelle Thomas, Nola White, Walter (Wally) Wilkins, Catherine Wilkinson, Barry

7 Apr 05 Aitken, Dean Anderson, Helen Bennet, Scott Betts, John Brodie, Shaheed Cumberpatch, Ernest Doig, Laurie Field, Alice Groom, John

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Haugh, Travis Jenkins, Kathryn Keeling, James Low, Edna McLeod, Reginald Mitchell, Ethel Munro, Ian Murray, Keith (Dr) Payne, Verdun Scully, Patrick Sim, Derek Ussher, Rona Van Rensburg, Frans Wilkinson, Barry Willetts, Leslie Woods, Eileen

8 Apr 05 Betts, John Callow, Deborah Campbell, Malcolm English, Douglas Ferguson, Ronald Jenkins, Kathryn McLeod, Reginald Mitchell, Ethel Murray, Keith (Dr) Patterson, Gary Payne, Verdun Scully, Patrick Sim, Derek Smith, Russell Taylor, Patricia Thomas, Nola Woods, Eileen

9 Apr 05 Bennet, Scott Buttery, Eileen Callow, Deborah Clyne, Niall (Neil) Cooper, Kathleen Crowther, Raymond English, Douglas Farrelly, Una (Vi) Ferguson, Ronald Flanagan, Maurice Gray, Patrick Hollis, Joyce Le Lievre, Ellen Lilley, Rona McAnulty, Kathleen McLeod, Reginald Miller, Valerie Murray, Keith (Dr) Norton, Claire Robertson, Albert Russell, Grace Salisbury, Hilda Shipley, Shirley Smith, Lorraine Smith, Russell Southcott, Betty Stronach, Dorothy Taylor, Patricia Ussher, Rona Webster, Fredrick

11 Apr 05 Beynon, Donald Cameron, Edward (Hume) Clucas, Ivan (Reverend) Connolly, Leo Coombes, Reginald Corbett, Margaret (Laney) Cowens, Malcolm Crowther, Raymond Ferguson, Ron Fisher, Shirley Flanagan, Maurice Fridd, Rose Godman, Ian Hardwick, Warren Lauder, Pamela Lilley, Rona Lobb, John MacKay, Marjorie Marshall, Elsie Menzies, John Murray, Keith (Dr) Nieborg, Peter O'Callaghan, Kevin Penny, Arthur Robertson, Albert Salisbury, Hilda Sinclair, Wayne Stevens, Joseph Surfield, Elizabeth (Jo) Webster, Fredrick

12 Apr 05 Ashley, James Bray, Henry (Harry) Cameron, Edward (Hume) Corbett, Margaret (Laney) Cowens, Malcolm Farrelly, Una Fisher, Shirley Flanagan, Maurice Fridd, Rose Gilmour, Vera Godman, Ian Hall, Wanda Hardwick, Warren Lauder, Pamela Lilley, Rona Lindsay, Dorothy MacKay, Marjorie Marshall, Elsie Menzies, John Mitchell, Gordon Moore, Joan O'Callaghan, Kevin Penny, Arthur Radford, Margaret (Nancy) Richards, Shirley Rose, Rona

Rudhall, Hilda Sherwood, Eileen Sinclair, Wayne Surfield, Elizabeth (Jo) Todd, Eileen Williams, Ailsa Woodham, Allan

13 Apr 05 Anderson, Samantha Ashley, James Beynon, Donald Garland, Brenda Glozier, Gordon Gray, Peter Griffin, Michael Hanning, Margaret (Peg) Hardwick, Warren Hayes, Helen Hobson, Colin Larking, Catherine (Billie) Lee, Ronald Lentz, Doris (Dot) Lilley, Rona Lobb, John McAnulty, Kathleen McNamara, Kieran Mitchell, Gordon Moore, Joan Newton, Roy O'Callaghan, Kevin Parr, Aileen Rose, Rona Rudhall, Hilda Sharr, Margaret Southcott, Betty Stevens, Joseph Stuart, Kevin Sugrue, Felix Trueman, Clarence White, Robert Williams, Ailsa Woodham, Allan

14 Apr 05 Bell, James (Jim) Carter, Terry Couling, David Cross, Kenneth (Gus) Gimblett, Kevin Glozier, Gordon Griffin, Michael Griffiths, Reuben (Ru) Hall, Wanda Hardwick, Warren Hayes, Helen Hill, Barbara Hobson, Colin Lee, Ronald Lentz, Doris (Dot) Partridge, Zoe Radford, Margaret

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Nancy) Register, Joan Renwick, Ferguson Sharr, Margaret Somerville, Margaret Stove, Christopher Sugrue, Felix Walker, Margaret White, Robert Wilkins, Lily Woodham, Allan

16 Apr 05 Austin, John Bell, James Cross, Kenneth (Gus) Derbidge, Eric Douglas, Marian Durie, Tracey Gimblett, Kevin Good, Ruby (Joy) Hall, Wanda Hill, Barbara Lentz, Doris (Dot) Lewis, Cranston Mehrtens, Beatrice Molloy, Mary Naughton, Lawrence Ng, Lai Partridge, Zoe Register, Joan Renwick, Ferguson Sharr, Margaret Smith, Murray Somerville, Margaret Stove, Christopher Walker, Margaret Warren, Phyllis White, Robert Wilkins, Lily (Daphne)

16 Apr 05 Ashwell, Sidney Austin, John Crawshaw, Nancy Cross, Kenneth (Gus) Cullen, Marjorie Derbidge, Eric Douglas, Marian Durie, Tracey Fergusson, Alexander Gobbe, William Gray, Peter Hill, Barbara Jackson, Colin Lewis, Cranston Mehrtens, Beatrice Naughton, Lawrence Ng, Lai

Papageorge, Fotini Paterson, Edna Register, Joan Roth, Mandy Smith, Murray Walker, Margaret Wilkins, Lily (Daphne) Wright, Irma

18 Apr, 05 Basseleur, Catharina Bradley, Cyril Bradley, Joseph Braggins, Stuart (Lee) Brown, Nellie (Doss) Carrington, Douglas Carter, Mavis Durie, Tracey Ellen, Tony Freeman, Vincent Gobbe, William Grenfell, James Grounds, Rev. Father William Johnstone, Gordon Kelcher, Melville Marshall, Rowena (Islay) Moore, Kathleen Naughton, Lawrence Papageorge, Fotini Register, Joan Reid-Timoney, Elizabeth Sinclair, Amy Smith, Murray Srhoy, Anthony Stewart, Rex Summers, Robert Tuckwell, Ivan Watt, Russell White, Harold Wyman, Edna

19 Apr, 05 Arthur, Cicely Beban, Father Mark Binnie, Bruce Bradley, Cyril Braggins, Stuart (Lee) Carrington, Douglas Dillon, Helen Ellen, Tony Ensor, Keitha Evans, Murray Gibb, Florence Glading, John Gobbe, William Goudswaard, Jacobus (Jack)

Grenfell, James Grounds, Rev. Father William Hay, John Hunter, Vaunda Jackson, Dorothy Johnstone, Gordon Jordan, Bruce Kelcher, Melville Lavender, Bertha Marshall, Rowena (Islay) McKeown, Thelma Olds, James Reid-Timoney, Elizabeth Robinson, Frank Rogers, Charlotte Ross, Jeanette Roth, Mandy Russell-Gisberts, Lily Stewart, Rex Summers, Robert Wright, Irma Wyman, Edna

20 Apr, 05 Albertson, John Ayles, Patricia Binnie, Bruce Bradley, Cyril Crombie, May Ellen, Tony Evans, Murray Freeman, Vincent Gibb, Florence Gobbe, William Goudswaard, Jacobus (Jack) Grounds, Rev. Father William Hamilton, Eleanor Hay, John Holland, Kerry Jackson, Dorothy Jordan, Bruce Knudsen, Colleen Lavender, Bertha MacKay, Dorothy McGowan, Muriel Nieborg, Peter Oakley, William (Tony) Ross, Jeanette Spriggs, Annie Strang, Milo Trigance, David van der Woude, Sophia Webster, Maisie Win, Lyle (Tom)

21 Apr 05

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Aiomanu, Fotu Albertson, John Beban, Father Mark Binnie, Bruce Boland, John (Sean) Burke, David Chinnery, Colleen Cross, Irenie (Dawn) de Jong, Elisabeth Dillon, Helen Doig, Roma Donaggio, Ferruccio (Fred) Fifield, Margaret (Joy) Grace, Jackson Hamilton, Eleanor Holland, Kerry Jackson, Dorothy Johnson, Atuafaiga (Keith) Jordan, Bruce Knudsen, Colleen MacKay, Dorothy McCallum, Roger McFadden, Barbara McGowan, Muriel Milne, Russell Oakley, William (Tony) Poff, Louise Spriggs, Annie van der Woude, Sophia Ward, Hazel Wilson, Craig Wolfrey, Trevor Wright, Irma

22 Apr 05 Aiomanu, Fotu Albertson, John Berry, Thomas Boland, John (Sean) Burke, David Cairney, Gleneira (Ira) Chinnery, Colleen Donaggio, Ferruccio (Fred) Gilmore, Diane Johnson, Atuafaiga (Keith) Knudsen, Colleen MacKay, Dorothy Manley, Ronald McFadden, Barbara McHugh, John Milne, Russell Moynihan, Maurice Norris, Evelyn Olds, James Poff, Louise Shaffrey, Fiona

Stanley, Russell Thomson, Julia

23 Apr 05 Baker, Alice (Vina) Berry, Thomas Burke, David Cairney, Gleneira (Ira) Campion, Nigel Chadderton, Margaret Chinnery, Colleen Cross, Irenie (Dawn) Farissey, Rev. Kevin Hamilton, Ariki Hedges, Sydney Highet, Eric Hyde, Jean King, Janet Krenek, Elisabeth (Lisl) Lewthewaite, John McFarlane, Mervyn Manley, Ronald McHugh, John Moore, Brian Moynihan, Denys Proudfoot, Yvonne Shaffrey, Fiona Stanley, Russell Thomson, Agnes (Val) Thomson, Julia Waugh, William Wootton, Lorraine

25 Apr 05 Baker, Alice (Vina) Bergamini, Nora (Grace) Berry, Thomas Cairney, Gleneira (Ira) Chinnery, Colleen Hassall, Valerie Heal, Teresa (Betty) Hyde, Jean Killoh, Margaret King, Janet Kirkpartick, James Lewthwaite, John McFarlane, Mervyn Maxwell, George O'Neill, Margaret Porter, Melva Rule, Rodger Sallaway, Ian Symes, Nyra Thomson, Julia Waugh, William Wilson, Audrey Winterbourn, Daphne

26 Apr 05 Bergamini, Nora (Grace) Byrne, Jack Carmichael, Mary Davidson, Brian Fredrickson, Thelma Gardiner, Ronald Gibson, Mavis Gillespie, Rita Hassall, Valerie Heal, Teresa (Betty) Hooper, Colin Jensen, Alice Kirkpatrick, James Lewthwaite, John McFarlane, Mervyn Maxwell, George O'Brien, Ngaire Sallaway, Ian Somers, Linda Stanley, Russell Stevens, Rona Stow, Joan Symes, Nyra Taylor, Timothy (Tim) Thomson, Agnes (Val) Ussher, Colin Wilson, Audrey Winterbourn, Daphne

27 Apr 05 Anker, Christopher Appleby, Joyce Carmichael, Mary Cowan, Thomas (Roy) Davidson, Brian Finlay, Catherine Fuller, John Gardiner, Ronald Gibson, Mavis Grant, John Halliday, Sarah (Lall) Hamlyn, Edna Hassall, Valerie Heal, Teresa (Betty) Hooper, Colin Kearns, John Killoh, Margaret King, Christopher Kirkpartick, James Lawrence, Patricia Maxwell, George Millar, Wynne Moore, Brian O'Brien, Janet O'Brien, Ngaire O'Neill, Margaret Phillips, Neville Rasmussen, Waveny Rollo, William

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Scoles, Doris Scott, Gladys (Lil) Shone, Kenneth Stow, Joan Sutherland, Susan Taylor, Timothy Ussher, Colin Winterbourn, Daphne Zielinski, Edward

28 Apr 05 Appleby, Joyce Bartlett, Stanley Beattie, Winnie Cameron, Peter Churchill, Desmond (Des) Cowan, Thomas (Roy) Darling, Wilfred (Royce - Roy) Finlay, Catherine Haines, Elizabeth Halliday, Sarah (Lall) Hooper, Colin Kearns, John Kennedy, Jane Lamont, David Lundy, William McAllum, William McGregor, Pomona Millar, Wynne Munro, Margaret Neale, Minnie Pachnatz, Patricia Phillips, Neville Poste, George Rollo, William Stow, Joan Taylor, Timothy Vincent, Robert Webster, Sybil

29 Apr 05 Churchill, Desmond (Des) Cook, Nerolie Davidson, Mary (Molly) Furness, Joan Gilmore, Phyllis Grant, Beatrice Hansen, Heather Hooper, Colin Johnson, Arthur Kennedy, Jane Keoghan, John (Jack) Kirkpatrick, James Mangan, Brian McAllum, William Millar, Wallace Mitchell. Alan Neale, Minnie Pachnatz, Patricia

Pa'o-Sopoaga, Aneriueta (Teta) Phillips, Alan Rule, Rodger Russell, Edna Sherriff, Alastair Tappin, John (Jack) Washbourne, Maurice Webster, Sybil

30 Apr 05 Bernhardt, Harold Borrell, Arthur Buckley, Arthur Burnard, Ricky (Boof) Cook, Nerolie Davida-Horvath, Rosalie Davidson, Mary (Molly) Davison, Anthony de Lambert, Ivy Galbraith, Ross Gilmore, Phyllis Gluyas, John Grant, Beatrice Hughes, Marjorie (Molly) Humm, Doreen Johnson, Arthur Keoghan, John (Jack) Mangan, Brian Matthews, Dennis McAllum, William McArthur, Williamina McGarry, Basil McIntosh, Barbara McKay, Stuart Millar, Wallace Munro, Margaret Neale, Minnie Pa'o-Sopoaga, Aneriueta (Teta) Powell, Keith Price, Frederick Sherriff, Alastair Skipworth, Mary Tappin, John (Jack) Taylor, Peggy Washbourne, Maurice Webster, Sybil Willcox, Peter Wilson, Robert

2 May 05 Anderson, Dougall Blakemore, Lawrence Boon, Peter Borrell, Arthur

Brown, Christopher Buckley, Arthur Burnard, Ricky Campbell, Olive Chan, Chew de Lautour, Anne (Nancy) Eastwick, Valarie (Joan) Gibbs, Lois Gluyas, John Gray, John Guthrie, Ann Harpur-Vincent, Andrew Harris, Alan (Tony) Humm, Doreen Inwood, Colleen Jamieson, Bessie McKay, Stuart Mills, Janet Mottram, Annabelle Munro, Margaret Pa'o-Sopoaga, Aneriueta (Teta) Paulsen, Douglas Pickford, Ellen (Nellie) Pickrill, Stanley Price, Frederick Sherriff, Alastair Sides, Elsie Skipworth, Mary Sloan, Ronald Smith, Augustine Takac's, Ernest Thompson, Daphne (May) Trainor, Audrey Vlaanderen, Millie Welford, Edna Whitaker, Grant Williams, Patricia Yeatman, Hilda

3 May 05 Aitchison, Ethel Barraclough, Charles Begg, Myra Bergstrom, A. R. Prof. Black, Garfield Borrell, Arthur Burnard, Ricky Clarkson, Dorothy Collingwood, Robert Cook, Nerolie Cox, Sybil Eastwick, Valarie (Joan) Guthrie, Elizabeth Hargadon, Bernard Harpur-Vincent, Andrew (Jack)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Harris, Alan (Tony) Havill, David Hollick, John Hunter, Maree Jamieson, Bessie Lang, Lesley Lawrence, Arthur Marshall, James (Jim) Matthews, Dennis Matthews, Marjorie McJannet, Alice McKay, Douglas Mottram, Annabelle Munro, Alexander Oakley, Harold Paulsen, Douglas Pickford, Ellen (Nellie) Reed, Marjorie Rohloff, Eileen Scott, Pamela Sides, Elsie Smith, Augustine Takac's, Ernest Thomas, David Tocker, Ruby Trainor, Audrey Tuki, Mason Vlaanderen, Millie Waldren, Colin Welford, Edna Whitaker, Grant Williams, Myra Williams, Patricia Wilson, Matthew

4 May 05 Borrell, Arthur Bradley, Edna Bruce, Margaret (Meg) Brunner, Hans Collingwood, Robert Cox, Ernest Halliday, Jocelyn Havill, David Holmes, Margot Humm, Doreen Jamieson, Bessie Matthews, Marjorie McJannet, Alice McKay, Douglas Miller, Ronald Munro, Alexander Pickford, Ellen (Nellie) Pickrill, Stanley Quilter, Phillip Rebbeck, Peter Reed, Marjorie Smith, Augustine Tocker, Ruby Tuki, Mason Waldren, Colin Williams, Myra Wilson, Matthew

5 May 05 Ashcroft, Reginald Ball, Garnet Barclay, Kathleen Baulch, Katherine Bradley, Edna Bruce, Margaret (Meg) Cleghorn, James Cumming, Gordon East, John Frew, David Halliday, Jocelyn Harpur-Vincent, Andrew (Jack) Helman, Williamina (Lela/Leal) Holmes, Margot Humphreys, Laraine Lavea, Pule Miller, Ronald Moore, Olympia O'Malley, Brian Patient, Grace Quilter, Phillip Rebbeck, Peter Reid, Winifred Rusbridge, Robert Scadden, Hine (Sue) Tuki, Mason Wilson, Matthew Yardley, Frank

6 May 05 Baulch, Katherine Bruce, Margaret (Meg) Daly, Glenda Dolby, Patrick East, John Halliday, Jocelyn Harpur-Vincent, Andrew (Jack) Helman, Williamina (Lela/Leal) Higginson, Iris Jones, Leonard Karini, Hauraki Korner, Sarah (Francie) Leali'ifano, Pua O'Connell, Delia O'Malley, Brian Plato, Evelyn Quilter, Phillip Rebbeck, Peter Reid, Winifred Rusbridge, Robert Saville, Neale Scadden, Hine Waters, Annie

7 May 05

Ashcroft, Reginald Borrell, Arthur Coffey, John (Jack) Dawson, Stuart Devlin, Phyllis Dolby, Patrick Fisher, Leonora Glubb, Bernard Halliday, Jocelyn Hey, Beryl Higginson, Iris Jones, Leonard Jury, Nola Kelly, Mary Korner, Sarah (Francie) Leali'ifano, Pua McGerty, Gordon Murphy, Frances O'Connell, Delia Plato, Evelyn Plunket, Florence Robins, Antoinette Sayer, Heather Soeterik, Geertruida Tate, Mervyn

9 May 05 Alborn, Lucy Aldridge, Caroline Blair, Roy (Darcy) Boag, Barbara Dawson, Stuart Duncan, Kenneth Ellis, Agnes (Lulu) Fisher, Leonora Fogarty, John (Jack) Fox, Beatrice (Beat) Glubb, Bernard Gollop, Martha (Joan) Gousmett, Noeline Henderson, Margaret (Reta) Higginson, Iris Jury, Nola Kelman, Eric Keown, Janice Koops, Reint McAra, Lois (Pat) McMillan, Robert Murphy, Basil Murphy, Frances Noakes, Pamela Nunweek, Trevor Plato, Evelyn Pugh, Joan Ross, Donald Savage, Ernest Shierlaw, George Stokes, David Strong, Eileen Trembath, Raymond Tyree, Robert

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Whiting, Mary

10 May 05 Aldridge, Caroline Boag, Barbara Brunner, Hans Collins, Ronald (Ron) Dawson, Stuart Dennis, William Dixon, Grant Doggett, Nancy Ellis, Agnes (Lulu) Fogarty, John (Jack) Fox, Beatrice (Beat) Gardner, Vivienne Gousmett, Noeline Johnson, David Kelman, Eric Keown, Janice Koops, Reint Marshall, Raymond McGill, Elizabeth (Lil) McMillan, Robert Murphy, Basil Noakes, Pamela Nunweek, Trevor O'Connell, Gerard Perini, Fides Poco*ck, Thelma Powell, David Ross, Donald Ryan, Rev. Fr. Robert Scott, Peter Stokes, David Strong, Eileen Sweeney, Dennis Townshend, Raymond Tozer, William (Bill) Trembath, Raymond Tyree, Robert Whiting, Mary

11 May 05 Barnes, Edna Baulch, Katherine Clayton, Rebecca (Becky) Crackett, Joseph Cuthill, Robert (Bob) Dennis, William Favel, Mary Flather, Dorothy (Janice) Holland, Robert Hurst, Beverley Inwood, Eileen Jackson, Felice Johnstone, Bessie Lawrence, Becket Marsh, Loren

Marshall, Raymond McGill, Elizabeth (Lil) O'Connell, Gerard Pelvin, Thelma Poco*ck, Thelma Routhan, Elsie Scott, Peter Shields, Dorothy Spencer, Phil Tozer, William (Bill)

12 May 05 Aitken, Joan Beatty, Ivan Billcliff, Irene Bisdee, Grace (Joan) Clayton, Rebecca (Becky) Cody, Peter Crackett, Joseph Dennis, William Dougherty, Eileen Feltham, Richard (Jim) Flather, Dorothy (Janice) Gallen, Naumai Hewett, Robert (Bob) Holland, Robert Hurst, Beverley Johnson, David (Dave) Johnstone, Bessie Lawrence, Becket Lloyd, Noel Marsh, Loren McCorkingdale, Ian McGill, Elizabeth (Lil) Moore, James Power, Maurice Robinson, Libby- Marie Rollerson, Victor Smallbone, Daphne Stuart, Robert (Bob) Thomas, Bruce Weir, Joan Whinray, Christina

13 May 05 Aitken, Joan Anderson, Jessie Barwick, Nora Beatty, Dorothy Borrell, Arthur Burt, May Chapman, Edward Chen, Jun Yao Cody, Peter Cuthill, Robert (Bob) Dennis, William Dougherty, Eileen

Feltham, Richard (Jim) Gallen, Naumai Gray, Margaret Harwood, Richard Jennison, Richard (Dick) McKinlay, Frederick Miller, Donald (Don) Moore, James Morris, Kathryn Power, Maurice Read, Margaret Ryland, Wallace (Pete) Sedman, Zeta Snapes, Flora Stayt, Arnold (Mick) Stuart, Robert (Bob) Sullivan, Marion Thomas, Bruce Thorburn, Beverley Viskovich, Joyce Wederell, Margaret Wells, Eric Whinray, Christina

14 May 05 Anderson, Jessie Barwick, Nora Beatty, Dorothy Beatty, Ivan Borrell, Arthur Chapman, Edward Chen, Jun Yao Cleal, Valda Cody, Peter Cohen, Bryan Crotty, Charles (Bill) Dougherty, Eileen Faulkner, David Feltham, Richard (Jim) Fleming, Sydney Gallen, Naumai Gilroy, Patrick Gurden, Albert Heaton, Lewis Hewett, Robert (Bob) McKinlay, Frederick McMillan, Trudy Miller, Donald Mitchell, Lillian Morris, Kathryn Muir, Beatrice (Beat) Olsen, Ernest (Geoffrey) Plumley, Emma Power, Maurice Read, Margaret Ryland, Wallace

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Pete) Sedman, Zeta Shephard, Francis (Lindsay) Smith, Dorothy Snapes, Flora Sullivan, Marion Traill, Corinne Viskovich, Joyce Walsh, Ivan Wells, Eric Wilkes, Owen Woodward, Otway (Prof)

16 May 05 Adams, Geoffrey Barker, Peter Borrell, Arthur Bradley, Maurice (Mike) Campbell, Patricia Connelly, Thomas (Mick) Cooney, Elva Cox, George Crotty, Charles (Bill) Denniston, David Farmer, Eva Faulkner, David Fraser, Colin (Pat) Gilroy, Patrick Gurden, Albert Heaton, Lewis Hume, Lillian Long, Dora McNicholl, Beverley ) Mitchell, Lillian Norton, Bruce Read, Margaret Russell, Bridget (Bee) Sedman, Zeta Shephard, Francis (Lindsay) Smith, Dorothy Studholme, Daniel Wareing, Minnie Wharnsby, Edward (Ted) Wilkes, Owen Wilson, Robin

17 May 05 Bailey, Madeline Clements, David Cooney, Elva Cotcher, Emily (Peggy) Cox, George Egan, John Eveleigh, Bessie Farmer, Eva Fleming, Sydney Gilroy, Patrick Gurden, Albert

Hammond, Michael Harris, Eric Hercus, Allan House, Robert Joblin, Melanie Kradolfer, Jacobus Lammas, June Law, Ronald Moore, Denis Naylor, Kenneth (Ken) Norton, Bruce Parry, Dilys Riddington, Alice Robert, Joyce Shephard, Francis (Lindsay) Wharnsby, Edward (Ted) Woodward, Otway (Prof)

18 May 05 Adams, Geoffrey Bailey, Madeline Cotcher, Emily (Peggy) Crawford, Jeanie Dawson, Raymond (Reg) Denniston, David Downie, Blodwen Egan, John Eveleigh, Bessie Ford, Agnes (Audrey) Gilroy, Patrick Hill, Charles (Sid) Hooper, Anthony (Tony) House, Robert Hunter, Colin Joblin, Melanie King, Antonia Kradolfer, Jacobus Lockhart, Winifred Macklin, Stephen McMillan, Trudy Mitchelmore, Sylvia Morris, Kathryn O'Brien, William (Billy) Parry, Dilys Shaw, Leonard Skinner, Rodney Smeaton, Archibald Stubbs, Mary Tolen, Eileen Wither, Annie

19 May 05 Adams, Muriel Boon, Amy Bradley, Bryan Carter, Nellie Downie, Blodwen Garnett, Arthur

(Murray) Hammond, Michael Hill, Charles (Sid) Hobbs, Winifred Holland, Graeme Hunter, Colin Joblin, Melanie Kenyon, Alice Langen, Angelina McMillan, Trudy Shaw, Jean Skinner, Rodney Steel, Harold (Barry) Watson, Arthur (Jack) Wilson, Marion Woodham, Helena

20 May 05 Adams, Muriel Carter, Nellie Creedon, Colleen Genet, George Hobbs, Winifred Holland, Graeme Ingerson, Carl Johnson, Molly Lines, William (Bill) Marfell, Colleen Paterson, Catherine Saggin, Peter Scott, Daphne Taylor, Esther (Shirley) Watson, Arthur (Jack) Wilson, Marion

20 May 05 Adams, Geoffrey Alexander, Judith Axelsen, John Blake, Judith Cox, Allan (Les) Craig, William Davidson, Wilhemina (Winnie) Dijkstra, Gerlof (Gerry) Donnelly, Ellen Duke, Michael Fleming, John Garside, Mabel Genet, George Grieve, Ronald Hebberd, Stanley Hooper, Anthony (Tony) Kerr, Marion Labudde, Brian Lane, Marion Lines, William (Bill) McGowan, Rex (Peter) McKinnon, Norman

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McMillan, Trudy Ngawai-Nelson, Chris Ricquish, Margaret Riddell, Leslie Smith, Zara Stallard, David Stanley, David Steel, Harold (Barry) Webster, Molly

23 May 05 Alexander, Judith Bulloch, Diane Cameron, Geoffrey (Bruce) Clark, Wendy Cox, Allan (Les) Davies, Adam de Boer, Maria Duke, Michael Eathorne, Shirley Grant, Phyllis Grant-Hadfield, Helen Greenwood, Jack Harneiss, Rex Lane, Marion McGowan, Rex (Peter) Mundy, Archibald Ngawai-Nelson, Chris Palleson, Haddon (Reg) Perriton, William Ray, Heather Richards, Helen Ricketts, William Robb, Donald Souness, Esther Taylor, Mary Telford, Brigid Townsend, Elizabeth (Betty)

24 May 05 Ashman, Janet Bourke, Violet Cameron, Geoffrey (Bruce) Cox, Gillian de Boer, Maria Dodge, Llewellyn Eathorne, Shirley Faith, Allan Falgar, Dorothy (Thelma) Grant, Phyllis Greenwood, Jack Harneiss, Rex Herbert, George (Dave) Hooper, Anthony (Tony)

Krebs, Jane (Dorrie) McSeveny, Robert (Bob) Newton, Paul Ngawai-Nelson, Chris Palleson, Haddon (Reg) Perriton, William Quinn, Edith (Edie) Ray, Heather Reid, Michael Ricketts, William Robb, Donald Taylor, Frank Taylor, Valda Thorpe, Eileen Townsend, Elizabeth (Betty) Upston-Keresoma, Sharahn Voyce, Marie Wilson, Terence Zoon, Connie

25 May 05 Arahanga, Ruku Biggart, John Bull, Pani Cameron, Geoffrey (Bruce) Clark, Wendy Cliff, Lillian Collins, Vesta Cox, Gillian Cutts, Joyce Davies, Adam Falgar, Dorothy (Thelma) Heyl, Harriett Kennedy, Ella Krebs, Jane (Dorrie) Mathias, Patricia McKeever, Dyridgy (Darge) McSeveny, Robert (Bob) Oldridge, Len (Pop) Perriton, William Pockson, Dorothea Prestney, Douglas Quinn, Edith (Edie) Radcliffe, John Ray, Beatrice (Betty) Ricketts, William Stewart, Maureen Taylor, Frank Taylor, Valda Thorpe, Eileen Todd, Edna Townsend, Elizabeth (Betty) van Hulten, Marius White, Robert

Wright, George Zoon, Connie

26 May 05 Arahanga, Ruku Beech, Raymond Biggart, John Bull, Pani Cameron, Geoffrey (Bruce) Goodman, George (Ben) Goodman, Joan Gray, June Hogan, Michael McKeever, Dyridgy (Darge) Pockson, Dorothea Prescott, Ron Prestney, Douglas Wright, George

27 May 05 Barkle, Echo Battersby, Lewis Beeby, Elsie Bradley, Leland Briggs, Lynda Cox, Gillian Doussett, Lily Driver, Margaret Fox, Dorothy Haughey, Lillian Henry, Katarina Mathias, Patricia McLeod, Margaret (Jean) Prestney, Douglas Radcliffe, John Shearer, James van Hulten, Marius Wood, Michael Wright, Douglas

28 May 05 Beeby, Elsie Briggs, Lynda Connor, Peter Cross, Elsie Doussett, Lily Edward, Philippa Fox, Dorothy Goodman, Joan Green, Lyla Haughey, Lillian Heyl, Harriett Humphrey, Alexander (Sandy) Jones, Rey (Betty) Joseph, Andrew Keenahan, Eileen Lawry, Edith Marshall, Stewart Martin, Warren Mathias, Patricia McAllister, Edith (Gwen)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McDermott, Welby McLeod, Margaret (Jean) Prescott, Ron Rees, John (Win) Ryan, Patrick Thomson, Mary Wilson, Cecily Wilson, Frank Wood, Michael Wright, Douglas

30 May 05 Aston, Norman Ball, Doreen Biggs, Joyce Bland, Raymond Brand, Sylvia Cardwell, Cecil Connor, Peter Cross, Elsie Cushen, Eoin Day, May Donaldson, David Fletcher, Ivy Gillespie, Robin Green, Lyla Hartshorn, Owen (Roger) Henderson, Nancy James, Lionel Keen, Peter Keenahan, Eileen McAllister, Edith (Gwen) Moore, Olive (Lilian) Prescott, Gladys Rastrick, John Rees, John (Win) Robson, Elsie Stevenson, Monica Taylor, Myra Whipp, Mary White, Margaret (Anne) Whittle, Dorothy Wright, Douglas

31 May 05 Aston, Norman Ball, Doreen Biggs, Joyce Bishop, Neil Bishop, Carol Bloomfield, Noline Brand, Sylvia Day, May Doig, Rodger Donaldson, David Drayton, Nicola Dunlop, Ian Fletcher, Ivy Greaney, Martin Hahn, Norman Hannon, Billi Hartshorn, Owen (Roger)

Henderson, Nancy Hillson, May Holmes, Pamela Jones, Hannah Keen, Peter Lancaster, Ailsa Lovegrove, Lois Planicka, Katarzyna (Kasia) Porterfield, Michael Rhodes, Frederick Roberts, Albert Robinson, Alan Robson, Elsie Shannon, Elizabeth Shearer, Violet Smith, Joan (Marion) Turner, Kenneth Whittle, Dorothy Williams, Margaret Williams, Timothy (Tim)

1 Jun 05 Anderson, Derek Bamford, Peter Beaurepaire, William (Bill) Biggs, Joyce Bloomfield, Noline Brown, Maureen Cane, Gordon Carruthers, Mildred (Millie) Craze, Kenneth (Ken) Creighton, John (Jonno) Drayton, Nicola Edward, Philippa Fisher, Sandra Forrest, Thelma Harding, Jean Hart, Joyce Hay, Alice (Jean) Hillson, May Holmes, Pamela Hutana, Hori (Gus) Illes, Thomas Keen, Peter Lalor, John (Jack) Lancaster, Ailsa Lobb, Joan Lovegrove, Lois Marshall, Robert McKay, Mary (Molly) Moss, Alan Odering, Geoffrey Planicka, Katarzyna (Kasia) Price, Carol Robson, Elsie Shannon, Elizabeth Shearer, Violet Thomas, Noeline

Thomson, Wallace Turner, Kenneth White, Margaret (Anne) Williams, Margaret Williams, Timothy (Tim)

2 Jun 05 Anderson, Derek Cane, Gordon Carruthers, Mildred (Millie) Clough, Charles (Dallas) Creighton, John (Jonno) Dodd, James (Jimmy) Harding, Jean Hay, Alice (Jean) Hill, Helen Illes, Thomas Inwood, Lilian Keen, Peter Knight, Jean Lalor, John (Jack) Lancaster, Ailsa Long, Wallis (Noel) McGregor, Evan Milligan, Lola Moffat, Robert Odering, Geoffrey Price, Carol Rastrick, John Reynolds, Angela Sanders, Mabel Spence, John Stock, Richard (Jim) Thomson, Wallace

3 Jun 05 Balloch, Nancy Bishop, Neil Bishop, Carol Blick, Winifred Brandt, Shirley Breeze, Kelvin Brocker, Tessa Cane, Gordon Cook, John Croft, Sylvia Fitzgerald, Annie (Teresa) Gendall, William Griffen, Agnes (Jean) Hill, Helen Horrell, Dorothy Hughes, Mary Inwood, Lilian Martin, Keith McGregor, Evan Miles, Ian (Jim) Moffatt, Robert Morris, Noeline Odering, Geoffrey

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Reid, Evelyn Ryan, Margaret Sanders, Mabel Shearer, Helen Stock, Richard (Jim) Taylor, Hilda Thomson, Wallace Thurston, Murray Wayne, Nancy Williams, Ada

4 Jun 05 Anderson, Margaret Archer, Sharon Balloch, Nancy Bishop, Neil Bishop, Carol Brocker, Tessa Brown, Mary (May) Chapman, Henry (Harry) Cook, John (Philip) Fisher, Sandra Fitzgerald, Annie (Teresa) Garven, Peter Graham, Edna Griffen, Agnes (Jean) Hart, Joyce Horrell, Dorothy Hughes, Mary Kidd, Marjorie (Dot) Low, Eleanor McEwing, Elda Mehrtens, Diedrich (Dick) Miles, Ian (Jim) Moffat, Robert Morris, Noeline Odering, Geoffrey Parker, Grace Prendergast, Rita Prendeville, Alan Quinlan, Norman Reid, Evelyn Ryan, Margaret Shearer, Helen Smith, William Taylor, Hilda Thorne, Agnes Thurston, Murray Wayne, Nancy Webb, Moira

6 Jun 05 Archer, Sharon Bennett-Blinkhorne, Erin Bithell, Idwal (Eddie) Boniface, Ruby Brown, Mary (May) Butters, Fay Chapman, Henry (Harry) Clarke, Ronson

Fisher, Sandra Hart, Alice (Joan) Head, Marion Howden, Irene Hume, Olive Jarrold, Lloyd Johnson, Heather Johnson, Lawrence Keir, Peter Kidd, Marjorie (Dot) Long, Dorothy McAughtrie, Keith McKeown, Joyce Mokomoko, Sonny Moore, William Parker, Grace Prendergast, Rita Quin, Mary Rawdon, Peter Reid, Evelyn Richards, Sandra Smith, William (Zephon) Sydney, Elizabeth Torea, Sharn Trott, Grace Webb, Moira Weston, Rosa

7 Jun 05 Apatu, Wirihana (Terry, WT) Archer, Sharon Bishop, Neil Bishop, Carol Bithell, Idwal (Eddie) Clarke, Ronson Cook, John (Philip) Dymand, Eileen Gorringe, Albadinah Harris, Merle Hart, Alice (Joan) Hooper, Eric Hotene, Kathleen Howden, Irene Hume, Olive Jarrold, Lloyd Johnson, Heather Keir, Peter Kennedy, Henry Low, Eleanor McDonald, Winifred McKeown, Joyce Mehrtens, Dick Mokomoko, Sonny Moore, James Moore, William Muir, Alva Nielsen, Vivienne Oldenburger, Berend Oram, David Paratene, Pita Quin, Mary Rawdon, Peter Richards, Sandra

Richmond, Elizabeth Smith, David Smith, Robert Sydney, Elizabeth Tate Louisa Thorpe, Sam Torea, Sharn Wall, Nancy Weston, Rosa St. Clair Wright, Peter

8 Jun 05 Askew, Leslie Balloch, Nancy Batley, Raymond Bithell, Idwal (Eddie) Blakely, Violet (Vi) Breading, Kathleen (Kath) Clark, Andrew Cuthbert, Ronald (Ron) Doyle, William (Bill) Duncan, Peter Dunlop, Margaret Dymand, Eileen Gorringe, Albadinah Green, Sarah (Lil) Gunn, Russell Hart, Alice (Joan) Haynes, Laura (Betty) Hooper, Eric Hotene, Kathleen Hunt, Arthur Johnson, Lawrence Keir, Peter Kenny, Noeline Lingard, Norman Loose, Robert McDonald, Winifred McIlwrick, Bill Mercer, Raylene Milne, Keith Moore, James Oldenburger, Berend Palmer, Andrew Paratene, Pita Parker, Grace Richards, Sandra Richmond, Elizabeth Ross, William Sales, Mary Shepheard, Olive Smith, David Smith, Robert Sollitt, Arthur Stevens, John Tansley, Ronald Tate Louisa Thorne, Agnes Torea, Sharn

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Trott, Grace Tuilimu, Palepa Vessey, Bridget Wall, Nancy Webster, Bruce Wright, Barbara Wright, Peter

9 Jun 05 Batley, Raymond Bithell, Idwal (Eddie) Clark, Andrew Doyle, William (Bill) Duncan, Peter Fitzpatrick, Helena (Connie) Flaherty, Jessica Gilling, George Gorringe, Albadinah Gray, William Greenhorn, Agnes (Nancy) Hooper, Eric Hunt, Arthur Johnstone, Desiree Lingard, Norman Mercer, Raylene Palmer, Andrew Pannett, Alison Payne, Patricia Rollason, Madeleine Ross, William Sales, Mary Scott, Ian Sinclair, Dean Sollitt, Arthur Torea, Sharn Tuilimu, Palepa Winter, Frieda Woodlock, William (Jack) Wright, Barbara

10 Jun 05 Bartley, Gwendoline (Gwen) Bohm, Anne Burnett, Keith Campbell, Jack Clark, Andrew Claydon, Maurice Cook, Stan Davidson, Douglas Flaherty, Jessica Gray, William Harper, Hector Hesp, Douglas (Doug) Hide, Stanley Holbrook, Thora Knight, Barbara Macarthur, Ross Mears, Margaret (Nellie)

Mehrtens, Dick Mercer, Raylene Miller, Elsie Munro, Violet Rabe, Gunter Rollason, Madeleine Scott, Ian Torea, Sharn Vessey, Bridget Woodlock, William (Jack)

11 Jun 05 Andrews, Ethan Cook, Stan Cummins, Robert (Jim) Davidson, Douglas Delich, Anastasia Fitzpatrick, Helena (Connie) Greenhorn, Agnes (Nancy) Hansby, Debra Harper, Hector Hesp, Douglas (Doug) Hide, Stanley Jones, Robert Knight, Barbara McDougall, Violet McGreevy, John (Joe) McNulty, Sue Mears, Margaret (Nellie) Mehrtens, Dick Mercer, Raylene Millen, Jean Miller, Elsie Minogue, Paula Morgan, Michael Mullan, Violet Munro, Violet Newton, Ruth Nicolle, Laurance Pannett, Alison Pickworth, Raymond Rabe, Gunter Richens, Nola Rollason, Madeleine Rowe, Ian Scott, Ian Smith, Ernest Sollitt, Arthur Stewart, Beryl Sweetman, Phyllis Trotter, Margaret Tuilimu, Palepa Wakefield, Norma

Walker, Margaret Walsh, Metta White, Gwendoline Wild, Romy

13 Jun 05 Amor, Muriel Anderson, Patricia (Marguerite) Anquetil, Nicki Carr, Margaret Clelland, Sarah (Sadie) Cummins, Robert (Jim) Cunard, Shirley Cunningham, Isobel Curry, Alice Dyer, Rona Graham, Allen Gribble, Colleen Hide, Stan Holloway, Sister Veronica (Margaret) Houston, Daniel Ingold, Hamish Inwood, Frederick Miles, Lancelot Miller, Elsie Nash, John Parker, Geoffrey Payne, Rowland Pickworth, Raymond Robson, Lynette Rogers, Joseph (Gil) Smith, Ernest Spence, Constance Stewart, Beryl Sweetman, Phyllis Thompson, Hazel Trotter, Margaret (Laeta) Walker, Margaret Walkingshaw, Grant Wild, Romy

14 Jun 05 Amor, Muriel Anderson, Patricia Anquetil, Nicki Batchelor, James Carr, Margaret Clelland, Sarah (Sadie) Craig, Arran Cummins, Robert Dalton, Ngaere Dyer, Rona Faid, Leonard Fenton, Andre Haar, Margaret Hide, Stanley Holloway, Sister Veronica

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Margaret) Houston, Daniel Ingold, Hamish Inwood, Fred Irwin, Betty Langdale-Hunt, Janet Le Compte, Peter (Sam) McDougall, Violet McEntee, Leslie Miller, Elsie Nash, John Pickworth, Raymond Richens, Nola Senior, Robert Spence, Constance (Connie) Stevenson, Gilbert Talbot, Catherine Tubb, Thomas Walkingshaw. Grant Williams, Nathan Young, Mildred (Billie)

15 Jun 05 Amor, Muriel Anderson, Patricia Anquetil, Nicki Beattie, Vida Beckley, Joan Bernard, Noreen Burnaby, Jack Costello, Maureen Craig, Arran Crockett, Douglas Currie, Frances Davies, Sonja Dewey, Paul Dobson, Jessie Douglas, Virginia England, Rita Flynn, Bryan Hardy, Peter (Mike) Hodgman Judith (Judy) Iggulden, Betty Ingold, Hamish Inwood, Frederick Langdale-Hunt, Janet Le Compte, Peter (Sam) McEntee, Leslie McKay, Gweneth McKinnon, Elsie Park, John Shepherd, Betty Spence, Constance (Connie) Stevenson, Gilbert (Curly) Tubb, Thomas Watts, Geoffrey White, Gwendoline

Williams, Nathan Wilson, Joy Young, Mildred (Billie)

16 Jun 05 Amor, Muriel Bain, Jacqueline Beckley, Joan Bernard, Noreen Buckley, Agnes Combs, Margaret (Nan) Crockett, Douglas Currie, James Dalton, Ngaere Douglas, Virginia Flynn, Bryan Hardy, Peter (Mike) Henderson, Colin Hern, Ross Hickman, Honora (Nancy) Hodgman, Judith (Judy) Hood, Neal McEntee, Leslie McKay, Gweneth (Gwen) McPhedran, Dorothy (Jean) Norrie, David Pilbrow, Marie Poutu, Maraea (Suey) Read, Brenda Robinson, Ruby Shepherd, Betty Watts, Geoffrey Woolley, Margaret

17 Jun 05 Anquetil, Nicki Blyth, Ian Crockett, Douglas Currie, James Hazlett, Ian Henderson, Colin Henderson, Warren Pilbrow, Marie Ralfe, Kathleen Read, Brenda Robertson, Janice Robinson, Ruby

18 Jun 05 Aston, John (Graham) Bain, Jacqueline Barker, David Blyth, Ian Boyd, Olive Bremner, Betty Button, Vivienne Campbell, Jack Currie, James Elworthy, The Hon. Jonathan

Ewing, Brian Gray, Albert Hazlett, Ian Henderson, Colin Hood, Neal Hulme, Doreen Ingold, Hamish Kamau, Kathleen Low, Loreen (Grace) McAuliffe, Eva McMaster, Helen Norrie, David Potter, Gladys (Dawn) Poutu, Maraea (Suey) Read, Brenda Reddock, Irene Robertson, Janice Sinnott, Thomas Smither, Margaret Vincent, Peter White, Robert (Bob)

20 Jun 05 Arnott, Ian Aston, John (Graham) Bain, Jacqueline Barker, David Bremner, Betty Carruthers, Andrew Eden, Barry Eden, Douglas Elsom, Keith Elworthy, The Hon. Jonathan Hanson, Margaret Hazlett, Ian Heath, Bryan Hebberd, Ida (Nan) Jenkins, Coral Lawrence, John Lucinsky, Clara McConnell, Mary McIlroy, Daniel McMaster, Helen Mitchell, John Nye, Constance Potter, Gladys (Dawn) Read, Brenda Reddock, Irene Robertson, Janice Roughan, Isobel Saunders, Joan Sinnott, Thomas Soper, Ngaire Thompson, Ra (Reverend) Trower, Natalie Wakefield, Norma Walls, Roger Whelan, Peter and Estella (Shirley) White, Robert

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Wilson, Desmond

21 Jun 05 Bowie, Doris Cole, Catherine (Kay) Eden, Barry Eden, Douglas Fearnley, June Frickleton, William Girvan, Connie Grainger, June Harrison, John (Jock) Hope, Violet Jenkins, Coral Jones, Louisa Lawrence, John Lucinsky, Clara McIlroy, Daniel Mitchell, John Pitcaithly, Kenneth (Ken) Potter, Gladys (Dawn) Rowney, Eric Salter, Joyce Saunders, Allan Saunders, Joan Smith, Dulcie Soper, Ngaire Spice, Gillian (Jill) Trower, Natalie Walls, Roger Whelan, Peter and Estella (Shirley) White, Robert Whyte, Nola

22 Jun 05 Bennett, Ralph Bowie, Doris Burnett, Charles Chesmar, Jean Chisnall, Alexander (Boyd) Clairmont, Thelma Clemens, Isla Cole, Catherine (Kay) Donaldson, Dorothy Donaldson, Leonard (Len) Ellery, Gillian Ewing, Brian Fearnley, June Gibbs, Doreen Harrison, John Holman, Mary Holmes, Helene Jamieson, Allan Jones, Lois Jones, Louisa Justice, Florence (Stella) McIlroy, Daniel Moir, Joan

O'Brien, Niamh Pitcaithly, Kenneth (Ken) Reid, John Robertson, William Saunders, Joan Smith, Audrey Smith, Harold Spice, Gillian (Jill) Sutherland, Larry Walls, Roger Whyte, Nola Williams, Kathleen

23 Jun 05 Barton, Pamela Beattie, June Bennett, Ralph Burnett, Charles Byles, Terence Charlton, George Collett, Patrick (Joe) Francis, Margaret Green, Hector Hedgman, Effie (Bobbie) Holman, Mary Ingold, Hamish Jamieson, Allan Jones, Lois Justice, Florence (Stella) Lawry, Edith Laws, Edwin (Les) Lewis, Irene (Rene) McIlraith, Helen Moir, Joan Morriss, Douglas O'Brien, Niamh Reid, John Sadler, Michael Smith, Harold Sutherland, Larry Templeton, Margaret Thomas, Cuthbert Williams, Kathleen

24 Jun 05 Batt, Royden Blackburn, Catherine (Joan) Borrie, Eric Burnett, Charles Burrow, Joan Collett, Patrick (Joe) Francis, Margaret Holman, Mary Horgan, Lois Ingold, Hamish Jamieson, Allan King, John Lawrence, Trevor Laws, Edwin (Les) McIlraith, Helen Morriss, Douglas

O'Brien, Niamh Shanks, May Stewart, Allan Sugrue, Dorothy Sutherland, Larry Trollope, Marjory Williamson, Allan

25 Jun 05 Anderson, Betty Arnold, Mira Bartley, Gwen Batt, Royden Borrie, Eric Burrow, Joan Byles, Terence Clough, Kenneth Cochrane, Jessie Dunbier, Marjorie Evans, Jennifer Fearnley, June Fischer, Robert (Robbie) Haddow, Margaret Hedges, George Hedgman, Effie (Bobbie) Holman, Mary Hooper, Pamela Horgan, Lois Jones, Rosemary King, John Lawry, Edith Lemon, Coral MacDonald, William (Bill) Mair, Bernard Morriss, Douglas Randle, Valmae Reid, John Renaut, Aldwyth Reynolds, James (Jim) Rutland, Joshua (John) Sadler, Michael Shanks, May Smith, Horace Stewart, Allan Sugrue, Dorothy Trollope, Marjory Trower, Natalie Villars, Marie Williamson, Allan Wilson, Alexander

27 Jun 05 Aburn, Peter Anderson, Betty Annear, Betty Bent, Mary Bichan, Margaret (Lilian) Borrie, Eric

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Burrow, Joan Campbell, Ivy Chalk, Cyril Cochrane, Jessie Coulson, Eric Currie, Norma Dunbier, Marjorie Ellen, Audrey Gay, Georgina Haddow, Margaret Hall, William Hedges, George Hessey, Dot (Dorothy) Hooper, Pamela Horgan, Lois Howat, Olga Hunter, Rosemary Jones, Beth Jones, Rosemary King, John Kinnaird, Eileen (Joyce) Langdon, Peter Litchfield, Ailsa Lyman, Richard Mair, Bernard McCormick, Daniel McGregor, Gordon McPhail, David Newton, Lavinia Ramsden, Eileen Rayner, Richard Renaut, Aldwyth Rowe, Constance (Jean) Rutland, Joshua (John) Scott, Robert Smith, Horace Sugrue, Dorothy Viney, Adelaide Wanhalla, Stanley Wonnacott, Evelyn Woodside, Alexander

28 Jun 05 Annear, Betty Baker, Richard Batty, Dr Richard Cain, Thomas Campbell, Ivy Chalk, Cyril Coulson, Eric Currie, Norma Dawson, James Duncan, Anthony Ellen, Audrey Etheridge, Maude (Liz) Evans, Jennifer Gay, Georgina Hall, William Haynes, Leslie Hedges, George Hessey, Dot (Dorothy)

Hooper, Pamela Inwood, Phyllis Kinnaird, Eileen (Joyce) Lyman, Richard McCormick, Daniel McGregor, Gordon McKeague, Mary (Mollie) McMeekan, Graeme Mitchell, June Newton, Lavinia Peddie, William Ramsden, Eileen Rayner, Richard Robertson, Susan Rutland, John Sadler, Michael Sanhueza, Maria Smith, Horace Telfer, Elizabeth (Irene) Thompson, Raymond Wanhalla, Stanley Woodside, Alexander

29 Jun 05 Ashworth, Ivan Baker, Richard Barr, Brydon Bayne, Amelia (Jean) Cain, Thomas Campbell, Ivy Carter, Douglas (Allan) Crozier, Ethel (Fran) Davey, Helen Dawson, James Eastwood, Janet Ellen, Audrey Finlay, Vera Gay, Georgina Gilovitch, Diana Gordon, Nancy Hall, William Hanifin, Noeline Haynes, Leslie Hislop, Douglas Hunter, Rosemary Inwood, Phyllis Lamberth, Pania Lemon, Heather (Joy) Louwrens, Jack Lyttle, Edwin McCormick, Daniel McKeague, Mary (Mollie) McMeekan, Graeme Mitchell, June Newton, Lavinia Park, John

Rainey, Ethel Renaut, Aldwyth (Jo) Robertson, Susan Rowe, Constance (Jean) Scott, Ethel (Jean) Secker, Donald Wilson, Neville

30 Jun 05 Ashworth, Charles (Charlie) Beer, Gladys Cain, Thomas Davey, Helen Eastwood, Janet Fitzgerald, Desmond (Des) Genet, Leslie (Jack) Gordon, Nancy Hanifin, Noeline Huband, Ngaire Lemon, Heather (Joy) Manderson, Dorothy Mellor, Robin Murray, Noel Parrett, William (Bill) Savage, Donald (Murray) Scott, Ethel (Jean) Silke, Edward Sutton, Ivy Thwaites, Brian Whyte, Alastair

1 Jul 05 Abraham, Sydney (Perry) Ashworth, Charlie Cain, Thomas Cooper, Edward (Eddie) Davey, Helen Dillon, Kieran Fitzgerald, Desmond (Des) Genet, Leslie (Jack) Kilkenny, Richard (Dick) Lindroos, Mary Logan, John Long, Phyllis MacDonald, Queenie Main, John McCully, Hazel Murray, Keith Murray, Noel Oxley, Lionel Stevens, Ethel Sutton, Ivy Taylor, Arnold (Arnie)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Tothill, Allan

3 Jul 05 Arnold, Walter (Rev. Canon) Christensen, Bradley Clarke, Kane Cox, Ian Dillon, Kieran Doidge, Eric Eastwood, Janet Evans, Gaynor Finlay, Vera Hanco*ck, Peter Johnston, Deborah Joyce, Patricia Kilkenny, Richard (Dick) Kingsbury, Marion Lindroos, Mary Logan, John Louwrens, Jack MacDonald, Queenie Main, John Manderson, Dorothy Masters, Lola Oxley, Lionel Pearson, Gloria Robertson, Caitlin Sauer, Yvonne Sewell, Thomas Smith, Isabel Taylor, Arnold (Arnie) Tothill, Allan Watson, Mervyn White, Kathleen

4 Jul 05 Anthony, Paul Arnold, Rev. Canon Walter Behrnes, Edward Brownlee, Robert Clarke, Kane Couttie, John Crombie, Margaret Crowe, Margaret Eden, Cheryl Francis, Joan Hamilton, Yvonne Hanco*ck, Peter Hooke, Donald Jackson, Ivy Kingsbury, Marion Le Compte, Betty McGarth, Martin Mills, Ian (Jim) Morrish, Eileen Neilson, Allen Otto, Caroline Pearson, Gloria Perkins, Edward (Bruce)

Robertson, Caitlin Robinson, Pastor Rex Sharpe, Trixie Thorndycroft, Jill Tothill, Allan Watson, Mervyn Wear, Alan West, Dorothy

5 Jul 05 Anthony, Paul Bennett, Eunice Bingham, Lois Crowe, Margaret de Lange, Theodore Denham, Jean Eden, Cheryl Ford, Roland (Roy) Francis, Joan Hamilton, Yvonne Hanco*ck, Peter Harvey, David Hollingworth, Reginald Hooke, Donald Humphrey, Timothy Jackson, Ivy Joyce, Patricia Knight, Joan Le Compte, Betty McGrath, Martin Neilson, Allen Pearson, Gloria Quinn, Michael Rayner, Russell Robertson, Caitlin Sharpe, Trixie Thorndycroft, Jill Tothill, Allan Trumper, Harry Wear, Alan

6 Jul 05 Anthony, Paul Balfour, Ellen Bingham, Lois Binns, Ken Bray, Gavin Brice, Ailsa Broadhurst, Norman Buckett, Ella Clarke, Kane Crotty, Alice Crowe, Margaret Dawson, Helen Day, Vera de Lange, Theodore Denham, Jean Finlay, Walter (Jim) Ford, Roland (Roy) Gebler, Henri Hamilton, Yvonne Hitch, Gordon Humphrey, Timothy Imlay, Lindsay Jackson, Ivy

Johnston, Rosie Knight, Joan Le Compte, Betty Marshall, Jane Orbell, Josephine Pinkerton, Irene Scully, Leo Sharpe, Trixie Sinclair, David Toy, Harry Trumper, Harry Tuhi, Koroniria Turland, Edward

7 Jul 05 Arnst, Dorothy Balfour, Ellen Bartlett, Lloyd Beatson, Ian Bennett, Eunice Bray, Gavin Brice, Ailsa Clark, Keith Crotty, Alice Dawson, Helen Day, Vera Dewe, Louisa Gebler, Henri Johnston, Rosie Marshall, Jane Orbell, Josephine Ritchie, Sue Scully, Leo Sinclair, David Stark, Duncan Thorndycroft, Jill Toy, Harry Tuhi, Koroniria Turland, Edward Wilson, Maurice

8 Jul 05 Amituanai, Leonardo Arnst, Dorothy Balfour, Ellen Bennett, Eunice Blackburn, Gwendoline Brinkman, Richard Brown, John (Jack) Clark, Keith Crotty, Alice Dale, Percy (Jim) McKissock, Leslie Okey, Eleanor Ritchie, Sue Stark, Duncan Thompson, Constance (Connie) Tuhi, Koroniria Wilson, Maurice

9 Jul 05 Allan, Carol Amituanai, Leonardo

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Bennett, Eunice Blackburn, Gwendoline Blatch, Stacie Brinkman, Richard Bryant, Jonathan

Buttolph, William (Bill) Clark, Keith Coleman, Kevin Dale, Percy (Jim) Dowdle, Reginald Ede, John (Jack) Foxon, Gladys Giles, Noeline (Nonie) Hastings, Mary Haylock, Helen (Nell) Hyde, Lilias Imlay, Lindsay Jones, Peter McKissock, Leslie McMurtrie, Bridget (Bridie) Olliver, Kenneth (Ken) Richards, Eric (Toby) Roberts, Edgar (Eddie) Thompson, Constance (Connie) Wall, Wilhelmena Washington, Robert (Bob) Webb, Noel Wilson, Eleanor Wood, Joan

11 Jul 05 Adams, George Allan, Carol Anderson, Rona Blatch, Stacie Body, Audrey Buttolph, William (Bill) Clark, Keith Coleman, Kevin Collis, Neil Coveney, Russell Davis, Elizabeth (Betty) Dowdle, Reginald Ede, John (Jack) Gaskell, John Giles, Noeline (Nonie) Greaves, Ernest (Ernie) Harris, Moira Hughes, Anna

Hurcomb, Albert (Bert) Hutana, Te Whe Ariki Jeffs, Irene Jones, Peter Kamst, Shirley Keast, Judy Kirkpatrick, Laura Macdiarmid, Maureen Moore, Grace (Gay) Moore, Noreen Presland, Grace Rees, Carma Richards, Eric (Toby) Roberts, Edgar (Eddie) Scott, Francis Scott, Joan Sinco*ck, Jean Wall,Wihelmena Wareing, Patricia

12 Jul 05 Anderson, Rona Atkins, Warren Body, Audrey Boomer, James Campbell, Peterson (Roger) Clatworthy, Joyce Collis, Neil Coveney, Russell Davis, Elizabeth (Betty) Dowdle, Reginald Foster, Joyce Fowler, Anthony Garrard, Peter Gent, Ivan Greaves, Ernest (Ernie) Harris, Moira Hayward, Flora Hughes, Anna Hurcomb, Albert (Bert) Hutana, Te Whe Ariki Jones, Peter Joyce, Monty (Dennis) (DJ) Kamst, Shirley Keast, Judy Kirkpatrick, Laura Macdiarmid, Maureen Moore, Grace (Gay) Philbrick, Esther Pounsford, John Presland, Grace Rees, Carma Robb, Edward (Jim) Scott, Alan Scott, Joan

Shaw, Ernest Sheehan, Daniel Sinco*ck, Jean Tait, Vera Taylor, Brian Thin, Alice Venning, Jillian Wareing, Patricia Webb, Michael Williams, John Wood, Joan Younger, Joseph

13 Jul 05 Anderson, Rona Atkins, Warren Bird, Shirley Body, Audrey Bond, Vincent (Gibb) Boomer, James Breach, Yvonne Brown, Haidee (Reata) Burton, Rita Coveney, Russell Crosby, Keith Dorofaeff, Dulcie Dwyer, Michael Forgie, Grace Fowler, Anthony Galway, Melva Garrard, Peter Gaskin, George Green, Hector Hamilton, Rachel (Rene) Harcus, Dorothy Harman, Robert Hill, Sue Hogg, Jack Hutana, Te Whe Ariki Joyce, Denis Kerei-Pukekohatu, Temuara (Sam) Manson, Robert (Bevan) O'Regan, Catherine Phillips, Alfred Phillips, Warren Potaka-Osborne, Elizabeth (Betty) Pounsford, John Puklowski, Alexander Rees, Carma Scott, Alan Scott, Joan Sheehan, Daniel Sinco*ck, Jean Stirling, Iris Taylor, Brian Venning, Jillian Wall, Betty Watson, Dorothy

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Webb, Michael Williams, John Williden, Clarence (Clarry)

14 Jul 05 Atkins, Warren Bray, William Breach, Yvonne Brown, Haidee (Reata) Burnett, Clive Campbell, Peterson (Roger) Carvell, David (Drum) Charles, Christine Chu, Wai Pui Coveney, Russell Dorofaeff, Dulcie Dwyer, Michael Farr, Thomas (Bruce) Filivae, Tui Galway, Melva Gardner, Dorothea Gaskin, George Halliday, Alice (Merle) Hamilton, Rachel (Rene) Harman, Robert Henderson, Jim Hutana, Te Whe Ariki Kearns, George Kenny, Cyril Lund, John Magson, Pamela McDonald, Leda Pounsford, John Stapleton, William Stirling, Iris Wall, Betty Watson, Dorothy Webb, Michael Willis, Bruce Ziolo, Sylvia

15 Jul 05 Balloch, Alexander (Alex) Buchanan, Margaret (Peggy) Burnett, Clive Butts, Mary Carvell, David (Drum) Chu, Wai Pui Filivae Tui Galway, Melva Hamilton, Rachel (Rene) Iti, Peter Jackson, Alfred (Ray) Jones, Lloyd Lund, John Magson, Pamela McCormick, Enid McDonald, Leda

Oxnam, Peter Phillips, Alfred Reynolds Sydney (Syd) Stapleton, William Stirling, Iris Storey, Guealah (Sue) Wall, Betty Willis, Robert Ziolo, Sylvia

16 Jul 05 Balloch, Alexander (Alex) Bayne, William Bourdot, Keith Bray, William Buchanan, Margaret (Peggy) Butterfield, Raymond Butts, Mary Carpenter, Edward Carvell, David (Drum) Chu, Wai Pui Clark, Betty co*ckburn, Leonard (Len) Craw, Nancy Daily, John (Junior) Duffield, Ida Garea, Tanya Haggerty, Robert Harper, Christine House, Alfred Iti, Peter Jackson, Alfred (Ray) Jones, Lloyd Josephson, Colin Kent, Darren Kent, Neville Lund, John McGlinchy, Betty Muir, Kevin O'Neil, William O'Neill, Edward Pronk, Myrtle (Sue) Riley, William Russell, Brenda Smith, Vivien Stirling, Iris Storey, Guealah (Sue) Terras, Ross Thomas, Ivy (Joan) Timlin, Janet (Jan) Vaiese, Enele (Henry) Williams, John Willis, Robert

18 Jul 05 Bourdot, Keith Brown, Cecil Butterfield, Raymond Butts, Mary Cassee, Wilma Christie, Peter co*ckburn, Leonard Cruickshank, Minnie Davis, Gordon Dixon, Jean Evans, Gertrude

Francis, Keith Freeman, Joyce Garland, Cecil Hanco*ck, John (Jack) Hill, Reginald Horner, Norma Ilton, Noel Irwin, John Josephson, Colin Lees, Mary Marsh, Ivy McCullough, Mary McKay, Elsie McKenzie, John Miller-Brown, Marjorie Morwood, Irene (Renee) Munro, Rosemary Neil, Thelma Papuni, Eru Reilly, Dr. William Ross, David Scully, Laura Simmers, Archibald Smith, Robin (Bob) Terras, Ross Thomas, Ivy Turner, Edward Vaiese, Enele (Henry) Wall, Frederick (Jim, Jimmy)

19 Jul 05 Bourdot, Keith Braden, Kevin Brady, Nancy Brewin, George Brown, Cecil Burt, Leonard Butterfield, Raymond Cassee, Wilma Clark, Brent Cruickshank, Minnie Denford, Graeme Dixon, Jean Drewery, John (Jack) Francis, Keith Freeman, Joyce Frost, Lorraine (June) Garland, Cecil Gibson, John Hill, Reginald Hood, Robin (Bob) Keenan, Jean Lees, Mary Marsh, Ivy McKay, Elsie Nicolle, Harold O'Neil, William Reilly, Dr. William Roberts, Elsie (Joey) Ross, David Tinker, Warwick (Tim) Turner, Edward Wall, Frederick (Jim or Jimmy) Wilson, Kathleen

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


20 Jul 05 Baker, Keith Baltakmens, Olga Brady, Nancy Brown, Ian Bunt, Nancy (Nan) Cairns, George Clark, Betty Clark, Brent Cookson, Ronald (Ron) Corsan, John (Tim) Cuttriss, Claire Drewery, John (Jack) Findlay, John Francis, Keith Garland, Cecil Gifford, Esther Hill, Reginald Holden, Olive (May) Hood, Robin (Bob) Kissel, John Lees, Mary Leith, John (Ian) McCullough, Mary McKenzie, John Mitchell, George Morwood, Irene (Renee) Nicolle, Harold O'Neil, William Price, Lens Szilvassy, Bela Templeton, Orma Tinker, Warwick (Tim) Turner, Edward Wait, Celia Westrupp, Philip Whitley, David

21 Jul 05 Bailey, Dennis Barry, Benjamin Brady, Nancy Brown, Ian Cairns, George Clark, Betty Cuttriss, Claire Duncan, James (Jim) Fraser, Gertrude (Gert) Hamilton, Una Hewson, Alan Hill, Reginald Holden, Olive (May) Hood, Robin (Bob) Hooper, Joy James, Margaret (Dilys) Kiriaev, Egor Kissel, John Leith, John (Ian) Lennon, Lorraine May, Kathleen Mitchell, George Price, Lens Robinson, Phillip (John) Rodgers, Anthony Szilvassy, Bela Wait, Celia

22 Jul 05 Auld, Edna Barlow, Albert co*ckburn, Dorothy Fraser, Gertrude (Gert) Garnett, John Garvey, James Hinchey, William Hodges, Jeanette Hooper, Joy Jager, Robin Kissel, John Lambert, Zilma Mainland, Pearl May, Kathleen O'Sullivan, Lewis (Bill) Price, Lens (Gavin) Rodgers, Anthony Simpson, Margaretta (Gwen) Smith, Patrick Thomas, Robert Turner, Marie

23 July, 05 Anderson, Mary Barlow, Albert Booth, Kate Braithwaite, Winifred Calder, Pam co*ckburn, Dorothy Denford, Graeme Devonport, Thomas Hewson, Alan Hinchey, William Hodges, Jeanette Hooper, Joy Hulston, Cliff Jager, Robin Jennings, Elizabeth Lambert, Zilma Law, Megan Law, Noma Lennon, Lorraine Mainland, Pearl McNamara, Theresa Mundy, Stanley O'Sullivan, Lewis (Bill) Robinson, Phillip (John) Rodgers, Anthony Smith, Thomas Sprosen, Jack Turner, Annie Turner, Marie Voice, Beverley Ward, Raymond Wilkins, Clara

25 July, 05 Atkinson, Helen Boote, Marian Braithwaite, Winifred Dow, Beryl Gill, Keith Greig, Lynette Hardy, Ruby

Herrett, Daphne Hodges, Jeanette Horgan, George Jennings, Elizabeth Kenny, Phyllis Law, Megan Law, Noma Moen, Robin O'Connell, Kevin Perks, Robert Priest, Margaret Robson, Thomas Salvage, Ethel Souness, Jessie Spears, Jane Straker, Mathew Wilkins, Clara

26 July, 05 Anderson, Duncan Andrew, Beverley Atkinson, Helen Berry, Aaron Beswick, Phyllis Boote, Marian Curle, Arthur Falloon, Lilian Feely, Mary Ferguson, Jim Hinman, Dennis Kilduff, Darville (Mick) Law, Megan Mantell, Douglas (Rex) McCartin, Brendon (Peter) McQuade, Geoffrey Mika, Rev. Puava Muir, Donald Murray, Clarence (Jack) Robson, Thomas Scott, Eula Siggleko, Neville Sinclair, Zana Spears, Jane Straker, Mathew Syron, Thomas Toohey, Alice Williamson, Ruby

27 July, 05 Andrew, Beverley Baker, Keith Baker, Tungia Banks, Colin Bennetts, Evelyn Berry, Aaron Briggs, Joyce Browne, Gladys Brownlee, Christopher Cornelius, Francis (Frank) Falloon, Lilian Fitzgerald, Annette Hadley, Florence Harraway, Anna

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Harris, Jean Harwood, Barbara Herrett, Daphne Hinman, Dennis Hopkinson, Joan Inkson, Freda Jay, David Johnstone, Doreen Kingsman, Florice Law, Noma Mantell, Douglas (Rex) McCartin, Brendon (Peter) Muir, Donald Murray, Clarence (Jack) Palmer, Iris Perks, Robert Priest, Margaret Scott, Eula Sinclair, Zana Straker, Mathew Toohey, Alice Young, Thora

28 July, 05 Baynes, Kathleen (Nancy) Bell, Charles Bennet, Alys Berry, Aaron Boulton, Violet Briggs, Joyce Brownlee, Christopher Cannard, Jak Cornelius, Francis (Frank) Falconer, William (Barney) Frost, Heather Grooby, Melvine (Alex) Hadley, Florence Harwood, Barbara Herridge, Alistair Hinman, Dennis Jowitt, Maggie (Peggy) Mahony, Dorothy Mantell, Douglas (Rex) McKie, Marjorie Murray, Clarence (Jack) Norton, Richard Oliver, James Palmer, Iris Pidgeon, Raymond Pitt, Margaret Propsting, Kathleen Savage, Peggy Sewell, Nicola Shepherd, Terrence Squire-Beck, Josephine Taylor, John

29 Jul 05 Baillie, Barbara

Bell, Charles Bennet, Alys Buchan, Barbara Burns, Robert (Bob) Crossman, Laurie Dobbie, Cecilia Frost, Heather Harraway, Anna Harwood, Barbara Lorraine, Maureen Mahony, Dorothy McInnes, Connie Milne, Bruce Moore, Jean (Lettie) Morse, Edward Norton, Richard Pidgeon, Raymond Propsting, Kathleen Robinson, Gary Sinco*ck, John (Harry) Smith, Harold Smith, Kathleen Squire-Beck, Josephine Syme, Bruce (Sam) Taylor, John

30 Jul 05 Adams, Stephen Adamson, Eunice Baillie, Barbara Baxter, Elizabeth Baynes, Kathleen (Nancy) Breen, Florence (Cath) Burns, Robert Couper, Barbara Crosbie, Hazel Crossman, Laurie Falconer, William (Barney) Haylock, Helen (Nell) Hunter, Margaret Johnson, Dawn Kilkelly, Desmond Lorraine, Maureen McGrath, Francis (Frank) McInnes, Connie McKie, Marjorie Milne, Bruce Moore, Jean (Lettie) Morse, Edward Nimmo, James Paynter, Hector (Mick) Quickenden, Terrence Robinson, Gary Scott, Robert (Bob) Sewell, Nicola Shepherd, Terrence Sinco*ck, John (Harry)

Stockdale, Paul Stuart, George Styles, Norman Sullivan, William (Bill) Syme, Bruce (Sam) Taylor, John Vaughan, Barbara Williams, Charles Wratt, Douglas

1 Aug 05 Adamson, Eunice Baxter, Elizabeth Boon, Doreen Breen, Florence Broughton, David Broughton, Ethel Calteaux, Leonard Campen, Lewis Castles, Thomas Francis, Andrew Grimshaw, Monica Harris, Hannah Harris, Hazel Haugh, Michael Hawkins, Bruce Hill, Anne (Jo) Hill, Sharon Kilkelly, Desmond Kiss, Louise Lange, Doreen Lenthall, Vera Mackenzie, Betty Manson, Francis McCormick, Keith McDonald, Lucy McInnes, Connie McLaughlin, Tony McLeod, Raymond McMahon, Valerie Quirke, Barbara Ruffell, Ronald Stadnyk, Peter Stevenson, Lynette Stewart, Alison Stockdale, Paul Sullivan, William (Bill) Taylor, Cynthia Teague, Russell Thawley, Quita Tibbles, Vincent Vaughan, Barbara Watt, Douglas Williams, Charles Wornall, Daphne (Joan)

2 Aug 05 Adams, Stephen Adamson, Eunice Andrews, Gladys Banks, Estelle Barlow, Ronald Bisphan, Monica Black, Beryl

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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Boon, Doreen Crisp, Gregory Dennison, Lillian (Sadie) Easterbrook, Ilma Elliot, Tracey (Refer Crisp notice) Forrester, Ellen Francis, Andrew Gray, Ian Harris, Hannah Harris, Hazel Harvey, Maureen Haugh, Michael Hill, Sharon Hobson, Ethel Jackson, Pip MacLean, William Manson, Francis McCormick, Keith McDonald, Lucy McLeod, Melva Moser, Karl Musson, William (Dick) Prior, John (Jack) Ross, Marjorie Smith, Edna Smith, Jocelyn (Joy) Stevenson, Lynette Stewart, Alison Taylor, Cynthia Teague, Russell Thawley, Quita Wilson, Tulah

3 Aug 05 Adams, Stephen Banks, Estelle Baxter, Murray Berdinner, Bernice Clark, Debbie Coleman, Sheila Cressey, Peter Crisp, Gregory Elliot, Tracey Forrester, Ellen Francis, Andrew Harris, Hazel Haugh, Michael Hobson, Ethel Hudson, Lewis Kiss, Louise McCormick, Keith McGlashan, Karen McInnes, John (Jack) McLeod, Melva Musson, William (Dick) Penk, Isabella Reynolds, Ian Smith, Edna Smith, Jocelyn (Joy) Stewart, Alison Taylor, Cynthia Watt, Douglas

Wornall, Daphne (Joan)

4 Aug 05 Adams, George Adams, Stephen Baxter, Murray Brewer, John Campbell, Robin Clark, Debbie Davis, Vincent Dempsey, Fred Easterbrook, Ilma Elliot, Tracey Forrester, Ellen Harris, Hazel Hudson, Lewis Ivory, Arthur Keating, Alice MacKenzie, Elizabeth (Betty) Masoe, Benjamin McGlashan, Karen McInnes, John (Jack) McLeod, Melva Parker, Evelyn Seaton, Edith Smith, Edna Smith, Jocelyn (Joy) Smith, Marjorie Taogaga, Maryanne Taylor, Gordon Vigers, Enid Weeber, Ian Welton, William Wilson, Ross

5 Aug 05 Barrington, Neville Calvert, Dr Allen (John) Clark, Debbie Dempsey, Frederick Gould, Ada Grogan, Francis Holmes, Oswald Ivory, Arthur Jamieson, Ross Keating, Alice Linton, Judith MacKenzie, Elizabeth (Betty) McLeod, Melva Page, Patrick Quirk, Susan Seaton, Edith Shepherd, Maurice Smith, Marjorie Taylor, Gordon Vigers, Enid Welton, William

6 Aug 05 Bailey, Dr John Beynon, Walter Brewer, John

Cannan, William Crisp, Gregory Cuddihy, Judith-Ann (Judy) Davis, Vincent Edwards, Joyce Elliot, Tracey (refer Crisp notice) Farrant, Cecily (Joan) Gosney, Alice Gould, Ada Gregory, Kenneth Grogan, Francis Holmes, Oswald Hoolmans, Gerardus Jamieson, Ross Kennedy, Annie Lawson, Howard Linton, Judith Mehlhopt, Ngaere Ogden, John Page, Patrick Plows, Gwendoline Quirk, Susan Redshaw, Nelson Roberts, Edna Schumacher, Mervyn Scott, Roy Sheehan, Josephine Turner, Peter Weeber, Ian

8 Aug 05 Benyon, Walter Biddle, Eileen Cannan, William Crowder, Clara Daly, Brian Debenham, Shirley Dickson, Lorna Durry, Doreen Easton, Michael Farrant, Cecily (Joan) Gosney, Alice Hutchison, Paul Hutt, Hendrikje (Henny) Kennedy, Annie Lawson, Howard Manson, Timothy (Ting) Matches, Richard Mehlhopt, Ngaere Page, Patrick Quirk, Susan Ritchie, Ivy (Dell) Rochford, Leon Rogers, Nora Schumacher, Mervyn Scott, Roy Shute, Adrian

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Tomlins, Joan Warren, The Revd Martin

9 Aug 05 Anderson, Morris Anderson, Neville Biddle, Eileen Bruce, Gordon Dempsey, Fred Dickson, Douglas Fife, Audrey Finlayson, Velma (Val) Harrison, James Hart, Neville Holmes, Rona Hutt, Hendrikje (Henny) Lawson, Howard Lawson, Mona MacKenzie, Elizabeth Manson, Timothy (Ting) Matches, Richard Pomeroy, Harvey (Paddy) Quirk, Susan Richmond, Jessie Ridler, Lorraine Ritchie, Ivy (Dell) Rochford, Leon Rogers, Nora Ryan, Norm Simons, Owen (Ben) Thin, Violet Tomlins, Joan Warren, The Revd Martin Wiggins, Maxwell Williamson, Jennifer Worrall, Pearl

10 Aug 05 Anderson, Morris Baynes, Nancy Bell, Gwendolen (Gwen) Boddy, James Bruce, Gordon Cranstoun, Lloyd Crowder, Clara Dickson, Douglas Edwin, Pauline Elliott, John (Jack) Fife, Audrey Finlayson, Valmai Gillies, Huria (Gabby) Gordon, Helen Hansen, Peter Hart, Neville Inns, Noel Jackson, Selwyn Manson, Timothy

(Ting) Pomeroy, Harvey (Paddy) Ricketts, Jonathan Ridler, Lorraine Ryan, Norman Shears, Mabel (Joyce) Spang, Amy Thin, Violet Thompson, Ian Tinning, John Wiggins, Maxwell Williamson, Alan Williamson, Jennifer Woodward, Norma

11 Aug 05 Blick, Olive Boddy, James Brown, Marjorie Chennells, Pauline Coward, Walter (Wally) Cranstoun, Lloyd Elliott, John (Jack) Gillies, Huria (Gabby) Horsburgh, James (Jim) Jackson, Selwyn Lees, Cecilia (Clare) Lemalu, Faaeteete Looser, Eileen McGirr, Hugh Mouw, Barend Pomeroy, Harvey (Paddy) Ricketts, Jonathan Rippin, Meryle Ryan, Phyllis Shears, Mabel (Joyce) Tavendale, Valmai Welsh, Wendy Wiggins, Maxwell Williamson, Alan Wood, James (Jim) Woodward, Norma

12 Aug 05 Baker, William Barry, Mavis Baynes, Nancy Boddy, James Brown, Marjorie Checketts, Catherine Coward, Walter (Wally) Cranstoun, Lloyd Cross, Kathleen (Kath) D'Eve, Marian Gadd, Michael Goslin, Gloria

Grenfell, Valmai Horsburgh, James (Jim) Lees, Cecilia (Clare) Mitchell, Vian Mouw, Barend Reid, William Rippin, Meryle Smith, Russell Stolk, Geradus (Gerry) Thomson, John Welsh, Wendy Wood, James (Jim)

13 Aug 05Baker, William Barry, Mavis Begg, Hugh Checketts, Catherine Coupe, Esmond Craw, Elfreda D'Eve, Marian Fox, Gwendoline Gadd, Michael Gemmell, Joyce Goslin, Gloria Grenfell, Valmai Hiskemuller, Frances Horsburgh, James Ireland, Isobel Jackson, Selwyn Lamberg, Elima Looser, Eileen McCall, Trixie McCombie, Aleisha McDonald, Winifred McLean, James (Colin) Petrie, Lawrence Rowland, Jessie Smith, Russell Soper, Annette Thomson, John Washbourne, Ronald Weir, Beverley Wells, Peter Woods, Thomas

15 Aug 05 Ainge, James Barnes, George Barry, Mavis Barry, Winifred Bendall, Sister Gabriel Bennett, Joyce Blazey, Norman Burrows, Rob Craw, Elfreda Fox, Gwendoline

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Fryer, Rita Gadd, Michael Hiskemuller, Frances Ireland, Isobel Leonard, Dorothy Lester, Thomas Malzard, Gwendoline McCall, Trixie McKendry, Alice Mills, Jennifer Milne, Jessie (Yesmeene) Nelson, George Nesbit, Phyllis Olsen, Eileen Petrie, Lawrence Sinclair, Zena Thompson, Earle Tubman, Rotha Wade, John Washbourne, Ronald Weir, Beverley Woods, Thomas

16 Aug 05 Barnes, George Barry, Winifred Bennett, Joyce Blazey, Norman Blunden, Peter Brayley, Gordon Burrows, Rob Childs, Shirley Fryer, Rita Hooper, Tui Ireland, Isobel Kinney, Augustine Knight, Richard (Sam) Kydd, Gaynor Langridge, Irene Lester, Thomas Malcolm, James Malzard, Gwendoline Mann, Margaret McCall, Trixie McIver, Arthur McKendry, Alice McNaughton, Frances Meade, Margurite (Margaret) Milligan, James Mulholland, Ross Nelson, George Nesbit, Phyllis Patterson, Lloyd Shepard, Joy Smith, Joan Swanney, Madeline Alice Taylor, Robert Thomson, Evelyn

Tubman, Rotha Vogelzang, Jenny Wade, John Whyte, Dorothy (Maisie)

17 Aug 05 Ainge, James Barnes, George Barry, Winifred Begg, Myrtle (Peta) Brayley, Gordon Burrows, Rob Childs, Shirley du Faur, Grace Fryer, Rita Gardner, Margaret Harkerss, Beryl Heyward, Simon Kinney, Augustine Knight, Richard (Sam) Kydd, Gaynor Lawes, Horace (Bill) Lester, Thomas Malcolm, James McIver, Arthur McKenna, Lawrence McNaughton, Frances Mulholland, Ross Nesbit, Phyllis Smith, Joan Taylor, Robert Torkington, Michael Tritt, William Willis, Nancy

18 Aug 05 Adamson, Noel Barry, Winifred Beccard, Ross Booth, Samuel Cooling, Raymond Digby, Doris Ferguson, Ian Gardner, Margaret Harkerss, Beryl Heyward, Simon Keogh, Maria Kingi, Pera Kydd, Gaynor McKinna, Cushla Merrick, Richard Reid, Mary Robinson, Iris Rush, Kerrie Saywood, Eileen Scott, Nisbit (Jim) Thomas, Wyvern Torkington, Michael Urquhart, Adelene

19 Aug 05 Armstrong, Daphne Brown, James

Brunel, Yvonne Cooling, Raymond Digby, Doris Dobbs, Arthur Ferguson, Ian Froude, Graeme Gardner, Margaret Healy, John Heyward, Simon Hill, John Kennedy, Dorothy Keogh, Maria Littlewood, John (Jake) Mackle, Denis McKinna, Cushla Pilcher, Hannah Robinson, Iris Rooney, Gibson Saywood, Eileen Skinner, Beulah Smith, Kevin Taylor, Denis Townsend, Marion Waters, John

20 Aug 05 Ansley, Daphne Armstrong, Daphne Ayson, Margaret Bell, Edward Brown, James Bruce, Norma Cooling, Raymond Coulbeck, Irene Cremin, Hinemoa Dobbs, Arthur Forbes, Norman (Reg) Gardner, Margaret Gibbard, Mavis (Dawn) Hurrell, Sharon Littlewood, John (Jack) Madden, Christina Merrick, Richard Newing, Mildred Panapa, Tinna Pennell, Steve Pope, Margaret Reid, Mary Rush, Kerrie Smith, Kevin Taylor, Denis Townsend, Marion Waters, John Westmerland, Judith Whitford, Tanya Willis, Nancy Wise, Lurline

22 Aug 05 Ansley, Daphne Ayson, Margaret Bishop, William

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Blunden, Peter Brown, James Cameron, Waimairi (Maire) Cantelin, Yvonne Cassidy, Merrilees Collie, Arthur Dobbs, Arthur Firth, Frank Fredric, Pearl Gielingh, John Goodger, Nola Hope, Amanda and Kobe Hurrell, Sharon Jolly, Lesley Joynes, Willam Lambert, Victor Langton, Noel Leslie, Avice Martin, Tuirirangi (Tui) McDonald, Clifford McGuire, Elizabeth (Betty) Packer, Eric Panapa, Tinna Pannett, Emily Pennell, Steve Pentecost, Douglas Saunders, Douglas Simonsen, Robert Stewart, Elizabeth Thompson, Robert Wallace, Poharama (Mary) Westmerland, Judith Whitford, Tanya

23 Aug 05 Ayson, Margaret Baken, John Barber, Melissa Baynes, Ada Bellamy, Brian Bishop, William Cameron, Waimairi (Maire) Campbell, Margaret Carter, Winifred (Betty) Cassidy, Daphne Cassidy, Merrilees Cummings, Joan Delaney, Florence Firth, Frank Foroudi, Rashid Fredric, Pearl Inns, Barry Jolly, Leslie Knudsen, John Langton, Noel Leslie, Avice MacDonald, Lynette (Ellen) McCall, Olive

McCready, Kathleen McDonald, Clifford McGuire, Elizabeth Newing, Mildred Parcell, Katherine Pearce, Jane Pheloung, Ellen (Nell) Saunders, Douglas Simonsen, Robert Skelton, Ina (Bet) Stewart, Elizabeth Thompson, Robert Westmerland, Judith Wilcox, Jessie

24 Aug 05 Ayson, Margaret Barber, Melissa Browne, Stephen Cameron, Jean Campbell, Margaret Carter, Winifred (Betty) Cassidy, Daphne Cassidy, Merrilees Coleman, Alan Collie, Arthur Egan, Matthew Fredric, Pearl Garven, Alma Garven, David George, Margaret (Dawn) Griggs, Stanley (Earl) Hanson, Harry Harding, Alma Henry, Lucy Hutt, Shirley Ireland, Eric James, Peggy Ker, Kane Knight, Rodney Morris, Irene Parcell, Katherine Patterson, Edna (Joyce) Pearce, Jane Pheloung, Ellen (Nell) Treacy, Isabelle Truman, Noeline Uddstrom, Jean Watts, Patricia

25 Aug 05 Arts, Debora Ayson, Margaret Cassidy, Merrilees Coleman, Alan Crowe, Michael Donaldson, Joyce George, Margaret (Dawn)

Hammond-Thyne, Kim Hay, Helen Henry, Lucy James, Peggy Jamieson, Andrew (Ivan) Knight, Rodney McConnell, Kenneth McKellar, William Muir, Christina Munton-Gallavin, Glady Patterson, Edna Richards, Clarence Stokes, Aura Treacy, Isabelle Waters, Hugh Watts, Patricia Wilson, Doreen

26 Aug 05 Atkinson, Hugh Ayres, Ronald Ayson, Margaret Barber, Melissa Cannemeyer, Jacomina (Mieke) Duffy, Monsignor Thomas Griggs, Stanley (Earl) Hadfield, Martin Hampton, Rita Hay, Helen Jamieson, Andrew (Ivan) O'Connor, Mary Rabone, Phyllis Reid, Nicholas Reilly, Margaret Sheppard, Gordon Stokes, Aura Taylor, Christina Treacy, Isabelle Voullaire, Lilian Wilson, Doreen

27 Aug 05Adamson, Daphne Atkinson, Hugh Cannemeyer, Jacomina (Mieke) Devine, Myra Fraser, Robert Fraser, William Fricker, Gerald Hadfield, Martin Hammond-Thyne, Kim Hampton, Rita

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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He, Emei Horsburgh, Jeanie Hynds, Kathleen Jamieson, Andrew (Ivan) Jones, Ann Ker, Antoni (Kane) Lawrence, Eileen McDonald, Lynette Milne, Gweneth Moore, Raymond Neal, Walter O'Connor, Mary Rayward-van den Berg, Breeze Reilly, Margaret Rooney, Olive Sheppard, Gordon Smeulders, Hubertus Taylor, Christina Voullaire, Lilian Waters, Hugh (Dave) Weatherall, Ian Woods, Athol

29 Aug 05 Atkinson, Hugh Austin, Carol Batchelor, Alvin Booth, Elizabeth) Cadigan, Joseph Chappell, Kathlene Cook, Allan Debenham, Bernard Devine, Myra Evans, Mavis (May) Garmonsway, Marjorie Gibb, Doris Glass, Patricia Glasson, James Goozee, Arthur Green, Barbara Hadfield, Martin Harris, Brian Hedges, Jenny Heney, Phillip Jarman, Richard Johns, Frederick King, Bernatina (Tina) Lawrence, Eileen Lilley, Lynda Martin, Alan Matthews, Ron McBride, Mary Milligan, Cecilia (Sally) Munro, Mona Rae, Robert Reilly, Margaret Rollo, Christina

Taylor, Kathleen (Betty)

30 Aug 05 Andrew, Raymond Austin, Carol Berryman, Daphne Botica, Kirsten Box, Alan Cadigan, Joseph Cagney, Robin Debenham, Bernard Evans, Patricia Forsyth, Robin Glass, Patricia Guy, Warren Harris, Brian Hedges, Jennifer Luxton, John (Jack) Martin, Alan McBride, Mary Mead, Stanley Milligan, Cecilia (Sally) Munro, Mona Norrish, Mona Phillips, Barbara Rae, Robert Rollo, Christina Scofield, Avis Sheldon, June Taylor, Kathleen (Betty) Turner, John (Jack) Western, John

31 Aug 05 Andrew, Raymond Austin, Basil Berryman, Daphne Botica, Kirsten Christie, Anne Cuff, Rita Drysdale, Douglas (Dr) Fitzgerald, Alice Fussell, May Glass, Patricia Guy, Warren Herrick, Phyllis Howat, Margaret (Peggy) Jones, Jean Lawrence, Eileen Moorhouse, Christopher Noble, John Pawson, Edna Shurrock, Douglas (Peter) Turner, John (Jack) Walkingshaw, Joyce Wealleans, Ronald

1 Sep 05 Blacklock, Kathleen

Cattermole, Colin Chapman, Ngaire Chin, Poy (Bill) Critchley, Christine Gosney, Pauline Jones, Jean Jones, William Lloyd, Edward (Les) Lynch-Blosse, Gerald Marryatt, Averil Skillen, Ian Turner, John (Jack) Wealleans, Ronald White, Esma Wilson, Gladys Zimmerman, Margaret

2 Sep 05 Brown, Heather Butcher, Arthur Chapman, Ngaire Critchley, Christine Gosney, Pauline Howard, Richard (Mossy) James, Arthur Johnson, Marion Jones, William Purtle, Irene Savage, Dorothy Scullion, Patricia Shaw, Ian Skillen, Ian Stringer, Brian Thomas, Edith White, Esma Wilson, Gladys

3 Sep 05 Able, Abby Banks, Joan Barry-Baker, Lenor Bird, Robert Brown, Heather Butcher, Arthur Cattermole, Colin Chin, Poy (Bill) Colyer, Vita Critchley, Christine Croke, Winifred (Dr) Eagle, Valmai Fussell, May Graham, Ian Howard, Richard (Mossy) Howat, Margaret (Peggy) James, Arthur Johnson, Marion Jones, William Kilkelly, Stanley Longbottom,

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

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Robert (Ted) Manson, Eric Marryatt, Averil McAuliffe, Patrick Moorhouse, Christopher Mulholland, Francis (Trevor) Rooney, Beverley Scullion, Patricia Shaw, Ian Suckling, Eleanor Sutherland, Reginald Tapp, Isobella (Maudie) Thomas, Edith Wilson, Frances

5 Sep 05 Bagley, Stuart Booth, Elizabeth) Burbery, Hector) Butcher, Arthur Carter, Christine Croke, Winifred (Dr) Davies, John Dirkse, Arnoud Dumergue, Peter France, Norman French, Trevor Gaby, Patrick Gillan, Arthur (Murray) Griffiths, Shirley Hislop, William Johnstone, Margaret Journee, Patrick Kilkelly, Stanley (Sam) Lewis, Mary Manson, Eric Marryatt, Averil McFadden, Grace Moorhouse, Christopher Pilbrow, Colin Ronald, Eleanor Scullion, Patricia Shackel, Robert Shaw, Ian Steele, Ronald Suckling, Eleanor Tahapehi, Magdaline Tapp, Isobella (Maudie) Thomson, Murray Turley, Alan Wilson, Constance (Connie)

6 Sep 05 Berryman, Mavis

Burbery, Hector Clark, Isabella Dirkse, Arnoud Dumergue, Peter Eade, Ina Frampton, Gavin France, Norman Gaby, Patrick Griffiths, Shirley Grimwood, Daphne Huntington, Lilian Johnstone, Margaret Journee, Patrick Lewis, Mary Manson, Eric Martin, Phyllis (Frances) McFadden, Grace Mirfin, Peter Mulholland, Francis (Trevor) Patrick, Ngaire Poplawski, Georgia Poplawski, Thomas Pottinger, James Smith, Nathan Speer, George (Ray) Stead, Avice Thomson, Murray Tulloch, Ngaio Turley, Alan

7 Sep 05 Barron, Dorothy Berryman, Mavis Booth, Elizabeth Burbery, Hector Cherry, Rahna Clark, Isabella Davies, John Duck, Heather Dumergue, Peter Eade, Ina Fattorini, Mary Fowler, George Frampton, Gavin Gately, Jannifer Green, Noel Grimwood, Daphne Hessell, Norma Huntington, Lilian James, Kenneth (Ivan) Johnstone, Margaret Journee, Patrick Lord, Douglas Mann, Robert Marriott, Harold McKay, Raymond Miles, Jared Mirfin, Peter Myers, Noeline O'Connor, Joan Perry, Theresa

Phillips, Olive Pilbrow, Colin Poplawski, Georgia Poplawski,Thomas Queree, Alan Smith, Nathan Stead, Avice Sweeney, Lesley Torrens, Andre Turley, Alan

8 Sep 05 Bedggood, Wiremu Burns, Edward Dunbier, Peter Dyresen, Bjarne (Brian) Fattorini, Mary Fowler, George Gately, Jannifer Gillooly, John (Jack) James, Kenneth (Ivan) Johnson, Vanessa Jump, William (Bob) Lewis, Eleanor Mann, Robert Markham, Nancy Marriott, Harold Miles, Jared Myers, Noeline Paul, Dahlia Perry, Theresa Phillips, Olive Queree, Alan Reedy, Hansina (Sina) Sweeney, Lesley Tate, May Tulloch, Ngaio Venner, Dorothy Wilson, Norman Wyllie, Jean

9 Sep 05 Andrews, Mary Black, Kumiko Bloore, Hugh Brooks, Margaret Cameron, Gladys Campbell, Ruth Dunbier, Peter Dyresen, Bjarne (Brian) Hamilton, John (Jack) Lewis, Eleanor Marriott, Harold Morrell, Susan Queree, Alan Reedy, Hansina Wilkie, Douglas Woolhouse, Valerina

10 Sep 05 Black, Kumiko Blair, Wynne

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Braithwaite, Doreen Brand, Isabel Cuthbert, Melva Davies, John Denny, Maurice Dyresen, Bjarne (Brian) Fowler, George Galt, Peter Goodfellow, Dulcie Hamilton, John (Jack) Harwood, Michael King, Doris Malcolm, Raewyn Morrell, Susan Musgrove, Phyllis Pettigrew, Carol Phelps, Denis Queree, Alan Scott, Jessie Smith, Jessie (Jean) Thornley, Dorothy Venner, Dorothy Watkins, Neil Wetere, Pepene (Ben) Wilkie, Douglas

12 Sep 05 Cameron, Jean Chapman, Derek Cook, William Denny, Maurice Doherty, Joan Dowie, Robert Gooder, Nugent Graham, Norman (John) Grantham, Trevor Gray, Brian Harrison, Francis (Nanci) Herbert, Robert Kay, William King, Doris Langley, Brenda Lefale, Talitoelau Lorier, Michel and Jellekje (Julie) McPherson, Donald Moher, Beverley Musgrove, Phyllis Patel, Pratapbhai Phelps, Denis Rae, Margaret Rae, Stacey Richardson, Raymond (Mick) Robb, Charles (Rouley) Scott, Jessie Shaw, Beverley Wilkie, Douglas

13 Sep 05 Ball, Kathleen Bamford, Mary (Connie) Braithwaite, Doreen Cameron, Jean Cavaye, Patricia Dean, Walter Denny, Maurice Fowler, George Frost, Margaret Gibson, Maureen Graham, Norman (John) Hanlon, Lorraine Hay, Annie Hislop, William Jamieson, Judith Jones, Peggy Kay, William Langley, Brenda Lefale, Talitoelau Lorier, Michel and Jellekje (Julie) Marychurch, Alfred Mason, Mona McConaghey, Doreen McIntosh, Belle McPherson, Donald Moore, Marjorie Musgrove, Phyllis Rae, Stacey Robb, Charles (Rouley) Ryan, Ellen Thomson, Janet Thorpe, Herbert

14 Sep 05 Adair, Theresa Angell, Norman Bamford, Mary (Connie) Buxton, Ian Campbell, Elizabeth Capill, John Carruthers, Richard (Bruce) Clark, Mary Cleverley, Douglas Cook, William Dean, Walter Elms, Patricia Fowler, George George, Patricia Gibson, Maureen Graham, John (Jack) Graham, Norman (John) Gray, Brian Greig, Morton Hanlon, Lorraine Hartley, Ida (Dora) Hiatt, Herbert

Jamieson, Judith Koelewijn, Gijsberd (Bert) Long, Rene McConaghey, Doreen Mitchell, Alister Moore, Marjorie Mouat, Robert Neilsen, William Osborne, Neroli Pettigrew, Carol Robb, Charles (Rouley) Robinson, Murray Scahill, Margaret Swift, Graeme Thomson, Janet

15 Sep 05 Baynes, Alan Bowen, Valerie Brown, Kathaleen Burke, John Driver, Moreen Elms, Patricia Gorham, Roderick Graham, John Grant, James Hampton, Myra (Joan) Hartley, Ida (Dora) Home, Sinclair (George) Jamieson, Judith King, Lester Lawson, Audrey Lockhart, Colin McFarlane, Alan Miller, James (Ross) Moore, Marjorie Neilsen, William Osborne, Neroli Paterson, Herbert Pettigrew, Carol Robinson, Murray Rutherford, Olive Stirling, Walter Walker, Donovan Wano, Rangi

16 Sep 05 Adair, Theresa (Jean) Blackmoore, Doreen Bowen, Valerie Brown, Kathaleen Burke, John Buxton, Ian Cooke, David Fitzgibbon, Ruth Grant, James King, Lester

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Neilsen, William Osborne, Neroli Palmer, Christina Roach, Emma Rom, Barbara Rutherford, Olive Smith, Brian Smith, Olivia Streeter, Reverend Karetai Williams, David Windleborn, Isabel (Mickie)

17 Sep 05 Balloch, Allen Barrie, Peter (Brian) Black, Kumiko Blackie, Clive Braithwaite, Doreen Browne, Frederick Burke, John Chapman, Margaret (Peggy) Driver, Moreen Grant, James Hartmann, Kathryn Hughes, Hilary Jacomb, June King, Lester Lonie, William Macdonald, Mathew Marriott, Bruce Millar, Mary Mouat, Robert Muir, John Norris, Beatrice Peebles, Fleur Perry, Mavis Robinson, Robert (Murray) Rom, Barbara Ross, William (Bill) Rossiter, Kitty Sawers, John (Jack) Shatford, Victoria Smith, Brian Smith, Olivia Smolenski, William Swete, Lennox Thomson, Margaret White, Ian Wright, Myra

19 Sep 05 Allan, Gordon (Peter) Anderson, Bazil Balloch, Allen

Barrett, Jean Barrie, Peter (Brian) Black, Kumiko Coomer, Barbara Davies, Noel Driver, Moreen Edwards, George Gardiner, John Gibb, Eric Greenwood, Doreen Hartmann, Kathryn Heffernan, Patrick Jacomb, June Jones, Robert Langrell, Margaret Lonie, William Macdonald, Mathew Marriott, Bruce Millar, Mary Murray, Maxwell O'Donoghue, Brian Pinfold, Maria Rossiter, Kitty Sampson, Moana Scott, Thomas Setefano, Frances Smolenski, William Solway, Lionel Strong, Zena Swete, Lennox Titheridge, Neil Vigers, Eleanor White, Ian Wilson, Catherine Wilson, Pearl

20 Sep 05 Allan, Gordon (Peter) Anderson, Bazil Aplin, Barry Campbell, Esther Chapman, Margaret (Peggy) Cracroft-Wilson, Hamish Crosson, June Davies, Noel de Bouter, Carla Dyer, Jeanette Fitzgibbon, Ruth Flamank, Ronald Giles, Ronald Goffin, Lady Marjorie Greenwood, Doreen Heffernan, Patrick Katene, Kylie Kennedy, Alison Lonie, William Marriott, Bruce McArtney, Myra (Anne) McLauchlan, Lyall O'Donoghue, Brian Parsons, Ralph (Dud) Pipson, Thomas

Read, Alexander Robinson, Peter Russell, Robert (Bob) Sampson, Moana Sayer, Margaret Scott, Dorothy Scott, Thomas Setefano, Frances Siemelink, Hilmar Smolenski, William Titheridge, Neil van Lier, Marinus Vigers, Eleanor Warburton, Ralph Wilson, Pearl

21 Sep 05 Allan, Gordon (Peter) Anderson, Bazil Barrett, Jean Black, Kumiko Campbell, Esther Campbell, Walter Cracroft-Wilson, Hamish Crosson, June Donachie, Andrew Dyer, Jeanette Edwards, George Flamank, Ronald Giles, Ronald Hardie, Alexander Hindson, Christine Katene, Kylie Kennedy, Alison Lindsay, Robert Marriott, Bruce Maynard, Roy Mechaelis, Dorothy O'Roarke, Rita Pearce, Francis (Pat) Perry, Kenneth Pipson, Thomas Read, Alexander Riddell, John Robinson, Peter Russell, Robert (Bob) Sampson, Moana Sayer, Margaret Siemelink, Hilmar Smolenski, William Sorensen, Alice Vigers, Eleanor Warburton, Ralph Welch, Ivan Williams, Norman (Les)

22 Sep 05 Boyd, Diane

Buonocore, Raffaela Campbell, Walter Dix, Brian

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Geary, Beverley (Joan) Grace, Marjorie Harkess, Norman Harris, Charles Hesford, Ronald Hindson, Christine Jensen, Clifford Jones, Joan Maynard, Roy McCallum, Julie (Judy) Munnings, Doris Nesbit, Dorothy Pendlebury, Lucy Sheard, Margaret (Peg) Sorensen, Alice Sugrue, William (Bill) Te Karu, Rangimoehau (Rangi) Wilson, Constance

23 Sep 05 Gardiner, Frances Hand, Raymond Harkess, Norman Harris, Charles Munnings, Doris Murray, Anne Nesbit, Dorothy (Dot) Nordqvist, James (Jim) Norman, Richard Scriver, Matthew Sheard, Margaret (Peg) Sligh, Victoria Te Karu, Rangimoehau (Rangi) Wilson, Constance Wiseman, James Wyllie, Thomas (Arthur)

24 Sep 05 Barrett, Margaret Bellwood, Loma Berrett, Elise Blackmore, Ann Broad, Margaret Cropper, Maxwell Dagg, Stuart Darwin, Helen Dix, Brian Downs, Shawn Doyle, Charles (Charlie) Facer, James Fensom, Ida Forgie, Stewart

Gardiner, Frances Geary, Beverley (Joan) Goldsworthy-Cron, Dante Hall, John Hand, Raymond Jacka, David Lally, Vincent Lawrie, Alice Lees, Cecily Lin, Niandi Mikkelson, William (Bill) Murphy, Marjorie Murray, Anne Nettleton, Ewan Nordqvist, James (Jim) Norman, Richard Paterson, Ena (Dr) Penrose, Ruth Perry, Kenneth Riddell, John Ross, Vivien Scott, Verna Sheard, Margaret Sligh, Victoria Wilson, Constance Wiseman, James Wyllie, Thomas (Arthur)

26 Sep 05 Barrett, Margaret Bellwood, Loma Blackmore, Ann Broad, Margaret Facer, James Fahey, Joseph Gardiner, Pamela Hall, John Hand, Raymond Harris, Anthony Harris, Elma Hooper, Pearl Jones, Joyce Kelly, Norman Kennedy, Mabel Lawrie, Alice Lees, Cecily Lin, Niandi Martini, Cushla Mikkelson, William Murphy, Marjorie Nyberg, Debra Orr, Iona Paterson, Ena (Dr) Penrose, Ruth Philips, Monica Phillips, Ailsa Ryan, Margaret Scott, Verna Selman, Charles (Allan)

Tafea, Ben Turvey, William (Roy) Williams, Joanne Wyllie, Thomas (Arthur) Young, William

27 Sep 05 Andrews, Phillis Bone, Carlene Campbell, Douglas De Lore, Moya Ellmers, Jack Fraser, Minnie Gardiner, Pamela Kelly, Helen Kennedy, Mabel Lin, Niandi Martini, Cushla Mathewson, Alys McBride, Winifred Myall, Donald Newman, Betty Orr, Iona Orr, Phillip (Arch) Pascoe, Dulcie Philips, Monica Phillips, Ailsa Radburnd, Rachel Ryan, Margaret Selman, Charles (Allan) Sinclair, Andrew Spicer, Ira Florence Tafea, Ben Walsh, Minnie Williams, Beatrice Williams, Joanne

28 Sep 05 Barrett, Margaret Bell, Ngyra Bensemann, Elsie (Mary) Bone, Carlene Campbell, Douglas Cunard, Brian de Lautour, Phillip De Lore, Moya Dollman- Macdonald, Irene Dunn, Andrew Ellmers, Jack Emery, Dr George Frame, Jennifer Frandsen, Elsie Harris, Anthony Hill, Kathleen Jennings, Gloria Li, Ying Fun (Janet) Martini, Cushla McBride, Winifred McBryde, Susan McDougall, James (Jim) Mercer, Nancy

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Myall, Donald Philips, Monica Purins, Paulis Scott, Joy Shortland, John Spicer, Ira Florence Stevenson, Keith Stevenson, Mary (Pat)

29 Sep 05 Abelen, Pauline Barrow, Loris Cronin, Christopher De Lore, Moya Dollman- Macdonald, Irene Gifkins, Evelyn Jennings, Gloria Johnson, Brenda Kirkley, Marion Layton, Shirley Li, Ying Fun (Janet) McKelvie, Leslie Moir, Rex (Hec) Purins, Paulis Saywell, Khrista Scott, Joy Stevenson, Keith Stevenson, Mary (Pat) Thompson, Ronald Turton, Byllee Walsh, Minnie

30 Sep 05 Bennett, Florence (Milly) Brown, John Byrnes, Aileen Connell, Kathleen Cronin, Christopher Cross, Ngaire De Lore, Moya Glennie, Ian Hannifin, Ellen (Nellie) Hawe, Ngakaranga Hawthorne, Beryl Hutana, Waata (Walter) Johnson, Brenda Kirkley, Marion Laing, Conall Layton, Shirley Lister, Brian McKelvie, Leslie Miller, Dorothy Moir, Rex (Hec) Pettit, Alexandra Rutherford, Elizabeth Scott, Joy Skeaping, Thelma Wilson, Janice Workman, Shanti Young, Fay

1 Oct 05 Barrow, Loris Bennett, Florence (Milly) Bennetts, John Boyd, Queenie Brett, Gabrielle Brown, John Byrnes, Aileen Caldis, Kaity Casey, Michael Claydon, Raymond Connell, Kathleen Cronin, Christopher Cross, Ngaire Cull, Violet Fraser, Hugh Glennie, Ian Hannifin, Ellen (Nellie) Harris, Brenda Harvey, Mabel Hastie, Louise Hawe, Ngakaranga Hawthorne, Beryl Howse, Kahu Kaye, Norma Kitto, Ivy Laing, Conall Leech, Jean Lilley, Phillippa (Peg) McKelvie, Leslie McQuinn, Maureen Mercer, Nancy Palmer, Andrew Pettit, Alexandra Pratt, Edward (Alan) Scott, Joy Skeaping, Thelma Solomon, Priscilla (Pat) Watson, Allan Wilson, Janice Young, Fay

3 Oct 05 Beauvais, Doris (Dot) Bennetts, John Boyd, Queenie Campbell, Melville Coll, Kathleen Cootes, James Cotter, Gina Dooley, John Fisher, Florence Ford, Audrie Gavin, Constance Green, Nancy Harris, Rodger Howse, Kahu Hussey, Stella Kemp, Beverley Kitto, Ivy Lilley, Phillippa (Peg)

McKeon, Florence Palmer, Andrew Rutherford, Elizabeth Smith, Dennis Solomon, Priscilla (Pat) Southern, Sally Stevenson, Jack Turvey, Fay Walls, Bethia Watts, Ronald Whitmore, William Williams, Mary

4 Oct 05 Armon, Henry Beauvais, Doris (Dot) Claydon, Raymond Coll, Kathleen Cronin, Christopher Dennis, Francis Dooley, John Drake, William Fisher, Florence Gavin, Constance Gissing, Irene Green, Nancy Guthrie, Denise Harris, Rodger Honeybone, Stuart (Tom) Hussey, Stella Leslie, Ray Marshall, Margaret McKenzie, Robert McNeil, Mamie McRobie, Kenneth Moore, Reverend James Palmer, Andrew Rose, Paul Rowe, Kathleen Smith, Dennis Southern, Sally Stoop, Robert Turton, Huria (Jean) Turvey, Fay Velvin, Lorna Walls, Bethia Watts, Ronald Zwartz, Peter

5 Oct 05 Armon, Henry (Harry) Claydon, Raymond Dennis, Francis Fenton, Gertrude Guthrie, Denise Harvey, Joyce Honeybone, Stuart (Tom) Jeal, Ronald Johnson, Brent Leslie, Ray McCulloch, Edwin

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Ted) McIntosh, Joshua Myers, Michael O'Connor, Margaret Page, Cyril Pipe, Olive Rose, Paul Rowe, Kathleen Scott, Lily Smith, Dennis Torbet, Joyce Veine, Jeanette Velvin, Lorna Watson, Harry Whitmore, William Willis, Elizabeth

6 Oct 05 Campbell, Mavis Dennis, Francis Donald, Theresa Falloon, The Hon. John Harvey, Joyce Hensley, Dorothy Honey, Doreen Horner, James (Jim) Innes, Patricia Jeal, Ronald Johnson, Brent Kingsbury, Murray Last, Barry Matthews, Dorothy McCulloch, Edwin (Ted) McIntosh, Joshua Meredith, Edith (Eva) Nicol, Thelma O'Connor, Margaret O'Malley, John Romeyn, Willy Scott, Lily Smith, Dennis Sudden, William (Keith) Tanoai, Mitiana Torbet, Joyce (Joy)

7 Oct 05 Broadway, Wendy Buckley, Eoin Campbell, Elizabeth Campbell, Mavis Cowan, Aureka (Ricky) Donald, Theresa Eilken, Victor Evans, Anthony (Tony) Falloon, The Hon. John Kingsbury, Murray Last, Barry Matthews, Dorothy McIntosh, Joshua

McKay, Beverly Nicol, Thelma O'Malley, John Penney, Reginald Rea, Neil Smith, Dennis Tanoai, Mitiana Wakim, David Williams, Cecil (Keith) Wood, Jean

8 Oct 05 Adams, Nicholas Brandon, Alma Broadway, Wendy Buckley, Eoin Campbell, Mavis Cowan, Aureka (Ricky) Donald, Theresa Eilken, Victor Friedman, Logan Gabites, Margaret Hampton, John (Jack) Honkys, Nadja Humphries, Raymond Lang, Clarence Last, Barry McKay, Beverly McKeown, Una Meredith, Edith (Eva) Nicol, Thelma Romeyn, Willy Ross, David Stockwell, Renee Tsukigawa, Sydney Westland, Edna (Na) Wheal, Marion Whitley, Robert Wood, Jean

10 Oct 05 Braddock, Ailsa (Rae) Brandford, Albert Campbell, Elizabeth Chappell, Bernard Cobden-Cox, Elizabeth Cowan, Aureka (Ricky) Dowling, Margery Ellis, Elizabeth Fallow, George Friedman, Logan Gibson, Jennifer Gillespie, John Girvan, Douglas Hampton, John

(Jack) Honkys, Nadja Howell, Lady Margaret Humphries, Raymond Lancaster, June Liddell, Gilbert Loffhagen, Patricia McKeown, Una Ramsay, Mervyn Ross, David Roy, Margaret Sepie, John (Pat) Starr, Ngaire Stratford, Ethel Swan, Leo Warren, Kenneth Wheal, Marion Wilson, Patricia (Molly) Wood, Noeline Young, Lynnette

11 Oct 05 Anderson, Joan Brain, Ina Brown, Irene Chappell, Bernard Child, Norma Cobden-Cox, Elizabeth Coghlan, Patricia Dowling, Margery Ellis, Elizabeth Fiddes, Thomas Friedman, Logan Gabites, Margaret Gillespie, John Glover, Peter Hampton, John (Jack) Hawley, Ronald Humphries, Raymond Jervous-Chenery, Kempton Kemp, Eileen Kingsbury, Joan Lamont, Ruth Lancaster, June Liddell, Gilbert Lindbom, Annie Loffhagen, Patricia Martin, Byllee McIntosh, Daphne McKay, Beverly McKnight, Gertrude McMurdo, Valarie New, Ernest O'Connor, Daniel Ramsay, Mervyn Robinson, Patrick Sepie, John (Pat) Swan, Leo Taylor, Yvonne Underhill, Nola

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Warren, Kenneth Wood, Noeline Zimmerman, Gwendoline

12 Oct 05 Bishop, John (Jack) Chappell, Bernard Child, Norma Clapp, Douglas Cobden-Cox, Elizabeth Crozier, Colin Curry, Terence (Mark) Dowling, Margery Ellis, Elizabeth Fearn, Rex Fiddes, Thomas Forrest, Georgina Frazer, Margaret (Judy) Hawley, Ronald Hugh, George Jervous-Chenery, Kempton King, Tim Kingsbury, Joan Koster, Hendrik (Hank) Lamont, Ruth MacMurdo, Valarie McIntosh, Daphne Monro, Dr James Morrison, William (Bill) Platten, Margaret (Peggy) Proffitt, Eileen (Melva) Roberts, Keith Slee, Ida Swan, Leo Underhill, Nola Whitton, Elsie

13 Oct 05 Adams, Desmond Bishop, John (Jack) Blogg, Frederick Clapp, Douglas Craven, Ila Davey, Walter Forrest, Georgina Gibbons, James Grant, Patrick Hugh, George Huntley, Michael Jervous-Chenery, Kempton Morrison, Annie Platten, Margaret (Peggy) Proffitt, Eileen (Melva) Reid, Amelia

Richardson, Margaret Zimmerman, Gwendoline

14 Oct 05 Adams, Desmond Arlow, Enid Bendall, Constance Blogg, Frederick Carruthers, Tamar Chamberlain, Marie Cumming, Alison Curry, Terence (Mark) Dale, Mairi Frazer, Margaret (Judy) Han, Younghee (Paula) Hansen, Agnes (Nan) Henderson, Hector Karanga, Rihari (Dick) Koster, Hendrik (Hank) Lowrey, Susan Mackey, Colin Morris, Daphne Ojala, Owen Owen, Cedric Richardson, Margaret Serra-Porta, Luisa Talbot, Marian Wise, Gerald 15 Oct 05 Arlow, Enid Bell, Wallace Bendall, Constance Bennetts, William (Bill) Blogg, Frederick Carruthers, Tamar Chamberlain, Marie Clarbrough, Betty Cook, Maurice Cumming, Alison Curle, Rita Evans, Norman Gullidge, Peter Hitchen, Jean Holloway, Winifred (Margaret) Howell, Lady Margaret Hoy, Michael Huddleston, Audrey Karanga, Rihari (Dick) Madden, May Morris, Daphne Morrison, Annie Myles, Margaret Myron, Ann Owen, Cedric

Robertson, Maude (Pat) Sandford, Kenneth Serra-Porta, Luisa Smith, Janie Talbot, Marian van Oorschot, Cornelis Whitton, Elsie Wildes, Thomas Wise, Gerald

17 Oct 05 Butters, Audrey Clague, Trevor Cook, Maurice D'Ath, Marion (May) De Silva, Gordon Evans, Norman Fisken, Rita (Colleen) Gifford, Nora Grant, Patrick Hanco*ck, Irene (Chrissie) Harris, Kenneth Honey, Gordon Isherwood, Joan Jessett, Richard Johnson, Marion Long, Enid Mackey, Colin Manning, Christopher Patterson, George Peters, Frederick Pratt, Donald (Don) Reid, Heather Rhodes, Coral Roberts, Mary (May) Sandford, Kenneth Staniland, Shelagh (Dr Mathias) Stokdijk, Jane Tomkies, Reynolds Whaitiri, Mohi (Aku) Wilkinson, Patricia

18 Oct 05 Barnes, Dulcie Blunt, Gaire Booth, Rita Bunce, Olive Clague, Trevor Cook, Maurice D'Ath, Marion (May) Foster, Helen (Bid) Hamilton, Raymond Isherwood, Joan

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Jessett, Richard Johnson, Marion Manning, Christopher Mansell, Horace McKenzie, Dorothy Morgan, Frederick Overhill, William Potter, Winifred Pratt, Donald Reid, Heather Stokdijk, Jane Tomkies, Reynolds Tonkin, Percy Tuyn, Beryl Whaitiri, Mohi (Aku) Wildes, Thomas

19 Oct 05 Anderson, Hugh Arnold, Henry (Harry) Bryon, Arthur Clague, Trevor D'Ath, Marion (May) Fenemor-Halsey, Menetta Fifield, Beverley Gifford, Nora Hamilton, Phyllis (May) Hansen, Frederick Manning, Christopher Mansell, Horace McCracken, Fay Muir, Clifford Owen, Cedric Pinchin, Mary Robertson, Pat Robinson, Robert (Robin) Shaw, Rita Simpson, Dorothy (Simmie) Smith, Dorothy Steere, Helen Tierney, Brian

20 Oct 05 Appleton, Joan Brennan, James Byron, Arthur Clague, Trevor Devereux, Stanley Elrick, Ethel Gray, Phyllis Hermsen, Phyllis Hoffman, Myra Hood, Patricia Keats, Peg Lloyd, John (Jack) Masih, Vinod McCracken, Fay Mesman, Peter Owen, Cedric Rewcastle, Violet

Shaw, Rita Simpson, Dorothy (Simmie) Smith, Dorothy Steere, Helen Sutherland, Dorothy

21 Oct 05 Armiger, Thelma Barrow, Margaret (Pat) Basil-Jones, Audrey co*ckburn, William Cooke, Kenneth Cousens, John Garland, Alan Gray, Phyllis Grigg, Oliver Hermsen, Phyllis Hoffman, Myra Hood, Patricia Keats, Peg Knowles, Mary (Joyce) Manning, Charles Mapley, Justina Morrison, Norman Powell, Phyllis Rewcastle, Violet Shaw, Rita Simpson, Dorothy (Simmie) Smith, Margaret Wright, Phyllis

22 Oct 05 Armiger, Thelma Barrow, Margaret (Pat) Basil-Jones, Audrey Cameron, Julie co*ckburn, William Colley, Marion Cooke, Kenneth Davies, Renee Devonshire, Ian Dobson, Marie Elley, Jack Everett, Donald Flewellen, Gwenda Garland, Alan Halford, Ronald Hartshorne, Stephen Hills, Maxwell Lawry, John Lloyd, Kathleen Manning, Charles McEnroe _ Maynard, James McKenzie, Helen McKenzie, Marion McLeod, Gordon Moonlight, Jack

Pithie, Rosemary Potter, Winifred Pyper, Maureen Smith, Margaret Walls, Raymond Wright, Phyllis

24 Oct 05 Adams, Ernest Armiger, Thelma Arnold, Faye Bentley, Ellice (Betty) Cameron, Julie Elley, Jack Hawkins, Robert Hills, Maxwell Horton, Elizabeth (May) Lugai, Togia Matau'a May, James McEnroe-Maynard, James Oram, Mary Palmer, Violet Paterson, Livinia Pithie, Rosemary Reid, Jeffrey Rennick, Janet Riddell, Jean Rubisz, Brother Ignacy Shepherd, Bro. John Walls, Raymond

25 Oct 05 Adams, Ernest Arnold, Faye Beaumont, Jane Bennett, Albert Boyes, Edward Copsey, Bernard Davey, Lorna Devonshire, Ian Elley, Jack Fleming, Glenys Flynn, Kirsten Graham-Smith, Stephen Hawkins, Robert Hills, Maxwell Horton, Elizabeth (May) Lugai, Togia May, James Mokomoko, Takawaenga (Driver) Moonlight, Jack Oram, Mary Paterson, Livinia Pearce, Dennis Pullan, Alan (Tom) Reid, Jeffrey Rennick, Janet

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Riddell, Jean Robinson, Henry (Harry) Shepherd, Bro. John

26 Oct 05 Aburn, John (Jack) Arnold, Faye Burt, George Coleman, Marion Collins, Mare Connor, Greg Dance, Iris Davey, Lorna Day, Robert Earnshaw, Eric Egnelius, Peter Ferguson, Annie Fleming, Glenys Graham-Smith, Stephen Gray, Phyllis Harneiss, Gillian Harvey, Colin Hills, Maxwell Howell, Richard (Mark) Lister, John McCraw, Marie Miller, Tavish Mitchell, Maureen Mokomoko, Takawaenga (Driver) Nehoff, Peter (Pedro) Otten, Gordon Paterson, Livinia Payne, Noel Pearce, Dennis Shepherd, Bro. John Sheppard, John Stodart, Hugh Stratford, Margaret Thomas, Jim Turner, Bernard Turner, George

27 Oct 05 Childs, Arthur (Ralph) Christie, Robert (Bob) Clark, Dorothy (Marie) Cochrane, Thomas Copsey, Bernard Day, Robert Earnshaw, Eric Egnelius, Peter Ferguson, Annie Hanco*ck, Lesley Harvey, Colin

Hegan, James Hills, Maxwell Kay, Nigel Lovett, Alfred Miller, Tavish Mitchell, Maureen Mokomoko, Takawaenga (Driver)

Moore, James O'Connor, Ellen (Nell) Otten, Gordon Payne, Noel Phibbs, Stanley Shepherd, Bro. John Sheppard, John

28 Oct 05 Camp, Shirley Childs, Arthur (Ralph) Christie, Robert (Bob) Eaton, Gerard (Ged) Eder, Maisy Egnelius, Peter Fairbrother, Frances (Joye) Green, Ronald (Ron) Harvey, Colin Hegan, James Jamieson, James (Jim) Kereama, Maadi (Ted) Payne, Noel Richmond, Margaret Shurety, Ralph (Doug) Smallridge, Joan Stevens, Raymond Watson, Enid Wright, Florence

28 Oct 05 Anderson, Russel Bentley, Ellice (Betty) Brookes, Elsie Bryson, Dorothy (Dot) Camp, Shirley Campbell, Bruce Clark, Dorothy (Marie) Clewer, Jean Cooper, Diane Croft, Morris Davison, Francis Eaton, Gerard (Ged) Fairbrother,

Frances (Joye) Fisher, Dorothy French, Alice Grant, Trevor Green, Ronald Hamburger, Vera Hanco*ck, Lesley Hinchey, Alice (Blanche) Howell, Richard (Mark) Keir, Graeme Kereama, Maadi (Ted) Mair, Janet O'Neill, Maurice Paterson, Peter Pearce, Hilton (Aussie) Renner, Eugene Rutherford, Duncan Shurety, Ralph (Doug) Toshach, Hazel Wait, Robert Whitley, Robert Williams, Susan Wilson, Jamie Wright, Florence

31 Oct 05 Aston, Devina (Ina) Beavan, Charles Bickley, Allena Bryson, Dorothy Campbell, Bruce co*ckburn, George Corrigan, Daniel Curtis, Arnold (Ross) Dacre, Clifford Davison, Francis Dunnill, Leonard Faulkner, Helen Grant, Trevor Hamburger, Vera Hullah, Diane Limmer, Kenneth Palmer, Nevis Pearce, Hilton (Aussie) Pike, Leicester Powis, Herbert Renner, Eugene Rutherford, Duncan Toshach, Hazel Wilson, Jamie

1 Nov 05 Allfrey, Lester Amuia, Petelo (Peter) Aston, Devina (Ina) Beavan, Charles Bickley, Allena Campbell, Bruce Carson, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Peter) co*ckburn, George Dacre, Clifford Davison, Francis Dunnill, Leonard Faulkner, Helen Fisher, Colin Gidlow, Michael Gunn, Mervyn Hamburger, Vera Hullah, Diane Lightfoot, Alice Limmer, Kenneth Oliver, Natalie Orchard, Yvonne Palmer, Nevis Pike, Leicester Rowley, John (Jack) Senior, Tomas Sinclair, John (David) Stickings, Nancy (Petrene) Toshach, Hazel Wilkinson, Noni Wilson, Audrey

2 Nov 05 Allfrey, Lester Amuia, Petelo (Peter) Anstiss, Eric (Graeme) Condon, Sean Cooper, Diane Davison, Francis Norm Duncan, David Goldsmith, Emma Hamlin, Vincent Hay, Noreen Innes, Hazel McTagget, Sue Newsham-West, Pauline Park, Doug Pike, Leicester Powis, Herbert Reid, Neil Scott, Ian Sinclair, Ian (Ike) Sinclair, John (David) Sprosen, Martha (Renee) Thompson, Ann Tilley, Ngaire Tyndall, Revina (Clarissa) Watson, Reginald (Keith) Wilson, Audrey

3 Nov 05 Ashley, Teresa Beattie, Patricia Bedford, Beryl

Butler, Graeme Farrell, Reginald Forbes, Yvonne Hay, Noreen Jones, Ethel (Marion) Kennedy, Elizabeth Lightfoot, Alice Lilley, Elsie McArthur, Robert McKay, Irene McKenzie, Ian McTagget, Sue O'Connell, Francis Park, Doug Rowley, John (Jack) Thompson, Ann Tilley, Ngaire Watson, Reginald (Keith) Webb, Raewyn Wilson, Anthony

4 Nov 05 Aitcheson, Veronica Bedford, Beryl Dudfield, Jennifer (Jennie) Elliott, Annie (Anne) Haggar, Ronald (Ron) Hamlin, Vincent Howland, Nancy Jones, Ethel (Marion) Lilley, Elsie Park, Doug Pascoe, Albert Thompson, Ann Tyndall, Revina (Clarissa) Wilson, Kathleen Young, Latasha

5 Nov 05 Bailie, Ruby Beattie, Patricia Boulton, Jessie Burnaby, Joan Butler, Graeme Coughlan, Marie Davies, Norma Dudfield, Jennifer (Jennie) Duncan, David Elliott, Annie (Anne) Ferguson, Joan Greig, Kathleen (Kay) Haggar, Ronald (Ron) Hailes, Dorothy Haynes, John Howland, Nancy Larcombe, John

(Jack) McDonald, Glenis McKay, Irene McKean, Nevill (Mac) Moore, James Sandston, Mary Schlegel, Jocelyn Sexton, Kathleen Skeats, Cecil Smith, John Storer, Adeline Townshend, Suzan Wisbey, Horace (Paddy)

7 Nov 05 Constable, Gwynne Coughlan, Marie Crawford, John (Norman) Crooks, Lindsay Eldershaw, John Elliott, Annie (Anne) Elton, Jean Ferguson, Joan Hailes, Dorothy Harvey, Betty Hay, Mildred Jenkins, Mervyn Jones, Emily (Nellie) Keach, Matthew Lovell-Smith, Richard Makoare, Urikore (Hector) Matthews, Constance Millar, Ronald Munn, Elizabeth (Betty) Noonan, Valarie Oliver, Kathleen O'Malley, Marjorie Painter, Helen (Nell) Phillips, Rona Pumpa, Jared Sandston, Mary Skilling, Gwynyth Tuiano, Peta Walshe, Marjorie

8 Nov 05 Baldwin, John Broadfoot, Marjorie Bulman, Andy Constable, Gwynne Crawford, John (Norman) Crooks, Lindsay Croxford, Pamela Donald, Rod Fitzhenry, Margaret Gillard, Graham

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hatton, Lewis Hay, Mildred Jenkins, Mervyn Johnston, David Jones, Emily (Nellie) Jones, Lillian Keach, Matthew Lancaster, Warwick Makoare, Urikore (Hector) Matthews, Constance McLellan, Coqueline (Coll) McVicar, Bernard Millar, Ronald Mullin, William (Bill) O'Hara, Douglas Oliver, Kathleen O'Malley, Marjorie Painter, Helen (Nell) Pumpa, Jared Rankin, Pamela (Dawn) Rudd, Johanna Vercoe, Henry (Jack) Walshe, Marjorie Webb, Ernest (Geordie) Yorston, Barbara

9 Nov 05 Atkinson, Evelyn Boulton, Jessie Broadfoot, Marjorie Collard, Raymond (Sandy) Cooper, Hamish Croxford, Pamela Donald, Rod Fox, Mary Fuller, Tavis Gilchrist, Stanley Gillard, Graham Gillman, Gerald Goldsbrough, Raymond Hamilton, Myra Hatton, Lewis Jenkins, Mervyn Johnston, David Keach, Matthew Lancaster, Warwick Langley, Fay Makoare, Urikore (Hector) McAlister, James (Jim) McDonald, John McQuillan, Drew Millar, Carmel Millar, Ronald O'Malley, Marjorie Phillips, Rona Rankin, Lillian

(Shirley) Ritchie, Mavis Roberts, Boydie Robinson, John (Gil) Silco*ck, Joseph Taylor, Josephine Taylor, Lynn Tuiano, Peta Upston, Ian Vercoe, Henry (Jack) Wood, John Yorston, Barbara

10 Nov 05 Banks, Stephanie Booco*ck, Ronald Carter, Audrey Cooper, Hamish Ferner, David Gilchrist, Stanley Harrowfield, Joan Henderson, Matthew Hopping, Mavis Kerr, Pauline Malin, Marjorie Mattinson, Trevor McAlister, James (Jim) Millar, Ronald Moore, Georgina Morris, Kenneth McQuillan, Drew Newman, Gladys Nicholson, Mary Ritchie, Mavis Robinson, John (Gil) Silco*ck, Joseph Stone, Arthur Sutton, Myra Wemyss, Lesley Wiig, Lilian Wilton, Garth Youngman, Roy

11 Nov 05Ferner, David Harrowfield, Joan Hopping, Mavis Malin, Marjorie Mattinson, Trevor Phipps, Edna Rolls, Derek Screen, Egerton (Eddie) Sutton, David (Len) Walter, Jack Wemyss, Lesley Wiig, Lilian Wilton, Garth

12 Nov 05 Albertson, Barbara Anderson, Josephine Banks, Stephanie

Bartram, Elaine Blank, Ivy Booco*ck, Ronald Boulton, Jessie Cross, Tom Dolan, Nance Foster, Enid Gunn, John Harrowfield, Joan Hopping, Mavis Kirkpatrick, William (Fred) Langley, Fay Malin, Marjorie Martin, Te Atiawa Mahauariki McCarrison, Frank McIntosh, Peter Moore, Georgina Morris, Kenneth Nicholson, Mary Pickett, Rex Robertson, Janice Screen, Egerton (Eddie) Shellock, Gwen Smith, Nellie (Kersti) Taylor, Lynn Turnbull, Ivan Walter, Jack Wemyss, Lesley Win, Lora Wright, Martin

14 Nov 05 Bailey, Joseph Barton, Peter Bartram, Elaine Bill, Dorothy Blank, Ivy Booco*ck, Ronald Braid, Margaret Croft, Doris Cross, Tom Darnill, Bruce Dolan, Nance Foster, Enid Gully, Heather Gunn, John Harrington, William Harrowfield, Joan Haxell, Wallace Killey, Vera Kirkpatrick, William (Fred) Macdonald, Inah McBride, Robert McIntosh, Peter Moore, Georgina Morris, Kenneth Phillips, Kenneth Rose, Dorothy Shellock, Gwen Stewart, Jane (Jean) Summers, William Taylor, Lynn Vial, Margaret (Peggy) Williams, Gloria Willis, Ethne Wright, Mervyn

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


15 Nov 05 Albertson, Barbara Barton, Peter Bertacco, Judith (Anne) Burnaby, Violet Croft, Doris Cross, Tom Darnill, Bruce Eade, Eric Goodwin, Peter Harrington, William Hawke, Brenda Jellyman, Carolan Lancaster, Warwick Lestocq-Jones, Eileen Marriott, Freda McIntosh, Peter O'Connor, Mark O'Sullivan, Brian Pflaum, Kazimierz Pojikar, Frances Pyke, James Scriggins, David Spalding, Jean Sprott, John (Ross) Thoms, Cyril Timpson, Betty Vial, Margaret (Peggy) Williams, Gloria Willis, Ethne Wright, Mervyn

16 Nov 05 Allin, Marjorie Anderson, Josephine Archer, Don (Lou) Bentley, Margaret Bignell, Arthur Cain, Doreen Clark, Graham Clark, Sidney (Fred) Cooper, Charles Darnill, Bruce Dolan, Nance Dunning, Velma Forrest, Graeme Hanlin, Peter Harrington, William Kirkpatrick, William (Fred) Lancaster, Warwick Lee, Barbara Macdonald, Inah Marriott, Freda Moore, James (Jim) O'Sullivan, Brian Pojikar, Frances Pyke, James Rushton, Alan (Frank) Sprott, John (Ross) Taylor, Patricia Timpson, Betty Vial, Margaret (Peggy) Visser, Jan Whitelaw, Ian

17 Nov 05

Anderson, Josephine Aranga, Warren Bentley, Margaret Bishop, Julia (Jill) Clark, Graham Clark, Sidney (Fred) Cooper, Charles Fogarty, Paul Jones, Ian Lee, Barbara Lewis, William Millar, Hazel Moffitt, Justine Moore, James (Jim) Naismith, Ian Rushton, Alan (Frank) Schofield, Raeleen Shirtcliff, Arthur (Jack) Sides, Mary Stubbings, Audrey (Lois) Taylor, Patricia (Pat) Tempero, Ada Whetter, Jean Whitelaw, Ian Wilson, Vicki

18 Nov 05 Allred, Nerolie Beardsley, Dilys Block, Anne Cooper, Graeme Girvan, Rita Henderson, William Jones, Ian Lewis, William Moffitt, Justine Ruane, Betty Schofield, Raeleen Shirtcliff, Arthur (Jack) Sides, Mary Stubbings, Audrey (Lois) Tempero, Ada Whetter, Jean Williams, Rosemary (Bud)

19 Nov 05 Aitken, Arthur Allin, Marjorie Allred, Nerolie Baker, Ann Balloch Alex Bates, Dr Lawrence Beardsley, Dilys Block, Anne Brown, Olive Chandler, Bevan Collings, Patrick Cooper, Brent Cooper, Graeme Eichler, Siegfried Ellens, Mary (Betty) Ford, Isabel Girvan, Rita Hawke, Brenda Henderson, William Hurn, Peter

Kumar, Ravendra Lewis, William McCambridge, Maureen McDonald, Anne McEnaney, Shirley Moffitt, Justine Raines, Harold Ruane, Betty Ryder, Alfred Steer, Matthew Tulloch, Russell Webb, Raewyn Williams, Rosemary Williamson, Sidney

21 Nov 05 Aitken, Arthur Beardsley, Dilys Bowker, Georgina Brizzell, Lisette Chandler, Bevan Collings, Patrick Connor, Greg Cooper, Brent Durry, Leonard Evans, Violet (Joan) Ford, Isabel Hockley, Mary Hurn, Peter Jones, Richard Meier, Pamela Morton, Maureen Muir, Annie Neal, Dorothy Raines, Harold Reriti, George Ross, Joan Scully, Desmond Steer, Matthew Taylor, Nola Tyzack, Lesley Williamson, Sidney

22 Nov 05 Applegarth, George Arrowsmith, William (Harry) Bell, Anthony (Tony) Bowker, Georgina Brizzell, Lisette Buskin, Albert Cattermole, Helen (Noeline) Cooper, Brent Dense, Betty Durry, Leonard Evans, Violet Kearns, James Kilpatrick, Olive Knight, Marjorie (Molly) Lambert, Lindsay Lumsden, Elspeth Manastyrski, Erina Maxwell, Maggie McClea, Pamela (Pam) McCutcheon, William

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(Bill) McRobie, John (Jock) Morton, Maureen Nicol Dawn Paterson, Amy Reriti, George Rickit, Colleen (Costello) Rudd, Victor (Bob) Skipper, Margaret Smaill, Gertrude Steer, Matthew Tasker, Leanne Taylor, Nola Ward, John (Geordie)

23 Nov 05 Anderson, Bernard Arrowsmith, William (Harry) Bell, Anthony (Tony) Buchanan, Raymond Cattermole, Helen (Noeline) Connor, Greg Frahm, Selwyn (Neil) French, Warwick Harker, Elsie Hockley, Mary Johnston, Muriel Kearns, James Kernahan, Jean (Peggy) Knight, Marjorie (Molly) Lamb, Gary Lambert, Lindsay Maxwell, Maggie McCutcheon, William (Bill) McGrath, Kelly McRobie, John (Jock) Nicol Dawn O'Sullivan, Thelma Oswell, Leslie (Les) Pachnatz, Bevan Paterson, Amy Payne, Frederick Reilly, Margaret (Ruby) Rickit, Colleen Schroeder, Edith (Nellie) Smith, Clarice Smithers, Evelyn (Audrey) Tyzack, Lesley von Heider, Molly Walker, Pearl Ward, John (Geordie) Yeats, Marjorie

24 Nov 05 Atkinson, Edward Bennington, Nancy Cochrane, Philip Frahm, Selwyn (Neil) Gates, Norah Goodall, Jean Guy, Herbert (George) Harker, Elsie Hendrickson, George Hope, Eve

Jenkins, Alan (Jas) Lamb, Gary Lambert, Lindsay Lithgow, Trevor Logan, Murray McCallum, Jean McKenzie, Ellen McRobie, John (Jock) Norman, Irene (Bunty) Pachnatz, Bevan Pateman, Marion Payne, Frederick Saunders, Thomas (Royce) Smith, Noelene Stupples, Ngaio Tuhimata, Te Tane (Charlie) von Heider, Molly Walbran, Ian Walker, Pearl Yeats, Marjorie

25 Nov 05 Anderson, Bernard Armstrong, Marjorie Atkinson, Edward Bennington, Nancy Brownlee, Scott Cochrane, Philip Davis, Lorna Frahm, Selwyn (Neil) Guy, Herbert (George) Hope, Eve Jenkins, Alan (Jas) Logan,Murray Mayer, Austin (Barney) McCallum, Jean McInnes, Dougall (Bill) Pateman, Marion Payne, Frederick Saunders, Thomas (Royce) Walker, Pearl Wilson, Margaret (Peggy)

26 Nov 05 Brown, Audrey Brownlee, Scott Cochrane, Philip Collett, Florence Davis, Lorna Dowling, Florence Follows, Edith Gates, Norah Goodall, Jean Gulliver, Christene Herrick, Margarett Honeybone, Noeline Hope, Eve Hughes, Norman Lobb, Gertrude (Mona) Mayer, Austin (Barney) McDonald, Dianne McLeod, Donald Merrylees, David Milburn-Cook, Daphne

Smithers, Evelyn (Audrey) Waugh, Patricia Welsh, Max Wilson, Margaret (Peggy) Wyld, Jill

28 Nov 05 Adair, Raymond Ashby, Edna Bailey, Colin Blake, Selwyn Brittenden, Amy Brownlee, Scott Bruce, Margaret Cairns, Jane Coffey, Marie Collett, Florence Davidson, Alan Dowling, Florence Fraser, Alexander (Sandy) Jenkins, Barry Jones, Kay King, Tini Lobb, Gertrude (Mona) Mannion, Thomas McCrorie, Jessie McDonald, Dianne McLeod, Donald Menzies, Thomas Merrylees, David Milburn-Cook, Daphne Neil, Aidan Otto, Carmel Parker, John Paul, Matai Pitt, Frances Rankin, Jean Smith, Isabel Squire, Howard Story, William Tate, Jean Tuuta, Ivan van Beek, Michael van der Werf, Dominicus (Nico) Waghorn, Nola Wallis, Maxwell Webb, Louisa Wells, Winifred Williams, Edward Wilson, Marie Woods, David

29 Nov 05 Adair, Raymond Aikman, Annie Allen, Richard (Bob) Bailey, Colin Benton, Shannon Brittenden, Amy Brown, Joan Byrne, Derek Cave, Mary Coffey, Marie Fraser, Alexander (Sandy) Given, David Horrell, Roger

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Jackson, Leslie Johnson, Coline Kearns, James McDonald, James (Claude) McMillan, John Neil, Aidan Newdick, Ross Otto, Carmel Paton, Blair Paul, Matai Powell, Neville Rankin, Jean Smith, Brian Smith, Isabel Tait, John Tuuta, Ivan van Beek, Michael van der Werf, Dominicus (Nico) Waghorn, Nola Wallis, Maxwell Webb, Louisa Wilson, Marie

30 Nov 05 Benton, Shannon Brown, Joan Byrne, Derek Cain, Olive Cave, Mary Cootes, Tiki Cross, John Davis, Dr John Dowling, Doreen Faddes, Elizabeth (Betty) Gibson, Jonathan Given, David Holland, Alfred (Mick) Horrell, Roger Jenkin, Barry Johnson, Coline Kay, Nancy McDonald, James (Claude) Newdick, Ross Paul, Maryann (Mereana) Smith, Brian Tuutu, Ivan van Beek, Michael Walker, Fred Wardell, Joyce Wells, Winifred Wood, Ivy

1 Dec 05 Briggs, Alfred

Clark, Essie Cross, John Cummings, Robert Dowling, Doreen Edwards, Anthony Gibson, Jonathan Holland, Alfred (Mick) Hurst, Edward (Ted) Jenkin, Barry

Johns, Alan Kay, Nancy Manson, Colin Panapa, Hannah Paul, Maryann (Mereana) Perks, Charles Reeves, Bruce Southwick, William Tapley, Beverley Taylor, Susan Trento, Merle Walker, Fred Wardell, Joyce Woodham, Anthony (Des)

2 Dec 05 Briggs, Alfred Dowling, Doreen Fraser, Margaret Holland, Alfred (Mick) Hurst, Edward (Ted) Lamont, Dulcie Manson, Colin Mollman, Barbara (Peggy) Panapa, Hannah Shapland, Seymour (George) Southwick, William Stack, Margaret Woodham, Anthony (Des)

3 Dec 05 Anthony, Thelma Appleby, John Bennett, Eunice Blake, Rev. Fr David Clark, Essie Dacombe, Ngaire Diamond, Noria Donald, William Edwards, Anthony England, Beverley Fraser, Margaret Gard, Leslie Hanna, Raynham Hathaway, Martha (Pat) Hurst, Edward (Ted) Jackson, Ian Lyons, Eleanor Malaquin, Peter Mollman, Barbara (Peggy) Morgan, Trevor O'Malley, Irene Potts, Janet Price, Flora Rees, Bernard (Bernie) Reeves, Bruce Saville, Pauline Shapland, Seymour (George) Simonson, Joanne Spafford, John (Bill) Taylor, Susan Thompson-Moir, Connor Tiffen, Ruth

Turnbull, Mae Wallace, Henry (Harry)

5 Dec 05 Anthony, Thelma Bannerman, Margot Brathwaite, Errol Burkett, Hilda Carroll, Ernest Dacombe, Ngaire Dawson, Margaret Donald, William Ewart, John Fisher, Pauline (Mary) Hathaway, Martha (Pat) Heslop, Katharine Hook, Moira Hurst, Dorothea (Dorothy) Inch, Ruby Jackson, Ian Johns, Elsie Lyons, Eleanor MacKintosh, Dougal Mather, Geana McNulty, Sally McRae, Mary (Clare) Metcalfe, Sandra Munro, Herbert Oliver, Thelma Paterson, Robert (John) Rees, Bernard Ryan, Patricia Ryder, Elsie (Doreen) Ryder, John (Jack) Saville, Pauline Skirving, James (Doug) Tapley, Beverley Thomas, Ian Thompson-Moir, Connor Turnbull, Mae York, Howard (Bert)

6 Dec 05 Bannerman, Margot Brathwaite, Errol Burkett, Hilda Carroll, Ernest Charles, Arthur Dacombe, Ngaire Duncan, Claire (Poppy) Ewart, John Fisher, Pauline (Mary) Herbert, Edward (Ted) Heslop, Katharine Hook, Moira Howson, Mairi Hurst, Dorothea (Dorothy) Inch, Ruby Jackson, Carol Johns, Elsie Johnson, Leo Jones, Thelma Jones, Yvonne Kirby, Fredric (Grant) Kirker, Dudley Lyons, Eleanor Mackintosh, Dougal

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Martin, Cora Mather, Geana McDonald, Geoffrey McNulty, Sally McRae, Mary (Clare) Metcalfe, Sandra (Sandy) Munro, Herbert (Bert) Murphy, Iris Oliver, Thelma Pascoe, Verna (Peg) Paterson, Robert (John) Ryan, Patricia Saunders, Ruby (Nan) Saville, Pauline Skirving, James (Doug) Stock, Lorraine Thompson-Moir, Connor Veevers, Jesse York, Howard (Bert)

07 Dec 05 Adamson, Jo Andrew, Kathleen Ashby, Lydia Bodger, Nancy Brathwaite, Errol Burkett, Hilda Duncan, Claire Ewart, John (Jack) Grant, Gaelyn Harrington, Eileen Herbert, Edward (Ted) Howson, Mairi Inch, Ruby Johnson, Leo Jones, Yvonne Kirker, Dudley Le Comte, Arthur (Stan) MacKintosh, Dougal MacNee-Scobie, Elaine Maffey, Keith Martin, Cora Martin, James (Jim) Miles, Roger Owers, David Pascoe, Verna (Peg) Paterson, Robert (John) Potts, Janet Rigg, Irene Rogers, Kevin Sewell, Nikola Stock, Lorraine Veevers, Jesse

8 Dec 05 Adamson, Jo Anderson, Graham Ashby, Lydia Bodger, Nancy Bras, Arie Butt, Murray Chambers, Colin Dinneen, Winnie Duncan, William (Bill) Gibbs, Walter Johnson, Douglas Jones, Yvonne

Kirker, Dudley Lyall, David MacNee-Scobie, Elaine Martin, Cora Miles, Roger Owers, David Pfeifer, Joan Rigg, Irene (Norma) Rollinson, Ivy Sewell, Nikola Stock, Lorraine Upton, Mary Wards, Reverend Laurence Yarrell, Margery

9 Dec 05 Anderson, Graham Bras, Arie Butt, Murray Campbell, Margaret Chambers, Colin Colville, Lewis Dinneen, Winnie Draper, Susan King, Valerie Kirker, Dudley MacNee-Scobie, Elaine McIlwrick, Angela Prendeville, Aileen Theyers, Betty

10 Dec 05 Anderson, Graham Beckingsale, Eleanor (Nella) Bennetts, Harry Borland, Nola Butt, Murray Calder, Mary Campbell, Margaret Colville, Lewis Corkindale, Elsie Dunn, John Edwards, Betty Ghozali, Maulana Grey, Arthur (Len) Hood, Ronald James, Patricia Kerse, Colina Martin, James (Jim) McIlwrick, Angela Mitten, Eileen Rollinson, Ivy Sakalata, Evelyn Smith, Delmar Tate, Ian Tatom, Roberta Veevers, Jesse Vickery, Evelyn

12 Dec 05 Allison, Donald Bennetts, Harry Boock, Bruce Calder, Mary

Campbell, Margaret Climo, Graeme Corkindale, Elsie Cotter, Margaret Dudli, Rudolf Fakalata, Evelyn Gnad, Audrey (Fay) Haines, Peter Harbidge, Beryl Harris, Elizabeth Heer, Isla Jones, Bruce Kerse, Colina Maguire, Marian Middleton, Ailsa Mottram, Valmai Nicoll, Hayden Rhodes, Betty Robertson, Minnie Robertson, Rev. Stuart Scoullar, Wayne Smith, Delmar Tatom, Roberta

13 Dec 05 Aitken, Robert Allison, Donald Beaumont, Christine Berrett, Russell Blake, Alma Boock, Bruce Callaghan, Lorna Carson, Margaret (Molly) Gibbs, Walter (Wally) Gnad, Audrey (Fay) Grey, Arthur (Len) Haines, Peter Harbidge, Beryl Heritage, Dennis Hight, Valerie James, Patricia Laing, Dr David McVicar, Waveney Middleton, Ailsa Nilsen, Ann Noonan, John (Jack) Prattley, Edwin (Bill) Toohill, John (Jack) Williams, Moira

14 Dec 05 Aitken, Robert (Bob) Allington, Mary Beaumont, Christine Berrett, Russell Bertie, Beryl Blake, Alma Callaghan, Lorna Cawthorn, Neville Creagh, Azile Fardell, Robert Gallagher, Kevin Goodman, Kevin Heritage, Dennis Hockey, Walter Jenkins, Margaret Lane, Betty

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Mackenzie, James Maguire, Marian McVey, Eva Neale, Mavis Nicoll, Hayden Nilsen, Ann Pattrick, Jessie Simpson, Robin (Rob) Young, Joy Zampese, Freda (Bet)

15 Dec 05 Barr, Hugh Bertie, Beryl Bishop, John Cawthorn, Neville Gallagher, Kevin Goodman, Kevin Hartigan, Catherine (Kit) Hayes, Myrtle (Anna) Henry, Robert Maguire, Marian Mariu, Reverend Max McVey, Eva Neale, Mavis Parry, Nesta Simpson, Robin Warner, Jeane Watkins, Norman Winfield, Lester Yee, Liu

16 Dec 05 Andrew, Lauris Bleach, Irene Douglas, Herbert Gallagher, Kevin Henry, Robert Ladd, Betty Mercier, David (John) Parish, Valerie Russell, Ewing Small, Crystal (Dinneen) Sweetman, Malcolm Timms, Percival Tuckley, Howard Winfield, Lester

17 Dec 05 Andrew, Lauris Bleach, Irene Cameron, Margaret Carrington, June Chapman, Helen Douglas, Herbert Ellis, Michael Grimshaw, Kenneth Hockey, Keith Hodgson, Roy Jardine, Kathleen Joines, Florence (Noel) Keery, Susan Laing, Dr David Lord, Miriam McGuire, Jeannette Nuttridge, Kevin

Parish, Valerie Pascoe, Leonie Paterson, Hilda Pirie, Eunice Pluck, Graham Pratt, Fay Timms, Percival Tuckley, Howard

19 Dec 05 Bendall, Patrick Bird, Melville Booth, Anthony (John) Cameron, Margaret Carrington, June Collins, Kathleen d'Auvergne, James Doig, Merle Edwards, Harry Grant, Marie (Pat) Grimshaw, Kenneth Haigh, Douglas Hessian, Veronica Hibbard, Margaret (Olwyn) Holden, Joan LittleJohn, Mary Lord, Miriam McFarlane, Janet McGuire, Marie (Jeanette) Nelson, Peter Neville, Rae Parry, Nesta Pascoe, Leonie Paterson, Hilda Pellett, Gwenyth Pirie, Eunice Pluck, Graham Pratt, Fay Richards, Gwendolyn Ridgen, Edgar Sayers, Horace Shackleton, Melena (Doreen) Storer, Joseph Te Maari, Grace Wheeler, Lorna (Mavis) Wilson, Joyce Woodfield, Muriel

20 Dec 05 Arnold, Glenn Arnott, John-Deane Bendall, Patrick Bird, Melville Black, Henry Bone, Thelma Booth, Anthony (John) Braithwaite, John (Jack) Burrough, Rev Amos Casutt, Yvonne Chenery, Albert Dalkie, Jean d'Auvergne, James Doig, Merle Dolphin, Arthur

Edwards, Harry Forsey, Christine Forsyth, Molly Gibson, Paul Goodwin, Helen Grant, Marie (Pat) Harris, Meryl Hart, Anne Heslop, Louisa Hibbard, Olwyn Holden, Joan King, Allan Lord, Miriam McFarlane, Janet Nelson, Peter Neville, Rae O'Dea, Grace Pascoe, Leonie Phillips, Wilhelmina (Wilma) Pluck, Graham Richards, Gwendolyn Ridgen, Edgar Shackleton, Melena (Doreen) Soanes, Muriel Spence, Bill Storer, Joseph Te Maari, Grace Whales, Dorothy Wheeler, Lorna (Mavis) Wilson, Anna Woodfield, Muriel

21 Dec 05 Arnold, Glenn Black, Henry Casutt, Yvonne Cooper, Thomas Doig, Merle Evans, Jack Frizzell, Donald Gibson, Paul Harris, Meryl Heslop, Louisa Hibbard, Margaret (Olwyn) Kennedy, Ralph Kimber, Arnold (Vick) King, Allan Lasseter, Robert Marsh, John (Jack) McFarlane, Janet Meeking, Ian Milne, Edith Richards, Gwendolyn Richards, Ruby Ridgen, Edgar Scott, Judith Sloan, Elayne Soanes, Muriel Spence, Bill Sullivan, Paula Whales, Dorothy Wilson, Anna Wilson, Joyce

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Woodfield, Muriel

22 Dec 05 Barltrop, George Sturz Black, Henry Ernest (Chick) Frizzell, Donald Andrew (Don) Harris, Meryl Gwendolene Kennedy, Ralph Kimber, Arnold Victor (Vick) Martin, Una Yvonne McFarlane, Janet Meeking, Ian Francis Miller, Loris Jessie Ryder, Marie Kathleen Scobie, Ngaire Emma Scott, Judith Swaney, Barbara Ann (nee Goode) Thomas, Noelene Lenore (Noel) Walsh, Michael James Wells, Nina Madge

23 Dec 05 Bain, Douglas Ayson (Doug) Barltrop, George Sturz Baxter, Patricia Rae (Trish) Bird, Melville Ernest (Mel) Cowan, Catherine Rae (Cathie) Darby, Marie Grace Faye Everest, Ivan Benjamin Forno, Cliff Grattan, Jocelyn Jane Hooper-Davies, Gavin Lewis, Shirley Mary McCracken, Robert Logan Miller, Donald McCallum Price, Monica Helen Scobie, Ngaire Emma Scorr, Hazel Irene (nee Willcox) Stevens, Hazel Elaine Swaney, Barbara Ann (nee Goode) Walsh, Michael James White Beatrice Mary Young, Nancy Mildred

24 Dec 05 Arbuckle, Edna May Arnott, John Deane Ritchie Brown, Mervyn Alistair Campbell, Margaret Brightling Chambers, Lester Maxwell Ching, Paul Laurence (Chingo) Christie, Dorothy Carmel (Dot) Darby, Marie Grace Faye De Keijzer Jan Johan Willem (John) Edwards, Veronique Elsja (Nikki) Forbes, Audrey Frances Frisken, Matthew Fuller, Philip Malcolm Furness, John Percy Griffin, Percival Geoffrey (Geoff) Jones, Dulcima Doreen

Mayhew, Margaret Joyce McArthur, Lorraine Mavis McCracken, Robert Logan Peters, Owen Price, Monica Helen Robertson, John Murray Russell, Ian Malcolm Stevens, Hazel Elaine Sullivan, Paula Kathleen Tait, Robert Gideon (Bob) Weingott, Eric Henry (formerly Turner) White, Beatrice Mary Wilson, Albert Norman (Alb) Wolfe, Bryan Anthony

26 Dec 05 Arbuckle, Edna

Brown, Mervyn Clark, Lila (Fay) de Keijzer, Jan (John) Eastmond, Arthur Edwards, Veronique (Nikki) Forbes, Audrey Franks, Ngaire Fuller, Philip Griffen, Percival (Geoff) Jefferies, Charles Jones, Dulcima (Doreen) Lum, Yuen McAnally, Kevin (Mac) Morrison, Phyllis Mulholland, William Neal, Rita Robertson,John Todd, Eileen Tuuta, May Yates, Trevor

27 Dec 05Arbuckle, Edna Brown, Mervyn Campbell, Margaret Chapman, Marion Chaston, Colin Ching, Paul Crocker, Thomas (Jim) Ebdon, Stanley Forbes, Audrey Franks, Ngaire Fuller, Philip Griffin, Percival (Geoff) Hagen, Roger Hawke, Audrey Hayward, Thomas Hyland, Maurice (Pat) Jefferies, Charles King, Marie Leslie, Donald McAnally, Kevin (Mac) Mulholland, William Newton, Elfriede Paterson, Margaret Payne, Doreen Scott, Douglas

Scott, John Sherwood, Leslie Soper, Maureen Todd, Eileen Wallis, Karen Webb, June Yates, Trevor Yung, Douglas

28 Dec 05 Bullock, Nancy Chaston, Colin Clark, Jeffrey Daniel Clark, Lila Faith (Fay) Crocker, Thomas James (Jim) De Keijzer Jan Johan Willem (John) Eastmond, Arthur Leonard (Len) Fuller, Philip Griffin, Percival Geoffrey (Geoff) Hann, Eric Lawson Hawke, Audrey Mary Hayward, Thomas Charles (Tom) Hyland, Maurice Napier (Pat) James, Margaret Anne (nee Dingwall) Kupa, Tiraha Ngaire Mantell, Ellen Patricia Mayhew, Margaret Joyce McAnally, Kevin Joseph McMaster, Keith Moffat, Elspeth Louisa (Louise) Newton, Elfriede Charlotte Paterson, Margaret Serrels Pearson, Zana Peters, Owen Price, Monica Helen Ritani, Elizabeth Peti (nee Kumeroa) Scott, John Arthur Sherwood, Leslie Francis Soper, Maureen Madge Tait, Dudley Moncrieff (Pancho) Tuuta, May Hohipera Van de Putte, Emma Isobel (Belle) Willis, Thomas James (Jimmy) Yung, Douglas (Tak Wai)

29 Dec 05 Boyd, Stephen

Bright, Muriel Bullock, Nancy Burton, Stephanie Craw, Vernon (Laurie) Day, Alfred (Steve) Hyland, Maurice (Pat) James, Margaret (Anne) Johnson, Ian Leslie, Donald McArthur, Lorraine Moffat, Elspeth (Louise) O'Sullivan, Tania

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Pearson, Zana Perry, Diana (Dawn) Pope, Norman Quinn, Joan Ritani, Elizabeth Scott, Douglas Sherwood, Leslie Stedman, Mary Stone, Peter Thoms, Robert Thomson, Gwynneth (Gwen) Timlin, Doris (George) Van de Putte, Emma (Belle) Willis, Thomas (Jimmy) Wright, Amelia Yates, Trevor

30 Dec 05 August, Ottna Bright, Muriel Burton, Stephanie Craw, Vernon (Laurie) Feldbrugge, Joseph Greig, David Hare, Iris (Georgie) Heveldt, Annie Mansell, Elizabeth Mathers, Myrtle (Joy) McKeown, William (Trevor) Narby, Ellinore (Peter) Pearson, Zana Russell, William Scott, Douglas Stedman, Mary Taylor, Kenneth Thomson, Gwynneth (Gwen) Thorn, Maria van Draanen, Tina Wilson, Dorothy Wright, Amelia Yates, Trevor

31 Dec 05 Archbold, Raumati Ayson, Glen Barnard, Margaret (Joan) Bristow, Moira Brown, Elaine Burling, Agnes (Nancy) Carter, Sylvia (Colleen) Cassin, Monica Denton, Roger Dobson, Victor Frost, Agnes (Jean) Gilbertson, Daphne Goodrick, June Halliday, Raymond (Philip) Heasley, Robert Heveldt, Annie Howell, Margaret Lloyd, Margaret

Manning, Barbara Mansell, Elizabeth Mathers, Myrtle (Joy) McDonald, Dorothy Parish, Margaret Pearson, Zana Robinson, Norma Ross, John Russell, Robert Taylor, Kenneth Te Au, Michael Thorn, Maria van Draanen, Tina

20061 Jan 06 Adams, Elizabeth (Betty) Beattie, Raymond (Ray) Bennett, Jack Bensemann, Margaret (Mya) Bovey, Jocelyn Boyd, Sydney Brash, Peter Cauldwell, Anne Chapman, Eleanor (Avis) Cleary, Bernard Collins, Peter Cook, Ruby Craythorne, Peggy Ensor, Melody Evans, Phyllis Fry, Alexander Gifford, Errol Gray, Kevin Hall, Erik Hamilton, David Hiroti, Te Opewhakahukau Hoare, Eric Jones, Derek Jones, Trefor (Taffy) Kilday, Linda Lambie, Dorothy McFadden, Aileen McGuinniety, James McKechie, Jeanette Milford, Richard (Dickie) Minehan, Rita Montgomery, David (Dave) Moore, Teresa Murdoch, Gladys O'Keeffe, Wayne (Johnny) O'Leary, John O'Malley, Janet O'Neill, Maureen Palmer, Elza

Palmer, Hilda Papps, Leslie Parks, Hazel Redpath, Marie Reed, Arthur Reid, Catherine (Monica) Royds, Peter Shamy, Gloria Sheppard, Owen Speirs, Elizabeth Taylor, Colleen Toseland, Sydney Venning, Patrick Vickery, Grant

2 Jan 06 Abraham, Susan A'Court, Rex Anderson, Audrey Archbold, Andrew Ayson, Glen Beattie, Loreen Bennett, William Bland, Thelma Brown, Elaine Carter, Sylvia (Colleen) Chisnall, Douglas (Dougal) Evans, Mary Gilmore, Eva Goodrick, June Hammond, Stanley (Bruce) Hart, Peter Hawes, Albert (Derek) Holden, Shirley Howell, Margaret Hughes, Sid McAnulty, Thomas Parker, Ronald Robinson, Norma Russell, Robert Schumacher, Olive Silco*ck, Thomas Stewart, Ernest Taylor, Kenneth Trotter-Simons, Heather van Draanen, Tina Werahiko, Virginia Wilson, Ross

3 Jan 06 Abraham, Susan Aitchison, Colleen Anderson, Audrey Archbold, Andrew Ayson, Glen Baird, Robert Beattie, Loreen Butler, Murray Carter, Sylvia (Colleen) Chisnall, Douglas (Dougal) Clinton, Sheila Gilmore, Eva Gregan, John Hammond, Stanley (Bruce) Hawes, Albert (Derek)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Holden, Shirley Hughes, Sid Manning, Barbara Maxwell, James (Jimmy) McAnulty, Thomas (Tom) McConnell, Shaun Parish, Margaret Pearson, Zana Rich, Jane (Jean) Simpson, Dudley (Joe) Stephens, John (Jack) Stewart, Ernest Toohey, Matthew

4 Jan 06 Abraham, Susan A'Court, Rex Anderson, Audrey Angus, Kenneth Archbold, Andrew Ayson, Glen Bland, Thelma Breen, John Bristow, Moira Butler, Murray Clinton, Sheila Cormack, Olive Erasmuson, Francis Gilbertson, Daphne Gilmore, Eva Goodrick, June Gregan, John (Desmond) Hammond, Stanley (Bruce) Hart, Peter Hindson, Steven Hughes, Sid Karwowski, Pamela Kircher, Peter Lewandowski, Maciej Lyne, Leslie Miles, Ronald Packer, William Phillips, Eileen (Hazel) Price, Allan Rich, Jane (Jean) Ross, John Sargisson, Kathleen Schoen, Janet Southgate, William Wallace, James Weir, Norman West, Noelene Wilson, Ross Woods, Margaret

5 Jan 06 Aitchison, Colleen Alexander, Graham Bailey, Douglas Breen, John Cormack, Olive Covic, Gordon Cullens, Edith Currie, Pamela Foster, Barbara Gray, Edward

Hammond, Stanley (Bruce) Hart, Peter Hazeldine, Gabrielle Hindson, Steven Huntley, Herbert (Bert) Johnston, James (Jim) Kircher, Peter Koens, Bart Lewandowski, Maciej (Mac) Miles, Ronald Ottley, Lucy Parfitt, Alva Pirie, Desmond Rumble, Mary Southgate, William Steers, David Sutherland, Patricia Todd, Stewart Tweedie, Robert (Frank) Wallace, James West, Noelene Woods, Margaret

6 Jan 06 Aitchison, Colleen Anderson, Donald Bailey, Douglas Bould, Jennifer Covic, Gordon Currie, Pamela Curry, June Danga, Berta Dodge, Charles Hammond, George Hindson, Steven Koens, Bart Kopeke, David Leslie, Donald May, Lindsay McCarthy, Julie Miles, Ronald Moar, Ellen Newton, Rita Orchard, Janet (Jan) Rich, Jane (Jean) Roberts, Shirley (Bill) Rumble, Mary Steers, David Todd, Stewart Tweedie, Robert (Frank) Weir, Norman

7 Jan 06 Aitchison, Colleen Allan, Margaret (Peggy) Anderson, Donald Anderson, Shirley Baken, Donald Bould, Jennifer Chambers, Thelma Child, Shirley Cullens, Edith Curry, June Danga, Berta

Dodge, Charles Erasmuson, Francis Foster, Barbara Freitas, Vicki Goy, Derek Grant, Harold Hazlett, Bryan Jefferies, Margaret (Dr) Johnston, James (Jim) Lawley, William Manning, Nola Mannix, William May, Lindsay McCarthy, Julie McFadden, Robert McKechie, Coral Miller, Valerie Moar, Ellen Morris, Reuben Nelmes, Frances (Jo) Parfitt, Alva Peoples, Ruth Rabbidge, Margaret (Peggy) Robertson, Myra Scaife, Clive Spicer, Heather Swaby, Francis Taylor, Eveline Weaver, Kelvin Whitman-Hale-Smith, Jeshua

9 Jan 06 Arnst, John (Jack) Barclay, Edward (Lloyd) Clarke, David Clifford, Margaret (Lesley) Cooper, Clive Douglas, William Ellis, Dorothy Freitas, Vicki Gorrie, Maurice (Tom) Goy, Derek Graham, Audrey Graham, Janice Hammond, Henry (Bob) Haslett, Gordon Hema, Jeanette (Jenny) Lancaster, Cory Lawley, William Le Comte, Mona Mannix, William McFadden, Robert McMahon, Audrey Miller, Valerie Morgan, Nina Nelmes, Frances (Jo) Peoples, Ruth Price, Rae Rickard, John Rowe, John Scaife, Clive Smith, Harold Spicer, Heather Whaitiri, Trevor Whitman-Hale-Smith,

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Jeshua Wigley, Robert (Jim)

10 Jan 06 Beattie, Dawn Bennett, Herbert (Bert) Borland, Frances Buckley, David Butler, Murray Chapman, Mabelle Clarke, David Dowling, Ngarita Duval Smith, Marie (Joan) Dillon, Joan Ellis, Dorothy Fransen, Cornelis (Kees) Freitas, Vicki Gibson, Marjorie Graham, Janice Gray, Vera Hammond, Henry (Bob) Hema, Jeanette (Jenny) Hindson, Norman Horton, Irene Lancaster, Cory Le Comte, Mona Leslie, Owen Payne, Jane (Jean) Peoples, Ruth Richards, Dorothea Rickard, John Ryan, William Sandle, John (Jack) Smith, Harold Stanton, John (Jack) Swaby, Francis Tisdall, Fenton Whisker, James Wigley, Robert (Jim)

11 Jan 06 Angus, Kenneth Armishaw, Sylvia Beattie, Dawn Clarke, David Doak, Samuel (Ivon) Dowling, Ngarita Eastwick, Mabel Fransen, Cornelius Freitas, Vicki Gibbons, Violet Gibson, Marjorie Graham, Audrey Graham, Janice Haslett, Gordon Hema, Jeanette (Jenny) Heron, Peter Hindson, Norman Hutcheon, Mavis Jarden, Peter Johnstone, Urba (Billie) Kellaway, Mary Levy, Audrey McCallum, John Morgan, Nina Paul, Freda Payne, Jane (Jean)

Pegley, Kenneth Peoples, Ruth Price, Rae Richards, Dorothea Rickard, John Ridder, Frances Sandle, John (Jack) Stanton, John (Jack) Stare, Isobel Taylor, Eveline Visser, Leslie Watson, Dorothy Whisker, James Williams, Robert Williams, Mary (Molly)

12 Jan 06 Armishaw, Sylvia Beattie, Dawn Bolland, Norman Boyle, Peter Camp, William Clarke, David Doak, Samuel (Ivon) Eastwick, Mabel Goodman, Alexander (Sandy) Hema, Jeanette (Jenny) Hindson, Norman Histen, Maureen Hogarth, Vernon Hutcheon, Mavis Johnstone, Urba (Billie) Kay, Philippa (Pip) King, Tobias McArthur, Lorraine McCallum, John McGrath, Henry Orchard, Graham Paul, Freda Pegley, Kenneth Philpott, Margaret Phipps, Joanne Ridder, Frances Robertson, Jenny Stare, Isobel Visser, Leslie White, Brian

13 Jan 06 Boyle, Peter Clarke, David Clearwater, Eileen Courtney, Colin Goodman, Alexander (Sandy) Histen, Maureen Hunter, Colin Hutcheon, Mavis Jack, Eileen Kay, Philippa (Pip) King, Tobias McAllen, Mary (Pat) Newton, Sally Paul, Freda Philpott, Margaret Robertson, Jennifer

Shine, Jennifer (Jenny) Thomson, Shannon Visser, Leslie White, Brian

14 Jan 05 Angus, Kenneth Aspinall, Ngaire Beck, Ian Bolland, Norman Boyle, Peter Brown, Betty Brown, Lancelot Brown, Minerva Camp, William Clearwater, Eileen Courtney, Colin Foster, Barbara Frunt, Harrie Goodman, Alexander (Sandy) Harlock, Mary Harper, Irene Healey, James Heron, Peter Hill, Doris Hoogeveen, Annemie (Meip) Hooker, Douglas Jack, Eileen Kay, Philippa (Pip) King, Tobias McNamara, Catherine (Kitty) Miles, Roderick Newton, Ivan Newton, Sally Orchard, Graham Pahi, Kevin Rowe, Arnold Sandle, John (Jack) Satherley, Doreen Sherriff, Arthur Skinner, Murray Sutherland, Hazel Thomson, Shannon Wood, Mervyn Woodhead, Mary

16 Jan 06 Adams, Ebereka (Reka) Aspinall, Ngaire Ballinger, Peter Beaman, Dorothy Bradfield, Barbara Brown, Hilda Brown, Minerva Clark, Moira (Elizabeth) Clark, Robert Crooks, Douglas Dalgety, Donald Frunt, Harrie Gibson, Vera Halkett, Joyce Healey, James Hudson, Roger Kinnis, Winifred

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McLaren, Hilary McLaren, Julie Miles, Roderick Millar, Grace O'Loughlin, Eileen Pahi, Kevin Petrie, Bridgetta (Netta) Philpott, Daphne Robinson, Denise Rowe, Arnold Satherley, Doreen Schist, Margaret Tebble, Moira Woodhead, Mary

17 Jan 06 Adams, Ebereka (Reka) Ashcroft, Joyce Aspinall, Ngaire Beaman, Dorothy Bradfield, Barbara Bradford, Jeannie Clark, Robert Cooke, Joyce Crooks, Douglas Dalgety, Donald Ellis, William (Bill) Frunt, Harrie Gilbert, Mary (Betty) Gordon, Murray Harkess, Chloe Hooker, Douglas Hudson, Roger Hunter, Fay McLaren, Hilary McLaren, Julie O'Loughlin, Eileen (Joy) Philpott, Daphne Robinson, Denise Simpson, James Tuttle, Thomas Woodhead, Mary

18 Jan 06 Avery, Rona Bradford, Jeannie Burns, Graeme Collett, Joan Cooke, Joyce Crooks, Douglas Dalgety, Donald Ellis, William (Bill) Ferguson, Annie (May) Fitzpatrick, Fr Kevin Gibson, Vera Gilbert, Mary (Betty) Gordon, Murray Hennin, James (Jim) Hudson, Roger Hunter, Fay Jensen, Stephni Kaler, Warren (Lester) Kruiniger, Ditte Lemalu, Ioelu (Joel) McLaren, Hilary McLaren, Julie Newman, Lola

Nisbet, Neil Phillips, Hilda Sandle, John (Jack) Scannell, Ove Stanton, May Sutherland, Patricia Tuttle, Thomas van den Oort-de Gier, Truus Williams, Muriel

19 Jan 06 Applegarth, Edith Attewell, Rita Avery, Rona Blake, Jean Burns, Graeme Butterick, Marion (Fay) Costello, Yvonne Dalgety, Donald Ferguson, Annie (May) Gilbert, Mary (Betty) Hamilton, Stafford (Jock) Hudson, Roger Hunter, Fay Jensen, Stephni Kaler, Warren (Lester) Kempthorne, Geoffrey Lemalu, Ioelu (Joel) MacDonald, Ian Mace, Hallett Maw, Gordon McFadden, Beryl Nisbet, Neil Quirke, Patrick Ritchie, Agnes (Mollie) Rodgers, George Stanton, May

20 Jan 06 Brand, Elizabeth (Betty) Crooks, Douglas Dann, Rose Dreckow, Florence Goodmanson, Maureen Harper, Rosamund Lemalu, Ioelu (Joel) MacDonald, Ian Mace, Hallett Maw, Gordon McFadden, Beryl McIsaac, Barbara McSherry, Beverley Middlemiss, Ian Mounsey, Margaret Ritchie, Agnes (Mollie) Roberts, Bernard Rodgers, George Whyte, Rosemary Woodrow, George

21 Jan 06 Aldridge, Grace Blaikie, Beatrice Boag, Olive Butler, Barry Dann, Rose

Dasler, Eileen Davis, Mavis (June) Dreckow, Florence Duffy, Robert (Peter) Fairbrass, Reta Flint, Robert (Bob) Ford, George Goodmanson, Maureen Hewitt-Houliston, Elizabeth Hill, George Hore, Bronwyn Hunt, Verona Le Poidevin, Dorothy Lowe, Francis (Ian) McIssac, Barbara McLean, Wilfred McSherry, Beverley Mitchell, Patricia Morton, Noeleen (Noel) Mulligan, Janaya Norton, James Parcell Ian Perriam, Constance Priest, Ivan Rea, Frederick Roberts, Bernard (Bernie) Ross, Veronica (Ronnie) Shepherd, Gardiner van den Oort-de Gier, Truus Watson, Lilian Weeber, David (Dave) Wendelborn, Jean Whyte, Rosemary Withell, Linda Woodrow, George

23 Jan 06 Allison, Wayne Anquetil, Patricia Black, Alice Boag, Olive Butler, Barry Clark, Desire Cook, Michael Craigen, James Dasler, Eileen Flint, Robert Ford, George Foster, Graeme Fraser, James Fryer, Henry (Harry) Harrison, Beverley Harwood, Norman Hore, Bronwyn Kennedy, Gloria King, Brian Kinzett, Cynthia (Cindy) Le Poidevin, Dorothy McKee, Irene McKenzie, Marjory McSherry, Beverley Moore, Beverley Moore, John Myles, Thomas Oakley, Dorothy Parcell, Ian

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Perriam, Constance Radford, Thomas Roach, Margaret Roberts, Bernard Robinson, Alan Telfer, Graeme Watson, Lilian Wendelborn, Jeannie Withell, Linda

24 Jan 06 Anquetil, Patricia Blair, Robert Bongard, Peter Campbell, Lily Chapman, Maurice Cook, Michael (Mick) Duff, Jessie Foster, Graeme France, Margaret (Peg) Fraser, James (Jim) Frisken, Colleen Hobbs, Kenneth Hobson, Shirley Hore, Bronwyn Kennedy, Gloria Kinzett Cynthia (Cindy) Lisk, Murray Logan, John McGee, Jack McKee, Irene McKenzie, Marjory Moore, Beverley (Bev) Moore, John Radford, Thomas Roach, Margaret Robinson, Alan Ross, Hamish Smith, Jacqueline Telfer, Graeme Wales, Gwyneth Webb, Gladys (May)

25 Jan 06 Anquetil, Patricia Blair, Robert Cupples, Jessie (Jean) Dasler, Eileen Duff, Jessie Farnworth, Frank Foster, Graeme Frisken, Colleen Gibson, Alfred (Charlie) Hepburn, Barry Hobbs, Kenneth Hunt, Verona Lancaster, Joyce Moore, John O'Brien, Desmond Perry, Peter Prendergast, Philip (Phil) Prew, Evelyn (Lyn) Radford, Thomas Reay, Ian Roach, Margaret Robinson, Alan Ross, Hamish

Smith, Jacqueline Spivey, Desmond van den Broek, Martinus Wales, Gwyneth

26 Jan 06 Archibald, Lorna Belcher, Colin Collings, Earle Farnworth, Frank Jarvis, Douglas Macready, Margaret McKee, Mary McLeod, Isabelle Moore, John Murphy, Vera O'Brien, Desmond Prew, Evelyn (Lyn) Riley, Jim Ross, Hamish Spivey, Desmond Wallis, Pamelina (Pam) Wilkes, Phyllis

27 Jan 06 Brian, Fife Duncan, Kerry Illingworth, Susie Inniss, Mary Jarvis, Douglas Lill, Doris (Joan) Manson, Leslie Marsh, Charlotte (Rita) O'Brien, Desmond Ramsay, Mary Riley, Jim Teal, John Wallis, Pamelina (Pam)

28 Jan 06 Bent, Nyrie (June) Brian, Fife Claydon, Noela Collings, Earle Deighton, Irene Devine, Arthur Fanselow, John (Jock) Forrest, Ann Frizzell, Margaret (Lillian) Green, Alfred Gutberlet, Walter (Ted) Hobbs, Kathleen Kerr, Mary (Phyllis) Lenihan, Gloria Lewis, Margaret (Peggy) Lill, Doris (Joan) Macready, Margaret Majurey, Mary Manson, Leslie Marsh, Charlotte (Rita) McCone, Harold McMenamin, Robyn Noonan, Elsie (Myra) Raine, Marion Ramsay, Mary

Ruru-Stokes, Metia Teal, John Walker, James (Jim) Yetman, Merle

30 Jan 06 Batchelor, David Clark, Eileen Claydon, Noela Fanselow, John (Jock) Fleming, Kate (Kitty) Green, Alfred Harris, Ian Hobbs, Kathleen Howell, Stephen Jones, Aileen Jones, Sarah Knight, Geoffrey Lenihan, Gloria Mauger, Edwin McKenzie, Murdoch (Don) McMenamin, Robyn Noonan, Elsie (Myra) O'Connor, Elizabeth Orr, John Patterson, William Power, Devin Reeves, Henry (Harry) Reid, Mabel (May) Shone, Georgina Smith, Albert Spillane, Phillip Stewart, Michael Symon, Reginald Thackwell, George Waghorn, Paul Wilson, Colin Woodward, Amelia (Millie) Yetman, Merle

31 Jan 06 Batchelor, David Clark, Eileen Codyre, Mary Ford, John Gibson, Ivan Harris, Ian Howell, Stephen Jones, Aileen Jones, Sarah Mauger, Edwin McKenzie, Murdoch (Don) McLachlan, Ronald (Ron) McMenamin, Robyn O'Connor, Elizabeth Orr, John Power, Devin Reese, Evelyn Reeves, Henry (Harry) Reid, Mabel (May) Robertson, Nathan Smith, Albert Stevens, Mavis Thackwell, George

DEATH NOTICES 2000-2007...Thomas, Diane Death Notice List of Names The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Death Notice - [PDF Document] (322)

Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Wilson, Colin

1 Feb 06 Alsop, Valmai (Val) Arlidge, Margaret (Rae) Bill, Lexie Bonney, Janet (Jean) Collett, Dorothy Fleming, Kate (Kitty) Ford, John Forde, Kevin Goodwin, Vernon Harford, Allan Howell, Stephen Jones, Sarah McClymont, Dorothy McKenzie, Murdoch (Don) McLachlan, Ronald (Ron) McLennan, William (Roy) Newton, Edna Overend, Matthew Patterson, William Pilbrow, Geoffrey Power, Devin Procter, Leslie Reece, Andrew Rees, Evelyn Rickard, Warren Riley, William Robertson, Nathan Rowley, Simon Ruru-Stokes, Metia Stevens, Mavis Stewart, Michael Symon, Reginald Thackwell, George Waghorn, Paul

2 Feb 06 Alsop, Valmai (Val) Bonney, Janet (Jean) Davies, Vera Ellison, David Forster, Ingo Gibson, Ivan Goodwin, Vernon Hankin, Margaret Hodzelmans, Joseph Legge, Phyllis (Phyl) McClymont, Dorothy McLachlan, Ronald (Ron) McMillan, Margaret (Joan) Overend, Matthew Rickard, Warren Riley, William Robertson, Nathan Robinson, Ronald Rowley, Simon Saunders, Michael Stevens, Mavis Symon, Reginald Thackwell, George Vessey, Robert (Bill) Ward, Gwendoline Youngson, William (Bill)

3 Feb 06

Crawford, Diane Donaldson, Donne Dunn, John Earsman, William Ellison, David Fenton, Philip Forster, Ingo Harris, Francis (Peter) Hawley, Iris Hodzelmans, Joseph Hudson, Pamela Kinghorn, Beveridge Legge, Phyllis (Phyl) Martin, Malcolm McCormack, Agnes McMillan, Margaret (Joan) Molloy, Patricia Penno, Nancie Power, Devin Robertson, Arthur (Robbie) Vessey, Robert (Bill) Ward, Gwendoline Whiting, Isobel Youngson, William (Bill)

4 Feb 06 Brankin, John (Jack) Corser, Mike Cournane, Michael (Mick) Crawford, Diane Davey, Mary Davies, Vera Donaldson, Donne Earsman, William Erickson, Eric Fenton, Philip Harris, Mary (Betty) Harry, Joy Hellmrich, John Hodzelmans, Joseph Honeybone, Harold Hudson, Pamela Jarman, Bernard Jellyman, Isobel (Bell) Jones, Raymond Kimber, Robert Kinghorn, Beveridge Martin, Malcolm McCormack, Agnes McLennan, William (Roy) McMillan, Margaret (Joan) Murcott, William O'Connor, Francis Parker, Graham Robertson, Arthur (Robbie) Robertson, Nathan Robinson, Ronald Swann, James (Jim) Townsend, Maud Versteegh, Richard (Dick)

6 Feb 06 Baxter, Christopher

Brankin, John (Jack) Brocherie, Kevin Collie, Florence Cumming, Phillip Denley, Alister Fairbrother, Roy Fraser, Raymond Gillam, Ella Groom, Ruby Guthrie, Mary Kimber, Robert Long, Keith Maclellan, Norah (Peg) McPherson, Wally Parker, Graham Roberts, Leslie Robertson, Arthur (Robbie)

7 Feb 06 Andersen, Beryl Baxter, Christopher Beavis, Mary Boxall, Harry Breach, Marjory Brocherie, Kevin Buxton, Andrea Cermak, Ileen Cumming, Phillip Denley, Alister Frankish, Antoinette Fraser, Raymond Gillam Ella Gregory, Joyce Groom, Ruby Guthrie, Mary Jarman, Bernard Long, Keith Maclellan, Norah (Peg) McMillan, Margaret (Joan) McPherson, Hector Neate, Rene Parker, Graham Roberts, Leslie Stoddart, Edward (Stuart) Swann, James Worner, Averil

8 Feb 06 Adlam, Edward (Jack) Baxter, Chris Beavis, Mary Boxall, Harry Bradley, Glenis Brocherie, Kevin Buttle, Constance (Jean) Cameron, Margaret Cermak, Ileen Collie, Florence Corser, Mike Draper, Honor (Pat) Duggan, Malcolm Fairbrother, Roy Fraser, Raymond Gillam, Ella Gregory, Joyce

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Guthrie, Mary (Mem) Harry, Joy Hill, Raymond Kyles, Elizabeth Long, Keith McHardy, Rita McPherson, Hector McPherson, Wally Mitchell, Margaret Muldoon, Edna Neate, Rene Odgers, Gordon Roberts, Leslie Snedden, Fleur Stoddart, Edward (Stuart) Swann, James Walker, Mark Wood, Stuart

9 Feb 06 Adco*ck, Betty Anderson, Fay Buttle, Constance (Jean) Collie, Florence Davis, Jean Draper, Honor (Pat) Englefield, Patricia Forbes, Joan Gorman, Patrick (Pat) Groom, Ruby Long, Keith Maunsell, Michael Maxwell, Jane (Jean) McPherson, Hector Milward, Melva Muldoon, Edna Odgers, Gordon Riley, Patricia Saunders, Michael Seller, Jean Simco*ck, Robert Smith, Margaret Wallace, Shirley Wills, Albert Wilson, Julia Wood, Stuart Wright, James (Hec) 10 Feb. 06 Anderson, Fay Appleby, Grahame (Bob) Bush, Annie Davis, Jean Englefield, Patricia Field, Randall Groom, Ruby Growcott, Yvonne Henderson, William Higgins, Bob Kimber, Robert (Bob) MacDonald, Winifred (Win) Maunsell, Michael Maxwell, Jane (Jean) Miller, Hellen (Nellie) Moore, Derek Odgers, Gordon

Officer, John Penning, Robert Prescott, Gwendoline (Joan) Rayner, Clarence (Gerry) Riley, Patricia (Pat) Seed, Nigel Seller, Douglas Shadbolt, Rex Simco*ck, Robert Simons, Lynette (Lyn) Smith, Margaret Wallace, Shirley Walls, Eileen

11 Feb 06 Barriball, Chris Blair, Maurice (George) Blake, Hazel Brian, Fife Bunting, Joseph Bush, Annie Carter, Elsie Chappell, Henry (Harry) Choi, Hannah Ewan, Moya Freeman, Robyn Gorman, Patrick Groom, Ruby Growcott, Yvonne Hand, Margaret Harris, Iris Henderson, William Higgins, Bob King, Norman Lambie, Alan Lester, Barry Mangos, Lyell Marks, Gregory McMaster, William (Bob) Miller, Hellen (Nellie) Moore, Derek Niumata, Angela Paterson, Gordon Penning, Robert Racz, Flora Rayner, Clarence (Gerry) Robertson, Rayna (Pat) Rowe, Alan Ryan, Anastasia Seed, Nigel Seller, Douglas Seller, Jean Shadbolt, Rex Simons, Lynette Smith, Joan Topia, Juliana Wallace, Shirley Walls, Eileen Williams, Daphne Wills, Albert Wright, James (Hec)

13 Feb 06 Barriball, Chris Beasley, Doreen Bishop, Beryl Blake, Hazel Brown, Edna Bulling, Alice (Margaret) Bunting, Joseph Chappell, Henry (Harry) Cooke, Stanley Copland, Jean Ewan, Moya Harvey, Leonard Henderson, William Lambie, Alan Lester, Barry McGechie, Thomas McMaster, William (Bob) Moore, Derek Murray, Janet Nixon, Pat Parker, Jessie (Margaret) Rowe, Alan Stoakes, Alan (Bill) Taylor, William (John) Woolhouse, Terry

14 Feb 06 Baker, Warren Barriball, Chris Brown, Edna Bulling, Alice (Margaret) Chappell, Henry (Harry) Copland, Jean Copplestone, Olga de Joux, Paul Farquhar, Evelyn Gillespie, Kevin Gray, Esme Hardie, Nola Jary, Robin Langbein, Richard (Dick) Lawlor, Thomas Moore, Derek Murray, Mary Rowe, Alan Rowe, Linda Seed, Nigel Shadbolt, Rex Shipley, Thelma Steentjes, Hendrika (Rita) Tansey, Susan Taylor, William (John) Tulley, Muriel Venville, Francis Walker, Clare Wicks, Leslie Woolhouse, Terry Young, Selina

15 Feb 06 Baker, Warren Barrowclough, Coral Bassett, Denys Bunker, Beverley de Joux, Paul Dumpleton, Reta

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Duncan, Ronald Farquhar, Evelyn Ford, Graeme Gray, Esme Green, Clifford Greenslade, Enid Hardie, Nola Krahagen, Dorothy Lester, Barry Marslin, Allen Monopoli, John Mullan, Edith (Orma) Neal, Debra Ng, On Mein O'Neill, Selwyn (Sel) Parker, Jessie (Margaret) Prouse, David (Laurie) Rutland, Thelma Steentjes, Hendrika (Rita) van Schooten, Louis Walker, Clare Woolhouse, Terry Young, Selina

16 Feb 06 Abbott, Alice Bunker, Beverley Crowe, Ruth (May) Dumpleton, Reta Ford, Graeme Garland, Phyllis Gray, Esme Green, Clifford Greenslade, Enid Houghton, Neil Keeves, Adam Mullan, Edith (Orma) O'Neill, Selwyn (Sel) Pene, Marie Prouse, David (Laurie) Rutland, Thelma Tini, Maria

17 Feb 06 Abbott, Alice Arps, Sylvia Beagle, Edward Black, Melville Crowe, Ruth (May) Ford, Graeme Greenslade, Enid Gregory, Graeme Markby, Winifred Ng, On Mein Summersby, Wayne Tini, Maria Tonkin, Maxwell Trembath, Christine

18 Feb 06 Afitu, Piuila Allfrey, Winifred (Aggie) Arps, Sylvia Attrill-Sowman, James Black, Melville Burmester, Eric (Pat)

Chilton, Beverley Crowley, Beatrice Galland, Leone Garside, John (Jack) Gregory, Graeme Gunn, Bruce Hacquoll, Richard Hubber, Chris Kanara, Peter Kemp, Rose Krahagen, Dorothy Markby, Winifred Martin, Alvin McBrearty, Peter McCaughan, Leslie McDonald, Norman Muir, Ronald Naylor, Valarie Ng, On Mein O'Connell, Kevin Paul, June Rutland, Thelma Smith, Helen Smith, June Stedman, Rita Tini, Maria Trotter, Sylvia (Rose) Tulley, Muriel Walsh, Cora Weller, Susan Winter, Stephen

20 Feb 06 Arps, Sylvia Batey, Alan Bentley, John Bright, Walter Buchan, Catherine Burmester, Eric (Pat) Butcher, Margaret Creamer, Florence Currie, Lily Dick, John (Max) Eddy, Leslie Fitzgerald, Cyril George, Mark Guy, Angus Hubber, Chris Hunt, Francis (Frank) Johnson, Gwendoline Kemp, Rose Kinghorn, Mione Markby, Winifred McDonald, Norman McEwan, Clementina McIntosh, Richard Milliken, Norman Milne, Alan Molineaux, Judge Paul Muir, Ronald Naylor, Valarie Noble, Joan O'Connell, Kevin O'Reilly, Michael Porteous, Frank

Rodley, Maureen Sheard, Eileen Sheppard, Ronald Smith, Helen Spillane, Laurence Sprosen, Jean Te Koeti, Heather Walsh, Cora Waru, Staranise Webber, Stella Weller, Susan Winter, Stephen

21 Feb 06 Agent, Kelvin Barlow, Carey Bright, Walter Campbell, Jane (Joyce) Creamer, Florence Currie, Lily Dick, John (Max) Eddy, Leslie (Les, Ding) Edwards, Sheila Elliott, Kenneth Frew, Enid George, Mark Gosling, Catherine Guy, Angus Hammond, Leslie Hanning, Leslie (Jeanette) Hunt, Francis Johnson, Gwendoline Keogh, Patrick Kinghorn, Mione Macks, Alma (Pat) Mason, Janet McEwan, Clementina McKenzie, Ian Molineaux, Judge Paul Newman, Ada O'Reilly, Michael Patterson, Rodney Reid, Campbell Scott, Irene Sheard, Eileen Sheppard, Ronald Simes, Ethel Smith, Helen Te Koeti, Heather Waru, Staranise Webber, Stella Whitehouse, Sue Wilson, Mary Winter, Stephen

22 Feb 06 Agent, Kelvin Batey, Alan Brett, Richard Bush, Nan de Laat, Jacobus (Koos) den Heyer, Jack Eatwell, William Elliott, Kenneth Gardner, Robert Gregson, William

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Grieve, Willena Hall, Allan Hammond, Leslie Hanning, Leslie (Jeanette) Hines, Michael Hunt, Francis (Frank) Joblin, Arthur (David) Kelso, Marjorie Lambie, Jacqueline Malcolm, Sylvia Marks, Marjorie (Jo) Mason, Janet Mayo, Leslie (Les) McEwan, Clementina Newman, Ada Noble, Joan Patterson, Rodney Ridden, John Scofield, Noel Scott, Irene Sheppard, Ronald Stewart, Desmond Turton, Dawn Webber, Stella Whitehouse, Sue Wilson, Mary

23 Feb 06 Abel, Gordon Black, Joan Brett, Richard Curtis, Doreen den Heyer, Jack Gregson, William Hawke, Ethel (Mary) James, Shirley James, William Joblin, Arthur (David) Kelso, Marjorie Lambie, Jacqueline Lovell-Smith, Prudence Malcolm, Sylvia Manning, Jane Marks, Marjorie (Jo) McQueen, Richard Pattullo, David Ridden, John Scofield, Noel Sheppard, Ronald Sillifant, Laraine Smith, Jeanette Stewart, Desmond Topp, Christina Wallace, Josephine Webber, Stella Williams, Doris

24 Feb 06 Abel, Gordon Anderson, Raymond Bleach, Charles (Des) Curtis, Doreen Di Rago, Audrey

Hawke, Ethel (Mary) Hunt, Daphne Keen, Daphne Macalister, Clarice Mayo, Leslie (Les) McQueen, Richard Riley, Doris Sheard, Eileen Sillifant, Laraine Te Huia, Peggy Wallace, Josephine Williams, Doris

26 Feb 06 Keen, Daphne King, Colin King, Edward Lambie, Jacqueline Lovell-Smith, Prudence Macalister, Clarice Manning, Jane McQueen, Richard Mosley, Marie (Louie) O'Kane, John (Jack) Pattullo, David (Pat) Philcox, John Raines, Ellen Riley, Doris Rountree, Elsie Sheppard, Ronald Smith, Jeanette Te Huia, Peg Wallace, Josephine

27 Feb 06 Ashworth, Donald Bamford, Margaret (Nola) Bennie, James Bent, Michael Bungard, James Connelly, Ronald Cropp, Meriel Croy, Ora Hannah, Mary Haskett, Robert (Bob) Inwood, Mervyn Johnstone, Alfred Leach, John (Jack) Leota, Susana Lovell-Smith, Prudence Moore, Edith Newman, Craig Payne, Ellen (Marge) Rout, Rita Sara, John Sinco*ck, Kamilla Swift, Doreen Wallace, Josephine Wham, Morgan

28 Feb 06 Bamford, Margaret (Nola) Boland, William Chisnall, Colin Cropp, Meriel Francis, Marg Grainger, Christine

Haskett, Robert (Bob) Hollingum, Robert Innes, Mildred Inwood, Mervyn Johnston, Trudi Johnstone, Alfred Lattimore, Phyllis McTigue, Elizabeth Mushet, Eleanor Newton, Robert (Bob) Partridge, Leonne Payne, Ellen (Marge) Robinson, Flora Rodgers, Joan Rogers, Mavis Rout, Rita Sara, John Saunderson, William Sinco*ck, Kamilla Stewart, Elizabeth Swift, Doreen Taylor, Jon Treymane, Desmond Trueman, Edward Ward, Roma

1 Mar 06 Alexander, Norman Baxter, Robert Bohm, Shirley Boland, William Bonifant, June Chan, Yung Hin Dewar, Joan Ellis, Raymond Francis, Marg Gallagher, Kevin Gillespie, Richard Grainger, Christine Grassam, Barbara Griffiths, Betty Haskett, Robert (Bob) Hollingum, Robert Johnston, Trudi Johnstone, Alfred Lattimore, Phyllis Leeming, Margaret Leota, Susana Lochhead, John (Jack) McKenzie, Ian McTigue, Elizabeth Merriman, Olive Mummery, Mervyn (Merv) Partridge, Leonne Robinson, Flora Rogers, Mavis Schmidt, Edmund (Eddie) Smail, Wattie Smith, Mark Stewart, Elizabeth Symns, Lucy Taylor, John Ward, Roma Wendelborn, Jean

2 Mar 06 Andrews, Peter

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Bachop, Norman Brown, Betty Cammock, Violet (Vi) Deakins, John Dewar, Joan Fitzharris, Michael (John) Francis, Marg Francis, Craig Gallagher, Kevin Grassam, Barbara Griffiths, Betty Hewson, Rae Johnston, Trudi Keown, Nesta (Sylvia) Kurth, Blanche Lattimore, Phyllis Leeming, Margaret Lochhead, John (Jack) Lock, George (Pat) McKenzie, Rosa Morrell, Riripeti (Hine) Mummery, Mervyn (Merv) Peck, Norman Petrie, Keith Quinn, Frances Rennie, Laurence Saunderson, William Taylor, John Thoms, Thomas (Tom) Walker, David (Joe) Zegerman-Cullimore, Colin

3 Mar 06 Andrews, Peter Bachop, Norman (Skeeta) Brown, Betty Buttar, Stewart Cammock, Violet (Vi) Fitzharris, Michael (John) Hope-Cross, David Kingsland, Mary Lochhead, John (Jack) Newton, Robert Petrie, Keith Puttock, Stephen Quinn, Frances Rothsay, Donald Schmidt, Edmund (Eddie) Thoms, Thomas (Tom) Thorpe, Bill Walker, David (Joe) Weir, John (Jack) Youngman, Catherine

4 Mar 06 Allan, Dorothy Andrews, Peter Barnett, Rita Buttar, Stewart Cammock, Violet (Vi) Collier, Leonard Connor, Dougal Creasey, Joyce (Joy) Deakins, John Ellis, Raymond

Gibbs, Rex Harris, Bruce Holland, Vallance Hope-Cross, David Inglis, Hazel Jones, Douglas Kingsland, Mary Kinley, Aaron (Ace) Lancaster, Iris (June) Le Compte, Norma McInnes, Harriet Opie, Charles Opie, Valmai Peck, Norman Petrie, Keith Rennie, Laurence Rothsay, Donald Shuker, Dugald (Doug) Stevens, Monica Thoms, Thomas (Tom) Thorpe, Willian (Billy) Wade, Kathleen Walsh, James Weir, John (Jack) Weller, Norman Wells, Agnes (Dot) Youngman, Catherine

6 Mar 06 Allan, Dorothy Barrie, Evelyn (Lu) Buttar, Stewart Elson, Jacqueline Gardner, Rena Geary, Philippa Geddes, Clarence (Ray) Gibbs, Rex Hall, Norma Hall, William Harris, Bruce High, Betty Hill, Laurence Jones, Iris Kugener, Kenneth Lancaster, Iris (June) Le Compte, Norma MacRae, Margaret Malone, Peter McMillan, Marie Mick, Herbert Murray, Norma Neale, Christopher Newton, Gordon (Bob) O'Rourke, Edward (Ted) Pelling, Gordon (Dick) Pope, Ness Shuker, Dugald (Doug) Thorpe, William Walsh, James Whibley, Margaret Whibley, Mavis

7 Mar 06 Alborough, Maurice Barrie, Evelyn (Lu) Caldwell, Helen Carter, John

Chisholm, Daniel Davies, James Elson, Jacqueline Fraser, Douglas Fraser, Natalie Geary, Philippa Geddes, Clarence (Ray) Gillespie, Richard Graham, Christina (Chrissie) Gray, Marie Hall, Norma Hall, William Harris, Bruce Hendren, Margaret High, Betty Hill, Laurence Hopkins, Ellen Keast, Norman Kilbride, Frances (Fay) King, James Kinley, Aaron Le Compte, Norma Manaton, Bill (Henry) Mick, Herbert Quinn, Frances Rhodes, Lee Rosie, Elaine Slattery, Edward Soley, Winifred Taylor, Beverly Valk, Keith Wakelin, Cora Walsh, Mary Wells, Isabel (Ruth) Woodham, Raymond

8 Mar 06 Ayres, Ian Bedelph, Wilmot (Joe) Bevin, Bertram Blackburn, Waru Boers, Gezina (Giny) Calder, Mavis Chisholm, Daniel Cook, Thelma Devcich, Zita Elson, Jacqueline Falloon, Neil Fowler, Luke Fox, Sybil Graham, Christina (Chrissie) Gray, Andrew Gray, Marie Hall, William Hallam, Jean Harris, Bruce Hill, Laurence Hopkins, Ellen Jennings, Clifford Keast, Norman Kilbride, Frances (Fay) Lynch, Mabel McClenaghan, Keith McLeod, Sharon O'Connell, Michelle

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Osborne, Jean Roughan, Elizabeth Ryan, Kathleen Salt, William Slattery, Edward Spiers, Jean Stephen, William Stevens, Monica Sutherland, Gwendoline Thorpe, Willian (Billy) Wakelin, Cora

9 Mar 06 Bevin, Bertram Boers, Gezina (Giny) Brown, Colin Carr, Isobel Devcich, Zita Falloon, Neil Fowler, Luke Fox, Sybil Grueber, Walter (David) Harvey, Stuart Hopkins, Ellen Jennings, Clifford Keast, Norman McFarlane, Donald McLeod, Sharon Nash, Kathleen Osborne, Jean Ryan, Kathleen Salt, William Slattery, Edward Smith, Karilyn (Lyn) Spiers, Jean Weeber, Eileen

10 Mar 06 Avery, Leonard (Jim) Britnell, Edward Carr, Isobel Douglas, Jeffrey Foster, Leanne France, Keith Grueber, Walter (David) Harvey, Stuart Hibberd, Walter Kerr, John (Jack) May, Eileen McCale, Sylvia McFarlane, Donald McGowan, Robert (Rob) McLay, Jackie Nash, Kathleen O'Connell, Maurice Osborne, Jean Payne, Rosemary Smith, Karilyn (Lyn) Thompson, Elsie Waller, Horace Weeber, Eileen Wotton, Rene

11 Mar 06 Avery, Leonard (Jim) Buchanan, Beverley Campfens, Johanna (Ann)

Cushnie, Leslie Daniel, Victor Davis, Rosemary Dyer, Margaret Elson, Jacqueline Fechney, Allan France, Keith Kaylor, Rosina Kerr, John (Jack) Killen, Warren Logan, Lilian Loudon, Valmai Martin, Roderick (Dr) May, Eileen McGowan, Aileen McGowan, Robert Metcalfe, Marian Nordmeyer, Lady Frances O'Connell, Maurice Payne, Rosemary Pheloung, Gregory Rhodes, Muriel Swarbrick, Ailsa Taylor, George Thompson, Elsie Wotton, Rene Wren, James (Jim)

13 Mar 06 Bensemann, Richard Button, Kenneth Campfens, Johanna (Ann) Cochrane, David Collins, Noel Cornelius, Betty Davis, Marie Edlin, Colin Fechney, Allan Irvine, Cedric Kelly, Sister Monica Kingsbury, Elaine Logan, Lilian Mackay, Jamie Martin, Roderick (Dr) McGowan, Aileen McGrath, Joseph (Sandy) Morris, Patricia O'Connell, Michelle Price. Allan Reeve, Clifford Richards, David Shipley, Ian Somerville, Stuart Stuart, Ruby Swarbrick, Ailsa Tew, Norman Thomson, Hazel Turnbull, Richard Venmore, John

14 Mar 06 Bensemann, Richard Brownlee, Alexander Button, Kenneth Campfens, Johanna (Ann)

Collins, Noel Donald, Norma Edlin, Colin Eliot, Douglas Garlick, Maurice Hall, Malcolm Henriksen, Thelma Killen, Warren King, Betty Logan, Lillian Mackay, Jamie McGrath, Joseph (Sandy) Mowatt, Ruth O'Rawe, Noeline Porter, Jill Rapson, Colin Richards, David Scanlon, Patrick Shepherd, Lionel Stuart, Ruby Tew, Norman Tyler, Carol Visser, Jacob Walkinshaw, Audrey

15 Mar 06 Bensemann, Richard Brittenden, Colin Brown, Colin Brown, Sheila Brownlee, Alexander Button, Kenneth Davis, Marie Demmocks, Joseph (Jo) Donald, Norma Fisher, Troy Hadcroft, Joan Henriksen, Thelma Irvine, Cedric Mackay, Jamie May, Warwick Murray, Mary Newburn, Ian Olds, Margaret O'Rawe, Noeline Oxley, William Porter, Jill Price, Allan Saunders, Iris Shipley, Ian Turnbull, Richard Visser, Jacob Wiffen, Florence Winter, Herbert (Cyril) Woolley, Rowena

16 Mar 06 Brittenden, Colin Chammen, Gordon Duncan, Natasha Flannery, Dennis Graham, Shirley May, Warwick Newburn, Ian Olds, Margaret Parsons, Margaret Ray, Eleanora (Nora)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Shipley, Ian Sturrock, James Visser, Jacob Wiffen, Florence Williams, Maurice Young, Rex

17 Mar 06 Beaumont, Alfred Brown Sheila Burney, Pauline Chammen, Gordon Cutbush, Percival De Silva, Marjorie Donaldson, Ella Duncan, Natasha Farmer, Rebecca Fisher, Troy Flannery, Dennis Garland, Lily Geddes, Rita Hand, Anthony (Les) Laing, Gertrude Mead, Heidi Minchington, Sylvia Olds, Margaret Pomana, George Porter, Jill Simpson, John Sturrock, James Trowland, Jean Visser, Jacob Williams, Maurice Wilson, Dawn Wilson, William

18 Mar 06 Beaumont, Alfred Belton, John Black, Marguerette Brittenden, Colin Burney, Pauline Campbell, Murray Casey, Bryan Coster, George Cronshaw, Keith Cutbush, Percival Demmocks, Joseph Donaldson, Ella Elder, Dorothy Fuller, Adrienne Garland, Lil Geddes, Rita Gittings, George Gordon, Kirsten Gould, Lillian Gowans, Ruby Gray, Robert (Bob) Halbert, Owen Hall, Barry Hand, Anthony (Les) Hill, Winifred Hotton, Frances Jones, Matthew McDouall, Josephine Mead, Heidi Minchington, Sylvia (Nina)

Mitchell, Ellen Newburn, Ian Purvis, Bettina Sluce, Des Thomas, Mary (Oke) Urquhart, Glen Walker, Maureen Walton, Edith Wilson, Dawn Winter, Herbert (Cyril) Woodill, Peter Young, Rex

20 Mar 06 Alexander, A. H. (Alex) Arkless, Brede Baxter, Edmund Campbell, Murray Casey, Bryan Caskey, Mary (Molly) Chambers, John Cornelius, Eileen Cronshaw, Keith Davenport, Ngaire Fuller, Adrienne Geddes, Rita Gibson, Eunice Gordon, Kirsten Halbert, Owen Harnett, Helen Harvey, Esther (Essie) Jones, Colleen Jones, Matthew Mansfield, Patricia Manson, Janette (Jan) McAuliffe, Cora-Lynn McMillan, Kathleen (Kath) Mitchell, Adelaide (Addie) Mitchell, Ellen Norman, Margaret Preston, Laurence Price, Murray Purvis, Bettina Smith, Francis (Lorrie) Wallcroft, Hazel Waller, Winifred (Win) Walton, Edith Watts, Susan

21 Mar 06 Alexander, A. H. (Alex) Arkless, Brede Byron, Phoebe Cameron, Robert Campbell, Murray Caskey, Mary (Molly) Cornelius, Eileen Daly, Mary Drake, Dawn Eaglesome, Allan Earsman, David Eves, Norma Forster, Este Gordon, Kirsten Hammersley, Sydney (Ray) Hannah, Zeta

Hanrahan, Gary Harnett, Helen Mansfield, Patricia McAnelly, Stephen McAuliffe, Cora-Lynn Mitchell, Adelaide (Addie) Norman, Margaret Perry, Brian Preston, Laurence Price, Murray Regan, Edward Smith, Anthony Tawha, Raymond Wand, Harry

22 Mar 06 Bell, Robert Burt, Elizabeth (Liz) Chambers, John Chisholm, Douglas Coleman, Cyril Cox, Marjorie Duff, Andrew Eaglesome, Allan Ellis, Roberta (Bobbie) Fenton, Marion Ford, Gwendoline Forster, Este Frayle, Eileen Fuller, Adrienne Fyfe, Lyall (Bobbie) Gordon, Kirsten Halstead, Norah Hammersley, Sydney (Ray) Harnett, Helen Hoedemakers, Ann Johns, Elizabeth (Diane) Jones, Colleen McAnelly, Stephen (Steve) McMenamin, Thomas Metcalf, Cherry Perry, Brian Price, Murray Reeves, Lawrence (Jim) Regan, Edward Sinclair, Ian Sintes, Stephen Smith, Anthony Wallcroft, Hazel Wand, Harry Welsh, Heather Wilson, Kevin

23 Mar 06 Belcher, Lesley Bell, Robert Beveridge, Mary (Nora) Bush, Coral Butcher, Margaret Chisholm, Douglas Drummond, Murray Ewart, John (Johnnie) Fenton, Marion Ford, Gwendoline Fyfe, Lyall (Bobbie) Gallagher, Doreen

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hamilton, Valerie (Val) Hassall, Phyllis Johns, Elizabeth (Diane) Kiesanowski, Joseph (Alex) Lyon, George McCulloch, Beverley McFarlane, Alexander McMenamin, Thomas Phillips, William (Bill) Reeves, Lawrence (Jim) Shivas, Kenneth (Ken) Sinclair, Ian Sintes, Stephen Smith, Anthony Steyaert, Johanna (Anne) Templeton, Ross (Max) Williams, Bethea Wilson, Kevin

24 Mar 06 Barnett, Marjorie Bell, Robert Beveridge, Mary (Nora) Bolwell, Denis Boyd Aileen (Margaret) Ewart, John (Johnnie) Fairweather, Joan Gibbs, Kay Halstead, Norah Harland, David Hassall, Phyllis Jordan, Raymond Kiesanowski, Joseph (Alex) Lambie, Hasel (Roe) Lewis, Margaret McAnelly, Stephen (Steve) McQueen, Thelma Musson, Betsy Reeves, Lawrence (Jim) Rolton, Frances Shivas, Kenneth (Ken) Sintes, Stephen Sligh, Peter Smith, Anthony Steyaert, Johanna (Anne) Tarbotton, Doreen Templeton, Ross (Max)

25 Mar 06 Barnett, Marjorie Beveridge, Mary (Nora) Bolwell, Denis Boyd, Aileen (Margaret) Brown, Fiona Butcher, Margaret Collins, Joan Craig, Richard Drummond, Murray Frayle, Eileen Gallagher, Doreen Gibbs, Kay Halstead, Norah Hamilton, Valerie (Val) Harland, David

Horne, Anne Hoskins, John Inch, Margaret Jennings, Sheila Jordan, Raymond Kiesanowski, Joseph (Alex) Leus, Roa Lewis, Margaret Lyon, Alister (Bill) Marshall, Richard (George) Maxwell, John McCulloch, Beverley McGrath, Glenda Miles, Mary Morgan, Terrence Musson, Betsy Nesbit, Ruby (Margaret) Nottle, Joan Oakley, Emily Pattie, John Phillips, William (Bill) Raverty, Irene Rule, William (Murray) Sligh, Peter Tait, Paul Waghorn, Joan Watson, Rosaline Williams, Bethea Zlotkowski, Miroslaw

27 Mar 06 Adams, Lynette Bays, John Collins, Joan Cooper, Noeline Cranston, Margaret Garrow, Beverly Harvie, Lionel (Derrick) Hine, James (Blair) Horne, Anne Hynes, Roy Inch, Margaret Jennings, Sheila Kerr, Ian Lester, Colin Lyon, Alister (Bill) Marshall, Richard (George) Maxwell, John McDowell, Linda Meyer, Gwenda Miles, Mary Musson, Betsy Nesbit, Ruby (Margaret) Pearson, Leslie Phillips, William Sanders, May Stead, Francis (Bruce Tubb, Frederick Waghorn, Joan Watson, Rosaline Whareaitu, Roslyn White, Gwenith White, Jacqueline

28 Mar 06 Biggs, Mervyn Brosnahan, Stanley Cooper, Noeline Cranston, Margaret Crosse, Thomas Dakin, Gregory Devereux, Ivan Dunn, Joy Fenton, Dorothy Galbraith, Wallace Geary, Mary (Molly) Guilford, Leslie Hiatt, Roberta Hillas, Mary Hine, James (Blair) Hunt, Kenneth Hynes, Roy Inch, Margaret Kerr, Ian Lewis, Margaret Osmers, David Pearson, Leslie Pettersson, Allan (Shorty) Sanders, May Stead, Francis (Bruce) Taunoa, Penina (Taunoa) Tubb, Frederick Wells, June Westbury, Lee Westerby, Shirley White, Gwenith Wilson, Evelyn Wilson, Ernest

29 Mar 06 Adams, Lynette Aeau Patolo, Lagimaina Amtman, Roy Beaumont, Sylvia Biggs, Mervyn Brosnahan, Stanley Camm, Angus Cranston, Margaret Crone, Rosemary Dakin, Gregory Dennistoun, Denziel Galbraith, Wallace Hine, Blair Hunt, Kenneth Jose, Jack Joughin, Philippa Kerr, Ian Lester, Colin Lewis, Margaret (Bet) Little-Murphy, Alyssa Luxton, Margaret McGowan, Ian Ockwell, Mathew Osmers, David Prichard, Mavis Schmidt, Glayds (May) Shand, Robin Simpson, Alan Stead, Francis (Bruce) Stewart, William Taunoa, Penina (Taunoa)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Todd, Noeline Westbury, Lee Whipp, Ian Wilson, Peter

30 Mar 06 Brown, Douglas (Doug) Dean, Alan Dolamore, Annie Gamble, Rita Heaps, Noel Hine, James (Blair) Jamieson, Joseph Joughin, Philippa Luxton, Margaret McGowan, Ian McKnight, Colin Ockwell, Mathew Planicka, Andrew Shand, Robin Smith, Clement Stewart, William Taylor, Percy Todd, Noeline Waldron, Jean Wall, Mary Wilson, Dawn Wilson, Peter

31 Mar 06 Brown, Douglas (Doug) Campbell, Elsie Campbell, Reverend Neil Cox, Margaret (Gretta) Crouch, Peter Dean, Alan Devine, Josie Hamilton, Max Henderson, Leslie (Lee) Jamieson, Joseph Karsten, Margaret McKnight, Colin Mills, Isabella Ockwell, Mathew O'Connell, William Planicka, Andrew Shand, Robin Sowery, Rosalind Stewart, Alan Taylor, Percy

2 Apr 06 Bewley, Joyce Campbell, Reverend Neil Chalmers, Maureen Cooke, Marjorie Douglas, Timothy (also known as Paul Moodie) Elmiger, Marianne Gurney, Verna Hamilton, Max Jones, Bernice Karsten, Margaret Keeley, Stewart Marsden, Selina Mills, Isabella Mitchell, Laurence (Rocky)

O'Connell, William Patterson, Graham Pearce, Gordon Planicka, Andrew Smith, Clement Stewart, Alan Waldron, Jean Wilson, Dawn Wilson, Evelyn Wright, Audrey Wright, Isobel

3 Apr 06 Agassiz, Clare co*ckburn, Robyn Comber, Rose (Betty) Donaldson, Alistair Douglas, Paul Elmiger, Marianne Fairbairn, Ngaire Fuller, Gwenda Goodyear, Gerald Guymer, Muriel Hay, Lynette Hudson, Reginald (Dave) Innes, Kerryn Jebson, Peter Jones, June Lamb, E. Frances Marshall, Eri McCormack, Noreen Midgley, Reginald Mitchell, Laurence (Rocky) Musson, Jean (Millie) Ruby, Reid Robinson-Peers, Amy Simpson, Kenneth Watters, John Wilson, Evelyn Wilson, Marjery Wright, Audrey Wright, Isobel

4 Apr 06 Agassiz, Clare Barclay, Eileen Botting, Marie Chapman, Pauline co*ckburn, Robyn Cook, Frieda Corboy-Barnes, Doreen Donaldson, Alistair Fairbairn, Ngaire Green, Arthur Hay, Lynette Jebson, Peter Jones, Bernice Martin, Martha (May) McCormack, Noreen Midgley, Reginald Perry, Raymond (Ray) Robinson-Peers, Amy Shand, Enda Simpson, Kenneth Swan, Colin Walshaw, Leonard Watts, Marion

Wilson, Gillian

5 Apr 06 Barclay, Eileen Chapman, Pauline Clark, Catherine Dumicich, Michael Dunn, Grace Fairbairn, Ngaire Grant, Ronald (Ron) Green, Arthur Green, Daphne Guymer, Muriel Hendren, Albert Henrick, Una Hood, Zella (Nena) Jebson, Peter King, Roderick Marshall, Doreen McKee, James Milner, Beatrice (Trixie) Muncaster, Alan Niessen, Tom Parris, Maxine Passmore, George Robinson-Peers, Amy Scott, Irene (Rene) Tamblyn, Noel Templeton, Joan Walshaw, Leonard Watts, Marion Wetherall, Nita Wilson, Gillian Wilson, Marjery

6 Apr 06 Coates, Peter de Joux, Patricia (Alicia) Dumicich, Michael Green, Daphne Hager, Barbara Harper, Dylan Hendren, Albert Henrick, Una Hood, Zella (Nena) Jones, Ngaire Keown, Anzac Kidney, Brian King, Brian King, Roderick Mallet, Christopher Marshall, Doreen Matthews, Muriel McKee, James Milner, Beatrice (Trixie) Moss, Edwin Muncaster, Alan Munro, Gordon Pamment, Noeline Parris, Maxine Shirtliff, Peggy Spang, Pauline Strange, Edward Tamblyn, Noel Thompson, Dorothy (Dos) Wetherall, Nita

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


7 Apr 06 Baxter, Phebe Bound, Margorie Coates, Peter De Joux, Patricia (Alicia) Dougall, Patricia Freeman, Joycelyn Graham, Olive. Green, Daphne Gunn, Coral Harper, Dylan Henrick, Una Jones, Ngaire Kempton, Ola Kidney, Brian King, Roderick Lovett, Priscilla (Avice) Marshall, Doreen Meredith, Beverley (Bev) Nicholls, Peter Pamment, Noeline Strange, Edward Taylor, Gavin Thompson, Dorothy Wetherall, Nita Woollam, Leona Wright, Winifred

8 Apr 06 Adco*ck, Ngaere Aitken, Mavis Atkins, Pamela Bain, Norma Barratt, Vernon Baxter, Phebe Coates, Peter Donaldson, Hope Dougall, Patricia Elliott, Jock Freeman, Joycelyn Gray, Michael Gunn, Coral Hager, Barbara Harris, Joan Hoggarth, Wilfred Jeitner, Irmgard Jennings, James Kempton, Ola Laurenson, Betty Luscombe, Michelle Matthews, Muriel McMillan, Phillip Meredith, Beverley (Bev) Millar, Valarie Moffitt, Gilbert Nicholls, Peter O'Sullivan, Michael Pamment, Noeline Saddler, Alison Sealey, Sonia Sheridan, Pamela Spiers-Smart, Marie Taylor, Gavin Thompson, Dorothy Watts, Marion

White, Margaret (Ruth) Whitmore, Merle Winder, Ronald (Ron) Wylie, Alan

10 Apr 06 Adco*ck, Ngaere Ahern, Dorothy Amyes, Rubina (Ruby) Atkins, Pamela Bain, Norma Batie, Connie Boomer, Monica Brown, Sylvia Clark, Ian (Bill) Gibb, Annie Gifkins, Pendle Glenn, Thelma Goode, Margaret Handisides, Noeline Harris, Joan Hellyer, Snow (Colin) Higgins, Dora Histen, Bernadette Hollands, Florence Jennings, James (Jim) King, Brian Luscombe, Michelle MacGougan, Colin McBean, Ian McLean, Cissie McLennan, Roderick Meuli, Allan Pamment, Noeline Robinson, Seth Sealey, Sonia Smith, Isobel White, Margaret (Ruth) Winder, Ronald (Ron) Woollett, Ralph

11 Apr 06 Ahern, Dorothy Amyes, Rubina (Ruby) Atkins, Pamela Bain, Norma Batie, Connie Boomer, Monica Campbell, Joy (Judy) Charteris, Averill Doland, Jean Fox, Patrick Gifkins, Pendle (Pen) Glenn, Thelma Goode, Margaret Hellyer, Snow Hennessey, Michael (Mike) Hollands, Florence Lange, Florence (Betty) Lawler, David Lord, Rowland Luscombe, Michelle McFarlane, Leo Meuli, Allan Mitchell, George Scandrett, Burns

Shaw, Florence Smith, Isobel Stewart, Margaret Wood, Mabel

12 Apr 06 Atkins, Pamela Becker, Sydney Brett, Raymond Campbell, Joy (Judy) Charteris, Averill Clark, Ian Duff, John (Jack) Foulsham, Trevor (Carl) Fox, Patrick Graham, Olive. Henderson, William Hennessey, Michael (Mike) Johnston, Robert Lange, Florence (Betty) Luscombe, Michelle Pengelly, Margaret (June) Scandrett, Burns Shaw, Florence Smith, Isobel Wilkinson, Glen Wood, Mabel

13 Apr 06 Airns, Hazel Becker, Sydney Brett, Raymond Brolly, Margaret Clark, Colin Duff, John (Jack) Fenton, Rhoda Gibbons, Audrey Henderson, William Horrell, Cecil Hrstich, Clifford Jackson, Dean Johnston, Robert Jones, Marie Keelty, William Kirk-Burnnand, Ola Leppens, Jacoba (Coby) Scandrett, Burns Thomas, Trevor Young, Martha

15 Apr 06 Bolton, Jacobina Bradley, Thomas Brett, Raymond Brolly, Margaret Butterick, John Chaffey, John Clark, Charles Clark, Colin Clark, Ian (Bill) Clyne, Joyce Cuthill, June Durrant, Morgan Evans, Harold Falconer, Noeline Fenton, Rhoda

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Fitchett, Patricia Foster, Ronald (Ron) Gibbons, Audrey Giblin, Stanley (Stan) Henderson, William Horrell, Cecil Hrstich, Clifford Jackson, Dean Kinney, Eileen Kirk-Burnnand, Ola Lange, Florence (Betty) McCarthy, Margaret (Pat-Trish) Minson, Nancy Mosley, Alma Orr, Hilary Otufangavalu, Maugalega Papps, Rex Parker, Leba Perry, Derek Pike, Mary Thiele, Colin Thomas, Ashley Thomas, Trevor Wilke, William (Ivan) Yee, Nellie

17 Apr 06 Adam, Joy Beever, Andy Bradley, Thomas Cuthill, June Davis, Brian Dewhirst, Milton Evans, Harold Falconer, Noeline Gibbons, Audrey Giblin, Stanley Harris, Edna Horrell, Cecil Howard, Stella McCarthy, Margaret (Pat-Trish) Newlands, George Orr, Hilary Perry, Derek Pike, Mary Scoble, Rae Sutherland, Donald Wiseman, Jennifer

18 Apr 06 Adam, Joy Agnew, Nellie Anquetil/Werner, Pauline Browning, Daphne Chaffey, John Clark, Colin Davis, Brian Denholm, Murray Dewhirst, Milton Evans, Harold Fenton, Rhoda Giblin, Stanley (Stan) Henderson, William Heyland_Paterson, Judy (The Rev)

Holstein, Yula Lawson, Zelda Martin, Irene Nelson, Helen (Betty) Porter, Myra Reid, Jeffrey Scoble, Rae Simson, Linda Smith, Desmond Tohill, Shirley Van der Klei, Paul (Pauly) Vance, Russell Wallace, Alexander (Lex) Wilson, Michael

19 Apr 06 Berry, Frances Chaffey, John Copland, Audrey Delahunty, Richard Denholm, Murray Dewhirst, Milton Goodlet, Bessie Hall, Stanley Heyland_Paterson, Judy (The Rev) Jackson, Dean King, Leonard (Angus) Lennon, Les Liutai-Aileone, Lua Loach, Trevor Lynch, Ron Martin, Irene Mosley, Alma Newlands, George Nicol, Robert Orr, Hilary Priest, Bruce Robinson, Eric Rose, Maureen Simson, Linda Sutherland, Donald Taylor, Margaret Titheridge, Henry (Ross) Van der Klei, Paul Walker, William (Malcolm) Wallace, Alexander (Lex) Wilson, Michael Yardley, John

20 Apr 06 Barker, Doris Berry, Frances Charles, Frances Coombes, Gordon Copland, Audrey Delahunty, Richard Falconer, Margaret (Greta) Falconer, Noeline Heald, Alan Hemming, Albrecht Herbert, Veronica Holmes, Jean Hungerford, Phyllis (Phyl) King, Leonard (Angus) Morley, Merle Nicol, Robert

Perry, Thomas Redwood, Eileen (Gerardine) Robinson, Eric Shierlaw, Jean Simson, Linda Stringer, Gwendoline Taylor, Margaret Tohill, Shirley Trotter, Patricia Van der Klei, Paul (Pauly) Walker, William (Malcolm) Watts, Edmund Wooffindin, Sally-Anne

21 Apr 06 Barker, Doris Brosnahan, Betsy Carrodus, Keith Cromie, George Forrester, Gordon Gilbert, Matthew Herbert, Veronica Holmes, Jean Hungerford, Phyllis (Phyl) Keen, Rebecca Lancaster, Tom Le Compte, Lexia Miles-Watson, Frederick Morgan, Vera Morley, Merle Pansing, Patricia Shierlaw, Jean Simson, Linda Taylor, Margaret Trotter, Patricia Van der Klei, Paul Watts, Edmund Weir, John Wilson, Michael

22 Apr 06 Adam, Joy Brosnahan, Betsy Carrodus, Keith Chivers, Peter Dunn, Stanley Erickson, Noeline Falconer, Margaret (Greta) Forrester, Gordon Fortune, Zoe Geer, Marietta Gent, Norman Gillick, Kenneth (Ken) Heald, Alan Herbert, Veronica Keen, Rebecca Le Compte, Lexia McCormick, Linda McIntosh, Robert McLachlan, David (George) Miles-Watson, Frederick Morgan, Vera Murray, Isabella Pansing, Patricia Parkinson, Nyra

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Penman, Kathleen Piper, Raymond Simson, Linda Sonius, Franciscus (Frank) Stringer, Gwendoline Taylor, Margaret Tobeck, Lynne Vallant, Joffre Van der Klei, Paul (Pauly) Verbitsky, Oran Walters, Dorothy Weir, John Wilson, Michael Yeates, Duncan

24 Apr 06 Bodger, Winifred Bourke, Freda Checketts, John Falconer, Noelene Fallare, Georgina (Jean) Findlay, Ada Fortune, Zoe Gent, Norman Godfrey, Malcolm Goodwin, John Harris, Beatrice Henderson, Enid Keen, Rebecca Kennedy, June Langdale, Paul Mann, Trevor McIntosh, Robert Millow, Alan Parkinson, Nyra (Ann) Piper, Raymond Screen, Dorothy (Dot) Sonius, Franciscus (Frank) Stevens, George Thomson, Betty Tobeck, Lynne Wakefield, William Weir, John Weir, Merle Wilson, Michael Yeates, Duncan

25 Apr 06 Brougham, Kenneth

Checketts, John Cox, Gwen Direen, Anton Falconer, Margaret (Greta) Herd, Peter Jacobsen, Brian Kennedy, June Lane, Gwenth Mann, Trevor McClelland, Elsie McGlinchy, Christine Millow, Alan Parkinson, Nyra (Ann) Rountree, Robert (Maurice) Russ, James Sandford, Brian Tonk, Karel

Weir, Merle White, John (Darcy)

26 Apr 06 Barnard, Walter (Wattie) Begg, Ian Brougham, Kenneth Coleman, Kay Cox, Gwen Dunn, Stanley Exworth, Marie Ferguson, William Godfrey, Malcolm Goodall, Vivian (Bib) Goodwin, John Gray, Mary (May) Herd, Peter Jacobsen, Brian Kennedy, June Lamont, Allan Lilley, Herbert (Murray) Maunder, Gwendoline McKenzie, Pearl Parkinson, Nyra (Ann) Picken, Nerolie Rountree, Robert (Maurice) Russ, James Sandford, Brian Screen, Dorothy (Dot) Sutherland, Doris Tonk, Karel White, John (Darcy) Wilson, Kelvin Winchester, Jessie Yeates, Duncan

27 Apr 06 Begg, Ian Bettridge-Sullivan, Leonie Brougham, Kenneth Brown, Maxwell Chan_Todd, Elaine Exworth, Marie Gray, Mary (May) Kiddey, Patricia Lilley, Herbert (Murray) Maguire, Sidney McCrorie, James McKenzie, Pearl Painter, Elspeth (Elsie) Scott, Ngaire Spence, Edward (Ted) Sullivan, Leonie Sutherland, Doris Williams, Watkin (Tom) Williamson, Marjorie Wilson, Kelvin Wilson, Kenneth Woods, Murray

28 Apr 06 Banks, Elenore Bettridge-Sullivan, Leonie Black, Arthur Bristow, Diana Cain, Stuart

Cartwright, Richard (Dr) Cust, Alan Farrell, Pauline Fifield, Dorothy Geer, Marietta Lamont, Allan Liddell, David Lilley, Herbert (Murray) Matena, Barry Pascoe, William Scott, Ngaire Scott, Sarah (Sadie) Spence, Edward (Ted) Sullivan, Leonie Thomas, Alan Trainor, Raymond

29 Apr 06 Alexander, Florence Archer, Elna Banks, Daisy Black, Arthur Bolderston, Nan Brooks, Neil Brown, Maxwell Cartwright, Richard (Dr) Chan-Todd, Elaine Coom, Lillias (Lily) Davison, Julia Ferguson, William Fifield, Dorothy Godfrey, Douglas Lamb, Doreen Marson, Stephen Matena, Barry Munday, Alwyn (Sos) North, Russell (Rusty) O'Connor, Maude Schroeder, Selwyn Scott, Sarah (Sadie) Shepherd, Barbara Slatter, Beverley Spence, Edward (Ted) Warren, Sadie White, John (Darcy) Woods, Murray

1 May 06 Alexander, Florence Archer, Elna Banks, Daisy Bartley, Bronwen Black, Arthur Bolderston, Nan Brooks, Neil Cartwright, Richard (Dr) Chamberlain, Mary Clark, Jean Coombes, Gilbert Craw, Andrew (Dean) Cunningham-Mount, Noleen (Glad) Davis, Wayne Davison, Julia Dennison, Ballantyne Donnelly, Joyce Giles, Charlotte

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Godfrey, Douglas Harris, Raymond Harrison, Neil Hartmann, Margaret Highsted, Pat McKeown, Moya (Sr Moya RSM Julianne) Morris, Doreen Munday, Alwyn, (Sos) O'Connor, Maude Reed, George Schroeder, Selwyn Shepherd, Barbara Simmons, Marion (Marie) Slatter, Beverley Taylor, Arnold (Eddie) Tisch, Murray

2 May 06 Alcott, Lawrence Beckett, Alfred Brooks, Neil Butler, John Carlyle, Rita Chamberlain, Mary Clydesdale, Freda Coombes, Gilbert Cowan, Bruce Craw, Andrew (Dean) Davis, Wayne Elder, Shelagh Harrison, Neil Highsted, Pat Hoffman, Phillip Holmes_Siedle, Susan Lawson, Zelda Lightfoot, Gordon Marris, Stephen Marson, Stephen Morris, Doreen Morris, Peter Newport, Marjorie Rains, Raymond Reed, George Richardson, Janice Ruston, John Scanes, Lawrence Schroeder, Selwyn Simmons, Marion (Marie) Taylor, Arnold (Eddie) Taylor, Eileen Tovey, Susanne (Sue) Van Zoggel, Karel Walker, Marjory

3 May 06 Alexander, Brendon Anderson, Judy Bates, Joyce Brown, Yvonne (Vonnie) Chamberlain, Mary Chapman, Anne Clark, Thomas Clydesdale, Freda Coombes, Gilbert Craw, Andrew (Dean) Duff, Ronald

Hall, James Harvey, John Hoffman, Phillip Lightfoot, Gordon Morris, Peter Rathbone, Murray Schroeder, Selwyn Tovey, Susanne (Sue) Walker, Marjory Watson, Douglas Wealleans, Ralph

4 May 06 Aspinall, June Avis, Gertrude (Trudy) Badock, Paul Bragg, Ruth Brough, Irvine Brown, Yvonne Chapman, Anne Clark, Thomas Clydesdale, Freda Coombes, Gilbert Duff, Ronald Harvey, John Hoff, Anne (Yorkie) Johnston, Harriet Koppier, Sharron Mathews, Kevin McGinnis, Brian McIlroy, Frank (Aub) McLeod, Beverley Rodgers, Kathleen Scanes, Lawrence Schroeder, Selwyn Souter, Sally

5 May 06 Copland, James Duff, Ronald Garvan, Duncan Gray, Violet Hoff, Anne (Yorkie) Koppier, Sharron Lye, Janet Mackle, Terence Mathews, Kevin McLaren, Metta McLeod, Beverley Mills, Ngaire Richards, Victor (Morrie) Roundhill, Kathleen Smolenski, Monica (Pat) Souter, Sally Stock, Lester van den Heuvel, Jacobus Watson, Iris Wealleans, Ralph

6 May 06 Avis, Gertrude (Trudy) Bate, Murray Biggs, Samuel Cameron, Wesley Coffey, Madge Copland, James

Duncan, Leslie Eddington, Zita Garvan, Duncan Giles, Norton Graham, Mabel Gray, Violet Grooby, Violet Habgood, Sylvia Hamilton, John Hobbs, Arthur Hodge,Ronald Johnston, Harriet (Layle) Love, Dougall Lovidge, Hilda Lye, Janet MacGregor, Noeline Mackle, Terence McLaren, Metta Mills, Ngaire Rees, Rabiah Richards, Victor (Morrie) Royds, Karen Short, Lawrence (Les) Stock, Lester Swift, Peter van Gestel, Hendrik (Peter) Williamson, Cameron

8 May 06Bancroft, Emily (Emy) Bate, Murray Black, Raphel (Ray) Cameron, Wesley Campbell, Colin Carty, Megan Coffey, Madge Cuttriss, Ngareta Davidson, Judith de Castro, Marie Egerton, Sharon Fear, Ralph Furndorfler, Lorraine Gamble, Robert Graham, Mabel (Hope) Hartley, Dorothy Hobbs, Arthur Hodge, Ronald Jacobs, Norma King, Jessica Love, Dougall McShane, Charles Meikle, Errol Ngarotata, Sally Nielsen, Margaret O'Neill, Peter O'Sullivan, Colleen Outram, Ronald Pacevski, Tsane Ritchie, Neroli Royds, Karen Rukuwai, Wayne (Ted) Rumens, Mary Stock, Lester

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Washington, John Woodhead, Maxwell Wright, Kevin

9 May 06 Braidwood, John Campbell, Colin Coffey, Madge Connor, Malcolm Cruse, Pamela Cuttriss, Ngareta Davidson, Judith Davison, Cilla Egerton, Sharon Gamble, Robert Holster, C. J. Jerard, Michael King, Jessica Kotlowski, Desmond McCabe, William McIntyre, Helen McShane, Charles Meikle, Errol Ngarotata, Sally O'Neill, Peter O'Sullivan, Colleen Pacevski, Tsane Pedley, Amy Playle, Joan Reid, Hector Rumens, Mary Streeter, Thomas Sutton, Anne (Nancy) Taylor, Jack Washington, John Woodhead, Maxwell Wright, Kevin

10 May 06 Black, Anne Bowden, Ellen Burney, Pamela Burrell, Wilfred Connor, Malcolm Corbett, Muriel Davidson, Helen Donaldson, Isabella Fitzharris, Gwen Hamilton, Ian Harris, Susan Hartley, Dorothy Holster, C. J. Jacobs, Norma Jerard, Michael Kotlowski, Desmond Lithgow, Verdun MacGibbon, Bruce McCabe, William McGettigan, Margaret McIntyre, Helen Nielsen, Margaret O'Neill, Peter O'Sullivan, Colleen Pedley, Amy Pender, Francis Playle, Joan Prestidge, Charles (Bob)

Reid, Hector Ritchie, Neroli Ruffell, Bill Smith, John Stewart, Uta Streeter, Thomas Taylor, Jack Taylor, Raymond Thompson, Richard Turner, William Webb, Alan Weily, Douglas

11 May 06 Bath, Sally-Ann Berry, Colin Burney, Pamela Christie, Phyllis Connor, Malcolm Cunningham, Robert (Bob) Godsiff, Patricia Harris, Susan Higgins, Arnold Hughes, Florence Jacobs, Norma Jerard, Michael Kotlowski, Desmond Lithgow, Verdun Paterson, Mervyn Pedley, Amy Pender, Francis Potts, Geoffrey (Roy) Reid, Hector Sheriff, James Smith, John Stewart, Uta Thompson, Richard Turner, William Webb, Alan Weily, Douglas Wright, Ivan

12 May 06 Bath, Sally-Ann Beks, Gerald Carroll, Haenga Cuthbertson, Henry (Les) Dickson, James Drummond, Beatrice Duff, Robert Gare, Melva Harris, Susan Hughes, Florence Jerard, Michael McEwen, Herbert McIndoe, James McRoberts, Wilfred Munro, Audrey Osborn, Rae Paterson, Mervyn Pearson, Alice Prestidge, Charles (Bob) Sheriff, James Smith, Raymond Thompson, Richard Tupuhi-Tipene, Tamia Weggery, S. Lawrence

13 May 06 Beks, Gerald Bellamy, William (Doug) Berry, Colin Black, Rona Blackgrove, Daphne Brooker, Beverley Christie, Phyllis Drummond, Beatrice Duff, Robert Freeman, Mary Haines, Kevin Hampton, Jean Harper, Joy Hughes, Florence Hunt, Danielle Jackson, Dorothy (Nannie) Jones, Melva Lamont, Gertie Leigh-Martin, Grace Lennon, Kathleen MacKenzie, Ross McIndoe, James McRae, Jean Osborn, Rae Pender, Graham Pooley, Lillian (Anne) Prescott, Brian Rasmussen, Norman Sheriff, James Smith, Raymond Stace, Henry Treasure, Valarie Wadley, Melville Walsh, Allison Warren, George White, Lawrence (Neil) Wilding, Edwyn Williams, Sharene

15 May 06 Austen, Glenis Bellamy, William (Doug) Black, Rona Clegg, Ronald Davis, Clive Duff, Robert (Bob) Freeman, Mary Gunning, Paul Hayes, Lindsay Hengst, Margaret (Peg) Hunt, Danielle Jarden, Ruth Johnston, Mervyn Kingston, Annie (Nancy) Lamont, Gertie MacKenzie, Ross Montgomery, Laurel Pender, Graham Poco*ck, Peter Proctor-Beswarick, Rodney Scanlon, Marie Scott, Phyllis Smith, Raymond Stace, Henry

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Turner, Pat Welsford, Doreen White, Neil Williams, Sharene Worker, Neil

16 May 06 Amtman, Margaret Austen, Glenis Barry, Margaret Chandler, Terry Dickson, Florence Fallare, Andreas Glubb, Nancy Gunning, Paul Harper, Leon Hayward, Ian Hunt, Danielle Jarden, Ruth Johnston, Mervyn Jones, Ann Jones, Burnard (Bernie) Kennedy, Donald Kingston, Annie (Nancy) Lennon, Kathleen McDonald, Ruth Mowat, Edith Patterson, Zara Pender, Graham Poco*ck, Peter Pugh, Joan Raymond, Leslie Scott, Phyllis Squires, Rodney Staveley, Sir John (Jock) Stevens, Phyllis Sullivan, Jean Thompson, Elizabeth Thomson, Robert Van der Steenhoven, Frans Welsford, Doreen Williams, Sharene Wilson, Phyllis Worker, Neil Young, William (Dudley)

17 May 06 Amtman, Margaret Austen, Glenis Bailey, Vera Barry, Margaret Black, Andrew Chandler, Terry Edwards, Elden Fallare, Andreas Gilbert, Barry Grant, June Greenslade, Clarice Harper, Leon Hengst, Margaret (Peg) Hunt, Danielle Johnston, Mervyn Jones, Ann Jones, Burnard (Bernie) Keogh, Jonathan Lawry, Tressie

McIntosh, Donald Moore, Deborah Mowat, Edith Poco*ck, Peter Sanders, Denise Schrader, Miranda Skellerup, Peter Speden, Amy Stevens, Phyllis Taylor, Ronald (Ron) Thomson, Robert Watson, Douglas Wilson, Phyllis

18 May 06 Austen, Glenis Bailey, Vera Black, Andrew Cates, Rita Collis, Dick Davis, Jennifer Gebbie, Reremoana (Diamond) Gould, Stanley Greenslade, Clarice Healy, Sister Enid Isaac, Gladys Jones, Ann Jones, Burnard (Bernie) Keogh, Jonathan Lawry, Tressie McIntosh, Donald McKenzie, Roderick Mote, Robert Mowat, Edith Perry, Barbara Russell, Mary Schrader, Miranda Skellerup, Peter Speden, Amy Tyson, Rosemary

19 May 06 Borland, Valmai Collins, Charles Cullinane, Mary Davis, Jennifer Edwards, Elden Gould, Stanley Grenfell, Clive Healy, Sister Enid Heffernan, Vincent Isaac, Gladys Jones, Ann Perry, Barbara Ralfe, Pamela Rampersad, Rampersad Russell, Mary Topi-Tairi, Shain Trevathan, John (Jack) Tyson, Rosemary

20 May 06 Bell, David Bignell, Doris Blackgrove, Daphne Blackney, June

Borland, Valmai Brady, Liam Collins, Charles Cox, Winifred Cullinane, Mary Davis, Jennifer Dick, Gerald Gebbie, Reremoana (Diamond) Hampton, Lorna Hargraves, Ann Horne, David Johnson, Brian McKenzie, Raymond McMenamin, Constance Perry, John Proctor-Beswarick, Rodney Ralfe, Pamela Randall, William Richardson, Albert (Bert) Sanders, Denise Shearer, Reginald Skellerup, Peter Taylor, Ronald Thelning, Lemuel Tichborne, William Topi-Tairi, Shain Trevathan, John (Jack) Turner, Irene Tyson, Rosemary Williams, Sharene Wilson, Clare Wood, Bryan

22 May 06 Alexander, Kent Barltop, Ronald Bell, David Bennett, Olive Collins, Charles Edwards, Laurel Evers, Rodger Hargraves, Ann Kirkwood, Malcolm McIlroy, Norma McKenzie, Raymond McMenamin, Constance Miller, Kevin Price, Allan (Manny) Priest, Margaret Randall, William Smith, Alma Sugden, Mary (Gwen) Tichborne, Keith Timms, Hazell Warwick, Jane Wilson, Clare Worthington, Lawrence

23 May 06 Attwood, Margaret (Daisy) Barltop, Ronald Brady, Lee Cull, Ian Cummings, Marian Dudson, Violet (Pat)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Edwards, Laurel Henderson, Vallerie Kirkwood, Malcolm Lindsay, Larry McKenzie, Raymond McLean, Donald Miller, Kevin Morris, Percy Price, Allan (Manny) Robertson, Enid Rohs, Charlotte Samson, Phyllis (Phyl) Smith, Alma Sugden, Mary (Gwen) Sutcliffe, Edward (Ted) Thelning, Lemuel Tichborne, William (Keith) Timms, Hazell Wharewhiti, Ataahua Wright, Thomas (John)

24 May 06 Attwood, Margaret (Daisy) Bingham, Mary Boyd, Robert (Bob) Cherry, James Coates, Leonie Cull, Ian Dudson, Violet (Pat) Fulguirinas, George Gawn, Andrina Henderson, Valerie Holland, Viola Hunt, Robert Langston, Anne Lawrence, Angela Lindsay, Larry Luxton, Mabel Macklan, Allan (Sandy) McGrail, Albert McGrath, Emily McPherson, Murray Miller, Kevin Munro, Joan O'Connell, James (Jim) Park, Ada Pascoe, Rona Perrin, Margaret Rohs, Charlotte Ryde, Joan Samson, Phyllis (Phyl) Smith, Ada Smith, Alma Sutcliffe, Edward (Ted) Wallace, Ruddenklau (Rudd) Watson, Vyvienne Wharewhiti, Ataahua Wright, Thomas (John)

25 May 06 Bingham, Mary Boyd, Robert (Bob) Brown, Robert Burrows, Clarence (Tug) Coates, Leonie Davies, Ray

Duffy, Kenneth Ensor, Judith Gardner, Una (Joy) Gleeson, Eric Grant, Alice Hawke, Florence Hayes, Ann (Adrienne) Jopson, Airini Leech, Norman Luxton, Mabel McGirr, Irene McGrath, Emily Morris, Percy Munro, Joan Peters, Ian Rohs, Charlotte Ryde, Joan Singer, William Smith, Ada Watson, Vyvienne Williamson, John

26 May 06 Bingham, Mary Burrows, Clarence Coates, Leonie Cripps, William Duffy, Kenneth Gardner, Una (Joy) Gray, Neil Hawke, Florence Hawkes, Sidney Johnstone, Lofty Jones, Fay Logan, Peter Luxton, Mabel McIlroy, Norma Peters, Ian Ryde, Joan Stones, Francis

27 May 06 Alexander, Kent Binsted, Peter Blackgrove, Daphne Brosnan, Thomas Burrows, Clarence Callaghan, Daniel Campion, Kenneth Christensen, Joan Copplestone, Graeme Cripps, William Delamere, Anne Duffy, Kenneth Ensor, Judith Fry, Ruth Fulguirinas, George Gleeson, Eric Gray, Neil Hawke, Florence Hawkes, Sidney Henderson, Mona Johnstone, Lofty Kerr, Matthew Parker, Tammy Pascoe, Rona Perano, Norman

Rau, William Rigby, Elizabeth Scrymgeour, Lorelei Singer, William Smith, Barbara Stones, Francis Thiele, Verna Thomas, Elizabeth Timms, Georgina (Georgie) Van Bree, Daphne (Peggy) Watson, Robert (Bert) Watson, Vyvienne Wilkie, Donna Witheford, Eileen

29 May 06 Akhtar, Betty Alexander, Kent Badman, Carol Black, Robert Boult, Dawn Bramley, Sheila Campion, Kenneth Christensen, Joan Clarke, Noeline Clark-Hall, John (Pat) Collier, Margaret Cripps, Bill Davey, William (Bill) Ellis, John (Ray) Faulkner, Daphne Geddes, Sylvia Henderson, Mona Johnson, James (Alistair) Keats, Phyllis Kirkman, Eric Lyons, Patrick (Pat) McBreen, Johnny Mort, Steven Munro, Hector (Don) Newlove, Chris Pascoe, Rona Stephenson, Jack Stewart, Robert (Dane) Stones, Francis Suter, Evelyn Thiele, Verna Timms, Georgina (Georgie) Warren, Peggy Wilson, Anne Witheford, Eileen

30 May 06 Badman, Carol Bishop, Eva Black, Robert Breach, Graeme Christensen, Joan Chudleigh, Juliet Clark-Hall, John (Pat) Copplestone, Graeme Davies, Alan Dillon, Terence Flynn, Lilian (Lily) Geddes, Sylvia Heena, Edna Henham, William

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hubbard, Ethel Jones, Mirian Lyons, Patrick (Pat) MacDougall, Relda Madden, Donald McBreen, Johnny McDonald, Raymond Mowat, Ralph Munro, Hector (Don) Newlove, Chris Prescott, Joyce Rockel, Jenny Sinclair, Violet Smith, Jessie Stephenson, Jack Stewart, Robert (Dane) Suter, Evelyn Thiele, Verna Van Bree, Daphne (Peggy) Warren, Peggy Wilson, Anne

31 May 06 Attwood, Noelene Badman, Carol Braidwood, Olive Bramley, Sheila Breach, Graeme Brown, Josephine Brown, Vincent Callaghan, Daniel Chudleigh, Juliet Cumming, James Davies, Alan Denley, Joyce Flynn, Lilian (Lily) Gardner, Donald (Murray) Greenfield, Philip Jones, Harold Jones, Mirian Leese, Elaine Lloyd, David Lyons, Patrick Maher, Jean McBreen, Johnny Melville, John Moore, Alice Mora, Judith Patterson, John Revell, Daniel Robinson, Christopher (Kriss) Rockel, Jenny Smith, Barbara Stewart, Robert Taylor, Jean (Val)

1 Jun 06 Black, Maxine Brown, Josephine (Josie) Callaghan, Daniel Charlton, John Christophers, Ngaire Clarke, Isabel Collingwood, Iris Cumming, James Davey, William (Bill)

Dillon, Terence Gardner, Donald (Murray) Jenkin, Ruth Lattimore, Kathrain Leese, Elaine Lewis, Mavis Lloyd, David Maher, Jean McCook-Weir, Robert McGirr, Kathleen (Jean) Mora, Judith Muskee, Annie Patterson, John Taylor, Jean (Val) Till, Leila Williams, Ronald

2 Jun 06 Baynon, Gary Collingwood, Iris Connolly, Sr Mary Joseph (Maureen) Davies, Alan Denley, Joyce Gardner, Donald Gibson, Norma Herron, Alexander Lattimore, Kathrain Lewis, Mavis Marchant, Phyllis McGirr, Kathleen (Jean) Muskee, Annie Smith, Craig Soderberg, Joyce Stare, Edmund (Ted) Till, Leila Williams, Ronald Wilson, Maurice

3 Jun 06 Barber, Trevor Baxter, Betty Baynon, Gary Bennett, Fredda Biddick, Bruce Blackwell, Owen Brawley, Marie Brown, Betsy (Ann) Charlton, John Chudleigh, Juliet Clarke, Isabel Connolly, Sr Mary Joseph (Maureen) Davies, Alan Denham, Stuart Irons, Eileen Jenkins, Rhys Leslie, Eric Marchant, Phyllis McGrath, Kathleen Middleton, Stein Mowberry, Kevin Paterson, Fergus Robinson, Rena (Joan) Simmons, Elizabeth

(Joeen) Smith, Craig Spiers, Ronald Stansfield, Madeleine Stare, Edmund (Ted) Teulon, Rev. Harvey Till, Leila Visser, Doris Wilson, Maurice Woodside, Patricia

5 Jun 06 Atkinson, James (Percy) Austin, Patricia Barber, Trevor Berry, Ken Biddick, Bruce Brawley, Marie Brown, Kenneth (Garth) Buckland, Margaret Carter, Richard Dean, Arthur (Dixie) Denham, Stuart Ditchfield, Gerald Eaton, Timothy Edlin, Eileen Ferigo, Elizabeth Fleming, Eva Green, Joseph Hall, Helen Homan, Kathleen Houlihan, Denis Jenkins, Rhys Ladbrook, Mervyn McLaughlin, Sister Maisie Moore, Robin Ottmann, Crescentia Paterson, Betty Peck, Roy Robbins, Beryl Robinson, Rena (Joan) Rowell, Peter Ryan, Michael Simmons, Elizabeth (Joeen) Smith, Sylvia Stansfield, Madeleine Tunui, Koro (Colin) Visser, Doris Wilkie, Andrew (Gareth) Woodside, Patricia

6 Jun 06 Amor, Phyllis Attwood, Doris Austin, Patricia Brown, Kenneth (Garth) Brown, Marese Buckland, Margaret Cottrell, Margaret Dean, Arthur (Dixie) Denham, Stuart Edlin, Eileen Ferigo, Elizabeth Fleming, Eva Gibb, Robert

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Green, Joseph Hall, Helen Houlihan, Denis Krauze, Tryntje (Truus) MacLeod, Jock (John) Moore, Robin Palmer, Leslie Ryan, Michael Smith, Leslie Smith, Sylvia Thomson, Margaret Tunui, Koro (Colin) Visser, Doris Wilson, Alan Wilson, Dorothy

7 Jun 06 Armstrong, Michael Attwood, Doris Baker, Florence (Lindsay) Barber, Trevor Brady, Clifford (Cliff) Brawley, Marie Brown, Kenneth (Garth) Brown, Marese Clegg, Nancy Cottrell, Margaret Cumberland, Betty Curragh, William Edlin, Eileen Esdaile, Lucy Findlay, Dawn Fleming, Eva Friend, Wendy Gibb, Robert Harris, Alan Hope, Richard Humphreys, Rona Krauze, Tryntje (Truus) Lindsay, Moira Lucas, D'Arcy Macleod, Jock (John) McGrath, Kathleen Mitchell, Andrew Palmer, Leslie Rendall, Marjorie Reside, Phyllis Richardson, June Ryan, Catherine Ryan, Michael Shaskey, Elizabeth (Beth) Sila, Lupematasila Smith, Leslie Smith, Sylvia Stove, Albert (Joff) Symister, Henry (Harry) Teulon, Rev. Harvey Thomson, Margaret Wealleans, Douglas Wilson, Alan Wilson, Dorothy

8 Jun 06 Birkett, Kathleen Brown, Kenneth (Garth) Buchanan, Rosalie Cartwright-Spray, Toni

Clegg, Nancy Cottrell, Margaret Creamer, Anthony Dunphy, Helena English, Norah Everist, Anthony Flain, Rose Hay, Wilma Hubber, John (Lloyd) Kerr, Phyllis Lindsay, Moira Loughnan, Albert Lucas, D'Arcy Mangan, Franette (Fran) McAtee, Eileen McMillan, Allan Nicholls, Christopher Noa, Thompson (Tuhi) O'Callaghan, Sydney Parish, Raymond Pooch, Ivan Poulton-Whitcombe, Leanne Rendall, Marjorie Richardson, June Ryan, Catherine Stephens, Jason Stove, Albert (Joff) Sutherland, Joan Symister, Henry (Harry) Wealleans, Douglas Wilson, Alan Wilson, Julia

9 Jun 06 Alexander, Ethel Cartwright Spray, Toni Dickie, Lester (Alton) Dunphy, Helena Farrant, Kelvin Fenton, Joan Gilmour, Nancy Grant, Murray Hay, Wilma Holley, Norman (Norm) Hubber, John (Lloyd) Hughes, Jean Humphreys, Rona Leighton, Patrick Little, Keith Malcolm, Sheila Maunder, Lorna Mitchell, Sylvia Nicholls, Christopher O'Callaghan, Sydney Parish, Raymond Perreau, Morris (Morrie) Poulton Whitcombe, Leanne Ryan, Michael Shearer, Peter Smyth, James (Jim) Stephens, Jason Thomson, John (Jock) Wilson, Julia Wise, Eileen Wright, Elaine

10 Jun 06 Connelly, Christine Dickie, Lester (Alton) Dunphy, Helena English, Norah Everist, Anthony Farrant, Kelvin Faulkner, Pauline Gilmour, Nancy Hamilton, Trivett (Jack) Holley, Norman (Norm) Hughes, Jean Innes, Thomas Leighton, Patrick Little, Keith Maclean, Robert (Gavin) Malcolm, Sheila Maunder, Lorna Mitchell, Sylvia Noa, Thompson (Tuhi) O'Callaghan, Sydney Parish, Raymond Parry, Gwendoline Perreau, Morris (Morrie) Peters, Norine Reside, Phyllis Shaskey, Elizabeth (Beth) Shearer, Peter Smith, Brian Smith, Edison Smyth, James (Jim) Thomson, John (Jock) Whelan, Dorothy Wilson, Julia Wright, Elaine

12 Jun 06 Benfell, Jean Bolwell, Fiona Connelly, Christine Connolly, Rosa (Rosie) Coull, Barbara Cross, Dell Davison, Bridgett Ellis, Peggy Forbes, Maureen Graham, Dorothy Hamilton, Trivett (Jack) Hitchon, Doris Innes, Thomas Lamont, Margaret Little, Keith Maclean, Robert (Gavin) Marshall, James McNamara, Dorothy Radcliffe, Doris Shand, Ernest Smith, Bryan Whelan, Dorothy Winder, Valerie

13 Jun 06 Bolwell, Fiona Bowden, Margaret

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Connolly, Christine Cross, Dell Fairhall, Neroli Forbes, Maureen Gilmour, Nancy Glasson, Jean Green, Brian Halliday, George Judson, William (John) Kidd, Rose Lynch, Mary McCarthy, Kevin McNamara, Dorothy Mustchin, John Parish, Raymond Peirson, Robert (Bob) Shaw, Monty Smith, Bryan Warman, Harold (Harry) Winder, Valerie

14 Jun 06 Alexander, Ethel Black, Ernestine Bolt, Estelle (Pearl) Bolwell, Fiona Bowden, Margaret Halliday, George Harbidge, Maria Hargreaves, Yvonne Henry, Rev Deacon Joseph (Joe) Judson, William (John) Kidd, Rose Lamb, Richard McCarthy, Kevin McCrossan, Bettie Mustchin, John Parish, Raymond Park, Eric Peirson, Robert (Bob) Scriven, Ilene (Jane) Taumanu, Jane Van Slooten, Frank Warman, Harold (Harry) Woods, Frank

15 Jun 06 Barrack, Elaine Baylis, Marion Blumsky, Madge Bodger, Moana Bolt, Estelle (Pearl) Eastwick, Gareth Fairhall, Neroli Forrester, Helen Halliday, George Hargreaves, Yvonne Holland, Daphne (Rose) Hoxman, Arnold Judson, William (John) Kensell, Rosaline (Rosie) Long, Robina (Ruby) Maxwell, Jill McCrossan, Bettie Miller, Grant Mitchell, David

Park, Eric Roy, William Skilton, Kerryn Thompson, Barry Warman, Harold (Harry) Warren, Lawrence (Pat) Watts, Rowena Williams, Mildred Woods, Frank

16 Jun 06 Arnst, Alfred Baylis, Marion Conning, Mary Craig, Olga Dean, John Eastwick, Gareth Favel, Tex Halliday, George Halstead, Richard Holland, Daphne (Rose) Hoxman, Arnold Jones, Verne Kensell, Rosaline (Rosie) Kilkelly, Irene Marsh, Lillie Maxwell, Jill McMillian-Meager, Ella Mitchell, David Reid, Dorothy Roy, William Scott, Jennifer Scull, Rosella Smith, Allan Smith, Karen Smith, Lesley Thompson, Barry Tipa, Avondale (Avon) Watts, Rowena Williams, Mildred Wishart, Richard (Dick)

17 Jun 06 Andrew, Noel Campbell, Colleen Carter, Eleanor Craig, Olga Davie-Martin, Lois Dunkley, Joan Eastwick, Gareth Favel, Tex Forrester, Helen Gazzard, Pember (PK) Giblin, Frederick Gillies, George Hall, Marguerite (Peg) Harvey, Lois Henderson, Betty Hoffman, Sylvester Honey, Robert Hoxman, Arnold Kensell, Rosaline (Rosie) Kessels, Joan Kilkelly, Irene Leonardo, Minnie Lindsay, Edna Lynch, Anna

Marsh, Lillian Maxwell, Jill McCleary, Noelene Meldrum, Bruce Moreton, Robert (Bob) Rasmussen, John Reid, Dorothy Richardson, Lily Roy, William Rutledge, David Scott, Jennifer Sharkey, Joyce Smith, Allan Smith, Karen Smith, Lesley Spiers, Ralph Te Huia, Lex Tipa, Avondale (Avon) Tipping, Laurence Wishart, Richard (Dick) Woodill, Richard (John)

19 Jun 06 Baird, William (Bill) Barriball, Robyn Berryman, Doris Campbell, Colleen Carter, Eleanor Chapman, Gertrude Diprose, Peggy Dunkley, Joan Dunsford, Captain G. W. (Warwick) Easterbrook, Carlyn Eatwell, Edith Fearnley, Mervyn Freitas, Patricia Gasson, Iris Gazzard, Pember (PK) Hall, Marguerite (Peg) Henderson, Betty Jones, Mervyn Kelly, David Kessels, Joan Laurenson, James (Gil) Luxton, Oliver (Snow) Lynch, Anna Marshall, Irene (Rene) McCleary, Noelene McHerron, Marlene Monk, John Parr, Murray Paton, David Pegley, Lawrence (Laurie) Reihana, Ohone Richards, Julie (Jules) Richardson, Lily Schimanski, Ethel Scott, Jennifer Scott, Olive Shapcott, William Sinclair, Francis (Frank) Smith, Lesley Stanley, Maureen (Gayle) Stiven,Thelma (Annie) Taylor, Valma Tipping, Laurence

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Williams, Ritchie Woodill, Richard (John)

20 Jun 06 Barrell, Noelene Barriball, Robyn Berryman, Doris Burrows, Colin Burson, Gladys Crossan, Lawrence Davey, Frederick (Derick) Davis, Warwick Easterbrook, Carlyn Gasson, Iris Gillies, George Griffiths, Harry Hampton, Alan Healey, Margaret (Lou) Henderson, Betty Hollamby, Robert (Rob) Kessels, Joan Laurenson, James (Gil) Leonardo, Minnie MacArthur, Enid McHerron, Marlene McMillan, Elizabeth (Nell) Nankivell, William Pegley, Lawrence (Laurie) Pensuk-Jamieson, Somsak Richards, Julie (Jules) Richardson, Lily Rikihana, Hapimana Schumacher, Fay Sinclair, Francis (Frank) Spiers, Ralph Stanley, Maureen (Gayle) Stiven, Thelma (Annie) Taylor, Valma Thomas, Malcolm Tipping, Laurence Whitaker, Carole Williams, Ritchie Wooldridge, Gladys

21 Jun 06 Adams, Ronald (Ron) Barrell, Noelene Boulton, Clive Burrows, Colin Burson, Gladys Chalmers, Rodney Curry, Madeline Davey, Frederick (Derick) Farquhar, Desmond Ferguson, Frances (Sue) Foulds, Sylvia Gallagher, Shirley Gasson, Iris Halstead, Richard Healey, Margaret (Lou) Hoskins, Bruce Jensen, Nancy Kerdemelidis, George Laurenson, James (Gil) Leigh, Dorothy (Jean)

Leonardo, Minnie McHerron, Marlene McIntyre, Joan Midgley, Helene Monk, John Pegley, Lawrence (Laurie) Schimanski, Ethel Sheppard, Erice Small, Graham Smythe, Philippa Spiers, Ralph Taylor, William Thomas, Malcolm Undrill, Howard Walmsley, Victoria (Vickie) Walsh, John (Jock) Williams, Ritchie Wilson, Alan Winthrop, Catherine (Kay) Yang, Cui

22 Jun 06 Anderson, Nancy Battersby, Ruby Burrows, Colin Croft, Ena Curry, Madeline Devlin, Christopher (Larry) Donnelly, Mary Earl, Rhona Farquhar, Desmond Fenton, Robert (Bob) Ferguson, Frances (Sue) Forward, Hazel Foulds, Sylvia Gallagher, Shirley Genefaas, Cornelis (Case) Glubb, Doreen Holland, Mary Hoskins, Bruce Hurst, Douglas Irwin, Daphne Jensen, Nancy Kidd, Reginald Leigh, Dorothy (Jean) Loveridge, Bryan Ly, Nhuan Meares, Stuart Neilson, Bruce Rea, Christine Ritchie, Bruce Robinson, Frances (Ray) Rowling, Bruce Ryan, Leonard Shapcott, William Souter, Albert Taylor, William Undrill, Howard Walmsley, Victoria Walsh, John (Jock) Watson, Stephen Whitehead, Reginald Williams, Ritchie

23 Jun 06

Battersby, Ruby Bevege, Alfred (Bob) Cannon, Thomas Charles, Phyllis Croft, Ena Devlin, Christopher (Larry) Farquhar, Desmond Fenton, Robert Ferguson, Frances (Sue) Foulds, Sylvia Genefaas, Cornelis (Case) Jensen, Nancy Letham, Donald (Don) McQueen, Adrienne Meares, Stuart Monk, John Ritchie, Margaret Robertson, Hugh (Jack) Sycamore, Wallace (Vic) Walsh, John (Jock) Watson, Stephen Williams, Ritchie

24 Jun 06 Absalom, Averil Battersby, Ruby Bevege, Alfred (Bob) Boulton, Clive Brown, Christopher Campbell, Shaun Cannon, Thomas Cleaver, Lesley (Denise) Collins, Douglas Diedrichs, Evelyn Evans, Cyril Foulds, Sylvia Glubb, Doreen Hawker, Joyce Jones, Margaret (Eileen) Kemp, Winifred Kerr, Kenneth Leech, James Letham, Donald (Don) Ly, Nhuan Mahalm, Donald Marley, Ivan Millar, Sydney (Mac) Phillips, William (Jack) Rea, Christine Ritchie, Margaret Smit, Paula Smith, John (Peter) (Rev) Smith, Lanette Smith, Mona Sycamore, Wallace (Vic) Thomson, Catherine (Kitty) Todd, Leslie Undrill, Howard Watson, Stephen Wear, Doris Whinwray, David Williams, Ritchie

26 Jun 06 Bell, Tylah Boraman, Peggy Brown, Christopher

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


BuBear, Peter Cleaver, Lesley (Denise) Cooper, Keith Cox, Percy Day, Marion Diedrichs, Evelyn (Helen) Evans, Cyril Fail, Edward (Eddie) Gain, David Grieve, Kirk Hackling, Frederick (Joe) Harkness, Beryl Hawker, Joyce James, Barbara (Hazel) Jones, Margaret (Eileen) Mahalm, Donald McKinney, Robert (Rob) Meffen, Muriel Mitchell, James Moore, Eric Myers, John (Jack) Oberg, Moeroa (Rangi) Owen, Annette Paterson, Juliette Robinson, Shirley Schulz, Dorothy Smit, Paula Smith, John (Peter) (Rev) Stackhouse, Frances Stirling, Muriel Taylor, Heather Templeton, Russell Thrush, Gavin Todd, Leslie Whinwray, David Snr Wilson, David Wilson, William (Gough) Worters, Colin

27 Jun 06 Bell, Tylah Berry, Eileen Best, Donald Boulton, Clive BuBear, Peter Byrne, Michelle Campbell, Ronald Chandler, Carlos Cleaver, Lesley (Denise) Cooper, Keith Cope, George Cotterill, Michael Cotton, Marion Cox, Percy Day, Marion de la Cour, John (Jack) Dengate Thrush, Liz Fail, Edward (Eddie) Grieve, Kirk Hackling, Frederick (Joe) Harkness, Beryl Harpur, Danielle Harrison, Roy Horne, Daniel James, Carol Keilar, Clara Kerr, Elizabeth

McBride, Malcolm McPhail, Murray Mitchell, James Moody, Ross Moore, Eric Myers, John (Jack) Oberg, Moeroa (Rangi) Owen, Annette Paterson, Juliette Schulz, Dorothy Smit, Paula Smith, Betty Smith, Ivan Stackhouse, Frances Taylor, Heather Templeton, Russell Thrush, Gavin Wederell, Robert Whinwray, David Snr Wilson, David Worters, Colin

28 Jun 06 Argyle, Lawrence Beal, Norah Bell, Tylah Cave, Ethel Chamberlain, Rita Chandler, Carlos Clarke, Carmel Cope, George Cotton, Marion Curtin, Elizabeth (Sally) Dalzell, Dorothy Davis, Mandy Fastier, Benjamin (Ben) Gourlie, James (Blue) Grieve, Kirk Hackling, Frederick (Joe) Harpur, Danielle Hawke, Valda Henderson, Graeme Hendren, Margaret James, Russell Knight, Leonard McBride, Malcolm McCarthy, Arthur (Jack) McFadzien, Margaret Mitchell, Ann Oberg, Moeroa (Rangi) Panfilow, George Paterson, Juliette Peterson, Marjorie Salt, Joseph Scott, Joyce Seti, Philip (Toloa) Smith, Betty Smith, Ida Stackhouse, Frances Tapp, Horace (Jim) Thrush, Gavin Urlwin, Jack Wright, Audrey

29 Jun 06 Argyle, Lawrence Barry, Josephine Beeby, Mavis Benge, Alex Brown, Nancie Chamberlain, Rita Chandler, Carlos Clarke, Vera Dalzell, Dorothy Fastier, Benjamin (Ben) Grieve, Kirk Guiney, Ian Harpur, Danielle Harrison, Joan Hawke, Valda Hudson, Charles James, Barbara (Hazel) James, Russell Johnson, Ronald (Ron) Jones, Grace Kellas, Frances (Olive) Kyle, Sophie Lalor, Robert Legg, Wilfred Mason-Dowsett, Rowena Mitchell, Ann Pierce, Agnes Salt, Joseph Urlwin, Jack Watts, Ralph (Pat) Wright, Audrey

30 Jun 06 Barry, Josephine Beeby, Mavis Bielby, Agnes Borcovsky, Micha Dalley, Nicol Dalzell, Dorothy Fastier, Benjamin (Ben) Fraher, Lola Gourlie, James (Blue) Heald, Pamela Jones, Joan Krauza, Greta Kyle, Sophie Mitchell, Virginia (Ginny) Moody, Ross Oberg, Moeroa (Rangi) Petre, Robert (Bob) Pierce, Agnes Salt, Joseph Shaw, John (Leo) Webb, Violet (Elizabeth)

1 Jul 06 Ashton, Agnes Barry, Josephine Bielby, Agnes Brophy, Patrick Bryan, Dorothy (Irene) Clarke, Carmel Dalley, Nicol Dengate Thrush, Liz Ensor, Melody Fastier, Benjamin (Ben)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Fraher, Lola Fraser, Kathleen Gemmell, Hector Gutsell, Leo Hamilton, David Hudson, Charles Johnson, Ronald (Ron) Jones, Derek Jones, Joan Krauza, Greta Legg, Wilfred Lennox, Alexander Malla, Achyut Moody, Ross Panfilow, George Paterson, Marjorie Petre, Robert Reed, Arthur Rolston, Ellen (Joan) Rudman, Shirley Shaw, John (Leo) Simpson, Rona Tapp, Horace (Jim) Vickery, Grant Wilson, Robert (Bob) Woods, Daphne

3 Jul 06 Adams, Elizabeth (Betty) Beattie, Keith Beattie, Raymond (Ray) Bennett, Jack Bensemann, Margaret (Mya) Boston, Phylliss Brash, Peter Brophy, Patrick Butt, Mavis (Jean) Clarke, Carmel Collins, Peter Dalley, Nicol Evans, Phyllis Fry, Alexander Gifford, Errol Gilmore, Noeline Hamilton, David Hoare, Eric Jones, Derek Jones, Trefor (Taffy) Lennox, Alexander McDonald, Colin McFadden, Aileen McKechie, Jeanette McNally, Brian Minehan, Rita Montgomery, David (Dave) O'Neill, Eric O'Neill, Maureen Palmer, Hilda Redpath, Marie Reid, Catherine (Monica) Richardson, Alan Rolston, Ellen (Joan) Royds, Peter Shamy, Gloria Spittle, John (Tom) Venning, Patrick

Vickery, Grant Wilson, Robert Woods, Daphne Wright, William

5 Jul 05 Bennett, Jack Boyd, Sydney Buunk, Frances Cleary, Bernard Cook, Ruby Craythorne, Peggy Croawell, David (Dave) Cunliffe, Carol Diack, Karen Douglass, John Frith, Lynda Gray, Kevin Gutry, Carlene Hamilton, David Hill, Vera Howarth, Norman Hunter, Margaret (Maggie) Kilday, Linda Knutson, Edna (Leonie) Kyle, Leicester Lewis, Barbara McGimpsey, Robert McGregor, Mavys McGuinniety, James McKechie, Jeanette McMahon, Christina (Christine) Minehan, Rita Moore, Teresa Murdoch, Gladys O'Malley, Janet Redpath, Marie Robson, Avis Salt, Joseph Speirs, Elizabeth Spittle, John (Tom) Taylor, Colleen

6 Jul 06 Bouman, Dirk (Dick) Bradley, Charlotte (Elsie) Buunk, Frances Dumble, Hazel Finlayson, Kevin Harding, Colin Hill, Ruth (Ruby) Hill, Vera Howarth, Norman Kennedy, Sylvia Kilday, Linda Kyle, Leicester Lewis, Barbara McMahon, Christina (Christine) Rathbone, Patricia (Trish) Shum, Sylvian (Sylvia) Speirs, Elizabeth Stamp, Frederick (Fred) Vickery, Kenneth Wilson, Robin

7 Jul 06 Bouman, Dirk (Dick) Burney, Rosalina Couper, Elizabeth Diack, Karen Dumble, Hazel Finlayson, Kevin Flitcroft, Gladys Gutry, Carlene Hampton, Donald Harding, Colin Hill, Vera Hopping, John Jillett, Rev. Father David Kennedy, Sylvia Kilday, Linda Lemana, Logoitino Martin, John Rainey, Samuel (Sam) Stamp, Frederick Vickery, Kenneth

8 Jul 06 Aitkenhead, Patricia (Pat) Band, John Alexander Boal, Irene (Grace) Bradley, Charlotte (Elsie) Burney, Rosalina Carlyle, Gavin Cheyne, Tiffinnie Conlon, Francis Couper, Elizabeth Dalzell, Edwin (Tom) Duncan, Errol Fantham, John Flintoft, Zeta Flitcroft, Gladys Flutey, Mavis Hampton, Donald Knowles, Daphne Lemana, Logoitino Martin, John Minson, Stewart Mitchell, Reverend Avenel Murphy, Sister Mary Nelmes, Mavis Nelson, Bertha Norder, Derk Perkinson, Sherryl Price, Mary Rainey, Samuel Shum, Sylvian (Sylvia) Smeulders, Maria Smith, Barbara Stamp, Frederick Stokes, Claude Taylor, Nancy Tibble, Stanley (Stan) Whitehead, Christine Wilder, James Wingham, George (Tom)

10 Jul 06 Band, John

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Briggs, George Brown, William (Russell) Cairns, Olga Conlon, Francis (Frank) Fantham, John Flutey, Mavis Garland, Robert Gibbs, Rex Gillespie, Dora (Gilly) Hamilton, Merle Hampton, Donald Harrison, Peter Hickman, Alexander Hunt, Rona Jones, Derek Kerse, William (Bill) Knowles, Daphne Lemana, Logoitino Lewis, Barbara Lorimer, Teresa McCrorie, Phyllis (Phyl) Paine, William (Bill) Parker, Noel Perkinson, Sherryl Pounsford, Te Riri Price, Mary (Sr Mary Pauline RSM) Rountree, Leonard (Len) Sandrey, Betty Shields, Tiny Smith, Beatrice (Betty) Summerfield, Frances Taylor, Pearl Te Koeti, Walter (Cliff) Thomas, William (Artie) Tibble, Stanley (Stan) Tuua, Sataua Walker, John Whitehead, Christine Williams, Gwendoline (Gwen)

11 Jul 06 Balloch, Rae Bellam, Robert Brown, William (Russell) Chandler, Joan Cheyne, Tiffinnie Conlon, Francis (Frank) Donald, Joyce Drake, Bernard Elton, Winifred Fantham, John Fletcher, Winifred Gillespie, Dora Goodwin, Ruth Hamilton, Merle Hickman, Alexander Johnson, Edith Jones, Derek Kibblewhite, Joycelyn McCrorie, Phyllis (Phyl) Murphy, Sister Mary Paine, William (Bill) Perkinson, Sherryl Pounsford, Te Riri Prendergast, Mary

Preston, Leslie Quin, Roger Rainey, Samuel (Sam) Sandrey, Betty Stewart, Marie Summerfield, Frances Walker, John Whitehead, Christine Williams, Gwendoline Wingham, George (Tom)

12 Jul 06 Aitkenhead, Patricia Ashton, Richard Balloch, Rae Bellam, Robert Brown, Mark Chandler, Joan Chappell, Sydney Clement, Julia (Jill) Conlon, Francis (Frank) Dalton, Slim Drake, Bernard Dunston, Emily Edwards, Louise Elton, Winifred Goodwin, Ruth Hetrick, Rowena Holling, Dorothy (Dot) Hunt, Rona Johnson, Edith MacDonald, Colin Martin, Gertrude McLenaghan, David Middleton, Allan Mitchell, Wayne Prendergast, Mary Preston, Leslie Reeves, Ronald Robinson, Kenneth Scollay, Ruth Seguin, Sheila Stewart, Marie Summerfield, Frances Tuua, Sataua Whitehead, Christine Wright, Ian

13 Jul 06 Beetham, Margaret (Jo) Brasell, Frank Chappell, Sydney Churchill, Annette Clement, Julia (Jill) Cook, Colin Dowell, Noel Dunston, Emily Goodwin, Ruth Hanafin, John (Courcy) Hill, Arthur (Bill) Holling, Dorothy (Dot) Insull, Christopher Lambie, Stewart Langley, Judith Lawrence, Margaret McLenaghan, David Middleton, Allan

O'Connor, Roderick (Rod) Purdue, Daphne Raine, John (Evan) Scollay, Ruth Shaw, Pamela (Pam) Sleeman, Bruce Smith, Jean Stewart, Marie Throp, Ronald Washbourne, Daphne Wilson, Ian Worthington, Barbara Wright, Ian

14 Jul 06 Beetham, Margaret (Jo) Bell, Peter Carruthers, Nina Churchill, Annette Clancy, Sheila Cook, Colin Cook, Stanley Crosbie, Elsie Dowell, Noel Durkin, Patrick (Pat) Finlayson, Maxwell Gray, James (Jim) Hampson, Maude Hart, Beulah Hartley, Robert (Bob) Hill, Arthur (Bill) Insull, Christopher Lawrence, Margaret McEwan, Mata Mitchell, Wayne O'Connor, Roderick (Rod) Purdue, Daphne Raine, John (Evan) Seguin, Sheila Shaw, Pamela (Pam) Sleeman, Bruce Smith, Jean Stevens, Gladys Washbourne, Daphne West-Watson, Yvonne

15 Jul 06 Aitkenhead, Patricia Bell, Peter Bowden, Evelyn Brown, Max Brown, Maureen Camp, Ian Dowell, Noel Finlayson, Kevin Finlayson, Max Fox, Judy Gabites, Rex Gorin, Hannah Gray, James (Jim) Hampson, Maude Hanafin, John (Courcy) Jamieson-Carroll, Kimberley Lambie, Stewart Marshall, Robert McEwan, Mata

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Norwood, Freda Nutt, Janet Raine, John (Evan) Shaw, Pamela (Pam) Smart, Josephine Smith, Beatrice (Betty) Smith, Jean Stevens, Gladys Throp, Ronald West-Watson, Yvonne

17 Jul 06 Brash, Annabella Brown, Max Campbell, Joyce Creamer, Edna Deans, Miriam Emerson, Raleigh Fowler, Thomas (Bruce) Gabites, Rex Gorin, Hannah Grant, Simon Gray, Ellen (Nell) Gray, James (Jim) Hanafin, John (Courcy) Harnett, Patricia Hoskin, Leonard (Tom) Jamieson-Carroll, Kimberley McGregor, Colin Mulligan, Beverley Nutt, Janet Rainey, Samuel (Sam) Rutherfurd, Barbara Shaw, Pamela Smart, Josephine

18 Jul 06 Beggs, Amelia (Bibby) Campbell, Joyce Creamer, Edna Cross, Laurence (Laurie) Dalzell, Dorothy Deans, Miriam Dock-Walshe, Corrina Emerson, Raleigh Grant, Simon Gray, Ellen Greenslade, Jean Hammond, Brenda Harnett, Patricia (Patsy) Hoskin, Leonard (Tom) Martin, Ray Moore, Myrtle Morris, Keith Mortimer, Gary Mulligan, Beverley Rainey, Samuel (Sam) Richards, Marjorie Richards, Walter (Wally) Smith, William (Bill) Smith, William (Baker Bill) Swanston, Alice (Holly) Teddy, Wayne (Teds) Ward, Mary Wright, Liam

19 Jul 06 Beggs, Amelia (Bibby) Boag, Peter Boys, Irene (Rene) Brons, Elinor (Mary) Cook, Eleanor Cotton, Pamela (Pam) Crombie, William Davies, Robert Dock-Walshe, Corrina Emerson, Raleigh Fitzgerald, Monique Fletcher Van Eyk, Margaret Jenkins, Edward Johnston, Joyce King, Gilbert Legg, Leslie Loversidge, Murray Mann, Venus (Vene) Miller, Winston Mitchell, Marjorie Morris, Keith Mortimer, Gary O'Malley, Phillip Page, Malcolm Pratt, Phyllis Richards, Marjorie Rowe, Desmond Skerten, Daisy (Dot) Smith, William (Bill) Smith, William (Baker Bill) Sontgen, Nancy Steven, David (Les) Swanston, Alice (Holly) Turnbull, Alan Valentine, Brett Ward, Mary Watson, Janetta

20 Jul 06 Baldwin, Mary (Glenda) Bryan, Roger Corbett, Joan Cotton, Pamela (Pam) Crombie, William Dickman, Karona Fitzgerald, Monique Gibbon, Margaret Grant, Simon Hewat, Mary Legg, Leslie Loversidge, Murray Mann, Venus (Vene) Martin, Ray McColl, Phyllis Miller, Winston Mortimer, Gary Nimmo, Nancye O'Connor, Barry Phillips, Cedric Rowe, Desmond Schuster, Vincent Schwamm, Nola Thomas, Alice (Betty) Turnbull, Alan Valentine, Brett

Wilson, Mavis

21 Jul 06 Baldwin, Mary (Glenda) Blair-Perreau, Susanne Corbett, Joan Cotton, Dawson Dickman, Karona Fitzgerald, Monique Francis, John (Jack) Gibb, Iris (Midge) Gibbon, Margaret Lark, Phillip (Phil) Loversidge, Murray McCarthy, Lawrence (Laurie) McKnight, John Melgren, Babette Nimmo, Nancye Norrie, Robert Prestage, Constance Rainey, Samuel (Sam) Sutton, Nola Thomson, Graham Weir, Thelma Wilks, Di Wilson, Mavis Wylie, Patrick

22 Jul 06 Blair-Perreau, Susanne Boag, Peter Burrow, Robert Chambers, Ida Chisholm, Patricia Cook, Eleanor Cotton, Dawson Dryden, Kathleen (Kath) Gourlie, Patricia (Pat) Grant, Simon Hitchco*ck, Hilda Jenkins, William (Bill) Kearns, Bernard (Jim) Lark, Phillip (Phil) Machejefski, Jean Malcolm, Winifred Milligan, Vida Morey, James (Jim) Morrison, Douglas Muirhead, Josephina (Ina) Mumby, Dorothy Nimmo, Nancye Norrie, Robert Payne, Maurice Ritchie, William Smith, Joyce Stainer, Edith Stone, Grace Sutton, Nola Thomson, Graham Valentine, Brett Wade, Catherine (Kay) Weir, Thelma Wilks, Beryl Wilson, Mavis Wylie, Patrick

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


24 Jul 06 Burrow, Robert Burrows, Ian Cameron-Webb, Leslie Chambers, Ida Chisholm, Patricia Clement, Ian Curd, Marie Dryden, Kathleen (Kath) Fleming, Haydee Fox, Mervyn Hitchco*ck, Hilda Hooke, Graham Jenkins, William (Bill) Jones, Clinton King, Elsa Lindsay, Lela Lloyd, Agnes (Ness) Macefield, Ronald Machejefski, Jean Malone, Joseph Marfell, Irene Marusich, Kruno Milligan, Vida Miteff, Venelin Munro, Grant Patterson, Trevor Payne, Maurice Prestage, Constance Shephard, Gwen Smith, Joyce Staite/Smerdon, Celina Valentine, Brett Wilkins, Bernard Williams, Kelvin Wright, William Wylie, Patrick

25 Jul 06 Broadhurst, Brian (Oscar)

Burrows, Ian Cameron-Webb, Leslie Carter, Phyllis Coombes, Alice (May) Daly, Theresa Fleming, Haydee Fox, Mervyn Harris, Harry Henderson, Alan Hood, Kenneth Hooke, Graham Kilpatrick, Alfred Kirk, Patricia (Pat) Lindsay, Leila Lloyd, Agnes (Ness) Logan, George Lucas, Anne Macefield, Ronald Malone, Joseph Mayes, Ivy Miskimmim, David Miteff, Venelin Nalder, Eunice Pearce, Marie Pidgeon, William (Narbey)

Poole, Helen Rossie, John Rowlands, Donald Salmon, Gerald Shephard, Gwen Staite/Smerdon, Celina Wade, Catherine (Kay) Watson, Eric Wilkins, Bernard Williams, Kelvin

26 Jul 06 Brooks, Lawrence (Laurie) Calman, Blossom Carter, Phyllis Clement, Ian Coventry, Henry Cropper, Audrey Davis, Alan Fairbairn, Norma Freeman, Hannah Garlick, Valerie Harris, Cecilia Henderson, Alan Hooke, Graham Hydes, Aileen Kirk, Patricia (Pat) La Roche, Dawn Lindsay, Leila Lucas, Anne Mayes, Ivy McLean, Helen Mears, Phillip Miskimmim, David Neale-Halliday, Gwendoline Oberg, Robyn Pearce, Marie Robinson, William Rossie, John Rowlands, Donald Shephard, Gwen Sloper, David Wade, Catherine (Kay) Williams, Kelvin Winstanley, Cissie Wright, William (Bill) Young, Margaret (Joyce)

27 Jul 06 Bentley, Leo (Pete) Blockley, George Boyce, Donald Brandrick, Pamela Cook, Derek Crozier, Betty Davis, Alan Fairbairn, Norma Fast, Ross Griffin, Helen Harris, Cecilia Hooke, Graham Hutcheson, Margaret (Peg) Hydes, Aileen Iggo, Hilda Jamieson, Margaret

Keown, Dale Poole, Helen Sloper, David Spencer, Marie Williams, Kelvin

28 Jul 06 Anderson, Myrle (Andy) Brandrick, Pamela Coventry, Henry Craib, Lesley Craze, Ronald Crozier, Betty Curran, Mary (Pat) Fast, Ross Fraser, Elizabeth Freeman Hannah Hodgen, Kathleen Iggo, Hilda Jones, Clinton Leckie, John Mielnik, Jan (John) Rogers, Anthony Rogers, Michael (Buck) Sharlick, Rodney Spencer, Marie Stewart, Elaine Stokes, Margaret Williams, Kelvin

29 Jul 06 Anderson, Myrle (Andy) Andrews, Reynold (Keith) Bentley, Leo (Pete) Brandrick, Pamela Bumpers, Ann Cook, Derek Cottrell, Lois Craib, Lesley Craze, Ronald Dock, Joseph Edwards, Richard Espie, James (Jim) Fairbairn, Norma Fast, Ross Fiso, Tufanua Fitzgerald, Patricia Ford, Jean Fraser, Elizabeth Gilmour, Pam Goslin, Willders Grant, Kieran (Kerry) Harwood, Graeme Hollebon, Mary Hoskins, Joyce Jordan, Geoffrey Lansdown-Adriaens, Lily Massey, Martin McLean, Helen Mielnik, Jan (John) More, Adrian Murphy, Florence (Kenton) Newman, Rena Noonan, Peter O'Boyle, John

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Piper, Betty Rees, James (Bernie) Rogers, Anthony Scott, Anthony Sharlick, Rodney Simes, Louise (Thelma) Stuart, Robert Terrill, Walter (Wally) Tulloch, Violet Whyte, Fergus Wilcox, John

31 Jul 06 Andrews, Reynold (Keith) Bell, Marie Blair, John (Jack) Brooks, John Bumpers, Ann Cooper, Micheal Cottrell, Lois Dennehy, Edna Dock, Joseph Espie, James (Jim) Gerrand, Sybil Grigg, David Harbidge, Leslie (Bill) Harris, Raymond Harwood, Graeme Hollebon, Mary Hunton, Ronald Hutcheon, David (John) Langley, Mary Lavender, Armlet (Peg) Massey, Martin McConchie, Errol (Jack) More, Adrian Morrison, Norman Nicholson, Grant (Toby) Noonan, Peter Northmore, Elizabeth (Betty) O'Boyle, John Penn, Moran (Mo) Priest, James (Gilbert) Scott, William (Boyd) Sullivan, Dorothy (Dot) Turner, Noel Ward, Perrine Whyte, Fergus Wilson, John (Bryce)

1 Aug 06 Aldous, Jack Bell, Marie Blair, John (Jack) Brooks, John Connor, Mary Cook, Derek Cooper, Micheal Cross, Gilbert Cuddon, John Dennehy, Edna Ditchburn, Shirley Douglas, Ronald Drummond, Donald (Alan) Grant, Kieran (Kerry)

Grigg, David Haigh, Douglas Harrington, Doreen Harris, Raymond Hetrick, John Hoare, Graeme Hunton, Ronald Hutcheon, David (John) Kempkers, Wilhelmina Langley, Mary Lavender, Armlet (Peg) Nicholson, Grant (Toby) Northmore, Elizabeth (Betty) Prattley, William (Bill) Ryce, John (Jack) Scott, William (Boyd) Skinner, Margaret (Peggy) Stalker, Naomi Stephens, Miriam Symons, Eric (Sam) Tunnicliffe, Novena Turner, Noel Watkins, Mary Whyte, John Willis, Brian Winslade, John Yurjevich, Roseleen

2 Aug 06 Aldous, Jack Bailey, Marie Bennett, Nancy Borrie, John Bradley, Bruce Broadhurst, Elizabeth (Betty) Brooks, John Campbell, May (Maisie) Connor, Mary Cooper, Micheal Cross, Gilbert Cuddon, John Dennehy, Edna Ditchburn, Shirley Ditfort, Vernon Douglas, Ronald Duke, Beatrice Espie, James (Jim) Everest, Margaret (Betty) Gerrand, Sybil Goodall, Frederick Hall, Raymond (Alan) Harbidge, Leslie (Bill) Harrington, Doreen Henderson, Mary (Annette) Hoare, Graeme Hunter, George Musson, William Noon, Alison Prasad, Rohini Prattley, William (Bill) Regan, Patricia Roberts, Dianne Ryce, John (Jack) Tooley, Nancy

Tunnicliffe, Novena Voot, Margarita (Maret) Ward, Mary Ward, Perrine Willis, Brian Winslade, John

3 Aug 06 Barnard, Perceval (Lance) (Barney) Cargill, Una Cooper, Micheal Everest, Margaret (Betty) Fairley, Germaine Gerrand, Sybil Hall, Raymond (Alan) Hunter, George Ivey, Ruby Maples, Geoffrey McGrath, Joseph McPhail, Mignon Moffitt, Gaynor Nixon, Louise Noon, Alison Privett, June Regan, Patricia Roberts, Dianne Roxburgh, Rymall Shirlaw, Helen Southon, William (Bill) Stalker, Naomi Stephens, Jason Tye, James Whenmouth, George Wilby, Gordon Williams, Merlin (Merle) Willis, Brian Winslade, John

4 Aug 06 Anstice, Stanley (Roy) Barnard, Perceval (Lance) (Barney) Bowan, Alaire Bowan, Maurice Dalzell, Gail de Jong, Martinus (Martin) Eiffe, Francis (Frank) Everest, Margaret (Betty) Guise, Pauline Henderson, Mary (Annette) Keenan, Roger Maples, Geoffrey Meech, Shirley Regan, Patricia Rhodes, Gordon Roberts, Dianne Rossiter, Leslie Shirlaw, Helen Wilby, Gordon

5 Aug 06 Bishop, James Cao, Chinu Collins, Norman Cox, Phyl

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cox, Sydney Dalzell, Joan Daniels, Betty de Jong, Martinus (Martin) Downey, Bridget Drayton, Graham Duke, Beatrice Eiffe, Francis (Frank) Forsyth, Kathleen Guise, Pauline Heatherington, Yvonne Hook, Jean Ikink, Johannes (John) Jones, William (Bill) Keenan, Roger Kerr, Gladys King, Lucy Malthus, Colin Manual, Marie Matthews, Edna Matthews, Violet (Pat) McKenzie, James Meech, Shirley O'Neill, Maud Paardekooper, Peter Reveley, Dorothy Rhodes, Gordon Rossiter, Leslie Scott, Hazel Skinner, Margaret (Peggy) Spicer, Brent Taylor, Dorothy Thomas, Hector Whitnall, Dorothy

7 Aug 06 Alexander, Winifred (Win) Allison, Frances Bishop, James Cannan, James Coates, Peter Cox, Sydney Dalzell, Joan Eckersley, Frank Foote, Rachel Forsyth, Kathleen Goodliffe, Graham Heatherington, Yvonne King, Lucy Kuzmiuk, Irena Lucas, Margaret Malthus, Colin Matthews, Patricia Meinzer, Julie-Anne Millar, Lesley (Ruth) Miller, Ross Minton, John (Jack) Moore, Isabel (Aroha) Neiman, Maurice Nicholls, Esther Paardekooper, Petrus (Peter) Piddington, George Roil, John Rossiter, Leslie Shortland, Kay Spicer, Brent

Strang, Jean Sutton, Valmai (Val) Taylor, Dorothy Taylor, Noel Thomas, Hector (Bill) Thompson, Clarence (Clarrie) Towns, Doris Vallance, Jack Williams, Glenn Woodward, Harriet

8 Aug 06 Abbott, George Adair, Molly Alexander, Winifred Clarke, McBride Coates, Peter Collie, Barbara Cosgrove, Bernard Cox, Sydney Cronin, Maxwell Durant, M. R. (Audrey) East, Rodney Eckersley, Frank Filer, Maria (Margaret) Gerrand, Sybil Goodliffe, Graham Jackson, Eric Kingdon, Andrew Kuzmiuk, Irena Low, James (Jim) Lucas, Margaret McLeod, Deborah (Dairbie) Millar, Lesley (Ruth) Moore, Isobel (Aroha) Neiman, Maurice Quinn, Niall Roil, John Rossiter, Leslie Shortland, Kay Sinclair-Thomson, John Spicer, Brent Stephens, Walter Stuart, Lance Sutton, Valmai (Val) Timblick, Heather Vallance, Jack Webb, Winston (Win) Williams, Glenn Winsloe, Coral Woodward, Harriet (Alice)

9 Aug 06 Adair, Molly Arne, Rena Clarke, McBride Collie, Barbara Collins, Douglas (Doug) Cosgrove, Bernard Filer, Maria (Margaret) Gerrand, Sybil Grenfell, Mona Heine, Leoni Henson, James (Jim) Herbert, Jessie

Jones, Peter Kerr, Iona Low, James (Jim) Marson, Neil Moynihan, Trudy Neiman, Maurice O'Neill, Maud Paardekooper, Peter Quinn, Niall Ramsay, Shona Rhodes, Doreen Roxburgh, Rymall Smith, Barry Soper, Shirley Stephens, Walter Timblick, Heather Vallance, Jack Watson, John Webb, Winston (Win) Williams, Glenn Winsloe, Coral

10 Aug 06 Coubrough, Margaret Dunlop, Ann Gorham, William (Bill) Grenfell, Mona Hartley, Norma Hay, Gifford Henderson, James Herbert, Jessie Jackson, Arthur (Morris) Jackson, Eric Johnstone, Hugh Lyttle, Owen Mackinnon, Suzanne Moffitt, Daphne O'Malley, Kathleen (Kath/Lena) Rhodes, Doreen Shepherd, Jocelyn Smith, Joyce Southgate, Gwendoline Taylor, Anne Watson, John White, Allen Whittleston, Ian

11 Aug 06 Brinkers, Martinus (Martin) Cottom, Muriel Davies, Kenneth Dean, John Delaney, Daphne Gilmore, Ian Gough, Mary (Irene) Grafton, Peter Halpin, Anthony Hay, Gifford Jackson, Arthur (Morris) Johnstone, Hugh Keeley, Ronald (Ron) Krammer, Mavis Lankow, Judith

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Mackinnon, Suzanne Menzies, Leona O'Malley, Kathleen (Kath/Lena) Price, Vina Rhodes, Doreen Robinson, Frederick (John) Scott, Ivor Shepherd, Jocelyn Smith, Joyce Stewart, Mary Taylor, Anne Wakefield, Una Ward, Olive Weckesser, Alan Wilkinson, Patricia

12 Aug 06 Abbott, George Ansett, Alexander Apiata, Nelson Beach, Phyllis Blackstock, Eric Cannan, James Cottom, Muriel Cox, Cedric Crawford, Sheryl Davies, Kenneth Dean, John Donaldson, Fraser Dowling, Margaret Duggan, Colleen East, Rodney Fraser, Thomas (Jim) Gough, Mary (Irene) Grafton, Peter Hall, Godfrey Hearn, Robert Herron, John Howell, Gowan (George) Jackson, Thelma Johnson, Mary Keeley, Ronald Krammer, Mavis Lankow, Judith Lyttle, Owen MacDonald, George MacDonald, Joyce Marriott, Selina McCarthy, Georgina McKie, Patricia Mead, Clement (Clem) Mechen, Kenneth Menzies, Leona Plimmer, Rayner Price, Vina Ryan, Elizabeth Scott, Ivor Seymour, Noel Smith, Barry Smith, Douglas Ward, Olive Weckesser, Alan Wilkinson, Patricia Wilson, Rona

14 Aug 06

Abbott, George Ansett, Alexander Apiata, Nelson Bailey, Avis Chu, Kwok Crawford, Sheryl Doig, John (Lloyd) Donaldson, Fraser Dowling, Margaret Duff, George Fitzgerald, Thomas Gimblett, Sherle Gloistein, Ann (Pat) Greig, Anita Hall, Godfrey Hartley, Norma Hearn, Robert Hursthouse, Kathleen (Marjorie) Johnson, Mary Jones, Lorna Keele, Melva Lyttle, Owen MacDonald, George McKie, Patricia Mechen, Kenneth Mercer, Margaret Miles, Thomas (Russell) Neylon, Kevin Rondel, Catherine Salton, Margaret Sams, Cyril (Jim) Siitia, Malualii (Fred) Standing, David Todhunter, David Walsh, Michael (Wal) Wilson, Rona Wood, Geoff

15 Aug 06 Abbott, George Apiata, Nelson Bailey, Avis Beatty, Colleen Chambers, Noeline Chick, George Chu, Kwok Combe, Elizabeth (Betty) Crawford, Sheryl Davis, Nora Duff, George Fitzgerald, Thomas France, Valda Francis, Sylvia Gibson, Vyonne Gimblett, Sherle Gloistein, Ann (Pat) Greig, Anita Gurr, Irene Hearn, Robert Kidd, Thomas Knight, Gladys Lay, Ronald Lowe, Isabel Mechen, Kenneth Meinzer, Julie Mercer, Margaret

Miles, Thomas (Russell) Murdoch, Andrew Owen, Elved Pudney, Leo (Lee) Robinson, Patricia Rondel, Catherine Smith, Douglas Walsh, Michael (Wal) Ward, Margaret Winkler, Patricia (Patlene)

16 Aug 06 Bootten, Maurice Chambers, Noeline Colville, Rona Combe, Elizabeth (Betty) Durant, Audrey Gibson, Vyonne Henderson, John Herron, Justine Hoare, Dorothy Innes, Alan Lush, Naomi Mackay, Ivan (Hec) Martin, Brian McCutcheon, Thomas Mechen, Kenneth Mercer, Margaret Rondel, Catherine Scott, George Smith, Barry Smith, Mary Te Maari, Pauline Walsh, Michael (Wal) Ward, Margaret Webb, David

17 Aug 06 Austin, Colin Bootten, Maurice Combe, Elizabeth (Betty) Fowler, Dianne Frampton, Lesley Hanright, Basil Henderson, John Herron, Justine Hoare, Dorothy Hore, George Julian, Brian Mackay, Ivan (Hec) Martin, Brian McCutcheon, Thomas McLauchlan, Roy Meinzer, Julie-Anne O'Keefe, Eileen Quigley, Ronald (Peter) Rodda, Rosita Rodenburg, Derk (Pieter) Rodgers, Margaret (Peg) Sands, Thomas (Bill) Scott, George Siitia, Malualii (Fred) Walsh, Michael (Wal) Wharepapa, Hutare 17Aug 06 (Jesse)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Winkler, Patricia (Patlene)

18 Aug 06 Battersby, Mildred (Millie) Best, Diane Bolton, Freda Bootten, Maurice Copeland, Florence Cross, Marjorie Greenhalgh, Frank Henderson, John Hitchco*ck, Edward (Ned) Hodson, Leo Lowe, Isabel McMahon, Maruereta (Reta) Miller, Mari Rodenburg, Derk (Pieter) Rodgers, Margaret (Peg) Rondel, Catherine Sands, Thomas (Bill) Taylor, Raema Te Maari, Pauline (Polly)

19 Aug 06 Allan, Malcolm Barr, Jessie Bolton, Freda Bootten, Maurice Brown, Pax Callaghan, Emma Christensen, Gladys Cromack, Annie Cross, Marjorie Docherty, Desmond Donohue, Olive Duckworth, Alan (Jim) Dunn, Ralph Greenhalgh, Frank Hitchco*ck, Edward (Ned) Holden, Lloyd Jacobsen, Enid McBride, Ian (Rev.) McCormick, Donald McKendry, Richard (Max) McLenaghan, Coral McMahon, Margereta (Reta) McNaughton, Gwendoline Miller, Mari Moss, Alan Nevin, Russell Norton, Laurence Quigley, Ronald (Peter) Roberton, Paul Roberts, Kyra Rondel, Catherine Ross, Annie Simms, Meredith Stokes, Michael Stone, Eileen Sumpter, John Taylor, Eva Taylor, Raema Webb, David

Winkler, Patricia (Patlene)

21 Aug 06 Barr, Jessie Brown, Pax Carrington, Anthony Christensen, Gladys Cromie, Myra Crosswell, Margaret de Malmanche, Kathleen Duncan, Robert (Robin, Bob) Goddard, George Harris, Ella Hooper, Daphne Jones, Laurie Kennard, Dawn Kennedy, John Lilley, Lawrence McBride, Ian (Rev) McCormick, Donald McGowan, Mary Meynell, Kathleen Miller, Mari Mulrooney, Brother Colin Nevin, Russell Packard, Betty Ross, John Russell, Andrew Scoltock, Vera Shanks, Stewart Sigglekow, Margaret Simms, Meredith Smith, Ngaire Speak, Gwenda Stevenson, Desley Stowell, Hazel Tovey, Peter White, Ngaire Wilkins, Margaret (Heather) Young, Denise (Denny)

22 Aug 06 Ashley, Phillis Begley, Michael Bennett, Olive Blair, Lindsay Brough, Frances Carrington, Anthony Crosswell, Margaret Curtain, Vernon Elliott, Allison Goddard, George Harper, Muriel Harris, Ella Haskett, John Holden, Lloyd Hydes, Joyce Kennard, Dawn Kirby, George Luey, James Madden, Norman Main, Buck (Melvin George) McBride, Ian (Rev) McGowan, Mary Meynell, Kathleen

Mulrooney, Brother Colin Osborne, Dorothy Robb, Irene (Nuna) Russell, Andrew Scoltock, Vera Scott, Roger Shanks, Stewart Speak, Gwenda Stevenson, Desley Tovey, Peter Venz, Gregory Wood, Nan Young, Denise

23 Aug 06 Anderson, Ian Ashley, Phillis Berry, Ethel (Tatie) Bevin, Beatrice Blair, Lindsay Boyd, Florence Campbell, Janet (Bunty) Chesmar, Marjory Cromie, Myra Cusiel, Eddie Dawson, Thelma Elliott, Allison Fellows, John Fraser, George (Des) Harris, Ella Holland, Gillian Keith, Freda Langley, Timothy Mahuika, Patrick Main, Buck (Melvin George) McBride, Ian (Rev) McGowan, Mary McLenaghan, Coral Mercer, John (Jack) Meynell, Kathleen Mitchell, Eric (Steve) Reece, Colin Robb, Irene (Nuna) Scott, Roger Smith, Bruce Venz, Gregory White, Ngaire Williams, Raymond

24 Aug 06 Anderson, Ian Barker, Eleanor Beattie, Kathleen Berry, Ethel (Tatie) Brocket, Agnes Burrows, Maureen Chesmar, Marjory Cooper, Ian (Percy) Cusiel, Eddie Dawson, Thelma Donaldson, John Esslemont, John Fellows, John Forbes, Grahame Fraser, Des Gamble, Marlene

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hillmer, Eleanor (Nell) Holland, Gillian Langley, Timothy Mercer, John (Jack) Mitchell, Eric (Steve) Rakuraku, Junior Riley, Allen Russell, Tahu Scott, Roger Tait, John Thornton, Katherine White, Trevor Wilson, Marjorie (Joyce) Woods, Mary (Edith)

25 Aug 06 Atkins, Donald Barberini, Lawrence Beattie, Kathleen Brocket, Agnes Burrows, Maureen Carter, Wendy Chesmar, Marjory Davidson, Estelle (Hilary) Davis, Mavis Dawson, Thelma Dyer, Rosemary (Rose) Edmonds, Bronwyn Esslemont, Jock Geayley, Kelvin Grigg, Alan Hale, George Heenan, Archibald Heward, Cecil Ilton, Kathleen Kay, Cecily Madden, Norah Ridley, John Riley, Allen Roberts, Alan Scott, Roger Tait, John (Johnny) Thomas, Olga Thompson, Catherine Thomson, Bill Woods, Edith

26 Aug 06 Antoine, Marcelle

Atkins, Donald Bettle, John Bradley, Vernon Burrows, Maureen Carter, Wendy Cooper, Joan Crocker, Margaret Dolan, Eugenia Duggan, Betty Dyer, Rosemary (Rose) Eager, Mary Fisher, Murray Geayley, Kelvin Gormack, Robert Grose, Gertrude (Lexie) Halkett, Suzanne Hanifin, Dorothy

Harris, John Hickling, Ruth Hunter, Martin Ilton, Kathleen Ives, Bede Keenan, Theresa Langford, Maxwell Marks, Rosemary Marriott, Joan McQueen, Dallas Morrison, John Penny, Patricia Perry, Phyllis Ramage, Dulcie Spragg, Ida Stroud, Peter Sullivan, Frank Tait, John Thomas, Olga Tobeck, Norman Walker, Cyril Wells, Ruth White, Trevor Wigzell, Patricia Wilkins, Peter Wylie, Doreen

28 Aug 06 Arundel, Bruce Bettle, John Bond, Lynette Burrows, Maureen Calder, Cicely Carter, Wendy Chapman, Nicholas Cooper, Joan Craw, Valda Crocker, Margaret Davis, Mavis Dolan, Eugenia Dyer, Rosemary Eager, Mary Ferguson, Sadie Fisher, Murray Frazer, Ian Hannah, Eveline (Eva) Harris, John Henderson, Francis Henderson, Gordon Humm, Rita Ives, Bede Kay, Heather Leech, Tui Loader, Patrick Mahoney, Vera (Betty) Marks, Rosemary McDonald, Thomas McQueen, Dallas Melrose, Meryl (Joan) Mills, Betty Murray, Michael Nolan, Jean Ramage, Dulcie Stevens, Vicki Taylor, Dr Claude

Thompson, Catherine Whitham, Olive (Rita) Williams, Betty Woodstock, Robert Wylie, Doreen

29 Aug 06 Arundel, Bruce Bond, Lynette Calder, Cicely Carter, Wendy Chapman, Nicholas Clark, Charles Craw, Valda Cummings, Ivy Eager, Mary Finney, William Floris, Margaret Frazer, Ian Gourlay, Donald Grahamslaw, John Henderson, Francis Henderson, Gordon Huls, Albert Humm, Rita Ives, Bede Leech, Tui McDonald, Thomas Millard, John Murray, Michael Neate, Jack Nolan, Jean Stevens, Vicki Stone, Doreen Sutton, James (Jim) Swale, Glenda Whitham, Olive (Rita) Wilkinson, Brian Williams, Betty Wingham, Violet (Sherry)

30 Aug 06 Brain, Raewyn Browne, Marylyn Calder, Cicely Coleman, Timothy Craw, Valda Floris, Margaret Foster, Elaine Grahamslaw, John Ives, Bede Jarden, Lloyd Keith, Barbara Kidd, Mavis (May) Leech, Tui Lloyd, Frederick Mahoney, Vera (Betty) Mashlan, John McGeady, Rona McInnes, Lawrence McMullan, Mary Millard, John Neate, Jack Novis, Harold Parkinson, Lea Rei, Marilynne Reihana, Granville

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


(George) Sinclair, Lawrence (Laurie) Sparkes, Arthur Stone, Doreen Sutton, James (Jim) Swale, Glenda Thomas, Margaret Thompson, June Wedlake, Raewyn Whiteside, John Wilkinson, Brian Wingham, Violet

31 Aug 06 Bradshaw, Peter (Graeme) Brain, Raewyn Claydon, John (Jack) Clayton, Ronald Dick, Emily Foster, Elaine Gravett, Colin Hawkins, Marjorie Heine, Roland Keith, Barbara Kidd, Mavis (May) Larsen, Maxwell Lassen, Keith Nixon, Esme Shepherd, Douglas Sparkes, Arthur Streeter, Phillys Thomas, Margaret Thompson, June Wedlake, Raewyn Whiteside, John

1 Sep 06 Claydon, John (Jack) Dale, Noeline deRooy, Thirza Dick, Emily Drummond, Madge Gravett, Colin Harrison, Margaret Houston, Gordon Miskimmin, Jessie Nicholson, Margaret Nixon, Esme Novis, Harold O'Connell, Patrick (Tim) Reihana, Granville (George) Shepherd, Douglas Streeter, Phillys Thomas, Margaret Veitch, Tony (Anthony) Wallace, Francis (George) Watters, Murray (Wattie) Whiteside, John Wilkinson, Brian Wright, James (Jim)

2 Sep 06 Anderson, Elvena Beckingsale, Shirley Cavanagh, Olive Caygill, Jeremy

Coleman, Tim Cooper, Joyce (Annace) Grange, Mary Hannah, Kevin Harrison, Margaret Horton, Robin Houston, Gordon Hulston, Russell Jarman, David Lee, Trevor Levestam, Lindsay MacIntosh, Ronald McKay, John McKenzie, Alfred (Alf) McMullan, Mary McNeil, Lorna Meares, Elizabeth (Betty) Miskimmin, Jessie Nicholson, Margaret Nolan, Kerry Pillinger, Nyra Scandrett, John Sellars, Anne Taylor, Dulcie Truscott, Lynne Veitch, Tony (Anthony) Wade, Garth Watson, Gwenneth (Judy) Watters, Murray (Wattie) Wright, James (Jim)

4 Sep 06 Anderson, Elvena Barker, Mary Brooks, Dean Cooper, Joyce (Annace) Egerton, Dennis Foster, Winifred Gilchrist, Daphne Gladden, Lilian Grange, Mary Harrison, Margaret (Gert) Heney, Coddy Horton, Robin Houston, Gordon Hulston, Russell Jacobs, William (Tom) Kidd, Dorothy (Dolly) Knight, Joanne (Jo) McKenzie, Alfred (Alf) McLaren, William (Bill) McNeil, Lorna Miskimmin, Jessie Mounce, Trevor Nolan, Kerry Riley, Sylvia Schenkel, Mervyn Stewart, Logan Te Amo, Tai Truscott, Lynne Vile, Margaret (Meg) Wade, Garth Watson, Tomina (Min) White, Iris

5 Sep 06

Alexander, Jayne Anderson, Vincent (Sandy) Bower, Melville Cavanagh, Olive co*ckram, Joanna (Anna) Crowhen, Ian Dynes, Felicity Eaton, Trevor Foster, Winifred Garnett, Dorothy Gilchrist, Daphne Gladden, Lilian Green, Jean Harper, Dorothy Horton, Robin Huggins, Albert Knight, Joanne (Jo) Luscombe, Angela McLaren, William (Bill) McNeil, Lorna Mounce, Trevor Nolan, Kerry O'Connor, Brian Pryor, Jennifer Riley, Sylvia South, Bertha Stapleton, Claire Stone, Ronald Te Amo, Tai Vile, Margaret (Meg) Ward, Robert (Wardy) Warrington, Richard (Dick) Watson, Tomina (Min) White, Iris

6 Sep 06 Alexander, Jayne Anderson, Vincent (Sandy) Bourke, Rosina Cavanagh, Jane (Helen) co*ckram, Joanna (Anna) Crowhen, Ian Dawson, Ada Doyle, Jean Dynes, Felicity Eaton, Trevor Gerrard, Janet (Jan) Harper, Dorothy Harris, Peter Huggins, Albert Knight, Joanne (Jo) Kurta, Alexander Maloney, John McIntyre, John (Ray) Mulgrew, Patricia (Pat) O'Connor, Brian Peters, Ian Putt, Frederick Read, Merle Riley, Sylvia Smyth, Colin South, Bertha Stone, Ronald Symington, Kathleen (Marion) Taylor, Melissa

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Torrance, Marjorie Vile, Margaret (Meg) Ward, Robert Watson, Tomina (Min) Wong, Phillip

7 Sep 06 Alexander, Jayne Butters, Stuart Cameron, May Carmichael, Colin (Mike) Chambers, Olive Clarke, Rose Eaton, Trevor Elder, Patricia Entwistle, Joyce Espie, Alice Hair, William Harris, Peter Harry, Marjorie (Marnie) Johnson, Karon Jones, Peggy Kerr, Bruce Luscombe, Angela Maloney, John Mulgrew, Patricia (Pat) Peters, Ian Putt, Frederick Shirley, Robyn Smith, Dianne Smyth, Colin Symington, Kathleen (Marion) Taylor, Melissa Taylor, Shona Telfar, Ross Ward, Robert (Wardy) Wong, Phillip

8 Sep 06 Alexander, Jayne Barrett, Desmond Bonner, Daphne Brown, Mavis Butters, Stuart Charteris, Emily Clarke, Rose Coulter, Sashi Geere-Watson, James (Ken) Johnson, Karon Jones, Peggy Kerr, Bruce Morrison, Lucy Ng, Ha Fong Prior, Elaine Pryce, Beryl Putt, Frederick Samson, Clayton Smyth, Colin Telfar, Ross van der Krogt, Johannes (John) Whyte, Janet Wong, Phillip

9 Sep 06

Brown, Mavis Butters, Stuart Cameron, Gail Campbell, Jessie Carmichael, Colin (Mike) Charteris, Emily Coakley, Winifred Coulter, Sashi Crozier, Ivan Davies, Harold Everett, Frederick Foster-Lynam, Annie Galambos, Joseph Greenwood, Leonard Harry, Marjorie (Marnie) Hockings, Josephine (Molly) Huddlestone, Joan Innes, James Johnson, Karon Kent, Olwyn Kokkinidis, Larry Lawrie, Ivy Luscombe, Angela Mafi, Riki Mahoney, Bede Matenga, John (Johnny Ma) Meikle, Mary (Micky) Milligan, Arthur (Pip) Neill, Errol Ng, Ha Fong Noone, James Polglase, Garth Quirk, Suzanne Reardon, Pohara Samson, Clayton Sands, Myrtle Smallridge, Barbara Smyth, Colin Stringer, Revell (George) Sutton, Richard Tod, John (Jock) van der Krogt, Johannes (John) Vanderes, Flokke (Louisa) Wards, Richard (Bruce) Whyte, Janet Wooles, Marie Woolford, Enid Wouters, Hildegard (Oma)

11 Sep 06 Brown, Brian Butters, Stuart Cameron, Gail Connett, Lenette Crequer, Patrick Dunnage, Eula Everett, Frederick Galambos, Joseph Gorrie, Anne Green, Bernard (Hurgi) Greenwood, Leonard Hanham, Robert Harvey, Jessie

Hill, George (Ray) Holgate, Isabella (Belle) Hudson, Lloyd (Joe) Innes, James Irvine, Lilian King, Dennis Kinsey, Mary Kirk, Florence Lawrie, Ivy Lewis, Graham Logan, Felicity Mahoney, Bede Matenga, John (Johnny Ma) McNie, Agnes (Nan) McRae, Rita Meikle, Mary (Micky) Milligan, Arthur (Pip) Paulsen, Andrew (Andy) Prewer, Georgina Price, Caroline Quirk, Suzanne Rendel, Glenda Sands, Myrtle (Merl) Smith, Cyril Stace, Kelvin (Kelly) Stock, David Stockman, Nicki (Jody) Stringer, Revell (George) Tapley, Hillary Wouters, Hildegard (Oma)

12 Sep 06 Allen, Ronald Brown, Brian Burgess, Ariana Burrow, Isabel Burtenshaw, Sylvia (Betty) Connor, Warren Davis, Reginald Dunnage, Eula Garnett, Kenneth Grant, Phyllis (Nanny) Green, Bernard Green, Frederick Harvey, Jessie Hill, George (Ray) Hudson, Lloyd (Joe) Irvine, Lilian Johnstone, James King, Dennis Leeming, Anne Lewis, Graham Mahoney, Bede Matenga, John Matheson, Jon Mattar, Edith (Judy) McLennan, David McNie, Agnes (Nan) Moyle, Terence Paulsen, Andrew Porter, Myrl Purvis, Robert Quirk, Suzanne Reinsborg, Gwendolyn Rendel, Glenda Stace, Kelvin (Kelly)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Stevens, Betty Stickle, Hugh Stock, David Sutton, Doreen Tapley, Hillary Thorn, Esther Webby, Peter

13 Sep 06 Bayliss, W. T. (Trevor) Belton, Judith Burgess, Ariana Burrow, Isabel Connor, Warren Davis, Reginald Davison, Robert Edwards, Eileen Green, Frederick Hanham, Robert Harrall, Mary Hatherley, Molly Hudson, Lloyd (Joe) Kirk, Florence Lewis, Graham Logan, Felicity Matheson, Jon Mattar, Edith (Judy) McLay, Herbert Porter, Myrl Purvis, Robert Rendel, Glenda Sinclair, David Smith, Janice Stevens, Betty Stickle, Hugh Stock, David Sutton, Doreen Virtue-Farrelly, Sue Warren, Frances Webby, Peter Wragg, Gerald

14 Sep 06 Ash, Graeme Atkins, Elizabeth Bayliss, W. T. (Trevor) Belton, Judith Burgess, Ariana Davison, Robert Fahey, Father Cronan Gee, Eric Harrall, Mary Hatherley, Molly Mee, Catherine (Iris) Nuttall, Thomas O'Rourke, Pauline Perry, Jill Porter, Myrl Rait, Marjory Reeves, Doris Robert, Stanley Russell-Wilson, Shirley Stevens, Betty Thietten, Dwight Virtue-Farrelly, Sue Wall, Frank Ware, Marion

White, Mary

15 Sep 06 Ash, Graeme Batie, Phyllis (Audrey) Burgess, Ariana Chisholm, James Dyer, Arthur (Field) Fahey, Father Cronan Gee, Eric Jewell, Norman Kingston, Jean Leach, Sadie (May) Lineham, Wilfred (Ernie) McCullough, Thomas Nation, Jacqueline (Fran) O'Rourke, Pauline Reeves, Doris Russell-Wilson, Shirley Stevens, Betty Stewart, Noeline Storey, Mary Sugrue, Violet Virtue-Farrelly, Sue Ware, Marion Whitelaw, Cecil (Norm) Wilson, James

16 Sep 06 Ash, Graeme Austin, Joy Basher, Kathleen Batie, Phyllis (Audrey) Beban, Rocco Bentley, Marie Blakemore, Murray Butler, Leonard Cameron, Alan Cooper, Margaret Craig, Cynthia Flitcroft, John Geary, Doris (Dot) Gee, Eric Griffin, Eileen Gulleford, Glenn Hill, Monica Holdsworth, Valerie Kelly, Thelma Lamb, Dorothy Langford, Pauline Leach, Sadie (May) Leary, Kathleen Leath, Ernest Leeming, Annemarie Legge, Royce Manning, Shirley McCullough, Thomas McDougall, Sina Mulholland, David Nation, Jacqueline (Fran) Pile, Clare Pither, Alfreda (Rawea) Russell-Wilson, Shirley Saacks, Eileen Samson, Aline (Ali) Simpson, Mary Stewart, Noeline

Storey, Mary Uhrbom, Peter Ware, Marion Wilson, James

18 Sep 06 Agar, Loeta Armstrong, Janet Basher, Kathleen Beckett, Brendan Blakemore, Murray Butler, Leonard Butters, Doris Campbell, Evelyn (Eve) Charlett, Raymond Childs, Grace De Wolf, Hendrick (Henk) Denny, Maureen (Betty) Doncliff, Robert (Bert) Fairhall, Phyllis Ffewkes, Harry (Derek) Gavin, Betty Glubb, Ethol Grant, Elizabeth Grant, Marjorie Green, Leslie Gulleford, Glenn Leary, Kathleen Lyttle, Clifford McClelland, Arnold McLeod, Alan Rasch, Maureen Smithies, Harold Spensley, Anne Stokes, Raymond Sugrue, Violet Treymane, Irene (Sally) Uhrbom, Peter

19 Sep 06 Baldick, Glenys Beckett, Brendan Blakemore, Murray Butler, Leonard Campbell, Evelyn (Eve) Corbishley, Mary (Myra) Cross, Kenneth Denny, Maureen (Betty) Dephoff, Wilfred (Bill) Glubb, Ethel Grant, Marjorie Inkster, Margaret Kilner, Evelyn Leary, Kathleen Leeson, Pauline Lyttle, Clifford McCullough, Thomas McLeod, Alan Richardson, Jane (Jean) Saacks, Eileen Samuel, Elizabeth Smithies, Harold Spensley, Anne Steenson, Alexia Stokes, Raymond

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Treymane, Irene (Sally) Uhrbom, Peter Williams, Winifred

20 Sep 06 Alexander, Bruce Allan, Bruce Austen, Leicester Beckett, Brendan Campbell, Patricia Clarke, Noel Corbishley, Mary (Myra) Cross, Kenneth Cummings, Ivy Davison, Francis Denny, Maureen (Betty) Dephoff, Wilfred (Bill) Fahey, Father Cronan Fielding, Frank Gargett, David (Joe) Gavin, Betty Glubb, Ethel Graham, Grace Gulleford, Glenn Horner, Vonda Huddy, Patricia Inkster, Margaret Ives, Bryan Jacka, Peter Joyce, Eileen Kilkenny, Rhoda Leary, Kathleen (Kate) Leeson, Pauline Meldon, Eric Nesbit, Neville O'Loughlin, John Richardson, Jane (Jean) Ross, Thelma Spensley, Anne Starck, Victoria Steenson, Alexia Sutherland, Judith Treymane, Irene (Sally)

21 Sep 06 Arthur, Ernest (Tony) Bowler, Mary (Molly) Corbishley, Mary (Myra) Cox, Gillian Donaldson, Dawn Facer, Ngaire Gargett, David (Joe) Graham, Grace Green, Herbert Hodgson, Noelene Houghton, David Ives, Bryan Joyce, Eileen MacDonald, Christopher Mathias, Philip Nesbit, Neville Pearce, Dawn Reiha, Leona (Joyce) Ross, Thelma Samuel, Elizabeth Scott, Norma Simpson, Patience (Pat)

Spensley, Anne Straker, Grace (Jill) Sutherland, Judith Van Balkum, Cornelius (Kees) Willis, Vera (Jean)

22 Sep 06 Aitken, Basil Alexander, Bruce Arthur, Ernest (Tony) Cox, Gillian Donaldson, Dawn Faulls, William Giles, Iris Harris, William Hodgson, Noelene Hunter, Joan Joyce, Eileen Kendrick, Roy MacDonald, Christopher McCoubrey, Hugh (Mac) Muir, David Mulligan, Rosaleen O'Grady, Reverend Kevin Pearce, Dawn Ross, Thelma Willis, Vera (Jean)

23 Sep 06 Aitken, Basil Brady, Elizabeth Clark, James Dephoff, Wilfred (Bill) Divers, Margaret Faulls, William Fielding, Frank Flynn, David Giles, Iris Graham, Grace Harris, William Hayman, John (Jack) Herring, Janet (Jan) Hodgson, Noelene Hunter, Irene (Jean) Hunter, Joan Kendrick, Roy Little, Nell (Marie) Matua Kuresa, Matuavao McCorkindale, Clarke (Bill) McCoubrey, Hugh (Mac) McKenzie, Honorah (Nora) Meldon, Eric Muir, Marjorie Mulligan, Rosaleen O'Grady, Reverend Father Kevin Ross, Athol Smith, William (Barry) Sutton, Cynthia (Joy) Tait, John Te Maiharoa, Tamaiti van der Spruit, Alida (Alice) Wheelans, Jacqueline

25 Sep 06

Aitken, Basil Askew, Lois Cairns, John Clark, James Cox, Jeffrey Demouth, Joan Dempsey, Pamela Duff, Irene Fitzgerald, Allan Fonmoa, Elaisa Gillard, Dorothy Hair, Newton Hamilton, Edna Hansbury, Robert Herring, Janet (Jan) Johnson, Bruce McCorkindale, Clark Middleton, Emily Mollet, Diana (Dinny) O'Grady, Reverend Father Kevin O'Hehir, Edwina O'Sullivan, Grattan Skelton, Garry Smith, Vera Stewart, Jennifer Stonyer, Brent Tait, John Uitslag, Johanna

26 Sep 06 Allan, Alison Askew, Lois Beckford, Lancelot Bozhinoff, Freda Cairns, John Cawte, Mick Church, George Costello, Geoffrey Cox, Jeffrey Demouth, Joan Dempsey, Pamela Dore, Marie (June) Duff, Irene Fabian, Raymond Ferens, Roy Fonmoa, Elaisa Gillard, Dorothy Hamilton, Edna Hill, Edgar Hill, Raymond Johnson, Bruce Knowles, Dulcie Middleton, Emily Mollet, Diana (Dinny) O'Grady, Reverend Father Kevin Richards, Peter Ross, Athol Smyth, Lockwood Stewart, Jennifer Tait, John Thompson, Dorothy Uitslag, Johanna Wells, Philip

27 Sep 06

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Askew, Lois Beckford, Lancelot Bozhinoff, Freda Burrough, Bess Campbell, Kenneth Chapman, Margaret Clemence, Barbara Coleman, William (Bill) Cox, Jeffrey Cumming, Ngaire Dallas, David (Bruce) Dempsey, Pamela Dore, Marie (June) Douglas, Joan Efford, Morva Fabian, Raymond Ferens, Roy Gillard, Dorothy Goodwin, Catherine (Katie) Hill, Edgar Hill, Raymond Jarrett, Sally Jenkins, Merlyn (Merle) Jones, David Justice, Howard Knowles, Dulcie Matua Kuresa, Matuavao Meldon, Eric O'Hehir, Edwina Osborne, Kathleen Richards, Peter Robb, Peter Smith, Vera Smyth, Lockwood Thompson, Dorothy Trustrum, Joy Tucker, Barbara Uitslag, Johanna Wells, Philip

28 Sep 06 Anderson, Iris Angus, Hector Chapman, Margaret Clemence, Barbara Coleman, Allain Devescovi, Jean Divers, Margaret Douglas, Joan Efford, Morva Faithful, Alice Goodwin, Catherine (Katie) Jones, David Kelly, Maurice Larson, Gary Lindroos, Bertram (Chum) Macdonald, Lilian Mapu, (Tareha) Albert Osborne, Kathleen Parkin, Betty Pellett, Pauline

29 Sep 06 Anderson, Iris Angus, Hector Casey, Doris Chapman, Margaret Clemence, Barbara Coleman, Allain Cunningham, William (Ron) Dalzell, Sylvia Douglas, Joan Harden, Lloyd Lindley, Charles Lindroos, Bertram (Chum) Maddren, Irene Peterson, Freda Reid, Gary Wilkinson, Lionel

30 Sep 06 Angus, Hector Bale, Richard Barnden, Douglas (Dougal) Cammock, Brian Christie, George (Bill) Clayton, Wilhelmina (Mina) Coleman, Allain Cunningham, William (Ron) Dalzell, Sylvia George, Violet Hadlee, Walter Hall, Carol Harden, Lloyd Hawthorne, Jaimie Hendry, Robert Jackson-Barnes, Kerry (Jacko) Justice, Howard Kearney, John (Jack) Larson, Gareth (Gary) Leitch, Elaine Lindley, Charles Maddren, Irene Murphy, John Pellett, Pauline Penno, Eileen Phipps, Pamela Scott, Peter Smith, David Smith, Nancy Stanniford, Donald Stevenson, Phyllis Theobald, Phyllis Thorpe, Norman Wards, Ross Wilkinson, Lionel Williamson, Florence (Hope) Young, Audrey (June)

2 Oct 06

Anderson, Thomas (Tom) Andrews, Ronald Beilby, George Booker, Oonah Burgess, Raymond (George) Cammock, Brian Christie, George (Bill) Clayton, Wilhelmina (Mina) Dudley, Maisie Duggan, Matthew Very Rev. Msgr George, Violet Hadlee, Walter Johnston, John (Jim) Jones, Winifred (Joy) Leitch, Elaine Matthews, Kathleen McCaul, Colleen Morrison, Jessie Naismith, Helen Perry, Valerie Phipps, Pamela Rombel, Sister Mary Savin, Albert (Snow) Wards, Daphne Young, Audrey (June)

3 Oct 06 Andrews, Ronald Baldock, Daisy Banfield, John Bartlett, Edna Booker, Oonah Campbell, Penny Cropper, Kathleen (Kathie) Dudley, Maisie Duggan, Matthew (Reverend Monsignor) Fleming, Elizabeth (Joan) Hadlee, Walter (WA) Hendry, Robert (Bob) Hillman-Ngatai, Ana Jones, Winifred (Joy) Leitch, Elaine Lewis, Grace Manion, Arnold Matthews, Kathleen McCaul, Colleen Morrison, Jessie Naismith, Helen Oakley, Patricia Perry, Valerie Poad, Trevor Quill, Michael (Mike) Rombel, Sister Mary Savin, Albert (Snow) Schultze, Mervyn Selfe, Margaret (Peg) Shears, Florence Wilkinson, Lionel Young, Audrey (June) Young, Nancy

4 Oct 06 Allington, Harold

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Banfield, John Blyth, Ronald Campbell, Penny Conder, Hazel Dudley, Maisie Duggan, Matthew (Reverend Monsignor) Fisher, Ethel (Janie) Fleming, Elizabeth (Joan) Hamilton, Brian (Tom) Hillman-Ngatai, Ana Lewis, Grace Lowe, Siu Lundy, Brian McCaul, Colleen McDonagh, Colman McNulty, Mary (Maeve) Mora, Violet Newton, Janet Oakley, Patricia Quill, Michael (Mike) Rodley, Dennis Savin, Albert Schultze, Mervyn Shackleton, David Stringer, Cyril Thorpe, Norman Young, Audrey (June)

5 Oct 06 Allington, Harold Anstice, Kenneth Bromley, David Campbell, Penny Chiles-Peart, Anthony Chilwell, Margaret (Peggy) Fisher, Ethel Fisher, Ian (Scotty) Hamilton, Brian (Tom) Harvey, Sally Holland, Donald Lowe, Siu Mora, Violet Newton, Janet Oakley, Patricia Percival, Winifred Perriam, Vera Quill, Michael Savin, Albert Shea, Leonard Swaine, Kathleen (Ann)

6 Oct 06 Black, Wallace (Wally) Chaney, Alison Chiles-Peart, Anthony Hamilton, Brian (Tom) Hayter, James Higginson, Joan Holland, Donald Jenkinson, Mary Lundy, Brian Merrin, Elwyn (Val) Quill, Michael van Gorwen, Anton Wood, Eunice

7 Oct 06 Aitken, Donald (Lindsay) Barnett, Karl (Dave) Black, Wallace (Wally) Bobby, Margaret Cattell, David Chaney, Alison Chilwell, Margaret (Peggy) Clark, Elsie Courtier, Howard Crawford, Edith Danielson, Egbert (Bert) Duthie, Raewyn Fleming, Elizabeth (Joan) Garmonsway, Kathleen Gracie, Lindsay Hullen, Matilda (May) Jenkinson, Mary Johns, Joan Kingston, Ngaire Lyne, Brendan (Dr) Mayne, Margaret (Gwen) McDonagh, Colman Merrin, Elwyn (Val) Mora, Violet Nicholl, Katherine (Wendy) Nichols-Baxter, Heather O'Callaghan, Kaio Patient, Raymond Poad, Trevor Scott, William (Scotty) Shiels, Audrey Simons, Joan Wood, Eunice

9 Oct 06 Bain, Raymond (Tom) Barnett, Karl (Dave) Bigham, Ian Bobby, Margaret Button, Joyce Cattell, David co*cks, Joyce Courtier, Howard Crawford, Edith Garmonsway, Kathleen Gullen, Robert (Bob) Henry, May Hicks, Alvin Huston, Noeline Jackson, Joan Knaggs, Pamela Lanini, Beverley McAteer, Miriam McLeod, Norman McPhie, Nola (Noeleen) Newlands, Letitia (Letty) Nicholl, Katherine (Wendy) Nolan, Gerald Patient, Raymond Price, Stewart Robertson, Hazel Sandford, Walter (Les, Sandy) Setter, Brian

Sinclair, Leigh Stables, John (Ray) Stalker, Ethel Sutton, Dawn Todd, Olive (Berta) Watson, Stuart

10 Oct 06 Barnett, Karl (Dave) Bigham, Ian Boniface, Peter Bourgeois, Ernest Brady, Paul Britten, Nancy Button, Joyce co*cks, Joyce Courtier, Howard Ford, Robert (Bob) Henderson, Rev. Canon Miriam (Aunty Nin) Henry, May Heywood, Carey Huston, Noeline Kirkwood, Charles (Tahuna) Knaggs, Pamela McLeod, Norman McPhie, Nola (Noeleen) Patient, Raymond Ross, Myrtle Sandford, Walter (Les, Sandy) Stalker, Ethel Thompson, Denis Uren, Betty Viall, Melissa

11 Oct 06 Anderson, Ian Beckett, Daphne Bigham, Ian Brady, Paul Burgess, Michael Button, Joyce Craig, Joyce Don, Hazel Fahey, Ynys Ford, Robert (Bob) French, Keith Goodman, Donald (Don) Henderson, George (Ian) Henderson, Miriam (Reverend Canon) Henry, May Hix, Joan Jackson, Joan Lilly, Alwyn (Snow) Luff, John McLeod, Norman Parks, Mary Price, Stewart Robertson, Hazel Rose, Violet Stevens, Dorothy (Flo) Studholme, Beth Wallace, Thomas Ward, Elsie

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


12 Oct 06 Chivers, Minnie Dunlop, Jessica Ford, Robert (Bob) Foster, Leslie French, Keith Goodman, Donald (Don) Hill, James Hill, Victor Jones, Rosemary Lowry, Kate Luff, John McIntosh, Norman Moore, Dudley Papps, Murray Paris, Vivienne Rose, Violet Simpson, Betty Stenhouse, Kathleen (Katie) Sutherland, Shirley Wales, Norman

13 Oct 06 Butt, Elizabeth (Betty) Chivers, Minnie Dunlop, Jessica (Jessie) Hawker, John Hill, James (Jim) Jackson, Sandra Jones, Rosemary Lowry, Kate McKay, Richard (Dick) Paal, Julius Reagher, Chris Savage, Keith Trustrum, Joy Van Dyk, Johannes (John) Van Hout, Theodorus Wales, Norman Wills, Ethel

14 Oct 06 Brown, Ellen (Nell) Dawson, Ivy Driver, Ruth Fantham, Doris Flitcroft, John Foote, Thomas Foster, Leslie Gullen, Robert Hawker, John Hay, Kevin Hyslop, Dorothy Jackson, Sandra Jones, Ronald Jones, Rosemary Ke, Fuqing Kenyon, John F (Col) McKay, Richard (Dick) McLean, Peter McNeill, Judith Meyer, Joyce Moreton, Hilda Paal, Julius Papps, Murray

Price, Stewart Raizis, Stavros Savage, Keith Sharpe, Ian (Gordon) Sutherland, Shirley Sweeney, Patrick Togiaso, Leota Van Dyk, Johannes (John) Van Hout, Theodorus Wales, Norman Willetts, Shirley Wills, Ethel

16 Oct 06 Anderson, Zoe Baker, Jean Batstone, Elizabeth (Betty) Bolger, Shirley (Paddy) Brosnahan, Margaret (Peggy) Bull, Teresa Carter, Margaret Donaldson, Mary Dukie, Tracy Fantham, Doris Frost, Clarice Gilfedder, Peter Gray, Betty Hamilton, Agnes Hansen, Matthias (Bud) Hunt, Lorraine Hyslop, Dorothy James, Jean Kent, Amelia (Milly) McGuinness, Sarah McNeill, Judith Moreton, Hilda Morris, Laura Rapana, Shane Richardson, Jacqueline (Jacqui) Sharpe, Ian (Gordon) Te Ngaru, Dave Williams, Neena

17 Oct 06 Annett, Mildred Baker, Jean Barnett, Margaret Batstone, Elizabeth Broadhurst, Mavis Brosnahan, Margaret Carter, Margaret Donaldson, Theresa Dukie, Tracy Ellen, Peter Findlay, Margaret Frost, Clarice Geange, Ethel Gilfedder, Peter Goodfellow, Vincent Gray, Betty Hamilton, Agnes Hansen, Matthias Hart, Gwennyth Hastie, Aileen (Peg) Hay, Kevin

Hunt, Lorraine James, Jean Jamieson, Brian Jones, Jake Lambert, Mary Lund, Joy Moreton, Hilda Oliver, Margaret O'Toole, Molly Perkins, Gillian Rapana, Shane Reynolds, June Ria, Margaret Richardson, Jacqueline Robinson, Arahura Scott, Terrance Smith, Grace Somerfield, Winifred Spooner, James Te Ngaru, Dave Togiaso, Leota Williams, Neena 18 Oct 06 Bensemann, Alan Bolger, Shirley (Paddy) Carter, Margaret Caulfield, Betty Falloon, Alan Foster, Ronald Frost, Clarice Gayton, Douglas Gray, Betty Gray, Mary Hastie, Aileen (Peg) Hay, Kevin Jamieson, Brian Jones, Arthur Jones, Jake Lund, Joy Munz, Peter Nash, James Pattison, Maude Pierce, Nellie Rapana, Shane Redmond, Douglas Reynolds, June Richardson, Jacqueline Russell, Elizabeth Saunders, Zita Scott, Terrance Sheffield, Alan (Jim) Smith, Grace Somerville, Winifred (Wyn) Spooner, James Tolley, James Viall, Melissa Weir, Doreen

19 Oct 06 Caulfield, Betty Cowley, Eileen Dalley, Esma (Alice) Davies, Euan Falloon, Alan Flavell, James Foster, Ronald

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Frost, Clarice Galbraith, Ruby Garde, Patrick Greer, Thomas Hume, Noelene Jones, Arthur Jury, George (Trevor) Lynds, John Nash, James Perkins, Gillian Pierce, Nellie Poulsen, Mary Rapana, Shane Redmond, Douglas Scott, Carol Scott, Terrance Sheffield, Alan (Jim) Sleigh, Joan Sloane, Robina (Bobby) Tovey, Doris

20 Oct 06 Bown, Donald Cowley, Eileen Dalley, Esma (Alice) Fifield, Cyril Flavell, James Foster, Ronald Garde, Patrick Glendenning, James Good, James (Alf) Hume, Noelene Jury, George (Trevor) Kelly, Jacqueline Liddell, Myra Nash, James Poulsen, Mary Redmond, Douglas Scott, Carol Taiaroa, Raymond Williams, Queenie

21 Oct 06 Anwyl, Alfred Bown, Donald Davies, Euan Davis, Evelyn Doherty, James Eason, Ellen (Nellie) Edwards, Douglas Egan, Alan Fifield, Cyril Galbraith, Ruby Galligan, Pauline Gardner, Noel Giddens, Peter Glendenning, James Good, James (Alf) Gray, Albert (Les) Harper, Lillian (June) Howell, Alfred Ibbotson, Colin Kelly, Jacqueline Kibblewhite, James Knight, Maureen (Maggie)

Liddell, Myra McGeorge, Stuart McManus, Paul Murray, John Nicholson, Reta Pearce, May Robinson, Phyllis Scott, Dr Duncan Scott, Terrance Sim, Adrienne Sloane, Robina (Bobby) Smith, Alma (Bess) Solomon, Sonny Stewart, Robert Stewart, Sam (Ted) Togiaso, Leota Watson, Mabel Williams, Jean Williams, Queenie Yates, Elsie

23 Oct 06 Aitken, Janice Campbell, Ian Egan, Alan Foord, Corinne Galligan, Pauline Gardner, Noel Gibson, Errol (Tex) Gooch, Paul Govan, Marjorie Hyde, David Kenworthy, Clifton Kibblewhite, James Marsden, Joe McDonald, William Moynihan, Shona Neilson, Edward Nicholson, Reta Palmer, Janet Perkins, Gillian Prestney, Mavis Rashbrook, Peter Scott, Dr Duncan Smaill, Geoffrey Smith, Alma (Bess) Smith, Leslie Stanton, Edith Sutherland, Josephine Watson, Mabel Wilson, June Wotton, Leslie Yates, Elsie

24 Oct 06 Aitchison, Peter Aitken, Janice Baker, William (Bill) Bovill, Betty Broomfield, Beverley Campbell, Ian Carroll, Joshua Davies, Euan Fountain, Jeffry (Jock) Freeman, Mavis Giddens, Peter

Ginivan, Margaret Govan, Marjorie Gray, Albert (Les) Greer, Tom Hewitson, John Hyde, David Keown, Ian Kirton, Jean Leslie, Judith Line, Thomas Mansfield, Norman Marshall, Daphne McDonald, William McLeod, Annie McManus, Paul Mitchell, Laurence Moynihan, Shona Neilson, Edward Oed, Gordon Pearce, May Phillipson, Bart Rashbrook, Peter Ridout, Alan Robinson, Phyllis Robinson, Margaret Robson, John Scott, Dr Duncan Smaill, Geoffrey Smith, Alma (Bess) Smith, Leslie Stanton, Edith Stewart, Robert Sutherland, Josephine Thornton, Agathe White, Ruth Williams, Jean Wilson, Joan Wotton, Leslie Yardley, Doris

25 Oct 06 Aitchison, Peter Andrews, Tony Baker, William Beazley, Agnes Bottomley, Anthony Bovill, Betty Boyd, James Cairney, Vida Cammock, Noel Carroll, Joshua Denovan, Maurice Eggleston, Wynton Fairweather, Nelson Foord, Corinne Freeman, Mavis Gibson, Errol (Tex) Giddens, Peter Goldsmith, Harry Govan, Marjorie Heaps, Joyce Jones, Jane (Jean) Keown, Ian Leslie, Judith Line, Thomas

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Mansfield, Norman Marsden, Joe Matheson, Barbara Matheson, Gordon McManus, Paul Mitchell, Laurence Murchison, Neil Neal, Audrey Oed, Gordon Prestney, Mavis Reid, Leah Scott, Dr Duncan Smith, Leslie Stewart, Sam (Ted) Taylor, Henare Thomson, Elizabeth Thornton, Agathe Viall, Melissa Vlasveld, Andrew Wakefield, Pamela Wallace, Henry (Toby) White, Ruth Wilson, Joan

26 Oct 06 Andrews, Tony Beazley, Agnes Broomfield, Beverley Cairney, Vida Cammock, Noel Carroll, Joshua Chapman, Douglas Dacombe, Donald Gallagher, Toni Galloway, Betty Heaps, Joyce (Joy) Heyward, Dawn Lamb, Geoffrey Lay, Marie (Jo) Lowry, Patric (Ginty) Marshall, Daphne Matheson, Gordon McDonald, William (Bill) Mitchell, Laurence Murchison, Neil Murray, Helen Price, Ruby Pullum, Dorothy Redmayne, Linton Stevens, Daphne Thomson, Elizabeth Wakefield, Pamela Wallace, Henry (Toby) Westerink, Marie White, Anthony Wilson, Joan Wyatt, Kenneth

27 Oct 06 Allison, Laurence (Laurie) Black, Ena Boyes, Ann (Nancy) Brown, Nancy Chapman, Douglas Clark, Joseph (Joe)

Collier, Paul Cope, John Crocker, Mavis (Terrie) Evans, Michael Gallagher, Toni Galloway, Betty Hayward, Rev. Fr Hubert Knight, Stanley Lamb, Geoffrey Lay, Marie (Jo) Lowry, Patric (Ginty) Murchison, Neil Murray, Helen Piggott, James Redmayne, Linton Robinson, Maurice (Robbie) Speirs, Astrid Stevens, Daphne (Jean) Stewart, Pam Upritchard, Gordon White, Anthony Wilson, Joan Wyatt, Kenneth Yates, Elva

28-29 Oct 06 Allison, Laurence Arthur, Margaret Blahut, Keran Cammock, Noel Clark, Joseph Cradock, Jeffrey (Peter) Denovan, Maurice Eastmond, Dorothy Gallagher, Toni Graham, Donald Hayward, Rev. Fr Hubert Hogg, Pat Johnson, Joan Jones, Jane (Jean) Kemp, Ola Macintosh, Nonie Mattison, Ethne McBeath, John McNeil, Betty Millar, Mary Piggott, James Pugh, James (Jim) Rae, Thomas Ramsay, Bruce Robinson, Maurice (Robbie) Russell, Noeline Treves, Ronald Upritchard, Gordon White, Ruby Whiteley, Betty Williams, Helen Williamson, Barbara Yates, Elva Szybowski, Mikhail

30 Oct 06 Aitken, Robert (Stewie) Batchelor, Aileen Bergman, Rosalyn (Rose)

Berland, Trevor Birss, Murray Bruce, Ken Caskey, Joan Denovan, Maurice Gaffaney, Olga Hogan, Daniel (Brother Macartan) Kane, John (Jack) Krammer, Lynette Lapthorne, Henry Leeden, Alexander Longley, Mary McBeath, John McPhail, Ewen Milner, Pauline Moore, Graeme Mycroft, Helen Reid, John Rodgers, James (Jim) Stirling, Zada Stupples, Phyllis Thurlow, Phyllis Williams, Helen Williamson, Barbara Withers, Muriel Wright, Colin Young, Daphne Szybowski, Mikhail

31 Oct 06 Campbell, Delcie Caskey, Joan Dennison, Vernon Fairbank, Monica Fox, Raymond Gaffaney, Olga Hermansen, Maryann Irving, Catharine Kane, John (Jack) Laplanche, Alison Leeden, Alexander Lochhead, George Longley, Mary Lyall, Grace Machray, Douglas McEwan, William (Bill) Milner, Pauline Mycroft, Helen Reid, John Rhodes, Freeman Simpson, Desmond Smith, Fay Thurlow, Phyllis Wright, Colin

1 Nov 06 Allen, Peggy Baker, Noel Berland, Trevor Campbell, Delcie Cornwall, Margot Dobbinson, Lancelot (Lance) Gooch, Ray Hermansen, Maryann Laplanche, Alison

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Lapthorne, Henry Lochhead, George Lyall, Grace McEwan, William (Bill) McGregor, Nancy McKay, Neil McLean, Jessie Meade, Eileen Mycroft, Helen Nichol, Jean O'Donnell, Patrick Pahl, John Pahl, John Peterson, Russel Rhodes, Freeman Rivett, Daphne Scobie, Mabel (Mary) Smith, Fay Strange, Brian Studholme, William (Neil) Stupples, Phyllis Taylor, Noreen Withers, Muriel

2 Nov 06 Berryman, Enid Campbell, Delcie Chapman, Bernice Chatterton, Roma Colville, Daphne Eastmond, Dorothy Fairbank, Monica Holland, Alison Kimber, Dorothy (Dorrie) McGregor, Nancy McKay, Neil McKenzie, John Nichol, Jean O'Donnell, Patrick Sabire, Michael Shearman, George Studholme, William (Neil) Tiananga, Vaitai Upritchard, Gordon Warring, Cora

3 Nov 06 Bennington, Ian Chapman, Bernice Cheesman, John (Dr) Eathorne, Patsy Foden, Janetta Gibbons, Diana Hammond, Eric Hart, Kathleen Hermansen, Maryann Holland, Alison Kimber, Dorothy Munro, Melvyn Nikolaison, Ryan O'Donnell, Patrick Rassie, Brendon Rhodes, Freeman Sebire, Michael Shearman, George Simeonidis, Anna Sparks, George

Story, Joan Tarbotton, Joan Warring, Cora

4 Nov 06 Allott, Joan Berryman, Enid Blikshavn, Dawn Bradley, Jean Cheesman, John (Dr) Coochey, Agnes Eastmond, Dorothy Eathorne, Patsy Finnie, Annie (Evelyn) Foden, Janetta Harding, Vena Hermansen, Maryann Hewison, Denis Hosking, Bruce Hughes, George Irving, Joy Kincaid, Valda Maddock, David McGregor, John McKenzie, John McLaughlan, William (Jim) Munro, Melvyn (Darby) Nikolaison, Ryan Pitcaithly, Derek Russell, Dennis Schlup, Frederick Simeonidis, Anna Sparks, George Storey, Gwladys Story, Joan Tarbotton, Joan Turnbull, Derek Upritchard, Gordon Waller, Edmund (Eddy) Williams, Patricia

6 Nov 06 Ashworth, Leo (Snr) Best, Maureen Blackler, Linton Bradley, Jean Bulling, Raymond Burt, Robin Cronin, Julia Downes, Colyne Fitzsimmons, Catherine (Kate) Froggatt, Elizabeth (Betty) Harding, Vena Harris, David Hart, Kathleen Herbert, Murray Irving, Joy King, John Kotlowski, Janet (Netta) Lahood, Mark Larcombe, Leonard Levey, Beryl Leyden, Elaine McNickel, Joy Mowat, Coleen

Owen, Sharleene Owers, Gordon Redden, Sean Rive, Haydn Robertson, Nancy Rodgers, Nola Satherly, Ian Turnbull, Derek White, Joan

7 Nov 06 Ashworth, Leo (Snr) Best, Maureen Bowers, Michelle Cronin, Julia Downes, Colyne Drew, Rendel Fahey, Marie Field, Joan Froggatt, Elizabeth (Betty) Hanley, Paul Harding, Vena Hermansen, Maryann Hodgson, Raymond Hunt, May King, John Kotlowski, Janet (Netta) Langridge, Mabel Levey, Beryl McIntosh, Joyce McKenzie, Eric McNickel, Joy Owen, Sharleene Owers, Gordon Rive, Haydn Rodgers, Nola White, Joan Williams, Mona

8 Nov 06 Ainsworth, Nero Anderson, Ian Banks, Robin Bilkshavn, Dawn Bray, Joan Bridgman, Ruth Downes, Colyne Fahey, Marie Field, Joan Geeves, John (Bill) Graeve, Eris Handley, Peter Hanley, Paul Hodgson, Raymond King, John Kitto, Colin Langdon, Alison Leyden, Elaine Luke, Peter McRae, Edith Mehrtens, Grahame Menzies, Gwenda Michael, Joy Nihoniho, Tuta Owen, Sharleene Rives, Haydn Robertson, Nancy

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Stevenson, Brian (Stevie) Trommel, Johannes

9 Nov 06 Ainsworth, Nero Alexandre, Marian Anderson, Alexander (Lex) Anderson, Ian Beckett, Albert (Cecil) Burton, Raymonde (Raymie) Coates, Mary Daniels, Ronald Downes, Colyne George, Graeme (Derek) Hampton, Ray Handley, Peter Hartley, Francis (Frank) Hodge, Douglas (Doug) Hunt, May Jamieson, Jeffrey Jefferson, Leslie Kitto, Colin Leyden, Elaine Luke, Peter McCarthy, Jude (Reverend) McKay Kathleen McRae, Edith Michael, Joy Nihoniho, Tuta Squire, Stewart Stevenson, Brian (Stevie) Trommel, Johannes

10 Nov 06 Ainsworth, Nero Aldrige, James (Jim) Alexandre, Marian Blake, Edward Burns, Lois Butterick, Royden Coates, Mary Daniels, Ronald George, Graeme (Derek) Hampton, Ray Handley, Peter Hartley, Francis (Frank) Honey, Beverley Lambie, William (Bill) Leggett, Tony Marquet, Grace McInerney, Melva Ross, Dr David Squire, Stewart Thomson, Phebe Watson, Stewart

11 Nov 06 Adams, Mark Ainsworth, Nero Alexandre, Marian Allison, Maureen Anderson, Alexander (Lex) Barber, Frances Barnes, Vaudine Barwick, John

Blake, Edward Bray, Joan Burns, Lois Cartwright, John Climie, Peter Cradock, Ferdinando Duke, Albert Eathorne, Patsy Fowler, Ivan French, George Hayward, Alfred Hibberd, Shona Hunt, May Jackson, Patricia "Ruth" Jefferson, Leslie Lambie, William (Bill) Leggett, Tony Li, Xinai Marquet, Grace Mason, Glenda McKay, Gaynor Mulheron, Moyra Olliver, Helen Prince, Lynette Ross, Dr David Sexton, Florence (Bernice) Squire, Stewart Stanley, June Thomson, Phebe Vaughan, John Watson, Stewart Woodward, Graham

13 Nov 06 Adams, Mark Baker, Mary Brennan, Rona Camp, Aileen Cartwright, John Church, Enid Comrie, Jillian (Yogamaya) Cradock, Ferdinando Croat, Raymond (Harry) Davey, Hazel Devine, Kathleen Forbes, Michael French, George Gibson, Kathleen Hanco*ck, Derrick Hibberd, Shona Lambie, William (Bill) Lancaster, Richard (Colin) McKay, Gaynor McKie, Douglas (Bruce) Molloy, Edward Murray, Kenneth Pope, Kevin Prosser, Katharina Sexton, Florence (Bernice) Smith, Peter Stanley, Rita Tizzard, Albert (Stan) Vaughan, John Vincent, Pauline Wheeler, Esther Wills, Gary

14 Nov 06 Aker, Anthony Baker, Mary Barns-Graham, Allan Bennett, Byron Brennan, Rona Brown, Mary Camp, Aileen Church, Enid Comrie, Jillian (Yogamaya) Davey, Hazel Ford, Zena (Pat) French, George Gatenby, Raynor Gibson, Kathleen Hanco*ck, Derrick Herrod, John McCallum, Patricia McKay, Gaynor Molloy, Edward Morton, Henry Murray, Kenneth Neal, Michael (Mike) Pascoe, Richard (Pardy) Prosser, Katharina Sanford, Audrey Schroder, Elsie Smith, Nick Spence, Richard Stanley, Douglas Stevenson, Errol Thompson, William Thomson, George Tizzard, Albert (Stan) Tuckerman, Bert Vincent, Pauline Wheeler, Esther

15 Nov 06 Adams, Mark Beattie, Brent Bennett, Byron Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Mary Bunzli, Jules Caldwell, Kathleen (Kay) Craigie, John Croat, Raymond (Harry) Cron, Clifford Davey, Hazel Eastmond, Dulcie Forbes, Michael Forsyth, Patricia Garrett, Helen Gibson, Kathleen Hoffman, Robert Hughes, Merle Kok, Rhoda Leus, Gerard (Gerhardus) McNeilly, Margaret Neill, Barry Pascoe, Richard (Pardy) Pope, Kevin Rupapera, Woody Saunders, Sybil Smith, Nick Stewart, John

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Swift, Alice Thompson, William (Bill) Thomson, George Wastell, Clara Watson, Phoebe

16 Nov 06 Bunzli, Jules Caldwell, Kathleen Cartner, Murray Craigie, John Eastmond, Dulcie Ford, Lynette Forsyth, Patricia Garrett, Helen Hall-Morgan, Gabriella Hughes, Merle Kennedy, Daphne Lyford, Ray McNeilly, Margaret Murphy, Paula Neill, Barry Pascoe, Richard Pope, Kevin Pritchard, David Rupapera, Woody Samson, Albert (Ted) Saunders, Sybil Seed, Charles Seelen, Marshal (Doug) Shepherd, Mary Taylor-Port, Hayley Tideman, Pamela Wastell, Clara Witterick, Ronald

17 Nov 06 Anderson, April Bax, Charles (Chas) Burns, Kevin Charles, Albert Ford, Lynette Henry, John Hogan, Denis Holden, Doreen Martin, Robert (Robbie) McDonald, John (Mick) McMillan, Raymond Murphy, Paula Owen, Sharleene Rive, Haydn Shepherd, Mary Spillane, Maisie (Mary) Walker, Margaret (Peggy) Witterick, Ronald Wood, Kathryn (Kath)

18 Nov 06 Amuketi, Ned Anderson, April Bax, Charles (Chas) Beatty, Dorothy (Doris) Black, Dorothy (Dossie) Blair, Alfred (Tom) Bunn, Keith Charles, Albert

Cornelius, Rona Cox, Lynette (Lynn) Curtis, Vernon Dalley, Colin Eastmond, Dulcie Garlick, Desmond Gudsell, Florence Hall-Morgan, Gabriella Henry, John Hodgson, Alan Hogan, Denis Holden, Doreen Hutchings, Margaret Kaneen, Elizabeth (Betty) Lyford, Ray Martin, Robert (Robbie) McDonald, John (Mick) Murphy, Paula Olds, Reverend Norman Ostoja, Anton Rule, Tony Saint, Pamela Samson, Albert (Ted) Saunders, Sybil Seed, Charles Seelen, Marshal (Doug) Sidery, Amy Spivey, Frederick Sumner, Brian Templeton, William (Bill) Thompson, William Walker, Margaret (Peggy) Wilton, Sylvia Wood, Kathryn (Kath)

20 Nov 06 Banks, Ngarie Blair, Alfred (Tom) Borland, Deidre Burns, John Charles, Barbara Crosbie, George Curtis, Vernon Dalley, Colin Evans, Ngaire Hawker, Patricia Heke-Mauheni, Harlem Henry, John Hogan, Denis Kamo, Gilmour Katonka, Klara Keene, Ruth Luney, Charles Manning, Leonard Marriott, Brenna Millar, Jim Mills, Arthur Nicolson, Valerie Rule, Tony Shand, John Shaw, Charles Sparks, David Sumner, Brian Taylor, Olive (Norma) Templeton, William (Bill) Vernal, Avis Weir, Iain

Wicks, Joan

21 Nov 06 Armstrong, Ellwood Ballinger, Ian Barford, Maurice Borland, Deidre Brash, Ivan Brockie, Frances Burns, John Cornelius, Rona Curtis, Vernon Dale, Kevin Dalley, Colin Evans, Ngaire Ferris, Paul Francis, Colin Gao, Shulan Hallett-Jackson, Devahrnea Halpine, Margaret Harris, Kathleen Harvey, Ethel Hay, Marion Heke-Mauheni, Harlem Henderson, Rosalie Henry, John Humm, Beverley Jones, Augustus (Albert) Kamo, Gilmour Katonka, Klara Lovett, Trevor Luney, Charles Manning, Leonard Marriott, Brenna Matheson, Janice Millar, Jim Mills, Arthur Moreton, Ronald Neave, Desmond Nicolson, Valerie Purchase, Eva Rule, Tony Shaw, Charles Smellie, Tennant Sparks, David Tarlton, Lorraine Taylor, Olive (Norma) Vernal, Avis Webb, Richard (Dick) Weir, Iain

22 Nov 06 Afato, Janice Avery, June Barford, Maurice Barwick, John Beatty, Dorothy (Doris) Bunn, Keith Cornelius, Rona Crosbie, George Davis, Gladys Doody, Dennis Eade, Michael Ferris, Paul Gillespie, William Hallett-Jackson,

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Devahrnea Hawker, Patricia Henry, John Humm, Beverley Kamo, Gilmour Langley, Kenneth Liddell, Blair Lucas, Allan Matheson, Janice Moreton, Ronald Neave, Desmond Nicolson, Valerie Purchase, Eva Purvis, Joan Smellie, Tennant Smith, Henry (Harry) Symon, Alf Taylor, Olive (Norma) Vernal, Avis Webb, Richard (Dick) Withers, Zilpah (Zil)

23 Nov 06 Ashby, Suzanne Colvin, Richard (Dick) Cornelius, Rona Doody, Dennis Eade, Michael Elliot, Ranald Ferris, Paul Georgieff, Alison Hay, Marion Hodgson, Diane Kirkham, Archdeacon Paul Langley, Kenneth Liddell, Blair Matheson, Janice McIlroy, Ian Purvis, Joan Rowley, Helen Ryalls, Marion Smith, Henry (Harry) Withers, Zilpah (Zil)

24 Nov 06 Ashby, Suzanne Battersby, Murray Colvin, Richard (Dick) Davidson, Graham Ford, Maurice Freese, Harmina Handley, Douglas Heath, Bevan Hodgson, Diane Irvine, Bruce McIlroy, Ian McIntosh, Keith O'Connell, Joanne Ogier, Sylvia Osborne, Margaret (Pearl) Saunders, David

25 Nov 06 Atkin, Michael Battersby, Murray Colvin, Richard (Dick) Davidson, Graham

Doig, Valerie Dowie, Eveline Eade, Michael (Mike) Fenton, Alice Fraser, Peter Grant, Alexia Handley, Douglas Hinton, William (Howard) Irvine, Bruce Jackman, John Lambie, Mary Lopas, Roma Luney, Charles McEwan, Rita (Esmae) McIntosh, Keith Menzies, Dorothy O'Connell, Joanne Ogier, Sylvia Osborne, Margaret (Pearl) Powell, Dennis Priest, Annie Rassie, Brendon Reece, Lilias Ryalls, Marion Saint, Pamela Saunders, David Searle, Albert (Geoff) Smith, Shirley Taylor, Graham Tilley, Murray Tipler, Alex van Hoof, Cornelius (Kees) Wilson, Nathan

27 Nov 06 Baird, Karen Battersby, Murray Baynes, Ralph Burns, Margaret (Rita) Chapman, Doreen Colvin, Richard (Dick) Dickson, Flora (Rita) Doig, Valerie Ferguson, James (Jim) Fraser, Peter Hall, Maud Handley, Douglas Heerdegen, Vera Hester, Helen Humphrey, Ivan Hyslop, Ross Irvine, Bruce Jackman, John Lambie, Mary McEwan, Rita (Esmae) Powell, Dennis Prattley, Jackie Reece, Lilias Rickerby, Eileen Ryalls, Marion Ryan, Betty Searle, Albert (Geoff) Searle, Veronica (Ronnie) Smith, Shirley Smythe, Dorothy (Dimp) Taylor, Graham van Hoof, Cornelius (Kees)

White, Mary-Ann Willett, Deborah Wilson, Brian

28 Nov 06 Baynes, Ralph Brosnan, Patrick (Pat) Chapman, Doreen Clark, Edna Cohen, Jean Condliffe, Anna Craig, Ian Curtis, Eileen Dickson, Flora (Rita) Doig, Valerie Ferguson, James Grant, Ethel (Margaret) Higgins, Brian Holmes, Barrie Howlett, Clarence Humphrey, Ivan Jackman, John Johnson, Karl Kelly, Denis Kozanic, Ivan (Joe) Lambie, Mary Maxwell, Teresa Noble, E. V. (Valdi) Powell, Dennis Prattley, Jacqueline Roper, Hannah (Ann) Saint, Pamela Searle, Veronica Silco*ck, Lee Taylor, Francis Tesar, Frances White, Mary-Ann Williams, James

29 Nov. 06 Adolfs, Elizabeth Bax, Colleen Brow, Beverley Clayden, Ailsa Coghlan, Peter Cosgrove, Gerard Craig, Ian Dalton, Ernest Gatehouse, Dora Grant, Peter Higgins, Brian Higgins, Winifred Holder, Thomas Johnson, Karl Kelly, Denis Kozanic, Ivan (Joe) McDonnell, Violet (Vi) Musson, Joan O'Connor, Sylvia Owen, Rosalind Pluck, Doreen Powell, Dennis Quinn, Ida Ryan, Betty Shewan, Graham Silco*ck, Lee Starkey, Martin (Mick)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Taylor, Francis Wilson, Brian

30 Nov 06 Ayers, Edna Bax, Colleen Coghlan, Peter Craig, Ian Cusack, Charles Dalton, Ernest Dawson, Penelope (Pen) Garland, Nancy Giles, Louisa Grant, Peter Higgins, Winifred Holder, Thomas Humphrey, Andrew Irving, Shirley Morrison, William (Wallace) Mules, Vera (Pete) O'Connor, Sylvia Owen, Rosalind Pluck, Doreen Prendeville, Patricia Rooney, Kenneth Rowe, Diana Shewan, Graham Stack, Kevin Starkey, Martin (Mick) Storr, Peter Stowell, Ernest (Ernie) Topp, Christopher (Chris)

1 Dec 06 Aldwin, William Bax, Colleen Clark, Bevan Cotter, Doris Dale, Noeleen Dawson, Penelope (Pen) Earl, Eva Hudson, Bronislaw Mauhara, Barbara (Chic) Maxwell, Teresa McIntyre, Moera Mitchell, Kay O'Connor, Sylvia Owen, Rosalind Pollok, Margaret Prendeville, Patricia Starkey, Martin (Mick) Stringer, Evelyn Topp, Christopher (Chris) Trowbridge, Beatrice Utteridge, Barrie

2 Dec 06 Adolfs, Elizabeth Aldwin, William Clark, Bevan Dale, Noeleen Dawson, Penelope Docherty, Tertia Earl, Eva Giles, Louisa Harvey, Harry (Ron)

Howard, Sylvester Hudson, Bronislaw Hughes, Mary Humphrey, Andrew Irving, Shirley Leversedge, Barbara Luney, Charles Lysaght, Bridget Mauhara, Barbara McIntyre, Moera Milner, John Overend, Nancy Owen, Rosalind Paerata, Ngaire Roper, Hannah (Ann) Stanway, Frederick (Derv) Stringer, Evelyn Taylor, Francis Tombs, John Trowbridge, Beatrice Utteridge, Barrie Watts, Christopher Wyatt, Richard

4 Dec 06 Aldridge, Kelvin (Kel) Buzzard, David Carmichael, Evelyn (Tilly) Clark, Richard (Dick) Clement, Maureen Clough, Malcolm (Mack) Cooper, John Copland, John Drake, Frances (Frank) Earl, Eva Farrell, Blanche Flanagan, Fraser Hickin, Jennifer Hughes, Mary (Mollie) Hunter, James Jensen, Jessie Kingsbury, Daisy Lafrentz, Vonda Leversedge, Barbara Lyons, Cora Mauhara, Barbara Milner, John O'Brien, Marie Ockwell, Garry Paerata, Ngaire Peoples, John (Jack) Philip, Mary (May) Ramsay, Colin (Snow) Robinson, Gladys Tomlinson, Lester Wauchop, Hal Wilson, Fiona Wright, Harry Yarrall, Myra

5 Dec 06 Bateman, Frederick Bettridge, Agnes Blacktopp, Neil Buzzard, David Carmichael, Evelyn (Tilly) Clark, Richard (Dick)

Coates, George Collison, Paul Copland, John Datlen, William Drake, Francis (Frank) Ekensteen, Myrtle Fitness, Phyllis Flanagan, Fraser Hunter, James Johnston, Judith (Judy) Kingsbury, Daisy Leversedge, Barbara Lloyd, Colin MacLeod, Dr Keith Mahon, Kenneth Miklos, Jozsef (Joe) Milner, John Moore, Doreen Morrison, Grant (Gunta) Mulholland, Vina Newton, Frederick Nicholas, Phoebe O'Brien, Marie Orr, June Peoples, John (Jack) Philip, Mary (May) Ramsay, Colin (Snow) Ruddenklau, Murray Saunders, Barbara Searle, Veronica (Ronnie) Simpson, Dr Graeme Smart, Jeanie (Jean) Smith, Nancy Tomlinson, Lester Videler, Anna Wauchop, Hal Yarrall, Myra

6 Dec 06 Aldridge, Kelvin (Kel) Croft, Gertrude (Trudy) Duff, Mark Flanagan, Fraser Letham, Enid Lloyd, Colin Luney, Charles Macleod, Dr Keith Mahon, Kenneth Moore, Doreen Naylor, Russell Naylor, Warwick Newton, Frederick Orr, June Rogan, Kathleen Wass, William (Willy)

7 Dec 06 Blacktopp, Neil Boyd, Thomas (Tommy Jack) Croft, Gertrude (Trudy) Dawson, Ada Duff, Mark Faaleaga, Elizabeth (Biddy) Flanagan, Fraser Haggerty, Joseph

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hardie, Janet Harkness, Alexander (Alec) Lawrey, Annie Le Comte, Melva Macleod, Dr Keith Matheson, Rex Morrison, Grant (Gunta) Nelligan, Lee No, Elou North, Marie Pacey, Noni Shannon, Beatrice (Ann) Stewart, Robyn Wells, Alice

8 Dec 06 Bennett, Elizabeth Bland, Leslie Boyd, Thomas (Tommy Jack) Clinton, Thomas Colville, Lorna Dawson, Ada Faaleaga, Elizabeth (Biddy) Goodall, Christine Lawrey, Annie Le Comte, Melva O'Neill, Olive Potter, Alfred (Jim) Power, Bridget Stewart, Robyn Tod, Irene Wells, Alice

9 Dec 06 Bland, Leslie Bowman, Noeleen Brown, Gordon Corban, Joseph Dempsey, John Docherty, Tertia Fisher, Leone Gibbens, Esther Goodall, Christine Hardie, Janet Hawker, Nancy (Jean) Hays, Arthur Hunter, Alan Husband, Edgar (Max) Lawrey, Annie McKean, Colleen No, Elou O'Neill, Olive Payne, Norman Polson, (Lassie) Muriel Potter, Alfred (Jim) Power, Bridget Rassie, Brendon Rout, Berenice Ruddenklau, Murray Taylor, Sherris Tod, Irene Toomey, Eileen Videler, Anna

Weaver, Rona Wells, Alice White, Henry (Paddy) Woolf, Denis

11 Dec 06 Best, Colin Betts, Joyce Brechin, George Browne, Peter Burrows, Rex Christie, John (Jack) Davis, Allan (Peter) Denton, Frederick (Harry) Ferbert, Margery Flannagan, Anthony (Tony) Fry, Frederick Gibbens, Esther Hamblin, Art Hawke, William Hays, Arthur Husband, Edgar (Max) Lafrentz, Vonda Lawson, Albert Long, Allison (Joy) Maling, Peter (Sam) Middlemiss, Stanley Payne, Norman Stenhouse, Linford Stronach, Ian Sweeney, Lorraine Taylor, Sherris Thomas, Leo Toomey, Eileen Tubman, Peneil Weaver, Rona

12 Dec 06 Bennett, Elizabeth Best, Colin Betts, Joyce Brown, Gordon Denton, Frederick (Harry) Dick, Alan Elliffe, Nancy Flannagan, Anthony (Tony) Fry, Frederick Hamblin, Art Herewini, Katene Kirk, Joan MacManus-Hayward, Dorothy Matheson, John Middlemiss, Stanley Mitchell, Agnes Power, Bridget Shirley, William (Bill) Snelling, Glenda Steffens, Basil Stenhouse, Linford (Val) Sweeney, Lorraine Taylor, Sherris Thomas, Leo

Weaver, Rona

13 Dec 06 Dixon, Ian Fitzgerald, Dorothy (Lynne) Fyfe, Sidney Herewini, Katene Kozanic, Ivan (Joe) Long, Allison (Joy) MacManus-Hayward, Dorothy McCaskey, Dugald Mitchell, Agnes Pope, Florence Roberts, Florence (Beryl) Shirley, William (Bill) Slade, Eleanor Snelling, Glenda Steffens, Basil Stuart, Winifred (Fay) Tubb, Barry Weaver, Rona

14 Dec 06 Bickerton, Bevan Bruhns, Christina Chappell, Martin Dixon, Ian Dromgool, Moira Fitzgerald, Dorothy (Lynne) Gates, Elma (Pearl) McLean, Margaret Moore, Mary Muir, Elsie Nisbet, Betty Patrick, Mary (Joan) Plunket, Patrick Pope, Florence Prue, Irene Salt, Irene Slade, Eleanor Smith, Allison Spratt, Barry Tabak, Cornelis (Kees) Welsh, Edna

15 Dec 06 Chappell, Martin Clay, Judith Fitzgerald, Dorothy (Lynne) Frost, Graeme Kirner, Leanne McDonald, Alan McKay, Allan Moore, Mary Muir, Elsie Plunket, Patrick Prue, Irene Salt, Irene Spratt, Barry Stevens, Hugh Tabak, Cornelis (Kees) Taylor, Alma Thomson, William

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


16 Dec 06 Batten, John Bellingham, Hilda Bickerton, Bevan Chappell, Martin Clay, Judith Davidson, Patricia Dromgool, Moira Erlam, Harry Ford, Kathleen Gilchrist, Steven Holroyd, Ronald (Ron) Howard, Marilyn Kemp, Judith Kemp, Nellie Kirner, Leanne Le Roy, Christina McDonald, Alan McKay, Allan Morgan, Valerie Podvoiskis, Chet Robinson, Pauline Spratt, Barry Stevens, Hugh Summerfield, George (Max) Tabak, Cornelis (Kees) Taylor, Alma Thomson, William Thorpe, Bernard (Bernie) Tisdall, Trevor Watt, Helen Williams, Mary Wootton, Raymond

18 Dec 06 Abernethy, James Barnes, Victor Batchelor, Brandford Batten, John Buss, Frederick Cleave, Daisy Corbet, Margaret Dais, Murray Edwards, William Egan, Sister Marie Ford, Kathleen Francis, Eric Hanham, Bruce Harding, Mavis Hughes, Robert Kirner, Leanne Leggat, Thelma Mangos, Maureen Masters, Charles (Stuart) McFelin, Ashley Mercer, Graham Norton, Elaine (Ning) Smith, Dean Stevens, Hugh Summerfield, George (Max) Wilson, Monica

19 Dec 06 Anderson, Michael

Barnes, Victor Brown, Derak Buss, Frederick Crawford, Georgina (Pete) Crozier, Timothy Dungey, Rene Dunwoodie, Marie Ellis, Marie (Bernie) Farrelly, Eileen (Pat) Hanham, Bruce Harding, Mavis Hayman, Margaret Hill, Kathleen (Joy) Jones, Herbert Kirner, John Leggat, Thelma Mangos, Maureen Masters, Charles (Stuart) McIntosh, Kenneth Mercer, Graham Miller, Vilma Mills, Catherine Stockbridge, Nancy Talbot, Laura (Bobby) Thawley, Ralph Walsh, Allan Wilson, Monica Wyber, Colin

20 Dec 06 Abernethy, James Anderson, Michael Anderton, Warren (Aussie) Bain, Warwick Batchelor, Brandford Calvert, Jean Connochie, Patricia Dungey, Rene Dunwoodie, Marie Ellis, Marie (Bernie) Farrelly, Eileen (Pat) Govind, Manu Hammond, Ronald Hanham, Bruce Hayman, Margaret Hull, Trevor Jones, Herbert Keen, William (Bill) Kirner, John Matheson, William (Bill) McIntosh, Kenneth McNaught, Vern Mercer, Graham Moody, Betty (Bette) Morgan, Valerie Scott, Phyllis Stockbridge, Nancy Thawley, Ralph Vanstone, Graham Vui, Simoa Whitty, Joan Wyber, Colin

21 Dec 06 Anderson, Michael

Bain, Warwick Barclay, James Booth, Peter Calvert, Jean Connochie, Patricia Crozier, Timothy Ellis, Marie (Bernie) Fry, Alexander Gousmett, Carl Govind, Manu Hayman, Margaret Hitchco*ck, Keitha (Joy) Jones, Roger McCaw, William (Keith) McDonald, Ian McKenzie, James McNeill, Adele Mirfin, Donald Moody, Betty (Bette) Nimmo, Deborah (Debby) Reynolds, William Spence, Dinah Starkey, Joan Stockbridge, Nancy Vui, Simoa Whitty, Joan Wilkinson, James

22 Dec 06 Booth, Peter Challis, Gwendoline Collins, Patricia Craig, Katherine (Kath) Drake, Kenneth Gousmett, Carl Harcourt, Madge Hassan, Esther Houston, William Jury, Ruby Kennard, James (Bob) Mooney, Leslie (Les) Nelson, Catherine Reihana, Ben Reynolds, William Rickerby, Matthew Scanlan, Deihl Spence, Dinah Stanton, Dawn Thompson, Joseph Tuinman, Shirley Vui, Simoa

23-4 Dec 06 Anderson, Girlie Andrews, Dale Ballinger, Nora Booth, Peter Bruhns, Clive Budd, Nancy Couling, Brian Dewe, Grace Duff, Beverley Ensor, John Fisher, Russell Gourley, Denis

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hassan, Esther Hawke, Henry (Harry) Henderson, Katherine Lange, Brian Leaker, Nicholas Leslie, Annie Lynch, Graham (Dick) McCaw, William (Keith) McDonald, David McKenzie, James Nelson, Catherine Nimmo, Deborah (Debby) Parr, Evelyn Pulley, Louisa Rickerby, Matthew Roberts, William (Bill) Ryan, Betty Ryburn, Elaine Sandilands, Anna (Betty) Scanlon, Deihl Sheppard, Jean Stanton, Dawn Thompson, Joseph Tiney, Carl Vanstone, Graham Whitty, Joan Wilkinson, James

26 Dec 06 Aitken, June Brown, Mary Casey, Laurna Chapman, Phillip Couling, Brian Donovan, Joyce Erskine, James (Jim) Gray, Selwyn Hatherley, Russell Herd, Audrey Hill, June Kerr, Claire Leaker, Nicholas (Nick) Leslie, Annie May, Graham McDonald, David McKinley, Paul Munro, Margaret O'Brien Colleen Patel, Mohan Polglaze, Nathalie Rickerby, Matthew Sandilands, Anna (Betty) Teonea, Afoga Thurston, Eileen Tritt, Evelyn

27 Dec 06 Aitken, June Ballantyne, Glenys Bell, Dorothy Chapman, Phillip Couling, Brian Dunn, Lenin Falconer, Kathlyn Fisher, Russell Garthwaite, Ewen Gray, Selwyn

Hatherley, Russell Herd, Audrey Johnston, Lyndall Keir, John (Jack) Kwant, Wietse Leslie, Annie Mako, Vivian Masefield, Paulle May, Graham McKinley, Paul Meadows, Ira Millar, Noel Muir, Leslie Munro, Margaret Newport, Kevin Oates, Philip O'Brien, Colleen Pascoe, May Roberts, William Sheenan, Edward Smith, Bernard Teonea, Afoga Thurston, Eileen Tritt, Evelyn Walker, Antonie (Toni) Wood, E. Stuart

28 Dec 06 Barltrop, Frances (Molly) Casey, Laurna Frew, Shona Gowans, Malcolm Gray, Selwyn Harris, Dorothy Hebberd, Jamie Johnston, Lyndall Kwant, Wietse McKay, Barbara McKenzie, Bryan McKinley, Paul Millar, Noel Morrison, Tracy Muir, Leslie Mulholland, Edna Oates, Philip Olliver, Percival (Ian) Pascoe, May Ryan, Betty Sanders, Peter Sheenan, Edward Simonsen, Julienne (Roz) Smith, Bernard Tawse, Debbie Teonea, Afoga Thurston, Eileen Tiney, Carl Whitty, Joan Wood, E. Stuart

29 Dec 06 Ackers, Stewart Brown, Ruth Bussell, Arthur Forbes, Ngaire Goodburn, Gerald Gowans, Malcolm Gribben, Elsie

Harris, Dorothy Hyde, Stephen Keir, John (Jack) Kelly, Jennifer Kennedy, William Mackenzie, Dorothea Marquet, Jo Marshall, Lorraine McKay, Barbara McLeod, Murphy Sheenan, Edward Simonsen, Julienne (Roz) Thomas, Eileen Tiney, Carl Vincent, Leslie Whitty, Joan Wood, E. Stuart

30-31 Dec 06 Ackers, Stewart Baldwin, Elizabeth (Betty) Booth, Doreen Bowden, Philip Brown, Ruth Bussell, Arthur Cathcart, Darren Chapman, Vincent Charnock, Jack Claridge, Leslie Cooper, Leslie Crombie, Claude Gracie, Alistair Gunning, Robert Hatfield, Maureen Healey, Doris (Dot) Hebberd, Jamie Hewison, Cedric Hill, Jo-Anne Hyde, Stephen Karst, Edward (Ted) Kennedy, William Lawton, Margaret Lynch, Thomas Mackenzie, Dorothea McIlraith, Ellen McLeod, Murphy Moore, Lorraine Mushet, Francis (Frank) Ngatai, Tau Parkhill, John Peters, Alfred Plank, Geoffrey Podivinsky, Christine Ponsonby, John Thomas, Eileen Williamson, Mary

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


20071 Jan 07 Allan, Hill Barr, Peter Barrett, Tommy Bell, Florence (Amy) Booth, Doreen Bowden, Phil Chapman, Vincent Green, Mary Gunning, Robert Hall, Allan Henry, Audrey Kennedy, William Lawton, Margaret Lindsay, Sholto Ngatai, Tau North, Geoffrey Ponsonby, John Pulley, Louisa Roberts, Mavis Williamson, Mary

2 Jan 07 Ackers, Stewart Adams, Norma Allison, Stewart Bain, Ruby Barr, Peter Bell, Florence Blight, Alan Bowden, Philip Bradley, David Churchill, Ngaio Davis, John Dixon, Anthony (Tony) Doherty, Irene Gjeko, Thimi Gunning, Robert Hall, Allan Hide, Doris Hill, Jo-Anne Hogan, Averil Hutton, Nina Karageorge, Gloria Lang, Gordon Lynch, Thomas Marshall, Lorraine McLeod, Murphy Moore, Lorraine Munro, George Ngatai, Tau Pulley, Louisa Race, James Rose, Edward (Ted) Sawtell, Eric Sheat, George

Taylor, Annie (Nancy) Tiori, Gloria Wadsworth, Gladys

3 Jan 07 Abley, Kathleen Ackers, Stewart Adams, Norma Bain, Ruby Bell, Florence (Amy) Blight, Alan Booth, Doreen Bowden, Phil Bradley, David Brock, Robert (Bob) Charnock, Jack Clark, Aquinas Comins, Douschka Daamen, Kathleen Danielson, Robin Davidson, Noel Dixon, Anthony (Tony) Doherty, Irene Fraser, Jean Gjeko, Thimi Harding, Patricia Hide, Doris Hutton, Nina Karst, Edward (Ted) Lawson, Brian Lawton, Margaret Lindsay, Sholto McCulloch, Lynda McLeod, Murphy Mushet, Francis (Frank) Newman, Terence Ngatai, Tau North, Geoffrey Peters, Brian (Barney) Pritchard, Beatrice (Lil) Robinson Margaret Rose, Edward (Ted) Sawtell, Eric Sheat, George Stewart, Leslie (Les) Symister, Kathleen Tallott, Iris Thompson, Margaret Thomson, Alexandrina Ward, Douglas Williamson, Mary Woods, Arthur Wright, Winifred (Grace)

4 Jan 07 Abley, Kathleen (Betty) Allison, Stewart Badger, Bruce Bain, Ruby Barr, Peter Booth, Doreen Borer, Peggy Bradley, David Clark, Aquinas Comins, Douschka Daamen, Kathleen Danielson, Robin

Fraser, Jean Gourdie, Peter Hide, Doris Hislop, Charles Howey, Norma Jack, Florence Knight, William (Bill) Kokich, Virginia Lawson, Brian Logan, Kenneth Mackie, Annabel (Bel) McCulloch, Lynda Newman, Terence Prescott, David Rich, Kristin Riches, Henry Sawtell, Eric Sheat, George Stewart, Leslie (Les) Symister, Kathleen Tallott, Iris Thomson, Alexandrina Watson, Joan Wayne, Garner Woods, Arthur Wright, Winifred (Grace)

5 Jan 07 Abley, Kathleen (Betty) Badger, Bruce Borer, Peggy Breen, Colleen Clark, Aquinas Comins, Douschka Dickson, Jan Duffy, Michael Findlay, Ian Gerrard, Margaret Gourdie, Peter Graham, Patricia Hoskins, Annette Howat, Mary (Marion) Hunter, Marion Jack, Florence Knight, William (Bill) Lawson, Brian Mably, Valerie Mackie, Annabel (Bel) McCulloch, Lynda Pritchard, Beatrice (Lil) Richards, Edward (John) Riches, Henry Rose, Peter Sawtell, Eric Stevenson, James Symister, Kathleen Tallott, Iris Taylor, Trevor van Drongelen, Robert Watson, Joan Watson, Sydney Wayne, Garner

06 Jan 07 Borer, Peggy Bradley, David Breen, Colleen

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Brocherie, Nicola Bush, Adrian Cathcart, Darren Charnock, Jack Dickson, Jan Duffy, Michael Elder, David Gerrard, Margaret Gourdie, Peter Harding, Patricia Hoglund, Leslie (Les) Hoskins, Annette Howat, Mary (Marion) Hyde, Stephen Jamieson, Neil Keen, Noeline Knight, William (Bill) Laing, Nigel (Tubby) Lawson, Brian Mably, Valerie Matulewicz, Charley McLachlan, William (Lionel) Miller, Marion Morris, Eunice (Lorraine) Morrison, Tracy Newman, Terence Numan, Noah Prescott, David Reynolds, Daphne Riches, Henry Ritchie, Veda Rose, Peter Scott, Brian (Scotty) Scott, Cyril (Joe) Scott, David Smith, Rima Stevenson, James Taylor, James Vega, Henry Watson, Sydney Wells, Robert Wilson, Joan

9 Jan 07 Adams, Lorice Blanchfield, Maureen Chenery, George Corner, Norman Crawford, Blair Crawford, Noel Davies, Paul Duff, Rosemary Farmer, George Gillon, Mary (Molly) Holt, Silver Jack, Darryl Jamieson, Neil Kelly, Dalton (Mick/Ed) May, Stacey McAllister, Rema McCrone, Owen McMaster, Peggy Mooney, Dawn

Morris, Eunice (Lorraine) Quinn, Douglas Reynolds, Daphne Rhodes, William Russell, Marcia Ryder, Mervyn Sampson, Laurie Scott, Cyril Siddall, Michael Taylor, James Terry, Arnold (Bob) Toka, Harry Washington, Murray

10 Jan 07 Armstrong, Shirley Aspinall, John (Jonty) Barnett, Allan Davies, Paul Duff, Douglas Farmer, George Fisher, Russell Gillon, Mary (Molly) Hebberd, Jamie Hollow, Neil Holt, Silver Huston, John Jack, Darryl May, Stacey McLachlan, William (Lionel) Milne, Eileen Phillips, Ngaire Ritchie, Mary (Joy) Sampson, Laurie Schreurs, Jacobus (Jack) Scott, Cyril Sharplin, Olive Simpson, Ellen (Elja) Smith, Rima Stothart, John Temperton, Heather Toka, Harry Tranter, Barbara Treasure, George (Dick) van Egdom, Adrianus Washington, Murray Williams, Nancy (Pat, Trish)

11 Jan 07 Boddington, Dawn Bray, John Coffey, Lorraine Fisher, Russell Griffiths, Peter Hare, Mary Hatfield, Maureen Hebberd, Jamie Hill, Lisa Huston, John Le Comte, Patrecia Oxley, Laurence (George) Parr, Aidan Read, William Sampson, Laurie Schreurs, Jacobus (Jack)

Sharplin, Olive Siddall, Michael Simpson, Ellen (Elja) Thoms, Reginald Thorpe, Andrew (Andy) Tranter, Barbara Williams, Athlone (Ath) Williams, Nancy

12 Jan 07 Coffey, Lorraine Crowe, Anne Gilchrist, Steven (Steve) Hare, Mary Hill, Kenneth Hill, Lisa Hobbs, Annie Huston, John Ives, David Johnstone, Ellen (Nan) Le Comte, Patrecia Lewis, Margaret Milne, Diana (Di) Murdoch, Ian Ritchie, Mary (Joy) Taylor, Catherine Tinetti, Ina Walker, Lilian Williams, Athlone (Ath) Williams, Linda Wilson, John (Ted)

13 Jan 07 Aspinall, John (Jonty) Benzoni, Lillas Blackadder, Joyce Branch, David (Chy) Butcher, Albert (John) Coffey, Lorraine Crowe, Margaret (Anne) Fairbrother, Mervyn Falconer, Marguerita (Rita) Franklin, Joanne (Jo) Gilchrist, Steven (Steve) Harkerss, Joanne (Jo) Hill, Kenneth Hitchens, Rosemarie Hobbs, Annie Ives, David Johnstone, Ellen (Nan) Kelliher, Ann Kelly, Edwin (Kel) Kilian, Elizabeth (Joan) Lewis, Margaret May, Leslie (Arthur) Milne, Diana (Di) Moore, Ronald (Ron) Murdoch, Ian Polaschek, Robert (Bob) Prisk, Brian Ragg, Dr Kerry Siddall, Michael Sturm, Constance Thorpe, Andrew (Andy) Walker, Lilian Weckesser, Ngaire

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Williams, Linda Woods, Andrew

15 Jan 07 Black, John Croft, George (Ken) Dale, Lillian (Bethel) Duncan, Gerald Franklin, Joanne (Jo) Gilchrist, Steven (Steve) Gilson, Nancy Gleason, Rose Gribben, James Harkerss, Joanne (Jo) Hill, Kenneth Hitchens, Rosemarie Hughes, Shirley Humphrey, Val Ives, David Kelliher, Ann Kelly, Daphne McCallion, Michael McGregor, Gordon Milligan, Margaret Milne, Diana (Di) Mundy-Smith, Harrison (Harry) Nolan, Arnold (Hoke) North, Phyllis Patterson, Ada Penman, Peter Prisk, Brian Roberts, Christina (Chrissie) Scrimgeour, Colleen Siddall, Michael Stewart, Rhoda Weckesser, Ngaire

16 Jan 07 Arker, Audrey Batchelor, Gwenyth Black, John Croft, George (Ken) Crosswell, Kellie Franklin, Joanne (Jo) Gilson, Nancy Gleason, Rose Gosney, Allister (Al) Gribben, James(Jim) Harkerss, Joanne (Jo) Hooper, Anne Hunter, Cyril Jesson, Moyna Kelly, Daphne Lynch, Graham (Dick) Macnamara, Francis (Franc) McVicar, Malcolm Meighan, Arthur Milligan, Margaret Mundy-Smith, Harrison (Harry) Nicol, Alexander Patterson, Ada Payne, Ronald (Ron) Penman, Peter

Philpott, Isabel Prisk, Brian Roberts, Christina (Chrissie) Russell, William Sehnert, Gordon Stanley, Betty Stewart, Rhoda Tergas Shaw, Eva

17 Jan 07 Adamson, Jean Black, John Brown, Douglas Croft, George (Ken) Eder, Belinda Etherington, Ronald Fleming, Andrew Franklin, Joanne (Jo) Gordon, Olive Gosney, Allister (Al) Gravett, Ross (Roscoe) Grimwood, Ronald (Ron) Howard, Edward (Ted) Hunter, Cyril Jesson, Moyna Kamo, Noeline Mackay, Michael McLauchlan, Lyell McVicar, Malcolm Moeke, Whanau Mundy-Smith, Harrison (Harry) Murphy, Eileen Payne, Ronald (Ron) Perks, Mavis Petrovic"s, George Rakaupai, Olwen Roberts, Christina (Chrissie) Roulston, Phyllis (Andre) Stanley, Betty Stewart, Rhoda Tergas Shaw, Eva Weir, Catherine (Kitty) Williams, Graeme

18 Jan 07 Adamson, Jean Ashworth, Alma Brown, Hilary Capil, Mary (Teresa) Cook, Edwin Coulter, Eileen Eder, Belinda Etherington, Ronald Grimwood, Ronald (Ron) Huddart, Violet (Gwen) Kamo, Noeline Legge, Ronald Light, Reuben Luxon, Lawrence McInnes, Ellison McVicar, Malcolm Nicol, Alexander (Alex) Neal, Avon Nolan, Arnold

Palmer, Olwen Roulston, Phyllis (Andre) Tomlinson, Joan Warr, Maureen Waters, Dudley Williams, Graeme Yee, Chuck

19 Jan 07 Adamson, Jean Ashworth, Alma Beer, Ronald Brown, Hilary Capil, Mary (Teresa) Chrisp, Peter Cole, Alfred (Jack) Cook, Edwin East, Gavin Etherington, Ronald Holgate, Beverley Joynt, May Keighley, Lawrence (Laurie) Lomax, Molly Luxon, Lawrence Mahoney, Aaron McVicar, Malcolm Tomlinson, Joan Warr, Maureen

20-21 Jan 07 Algar, Ian Baker, Gene Beer, Ronald Chrisp, Peter Clark, June Currie, Berneice (Bunny) Dunlop, Maureen East, Gavin Gilbertson, Donald Goodlet, John (Jack) Hall, Frances Holgate, Beverley Jamieson, Nola Lewis, Pamela Light, Reuben Lomax, Molly Mahoney, Aaron McCallum, Catherine McInnes, Ellison Mehlhopt, Margaret (Betty) Moy, Li Palmer, Olwen Paterson, Marie Purvis, Richard Ruddell, William Simpson, Elizabeth Simpson, Frances Smith, Cecilia Southen, Stephen Stuart, Edna Walker, Gabriella Warr, Maureen Williams, Ann Williams, Jean Zwonnikoff, Dr George

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


22 Jan 07 Barker, Richard Bevington, Ernest (Clint) Chatteris, Charles (Harry) Clark, June Crawford, Graham Dempsey, Peter Duffell, Peter Fyfe, Douglas Gourley, Ross Gray, John Grayson, Amanda Karaitiana, Selina (Lena) Lane, Rose Lewis, Pamela Ling, Chiu (Thomas) Lomax, Molly McCabe, Ronald McDiarmid, Catherine (Sister Mary) McVicar, Malcolm Mehlhopt, Margaret (Betty) Moy, Li Naden, Christopher Paterson, Marie Ruddell, William Saunders, Mervyn Southen, Stephen Thompson, Sheila Warr, Maureen Williams, Ann Williams, Jean Zwonnikoff, Dr George

23 Jan 07 Barker, Richard Blanken, Gerardus (Geert) Chatteris, Charles (Harry) Crawford, Graham Dempsey, Peter Duffell, Peter East, Gavin Ellis, Arthur (Murray) Fitzgerald, Dora (Lassie) Foley, Wilhelmina (Mina) Gourley, Ross Harris, Margaret Howie, Thomas Humphries, Helen Karaitiana, Selina (Lena) Karl, Sara Lane, Rose Lidstone, Moira McDonald, Kathleen McInnes, Guilbert (Mac) McVicar, Malcolm Murphy, Marcia Parish, Lester (Hayseed) Paterson, Marie Wright, Iris

24 Jan 07 Beal, Graeme Bevington, Ernest (Clint) Blanken, Gerardus (Geert)

Cameron, Peggy Chatteris, Charles (Harry) Chua, Ching Clarke, Alan Dale, James Dunning, John Frith, Gwendolene (Gwen) Fyall, Leonard Fyfe, Douglas Gilhooley, William Good, Dorothy Gudex, Margaret Harris, Margaret Hiroa, Lynette Holloway, Robert Howie, Thomas Karl, Sara Lidstone, Moira Lovell, Margaret Manson, Betty McDonald, Kathleen McInnes, Guilbert (Mac) McVicar, Malcolm Mead, Mavis Neill, Jean Parish, Lester (Hayseed) Paterson, Marie Schrader, Ian Scott, John Walters, Vera Watson, John Wright, Iris

25 Jan 07 Alsop, Stanley Beal, Graeme Bishop, Helen (Hahn) Bishop, Robert Clarke, Alan Fyall, Leonard Gallaway, Virginia Gardiner, Athol George, Phyllis Gillett, Thelma Good, Dorothy Hattrill, Frances Joseph, David Karl, Sara Lidstone, Moira Loader, David (Dave) McCausland, Hannah Pinkerton, Joyce Ridden, Lawrie Routhan, Muriel Southen, Helen Teague, Fiona Upston, Margaret Walters, Vera Wright, Iris Young, Raymond

26 Jan 07 Bishop, Helen (Hahn) Gallaway, Virginia Harris, Frances Hattrill, Frances Hiroa, Lynette

Hobson, Roger (Chalkie) Joseph, David (Johnny) MacKenzie, Gordon Manson, Betty McCausland, Hannah McIntosh, Albert Pinkerton, Joyce Roberts, Eunice Sole, Francis (Frank) Southen, Helen Teague, Fiona Upston, Margaret Van Der Heyden, Ann Wade, Ronald Walshe, Thelma Young, Raymond

27 Jan 07 Aitken, Keith Bedggood, Bruno Cates, Dorothy Chua, Ching Dagg, Shirley de Zwart, Ina Duff, Olive Edens, Violet (Dot) Ell, Lynne George, Phyllis Harris, Frances Hattrill, Frances Hobson, Roger (Chalkie) Holloway, Robert Hunter, William (Phil) Jones, Mary Joseph, David (Johnny) Lamb, Marjorie Latham, Robert (Terry) Lovell, Margaret Lucas, Moira Mackenzie, Gordon McIntosh, Albert Mead, Mavis Paltridge, Keith Polaschek, Madeline Ross, Alice Routhan, Muriel Ruffell, Annie Sugrue, Gregory Teague, Fiona Thomas, Morva Tuhou, Te Wera Van Der Heyden, Ann Wade, Ronald Walker, John Walshe, Thelma

29 Jan 07 Amos, Eunice Beaumont, Georgina Brooks, Edward (Frank) Crackett, Margaret (Gretta) Crighton, Margaret Edens, Violet (Dot) George, Phyllis Jackson, Keith

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Jones, Mary Latham, Robert (Terry) Lucas, Moira Macdonald, Margaret Malin, Arthur McIsaac, Moira McKee, Kathleen Paltridge, Keith Penter, Natalie Polaschek, Madeline Routhan, Muriel Simson, Dick Singleton, Lynette Sugrue, Gregory Ward, Margaret

30 Jan 07 Amos, Eunice Ansley, Neil Beaumont, Georgina Bootsma, Leslie Bourchier, Evelyn Bryant, Matthew Campbell, Myrna Comish, Sydney Croft, Teresa Doig, Enid Hartley, Zachary Jackson, Keith Johnstone, Wayne Latham, Robert (Terry) Malin, Arthur McIsaac, Moira Murchison, Robert Penter, Natalie Pilling, Ngaire Polaschek, Madeline Prentice, Constance (Connie) Renwick, Halbert (Allan) Robertson, Graham Singleton, Lynette Sugrue, Gregory White, Nita Wright, Alvin (Murray)

31 Jan 07 Angus, Thomas (Don) Barron, Lorraine Beaumont, Georgina Bryant, Matthew Cates, Dorothy Comish, Sydney Cox, Kathleen Croft, Teresa Davis, Shane Fay, Richard Innes, Mariea (Mary) Johnstone, Wayne Lamb, Marjorie Malin, Arthur McCardle, Angus McIsaac, Moira Murchison, Robert

Penter, Pat Prentice, Constance (Connie) Saunders, Cyle Stretch, Neville Sullivan, Michael Watson, Eilene White, Nita

1 Feb 07 Angus, Thomas (Don) Batchelor, May Beaumont, Georgina Bryant, Matthew Daly, Margaret Davis, Shane Fay, Richard Gordon, Ronald (Ron) Hammond, June Johnstone, Wayne Mackenzie, David Major, Lucille McIsaac, Moira Murchison, Robert Murphy, Charles (Chas) Price, John (Jack) Pulley, Elsie Sheridan, Mavis Twist, Betsy Wilkinson, Isobel

2 Feb 07 Angus, Thomas (Don) Arscott, Catherine Batchelor, May Cowie, Roberta Cox, Kathleen Daly, Margaret Davey, Marion Davis, Shane De Vries, Berdina (Dinie) Fay, Richard Francois, Roger Hammond, June Hanwell, Patrick Haughey, Louise Johnson, Albert Kerr, Irene Macdonald, Joyce Mackenzie, David Price, John (Jack) Ryan, Dorothy Sheridan, Mavis Squire, Julie Stretch, Neville Taylor, Doreen Twist, Betsy Vivian, Nancy

3 Feb 07 Arscott, Letitia Arthur, Dorothy Batchelor, May Brown, Melissa Clarkson, Margaret Cowie, Roberta Daly, Doris

Gillum, Malcolm Gordon, Ronald (Ron) Greenwood, Rita Halvorsen, Ainslee Hanwell, Patrick Hayes, Alan Head, Eileen Hennessy, Doreen Horne, Tiraia (Peggy) Hurley, Stephen Johnson, Albert (Fin) Kerr, Irene Leck, Belinda Macdonald, Joyce Macefield, Allison MacIntyre, Donald Major, Lucille McQuoid, Neville Mealings, Rachel Meynell, Eric Mitchell, Llewellyn Morton, Kelvin Nicholson, Jean (Nell) Ryan, Dorothy Sampson, Natalie Smith, Leila Spivey, Edgar (Eddie) Thomson, John (Jack) Tomlinson, Brian Tregoning, Annie Tucker, Robert (Rob) Vivian, Nancy Watson, Eilene Wilson, Brett

5 Feb 07 Batchelor, May Breen, Dorothy Collis, Margaret Cork, Rita Daly, Doris Ferguson, John Gillum, Malcolm Hayes, Eric Head, Eileen Hibberd, Morgan Lapslie-Duffy, Levi Leck, Belinda Loffhagen, Peter Macefield, Allison MacIntyre, Don Manch, June McCallion, Edna McQuoid, Neville Meynell, Eric Morton, Kelvin Nicholson, Jean (Nell) Norman, Norman Ray, Ada Simmonds, Carla Smith, Carla Smith, Leila Spivey, Edgar (Eddie) Tarrant, Arthur Te Whetu, Ropata Teen, Mary Thompson, Adrian

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Thomson, John (Jack) Tomlinson, Brian Tucker, Robert (Rob) Wilson, Brett

6 Feb 07 Amos, Ronald (Ronnie) Bosma, Hendrik (Henk) Bourke, Doreen Buckley, Dorothy Campbell, Georgina (Georgie) Cork, Rita Dixon, Eunice Dow, Joan Draper, George Fairweather, Margaret (Thelma) Graham, Irene Hayes, Eric Head, John Hurd, Jack Kinley, Gerald Loffhagen, Peter Macefield, Allison Manch, June McLauchlan, Edna Meynell, Eric Norman, Norman Parsons, Dorothy (Dot) Ray, Ada Reuben, Arthur Roughan, William (Bill) Sampson, Natalie Scarlett, Harold Sexton, Rosalie Smith, Carla Swaine, Genevieve Te Whetu, Ropata Thompson, Adrian Wilson, Brett Windsor, Linda

7 Feb 07 Amos, Ronald Bang, Elizabeth (Jean) Blackburn, Joyce Bourke, Doreen Breen, Dorothy Buckley, Dorothy Campbell, Georgina (Georgie) Carter, Jessie (Betty) Clarkson, Margaret Darling, Judy Graham, Irene Gray, Jill Hearn, Reginald Horler, Lucy Kiely, Catherine (Kaye) Lapslie-Duffy, Levi Lauder, Winnie Lethaby, Grant Loffhagen, Peter Loft, Gerard (Bishop)

McCarron, Christine McLauchlan, Edna Nicol, Joyce Norman, Norman Odgers, Milton Parsons, Dorothy (Dot) Ray, Ada Reuben, Arthur Roughan, William (Bill) Scarlett, Harold Schipper, Helenus (Leen) Sexton, Rosalie Smith, Carla Smith, Leslie (Rex) Steedman, David Swaine, Genevieve Teahen, Shirley Thomas, Valerie (Mary) Thompson, Adrian Wilson, Brett

8 Feb o7 Butcher, Sheryl Duncan, Helen Fernando, Trevor Graham, Irene Harbrow, Patricia Hawthorne, Waddell (Walter) Heath, David Horler, Lucy Johnston, Russell Kirk, Jean Lilley, William Loft, Gerard (Bishop) Macnamara, Constance (Con) McCarron, Christine Nicol, Joyce Norman, Norman Odgers, Milton Parsons, Dorothy (Dot) Ray, Ada Reuben, Arthur Robinson, Arthur (Artie) Schmidt, Alexis (Lex) Sinclair, Ralph Swaine, Genevieve Te Whetu, Ropata Thomas, Valerie (Mary) Thyne, George Undy, Brian Vincent, Albert Wilson-Pyne, Margaret

9 Feb 07 Bastion, Bernard Bishop, Maurice Boon, Hilda Butcher, Sheryl Davis, Delia Fernando, Dr Trevor Graham, Irene Guy, Allan Harford, Kevin Head, John Heath, David

Johnston, Russell King, Rhoda Kirk, Jean McClure, Maureen McCluskey, Beverley (Bev) McGill, Karori Muir, Ian Odgers, Milton Ray, Ada Sheat, Graham (Granny) Taylor, Gavin Thyne, George Webb, Hugh Windsor, Linda

10 Feb 07 Bastion, Bernard Bessant, Ernest Brooks, Winifred Butcher, Sheryl Crouch, Ellen (Joyce) Den-Ouden, Michelle Dewes, Henry Dunshea, Ngaire Farrant, Doris Guise, Joan Hamlin, Christopher (Chris) Harford, Kevin Harper, Della Harris, Maisie Heath, David Horrell, Ian Keown, Malcolm Lapslie-Duffy, Levi Lilley, William Loffhagen, Peter MacIntyre, Donald Macpherson, Marguerite Maxwell, Phillip McClure, Maureen McCluskey, Beverley (Bev) McGill, Karori McGirr, Marjorie Meaclem, Elizabeth Mitchell, Llewellyn Mulholland, Walter Robinson, Elsie Sheat, Graham (Granny) Stevens, Margaret Taylor, Walter Thyne, George

12 Feb 07 Barwood, Alfred Beauchamp, Shirley Brown, Zola (Zoe) Butcher, Sheryl Cox, Cedric (Sid) Daly, Bernard Dillon, Joan Elliston, James (Jim) Harford, Kevin Havis, John Haywood, Alister Heath, David Horrell, Ian

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Israelson, Karana Macpherson, Marguerite McCluskey, Beverley (Bev) McGirr, Marjorie Meaclem, Elizabeth Mitchell, Llewellyn Oster, Patricia Parrant, Albert (Les) Pettet, Mary (Peg) Redmond, Kevin Riley, Sarah Smith, Ross Taylor, Walter Thyne, George Well, William (Bill) Werahika, Jason Wiltshire, Derek

13 Feb 07 Anderson, David Armstrong, John Barwood, Alfred Beauchamp, Shirley Beckett, Melba Bessant, Ernest Blackford, Arthur Cleary, John Coe, Vera Cox, Cedric (Sid) Cullen, Robert Den-Ouden, Michelle Dillon, Joan Hayward, Alister Heath, David Horrell, Ian Israelson, Karana Longley, Gloria McKenzie, Alan Moss, Glennis Oster, Patricia Riley, Sarah Roberts, Lois Smith, Raymond Smithson, Elizabeth (Betty) Stanton, Elizabeth Waters, Joy Watkins, Alma Wilkinson, Colin Williamson, Robert Wilson, Raymond

14 Feb 07 Aitken, John Albert, James Anderson, David Becker, Sally Bessant, Ernest Blackford, Arthur Cassidy, Margery (Anne) Cleary, John (JC) Clough, Jennie Ingram, Catherine (Kay) McKenzie, Alan

Odgers, June Oster, Patricia Roderique, Matthew Rutherford, Anthony Stanton, Elizabeth Wilkinson, Colin Williams, Denise Williamson, Robert Wiltshire, Derek

15 Feb 07 Anderson, David Becker, Sally Farrant, Doris Foley, Scottina Gibson, Colleen Kelly, Patrick Latimer, Edna Oster, Patricia Roderique, Matthew Wells, William (Bill) Williams, Denise Williamson, Robert

16 Feb 07 Anderson, David Becker, Sally Beswarick, Jennifer Butler, Sally Clouston, Joy Foster, Noeline Gibson, Colleen Gorrie, Clarence Holland, Leo Jamieson, Elsie Jenkins, Allan Kelly, Patrick Keown, Malcolm Macer, Owen McCormick, Barbara Muckle, Eunice Ramsay, Dorothy Smith, Roberta Thomas, Mary

17 Feb 07 Beswarick, Jennifer Billson, Olive Blackwood, Ann Brown, Zola (Zoe) Butler, Sally Clouston, Joy Daly, Mary (Marie) Gibson, James Glass, Les Gold, Henry (Harry) Gorrie, Clarence Hall, Colin Harper, Della Harris, Helen (Maree) Hooper, Christian Jamieson, Elsie Jenkins, Allan Kerdemelidis, Theodore Kyle, Roy Leslie, William

Macer, Owen McCarroll, Ronald McCormick, Barbara McGiffert, Erwin McKenzie, Andrew Moake, Bertha Ngatai, Kaye O'Brien, Beatrice Pearson, Winifred Purves, Lillian (Joyce) Rees, Patricia Roberts, Joy Rosenberg, Wolfgang Smith, Roberta Tooby, Hayden Topp, Mildred Van Asch, Margaret Van Haandel, Antonius (John) Welsh, Violet Young, Sara

19 Feb 07 Beattie, Valmai Blackwood, Ann Dixon, Clara Downing, Roslyn (Rose) Farquhar, John (Archie) Fenton, Vivienne (Gaye) Geeves, Alice Giles, Lois Glass, Les Glenie, Alma Granger, Jack Guest, Ronald Jackson, Jean Jenkins, Bary Keen, Jan Kennington, Geoffrey Kerdemelidis, Theodore Kilian, Jennifer Lawson, Rosina (Rose) McGiffert, Erwin McLay, Evelyn (Maud) Murray, Marie O'Brien, Bea Pearson, Winifred Rakena, Otene (Joe) Redmayne, Ethel Rosenberg, Wolfgang Topp, Mildred Tregea, Annie (Ina)

20 Feb 07 Anderson, Rieckie Barrow, Vincent Beattie, Valmai Clark, Sydney Dixon, Clara (Clare) Dixon, Gordon (Sobby) Downing, Roslyn (Rose) Fenton, Vivienne (Gaye) Fitzgerald, Maureen (Sister Mary) Forward, Esther (Nancy) Gibson, James (Jim)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Giles, Lois Kennington, Geoffrey Key, George Kilian, Jennifer Lawson, Rosina (Rose) McDougall, Winifred (Margy) McEwen, Peter McLay, Evelyn (Maud) McNaughton, Winifred (Winnie) Murray, Marie Ngatai, Kaye Pearson, Winifred Pretty, Thomas (Jo) Redmayne, Ethel (Pat) Royds, Brenda Smith, Clarice Stapleforth, Joseph Steel, Josephine (Josie) Stone, Walter Topp, Mildred Webb, Margaret Wilson, Christopher Young, Sara

21 Feb 07 Anderson, Rieckie Barnett, David Barrow, Vincent Brain, Damien (Damo) Clark, Sydney Curran, Alan Dixon, Gordon (Sobby) Downing, Roslyn (Rose) Fenton, Vivienne (Gaye) Fielding, Margaret Fitzgerald, Maureen (Sister Mary Anselm) Harcourt, Martha Holden, John (Jack) Horne, Violet Lawson, Rosina (Rose) Lods, Pierre Lucas, Roy Marshall, Brian McEwen, Peter McGiffert, Erwin McNaughton, Winifred Page, Mervyn Postlethwaite, Joyce Rakena, Otene (Joe) Roberts, Graham Royds, Brenda Shaw, Valerie Smith, Clarice Spain, Myrtle Stafford, Te Riutoto Stapleforth, Joseph Taylor, Maud Tindall, Ada Trainor, David Webb, Margaret Wilson, Christopher

Wright, Jonathan

22 Feb 07 Barnett, David Brain, Damien (Damo) Crawford, Eric Curran, Alan Deakin, Dorothy Douglas, David Fielding, Margaret Holden, John (Jack) Horne, Violet Howell, Lorna Maglis, Eleftherios (Terry) McGuigan, Jack Postlethwaite, Joyce Smitheram, Deidre (Marie) Stocker, Charles Stone, Walter Tindall, Ada Trainor, David van der Helm, Jacobus (Koos) Walsh, June Wilkinson, William Williamson, Janice Wilson, Christopher Woodward, Gretta Wright, Henry (Ernie) Wright, Jonathan

23 Feb 07 Barton, Rosina (Rosie) Boland, Doris Donnithorne, John Douglas, David Haines, Jacquelene Harcourt, Martha Herd, Robert Holden, John (Jack) Horne, Violet Howell, Lorna McCall, James McGuigan, Jack McStay, Morna Munro, Phylis North, William Paulsen, Lorna (Fay) van der Monde, Reinier Williamson, Janice Woodward, Gretta Wright, Henry (Ernie) Wright, Jonathan

24 Feb 07 Allen, Elsie Andrews, Graham Barton, Rosina (Rosie) Boland, Doris Bradley, Eileen Cross, Albertha Dalzell, Lilian (Joyce) Deakin, Dorothy

Donnithorne, John Douglas, David Gray, Tony Green, Joy Haines, Jacquelene Hamblin, Gladys Harford, David Hennessy, Roger Herd, Robert Larsen, Ivan Maniatis, Dimitra Maxwell, Charley McCall, James McStay, Morna Milne, Mona Mustchin, William North, William Roberts, Joy Rowling, Alva Smith, Margaret (Peggy) Stott, Louise (Plumstead) Tasker, Stuart Tyrie, Harold (Jum) van der Monde, Reinier Wagoner, John (Jack) Wake, Dorothy Walsh, June Whitaker, Eleanor Williams, Gerald Wright, Henry (Ernie)

26 Feb 07 Archbold, Marian Benge, Ronald Boland, Doris Bradley, Eileen Brake, Anne Clark, Rita Cosmatos, Nicholas Dow, Joyce Dunsmuir, Brett Eason, William (Bill) Ferguson, Ian (Fergie) Hutt, Carolyn Jackson, Roger Jones, John Jones, Morris Laws, Aloysius (Des) Maclennan, Margaret McCormack, Irene Milne, Mona North, William Offenberger, Dorothy Rowland, Leo van Wieren, Dirkje Visker, Willem Wagoner, John (Jack) Warburton, Margaret (Peggy) Whitaker, Eleanor (Lee) Wilson, Annette Wright, Gordon

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


27 Feb 07 Allan, Norman Archbold, Brigid Archbold, Marian Ball, Wendy Bryant, Jeffrey Chisholm, Olive Chunn, Joan Clark, Rita Clayton, Margot Cosmatos, Nicholas Douglas, Peggy Dunsmuir, Brett Eason, William (Bill) Furness, Gene Goldsmith, Merle (Pat) Laws, Aloysius (Des) Mildon, Ann Milne, Mona Ouwejan, Olive Pringle, Kathleen (Kitty) Richardson, Joan Rowe, Richard (Dick) Shewan, Ian Sweeney, Susan Trenberth, Simon Visker, Willem Whitaker, Eleanor (Lee) White, Gregory Wilson, Annette

28 Feb 07 Archibald, Kathleen Ball, Wendy Beauchamp, Beatrice Benge, Ronald Chisholm, Olive Chunn, Joan Dow, Joyce Dunsmuir, Brett Goldsmith, Merle (Pat) Goodman, Glenys Gorter, Elisabeth Green, Gladys Li, Lin Guang McHarrie, Arthur (Mac) Metcalfe, Sylvia Milne, Mona Phiskie, Gavin Rowe, Eric Rowe, Richard (Dick) Saina, Aifilifili (Fili) Salisbury, Frances Shanks, Grant Simpson, John Sweeney, Susan van der Poel, Cornelius (Kees) van Wieren, Dirkje Wake, Dorothy White, Barry Wilson, Annette Wright, Elsie

Wright, Gordon

1 Mar 07 Allan, Marion Benge, Ronald Christie, Nigel Crimmins, Roger Floyd, Theresa Gorter, Elisabeth Hanson, Richard Laurenson, Dorothy Long, Patrick Lorgelly, Robin (Rob) McGaughey, Ross Richardson, Ben Saina, Aifilifili (Fili) Sword, Kevin Timlin, Charles

2 Mar 07 Floyd, Theresa Helps, Doreen Hewson, Elsie Longley, Robert (Ron) Meads, Myrtle Rowe, Eric Simpson, John Staniland, William Stevenson, Lorraine

3-4 Mar 07 Allan, Marion Atkinson, Mary Beauchamp, Beatrice Bonell, Graham Callaghan, Ivan Crawley, Richard Darling, John (JD) Dawson, Ivy Floyd, Theresa Goold, Phyllis Graham, Kathleen (Phyl) Green, Gladys Helps, Doreen Hewson, Elsie Hill, Eoin Hill, Graham Hutchings, Raymond Li, Lin Guang Lippert, Edith Long, Patrick Longley, Robert (Ron) Lorgelly, Robin (Rob) McCallister, Nancy McGaughey, Ross Morton, John Mussen, Brian Nolan, Leslie Peters, Henry Phair, Aldyth Pitt, Marjorie Rosindale, Jill

Satherley, Herbert Shearer, James (Doug) Stokes, Marguerite (Peg) Surton-Austin, Debbie Sword, Kevin Titmus, Jack van Der Velde, Ngaire Walsh, Carolyn Williams, Phyllis Wright, Ira Wright, William (Jim)

5 Mar 07 Arps, Alfred (Bolo) Askin, Eric Atkinson, Mary Bastion, Jasmine Bonell, Graham Coats, Charles (Mick) Coxhead, David Darling, John (JD) Doran, Albert (George) French, Daphne Graham, Kathleen (Phyl) Graham, Murray Ives, Noeline Long, Patrick Martin, Albert (Bert) Martin, Tyler McCallister, Nancy Middlemiss, Melvina (Vena) Miller, Catherine Mussen, Brian Nelson, Peter Nevill, Robert Nolan, Leslie Pahau, Joseph Phair, Aldyth Pitt, Marjorie Rosindale, Jill Satherley, Herbert Shapcott, Reverend Leonard Stuttard, Pauline Surton-Austin, Debbie Titmus, Jack Tosswill, Lorna Walsh, Carolyn Williams, Angela Wright, Ira Wright, William (Jim)

6 Mar 07 Arps, Alfred (Bolo) Barnett, James (Jim) Bishop, Donald (John) Booth, Colin Burnett, Myrtle Doran, Albert (George) Dunnett, James French, Daphne Graham, Murray

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Haseman, Sidney MacGregor, Jacqueline (Laila) Martin, Albert (Bert) Martin, Tyler McGillivray, Valda Moodie, Dylan Pahau, Joseph Scoble, Ron Shearer, James (Doug) Simpson, John (Jack) Titmus, Jack Tosswill, Lorna Uttley, Alice van Der Velde, Ngaire Walsh, Carolyn Williams, Angela Wright, William (Jim)

7 Mar 07 Ayers, Ivan Barnett, James (Jim) Bishop, Donald (John) Booth, Colin Bresolin, Remiro Burnett, Myrtle Carpenter, Christian (Johnny) Chapman, Phyllis Ginders, Leslie Haden, Frank Hobday, Gordon (Gordy) Howland, John Kan, Wing Lawson, Thomas McCallum, Walter McGillivray, Valda Moodie, Dylan OBrien, Kim Pahau, Joseph Paulay, Herta Phillips, Edna (Teddy) Priest, Emma Revell, Doreen Scoble, Ron Simpson, John (Jack) Taylor, Caroline Titmus, Jack Todd, Francelle (Fran) Ward, Desmond Williams, Angela Williams, Phyllis Woods, Gordon

8 mar 07 Agnew, George Ash, Rosemary Bresolin, Remiro Burnett, Myrtle Carpenter, Christian (Johnny) Chapman, Phyllis Chick, Kenneth

Child, Doreen (Billie) Cooke, Lynda Dawson, Nola Dittmer, Anne Forrest, Gordon Hobday, Gordon (Gordy) Howland, John Marsden, Ruth McCormack, Alan Paulay, Herta Radford, Alison Ratu, Albie Sharp, Donald Southard, William Taylor, Joseph (Ted) Terry, Arthur Topliss, Patrick (George)

9 Mar 07 Ash, Rosemary Badland, Barford (Bill) Barnfield, Thomas (Tom) Bollard, Richard Bresolin, Remiro Carpenter, Christian (Johnny) Child, Doreen (Billie) Clark, Neil Corich, David (Dave) Dawson, Nola Dixon, Kathleen Draffin, Mary Hammond, Vanessa Higson, Richard (Ducky) Howland, John Larkin, Kenneth McCallum, Walter McCormack, Alan O'Neill, Alice Radford, Alison Ratu, Albie Roper, Wilfred Sharp, Donald (Don) Taylor, Joseph (Ted)

12 Mar 07 Badland, Barford Blacklow, Paul Cairns, Shirley Clark, Neil Cron, Leslie (Les) Fuller, Eva (Eve) Gallon, Gwendolyn Greenfield, Marjorie Hamilton, Nancy McDougall, Morris Mills, Frank Moir, Georgina (Jean) Moore, Margaret Neave, Henry Rudman, Phyllis Scantlebury, Margaret (Peggy)

Sewell, Lola Shearer, Christine Stephenson, Donal (Ian) Stevenson, Alexander Sutton, Dione (Di) Thomas, Rhoda Thompson, Doreen Van El, Willem (Bill) Welch, Margaret

13 Mar 07 Andrews, Jack Blacklow, Paul Blake, Katherine Body, Edmond (Euan) Chick, Kenneth Dippie, Gaynor (Gay) Dumbleton, Alice Haskett, Barrington Howe, Marion Lott, Maree Mills, Frank Moore, Margaret Neal, Grace Neave, Henry O'Connor, Patricia (Pat) Preston, Dalton Sayers, Alma (Prue) Skade, Loretta Stevenson, Alexander Sutton, Allan Sutton, Dione (Di) Thomas, Rhoda Townsend, Ernest (Vic) Welch, Margaret Withington, Archibald

14 Mar 07 Arona, Donna Blacklow, Paul Body, Edmond (Euan) Coleman, Alan Dale, Kura (Jean) Foote, Melville (Mel) Garth, Mavis (May) Haskett, Barrington Litchfield, Neil Luskie, Henry Neave, Henry Oxnevad, Patricia Preston-Dalton, Jesse Sayers, Alma (Prue) Shadbolt-Thin, Jayne Shanks, John Shearer, Christine Simpson, Lewis Smith, Brian Thompson, Doreen Townsend, Ernest (Vic) Velvin, Mildred (Milly) Wade, Aileen Whyte, Christina

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


15 Mar 07 Ah Tong, Taeao Baker, Kenneth Bone, William Casey, Eileen Cowden, Nola Dale, Kura (Jean) Fitzgerald, Edna (Joan) Foote, Melville (Mel) Forrester, Norman Foster, Jessie Francis, Arthur Fraser, Alice Garth, Mavis (May) Gill, Zita Hatton, Daphne Henderson, Ellen Luskie, Henry Preston-Dalton, Jesse Radburnd, Thomas (Tom) Shadbolt-Thin, Jayne Sowden, Frances Wooltorton, Beverley

16 Mar 07 Anderson, Ann (Mrs A) Anderson, Winifred Angus, David (Bob) Baker, Kenneth (Keith) Bell, Gladys (Glad) Casey, Eileen Cowden, Nola Csik, Mihaly (Michael) Davies, Jean (Brownie) Fitzgerald, Edna (Joan) Francis, Arthur Fraser, Alice Garth, Mavis (May) Gill, Zita Greenhorn, Hugh Hatton, Daphne Millard, Eric (Snow) Neale, Letitia Papps, Margaret (Betty) Pearce, Lance Radburnd, Thomas (Tom) Shadbolt-Thin, Jayne Sowden, Frances Vernel, Christine Wade, Aileen Whyte, Christina Lorna (Chris)

17-18 Mar 07 Anderson, Winifred Angus, David (Bob) Baker, Kenneth (Keith) Bloomfield, Mary (Molly) Brooker, Eva Brown, Margaret Burns, Albert (Albie) Casey, Robert Cowden, Nola

Csik, Mihaly (Michael) Davies, Jean (Brownie) Davis, Kelvyn (Kelly) Edgar, Robert (Neil) Gallaher, Raymond Gill, Zita Greenhorn, Hugh Huisman, Jacob (Jack) Hurst, Catherine (Jean) Jorgensen, Shirley Levy, Frank Luskie, Henry McArley, Rex McLauchlan, Alistair (Al) Mead, Hubert (Hub) Messenger, Gail Neale, Letitia Nieper, Ross Pearce, Lance Penney, Nola Provis, Leslie (Les) Quartly, Hughie Radburnd, Thomas (Tom) Rhodes, Ronald (Ron) Stevens, Cyril (Eddie) van Oosterom, Johanna (Elly) Vernel, Christine Wootton, Desmond 19 Mar 07 Brown, Margaret Campbell, Myra (Evelyn) Cone, Jean Douglas, Mary (Molly) Duggan, Maurice (Doug) Elder, Phyllis Glen, Neil Heald, George Hewitt, Vida (Joyce) Howden, George Hughes, Raymond Irving, Kenneth Malaugh, William (Johnnie) Mead, Hubert (Hub) Mulligan, William Neal, Doreen Nieper, Ross Penney, Nola Provis, Leslie (Les) Rhodes, Ronald (Ron) Rolton, Hugh Sargeant, Ayleen Stockdill, George (Ken) Taraare, Ngamata Tyson, Raymond van Irsel, Antonius (Tom) Wilson, Debra Wooldridge, Bella (Isabella)

20 Mar. 07 Birt, John (Owen)

Brankin, Rosalie Cubitt, Frederick Davis, Kelvyn (Kelly) Douglas, Mary (Molly) Eathorne, Irene Elder, Phyllis Glen, Neil Harris, Ivan Heald, George Howden, George Huisman, Jacob (Jack) Irving, Kenneth Lovell, William (Bill) Malaugh, William (Johnnie) Mika, Taase Montgomery, Forrest (Monty) Mulligan, William Nicholas, Ruth Rolton, Hugh Sargeant, Ayleen Stewart, Rita Stockdill, George (Ken) Taraare, Ngamata Taylor, Derek Te Huna, Berwick Tyson, Raymond van Irsel, Antonius (Tom) Veth, Johanna Williamson, Amber (Lucy) Wilson, Debra Wooldridge, Bella (Isabella) Zielinski, Anna

21 Mar 07 Anderson, Margaret Bergin, Joan _ see Wilson Birt, John (Owen) Blair, Martha (Marsie) Brankin, Rosalie Burns, Albert (Albie) Carpenter, Jean Cone, Jean Deller, Mathew Duggan, Maurice (Doug) Eathorne, Irene Gasson, Noeline Golding, George Grigor, Euan Hanuman, Sharon Harris, Ivan Henderson, Valerie Howden, George Irving, Kenneth Kanuta, Lee (Jamie) Kirkman, Gordon Maxwell, Douglas McMillan, Robert (John), Professor Meyer, Betty Phillips, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Rigg, Melissa Robinson, Jean Sargeant, Ayleen Scott, Eric Swale, Thomas (Bill) Taraare, Ngamata Taylor, Derek Tinning, Douglas Tyson, Raymond van Irsel, Antonius (Tom) Veth, Johanna Williams, Warren Wilson, Debra Wilson, Joan Wojtas, Heinrich (Heinz) Wooldridge, Bella (Isabella) Zielinski, Anna

22 Mar 07 Anderson, Margaret Bergin, Joan - see Wilson Braun, Kevin Burford, June (Marnie) Carpenter, Jean Cate, Walter Craw, Rosanne Deller, Mathew Dickie, Eric Dodds, Alan Eathorne, Irene Gasson, Noeline Gray, Gavin Grigor, Euan Harris, Noeline Kerr, Beverley McGregor, Marshall Meyer, Betty Morrison, Betty Pope, Fay Pope, Kenneth Reeve, Betty Rigg, Melissa Ross, Brian Scott, Eric Simpson, Geoffrey Taraare, Ngamata Taylor, Derek Tinning, Douglas Williams, Warren Wilson, Joan Wojtas, Heinrich (Heinz)

23 Mar 07 Besley, Malcolm Bradshaw, Brian Burford, June (Marnie) Clews, David Cotterill, George Craw, Rosanne (Rosie) Davidson, Flora (Joyce) Dodds, Alan Gray, Gavin

Harris, noeline Hindin, Jack Ineson, Annie Judd, Colin Miller, Ivan Pope, Fay Rigg, Melissa Smith, John (Jack) Smolenski, Dorothy (Dot) Walker, Dr Noeline

24-25 Mar 07 Arthur, Pamela Banks, Dixie Besley, Malcolm Blackler, Nathan Broekman, Reverend Father Theo Clews, David Coster, Charlotte Cotterill, George Cowler, Harold (Harry) Davidson, Flora (Joyce) Dickie, Eric Edlin, Margaret (Joan) Faulks, Ian Fielden, William Forrest, Rita Hindin, Jack Ineson, Annie Judd, Colin Lamb, James (Jim) Lee, Mary Lilley, Kathleen Miller, Ivan Morrison, Betty Olliver, Gary Pearson, Barbara Rodie, Joyce Smith, Jack Stewart, George "Lindsay" Todd, Beverley Waitai, Enoka (Joss) Walker, Noeline Williams, Colleen

26 Mar 07 Anderson, William Archibald, Margaret (Dibba) Blackler, Nathan Braun, Kevin Carter, Robert (Bob) Cowler, Harold (Harry) Crase, Richard (Dick) Dalrymple, Arthur (Skippy) Dunn, Patricia Fielden, William (Ross) Flynn, Mary Gibb, Archibald Giesbers, Stephen Gill, Pat Gimpel, Wilmina

Grant, Beverley Hanrahan, Pauline Lamb, James (Jim) Mackie, Ruby Olliver, Gary Parkyn, Carol Steegh, John Stewart, George "Lindsay" Titheridge, Graeme Todd, Beverley Walker, Noeline Wilson, Henry (George)

27 Mar 07 Anderson, William Archibald, Margaret (Dibba) Arthur, Pamela Barnes, Frank (Chalkie) Blackler, Nathan Blair, Archibald Broekman, Reverend Father Theo Carter, Robert (Bob) Dalrymple, Arthur (Skippy) Dunn, Patricia Enright, Hilary Flynn, Mary Grant, Beverley Kerr, Elizabeth Lorking, John Mackie, Ruby Parkyn, Carol Pearson, Barbara Ranger, William Riedinger, John Smolenski, Dorothy Stephenson, John Stewart, Win Wade, Monica Wards, Mary Ware, Raymond (Ray) Waters, Frederick Wilson, Henry (George) Winterbourn, David

28 Mar 07 Agnew, William (Bill) Angell, Marie (Annette) Ash, William Barnes, Frank (Chalkie) Barraclough, Evelyn (Jean) Biddington, Noeline Carter, Robert Cecil Carter, Robert Wallace Creagh, Grant Dalrymple, Arthur (Skippy) Dellow, Elizabeth (Betty) Flynn, Mary Fonoti_Leiataua, Ngaire Francis, Peter Grant, Harold (Haddy, George)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hoskin, Grace Johnson, Barton Lorking, John Mackie, Ruby Margetts, George Powell, Bruce Reeves, Elizabeth (Betty) Rigby, Leonard Ritter, Cavell Siataga, Tuioataga (Billie) Southgate, Phyllis Stephenson, John Taylor, Gavin Tomasi, Michael Ware, Raymond (Ray) Waters, Frederick

29 Mar 07 Angell, Marie (Annette) Biddington, Noeline Blyth, Winifred Carruthers, John Dickson, Alison Francis, Peter Jenkins, Douglas Laird, David Macaulay, Arthur Margetts, George Marsh, John (Kevin) McCallum, Bryan McGuinniety, John Nelson, James (Jim) Peterson, Florence (Polly) Reeves, Elizabeth (Betty) Riddell, Ngaire Rigby, Leonard Siataga, Tuioataga (Billie) Sutherland, Angela Terry, Margaret Tomasi, Michael (Rev. Father) Trotter, Al (Alva Acheson) Wards, Mary Watson, Brian Watson, Patience Whiteside, Elizabeth (Beth)

30 Mar 07 Acland, Joanna Ash, William Brown, Hilary Clark, Charles Francis, Peter Lawrie, Alexander (Alec) McCallum, Bryan Moore, George Porterfield, Norman Symons, Eliza (Bessie) Terry, Margaret Worsfold, Bevan

31 Mar 07

Brown, Hilary Burfitt, Albert Burnip, Madeline Caswell, David Flavel, Derek Hill, Joseph (Joe) Jenkins, Douglas Laird, David Lancaster, Pamela Laurie, Esme Lawrie, Alexander (Alex) Lovegrove, Gwenda Macaulay, Arthur McKillop, Patrick (Pat) Mitchell, Shane Morrow, Norma Oliver, Isabel (Gwynneth) Peffers, Rona Porterfield, Norman Robinson, Kathleen (Een) Stanley, Leonie Taylor, Gavin Terry, Margaret Trotter, Al (Alva Acheson) Woods, Margaret

2 Apr 07 Acland, Joanna Barnes, Stanley Bates, Francis (Frank) Boyce, William Braxton, Ormonde Breach, Albert Brien, Violet Burke, Grace Devine, Trevor (Louie) Ford, Victor Garland, Sotham (Ron) Goodger, Leonard Higgins, Charles (Charlie) Hill, Joseph (Joe) Hinks, Owen Inns, William Johnston, Fay Lamb, Dora Lawrie, Alexander (Alex) Lovegrove, Gwenda McKillop, Patrick (Pat) Millar, Beverley Morrow, Norma Neilson, Ann (Annie) Polaschek, Martin Price, Mollie Pulley, Lester Robinson, Kathleen (Een) Rogers, Irene Thomas, Annette Wilkinson, Mary (Mollie) Williamson, Andrew Worthington, Pamela

3 Apr 07 Balderstone, Harry

Barnes, Stanley Boyce, William Brien, Violet Chalmers, George Dawson, Ivan (Max) Dodds, Shirley Ford, Victor Grant, Harold (Haddy, George) Hamilton, Bruce Hinton, John Inns, William Johnson, Fay Lamb, Dora Lang, Rosalie McMillan, John (Professor) Miles, Hazel Millar, Beverley Neilson, Ann (Annie) Nicholas, Brian Patrick, Barbara Pulley, Lester Quirke, Colin (Lloyd) Rogers, Irene Stephenson, Laurence Stewart, Arthur (Bob) Stott, Howard Thomas, Annette Turner, Helen Wilkinson, Mary (Mollie)

4 Apr 07 Aramoana, Janet Balderstone, Harry co*ckburn, William Currie, Beatrice Dawson, Ivan (Max) Doak, Mabel Farrell, Mary Garland, Sotham (Ron) Hinton, John Inkpen, William Johnston, Fay Lamb, Dora Lang, Rosalie Lewis, Clarence Maud, Henry (Harry) McDonald, Joyce Miles, Maisie (Peggy) Millar, Beverley Murray, Joyce (Joy) Neilson, Ann (Annie) Nicholas, Brian Patrick, Barbara Quirke, Colin (Lloyd) Rogers, Irene Sheldon, Nicola (Nicky) Stephenson, Laurence Stewart, Arthur (Bob) Sutherland, Una Taueki-Watson, Desmond (Beau) Wilkinson, Mary (Mollie)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Willis, Francis Worthington, Pamela

5 Apr 07 Burgess, Gordon (Jock) Conroy, Adelaide Currie, Beatrice Ebert, Cynthia Frost, Edith (Bess) Heaps, Eric Hona, Penikera (Ben) Hope, Bernard Jarrold, Joyce Lewis, Clarence Martin, Kenneth Maud, Henry (Harry) Miles, Maisie (Peggy) Murray, Joyce (Joy) Patrick, Barbara Richardson, Mary Shore, Linda Smith, Raymond Stewart, Arthur (Bob) Stonehouse, Roy Trent, Irving Wilkinson, Mary (Mollie)

7 Apr 07 Adams, Elsie Amyes, Alfred (Fred) Bonnington, Freda Brown, Myra Byron, Gonzo Cake, Rodney (Fred) Clough, Terrence co*ckburn, William Conroy, Adelaide Cook, Raymond (Les) Donaldson, Jo (Josephine) Donoghue, Karen Dowling, Jason Everett, Ivan Frost, Edith (Bess) Hamlin, John Heaps, Eric Jarrold, Joyce Lewis, Clarence (Ted) Marlowe, Betty McGillivray, Oliver Paringatai, Mautini Peters, Priscilla Shaw, Thomas Stonehouse, Roy Tinkler, Elmsley (Tink) Trent, Irving

9 Apr 07 Aitchison, Margaret (Eunice) Amyes, Alfred (Fred) Clough, Terrence co*ckburn, Rita Copland, Sam

Cordy, Doris Curtis, Brian Curtis, Marjorie Donoghue, Karen Foster, Leigh Hamlin, John Heaps, Eric Hunia, Patrick Hyde, Jack Kilday, Ola Knoef, Willhelmus (Wim) (Bill) Mani, Amara Marlowe, Betty Maurenbrecher, Antonia (Toni) McClure, Ian McConnell, Rosemary McGillivray, Oliver McGrath, Aaron Peters, Priscilla Preston, Peter Shearer, Dulcie Sutton, Eric Wadley, CJI (Ivan)

10 Apr 07 Adams, Elsie Amyes, Alfred (Fred) Brown, Colleen co*ckburn, Rita Coll, Colleen Cordy, Doris Curtis, Marjorie Elliot, Evelyn (Essie) Everett, Ivan Forrester, Alan Foster, Leigh Hunia, Patrick Hyde, Jack Kilday, Ola King, Evelyn Leffelaar, Betsie Little, Evelyn McClure, Ian McConnell, Rosemary Millthorpe, Anthony Ormandy, John (Mayson) Preston, Peter Rance, John Richards, Robert Shaw, Thomas Sutton, Eric Sykes, Donald Tolson, John Trent, Irving

11 Apr 07 Cordy, Doris Doherty, Iris Donoghue, Karen Flintoft, Bernard Forrester, Alan

Foster, Leigh Hartnett, Rita Hawker, Natalie Hobby, Walter (Jim) Hollard, Murray Hunia, Patrick McClure, Ian Menzies-Bruce, Johnathan Millthorpe, Anthony (Paul) Moody, William Ormandy, John (Mayson) Preston, Peter Rance, John Reilly, Joan Richards, Robert Stewart, Bryan Sutton, Eric Wadley, CJI (Ivan) White, Nola Woodley, Ethel

12 Apr 07 Branks, Joyce Brown, Rhona Brunt, Bruce Copland, Samuel Frobisher, Mavis Harvey, Marion (Eva) Hatfull, Malia (Mary) Hawker, Natalie King, Evelyn Macdonald, Pauline Martin, Erica Menzies-Bruce, Johnathan Peck, Lorna (Bubby) Steven, Frances Sutherland, Peter Woodley, Ethel

13 Apr 07 Ayson, Cora Drinnan, Harold Duckmanton, Phyllis (Gwen) Easter, Cheryl Frobisher, Mavis Hare, Nitayap*rn Lintott, Anthony Melhuish, Gordon Mohammed, Khalil Robertson, Muriel Sampson, Arthur Stewart, Bryan Sutherland, Peter Wetere, Tama

14 Apr 07 Ayson, Cora Belcher, Marjorie Branks, Joyce Dawber, Russell

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Duckmanton, Phyllis (Gwen) Easter, Cheryl Frobisher, Mavis Gilmore, Norman Glentworth, Walter Gourdie, Valerie Hare, Nitayap*rn Harris, Jennifer Hatfull, Malia (Mary) Judkin, Rev. Maurice Le Gros, Sydney Lintott, Anthony Lyall, Heather Melhuish, Gordon Moffat, Dr John Mohammed, Khalil Moody, William Robertson, Muriel Sampson, Arthur Sheehan, Ivy (Joyce) Sinton, William Smith, Marie Stagg, Norman Wilkinson, Jean

16 Apr 07 A'Court, Madge Bisphan, Bernard Blumberg, Terence Carroll, Dean Christensen, Georgina Day, Rose Dixon, Eleanor (Nell) Dugdale, Kathleen Fuller, Evelyn (Laurie) Garland, Nora (Noni) Glentworth, Walter Gourdie, Val Gregory, Colleen Harris, Jennifer Hight, Dorothy Hoy, Desmond Hunt, Thomas Judkins, Rev. Maurice Lloyd, Barbara Lyall, Heather Macdonald, Georgina (Dordy) Mangos, Keith McHugh, John Melhuish, Gordon Moffat, Dr John Osborn, Jean Pickrill, Joyce Quinlan, Lilian Stewart, Selma Tither, Joan Ward, Grace Watson, Karen White, Freda Wilkinson, Jean Wilson, Maureen

17 Apr 07 Blumberg, Terence Bruce, Barry Carroll, Dean Ching, Elizabeth (Bett) Christensen, Georgina Cleghorn, Bella Coochey, Sharon Davies, Cecil Day, Rose Dixon, Eleanor (Nell) Dowrick, Bernard (Bernie) Evans, Reginald Garland, Nora (Noni) Glentworth, Walter (Wally) Gregory, Colleen Harris, Jennifer Harris, Lorna Hight, Dorothy Hoy, Desmond Kramer, Eckart (Eck) Lloyd, Barbara Macdonald, Georgina (Dordy) Nolan, Rev. Father David Perry, Bradley Rawson, June Robinson, Bernice Shepperd, Gavin Stevenson, Eva (Bly) Tither, Joan Uden, Barbara Walkinshaw, Matthew Walton, John Ward, Edward Ward, Grace Watson, Karen Williamson, John (Jack) Winterbourn, Molly

18 Apr 07 Bennett, Olive Blumberg, Terence Brunsden, Helen Carroll, Dean Childs, Mary Cillekens, Maria (Miep) Clay, Professor Emeritus Dame Marie Crofts, Awatea (Arch) Cumming, Neville Dann, Jean Evans, Reginald Harris, Lorna Higginson, Alison Homer, John Hunt, Thomas Hutchby, Rosalie Jeffs, Pierce (Joe) Kujala, Helen Laing, Dorothy (Bonnie) McGuinness, James

Mitchell, Shane Parfitt, Glenda Poirier, Dave Rawson, June Roberts, Reginald Scott, Olive Smith, Ronald (Ron) Tennant, Elsie Walkinshaw, Matthew Ward, Edward Whiting, Edward (Jim) Wilkinson, Jean Winterbourn, Molly Bennett, Olive Blumberg, Terence Brunsden, Helen Carroll, Dean Childs, Mary Cillekens, Maria (Miep) Clay, Professor Emeritus Dame Marie Crofts, Awatea (Arch) Cumming, Neville Dann, Jean Evans, Reginald Harris, Lorna Higginson, Alison Homer, John Hunt, Thomas Hutchby, Rosalie Jeffs, Pierce (Joe) Kujala, Helen Laing, Dorothy (Bonnie) McGuinness, James Mitchell, Shane Parfitt, Glenda Poirier, Dave Rawson, June Roberts, Reginald Scott, Olive Smith, Ronald (Ron) Tennant, Elsie Walkinshaw, Matthew Ward, Edward Whiting, Edward (Jim) Wilkinson, Jean Winterbourn, Molly

19 Apr 07 Bateson, Dr Frank Carroll, Dean Chellew, Kenneth (Ken) Childs, Mary Cillekens, Maria (Miep) Cleghorn, Bella Costello, Wayne Crofts, Awatea (Arch) Forbes, Solveig Gordon, Athlyn Higginson, Alison Jensen, Joyce Magill, Ian McCutcheon, Sheila

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Mills, Michael Nicholas, Andrew O'Sullivan, Margaret (Maggie) Page, Vida Perry, Bradley Roberts, Reginald Robertson, Kenneth Robinson, Thelma Rowley, Rex Scott, Olive Smith, Ronald (Ron) Sutherland, John Tennant, Elsie Thomas, Valmai (Val)

20 Apr 07 Andrews, Eileen Carrara, Raymond Chellew, Kenneth (Ken) Crofts, Awatea (Arch) Howman, Anne Lindsay, Philip Magill, Ian McCutcheon, Sheila Mills, Michael Murphy, Alvin Nicholas, Andrew O'Sullivan, Margaret (Maggie) Robertson, Kenneth Robinson, Thelma Scott, Olive Smith, Neil Smith, Ronald (Ron) Thomas, Valmai (Val) Wilson, Ann

21 Apr 07 Andrews, Eileen Brown, Rhona Buiqumu, Ana Byrne, Nancy Chellew, Kenneth (Ken) Cornelius, Lance Dalmer, Olive (Molly) Dick, Joan-Marie (Marie) Ford, Don Herbertson, Campbell Howman, Anne Howse, Diane Jones, Edward (Eddie) Lindsay, Philip Lowe, Peter (Pete) Mackie, Maude Magill, Ian McQuillan, Eileen (Sister Mary Benedict) Mills, Michael Nicholas, Andrew Pedley, Tony Pettit, Maurice Reitsma, Mike

Richardson, Athol Roberts, Maurice Robinson, Thelma Smith, Neil Thomas, Annette Verstraaten, Johannes (Joe) Wilson, Ann

23 April 07 Ballam, Edward (Ted) Bedford, Shona Byrne, Nancy Cameron, Alexander (Sandy) Cornelius, Lance Couling, Keith Crocker, Gladys Dierck, Raymond (Ray) Ford, Don Gray, Shirley Hart, Jayne Hawker, Bruce Heeney, Christopher Howse, Diane Jones, Edward (Eddie) Lindstrom, Dulcie Lowe, Peter (Pete) McAra, Doreen (Joyce) McQuillan, Eileen (Sister Mary Benedict) Milne, Laurie Oelderink, Anne Park, Thomas (Bill) Pringle, Christina (Jean) Reitsma, Mike Richardson, Athol Sinclair, Ngaire Smith, Michael Smith, Neil Taylor, Murray Truesdale, Marie Watson, Monica Williams, Edward (Eddie)

24 Apr 06 Ballam, Edward (Ted) Bedford, Shona Church, Helen (Isa) Cogle, Ivy Couling, Keith Elco*ck, Isabel Gourley, Doris Gray, Shirley Harrington, Andrew (Warta) Hawker, Bruce Heeney, Christopher Jackson, Michael Jardine, Tharon Matagi, Tuala McEwen, John

McLay, Allister Oelderink, Anne Shanks, Clara Sinclair, Ngaire Taylor, Murray Tennent-Brown, Marion Truesdale, Marie Watson, Monica White, James

25 Apr 07 Abbott, Martin Balson, Roger Bedford, Shona Carson, Marjorie (Ruth) Church, Geoffrey Cogle, Ivy Couling, Keith Crocker, Gladys Dierck, Raymond (Ray) Edgecumbe, Miriam Evans, Melba Fisher, Mary (Pam) Ford, Rose (Edna) Gourley, Anton Gourley, Doris Gray, Shirley Happer, Betty Harrington, Andrew (Warta) King, Agnes (Aggie) Lucas, Wayne McAra, Doreen (Joyce) Moreton, William Mustard, Robert Park, Joseph Park, Thomas (Bill) Paskell, Eric Pohio-Patterson, Elma Scott, Michael (Mick) Simonsen, Robin Smith, Michael Stewart, Rupert

26 Apr 07 Baldwin, Mavis Balson, Roger Begg, George Carr, Tweenie (Pat) Cogle, Ivy Cookson, Margaret Gourley, Anton Gray, Shirley Grooby, Mary Jardine, Tharon Jeffrey, Elizabeth (Bett) Lindstrom, Dulcie Muldrew, Martha (Mattie) Mustard, Robert O'Brien, Reta (Grace) Pohio-Patterson, Elma Scott, Michael (Mick) Smith, Michael

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Stewart, Rupert Tutepoa-Thompson, Taui

27 Apr 07 Bennett, Elsa Carr, Tweenie (Pat) Cowan, Charles Cowan, David (Jack) Elliot, George Evans, Melba Fa'amoe, Ta'avili (David) Fisher, Dorothy Fox, Graeme (Jack) Goulden, Raymond (Ray) Gourley, Anton Grooby, Mary King, Agnes McConnochie, Wayne McNee, Shona O'Brien, Reta (Grace) Rayner, Edna Robinson, June J. P. Rogers, Denis Sheat, Anna (Ann) Taylor, Lionel Thompson, Hazel Watson, William (Bill)

28-29 Apr 07 Ashworth, Jack Barrett, Edna (Betty) Bennett, Elsa Carr, Tweenie (Pat) Carter, John (Russ) Colenso, Janice (Jan) Cookson, Margaret Cowan, David (Jack) Cullen, Iolo de Vries, Jacob (Jack) Donaldson, Eva (Hazel) Dunbar, William (Bill) Fisher, Dorothy Fowler, Stanley Fox, Graeme (Jack) Goulden, Raymond (Ray) Haydon, Irene (Rene) Hill, Elsie Jeffrey, Elizabeth (Bett) McAusland, Lynton (Lyn) McConnochie, Wayne Molloy, Grant Nelson, Patricia (Pat) Preston, Donald Rayner, Edna Scott, Elsie Searle, David Sheat, Anna (Ann) Smith, Katherine (Kate) Spiers, Selwyn Spiller, Terrence (Terry) Stewart, Rupert Taylor, Lionel (Leo) Thompson, Hazel

Wall, Brian Watson, William (Bill)

30 Apr 07 Banks, Nola Barnes, Charles Bird, Ronald Buckner, Kay Carr, Tweenie (Pat) Chester, Colleen Cowan, David (Jack) Dale, Pamela Dalton, Ngaio Direen, Alexander Fowler, Stanley Goodrich, Dr Philip Hands, Brian Hay, Brian Haydon, Irene (Rene) Jones, Graham Keating, John (J. P.) McAusland, Lynton (Lyn) McKay, Andrew (Kelvin) McMullan, William Parr, Clare Pierson, Julie Preston, Donald Pugh, Betty Sutherland, Calvin Tripney, Brian Turnbull, Allan Wall, Brian Whitfield, Selwyn

1 May 07 Allfrey, Elwyn Banks, Nola Barnes, Charles Bishop, Francis Carroll, Helen Chester, Colleen Dale, Pamela Dawson, Dorothy Earl, Warwick East, Raymond (Ray) Goodrich, Dr Philip Haydon, Irene (Rene) Ingram, Harold Jamison, Robert Jeffs, William (Len) Keating, John (J. P.) Kidson, Eric McCarthy, Margaret (Mollie) McMullan, William Motz, Richard (Dick) Parker, Donald Pierson, Julie Preston, Donald Reesby, Elizabeth (Comfy) Rose, Catherine Schroder, Cedric Shepherd, Mary

Tame, Gladys (Toss) Tripney, Brian Vuillermin Moon, Cheryl Whitfield, Selwyn Wiggins, May Wilson, Morton

2 May 07 Boyes, Augusta (Gussie) Budge, Ivy Carroll, Helen Dawson, Dorothy Earl, Warwick East, Raymond (Ray) Ellison, Anthony Goodrich, Dr Philip Hampton, Anthony Ingram, Harold Jamison, Robert Jeffs, William (Len) Lynn, Rosalie May, Gladys McDermott, Hugh McKay, Andrew (Kelvin) McNaughton, Mildred Meester, Gerardus Motz, Richard (Dick) Nolan, Dorothy Phillips, Mary Pugh, Betty Reesby, Elizabeth (Comfy) Schroder, Cedric Smith, Colin Tippet, Laurence Vuillermin Moon, Cheryl Wiggins, May

3 May 07 Anderson, Jennifer Best, Robin Bolton, Andrew (Tony) Boyes, Augusta Budge, Ivy co*cks, Keith Davidson, Stuart (Stu) Dawson, Dorothy Fisher, Jessie Galavazi, Margaret Hampton, Anthony Hayes, Althea (Roie) Hemsley, Stanley Jamison, Robert McNaughton, Mildred Meechin, Warren Monson, Lancelot (Lance) Motz, Richard (Dick) Newton, Lawrence Nolan, Dorothy O'Connell, Evelyn Partridge, Gwelma Perrin, John (Jack) Purcell, Rev Father Philip Rainey, Michael

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Shepherd, Mary Taylor, David Thomas, Derek Wiggins, May

4 May 07 Anderson, Jennifer Blows, William (Bill) Collingwood, Ida Copland, Martin Cowan, Allan (Ferdie) Davidson, Stuart (Stu) Galavazi, Margaret Gilbert, Paihau Gorman, Colleen Gray, George Hampton, Dudley Harwood, Ailsa Hayes, Althea Hutton, Donald Jarvis, Leslie (Les) Maher, Ronald McCusker, Edna Meechin, Warren Newton, Lawrence Parker, Rosemary (Rose) Scobie, John (Jack) Stack, Florence Thomas, Derek Webb, Maxey (Max)

5 May 07 Best, Robin Blows, William (Bill) Bryson, Myrtle Byers, Hilda Collingwood, Ida Cowan, Allan (Ferdie) Daly, Kevin Donaldson, Maxwell Fisher, Jessie Forsyth, Agnes Franks, Robert (Bob) Gilbert, Paihau Gorman, Colleen Hamilton, Doreen Harwood, Ailsa Hayes, Althea (Roie) Hemsley, Stanley Hendriks, Nick Jarvis, Leslie (Les) Kotara, Paul Maher, Ronald Mavor, Hamish McBride, Elizabeth McCusker, Edna McLeod, Thomas (Tom) McNicol, Albert (Des) McQuinn, Muriel Moffett, Walter Monson, Lancelot (Lance) Osmond, Christian (Chris) Parker, Rosemary (Rose)

Paulsen, Ronald (Ron) Scobie, John (Jack) Scott, Gavin Sinclair, Robert Stack, Florence Stephens, Treasure Sutherland, Calvin Webb, Maxey

7 May 07 Backhouse, June Bain, Margaret (Joan) Bennet, James Blows, Billy Burrows, Lloyd Claridge, Frank Creelman, Rona Daly, Kevin Dickson, Lauren Donaldson, Maxwell Fraser, Alma Hendriks, Nick Hubbard, Susan Irwin, John (Jack) Knox, Reginald Larkin, Norah Lister, Cloey Lynn, Rosalie Maher, Ronald Mason, Grace McDrury, Gerald McEntee, Edna McNicol, Albert (Des) McNulty, Alan McQuinn, Muriel Moorhead, Noel October, Susan Parker, Rosemary (Rose) Paulsen, Ronald (Ron) Phillips, Phyllis Reed, Ida Scobie, John (Jack) Sinclair, Robert Sullivan, Isobel Taylor, Frances Thomas, Alistair (Tom) Walker, Nellie Wood, Raymond

8 May 07 Anderson, Maureen Bennet, James Claridge, Frank (Ted) Clark, Joyce Creelman, Rona Davey, Christina Dell, Dorothy Dickson, Lauren Gemmell, Ethel (May) Hale, Ngaire Hall, Annie (Ann) Hende, Henry Hubbard, Susan

Irwin, John (Jack) Jenkinson, Mary Keen, Shayne Knox, Reginald Larkin, Norah Lasorsa, Anthony Lister, Cloey Lynn, Rosalie Lyster, Thelma Mavor, Hamish McBride, Elizabeth McCready, Joseph (Mac) (Alec) McDonald, Iris McDrury, Gerald McLeod, Thomas Nightingale, Nora (Peggy) October, Susan Palmer, George Parish, Janet Phillips, Phyllis Rainey, James (Jim) Richardson-Gibson, Chris Ross, Jason Rossiter, Hannah Shaw, Margaret Smitheram, Elizabeth (Jean) Stuart, Marjory Taylor, Frances Wade, Donald Walker, Nellie Wood, Raymond

9 May 07 Adams-Richardson, Christopher Anderson, Maureen Bryson, Myrtle Clark, Joyce Davey, Christina Davidson, Matthew Dell, Dorothy Dougherty, Sally Drum, Reverend Father Maurice Dyer, Roger Ensor, Avice (Sheila) Field, Terrence (Terry) Flavell, Marie Habgood, Margaret (Sandy) Hale, Ngaire Harwood, Dulcie Jenkinson, Mary Kimber, Elsie Larkin, Norah Lasorsa, Anthony Lister, Cloey Marchant, Noel (Pat) Mason, Grace

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McCready, Joseph (Mac) (Alex) McDonald, Iris McGrath, Anthony Moorhead, Noel October, Susan Palmer, George Parish, Janet Rainey, James (Jim) Ross, Jason Rossiter, Hannah Scott, Gavin Sheat, Margaret (Peggy) Thorpe, Muriel (Joyce) Wade, Donald Wilkinson, Olive Williams, Ethel

10 May 07 Anderson, Maureen Barton, Alice Brown, Matthew Brown, Trevor Cromie, Evelyn Dougherty, Sally Ensor, Avice (Sheila) Field, Terrence (Terry) Flavell, Marie Fogarty, Nancy Ireland, Norman Johnstone, Edna Kimber, Elsie Lasorsa, Anthony Marshall, Freda McCartney, Mac McGrath, Anthony October, Susan Parish, Janet Sheat, Margaret (Peggy) Slade, Joan Start, Charles Stopforth, Norman Stuart, Marjory Twist, Francis Waters, Colin Watson, Ethel Wilkinson, Olive Young, Jane

11 May 07 Cornelius, William Corson, Daphne Field, Terrence (Terry) Fogarty, Nancy Hannon, Daisy Hisco*ck, Murray Ireland, Norman Jackson, Peter Jeffery, Chris Lagan, John (Jack) Lugg, Joan McCartney, Mac October, Susan

Parish, Janet Reid, Lester Thorpe, Muriel (Joyce) Twist, Francis Williams, Brian

12 May 07 Braithwaite, Shelley Brown, Matthew Bryers, Olive (Dudie) Carruthers, Robert (Bob) Church, Grace Cook, Nancy Corson, Daphne Gray, Nancy (Lil) Harris, Jean Hayton, Newman Jackson, Peter Jeffery, Chris Lagan, John (Jack) Lugg, Joan MacGregor, Mavis Mackenzie, Diana MacKinnon, Tui Martin, Alister McCartney, Mac Murphy, Noel Poyner, Jean Reid, Lester Reij, Martinus (Martin) Scott, Alberta Scrimgeour, William (Harry) Slade, Joan Warren, Ernest (Ernie) Watson, Ethel Williams, Brian Williams, Elaine Willco*ck, Margaret

14 May 07 Aldridge, Matilda (Millie) Braithwaite, Shelley Church, Grace Early, John (Stephen) Gray, Bevan Gray, Ronald (Ron) Haberfield, David Hall, Charles Hamilton, Lynette (Lyn) Hartley, Susan (Sue) Hayton, Newman Hogan, Cedric Jackson, Peter (Pete) Koia, Milly MacGregor, Mavis MacKinnon, Tui Mitchell, Catherine (Joan) Pluck, Joyce Reid, Joyce Reij, Martinus (Martin) Robertson-Pahi, Kelly Scrimgeour, William

(Harry) Slocombe, Helen Tawha, Christine Wallace, Alicia Wightman, Marion Williams, Elaine Wood, John (Jack) Wright, Evan

15 May 07 Bradley, Clifford (Dooley) Brooker, Edith (Joyce) Christidis, Amanda Couch, Maera Early, John (Stephen) Hall, Charles Hamilton, Lynette (Lyn) Hartley, Susan (Sue) Johnson, Mollie McClure, Lawrence (Laurie) McDonald, Denise Reid, Joyce 15 May 07 (cont) Reid, Lester Robertson-Pahi, Kelly Scrimgeour, William Shepperd, Gary Stringleman, Barbara Te Tau, Rangi (Tak) Timbrell, Desmond Warren, Ernest Williams, Russell Wood, John (Jack) Wright, Evan

16 May 07 Aldridge, Matilda (Millie) Best, Robin Bradley, Clifford (Dooley) Christidis, Amanda Cook, Nancy Cotton, Audrey Couch, Maera Eichhorn, Karl Field-Dodgson, Adrienne Haberfield, David Jennens, Louise Johnson, Mollie Kendall, Herbert Longley, Doreen Lye, Marjorie Murphy, Noel O'Neill, Patricia Perkin, June (Alison) Scrimgeour, William Seil, Colleen Shepperd, Gary Stringleman, Barbara Taueki-Watson, Raymond Tawha, Christine Timbrell, Desmond Timmins, Rona

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Vallely, Mary (Marie) Wallis, Elsie (Mona) Williams, Russell

17 May 07 Bali, Sumaria Beaven, Jamie Callanan, Simon Chaplin, Caroline Dix, Doris (Noreen) Field-Dodgson, Adrienne Franicevic, Elizabeth (Betty) Glasson, Frederick (Ray) Jennens, Louise Jones Agnes (Bobby) Lanauze, Kenneth Manickavasagar, Kandiah Marshall, Mary McEwan, Johannah (Joan) Morrison, Beverley Newall, Thomas O'Brien, Patrick Ryan, Trevor (Tiny) Seil, Colleen Taueki-Watson, Raymond Wills, Peter Wilson, William (Murray)

18 May 07 Butler, William (Morrie) Collins, Jean Cook, Nancy Currie, Ian Dee, Barbara Eichhorn, Karl Franicevic, Elizabeth (Betty) Haigh, Ness Hosking, Neil Jones, Agnes (Bobby) Long, Delsye Marshall, Mary Moss, Joseph (Joe) Newall, Thomas O'Brien, Patrick Pipe, Margaret Richards, Elizabeth (Betty) Seil, Colleen Stephen, Muriel Stringleman, Barbara Wills, Peter

19-20 May 07 Blogg, Dulcie Bradford, Morris Bullen, Margaret Cliff, Sydney Collins, Jean Currie, Ian Dee, Barbara Ferguson, Jennifer

Glasson, Frederick (Ray) Guthrie, Peter Haigh, Ness Heald, Dorothy Hosking, Neil Izard, Cecil (Paddy) Joiner, John Kay, Jenny King, Frances (Francie) Long, Delsye Longley, Doreen Loveday, Percival (Bill) Marshall, Mary McCorkindale, Colin Moss, Joseph (Joe) Newall, Thomas Oakden, Rosemary O'Brien, Patrick Perkin, June (Alison) Pipe, Margaret Rundle, Joy Scott, Hugh Shannon, Rodger Smith, Betty Stephen, Muriel Strong, Marnie Timmins, Rona Turner, Margaret White, Olivia (Olive) Willis, Robyn Wylie, Eva

21 May 07 Asher, Derek Blogg, Dulcie Bradford, Morris Bullen, Margaret Forsythe, John Gillespie, Hazel Guthrie, Peter Hamilton, Irene Herbison, Jean Horsburgh, Florence Kloogh, Owen (Peter) Loveday, Percival (Bill) Margetts, Patricia McCorkindale, Colin McDonald, Colin (Dave) Morrall, Owen Mueller, Robert Odgers, Tyrrell Oliver, Wilfred Parkyn, Denis Shannon, Rodger Smith, Betty Strong, Marnie Wall, Mervyn Wendelken-Jackson, Lynda Willis, Robyn Wilson, Nancy Wright, Sylvia (Faye) Wylie, Eva

22 May 07 Armstrong, Winifred (Iris) Blogg, Dulcie Bowman, Doreen Brusse, Anna (Angela) Edwards, Maureen Finnerty, Ngaire Gold, Michael Gordon, Richard Gray, Barbara Hartley, Robert (Bob) Herbison, Jean Kingsland, Edith Kloogh, Owen (Peter) Lewis, Anthony McCorkindale, Colin McDonald, Colin (Dave) Mills, Gary Moodie, Jean Morrall, Owen Odgers, Tyrrell Oliver, Wilfred O'Neill, Rose (Rosie) Ottley, Robyn Pagan, John Parkyn, Denis Pennack, Stephen Saggers, Edith Smart, Joan Strong, Marnie Te Waa, Faye Thornborrow, Steve Wall, Mervyn Wilson, Heather Wright, Sylvia (Faye)

24 May 07 Brusse, Anna (Angela) Burrows, Nellie Clark, Erica Coggins, Edward (Ted) Collins, Anthony Cumberpatch, Betty Dutton, Ada Dynes, Derek Faragher, William (Bill) Frecka, Ruby Gallagher, Rosemary Jackson, Jean Laing, Joyce Lochhead, William (Bill) McCully, Murray Pote, Patricia Rich, Myra Robertson, Mary Scannell, Christopher (Chris) Wengler, Patricia Whelan, Joan Wood, Keith

25 May 07 Ackerley, Barbara

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Champion, Rosina (Rose) Clark, Bridget (Delia) Collins, Anthony Constable, Emily Corkran, Bruce Cumberpatch, Betty D'Arcy-Brain, Vernon Dodds, Alice Dutton, Ada Jackman, Bernardine Jackson, Jean King, Denis Laing, Joyce Lochhead, William (Bill) Manhire, Denys McBride, Johno Paterson, Dudley Rich, Myra Robertson, Dale Scannell, Christopher Snelling, William Timms, Walter (Trevor) Wengler, Patricia Whelan, Joan

26-27 May 07 Beal, George Beaven, Doris Booth, Gail Champion, Rosina (Rose) Clark, Bridget (Delia) Collins, Anthony Corkran, Bruce Coulter, Noel Danks, Jean Deaker, Marie Dick, Thomas Dodds, Alice (Beatrice) Duane, Warwick Edgar, Alison Faulkner, Maurice (Maurie) Frecka, Ruby Green, Alma Hansen, James Hinman-Whangapirita, Sonny Jackman, Bernardine Jackson, Jean Keen, Beryl (Berry) Kennedy, Mark King, Denis Laing, Joyce Manhire, Denys McBride, Edward (Johno) Miln, Donald Richards, Alan Robertson, Mary Rump, John Singleton, Doris Snelling, William Squirrell, Margaret Stanton, Francis

Straight, Rae (Sonny) Tait, John (Ray) Thompson, Margaret Trow, Elizabeth Trowbridge, Josephine (May) Wengler, Patricia Wilson, Harold Winter, Iris

28 May 07 Ackerley, Barbara Beal, George Beaven, Doris Booth, Gail Collins, Sonia Cooper, Joan Coulter, Noel Danks, Jean Donaldson, Evelyn Drury, John Faulkner, Maurice (Maurie) Gibson, Joan Hammond, Patricia (Pat) Hetherington, William (Bill) Hindle, Jeffrey (Jeff) Hitchco*ck, Ronald Johnston, Arthur (Jim/Johnny) King, Denis McLaughlin, James Richards, Alan Robertson, Mary Rooney, Kevin Searle, Ellis (Jim) Southgate, Celia Swann, Elinor Taylor, Angelina (Angie) Thompson, Margaret Vivian, Jeannette Wassner, Adelheid (Heidi) Webb, Kenneth (Ken) Wengler, Patricia Whearty, Laurice Wilson, Ella Wilson, Harold

29 May 07 Beaven, Doris Burt, Eric Collins, Sonia Cooper, Joan Croxson, William Donaldson, Evelyn Drury, John Dukie, Ronald Egan, Eric Ferner, Geoffrey Hancox, Walter (Bun) Harrison, Helen Hetherington, William

(Bill) Jack, Wesley Jackman, Bernardine Johnson, Pauline Johnston, Arthur Kerr, John (Jack) McCully, Jean Munday, Jill Oakley, Juliet Robertson, Mary Rooney, Kevin Searle, Ellis (Jim) Southgate, Celia Tait, John (Ray) Taylor, Angelina (Angie) Vivian, Jeannette Williams, Ronald (Ron) Wykes, Samuel (Sam)

30 May 07 Ahola, Angelica Betts, Rosalie (Winnie) Burt, William Carroll, Rangi (Joe) Coles, Ora Dennis, Christina Diamond, Ian Egan, Eric Ferner, Geoffrey Gadliauskas, Alfonsas (Alf) Gardiner, Nora Hancox, Walter Hood, Karen Jenkins, Mary Johnston, Arthur Kerr, John (Jack) McConnell, Wayne McMaster, Myra Miln, Donald (Don) Oakley, Juliet Reilly, Robert (Bob) Rickard, Winifred Rockliff, Doris Rogers, Gordon Silco*ck, David (Dave) Squirrell, Margaret Thomas, Clifford (Cliff) Trimen, Norma Tuatau, Maiavatele Tweedy, Ian Vivian, Jeannette Williams, Ronald (Ron) Wykes, Samuel (Sam)

31 May 07 Bartley, John Carroll, Rangi (Joe) Coles, Ora Egan, Eric Fairie, Stephen Ferguson, Myra Ferner, Geoffrey Gadliauskas, Alfonsas (Alf)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Gardiner, Nora Hewitt, Patrick Hindle, Kaa (Kath) Hood, Karen Kerr, John (Jack) King, Anne MacFarlane, Sholto Martin, Alan McClelland, Marie Oakley, Juliet Pearson, Selwyn Presland, Jeremy Prouting, Lawrence (Laurie) Reece, John Rickard, Winifred Silco*ck, David (Dave) Taylor (aka Pahi), Adelaide Tissiman, Gloria Tweedy, Ian Wykes, Samuel (Sam)

1 Jun 07 Bartley, John Beavis, Leonard Birrell, Angus Buckley, Francis Carroll, Rangi (Joe) Ferguson, Myra Hedges, Vera Hewitt, Patrick Johnston, Ernest (Lester) Joyce, Elizabeth (Myrtle) Kiely, Michael King, Anne Larkin, Norah Martin, Alan McKegney, Joanne McStay, Ernest Presland, Jeremy Prouting, Lawrence (Laurie) Read, Gordon Tau, Raymond (Ray) Thurlow, Helen Tuatau, Maiavatele

2 June 07 Allan, Walter Baxter, Juliet Beavis, Leonard Birrell, Angus Brittenden, Mavis Burt, Winifred (Winnie) Carroll, Rangi (Joe) Delany, Frank Donaldson, Melanie (Mel) Dunn, Eric Egan, Eric Elder, Winsome Giles, Joan

Greenwood, Robert (Bob) Hay, Vera Hayter, Norman Hewitt, Patrick Jenkins, Mary Johnston, Ernest (Lester) Kane, Isabella (Bella) Kiely, Michael (Mike) Larkin, Norah le Marquand, Pauline Low, Florence (Flo) McNickel, Eileen McStay, Ernest Nota, Paul Ogg, Mavis Pendrigh, Hazel Presland, Jeremy Read, Gordon Shaw, Olive (Joy) Stanton, John Syminton, Dorothy (Dorrie) Thurlow, Helen Tissiman, Gloria Trimen, Norma Walker, Margaret Watson, Keith Wilson, Leonora

4 Jun 07 Birrell, Angus Bourk, Ronald Bright, Alan Burt, Winifred (Winnie) Elder, Clarice Elder, Winsome Forde, Noel Foster, Graham Harris, William Johnston, Ernest (Lester) Lascelles, Cecily Low, Florence (Flo) Mackay, Margaret Miller, Dorothy Nota, Paul Ogg, Mavis Sanders, Raymond Sim, Evelyn Syminton, Dorothy (Dorrie) Thurlow, Helen

5 Jun 07 Archer, James Baillie, Sylvia (Nan) Bourk, Ronald Bright, Alan Burt, Winifred (Winnie) Cobden, Christopher Forde, Noel Glass, Bertha Hann, Stanley Hay, Alwyn

Hewson, Henry (Harry) Lascelles, Cecily Leaver, Edna Low, Florence (Flo) Martin, Neil McBeath, Joyce McGrath, Francis Monaghan, Margaret Moore, Andrew Munro, Maisie O'Malley, Christina Pendrigh, Hazel Presland, Jeremy Rhodes, Valerie (Val) Schol, William (Bill) Sim, Evelyn Thurlow, Helen

6 Jun 07 Allan, Walter (Laurie) Archer, James Baillie, Sylvia (Nan) Bright, Alan Brown, Ngaio Davis, Peter Discombe, Reece Duncan, James Foster, Graham Glass, Bertha Hann, Stanley Hendry, Frieda Humphreys, Paul Leaver, Edna Low, Florence (Flo) Lubbe, Joyce Moontipathoom, Supap*rn (Matt) Moore, Andrew Mortlock, Hedley O'Malley, Christina Rhodes, Valerie (Val) Schol, William (Bill) Smith, Lois Stanton, John Swan, Fiona Willshire, Phyllis (Norma) Wilson, Graeme

7 Jun 07 Archer, James Baillie, Sylvia (Nan) Beban, Mary (Mena) Brown, Ngaio Carmody, Dorothy Curry, Anthony Davis, Peter Ewing, Anne Foster, Graham Grimmer, Bruce Hay, Alwyn Hendry, Frieda Humphreys, Paul Kiesanowski, Daphne

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Lang, Joan Mason, Diana McNeill, Catherine Mortlock, Hedley Norriss, Ronald Peters, Rebecca Rhodes, Valerie (Val) Righton, Alice Rowlands, James (Jim) Smeaton, Ian Swan, Fiona Welham, Mary

8 Jun 07 Beban, Mary (Mena) Brockway, Rex Brown, Ngaio Crutchley, Jesse Eady, Mary Ewing, Anne Fernie, Eveleen Fletcher, Leonard (Lennie) Grimmer, Bruce Groufsky, George Jemmett, Flora (Pam) Kiesanowski, Daphne Lang, Joan Lubbe, Joyce McKone, John (Frank) McNeill, Catherine Norriss, Ronald Peters, Rebecca Quinn, Colin Rowlands, James (Jim) Stanton, John

9 Jun 07 Crutchley, Jesse Cunningham, Colin Curry, Anthony Dawber, Bruce Eady, Mary Emmett, Olga Fernie, Eveleen Fletcher, Leonard (Lennie) Groom, Charles (Barry) Hay, Alwyn Jemmett, Flora (Pam) Lang, Joan Moore, Michael Mountford, Bryan Oram, Edith Ositis, Talivaldis Parkinson, Benny Peters, Rebecca Proctor, Clarice Righton, Alice Roberts, Mary (Mollie) Rowlands, James (Jim) Smithells, Olive Stuart, Barbara Walter, Elizabeth (Claire) Wigmore, Sidney (Sid)

Winter, Eric

11 Jun 07 Crawford, Sylvia Emmett, Olga Groom, Charles (Barry) Harris, Helen Hazlehurst, William (Jack) Hutchings, Wendy Kara, Kay Keen, Valma (Val) Martyn, Kenneth (Ken) Moore, Michael Mountford, Bryan Oram, Edith Ositis, Talivaldis Parkinson, Benny Roach, Susan (Sue) Sadler, Winifred (Win) Sparrow, Peta Walsh, Myra Whiley, Maxwell (Max) Wickes, Desmond

12 Jun 07 Chambers, Frances (Betty) Collins, Margaret Cuddon, Theodora (Dora) Harris, Helen Hazlehurst, William (Jack) Hill, William (Bill) Kara, Kay Keen, Valma (Val) McDonald, Donald (Mac) McFarlane, Eleanor O'Brien, Vera Overend, Kathleen Reid, Colleen Roach, Susan (Sue) Sadler, Winifred (Win) Seaward, Arthur Smith, Russell Sparrow, Peta Taylor, Esther Templeton, Murray (Muzza) Trundle, Rodney Walsh, Myra Wickes, Desmond

13 Jun 07 Arthur, William (Bill) Bridgman, Margery Butler, Mabel Collins, Margaret Dougall, Phyllis Harden, Selina (Lina) Hill, William (Bill) O'Brien, Vera Overend, Kathleen Roach, Susan (Sue) Templeton, Murray (Muzza)

Whiley, Maxwell (Max) Wickes, Desmond Woods, Anthony (Tony)

14 Jun 07 Berry, Pepei Butler, Mabel Chapman, Betty Cleary, Stephen (Steve) Coughlan, Trevor (Trout) Gallagher, Mary Hill, William (Bill) Huffadine, Esther Kennard, Nancy (Nan) Kent, James Maxwell, Edna Neilsen, Margaret O'Reilly, Edwina Payne, John (Norm) Pouaka, Rosemary Reith, Robert Walsh, Edmond (Owen) Wheeler, Douglas 15 Jun 07 Ashby, Helen (Nellie) Bateman, George Chapman, Betty Coughlan, Trevor Evans, Christene Galbraith, Robert (Bob) Gallagher, Mary Howden, Alexander Huffadine, Esther Johnson, Raymond Jones, Lilian Macnab, Colin Moore, Dorothy Neilsen, Margaret O'Reilly, Edwina Payne, John (Norm) Pouaka, Rosemary Reith, Robert Rollinson, Stewart (Wayne) Walsh, Edmund (Owen)

16 Jun 07 Auer, August (Augie) Barry, Henry (Bill) Bateman, George Begg, Bevan Buzan, John Calder, Maxwell (Max) Cleary, Stephen (Steve) Escott, Christina (Chrissy) Evans, Christene Hoare, Olive Howden, Alexander Hurst, Clarence (Larry) Jayet, Valerie Johnson, Raymond Jones, Lilian Kent, James

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Klomp, Cornelis (Kees) Lamb, Wallace Macnab, Colin Martin, Bill Morrell, Lani Nolan, Margaret Norrie, Margaret (Nance) Oldman, Margaret Patterson, George Reith, Robert Roche, John (Jack) Sugden, Lester Surgenor, Nola Vaughan, Merleen Vivian, Dawn Washbourne, Gary Watson, Walter (Walt) Wilson, Adele Woods, Anthony (Tony)

18 Jun 07 Aitchison, Jannat Anderson, Jeanette Armstrong, Rex Ashley, Eileen Barry, Henry (Bill) Bateman, George Begg, Bevan Brand, Jacoba (Coby) Brown, Ida Cormack, Alexander (Alec) Curry, Gerald Escott, Christina (Chrissy) Fergus, Evelyn Folley, Joan Gibbs, Edna Gichard, Helen (Jean) Hoare, Ngaire (Nan) Jager, Peggy Jones, Lilian Keeley, Theresa Klomp, Cornelis (Kees) Leslie, Walter (Wattie) Mace, Evan McCall, Christina (Chrissie) Melser, June Molloy, John Morrell, Lani Nolan, Margaret Oldman, Margaret Patterson, George Ridder, Irene (Rene) Roche, John (Jack) Rogers, Alfred (Alf) Ruiter, Martha Shutt, Frances (Fran) Smith, Glenise Sugden, Lester Surgenor, Nola Sutherland, Melba Taylor, Raymond Tucker, Valerie

Washbourne, Gary

19 Jun 07 Aberhart, John (Abe) Aitchison, Jannat Alloway, Rose Begg, Bevan Brand, Jacoba (Coby) Brent, Jean Budd, John Clark, Rex Cormack, Alexander (Alec) Crome, Robert (Bob) Curry, Gerald Dodds, Sylvia (Daint) Eade, Robert (Bob) Fergus, Evelyn Heanly, Margaret Holland, Colin (John) Ivory, Patti Jenkins, Stanley (Stan) Leslie, Walter (Wattie) Ludwig, Roy (Bud) Mace, Evan Martin, Leslie Mataale, Tasesa McCall, Christina (Chrissie) Moyle, Eric Nicholas, Matthew Ogilvy, John (Sam) (Ian) Patterson, George Payne, Bevan Ridder, Irene (Rene) Ruiter, Martha Smith, Ngaire Sutherland, Melba Sweney, Henry (Harry) Taylor, Raymond Tucker, Valerie

20 Jun 07 Alloway, Rose Brand, Jacoba (Coby) Brent, Jean Budd, John Bullas, Evelyn Cain, Trevor Clark, Rex Crome, Robert (Bob) Davies, Margaret Eade, Robert (Bob) Hicks, Florence (Flo) Holland, Colin (John) Ivory, Patti Jager, Peggy Jenkins, Stanley (Stan) Lawson, Zunilda Mace, Evan Martin, Leslie Mataale, Tasesa Maw, Albert (Bert) McIntosh, George

McRae, Dorothy Melbourne, Phyllis (Billie) Murphy, Monica (Sister Mary) Nichol, Joy Nicholas, Ellen (Nell) Norrie, Margaret (Nance) Oldfield, Norman Patterson, George Selwyn, Wendy Smith, Kathleen Smith, Ngaire Stokes, Peter Sweney, Henry (Harry) Taylor, Ian Tucker, Valerie

21 Jun 07 Alloway, Rose Bamford, Peter (Pete) Barbet, Colleen Brent, Jean Bullas, Evelyn Dodds, Norman George, Pauline Golding, Elliot Kirwan, Peter Labudde, Lucy Lowrie, Norman (Norm) Maw, Albert (Bert) McNaught, Gladys Melbourne, Phyllis (Billie) Mills, Marie Nicholas, Ellen (Nell) Oldfield, Norman Port, Catherine Stokes, Peter Thorpe, June Tutty, Ralph Worgan, Merlyn

22 Jun 07 Ackroyd, Kenneth Barbet, Colleen Brokenshire, Colin Bryan, Kenneth (Ken) Clare, William (Bill) Davies, Margaret Eves, Deacon George, Pauline Golding, Elliot Hampton, Eric Johnson, Albert (Dickie) Kirwan, Peter Labudde, Lucy Lowrie, Norman (Norm) McCutcheon, Elspeth McKnight, Gwen Melbourne, Phyllis (Billie) Merrin, Raymond Mills, Marie Roberts, David Stokes, Peter

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Thorpe, June Thwaites, Mary Webster, Glen

23 Jun 07 Abernethy, Lawrence (Mick) Ackroyd, Kenneth Adair, John (Jack) Adams, Joan Bamford, Peter (Pete) Barbet, Colleen Barclay, Edmond (Jim) Beedles, Mary Bos, Hyronimus (Hero) Bradley/Vollmer, Angela Brokenshire, Colin Clare, William (Bill) Clinton, John (Johnny) Cowley, Kenneth Davey, Clarence Donald, Winifred (Jean) Donnelly, Jack (Alan) Fourie, Doreen George, Pauline Golding, Elliot Hampton, Eric Hanlon, Martin (Paddy) Herekotukutuku, Charlie Johnson, Albert (Dickie) Judge, Jessica Kirwan, Peter Lake, Helen Leeves, Fiona Lockwood, Theresa Loper, Gwen Mabey, Keith McCutcheon, Elspeth McDougall, Rona McElhinney, Betty Menzies, Kathryn Merrin, Raymond Molloy, Grant Nicholas, Ellen (Nell) Parsons, Yvonne Peers, William Roberts, David Rowe, Patricia (Pat) Sharland, Beth Stewart, Rosemary Stronach, Enid Thorpe, June Thwaites, Mary Trowbridge, Edna Webster, Glen Williams, Thora Wright, John 25 Jun 07 Abernethy, Lawrence (Mick) Ackroyd, Kenneth Adair, John (Jack) Anderson, Thomas

Armstrong, Nghare Barr, Mureen Beedles, Mary Clinton, John (Johnny) Cottle, Joyce Cowley, Kenneth Creighton, Beverley Donald, Winifred (Jean) Donnelly, Jack (Alan) Duncan, Muriel Ferigo, Antonio (Tony) George, Pauline Hunt, Isabella Ireland, Wallace Knowles, George Kotlowski, Daphne Leeves, Fiona Mabey, Keith McCoubrey, Raymond (Ray/Mac) McCutcheon, Elspeth Morton, Ivy Ransby, Brian Ritchie, Nona Roberts, David Stayt, Eric Stewart, Rosemary Trowbridge, Edna Watson, Eileen Webb, Leonard (John) Wright, John Wright, William (John) Youngman, Clive

26 Jun 07 Adams, Joan Armstrong, Nghare Barr, Mureen Cleary, John (Rev. Father) Clinton, John (Johnny) Creighton, Beverley Davey, Clarence Duncan, Muriel Dunn, Annabel Ellens, Gladys Ferigo, Antonio (Tony) Forbes, Keith Gronert, Roy Hendry, Eric Ireland, Wallace Kerrison, Steve Kirby, David Kotlowski, Daphne Lennon, Layla Mabey, Keith McCoubrey, Raymond (Ray/Mac) Monk, Pamela Oliver, Jacqueline Peers, William Prestage, Linda Robinson, Frank Rowe, Patricia (Pat)

Seymour, Maria Stonyer, Cyril (Lester) Turner, Eleanor Warwick, Mahue Watts, Phyllis Webb, Leonard (John) Youngman, Clive

27 jun 07 Adams, Joan Bashford, Margaret Bayley, Jean (Mary) Bell, John Boje, Henning Climo, Catherine Cochrane, Norma Coe, Alexander Cottle, Joyce Dorn, Charles (Charlie) Dunnage, Cleone Ferigo, Antonio (Tony) Forbes, Keith Gardner, John Haines, Judith Hendry, Eric Knowles, George Kotlowski, Daphne Le Beau, Brian Mabey, Keith Melief, Pieter Monk, Pamela Rowe, Patricia (Pat) Sadler, Bernard (Joey) Seymour, Maria Sherry, Thomas (Tom) Smith, Norma Snowdon, Sarah Thomson, Joan Watts, Phyllis Webb, Leonard (John) Williams, Murray Wilson, Ann (Claudine) Youngman, Clive

28 Jun 07 Anderson, Thomas (Tom) Barnes, Geoffrey Bartlett, Clive Bashford, Margaret Bell, John Breuss, Adolf Burney, Agnes Climo, Catherine Cochrane, Norma Collett, William (Bill) Gardner, John Haines, Judith Hanham, Michael Lee, Maurice Monk, Pamela O'Keefe, Kathleen (Kath) Quinlivan, Mary Sherry, Thomas (Tom)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Skinner, Ronald (Ron) Snowdon, Sarah Stagg, Shirley Taylor, Ronald (Jim) Thomson, Joan Umbers, William (Clive) Watts, Phyllis Williams, Noelene Young, John

29 Jun 07 Anderson, Thomas (Tom) Ball, Levi Ball, Ruth Bradbury, Raymond (Ray) Bradford, Ella Breuss, Adolf Brown, Joan Burney, Agnes Climo, Catherine Craik, Graeme Crouchley, George (Bill) Forde, Lindsay Haines, Judith Knight, Ronald (Ron) Lee, Maurice McCormick, Bonnie Morrall, John Morris, Rata Patterson, Trevor Ramsden, Ernest Skinner, Ronald (Ron) Smith, Jessie Sumich, Anthony Taylor, Ronald (Jim) Tomlinson, Margaret Umbers, William (Clive) Young, Doris (Donny)

30 Jun-1 Jul 07 Alderson, Agnes (Eileen) Ball, Levi Ball, Ruth Boland, Jennifer Boyd, Alan Bradbury, Raymond (Ray) Bradford, Ella Brown, Joan Brown, Murray Calder, Winifred (Win) Caughley, Mary (Maureen) Chapman, Rosemary (Bridget) Craddock, Thelma Craik, Graeme Crannitch, Phillip Crouchley, George (Bill) Cummings, Mabel Didham, Barbara Evans, Shirley Forde, Lindsay Genet, Ellen Grayburn, Annie (Anne)

Hall, Marinette Henderson, Marianne Hill, Glenise Hooper, Enid Humphrey, Cynthia Jarvis, Martha (Marie) Knight, Ronald (Ron) Le Beau, Brian Leggett, Jenny Lemon, Dorothy McCormick, Bonnie Mooar, Vera Moore, John Morrall, John Morris, Rata Nichols, Edward (Lloyd) Patterson, Trevor Poff, Myrtle (Jo) Ramsden, Ernest Smith, Jessie Stagg, Shirley Stevenson, Alan van den Berg, Peter (Pete) Williams, Noelene Wills, Wendy

2 Jul 07 Arps, Basil Ayres, Ruth Baker, Richard (Dick) Beveridge, Alexander (Bev) Boyd, Alan Cashion, Mary (Molly) Clothworthy, Zeta Clough, Eva Corbett, Jason Cox, Margaret (Peg) Coyle, Kevin Crouchley, George (Bill) Cummings, Mabel Davidson, Julia Didham, Barbara Doody, Bernard Evans, Shirley Flitcroft, Rata Gardner, William (Billy) Genet, Ellen Grant, Leonard Hebden, Melissa Henderson, Marianne Hindle, Ronald Jarvis, Martha (Marie) Lanauze, Hazel Latham, Lynne Lemon, Dorothy Macaulay, Ian Martin, Doris Martin, Gertrude (Vicki) Matheson, Helen (Nell) McCarthy, Elizabeth (Dot) Mooar, Vera Moore, John

Murrell, Claire Platt, Elsie Ramsay, Rosalind Reynish, Warren Sarchett, Kerry Scott-Dickins, John Thomson, John (J. P.) Tothill, Elspeth (Jimmo) Truman, Gerald van den Berg, Peter (Pete) Waldron, Donald (Don) Williams, Noelene Wyatt, Nola

3 Jul 07 Andrew, Roland Ayres, Ruth Baker, Richard (Dick) Boese, Dwayne Cashion, Mary (Molly) Chambers, Colin Churchill, Neil (Jim) Coghlan, Beverley Corbett, Jason Davidson, Julia Didham, Barbara Doody, Bernard Durie, Coral Easterbrook, Pauline Flitcroft, Rata Fraser-Brown, Laurie Hebden, Melissa Howey, Maureen Keys, Juanita Lagrosse, Bernard Lanauze, Hazel Latham, Lynne Ledgerwood, Ian Martin, Doris McKenna, Malcolm (Mack) Meager, Nellie Mooar, Vera Parnham, Lynley Phipps, James (Jim) Ramsay, Rosalind Reynish, Warren Smith, Neville Stirland-Mitchell, John Teague, Sharyn Truman, Gerald Turner, Adrienne Wesselingh, Anton Weston, Elizabeth (Beth) Wilkinson, June Wyatt, Nola

4 Jul 07 Andrew, Roland Ayres, Ruth Beveridge, Alexander (Bev) Boal, Robert (Bob)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Boese, Dwayne Bonish, Honor Boyd, Alan Chambers, Colin Churchill, Neil (Jim) Clarke, Joseph Corbett, Jason Cox, Margaret (Peg) Davidson, Julia Donachie, Trevor Durie, Coral Fuller, Jane Gowans, Eileen Hebden, Melissa Jaspers, Catharina (Trijntje) Jaspers, Johannes (John) Lagrosse, Bernard Lanauze, Hazel Ledgerwood, Ian Lucas, Anne-Marie Martin, Doris Martin, Gertrude (Vicki) McKenna, Malcolm (Mac) Omer, Linda (Rev) Parnham, Lynley Pegler, Frederick Phipps, James (Jim) Price, Nola Pye, Edna Ramsay, Rosalind Richards, Lisa Sarchett, Kerry Spencer, Bette Stirland-Mitchell, John Teague, Sharyn Tothill, Elspeth (Jimmo) Turner, Adrienne Waters, Nettie Wesselingh, Anton Wilkinson, June Wyatt, Nola

5 Jul 07 Babington, Charles (Gordon) Barbara, John (Jack) Boal, Robert (Bob) Bonisch, Honor Bourne, Aileen Calvert, Lawson Clarke, Joseph Donachie, Trevor Donaldson, Vivian (Viv) Fraser, Joyce Glengarry, Anne Hebden, Melissa Hunt, Marilyn Le Beau, Brian Lingard, Constance (Connie) Livingston, Margaret Makinson, Mabel

Matthews, Rebecca (Betty) McKenna, Malcolm (Mac) Nyhan, Doris Osborne, Barbara Parker, Neil Parnham, Lynley Pegler, Frederick Ramsay, Rosalind Sintes, Hilda Smythe, Norman Stevens, Ronald (Ron) Yee, Douglas 6 Jul 07 Abbott, Joan Barbara, John (Jack) Binning, Jessie Bonisch, Honor Clarke, Joseph Curd, Philip (Phil) Donachie, Trevor Glen, John Glengarry, Anne Hebden, Melissa Le Beau, Brian Lindsay, Ian Long, Arnold Makinson, Mabel McCallum, Robert (Bob) Morgan, Rex Parker, Neil Pirie, Robert (Bob) Scott, William (Marty) Sintes, Hilda Smythe, Norman Stevens, Ronald (Ron)

7-8 Jul 07 Abbott, Joan Barbara, John (Jack) Bourne, Aileen Calvert, Lawson Chester, Andrew Clarke, Joseph Curd, Philip (Phil) Donaldson, Vivian (Viv) Fox, Shona Fraser, Joyce Gilmour, Beatrice Glengarry, Anne Hogan, Miriam Kite, Priscillia (Cilla) Lawn, Vera Lindsay, Ian Lingard, Constance (Connie) Long, Arnold Longbottom, Herbert McCallum, Robert (Bob) McFarlane, Joanne (Jo) Michie, Stewart Milne, James O'Hara, Mary

Palmer, William (Dudley) Pirie, Robert (Bob) Popham, Beulah Purdie, William Richards, Lisa Schulz, Agnes (Collie) Scott, William (Marty) Sintes, Hilda Smith (Herekotukutuku), Charlie Smythe, Norman Trowbridge, Pauline (Liz) Verschuren, Gerardus Williams, Brian Yee, Douglas

9 Jul 07 Adams, Arthur (Lofty) Aldridge, Joan Begg, Henrietta (Noni) Brooker, Natalie Clanachan, Jemima Dench, Norman (Norm) Devine, Courtenay Dinsdale, Samuel (Pepe) Fairbrass, Beatrice (May) Farrell, Dawn Galbraith, Mavis Gilmour, Beatrice Graham, Edwin (Ed) Graham, Frederick Green, Margaret Guildford, Norma Harneiss, Herbert (Bert) Hart, Peter Hogan, Miriam Hurst, Robert (Athol) Long, Arnold Merriman, Raymond (Lofty) Norton, Alison Padget, Jessie (Jay) Pelvin, Athol Pirie, Robert (Bob) Popham, Beulah Purdie, William (Cameron) Schulz, Agnes (Collie) Shaw, Mary Smythe, Norman Verschuren, Gerardus Williams, Brian Wilson, Muriel Wilson, Nancy

10 Jul 07 Adair, Isobel Blair, John (Laurie) Buchanan, June Carr, Michelle Cridge, Letitia Crump, Mervyn (Merv) Dench, Norman (Norm) Devine, Courtenay

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Fairbrass, Beatrice (May) Farrell, Dawn Gibb, Alexis Green, Margaret Harneiss, Herbert (Bert) Hart, Peter Hebden, Melissa Hicks, John Hogan, Miriam Jarvie, Gwendoline (Gwen) Jones, Henry (John) Jones, Vera Kauhou, Gerald (Ben) Long, Arnold Loversidge, Leslie Merriman, Raymond (Lofty) Purcell, Sean Robinson, Benita (Nita) Rodden, Noel Rowse, Joseph (Alby) Schulz, Agnes (Collie) Smart, Thelma Taare, Elle Tapp, William (Bill) Willis, Shirley Wilson, Muriel

11 Jul 07 Adams, Arthur (Lofty) Bell, James (Jim) Blair, John (Laurie) Buchanan, June Bull, John (Jack) Cooper, Mona Cridge, Letitia Crump, Mervyn (Merv) Deans, David Dingwall, Winifred (Winnie) Dinsdale, Samuel (Pepe) Farrell, Dawn Hart, Peter Hawker, Sylvia Hebden, Melissa Hicks, John Jones, Vera Kauhou, Gerald (Ben) Lennox, Iris Loversidge, Leslie Macdougall, Murray Maniatis, Denis McGettigan, John Murphy, Dorothea Norton, Alison O'Connor, Ernest (Jack) Paranihi Kane, Richard (Dick) Purcell, Sean Purdie, William (Cameron) Radcliffe, Dorothy Richards, Graham Rowse, Joseph (Alby)

Sellars, Kenneth Smart, Thelma Wood, Dorothy Wraight, Douglas

12 Jul 07 Blacktopp, Rae Boult, Harold Buchanan, June Connell, Robert De Courcy, Noeline Dingwall, Winifred (Winnie) Dunkley, Betty Forsyth, Ruth Gardener, Phyllis Greig, Finn Milne, Francis O'Connor, Ernest (Jack) Oliver, Grace Pearson, Lorna Peterson, Almey Powell, Alexander Purcell, Sean Richards, Graham Robinson, Nita Ross, Duncan Rowse, Joseph (Alby) Rudd, Noeleen Schlaadt, Brian Sellars, Kenneth Smart, Thelma Thomson, Kelvin Tuhaka, Heni Wraight, Douglas

13 Jul 07 Ashurst, Henry Begg, Robina (Bina) Blacktopp, Rae Gardener, Phyllis Gould, Nancy Hanco*ck, Marcelline Humphries, Alexander Milne, Francis Ross, Duncan Rudd, Noeleen Tuhaka, Heni

14 July 07 Adair, Isobel Ashurst, Henry Begg, Robina (Bina) Binnie, Rosemary Charmley, Madge Chudleigh, William (Bill) Connell, Robert Dale, Naomi De Courcy, Noeline Dick, Ella Dunkley, Betty Findlay, George Francis, George

Frost, Frederick (Fred) Geldof, Maria (Mareike) Hewitt, Hester (Nice) Humphries, Alexander Jones, Thomas Kissell, Muriel Lane, Stephen McRobie, Robert Murphy, Dorothea Oliver, Grace Perkins, Mavis Radcliffe, Dorothy Rudd, Noeleen Russell, John Seal, Deb Shaw, Mark Situe, Pisi Smith, Andrew Smith (Herekotukutuku), Charlie Thomson, Kelvin Wilson, Molly

16 Jul 07 Barnes, Albert (Jock) Binnie, Rosemary Burke, Francis (Frank) Burrows, David Clancey, Neville Clay, Marjory Dale, Naomi Downes, Lionel Dunkley, Betty Finn, Raymond (Ray) Flett, George Ford, Allan Francis, George Frost, Frederick (Fred) Geldof, Maria (Mareike) Gillespie, Betty Hunter, Howard Kitching, Edna Marett, Alfred (Fred) Meaclem, Kathleen (Dianne) Middleton, Hubert (Hughie) Murphy, Colin Scott, Edward Shaw, Mark Situe, Pisi Smith, Andrew Stevenson, Bertha Sutton, Joy Thompson, Mavis (Gwen) Thomson, Kelvin Wilson, Molly Wilson, Muriel

17 Jul 07 Alexander, Belle Barnes, Albert (Jock) Bell, Brian (Bush)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Binnie, Rosemary Boyce, William Brownlie, Alexander (Alex) Burrows, David Cate, Kathleen (Kitty) Collett, Helen Collie, Maisie Collis, Shirley Culley, Gladys Dick, Ella Ford, Allan Gillespie, Betty Godkin, Anthony (Tony) Henderson, Grace Hobday, Margaret Hunter, Howard Lysaght, Kerrie McCracken, Bessie (Betty) Meaclem, Kathleen Middleton, Hubert (Hughie) Moreton, Eileen Morgan, Margaret Norrish, Alma Price, James (Jim) Scobie, Robin Smith, Herbert (Bert) Sutton, Joy Thomas, Frank (Russell) Thompson, Mavis Tickle, Marie Wilson, Molly Wilson, Muriel

18 Jul 07 Ayers, Colin Binnie, Rosemary Boyce, William Brownlie, Alexander (Alex) Collett, Helen Cunningham, Patrick Finn, Raymond (Ray) Francis, George Hodgetts, John Hodgson, Raymond Lysaght, Kerrie Marett, Alfred (Fred) McGowan, Glenys Meaclem, Kathleen (Dianne) Moreton, Eileen Murphy, Colin Murphy, Dorothea Norrish, Alma Odgers, Brian Proctor, Wesley Quinn, Irma Robinson, Ann Scobie, Robin Thomas, Frank (Russell) Tickle, Marie Walker, Julie Williams, Frank

19 Jul 07 Allen, Nancy Ayers, Colin Brush, Gary Cameron, Kimberly Collett, Helen Croft, Esther Cunningham, Patrick Donaldson, Vivian (Viv) Duckworth, Helen Dunn, Anthony (Tony) Eden, Neil Ferguson, Robert (Harry) Finn, Raymond (Ray) Francis, George Gibson, Ramsay Good, Lilian Henry, Olive Hewitt, Douglas Keats, Calvin Kelly, Lucy Lysaght, Kerrie McLean, Donald Morgan, Margaret Murphy, Dorothea Odgers, Brian Pepperle, Barbara Proctor, Wesley Sinclair, Rodney Wellbourn, David Wright, Margaret

20 Jul 07 Brush, Gary Chapman, Beatrice Chiles, Catherine (Freda) Duckworth, Helen (Margaret) Ferguson, Robert (Harry) Francis, George Heslin, Francis (Frank) Hewitt, Douglas Hutton, Enid Keats, Calvin McAra, Graham McNeice, Audrey Murphy, Dorothea Pepperle, Barbara Spain, Beverley Tulloch, Malcolm (Mac) Turner, Kenneth Woodley, Marion Workman, Peter Wright, Margaret

21 Jul 07 Bennington, Bruce Charles, Christina (Chrissie) Chiles, Catherine (Freda) Collins, Keith Croft, Esther

Downing, Wendy Duckworth, Helen (Margaret) Dyer, Warren Evans, Lyndon Fee, Leslie (Wray) Ferguson, Mavis (Vickie) Ferguson, Robert (Harry) Francis, George Gardner, Desmond Geddes, Gerald Gibson, Ramsay Godley, June Hall, Cecil Hayes, George Hengst, Cornelius (Kees) Hewitt, Douglas Hunt, Henry (Alan) Hutton, Enid Ivey, Eunice (Joan) Jamieson, Robert (Bob) Johnson, Hope Larsen, Betty Luke, Hilda McCree, Elsie McNeice, Audrey Mullinder, Maureen Murphy, Dorothea Nye, Ellen O'Donnell, Reginald (Reg) Perry, Leslie Preen, Constance (Connie) Spain, Beverley Thomson, Thomas Townsend, Ramon Turner, Kenneth Usherwood, Elizabeth (Betty) Walker, Julie Ward, William (Bill) Waterman, Elizabeth Wellbourn, David White, James (Murray) Whiteside, Roy Woodill, Florence Woodley, Marion Workman, Peter

23 jul 07 Adams, Elizabeth (Mabe) Bennington, Bruce Cameron, Dorothy Fee, Leslie (Wray) Folster, Fraser Hall, Wanaka Harris, Alfred Hayes, George Hengst, Cornelius (Kees) Herd, William (Bill) Hockly, Lloyd Hunt, Henry (Alan) Ivey, Eunice (Joan) Jones, David

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Kelly, Lucy Kyle, Desmond Lavery, Hetha Lindsay, Olive Luke, Hilda McAra, Graham Morriss, Joyce Mullinder, Maureen Newell, Beryl Punch, Patrick Russell, Alan Tebay, Eric Thomson, Thomas Turner, Kenneth Usherwood, Elizabeth (Betty) Ward, William (Bill) Wright, Brian Wyatt, Denton

24 Jul 07 Adams, Elizabeth (Mabe) Allison, Bryan Bent, Neville Brown, James Curtis, Josephine Daisley, Mary Folster, Fraser Gillies, Enid Herd, William (Bill) Hewitt, Douglas Hollows, Rena Horlor, Robin Jones, David Lancaster, Elizabeth (Betty and Liz) Lavery, Hetha Leach, Joan Lindsay, Olive Marriott, Keith McLeay, Myda Milsom, Lucille Morriss, Joyce Newell, Beryl Oates, Sister Josephine rsj (Constance) O'Hagan, Basil Pringle, Leslie Punch, Patrick (Pat) Tebay, Eric Wilco*ck, Edith

25 Jul 07 Adams, Elizabeth (Mabe) Aldridge, Russell Allan, Carol Allen, William Allison, Bryan Barr, William (Noel) Bent, Neville Burnett, Josephine (Pat) Busch, Alison Collins, Michael, (Mick)

Cropper, Nora Harris, Alfred Harris, Seth Hollows, Rena Lancaster, Elizabeth (Betty and Liz) Leach, Joan Marriott, Keith McLennan, William (Bill) McManus, Edith Milsom, Lucille Neilson, Lauriston (Laurie) Norcliffe, Malcolm Oates, Sister Josephine rsj (Constance) Parmenter, Thomas (Tom) Perry, Joan Pringle, Leslie Read, Kathleen Rooney, Graham Russell, Alan Ryan, Victor Stronach, Joan Sutherland, David (Keith) Williams, Cedric (Cyd) Wright, Brian

26 jul 07 Barr, William (Noel) Brown, William (Bill) Collins, Michael, (Mick) Cowie, Helen Cropper, Nora Didsbury, Helen Gordon, Ross (Dr Ross) Gray, Norma Harris, Alfred Hill, Muriel Main, William (Morris) Mathias, Daniel (Tom) Matthews, Maureen (Mim) Mills, Diane O'Hagan, Basil Parsons, John Perry, Valerie Ryan, Victor Sutherland, David (Keith) Taurua, James Tillier, Mary (May) Wright, Brian Yaxley, Hector

27 jul 07 Allan, Carol Ashworth, Lynda Brook, Alice (Joyce) Campbell, Muriel Chapple, Marie Collins, Michael Cowie, Helen Didsbury, Helen Gillett, Mary Gordon, Ross (Dr Ross)

Hamilton, John Harrison, Jeanne Jacobs, Henry Jerram, Jane Keir, Myril Kirk, Gordon Leen, Patrick Lenz, Ronald (Ron) Mason, Lois Matthews, Maureen (Mim) McGregor, Shirley McIntosh, Robert (Bob) Rooney, Graham Shearer, Kenneth Smith-Patarana, Boyd Thomson, Julia (Julie) Tillier, Mary (May) Williamson, Elmo Yaxley, Hector

28 July 07 Allan, Carol Ashworth, Lynda Bradley, Eileen Brook, Alice (Joyce) Brosnahan, Thomas (John) Brown, Jennifer (Jenny) Brown, William (Bill) Butchard, Catherine (Cis) Chapple, Marie Charles, Christina (Chrissie) Clark, Valerie Clyne, Edna co*cks, Frances Dobias, Kimm Dry, Ashley Ell, Charles Familton, Evelyn (Eve) Gillett, Mary Gooch, Bertie Hamilton, John Harrison, Jeanne Howell, Andrew (Andy) Inglis, Beryl Jacobs, Henry Jerram, Jane Johns, Annie (Nancy) Keir, Myril Kirk, Gordon Leen, Patrick Lenz, Ronald (Ron) McBride, Jean McGhie, Thomas McIntosh, Robert (Bob) McKenzie, Rona McNamara, Gerald Morgan, Peter Mulholland, Ian Oborn, Joan Parmenter, Thomas (Tom) Patrick, Isabella

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Potter, James Shearer, Kenneth Smith-Patarana, Boyd Watson, George

30 Jul 07 Ashworth, Lynda Black, Monica Blair, Peggy Brosnahan, Thomas (John) Brown, William (Bill) Butchard, Catherine (Cis) Clark, Valerie Cory, Estelle Dawson, Gordon Drummond, John (Jack) Dry, Ashley Ell, Charles Evans, Trevor Fleming, Margaret (Greta) Foley, Graham Fraser, Roger Gutsell, Dorothy Howell, Andrew (Andy) Leen, Patrick Lenz, Ronald (Ron) Macartney, Robert (Bob) Mills, Bryan Morgan, Peter Niles, Jennifer (Jenny) Pendlebury, Frank Spicer, David (Ross) Topia, Whitiora (Biddy) Tschepp, Arthur van der Weert, Maria (Mary) Walker, Colin Wilkinson, Noaleen Wilson, Craig Wilson, Kenneth (Ken)

31 Jul 07 Campbell, Muriel Cassidy, John (Cas) Clifton, Henry (Harry) Cory, Estelle Drummond, John (Jack) Evans, Trevor Foley, Graham Fraser, Roger Fussell, Betty Gordon, Aimee Harper, Doreen Herkt, Douglas (Doug) Hill, Ivy Macdonald, Joan Mackintosh (Sheeran), Nina Magill, Arthur (Brian) McGarrol, Anthony (Tony) McGovern, Thelma Newton, Florence (May)

Sly, Noel Tavendale, Frederick (Fred) van der Weert, Maria (Mary) Waters, Oswald (Ossie) Wilson, Craig Wilson, Kenneth (Ken)

1 Aug 07 Adams, Mary Allan, Ernest Barton, Isobel Breach, Phyllis Dornan, Thomas (Terry) Foley, Graham Fountaine, Doris Fraser, Roger Frew, Richard (Dick) Fussell, Betty Gordon, Aimee Hands, Mavis Herrick, Denyse Hutton, Roger Knight, Russell Lindsay, Iona (Ony) Macdonald, Joan Magill, Arthur (Brian) Mehrtens, Marilyn Millar, Dorothy Pearce, Thomas (Tom) Peterson, Margaret Salter, Rhoda (Joan) Shaw, Maureen Sherlock, Sybil Soli, Kitiona Somerville, Richard (John) Tavendale, Frederick (Fred) Tia, Jaeda Waters, Oswald (Ossie) Winders, Doreen (Dorrie)

2 Aug 07 Adams, Mary Barton, Isobel Butchers, Graham Coory, Michael Dando (Sutton), Marsh Dornan, Thomas (Terry) Fraser, Roger Frew, Richard (Dick) Fussell, Betty Hutton, Roger Hydes, Geoffrey (Roy) Jones, Owen Knight, Russell Knights, Winifred (Win) Lavender, Joyce Marshall, Colin McChesney, Geoffrey McLaughlan, Raymond McLennan, Eileen

Mehrtens, Marilyn Muncaster, Heather Nutira, Melva O'Connor, Terry Paul, Harriot Pendlebury, Frank Salter, Rhoda (Joan) Saunders, Christine Sherlock, Sybil Stewart, Anna van der Krogt, Nicolaas (Nick) Winder, Graham

3 Aug 07 Aspinall, Heather Columbus, Mary Corrigan, Pamela Devine, Avonie (Von) Foote, Robert (John) Hutton, Roger Knights, Winifred Maplesden, Dorothy Marshall, Colin Martin, Helen McChesney, Geoffrey McLaughlan, Raymond Millar, Dorothy Mitchell, Wanaka Nijenhuis, Edwa Nutira, Melva O'Neill, Margaret Paul, Harriot Ryman, Rex Salter, Rhoda (Joan) Saunders, Christine Shaw, Maureen Sherlock, Sybil Snook, Lynda van der Krogt, Nicolaas (Nick) Winder, Graham

4 Aug 07 Aitken, Sylvia Aspinall, Heather Bottlik, Joseph Campbell, Peter Chapple, Marie Columbus, Mary Corrigan, Pamela Devine, Avonie (Von) Ellis, Mavis Fountaine, Doris Fox, Bernard Gopal, Robert Hanley, Malcolm (Mac) Hawking, Violet (Nan) Helm, Leonard (Len) Hooper, Philip Knights, Winifred (Win) Latimer, Nancy Ledsham, Francis (Frank)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Lees, Daphne Martin, Helen McAllister, Ian McChesney, Geoffrey McKenzie, Effie McLennan, Eileen Mills, Stanley (Bill) Mitchell, Wanaka Nijenhuis, Edwa O'Neil, Margaret Orchard, Dorothy Peachey, Audrey Pendlebury, Frank Pentecost, Olive Perkins, Andrew Ryman, Rex Saunders, Christine Tilley, Ivy Tinkler, Rena Tobin, Violet van der Krogt, Nicolaas (Nick) Ward, Sylvia White, James (Jim) Winder, Graham

6 Aug 07 Ashby, Laurie Buck, Jean Castle, Roselyn (Rose) Columbus, Mary Dickison, Nola Doubleday, Andrew (Daniel, Dan) Duffy, Brian Eddie, Clare Findlater, Florence Fitzsimmons, John (Father S. M.) Gilmour, Bessie Gopal, Robert Hammond, Olwen Harvey, Lesley Helm, Leonard (Len) Houghton, Arthur (Albie) Kelman, Eoin (Lofty) Kendall, Peggy (Dorothy) Laredo, Margaret (Madge) Lucas, Janet (Joy) Malcolm, Donald (Don) McChesney, Geoffrey Nijenhuis, Edwa Pannett, Evelyn Pries, Gunter Provan, Rev. Ian Ranui, Mark Rutene, Phillip (Phil) Scott, Millicent Selwood, Joshua (Josh) Smith, Robert (Clyde) Taylor, Alexander Tinkler, Rena Tobin, Violet

Watt, Corrin Whipp, Harry (Henry) White, James (Jim) Williams, Garth Yardley, William

7 Aug 07 Baken, Lawrence (Laurie) Bateman, Mary (Molly) Blackie, Malcolm Blackwell, Joan Bongers, Gerrit Casey, Kevin (Gaby) Castle, Roselyn (Rose) Dickison, Nola Doubleday, Andrew (Daniel, Dan) Eaton, Jack Eddie, Clare Ellis, Mavis Findlater, Florence Fitzsimmons, John (Father S. M.) Fuller, Stanley (George) Gilmour, Bessie Harkess, Robert (Bob) Horne, Gloria Houghton, Arthur (Albie) Jerard, Grace Kelman, Eoin (Lofty) Kendall, Peggy (Dorothy) Knox, Marion Mair, Annie (Nan) Malcolm, Donald (Don) McLean, Douglas Miller, Eric Pannett, Evelyn Porter, Nancy Priers, Gunter Provan, Rev. Ian Rowson, Janne Scott, Millicent Stenhouse, Roger Taylor, Alexander Vinnell, Nan Watson, Norah Young, Allan

8 Aug 07 Adams, Janet Baken, Lawrence (Laurie) Baker, Ellen (Nellie)` Blackie, Malcolm Blackwell, Joan Dickison, Nola Fuller, Stanley (George) Good, Eva Goold, Mona Grant, Hilary Harkess, Robert (Bob) Horne, Gloria Houghton, Arthur (Albie) Jerard, Grace

Jerram, Jane Knox, Marion Marks, Paul McLean, Douglas (Doug) Meharry, Robert (Bob) Miller, Eric Percy, Donald Porter, Nancy Priers, Gunter Prime, Norma Provan, Ian Puddick, John (Jack) Ranui, Mark Rose, John (Leeson) Rowson, Janne Rutene, Phillip Smith, Dr Margaret Stenhouse, Roger Sterne, David Thomas, Harold Thompson, Lincoln Vinnell, Nan Watson, Norah Whitford, Elsie Williams, Garth Wood, Jeanne

9 Aug 07 Adams, Janet Alexander, Solomon Baker, Ellen (Nellie) Carr, Nellie Delany, David Dickison, Nola Fricker, Lois Good, Eva Gordon, Michael Harrow, Janette Hillery, Marian Horne, Gloria Houghton, Arthur (Albie) Hydes, Joan King, Marjorie Langbein, Margaret McLean, Douglas (Doug) Muir, James Palmer, Simon Paterson, William (Banjo) Porter, Nancy Prime, Norma Rennie, Elizabeth (Betty) Righton, Eleonora (Ella) Roberts, Suzanne Rose, John (Leeson) Rowson, Janne Shelley, John Smith, Dr Margaret Sommerville, Geoffrey Stone, Eileen Tait, Sir Angus Vallance, Karen Watson, Norah Whitford, Elsie

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Whiting, Ian Wratten, Ailsa

10 Aug 07 Bridge, David (Max) Busby, Maxwell (Max) Campbell, Desmond Carr, Nellie Derbidge, Joan Elco*ck, Gordon Gerdes, Maureen Hampton, Mataara Harrow, Janette Hartley, Ruth Heke_Mauheni, Daytona Karst, Katrina (Trina) Kelly, Moran Kennett, Margaret Kilburn, Reginald Kilgour, Marie McCloy, Moira McKee, Acushla (Betty) Moody, Malcolm Rennie, Elizabeth (Betty) Righton, Eleonora (Ella) Roberts, Suzanne Rose, John (Leeson) Rosenberg, Ann Smith, Dr Margaret Vallance, Karen White, Brendon Wood, Jeanne Wratten, Ailsa

11-12 Aug 07 Abbott, Thomas Alexander, Solomon Bagot, Zenia Baker, Jean Birkin, Clifford (Cliff) Bridge, David (Max) Busby, Maxwell (Max) Campbell, Desmond Carruthers, George David, Rosalie Devany, Philip Drury, Maurice (Mick) Elco*ck, Gordon Ferrier, Edward Grant, Patricia Hampton, Mataara Harding, Edward Harper, Freda Henshaw, Stanley (Ted) Hillery, Marian Hydes, Joan Karst, Katrina (Trina) Kelly, Moran Kennett, Margaret Kilburn, Reginald Kilgour, Marie King, Marjorie Lattimore, David

McCloy, Moira McGraw, Leslie (Les) O'Hagan, Doreen Palmer, Simon Percy, Donald Porteous, Rona Priest, David Robb, Robert Rosenberg, Ann Scott, John Shearer, Bruce Shelley, John Tait, Sir Angus Thompson, Lincoln Todd, Lorraine Veitch, Janette White, Brendon Whiting, Ian

13 Aug 07 Abbott, Thomas Airey, James (Bill) Almand, Kenneth (Ken) Armstrong, Jocelyn Bagot, Zenia Baker, Jean Bartlett, David Beck, Margaret Black, Robert Bold, Fred Booco*ck, Raymond (Ray) Brown, Vera (Wyn) Cottingham, Elsie Cottle, Mark Coursey, John Depree, Ethelwyn (Carrie) Douglas, John Drury, Maurice (Mick) Duncraft, Mary Evans, Francis (Frank) Ewen, Elizabeth (Cissie) Feeney, David Goldsbrough, Guy Green, George (Pop) Hampton, Mataara Karst, Katrina (Trina) Kerr, Jean Lattimore, David Leech, Brenda Lydiard, Michael Marshall, Dorothy Mason, Waverley Moore, Allan Morrison, Elaine Partington, Frederick Porter, Edith Poulsen, Ethel Priest, David Quigley, Brian Radford, Douglas (Doug) Raine, Alister (George) Robb, Robert Rosenberg, Ann

Sales, John Shearer, Bruce Spratt, Peter Takle, Darrel Todd, Lorraine Todd, Margaret (Jean) Vasta, Margaret (Peg) White, Brendon Wood, Eric

14 Aug 07 Airey, James (Bill) Almand, Kenneth (Ken) Bagot, Zenia Bartlett, David Batchelor, Maxwell (Max) Blackmore, Jack Bold, Fred Bremner, Brian Brown, Vera (Wyn) Busby, Vickery (Max) Carter, Iris Cone, Ethel (Margaret) Coote, Shirley Coursey, John Daley, Kevin Davis, Tayne Delany, Amy Duncraft, Mary (Peg) Ewart, Ellen Feeney, David Fieldes, Joy Forsman, Henry (Harry) Fuller, Patricia Gaul, Richard Goldsbrough, Guy Grant, Pat Heine, Robert (Rob) Holland, Sylvia (Syb) Hyde, Randal Karst, Katrina (Trina) Kerr, Jean Knijff, Johannes (John) Koudys, Hendrik (Hank) Lattimore, David Leech, Brenda Lydiard, Michael Mason, Waverley Matheson, Alison McCullough, Barry Partington, Frederick Porter, Edith Poulsen, Ethel Quigley, Brian Raine, Alister (George) Sales, John Spratt, Peter Vasta, Margaret (Peg) Yealands, Kenneth Young, Alfred

15 Aug 07 Blackmore, Jack

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Busby, Vickery (Max) Cone, Ethel (Margaret) Connor, Margaret Coote, Shirley Dadswell, Thomas (Tom) Dale, Desmond (Des) Davis, Rosalie Depree, Ethelwyn (Carrie) Eastgate, Eric (Ken) Ensor, Edward (Zac) Feeney, David Gaul, Richard Gillman, Vera Goldsbrough, Guy Grocott, Maxine Hall, Rosa (Sis) Heine, Robert (Rob) Hepburn, Neville Hunt, Robert (Bob) Kalma, Anna Knijff, Johannes (John) Matheson, Alison McCullough, Barry Neilson, Lindsay O'Connell, Sister Reginald O'Connor, Anna Palmer, Simon Parsons, Claire Porter, Edith Prattley, Noeline Priest, David Raine, Alister (George) Russell, John Shelley, John Stewart, Joyce Stewart, Sir Robertson (Bob) Sutton, Grant Tai, Mala Thompson, Lincoln Wood, Eric

16 Aug 07 Burney, Ella (May) Coppins, Beverley (Bev) Dadswell, Thomas (Tom) Dalziel, Sylvia (Mon) Ferguson, Murray Hall, Jack Hammond, John (Senior) Humphries, Elijah Hunt, Robert (Bob) Jones, Ralph Journee, Nora (Ruth) McClimont, Mary (Joy) McQuillan, Athol (Whipper) Neilson, Lindsay O'Connell, Sister Reginald Orbell, Geoffrey Seelen, Moana (Mona) Smith, Catherine (Doris) Stewart, Sir Robertson

(Bob) Sutton, Grant Telfer, David Turina, Jacob Wood, Eric

17 Aug 07 Bell, Robin Brown, Frank Butcher, Christopher Christensen, Kenneth Coppins, Beverley (Bev) Dadswell, Thomas (Tom) Davey, Natalie Edwards, Gordon (Eddy) Ensor, Edward (Zac) Ferguson, Murray Hall, Jack Humphries, Elijah Hynes, Wilson (Mike) Jackson, W Keith Journee, Nora (Ruth) Kerr, James (Jim) Lavea, Elisa Low, John Matenga, James McClimont, Mary (Joy) McDonald, Ian McQuillan, Athol Orbell, Geoffrey Prendeville, Leo Robinson, Mairehe (Molly) Seelen, Moana (Mona) Smith, Catherine (Doris) Stuart, Betty Telfer, David Williams, Andrew (George) Wilson, Enid

18 Aug 07 Alleyne, Elsie Armstrong, David (Mike) Baker, Jacqueline Boyd, Pauline Briggs, Mekura Brown, Frank Burney, Ella (May) Butcher, Christopher Christensen, Kenneth Coppins, Beverley (Bev) Copplestone, John (Jack) Dawson, Margaret (Peggy) Dench, Valda Dickson, Evelyn Edwards, Gordon (Eddy) Ferguson, Murray Fleming, Ruth Folter, Elizabeth Fox, Marjorie Gillman, Vera Green, Neville Harreman, Blake Hoffman, Doreen

Jackson, W Keith Jenkins, Ralph Jones, Alan (Jonesy) Jones, Florence (Joan) Journee, Nora (Ruth) Kerr, James (Jim) Kole, Paul Martyn, Jessie Matenga, James McDonald, Ian McQuillan, Athol Olley, Brian Parsons, Claire Prendeville, Leo Rive, Nancy Robinson, Mairehe (Molly) Rodgers, Ester Senior, Constance Smart, Eric Stewart, Sir Robertson (Bob) Stuart, Betty (Fay) Takamore, James (Jim) Telfer, David Turina, Jacob Watson, June Wilson, Enid Wilson, Kathleen (Kath)

20 Aug 07 Armstrong, David (Mike) Bagnall, Ronald (Ron) Boyd, Pauline Briggs, Mekura Bruhn, Neil Christian, Myra Copplestone, John (Jack) Craig, Anna Craigie, Avenell Davis-Reweti, Gwen Dempsey, Bruce Dench, Valda Dickson, Evelyn Fox, Marjorie Grice, Gordon Harreman, Blake Henshaw, James Hill, James (Jimmy) Inkster, Verna Jenkins, Ralph Jones, Florence (Joan) Lange, Rose (Bud) MacKay, Margaret (Rita) Mackie, Valmai (Val) Martyn, Jessie McKellar, Katharine McNab, Bruce Meynell, Lynne Monk, Gwendoline (Gwen) Morgan, Ivy (Irene) Olley, Brian O'Reilly, Eileen Rodgers, Ester

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Rogers, David Schist, Frank (Dave) Smart, Eric Stevens, Helen Stewart, Sir Robertson Swinbourne, Michael Timms, Beverly Vessey, Frederick (Earl) Wilson, Kathleen (Kath)

21 Aug 07 Bagnall, Ronald (Ron) Beardsley, Sylvia Boyd, Pauline Brauer, Renata Briggs, Mekura Bruhn, Neil Burton, Moreen (Jean) Carnie, Joyce (Joy) Christian, Myra Copplestone, John (Jack) Craig, Anna Davis-Reweti, Gwen Dench, Valda Ellis, Rita Fox, Marjorie Gourley, Enid Hamilton, Leona Hamilton, Richard Henshaw, James Hill, James (Jimmy) Inkster, Verna Kent, Raylene Lenihan, Rev. Father Arthur Lineham, Annie (Anne) MacKay, Margaret (Rita) Mackie, Valmai (Val) Meynell, Lynne Monk, Gwendoline (Gwen) Morgan, Ivy (Irene) Ng, Louie Rodgers, Ester Rutherford, Joan Schist, Frank (Dave) Smith, Rosetta Starkey, Karen Timms, Beverly Vessey, Frederick (Earl) Wilson, Kathleen (Kath) Yagodzenski, June

22 Aug 07 Adam, Laureen Allan, Mabel (Mabs) Allen, Dr Chalmers (Chum) Biddle, Martin Brauer, Renata Bruhn, Neil Burton, Moreen (Jean) Cairns, William (Bill) Carleton, Samuel (Russ) Charmley, William

(Chester) Davey, Mabel Dean, Bronwen Dempsey, Bruce Fleming, Ruth Grice, Gordon Hamilton, Richard Hampton, Jennifer Havill, Sylvia Helm, Noel Horne, Maurice Hunt, John Lange, Rose (Bud) Mackie, Valmai (Val) Mangnall, Anne Mawson, Patricia McKeown, Sybil Mitchell, Nora Moir, Marjory Morgan, Ivy (Irene) Murphy, Leslie (Les) Music, Franka Neale, Basil Nelson, Marcus Ng, Louie Robertson, Charlotte (Lottie) Stevens, Helen Timms, Beverly Wall, Patricia (Margaret) Wallis, Joyce Westphall, Ellen (Nell) Yagodzenski, June

23 Aug 07 Adam, Laureen Allan, Mabel (Mabs) Broadhurst, Noel Columbus, Kenneth Crofts, Mare Dempsey, Bruce Hampton, Jennifer Havill, Sylvia Henderson, Robin Hunt, John Inkersell, William (Bill) Kelly, Bert Kerr, Allan Langrope, Helen McGlinchy, Laura (Mary) Moore, Joyce Morris, Shirley Murphy, Leslie (Les) Music, Franka O'Malley, Marcus Potter, Joyce (Joy) Sutton, Dean Tucker, William (Berrie, Barry) Wall, Patricia (Margaret) Wallis, Joyce

24 Aug 07

Adam, Laureen Bell, Peter Broadhurst, Noel Campbell, Patricia Columbus, Kenneth Crofts, Mare Edwards, Nicola Farmer, William (Bill) Fitzgerald, Rae Flowerday, Dorothy (Ruth) Healey, Eugene Inkersell, William (Bill) Kelly, Bert Kerr, Allan Langrope, Helen Macdonald, Marie Miller, Alexander (Alec) O'Connell, Maurice Pope, Joan Reardon, Patrick Ross, Donald Sutton, Dean Thompson, Trevor Turina, Jacob

25 Aug 07 Adco*ck, Elaine Bowman, George Buckingham, Edgar (Eddie) Burton, Richard Cairney, Trevor Campbell, Patricia Dring, Sandra Edwards, Nicola Fitzgerald, Rae Fransen, Franca Gahan, Alfred Giles, Coleen Gluyas, Margaret Greenwood, Ronald Halliday, Dulcie Healey, Eugene Kramer, Aegidius (Hank) Macdonald, Marie Mana, Segia Miller, Alexander (Alec) Mitchell, Dorothy (Dot) Moir, Marjory Neale, Basil O'Connell, Maurice Potter, Joyce (Joy) Prosser, Charles (Gordon) Reardon, Patrick Riddle, Sarah Robertson, Charlotte (Lottie) Sixtus, Dorothy (Maisie) Tait, Emily Thompson, Trevor Tindall (aka McCulloch), Lily Turina, Jacob

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


27 Aug 07 Ankersmit, Catharina (Ineke) Aubrey, Elva Burton, Gerald Cairney, Trevor Dale, Edith (Edie) Dewar, Joan Dring, Sandra Duthie, Doreen Giles, Coleen Halliday, Dulcie Harvey, Robert (Bob) Hull, Dulcie Knight, Adrienne Kramer, Aegidius (Hank) Lamont, Margaret McEwan, Maude Mears, Colleen Miller, Alexander (Alec) Mitchell, Dorothy (Dot) Moodie, James (Jim) Morris, Verna Murray, Ralph Henshaw, Sheila Nicolson, Mary (Ivie) Prosser, Charles (Gordon) Queree, Teresa Reardon, Patrick Ross, Donald Sapsford, Grace Sextus, Pauline Sixtus, Dorothy (Maisie) Stayt, Gordon Tainui, Wereta (Senior) Tait, Emily Taylor, Trevor Timson, Christine Walton - Douglas, Betty Webster, Rae Wilson, Marlene

28 Aug 07 Atkinson, Elizabeth (Rosie) Chadfield, Bill Chapman, Kenneth Dale, Edith (Edie) Dalton, Wladyslawa (Wladzia) Davidson, Ian Devon, Paulette Dewar, Joan Dixon, Mere Dring, Sandra Elliott, Shona Fell, Charlotte (Lucy) Gordon, Wilfred (Donald) Hamblin, Francis (Frank) Hamlin, Kevin Hart, Elaine Harvey, Robert (Bob) Kane, Aileen

Kingston, Mildred Lamont, Margaret McArthur, Beryl McCann, Helen McCarthy, Desmond (Des) Mears, Colleen Price, Geoffrey (Allan) Queree, Teresa Sapsford, Grace Stewart, Grace (Gracie) Taylor, Brian (B. T.) Taylor, Trevor Tibbles, Gordon (Con) Timms, Heather Timson, Christine Turbull, James (Neil) Walton - Douglas, Betty Warren, Raymond Wheeler, James (Rex) Williams, John (Jack) Winsloe, Harold

29 Aug 07 Allen, Geoffrey (Geoff) Anderson, Frederick (Graeme) Aubrey, Elva Chadfield, Bill Coll, Peter Dalton, Wladyslawa (Wladzia) Davidson, Ian Dixon, Mere Elliott, Shona Gordon, Wilfred (Donald) Greaney, James Hamlin, Kevin Henshaw, Sheila Hishon, Patricia (Pat) Hitchings, Jean Inglis, William (Bill) Johnson, Daphne Kane, Aileen Kinney, Peter Kirwan, Myrna Knight, Richard Kuhl, Michael Kydd, Gary Laird, Phylis (Daphne) Lamont, Margaret Laurenson, George Laverty, Ian McArthur, Beryl Milliken, Hazel Morris, Verna Price, Geoffrey (Allan) Reardon, Milton (Doug) Sadler, Derek (Dick) Smallwood, Eva Stapleforth, Iris Taylor, Brian (B. T.) Wereta, Walton (Wally) Wheeler, James (Rex)

Williams, John (Jack) Wilson, Jeffrey (Jock)

30 Aug 07 Allen, Geoffrey (Geoff) Anderson, Frederick (Graeme) Anderson, Thomas (Tom) Araroa, Pomare (Paul) Bolton, Isaac (Ike) Bradley, Gertrude (Lois) Brown, Ngareta (Ngarie) Carroll, Ruth Chadfield, Bill Clarke, Brian Dalton, Wladyslawa (Wladzia) Evans, Carolyn Fischer, Vernon Greaney, James Hishon, Patricia (Pat) Hitchings, Jean Hornsey, Russell Hurst, Shirley Johnson, Daphne Kydd, Gary Lowen, Judith Maynard, Rema Painter, Helen Price, Geoffrey (Allan) Sadler, Derek (Dick) Skinner, Betty Smallwood, Eva Taylor, Brian (B. T.) Teale, Sydney Turner, Edward (Ted) Wereta, Walton (Wally) Wood, Neil

31 Aug 07 Araroa, Pomare (Paul) Bolton, Isaac (Ike) Bradley, Gertrude (Lois) Craig, Violet Edgerton, Elaine Fischer, Vernon Fletcher, James Godinet, Birtele (Burt) Haglund, Iona (Peg) Harding, Bruce Hitchings, Jean Kenneally, Wilfred (Tex) Kydd, Gary Laurenson, George (Dick) Lewis, Patricia Macdonald, Archibald (Archie) Milliken, Hazel Oddie, Arthur (Don) Prisk, Daphne Simpson, Edna Sloan, Leila (Jean) Teale, Sydney

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Turner, Edward (Ted) Watts, Irene (Ruby) Wereta, Walton (Wally)

1 Sep 07 Arnold, Elizabeth (Betty) Bower, Arthur Clark, Freda (Dot) Davidson, Ian Dockery, Beryl Donnellan, Laura Dowell, Mary Edgerton, Elaine Ellis, Vernon (Norm) Evans, Carolyn Fell, Agnes Fergusson, Thyra Fischer, Vernon (Bub) Fletcher, James Godinet, Birtile (Bert) Grabham, Robert (Bob) Griffiths, Jennifer (Jenny) Haglund, Iona (Peg) Huntley, Cairo (Wok) Johnson, Daphne Keen, Beatrice Kemp, Olive Kenneally, Wilfred (Tex) Kydd, Gary Lamont, Gordon (Ray) Lewis, Patricia Low, Jennifer Maxwell, John (Alistair) Newton, Dorothy Prisk, Daphne Radcliffe, Joan Ramsden, Brian Richardson, Kathleen Rodgers, Norah Shaw, Margaret Sloan, Leila (Jean) Tait, Evelyn Wallace, Karen Watts, Irene (Ruby) Wereta, Walton (Wally) Wilson, Trevor Wood, Betty

3 Sep 07 Almond, Reginald (Reg) Blakiston, Simon Bower, Arthur Brewer, Eileen Casserly, Yvonne Cooper, Lennard (Len) Croft, Trevor Dolan, Marion Dowell, Mary Eathorne, Maurice Edgerton, Elaine Ellis, Vernon (Norm) Gordon, Patrick Jenney, Marie

Jennings, Natalie Johnston, Hilary Kennard, Thomas (Tom) King, Marjorie Kydd, Gary Langley, Dorothy Luke, John Lyons, Alberta Macleod, Kathleen (Kath) McKenzie, Sir Roy McMeeking, Daphne Merrin, Hector Millar, David (Dave) Newton, Dorothy Noonan, Gerald Palmer, David (Brent) Pickup, Christina (Chrissy) Radcliffe, Joan Ramsden, Brian Wallace, Karen

4 Sep 07 Armstrong, Robert (Bob) Beveridge, Chrissie Bishop, Ethel (Jean) Brewer, Eileen Clark, Alan Cooper, Lennard (Len) Croft, Trevor Dixon, Dennis Eathorne, Maurice Eddington, Irene Gordon, Patrick Graham, Reginald (Reg) Grant, Peter Julian, Nona Luke, John Macleod, Kathleen (Kath) McConnell, Puna McKenzie, Sir Roy Merrin, Hector Meyerhoff, Zane Miles, Mervyn Pickup, Christina (Chrissy) Ramsden, Brian Thomsen, Helen Waghorn, Ian Walsh, Mary Wicks, Frederick (Fred)

5 Sep 07 Anderson, Esther Armstrong, Robert (Bob) Baird, Ian Bates, Marion Bishop, Ethel (Jean) Brewer, Eileen Clark, Alan Clucas, Marjorie Craig, Colin Duke, Ronald Eddington, Irene Emery, Michelle

Gordon, Patrick Grant, Peter Jackson, William (Billie) Jenney, Marie Kydd, Gary Langley, Dorothy Macleod, Kathleen (Kath) Miles, Mervyn Nicholls, Peggy Prattley, Noeline Ramsden, Brian Ryder, Desmond Stephen, Audrey Stubbs, Frank Thomsen, Helen Waghorn, Ian Walsh, Mary Webb, Albert Weir, Emily (Mae)

6 Sep 07 Baird, Ian Barker, Malcolm Beckingsale, Alice Bishop, Ethel (Jean) Blyth, Margaret Bryce, Edward (Ted) Cooper, Marjorie Craig, Colin Fraser, Roderick Gardiner, Zita Gordon, Patrick Griffiths, Robert (Roy) Hall, Lorraine Hollywell, Roger Levell, Ailsa McKenzie, Sir Roy Milliken, Samuel Moran, George Nicholls, Peggy Penny, Betty Ramsden, Brian Thomsen, Helen Watson, Phyllis

7 Sep 07 Anderson, Esther Ashley, Elsie Blyth, Margaret Brake, Peter Bryce, Edward (Ted) de Roo, Anne Hall, Lorraine Hutchison, James Jackson, William (Billie) Kydd, Gary Levett, William (Bill) Lochhead, Noel (Lochie) Moran, George O'Neill, Anthony

8 Sep 07 Awatere, Peter

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Blyth, Margaret Bryce, Edward (Ted) Carpinter, Craig Cavanagh, Kevin Cook, Ainsley Cornish, Robert (Bob) Dow, Joyce Ensor, Ruth Fewre, Dawn Firth, Alison Graham, Shirley Hall, Lorraine Hanham, Emily Hollobon, Keith Hutchison, James Imrie, Samuel Ivory, Heather Jackson, Myra Lochhead, Noel (Lochie) Lyth, John Mackenzie, Josephine (Jo) McDowall, Glenis McLean, William (Bill) McNeill, Jeffrey (Jeff) Murray, Valentine (Brian) Prattley, Noeline Robertson, Colin Scott, Susan (Sue) Simeon, Kotimana (Scotty) Sykes, Richard Thompson, Celia Watson, Phyllis Young, James (Ian)

10 Sep 07 Beattie, Gwendoline (Gwen) Blair, James (Jim) Condon, Graham Cook, Ainsley Cornish, Robert (Bob) Draffin, Allan Dyke, Frederick (Fred) Gorton, William (Bill) Gray, Ellen Grice, Roma Hanham, Emily Holibar, Judith Hollobon, Keith Hood, Donald (Don) Kitto, Selwyn Laughton, Ivan Lobb, Jennifer (Jenny) Lyth, John McCormick, Bernard (Bernie) McDonnell, Teresa McDowall, Glenis McKerchar, Donald Norton, Melissa O'Donnell, Terence O'Reilly, Desmond (Des) Reynolds, Emma

Scott, Susan (Sue) Siegert, Shirley Slater, Phyllis Steele, Peter Suckling, Daphne Taylor, Coral Tse, Michael Wheeler, Pamela

11 Sep 07 Beattie, Gwendoline (Gwen) Brown, Rex co*ckerell, Chloe Condon, Graham Dalton, Christina Farnley, Laurence (Les) Gash, Ngaire Giles, Rodney Gray, Ellen Grice, Roma Hawke, Elizabeth (Beth) Hewitt, Leona Hill, Peter Holibar, Judith Hollobon, Keith Hutchison, James Kitto, Selwyn Lilly, Patricia (Pat) Lobb, Jennifer (Jenny) Majendie, Lance McCormick, Bernard James McCormick, Bernard John (Bernie) McDonnell, Teresa McLagan, Angus Moody, Hazel Nichol, Diane Norton, Melissa Pallot, John Penman, John (Rev) Quartly, Mervyn Reynolds, Emma Robb, Irving (John) Roberts-Nolan, Margaret Rogerson, Alister Steele, Peter Tse, Michael van der Wilt, Cornelis (Case) Venema, Hendrikje (Henny) Webb, Ann Wheeler, Pamela

12 Sept 07 co*ckerell, Chloe Collett, Ronald (Ron) Condon, Graham Couch, Rev Moke Currin, Maurice (Maurie) Dalton, Christina

Davenport, Dulcie Davies, Marion (Joan) Farnley, Laurence (Les) Giles, Rodney Gray, Ellen Grenfell, Fabienne Hamilton, Dorothy Henderson, Graham Hollobon, Keith Hulme-Smith, Mary Hunter, Ethel (Betty) Kitto, Selwyn McMeekin, James (Jim) McNeill, Jeffrey (Jeff) Muir, Catherine (Fran) Norton, Melissa O'Neill, Jessie Pallot, John Penman, Jack Pollard, William (Bill) Reynolds, Emma Robb, Irving (John) Roberts, Harold Ryan, Maureen Steele, Peter Thomas, Arthur (Noel) van der Wilt, Cornelis (Case) Webb, Ann Weinberg, Robert

13 Sep 07 Ashworth, Joyce co*ckerell, Chloe Collett, Ronald (Ron) Condon, Graham Corley, Clifford Couch, Rev Moke Mason, Peter McMeekin, James (Jim) (Mac) Moon, Albert Muir, Catherine (Fran) Naish, Dawn Nuttall, Mavis (Bonnie) O'Neill, Jessie Pateman, Thelma Philip, Thomas (T. J.) Pollard, William (Bill) Ryan, Maureen Throp, Ngarie Wright, Jacob

14 Sep 07 Ashby, Gael Ashworth, Joyce Beech, Daniel (Danny) Bryson, Robert (Andy) Condon, Graham Cox, Mildred Helm, Albert (Bert) Horrell, Lorna (Leafy)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Kenna, Joyce Mason, Peter McKenzie, William Naish, Dawn Norman, Albert (Bert) Reynolds, Emma Robertson, Alwyne (Ally) Rowley, John Wilson, Francis (Frank) Wright, Jacob Wright, Valerie (Val)

15 Sep 07 Ardagh-Enright, Monica Ashby, Gael Baynham, Catherine Beban, Kathleen Bensemann, Melva (Gae) Bryson, Robert (Andy) Burrell, Bernie Butcher, Joseph (Joe) Canovan, Mavis Clarke, Barbara Colgrave, Edith (Ella) Cross, Annie (Betty) Doig, Doreen Farr, Gary Fenton, Ashley Gray, Dawn Grenfell, Fabienne (Gwyn) Helm, Albert (Bert) Hunter, Ethel (Betty) Kenna, Joyce MacLennan, Phyllis McDonald, Rosilie McDonald, Valmai McDonald, William (Bill) McKenzie, William Meikle, Dorothy Montgomery, Winston (Monty) Norman, Albert (Bert) O’Donnell, Terence Pateman, Thelma Roach, William Robertson, Alwyne (Ally) Rowley, John Shaw, Ashley Syme, Erna (Carlie) Williams, Faith (Faye) Wilson, Francis (Frank) Wright, Valerie (Val)

17 Sep 07 Ardagh-Enright, Monica (Paul) Barry, Dorothy Bensemann, Melva (Gae) Brophy, Dorothy (June) Collins, Desmond Cross, Annie (Betty) Eddy, Lorraine

Eltringham, Thomas (Bob) Farr, Gary Fox, Margaret Gray, Dawn Hall, Michael (Mike) Henderson, Douglas (Doug) Henry, Clifford (Cliff) Horsburgh, Clifford Kemp, Alan Kidner, Margaret MacLennan, Phyllis Merry, Robert (Bob) Montgomery, Winston (Monty) Moore, Edith Morland, Eva Ormandy, Alan Pasene, Jeannie Pennington, William (Bill) Shepherd, Norman Thomsen, Patricia Thomson, Kate Wright, Rita

18 Sep 07 Barry, Dorothy Blandford, Laurence (Laurie) Brophy, Dorothy (June) Clarke, Barbara Collins, Desmond Cross, Annie (Betty) Eddy, Lorraine Eltringham, Thomas (Bob) Eustace, Patrick (Pat) Gordon, Etta Gray, Dawn Hall, Michael (Mike) Henderson, Douglas (Doug) Hislop, Joyce Hobby, Martin Holdsworth, Muriel Ivory, Frances Jones, Rita Kemp, Alan Kennedy, Peter Kidd, Norma MacDonald, Carl Macleod, Barbara Masdorp, Inger McDonald, William (Bill) Merry, Robert (Bob) Pennington, William (Bill) Pettitt, Roy Rountree, Joan Seymour, William Thomson, Kate Wright, Rita Yee, James

19 Sep 00

Ashby, Norma Billcliff, Dorothy Blandford, Laurence (Laurie) Butcher, Joseph (Joe) Buttle, Samuel (Charlie) Collerton, Jean Collins, Dorothy Eddy, Lorraine Eustace, Patrick (Pat) Evans, Harry Gillies, Roderick (Rod) Griffin, Beatrice (Trixie) Hawker, Irene Henderson, Douglas (Doug) Hobby, Martin Holdsworth, Muriel Ivory, Frances Jones, Rita Keen, Geoffrey Kemp, Alan Kempton, Ronald Kennedy, Peter Kerr, Alexander (Alex) Kidd, Norma Macleod, Barbara Malone, Paul McInnes, Grace Organ, Michael Pettitt, Roy Phillips, Bruce Rountree, Joan Seymour, William Shepherd, Norman Siegert, Cyril (Larry) Wilkins, Harold (Harry) Wilson, Andrew Worthington, Catherine (Jackie) Wright, Rita Yarrall, David (Dave) Yee, James

20 Sep 07 Ashby, Norma Barnes, Betty Billcliff, Dorothy Bromley, Dorothy (Dot) Butcher, Joseph (Joe) Chapman, Gaynor Eddy, Lorraine Evans, Harry Finnigan, Paul Fowlie, Gladys Frampton, Ngaire Freeman, Raewyn Geayley, Lois Gill, Olga Harrison, Bridget (Gwen) Hawker, Irene Lawson, Kevin

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Logan, Pamela (Pam) Lucas, Adam McInnes, Grace Mitchell, Olive O'Brien, Daniel Organ, Michael Parker, John (Jack) Pearson, Valerie (Val) Shepherd, Norman Whittaker, Jan Wilkins, Harold (Harry) Wilson, Andrew Woodfield, Geoffrey (Geoff) Worthington, Catherine (Jackie)

21 Sep 07 Barnes, Betty Bromley, Dorothy (Dot) Byrne, Maddison Chisholm, Bernard (Stewart) Coyle, Thomas (Tom) Crout, Evelyn (Eve) Finnigan, Paul Frampton, Ngaire Harrison, Bridget (Gwen) Hobby, Martin Huria, Norah Jordin, Brenda King, Desmond (Des) Lucas, Adam O'Connor, Margaret Organ, Michael Springford, John Wilson, Peter

22 Sep 07 Ainsworth, Stuart Baker, David Barnes, Betty Beker, Bruce Bradley, Irene Brunsden, Kitty Byrne, Maddison Carll, Isobel Challenger, Charlie Chisholm, Bernard (Stewart) Collerton, Jean Condon, Olga Coyle, Thomas (Tom) Crout, Evelyn (Eve) Doig, Doreen Geayley, Lois Gifford, Malcolm Harris, Ann Henry, Eileen Hogan, Patrick (Gary) Hughes, Lilian Huria, Norah

Keen, Geoffrey Kemp, Alan Kinder, Annetta King, Desmond (Des) Lucas, Adam McInnes, Grace Noble, John Parker, John (Jack) Peryman, Lyn Phillips, Bruce Pierce, Jessie Rutherford, Kathleen (Kate) Siegert, Cyril (Larry) Smith, Joan Thomas, Joanna Whittaker, Jan Wilson, Valerie

24 Sep 07 Ashley, William (Bill) Baker, David Bathgate, Charles Benfell, Albert (Bert) Brunsden, Kitty Challenger, Charlie Cleland, Margaret Fothergill, Rena Gifford, Malcolm Gordon, Lucy Griffin, Robert (Bob) Hight, Mabel Hill, Alexander (Alex) Hodgins, James (Jim) Hogan, Patrick (Gary) Johnston, Alfred (Snow) Johnston, Annie (Ann) Kissel, Julia Lilley, Lorna Mander, Patricia McNab, Thelma Morgan, Brian Morrison, George O'Brien, Daniel Ogden, Maryann Rankin, Eva Rhodes, Adeline Sanford, Wendy Stacey, Fiona Stent, Linda Te Hae, Rowena Thomas, Joanna Tudor, Leslie (Les)

25 Sep 07 Anderson, Joan Ashley, William (Bill) Baken, Gloria Baker, David Bateman, Pamela (Pam) Coombes, Ernest Cumming, Catherine (Kate)

Docherty, Peter Ford, Betty Gibbs, Robert (Bob) Gifford, Malcolm Harris, Ann Hight, Mabel Hill, Alexander (Alex) Hodgins, James (Jim) Honeybone, Maurice Johnston, Alfred (Snow) Johnston, Annie (Ann) Kissel, Julia Lean, Dawn Lowe, Valerie McVie, Vera Morgan, Brian Noble, John Peryman, Lyn Ringdahl, Roy Smith, Morell (Dick) Southgate, Dorothy Stent, Linda Sullivan, Ann (Nancy) Sutton, Joan Taylor, Thomas (Tom) Te Hae, Rowena Thomas, Joanna Venning, Margaret Willing, Reverend Len

26 Sep 07

Abel, Nyra Baken, Gloria Bateman, Pamela (Pam) Besley, Margaret (Peg) Brennan, Patrick Coombes, Ernest Coppard, Beverley Cruickshank, John Cumming, Catherine (Kate) Delhanty, Mavis Docherty, Peter Dole, Jonathan Donnell, John Gibbs, Robert (Bob) Gordon, Lucy Groves, Phyllis Hale, Merlene Heenan, Judith Honeybone, Maurice Lanini, Brian Lean, Dawn Lord, Myrtle Lowe, Joffre Lowe, Valerie Lowrie, Heather MacKenzie, Cecilia Mander, Patricia Marshall, Alonzo Matthews, Dorothy

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McBeth, George (Athol) McQueen, Marion Mills, Bernard (Bernie) Morgan, Brian Murphy, Joy Painter, Thomas (Tom) Parcell, Brian Parker, RangiAahua Pitcaithly, Alan Rankin, Eva Ringdahl, Roy Sanford, Wendy Smith, Brian Smith, Carl Smith, Morell (Dick) Stent, Linda Stoddart, Dale Sullivan, Ann (Nancy) Sutton, Joan Taylor, Thomas (Tom) Venning, Margaret Wilson, Valerie

27 Sep 07 Bateman, Pamela Chapman, Thelma Clark, Norma Cruickshank, John Dole, Jonathan Groves, Phyllis Haselden, Dorothy Heenan, Judith (Judy) Lanini, Brian Matthews, Dorothy McBeth, George (Athol) McQueen, Marion Mills, Bernard (Bernie) Painter, Thomas (Tom) Pakelesio, Lois Parker, RangiAahua Pitcaithly, Alan Smith, Murray Stephenson, Kerry Stewart, Peter Walker, Marj

28 Sep 07 Boraston, Susan (Sue) Chapman, Thelma Clark, Norma Hale, Merlene Heenan, Judith (Judy) Hopewell, Mary Hutching, Thomas (Tom) Pitcaithly, Alan Rapson, Betty Ringdahl, Roy Roberts, Betty Smith, Murray Stephenson, Kerry

29 Sep 07 Abel, Nyra

Birch, Mary Boraston, Susan (Sue) Chilton, Jean Couper, Wallace Coupland, James (Jim) Fowler, Violet Green, Esme (Betty) Haselden, Dorothy Heitia, Denise Hollows, Joan Holtham, Arthur Hopewell, Mary Hutching, Thomas (Tom) Irvine, William (Ross) Jackson, William (Taffy) Keating, Beverly Keating, Samuel Kirk, Kathleen Loomes, Robert (Bob) MacMaster, Isabella Manukau, Herbert (Herbie) McDrury, Myrtle (Anne) Pakelesio, Lois Parker, John (Jack) Parkinson, Noni Purchase, John (Trevor) Ramsden, Douglas Rapson, Betty Roberts, Betty Robinson, James Simpson, Thora Smith, Brian Smith, Carl Turnbull, Victor (Vic) Washington, Lesley Watson, Colin Webster, Wilhemina (Ena) Weir, Robert (Robin) Williams, Glenn

1 Oct 07 Barton, Erna Begg, May Bennett, Gaye Birch, Mary Brown, Rachel (Ray) Colechin, Murray Couper, Wallace Coupland, James (Jim) Craighead, Samuel Cribb, Grace Dale, Keeler Daue, Neville Delhanty, Mavis Doyle, Daniel Etherington, Leicester (Les) Gardner, John (Jack) Gilmore, Kelly Gorman, Dulcie Harvey, Zoe Heitia, Denise

Hopkins, Keith Irvine, William (Ross) Johnston, Alan Kay, Walter Keating, Samuel and Beverley Keddell, Peter Kenna, Sarah MacMillan, Robert (Peter) Malins, Phyllis Manukau, Herbert (Herbie) Mathieson, Robert (Dr) Matthews, H Raymond McLeod, Kenneth (Ian) Molloy, Leslie Parker, Catherine (Eileen) Porter, Elizabeth (Myra) Ramsden, Douglas Stanton, Marie Valli, James (Jim) Williams, Glenn Young, Dorothy (Doris)

2 Oct 07 Barton, Erna Birch, Mary Boraston, Susan (Sue) Brixton, Margaret (Eileen) Brown, Rachel (Ray) Carey, Shane Clark, John Colechin, Murray Craighead, Samuel Daue, Neville Dodd, Muriel (Mac) Doyle, Daniel Etherington, Leicester (Les) Gorman, Dulcie Green, Esme (Betty) Groves, Henry (Harry) Harvey, Zoe Heitia, Denise Hu, Yue Qing (Helen) Huirama, Jacob Jermyn, Rosa (Gina) Johnston, Alan Keating, Beverley Keating, Samuel Kemp, Frances Kilmartin, Allen Lynch, Arthur Malins, Phyllis Middlemiss, Gordon (Snow) Mitchell, Leonard Moffat, Robert Molloy, Leslie Nicol, Marion O'Loughlin, Judith Parker, Catherine (Eileen) Prattley, Roger

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Rahui-Solomon, Kareen Rundle, Val Tonks, Glenn Tretheway, Ewan Valli, James Williams, Glenn Wingham, Gwen

3 Oct 07 Atkinson, Winifred (Win) Begg, May Brixton, Margaret (Eileen) Bryan, Saul Cartwright, Fr Cyril Coupland, James (Jim) Crooks, Nathan Curnow, Patricia (Trish) Devereux, Priscilla (Celia) Groves, Henry (Harry) Heitia, Denise Henderson, Donald Holden, Warren (Max) Holtham, Arthur Hu, Yue Qing (Helen) Keating, Beverley Keating, Samuel Keddell, Peter Kemp, Frances Kinley, Kathleen Lynch, Arthur Lynskey, Dorothy McCaughan, Hector (Hec) McCausland, Douglas McClelland, Isabel McLeod, Kenneth (Ian) Mercer, Margaret (Peg or Peggy) Mitchell, Leonard Sangster, Gladys Shea, Judith (Judy) Straight, Ellyston (Sterle) Tate, Violet (Vi) Tonks, Glenn Watson, Leslie Woolhouse, Ross

4 Oct 07 Allott, Shaunagh Bryan, Saul Crooks, Nathan Curnow, Patricia (Trish) Daly, Cornelius (Con) Davis, Patricia Drummond, Mary Gilmore, Kelly Hall, Pauline Harkness, Ivan (Bruce) Hasenoot, Gerarda Henderson, Donald Killick, Catherine Kinley, Kathleen Leach, Colleen Lynskey, Dorothy

McCaughan, Hector Mercer, Margaret (Peg or Peggy) Morris, Jack Pegg, John Saunders, Isabel Smith, John Straight, Ellyston (Sterle) Tate, Violet (Vi) Teague, Trevor Tonks, Glenn Walton, Edna Watson, Leslie Willoughby, Claire

5 Oct 07 Anderson, Cyril Brehaut, Grace Bryan, Saul Buxton, John Curnow, Patricia (Trish) Daly, Cornelius (Con) Gillions, Lionel Gilmore, Kelly Johnson, Margaret (Peggy) Keen, Muriel Machejefski, John Mason, David McCausland, Douglas McClelland, Isabel Needham, Diane Smith, John Speakman, Jean Straight, Ellyston (Sterle) Teague, Trevor Wealleans, Betty Wilkens, Marian Wilson, Ian

6-7 Oct 07 Anderson, Cyril Boswell, Evelyn (Bosie) Brehaut, Grace Brown, Owen Buxton, John Carrigan, Marguerita Cunningham, Nathan Daly, Cornelius (Con) Davie, Trevor Farrar, Norman Flewellen, Nora Folter, Theodorus (Ted) Fowke, Muriel Gillions, Lionel Hall, Pauline Hardcastle, Brian Hasenoot, Gerarda Holmes, Dawn Ingram, David Inwood, Eleanor Keddell, Peter Killick, Catherine McCausland, Douglas

Moffat, Robert Mosely, Leonard (Len) Murray, Yvonne Needham, Diane Noone, Philomena (Phil) Reiher, Ngaire Shannon, Rodger T Smith, Peter Teague, Trevor Wealleans, Betty Wilkins, Marian

8 Oct 07 Auld, Virginia Austin, Madge Baldwin, Mavis (Isabel) Barber, June Bashford, David Brett, Allan Buttar, Vera Cogger, Ronald Collins, Phyllis Dalley, William (Bill) Davie, Trevor Emerson, Helen Eskrick, Peter Farrar, Norman Flewellen, Nora Folter, Theodorus (Ted) Gapes, Robert Garbutt, Diane Gelling, Dawn Hall, Pauline Hardcastle, Brian Henshall, Eunice Keddell, Peter Keen, Muriel Kelly, Peggy Kerridge, Kathleen (Kay) Martin, Harold Meijer, Gerardus (Gerry) Mosely, Leonard (Len) Parkes, Noel Reiher, Ngaire Robinson, Gerald (Stewie) Scammell, Florence (Flo) Scott, Douglas Shirley, Rona Stark, Morag Steyn, Nicolaas Stone, Robert (Bob) Stringer, Robert (Bob) Thomson, Thomas (Tom) Travers, Gladys (Glad) Watt, Dorothy Wilson, Blair

9 Oct 07 Alford, Eva Armstrong, Lyal Auld, Virginia Austin, Madge Baldwin, Mavis (Isabel)

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The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Bashford, David Blackadder, Alan Brett, Allan Buttar, Vera (May) Coffey, Maysel Cogger, Ronald Dalley, William (Bill) Emerson, Helen Garbutt, Diane Hamilton, Jeannie Hansen, Margaret Henshall, Eunice Johnson, Kathleen Kennedy, Margaret McCosker, Francis (Frank) McGeorge, Samuel (Sam) Meijer, Gerardus (Gerry) Priedajs, Roberts Reiher, Ngaire Scott, Douglas Steyn, Nicolaas Stringer, Robert (Bob) Travers, Gladys (Glad) Watt, Dorothy Whitehead, Gillian Wilson, Graham

10 Oct 07 Alford, Eva Auld, Virginia Baldwin, Mavis (Isabel) Bashford, David Blackadder, Alan Brown, William Busby, Jeanie Cant, Evan Carter, Ronald (Noel) Clarke, Annette (Ann) Cogger, Ronald Cummock, Vera Denton, Constance Doidge, Mary Ellis, Rona Gapes, Robert Gill, Gwendoline (Gwen) Hansen, Margaret Hogan, Adam Hugo, Maurice Kennedy, Margaret McGeorge, Samuel Moses, John (Jack) Orchard, Arthur Priedajs, Roberts Quinn, Shirley Rayner, John Steer, Sydney Steven, Miep Stone, Robert (Bob) Thomson, Thomas (Tom)

11 Oct 07 Brown, William Busby, Jeanie

Carter, Ronald (Noel) Clark, Doreen Clark, Mari (Joan) Daniel, Averil Doidge, Mary Ellis, Rona Fairbrother, Mark Hogan, Adam Hugo, Maurice Kiddie, Eileen Lalor, Matilda (May) McGeorge, Samuel Moore, Elizabeth (Bett) Nisbett, Maurice Orchard, Arthur Patterson, Graeme Quinn, Shirley Reichwein, Cornelis (Kees) Shaughnessy, Timothy Small, Richard Stone, Robert (Bob) Town, Douglas Warren, John (Jack) Williams, Mani (Lei Lei)

12 Oct 07 Andrews, Julie Cannon, Lester Congdon, Frederick (Fred) Daniel, Averil Doidge, May Franklin-Browne, Gladys Hamill, Peg Hudson, Richard Julian, Thomas Loughead, Guy McDowell, Iris McGowan, John Moore, Elizabeth (Bett) Norrish, Leslie (Les) Palmer, Margaret Phillips, Joshua Shaughnessy, Timothy Shepherd, Rosemary (Mary) Small, Richard Speechly, Margaret Stoddart, Dale Warren, John (Jack) Wheeler, Dr Valmae Whitaker, Sam

13-14 Oct 2007 Andrews, Julie Bayley, Charles Broadbent, Ross Clark, Doreen Clarkson, Lynette Connor, Robin Ditfort, Walter Ellis, Rona Fairbrother, Mark Ford, Bruce

Hansen, Margaret Hogan, Adam Hudson, Richard Julian, Thomas Lorgelly, Stacie Marsden, Iona McDowell, Iris McGowan, John Mulholland, Barbara (Peggy) Norrish, Leslie (Les) Pauling, Ted Phillips, Joshua Port, Margaret Reichwein, Cornelis (Kees) Rush, William Shannon, Rodger T Shaughnessy, Timothy Shepherd, Rosemary (Mary) Smith, Daphne Speechly, Margaret Steven, Miep Tomlin, Mary Whitaker, Sam

15 Oct 07 Ainsworth, Ngirene Beath, Marama (Cookie) Birch, Allan Boardman, Inez Broadbent, Ross Chisnall, Mona Faith, Ian Fowler, Clarence (Clarry) Kennedy, Winifred (Wyn) Kuiper, Gordon Marsden, Iona Masters, Norman McManus, Lois Milne, Phyllis Mulholland, Barbara (Peggy) Phillips, Joshua Porteous, Robert (Bob) Preece, Albert (Alby) Ross, Rev. Frank Stedman, Clare Stenhouse, John Wylie, Eoin

16 Oct 07 Allan, Grace Allison, Matilda (Maisie) Ashley, Vera Barrell, Dr Rex Beath, Marama (Cookie) Boswell, Letitia (Lettie) Brenssell, Douglas (Doug) Bryant, Yvonne (Von) Carey, Jean

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Cowles, Beverley Davis, Thomas Faith, Ian Fowler, Clarence (Clarry) Gliddon, James (Jim) Greaves, Harry Hay, Kathleen Knight, Ruby Langley, John Lorgelly, Stacie Marsden, Iona McManus, Lois Porteous, Robert (Bob) Stenhouse, John Unger, Heinz Welsford, Alan

17 Oct 07 Ashley, Vera Athfield, Dorothy (Jean) Barr, Jessie Birch, Allan Brown, Peter (Machine) Bryant, Yvonne (Von) Cameron, Hazel Cowles, Beverley Crawford, Norma Fowler, Clarence (Clarry) Gliddon, James (Jim) Graham, Brenda Hay, Kathleen Hill, James (Jim) Johnson, James Knight, Ruby Latham, Nancy Liddy, Dorothy McIlraith, Marion McLay, Andrew McManus, Lois Pope, Winifred (Win) Reynolds, Leila Smith, Nola Thyne, Patrick Todd, Margaret Unger, Heinz Wederell, Marie (Lorraine) Weir, Marjory

18 Oct 07 Alexander, Roger Allison, Matilda (Maisie) Carey, Jean Corbett, Marion Delaney, Douglas (Pete) Graham, Brenda Hill, James (Jim) Johnson, James Latham, Nancy Liddy, Dorothy Manawatu, Pani McDonald, Hugh McGirr, Leslie McIlraith, Marion

McLay, Andrew McManus, Lois Stibbards, Eleanor (Nellie) Sugrue, Patrick (Pat) Thyne, Patrick Todd, Margaret Wiig, Eunice Winter, Graeme (Champ)

19 Oct 07 Alexander, Roger Birch, Allan Delaney, Douglas (Pete) Glausiuss, Faye Keys, Richard Manawatu, Pani McDonald, Hugh McManus, Lois Robinson, Gerald (Stewie) Roebuck, John Thompson, Albert (Albie)

20 Oct 07 Adams, Joseph (Peter) Alexander, Roger Baker, Terrence (Terry) Birdling, Iris Cameron, Hazel Crampton, Ririnui (Teddy) Cronin, Helen Drayton, Malcolm French, Norman Glausiuss, Faye Grant, Vivienne Harvey, Pamela Hill, Warwick Jacobs, Tere Keele, Thelma Kennedy, Winifred Kneebone, Robb (Fred) Liddy, Dorothy Love, Allan McCorquodale, Roderick (Rod) McDonald, Hugh Mills, Joan Patrick, James Powell, Sophie Richardson, Joyce (Joy) Robinson, Gerald (Stewie) Sloss, Robert (Bob) Smart, Neville Sugrue, Patrick (Pat) Te Huia, Rihara (Sonny) Thompson, Albert (Albie)

22 Oct 07 Allen, Margaret Auton, Gerald (Gerry) Beckham, Robert (Alf) Bolsover, Neville Chin Gin, Son Ha Crampton, Ririnui (Teddy)

Cronin, Helen De Roo, Feije (Fi) Ellis, Allan (Snowy) Evers, Jean French, Norman Gain, Wilfrid (Bill) Harvey, Pamela Hilton, Jean Hurrell, Annie Inkersell, Patrick (Pat) Keele, Thelma Keeley, Maurice (Gavin) Keep, Winifred (Hazel) Kneebone, Robb (Fred) McCorquodale, Roderick (Rod) Milne, Mark Mountford, Barry Rose, Neroli (Muff) Sloss, Robert (Bob) Smart, Neville Smith, Bruce Taylor, Frederick Te Huia, Rihara (Sonny) Willis, Patricia

23 Oct 07 Alexander, Roger Allen, Margaret Archer, John Beckham, Robert (Alf) Bedford, Joan Blazey, Minna Chin Gin, Son Ha Davidson, John (Jack) Ellis, Allan (Snowy) Evers, Jean Gain, Wilfrid (Bill) Graham, Alwyn Halligan, Ivan Harris, Kevin Hart, Evelyn (Joyce) Hurrell, Annie Hurst, John Keep, Winifred (Hazel) Larkin, Gladys Leef, Maria Milne, Winifred (Win) Oldman, Eileen Robson, Adele Smart, Neville Stephen, Elsie Taylor, Frederick Thompson, Albert (Albie) Turner, Marietta Vickers, John

24 Oct 07 Allen, Margaret Auton, Gerald (Gerry) Blazey, Minna Bolsover, Neville

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Boyce, Constance (Connie) Burrell, Phyllis Coster, Ronald (Ron) Dalzell, Jane Davidson, John (Jack) Davidson, Margaret (Maggie) Drayton, Malcolm Evers, Jean Gourley, Maurice Graham, Alwyn Graham, Brenda Halligan, Ivan Harris, Kevin Hart, Evelyn (Joyce) Hilton, Jean Hunter, James (Jim) Hurrell, Annie Hurst, John Larkin, Gladys L'Estrange, Mervyn Lomey, Helen (Eve) Lyall, Noelene McDrury, Cameron (CJ) Moore, Irene Mountford, Barry Phillips, Eunice Quinn, James (Jimmy) Reid, Robin (Bob) Scott, Nola Skurr, Irene Streeter, Mary Turner, Marietta van der Klei, Johanna (Jo) Vickers, John Waterman, Vivienne Waywood, Leslie Wild, Stanley Wilson, Janet

25 Oct 07 Adams, Peter Anderson, Valda (Liz) Boyce, Constance (Connie) Campbell, Eva (Tine) Coville, Esme Dalzell, Jane Gourley, Maurice Graham, Brenda Harris, Beven Harris, Deborah Hart, Evelyn (Joyce) Hill, Lillian Hunter, James (Jim) Kidd, Margaret Larkin, Gladys Lewandowski, Jean Lomey, Helen (Eve) Lyall, Noelene Mathews, Vivien (Mattie/Dot) McClintock, Jean McClure, Eunice

McDrury, Cameron (CJ) McGregor, Edna Meneghan, Thomas (Tom) Moran, Barry Mountford, Barry Partridge, Lydia (Jean) Radman, Ivan Reid, Edward Reid, Robin (Bob) Skurr, Irene Styler, Hazel van der Klei, Johanna (Jo) Walton, Betty Wilson, Janet Winder, Mary (Molly) Woodley, Myrtle

26 Oct 07 Anderson, Valda (Liz) Barnes, Jennifer Bennett, Thomas Boyce, Constance (Connie) Brook, Mary Cross, Marguerite Gliddon, Evan Harris, Beven Harris, Deborah Kennedy, Isobel (Ray) Kidd, Margaret Knight, Louis (Lou) Lucas, Betty Mathews, Vivien (Mattie/Dot) Matthews, Phyllis McClintock, Jean McClure, Eunice McGregor, Edna Meneghan, Thomas (Tom) Molloy, James (Jim) Phillips, Eunice Ross, William (Ian) Sceats, Jean Skurr, Irene Styler, Hazel van der Klei, Johanna (Jo) Walton, Betty Willson, Margaret Wilson, Janet Winder, Mary (Molly) Woodley, Myrtle

27 Oct 07 Barnes, Jennifer Bennett, Thomas Brook, Mary Campbell, Eva (Tine) Clark, Elizabeth Connor, Timothy (Tim) Cross, Marguerite Dawson, George (Pat) Devon, Casey Drayton, Malcolm Elder, Hugh

Flint, Gordon Gliddon, Evan Harris, Deborah (Debbie) Hayes, Audrey Joynt, Anne Kennedy, Isobel (Ray) Lucas, Betty May, Lesley (Johnnie) McClintock, Jean McClure, Eunice McNickel, Raymond Morison, Neil Murphy, Phyllis (Phyl) Palmer, Allan Randall, Lillian Robertson, Clare Sceats, Jean Smith, Charles (Charlie) Somerville, Joseph (Bill) Teasdale, Ian Thomson, Graham (Grady) Toombs, Myrtle (Myrt) vanden Berg, Pieter (Peter) Williamson, Trevor Willson, Margaret Winder, Mary (Molly) Woodley, Myrtle

29 Oct 07 Caldwell, Blanche Cameron, Alistair Cane, Anthony (Ant) Cheyne, Richard (Dick) Christie, Grace Cuming, Margaret (Greta) Davidson, Shirley Denham, Margaret Derecourt, Mervyn (Merv) Dickey, Sedger Duffield, Margaret (Peg) Elder, Hugh Finney, Alison Gant, Nancy Gardner, Ella Glengarry, John (Jack) Hale, Aaron (Red) Holdaway, Joy Janett, Paul Knight, Louis (Lou) Lol, Luwtje May, Lesley (Johnnie) McClintock, Jean McNickel, Raymond Midgley, Samuel Montigue, Miriam Morison, Neil Norton, David (Crockett) Paterson, Helen Prinsep, Frederick (Fred) Rich, Rosemary (Rose) Rooke, Pearl Ross, Joyce

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Shaw, Evonne Sikma, Albertus (Albie) Somerville, Joseph (Bill) Spite, Eileen Walls, Maureen Wells, Ash Wilkinson, James (Jim)

30 Oct 07 Barnes, Jennifer Barrett, Lulu (Lou) Buick, Helen (Nellie) Caldwell, Blanche Cameron, Alistair Cheyne, Richard (Dick) Christie, Grace Cuming, Margaret (Greta) Davidson, Shirley Derecourt, Mervyn (Merv) Dickey, Sedger Duncan, Alexander (Alister) Eggleton, Callum Elder, Hugh Finney, Alison Fraser, Hazel Gant, Nancy Gardner, Ella Gianelly, Robert (Bob) Gillum, Dianne Graham, Ian Heney, Lester Lawrence, Keegan McGoldrick, Leonard (Len) Montigue, Miriam Norton, David Orton, Noel Prinsep, Frederick (Fred) Ravenhill, Margaret Rhind, Tony Rich, Rosemary (Rose) Shaw, Yvonne Sidey, Thomas Sikma, Albertus (Albie) Smith, Yvonne Walls, Maureen - see Whalley Westcott, Frank Whalley, Noleen (Nola) White, Sir John Woodhams, Elizabeth Woods, Herbert (Bert)

31 Oct 07 Amer, Davina Carnielo, Rae Davidson, Shirley Duncan, Alexander (Alister) Duncan, Desmond (Des) Eathorne, Alan Finney, Alison Galloway, Amy

Gianelly, Robert (Bob) Gillum, Dianne Graham, Ian Harvey, Daphne Hasselberg, Sheryl Hausberg, Angelika Heney, Lester Hicks, Robert (Bob) Hunter, Rita Kelso, Janice Longbottom, Hope McGoldrick, Leonard (Len) Prinsep, Frederick (Fred) Rich, Rosemary (Rose) Sikma, Albertus (Albie) Smith, Yvonne Westcott, Frank Wisker, Tony Woods, Herbert (Bert)

1 Nov 07 Amer, Davina Asomua, Paepae Bosch, Gerardus Collins, Gerald (Gerry) Eathorne, Alan Hasselberg, Sheryl Heney, Lester Holdaway, Joy Hunter, Rita Kelso, Janice Learmonth, Phyllis McLaren, William (Bill) McNeill, Wallace Meinzer, Wilhelmine Meredith, Lily O'Brien-Mayer, Angela Sikma, Albertus (Albie) Smith, Yvonne Stanger, Margaret (Faye) Taylor, John (Paul) Taylor, Myra

2 Nov 07 Asomua, Paepae Bailey, Marjorie (Joyce) Blackley, Barbara Blair, Ronald Collins, Gerald (Gerry) Cowie, Thomas (Tom) Heney, Lester Hicks, Robert (Bob) Le Warne, Una McNeill, Wallace Pattinson, Robert (Bob) Philpott, Nancy Sinclair, Henry Taylor, Myra Wilson, Hugh

3-4 Nov 07 Allan, Mollie Arnold, Peter

Blackley, Barbara Blair, Ronald Blick, Keith (Bob) Cant_Kumeroa, Arohanui Carnielo, Rae Clark, Lynda Collins, Gerald (Gerry) Cowie, Thomas (Tom) Coxon, Raymond Dillon, Margaret Edgar, Jeanne Hamilton, Ellen Levy, Pieter (Hans) Lindsay, Marjorie Lyne, Isavaile (Kay) Marshall, Leslie (Les) Martin, Mary (Doreen) McNeill, Wallace McTaggart, Ronald McTague, Robert (Hughie) Meredith, Lily Nash, Mona O'Connell, Shirley Park, Russell Pattinson, Robert (Bob) Peart, Myra (Nui) Peri, Katherine Philpott, Nancy Shepherd, Patricia (Pat) Smidt, Patricia Squire, Evelyn (Lyn) Templeton, Winifred (Win) Wedlake, Christine Whitley, Betty Wilson, Hugh Worts-Robinson, Jennifer

5 Nov 07 Adams, Eric Allan, Mollie Bisset, Colin Blair, Ronald Blick, Keith (Bob) Brown, Jeanette (Nette) Chisholm, Cecil (Ces) Clinton, James Cowie, Thomas (Tom) Coxon, Raymond Dillon, Margaret Doig, Ngaire Edgar, Jeanne Forrest, Jason Gilchrist, Stanley Hack, Martha (Mata) Heymel, Edvard (Ted) Hodges, William (Bill) Jamison, Lawrence (Laurie) Levy, Pieter (Hans) Lindroos, Cora Mason, June McClatchy, Michael McKay, Errol

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


McTague, Robert (Hughie) Nankivell, Iris Park, Russell Peter, John (J. L.) Stevens, Patricia Sullivan, Roma Sykes, Jack (John) Wakefield, Grace (Trixie) Waller, June Wiren, Colin Woolley, Francis Worts-Robinson, Jennifer

6 Nov 07 Arnold, Peter Blick, Keith (Bob) Brown, Brenda Brown, Jeanette (Nette) Chisholm, Cecil Clark, Wendy Doig, Ngaire Fisher, Louise (Esma) Forrest, Jason Gilchrist, Stanley Hawkins, Bernard (Barry) Hayman, Margaret (Peg) Heymel, Edvard (Ted) Holland, Keegan Irvine, Samuel Jamison, Lawrence (Laurie) Lindroos, Cora Lyons, Jean Macdonald, Florence (Doreen) Mason, June McKay, Errol Miller, Lisa Palmer, Cornelia (Corrie) Pascoe, June Perry, Yvonne Peter, John (J. L.) Smith, David (Dave) Staats, David Sullivan, Roma Thomson, Pamela (Pam) Truman, Patricia (Pat) Wells, Robin Wilkinson, Mary Wilson, Hugh Woodley, Jean

7 Nov 07 Adams, Eric Arnold, Peter Bisset, Colin Boyd, Gary Bradley, Amber Brittenden, Daphne (Joy) Budge, Dulcie Chisholm, Cecil (Ces) Clark, Wendy Collins, Olga

Draper, Elizabeth Firman, Ajay (Thumper) Fisher, Louise (Esma) Gregory, Averil Harwood, Aron Hawkins, Bernard (Barry) Hayman, Margaret (Peg) Holland, Keegan Irvine, Samuel Lees, Alistair Macdonald, Florence (Doreen) Maclean, Doreen McClatchy, Michael McKay, Errol McRae, Evelyn Murphy, Susan Pascoe, June Perry, Yvonne Shepherd, Patricia (Pat) Smith, Dave (Smithy) Sullivan, Roma Thomson, Pamela (Pam) Truman, Patricia (Pat) Warren, Mary Wells, Robin Woodley, Jean

8 Nov 07 Bradley, Amber Broughton, Zilla Burge William (Bill) Cron, Maureen Cuthers, Wayne De Leijer-Beks, Adrianna Dunne, Kathleen (Kath) Eves, Trevor Firman, Ajay (Thumper) Free, Christine (Chris) Govan, Sir Lawrence (Lawrie) Harwood, Aron Hol, Cornelis (Kees) Holland, Keegan Lee, Albert (Bert) Ollerenshaw, James (Jim) Taito, Lapa (Tauailapalapa) Warren, Mary Wilson, Sandra

9 Nov 07 Bradley, Amber Broughton, Zilla Cuthers, Wayne De Leijer-Beks, Adrianna Dunne, Kathleen (Kath) Firman, Ajay (Thumper) Free, Christine (Chris) Govan, Sir Lawrence (Lawrie) Harold, Kathleen Holland, Keegan

McCann, Teresa (Mary) Preston, Jack Scott, Riwia (Nellie) Scrivener, Beryl Warren, Mary Washington, Philip

10 Nov 07 Allan, Julia Anderson, Hilda Brittenden, Daphne (Joy) Broughton, Zilla Capstick, James Chisholm, Mary Collins, Tui Colls, Rosemary de Lautour, Raymond De Silva, Lucas and Isaac Dixon, June (Bunny) Edmondson, Stella Edwards, William Falgar, Edwin (Eddie) Gallacher, John Goodwin, Rodney Govan, Sir Lawrence (Lawrie) Hamilton, Stella Harland, Paddy Hendren, Bryan Hey, Raymond Hol, Cornelis (Kees) Jackson, Fred (Jacko) Knight, Helene Kugener, Lorna Lancaster, Phyllis (Phyl) Lord, Evelyn McCaughan, Marie Noonan, Stephen O'Neill, Noeline Paynter, Patrick Perriton, June Preston, Jack Reichwein, Margaret Scott, Riwia (Nellie) Simmiss, Moose (Les) Smith, Dave (Smithy) Trail, Joan Turner, Mary Washington, Philip Young, Trevor

12 Nov 07 Alexander, Nellie Allan, Julia Collins, Tui Colls, Rosemary Cox, Percy Falgar, Edwin (Eddie) Gallacher, John Govan, Sir Lawrence (Lawrie) Harper, Maire Herbert, Thomas

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Jackson, Bryan James, Gwendoline (Gwen) Kugener, Lorna Kwasza, Ivan Lambie, Francis (Frank) Lee, Bernard Lill, Rhona McCabe, Gerard (Gerry) Morgan, Kevin (Kev) Payn, Arthur Perriton, June Petrie, Noeline Ramsay, John Rickerby, Rona (Jo) Roche, Nira Smith, Alma Smith, Ernest (Ernie) Stewart, Dorothy (Gwen) Turner, Mary van der Knaap, Jacobus Woodham, Lance

13 Nov 07 Alexander, Nellie Altenburg, Trevor Armstrong, Jill Broughton, Peter Christey, Edward (Ted) Collins, Tui Cox, Percy Dawson, Mary Dewar, Allan Falgar, Edwin (Eddie) Ford, Joan Glasgow, Isabella Grayburn, Arthur Harmer, James (Jim) Hendren, Bryan Hunter, Amy Kelly, Catherine Lambie, Francis (Frank) Lancaster, Phyllis (Phyl) Lee, Bernard Morgan, Kevin (Kev) Petrie, Noeline Reece, Andrena Reichwein, Margaret Rickerby, Rona (Jo) Roche, Nira Rosewall, Alison (Judi) Rutherford, Robert Stewart, Dorothy (Gwen) Sutherland, Mavis (Tui) van der Knaap, Jacobus (Jack) Wilkes, Richard Williams, Peter Woodham, Lance Young, Elizabeth

14 Nov 07 Alexander, Nellie

Anderson, Thomas (Tom) Bardsley, Gwen Broughton, Peter Christey, Edward (Ted) Dawson, Mary Dewar, Allan Duffy, John (Jack) Edwards, William Ek-de Wilde, Antoinette (Netty) Franklin, Richard (Richie) Grayburn, Arthur Grounds, Stanley (Stan) Harmer, James (Jim) Hunter, Amy Johnston, Kylie Lill, Rhona Mansfield, Pamela Muller, Johannes (Hans) Page, Alan Pawsey, Robert (Bob) Riwaka, Shelley Rosewall, Alison (Judi) Rutherford, Robert Sutherland, Mavis (Tui) Torrance, Victoria (Vicki) van der Knaap, Jacobus Welsh, Patricia (Pat) Williams, Peter Woodham, Lance

15 Nov 07 Anderson, Thomas (Tom) Bardsley, Gwen Beaton, John Burrowes, Brian Campbell, Jane Christey, Edward (Ted) Duffy, John (Jack) Franklin, Richard (Richie) Grayburn, Arthur Lill,Rhona Muller, Johannes (Hans) Ngakuru, Jocelyn O'Sullivan, Bronwen Page, Alan Peters, Barbara Pike, Grace Riwaka, Shelley Ryan, Patricia Stevens, Eileen Sutherland, Mavis (Tui) Swan, Lorraine (Swanney) Welsh, Patricia (Pat)

16 Nov 07 Archer, Vivien Bosma, Jeremy Brown, William (Bill) Burrowes, Brian Duffy, John (Jack) Gedge, Joyce Gregg, Ila (Jo)

Hatton, Ann Lambie, William (Bill) Moffitt, Les (Moff) Monks, Richard Mott, Lorna Riwaka, Shelley Rogers, Marie Swan, Lorraine

17 Nov 07 Andrews, Mary Arnold, Roy (Jim) Beaton, John Bosma, Jeremy Burrowes, Brian Campbell, Jane Condon, Anthony (Tony) Cookson, Hughena (Huey) Crocker, George Gregg, Ila (Jo) Hatton, Ann Lambie, William (Bill) McKenzie, Alister McMath, Henry (Harry) Morrison, Heather Mott, Lorna Neale, Jennifer (Jenni) Ngakuru, Jocelyn O'Neill, Pat Peters, Barbara Rogers, Marie Ryan, Patricia Saunders, Valerie Simpson, Nicola Steele, Robert (Bob) Stevens, Eileen Stuart, Kathleen Thornley, Stella Woodley, Anthony (Tony) Wooster, Marie

19 Nov 07 Arnold, Roy (Jim) Bird, Joan Collins, David (Sam) Duley, Leslie (Les) Edwards, Justin Gillies, Brother Norman Grant, William (Bill) Gregg, Ila (Jo) Hahn, Margaret (Peg) Harris, Francis (Bill) Hood, James (Jim/Jas) Kidwell, Georgina Lambie, William (Bill) Lee, Enid Lindsay, David Macdonald, Cathleen (Sister Malcolm) Mahoney, Marie McDougall, Rewa McKenzie, Alister McMath, Henry (Harry)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Meehan, Beatrice Morgan, Edna Neale, Jennifer (Jenni) Pijfers, Erna Preljevic, Becir (Bill) Smith, Joan Stuart, Kathleen Teehan, John Thomas, Albert (Bert) Wakefield, Wilma Wilkin, Patricia (Pat)

20 Oct 07 Archer, John (Joe) Arnold, Roy (Jim) Bell, Peter (Pete) Burns, Clementina (Tina) Collins, Eric Edwards, Justin Evans, Peter Grant, William (Bill) Hahn, Margaret (Peg) Harrison, Enid Kidwell, Georgina Lee, Enid Macdonald, Cathleen (Sister Malcolm) McLaughlan, Paul Meehan, Beatrice Pijfers, Erna Skinner, Ross Teehan, John Thornley, Stella Wigram, Balentine (Val) Xie, Xing (Anna)

21 Nov 07 Archer John (Joe) Bell, Peter (Pete) Brien, Lorraine (Laine) Burke, John (Jack) Burns, Clementina (Tina) Butcher, Brian Cameron, Vivienne Curtis, Robin (Rob) de Kwant, Hubertus (Huub) Doherty, Gwyneth Edwards, Justin Fisher, Reverend John Hall, Helen Hamburger, Richard Harrison, Bruce Harrison, Enid Kidwell, Georgina Kirk, Douglas McLaughlan, Paul Neale, Jennifer (Jenni) Pijfers, Erna Shearer, Nola Skinner, Ross Smith, Joan Trotter, Pat

Wardrop, Helen Wigram, Valentine (Val)

22 Nov 07 Adamson, Stewart Baker, Margaret Bell, Peter (Pete) Burke, John (Jack) Butcher, Brian Clarke, Davena (Dovey) Eccersall, Henry Fisher, Reverend John Fyfe, David Gray, Gwen Hamburger, Richard Hands, Richmond (Richard) Harrison, Enid Hawtin, Christine (Chris) Hunter, Colin Jones, Lorna King, Brian Kirk, Douglas Lack, Joy Osborn, James (AKA Patrick James) Ovens, Eric Poole, Roger (Jiggs) Smith, Bryan Stewart, James (Jim) Swale, Andrew (Tom) Tarrant, Ivy (Kay) Wardrop, Helen Wooding, Robin Yates, Ralph

23 Nov 07 Adamson, Stewart Baker, Margaret Blagdon, Douglas (Doug) Davidson, Gordon Gray, Gwen Hamburger, Richard (Dick) Harvey, Fredrick (Steve) Hawtin, Christine (Chris) Johnston-Wiseman, Margarett Jones, Lorna Keen, Anthony (Tony) King, Brian Kirk, Douglas Lack, Joy McDonald, Dorothy McGregor, Spencer Neale, Jennifer Neate, Maurice Osborn, Patrick Ovens, Eric Poole, Roger (Jiggs) Rouse, Myra Smith, Jeamie (Jim) Stewart, James

Webster, Edward (Ted)

24 Nov 07 Baker, Margaret Blacklaws, George Blagdon, Douglas (Doug) Blazey, Muriel co*ckerell, William Davidson, Gordon de Kwant, Hubertus (Huub) Everitt, Christopher (Chris) Faid, Matthew Falconer, Evelyn Ferris, Ronald Giddings, Lorna Hawtin, Christine (Chris) Johnston-Wiseman, Margarett King, Brian Kitchin, Harry Lack, Joy McGregor, Spencer (Noel) Meaclem, Charleigh Myers, Violet Neate, Maurice O’Connor, Joan Osborn, James (AKA Patrick James) Pearson, Rayfield Poole, Roger (Jiggs) Rouse, Myra Small, Jessie Smith, Jeamie (Jim) Smith, Trevor Stewart, James Taylor, Margaret-Anne (Anne) Thayer, William Turner-Black, Alexander Williams, Marilyn

26 Nov 07 Andrews, Michael (Mike) Bailey, Roger Blazey, Muriel Bryant, Ernest (Ernie) Butler, Ida Clark, James (Jim) Coulson, Stephanie Donovan, Veronica (Rona) Faid, Matthew Gray, Joan Gurney, Maurice

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Hay, Beverley Hickey, Anthony (Tony) Huggins, David Hurren, John (Jack) Jackson, Milton Johnstone, Alexander (Alex) King, Brian Lim, Isola (Jocelyn) Lydiate, Maureen Mace, Joyce Mackenzie, Angus (Bruce) Marriner, George (Pat) Martin, Philip McKay, Beryl Meaclem, Charleigh (Thumbelina) Myers, Violet Roberts, Dorothy Urquhart, Coral Waldren, Emily (Molly) Walsh, Patrick (Pat) Willson, Honor Wright, Ellen

27 Nov 07 Aitken, John (Jack) Andrews, Michael (Mike) Banks, Wendy Bryant, Ernest (Ernie) Buller, Delores (Delle) Butler, Ida Clark, James (Jim) Colliar, Euphemia (Fay) Costello, Sister Mary Jane de Valois (Kathleen) Coulson, Stephanie Ferry, Doris Fyfe, Sarah (Jean) Gray, Joan Green, Mildred (Millie) Gurney, Maurice Harker, Lorraine Hickey, Anthony (Tony) Hogg, Neville (Dr) Huggins, David Hurren, John (Jack) King, Brian Kitchin, Harry Lemon, Irene (Rene) Lim, Isola (Jocelyn) Lydiate, Maureen Mackenzie, Angus (Bruce) Maddock, Albert Manawatu, Tono Marriner, George (Pat) Martin, Philip McIlraith, Henry McKay, Beryl McLaren, William (Les) Oakes, Mary (Sarah) Pracy, Leslie (Les) Roberts, Dorothy

Robertson, Archibald Secker, David (Keith) Smith, Jeamie Trembeth, Caleb Turner-Black, Alexander Tuuta, Ruth Williams, Marilyn Willson, Honor

28 Nov 07 Banks, Wendy Beach, Gregory (Greg) Bruin, Simon Buller, Delores (Delle) Butler, Ida Chatterton, Graeme Colliar, Euphemia (Fay) Cotterell, Mary Coulson, Stephanie Crawford, John Crowley, Phyllis Donovan, Veronica (Rona) Duff, Michael Fitzgerald, Jeremy Ford, Julia (Mary) Harris, Ella Hartwell, Ellyse Heron, Mary Hickey, Anthony (Tony) James, Paul Lemon, Irene (Rene) Mace, Joyce Mackenzie, Angus (Bruce) Maddock, Albert Manawatu, Tono May, John Ozanne, Robin Rockhouse, Peter (Rocky) Roulston, John Strijder, Wouter (Walter) Trembeth, Caleb Tuuta, Ruth

29 Nov 07 Baker, Alice Banks, Wendy Beach, Gregory (Greg) Buller, Delores (Delle) Cochrane, Alexander (Sandy) Cotterell, Mary Crawford, John Etheridge, Dennis Fitzgerald, Jeremy Ford, Julia (Mary) Harker, Lorraine Harris, Ella Heron, Mary Higgs, Lyall Howden, John (Jack) Huggins, David McPhail, Lesley Ormandy, Stanley

Pycroft, Eric Quartly, Robert (Bob) Roberts, Melva Rockhouse, Peter (Rocky) Roulston, John Sorrell, Kathleen Strijder, Wouter (Walter) Walsh, Elsie Werren, Douglas

30 Nov 07 Agnew, Emma Baker, Alice Banks, Wendy Beach, Gregory (Greg) Burrows, Gordon (Bunny) Dann, Thelma Douglas, Leonard (Len) Duff, Michael Eden, Rowland (Rolly) Evans, Joy Fitzgerald, Jeremy Ford, Julia (Mary) Higgs, Lyall Huggins, David James, Paul Mackay, Thomas (Tom) McKay, Kathleen McPhail, Lesley Noonan, Owen Ormandy, Stanley (Sam) Sidey, John Strijder, Wouter (Walter) Todd, Adrienne (Teeps) Waghorn, Helen Walsh, Elsie

1/2 Dec 07 Agnew, Emma Banks, Wendy Brydon, Noeline Burrows, Gordon (Bunny) Dawson, Joan Douglas, Leonard (Len) Dowling, Ronald Egan, Sister Anne Evans, Joy Feast, Geoffrey Gibbard, Raymond (Ray) Herron, Loraine Higgs, Lyall Jeffrey, Thomas (John) (JJ) Johnson, Mavis Johnstone, Alexander (Alex) Jolly, Ian Langley, Barbara Mackay, Thomas (Tom) May, John McDonald, Ngaire McKay, Kathleen Metzger, Peter

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Millar, Glen Myers, Doreen Noonan, Owen Olson, Adrian (Eddie) Pycroft, Eric Quartly, Robert (Bob) Sidey, John Sorrell, Kathleen (Kath) Thompson, Natalie (Anne) Thompson, Norman (Norm) Todd, Adrienne (Teeps) Waghorn, Helen Wilson, Desmond

3 Dec 07 Agnew, Emma Becker, Trevor (Tiny) Brydon, Noeline Burrows, Gordon Chapman, Ernest (Ernie) Douglas, Len Garrick, Karen Grant, Melva Herron, Loraine Hollamby (Smith), Jessie Horgan, Raymond (Cliff) Hoy, Douglas Johnstone, Alexander (Alex) Kettle, Joan McKenzie, Richard McLachlan, Wallace (Russell) Mercer, Catherine Noonan, Owen O'Brien, Catherine Stray, Noel Sullivan, Myrtle Thompson, Natalie (Anne) Turner, Deborah Wilson, Desmond Young, Margaret

4 Dec 07 Agnew, Emma Arthur, Sydney Becker, Trevor (Tiny) Braid, Evan (Ron) Brewer, Colin (Royce) Brydon, Noeline Chambers, Stanley Cleland, Duncan Davis, Henry Fahey, Geoffrey Fairbrother, Roger Fletcher, Leslie (Les) Garrick, Karen Gilbert, Joan Grant, Melva Hanco*ck, Mavis Hasseldine, Cecil Herron, Loraine

Horgan, Raymond (Cliff) McKenzie, Richard Peebles, Leo Reinfelds, Mahinekura Satterthwaite, John Sharp, Geoffrey Stockwell, Rebecca Stray, Noel Sullivan, Myrtle Young, Margaret

5 Dec 07 Addie, Basil Bain, James Belgrave, John (Maurice) Brewer, Colin (Royce) Bryan, Thelma Chambers, Stanley Davis, Henry (Harry) Everett, Mary Fahey, Geoffrey Fairbrother, Roger Hanco*ck, Mavis Hasseldine, Cecil (Roy) Horgan, Raymond (Cliff) Irvine, Jack Jack, Thomas Kinley, Ronald Langbein, Maude MacDonald, Gavin MacDonald, Olivia (Livy) Malecki, Margaret Rollinson, Arthur Scott, Ian Sharp, Geoffrey Stechman, Ruby Stidworthy, May Stockwell, Rebecca Thompson, Leithe Woods, Norman

6 Dec 07 Addie, Basil Barrer, Padraic (Pat) Begg, Joan Connolly, Tim Cunniffe, Rea Fairbrother, Roger Ferguson, Thomas Grave, Mick Harrington, Nola Jack, Thomas Jellie, Milne Kapene, Ihaia (Pete) Kinley, Ronald Lloyd, Ellen (Blye) Malecki, Margaret Nicholls, Bernice Perrin, Eileen Ramsay, Mary (Ailsa) Scott, Ian Sharp, Geoff Smith, Nancy

Stockwell, Rebecca Thompson, Leithe Wanty, Bernard Wilson, Brian Wilson, Desmond

7 Dec 07 Baillie, William (Bill) Barrer, Padraic (Pat) Brislane, Rosalie Cunnife, Rea Eddy, Myra Ferguson, Thomas Grave, Mick Harrington, Nola Jellie, Milne Kapene, Ihaia (Pete) Milne, Eileen Morten, James Nelson-Lucking, Nellie Nicholls, Bernice Norton, Frederick (Fred) Ogilvie, Winifred Smith, Nancy Stockwell, Rebecca Toms, Gladys Wilson, Bryan

8-9 Dec 07 Bain, James (Jim) Barr, Margaret Black, Robert Blanc, Norman Brislane, Rosalie Crook, Kyra Cullen, Edna Dick, Beverley Eddy, Myra Fordham, Alan (George) Gilroy, Anne Grimwood, Margaret (Lucy) Harrington, Nola Harvey, Stuart Henderson, Patricia Hunt, Reginald (Reg) Johnstone, Charles (Jonna) Kapene, Ihaia (Pete) Line, Walter (Wal) Logan, Neville Marsden, Anne McDowell, Charles (Ted) McIntosh, Margaret McLay, Pauline Milne, Eileen Morten, James Nelson-Lucking, Nellie Norton, Frederick (Fred) Ramsay, Mary (Ailsa) Saysell, Patricia Steel, Clare Taaffe, Marsha

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Toms, Gladys Vaeono, Lokeni Webber, Margaret (Evelyn) Wheeler, Nancy Young, Janice

10 Dec 07 Andrews, Ann Bain, James Barr, Margaret Burnett, Robert (Bobby) Crowe, Meryle (Daphne) Daly, Therese Dick, Beverley (Anne) Ford, Michael Fordham, Alan (George) Gatehouse, Dorothy (Dot) Gilroy, Anne Grimwood, Margaret (Lucy) Hampton, Robert (Bob) Henderson, Patricia Horgan, Hilary Jack, Jean Johnstone, Charles (Jonna) Marsden, Anne Maw, Joy Milne, Eileen Partington, Rita Polson, John Raateland, Adrianus Reeves, David Robinson, Richard Shepherd, Eric Steel, Clare Stockwell, Rebecca Taaffe, Marsha Webber, Margaret (Evelyn) Winder, Elizabeth (Bessie)

11 Dec 07 Annan, Lottie (Charlotte) Boylan, Elizabeth (Audrey) Bright, Gweneth Broughton, Hugh Crowe, Meryle (Daphne) Daly, Therese Dillon, James Douglas, Nicola (Nicki) Ford, Michael (Mike) Frost, Brenda Gatehouse, Dorothy (Dot) Gilroy, Anne Gin, Kim Tung Hampton, Robert (Bob) Harris, Eileen Heke, Douglas Horgan, Hilary Johnston, Miles Leary, Gordon Line, Walter (Wal) Maw, Joy

McHugh, Kathleen McIntosh, Margaret McLay, Pauline Moore, Trevor (T. A.) Mowat, David Partington, Rita Raateland, Adrianus Robinson, Richard Ryan, Maria (Marie) Sopo'aga, Lauvi Steel, Clare Thomson, John (Jack) Whatuira, Denise Winder, Elizabeth (Bessie)

12 Dec 07 Baiteary-Fisher, Kenneth Ballagh, Elizabeth Bright, Gweneth Dillon, James Douglas, Nicola (Nicki) Duns, Peggie Dyson, Shirley Fehervari, Martha Ford, Michael (Mike) Harris, Eileen Harwood, Jimmy Helm, Glenda Horgan, Hilary Hunt, Alma Leary, Gordon Marsden, Anne McElwee-Austin, John McHugh, Kathleen Miller, Brendan Moore, Trevor (T. A.) Parkin, Jeanette Radburnd, Shirley Reeves, David Ryan, Maria (Marie) Sopo'aga, Lauvi Spark, John Sutherland, Bruce Sutherland, Margaret (Cecily) Tainui, Te Maori Raukawa (Aunt Tort)

13 Dec 07 Ballagh, Elizabeth Crowe, Meryle (Daphne) Davidson, James (Snow) Dillon, James Duns, Peggie Fehervari, Martha Frost, Brenda Gilchrist, Rosie Gillespie, Mark (Rangi) Harris, Eileen Hay, Nancy Horgan, Hilary Hudson, Christopher (Chris)

Hunt, Alma Kent, Lilian (Lucy) McCaw, Dulce Murphy, John (Jack) Parkin, Jeanette Radburnd, Shirley Reeves, David Ryan, Maria (Marie) Spark, John Tainui, Te Maori Raukawa (Aunt Tort)

14 Dec 07 Appleby, Arthur (Des) Austin, Audrey Bifield, Margaret Dennis, John Gilchrist, Rosemary Hardey, Jeanette Hunt, Alma Joyce, Phillis Lalor, Maureen Martin, Dick McCaw, Dulcie Neal, Graham O'Keefe, Kathleen Ward, Christina (Chris) Wright, John

16 Dec 07 Appleby, Arthur (Des) Baiteary, John Bang, Olwyn Bifield, Margaret Blyth, Nigel Bolstad, David Dennis, John Dyer, James (Jim) Gardiner, Jocelyn (Jo) Gillespie, Mark (Rangi) Hardey, Jeanette Harrison, Maureen Hart, Belinda ("Bindy", "B") Holden, Stuart (Scott) Jones, Francis (Frank) Joyce, Phillis Karabevicius, Raymond Laban, Arthur Linton, Robert (Bob) Mallard, Mollie Martin, Dick Martin, Walter (Norman) May, Pauline McCaw, Dulcie McIsaac, Ivon McLaughlin, Rona Meikle, Gordon (Gordie) Millar, Keith Murphy, John (Jack) Neal, Graham Newick, Lindsay (Warren) O'Keefe, Kathleen

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Rush, William (Bill) Sabiston, Bert Stevenson, John (Sandy) Taylor, Ruby Thomson, John (Jack) van Asch, Juliana Ward, Christina (Chris) Whall, John Williams, Marie Wilson, Victoria (Peggy) Woods, Christopher (Rev)

17 Dec 07 Blain, Eileen Bunting, Ellen (Nella) Clark, Allan Clarkson, Peter Daly, John (Jack) Davies, Kathleen Dephoff, Dorothy Gardiner, Jocelyn (Jo) Gillespie, Mark (Rangi) Gould, Joyce Hart, Belinda ("Bindy", "B") Hayton, Noeleen Howard, Cyril Laban, Arthur Mallard, Mollie McLaughlin, Rona Meikle, Gordon (Gordie) Millett, Edgar Neal, Graham Newick, Lindsay (Warren) Palermo, Joyce Robinson, Wallace (Garth) Ross, Douglas (Doug) Smith, Frederic (Fred) Taylor, Ruby Walker, Raymond (Ray) Whall, John Wilson, Cyril Win, Anthony (Tony) Wotton, David

18 Dec 07 Blain, Eileen Bunting, Ellen (Nella) Clark, Allan Colvin, Dorothy Davies, Kathleen Edsall, Michael Edwards, Elizabeth Foster, Ellen (Joyce) Halliday, Harman Hayton, Noeleen Hicks, Adam Houston, Betty Howard, Cyril Palermo, Joyce Prebble, Eric Robinson, Wallace (Garth) Ross, Douglas (Doug)

Walker-Tame, Beryl

19 Dec 07 Ackland, Dorothy (Bonnie) Bolstad, David Bowie, Mary Brott, Trevor Bunting, Ellen (Nella) Cribb, Barbara Cunningham, Joseph Dephoff, Dorothy Dotter, Leslie (Les) Eastgate, Barry Edwards, Elizabeth Foster, Ellen (Joyce) Gould, Joyce Halliday, Harman Hart, Belinda Howard, Cyril McGrath, Jean McPherson, Thomas (Mac) Millett, Edgar Odescalchi, Elisabeth Pope, James (Jim) Prebble, Eric Ross, Douglas (Doug) Stone, Harold Todd, Patricia Tyson, Karen Willis, Peter Windsor, Albert Wiseman, Leslie (Les)

20 Dec 07 Ackland, Bonnie Bierwirth, Wendy Anne Bignell, Sheila (Pat) Bowron, Gregory Brott, Trevor Brown, Anne Couch, Elaine Cribb, Barbara Doonan, Hazel Edsall, Michael Gilchrist, Lorna Hart, Belinda ("Bindy", "B") Kinzett, Nellie Maxwell, Lorna Pope, Jim Richards, Frank Richards, Walter Rogers, Pamela Stone, Harold Tayler, Rita Willis, Peter Wiseman, Leslie

21 Dec 07 Ackland, Dorothy (Bonnie) Bierwirth, Wendy Couch, Elaine

Craven, Mary Dickison, Ted Doonan, Hazel Ellis, Walter (Jim) Harris, Kevern Hart, Belinda ("Bindy", "B") Maxwell, Lorna McGrath, Jean Saunders, Dorothy Smout, Graham Tayler, Rita Thompson, Catherine (Irene)

Wilson, Mark

22 Dec 07 Argue, Nghaire Biddick, Rachel Bowie, Mary Corboy, John Couch, Elaine Craven, Mary Dickison, Edward (Ted) Eastgate, Barry Faichnie, Duncan Fang, Tsing Fenton, David Greenslade, Peter Harris, Kevern Hart, Belinda ("Bindy", "B") Hogan, Mae Howard, Cyril (Darkie) Hutton, Maisie Jamieson, James Knight, Robert (Rob) Loughnan, John MacRae, John (Mac) Martindale, Eva McLeod, Barbara Pryde, Dr Thomas Reid, Alexander (Alex) Rogers, Pamela Saunders, Dorothy Stone, Harold Symes, Wilfred van Montfort, John Wham, Myra Woolford, Malcolm Wratt, Shirley

24 Dec 07 Argue, Nghaire (Nancy) Blunden, Thalia Brockie, Andrew (Stewart) Brown, Janet Carrodus, Patricia (Pat) Cunningham, Joseph (Joe) Edge, Stephen (Steve) Greig, Gwendoline (Gwen) Hart, Belinda

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


("Bindy", "B") Hickey, Brian Hogan, Mae Keenan, John Kerr, Charles (Keiran) Lucas, Timothy MacDonald, Gair McLeod, Barbara Naish, Derek O'Hagan, John (Johnnie) O'Sullivan, Averil Pryde, Dr Thomas Reid, Doris Evelyn Robinson, Alison Rogers, Pamela Stammers, Florance Tait, Bertha Taylor, Garth Thompson, Dallas (Dal) Trueman, Ronald Wallace, Judi Warren, Samuel (Sam) Wham, Myra Williams, Henry (Tony)

26 Dec 07 Austin, Jamie Ayers, Grace Bell, Celeste Blunden, Thalia Brown, Janet Campbell, David Carrodus, Patricia (Pat) Copland, Albert (Bill) Cowie, David Cox, Graeme Cresswell, Muriel Edge, Stephen (Steve) Fitzgerald, Gary Ford, Betty Gordon, Shane Greig, Gwendoline Hammond, Joyce (Sally) Hickey, Brian Hogan, Mae Jones, Pearl Keenan, John Kerr, Charles (Keiran) Leeming, Pearle Lim, Dung Yat Linwood, Leslie (Les) MacDonald, Gair McTaggart, Gladys Naish, Derek O'Hagan, John Overton, Gavin Reid, Doris Robinson, Alison Ryan, Eileen Scott, Kevin Taylor, Garth Wallace, Judi Warren, Samuel (Sam)

Williams, Henry (Tony)

27 Dec 07 Austin, Jamie Barrett, Barbara Bell, Celeste Bliss, Aureen Calder, Jonathan (Jonny) Campbell, David Codd, John Cookson, Josephine Cox, Graeme Drozdowski, Tohgo Edge, Stephen (Steve) Fitzgerald, Gary Gibson, Gerald Hayes, John Hodder, Fane Jones, Alex (AJ) Leeming, Pearle Linwood, Leslie (Les) Machirus, Mark Mannix, Michael Martindale, Eva McTaggart, Gladys O'Hagan, John (Johnnie) O'Sullivan, Averil Parker, Edward Peach, Malcolm Pycroft, Beverley Robinson, Alison Rodgers, Mabel Roughan, Phyllis Ryan, Eileen Seaton, Robert (Bob) Strack, John Wallace, Judi

28 Dec 07 Austin, Jamie Barrett, Barbara Cooper, Adrienne Cox, Graeme Cruthers, Mary Donoghue, Kevin Edge, Stephen (Steve) Finnie, Robert (Robbie) Fitzgerald, Gary Gibson, Gerald Hayes, John Hodder, Fane Jones, Alex Machirus, Mark Mannix, Michael Overton, Gavin Peach, Malcolm Pycroft, Beverley Reid, Doris Roughan, Phyllis Seaton, Robert (Bob) Strack, John

29-30 Dec 07

Allen, Ronald Barrett, Barbara Bennington, Ruth Bolam, Patrick (Pat) Cheetham, Patricia Clark, Lawrence Cooper, Adrienne Cox, Graeme Cruthers, Mary Donoghue, Kevin Duvall, George Foakes, Marjory (Marj) Garters, Harriet Gray, Sadie Hodder, Fane Horton, Esma Johnson, Geoffrey (Geoff) Jones, Catherine Kortekaas, Ana Larsen, Gordon Machirus, Mark Mackay, Agnes Mason, Diane Mills, Edward (Rev.) Nguyen, Hue O'Donnell, Nellie O'Hagan, John (Johnnie) Peach, Malcolm Perry, A. John Pycroft, Beverley Schmelz, Rev Father Colin Smith, Cecil Smith, Gerald Waltho, Andrew (Guy) Wilson, Valerie

31 Dec 07 Allen, Ronald Beech, Walter Bolam, Patrick (Pat) Boyer, Marie Bristow, Sydney (Syd) Calder, Jonathan (Johny) Carroll, John Clark, Sylvia (Joy) Cleeve, Gerald Durry, Frederick Dyson, Lachlan Flux, Peter Frater, Wilfred (Bill) Garters, Harriet Geddes, Gordon (Gren) Goodwin, Neville (Harry) Hauraki, Santana Kerse, Walter Killick, Irene Larsen, Gordon Lucas, Gregory (Greg) Maher, Kevin McIntosh, Peggy McKnight, Sacha McMillan, Winifred Mildenhall, Alfred (Alfie)

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Death Notice List of Names

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues.

Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Nesbit, Nyra O'Connell, Madeline Pumpa, Gladys (Nonie) Schmelz, Rev Father Colin Scott, Brian Sherlock, Mary Smith, Cecil Smith, Gerald Smith, Peter Ten Bohmer, Christianus (Chris) Wilson, Valerie

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.